The six things that women are judging you on

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The Six Things That Women Are Judging You On

So if you’ve received even one or two emails from me… you know I’m always trying to figure out what works when it comes to social interactions and pickup. When girls unexpectedly come across a guy who knocks them off their feet they are often so surprised and excited that they would do anything to hold his attention. What a lot of guys don’t understand is that this feeling can come from any guy- even if he isn’t the hottest, richest or smartest guy in the room. As a matter of fact, ANY guy can make a girl feel this way, but you have to know the tricks. There are a few “under the radar tricks” that I want to share with you that will help you pickup girls. It sounds kind of magic trick-y, but there is proof that this works. Pretty incredible stuff. When I saw this material, I was determined to figure out why it was so damn effective despite being so easy. It became pretty apparent to me. Here’s the story: MOST pickup material is like a turbo, or nitrous oxide. Those both make cars for faster… in some cases, a LOT faster. And that’s the point of a lot of pickup material. To get girls into your life… and into your bed… a lot faster, and with a lot more regularity.

But the metaphor should be kinda obvious here. You still need an engine to bolt that turbo onto. You still need an engine for nitrous to get injected into. Without an engine, a car just won’t go no matter how much NO2 you’re juicing it with And so it goes with women. There are *six* things that women are judging you on. It’s the “instinctive” stuff that her subconscious is wired to look for when making a mating selection. Get all six things right, and you are good to go. But get this stuff wrong, and you’ve got no chance. I hate to be that brutally honest, but that’s the truth. And unfortunately, a lot of guys mess this stuff up. ESPECIALLY around a pretty girl who makes you kind of nervous. If you’ve found that you do ok with girls who aren’t that attractive, but that you struggle around the really hot girls, I promise, 100%, it’s because you’re getting this stuff wrong. All of the advanced pickup training in the world won’t save you. Let me be blunt: every guy needs to see this stuff. *You* need to see this stuff. I’ve seen a lot of courses, tried just about everything, and I am giving this my strongest recommendation.

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