Sbi po main result 2017 announced

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SBI PO main result 2017 announced

The State Bank Of India (SBI) has finally announced the result of probationary officers recruitment exam 2017 at its official website The Indian multinational, public sector banking and financial services company was scheduled to announce the results on June 19, 2017. The results were announced after a delay of almost a fortnight.

SBI has displayed the roll numbers of candidates shortlisted for group exercise (GE) and interview, i.e. phase - III of selection. The main exam, phase II, was held on June 4, 2017and the preliminary exams, phase I, were held in April and May 2017.

The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in both the objective tests and descriptive test in the mains will be arranged in descending order in each category. Adequate number of candidates in each category, as decided by the bank, will be called for phase - III of selection.

According to the official notification, further details about the phase II of selection GE and interview round, will be advised to the selected candidates by SMS or e-mail separately. Read More

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