Beyond The Physical Life
Beyond The Physical Life
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Beyond The Physical Life
First edition , 2012
Š R.S. kapoor
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Beyond The Physical Life
Guru brahma , guru Vishnu , guru devo maheshvaraya, guru saakshat parbrahma , tasmaye shri guruvaye namah
Beyond The Physical Life
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter no :Title
Page no :
Eight principles of yoga Raj yoga Hatha yoga Pranayam and pranic exercises Case study
Subconscious and its definition Programming and reprogramming of subconscious mind Creating wealth Positive wealth consciousness Attracting abundance Principles to attract abundance and success Case study
The cosmic energy and its definition Ways of obtaining it The seven chakras Case study
YOGA ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Definition of telepathy Telepathic communication excersises Case study
Telekinesis and its definition [5]
Beyond The Physical Life ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Psychometry, its definition and history Exercises for psycometry Case study
Dreams and their definition What do dreams indicate Case study
Astral projection and its definition Techniques of astral projection Case study
What is Crystal gazing Articles used for crystal gazing Case study
DREAMS ▪ ▪ ▪
Exercises for telekinesis Candle flame bending Swing the pendulum Case study
Clairvoyance and its definition Meditation and clairvoyance Case study
Clairaudience and its definition Case study
Beyond The Physical Life 12.
What is pranic healing Techniques of pranic healing Reiki Touch therapy Case study
Hypnotism and its definition A self Hypnosis exercise The Hypnotic trance Case study
What is spirit communication Methods of communicating with spirits Case study
Existence of soul Life after death Case study
Clairsentience and its definition Ways of manifestation of clairsentience Case study
What is Kundalini shakti The seven chakras Ways of kunadalini activation Case study
92-98 [7]
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What is PLR How to get into PLR Case study
What is aura Why do we need to see auras ? How to see aura Case study
Brain and brainwaves Brainwavestates The only effect you have is life in full circle Techniques to go into theta state Case study
UNIVERSAL LAWS ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Law of attraction The law of resistance The law of manifestation Law of karma Law of reincarnation The law of balance and polarity The law of discmination and discernment The law of judgement The law of unconditional love The law of magnetic affinities The law of abundance The law of divine order The law of reflection The law of fellowship The law of gratitude The law of conscious detachment The law of one The law of free will The law of vibrational attainment The law of bodhisattva The law of soul evolution The law of grace [8]
Beyond The Physical Life ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Power of thoughts Thought power- its law and dynamics Value and uses of thought power Telepathy or thought tranference Develpoment of thought power Yogic state of thoughtfullness Case study
Definition of higherself Ways to connect to higherself Case study
GHOSTS ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
What are ghosts Ghosts and the etheric body How ghosts are released Case study
EGO ▪ ▪ ▪
What is a plane of existence Number of planes of existence Case study
POWER OF THOUGHTS ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
The law of wisdom The law of harmony The law of dharma Case study
180-184 What is ego How to get rid of ego Case study
Beyond The Physical Life
PREFACE Even death is not to be feared by one who lives wisely. Death is inevitable, thing which is born today will perish from the physical world one day without any doubt. But the journey doesn’t end here because there is another dimension or realm unseen by the naked eyes. These dimensions I have thoroughly discussed in this book. The hidden dimensions and unseen realms make up a much larger proportion of the universe than the physical parts which are visible to us – physicists know this and call the unseen parts “dark matter” and “dark energy”. Science has not yet theorized a plan of these higher dimensions so we must look to ancient knowledge and alternative science for the answers. This book will also help to understand cycle of life and death to those people who are in deep sorrow due to loss of their near and dear ones. Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain our life and to enhance the level of our Consciousness. Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions. I have also touched this aspect of lifeforce(pranshakti) in order to help people cure themselves and to fight against various hurdles of life hence providing them with adequate solutions. All things in the universe are governed by this cosmic energy from the mass matter to molecular level . But there is need to master the manifestation of this cosmic energy. We have also described about the astral realm and various techniques of astral projection. This topic adds to the reputa of this book. Its always a topic of adventure and enthusiasm among various occultists. The power of subconscious mind is also discussed which will guide general people to solve problems of daily routines. All the healing therapies related related to subconscious mind have been discussed in detail. Various paranormal sciences like telekinesis, clairvoyance , telepathy, psychometry , automating writing, crystal gazing , hypnosis, regression, aggression, astral projection , spirit-communication, kundalini shakti and other modalities related to occult sciences. I have tried to put my all experience related to paranormal sciences in this book and should serve as a guiding tool for the students of this field who are trying to make themselves more spiritually evolved. My special thanks to my Guruji without whose blessings and knowledge imparted to me ,this book would have not been a reality and my ambition of putting my knowledge for the service of masses would have been a dream only.
Beyond The Physical Life
There is a force which governs the whole universe. It is omnipresent and acts on all matter internally as well as externally. Hindus call it “pranshakti” . japnese call it “qi” , Chinese call it “chi” and many other sects call it by different names. But one thing is true , that this is the vital force which runs the whole nature and is continuously changing in different energy forms. As mentioned by “Albert Einstein” energy is neither created nor can be destroyed but changes from one form to another”. The Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos. It is the life force between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules. It is the 'space' between each and everything. It is the energy, which keeps the whole cosmos in order. Cosmic Energy is the 'Life Force'. This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of life and to expand ones Consciousness. Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions. We are using this energy for our day-to-day activities of our Mind like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our body . We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence. This limited energy gained through sleep is not sufficient for these activities. That is why we feel exhausted, tired and tensed sometimes. This leads to mental and physical stress and all kinds of illnesses. The only way to overcome this is to get more and more Cosmic Energy. Cosmic Energy is essential to Maintain the order of our life to lead a healthy and happy life . it also helps to totally involve in all situations we are in and to obtain Knowledge And finally For expansion of our Consciousness.. Abundant Cosmic energy is only obtained through meditation. In sleep we get limited energy. In meditation we get abundant energy. This cosmic energy not only enhances the power of our mind but it opens the doors for extra senses and beyond which results in clairvoyance. With this boosted energy through meditation, we will be relaxed, healthy & happy. It also helps to reach greater heights in the physical realm. Meditation is nothing but a journey towards the self. In meditation we consciously travel from body to mind to intellect, intellect to self and beyond.
Beyond The Physical Life In meditation we reach a zero or the thoughtless state and under the shower of the cosmic energy. The more meditation one does and more one will receive cosmic energy. This cosmic energy flows through the energy body which is also called the “pranic body or spiritual body” which is alike in all human beings. The Cosmic Energy enters from the top of the head called Brahamrandara (7th Chakra also called as sahasraar) and inflow of cosmic energy is based purely on our thoughts. When the flow of cosmic energy is less, the energy in the energy tubes is depleted and thus etheric patches appear in the energy body and these etheric patches or voids and d epletion in aura occurs which gradually lead to diseases in the physical body & in other words depletion of the Cosmic Energy is the root cause of all the diseases in the etheric body. In meditation we get abundant cosmic energy, it flows through all our energy tubes of the energy body and when Cosmic energy is passing through energy body and because of its heavy flow it cleanses all etheric patches. When etheric patches or void are cleansed aura becomes stronger and as result we come out of all our sicknesses. When energy starts flowing through the sahasraar chakra we feel heaviness in the head region or heaviness of the whole body. While cleansing the energy tubes in a particular region we may get itching sensation or pain in that region. Sometimes we may experience pain in various parts of our bodies & we need not to take any medicine. All these pains will disappear by doing more meditation. By intake of more & more cosmic energy by Meditation we come out of all physical & mental illnesses. In meditation we transcend the body and mind and then the Cosmic Energy flows. HOW TO OBTAIN COSMIC ENRGY This cosmic energy is imagined as a ray of light coming above the head into the first chakra known as “sahasraar”. Then it follows the second chakra which is located between the two eyebrows called as “agya chakra or anjana chakra or the third eye”. Then it comes to the “vishudh or the throat chakra”. From there it may move downwards into “anahat chakra” from where it moves down into the “Manipur chakra” which is located four fingures above the navel. From here it descends to “swadhishthan chakra”. Finally it reaches the “base or the muladhara”. The vital force lies here in the muladhar which when awaken gives miraculous power to yogi. Basically kundalini is also form of cosmic energy. We imagine that this ray of light finally hits the muladhar or the base chakra and the energy sleeping there rises upwards penetrating all the chakras and reaching the crown or sahasraar chakra . All the chakras imagined as rotating fast and gaining the energy and emitting light . All the blockages in these chakras needs to be imagined as cleared and and futher one should imagine that negative energy starts leaving from these chakras and whole body and merges into the pure ray of light and finally disappearing .
Beyond The Physical Life
The body will be fully energized after doing this meditative exercise and one will feel rejuvenated .
CASE STUDY1 I was taking the attunement for reiki from a reiki master some years back. He connected me to the ray of light of cosmic energy. As I got connected with the ray of light I felt rejuvenation in my whole body. I felt that I recovered all my lost energy during this 32 years of my life at that particular time. From that particular moment I began to get visions and glimpses of present, past, future related to everything be. It was a special moment of my life. When one come to know how to access this cosmic energy , he gets the miraculous powers like clairvoyance , astral projection and knowledge of other occult sciences because the chakras become more activated when one is connected to cosmic energy. One has to attune himself to the cosmic energy either by concentration exercises or by imagination . Once one gets the access of this infinite ocean of cosmic energy, his aura of the body becomes healthy and not confined to this only , futher he becomes master of many occult sciences. But one should not run after these miraculous power which are so called as sidhis in our hindu belief system as these will be achieved while doing these meditative techniques. If he does so his spiritual growth becomes stagnant and the real motive is all lost.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER2-YOGA As per pataaanjali yogsutra , yoga is an art to keep in tune all the three bodies namely “manomaya body” , “pranamaya body” and the “physical body”. Every one of us has taken birth for the purpose of spiritual evolution which is attainable only through yoga . It is proved by help of yoga that one can see the realms other than physical world only with the help of “yoga sidhi”. With the help of yoga one can attune to different frequencies of different cosmic planes .
Yoga teaches how to control this prana shakti in order to achieve physical and spiritual goals. Raja yoga teaches how to master the ashtaang yoga wich ultimately result in salvation. The yogi has to master all the 8 basic principles of raaj yoga in order to achieve salvation which are discussed below:YAMA :- It includes non-killing , truthfulness , non-stealing , continence and non-receiving of any gifts NIYAMA:- Cleanliness, contentment, mortification, study and self-surrender to good , all these together comprises niyama. ASANA:- posture PRANAYAMA:- Control of prana though breathing and other techniques PRATYAHAR:- Introspection DHARNA:- Concentration DHYANA:- Meditation
Beyond The Physical Life SAMADHI:-Experience of Super consciousness
Before continuing with our discussion of Raja Yoga, we should make a distinction between that school of thought and another, called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga deals entirely with the body. The sole aim of this school of Yoga is to make the body physically strong. For a strong body, however, you can achieve almost the same effects as those given by Hatha Yoga by enrolling in a gymnasium course at any muscle-building establishment. The exercises of Hatha Yoga are difficult and demand years of steady practice . Through this system, it is claimed that a Yogi can establish perfect control over every part of his body. The heart can be made to stop or go at his bidding and can control the flow of blood and the sensations of his nervous system. All the nerves of the body comes under the control of the yogi. The result of this part of Yoga is to make men stronger and to prolong their lives; good health is its one goal. From the point of view of the Raja Yogi, the person who perfects himself in Hatha Yoga is merely a healthy animal. This system does not lead to spiritual growth or give man the help to meet his need for relaxation which is found in Raja Yoga. However, certain aspects of Hatha Yoga have become part of the regime of Raja Yoga. These include some of its exercises, dietary aspects, and disease preventives, which provide the physical state of well-being which enables the proper pursuit of Yoga. But in order to achieve command in yoga one has to master the pranayam first after perfecting the asna. To master the pranayam one has to control the motions of the lungs. By this way one can even feel the finer motions in the body. Due to externalization of our mind we have lost the feeling of finer motion in our body because the conscious mind is always indulged in thoughts. If we can feel these finer motions , we can control every motion and nerve current in our body. We now learn exercises in pranayama :Sit straight and keep the spine straight, head erect and chest in alignment with both. All should be in straight alignment. The posture should be like as mentioned above otherwise one may do harm to his/her body. One should not bend his back or throw down the shoulders. The first lesson is to just make your breathe rythematic. Normal breathe which we take regularly cannot be said as breathing. Its so irregular and non-rythematic that it hardly benefits the body to the extent as it can. The breathing should be done in a measured way so that it becomes rythematic. One can repeat a mantra like “om� while inhaling and exhaling which will make breathing more harmonious. Feel the energy flowing in the body and moving through different channels and nerves in the body. This will make our senses more sensitive and open the channels for the yogi to access the infinite cosmic energy. This cosmic energy will not only removes the negative energy from the body , which is the root cause of different form of diseases , but it also revitalizes the body. Apart from focusing one can also meditate in the zero state. To meditate in the zero state , it means to make your mind thoughtless remember the toughest job in this world is to make the mind [15]
Beyond The Physical Life thoughtless. Its difficult to control thoughts. But if one attains this state of thoughtless meditation he can achieve the “ nirvikalpa samadhi”. In this state of altered state of consciousness one becomes unaware of this physical world. He becomes so much unaware to the extent that one loses the awareness of even his body. This is the supreme stage. One gets the feeling of untidiness with the supreme energy. He feels as if he is himself the supreme energy and all the things in the universe are interconnected with single channel or this supreme energy . All is one is the feeling which prevails. One becomes unaware of the time also. In deep Samadhi of this type , one might leave his body if his consciousness does not come back in this physical world for a long time . He therefore attains the ultimate salvation. But all these exercises should be done under a proper instructor or guru.
CASE STUDY2 One day I was practicing this zero or the thoughtless state of meditation. I sat firmly with my head straight , chest straight and spine all in one line. My hands were interlocked and were resting in my lap touching the abdomen area also. I was trying hard to control the flow of thoughts. I repeatedly tried to maintain my consciousness in the zero state. I was performing this in my drawing room. After some time say twenty minutes or so I began to lose the awareness of my physical body. After ten minutes more, the breathing also seem to be the obstacle in my meditation . Suddenly I lost all awareness and began to feel as if I was floating in the ocean of a supreme consciousness. I don’t know for how long I stayed in that stay but I was feeling as if I was also the part of that supreme consciousness and all the universe was one . There was the supreme feeling of oneness with the universe. It was a divine experience. Actually the basic principle behind attaining this state is that when we stop the conscious mind or the flow of thoughts we automatically access our original form which is pure soul. Because our conscious mind is always indulged in various thoughts we cannot access our pure original form. Due to our deed and emotional bondages we get feeling of egoism which creates hindrances in attaining the salvation. When we do a karma with the emotional or deed bondage the karma gets charged. It creates the layer around the “jivaataman”. We have done so many karmas in this life and previous lives also. So there are lakhs and crores of layers around the “jivaataman’. When we charge something, than the day will also come when it will be discharged also. So when a person execute a karma, he is charging it and then the day will come when the karma will discharge bringing the fruit of that karma performed in the past. This whole layer of karmas chaged are known as “ the karan sharira”or tha causal body. This is the root cause of life and death cycle. If a person execute the karma without emotional or deed bondage, then in this way he can stop the charging of the karma. He remains as a neutral identity who behaves as a spectator without taking part in it . In this way he can also attain the salvation.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 3-SUBCONSCIOUS MIND The subconscious mind is that part of human mind which is most powerfull and is capable of performing deeds which are termed as miracles in this physical world. We interact with people, put are logic in front of other people, play chess etc. which are all performed by our conscious mind. But still there is another part of our mind which works like an autopilot and is termed as the subconscious mind. All the automatic actions and reaction in our body like breathing are done by subconscious mind. We never have to think before breathing . It’s a function commanded by the powerful subconscious mind automatically. This subconscious mind is really powerful. There is a reason behind it. Thought is a form of energy. Confirmative thoughts are more powerful as there is no doubt behind them. When we want to achieve or manifest something in life, conscious mind creates doubt whether it will going to manifest or not. It asks questions like : “ how it will happen” , “how can it be possible in such circumstances” and even more questions which offer resistance to the positive thoughts. Unintentionally we provide resistance to the process of achieving the goal. As a result we fail to achieve. But sub conscious mind is that part of mind which possess thoughts and experiences of our life which help us in making decisions in daily life. They are thoughts and experiences which are already proved by the experience of our life. So the conscious mind does not put any question to these thoughts which are already stored in our sub conscious mind. But even these thoughts which are in our subconscious mind were once approved by the conscious mind. to get into the subconscious mind , every thought has to take permission from conscious mind. So automatically the conscious mind does not offer any resistance to thought accumulated in subconscious mind as it has already passed it at the time when it was entering the subconscious mind. when there is no resistance , the manifestation of that thought becomes more easy. Basically subconscious mind is the record of all the thought pattern and experiences of the life approved by conscious mind. Conscious mind will not offer any resistance to this thought pattern until the subconscious mind is reprogrammed by some meditative techniques. Yogis divert and concentrate their conscious mind on something else. When conscious mind becomes concentrated on something else or is silenced by some meditative techniques meant for relaxing conscious mind, the thought which we want to manifest in real life can sneak through without taking any permission from conscious mind as it is already indulge somewhere else.
Beyond The Physical Life
In this way we can program this subconscious mind in order to achieve what is desired. Actually all the beliefs incurred by us throughout are lifetime get stored in the subconscious mind. If the beliefs are positive , we see positive results in our life. But if these beliefs are negative than we might see the adverse effects in our life. So it is always recommended to think positive. First of all we have to watch our every thought and every word we speak. Because the repeated thoughts and words becomes habit for subconscious mind. So for instance if one want to buy a desired car than he should think and imagine repeatedly of the pleasurable moment he will get while possessing it. Its not actually imagination but its technique of tuning the present situation to the desired situation in future, which posses different frequency. Like if we are listening to a particular channel of selected frequency and then we desire to listen to a different channel. Now what we will do we will attune the radio to the particular frequency on which that channel plays and ultimately we find that audible frequency of that channel and our able to hear that channel ultimately. So by repeated positive words and thoughts and imagining the desired situation or goal repeatedly we are not putting those thoughts into subconscious mind but also we raise the frequency of the body according to the desired goals . This is also known as law of manifestation. Developing your Subconscious Mind Power is a straightforward, effective process based on the power of thoughts and the power of your subconscious mind. Now we perform some techniques of reprogramming the subconscious mind according to the desired goals Creating money some people have a lot of money and just keep making more and more money - while some people struggle to make ends meet - even though they keep doing everything they can to make more [18]
Beyond The Physical Life money? Or why some people always have the money to buy what they want while others continue to pile up their debts even though they have a decent profession. I'm going to explain why this happens and how you can become one of those people who is always living life with a positive cash flow. Possess a Positive Wealth Consciousness. Over the years - through research, interaction with people , I've learned that people who have a great deal of wealth and people who maintain a positive cash flow have developed a positive wealth consciousness. In short - they always have money because they always believe they will have moneyand that too without any doubt. As a result they continuously attract money and moneymaking opportunities - while at the same time they find ways to save money and make their money work for them. Now it wasn't always this way. Not all of them had money to start with - in fact most people earned their money and continued to find ways to make more money. Here law of attraction also prevails. How to attract Abundance in anything we wish Everybody wants to have abundance of everything. We all want a lot of love, a lot of money, a lot of success, etc. We will often meet people who have a lot of everything and we'll also meet people who don't have a lot and who are likely struggling just to get enough of what they need. So I took a closer look at these 2 groups of people and I found that the people who don't have enough, who are struggling just to get what they need share a few things in common - they all have a negative and limiting thought pattern. They possess a negative belief system. They also are not focused and don't stick to one thing for very long. There's a sense of desperateness that they say causes them to give up on something often too soon - because they're in such a tight spot - they now need to turn things around immediately - so they want immediate results. In short - things have gone so bad that they say they can't afford to waste time trying something and waiting for results they need to turn things around immediately. Unfortunately - this kind of thinking usually makes things worse . I'm going to focus on what you can do to attract abundance into your life - so that you begin having the abundance you want. What I am about to outline is practiced by some of the most successful people in the world - people who have the abundance that many aspire to have. You'll also learn that no matter how bad things are - they often don't change immediately - no matter how hard you try. It takes time to change things in life because every manifestation undergoes a process which needs time. Principles to Attract Abundance & Success Before you can begin attracting abundance and enjoying success in your life you first have to begin understanding 2 basic principles that are constantly at work. Once you understand these principles you'll be able to better work with them so that you create and attract abundance and success in life.
Beyond The Physical Life The first principle is what I call the law of attraction and this simply states that you are a magnet for what you think - essentially what you think is what you attract. Here's how it works. Your thoughts create a field of energy around you that attracts people, situations and circumstances that are in alignment with what you are thinking. Any thought that is repeated with emotion will bring to you people, ideas, opportunities, situations and circumstances that represent those thoughts. It doesn't matter whether these thoughts are positive or negative - it doesn't matter if they are good for you or not good for you - you will attract what you think. Like attracts like . This is what it is all about. For example: If you think that it's difficult to find a life partner then you will attract situations, ideas and people that will make it difficult for you to find a life partner. They will make u realize again and again till u think vice-versa and reverse the thought pattern. Next you have to Focus . When you focus your mind on something, when you make something a priority - when you constantly think about making something happen and insist on finding ways to make it happen - you will succeed. This happens because your mind is in constant motion - focused on making something happen and at the same time it is constantly directing the subconscious to create situations, attract people and ideas to make something happen. So if finding a life partner is important - make it a priority - keep your mind focused on finding a life partner, listen to the people that enter your life, pay attention to the ideas that come - insist on making it all happen and it will. You have to have a clear idea of what your goal is, you have to hold it in your mind continuously so that your subconscious mind can attract the people, situations and circumstances that you need in order to achieve it. The people that I have met - those who are successful, wealthy and have abundance work with their mind and subconscious mind to create what they want. If it's not a priority - it's not important enough - and if it's not important enough your subconscious won't act on it. When something is a priority you think about it - but you have to think about finding ways to make it a reality. Worrying is not going to work. Complaining won't work. Focus on finding a solution, focus on attracting abundance and that's what you will get. Like sunlight is everywhere , but nothing catches fire just because of sunlight. But when this sunlight is focused through a lens on a piece of paper, it puts the paper on fire. In the same way focuss or concentration helps to achieve the desired goals. If something is not achieved, only two causes are behind it Lack of focus Or the manifestation will going to harm us so intervened by higher powers of universe. In other words its not in our highest and best. Never forget to put this clause “ it should happen in highest and best of me and all concerned� while manifesting anything with help of subconscious mind.
Beyond The Physical Life I give u an example. If I keep on insisting my thoughts on having a high class luxury car, no doubt it will manifest if i do it with focus and emotions. Emotions add fuel to focus . but if while driving it I encounter an accident than possessing the car will do good to me. On top of that it will harm me too. So the thought pattern in this case should be like this “I will possess a luxury car and universe will make it in highest and best way without doing any harm to all concerned” Now in this type of thought or command, universe might take time to manifest it. Many times it happens that the universe take time to make best channels and right time to manifest. Whatever is to be manifested should be manifested in highest and best.
CASE STUDY3 I was unaware about the subconscious mind previously. But from the words of my teachers (”guru”)I heard about this subconscious mind. From then I use to wander “what is this subconscious mind is all about” as I also heard that it is the most powerful tool in our mind. I began meditation since I was very young . when I grew up, I began to realize that it is that part of our mind which performs function of autopilot in our body. Like our breathing is automatic. we don’t have to think before breathing. It is governed by the powerful sub conscious mind. When we learn to ride a bicycle, initially we are not able to ride it with balance. But after practice a lot the subconscious mind gets used to it and after some days we paddle the bicycle and don’t have to think to balance it. Now it gets balanced automatically. Similarly it holds good in case of typing also. The speed of typing of the student is slow when he learn initially. But after when this subconscious mind becomes habitual, the typist even don’t see on the keyboard while typing. So the belief we acquire in our normal life becomes habitual for subconscious mind. But “why this subconscious is so powerful? “. One of answer I have already mentioned in the chapter on subconscious mind and other reason is that “ the subconscious mind is always connected with the superconscious or GOD. That is why it is so powerful. So after getting to know about subconscious mind. I began to change my beliefs. And I experienced that as soon as I changed my beliefs and started thinking positively, I saw turnaround in every aspect of my life. My personal life, social life , professional value , spiritual evolution and financial status saw a big positive turn around.
Beyond The Physical Life The resources of knowledge were becoming easily available to me as compare to before. Personal life improved a lot . love and affection became the prominent factor in personal life. Money became available very easily inspite of small efforts. Social respect was reaching heights. Actually thoughts are also a form of energy. Whatever we think and speak create vibrations in universe. These vibrations give results as they expand in universe. So its always advised to think and repeat positive words and beliefs.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 4-TELEPATHY Telepathy is the ability to send and receive thoughts from one mind to another and is a natural ability of the human mind. Telepathy is a skill used long to transmit and read thoughts without even opening your mouth to speak. It is the psychic art of projecting your thoughts in others mind through distance and sometimes making the desired result to happen. The verbal communication is only used in the physical world. In other subtle universe, telepathy is the mode of communication.
Has it ever happened to you that you were thinking of a friend and at that very moment you get a call from him or her? If that has happened to you, well then, I need not tell you about what is telepathy, because that is what telepathy is all about. It is communication between two people without employing any of the five physical senses. Well, yes this is as amazing and interesting as it can get. Telepathy is one of the main branches of occult sciences and many studies have been done and are going on to understand this phenomenon. They say that if you are able to use telepathy, you can read the minds and information stored in the brains of other people. This is also what can be called as having psychic abilities. I think all of us should have at least an introduction to telepathy. But for that we need to do some telepathy exercises. Here they are:Basic Exercise Relax, be comfortable and close your eyes. Fill your body with energy and feel it. Relax your mind and thoughts. Moment you silence your thoughts you will be in deep state of relaxation. Now visualize the person you want to connect with. Imagine a chord from your mind to that of the mind of the person with whom you want to communicate with. Now send your messages to him like “call me back� or whatever you want to communicate. Witness these messages being send through that chord and being received by that person. Do all this with real emotions and without any doubt. After regular practice you will obtain results which will definitely amaze you.
Beyond The Physical Life Telepathy also needs a lot of practice with focus and interest like every occult science it. But once mastered it becomes the best tool of communication. Although this might seem creepy, it apparently is effective when you want to learn telepathy. Color Exercise The crux of any telepathic exercise is to be present in the 'present'. It is not advisable to let your mind wander anywhere else than where you are. Avoid thinking about the past or future.Get hold of your friend or someone and get color pencils of different colors between you.Decide amongst the two of you about who is going to be the sender and who is going to be the receiver. The person then chooses a color in his or her mind and sends it to the other person mentally. Once both of them begin the process of receiving and sending, say 'start'. The receiver then, has to peek into the sender's mind as to what color was chosen by him or her. This is followed by the receiver saying the color out loud. The sender then either says yes or no and then start all over again.In case the receiver is not able to read the correct color, try till you get it right.Switch after around 10 to 15 minutes. Then relax and take a break. The sender becomes the receiver and vice versa.
Card Exercise Again be present in the moment and calm yourself and clear your mind.Sit with the other person after deciding upon who will be the sender and receiver. Sender will then pick a card and draw a geometric figure among three figures namely circle, square, triangle. once the figure is drawn , then sender should keep the figure in mind and try to connect with the receiver as mentioned earlier. The sender should also tune himself while receiving. after that the sender should tell what he received. The receiver will then say what he or she thinks is the selected figure. In an advanced stage, a variation of this could be rather than attempting to send a color, transmit a value. These telepathy exercises can be safely called as a part of what mental telepathy is. These exercises are a way through which you can learn how to practice mental telepathy. That was all about the basic telepathy exercises. Once you get the basics, you can practice and master the art.
Beyond The Physical Life CASE STUDY4 One of my clients came to me and was going through bad phase of her life. Her mind didn’t seemed to be focused at all at one place and was wandering here and there all the time. So many time she needed counseling but she hesitate to call me again and again. But being clairvoyant I use to become aware that she needs help. I instantly use to send her messages telepathically with strong belief of getting a reply surely and use to imagine the conversation which will take place with tons of concentration. She use to call me by telephone everytime I sent messages by telepathy to call me and got the needed counseling whenever the need arises. As thoughts are also the form of telepathic messages, they possess energy to influence one’s mind. Thoughts are energy packets. Command on thought is a great boon
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 5-TELEKINESIS Telekinesis is the psychic ability to move the physical or may be non-physical objects with the help of focusing the mind energy. It is also one of the altered state of consciousness. Here we have to merge our consciousness into the particular object as if we have become one with it and hence can move it desirably. If we merge our consciousness with any object , we can move it desirably.
We discuss this psychic ability with the help of following excersises :-
Flame Bending For this telekinesis exercise you will need a candle, something to light it with. Light a candle and set it in front of you. Preferably with the flame slightly above your line of vision and far enough away from you that the air from your breath will not cause the flame to flicker. Turn off any fans you have on in the room and close any windows that might be open so that air might not move or extinguish the flame. Allow the candle to lit and burn for a few moments so that its flame settles. Your goal is to make the flame bend. Work on bending it to one side only with each attempt. You want to see a solid bend in the flame, not just a flickering to one side like a wind was blowing across it. Remember to use your mind power and see that energy interact with the flame of the candle on a cellular level. When the two energies have meshed, let the energy of your mind bend the flame.
Beyond The Physical Life Another method is to fully concentrate your mind on flame and merge your consciousness with it . feel the flame as if you are the flame . Try to hold the consciousness in the flame for a while. The moment you realize you have become one with it, you can easily move the flame in the desired manner as you like.
Pendulum swinging To make a pendulum, you need to find something to hang from a cord. The item should be reasonably heavy in comparison to the weight of the string, cord or chain you will be hanging it from. At the same time however, don't let the pendulum be too heavy so that the string might not break due to heavy load. Most people that are just learning telekinesis to do better with lighter weight objects in the beginning. For some people there can be a psychological holding back on a heavier item because as someone just learning telekinesis, you subconsciously believe you do not have enough power or training yet to be able to move a heavier item. Rest assured that when you build your brain power, you can move a heavier item with about the same energy and focus as with moving a lighter item. Allow your mind to become one with the pendulum. Use the visualization abilities of your mind to connect your personal energy with the cells of the pendulum and cause the pendulum to move. Your job is to figure out what works best for you to help you move the pendulum. Some people find that things work best for them when they think of it in terms of energy. Others do it best by using visualization. Still others find sheer force of will is what works for them. Everything takes time to master. Work steadily , one day you will definitely going to master it but don’t doubt on it. Doubt offers resistance. If we give resistance to anything its energy becomes less, as a result the goal is not achieved. Choose one way to try it and work at that for a while. If that does not work after several days of trying, switch to another way. You do not want to switch back and forth too much because it usually takes many attempts no matter which way you choose and most people can eventually do it no matter which way they try after they have exercised their brain power enough. Its just similar to learn the driving . when a person starts to learn how to drive, driving seems to be difficult in beginning. But gradually after some period of time after lots of practice , one masters the art of driving . Similar is the case of telekinesis. After regular perfect practice , one learns to do telekinesis.
Beyond The Physical Life CASE STUDY5 I was eighteen years old when I first come to know about telekinesis or psychokinesis . I heard once before that thoughts are also a form of energy. All the things in this world are interconnected with one superconscious which is manifesting itself in different forms. So conclusively we can influence any matter by influencing that form of energy or consciousness present in it. This can be performed effectively if we merge our consciousness with that of consciousness present in the particular matter. this is also defined as the altered state of consciousness. Then I one day started practicing this modality and within few days of practicing I got the result. I was concentrating on a small table tennis ball made up of plastic. Then I merged my consciousness with that ball. When I merged my consciousness in it, I felt as if I was part of it. My mental energy became my muscles and I was able to roll it according to my will for few seconds. But after few seconds the altered state of consciousness broke down due to awareness of my own body and circumstances. This was my first experience of telekinesis.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 6-CRYSTAL GAZING Crystal gazing is the psychic ability to focus our mind on a crystal ball in order to predict distant or future events, to give character analyses, to tell fortunes, or to help a client make choices about current situations and problems. The crystal most favored by crystal gazers is a spherical or oval globe, about four inches in diameter, and preferably a genuine rock-crystal. It may be white, blue, violet, yellow, green, opalescent, or transparent. Blue and amethyst colors are less tiring on the eyes. Such a rock-crystal is very expensive and is many times substituted by a sphere of glass which renders good results. The crystal itself must be a perfect sphere without a speck or flaw, and traditionally based in a stand of highly polished ebony, ivory, or boxwood.
In the practice, Hindus use cups of treacle or ink. Stones of pale sea green or reddish tints have been used. Ancient crystallomancers had precise invocations of the spirits to aid them in elaborate rituals. The man was pure in life and religious dispositions. In preparation for the ritual, a few days before he made frequent ablutions, subjecting himself to prayer and fasts. The crystal and stand are inscribed with sacred characters as the floor in the room where the invocation is performed be inscribed with such characters. The room must be of thorough cleanliness and solemn atmosphere. But, the mental attitude is of the utmost importance in the divination, because true faith in it is essential for success. It is suggested that if telepathy operates with a greater force in a hypnotic state then it may also function in a similar fashion with the selfimposed hypnosis of crystal gazing. It is also regarded as the altered state of consciousness. For many centuries, those who would divine the future have assisted their clairvoyant abilities by crystal gazing, known technically as [29]
Beyond The Physical Life scrying. This method of divination is of such vast antiquity that it would be impossible to state exactly where it originated. It is known that both the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians scryed by means of gazing into low, open stone dishes filled with palm oil. But who can say for certain when the first diviner entered into an altered state of consciousness while gazing into a pool of water, a crystal globe, the surface of a polished gem, or any transparent object and received what he or she believed to be a vision of the future? The practice of scrying consists of fixedly gazing into a crystal ball, often placed upon a black cloth in order to shut out all brilliant highlights and reflections. In place of a crystal ball, scryers will occasionally use the surface of a pool or a glass or saucer full of water, ink, oil, or other liquids. Such surfaces, when used by scryers for the purpose of divination, are known under the name of "speculum." In other instances, scryers will utilize a large piece of natural quartz crystal to serve as their window into other dimensions. In their instructions to those who would be scryers or crystal gazers, practitioners of the art advise the apprentice to make their mind a blank. They should gaze, rather than stare, steadily at the crystal, blinking as little as possible. It is also advised that they should not extend such steadfast gazes for more than five minutes at a time. If their eyes begin to water, this may be taken as an indication that their time limit has been reached. They should then end their experimentation without delay.
CASE STUDY6 Actually crystal is a medium of focusing and initiating the subconscious mind in order to get the desired information. One of my clients came to me and wanted to know about his future. I have a transparent crystal which I use it for crystal gazing. I relaxed my mind . took my mind in zero state(thoughtless state). Then commanded the subconscious mind to give me the visions of his future. The visions which I received about the future of my client turned hundred percent accurate. I saw him getting a new job of his satisfaction through my visions in the crystal. . He was jobless for around seven years. Within one month the prediction turned out to be true. He got a new job as described by me with his utmost satisfaction. We focus our mind in the crystal and when we stop our conscious mind, immediately the subconscious mind gets activated and give us visions of past , future and present. This subconscious mind can access information from anywhere as I already mentioned that the whole universe is connected and manifested through one superconscious only.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 7-PSYCHOMETRY Psychometry is the ability to read the history of certain objects by holding the object in your hand. Usuallysmall personal objects such as a cloth, ring, photogaraph or other personal objects are the best. People with the ability to scry this way are called Psychometrist.
