1 minute read

Bear aware

If you see a black bear . . .

• Stop! Don't run because it might chase you. • Make yourself look big. • Say “Leave me alone.” This lets the bear know you are a person and other people know that you need help. • Back away slowly. • Tell an adult.

How to write about your opinion

1. State your opinion

Think about the main questions in the introduction on page 4 of this book. What is your opinion?

2. Research

Look for other information that you need to back up your opinion.

Related information book Internet Other sources Deadly Venom: Killer or Cure?

3. Make a plan

Introduction How will you “hook” the reader? Write a sentence that makes your opinion clear.

List reasons to support your opinion.

Reason 1 Support your reason with examples.

Reason 2 Support your reason with examples.

Reason 3 Support your reason with examples.

Conclusion Write a sentence that makes your opinion clear. Leave your reader with a strong message.

4. Publish

Publish your writing. Include some graphics or visual images.

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