Embracing Your Natural Hair: Solange Au Naturale Inspired Bridal Hair
Solange Knowles definitely made a statement when she took on an unconventional route for wearing her hair on her wedding day. Not everyone was fond of her bridal hairdo, but we definitely can learn something that can help us in choosing the right bridal hair in Washington, DC. The principle is simple: It is to embrace what nature has endowed us. We’re not saying to go natural all the way. Not everyone can pull off such natural hair or get as comfortable as Solange is. But what we do know is getting a gorgeous bridal hair in Washington, DC does not need to alter your natural beauty. After all, beauty has always been subjective. Here we have gorgeous bridal hair styles for women with different kinds of hair:
Just a bit of tweaking for Straight Hair Ladies: Soft Tasseled Waves There’s something sexy and real gorgeous about an effortlessly beautiful bride. If you have straight hair you can choose to let them down or wear soft tasseled waves on your wedding day. You don’t have to look different on your wedding day. Your groom will definitely be pleased to recognize the woman he fall in love with walking down the aisle.
Short hair doesn’t need Extensions to Look Pretty They say little can be done with short hair but it does not mean you would look less pretty. Just take a look at this simple bridal hair – it keeps the hair off your face to highlight your beautiful facial features. This bridal hair is also very elegant yet less stiff than an updo or with extensions. Complete the look by adding bridal hair accessory.
Big and Proud Curls Most ladies would want to tame those big curls, but why not have that same confidence like Solange? Big curls are glamorous. You would just need your hairstylist to enhance them to look bridal and gorgeous on your wedding day. Straight, wavy, short, long, etc. there’s always the right bridal hairstyle. Make sure you get a trusted professional hairstylist who has a vast experience when it comes to Bridal hair in DC. A professional hairstylist does not only know the different ways to style your hair but also understands the unique nature of your hair. S/he knows which style works best on your natural features.