These emanations contained a sort of record of the history of the object. Buchanan believed that objects recorded senses and emotions and these could be played back in the mind of the psychometric scryer. Some theosophists attempt to explain psychometry in terms of the Akashic records. Psychometrists usually scry in a normal state of mind. In other words there is no preparation needed or any need for trance, etc. Scryers are sometimes unable to hold certain objects or obtain negative vibes because of that objects past. For example if the object had been used in a violent crime. In some cases if a scryer has been handed an object of someone who recently died of illness the scryer may suffer from symptoms of the illness. Psychometric impressions may come in the form of emotions, sounds, visions or images. The visions are usually very rapid in nature. The visual images occur with no logical sequences. Psychometrists usually experience a loss of energy and an increase in body temperature when scrying. Some scryers report an irregular heartbeat. It is the art of interpreting the psychic vibrations contained in objects. Sometimes referred to as "psychic touch," it is the ability to read an object's history or the history of those who may have handled it. While it deals most often with the past, it may often reflect present states as well. It is [31]
Beyond The Physical Life often used in cases of missing persons. Even one can access the future outcomes with the help of psychometry. The reader can touch an object the person has worn or touched, usually an article of clothing, to get intuitive impressions of the person’s whereabouts. Through psychometry, a story unfolds that describes not only the events of a person's life, but also how the person is feeling, thinking and reacting to these events. In order to receive clear information, the object should belong to and have been worn only by the person getting the reading. Everyone has this ability to some degree, but most of us don't focus on it consciously. With practice, you may become proficient. And as I always say, only use your gifts for your highest good. Any attempt to intrude on someone’s life without their permission is not only inappropriate, but clearly an invasion of privacy. Even while using the art of psychometry or clairvoyance, I generally ask client “ do I have have permission to see in your life and only from the client I even take permission from their guarding angels and spiritual masters too. That is the right way to perform it. The following techniques are very basic in psychometry, but they will help you learn to develop your psychometry abilities :Our dominant hand gives or relays information, while your non-dominant or receptive hand receives information. Your receptive hand is the correct hand to use. The following is a simple test to find out which hand is most receptive. It is very important that you do this, as you will always use this hand to receive impressions, at least until you have become so accurate that you can use either hand. For most right-handed people, the left hand is the receptive hand. For left-handed people, the right hand is likely to be the receptive hand. If you are in doubt, or were changed from a left-hander to a right-hander as a child, the following test can be used to discover which is which. 1. Hold both hands at chest level with fingertips pointing up and palms facing each other. 2. Rub hands together very lightly to stimulate the energy flow. 3. Move your hands closer together, then apart, feeling the flow of energy. 4. Whichever hand feels stronger, or that it is emitting stronger energy, that is your dominant hand. The other is your non-dominant or receptive hand. Always use your receptive hand in psychometry. When you are beginning your work in psychometry, always pick up or touch an object with your receptive hand. If you pick up the object with your dominant hand, you may inadvertently transmit an impression as you do. Form a habit of using your receptive hand to take things from others, and to pick up something you may intend to use. This will be a challenge in psychometry, as you are probably used to picking
Beyond The Physical Life things up and holding things with your dominant hand, but this practice will help you to remember to use your receptive hand for psychometric work. How To Practice Psychometry As we have already learned, all objects carry an energy frequency connected to the person they are most in contact with. You can learn to interpret these energies with the exercises that follow. The first exercise in psychometry is for the individual, but it is best performed with a friend from whom you can receive feedback. 1. Sit relaxed with your eyes closed and your hands in your lap, palms up. 2. Instruct a person to place an object that they have had in their possession for a long time in your receptive hand. 3. Relate everything that you see in your mind, think of, hear in your head and any feelings that you have while holding the object. You may pick up some thoughts, feelings, visions and symbols that seem irrelevant and meaningless to you but keep talking as much as possible about what is in your mind and you may be amazed at how much is relevant to the owner of the object. This technique in psychometry develops your gift of feeling. It gives you the experience of learning to tune into another person's vibrations to discern what you are feeling. Sometimes, while practicing psychometry, the feelings associated with the object are vague and don't seem to bear much relevance to anything recognizable to the owner of the object. On other occasions, the opposite is the case and intricate details can be discerned. Some people are more relaxed and trusting and so they get many messages immediately. Some people are afraid they will say or do it incorrectly so they get nothing. For more accuracy try to silence your conscious mind. the misinformation is always supplied by the conscious mind . so it is necessary to control this conscious mind with the help of some meditative techniques.
CASE STUDY7 I am a professional astrologer and psychic reader. I do see and analyse horoscopes of my clients. As we know that for making a horoscope it is necessary to have the birth details which serve as an input to make horoscope and calculations involved. But there are many clients who don’t have birth details . And on top of that it becomes even more difficult when they lack communication skills and are not able to express themselves or by some reasons don’t dare to express . In these kind of cases psychometry comes to our rescue and play a major role in giving solution to the problems of the clients. One of my experience of how psychometry helps in providing the solution is depicted in my following interaction with one of my clients :
Beyond The Physical Life One of my clients came to me. He took an appointment on phone and told me that he didn’t have any birth details. I told him to meet me in evening. In evening he came to me. He seemed to be somewhat in panic. He sat down in front of me . I told him to give his hand in my hand. The first thought and vision I got after holding his hand in my hand was that he was worried about his job and gave me other vibrations which helped me to conclude that he was a government servant. I asked him if he was in a government job. He told me that he was a employee in a government bank and was worried about his job. There was an enquiry against his boss in a loan probe. He was also the part of that process. He told me that his boss threatened him that he will gave his name forward if punished in this matter. The next vision I got while holding his hand that he will remain safe in this probe whatever may happen to his boss. I told him the same. The next information I got that he knew a person name “rajender� very closely. He accepted and glared at my face in amazement. All of the predictions turned out to be correct in future.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 8-DREAMS A dream is also an altered state of consciousness without the interference of conscious mind. Person dreaming does not have command on the happenings in the dreams. Whatever is there in the subconscious and conscious mind , sometimes it comes on the surface in the form of dreams.
Everyone dreams (even if we don’t always remember them after the fact) and researchers have found that the majority of us have dreams with similar themes. For years people have tried to interpret the floating images and visions that we see when we go to sleep. The original nature and basic instincts of a person are clearly visible during the dreams because during the dream state a person has no social boundations and his basic feelings come at the suface. But these dreams have sometimes deep meanings behind them. Some dreams are indicators of some future event or incident which will going to take place. Every person on earth dreams pretty much every night, and evidence suggests that all mammals do also. It follows then that something extremely important must be going on while we sleep and dream The subconscious mind is a most remarkable mechanism when it comes to creating dreams. Most people find their dreams an unintelligible mix of hidden meanings of dreams and secret symbols because that is the intention on the subconscious mind. It wants no interference from the dreamer's input or meddling with any of its actions. The subconscious wants to keep your mind, body and spirit in balance and it does so by sending you through gauntlet of its creations that can range anywhere from a night of grinding psychedelic terror to a blissful trip to the heavens in the company of angels and God like figures and even with the deceased who were close to u once when they were on earth. Your subconscious mind does this because you are its favorite person and it wants to keep you, your emotions, your mind and feelings in equilibrium. [35]
Beyond The Physical Life Following are some of the types of dreams with their interpretation:-
Abandoned - you abandon something that you are detaching your emotions from. You are abandoned, being left out feeling rejected. Abducted - You are being controlled by circumstances or another's will. Airplane - flying: sense of being on route to your desires, need for a vacation or getting away, if seen Landing then it indicates coming back to reality from that desired, if seen grounding then indicates yourself the changing situation regarding an ideal or desire. Time to put ideas into action. Alcohol – if seen others drinking they are out of control, it is an excuse for their behavior, they are not in condition to help you by their own fault, if seen Yourself then it indicates that you are possibly drinking too much, its your excuse for you to do something out of the ordinary, or for not performing, Alien - person or situation that is completely foreign to you, you are at a complete loss at how to handle or control a person, circumstances or situation. Alligator - Threatening you: fear of an unpleasant reaction to something you said or did. Not threatening: realization that there are consequences to your actions. Also, that you are prepared to fend off any threats against you. If it seem to be Attacking you then You have suffered repercussions from previous deeds, or are stressed out about it happening soon. Ancient - grounding in the past, things continue to go on in spite of one's fears of the present. A sense of having foundation. Angel & fairy - Spirituality, a messenger of words or showing the way or giving an example. Encouragement that you are not alone. Can be your Higher Self preparing you for a future event or your spiritual masters guiding you. Ant - Little things or events that annoy and irritate you. Lots of diverse activity requiring energy and attention, little distractions. Anxiety - Your impatience is showing with a desired or feared coming situation, or event that has a measure of suspense.
Beyond The Physical Life Argument - You recognize a conflict between events or people. Unsettled issues, Trying to rectify conflict or make up for things left unsaid. Army - An over powering force. No match for anyone.You against all the others. Athlete - Represents agility and ability that you recognize, You are engaged in doing what you felt you couldn't do. You feel your own ability and agility over circumstances or a situation. Attack – If you are attacked then you haven't addressed a conflicting situation. If you are attacking then you are fighting back from an injury or offense committed against you. Audience - The world around you. Fear of your private feelings or thoughts being discovered. Being under observation or watched. Aura – If you see it around a person or angelic being then it gives divine meaning to what they represent. Special symbol to get your attention. Avalanche - Unable to flee, Stress in life situation is controlling your life. Fleeing and watching, Living under stress while performing your duties and functions. Ash- loss suffered in past or loss to be incurred in future Air conditioner- luxurious life Baby - A new event, happening, beginning for the subject of the dream. Can mean a baby if the dream is about a pregnant person or someone wanting to have one, Wish fulfillment, Fills one's sense of lacking or incompleteness. Basement - Your perceived faults, shortcomings, fear of those who will power over you. Bat - annoying people and events associated with them. Bathroom - A need to remove certain emotions and beliefs. Remaking oneself into something new. Constipation or urinary disease in present or expected in future. [37]
Beyond The Physical Life Beach -A place of transition between spiritual and material, emotions and mental tranquility. Bear – If behaving Friendly then it indicates Support and consoling. If behaving Unfriendly then it indicates Threatening situation or circumstances from powerful sources, groups or institutions. Bedroom - Sexual meaning, partnership, intimacy, relationship. Betrayal - Actual betrayals may recur. Suspicions Birth - Can be about a real birth. Coming event or new beginning. Rebirth from what was thought to be completed or ended. Bite - Being bitten brings to a close emotions and fears about vulnerability from something threatening or unresolved. The trigger event is signified by what is doing the biting. Blood - A sign of life. Killing scene with blood seen enforces the notion that something is ended or finished. Boat - Spiritual journey. If boat seen Calm and peaceful then indicates An encouraging report on one's progress. If seen stormy then indicates Conflicting issues not resolved yet. Can also be signal that emotions are not balanced. Bomb – Unexploded bomb indicates A fear of a negative future event. Exploded bomb indicates recognition that things or a situation has fallen apart, an accident. Book - Knowledge to be revealed. Bruising- Defect in the part of body in which it is seen. Boy -.A woman's protective association with her mate. A woman's projection into her future. Bridge - A transition or transformation. Crossing a boundary, or getting from one situation to another. A place where change takes place.
Beyond The Physical Life Burglar - An intruder, unwelcome person or event, loss of something, Being forcibly deprived by someone's actions. Burn - The disintegration of something, loss, ending, beyond control. Emotion or anger dissipating, Bus - Going along with everyone else, part of the group, not going it alone. Cage - Restricted, encumbered, restrained, held away from the thing desired. Cars - Cruising along, going somewhere, a journey. Out of control indicates not in control of circumstances or of one self Castle - The desires for the self, the person's future, dreams and plans. Cats - A feminine power symbol. Attributes are by image portrayed. Chaos - Observing others in chaos indicates Detachment from their concerns. In the midst of indicates Dealing with inadequacy to handle one's own situation. Chase - Unresolved circumstances, situation, emotions plaguing you .Can be real fear of being pursued by someone or something. Cheating - Common dream of those who have suspicions real or imaginary about their mates. Some times can be a hint from the subconscious to investigate. Cliff - A place that represents a threat and feeling vulnerable. If seen Falling from Losing control of oneself or situation. Climb - A struggle to attain a goal or purpose. Coffin - A focus upon death and the realm beyond. Removal or detachment from an emotional connection with the person within. Corpse - The end of something. Desire to keep something hidden. Death of nearones
Beyond The Physical Life Crash - Bringing to an end an emotion or fear that was causing stress in the person. Warning about driving habits. An accident to take place. Cry - Release of emotion not related to the action in the dream that caused the crying. Regaining emotional balance. Dance - Brings a sense of bonding with partners , Happiness. Dark - Attempt to accomplish something with inadequate or insufficient means. No options left. Death - Does not signify death. Means to remove or be removed from a situation, emotions or circumstances. May or may not involve the dead person. Deceased - The deceased often come to comfort those they left behind, they bring messages and convey the notion that everything is OK. Descend - Getting out of a threatening situation. Migrating to a lower status. Devil - A symbol for fear and evil for those who use this symbol. Direction - Having to choose: The need to make a decision in life, a journey. Doctor - Talking or treating you: Check your self, it may be health related. Someone else: May indicate medical need or focus. Door - Choices to be made. Entry into the unknown. Entering something new. Making a commitment. Driving - You are on a a life or purpose journey and making progress getting there. Drowning - Losing ones emotional control. Situation is out of control. Inability to handle a circumstance or social situation, an accident. Earthquakes & volcanoes - Dealing with things out of your control. Unexpected problems or circumstances. May be stress related.
Beyond The Physical Life Elephant - Sense of abundance or prosperity coming, Good luck or fortune. Elevator - The status and location of your mental and spiritual awareness related to the mind. Slow elevator indicates impatience to get there. Wrong floor indicates you haven't found what you are seeking. Eating food - This may be an indicator that the dreamer is concerned about a weight problem or eating disorder. It may be a health warning to draw attention to one's eating habits or weight problem, desire of eating food Enemy - Can be conflicts with one or more subjects. Can be one's own shadow self that you haven't dealt with. Empty - What you expected doesn't exist. Engagement - A future desire. In anticipation of a known coming event. Can be a prophetic message about the future. Escape - Desire to find a way out of a situation or circumstances. A signal that one can escape the thing feared. Confidence that one can overcome problems and enemies. Exam - Being put on the spot to prove oneself in ability, fidelity, loyalty, truthfulness. Extraterrestrial - A sense of being beyond the possibility of understanding. Can be a threat or a sustaining feeling. Falling - Defame, financial loss, loss in social status or personal relations, Falling or rapidly descending: Fear of a loss of control or of something material. Famous people - Adds the quality with which that person has, fame Farm - Applies to remoteness, security, peace & calm, work. Father - Masculine, authority, strength, A strengthening symbol, or the reverse depending upon view held. Fear - Represents the challenge you have to face up to in waking life. [41]
Beyond The Physical Life Fence - A partition of two symbols or meanings to focus upon, An obstacle, A choice to make. Finding - Discovery of desires, that which was unknown or lost. A signal to search for an answer to something. Fire - The disintegration of something, loss, unwanted change, Danger . Fish - concerns, problems, difficulties that need to be thought about, meanings, sense of well being, emotions under control, Uplifting.
Flying - Signal to think positive, all things are possible, new ambitions achieved. Forest - Difficulty in finding a solution or thinking out a situation, Removal from problems, instills sense of security needed. Fox - A situation or personality that requires caution because of possible trickery, deceit. Frog - Mysterious, or magical feeling intended. a spiritual significance , If the dream focus is not on the frog, but something elsethen it represents another person in your life. It also signifies something is known about you by others, but not known by you. Funeral - The end of something , death of a person. An issue or emotion finally being put to rest. May be a replay of a past real event. Gate - An opportunity for you to decide upon, The beginning of an opportunity to leave your current situation. Gift - To make you feel better about what the gift relates to. Something is coming to you, high expectations. Giraffe - Something beyond your grasp or understanding, Loss or defeat because of inability to cope or manage, you recognize a challenge that can overwhelm you., you are beginning to panic because of unpreparedness. God - Pay attention to details and meanings about yourself and your spiritual progress in life, the dream content has an important message for you, try to remember your [42]
Beyond The Physical Life feelings during that part of the dream for clues to the meaning as it is a dream with spiritual messages. Graduation - Completion and accomplishment recognized, Ready to go on to the next stage or level of life . Grandparents - Encouragement and sustenance instilled, Need to regain peace and tranquility in life. Grave - Reminder of things past and completed, Draw opinions conclusions from other symbols. Groom or bride - Desire to marry. Gun - Ready to assert one's will over the subject, Others wishing to assert their will over you., You are encouraged to take action about something and not remain complacent. Hair - Own hair falling out shows Sense of having no control over a situation. Other's hairfalling means seeing them as losing stature or importance in one's view. Real hair problem can also be one of the meanings. Health - Here are some points to consider being a possible signal that there is a health situation to be dealt with, Any focus upon a body part means problem may arise in that particular body part which can be in form of disease. Generally swelling of the body part is seen. Heaven - A spiritual meaning. A message from God or the Higher Self. Progress, status and direction in life can be made evident here. Hide - Trying not to face situations, desire to protect one self and avoid consequences. Continues suspenseful situation in life. Hill – If seen Below it than it means More energy needed in a situation to get a resolution. If seen on top of it, Achieved objective, feeling satisfied, Time to make new plans. House - a positive venture in life which will come as an opportunity.
Beyond The Physical Life Illness - Being unable to perform the action desired. An excuse to not do something. May be a sign of a real illness and should be investigated. Injury - You are injured, You may have been offended or emotionally hurt. Intruder - Someone or something has interfered with your peace of mind by forcing a situation upon you, some loss due to theft. Invisible person - Can be presence of one's Higher Self lending strength and comfort. Something in your life that you haven't been able to rationalize. Island - Seeking a refuge away from life situation. Feeling displaced and isolated from everything. Journey - The journey through one's life in a spiritual sense, The sense of making progress in spiritual things. Kidnapped - Forced to be involved in things not of one's choosing that are forced upon the person by outside circumstances. Kill & murder –If you see killing someone than it means you are fighting back against your fear or desire to eliminate something from your life. If You are killed then it means you are removed from your emotions and feelings caused by the situation you are in. Kissing – If you kiss someone you like and want than it means wish coming true. If you kiss someone you know casually and not romantically then it means recognition of harmonious vibrations. It may also mean desire of romance within. Knock - You are becoming aware of spiritual truths and are reaching a new level of understanding. You are aware of certain spiritual powers that you have. Lake - Observing peacefully means your emotions are under control and you know it. If you are drowning in it than it means You have lost control of your emotions. lightening & thunder - Fear of a power beyond your control. love - Romantic life, need of love in life for which one is desiring strongly. [44]
Beyond The Physical Life Marathon - A sign that the person has the stamina which can persist to get a result. Marriage - Its your desire to get married , marriage function will soon take place in family , close relatives or within friend circle. Money - Makes your financial situation easier to deal with, Raise your expectation, some financial benefit in the air. Monkey - One who is not under your control, Qualities of a monkey applied to a person as an excuse for their behaviour. Monster - Different forms of monsters for diverse fears. Mountain - Sense of having arrived or having accomplished something, Prepare for a challenging effort needed to overcome a problem or situation. Mud - A situation that has no clear solutions or understanding at the moment.
Naked - You are not prepared for something. You are in the public's eye often. Some loss may occur to you social reputation. Name - Hearing your name means Your Higher Self or one from the spiritual world touching in with you. Draws attention to others in your life beyond the physical world. Makes you aware of your uniqueness. Ocean - Deepest foundation in a spiritual sense. The source and depth of spiritual feeling. If negative feeling arises than it portrays feeling of fear Pain - Transfers emotional pain to the physical. Regarding body parts, a possible health related situation that should be investigated. Paradise - Refreshes the soul spirit. A vacation the from the physical and material world. A reminder of better things, happiness and prosperity in life, advancement in spiritual growth of the person. Paralysis - Often felt during lucid dreaming and when someone wants to move physically in a dream, Can also represent one's inability to function in a given situation , may be an indication of a disease. [45]
Beyond The Physical Life Police - Authority figures add sense of protection or rescue, Can also provide sense of impending punishment. Pregnancy – If you Desire a baby than You may be pregnant , you are a virgin The dream is satisfying your instinct to have one, Someone else may be pregnant. Queen- Your dreamgirl might enter your life.
Rain - You are trying to overcome an emotional issue with someone or something. Rape - You feel used or your integrity violated by someone or circumstances that was forced upon you. Rat - Indicates that something doesn't make sense, is deceptive, is wrong or amiss, isn't fair, you are in the midst of a situation that involves the previously mentioned meanings, May represent disease if the dream is one about health or well being. Ring - Symbol of commitment when involved with a candidate for marriage. Can also be any other type of commitment. A sense of completeness. River - Creates a focus on the feelings and emotional content of the dream. School - A place where one works out situations with a feeling of being on familiar ground, a controllable situation, Can resolve issues never done in school or use those old solutions to apply to current situation, For teens it’s the backdrop for many social issues. Scream - A response provoked by many dreams to get someone to externalize with held emotions. Search - Search and not find instills the need to find something that is lacking within. Can be spiritual or need for self-examination. Search and find is signal of accomplishment and self-capability. Sex - The most powerful instinct in the human psyche, Satisfy a natural desire when sex is absent in waking life, Affirming a close relationship, Can be yourself dealing with your male/ female counterpart. [46]
Beyond The Physical Life Shadow - Your higher Self participates with you. Your counterpart (shadow) personality that you are trying to integrate with. Shark - Emotional threat to self or other person. Shower - Cleansing oneself from things that affect the emotions, Relief from stressed emotions. Sign - Things that appear to you as a "sign" require paying attention to. There may be a message there for you. Sinking - Sense of losing the battle to provoke one to fight on. Sliding - Instills a sense of instability and tenuousness related to the subject involved. Snake - An recurring issue that has not been resolved yet. Can involve treachery or sense of betrayal, sometime a person see snakes in dreams because he killed snake in his previous birth. Spaceship – If seen Fearful then it indicates Overpowering and puzzling situation or circumstances that makes no sense to you. If seen Happy indicates a feeling that you have help that is out of this world, there is more than the material powers in the current civilization. Spider - Little annoying or irritating things that are left undone, Can be a fear of gossipy things said about you or the consequences of gossip you engaged in regarding someone else. spirits or ghosts - Connections with another world, You need to address your fears about death or of the unknown. Vivid images of family members contain messages for you, Spirit images of loved ones try to console those they left behind, Negative spirits challenge you to address your fear. Stairs - Take you to another level of understanding or progress in your spiritual, emotional or material life. Stalker - The thing left undone or being avoided wants to be addressed.
Beyond The Physical Life Steal - A bit of dishonesty comes to your attention, Someone steals from you, Dealing with your own loss of material or emotional belongings. Swim - At peace and comfortable with one's emotions. Things are under control. Teeth – If one sees teeth Falling out than it indicates Loss of control over certain aspects of one's life. Powerlessness, unable to influence things or the outcome of things important, Loss of self-esteem in a situation or a chronic problem. Telephone – If you Can't hear the voice than it indicates You are out of touch with the subject, If You can't speak You may have nothing to say or lack the skill to say something, The notion of a telepathic message or spiritual communication. Tidal wave – If its Overcoming you than it indicates Your emotions about to become out of control regarding circumstances in life. If you are dodging it than you are maintain emotional control while facing your stressful situation. Toilet – If you are sitting on one than you are trying to remove memory or stress from embarrassing situation. Tornado - Being overwhelmed by work or circumstances, You are stressed out, If you are overtaken than things are out of control in your life, If you escape from or avoid it then indicates that you are stressed but can handle the situation. Train - A journey in life. Unfaithful – if Your mate seen unfaithful then indicates Suspicion deserved or undeserved of the mate. If you see Yourself as unfaithful then Possibly a desire you have. Happy with the relationship indicates a signal to reaffirm the commitment. Voice - May be a message for you. The Higher Self is getting your attention. Wedding - A desire fulfilled if there is no ready mate. Preparing your mind set for the future, actual wedding to be expected. Window - A point to focus upon a particular subject or opportunity.
Beyond The Physical Life Wolf - Coexistence with a threatening situation, Warning to be alert for treachery or loss.
Basically the person who watches the dream gets either the positive or negative vibrations about the dreams. His subconscious mind is aware of the interpretation of a particular dream but it is advised first to close the conscious mind, then only the correct interpretation can be obtained.
CASE STUDY 8 I was continuously having a dream two-three times that I was in a hospital. The bed on which I lay down in my dream was of unique model and was not a bed we see normally in wards of the hospital. I saw that I got discharged on same day. I tried to cancel the dream with my belief system and sub-coscious mind. After two weeks or so I met with an accident while I was driving. My face got badly bruised and I received four stitches on my face. Doctor advised me to go for ct scan. I was aware of my dream. But I was thinking that where was that unique bed on which I have to lay down which I saw in dream.They told me to lay down on a bed which was under a machine. This bed was of unique model as it has a narrow width but very long in length. This was the unique bed I saw in my dream. After performing the ct scan and analyzing my report doctors concluded that there were only minor injuries on face except the stitches and decided me to discharge me immediately after giving me the required aid. In this way my dream came true.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER9-ASTRAL PROJECTION Astral projection is a type of out-of-body experience (OBE) in which the astral body leaves its physical body in an altered state of consciousness. The astral body is connected with the navel with a silver chord and can become infinitely long. That’s why when in dreams the astral body goes out to far distant places irrespective of whatever may be the distance. But if by chance anyhow this chord is broken it may result into death of the person.
There are many techniques of astral projection. Some of them are :Technique 1: Stretching Out This technique requires you to imagine that your body is stretching out. As you lay down, close your eyes and begin to relax. Imagine your feet beginning to stretch and increase in size by a few inches. Once you have a clear picture of your stretched out feet, stop and allow them to go back to their normal size. Now move onto your head and do the same thing, imagine your head stretching out and then going back to its normal size. Go back and forth and imagine your feet and head stretching out further and further each time until they are stretch by a few feet. Now imagine yourself stretched out to the point where you are filling up your room. Stay relaxed and calm, you should begin to feel as if you are floating and rising out of your body. This technique is very easy to practice and great for beginners. Technique 2: Breathing Technique This technique is a fantastic relaxation exercise but is also great for achieving an out of body experience. This astral projection technique requires you to adopt simple breathing and relaxation [50]
Beyond The Physical Life methods. The best way to achieve this is to lie down and focus on your breathing. Watch your breathing and follow the track of air when it enters your body from nostril to windpipe and from windpipe to lungs. Feel the air and concentrate your consciousness totally on breathing. As your body begins to relax, and your breathing is in steady rhythm, you can feel the vibrations that are a symptom of pre projection. Be aware of your vibrational changes. If you begin to feel as if your are feeling tingles, buzzing, rapid heart rate and vibrations all over your body you are close to take off with your first out of body experience with these techniques. Technique 3: Focus on a given climax In this technique we focus on a given climax or place where we want to project the astral body. It’s basically technique of using imagination and projecting the consciousness to the awareness where one wants to project the astral body. Technique4 : Relaxing the conscious mind Relaxing the conscious mind by avoiding any type of thought is another technique of astral projection. Another thing that one has to keep in mind while doing this is that one should not move the body till astral projection is achieved because movement in the physical body brings back the consciousness of physical body .
CASE STUDY9 One day I was meditating and was trying to relax the conscious mind by avoiding any type of thought. I was meditating in a single posture since half an hour without moving my body. Here one should be aware that he should not move the body while meditating for astral projection because as we move our body the awareness of the body comes back and the motive of astral projection is not achieved. So, after half an hour , the awareness of body was lost and I was feeling myself as an another identity which can move anywhere without even moving my physical body. The body which I felt was much lighter and was not obeying the principles of gravity. It is connected with the physical body with a silver chord. That was my one of the encounters with the astral projection.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER10- CLAIRVOYANCE Clairvoyance is the art of 'seeing' beyond the five senses. Clairvoyance is often called the 'sixth sense' or esp(extra sensory perception). It is related to the images that are always present in our minds that bring messages from other frequency and realms. These images can be ,in the form of visions, colors, words,still frame and animations. They can be anything. They can remain on a few seconds or much longer. Initially its easiest to see them with your eyes closed. As you develop your psychic abilities will be able to look to higher frequency, with your eyes opened. In clairvoyance we 'see' with what is commonly called the third eye. In the human brain there is a gland called the pineal gland. It is located in the back area of the brain almost in the center of the head. This gland has degenerated from its original size comparable to a ping pong ball to its present size comparable to a pea, because we forgot how to use it a long time ago when our breathing patterns changed. We can use it but for that one has to practice a lot. Just like as we go to gymnasium, we work hard to make any part of our body more strong. It is not achieved in a single day. But with regular practice we develop the muscles and the muscles become more strong with consistent work out. Same thing holds good in case of brain also.
Some people become clairvoyant after a Near Death Experience, serious illness or accident, such as a blow to the head area, or opening the kundalini energies. Some people use chemical stimulants to heighten their awareness. Clairvoyance as a term has its origins from the French word claire, which means "clear", and voyance, "seeing". It literally means 'clear seeing' in French Many people believe that everyone is born with clairvoyant abilities. Only after we are taught the norms of society do these abilities begin to close down and forget to develop our clairvoyance skills. They are still there, however, and can be brought back to the forefront with some exercises and meditation techniques. These have been found to be quite useful in developing clairvoyance.
Beyond The Physical Life Developing clairvoyance is one of the most life-enriching activities you can pursue, because it is a life-enhancing skill which can bring you incredible pleasure. The first thing that is required is to stay away from negative emotion and thoughts on clairvoyant abilities. It will be very difficult to continue any emotional and spiritual growth if there is no true emotional belief about the possibilities ahead. It is sometimes a good idea to keep spirituality and beliefs about developing clairvoyance to yourself unless other people are receptive to these ideas, as many people still disregard developing clairvoyance as a waste of time. It is essential to develop self-trust. There are some guidelines to follow when first beginning to trust these new clairvoyant abilities. The first guideline is to heal your emotional issues. As you work through your emotional issues you will develop a desire to help others without these clairvoyant abilities. You must also become emotionally and spiritually balanced so that the messages you receive are clear and not funneled through the cloud of your unbalanced thoughts. Your conscious mind must not interfere while practicing clairvoyance. Know that once images and messages are received once they will increase as your adeptness improves in using the techniques. You must make the effort to explore each message that is given. As they are proven out to be true , your trust in your clairvoyant abilities will be increased. Meditation and clairvoyance Meditation and yoga can help your developing clairvoyance. Yoga teaches the body to relax and stretch beyond what it is normally capable of. Meditation teaches us to quiet our very noisy mind and stretch beyond what we are normally capable of. It is as important to relax the body as it is to quiet the mind. Try to still your mind through meditation so that you are able to receive the messages that you are being given. Our innate clairvoyant abilities or the sub-conscious mind are always delivering messages to us, but they usually become lost in the chaos of our own minds. If you are interested in developing clairvoyance then you should begin learning how to relax your body and quiet your mind. Developing clairvoyance can take many years to master, while for others, developing clairvoyance is a quick and easy process. Practice yoga to physically relax and learn good breathing techniques. Practice meditation to eliminate stress and quiet your mind. You will begin to see the messages that have always been there much more clearly once you have developed an ability to meditate.
CASE STUDY 10 One day a new client came to my office. He was himself a renowned palmist and came to me through a reference of one of my present clients. He asked me to tell something which is not discoverable by ordinary astrologer or palmist. I started meditating on his past. I got the visions of his past. I asked him if he suffered any financial loss from a lady involving a property dispute. Firstly he denied than after thinking for sometime he admitted that it happened sometime back. He was involved in a property dispute with a lady and suffered monetary loss because of that. He was amazed and gave me high regards. [53]
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER11- CLAIRAUDIENCE Clairaudience is an alleged psychic ability to hear things that are beyond the range of the ordinary power of hearing, such as voices or messages. "Clairaudience" is a term sometimes used to indicate Astral Hearing. It is the hearing of distant sounds in the astral plane by means of the astral ears. Clairaudience is more uncommon than the other psychic senses, probably because it can be one of the hardest to deal with. This communication comes through on energy vibrations, much the same way as physical sound, but the frequency, depending on whom you are communicating with is at a pitch not within the range of the human ear. But one can tune in to the frequency of these sounds which are beyond range of human ears with the help of meditation exercises. One has to practice these exercises regularly in order to gain command on clairaudience.
Everyone has likely seen a dog whistle. We blow on them as hard as we can but don't hear a thing, however the dog goes nuts . Just because others don't hear what you hear doesn't make you "crazy" it means you have activated the part of your brain that allows you to pick up on these frequencies. Often those developing clairaudiently will feel tingles in one ear, or one side of their face. They may also hear a tone, or a static sound or like someone talking through a tin can. Sometimes it sounds like the radio is just out of tune and you can't quite pick up the signal. This is very natural and happens when the psychic center that governs this ability is opening. Exercise : Surround yourself in the light with your protective ritual like we do in the bubble exercise. Sit comfortably in a chair with your notebook or recorder close by. Relax and just try to be in the moment. State your intention to your spiritual guide and ask that he/she communicate with you. Don't try to "listen", but try to relax.. If you already know your guides name, start with another simple question and then relax. After a couple of minutes bring yourself back and record anything you perceived. It may be a thought that "pops" into your head, or a sound, or whisper... record
Beyond The Physical Life everything you experienced. Continue to do this exercise until you receive your guides name, or the answer to the question you presented. Another exercise is to surround yourself with your protective ritual as above. Again sit and relax, stating your intention to communicate with your guide. This time focus on an image in your mind, in your mind "say" what it is once, and then listen.. Ask your guide to communicate with you about the image. You could also focus on a physical object in the room where you are. Pay attention while doing your best to relax. Make notes of anything you receive. Listen carefully to all the sounds you hear around you while you’re lying in bed at night – the sounds of cars passing, the sounds of birds or animals, of a plane, of people talking, the sound of music. We normally tune out these noises so that we can concentrate or sleep. But when you tune out noise, you dull your perception and you become less sensitive to your inner voice. When you begin to listen consciously to the noise that you normally tune out, you will hear an ‘orchestra’ of sounds. Your objective with this exercise is to notice each and every one of these sounds that make up this ‘orchestra’. Take it apart. Count how many sounds you can hear and make a note of what they are. Some may be really subtle and barely noticeable. The goal here is really to heighten your auditory perception. Do this every night for a week before you go to sleep and you will be amazed at how much you were not hearing before. This will begin to activate your clairaudience
Further Tips Set the intention to utilize your clairaudience. Write it down somewhere as this reinforces it. Don’t block your clairaudience through fear of hearing something negative/frightening. If you’re afraid of hearing spirit for fear of being spooked, intend only to hear your spirit guides and Higher Self, who have your best intentions at heart and who would never knowingly scare you. Ask your ‘Asher’ guide (the spirit guide who is your energetic ‘bouncer’) to keep out negative energies. Remember that if you keep your vibration high and deal mostly in positive energies, you won’t attract negative energies anyway. Meditate. Intuitive guidance often comes through the gaps between our thoughts. Meditation quietens the mind and creates more gaps in our thoughts so our intuitive guidance can more easily be heard during meditation Use affirmations to develop clairaudience, such as ‘It is safe to hear my inner voice’ or ‘I am powerfully clairaudient.
Beyond The Physical Life CASE STUDY 11 Clairaudience sometimes seems to be a very complex phenomenon. While mediating in my early days of study of occult sciences, I used to hear many voices and sound which doesn’t seem to be present in physical world. I used to ignore them initially because I was unaware of the phenomena of clairaudience at that time. But after a long practice gradually I was able to understand that those were voices and visions from subtle world. We all know that our mind is the biggest transmitter and receiver of signals and waves. By meditating we are able to become more sensitive towards theses signals and waves. And one more thing i realised that anything before manifesting itself on the physical world gets manifested on the subtle planes first. There were many occassions when i used to hear the ringtone of my mobile phones few seconds before actually the call came in physical world. I changed the ringtone in order to clear my doubt that whether it was illusion. But it is happening till date and not even it is confined to my cellphone but iam able to guess anybodys cellphone call coming few seconds before it actually comes
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER12-CLAIRSENTIENCE When it comes to various psychic abilities and powers, there are many different ways in which a person might get a reading or might get an idea of the past, present, or future. There are several ways that psychic ability manifests itself, and there are several different psychic gifts that one might possess. One of these ways is called clairsentience. This is a complex psychic ability. One of the most interesting things about clairsentience is that it is the gift that is most often ignored, or not even noticed by those that have it as it remain unexplored.
There are many different ways that clairsentience can manifest itself. This could be a tickling sensation on the body when it comes into contact with the spirit. Many people experience this when they are in contact with a spirit, and it is usually in the form of a tickling sensation on the face, hands, or the neck. It might also be the feeling of the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end when you are touched by a spirit. This too might be something that people feel when they are not aware of their psychic abilities. Often it would be written off as something else, but this is what it is. The idea of clairsentience is something that is often overlooked, even by those that have it. Clairsentience involves getting a glimpse of other realities which are out of the range of physical senses or even entities through a sense of touch. Clairsentience is an ability that is often hard to explain or to diagnose. There are many different ways that clairsentience can manifest itself. This could be a tickling sensation on the body when it comes into contact with the spirit. Many people experience this when they are in contact with a spirit, and it is usually in the form of a tickling sensation on the face, [57]
Beyond The Physical Life hands, or the neck. It might also be the feeling of the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end when you are touched by a spirit. Often it would be written off as something else, but this is what it is. The idea of clairsentience is something that is often overlooked, even by those that have it. Another way that Clairsentience might manifest itself is the feeling of pressure on the crown, or the top of their head. There are also other areas of the body where a person might feel pressure when they are talking with a spirit. In rare cases, you might actually feel a blow to somewhere on your body, and this might be a very physical blow. Clairsentience might also manifest as something that might be very subtle. It could be as mild as a cool breeze that you feel, or even as small as certain scents that you are able to smell, such as floral fragrances or other fragrances Clairsentience can also be noted as a sensation the left side of your face when you are talking with a spirit. This is because the energy of the spirit is going to enter through the left side of the body and is going to exit on the right side of the body. This means that when you are in contact with a spirit you are going to have a sensation on the left side of your face. Another way that Clairsentience might manifest itself is the feeling of pressure on the crown, or the top of their head. There are also other areas of the body where a person might feel pressure when they are talking with a spirit. In rare cases, you might actually feel a blow to somewhere on your body, and this might be a very physical blow. Clairsentience might also manifest as something that might be very subtle. It could be as mild as a cool breeze that you feel, or even as small as certain scents that you are able to smell, such as floral fragrances or other fragrances. No matter how clairsentience manifests itself, it is a psychic ability that can be the hardest to interpret and the hardest to notice. There might be many people who have the gift of clairsentience but who have never known that they have. If you have a tendency to feel strange things, or to smell or notice things that aren’t there, you might find that you actually have the gift of clairsentience but you have never noticed it before! There are many ways that you can see if this is a gift that you have. You should speak with someone who is a psychic, and who can provide you with more details about the various forms of the gift of Clairsentience, to see whether or not this is something that you believe you might have.
