2 minute read
Biliteracy para todos™ Teaching for language connections
by Okapi
Carefully crafted for dual-language development, Biliteracy para todos™ uses engaging paired texts that share the same broad concepts and ideas to ensure students meet reading, writing, listening, and speaking objectives, while connecting both Spanish and English.
Cross-Linguistic-Connections | Complete Boxed Sets
10 ‘Grab-and-Go’ Sets, each containing:
• 48 Books (12 copies each of 4 student titles in English and Spanish)
• 1 Teacher Resource Guide
The complete CLC Resources for Early and Developing provide 480 student books each, with full instructional support.
8 ‘Grab-and-Go’ Sets, each containing:
• 48 Books (12 copies each of 4 student titles in English and Spanish)
• 1 Teacher Resource Guide
The complete CLC Resource for Advanced provides 384 student books with full instructional support.
Preview-View-Review | Complete Boxed Sets
18 ‘Grab-and-Go’ Sets, each containing:
• 24 Books (6 copies each of 4 student titles in English and Spanish)
• 1 Teacher Resource Guide
The complete PVR Resources for Early and Developing provide 432 student books each, with full instructional support.
10 ‘Grab-and-Go’ Sets, each containing:
• 24 Books (6 copies each of 4 student titles in English and Spanish)
• 1 Teacher Resource Guide
Developing Set 18 / Level P
The complete PVR Resource for Advanced provides 240 student books with full instructional support.
Integral Instruction Delivered Through Downloadable Online Resources!
for downloadable tools to support your instruction in both English and Spanish. Anchor Charts focus learning on grammar and vocabulary. Easy-to-use Records of Biliteracy Behavior will help you track progress. Sentence Stems support academic conversations about language.
Eracy Para Todos
Cross Linguistic Connections
Clc Sentence Stems
Cross Linguistic Connections
Developing Biliteracy Set 1: Phonology
In English _______ has a _______ vowel sound, but _______ has a _______ vowel sound. In Spanish, the letter _______ has only _______ sound and _______ .
In English, the letters a, e, and o have a _____ vowel _____ in the words _____, _____, and _____. In English, the letters a and o have a _____ vowel _____ in the words _____ and _____. In Spanish, the letters a, e, i, o, u have _____ sound.
In English, the vowels a, e, i, o, u have a _____ and a _____ sound. But in Spanish, the vowels a, e, i, o, u have only _____ sound. For example, ______.
Pvr Sentence Stems
I think that In my opinion, I believe that because
Pvr Records Of Reading Behavior
no tenía trabajo.
Los superhéroes tenían que tener un trabajo en el que pudieran usar sus superpoderes. Si no, perdían sus superpoderes. Sam tenía que encontrar un trabajo pronto, así que voló a buscar uno.
Sam vio una casa en llamas. Había llamas y mucho humo. Los bomberos corrían hacia la casa para rescatar a las personas que habían quedado atrapadas.
—¡Esto parece un trabajo para Supersam! —pensó Sam. Y voló hacia la casa. Había tanto humo que no podía ver ni respirar.
8 Un bombero corrió hacia donde estaba Sam y lo llevó fuera de la casa. Total
100 words