1 minute read
FREE ONLINE RESOURCES in both English and Spanish!
by Okapi
equity in English and Spanish, making them ideal for programs are included in the new Okapi Digital Literacy™ , plan, and vocabulary starter.
READING AND THINKING TOGETHER is a collection of digital readings. For each selected text, an adult reads the text aloud in English or Spanish, posing questions and comments to stimulate a young reader’s thinking and interaction with the visuals and print. Each reading includes a downloadable guide for extending the learning with follow-up activities. curriculum needs, try out our materials in your classroom, this school year. Thank you for the work you do and with FREE d
DIGITAL BOOKS AND LESSON SAMPLES provide free easy-to-access books, their lesson plans, and Running Records from all levels of our flagship programs. Register for free to review more than a hundred books in both English and Spanish, with full instructional support.
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