CASE STUDY 12 One day I was communicating with a spirit with help of meditation. Usually I don’t invite spirits at my place and try to communicate them with telepathy. But that day suddenly I felt some unusual pressure and sensation on my shoulders. There were some tickling type of sensations on my body which I was experiencing. I realized iam experiencing the sensations from subtle body. I came to [58]
Beyond The Physical Life know at that time that it is possible to feel the subtle world also if we become more sensitive to them but that can be achieved with the help of meditative techniques.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER13-SPIRIT WORLD Many religious beliefs are based on the idea that humans possess a "soul" or "spirit" which exists independently of the body. The notion of life after death is therefore of central concern to religious believers and it is important to establish what “surviving� death exactly means. The condition of one's soul would dictate which spirit world or heaven, that person finds their own existence in. According to people who have had a near death experience and visited the spirit world, there are different things which may first take place. Usually a tunnel of light is experienced (and spirit guides - angels may be present to help eliminate the fear of crossing over), and the person will find themselves in a "life review." This is for learning purposes and is sometimes called, "the judgement." This is not for punishment, but is really a reflection of what a person focused on in the earthly life. If it is painful, it is due to the person's own mind bringing condemnation upon their own self. After this, the soul will naturally gravitate to its place of habitation in the spirit world, based upon its condition. Some believe this to be due to the level of vibration: the higher the vibration, the more love within the person - the lower the vibration, the worse the condition and habitation into darkness or what some call "the void" or "abyss." This is why some enter right into heaven and others directly into hell.
The Kingdom of God is within us now, and what we have built in the here and now, will be experienced in the afterlife. Descriptions of the heavenliness in the spirit world are simply breathtaking and seem to be of pattern similar to earth's natural environments. Time does not exist there, so many near death experiences have been described like a life-time of events, yet at the same time the person felt like they had only been gone for a minute or so. Hells, on the other hand, are described as darkness with like souls gathering together amongst strange creatures, etc, - again with no time. Thus, hell can be experienced for ages or moments based upon each individual's choice.
Beyond The Physical Life The hells can be ascended up and out of when one learns the lessons needed for their own spiritual growth. There is no eternal punishment, for God is love and wishes all to be saved from their own wrong choices. Reincarnation is a choice for those who have not yet realized their oneness with God whom dwells within all and all dwells within. The journey of life seems to be a lesson to teach people to learn to meet with God within their own follow the spirit within and not the ego of self indulgence and love all, give all and heal all. When the realization of the Kingdom of God is within all is understood, reincarnation is no longer necessary and the cycle ends. To end this life-death cycle, one has to attain salvation by merging the consciousness with the holy light or GOD. Once it is achieved, there is no need to take birth again. That is the ultimate target of this life.
CASE STUDY13 One day while meditating I lost all my ego. Even the awareness of my body also went away. I was only able to make out that I was one of the part of universal consciousness. Feeling of divine love and happiness was there which I was experiencing. The feeling of “I” was lost and feeling of “am” remained. I lost all the consciousness of my body. I realized that I was able to access my original identity which is soul. That was my first experience about our original identity i.e. soul.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER14- SPIRIT COMMUNICATION There are various methods of communicating with the spirit world and the presences that are there. Meditation One of the easiest methods is meditation. At times in meditation one looses themselves enough in a deep open state that a spirit (often a guide) can communicate rather directly with them. There is no special method for meditative communication, you just use whatever technique you use. It can improve the likelihood by meditating when not fatigued or worried. Rituals For more focused efforts other methods can serve better. Directed rites or even just formalized prayer, mantra use can help to communicate with the spirits. A solidly intuited prayer or mantra can often attune you to a specific sector of the spirit world and its agents, increasing the likelihood of contact. In fact even some ritual induces a meditation like state, . But most don’t juggle openness with their ritual or prayer and thus things either don’t work or don’t work as well.More important than technique is intent and in fact any technique mostly serves to articulate your intent and focus your awareness. Spirit Guides
Everyone on the planet has spirit guides we can call upon for assistance when we are in need of help. Although we may know that help is available, it is sometimes difficult to access it. Some of our guides are connected to past life experiences; they may be people we knew before like deceased from family, spiritual teachers or gods and goddesses. Others are guides who have been trained to help us eliminate a specific problem in our present lives, such as a health issue. No matter what category they fall into, guides' intentions are to comfort, inform and nourish us. Spirit contact is thought-generated by both the medium and contacting spirit. When a medium sits with a client, the medium is in effect filled with thoughts about that client; these thoughts are then transmitted by the medium into the world of spirit.
The ability to communicate with those who have passed into the nonphysical or "died" gives a person a unique perspective on life and death. Working as a medium has blessed me with the opportunity to communicate with many in the spirit world. Often through the years, as clients have thanked me heartily for bringing through a loved one, I have found myself sincerely returning their gratitude for the opportunity to "meet" the spirits who came through for them. I have learned a great deal from these communications about the nature of life and "death."
Beyond The Physical Life
The Ouija board has been used by thousands of people for spirit communication and is very similar to automatic writing, the only difference between the two being the absence of the board itself in automatic writing.
CASE STUDY 14 I learnt spirit communication after great practice of various meditation techniques. Actually the reason why we are not able to see and hear spirits or not able to communicate with them is that the frequency of the dimension in which we live is different with that of the spirit world. Due to difference in frequency , two way communication becomes impossible. But as we attune to the frequency of that of the spirit world we are easily able to communicate with the spirits. I was doing some meditative exercise to communicate with the spirit of one of my uncle who passed away some years back. In early sessions the communication went abruptly. I used to get blurred images, visions and messages of spirit world. But after regular practice it became routine matter for me to contact with my uncle’s spirit and many more spirit thereafterwards.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER15-PRANIC HEALING Pranic healing is a form of alternative medicine or therapy considered to be "energy medicine." Believers in Pranic healing feel that the body can heal itself and that by promoting a positive aura, or energy, we can facilitate that self healing
Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means lifeforce. This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as “Chi” and Japanese call it “ki” Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances. Life Energy or prana is all around us. We are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings. Pranic Healing requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is not required because the practitioner is working on the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic healing works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body. This energy that surrounds interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances. [64]
Beyond The Physical Life Healing Yoga is Pranic healing. This is an effective healing modality that is safe, non-contact and easy to learn. However, it is a lot more than just waving a hand around somebody and relieving pain. It is a system that has been – and still can be – successfully applied in almost every aspect of life. With the help of pranic healing techniques the healer is able to determine the pathological processes transpiring inside a person’s body long before the disease is manifest in the physical body. This makes Healing Yoga a great tool in disease prevention. A pranic healer can examine, cleanse, energize and balance the energy fields in the human body, as a result of which, its scope is unlimited. Using pranic-healing techniques a healer is able to cure even animals, plants, human relationships, and business; purify and increase the energy level of foodstuffs, water, medicines, inanimate objects, and living spaces. This aspect of pranic Healing is based on two natural laws: (1) the body heals itself and (2) prana, or life force, keep the physical body alive and healthy. Since the physical and energy bodies are closely linked, cleansing and energizing the energy body speed up the rate of biochemical reactions and promote a faster rate of healing in the physical body.
Pranic Breathing Pranic breathing is a simple Pranic Healing Technique designed to relax the body and promote a positive flow of energy in order to facilitate a positive aura. Sitting or standing with an erect or straight spine is the first step in Pranic breathing. Once you are properly aligned, relax your shoulders and put both hands on your lower abdomen, at approximately the level of your belly button. Slowly inhale air through your nose with feeling of love and happiness, until you can feel your lower abdomen extending slightly outward. Concentrate on the breath and hold the breath for a moment, before slowly releasing it. As you release the breath, you should feel your abdomen pulling back in slightly. This breathing cycle can be repeated several times, but you should stop immediately if you become dizzy.
Cleansing Cleansing involves using various mechanisms to remove bad energy or to purify the aura. Pranic healing practitioners can use their hands in a certain combination of movements, occasionally combined with the use of specifically chosen colors, to cleanse the aura. Pranic healers believe that illness and disease first enter the "energy" or "aura" surrounding the body, prior to manifesting as an illness or disease. These specific hand motions remove these impurities and other negative energies, cleaning the aura. Generally, the hands are swept over the entire body in broad movements or strokes to remove these negative energies. Occasionally, the hands also whirl or circle around the body. Specific hand movements depend on the type of impurities, and vary by situation. You can learn these hand movements by taking a course in Pranic Healing, or you can visit a Pranic Healer and allow them to heal you with their hands. [65]
Beyond The Physical Life Energizing After the aura has been swept clean, positive energy should be transferred to you in order to replace the negative energy. The Pranic Healer can transfer this positive energy or Prana by channeling her own positive energy and the positive energy of the Universe. Crystals and wands are used at times, in order to help replenish and direct Pranic energy into you. If you are performing Pranic healing on yourself, you can channel the positive energy available in the universe and redirect that energy into your own aura. It is important to first cleanse yourself to remove negative energy, before absorbing this positive energy. In order to fully learn and understand the techniques for absorbing the positive energy of the universe, it is generally necessary to read a comprehensive book on Pranic Healing and/or take a Pranic Healing Course.
REIKI Reiki is a Japanese technique based on the principle of pranic healing for stress reduction ,relaxation and increasing positive energy in the body which promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life. Its use is not dependent on one's intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.
Beyond The Physical Life CASE STUDY 15 After receiving the reiki attunement, I started practicing it daily. As we all know everything in universe is made up of energy as depicted by Einstein in his formula “E=MC2 ”, by giving required amount of energy to anything , we can restore its function properly. My printer’s cartridge was not functioning properly. I decided to restore its function by giving reiki. After giving 5 minutes of reiki, I put it back into the printer. The cartridge started working well. Not even to the living things, reiki can ever restore the function of even non-living matter.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER16-HYPNOTISM Hypnotism is a state of mental concentration which often led to a form of progressive relaxation termed "nervous sleep". Hypnosis is a mental state (state theory) or set of attitudes and beliefs (non-state theory) usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. ...
Hypnosis is not a medicine or cure. It is a powerful tool that may beused in therapy to assist people in such goals as developing self-confidence,controlling habits, overcoming shyness, relieving insomnia, developinghidden talents, improving memory and concentration, and putting more order into life. Hypnosis is a natural state of focused concentration and relaxation.Let me further clarify this level of consciousness by asserting that hypnosisis a way of relaxing and setting aside the conscious mind (willpower),while at the same time activating the subconscious mind. Suggestions can then be made directly to the subconscious, enabling the individual to acton these suggestions with greater ease and efficiency. Until relatively recently, hypnosis has been viewed as either a mysteriousor dangerous, artificially induced technique. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing magical or mystical about hypnosis. It is a state of consciousness that is entered naturally, but is not usuallycalled hypnosis or trance. It is simply labeled as daydream. Hypnosis can initiate changes and promote growth in the following areas of your life:
Beyond The Physical Life 1. Increased relaxation and the elimination of tension. 2. Increased and focused concentration. 3. Improved memory (hypermnesia). 4. Improved reflexes. 5. Increased self-confidence. 6. More effective pain control. 7. Improved sex life. 8. Increased organization and efficiency. 9. Increased motivation. 10. Improved interpersonal relationships. 11. Slower aging process. 12. An enhanced career path. 13. Reduced levels of anxiety and depression. 14. Overcoming bereavement. 15. Elimination of headaches, including migraine headaches. 16. Elimination of allergies and skin disorders. 17. Strengthened immune system to resist any disease. 18. Elimination of habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies (self-defeating sequences). 19. Improved decisiveness. 20. Improved quality of people and circumstances that you attract into your life. 21. Increased ability to earn and hold onto money. 22. Elimination or reduction of obsessive-compulsive behavior. 23. Elimination of insomnia. 24. Improved overall quality of life. [69]
Beyond The Physical Life 25. Improved psychic awareness. 26. Establishment and maintenance of harmony of body, mind, and spirit.
A Self-Hypnosis Exercise One of the simplest methods of experiencing self-hypnosis is through systematically tensing and relaxing various muscles of your body to both differentiate and control these responses. As you practice this exercise, be sure to keep your lips slightly parted. You should also maintain deep, smooth, and rhythmic breathing. Support your head so that it does not rock back and forth. Take a deep breath and hold it for a count of eight. Now let it out slowly. Repeat this once again and allow your eyes to close. Focus your thoughts on your right hand and make a fist, squeezing it tightly. Hold this sensation for five seconds. Now let go and allow your fingers spread outward, letting out all the tension. As you unclench your fist, you will notice tingling sensations in your hand. This is the tension being released from the muscle. Note the difference between how your right hand felt when you were tensing it and how it feels now. Repeat this procedure with your left hand. Now lift your eyebrows as high as you can and hold for five seconds. Let go and relax. Next, bring the eyebrows together and, again, hold for five seconds. Let it go. Close your eyes tightly and, simultaneously, wrinkle your nose for five seconds. Let go. Clench your teeth together for five seconds, and then let go. Push your chin down toward your chest while pulling your head back in the opposite direction. Hold for five seconds, and then let go. Bring your shoulder blades together, bringing them back as if to touch them. Hold for five seconds, and then let go. Arch your lower back away from the back of the chair. Hold for five seconds, and then let go. Tense your bicep muscles in your right arm and hold for five seconds. Let go. Repeat this procedure with the biceps in your left arm. Now tense all the muscles in both arms. Hold for five seconds, and then let go.Tense your thigh muscles by trying to push your knees together at the same time. Hold for five seconds, and then let go. Tense your right calf muscle and hold for five seconds. Let go. Repeat this process with your left calf. Curl your toes as if you were making a fist and hold for five seconds. Let go. Maintain relaxation in your calves and thighs while you are working with your feet. Now allow the warm, heavy, elaxing feelings you have created to flow throughout your body, permeating deep into each muscle fiber. Check for any areas of tension in your body. Start at your toes, while maintaining a deep relaxation, and run a check up your body through all the muscles with which you have worked. Check some muscles that have not been talked about; if you find them tense, try this exercise on that muscle group. As you become more proficient with this exercise, increase the tension time from five to 10 seconds.
Beyond The Physical Life The Hypnotic Trance The word trance is popularly thought of as describing an unusual state of mind. Trance is usually understood to be an altered state of consciousness, and not the normal one. And the word trance is often associated with the word hypnosis. Traditionally, the term trance was used to describe certain states that yogis, spiritualist mediums, or channelers might enter to perform their particularly extraordinary behaviors. Both words have negative connotations in the sense that they imply a loss of conscious, individual will. The negative connotations may lead most people to be unaware of the extent to which trance exists in all areas of life. Even more important, trance techniques can be, and are, used in advertising and social control. Making you aware of these techniques is one main purpose of this book. A trance is experienced in daydreaming, dancing, listening to music, reading a book, or watching television, and it can be induced through rhythmic and repetitive movement, such as dancing, running, and breathing exercises as well as through chanting, meditation, prayer, and group rituals. In addition, a trance can be induced by focusing attention on an image, an idea, or the sound of someone’s voice as well as through relaxation, massage, and warm baths. And it can be induced through drugs such as alcohol, hallucinogens, or tranquilizers. Prayer, meditation, and chanting will all induce trance. When taken to extremes in the hands of experts, the effect of trance can produce many magical effects, including healing of the body, discovering hidden knowledge, gaining knowledge of the future, and influencing social beliefs. In addition, religious trance can produce an easy tolerance and acceptance of many of life’s inevitable disappointments.
CASE STUDY16 One of my clients was continuously haunted by a dream . Initially she ignored it but gradually she realized that there is some cause behind it. She came to me and told me about the dream. I told her to sit in a relaxed posture and suggested to stay calm. Then I repeatedly gave her some commands which she obeyed and as a result entered into the state of trance. I ordered her to see the whole dream again and see the cause behind it but I did take care that her conscious mind does not intervene in between. For that I kept busy the conscious mind to repeatedly follow the hypnotic suggestions. As soon as the conscious mind relaxed, the memory of her previous life came on the suface from deep subconscious mind. She told me about the dream and I told her to witness the that life with focuss. After witnessing that whole dream in state of trance , the negative emotions , pain and phobia of the previous life released. Then I ordered her to come out of trance.
Beyond The Physical Life Now she is leading a normal life and sleeps well at night without being haunted by that dream related to her previous life.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER17-KUNDALINI At the base of the spinal cord every human being has a powerful, yet dormant source of energy known as the kundalini shakti. This source is known as the Muladhar Chakra or the base chakra from which three subtle channels known as Naadis rise up through the spine and reach the brain. The middle Naadi is known as Sushumna while on its either sides are the Ida and Pingla.
At five other centres of highly concentrated energy, called Chakras, along the spinal column, these three Naadis come together and then again divide into three channels as they rise further. Thus including the Muladhar there are various Chakras in which very powerful energy lies dormant and once they are activated a human gains amazing divine powers like Telepathy, Hypnotism, Clairvoyance and many more. In fact complete success in life in any and every sphere can come only through the activation of all the Chakras and it is with this aim that true Yogis remain engaged in Sadhanas. But this process can be very intricate and difficult unless one is helped by an enlightened Master or a guru who has his own Kundalini fully activated, who is aware of all the processes of activation and who can activate the Kundalini of others by performing shaktipaat.
The seat of kundalini is a small gland at the base of the spinal cord. Quite a number of people have awakened this supernatural force and they have been called rishis, prophets, yogis, siddhas and by various other names according to the time, tradition and culture. In India the entire cultural setup was once organized to facilitate this explosion, but today things are a little different because materialism is a very powerful force, and for the moment, it has even stupefied the Indian minds. For the awakening of kundalini, not only are the practices of yoga required. If this awakening is to become a universal event, then the entire social structure has to be reorganized and millions [73]
Beyond The Physical Life of people all over the world have to be told the purpose of their existence. The whole life from the time of conception to the moment when you leave the body, each and every thing has to be reoriented. Always Proceed slowly, sensibly and systematically Yet, you should not try to realize and experience these things abruptly. You will find here detailed instructions on the gradual preparation of your mind and body for the arousal of kundalini, and advice on elementary precautions to be observed in order to avoid unnecessary risks and obstacles. Do not try to influence your mind directly, because the mind is nothing but an extension of the body complex. Start systematically with the body, the prana, the nadis and chakras Many people, encouraged by this type of philosophy take to drugs, chemicals and other things they consider to be speedy alternatives. They are very serious people I believe, but they are not practical and systematic because they think they can transcend the role of the body in the realm of evolution. Formerly there were only a few seekers, but now millions and millions of people in the world are striving for a higher experience. And this higher experience is known as knowledge. When, through yoga and tantra, the awakening of kundalini takes place, a process of metamorphosis occurs in the realm of nature and in the realm of spirit. The elements of the physical body change and the elements of the mental body also. Inside the vertebral column, there are seven lotuses located on the Brahma Nadi. These are known as Chakra (spinal centres). Each lotus possesses different number of petals and also a distinct colour.
The five koshas, or layers, of the human energy field from the perspective of the Vedic tradition of India are:
Physical body – Annamaya kosha Anna means food. The outermost of the koshas is called the sheath of food, or Annamaya kosha. This layer is the physical body or the sthul sharira.
Energy body – Pranamaya kosha – subtle breath, life force Prana means energyor life force. It is the life force that moves the breath, supports the function of the senses and animates the body.
Mental body – Manamaya kosha – the mind Mana means mind. In this body the thoughts and emotions are processed. It controls the operation of the physical body through the energy body. To function in the most life supporting way, it needs to be informed by the wisdom body where intuition resides.
Wisdom body – Vijnanamaya kosha – ego, intellect and intuition [74]
Beyond The Physical Life Vijnana means knowing. This kosha underlies the processing, thinking aspect of the mental body. It evaluates, discriminating between this and that, useful and not useful.
Bliss body – Anandamaya kosha Ananda means bliss. The bliss body is the innermost layer of our existence as humans, the most subtle manifestation of consciousness. Ananda is not the intense happiness we may call bliss that is experienced in the mental body. It is a more subtle, transcendent experience. Amazing powers devolve on a human on activation of the Kundalini and each Chakra is related to the following attainments.
1. Muladhar Chakra
This Chakra is situated in the basal region of the vertebral column at the mid spot between anus and penis. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as a lotus possessing four petals. This chakra emits red light.This is the resting place of the Kundalini Shakti, which lies here as a snake having three and half coil. This Chakra is the symbol of Earth element. Activation of this results in riddance from tensions, true happiness, beauty, perfect health and physical strength, magnetic persona. First, and the most basic, is muladhar - that's why it is called muladhar or the base chakra or the root chakra. Muladhar means the most fundamental, the basic. Mul means the basic, of the roots. The muladhar chakra is the centre where sex energy is right now available, but the society has damaged that chakra very much by using this energy of the chakra for bodily pleasures And that's why energy remains fixated somewhere: oral, anal, genital. It cannot go upwards. Tantra says man has to be relieved, destructured from these three things. So Tantra says that the first great work has to happen in the muladhar. For oral freedom: screaming, laughing, shouting, [75]
Beyond The Physical Life crying, weeping, is very helpful. That's why my choice of encounter, gestalt, primal and that type of groups -they are all helpful to relieve the oral fixation. And to relieve you of the anal fixation, pranayam, bastrika -fast chaotic breathing - is very helpful, because it hits directly on the anal centre and makes you able to relieve and relax the anal mechanism. Hence the dynamic meditation is of tremendous value. And then the sex centre: the sex centre has to be relieved of the burden of guilt, condemnation. You have to start relearning about it; only then can the damaged sex centre function in a healthy way. The muladhar chakra has to be relaxed- relaxed from constipation, relaxed from diarrhoea. Themuladhar chakra has to function at the optimum, one hundred percent, then energy starts moving. As there are seven bodies, so there are also seven chakras, energy centres, and each chakra isconnected in a special way with its corresponding body. The chakra of the physical body is the muladhar. This is the first chakra and it has an integral connection with the physical body. The muladhar chakra has two possibilities. Its first potentiality is a natural one that is given to us with birth; its other possibility is obtainable by meditation. The basic natural possibility of this chakra is the sex urge of the physical body. The very first question that arises in the mind of the seeker is what to do in regard to this central principle. Now there is another possibility of this chakra, and that is brahmacharya, celibacy, which is attainable through meditation. Sex is the natural possibility and brahmacharya is its transformation. The more the mind is focused upon and gripped by sexual desire, the more difficult it will be to reach its ultimate potential of brahmacharya.
This energy saved with the help of brahmacharya can be moved upwards through sushmna naadi . the sushmna naadi is a hollow pipe and is closed from the lower end and the other end ends in the brain. One has to exert presuure on the muscles inwards around the region between anus and genital organs. It should be done gradually and repeatedly . after sometime this energy starts rising upwards peneterating all the chakras coming in the path and enters the crown chakra. This energy when reached crown chakra enhances the aura of the person. So this is the another aspect of the sexual energy which when used wisely can activate the kundalini shakti.
Beyond The Physical Life
2. Swadhishthan Chakra
This Chakra is located in the vertebral column just opposite to the penial region. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as lotus having six petals. This chakra emits orange light. This semilunar Chakra is the symbol of Water element. It is known as “ swadhishthan chakra or sacral chakra or the navel chakra�. Activation of this results in freedom from stomach ailments, increase in sex power increase in courage and fearlessness and magnetism. The second body, is the emotional or the etheric body or the praan sharira or the bhaav sharira. The second body is connected to the second chakra - the swadhishthan chakra. This too has two possibilities. Basically, its natural potential is fear, hate, anger, and violence. All these are conditions obtained from the natural potential of the swadhishthan chakra. If a person stagnates at the second body, then the directly opposite conditions of transformation - love, compassion, fearlessness, friendliness - do not take place. The obstacle on the meditator's path in the second chakra is hate, anger and violence and the question is of their transformation. Here too the same mistake is made. One person can give vent to his anger; another can suppress his anger. One can just be fearful; another can suppress his fear and make a show of courage. But neither of these will lead to transformation. When there is fear it has to be accepted; there is no use hiding or suppressing it. If there is violence within there is no use in covering it with the mantle of nonviolence. Shouting slogans of non-violence will bring no change in the state of violence within. It remains violence. It is a condition given to us by nature in the second body. It has its uses just as there is meaning to sex. Through sex alone other physical bodies can be given birth. Before one physical body falls, nature has made provisions for the birth of another. [77]
Beyond The Physical Life Fear, violence, anger, are all necessary on the second plane; otherwise man could not survive, could not protect himself. Fear protects him, anger involves him in struggle against others and violence helps him to save himself from the violence of others. All these are qualities of the second body and are necessary for survival, but generally we stop here and do not go any further. If a person understands the nature of fear he attains fearlessness, and if he understands the nature of violence he attains non-violence. Similarly, by understanding anger we develop the quality of forgiveness. Actually both opposites are originated from same energy.In fact anger is one side of the coin, forgiveness is the other. They each hide behind the other - but the coin has to be turned over. If we come to know one side of the coin perfectly we naturally become curious to know what is on the other side - and so the coin tums. If we hide the coin and pretend we have no fear, no violence within, we will never be able to know fearlessness and non-violence. He who accepts the presence of fear within himself and who has investigated it fully will soon reach a place where he will want to find out what is behind fear. His curiosity will encourage him to see the other side of the coin. The moment he tums it over he becomes fearless. Similarly, violence will turn into compassion. These are the potentials of the second body. Thus, the meditator has to bring about a transformation in the qualities given to him by nature. And for this it is not necessary to go around asking others; one has to keep seeking and asking within oneself. We all know that anger and fear are impediments – because how can a coward seek truth? He will go begging for truth; he will wish that someone should give it to him without his having to go into unknown lands.
3. Manipur Chakra
Inside the vertebral column, this Chakra is situated just opposite to the naval region. It emits yellow colour. The Yantra of this Chakra is triangular in shape and it represents the fire element. Activation of this results in perfect digestion, riddance from ailments like kidney stones, diabetes, liver problems etc. Success in amazing Sadhanas like flying in the air, walking on water, telepathic contact with animals and plants, perfection in Prannayam and the highest achievement is success in Meditation. [78]
Beyond The Physical Life The third centre, manipura, is the centre of all your sentiments, emotions. We go on repressing our emotions in the manipura. It means the diamond- life is valuable because of sentiments, emotions ,laughter, crying, tears and smiles. Life is valuable because of all these things. These are the glory oflife - hence the chakra is called manipura, the diamond chakra. Only man is capable of having this precious diamond. Animals cannot laugh. Animals exist with only two chakras: muladhar and svadhisthan. They are born and they die; between the two there is nothing much. If you are also born and you die, you are an animal - you are not man yet. And many, millions of people exist only with these two chakras; they never go beyond them. We have been taught to suppress sentiments. We have been taught not to be sentimental. We have been taught sentimentality does not pay - be practical, be hard; don't be soft, don't be vulnerable! Otherwise you will be exploited. Be hard! At least show that you are hard, at least pretend that you are dangerous, that you are not a soft being. Create fear around you. Don't laugh, because if you laugh you cannot create fear around you. Don't weep - if you weep you show that you are afraid yourself. Don't show your human limitations. Pretend that you are perfect. Repress the third centre and you become a soldier, not a man but a soldier - an army man, a false man. Much work is done in Tantra to relax this third centre. Emotions have to be relieved, relaxed. When you feel like crying you have to cry; when you feel like laughing you have to laugh. You have to drop this nonsense of repression, you have to learn expression - because only through your sentiments, your emotions, your sensitivity, do you come to that vibration through which communication is possible. The third centre has to be made more and more available. It is against thinking, so if you allow the third centre you will relax in your tense mind more easily. Be authentic, sensitive; touch more, feel more, laugh more, cry more. And remember, you cannot do more than is needed; you cannot exaggerate. You cannot even bring a single tear more than is needed, and you cannot laugh more than is needed. So don't be afraid, and don't be miserly. Tantra allows life all its emotions. These are the three lower centres - lower, not in any sense of evaluation - these are the three lower centres, lower rungs of the ladder. The third is the astral body. This also has two dimensions. Primarily, the third body revolves around doubt and thinking. If these are transformed doubt becomes trust and thinking becomes vivek, awareness. If doubts are repressed you never attain to shraddha, trust, though we are advised to suppress doubts and to believe what we hear. He who represses his doubts never attains to trust, because doubt remains present within though repressed. It will creep within like a cancer and eat up your vitality. Beliefs are implanted for fear of scepticism. We will have to understand the quality of doubt, we will have to live it and go along with it. Then one day we will reach a point where we will begin to have doubt about doubt itself. The moment we begin to doubt itself, trust begins. We cannot reach to the clarity of discrimination without going through the process of thinking. There are people who do not think and people who encourage them not to think. They say, "Do not think; leave all thoughts." He who stops thinking lauds himself in ignorance and blind faith. This is [79]
Beyond The Physical Life not clarity. The power of discrimination is gained only after passing through the most subtle processes of thinking. What is the meaning of vivek, discrimination? Doubt is always present in thoughts. It is always indecisive. Therefore, those who think a great deal never come to a decision. It is only when they step out of the wheel of thoughts that they can decide. Decision comes from a state of clarity which is beyond thoughts. Thoughts have no connection with decision. He who is always engrossed in thoughts never reaches a decision. That is why it invariably happens that those whose life is less dominated by thoughts are very resolute, whereas those who think a great deal lack determination. There is danger from both. Those who do not think go ahead and do whatever they are determined to do, for the simple reason that they have no thought process to create doubt within. The chakra pertaining to the third body is manipur. Doubt and trust are its two forms. When doubt is transformed trust is the result. But, remember, trust is not opposed or contrary to doubt. Trust is the purest and most ultimate development of it. It is the ultimate extreme of doubt, where even doubt becomes lost because here doubt begins to doubt even itself and in this way commits suicide. Then trust is born.
4. Anahat Chakra
The relative position of this Chakra inside the vertebral column is just opposite to the cardiac region (heart). This chakra emits green color. This lotus possesses twelve petals and it represents the Air element. Activation of this Chakra illuminates the entire body and the entire vertebral column starts vibrating. Activation of this results in peace of mind, boundless divine joy, total freedom from tensions, power to look into future, power of hypnosis, entering into Samadhi (divine trance), riddance from problems related to heart, increase in soft emotions like love, affection and kindness. The heart is just in the middle: three centres below it, three centres above it. And the heart is the door from the lower to the higher, or from the higher to the lower. The heart is like a crossroads. [80]
Beyond The Physical Life And the heart has been completely bypassed. You have not been taught to be heartful. You have not even been allowed to go into the realm of the heart, because it is very dangerous,. It is the centre of the soundless sound; it is the non- linguistic centre - unstruck sound. We have avoided the heart completely, we have bypassed it. We move in such a way in our being as if the heart does not exist or, at the most, as if it is just a pumping mechanism for breathing, that's all. It is not. The lungs are not the heart. The heart is hidden deep behind the lungs. And it is not physical either. It is the place from where love arises. That's why love is not a sentiment. -And sentimental love belongs to the third centre, not to the fourth. Love is not just sentimental. Love has more depth than sentiments; love has more validity than sentiments. Sentiments are momentary. More or less, the sentiment of love is misunderstood as the experience of love. One day you fall in love with a man or a woman, and the next day it is gone – and you call it love. It is not love. It is a sentiment or an emotion, you liked the woman - liked, remember, not loved – it was a 'like', just as you like ice-cream. It was a like. Likes come and go; likes are momentary; they cannot stay long; they don't have any capacity to stay long. You like a woman, you loved her, and finished! The like is finished. It is just like you liked ice-cream; you have eaten it - now you don't look at the ice cream at all. And if somebody goes on giving you more ice cream, you will say, "Now it is nauseating - stop! I cannot take any more." Liking is not love. Never misunderstand liking for love, otherwise your whole life you will be just a will be drifting from one person to another; never will intimacy grow. The fourth centre, the anahata, is very significant, because it is in the heart that for the first time you were related to your mother. It was through the heart that you were related to your mother, not through the head. In deep love you are related through the heart, not through the head. In meditation, in prayer, the same happens: you are related with existence through the heart -heart-to-heart. Yes, it is a dialogue heart-to- heart, not head-to-head. It is non-linguistic. And the heart centre is the centre from where the soundless sound arises. If you relax into the heart centre, you will hear Omkar, Aum. That is a great discovery. Those who have entered the heart, they hear a continuous chanting inside their being which sounds like aum. Have you ever heard anything like a chanting which goes on by itself? - not that you do it. The fourth is the most dangerous centre because it is the centre out of which trust is born, faith is born. And the mind has to avoid it. If the mind does not avoid it, then there will be no possibility for doubt. Mind lives through doubt. This is the fourth centre. And Tantra says through love you will come to know this fourth centre.The fourth plane is the mental body or the psyche, and the fourth chakra, the anahat, is connected with the fourth body. The natural qualities of this plane are imagination and dreaming. This is what the mind is always doing: imagining and dreaming. It dreams in the night and in the daytime it daydreams. If imagination is fully developed, that is to say if it is developed to its fullest extent, in a complete way, it becomes determination, will. If dreaming develops fully it is transformed into vision - psychic vision. If a man's ability to dream is fully developed he has only to close his eyes and he can see things. He can then see even through a wall. At first he only dreams of seeing beyond the wall; later he actually sees beyond it. Now he can only guess what you are [81]
Beyond The Physical Life thinking, but after the transformation he sees what you think. Vision means seeing and hearing things without the use of the usual sense organs. The limitations of time and space are no more for a person who develops vision. In dreams you travel far. If you are in Bombay you reach Calcutta. In vision also you can travel distances, but there will be a difference: in dreams you imagine you have gone, whereas in vision you actually go. The fourth, psychic body can actually be present there. As we have no idea of the ultimate possibility of this fourth body, we have discarded the ancient concept of dreams in today's world. The ancient experience was that in dream one of the bodies of man comes out of him and goes on a journey. Clairvoyance, thought projection and thought reading. All these are the possibilities of the fourth body. To dream is its natural quality; to see the truth, to see the real, is its ultimate possibility. Anahat is the chakra of this fourth body.
