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Simple Yet Effective Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immune System

Words by Amanda Bernier

It is officially back to school season and the perfect time to craft a plan to boost your child’s immune system before the looming cold and flu season is upon us.


When your child starts school, it might seem like they always have a bout with the sniffles and then the tummy bug comes knocking.

According to integrative pediatrician Dr. Alina Olteanu of Whole Child Texas in Frisco, young children can get upwards of 10 to 12 colds and viral illnesses each year. From the sniffles to strep—and yes, still COVID-19—the germs are bound to get passed around the classroom.

Have no fear! Aside from vaccines, there are natural ways to boost their immune system and ward off germs.

When it comes to the vitamins, supplements and potions that many parents swear by to give their child’s immunity a boost, experts note it’s hard to say with certainty whether they work.

“Many parents discover natural options they feel are right for their child, which can include zinc, vitamin D or C, echinacea or elderberry syrup,” said John Lazenby, MD, chief medical officer of Medical City Dallas and Medical City Children’s Hospital. “While these may not be regulated or tested by the FDA, some may find them beneficial.”

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), healthy children receiving a normal, well-balanced diet do not need vitamin supplements over and above the recommended dietary allowances. In fact, megadoses of vitamins, they warn, can produce toxic symptoms ranging from nausea to rashes to headaches. And children with autoimmune disorders need to be especially careful when considering supplements.

The key, experts say, is to talk to your pediatrician. “The best advice is to always check with your family physician or pediatrician to see what they recommend for your child based on routine check-ups,” said Lazenby.

There are natural ways to ward off the germs, experts say, but they aren’t quite as exciting as a magical supplement. Instead, the best way to kick your child’s immune system into high gear is to take daily steps to stay healthy, overall.

1. Wash Your Hands.

This isn’t news but it is worth reiterating. Encourage your preschooler to wash their hands throughout the day, even while at preschool. Clean hands whether using soap and water or handy dandy hand sanitizer is half the battle when it comes to a healthy child.

2. Eat More of the Good Stuff.

“I am frequently asked by parents what supplements to use to prevent colds, but before considering any store-bought vitamins, it’s crucial to talk about nutrition,” said Olteanu.

It’s true, chicken nuggets and pizza aren’t doing much for that immune system. Optimally, children should consume a variety of foods from the five major food groups every day: vegetables, fruits, bread or pasta, protein foods and dairy products. Each food group supplies important nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

“As all illness starts and ends with inflammation, I educate all my patients on the benefits of an antiinflammatory diet,” says Olteanu. If you want to opt for nutrition that’s anti- and non-inflammatory, Olteanu recommends the following:

Eliminate processed food, artificial dyes and sweetener, and sweetened drinks and soda

Consume brightly colored fruits and vegetables (5–8 servings a day) and add lots of healthy fats from fish, egg, nuts, seeds and olive oil

Add some fermented food to your diet daily—think sauerkraut, pickled veggies, kimchi, kombucha and kefir

Dessert, Olteanu advises, should be a special treat, not a daily food. Moderation is the key.

3. Drink Up!

Keeping your preschooler hydrated not only helps prevent meltdowns, it helps ward off germs, too, by supporting a healthy immune system. To stay well-hydrated, children ages 1–3 years need approximately 4 cups of beveragesper day, including water or milk. This increases for older kids to around 5 cups for 4 to 8-year-olds, and 7–8 cups for older children. A good rule of thumb is to keep a cute water bottle handy for your preschooler to sip on at any time. Water is always best for hydration.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep + a Nap.

We all know that when kids don’t sleep well it can lead to some—ahem—difficult behaviors. But a good night’s sleep doesn’t just boost their school performance, memory and behavior, it actually benefits their immune system, too.

“Sleep is an undervalued and often overlooked habit to increase children’s immune system,” said Olteanu. Sleep deprivation can actually weaken the immune system.

The AAP recommends 10–13 hours of sleep, including naps for preschoolers up to age 5 and elementary-aged kids need 9–12 hours a night.

To establish a good sleep routine, be sure to give your child a bath each night, this will help them sleep better and wind down. It is also recommended to refrain from having a television in their bedroom and to cease screen time at least one hour before bedtime.

5. Practice a Solid Daily Schedule.

Your child will spend the majority of their day at preschool. It is important to give them time to unwind when they get home. Practice a set schedule for your preschooler. Children thrive when there is structure. Plan your life accordingly to ensure that your preschooler has a nice dinner each night, takes a warm bubble bath and winds down with a good bedtime story.

Keeping a nice, predictable schedule will help ward off stress and behavioral problems with your child. A low stress life is essential to boosting your child’s immune system.

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