Bihar Board likely to announce Class 10 results today
Class 10 students of Bihar have been keeping their finger crossed as the BSEB (Bihar School Education Board) is expected to announce the exam results today. The Class 10 exams happened in the state in the first week of March this year. The sources say that the results would be released today. Around 15 lakh students had appeared for the Class 10 exam this year. How to Check the Results: Go to the official site visit the Results page here) Click on the Class 10 Results Provide your details such as Roll Code, Roll Number and hit the Find Results button. The Board is hoping to see higher passing percentage compared to the previous two years. In 2016, the results were declared on May 29 (Sunday) and the passing percentage was just 28 compared to 75.17 in 2015. Such a sharp dip had left the Board in an utter shock. “The results are not as expected. But, this result shows the actual merit of our students. Those who have passed will be able to clear national level competitive exams as against those who used to pass because of cheating or other unfair means,� the then
education minister Ashok Choudhary said. After a photo of mass cheating during exams surfaced in the social media in 2015, the education authorities had installed CCTV cameras and set up security personnel at the exam centres in 2016.
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