5. Vishuddha Chakra
Inside the vertebral column this Chakra is located opposite the throat region. This lotus of smoky bl colour possesses sixteen petals and it represents the sky element. This chakra emits blue light. Activation of this results in riddance from all ailments related to throat, thyroid etc., increase in knowledge, gain of power of eloquence, deeper Samadhi, perfection in the art of Hypnotism, gain of power to die when one wills, total material success like comforts, wealth, fame etc. The fifth centre is called visuddhi. Visuddhi means purity. Certainly, after love has happened there is purity and innocence - never before it. Only love purifies and only love - nothing else purifies. Even the ugliest person in love becomes beautiful. Love is nectar. It cleanses all poisons. So the fifth chakra is called visuddhi - visuddhi means purity, absolute purity. It is the throat centre. And Tantra says: Only speak when you have come to the fifth centre via the fourth - only speak through love, otherwise don't speak. Speak through compassion, otherwise don't speak! What is the point of speaking? If you have come through the heart and if you have heard God speaking there or God [82]
Beyond The Physical Life running there like a waterfall, if you have heard the sound of God, the sound of one hand clapping, then you are allowed to speak, then your throat centre can convey the message, then something can be poured even into words. When you have it, it can be poured even into words. Very few people come to the fifth centre, very rarely - because they don't come to the fourth even, so how can they come to the fifth? It is very rare. Somewhere a Christ, a Buddha, a Saraha, they come to the fifth. The beauty of even their words is tremendous - what to say about their. silence? Even their words carry silence. They speak and yet they speak not. They say and they say the unsayable, the ineffable, the inexpressible. You also use the throat, but that is not visuddhi.That chakra is completely dead. When that chakra starts, your words have honey in them, then your words have a fragrance, then your words have a music to them, a dance. Then whatsoever you say is poetry, whatsoever you utter is sheer joy. The fifth chakra is the vishuddhi chakra. It is located in the throat. The fifth body is the spiritual body. The vishuddhi chakra is connected to the spiritual body. The first four bodies and their chakras were split into two. The duality ends with the fifth body. The difference between male and female lasts until the fourth body; after that it ends. If we observe very closely all duality belongs to the male and the female. Where the distance between male and female is no more, at that very point all duality ceases. The fifth body is nondual. It does not have two possibilities but only one. This is why there is not much effort for the meditator to make: because here there is nothing contrary to develop; here one has only to enter. By the time we reach the fourth body we develop so much capability and strength that it is very easy to enter the fifth body. In that case how can we tell the difference between a person who has entered the fifth body and one who has not? The difference will be that he who has entered the fifth body is completely rid of all unconsciousness. He will not actually sleep at night. That is, he sleeps but his body alone sleeps; someone within is forever awake. If he turns in sleep he knows it; if he does not he knows it. If he has covered himself with a blanket he knows it; if he has not then also he knows it. His awareness does not slacken in sleep; he is awake all the twenty-four hours. For the one who has not entered the fifth body, his state is just the opposite. In sleep he is asleep, and in the waking hours also one layer of him will be asleep. People appear to be working. When you come home every evening the car turns left into your gate; you apply the brake when you reach the porch. Do not be under the illusion that you are doing all this consciously. It happens unconsciously by sheer force of habit. It is only in certain moments, moments of great danger, that we really come into alertness. When the danger is so much that it will not do to go about lacking awareness, we awaken. For instance, if a man puts a knife at your chest you jump into consciousness. The point of the knife for a moment takes you right up to the fifth body. Neither has the wife seen the husband's face properly nor has the husband seen the wife's face. If the husband tries to visualise the wife's face he will not be able to do so. The lines of her face will start slipping away and it will be difficult to say whether it was the same face he has seen for the last thirty years. You have never seen, because there must be an awakened person within you to [83]
Beyond The Physical Life see. One who is "awake" appears to be seeing but actually he is not because he is asleep within, dreaming, and everything is going on in this dream state. You get angry, then you say, "I do not know how I got angry; I did not want to." You say, "Forgive me! I did not want to be rude it was a slip of the tongue." You have used an obscenity and it is you who deny the intention of its use. The criminal always says, "I did not want to kill. It happened in spite of me." This proves that we are going about like an automation. We say what we do not want to say; we do what we do not want to do. In the evening we vow to be up at four in the morning. When it is four o'clock and the alarm goes off we tum over saying there is no need to be up so early. Then you get up at six and are filled with remorse for having overslept. Then you again swear to keep the same vow as yesterday. It is strange that a man decides on one thing in the evening and goes back on it in the morning! Then what he decides at four in the morning changes again before it is six, and what he decides at six changes long before it is evening, and in between he changes a thousand times. These decisions, these thoughts, come to us in our sleepy state. They are like dreams: they expand and burst like bubbles. There is no wakeful person behind them - no one who is alert and conscious. So sleep is the innate condition before the beginning of the spiritual plane. Therefore, after the growth of the fourth body we can call the individual a Buddha, an awakened one. Now such a man is awake. Buddha is not the name of Gautam Siddharth but a name given him after his attainment of the fifth plane. Gautama the Buddha means Gautam who has awakened. His name remained Gautam, but that was the name of the sleeping person so gradually it dropped and only Buddha remained. This difference comes with the attainment of the fifth body. Before we enter into it, whatever we do is an unconscious action which cannot be trusted. One moment a man vows to love and cherish his loved one the whole life and the next moment he is quite capable of strangling her. The alliance which he promised for a lifetime does not last long. This poor man is not to be blamed. What is the value of promises given in sleep? In a dream I may promise, "This is a lifelong relationship." What value is this promise? In the morning I will deny it because it was only a dream. A sleeping man cannot be trusted. This world of ours is entirely a world of sleeping people; hence, so much confusion, so many conflicts, so many quarrels, so much chaos. It is all the making of sleeping men. There is another important difference between a sleeping man and an awakened man which we should bear in mind. A sleeping man does not know who he is, so he is always striving to show others that he is this or he is that. This is his lifelong endeavour. He tries in a thousand ways to prove himself. Sometimes he climbs the ladder of politics and declares, "I am so and so." Sometimes he builds a house and displays his wealth, or he climbs a mountain and displays his strength. He tries in all ways to prove himself. And in all these efforts he is in fact unknowingly trying to find out for himself who he is. He knows not who he is. Before crossing the fourth plane we cannot find the answer. The fifth body is called the spiritual body because there you get the answer to the quest for "Who am I?" The call of the 'I' stops once and for all on this plane; the claim to be someone special [84]
Beyond The Physical Life vanishes immediately. If you say to such a person, "You are so and so," he will laugh. All claims from his side will now stop, because now he knows. There is no longer any need to prove himself, because who he is now a proven fact. The conflicts and problems of the individual end on the fifth plane. But this plane has its own hazards. You have come to know yourself, and this knowing is so blissful and fulfilling that you may want to terminate your journey here. You may not feel like continuing on. The hazards that were up to now were all of pain and agony; now the hazards that begin are of bliss. The fifth plane is so blissful that you will not have the heart to leave it and proceed further. Therefore, the individual who enters this plane has to be very alert about clinging to bliss so that it does not hinder him from going further. Here bliss is supreme and at the peak of its glory; it is in its profoundest depths. A great transformation comes about within one who has known himself. But this is not all; there is further to go also. It is a fact that distress and suffering do not obstruct our way as much as joy. Bliss is very obstructive. It was difficult enough to leave the crowd and confusion of the marketplace, but it is a thousand times more difficult to leave the soft music of the veena in the temple. This is why many meditators stop at atma gyan, self-realisation, and do not go up to Brahma gyan, experience of the Brahman - the cosmic reality. We shall have to be alert about this bliss. Our effort here should be not to get lost in this bliss. Bliss draws us towards itself; it drowns us; we get immersed in it completely. Do not become immersed in bliss. Know that this too is an experience. Happiness was an experience, misery was an experience; bliss too is an experience. Stand outside of it, be a witness. As long as there is experience there is an obstacle: the ultimate end has not been reached. At the ultimate state all experiences end. Joy and sorrow come to an end, so also does bliss. Our language, however, does not go beyond this point. This is why we have described God as sat-chit-ananda - truthconsciousness-bliss. This is not the form of the supreme self, but this is the ultimate that words can express. Bliss is the ultimate expression of man. In fact, words cannot go beyond the fifth plane. But about the fifth plane we can say, there is bliss there; there is perfect awakening; there is realisation of the self there." All this can be described. Therefore, there will be no mystery about those who stop at the fifth plane. Their talk will sound very scientific because the realm of mystery lies beyond this plane. Things are very clear up to the fifth plane. I believe that science will sooner or later absorb those religions that go up to the fifth body, because science will be able to reach up to the atman. When a seeker sets out on this path his search is mainly for bliss and not truth. Frustrated by suffering and restlessness he sets out in search of bliss. So one who seeks bliss will definitely stop at the fifth plane; therefore, I must tell you to seek not bliss but truth. Then you will not remain long here. Then a question arises: "There is ananda: this is well and good. 1 know myself: this too is well and good. But these are only the leaves and the flowers. Where are the roots? I know myself, I am blissful - it is good, but from where do I arise? Where are my roots? From where have I come? Where are the depths of my existence? From which ocean has this wave that I am arisen?". [85]
Beyond The Physical Life If your quest is for truth you will go ahead of the fifth body. From the very beginning, therefore, your quest should be for truth and not bliss; otherwise your journey up to the fifth plane will be easy but you will stop there. If the quest is for truth, there is no question of stopping there. So the greatest obstacle on the fifth plane is the unequalled joy we experience - and more so because we come from a world where there is nothing but pain, suffering, anxiety and tension. Then, when we reach this temple of bliss, there is an overwhelming desire to dance with ecstasy, to be drowned, to be lost in this bliss. This is not the place to be lost. That place will come, and then you will not have to lose yourself; you will simply be lost. There is a great difference between losing yourself and being lost. In other words, you will reach a place where even if you wish you cannot save yourself. You will see yourself becoming lost; there is no remedy. Yet here also in the fifth body you can lose yourself. Your effort, your endeavour, still works here - and even though the ego is intrinsically dead on the fifth plane, I-am- ness still persists. It is necessary, therefore, to understand the difference between ego and I-am-ness. The ego, the feeling of 'I', will die, but the feeling of 'am' will not die. There are two things in "I am," the 'I' is the ego and the 'am' is asmita - the feeling of being, the feeling of presence .So the 'I' will die on the fifth plane, but the being, the 'am', will remain: I- am-ness will remain. Standing on this plane, a meditator will declare, "There are infinite souls and each soul is different and apart from the other." On this plane the meditator will experience the existence of infinite souls, because he still has the feeling of am, the feeling of being which makes him feel apart from others. If the quest for truth grips the mind the obstacle of bliss can be crossed - because incessant bliss becomes tedious. A single strain of a melody can become irksome. To be lost in bliss is the hazard of the fifth plane. It is very difficult to overcome. Sometimes it takes many births to do so. The first four steps are not so hard to cross, but the fifth is very difficult. Many births may be needed to be bored of bliss, to be bored of the self, to be bored of the atman. So the quest up to the fifth body is to be rid of pain, hatred, violence and desires. After the fifth the search is in order to be rid of the self. So there are two things: the first is freedom from something; this is one thing and it is completed at the fifth plane. The second thing is freedom from the self, and so a completely new world starts from here.
Beyond The Physical Life 6. Aagya Chakra
In Brahma Nadi (enclosed by vertebral column) this Chakra is located just opposite the mid spot between the two eyebrows. This lotus chakra has only two petals. This chakra emits indigo colored light. Also called the Third Eye its activation brings wondrous powers like clairvoyance, telepathy, power of giving curses or blessings, instant fulfillment of anything one wishes, and gain of knowledge related to all subjects and sciences, power to control thoughts of others and interfere even in nature. I heard about some lamas of tibet who know about some surgical process which they operate on the place between the two eyes. After that this chakra automatically gets activated. Sixth chakra is ajna - ajna means order. With the sixth chakra you are in order, never before it. With the sixth chakra, you become the master, never before it. Before it you were a slave. With the sixth chakra, whatsoever you say will happen, whatsoever you desire will happen. Yogis do not have to do karmas to manifest anything. Simply they wish and it happens. With the sixth chakra you have will, never before it. Before it, will exists not. But there is a paradox in it. With the fourth chakra ego disappears. With the fifth chakra all impurities disappear, and then you have will - so you cannot harm through your will. In fact, it is no more your will, it is God's will because you become one with him. Because the ego disappears at the fourth, all impurities disappear at the fifth. Now you are the purest being, just a vehicle, instrumental, a messenger. Now God's will is your will. Very rarely does a person come to this sixth chakra, because this is the last, in a way. In the world, this is the last. Beyond this is the seventh, but then you enter a totally different world, a separate reality. The sixth is the last boundary line, the checkpost. The sixth is the Brahma sharira, the cosmic body, and the sixth chakra is the agya chakra. Here there is no duality. The experience of bliss becomes intense on the fifth plane and the experience of existence, of being, on the sixth. Asmita will now be lost - I am. The I in this is lost at the fifth plane and the am will go as soon as you transcend the fifth. The is-ness will be felt; tathata, suchness will be felt. Nowhere will there be the feeling of I or of am; only that which is remains. So here will be the perception of reality, of being - the perception of consciousness. But here the consciousness is
Beyond The Physical Life free of me; it is no longer my consciousness. It is only consciousness - no longer my existence, but only existence. Some meditators stop after reaching the Brahma sharira, the cosmic body, because the state of "I am the Brahma has come - of "Aham Brahmasmi," when I am not and only the Brahma is. “brahma satya , jagat mithya� is what yogi says .Now what more is there to seek? What is to be sought? Nothing remains to be sought. Now everything is attained. The Brahma means the total. One who stands at this point says, "The Brahma is the ultimate truth, the Brahman is the cosmic reality. There is nothing beyond." It is possible to stop here, and seekers do stop at this stage for millions of births, because there seems to be nothing ahead. So the Brahma gyani, the one who has attained realisation of the Brahman, will get stuck here; he will go no further. This is so difficult to cross because there is nothing to cross to. Everything has been covered. Does not one need a space to cross into? If I want to go outside of this room there must be some place else to go. But the room has now become so enormous, so beginningless and endless, so infinite, so boundless, that there is nowhere to go. So where will we go to search? Nothing remains to be found; everything has been covered. So the journey may halt at this stage for infinite births. So the Brahman is the ultimate obstacle - the last barrier in the ultimate quest of the seeker. Now only the being remains, but nonbeing has yet to be realised. The being, the is-ness, is known, but the nonbeing has yet to be realised - that which is not still remains to be known. Therefore, the seventh plane is the nirvana kaya, nirvanic body, and its chakra is the sahasrar. Nothing can be said in connection with this chakra. We can only continue talking at the most up to the sixth - and that too with great difficulty. Most of it will turn out to be wrong. Until the fifth body the search progresses within a very scientific method; everything can be explained. On the sixth plane the horizon begins to fade; everything seems meaningless. Hints can still be given but ultimately the pointing finger breaks and the hints too are no more because one's own being is eliminated. So the Brahma, the absolute being, is known from the sixth body and the sixth chakra. Therefore, those who seek the Brahman will meditate on the agya chakra which is between the eyes. This chakra is connected to the cosmic body. Those who work completely on this chakra will begin to call the vast infinite expanse that they witness the third eye. This is the third eye from where they can now view the cosmic, the infinite.
Beyond The Physical Life 7. Sahasraar Chakra
The seventh is sahasrar. - sahasrar means one-thousand-petalled lotus. When your energy moves to the seventh, sahasrar, you become a lotus. Now you need not go to any other flower for honey – now other bees start coming to you. Now you attract bees from the whole earth, or even sometimes from other planets bees start coming to you. Your sahasrar has opened, your lotus is in full bloom. This lotus is Nirvana. This chakra emits violet light. One more journey yet remains - the journey to nonbeing, nonexistence. Existence is only half the story: there is also nonexistence. Light is, but on the other side there is darkness. Life is one part, but there is also death. Therefore, it is necessary also to know the remaining nonexistence, the void, because the ultimate truth can only be known when both are known - existence and nonexistence. Being is known in its entirety and nonbeing is known in its entirety: then the knowing is complete. Existence is known in entirety and nonexistence is known in its entirety: then we know the whole; otherwise our experience is incomplete. There is an imperfection in brahma gyan, which is that it has not been able to know the nonbeing. Therefore, the brahma gyani denies that there is such a thing as nonexistence and calls it an illusion. He says that it does not exist. He says that to be is the truth and not to be is a falsity. There simply is no such thing, so the question of knowing it does not arise. Nirvana kaya means the shunya kaya, the void from where we jump from the being into the nonbeing. In the cosmic body something yet remains unknown. That too has to be known - what it is not to be, what it is to be completely erased. Therefore, the seventh plane in a sense is an ultimate death. Nirvana means the extinction of the flame. That which was I is extinct; that which was am is extinct. But now we have again come into being by being one with the all. Now we are the Brahman, and this too will have to be left. He who is ready to take the last jump knows the existence and also the nonexistence.
Beyond The Physical Life The universe emerges from chidakaasha and merges back into it. Everything in this universe living or non-living matter is made up of atoms and molecules. Even at this atomic and molecular level, the empty space or akaasha lies in it. So everything remains in akaasha and everything consists akaasha. The chidaakasha neither has an end nor starting.
So these are the seven bodies and the seven chakras, and within them lie all the means as well as the barriers. There are no barriers outside. Therefore, there is not much reason to inquire outside. Beyond these six Chakras at the upper termination of the spinal cord, is the thousand petalled lotus; the abode of Lord Shiva (supreme being). When the Kundalini Shakti unites itself with the supreme eing, the aspirant gets engrossed in deep meditation during which he perceives infinite bliss. This is a subtle centre in the brain. On activation of Sahastraar a very fine, elixir-like secretion is produced from it which permeates the whole body thus making the human forever free of all ailments. Sahastrar Chakra is also termed as Dasham Dwar of Brahmarandhara. In my view, this Chakra is situated two inches deep inside both the temporal region and three inches deep from the midspot between the eyebrows that is in the middle portion of cerebral hemispheres. From the throat, it is located three inches above the palate and inside the brain it is located in a small hole above the 'Maha Vivar' foramen of cerebrum. Awakening of Sahastrar renders the aspirant liberated from corporeal bondages and attachments. He is endowed with all kinds of divine attainments including 'Ashta Siddhi' and 'Nava Nidhi'. He becomes an omniscient Yogi. Being emancipated from the cycles of birth and death, he certainly achieves the final beatitude. One is fully enlightened and can then envision any event going on anywhere in the universe with out entering into Samadhi. All natural elements come under one’s control. The practice of awakening Kundalini Shakti must be done only under the guidance of a competent Guru. Sometimes when the aspirant practices such exercises only after going through some books, he endangers his own life and there are chances of his becoming insane. Really, fortunate is the person who attains his divine Guru. That person is fortunate who strives for awakening of the Kundalini Shakti and only that person is called God-illumined who after activating his Kundalini Shakti, gets the totality of life.
Different ways of activation of kundalini: There are several means to this goal - through Mantra, through Diksha ( or transfer of Divine energy from Guru to disciple), Kriya Yog, Prannayam, Ras Vigyan (use of consecrated and Samskarised mercury) and even Ayurvedic herbs and potions.
Beyond The Physical Life CASE STUDY 17 One of my dear and near uncle passed away. He was one of the top yogis and was master of many occult arts. One day I was sleeping. Then suddenly in semi-dream state I saw him. As usuall he had a mysterious smile on his face. He stood towards my feet and pressed the tow of my right foot. It was one of types shaktipat which I realised in later years of my life . I felt white, golden light moving all through my body and the whole body was illumined. I felt a strong current in my vertebral column. My conciousness was lost for sometime. When i woke up i was in my normal senses. I didnt realised at that particular moment that what has happened to me. But gradually after sometime I realised it was shaktipat of kundalini activation. After that whenever i mediate i used to get the senstivity all the seven chakras of my body and one more thing i will like to tell, from thereonwards whenever i used to meditate i observe a indigo coloured light at the place of my third eye. Now iam a professional astrologer and a psychic reader.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER18-AURA An aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object. Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle�, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.
The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it contains information about the object. Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed, but can be hanged by our conscious intent. Above facts have been observed by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years. The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes.
Why do we need to see auras ? [92]
Beyond The Physical Life Colors and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have very special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see. Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be sure that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear. It is especially important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such a person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are much better on your own. Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people. In such case it is necessary to relearn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can see it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras. By reading Aura it seems possible to diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself. However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature. Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have very weak and dull Auras. This seems to be a direct consequence of their life long materialistic attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras seem to become suppressed too. When you learn to see Auras, be prepared for a really question: “Can you tell me what my Aura is ?” and the situation when you don't see any Aura or you see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I found is “why don't you learn to see it for yourself ? “. And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras. When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will [93]
Beyond The Physical Life become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras. Children and the Aura: Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally as there conscious mind is not fully developed and most of the time the sub-coscious mind is mainly operating the body and mind. Infants frequently look above a person in front of them. When they don't like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does. Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are usually completely enslaved by the materialistic world and suppress their Nature by following superficial examples. In my opinion children should learn to see and read Auras in a primary school, so they never lose this natural ability. Our Eyes With our eyes we can sense (perceive) a very narrow range of vibration frequencies of Electromagnetic (EM) vibration corresponding to wavelengths from 0.3 to 0.7 micrometers - from purple to red. A mix of the vibration frequencies in the above range we perceive with our eyes as color. We can measure this mix precisely by recording a spectrum of light, but only using special instruments, called spectrophotometers. Colors perceived by our eyes are only our partial perception of much more complex reality : complex vibration of light (and other vibrations as well). How to see Aura: developing auric sight In an effort to see the Aura we need to, Increase the sensitivity of our eyes and Extend the range of perceived vibration beyond the visible light. It seems that we can accomplish the above by:Using and training our peripheral vision Increasing exposure Enhance visual sensation processing in the brain - enhance the communication between left and right hemispheres of the brain During the day, stand in front of a mirror, about 4 to 8 inches away from the Mirror. The background behind you should be neutral colored or white. Gaze softly at yourself in the mirror, as though you are in a reverie. Look about 3 to 8 inches away from your head. With practice you will begin seeing soft glows, pinks, greens and purples of the etheric or the emotional body. With practice, you should begin to easily see the auric emanations from friends and acquaintances. Some people even use their auric vision to determine other's moods before interviews or important meetings.
Beyond The Physical Life Viewing auras in social settings is fun as well as practical, and it is also good practice for beginners. Some people can see the human aura. Some of us never have and some have on occasion but do not usually. First off it is not a really big deal if you do or don't see the aura . It really does not seem to have any bearing on a persons actual spiritual state in any case. Many people never see auras, feel energy, hear mystical information or have visions and many of these people can be just as good or better as healing practitioners and have as deep or deeper spiritual realization than people who do get the bells and whistles . Don't let this minor matter discourage you and if you do get the effects don't get all impressed with yourself either. Most people when they do see an aura do not see much more than a misty outline and often dismiss that as optical illusion or heat waves. This is subtle energy so it is much more often quite light and ephemeral as the energy field is also pulsing and shifting constantly. The aura is not the optical reaction you see when you gaze at an object of one color for a long time then look away. It is not the spots you get in front of your eyes when you look at a bright light. Nor is it the optical flashes and such you might get from eye strain or migraine headaches. There are a multitude of theories and methods for seeing the aura most of them work some are easier than others to use. Crystals can be programmed to assist you with seeing auras and receiving information Though the first time I tried to program a crystal for this function I actually made it easier for other people to see my aura instead. Most people try too hard. Relax and kind of unfocus your eyes and allow yourself to observe, if you don't see anything different than usual that's fine. When outdoors you might look along the tree line quite often the life force or aura of the trees and other plants is often visible as a kind of mist or faint glowing outline. Most exercises to see auras call for an area with indirect light kind of like that of a cloudy overcast day or early twilight. You also need a neutral or white plain background so it won't interfere with your observations. When you become familiar with seeing auras this won't be essential but at first it helps greatly. You have probably already done one of the fastest ways to get a glimpse of your own aura which is to face a neutral colored wall in indirect light and to hold your index finger together at eye level move your fingers until you get the optical illusion of having a floating third finger in the centre. The little flare of color you may see at your finger tips is your aura. You may be able to see your aura especially around your feet when you are in the bathtub if the light is soft; it’s easier with a white tub. Practice seeing someone else’s aura by having them sitting near a solid light colored wall and just look without focusing especially around the neck and shoulders and head .Bright colored clothing will make this more difficult. Near sighted people have the advantage because if they remove glasses or contacts they might achieve the unfocused vision naturally. These are all open eye methods and while many people use closed eye meditations it is best to get an idea of what you sense with your eyes open .With your eyes closed it may be more of a challenge to separate your own information and imagination from the received input because the conscious mind always interfere in between. Many people have commented that when seeing auras they only see the "heat waves" or misty whitish [95]
Beyond The Physical Life outlines and are disappointed with themselves because they are not seeing lots of color etc. I used to feel that way too I would occasionally see colors and or get symbolic imagery but most of the time with most people all I could see was the mist and waves. Many people find it easier to feel the energy of the aura. In the first place there are permission issues many people are shielded by choice. Generally most of us will be able to see these things only with permission or compelling reason. My personal experience is that and this is not true for everyone. Most of the time with most of the people what is there to see is the waves and misty outlines. With practice and by raising your frequency you might/will be able to see more from casual observation. Most auras tend to be fairly quiet you will see colors among the passionate, the impassioned, the angry, the seriously ill, the dedicated intellectual, the saint or sage, the happy pregnant woman, young children at play, etc. When people are in seriously impaired health with the potential to die they may see much more of the auric field of others. In that case often when their health improves or they decide to stay on Earth this heightened sensitivity may disappear. You also need yourself to be in a calm and detached but positive accepting mild anticipatory state not wrapped up in emotions or preconceptions that will effect, impede, or superimpose you own energies on the observed. People who see all layers of the aura with ease right off have probably spent lifetimes learning to do so and more importantly have learned to perceive without the blocks and restraints most of us have imposed on ourselves that restrict our awareness of our deeper vision and perceptions. We can release those blocks should we have the will and cause to do so. Auras are not like neon lights very often these are mostly subtle effects and the emotional and mental layers may change constantly. So we are talking about fleeting shifting subtle patterns of light and color which are most often intermingled with other auric and energetic patterns and which are rarely isolated against a neutral background in soft light which is the best condition for observation. The Aura is not to be confused with the optical effect of staring into light bulbs etc. Soft light or twilight conditions are often best for aura observation. The restraint and repression that has been prevalent in today's society also has caused a holding in and dampening of the auras light. The degree of visibility and activity of the observable aura does vary to a degree according to the cultural and social traditions of the observed person. Many Chi gong Masters and Buddhist may keep their aura pulled in tight to the physical body a lot of the time. Failing to see their aura does not mean that they or you are not skilled or spiritual. You also need to become familiar with your own energy body. The more you know about your own energy the easier it will become to understand others energy. You need to be neutral . There is a not striving but allowing state of being that assists and enhances many of the psychic sensitivities. There are also pitfalls in rigidly adhering to some formula of interpretation of the human aura. Your intuition untainted by your own prejudices is vital here . Some of the older interpretive guides are for example inclined to ignore or discount positive qualities of red. Some past interpreters have given a more positive assessment of the quality of unquestioned obedience to authority then we are inclined to accept today. What you may be interpreting. What you may perceive as you observe the aura and the information and colours in the aura. First of all the layers are not really layers like an onion has but areas of different [96]
Beyond The Physical Life frequency or wave pattern that interpenetrate each other. There are many more than the seven to twelve most people describe though for practical purposes that is enough to provide a general understanding of aura functions. Generally what most people see when they observe an aura is some of the information from the first or etheric body visible next to the skin. This is mostly a bluish or greyish or whitish field. Weak spots and trauma may show as thinning or swelling in the aura or breaks leaks spurts of energy around the etheric outline of the body. They may also see information from the second or emotional body which is often seen as clouds or patterns of multi colored light. Traumas and injuries in this layer may show up as muddy or loud colors, grey fogs ,black spots and sometimes shapes and symbols are seen in this energy field. Information and damage can be compressed and layered. Even when you do see or sense the aura you will not get all the information. Your feelings thoughts and actions, your mission, pathway and dreams are all imprinted upon your aura from moment to moment and through the eternity. While a reader may see your own pattern, the perceiver and reader may also have their own code. The way they receive and interpret what they see may not be what is there, but may be a code of information for them filtered through their auric perception. All your feelings, thought, acts and the actions taken upon you do impact upon your aura. Not everything is preordained, the passions and fears and restrictions and freedoms ,your past and possible futures are all held within these currents. These are but a few of the kind of thing that may be seen by the observer of your aura, and to mention that also manifestly visible may be elements of the influences and connections with the many other entities with whom you interact and flow with. The observer may see information and experience solely intended for that perceiver with you being only a messenger of it for them. Do not be consumed or concerned with what others may say of their perceptions of you and your entire entity through your Aura form but seek your own knowing and it will come to you. Spiritual light and color is used for healing the aura and the physical body for deepening meditation and to promote specific effects in the energy field. As a tool for healing, color can be gazed at, beamed as healing light, meditated on, bathed in, worn, used in art and in ritual such as candle magic and mandala work and painting. There are many systems of colour healing and mandala work that can be used for healing, spiritual development, manifestation of material and non material goals these can involve the relationships of the shapes and colors used as well as the intention for which the Mandala is created. There are many systems of color healing using the color associated with the chakra that rules a particular area of concern to strengthen the influence or the complimentary color to reduce an overcharge of energy is probably the most common method. Color is often an important guide when choosing crystals for various purposes some systems are based mainly on the colour of the crystals.
Beyond The Physical Life
HEALING THE AURA Meditate and visualize your aura, all the good and bad energies like a living blanket of energy. Then visualize a white ray of light coming down on you head from universe , inside the aura. While taking deep and rhythmic breaths, make the ray of light expand, as it expands and comes into contact with your aura, you will feel a mild tingling sensation. This is the pure energy acting to 'burn off' the negativity and negative emotions attached to your aura. Continue to expand the ray of light until it completely encompasses you. You may hear a ringing in your ears, or a sizzling static noise. That's ok. Hold this image in your mind until you feel certain the negative energy has been diffused in the form of black somke and disappearing in the ray of light coming from the universe. Now your aura is fresh , energized and rejuvenated. You may want to do this several times the first week, then maybe once a month (or more during periods of stress) thereafter.
CASE STUDY 18 I was meditating one day. I used to have some illness at irregular times in the life. So to sort it out I began to perform the “white ray exercise� for the strengthening of the aura of my body. If ones aura is strong, any kind of negative energy or entity cannot penetrate through it making you safe. I visualized a white ray of holy light came down on my crown chakra from universe . it entered my body penetrating all the seven chakras one by one and removed all the blockages and negative energy from all the chakras an d my whole body in the form of black smoke. I visualized it with feelings. the black smoke left my body and entered into the ray of light and disappearing back into the universe. After performing this exercise on regular basis, I began to feel fit and free from all types of physical ailments. There remained a forever glow on my face which many people described to me. This was the sign that aura became strong due to regular meditation.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER19-PAST LIFE REGRESSION Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations . Past life regression (PLR) is the alleged journeying into one's past lives while hypnotized.
Past life has been a topic of debate and controversy since many years. While it is an integral part of various ancient religions, the new world of science and technology has doubts about its authenticity, as a person’s past life cannot be tested in the scientific manner. Nevertheless, there still people who believe in past life and especially in the theory of PLR. Past life regression therapy is a way of viewing one’s past life and is a great therapy for healing as well as finding solutions to problems, illnesses and fears that people encounter in their present lives. Though usually most people visit specialists and experts for past life regression therapy, not many know that it is possible to view our past lives on our own. This can be done with the help of past life regression exercises which will help you to proceed towards your past life experiences. Usually past life regression hypnosis and meditation are used to help a person to reach his subconscious mind where the thoughts and experiences of the past lives are stored safely. Past Life Regression Exercises Meditation and hypnosis is the best way to go into the inner depths of your consciousness where the memories of your past life lie. Hence, past life regression begins with practicing meditation, which helps a person to relax and go into a hypnotic trance state. However, one thing everyone should know before moving into past life regression exercises, is that it is not very easy to reach
Beyond The Physical Life our past life memories. Rather, it may take several sessions if we are doing this on our own. Therefore, be patient and get ready to experience what your soul has already experienced in your past lives. The first step of past life regression meditation and hypnosis is finding a place and time where you will not be disturbed and will be able to relax completely. If you are doing this at home, make sure that you are alone. The position that you select for past life regression therapy is also very important. You can either lie down on your bed or sit on it supported by cushions. Whatever position you choose, the most important factor is that it should be comfortable for you. Before beginning past life meditation, say a prayer to your guides and guardian angels to be with you and protect you during your journey towards your past life. It will also be good if you think about a reason for doing this past life regression session, for example, ‘why am I afraid of something’ or ‘what is the purpose behind my existence?’, etc. This past life regression meditation will go for 40-45 minutes and it will be better to set an alarm clock which will help you to know when you have to come back from your trance state. Lie or sit in the most comfortable position and close your eyes. The first thing you have to do is to relax your body completely. This has to be done with a step by step process. You should begin with your legs and move up gradually towards your head while covering all the body parts in the way. Once you feel fully relaxed and a feeling of warmth spreads inside your body, imagine yourself in a room that has stairs which go downwards. You have to take yourself down these stairs and reach a room at the end of the stairs. The room that you will reach will have a couch on its left side and adjacent to it on the right side will be a door that says "My Past Lives". Once you have reached this stage, you can either go inside the room or save that for another session. Nevertheless, you have to first lie on the sofa to make yourself comfortable again. Pray to your guardian angels to protect you at the time you are viewing your past life. This will help you get rid of any fears that you have and see your past lives like you are a third person watching a movie. You also have to think about the purpose of going to your past life again. Once you feel that you are completely prepared to see your past life, go towards the door and try to open it. If the door does not open, it is better to go back and lie down on the coach as this can be a warning from your guides and will be for your benefit. On the other hand, if the door opens, go inside the room and you will find a white screen which is covered with blinds. On both the sides of the screen you will see two buttons. On the left side will be green button on pressing which you will be able to see your past lives, while on the right side will be a red button, on pressing which the blinds will go down and you will be back to the room
Beyond The Physical Life outside the door. Press the green button and the blinds will go up and you will come face to face to one of your past lives. Initially, you will see an image on the screen, i.e. your image in your past life, but there are chances that it may not be very clear. If this is the case, you should first concentrate at the feet of the person who is there on the screen. Once you are sure what he/she is wearing on the legs, you can move upwards as to what he is wearing and lastly on how he/she looks. Once you see this, say ‘action’ and your past life will unravel before you. During this session, you can move back and forth in your life to view some specific experiences. If it is your first time, it will be better to restrict the session for 25-30 minutes and remember that you have to press the red button, if you think that the life has ended or if you hear the alarm clock ringing. Come out of the room and lie on the couch for sometime. Once you have rested enough, get up and walk back through the stairs through which you have come down and then slowly open your eyes.
AKASHIC SOUL SCIENCE DEFINITION: Whether called reincarnation memories or personality roles we each carry within us a series of scenarios or stories buried deeply within our psyche, waiting only to be called-upon in order to surface and reveal themselves to us. Some of us can easily tap into this memory pool or Tree Of Tales through dreams, fantasies and meditation; others need a bit of help getting the material flowing out of long-term memory. The process of opening-up this data-pool is commonly called 'Akashic Meditation.' The "Akashic Record" may be viewed as the library of your personal Incarnation stories.. a collection of experiences that amount to a Karmic "logbook" of your Soul's Journey. KARMA.. or the Spiritual Consequences of past actions and experiences.. is what you will experience through Akashic Meditation. Karma is the force which gives us our patterns of lifeexperience. Every lifetime or Soul-fragment located through Akashic Meditation has it's own Karma Story and anytime you enter the Akashic State you literally 'change your Karma' by taking-off your present Karma Story and trying-on the Karma-story of one of your 'Past Lives' or Soul Memories. This is a life-changing event; to change your Karma Story even a little proves to the mind that it can change all of it's Karma.. and accelerated Liberation from Karmic patterns that have limited you is the inevitable result. Many people have used this Meditation to surface a 'story' which so perfectly 'explained' as trauma or problem in their current lives, as to literally heal them of illness, emotional trauma or relationship alienation patterns that had resisted every other effort. Others have found in these 'self-fragments' clues to traits they have long wanted without any ability to integrate.. until the 'memory' made it all seem 'natural' and easy. Whatever your own reason for wanting it, here is the easiest and most direct method we know of for tapping into this Memory Bank of the Soul.
Beyond The Physical Life
AKASHIC REGRESSION PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES Have the Subject remove their shoes, socks, belts and other binding items of clothing, and lie on a floor or couch comfortably, with a pillow under their head. Closing their eyes, have the subject simply relax deeply while the assistant begins to massage slowly and gently the entire Ankle-area of both feet simultaneously. This should continue for about five minutes or so. During the first two or three minutes of this Ankle-Massage, the Regression Leader gently massages the Subject with their fingertips.. not intending anything more than relaxation. About half-way through the Ankle-Massage, the regression leader who sits at the Subject's head, now forms one hand into a fist; and begins to gently massage the Subject's forehead with the fleshy muscle of the side of the fist. This should be in a circular motion, steadily applied with an even but light pressure. Once the Ankle Massage stops after 5 minutes, the Regression Leader should begin to increase the speed of the forehead Massage, gently until it is a quite brisk but non-violent whirling of the hand. At this point the eyes of the Subject should begin showing Rapid Eye Movement (behavior.. showing that the Subject is in a deep or 'effective' Akashic State). Stopping the Forehead Massage, the Regression Leader now begins to speak in a clear but soothing tone of voice, guiding the Subject as shown below.
