A U T O M A T E USER GUIDE V . 0 . 0 .1 0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 8
Please read this guide before operating your application and keep it for future reference
Getting Started Managing Your Project Files Uploading 3D Files
2 3 11
Mobile App Installing Application Downloading Your VR Scene The Controllers
12 13 15 19
SketchUp Plugin Installing Plugin Preparing Your 3D Files
20 21 22
OVERVIE W woobaVR Automate is an online platform designed to automatically convert your working file to real-time VR in minutes. Our virtualisation on the go platform puts the power of design back in your hands. Generating high-quality lightweight renders, ready to be viewed on any mobile device.
Advantages of woobaVR Automate • • • • • • • •
Fast rendering in minutes High-quality render Competitive price advantage User-friendly interface Easy to share compressed mobile output Lightwight file size Acts as an online portfolio Expanding library of 3D materials
Overview | Page 1
G E T T I N G S TA R T E D Managing Your Project Files Uploading 3D Files
Getting Started | Page 2
STEP 1 Log in to the website, platform.woobavr.com with the provided credentials.
Getting Started | Page 3
STEP 2 In the Project Page, click the project folder.
button to create new
Getting Started | Page 4
STEP 3 Complete the form to create your new Project Folder. After you’ve filled up the form, click ‘Create Folder’ button.
Getting Started | Page 5
STEP 4 In the Project Page, select the new project folder to access design files.
Getting Started | Page 6
STEP 5 In the Project Folder, click the design file.
Getting Started | Page 7
button to create new
STEP 6 Complete the form to create your new Design File. After you’ve filled up the form, click ‘Create Design’ button.
Getting Started | Page 8
STEP 7 In the Project Folder, select the ‘Upload’ icon of the new design file to upload your 3D file. Select the ‘Share’ icon to copy a sharable link of the VR scene.
Getting Started | Page 9
STEP 8 In the Design File, under the Source File click ‘Upload File’ to upload your 3D file to our server, in queue for rendering.
Getting Started | Page 10
UPLOADING 3D FILES Note Please note that 3D files you upload are required to be optimised. Unoptimised 3D files will not be recognised and our system will prompt an error. Source File The Source File section shows the details of the uploaded 3D files. Upon successfully uploading your 3D file, a pop-up window stating ‘Upload Complete’ will appear and the status will change to ‘OK’.
Asset Packages You can monitor the status of the rendering through the Asset Packages section. After the upload, the status of the rendering will be ‘In Queue...’. Click the ‘Refresh’ icon to update the status indicatior. Status will indicate ‘Ready’, once the rendering process is complete. If the file has problems, it will flag as ‘Error’. In Queue...
Getting Started | Page 11
MOBILE APP Installing Application Downloading Your VR Scene The Controllers
Mobile App | Page 12
I N S TA L L I N G A P P L I C AT I O N Android Device on Play Store
Mobile App | Page 13
iOS Device on App Store
Mobile App | Page 14
DOW NLOA DING YOUR VR SCENE Step 1 - Log In Page Open woobaVR Automate application and log in with the the provided credentials.
Mobile App | Page 15
Step 2 - Project Page Upon logging in, you will enter the Project Page with thumbnails of all the Project Folders you create in the Platform. Select the thumbnail to access the folder.
Mobile App | Page 16
DOW NLOA DING YOUR VR SCENE Step 3 - Project Folder In the Project Folder, you can access the Design Files you create in the Platform. To download, select the thumbnail with download icon. Select again to open the VR scene.
Mobile App | Page 17
Step 4 - Options Menu Select the ••• icon to access the Option Menu.
Mobile App | Page 18
Legend 1. Joystick Pivot controller to direct your movement in the VR scene. 2. Overview View your VR scene in plan view. Select the icon to view scene. 3. Flythrough Play flythrough video generated from the camera points. 4. Exit Scene Exit from the VR scene to the project folder. 5. Image Effects Toggle On/Off the image effect filters.
Mobile App | Page 19
SKE TCHUP PLUGIN Installing Plugin Optimising Your 3D File
SketchUp Plugin | Page 20
I N S TA L L P L U G I N SketchUp 2017 Log in to the website, platform.woobavr.com and click on the ‘SketchUp Plugin’ to download the plugin script with the .rbz file format. We recommend loggin into your computer as an admin before installing any Ruby scripts. This will make the installation go more smoothly and ensure that files get installed in the proper places.
1. Select Window > Preferences (Microsoft Windows) or SketchUp > Preferences (Mac OS X). The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 2. Click on ‘Extensions’. The Extensions panel is displayed. 3. Click on the ‘Install Extension’ button. The Open dialog box is displayed. 4. Locate the Ruby zip file to install (.rbz). 5. Click on the ‘Open’ button. The Ruby plugin appears in the list of extensions.
Once you have restarted SketchUp, you should see that the script's commands have been added to the appropriate menus. You can also run the script using the Ruby Console (open the "Windows" menu, and then click Ruby Console).
SketchUp Plugin | Page 21
P R E PA R I N G YOUR 3 D F I L E Extensions
Camera Object Extensions > WVR > Add @CAMERA Object Place the @CAMERA object to set the camera point in your scene. Multiple camera points can be placed in the scene. In the woobaVR Automate plan view, @CAMERA objects will be displayed as icon. You can view the camera points by selecting the icon in the application.
SketchUp Plugin | Page 22
P R E PA R I N G YOUR 3 D F I L E Ceiling Object Extensions > WVR > Create @CEILING Object Select all objects to be hidden on woobaVR Automate plan view, and create @Ceiling object. A new Component, @CEILING is created containing all the selected objects. If a @CEILING object already exists, explode the Component before using this option again. Model Compability Check Extensions > WVR > WVR Model Compability Check This option checks your SketchUp file for the required items, namely a @CEILING object and at least one @CAMERA object should be present in the scene. Purge File (Optional) Extensions > WVR > Purge File (Optional) This option is a shortcut to purge your file. Purging your file removes unused materials and empty objects to create a smaller working file. It is always advised to purge your file before saving it for upload to the Platform. Saving Your File For Upload woobaVR Automate supports SketchUp files version 2017 and earlier. If you are using SketchUp version 2018 and later you are required to downsave the file. File > Save As > Sketchup Version 2017(*.skp) woobaVR Automate supports SketchUp files version 2017 and earlier. If you are using SketchUp version 2018 and later you are required to downsave the file.
SketchUp Plugin | Page 23