AKASHIC 'FLIGHT' EXERCISES Now that we are nice and relaxed, we are going to do a few simple exercises with the mind, ok?. Let's start by imagining that you are about four inches longer through the feet. Imagine and feel as if your legs are four inches longer, and your feet stick out four more inches away from you. Can you feel what that would be like?' Let the Subject answer. (If the answer is NO, simply say 'OK' and go right on to the next paragraph.. hoping they will further relax.) Now let your feet return to 'normal' and let us do the same thing with your head. Imagine and feel what it would be like if you were four inches taller through the head.. and your head stuck four more inches up from your shoulders. Can you feel what that would be like to experience?' After the Subject answers, .. 'Now let your head return to normal, and just relax again. Now let yourself imagine and feel that your entire body is beginning to emit a soft, pulsating white light that shines out of your skin like a gently glowing balloon. As you imagine and feel this balloon pulsing larger and larger you feel lighter and lighter. Let this ball of pulsating white light grow to fill the entire room.. and as it does, let yourself rise gently up like a safe, pulsating ball of beautiful white light. Can you feel yourself getting lighter?' After the Subject answers (often by this stage, in a very gentle almost whispered voice) continue; 'Now see and feel yourself rising inside this large, comfortable ball of white light.. [102]
Beyond The Physical Life rising up from the floor, up through the ceiling, through the roof and out into the sky above the house. Look down now and see the roof. Can you see the roof below you?' Let the Subject answer. If at this point in these instructions , the subject says 'NO' when asked to see or feel something , try reassuring them that they can if they only relax more and try to imagine more vividly. If a second try is made and they still cannot see feel what is being described, simply say 'OK; Just relax then. Maybe this is not the time for you to be doing this. Try moving your hands and feet and sit up slowly when you feel like it. We will try another time, perhaps." Once the Subject has said they can 'see' the roof below them, 'Now we are going to leave this place very quickly.. flying away into outer space, like superman or a spaceship. Imagine and feel yourself flying very fast out away from the earth.. and as you fly imagine that you can see a very white, small bank of clouds way out in space; a glowing bank of clouds made out of light. Can you imagine such a cloud bank and fly toward it?' Let the Subject answer.. then continue. Fly up to that bank of clouds, which turns out to be a large "Continent" of Light-Clouds.. and fly toward the tallest Peak of all of those clouds. Can you 'find' a tallest Peak, and hover above it.. and tell us what you see there?' Let the Subject answer. You may prompt then for more data.. such as 'you may go closer if you want, and mention anything else you wish to.' Once they have said something about this tallest Peak by which to identify it later, continue... This Tallest Peak is a place we may return to later, to explore it more fully. But for now, rise up above it, and survey the whole range of Light-Cloud 'mountains'.. looking for openings between the peaks. Can you find a place where the clouds open to reveal an "Inviting" bit of sky you would like to fly into?' Let the Subject select an opening in the Cloud-mass, and fly toward it. ENTERING THE ALTERNATIVE PERSONA Now I would like you to simply drop feet first into this opening.. drop down all the way from the clouds down to the bottom, until you reach the 'ground' or 'surface' or another environment that is not just sky, but A world. As you reach this world, let your feet feel a gentle pressure on the soles of your feet; and then look around and tell us what you see there.' 'Can you feel your feet on the ground.. and see a scene around you? Look down at your feet and describe what you see. Can you see feet and ground below them?' Now begins the most crucial period of the 'regression'.. When it is necessary to both gently guide the subject in exploring their world-experience.. And yet not 'suggest' what they should report. Try phrases such as... 'Please describe yourself as fully as you can.. your appearance, location and what you are doing there.' 'Is this where you 'live' or do you usually 'live' somewhere else? Would you go there, please and describe it.' 'Are there others that you live with here?.. or do you live alone? Describe what your life is like by day.. and at night.'
Beyond The Physical Life 'Is this where you were born?.. or did you come here from elsewhere? See yourself at the place you began life at. Describe it. Let the subject "lead" the discussions as much as possible. Only ask questions when the subject seems reluctant to speak. Ask such questions as "what are you seeing or feeling right now." 'Is this where you spent the rest of your life, too? If not, go to the place where you lived the later years of your life.. and describe it fully. What did you do there?' 'Please describe how that life ended for you. See it ending now, and release it. Ask the subject gently to ask for forgiveness to allmighty for all the wrong deeds done in that birth and feel the pain of those bad karma . after experiencing the pain release the emotion and swear in presence of all mighty that i will not repeat that bad deed or karma again. As you describe the ending of that life, let yourself rise up gently, and begin to float up toward the sky. Float up until you rise up between the peaks of the mountains of light-clouds where we began our journey.' CLOSING THE REGRESSION As the subject reports rising above the cloud-mass at the end of the regression, have them fly to the top of that highest peak of the mountains of light-clouds. 'We are going to see if we can find some place on that highest Peak where a Book is kept. Can you find a building or structure of any kind, where a Book might be found?' Let the subject lead you to a place where the "akashic records" can be found. These are normally found to be a book that opens to reveal pages that may sometimes turn into motion pictures.. Each page being a seperate identity-fragment.. Or 'lifetime.' have the subject open the book to at least one page, and look at it.. Describing any symbols or pictures on the page. After they do, continue.. 'And now we are going to rise up from that mountaintop, and leave the continent of LightClouds behind. We are going to fly quickly back to this room here, where your body rests with us around you. See and feel yourself entering back into the body, and feel your body filled with your returned presence. The regression is over. Let the subject move around and sit up as they 'reawaken'. Important note: Both the Regression Leader and their Assistant have literally "touched the karma" of another Soul.. and some of the Akashic Energy or Karma of that Soul may literally 'cling' to the hands that massaged the Subject into Meditation. This must now be removed from them or they may replay some of the Karmic Patterns of the other Soul during the coming day or so. We remove the energy by passing our hands under running water for a minute or so, while stating aloud “ Oh almighty who govern the Karmic Patterns of mankind; I have touched and stirred the Karma of another Soul. Please wash away from me all of the Karma I have handled; let it leave my body and aura completely. Thank You!" This Akashic Regression Technique can be practiced upon a person as may times as one
Beyond The Physical Life wishes (though once per day seems about the limit of one's patience!, for it is timeconsuming.) After a few such experiences, however, the Journey becomes quite easily performed without the help of the massage or guidance from others.. and becomes a simple Akashic Meditation, which one may do anytime you are relaxed enough to enter it's subtle domain. While i have stated one of the exercises for PLR, there are many other exercises or storylines which therapists use to close the conscious mind of the subject. After closing the conscious mind , subconscious mind activates and all the memories in it of all the births come on the surface.
CASE STUDY 19 One day a client came to me and told me that he is having some health issues since birth. His mind was not up to the mark and there were some other issues regarding health in his body. I told him that he needs a PLR class to see the cause behind it and there were chances that he will be healed to great extent if the energy related with that particular karma is released. I started the session and took him into trance. Then i asked him to see the cause behind his issue. He told me that he was a lady in a village who was very notorious. One day she gave some poison to a person in the food . she didnt think that her mischief might affect the health of the person. The person was greatly affected in his abdominal area and even the mind got affectes due to poison . She charged the karma in that previous birth and now the karma is being discharged when she has taken a form of a man in this birth. I told him to repent upon his misatke which he did in his previous birth with sincerety and apologise to all mighty not to do it again. I even commanded him to feel the pain of that person. In this way the energy associated with that bad karma got released and it reflected in his coming days. His health and mind our both in a good condition now and he is leading a normal life. The jaini people they call this technique as pratikraman. Basically a person has to face the results of his karmas done in previous births. Now these results are reflected either in the state when we are not sleeping or in the state when we are asleep and comes in the form of dreams. In dreams we experience the pain in the same manner when we are awake. We hardly know that whether it is dream or the actual state. Even it happens sometimes that some people die while sleeping due to these dreams. The law of karma prevails and of every individual karma done an individual result is obtained. So one should always keep in mind this law of karma and should restrict himself to perform any sinful acts. Yogis always remain in neutral state. They stop their charging of karmas and remain always in a state on samadhi even when their physical body is awake. They dont attach any kind of emotional bondage with the karma and dont worried about the result of the karma. They are blessed soul and teach this art of stopping the charging of karmas to other people also.
Beyond The Physical Life
This layer of karmas which surrounds the soul is knowns as the “kaaran sharira�. When the yogi breaks this kaaran sharira he achieves the state of salvation. But this pratikaman technique or energy releasing technique is the best option to tackkle with these past karmas without any actuall harm to the present life.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER 20-POWER OF THETA STATE It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have speculated that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. Other more conservative investigators calculate that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the human scalp would record something like five millionths to 50 millionths of a volt. If you had enough scalps hooked up you might be able to light a flashlight bulb.
Even though this electrical power is very limited, it does occur in very specific ways that are characteristic of the human brain. Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work. The next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. Where beta represented arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. Alpha brainwaves are slower, and higher in amplitude. Their frequency ranges from 9 to 14 cycles per second. A person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an alpha state. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state. A person who takes a break from a conference and walks in the garden is often in an alpha state. The next state, theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second. A person who has taken time off [107]
Beyond The Physical Life from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they can't recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state--induced by the process of freeway driving. The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a country road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state in order to perform the driving task safely. Individuals who do a lot of freeway driving often get good ideas during those periods when they are in theta. Individuals who run outdoors often are in the state of mental relaxation that is slower than alpha and when in theta, they are prone to a flow of ideas. This can also occur in the shower or tub or even while shaving or brushing your hair. It is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them. The ideation that can take place during the theta state is often free flow and occurs without censorship or guilt. It is typically a very positive mental state. The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They typically center around a range of 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. They never go down to zero because that would mean that you were brain dead. But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second.
When we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting sleep, we are likely to be in low beta. When we put the book down, turn off the lights and close our eyes, our brainwaves will descend from beta, to alpha, to theta and finally, when we fall asleep, to delta. It is a well known fact that humans dream in sleep cycle of 90 minutes . When the delta brainwave frequencies increase into the frequency of theta brainwaves, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to the person. Typically, when this occurs there is rapid eye movement, which is characteristic of active dreaming. This is called REM, and is a well known phenomenon. When an individual awakes from a deep sleep in preparation for getting up, their brainwave frequencies will increase through the different specific stages of brainwave activity. That is, they will increase from delta to theta and then to alpha and finally, when the alarm goes off, into beta During this awakening cycle it is possible for individuals to stay in the theta state for an extended period of say, five to 15 minutes--which would allow them to have a free flow of ideas about [108]
Beyond The Physical Life yesterday's events or to contemplate the activities of the forthcoming day. This time can be an extremely productive and can be a period of very meaningful and creative mental activity. In summary, there are four brainwave states that range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high frequency beta. These brainwave states range from deep dreamless sleep to high arousal. The same four brainwave states are common to the human species. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic brainwaves. They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries. Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times. In other words, while somebody is an aroused state and exhibiting a beta brainwave pattern, there also exists in that person's brain a component of alpha, theta and delta, even though these may be present only at the trace level. It has been my personal experience that knowledge of brainwave states enhances a person's ability to make use of the specialized characteristics of those states; these include being mentally productive across a wide range of activities, such as being intensely focused, relaxed, creative and in restful sleep. Some details related to differnet States of mind are explained below: Beta ▪ ▪ ▪
Alertness Concentration Cognition You are wide-awake, alert. Your mind is sharp, focused. It makes connections quickly, easily and you're primed to do work that requires your full attention. In the Beta state, neurons fire abundantly, in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind. Beta training is one of the frequencies that biofeedback therapists use to treat Attention Deficit Disorder. Beta-centered programs help you prepare to take an exam, play sports, give a presentation, analyze and organize information, and other activities where mental alertness and high levels of concentration are key to your success.
Alpha ▪ ▪
Relaxation Visualization
Beyond The Physical Life ▪
Creativity When you are truly relaxed, your brain activity slows from the rapid patterns of Beta into the more gentle waves of Alpha. Your awareness expands. Fresh creative energy begins to flow. Fears vanish. You experience a liberating sense of peace and well-being. In biofeedback, Alpha training is most commonly recommended for the treatment of stress. Alpha-centered programs help you tap your creativity and are excellent for problem solving, finding new ideas and practicing creative visualization. Choose Alpha programs when you want to attain deep levels of relaxation that are so essential to your health and well-being.
Theta ▪ ▪ ▪
Meditation Intuition Memory Going deeper into relaxation, you enter the elusive and mysterious Theta state where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. Theta is the brain state where magic happens in the crucible of your own neurological activity. Theta brings forward heightened receptivity, flashes of dreamlike imagery, inspiration, and your long-forgotten memories. Theta can bring you deep states of meditation. A sensation of "floating." And, because it is an expansive state, in Theta, you may feel your mind expand beyond the boundaries of your body. Theta rests directly on the threshold of your subconscious. In biofeedback, it is most commonly associated with the deepest levels of meditation. Theta also plays an important part in behavior modification programs and has been used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Finally, Theta is an ideal state for superlearning, re-programming your mind, dream recall, and self-hypnosis.
Delta ▪ ▪ ▪
Detached Awareness Healing Sleep Long, slow, undulating. Delta is the slowest of all four brain wave frequencies. Most commonly associated with deep sleep, certain frequencies in the Delta range also trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone so beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep - deep restorative sleep - the kind that Delta [110]
Beyond The Physical Life frequencies
Delta is the brain wave signal of the subconscious, the seat from which intuition arises. That means Delta-based programs are not only an ideal choice for their sleep and deep regeneration potential, but also when you want to access your unconscious activity and help that wellspring of information flow to your conscious mind for empowerment. Our bodies do most of their healing while we are in alpha, theta and delta. The good news is that we can learn to consciously enter alpha and theta and direct that healing with mental imagery and suggestions. If you learn to quickly enter the alpha state, you can do a little two minute visualization, three or four, or more times a day. This is perfect for overcoming symptoms of allergies, colds, headaches, anxiety, phobias, etc. Most people can learn to quickly enter the alpha state within a few days. Getting into a conscious theta state takes more practice, but is well worth the effort. Most “miracle cures” happen while in the theta state. Although we are in the theta state, every night while we are dreaming, we need to learn to enter it consciously, in order to access our deeper healing powers. Actually, it is during the theta and delta states, every night, that our body does a lot of it’s repair and healing. Often, though, we have problems that are not healing and we need to unblock our bodies’ natural healing powers, and consciously entering the theta state is the best way to do that. At first, getting into theta state will be more or less unconscious. When we first wake up, and are still fully aware of the dream state, so that it almost seems real, we are in theta. As we become more conscious we move out of theta waves into faster ones. Staying there and directing the dream is a good way to practice being conscious in theta. Using hypnosis and guided imagery are great ways to get the benefits, without needing to be awake enough to guide yourself. Eventually with practice, you can learn to be in a deep theta state and consciously direct your experience. That’s when you reap the greatest rewards. Most people can learn to quickly get into alpha state within a few days. To get into a conscious theta state can take weeks or months. The rewards in terms of physical and emotional healing are well worth the practice required. The Only Effect You Have Is Life In Full-Circle Total Peace of Mind No anger, hatred, depression, and stress, even when certain tough situation abuses you like a dog. Nothing can influence you! This is the most obvious benefit you can see. Sometimes, people only need 7 to 8 sessions to see the result. If you're truly open to it, you'll feel the peace after just 4 sessions.
Beyond The Physical Life Immense Creativity Handle all kinds of problem in life, relationship, and career instantly by your creative instinct. It works so well that you'll be mistaken as genius! Why? Because the expanded mind experience in the light gives you the ultimate wisdom. Powerful Speedy Healing and Regeneration Your body becomes a consistent self-healing machine. Your inborn immunity system is activated... It diligently protects you against any disease every second... without pharmaceutical drugs. When this defense system is activated, you'll feel more alive and have more energy. As your friends age, you'll start looking younger. You can eat whatever you want without gaining extra ounce of fat. X-Ray Perception And Omnipotent Mind You can see and understand things, just anything, beyond physical limitations. No time and space can limit your expanded mind. And you maybe able to forecast or predict future events with pinpoint-accurate details. All whereabouts of anyone and anything is within your sight without you trying to find out. The experience is so startling that people may say you're a psychic. Sound impossible? Laser-Focused Mind With Constant Peace And Zero-Stress State Most people has weakness in managing negative emotions. And the loudest advice I often heard is to have counseling with the professionals -- For example, talk to the patients... hoping that they'll open up their heart and let go anger, hatred, or depression. Now, I don't mean that it doesn't work. I only mean that it isn't the best. Most conventional methods deal with establishing positive thinking, and eliminating negative thinking. This doesn't give the brain the proper needed rest. The brain can only have true rest when there is no thinking. Do you know why monks have super-clear mind? Have you ever seen a mentally ill one? For thousands of years, monks had learnt that the only way to have peace is to meditate. They would do nothing, eat little, and think nothing. They knew that meditation always works. But meditation is hard work and needs extreme discipline. If you pick this method, you may need to spend many years. If you need a faster and easier scientific way, the brain wave technology can help. [112]
Beyond The Physical Life So, no more chit-chat. Close the eyes. Just listen to Alpha-Theta wave. Let the brain get used to it. And it will constantly work at that state where the mind is relaxed and in peace. Scientists have found that the brain can still produce some amount of Alpha and Theta frequency, even when you engage daily activities. As a result, you'll be more focused in your work. You can handle any tough situation calmly. You just need to train it. It's very easy. You Can Be A Genius By Creativity I'm going to demystify the popular belief about Albert Einstein -- Most people think that he was a genius. Truth is, Albert Einstein was a genius by creativity. During that time, many distinguished people from the science community were surprised of his creative theory. The only convenient word to praise him was to call him a genius! Even Albert Einstein admitted that... "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." He was a creative genius... not a born genius, with all due respect. Besides, there's no such person in the history. What caused Albert Einstein to be extremely creative? As a child, Einstein did not like traditional way of teaching. His professors did not think that he had a future. He cut class many times to learn physics by himself, and to play his beloved violin... Do you see it? -- It was violin music that inspired creativity. The music coincidentally triggered Einstein's brain into creative Alpha-Theta state. Just a side note... As I wrote this report, I had no idea what made Einstein creative. I just knew his love for music because I had studied his life. Later I meditated on this subject and my subconscious told me the answer. But the logic processor in my left-brain denied my subconscious. So I did some research and dig up many proofs. Let me list out four of them. In the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, a group of psychologist and neuroscientist proved that soothing (low rhythmic) music improves development of spatial intelligence. American Music Conference reported that preschoolers who studied piano performed 34 per cent better in spatial and temporal reasoning ability than preschoolers who spent the same amount of time learning to use computers.
Beyond The Physical Life Dr. Thomas Verny (author of The Secret Life of the Unborn Child) said that classical music played at a low rhythm of 60 beats per minute, provides an environment conducive to creative and intellectual development. In two Stanford studies, researchers demonstrated that people with musical experience found it easier to learn language than the non-musicians do. However, you need not learn music to gain creativity. In fact, scientists proved that music alone is not enough. The better and easier way -- Listen to the right frequency that triggers Alpha and Theta state in your brain. Automatic Speed Healing And Unlimited Regeneration There's a satire written by a Chinese historian. It said about a tyrant who spent his life searching for the ultimate herb of long life and perfect health. Battalions of soldiers and families of 3 generations were sent across treacherous seas to Japan and Korea to search for the herb. This king had no love for his people. They were disposable. He just wanted his cure at all cost. Many years passed... no news. When he took his last breath, he asked again for the cure. All imperial doctors told him to hang on, except one who revealed the truth, "There is no cure for your mind. But the cure is in your hidden mind." Notice these wise words, "The cure is in your hidden mind". In fact, for over 6,000 years, the Indians knew it, and practice Ayuveda until today. This is a form of mind and body teaching. They know the cause of today's health problem. They know that most people are doing the reverse and seeking pharmaceutical drugs for cure. The cause to all health problems is that, the energy of the mind is out of balance. When there's unbalance, illness and disease breaks out. To be able to restore the balance, necessary amount of 'vibration' is needed, according to many ancient gurus. The Chinese Chi Gong masters know this secret. Sufficient 'inner-movement' is the key to prevent every health problem. This understanding isn't just a coincidence because we, the human race, have the same universal knowledge. Sadly, many of us wanted high technology and forgot our ancient wisdom. This sounds absurd according to our logic and conscious mind. Let's seek scientific explanation. The 'vibration', 'inner-movement', or any similar word for any culture is fundamentally meant as frequency. The only invisible thing in our bodies that moves is our energy. To be able to use this energy (the mind power), our brains need to work at the right frequency -- namely Alpha, Theta and Delta. It is like the engine of a car using the correct spark-plugs to generate energy that moves the wheels. There're some scientific discoveries you should know... [114]
Beyond The Physical Life Delta brainwaves trigger the release of Human Growth Hormones. These speed up regeneration of new cells. In deep Delta state, white blood-cell multiplies tremendously. Any invading bacteria or germ will be killed instantly. Unbalance sodium and potassium ratio in our body causes fatigue. 5 to 15 minutes in Delta state could restore the ratio to normal level. With proper training to harness the power of Delta brainwave, we are able to keep blood circulation flow freely in our body. The end result is, natural immune system without drugs. Now, why on earth should we seek pharmaceutical drugs when we already have the cure in our body? With the help of brainwaves, you can cut the long chase for the cure without learning Ayuveda and Chi Gong. Isn't this sound good for you? The explosive pure energy in you is buried deep inside. Only the right brainwave frequency could trigger its release. There's no coincidence -- many holy scripts say that human being is a spiritual-being. The scientific way to explain it is, we are all energy-beings. But this energy in us is intelligent. It knows how to absorb other forms of passive energy to prolong its existence. This affects our bodily health and lifeforce. And it also gives us super-mind ability. Everyone Has Psychic or Super-Mind Ability, Believe it or not, this is neither magic nor witchcraft. If you check the history, many spiritual fathers discovered this ability. They knew the way to tap the divine power. Probably, they were afraid of public scrutiny and denied it openly. Besides most followers lacked understanding in this matter. Therefore, the society did not allow this seemingly unconventional wisdom. You need not hold any particular beliefs about spirituality, or anything else in order to be psychic. No special rituals are necessary. Contrary to what some people might tell you, using psychic or super-mind ability is not something reserved for a few selected talented individuals. It does not make a person go crazy, nor does it require having near-death experience! Instead, these abilities are part of our inherent nature from the beginning of time. Lots of misunderstanding in the past was due to lack of knowledge. Imagine, what would ancient people respond if they found a helicopter flying over their huts? You can guess better than I can... I hope with the help of science, many mysteries are unveiled one by one in due time! Your ear can hear, your eyes can see beyond physical realm.
Beyond The Physical Life With that said, allow me to show you the proof... Einstein's equation, E=MC2 It tells us that all matter is energy. Physicists have proven that metal, plastic, wood and everything else that appears as solid is actually group of molecules. It further breaks down into subatomic particles of energy. So, our bodies, brains and life-force are just energy. Not only that. All energy is nonphysical in nature And it cannot die. It can only transform into other form. The characteristic of it is infinite. In fact, physicists had once performed an experiment. They had isolated the smallest particles of energy and examined them in sealed chambers. The particles remained in constant motion until they eventually fell to the bottom of the chambers. They appeared to be dead. But later these particles bounced back with a new size, new weight and different pattern of motion. So what does this also mean to your health and your life-force? When you choose to use this hidden transformational power, time and space has no effect on it at all. You can easily replenish it when your life-energy is low... like drinking water. You can increase the energy level to boost your health and have ageless body. Bottom line is, energy cannot die. It has the ability to absorb other energy forms such as sound and heat for its existence. And those energy is free everywhere. You just have to know how to tap it. Here's the interesting part you wouldn't miss! When your brain reaches Theta state, you're in expanded mind dimension. Your mind that is also the immense energy from your brain and other parts of your body transcends into the different realty without physical limitation. The form has changed. It has the nature of the light. And it's non-local... meaning that it is omnipresent. When you're in this intelligent form, you can actually travel into past and future. You can observe anything anywhere. And in the process, your mind can discover miraculous truth about yourself and others. It offers creative solutions to problems. Many scientists have concluded we have the technology to measure such energy. But we've yet to be able to detect the full energy spectrum of it. Albert Einstein and leading scientists believed that, once we have the complete technology, we could even discover entire new worlds including alternate realty and parallel universe! This field of science still has many uncharted areas. It's a common knowledge among scientists that most people rarely use more than 10% of their mental capabilities. But now, with the discovery of the use of Alpha and Theta waves, you can easily access the mysterious 90% of your mind that is unused.
Beyond The Physical Life You are be able to open exciting, new realty. It'll give you ultimate sense of freedom, if you open yourself to it.
Techniques to go into theta state Once you learn the process of going into theta and commanding your good, miracles happen in many ways. Manifesting what you do want in your life becomes as natural as thinking a thing and having it be there. Every time you concentrate on what you wish to manifest, and then go to theta, it must manifest.
The Earth is also source of “prana” . We are fueled and energized by the power of the magnetic and pranic forces of the Earth. The Earth gives us sustenance, through the food that we eat and the stability and foundation we rest upon, and in the powerful magnetic forces that radiate out to the edges of our atmosphere where they meet in equal measure the thermonuclear forces of the sun for our protection. The magnetic gravitational field of Earth is so strong that it stabilizes us in our Earth environment, yet it is so subtle that we walk, breathe, eat, and forget the magnetic power of the Earth that sustains us.
When you are sending your energy down into the Earth, you are reconnecting to this amazing power and revitalizing all of your energy centers. A quick grounding any time of the day can stabilize you and harmonize your health, wealth, and sense of well-being. The first step in reaching out into a greater consciousness is to be well grounded in your physical consciousness. Imagine sending roots out from the bottom of your feet, going deep, deep down into the center of the force of the Earth, and imagine wrapping your roots around the element of gold or rubies and diamonds in large quantity in the center of Earth. Feel the power of your being connected to ground .
Once you are well grounded, imagine the power and force of Earth’s energy coming into your body, and align your heart to that force. As you take a breath in and then exhale, imagine your breath exhaling out in all directions around you as you clear negativity and align with love. You increase the power of your desires when they resonate in harmony, and you strengthen, like a lightening rod, the clarity of creating what you desire when you claim it in love.
Imagine beam of white light coming down into you from above, then going through you, and down below you into the Earth. Imagine the bolt of light as a constant, steady directional beam, one in which you can travel out into the outer regions of the galaxies and beyond. Imagine moving your consciousness up this beam of light, out through the top of your head, and travel out to the outer edges of the planet, travel on through the solar system, out through the Milky Way, out to the outer [117]
Beyond The Physical Life edges of the galaxy until you push through the black void of space into the white luminescence of Source. This is the place of creation of all that you desire. Practice thinking and feeling from this state of consciousness as you activate your wealth DNA in the cells of your body, your emotions, and your mind to be that master that you are.
Now is the time to feel the emotions of your desire for that which you wish to manifest. Perhaps it is more money, paying off a bill, increasing your income, a new relationship, more love, a new car, more spiritual understanding, or a physical healing. Think upon that which you wish to manifest, and now, while in theta, silently and mentally Command: I don’t know how (fill in the blank – for example, I have more money to pay my bills). I only know that I do now, and I am fulfilled! Hold the thought of what you wish to manifest, imagine it while in theta, and Command that it is so! When you are creating in theta, you are bypassing your limited mind and your fearful thoughts. Your Source Mind does know how to manifest anything that you desire, even when you don’t. Always make your statements in the now! There is no future or “will” in your subconscious mind. You are Commanding your subconscious mind, your DNA, and your Source Mind to operate in the now! Yes, it may take time to appear in physical form, but now is the only moment in consciousness that exists in creation.
When you state it as now, everything in you begins to search for the way to make that Command come true. Faith is Commanding The Commanding and declaring your truth now, with trust that it is so. Command: I don’t know how (I love myself). I only know that I do now, and I am fulfilled and it is happening in highest and best way without doing harm to all concerned.
Remember that, every time you are thinking a fearful thought of loss or lack, you are thinking it now and perpetuating that as your reality. Training yourself to think your desirable future happens only by doing it now and declaring it is so in the now! Remove “will happen” from your vocabulary. Command that I don’t know how (my beautiful future is mine now). I only know that it is now, and I am fulfilled.
While you remain in theta, you now apply one of the simplest, yet most powerful, techniques for manifesting good in your life as you imagine what it is that you desire in a bigger way, in a greater capacity, an expanded version that serves more good than your original idea. When you expand your idea to become something bigger than you, you increase its capacity to manifest.
Beyond The Physical Life This is the Law of Attraction in its highest form in action. Here you expand your idea of what it is you wish to manifest. Allow yourself to bring in an idea greater than you, an idea greater than your original thought. While in theta, allow your Source Mind to create even more for you than you can even imagine for yourself, more beauty and harmony in what you are manifesting, more grace and ease, a greater capacity; and allow your imagination to have this experience.
Now that you have experienced an idea greater than you and your manifestation has taken on its own form, its own life, you then receive this experience with gratitude. Move your consciousness back down the golden beam of light into your physical body and imagine the particles of consciousness of your manifestation floating down from Source into your body, into the cells of your body, and into your DNA itself. Imagine unwinding, unwinding, unwinding all the old limiting ideas and rewinding, rewinding, rewinding, a new holographic image of this life that is your new life replicating itself in every DNA strand in your body, in every organ of your body, in every hair follicle of your body, and in every particle of emotion in your body and your thinking. Feel it, accept it, and give thanks. Thank you! It is done! So be it!
Take a deep breath and send your energy down into the Earth to firmly re-establish your ground of being. Adjust your energy; let your body stretch, flex, and move with this new understanding of reality. Come once again fully awake and alert into your body, open your eyes, and return to the room.
CASE STUDY20 It was one of those days when i was constructing my house. In the last phase of construction i was running out of finances. I decicded to manifest a considerable amount which was with in harmony with universe frequency. I entered into the theta state with the meditative technique described above. I gave the command that it has manifested in highest and best way without doing harm to all concerned. And witnessed it as happening. Any thing when witnessed strongly with tremendous focuss gets manifested in fourth dimension first and then transcends into third dimension i.e the physical world. Within one week the amount came to me in four parts from four different persons. Universe or the source mind manifested the amount as commanded by me but channelised it in the highest and best way without doing any loss or harm to all concerned people.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER21-UNIVERSAL LAWS The Law of Attraction : the Simplest and Strongest in the Universe
Each individual has a lot of untapped potential in himself. Are you aware that every experience that you have undergone in life till now is because of your thoughts and emotions behind these thoughts? Examine your life. You are happy with some of the conditions and unhappy with some. Most of us end up believing that we are a victim of destiny. But that is far away from truth. Life is a beautiful game and like every game it also has Laws which we need to understand in depth to win this game. I am sure no one contradicts the law of gravity. No matter we believe it nor not it never fails to be active. Same is the case with Universal Laws. They exist and affect our lives even though we are not conscious about them. Gravity is perhaps the weakest of all Universal Laws. It only affects the earth, but the Universal Laws affect all dimensions of each being and object in this Universe. The Law of Attraction, is undoubtedly the strongest of all the Universal Laws. To put it in few words “Like attracts like” or “That which is likened unto itself is drawn”. It means that whatever we focus on by means of our thoughts, we will have it in our life. If we focus on what we want we will attract it, on the other hand, if we focus on what we don’t want we will attract it too! I know what you must be thinking. You must be wondering that if all I have said above is true what is reason you were not aware of it. Or some of you must be wondering why don’t you have the money you have wished for years now. The Law is very simple. Our thoughts are very haphazard and short living. For instance, when you say “ I want a brand new trendy sportscar”, the same moment the Universe begins deliberations for your wish to become a reality. But then in the same breath you say “But I can’t afford it” and you dispel all that Universe was deliberating to make your wish come true. Now that you are aware about the mechanism of the Law, make use of it. When you wish for something, say , a sportscar, but feel you can’t afford it become aware that you are transmitting
Beyond The Physical Life thoughts which convey the message of scarcity. So you end up with being more scarce. So by changing our thoughts and emotions we can use them like a magnet to attract what we want. To give another instance, let us consider money. You have been wanting money for a long time now. Just examine what you feel each time you think about money. Do you feel happy, elated or do you end up angry and disappointed? You may be even envious of those of have it. My experience says that most people are always emotionally confused when it comes to money. You need not worry. No matter how sad or frustrated you have felt, you can still change it. Just consciously practice the Law of Attraction by altering your thoughts and feelings and you will have money flowing into your life soon. The Law of Attraction is a guiding beacon for everyone who wants to change conditions of his/her life. You just need to understand how this law works and use it to your benefit. Initiate activities to alter your thoughts and you can change a lot of things. What you should be aware is the kind of emotions and feelings you garner on a particular subject. That is a true measure of how you feel. Another scale to measure is the conditions of your life. Your emotions will be of the greatest assistance to you when you want to judge the energy and waves that you are transmitting. Emotions never lie.
The Law of Attraction may be defined as: I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative. Have you noticed that sometimes what you need just falls into place or comes to you from an outof-the-blue telephone call? Or you’ve bumped into someone on the street you’ve been thinking about? Perhaps you’ve met the perfect client or life partner, just by fate or being at the right place at the right time. All of these experiences are evidence of the Law of Attraction in your life. Have you heard about people who find themselves in bad relationships over and over again, and who are always complaining that they keep attracting the same kind of relationship? The Law of Attraction is at work for them too.
The Law of Resistance Whatever You Resist Gets Stronger We go through life fighting and resisting the truth. What's so is always what's so. When we fight the truth, we magnify and give power to whatever we are resisting. Here are some examples to show how this works. Imagine four large yellow balloons on the ceiling above you. Now, whatever you do, don't think about them. You just thought about them. Don't do that. What happens when you fight the yellow balloons? You keep thinking about them. In fact, the more you fight the yellow balloons, the more yellow balloons you get. Resisting the balloons doesn't make them go away. It gives them power and keeps them alive. The same principle applies in every area of life. Whatever you resist gets magnified. [121]
Beyond The Physical Life Have you ever had a relationship with someone who had a characteristic that you couldn't stand? What happened to the characteristic when you resisted it? It grew. It grew in your perception and it actually showed up more in the world around you. Look at any area of your life that isn't working. This will be an area where you are resisting. Something is the way that it is and you are fighting it. By your resisting, you give this area of life power and keep it from clearing up. Let's look at fear. Fear is created by resisting a future event. For example, if I have a fear of losing someone, I am resisting the future event called, "losing the person." The more I resist losing the person, the bigger my fear. The bigger my fear, the more I feel threatened. The more I feel threatened, the more I hang on and act destructively. This in turn pushes the person away which brings me the very circumstance that I am resisting. Look over your life and notice that whatever you fear and resist keeps showing up, over and over. It keeps showing up because you create it. The key to being effective in life is to let go of your demands for how people and life should be. Surrender to the truth of what's so. Restore your peace of mind and your ability to see clearly. Then take whatever action you need to have your life be great. That which you resist you draw to you, and you will perpetuate its influence upon your life. Resistance is fear, so it is something you need to Karmically resolve. The Law of Resistance assures that you let go of the fear by encountering it until you are forced to deal with it by learning conscious detachment. Example: You may have a strong resistance toward people of the Asian race; Black race, Jewish race, your mother-in-law. Your resistance is fear. The quickest way to overcome that which you fear is through direct experience, thus you will reincarnate as an Asian, Black, Jew, or mother in-law in a future lifetime. When you attain Master of Life awareness and stop resisting [your fear] by consciously detaching from the negativity, the problem will be resolved. Most disharmonious situations are solved through a change in your viewpoint. By changing your perspective, you can usually eliminate the effects of a problem, and if you are no longer affected by a problem, you no longer have a problem, although nothing about the problem situation may have changed. Another aspect of the Law of resistance states, that which you resists, you become, if not in this lifetime, in a future incarnation.
The Law Of Manifestation What we in our hearts and minds believe or long for, becomes manifest in our reality. The Law of Attraction states that we draw to ourselves vibrationally anything that we focus on.... or "like attracts like". So, we manifest into our reality that which we focus upon! Manifestation is where dreams become real. It is our magic key to the kingdom of achieving our dreams. We can choose to learn how to become conscious creators. [122]
Beyond The Physical Life There is a law operating in the universe that is SO amazing in its potential that we could be surprised to discover we are using it every day without even realising it (although often in the wrong way, which is called creating unconsciously)! Here's how we manifest...
Knowledge Is Power! This has been kept hidden for so long by the edicts of religion. Religion teaches a separate God Him and 'us'. We are taught that we are separate, and that we have no power, and no right to knowledge of that power, except through the 'intermediaries' of the 'priests'. It is religion that has 'kept us in our place' all these years. To give the people knowlege is to give the people power. To give the people power is to risk rebellion in the ranks of the 'sleeping'! BUT... The Divine Source calls for all of us to awaken from our slumber of ignorant belief of 'separateness'. Separateness is an ILLUSION that we humans have been taught - separateness from the plants and animals and stars and planets - and yes, even separate from God! But we are NOT separate. We are ALL ONE! “aham brahmasmi�. This is the knowledge that has been kept from us. Why? To keep us from knowing our True Power! What is our True Power? That we are God Made Manifest! How Do We Manifest? We need to know that we manifest all the time. We are constantly creating and shaping the world around us by our thoughts and beliefs. "The universe supports the reality of your beliefs absolutely. When you believe you must struggle for abundance, then it will bring about situations that are conducive to struggle; when you elieve you cannot experience love without pain,the universe will give you exactly that - love with pain; when you believe it takes time for an illness to heal - then so it will. There is not a single force opposing you, there is only ONE force supporting you absolutely. It is called LOVE, the force that birthed you, that created you in its own image. This love is so magnanimous it will give you exactly and absolutely whatever it is that your reality entails. Change your beliefs and you change your reality." We are not just sitting ducks at the mercy of fate (this is creating unconsciously)! We are Manifesters of Dreams. We are Creators of our own Realities. We are POWERFUL Spiritual Beings! Co-Creators with God! Each of us is a spark of the Divine, so really we can say that WE ARE GOD MADE MANIFEST! We have a choice on what we manifest... If we want to create consciously, what we need to do is decide what we want, visualise, energise with positive thought, believe, then LET GO and let it materialise!
Thought vs. Consciousness We are NOT our brains. Our brains are composed of meat, like the rest of us, and our brains will rot along with the rest of our body when we die. Our brains are an organ in of our bodies, that allows us to interpret the material world we live in with our five senses. Sometimes our [123]
Beyond The Physical Life brains malfunction. They are after all, simply (or maybe not so simply) computers, capable of being programmed. So, if we are not our brains, then whence come our thoughts? We have a consciousness. Our consciousness 'was' before we were born and 'will continue to be' once we have departed. Our consciousness is our Soul's isness of its own existence. But because we think with our brains, we are fooled into believing that our brains are the origin of our thoughts. Not So! Our soul is the origin of our Mind (consciousness), with the brain being the tool. Our subconscious mind is the part of us that creates our realities for us according to our beliefs. It does not distinguish between what it is 'told' is true and real, and what 'is' true and real. It just does as it is bid. So if you say (with belief) "I am slim" for instance, that is what is your subconscious believes and will manifest for you. First of All, Be Careful What You Wish For - INTENTION Is All !! As I say, thoughts are very powerful. What we refer to as 'intention' is the energy or 'power' behind the thought. It is that which decides what the corresponding reaction (or outcome) of our thought will be. The result, or effect, of what you manifest through your intent is experienced as Karma. Karma is cause and effect (as you sow, so you shall reap). What you 'intend' with your thoughts, is what you will experience back in your life, one way or another! "Thoughts are Boomerangs, choose wisely which ones you throw!"
Ok, Where To Start? Life is a skill we can learn. To manifest your dreams, you simply create in your mind a blueprint... a 'perfect picture' of all that you desire. Hold nothing back! The universe wants to give you over and above what you think you want or deserve. - Visualise what you want, using as many of your senses as possible. - Feel it, smell it, see it, touch it, feel the emotions attached to it (the joy and happiness of achieving it)! - Make it like a multi-dimesnsional reality for you as you relax somewhere. Do NOT say things like "I wish", "I hope" or "I want"! In your visualizations, make it in the PRESENT TENSE - eg: "I AM........." or "I HAVE......." An example would be "I have loving people in my life", rather than "I want someone to love me". And then imagine how it FEELS to have that. So, coupled along with visualization of what you want to manifest, is the Feeling associated with it, and imagine it as though it has already happened, which is most important. The author Louise Hay is a visionary, and her book "You Can Heal Your Life" broke new ground at the time it was released, and is still today transforming the lives of millions. She came through major hurdles in her younger years to become the blazing spirit she is now. She ranks very highly as a courageous writer who encouraged us to embrace self empowerment and accept
responsibility for ourselves.
Jesus said, "When you pray, pray as though you have already received it, and you shall [124]
Beyond The Physical Life surely have it". So, imagine it as if it is already arrived in your world! There is simply NO PLACE FOR DOUBT! Remember that doubt will only create situations and people around you who confirm that Doubt. The Art Of Manifestation "The 'Art' of Manifestation is really not based on talent and skill, but the simple recognition of the most fundamental universal law. The Universe supplies exactly and absolutely what you perceive your reality to be, that is to say, what you believe in. If your appeal is "I want ...", then it gives you precisely that, more of WANT, and not WHAT you want for your reality is that you WANT. Rather, state the most powerful words in existence: "I AM...", and then add what you perceive yourself to be and KNOW that it already IS. Do not hope or wish for - simply know that it already IS and give thanks. The immediacy of the intended manifestation is in direct proportion to the FEELING with which you charge your thoughts and words. As you still believe in time, it may take a little time to translate into the physical, but it MUST manifest. " The power operating behind the scenes is Divine Energy. As already stated in other places, what we think and believe becomes real. What we put our minds to in the etheric regions of thought, becomes manifest in what we perceive as our reality.
LAW OF KARMA Actually the law of karma is very simple and has been known for thousands of years. The law of Karma is known in Christian teachings, as well as in many other cultures. It says: Whatever you do to others - will be done to you, in this or any future incarnation of your soul. This law is so straightforward and logical, it sometimes is hard to believe, that some persons still think they may somehow get around it. If you knock your head against a wall, it is obvious - it may damage the wall and it may hurt your head. If you knock someone by physically fighting - you may cause harm, pain, injury to the person and the law of Karma requires you to experience the same pain. This is to have you learn to behave in a way that causes but pleasant experiences to others and yourself alike. Whatever you do, you may attract persons around you, that have a same or similar Karma than you have. If you are of a physically fighting nature, you may attract such persons again and again. Until you start to become aware of your own behavior and start to be fed up with the result of your very own actions. Until you start to strive for a more peaceful environment. The only sure method of finding one is changing your very own behavior. This law of karma applies for individuals as much as for families, groups, villages, cities, or even entire planets.
Beyond The Physical Life The energy of thoughtfulness, kindness and graciousness are considered to be ‘good karma’. When you send these energies out, they will be returned to you in kind. Hate, anger and resentment are damaging energies. When you send out these negative energies, they too will return to you in some form. as you give so you shall receive’, or ‘you reap what you sow’. Bad deeds and thoughts return to you, as do kind, thoughtful deeds. To the exact extent that you live these qualities, you will receive an equivalent back into your life, at some time. Karma is recorded and balanced. Loving thoughts, emotions, deeds and words are ‘credits’. Negative ones are ‘debits’. The Universe calls these up when we least expect it. Your family is also your karma. Your soul chooses your family before you are born. Difficult family ties may be a consequence of unresolved feelings or situations in a past life. You choose that family this time around because your soul wanted another chance to resolve the problems. This offers you the lessons your soul needs to learn. By loving and empowering others we heal karmic relationships. Mindsets that you bring into this life with you are also your karma. If you have a mindset that you are not good enough, the belief will inevitably draw into your life things and people that make you feel inferior or weak. Positive beliefs create good karma in your life. Wonderful things then happen. You are responsible for your own mindset, so change your beliefs if they do not serve you in a positive manner. Your health is your karma. Before you incarnated you chose your family, your life challenges and your mission. You also chose your body and your genetic predisposition. Your moment by moment choices of thoughts and emotions will affect your vitality and health. This is your karma. The balance sheet of your karma is known as your ‘Akashic Records’, which is a recorded history of all of your lives and life experiences and lessons. Karma is carried forward from lifetime to lifetime. We may not experience the consequences of our actions until a subsequent lifetime. Because of this there is often no obvious and visible correlation between an action and its consequence/s. The higher our vibration, the more quickly karma returns to us. Some are subjected to ‘instant karma’. If you feel that you never get away with anything, you may be experiencing instant karma. This means that whatever you give out comes back to you, instantly. It is a sign that you are becoming more evolved because your karmic balance sheet is being kept up to date. Your soul is no longer allowing you to accumulate debt
The Law of reincarnation Under the Law of Reincarnation, if there is anything unresolved or incomplete at the end of a lifetime, your soul is allowed an opportunity to return in human form to resolve or complete it. [126]
Beyond The Physical Life If you cheat someone in one lifetime, your soul will wish to make amends by returning to help that person in another life. Where one person has consistently hurt another (eg. a husband harming his wife), they will wish to return together so that the soul of the perpetrator can repay. If a parent dies leaving his children feeling angry, confused or misunderstood, under the Law of Reincarnation those spirits will choose to come back together to try to relate differently. Whole families often return at the same time in an effort to work things out. Communities who are in conflict or at war will come back to Earth together to see if their souls can find peace together instead of battle and conflict. Often we reincarnate again and again into similar circumstances because of the soul’s desire to put the past to rest. Once we are on the earthplane, in this material place of free-will and choice, it is all too easy to forget the ideals and perspective of the spiritual world. Once again we make the same mistakes and are trapped in the cycle of reincarnation. Earth is a learning establishment in which our lessons are presented to us in the form of experiences. Once we die and leave behind the physical body, our soul’s ‘report card’ is scrutinized and reviewed with the help of our guides, angels and spiritual mentors, known as the Lords of Karma. We then decide which lesson we need to brush up on and which classes we need to redo in order to accomplish our goal of ascension. Where we have done well, our soul learns new lessons in the following incarnation/s. Souls will experience lives in every religion, have lives as peasants, merchants, soldiers, medics and artists - every conceivable life style and area they can learn from. These souls will incarnate again and again to perfect lessons and repay karma. These souls will experience all polarities, such as student/teacher, rich/poor, male/female, service/selfishness, betrayer/betrayed. The Akashic Records are kept by the Lords of Karma. Good and bad are credits and debits. In future lifetimes we can call on our credit, but we must also re-pay our debts. There are many reasons why a soul may wish to reincarnate. Some may include: · to put right past wrongs (to repay our debts) · to experience and strengthen ourselves · to learn more about our emotions, sexuality and other lessons exclusive to the earthplane · to serve on this planet, to teach, to help, to be a ‘light’ to others.
Beyond The Physical Life Earth is a planet of free-will and choice. Every thought, word or deed eventually manifests into your life. Your mindsets and emotions build your physical body and provide you with opportunities to have different experiences. Ultimately, there is a spiritual working-out of all things. It is not up to us to judge what somebody else is doing or how they are handling the lessons of their incarnation. Just be aware that every single soul is on a journey over many lifetimes, and they are continuously learning on that journey. The greatest way of helping another is to demonstrate by example that there is another way of living. Akashic Records The majority of the world’s cultures, faiths and philosophers generally agree that the Akashic Records exist. The Hindus believe in a universal substance call ‘akasha’ – from which the natural elements of water, fire, earth and air were created. The Akashic Records are perceived to be the collective memories and histories of every thought, physical and emotional vibration, sound, major event, minor incident and all movement in eternity. The Akashic Records are the entire history of everything that ever has been, and everything that ever will be. They could be looked upon as a ‘memory bank’ containing details about everything that happens in the Universe, and information about every spirit and the many lives they have lived.
The Law of balance and polarity The Spiritual Law of Balance and Polarity is also known as the Law of Symmetry. In our lives we experience one aspect of life, then it’s opposite. The more we choose to explore one extreme, the further from the centre we move. Then we must go the other way to understand it’s opposite. To know white we much know black; to know positive, we must experience negative. If we experience lifetimes of riches, we will need to experience the opposite, which is poverty. If we become a tyrant in one lifetime, our soul will want for us to compensation by being a ‘victim’. We all have unresolved aspects within us and our aim is the integrate the polarities so that we can live in balance. Our soul’s goal is to experience polarities - then gain balance.
Beyond The Physical Life Masculine energy is doing, thinking, logical, aggressive, while the feminine counterpart is being, creating, intuitive and passive. Our soul’s aim is to balance these internally so that we can listen to our intuition, then act on it.
The Law of Discrimination and Discernment The more evolved our souls are, the more we are expected to discriminate and discern; and of course, we are tested by the Universe in this aspect throughout our lifetime. If you are given guidance, told something by someone, meet a new person, or are offered a job – check internally to see whether or not it feels right to you. When we work with the forces of the Universe, we must always use discrimination and discernment. If any impressions or feelings do not feel right to you, then it is up to you to listen to your intuition, be discerning, then make the right choice. Our intuition (or gut feeling) tells us whether someone is being honest or not. We often disregard this because our logical mind argues against it or because we do not want to believe it. We over-ride and disregard our intuition. If we are not discerning, we will bear the resultant karma
The law of judgement This one can sometimes be really tough. When someone has behaved unlovingly toward us—when they yell at us, lie about us, steal from us or treat us badly in any way—they have lost touch with the essence of who they really are. Since all thought is thought about ourselves, then to condemn another is to condemn ourselves. How then do we escape judgment toward others? Mostly through reinterpretation of what we are judging. As extensions of source, we are ourselves the spirit of compassion, and in our right minds, we don’t seek to judge, but to heal. We can do that by consciously choosing to react to their behavior from a perspective of love and forgiveness instead of fear, and when we do, we release infinite possibilities of healing. In this way, we sidestep the attackers force, rather than resisting it. The energy of the attack then boomerangs back in the direction of the attacker, since there is nowhere else for it to go (like attracts like). Therefore the power in forgiveness lies in remaining nonreactive—by relinquishing the idea of vengeance. Source, through the Universal Laws of Cause and Effect, balances all wrong. Through attack, judgment or punishment, we initiate a war that no one can win. That battle is not real, because only love is real and fear is an illusion (all negativity drives from fear). We can ask source to be lifted above these battles, and in the spirit of love and forgiveness, we free ourselves
Beyond The Physical Life Judgment serves a purpose in its own way. You have heard “judge not lest you be judged”. It is the Law of Cause and Effect that comes into the picture here. What you put out, you get back– quite simply. And if you judge another, you will be judged. The Law of Karma also is involved in this Universal Law.
The Law of Unconditional Love. The expression of unconditional love will eventually result in harmony. Unconditional love is not romantic love. It is the acceptance of others as they are without judgment or expectations. It is total acceptance of others without attempting to change them, except by our own positive example. The law of unconditional love says, "If you go out of your way to express unconditional love, you automatically rise above fear, and, as you transcend your fears, you automatically open to the expression of unconditional love. What you see in others is what exists in you. It is a reflection, a mirror, if you will, of what you are and what still exists within you. For you cannot judge it, if it does not exist within you.
The Law of Magnetic Affinities. By Astrologically choosing the time and place of your birth, you determine the nature or the effects you will experience in your life. On the other side, before we are born, we make decisions about the lifetime we will be entering into. You chose your parents, other souls to interact with you, and the Astrological configurations of your birth which determine your character, personality, abilities, restrictions, and timing for strengths and weaknesses. If all of this seems too complicated to be real, be aware that you are only using five to ten percent of the capacity of your brain. And the brain-mind researchers say the human brain has 200,000 times the capacity of the greatest computer ever built. Such calculations as I've just described would be no problem for such a computer.
The Law of Abundance. You have within yourself everything required to make your earthly incarnation a paradise if you choose to accept that which is your divine birth-right. We live in a Universe of abundance, although the majority of those populating our planet appear to view it as a Universe of scarcity. In our quiet, perceptive moments, we may take a look at the bounty and endless diversity of nature around us. And we marvel at the wealth of nature. Perhaps, the thought may strike us, how wonderful it could be if we could tap into the power that made all this wealth possible. In fact, we can. If we conscientiously apply the Law of Abundance.
Beyond The Physical Life The Law of Abundance is about Being richer in every aspect of life and beyond. It is also about being wealth conscious. You need to Be Wealthy before you can think wealthy thoughts and take wealthy action. You may think that it is hard to Be wealthy when you do not feel rich or prosperous. However, this thinking is further from the truth. You just do not realise that you already are abundant in many aspects. You have constructed a physical and conscious reality that has prevented you from seeing this. In quantum physics, at the subatomic level, you recognise that everything else in the Universe is energy. Hence, even humans are essentially beings of energy. The Universe is made up of energy, vibrating at various frequencies. This means that we see things as they are because of the energy vibrations. It is through our focused thoughts that they become realities. Without these thoughts, they are only simply "waves" - probabilities of existence. Hence, what we think has the power to change what we experience. So according to the Law of Abundance, if we simply decide that we are already in great wealth, then we will find that this will be the case. Money is a symbol of wealth. The rich people are wealthy not because they have money but because they are wealth conscious. If you keep thinking about the bills you have to pay, the designer shoes that you hope to get or the big house you hope to retire in, then you are really in poverty consciousness.
The Law of Divine Order If you seek to understand the Law of Divine Order, study the natural balance of nature, for it works very much the same way. Everything is as it should be, although mankind is far from experiencing its potential of total harmony. There are no accidents. Your energy, translated into thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds, causes all your experiences. This assures that you always have the learning opportunities you require to resolve your Karma, and, as with you, the collective thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds of mankind create the environment for us all. If enough souls focus their energy upon peace, we will have peace. If the majority of souls are filled with anger, we may all have to experience war. We are all one, and like the many sub-personalities within you, the dominant traits of mankind (the entire gestalt) will emerge to resolve our group Karma.
The Law of Reflection. This Law says that the traits you respond to in others, you recognize in yourself, both positive and negative. It has four primary manifestations 1. That which you admire in others, you recognize as existing within yourself; 2. That which you resist and react to strongly in others is sure to be found within yourself;
Beyond The Physical Life 3. That which you resist and react to in others is something which you are afraid exists within you; and, 4. That which you resist in yourself, you will dislike in others.
In other words, you have chosen to incarnate upon the manifest plane to learn to rise above the effect of fear. Those fears will always be reflected in your reactions to others, Thus your goals are very obvious once you recognize how to perceive them. As you let go of the fear, you automatically open to expressing more unconditional love.
The Law of Fellowship. When two or more people of similar vibration are gathered for a shared purpose, their combined energy directed to the attainment of that purpose is doubled, tripled, quadrupled or more. This esoteric awareness has been used by covens, esoteric religions, healing groups, and recently, worldwide meditations for world peace.
The Law of Gratitude. From the perspective of Karma and the Law of One, the more you give, the more you will receive. The more you assist others, the more you will assist yoursel grateful to a personfor something they have done, that person feels the energyof thanks and is so overjoyed by it that they want to give you more.when you send out heartfelt thanks to the universe for the blessings you have recieved,the divine energy lovingly responds by giving you even more blessings. The power of this Law also works in your day-to-day life.
The Law of Conscious Detachment. Buddha's earthly teachings are best summarized with one of his statements, "It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering." and by suffering, he meant everything that doesn't work in your life; relationship problems, loss of loved ones, loneliness, sickness, accidents, guilt, monetary hardship, unfulfilled desires, and so on. When you accept what is, you accept the unalterable realities in your life without resisting them. Some things are facts. They exist, and no matter how much you resist them, there is nothing you are going to be able to do about them. Change what you can change, but have the wisdom to accept unalterable situations as they are, without wasting [132]
Beyond The Physical Life mental or physical energy attempting to change what you cannot change. Out of acceptance comes involved detachment. The ability to enjoy all the positive aspects of life, but to allow the negative to flow through you with out resistance and without affecting you.
The Law of One. “Aham brahmasmi�.Every Soul, living and discarnate, is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, deep within the Higher-Self. We are all part of a great energy gestalt called God, and because we are part of God, we are God. It is the goal of the gestalt to move the energy forward, creating more energy. So, in living harmoniously, we each increase our vibrational rate and intensify the vibration of the entire gestalt. When we are disharmonious, we decrease the vibration of the entire gestalt, because we are one, everything you think, say and do, affects every other Soul.
Law of free will Law of free will operates in three ways 1. Although many of the major events in your life are Astrologically predestined, you always have free will to mitigate the impact of the event, or to transcend it entirely. This will result from how you live your life up to the situation you have destined for yourself to experience. If you give grace and mercy to others, are positive, loving, compassionate, and demonstrate by your action that you have learned past lessons, you can minimize disharmonious experiences! 2. As you obtain Master of life awareness and develop conscious detachment, you will be far less affected by worldly events than in the past. A Master of Life enjoys all the warmth and joy that life has to offer, but detaches from the negativity by allowing it to flow through him without affecting him. 3. You always have free will in how you respond to any situation. If you respond with positive emotions, compassion and integrity, you have probably learned your karmic lessons and will not have to experience a similar situation in the future.
Beyond The Physical Life The Law of Vibrational Attainment. The entire Universe operates on the same principle of vibrational energy. When Einstein discovered that "matter is energy." he opened the door to merging science and metaphysics. The scientists have proved that energy cannot die, it can only transform (reincarnate), and, by its very nature, energy must go forward or backwards, it cannot stand still, for to do so is stagnation, resulting in transformation. You are energy. Your skin, which appears solid, is actually trillions of swiftly moving molecules orbiting each other at a specific vibrational rate; a physical life rate you have earned in the past as a result of how harmoniously—or disharmoniously you have lived your past lives and your current life up until this moment in time. When you are harmonious for a lifetime, you will have attained the highest vibrational rate—the God level.
The Law of Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit term commonly accepted by most Metaphysical adepts today. It means one who has transcended the need of Earthly incarnations but who has chosen to return to the earth to support others in achieving enlightenment. A Bodhisattva knows he will never really be free until all souls are free. Most serious students of metaphysics have entered the Bodhisattva Development Stage of their evolution.
The Law of Soul Evolution. Everyone on Earth shares the goal of Soul evolution whether they realize it or not. We have reincarnated because we desire to evolve spiritually. By rising above all of our fear based emotions and in so doing learning how to express unconditional love we raise our vibrational rate, and move closer to a state of harmony. Even where it appears that we are not evolving we are in reality making progress. We learn through the pain of our disharmonious acts, which can be viewed as our mistakes or failures. This is the law of Soul evolution.
The Law of Grace. Karma can be experienced to the letter of the law or in mercy and grace. In other words if you give love, mercy and grace to others, you will receive the same in return.
Beyond The Physical Life The Law of Wisdom. Wisdom erases Karma. If you have the wisdom to learn your lessons through love and wisdom you can mitigate your suffering. Sadly, we seem to learn the fastest through pain, through directly experiencing the consequences of our actions. As an example, you greedily take from others, and instead of learning through wisdom and love that this is wrong, you have to experience from others someone greedily taking from you, whether later in this life or in a future lifetime.
Example 1: In your last life you were married to a Soul who is your mate today, and whom you cruelly left far another in that previous lifetime. Before you were born into your current life, you agreed to be left by your mate, under similar circumstances—this will allow you to balance your Karma—and directly experience the pain of abandonment. If through the wisdom of Master-LifeAwareness it is easier to detach consciously from the relationship with love, you will ease the pain of parting while also passing your own test, and thus absolving Karma and evolving from within.
Example 2. Assume that you have Astrologically destined a severe relationship test for May of your 35th year. If you have learned through past life awareness, as well as present life learning, to be positive, non-judgmental and without expectations in your relationship you may only experience an argument with your mate on that fateful day in May, but if you haven't learned your past lessons, and have intensified your disharmony during your relationship you might experience a divorce in may of your 35th year.
The Law of Harmony. This law supersedes even the fundamental law of Karma, for harmony is the supreme potential of balance. The purpose of Karma is to attain harmony. If you through a rock into a pond you disturb the harmony of the pond, you are the cause, the effect is the splash and the ripples that flows out and back until harmony is restored. Similarly, your disharmonious actions flow out into the Universe and back upon you, lifetime after life time, until eventually your own harmony is restored.
The Law of "Dharma" The Law of Dharma says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. Hence, you inherently have certain unique talents and can do a particular job better than others. When you match your actions to the Law of Dharma, you will experience great wealth and abundance. It is usally the case that the purpose in life is tied to helping others. It is not a question [135]
Beyond The Physical Life of "what's in it for me" but a true willingness to serve your fellow human beings with love and compassion. To take it one step further, if you want more success, you need to help others find success. If you want more money, you need to help others make money.
CASE STUDY21 Actually all the laws of universe are intune with each other. I have passed more than half of my life in studying these universal laws. Behind any law there is support of all other laws. These law are universal and comprehensive. I used to have difficulty in handling day to day problems initially. After understanding all the laws i started shifting my focuss from problem to solution of the problem. We recieve on whatever we focuss. This is very true. If you focuss on problem , u get problems in large quantities and if u focuss on solution of problem , u recieve solution immediately. Problems becomes pleasure for u. Because u have shifted your consciousness on other aspect. This the game we have to understand. Of course law of attraction and other laws also gets applied on this aspect. Actually nothing is changing . It seems everything is changing moment by moment. But at subtle level the core force behind everything remain same. GOD is everywhere and in everything. Everything is one.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER22- SEVEN PLANES OF EXISTENCE A "plane" refers to all the matter in the universe that is formed from a particular type of atom. For example, the mental plane is the sum total of all the matter that is formed out of 3-atoms. In contrast, a "world" refers to the portion of matter of a particular plane that is associated with a planet. For example, the mental world is the sphere of mental matter that surrounds and interpenetrates the Earth. There are seven major planes of existence and many more sub planes between them. These are planes of different frequencies .Because of difference in frequencies, we are not able to fully experience the other planes of existence. These planes are mentioned below in the following diagram :-
These seven planes correspond to the seven states of consciousness in man. one can move his/her consciousness in any of the plane if he has the mastery in commanding the consciouness. One also achieve these planes after death . Which plane he achieves depends upon the karma he performed while he remained in physical body. But by spiritual enlightement , one can move in these planes depending upon their own will.
Beyond The Physical Life CASE STUDY 22 I acted as mediums for many people to contact the spirits who were once their love ones before death. Whever i used to contact spirits, my consciouness used to get shifted in the fourth plane or the “pitraloka�. The more i shifted my consciousness, the more accurate and fast was the communication. As all the seven planes are of different frequencies , i experienced that as i shifted my consciousness in any other plane , i used to lose the awarness of the plane in which my body was there i.e the third plane. As it is proved scientifically that communication only takes place when the commuicating persons are intune to same frequency. And due to these different frequencies the planes have different forms and nature . In the cycle of spiritual evolution every soul experience these seven planes and ends its journey back to creator.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER23-POWER OF THOUGHTS Mind power is the second strongest power next to the spirit. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Your predominant thoughts influence your behavior and attitude and control your actions and reactions. As your thoughts are, so is your life.
You have to be careful of what you think. Thoughts are like a video cassette that is played in the VCR of the mind. What you play is what you see and experience. What you think is what you live. To make changes in your life it is necessary to eject the old video cassette, and insert a new one that you like that means one should change his baeelief system. The power of thoughts is creative. It is possible to train and strengthen it. With it you can cause your thoughts to manifest on the material plane, and you can influence other people's minds. If you give seeds water and fertilizers they grow into healthy and strong plants. Thoughts, like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest on the material level if they are fed with attention and interest. Your thoughts pass to your subconscious mind, which in turn influences your actions in accordance with these thoughts. Your thoughts also pass to other minds, and consequently people who are in a position to help, give you their help, sometimes without even knowing why. The power of your mind is part of the creative power of the Universe, which means that your thoughts work together with the mighty Universal mind. Using effectively the power of thoughts can be termed "practical daydreaming". Visualize a perfect scene of whatever you want to accomplish. Put a lot of detail, color, sound, scent and life into these mental scenes. Repeat them often, with faith and attention, and the subconscious will accept them as real experiences. It does not differentiate between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts them both as real. [139]
Beyond The Physical Life Actions, situations and objects that you visualize frequently eventually manifest on the material plane in a natural way. It is as if new software has been installed in the mind, and which affects the outer world. This manifestation does not happen overnight. It needs time, and depends on how ambitious and sincere you are, and how much time and attention you put into this action. This process can be used for changing, improving or developing any kind of habit, ability or skill, and it is useful for gaining money, possessions and promotion, for building a business, improving health and relationships, changing circumstances and for practically almost everything. Pay attention to the thoughts you think. Learn to let into your mind only the thoughts that bring good, happy and positive results. When you think with full and strong concentration about something that you want to happen, and your mind does not resist the subject of your thought, your thought materializes." If we throw a piece of stone in a tank or a pool of water, it will produce a succession of concentric waves travelling all around from the affected place. The light of a candle will similarly give rise to waves of ethereal vibrations travelling in all directions from the candle. In the same manner, when a thought, whether good or evil, crosses the mind of a person, it gives rise to vibrations in the Manas or mental atmosphere, which travel far and wide in all directions. What is the possible medium through which thoughts can travel from one mind to another? The best possible explanation is that Manas or mind-substance fills all space like ether and it serves as the vehicle for thoughts, as Prana is the vehicle for feeling, as ether is the vehicle for heat, light and electricity and as air is the vehicle for sound.
THOUGHT POWER—ITS PHYSICS AND ITS PHILOSOPHY Thought travel faster than light While light travels at the rate of 1,86,000 miles per second, thoughts virtually travel in no time. Thought is finer than ether, the medium of electricity. In broadcasting, a singer sings beautiful songs at Calcutta. You can hear them nicely through the radio set in your own house at Delhi. All messages are received through the wireless. Even so your mind is like a wireless machine. A saint with peace, poise, harmony and spiritual waves sends out into the world thoughts of harmony and peace. They travel with lightning speed in all directions and enter the minds of persons and produce in them also similar thoughts of harmony and peace. Whereas a worldly man whose mind is full of jealousy, revenge and hatred sends out discordant thoughts which enter the minds of thousands and stir in them similar thoughts of hatred and discord. So it is clear that mind is the biggest reciever and transmitter .
Beyond The Physical Life The Ether or so called Space Registers Thoughts You can move the world through thought-force. Thought has great power. It can be transmitted from one man to another man. The powerful thoughts of great sages and Rishis are still recorded in the Akasa (Akasic records). Yogis who have clairvoyant vision can perceive those thought-images. They can read them. You are surrounded by an ocean of thought. You are floating in the ocean of thought. You are absorbing certain thoughts and repelling some in the thought-world. Everyone has his own thought-world.
Thoughts Are like Living Things Thoughts are living things. A thought is as much solid as a piece of stone. We may cease to be, but our thoughts can never die. Every change in thought is accompanied by vibration of its matter (mental). Thought as force needs a special kind of subtle matter in its working. The stronger the thoughts, the earlier the fructification. Thought is focussed and given a particular direction and, in the degree that thought is thus focussed and given direction, it is effective in the work it is sent out to accomplish.
Thoughts Are subtle Forces Thought is a finer force. This is supplied to us by food. If you read Chhandogya Upanishad—the dialogue between Uddalaka and Svetaketu—you will understand this point well. If the food is pure, thought also becomes pure. He who has pure thoughts speaks very powerfully and produces deep impression on the minds of the hearers by his speech. He influences thousands of persons through his pure thoughts. A pure thought is sharper than the edge of a razor. Entertain always pure, sublime thoughts. Thought-culture is an exact science.
Thoughts As Wireless Messages Those who harbour thoughts of hatred, jealousy, revenge and malice are very dangerous persons. They cause unrest and ill-will amongst men. Their thoughts and feelings are like wireless messages broadcast in ether, and are received by those whose minds respond to such vibrations. Thought moves with tremendous velocity. Thoughts Are Tremendous Powers Thought has got tremendous power. Thought can heal diseases. Thoughts can transform the mentality of persons. Thought can do anything. It can work wonders. The velocity of thought is unimaginable. [141]
Beyond The Physical Life Thought is a dynamic force. It is caused by the vibrations of psychic Prana or Sukshma Prana on the mental substance. It is a force like gravitation, cohesion or repulsion. Thought travels or moves.
Thought-transference is known as telepathy What is this world, after all? It is nothing but the materialization of the thought-forms of Hiranyagarbha or God. You have got waves of heat and light and electricity in science. There are also thought-waves in Yoga. Thought has tremendous power. Everybody is experiencing the power of thought unconsciously to a greater or lesser degree. Great Yogis like Patanjali used to send and receive messages to and from distant persons through mind-telepathy (mental radio) and thought-transference. Telepathy was the first wireless telegraph and telephone service ever known to the world. Just as you take physical exercises, play games such as tennis and cricket in order to maintain physical health, you will have to maintain mental health by radiating the right thought-waves, by taking Sattvic food, mental recreation of an innocent and harmless nature, change of mood, relaxation of mind by entertaining good, ennobling and sublime thoughts and by cultivating the habit of cheerfulness.
Marvels of Thought-vibrations Every thought that you send out is a vibration which never perishes. It goes on vibrating every particle of the universe and if your thoughts are noble, holy and forcible, they set in vibration every sympathetic mind. Unconsciously all people who are like you take the thought you have projected and in accordance with the capacity that they have, they send out similar thoughts. The result is that, without your knowledge of the consequences of your own work, you will be setting in motion great forces which will work together and put down the lowly and mean thoughts generated by the selfish and the wicked.
Diversity of Thought-vibrations Every man has his own mental world, his own mode of thinking, his own ways of understanding things and his own ways of acting. Just as the face and voice of every man differ from those of another man, the mode of thinking and understanding also differs. That is the reason why misunderstanding easily occurs between friends. One is not able to understand rightly the views of another. Hence friction, rupture and quarrel occur within a minute even amongst fast friends. The friendship does not last long. One should be in tune with the mental vibrations or thought-vibrations of another. Then only can one easily understand another. [142]
Beyond The Physical Life Lustful thoughts, thoughts of hatred, jealousy and selfishness produce distorted images in the mind and cause clouding of understanding, perversion of intellect, loss of memory and confusion in the mind.
Conservation of Thought-energy In physics you have the term ‘power of orientation’. Though the mass of energy is there, the current will not flow. It must be connected to the magnet and then the electric current will flow through the power of orientation. Even so, the mental energy which is dissipated and misdirected in various worthless worldly thoughts should be well directed in proper spiritual channels. Do not store in your brain useless information. Learn to unmind the mind. Unlearn whatever has been of no use to you. Then only can you fill your mind with divine thoughts. You will gain new mental strength as the dissipated mental rays are collected now.
The Cell-theory and the Thoughts A cell is a mass of protoplasm with a nucleus. It is endowed with intelligence. Some cells secrete, while some cells excrete. The cells of the testes secrete semen; the cells of the kidneys excrete urine. Some cells act the part of a soldier. They defend the body from the inroads or attacks of foreign poisonous matter and germs. They digest and throw them out. Some cells carry food materials to the tissues and organs. The cells perform their work without your conscious volition. Their activities are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. They are in direct communion with the mind in the brain. Every impulse of the mind, every thought, is conveyed to the cells. They are greatly influenced by the varying conditions or states of the mind. If there are confusion, depression and other negative emotions and thoughts in the mind, they are telegraphically transmitted through the nerves to every cell in the body. The soldier-cells become panic-stricken. They are weakened. They are not able to perform their function properly. They become inefficient. Some people are extremely body-conscious, and possess no idea of the Self. They live irregular, indisciplined lives and fill their stomachs with sweets, pastries, and so on. There is no rest for the digestive and the eliminating organs. They suffer from physical weakness and diseases. The atoms, molecules and cells in their bodies produce discordant or inharmonious vibrations. They have no hope, confidence, faith, serenity and cheerfulness. They are unhappy. The lifeforce is not operating properly. Their vitality is at a low ebb. Their mind is filled with fear, despair, worry and anxiety.
Primal Thought and Modern Science Thought is the greatest force on earth. Thought is the most powerful weapon in the armour of a Yogi. Constructive thought transforms, renews and builds. The far-reaching possibilities of this force were most accurately developed to perfection by the ancients and put to the highest possible use. [143]
Beyond The Physical Life For, thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation is given as a single thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind. The world is the Primal Idea made manifest. This First Thought became manifest as a vibration issuing from the Eternal Stillness of the Divine Essence. This is the reference in classic terminology to the Ichha, desire of the Hiranyagarbha, Cosmic Soul, that originates as a Spandana or vibration. This vibration is nothing like the rapid oscillation to and fro of physical particles, but is some thing infinitely subtle, so subtle as to be even inconceivable to the normal mind. But this has made it clear that all forces are ultimately resolvable into a state of pure vibration. Modern science also has newly arrived at this conclusion after its prolonged researches in external physical nature.
Even so the perfume or fame and reputation (Yasas and Kirti) of a Yogi who has controlled his thoughts spreads far and wide. He becomes a cosmic force.
Thought—Its Weight, Size and Shape Every thought has got weight, shape, size, form, colour, quality and power. A Yogi can see all these thoughts directly with his inner Yogic eye. Thoughts are like things. Just as you hand over an orange to your friend and take it back, so also you can give a useful, powerful thought to your friend and also take it back. Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating a thought.
Thought—Its Form, Its Name and Colour Suppose your mind is rendered perfectly calm, entirely without thoughts. Nevertheless, as soon as thought begins to rise, it will immediately take name and form. Every thought has a certain name and a certain form. Thus you find that every idea that man has or can have, must be connected with a certain word as its counterpart. Form is the grosser and name the finer state of a single manifesting power called thought. But these three are one; wherever there is one, the other two also are there. Wherever name is, there are form and thought. A spiritual thought has yellow colour. A thought charged with anger and hatred is of a dark red colour; a selfish thought has a brown colour and so on.
Thought—Its Power, Workings and Uses Thought is a vital, living dynamic power—the most vital, subtle and irresistible force existing in the universe. [144]
Beyond The Physical Life Through the instrumentality of thought you acquire creative power. Thought passes from one man to another. It influences people; a man of powerful thought can influence readily people of weak thoughts. There are nowadays numerous books on thought-culture, thought power, thought-dynamics. A study of them will give you a comprehensive understanding of thought, its power, its workings and usefulness.
We Live in a Boundless World of Thoughts Thought alone is the whole world, the great pains, the old age, death and the great sin, earth, water, fire, air, ether. Thought binds a man. He who has controlled his thoughts, is a veritable God on this earth. You live in a world of thoughts. First is thought. Then there is the expression of that thought through the organ of speech. Thought and language are intimately connected. Thoughts of anger, bitterness and malice injure others. If the mind which is the cause of all thoughts vanishes, the external objects will disappear. Thoughts are things. Sound, touch, form, taste and odour, the five sheaths, the waking, the dreaming and deep sleep states—all these are the products of mind. Sankalpa, passion, anger, bondage, time—know them to be the result of mind. Mind is the king of the Indriyas or senses. Thought is the root of all mental process. The thoughts that we perceive all round us are only the mind in form or substance. Thought creates, thought destroys. Bitterness and sweetness do not lie in the objects, but they are in the mind, in the subject, in thinking. They are created by thought. Through the play of the mind or thought upon objects, proximity appears to be a great distance and vice versa. All objects in this world are unconnected; they are connected and associated together only by thought, by the imagination of your mind. It is the mind that gives colour, shape, qualities to the objects. Mind assumes the shape of any object it intensely thinks upon. Friend and enemy, virtue and vice are in the mind only. Every man creates a world of good and evil, pleasure and pain, out of his own imagination only. Good and evil, pleasure and pain do not proceed from objects. These belong to the attitude of your mind. There is nothing good nor pleasant in this world. Your imagination makes it so.
Thoughts, Electricity and Philosophy Thoughts are giant-powers. They are more powerful than electricity. They control your life, mould your character, and shape your destiny. Mark how one thought expands into many thoughts, within a short time. Suppose you get an idea to set up a tea-party for your friends. The one thought of ‘tea’ invites instantaneously the thoughts of sugar, milk, tea-cups, tables, chairs, table-cloth, napkins, spoons, cakes, biscuits, etc. So, this world is nothing but the expansion of thoughts. The expansion of thoughts of the mind towards the objects is bondage; and, the renunciation of thoughts is liberation.
Beyond The Physical Life You must be very watchful in nipping the thoughts in the bud. Only then will you be really happy. Mind tricks and plays. You must understand its nature, ways and habits. Then only can you control it very easily. The world’s most extraordinary book of practical philosophical idealism of India is YogaVasishtha. The gist of this work is this: “The non-dual Brahman or the immortal soul alone exists. This universe as universe is not. Knowledge of the Self alone will free one from this round of births and deaths. Extinction of thoughts and Vasanas is Moksha. Expansion of mind alone is Sankalpa. Sankalpa or thought, through its power of differentiation generates this universe. This world is a play of the mind. This world does not exist in the three periods of time. Extinction of Sankalpas is Moksha. Annihilate this little ‘I’, Vasanas, Sankalpas, thoughts. Meditate on the Self and become a Jivanmukta.”
Outer World Pre-exists in the astral world or Thoughts Every thought has an image. A table is a mental image plus some external thing. Whatever you see outside has its counterpart in the mind. The pupil is a small round thing in the eye. Retina is a small structure. How is it that the image of a big mountain seen through a small aperture or structure cast on the mind? This is a marvel of marvels. The image of a mountain already exists in the mind. The mind is like a vast sheet of canvas that contains all the pictures of the objects seen outside. The whole World is a Projection of Thought Careful reflection will show that the entire universe is in reality the projection of the human mind—Manomatram Jagat. Purification and control of the mind is the central aim of all Yogas. Mind in itself is but a record of impressions that keep expressing ceaselessly as impulses and thoughts. The mind is what it does. Thought impels you to action; activity creates fresh impressions in the mind-stuff. Yoga strikes at the very root of this vicious circle by a method of effectively inhibiting the functions of the mind. Yoga checks, controls and stops the root function of the mind, i.e., thought. When thought is transcended, intuition functions and Self-knowledge supervenes. Thought has the potency of creating or undoing the world in the twinkling of an eye. Mind creates the world according to its own Sankalpa or thought. It is the mind that creates this universe, (Manomatram Jagat; Manahkalpitam Jagat). Through the play of the mind, a Kalpa is reckoned by it as a moment and vice versa. Like a dream generating another dream in it the mind having no visible form generates existent visibles.
Thoughts, World and the Timeless Reality It is the mind that is the root cause of the tree of Samsara with its thousands of shoots, branches, tender leaves and fruits. If you annihilate thoughts, you can destroy the tree of Samsara at once. Destroy the thoughts as soon as they arise. The root will dry up through the annihilation of thoughts, and the tree of Samsara will wither soon. [146]
Beyond The Physical Life This demands considerable patience and perseverance. You will be bathed in the ocean of bliss when all thoughts are extirpated. This state is indescribable. You will have to feel it yourself. Just as the fire is absorbed into its source when the fuel is burnt out, so also, the mind is absorbed into its source, the Atman, when all Sankalpas or thoughts are annihilated. Then one attains Kaivalya, the experience of the Timeless Reality, the state of absolute independence.
THOUGHT POWER—ITS LAWS AND ITS DYNAMICS Thought—The Architect of Destiny If the mind dwells continually upon one train of thought, a groove is formed into which the thought-force runs automatically and such a habit of thought survives death and since it belongs to the ego, is carried over to the subsequent earth-life as a thought-tendency and capacity. Every thought, it must be remembered, has got its own mental image. The essence of the various mental images formed in one particular physical life is being worked out in the mental plane. It constitutes the basis for the next physical life. Just as a new physical body is formed in every birth, so also a new mind and a new Buddhi are formed in every birth. Not easy is the act of explaining the detailed workings of thought and destiny. Every Karma produces twofold effect, one on the individual mind and the other on the world. Man makes the circumstances of his future life by the effect of his actions upon others. Every action has a past which leads up to it; every action has a future which proceeds from it. An action implies a desire which prompted it and a thought which shaped it. Each thought is a link in an endless chain of causes and effects, each effect becoming a cause and each cause having been an effect; and each link in the endless chain is welded out of three components—desire, thought and activity. A desire stimulates a thought; a thought embodies itself as an act. Act constitutes the web of destiny. Selfish coveting of the possessions of others, though never carried out into active cheating in the present, makes one a thief in a later earth-life, while hatred and revenge secretly cherished are the seeds from which the murderer springs. So again, unselfish loving yields as harvest the philanthropist and the saint; and every thought of compassion helps to build the tender and pitiful nature which belongs to one who is a friend to all creatures. Sage Vasishtha asks Rama to do Purushartha, or show the prowess of self-exertion. Do not yield to fatalism. It will induce inertia and laziness. Recognize the Great Powers of Thought. Exert. By right thinking make for yourself a great destiny. Prarabdha is Purushartha of last birth. You sow an action and reap a habit; a habit sown results in character. You sow a character and reap a destiny. Man is the master of his own destiny. You yourself make, by the power of your thought, your destiny. You can undo it if you like. All faculties, energies and powers are latent in you. Unfold them, and become free and great. [147]
Beyond The Physical Life
Thoughts get displayed on face Your face is like a gramophone record or plate. Whatever you think is at once written on your face. Every vicious thought serves as a chisel or needle to write down the thoughts on your countenance. Your faces are covered with the scars and wounds which are made by the vicious thoughts of hatred, anger, lust, jealousy, revenge, etc. From the nature of the scar on your face, we can at once read your state of mind. We can at once diagnose the disease of your mind. He who thinks that he can hide his thoughts is a dunce of the first water. His position is like that of the ostrich which, when chased by the hunters, hides its head underneath the sand and imagines that it cannot be seen by anyone. Face is the index of the mind. Face is the mould of the mind. Every thought cuts a groove in the face. A divine thought brightens the face. An evil thought darkens the face. Continued divine thoughts increase the aura or halo. Continued evil thoughts increase the depth of dark impressions, just as the continued striking of a vessel against the edge of a well while drawing water makes deeper and deeper hollow on the vessel. The facial expression truly advertises the inner state of the mind or the true contents of the mind. The face is like an advertisement-board wherein is advertised what is going inside the mind. Your thoughts, sentiments, modes and emotions produce their strong impressions on the face. In your face, you can hardly hide your thoughts. You may wrongly think that you have kept up your thoughts in secret. The thoughts of lust, greed, jealousy, anger, revenge, hatred, etc., at once produce their deep impressions on your face. The face is a faithful recorder and a sensitive registering apparatus to register and record all the thoughts that are in your mind. The face is a polished mirror to indicate the nature of the mind and its contents at a particular time.
Thoughts Feature the Physical Expressions Mind is the subtle form of this physical body. The physical body is the outward manifestation of the thoughts. So when the mind is wrought, the body is wrought too. As a man of rough appearance generally cannot invoke love and mercy of others, so a roughminded man cannot invoke love and mercy of anybody. Mind very conspicuously reflects on the face its various states which a man of intelligence can very easily read. The body follows the mind. If the mind thinks of falling from a height, the body prepares itself immediately and shows external signs. Fear, anxiety, grief, cheerfulness, hilarity, anger, all produce their various impressions on the face. [148]
Beyond The Physical Life
Your Eyes display Your Thoughts The eyes which represent the windows of the soul bespeak of the condition and state of the mind. There is a telegraphic instrument in the eyes to transmit the messages or thoughts of treachery, depression, gloom, hatred, cheerfulness, peace, harmony, health, power, strength and beauty. If you have the faculty to read the eyes of others, you can read the mind at once. You can read the uppermost thought or dominant thought of a man if you are careful to mark the signs in his face, conversation and behaviour. It needs a little pluck, acumen, training, intelligence and experience.
Negative Thoughts Poison Life Thoughts of worry and thoughts of fear are fearful forces within us. They poison the very sources of life and destroy the harmony, the running efficiency, the vitality and vigour. While the opposite thoughts of cheerfulness, joy and courage, heal, soothe, instead of irritating, and immensely augment efficiency and multiply the mental powers. Be always cheerful, Smile and Laugh.
Psycho-physical Imbalances Thought exerts its influence over the body. Grief in the mind weakens the body. Body influences the mind also in its turn. A healthy body makes the mind healthy. If the body is sick, the mind also becomes sick. If the body is strong and healthy, the mind also becomes healthy and strong. Violent fits of hot-temper do serious damage to the brain cells, throw poisonous chemical products into the blood, produce general shock and depression and suppress the secretion of gastric juice, bile and other digestive juices in the alimentary canal, drain away your energy, vitality, induce premature old age and shorten life. When you are angry, the mind becomes disturbed. Similarly, when the mind is disturbed, the body also becomes disturbed. The whole nervous system is agitated. You become enervated. Control anger by love. Anger is a powerful energy that is uncontrollable by practical Vyavaharic Buddhi, but controllable by pure reason (Sattvic Buddhi) or Viveka-Vichara.
The Creative Powers of Thought Thought creates the world. Thought brings things into existence. Thoughts develop the desires and excite the passions. So, the contrary thoughts of killing the desires and passions will counteract the former idea of satisfying the desires. So when a person is impressed with this, a contrary thought will help him to destroy his desires and passions.
Beyond The Physical Life Think of a person as a good friend of yours and there the thing is created as a reality. Think of him as your foe, then also the mind perfects the thought into an actuality. He who knows the workings of the mind and has controlled it by practice is really happy.
Similar Thoughts Attract Each Other (law of attraction) In the thought-world also, the great law “Like attracts like”, operates. People of similar thoughts are attracted towards each other. That is the reason why the maxims run as follows: “Birds of the same feather flock together,” “A man is known by the company he keeps.” A doctor is drawn towards a doctor. A poet has attraction for another poet. A songster loves another songster. A philosopher likes another philosopher. A vagabond likes a vagabond. The mind has got a ‘drawing power’. You are continually attracting towards you, from both the seen and the unseen sides of lifeforces, thoughts, influences and conditions most akin to those of your own thoughts and lines. In the realm of thought, people of similar thoughts are attracted to one another. This universal law is continually operating whether we are conscious of it or not. Carry any kind of thought you please about with you and so long as you retain it, no matter how you roam over the land or sea, you will unceasingly attract to yourself, knowingly or inadvertently, exactly and only what corresponds to your own dominant quality of thought. Thoughts are your private property and you can regulate them to suit your taste entirely by steadily recognizing your ability to do so. You have entirely in your own hands to determine the order of thought you entertain and consequently the order of influence you attract and are not mere willowy creatures of circumstances, unless indeed you choose to be.
Thoughts are contagious Mental actions are real actions. Thought is the real action; it is a dynamic force. It may be remembered, thought is very contagious; nay, more contagious than the Spanish Flu. A sympathetic thought in you raises a sympathetic thought in others with whom you come in contact. A thought of anger produces a similar vibration in those who surround an angry man. It leaves the brain of one man and enters the brains of others who live at a long distance and excites them. A cheerful thought in you produces cheerful thoughts in others. You are filled with joy and intense delight when you see a batch of hilarious children playing mirthfully and dancing in joy. A thought of joy in us creates sympathetically a thought of joy in others. So do sublime elevating thoughts. Keep a good and honest man in the company of a thief. He will begin to steal. Keep a sober man in the company of a drunkard. He will begin to drink. Can happen vice-versa too.Thought is very contagious.
Beyond The Physical Life The Application of a Psychological Law
Keep the heart young. Do not think: “I have become old.” To think “I have become old” is a bad habit. Do not entertain this thought. At 60, think “I am 16.” As you think, so you become. This is a great psychological law. “As a man thinketh so he becometh.” “As you percieve so as you recieve”. This is a great truth or truism. Think, “I am strong,” strong you become. Think, “I am weak,” weak you become. Think, “I am a fool,” fool you become. Think, “I am a sage or God,” sage or God you become. Thought alone shapes and moulds a man. Man lives always in a world of thoughts. Every man has his own thought-world. Imagination works wonders. Thought has tremendous force. Thought as already said, is a solid thing. Your present is the result of your past thoughts and your future will be according to your present thoughts. If you think rightly, you will speak rightly and act rightly. Speech and action simply follow the thoughts.
Understand the Laws of Thought Every man should have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of thought and their operations. Then alone can one live in this world smoothly and happily. He can utilize the helping forces to serve his ends in the best possible manner. He can neutralize the hostile forces or antagonistic currents. Just as the fish swims against the current, so also he will be able to go against the hostile currents by adjusting himself properly and safeguarding through suitable precautionary methods. Otherwise he becomes a slave. He is tossed about hither and thither helplessly by various currents. He is drifted like a wooden plank in a river. He is very miserable and unhappy always, although he is wealthy and possesses everything. The captain of a steamer who has mariner’s compass, who has knowledge of the sea, the routes and the oceanic currents can sail smoothly. Otherwise his steamer will be drifted here and there helplessly and wrecked by dashing against some icebergs or rocks. Likewise, a wise sailor in the ocean of this life who has a detailed knowledge of the Laws of Thought and Nature can sail smoothly and reach the goal of his life positively. Understanding the laws of Thought, you can mould or shape your character in any way you like. The common saying, “As a man thinketh so he becometh,” is one of the great laws of Thought. Think you are pure, pure you will become. Think you are noble, noble you will become. Become an embodiment of good nature. Think good of all. Do always good actions. Serve, love, give. Make others happy. Live to serve others. Then you will reap happiness. You will get favourable circumstances or opportunities and environments. If you hurt others, if you do scandal-mongering, mischief-mongering, backbiting, talebearing, if you exploit others, if you acquire the property of others by foul means, if you do any action that can give pain to others, you will reap pain. You will get unfavourable circumstances or [151]
Beyond The Physical Life opportunities and environments. Universe is round in shape whatever you project outside will come back to you completing the round circle. This is the law of thought and nature. Just as you can build your good or bad character by sublime or base thinking, so also you can shape your favourable or unfavourable circumstances by doing good or bad actions. A man of discrimination is always careful, vigilant and circumspect. He always watches carefully his thoughts. He introspects. He knows what is going on in his mental factory what Vritti or Guna is prevailing at a particular time. He never allows any evil thought to enter the gates of his mental factory. He at once nips them in the bud. By his good thinking, by watching the nature of his thoughts, by introspection, by active noble thinking, the man of discrimination builds his noble character, forms his high destiny. He is careful in his speeches. He speaks little. He speaks sweet loving words. He never utters any kind of harsh words that can affect the feelings of others. He develops patience, mercy and universal love. He tries to speak truth. Thus he puts a check on the Vak-Indriya and the impulses of speech. He uses measured words. He writes measured lines. This produces deeply profound and favourable impression on the minds of the people. He practices Ahimsa and Brahmacharya in thought, word and deed. He practices Saucha and Arjava (straightforwardness). He tries to keep up balance of mind and to be always cheerful. He keeps up Suddha-Bhava. He tries these three kinds of Tapas (physical, verbal and mental), and controls his actions. He cannot think any evil. He cannot do any evil action. He prepares himself to get always favourable circumstances. He who spreads happiness will always get such favourable circumstances as can bring him happiness. He who spreads pain to others will, doubtless, get according to the law of thought such unfavourable circumstances as can bring him misery and pain. Therefore, man creates his own character and circumstances, by the manner of his own thinking. Bad character can be transmuted into good one, by good thoughts, and unfavourable circumstances can be changed into favourable circumstances by doing good actions.
The Laws Implied in Higher Thoughts As you think, so you become. As are your thoughts so must be your life. Improve your thinking. Better thoughts bring better actions. Mere thinking of the objects of this world is pain. Bondage is caused by the very act of thought. Pure thought is a mightier force than electricity. The mind which is attracted by objects of sense, tends to bondage, while that which is not so attracted tends to emancipation. Mind is a dacoit. Slay this mind-dacoit. You will be happy and free for ever. Manifest all your strength in the task of conquering your mind. This is true manliness or Purushartha. Self-denial is a means to the purification and refinement of mind. Purify and still the thoughts. The layers of ignorance covering knowledge, will not be removed without a calm mind.
Beyond The Physical Life The subtle part of food forms the mind. Mind is manufactured out of food. The subtle part of food is transformed into mind. Food does not mean merely what we eat, but what we gather through all our senses. Learn to see God everywhere. This is real food for the eye. Purity of thought depends upon purity of food. You can see better, hear better, taste better, think better, when you entertain sublime divine thoughts. Look at an object through a green or red glass; the object appears green or red. Even so, the objects are coloured by the desires through the mirror-mind. All mental states are transitory; they produce pain and sorrow. Have freedom of thought. Free yourself from the slavery of prejudice that blunts intellect and dulls thoughts. Think of the immortal Atman. This is the right method of direct, original thinking. The Atman reveals Itself after the purification of thoughts. When the mind is serene without any want, without any motive, without any craving or desire or thought, without any compulsion, without hope, then the supreme Atman shines. There is the experience of Bliss. Live the way in which saints live. This is the only way to victory over thoughts, mind and the lower self and until you have conquered mind, there can be no sure and permanent victory.
Thought—A Boomerang completing the circle Be careful of your thoughts. Whatever you send out of your mind, comes back to you. Every thought you think, is a boomerang. If you hate another, hate will come back to you. If you love others, love will come back to you. An evil thought is thrice cursed. First, it harms the thinker by doing injury to his mental body. Secondly, it harms the person who is its object. Lastly, it harms all mankind by vitiating the whole mental atmosphere. Every evil thought is as a sword drawn on the person to whom it is directed. If you entertain thoughts of hatred, you are really a murderer of that man against whom you foster thoughts of hatred. You are your own suicide, because these thoughts rebound upon you only. A mind tenanted by evil thoughts acts as a magnet to attract like thoughts from others and thus intensifies the original evil. Evil thoughts thrown into the mental atmosphere poison receptive minds. To dwell on an evil thought gradually deprives it of its repulsiveness and impels the thinker to perform an action which embodies it.
Thoughts are Waves of Sea Thoughts are like the waves of an ocean. They are countless. You may become desperate in the beginning of your attempt to conquer them. Some thoughts will subside while some other thoughts will gush out like a stream. The same old thoughts that were once suppressed may again show their faces after some time. Never become despondent at any stage of practice. You will surely get inner spiritual strength. You [153]
Beyond The Physical Life are bound to succeed in the end. All the Yogis of yore had to encounter the same difficulties that you are experiencing now. The process of destruction of mental modifications is difficult and long. All thoughts cannot be destroyed in a day or two. You should not give up the practice of destroying the thoughts in the middle when you come across some difficulties or stumbling blocks. Your first attempt should be to reduce your wants and desires. Reduce your wants and desires; then, the thoughts will decrease by themselves. Gradually all thoughts will be extirpated. Colour and Influence of divine or Thoughts of saints The Buddha declared, “All that we are is made up of our thoughts.” It is our thoughts that cause the round of births. So, we should always strive to purify our thoughts. When we go and sit near a sage, we feel a unique calmness; but if we are in the company of a bad and selfish person, we feel uneasy. It is because the vibrations of peace and calmness emanate from the aura of the sage, whereas from the aura of the selfish person emanate vibrations of evil and selfish thoughts. The second effect of thought is the creation of a definite form. The quality and the nature of a thought determine, the colour and the clearness of that thought-form. A thought-form is a living entity and it has a strong tendency to carry out the intention of the thinker. Blue thought-forms denote devotion. The thought-form of self-renunciation is of the lovliest pale azure with a white light shining through it. Thought-forms of selfishness, pride and anger are of grey-brown, orange and red colour, respectively. We are always surrounded by these thought-forms and our minds are seriously affected by them. Not one-fourth of our thoughts are our own, but are simply picked up from the atmosphere. Mostly they are of evil nature. So we should always utter God’s name mentally. It will always protect us from their evil influence.
Aura and Dynamics of a Developed Mind Particularly around minds of highly developed thought power, we sense the manifest phenomenon of a powerful aura. The palpable influence of a highly developed mind over a less developed mind, needs to be specially marked. It is not possible to provide a description of what it is like to be in the presence of a Master, or a developed adept. To sit in his presence, though he hardly speaks a word, is to feel a thrilling sensation and discover the impacts of new inspirations that it wields on our minds. Mind carries aura—mental aura or psychic aura. The Sanskrit term for aura is Tejas. It is brilliance or halo that emanates from the phenomenon of mind. In those who have sought the full development of their minds, we find it extremely effulgent. It is capacitated to travel long distances and affect in the most beneficial manner a large number of persons who are privileged to come under its influence. It must be noted that the spiritual aura is far more powerful than either psychic or Pranic or mental aura. [154]
Beyond The Physical Life
Dynamics of Thoughts and Moods People of gloomy moods attract to themselves, gloomy things and gloomy thoughts from others and from the Akasic records in the physical ether. Persons with hope, confidence and cheerful spirits attract thoughts of similar nature from others. They are always successful in their attempts. People with negative moods of depression, anger, and hatred do positive injury to others. They infect others and raise these destructive Vrittis in others. They are culpable. They do great damage in the thought-world. People with happy and cheerful moods are a blessing to society. They bring happiness to others. Just as a young, beautiful lady covers her face and does not like to come out to mix with others in society when she has a nasty festering sore on her cheeks or nose, also you should not come in public and mix with your friends and other people when you have a mood of depression, a mood of hatred or jealousy. For, you will infect others with these moods. You will be a menace to the society.
Thought-dynamics in Universal Environs Thought actually leaves the brain and hovers about. When a thought, whether good or evil, leaves the mind of a person it gives rise to vibrations in the Manas or mental atmosphere, which travel far and wide in all directions. It enters the brains of others also. A sage living in a Himalayan cave transmits a powerful thought to a corner of America. He who tries to purify himself in a cave, really purifies the world, helps the world at large. Nobody can prevent his pure thoughts coming out and passing on to those others that really want them. Just as the sun goes on continuously converting into vapour every drop of water that is on the surface of the earth and just as all the vapour thus rising up gathers together in the form of clouds, all the thoughts that you project from your own lonely corner will mount up and be wafted across space, join similar thoughts projected by those who are like you and, in the end, all these holy thoughts will come down with tremendous force to subjugate undesirable forces.
VALUE AND USES OF THOUGHT POWER Serve Others by Thought-vibrations A true monk or Sannyasi can do everything through his thought-vibrations. A Sannyasin or Yogi need not become the President of an Association or the leader of a social or political movement. It is a foolish and puerile idea. Indians have now imbibed the missionary spirit of the West and cry out that Sannyasins should come out and take part in social and political activities. It is a sad mistake. [155]
Beyond The Physical Life It is not necessary that a Sannyasin, a saint should appear on the platform to help the world, to preach and elevate the minds of people. Some saints preach by example. Their very lives are an embodiment of teaching. Their very sight elevates the minds of thousands. A saint is a living assurance for others for God-realization. Many draw inspiration from the sight of holy saints. No one can check the thought-vibrations from the saints. Their pure, strong thought-vibrations travel a very long distance, purify the world and enter the minds of many thousands of persons. There is no doubt in this.
Doctors Can Heal by Suggestion Doctors should have a thorough knowledge of the science of suggestion. Sincere, sympathetic doctors are very rare. Doctors who have no knowledge of suggestion do more harm than good. They kill patients sometimes by unnecessarily frightening them. If there is a little cough of an ordinary nature, the doctor says: “Now, my friend, you have got T.B. You must go to Bhowali or Switzerland or Vienna. You must go in for a course of tuberculin injection.” Poor patient is frightened. There is not at all any sign of consumption. The case is an ordinary one. It is simple catarrh of the chest from exposure to chills. The patient actually develops phthisis by fright and worry owing to the wrong destructive suggestion of the doctor. The doctor ought to have told him: “Oh, it is nothing. It is simple cold. You will be all right by tomorrow. Take a purgative and inhale a little oil of eucalyptus. Adjust your diet. It is better you fast today.” Such doctor is God Himself. He must be adored. A doctor may say now: “Well, sir, if I say so, I will lose my practice. I cannot pull on in this world.” This is a mistake. Truth always gains victory. People will run to you as you are sympathetic and kind. You will have a roaring practice. There is healing by suggestion. This is a drugless treatment. This is suggestive therapeutics. By good and powerful suggestion, you can cure any disease. You will have to learn this science and practice it. All doctors of Homeopathic, Allopathic, Ayurvedic and Unani systems should know this science. They can combine this system along with their own systems. They will have a roaring practice by this happy combination.
Yogis Preach by Thought-transference Through their spiritual vibrations and magnetic aura the unknown real Yogis help the world more than the ‘Yogis’ of the platform. Preaching from the pulpits and platforms belongs to men of second grade spirituality, who have no knowledge and never put to use the supernormal faculties and powers latent in them. Great adepts and Mahatmas transmit their message through telepathy to deserving aspirants in different corners of the world. Means of communication that are supernormal to us are quite normal to a Yogi.
Beyond The Physical Life Thoughts are influencial You can influence another man without any audible language. What is wanted is concentration of thought that is directed by the will. This is telepathy. Here is an exercise for your practice in telepathy. Think of your friend or cousin who is living in a distant land. Bring a clear-cut image of his face to your mind. If you have his photo, look at it and speak to it audibly. When you retire to bed think of the picture with intense concentration. He will write to you the desired letter the following day or so. Try this yourself. Do not doubt. You will be quite surprised. You will get success and firm conviction in the science of telepathy. Sometimes, when you are writing something or reading a newspaper, suddenly you get a message from some one near and dear to you. You think of him suddenly. He has sent a message to you. He has thought of you seriously. Thought-vibrations travel faster than light or electricity. In such instances, the subconscious mind receives the messages or impressions and transmits the same to the conscious mind.
Varied Utility of Thought Power The science of thought power is very interesting and subtle. This thought-world is more real relatively than this physical universe. The power of thought is very great. Every thought of yours has a literal value to you in every possible way. The strength of your body, the strength of your mind, your success in life and the pleasures you give to others by your company—all depend on the nature and quality of your thoughts. You must know thought-culture, and develop thought power.
Powers of Thought—Their Value If you have a comprehensive understanding of the workings of the thought-vibrations, if you know the technique of controlling the thoughts, if you know the method of transmitting beneficial thoughts to others at a distance by forming clear-cut well-defined powerful thoughtwaves, you can use this thought power a thousandfold more effectively. Thought works wonders. A wrong thought binds. A right thought liberates. Therefore, think rightly and attain freedom. Unfold the occult powers hidden within you by understanding and realizing the powers of the mind. Close your eyes. Slowly concentrate. You can see distant objects, hear distant sounds, send messages to any part not only of this world, but of the other planets as well, heal persons thousands of miles off from you and move about to distant places in no time. Believe in the powers of the mind. Interest, attention, will, faith and concentration will bring the desired fruit. Remember that mind is born of the Atman through His Maya or Illusory Power.
Beyond The Physical Life Thoughts Accomplish Many a Mission You can aid a friend in trouble by transmitting to him thoughts of comfort, right from the place where you are. You can help a friend in search of Truth by thoughts, clear and definite of the truths you know. You can send into the mental atmosphere thoughts which will raise, purify and inspire all who are sensible to them. If you send out a loving, helpful thought to another man, it leaves your brain, goes directly to that man, raises a similar thought of love in his mind and returns back to you with redoubled force. If you send out a thought of hatred to another man, it hurts that man and hurts you also by turning back to you with redoubled force. Therefore, understand the laws of thought, raise only thoughts of mercy, love and kindness from your mind and be happy always. When you send out a useful thought to help others, it must have a definite, positive purpose and aim. Then only it will bring out the desired effect. Then only that thought will accomplish a definite work.
Power of Thoughts That Prompt Gain a clear understanding of suggestions and their effects upon the mind. You should be careful in the use of suggestions. Never give wrong suggestion which will have destructive results to anybody. You will be doing a great harm and a disservice to him. Think well before you speak. Teachers and professors should have a thorough knowledge of the science of suggestion and auto-suggestion. They can educate and elevate students in an efficient manner. In Southern India, when children cry out in houses parents frighten them by saying: “Look here, Balu! Irendukannan (the two-eyed man) has come. Keep quiet, or I will hand you over to this man.” “Puchandi (or ghost) has come,” and suggestions of this sort are very destructive. The child becomes timid. The minds of children are elastic, tender and pliable. Samskaras are indelibly impressed at this age. Changing or obliterating the Samskaras becomes impossible when they grow. When the child grows into a man, he manifests timidity. Parents should infuse courage into the minds of their children. They should say: “Here is a lion. See the lion in this picture. Roar like a lion. Be courageous. See the picture of Shivaji, Arjuna or Clive. Become chivalrous.” In the West, teachers show the pictures of battlefields to children and say: “Look here, James! See this picture of Napoleon. Look at his chivalry. Won’t you like to become a Commander-inchief of the army or a Brigadier-General?” They infuse courage into the minds of children from their very childhood. When they grow, these Samskaras get strengthened by additional external stimuli.
Beyond The Physical Life Telepathy or thought tranference Practice telepathy in the beginning from a short distance. It is better to practice at night, to start with. Ask your friend to have the receptive attitude and concentration at ten o’clock. Ask him to sit on Vajrasana or Padmasana with closed eyes in a dark room. Try to send your message exactly at the appointed time. Concentrate on the thoughts that you want to send. Will strongly now. The thoughts will leave your brain and enter the brain of your friend. There may be some mistakes in the beginning here and there. When you advance in practice and know the technique well, you will always be correct in sending and receiving messages. Later on, you will be able to forward messages to different corners of the world. Thoughtwaves vary in intensity and force. The sender and receiver should practice great and intense concentration. Then there will be force in sending the messages, clarity and accuracy in receiving the messages. Practice in the beginning telepathy from one room to the next room in the same house. This science is very pleasant and interesting. It needs patient practice. Brahmacharya is very essential.
Parapsychology and Subconscious Thoughts Even as the sacred Ganga takes its origin in Gangotri, Himalayas, and runs perennially towards Ganga Sagar, the thought-currents take their origin from the bed of Samskaras (impressions) in the inner layers of the mind, wherein are embedded the Vasanas or latent subtle desires, and flow incessantly towards the objects both in waking state and in dreaming state. Even a railway engine, is sent to the engine-shed for rest, when its wheels become overhot; but this mysterious engine of mind goes on thinking without a moment’s rest. Practice of telepathy, thought-reading, hypnotism, mesmerism and psychic healing clearly proves that the mind exists and that a higher mind can influence and subjugate the lower mind. From the automatic writing and the experiences of a hypnotized person, we can clearly infer the existence of the subconscious mind which operates throughout the twenty-four hours. Through spiritual Sadhana change the subconscious thoughts and mind and become a new being.
Power of Vigorous, Divine Thoughts Thought is life. What you think, that you are. Your thought creates your environment. Your thoughts constitute your world. If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. If you hold on to sickly thoughts in the mind, thoughts of diseased tissues, thoughts of weak nerves, thoughts of improper functioning of organs, of viscera, you can never expect good health, beauty and harmony. Remember that body is a product of the mind and is under the control of mind.
Beyond The Physical Life If you hold on to vigorous thoughts, your body, too, will be vigorous. Thoughts of love, peace, contentment, purity, perfection, Divinity, will make you, and also others around you, perfect and Divine. Cultivate divine thoughts.
THE FUNCTIONS OF THOUGHT POWER Thoughts bring good Health The body is internally associated with the mind, rather the body is a counterpart of the mind; it is a gross visible form of the subtle, invisible mind. If there is pain in the tooth or in the stomach or in the ear, the mind is at once affected. It ceases to think properly; it is agitated, disturbed and perturbed. If there is depression in the mind, the body also cannot function properly. The pains which afflict the body are called the secondary diseases, Vyadhi, while the Vasanas or desires that afflict the mind are termed mental or primary diseases, Adhi. Mental health is more important than physical health. If the mind is healthy, the body will necessarily be healthy. If the mind is pure, if your thoughts are pure, you will be free from all diseases primary and secondary. Thoughts Develop Personality A sublime thought elevates the mind and expands the heart; a base thought excites the mind and renders the feelings morbid and dark. Those who have even a little control over their thoughts and speech will have a calm, serene, beautiful, charming face, a sweet voice and their eyes will turn brilliant and lustrous.
Thoughts Affect the Body Every thought or emotion or word produces a strong vibration in every cell of the body and leaves a strong impression there. If you know the method of raising an opposite thought, then you can lead a happy harmonious life of peace and power. Thought of love will at once neutralize a thought of hatred. A thought of courage will immediately serve as a powerful antidote against a thought of fear.
Thought decides Destiny Man sows a thought and reaps an action. He sows an action and reaps a habit. He sows a habit and reaps a character. He sows a character and reaps a destiny. Man has made his own destiny by his own thinking and acting. He can change his destiny. He is the master of his own destiny. There is no doubt of this. By right thinking and strong exertion, he can become the master of his destiny. Some ignorant people say: “Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my Karma to be like this or that why then should I exert? It is my destiny only.� [160]
Beyond The Physical Life This is fatalism. This will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. This is perfect misunderstanding of the laws of Karma. This is a fallacious argument. An intelligent man will certainly not put such a question. You have made your own destiny from within by your thoughts and actions. You have a free will to choose now. You have got Svatantrata in action. A rogue is not an eternal rogue for all times. Put him in the company of a saint. He will change in no time. He will think and act now in a different way and will change his destiny. He will become saintly in character. Dacoit Ratnakar was changed into Sage Valmiki. Jagai and Madai were transformed. They were rogues of the first waters. You can become a Yogi or a Jnani. You can make your destiny. You can make your Karma in any way you like. Use the Power of Thought. Think rightly, think nobly. You will have only to think, and to act. By right thinking, by right desiring, by right acting, you can become a Sage, a millionaire. You can attain the position of Indra or Brahma by good thought and action, by good Karma. Man is not a helpless being. He has a free will of his own.
Thoughts Cause Physiological Diseases Every change in thought makes a vibration in your mental body and this when transmitted to the physical body causes activity in the nervous matter of your brain. This activity in the nervous cells causes many electrical and chemical changes in them. It is thought-activity which causes these changes. Intense passion, hatred, long-standing bitter jealousy, corroding anxiety, fits of hot temper actually destroy the cells of the body and induce diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach. It is a point worthy to note with care that every cell in the body suffers or grows, receives a life impulse or a death impulse, from every thought that enters the mind, for you tend to grow into the image of that which you think about most. When the mind is turned to a particular thought and dwells on it, a definite vibration of matter is set up and often, more of this vibration is caused, the more does it tend to repeat itself to become a habit, to become automatic. The body follows the mind and imitates its changes. If you concentrate your thought the eyes become fixed.
Thought Power Creates Environments It is often said that man is the result of his environmental forces. This is not true. We cannot believe this, because the facts always prove the contrary. Many of the world’s greatest men have been born in poverty and in adverse circumstances. Many who have been born in the slums and filthy surroundings have risen to the highest status in the world. They have won laurels of fame and distinguished themselves in politics, literature and poetry. They have become brilliant geniuses and beacon-lights of the world. How do you account for this? Sri T. Mutthuswamy Aiyar, the first Indian High Court Judge in Madras was born in absolute poverty. He had to study at night under municipal lanterns. He had not sufficient food. He [161]
Beyond The Physical Life was clad in rags. He struggled hard and achieved greatness. He rose above the environmental forces by his strong will-power and iron-determination. In the West, sons of cobblers and fishermen have risen to very high position. Boys who did polishing of boots in the streets and who were selling beer in bars and were cooking in hotels have become famous poets and able journalists. Johnson was placed in quite adverse environments. Goldsmith was “passing rich with 40 pounds a year.� Sir Walter Scott was very poor. He had no place to live in. The life of James Ramsay Macdonald is worth mentioning. He was a man of great Purushartha. He rose from poverty to power—from the field of labour to the status of Prime Minister of Britain. His first job was addressing envelopes for 10 Shillings a week. He was too poor to buy tea; so he drank water instead. His main meal every day for months was a three-penny beef-steak pudding. He was a pupil-teacher. He took great interest in Politics and Science. He was a journalist. He gradually through right exertion (Purushartha) rose to the position of a Prime Minister. Sri Sankaracharya, the exponent of Advaita philosophy, a spiritual giant and a brilliant genius was born in poor, unfavourable environments and circumstances. There are thousand and one instances like these. It is quite obvious, therefore, that unfavourable environments cannot annihilate the potential greatness and excellence of the future geniuses and that one can outgrow environments by diligent application, patience, perseverance, truthfulness, honesty, integrity, sincerity of purpose, iron-will and strong determination. Every man is born with his Samskaras. The mind is not a blank sheet of paper. It contains the impressions of thoughts and actions of the previous births. Samskaras are the latent potentialities. These good Samskaras are valuable assets for man. Even though he is placed in unfavourable environments, these Samskaras give him protection from extraneous, undesirable, hostile influences. They help his growth and evolution. Miss not any opportunity. Avail yourself of all opportunities. Every opportunity is meant for your uplift and development. If you see a sick man lying down on the roadside in a helpless condition, take him on your shoulders or vehicle to the nearest hospital. Nurse him. Give him hot milk or tea or coffee. Shampoo his legs with Divine Bhava. Feel the all-pervading, all-permeating, interpenetrating indwelling God in him. See divinity in the glow in his eyes, in his cry, in his breath, in his pulsation and motion of his lungs. God has given this opportunity for you to develop mercy and love, to purify your heart and to remove Ghrina, hatred and jealousy. Sometimes if you are very timid, God will place you in such circumstances wherein you will be forced to exhibit courage and presence of mind by risking your life. These world figures who have risen to eminence have utilized all opportunities to the best advantage. God shapes the minds of human beings by giving them opportunities. Remember that in your weakness lies the strength, because you will be always on your alert to safeguard yourself. Poverty has got its own virtues. Poverty infuses humility, strength, power of endurance and luxury begets laziness, pride, weakness, inertia and all sorts of evil habits. Do not grumble, therefore, of bad environments. Create your own mental world and environments. That man who tries to evolve or grow in adverse environments will be a very strong man indeed. Nothing can shake him. He will be of a sterner stuff. He will have strong nerves. [162]
Beyond The Physical Life Man is certainly not a creature of environments or circumstances. He can control and modify them by his capacities, character, thoughts, good actions and right exertion (Purushartha). Tivra (intense) Purushartha can change the destiny. That is the reason why Vasishtha and Bhishma have placed Purushartha above destiny. Therefore, dear brothers! Exert. Conquer nature and rejoice in the eternal Satchidananda Atman.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THOUGHT POWER Acquisition of Thought Power by Moral Purity A man who speaks the truth and has moral purity has always powerful thoughts. One who has controlled anger by long practice has tremendous thought power. If a Yogi whose thought is very powerful speaks one word, it will produce tremendous impression on the minds of others. Virtues like truthfulness, earnestness and industry are the best sources of mental power. Purity leads to wisdom and immortality. Purity is of two kinds, internal or mental and external or physical. Mental purity is more important. Physical purity is also needed. With the establishment of internal mental purity, cheerfulness of mind, one-pointed mind, conquest of Indriyas and fitness for the realization of the Self are obtained.
Thought Power by Concentration There is no limit to the power of human thought. The more concentrated the human mind is, the more power is brought to bear on one point. As we all know that sunlight is everywhere , but it is not burning anything, but as soon as this sunlight is focuss on a piece of paper with the help of a lens, it burns it. The real game is all about focussing. The rays of the mind are scattered in the case of the worldly-minded persons. There is dissipation of mental energy in various directions. For purposes of concentration, these scattered rays have to be gathered by the practice of concentration and then the mind must be made to turn towards God. Cultivate attention, you will have good concentration. A serene mind is fit for concentration. Keep the mind serene. Be cheerful always. Then alone can you concentrate. Be regular in your concentration. Sit in the same place, at the same time, 4 a.m. Celibacy, Pranayama, reduction of wants and activities, dispassion, silence, seclusion, discipline of the senses, Japa, control of anger, giving up reading novels, newspapers and visiting cinemas are all aids to concentration. Too much physical exertion, too much talking, too much eating, too much mixing with worldly persons, too much walking, too much sexual indulgence, are obstacles to concentration.
Beyond The Physical Life
Acquire constructive Thought Power Thought is a vital living force—the most vital, subtle and irresistible force that exists in the universe. Thoughts are living things; they move; they possess form, shape, colour, quality, substance, power and weight. Thought is the real action; it reveals itself as a dynamic force. A thought of joy creates sympathetically a thought of joy in others. The birth of a noble thought is a potent antidote to counteract an evil thought. Through the instrumentality of exercised positive thought, we come to acquire creative power.
Develop Individuality: Filter Suggestions Do not be easily influenced by the suggestions of others. Have your own sense of individuality. A strong suggestion, though it does not influence the subject immediately, will operate in due course. It will never go in vain. We all live in a world of suggestions. Our character is daily modified unconsciously by association with others. We unconsciously imitate the actions of those whom we admire. We daily absorb the suggestions of those with whom we come in daily contact. We are acted upon by these suggestions. A man of weak mind yields to the suggestions of a man of strong mind. The servant is always under the influence of the suggestions of his master. The wife is under the influence of the suggestions of her husband. The patient is under the influence of the suggestions of the doctor. The student is under the influence of the teacher. Custom is nothing but the product of suggestion. The dress that you put on, the manners, the behaviour and even the food that you eat are all the outcome of suggestions only. Nature suggests in various ways. The running rivers, the shining sun, fragrant flowers, the growing trees, are all incessantly sending you suggestions.
Transform Instinctive Thoughts Thinking is of four kinds, viz., symbolic thinking, instinctive thinking, impulsive thinking and habitual thinking. Thinking through words is symbolic thinking. Instincts are more powerful than impulses. Thoughts of body, food, drink, bath, etc., are habitual thinking. You can stop easily symbolic thinking. It is difficult to stop instinctive and impulsive thinking. [164]
Beyond The Physical Life Mental poise and calmness may be brought about by the eradication of worry and anger. Fear really underlies both worry and anger. Be careful and thoughtful. All unnecessary worries should be avoided. Think of courage, joy, bliss, peace and cheerfulness. Sit for fifteen minutes in a relaxed state in an easy comfortable position. You can lie on an easy-chair. Close your eyes. Withdraw the mind from outside objects. Still the mind. Silence the bubbling thoughts.
Lessen the Number of Habitual Thoughts Generally, in untrained persons, four or five kinds of thoughts occupy the mind at a time. Household thoughts, business thoughts, thoughts of office, thoughts of body, thoughts of food and drink, hope and anticipation, some kind of planning to get money, some kind of thoughts of revenge, some habitual thoughts of answering calls of nature, bathing, etc., occupy the mind at a time. When you are studying a book with interest at 3.30 p.m. the idea of pleasure of witnessing a cricket match at 4 p.m. disturbs your study every now and then. It is only a Yogi with onepointed mind, who can have only one thought at a time and can keep it as long as he likes. If you watch the mind carefully, you will find that many thoughts are inconsistent. The mind wanders at random aimlessly. There will be some thoughts of the body and its wants, some thoughts of friends, some thoughts of acquiring money, some thoughts of eating and drinking, some thoughts of your boyhood, etc. If you can study the mind and if you have consistent thoughts of one subject or one kind only to the exclusion of all other thoughts, this itself is a very great achievement, is a great step in advancement in thought-control. Do not be discouraged.
Gather Inspirational Thoughts The goal of life is the attainment of divine consciousness. This goal is the realization that you are neither this perishable body nor that changing and finite mind, but you are all-pure, everfree Atman.
Counter Thoughts for Wrong Thoughts Thoughts of passion and lust, should be conquered by an earnest practice of Brahmacharya, by intense aspiration to realize the Truth, to know God, by meditating on the great advantages of purity. Thoughts of hatred and anger should be controlled by generating thoughts of love, forgiveness, mercy, friendliness, peace, patience and non-violence. Pride and thoughts connected with pride must be controlled by a systematic mental examination of the value of cultivating humility.
Beyond The Physical Life Thoughts of greed, grabbing and possessiveness should be dispelled by pursuit of honesty, disinterestedness, generosity, contentment and non-covetousness. Nobility and magnanimity, complacency and greatness of heart, will help you get over all thoughts of narrowness, jealousy, meanness. Delusion and infatuation are best conquered by the development of discrimination. Vanity is overcome by a many-sided simplicity, arrogance by politeness.
The Gamut of Thoughts There are various kinds of thoughts. There are instinctive thoughts. There are visual thoughts. There are auditory thoughts (thinking in terms of hearing). There are symbolic thoughts (thinking in terms of symbols). Some thoughts are habitual. There are kinesthetic thoughts (thinking in terms of movement, as in playing a game). There are emotional thoughts. Thoughts change from the visual stage to auditory stage and from auditory to kinesthetic. There is intimate connection between thinking and respiration as there is close relation between mind and Prana. When the mind is concentrated, breathing becomes slow. If one thinks fast the respiration also becomes fast. There is a thought-reading machine known as psychograph which registers correctly the type of thoughts.
Avoid Thoughts of Another Man’s Defects The nature of the mind is such that it becomes that which it intensely thinks of. Thus if you think of the vices and defects of another man, your mind will be charged with these vices and defects at least for the time being. He who knows this psychological law will never indulge in censuring others or in finding fault in the conduct of others, will see only the good in others, and will always praise others. This practice enables one to grow in concentration, Yoga and spirituality.
Last Thought Determines Next Birth The last thought of a man governs his future destiny. The last thought of a man determines his future birth. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita, “Whosoever at the end abandoneth the body, thinking upon any being, to that being only he goeth, O Kaunteya, because of his constant thought of that being” (Chapter: VIII-6). Ajamila lost his pious conduct, and led a detestable living. He fell into evil depth of sinful habits and resorted to theft and robbery. He became a slave of a public woman. He became the father of ten children, the last of whom was called Narayana. When he was about to die, he was absorbed in the thoughts of his last son. Three fearful messengers of Death advanced towards Ajamila. Ajamila cried aloud in great distress the last son’s name ‘Narayana’. [166]
Beyond The Physical Life On a mere mention of the name of ‘Narayana’ the attendants of Lord Hari came speedily along and obstructed the messengers of Death. They took him to Vaikuntha or the world of Vishnu. The soul of Sisupala entered the supreme Lord with an effulgent spark of ineffable glory and magnificence. This vile Sisupala spent his lifetime in reviling Lord Krishna and then he entered the Lord. The worm on the wall when stung by the wasp changes into the form of the latter. Similarly, the man who focuses his hate on Lord Krishna gets rid of his sins and reaches that Lord by regular devotion as the Gopis did by Kama (passion), Kamsa by fear, Sisupala by hatred and Narada by love. Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “Whoever constantly thinks of Me intensely and with onepointed mind, to such steadfast Yogi, I am easily attainable; and having thus reached Me and merged in Me, he is not born again in the fleeting world of woe and misery. O Arjuna! While all the worlds created by Brahma are limited by time and have their moment of dissolution on reaching Me, there is no rebirth, therefore at all times, meditate on Me, the supreme Vaasudeva and with mind and intellect fixed on Me. Doubtless, you will attain Me” (Chapter: VIII-14, 15, 16). The constant practice of fixing the mind on the Lord, although a man is engaged in worldly pursuits, will enable him to intuitively and automatically think of the Lord, even at the time of his departure. The Lord says: “With the mind thus engaged in the Yoga of constant practice, not deflected by any other obstacles, one attains the supreme Purusha of resplendent glory.” The Lord further says, “At the time of death, he who thinks of My real Being as the supreme Lord Sri Krishna or Narayana, leaves the body and verily reaches My Being. Doubt this not! In whatever form a man thinks of Me at the time of death, that form he attains, that form again being the result of nourishing that thought in a particular groove and by constant meditation of the same.” The Lord further says: “He who further establishes his mind on Me, even at the time of forthgoing and who is in that Divine state of renouncing everything and of dwelling in Brahman or Brahmic state, is free from delusion” (B.G. II-72). He who has a strong habit of using snuff in his life imitates the act of snuffing with his fingers when he is in an unconscious state just before his death. So strong is the habit of snuffing in this man. The last thought of a licentious man will be the thought of his woman. The last thought of an inveterate drunkard will be that of his peg of liquor. The last thought of a greedy money-lender will be that of his money. The last thought of a fighting soldier will be that of shooting his enemy. The last thought of a mother who is intensely attached to her only son will be that of her son only. Raja Bharata nursed a deer out of mercy and became attached to it. His last thought was the thought of that deer. Hence he had to take the birth of a deer, but he had memory of his last birth as he was an advanced soul. The last thought of a person will be the thought of God only, if that person has disciplined his mind all throughout his life and has tried to fix it on the Lord through constant practice. It cannot come by a practice in a day or two, in a week or a month. It is a life-long endeavour and struggle.
Beyond The Physical Life The last thought determines the next birth. “ Anta samay ya mati sa gati”. The last prominent thought of one’s life occupies the mind at the time of death. The predominant idea at the time of death is what in normal life has occupied his attention most. The last thought determines the nature of character of the body to be attained next. As a man thinketh, so shall he become. Thoughts of God Your mind must be empty of all worldly thoughts. It must be filled with thoughts of God and with nothing else. Keep your mind filled with good, divine, sublime lofty thoughts, so that there will be no room for evil thoughts. Never speak any unnecessary word. Never allow any unnecessary or vain thought to occupy your mind.
Disease free life and thoughts of divinity The best medicine or panacea for all diseases and for keeping good health, is the entertaining of divine thoughts. The waves released by divine thoughts, by Kirtan, Japa and regular meditation, will electrify, rejuvenate, vivify, energise the cells, tissues, nerves. Another cheap and potent drug is to keep oneself always joyful and cheerful. Study Gita daily, one or two chapters with meaning. Keep yourself fully occupied which is a remedy to keep off thoughts of worldliness. Fill the mind with Sattva and enjoy wonderful health and peace. Obtain an association with the wise, cultivate faith, serenity, truthfulness, courage, mercy, devotion, love, cheerfulness, confidence, divine thought and divine virtues. Allow the mind to run in the spiritual direction, in divine grooves; your mind will be peaceful and generate harmonious vibrations. You will enjoy excellent mental health and have no physical disease.
The Yogic State of Thoughtlessness Generally there is no genuine spiritual awakening in students. There is mere curiosity for getting some psychic or Yogic powers. That student is far from God as long as he retains some hidden desires for Siddhis. Strictly observe the ethical rules. Transform the worldly nature first. If you become absolutely desireless, absolutely thoughtless, absolutely Vrittiless, if the mental Vrittis are destroyed in toto, Kundalini will ascend by itself, without effort, through the force of purity. Remove the dross of mind. You will yourself get help and answer from within.
CASE STUDY 23 After practicing meditation for quite a long time i became aware of thought power and how to use it. With repeated meditation my focus became one pointed. I used to become one with the source of meditation. Then i observed that now my thoughts were behaving like arrows with huge force behind them and they hit their target most of the times. Whenver i used to think [168]
Beyond The Physical Life about any person i was there with the response from that person very soon. Manifestations which i used to plan , got manifested very soon. I had to watch my thoughts related to every person. My thought became weapons of psychic force which have be used very wisely. I started to control my anger because any curse given by me to anybody was showing results very soon. So i started avoiding in any kind of confrontation or dispute with anybody. These supernormal forces or “siddhis” do carry a large responsibility and should always be used for the benefits of humankind and “shubh sankalp”
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER24-HIGHER SELF Your Higher Self is the most perfect form of "you" that exists in the universe. It is always guiding you on your journey through life. It's guidance manifests itself in your life in many subtle ways: as a still small voice, as vivid images and pictures, as flashes of insight and feelings, as intuition and knowingness. Your Higher Self would like nothing better than for you to contact it.
The Divine Self within you is eternal, infinite consciousness, free from all attachments and beyond all action; it is constant and unchanging, birthless and deathless. This Self can only be known through a direct experience of It and cannot be known through the rational mind. It is the Oneness from which all life comes, and to which all life returns. Out of the Oneness you were created as an individual. The Higher Self is that part of you that connects you directly to the spiritual realms. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends your everyday consciousness. It is in touch with the Divine because it is part of it. Attaining knowledge of the Higher Self, and its depths of inner wisdom, is the goal of the Spiritual Quest in all its many guises throughout the world, and throughout history." Thus, you are not simply the total of your conscious and subconscious. There is a part of you that transcends both. It exceeds anything you know with your present awareness. It is beyond anything
Beyond The Physical Life you can possibly know through normal rational thought. You are connected to the Divine, and this is where it manifests. To most people, this concept may seem highly unlikely, or even absurd. However, a growing body of scientific evidence also suggests that there is a source of superior intelligence within all of us. There is an inner capacity that most us are unaware of, and are largely unable to access. In the Indian philosophy of Samkhya, the term for this higher consciousness, which pervades the entire universe, is Purusha. It is believed to be free of the limitations of space and time, and is also uncaused by anything external to itself. It is free of both pleasure and pain. It is above thought. There is no real distinction between what might considered "spiritual" intelligence, and more general super-normal functioning; such as the ability to read and learn at superhuman speeds or the ability to perform mathematical calculations at lightening speed. In truth, such extraordinary abilities are only part of a vast continuum that lies concealed within us. It covers a vast span - all the way from the spiritual height to incredible levels of performance at more earthly levels. What many consider impossible is easy for those who have made contact with the Source of all. The problem we all face is that we identify ourselves with the small "I". This is the ego consciousness that we have gradually developed throughout our life. However, this is not really all that you are. Your ego, your conscious mind, is only a small part of your total being. It is shaped by childhood, by what you were told as you were growing up, by the knocks and bruises of life, as well as the pleasures and joys. In part, it is formed from the life experiences that you have had up to this point. However, it is also partly created from your subconscious, and your connection to the Collective Unconscious. Thus, your personality consciousness is subject to constant change. It is not an absolute. It alters through life experiences, psychiatric therapy, or a range of other influences. However, despite the shifting circumstances of existence, most people recognize, at least fleetingly, the existence of a changeless eternal part of their nature. In these moments, they have made contact with their essential eternal being; who they really are. So really, the Higher Self is not some sort of invading being. Rather, it is more truly you than you ever have been allowed to be. It lets more of those moments of true recognition into your life. Eventually, you are enabled to live your entire life from a point of full awareness of your changeless divinity. Here are ten very simple ways to connect with your higher self: o Breath o Connect to Sounds of Nature o Listen to Your Favourite Music o Laugh [171]
Beyond The Physical Life o Watch the Clouds o Move Your Body with Childlike Abandonment o Ask Your Higher Self an Empowering Question o Make Time for Silence o Say Yes and I Love You o Daydream for Pleasure
1. Breathe: Take a moment to think about this - breathing is both a sub-conscious and conscious process. Your body breathes automatically whether you think about breathing or not, you can take it out of subconscious mode, and consciously control it by breathing deeply, fast, slow, shallow or holding your breath. Consequently, breathing is a bridge between the sub-conscious and conscious minds, and that cannot be said about most other of your bodily functions or activities. A clean easy breath is usually all that it takes to fully connect with your higher self. Whatever you are doing right now or wherever you are, take a gentle deep breath right now. Feel how your body moves in perfect rhythm as you breathe. Feel the ebb and flow of your breath and sigh with pleasure. Connect to your higher self.
2. Connect to sounds of nature: Go outside, right now if you are able, close your eyes, feel the grass or paving under your feet. Notice the sounds of nature all around you. Hear the enchanting sound of the wind rustling the leaves, the birds singing their songs, insects decisively moving around. Become conscious that you too are a part of nature, and therefore connected to all that is.
3. Listen to your favourite music: Music effortlessly and instinctively connects you to your higher self. Go and find your favourite CD and put it on right now if you are able. While you are listening use the breathing technique you tried earlier to enhance the experience and notice the pleasurable vibration you automatically sense from within. Music is food for the soul and time should be taken out of each day to listen, if possible.
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4. Laugh: The benefits of laughter are to numerous to ignore. Laughter dissolves tension, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger, grief, and depression. Like crying, laughter lowers inhibitions, allowing the release of pent-up emotions. After a hearty bout of laughter, you will experience a sense of well-being. Laughing automatically raises your vibration and connection to the higher self; it increases your joy and empowers you to live your life fully and completely. 5. Watch the clouds: Go outside now if you are able and gaze at the sky. Watch the clouds drift and make shapes of all kinds, some you may recognise some you may not. Watch them expand and change colour and shape. In this moment connect with your higher self and know that you are as expansive and unique as the clouds.
6. Move your body with childlike abandonment: Remember skipping or running across the playground, without a care in the world? Or skimming rocks across a lake or pond just because it was fun? Did you ever spin in circles with your arms outstretched until you fell to the ground dizzy with pleasure? You can still do all of those things! Play, laugh, delight in the pleasure of reconnecting with your inner child and being your higher self.
7. Ask your higher self an empowering question: Open ended questions inevitably engage our higher self and stimulate creative thoughts. What is the best solution for me right now? Who do I know that, or what course of action, can support me in this situation? How can I enjoy my life with more abundance? And most importantly listen for the answers; they do come to you in the form of inspiration, when the answers come, act upon them! Enjoy your new found freedom as you enthusiastically engage your higher self with empowering questions.
8. Make time for silence: Silence is the realm of the higher self. Silence is creative, silence builds trust, silence gives rest, silence brings balance, silence allows listening, silence promotes the inner you. [173]
Beyond The Physical Life Find time to quieten the inner you and connect with your higher self. Feel your heartbeat pumping your blood and wonder at the miracle of your existence. Watch as the dreams of your ever brighter future pass in your mind. Hear the divine whispering to you in its clear and distinctive voice. Dive into the silence and allow your worries to dissolve away. Dont be afraid of silence, it is your friend.
9. Say Yes and I Love You: Say Yes out loud, say it now if you are able. Feel the extension in your body. Feel your vibration rise instantly. What can you say Yes to today? Sending out the vibration of I Love You has numerous benefits to you and the universe. Saying I Love You in your mind when you come up against obstacles in your life is freeing. Saying it out loud may result in some strange looks from people, but it can be said to yourself and the divine. Say it when you notice things that come into your existence that you dont like, it is cleansing and the results are profound. Say it often.
10. Daydream for pleasure: Allow your imagination to soar as you daydream for pleasure. Are you riding a beautiful horse across a sandy beach? Maybe you are strolling among the beautiful flowers of a wonderful garden. Perhaps you are winning a sporting event in the pleasure of thunderous applause. Allow your higher self to guide you among the wonder and excitement of your daydreams because you deserve it. These are just a few examples of the many ways you can connect to the loving, divine existence of your higher self. Find your own exciting new ways as you live your life more fully, joyfully, and easily as you connect to your higher self.
CASE STUDY24 There are many incidences in life when one is stuck between what is wrong and what is right. At that time he needs some inner guidance i.e. divine wisdom from the subconscious mind connected with the source mind. I have seen many phases in my life when my individual intelligence seem to be negligent in answering the problems related to ups and downs in life. One can extend this individual intelligence to universal intelligence by connecting with the higherself. I got so many answers of this birth and even my previous births by connecting with higherself . One has to [174]
Beyond The Physical Life become silent to hear higherself. Silence means silence of mind. Thoughtless state of mind is the silence of mind. I used to get so many visions about non-physical life when i get connected with the higherself. Its the most perfect form of us.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER25-GHOSTS The traditional view of ghosts is that they are the spirits of dead people that for some reason are "stuck" between this plane of existence and the next, often as a result of some tragedy or trauma. Many ghost hunters and psychics believe that such earth-bound spirits don't know they are dead. Veteran ghost hunter Hans Holzer wrote, "A ghost is a human being who has passed out of the physical body, usually in a traumatic state and is not aware usually of his true condition. We are all spirits encased in a physical body. At the time of passing, our spirit body continues into the next dimension. A ghost, on the other hand, due to trauma, is stuck in our physical world and needs to be released to go on."
Also known as "intelligent hauntings," these ghosts exist in a kind of limbo state in which they haunt the scenes of their deaths or locations that were pleasant to them in life. Very often, these types of ghosts are able to interact with the living. They are, on some level, aware of the living and react to being seen on the occasions that they materialize. Some psychics claim to be able to communicate with them. And when they do, they often try to help these spirits to understand that they are dead and to move on to the next stage of their existence. Underlying the physical body and giving it shape and form is the etheric body. It is the energy pattern, or frame, or web, of every cell, organ, muscle, limb, and the bone and blood of its dense counterpart. An etheric pattern underlies all forms in the physical, material world. The etheric body is the subtle level of the physical body. It is also known as “pranmay sharira�. It is composed of pran shakti which comprises of five major pranas :-
Beyond The Physical Life Prana : Its colour is yellow and located in Anahata or heart chakra present in chest region of the human body. It is responsible for the beating of the heart and breathing. Prana enters the body through the breath and is sent to every cell through the circulatory system. Apana : Its colour is Orange red and located in muladhara or root chakra present in Anus region of the human body. It is responsible for the elimination of waste products from the body through the lungs and excretory systems.
Udana : Its colour is Violet blue and located in vishuddhi or throat chakra present in throat region of the human body. It is responsible for producing sounds through the vocal apparatus, as in speaking, singing, laughing, and crying. Also it represents the conscious energy required to produce the vocal sounds corresponding to the intent of the being. Hence control on udana gives the higher centers total control over the body. Samana : Its colour is Green and located in manipura or the solar plexus chakra present in navel region of the human body. It is responsible for the digestion of food and cell metabolism (i.e. the repair and manufacture of new cells and growth). Samana also includes the heat regulating processes of the body. Auras are projections of this current. By meditational practices one can see auras of light around every being. Yogis who do special practise on samana can produce a blazing aura at will. Vyana : Its is of rose colour and located in Swadhishthana or the sacral chakra. It is present in entire human body. It is responsible for the expansion and contraction processes of the body, eg. the voluntary muscular system or the circulation of blood.
When this etheric body is not destroyed due to some reason and the deceased gets hang between the two planes i.e. the earth and the higher planes , the person becomes ghost.
Who are likely to become ghosts? People are likely to become ghosts after their death when They have many unfulfilled desires. Many personality defects, such as anger, fear, greed, etc. A lot of negative impressions in the mind. [177]
Beyond The Physical Life A high amount of ego. They have harmed others and have the basic nature of harming others. They lack spirituality consisting of progressive level of surrender of mind body and intellect, done with the intention of God-realisation.
What decides where we go and what we become after death? When we die, our course in the after-life is decided by a number of factors. These factors include: The number and type of impressions that are created in the sub-conscious mind depending on how we have lived our lives. Our ego: The word ‘ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In addition to its everyday usage as self esteem and self conceit, it also includes the attitude of duality with God. Duality means thinking of oneself as having an existence separate from God. Ego is a function of the extent to which we identify with our 5 senses, mind and intellect instead of identifying with the Soul or the God within us. The type of deeds done during our life-time. The extent and the type of spiritual evolution we had undertaken during our lifetime. Our destiny The type of death – natural and peaceful, violent or accidental. The type of funeral The rituals as per Spiritual science done by our descendants after our death to help us in our after life.
Who do not become ghosts? They are typically people who: Do spiritual practice with the intention of achieving God-realisation (the ultimate in spiritual growth). Have less impressions in the mind, fewer personality defects, etc. Have a low ego. Are above the normal spiritual level. When such persons die they move on to the higher regions i.e. Heaven and beyond. Ghosts cannot influence or take them into custody due to their spiritual strength and protection from god.
How ghosts are released There are some ways by which ghosts can be released :-
Beyond The Physical Life The body of the ghosts are destroyed due to death of its etheric body as its time has completed. Everything has a life span , so as the etheric body too The etheric body gets destroyed due to blessings of a divine “brahmswaroop or a divine soul”. The etheric body gets destroyed due to various rituals performed by the relatives of the deceased on earth like “shradha”. Ghosts are also released when its etheric body is destroyed due to vibrations of divine holy mantras. Ghosts attain freedom due to vibrations gained from holy places or from holy persons when they are conveying some holy spiritual message to normal people which by coincidence is witnessed by a ghost So one should always perform good deeds so as to enhance their spiritual growth and to avoid their degeneration into degenerated lives such that of a ghost.
CASE STUDY25 So oftenly i used to go to cremation grounds. Due to my psychic vision i easily use to see the ghosts. One of my friends father died once and i went to be a part of rituals performed after death at the cremation ground. Near the place where bodies are burnt, i saw an etheric body of a woman. She was wandering to and fro near the place where her body was cremated. Samyama on her past made me realised that she died due to burn injuries. This was one of the incidences of ghost siting and there are many which i witnessed. Ghosts are usually seen near place where they used to live when they were alive or lonely and dirty places.
Beyond The Physical Life
CHAPTER26-EGO The awareness of being body is known as ego. It is the simplest of definitions. One forgets the fact that he is the soul and not the body. He indentifies himself as a body and that is the root cause of all his sufferings. He forgets his original identity and gets attached to materialistic world which is perishable. He tries to correlate himself with the external world and as a result becomes miserable. Ego gives rise to other bad traits like “krodh(anger), kaam(lust or desire), lobh(greed), hath(rigidity), irshya(jealousy), etc”. So ego is the basic cause of all these. Ego is the most subtle of all bad traits or “vrittis”. If one overcomes the ego, he attains “moksha(salvation)”.
Pancha Kosha (Five sheaths) I would like to talk about the Five Koshas . The concept of the five koshas was originally given in the Taittiriya Upanishad to help us understand what is ‘self’ and what is ‘non-self’. The lack of ability to distinguish between self and non-self is termed "avidya" (ignorance) which is the main cause of human suffering ("klesha") It is our identification with the ‘mind-body complex’ that prevents us from realizing our true nature (the self) which is represented by our soul (Atma). Once we develop an understanding of the five koshas, it helps us slowly peel off these layers and bring us closer to our true identity.
Annamaya Kosha (Food Sheath) The first and the outermost sheath is called the Annamaya Kosha or the sheath sustained by food. The word "anna" in Sanskrit means food. This kosha represents our gross body (sthoola sharira) which is the "touch and feel" part of our being " our musculature, bones, blood, all the fluids in the body etc. This is the sheath that needs food for its basic sustenance and hence the [180]
Beyond The Physical Life name Annamaya kosha. This sheath is a composite of the five great elements (five "mahabhutas") – earth, water, fire, air and ether. It is our identification with this sheath, which is the result of "avidya" mentioned above, which results in suffering. An example of this identification is a simple statement like, "I am fat" or "I am ugly" etc. If you can take a step back and replace these statements with "my body is fat" and "my face is ugly", you have taken an important step in recognizing the distinction between the self and the physical body. By saying "my body", we are recognizing that we have an enclosure called the body but "I" am not that body. Our gross body can be looked upon as the first port of entry into all the deeper layers finally leading us to our core which is our soul. It is our responsibility to take good care of this sheath, keep it healthy, clean and free of impurities so we can gain an easy access to the inner layers. We can achieve this goal by practicing the hatha yoga techniques of asana (physical postures), cleansing kriyas, proper diet and relaxation on a regular basis. It is important to remember that while practicing the asanas we need to be fully aware of the impact of each posture on every part of the body. This awareness will prevent any injury that we might cause due to negligence or competitiveness/overzealousness that might drive us to strive for something beyond our body"s innate ability. The body awareness also helps us make a connection with the deeper layers that will be discussed below.
Pranamaya Kosha (Vital Energy Sheath) In order for the Annamaya Kosha to function it needs to be energized and sustained by the vital prana available via the pranamaya kosha, the energy sheath. If the energy sheath is absent the physical body will disintegrate and merge back into its five elements mentioned above. The pranamaya kosha can be looked upon as being responsible for all the physiological functions in the body " breathing, blood circulation, digestion, heart beat, all hormonal functions, communication between the brain and the cells of the body etc. This kosha is further subdivided into five pranas briefly described below: 1. Prana: has an upward movement and is responsible for all inputs into the body " food, fluids, air, sensory inputs and mental impressions 2. Apana: has a downward movement and is responsible for all forms of elimination and reproduction functions – stool and the urine, the expelling of semen, menstrual fluid and the fetus, and the elimination of carbon dioxide through the breath 3. Udana: has an upward movement and is responsible for growth of the body, the ability to stand, speech, effort, enthusiasm and will 4. Samana: has an inward movement " moving inward from the periphery and works in the gastrointestinal tract to digest food, in the lungs to digest air or absorb oxygen, and in the mind to homogenize and digest experiences, whether sensory, emotional or mental 5. Vyana: moves from the center to the periphery. It governs circulation on all levels. It moves the food, water, blood and oxygen throughout the body, and keeps our emotions and thoughts circulating in the mind. In doing so it assists all the other Pranas in their work.
Beyond The Physical Life The major Hatha Yoga practice that is used to energize and vitalize the pranamaya kosha is pranayama. Pranayama techniques involve controlling the breath in various ways.
Manomaya Kosha (Mind sheath) Pranamaya kosha, described above, is directly influenced by our mind. When we are agitated, stressed or angry our breathing is fast, shallow and irregular. When we are calm and peaceful, our breathing is correspondingly soft and regular. In our scriptures, the mind is usually described as a part of the "antahakarana" (the inner instrument " the senses being the external instrument). The other major part of this antahakarana is the intellect which we will talk about next. Mind is responsible for our cognitive abilities, receiving input from the five senses, communicating with the intellect and directing our actions. Thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories are all a part of the mind. Every thought has a great inherent power; it affects our physiology, moods, physical body, responses, work efficiency, relationships and even wisdom. The modern day epidemic problem of stress is basically a problem at the level of mind, wherein a great negative emotion has been allowed to build up without giving it a vent. Patanjali, in his yog sutras defines yoga as the ability to control the fluctuations in the mindfield. Only through controlling the mind can we experience our true inner peace and joy. The main techniques that are recommended for attaining this peaceful state of the mind are pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration) and meditation. Regular, uninterrupted practice of meditation, when done with a sense of total devotion, can bring about a total transformation in one"s personality and provide lasting peace and freedom from stress.
Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect/Intuition sheath) The Vijnanamaya kosha is the sheath of the intellect (buddhi) and intuitive knowledge/wisdom. Our intellect gives us the discriminative capability that helps her differentiate between good and evil, between right and wrong etc. The intellect can be looked upon as having two components " one that is controlled by our ego and driven by our past memories and impressions (samskaras) and the other which is controlled by our pure intuition. The ego-driven intellect can lead to actions which result in pain and suffering while actions driven by pure intuition will give us satisfaction and happiness. Through the practices of meditation etc, as stated above, our mind becomes purified and the intellect can then begin to depend more and more on the pure intuitive wisdom rather than be influenced by the ego.
Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss sheath) The Sanskrit word "ananda" means bliss or pure joy. When we can transcend the other four layers described above, we can begin to experience a sense of pure joy which does not need any sensory input or any of the past experiences or impressions. This layer is the closest to our [182]
Beyond The Physical Life true "self" which is ever pure and ever-unchanging. We can experience this bliss as a result of "samadhi", the last of the eight limbs of patanjali’s yog philosophy. Of course, to get there one has to practice the other seven limbs on a regular basis.
HOW TO GET RID OF EGO As we have already mentioned that ego is the cause of all sufferings, still it is very difficult to get rid of it. Even a person who knows that his original form is the soul not the body , is not able to attain liberty from ego as it is so subtle. It is so amazing that being knowledgeable of the truth about our original form which is soul; still one is unable to get rid of ego. Reason behind it are the “vritis” attached in the sub-conscious mind. They are in numbers and are collected beneath our subconscious mind. These “vrittis” are formed from numerous births a soul experiences from the moment it starts its spiritual journey and finally completes the circle back from where it started. The only way to get rid of this ego is to be in a company of a holy saint who himself has achieved the status of liberation from ego. By his blessings the ego is removed very quickly. But for that we have to follow the preaching’s of those holy saints. That’s where the tradition of guru and the disciple exist in hindu culture. The guru passes his knowledge to his followers so that they walk on right track and ultimately attains salvation. Some techniques which helps in lowering the intensity of ego:1. Always try to meditate in zero or vacuum. Avoid all thoughts and don’t get involve in them. Silence all the thoughts. While meditating sit in a straight posture with chest, head and spine all straight in one line. Don’t move while meditating as it brings back the awareness of the body. After 30 minutes of regular practice, the moment comes when one experiences his original identity which is the soul. At that particular time he experiences oneness with the supreme. All is one is the feeling felt by most of the yogis in that state. One feels that even he is the part of that all mighty just as a drop is a part of a big ocean. He realizes his original state and experiences happiness and peace of permanent nature in that state. By doing it numerous times, the feeling of being the body is lowered. Body is only a vechicle but driver is the soul or “purusha”. 2. While doing any “karma” always keep in mind that the performer is the body and our original form which is the soul remains aloof and is only the observer and feel no attachment with the “karma”. This technique helps in stopping the accumulation of new karmas and starts discharging the old karmas and hence helps in attaining salvation if done consistently. 3. Always try to be flexible in our daily behavior with other people. Don’t oppose until it has to be done for something good. Will definitely lower the ego.
Beyond The Physical Life 4. Always try to be in company of wholly “brahmswaroop saints”. They will definitely help in getting freedom from ego very fast. Follow whatever they say and never ignore their preachings. Whatever they do for their followers, that’s in the highest and best of that person. CASE STUDY26 Awareness of being body is deep rooted in subconscious mind. So its the difficult task in the whole universe to get rid off ego. I have the knowledge of life and death circle and also iam aware about our original state. But numerous times i fail to remember it while in my day to day life. In samadhi one day i realised the real form of us i.e the soul or atman. In samadhi one forgets the awareness of own body and realise himself as pure consciounes. I got familiar with our original state afterthat but still struggle at numerous occassions to get rid of ego. My divine masters our helping me to get rid off ego at both physical and subtle level and will make me liberated from this life-death cycle one day for sure.