August 14, 2019

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AUGUST 14, 2019


THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600

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The Oaks at Mena - Assisted Living Announces Closing (MENA) The parent organization of The Oaks at Mena Assisted Living made a brief announcement on Tuesday, August 6th that the assisted living center in Mena would be closing as of Midnight, August 17, 2019. The parent organization of The Oaks at Mena Assisted Living facility, The Ouachita Senior Community Development Inc., said that with the various changes to funding reimbursement for Medicaid to assisted living facilities such as The Oaks, they are not able to survive. Due to insufficient operating revenue brought about by a reduction in Arkansas Medicaid reimbursements which took effect July 1, 2019 with an additional reduction scheduled in the future." It creates difficulties to continue their services for low-income patients. Approximately twenty-five residents

and another twenty-five employees will be looking elsewhere for living and work. The Oaks administration, led by Chief Operating Officer of the partnership and administrator of the facility, Lisa Masters said that the facility is assisting families with placement to other facilities. Masters said that their main concern right now is “working diligently to find another facility” for its residents. Several residents have already found another facility on their own. Dr. Richard Black, a board member of the partnership stated that “the process for residents to be approved for Medicaid can take up to 45 days for approval and agencies have also put a cap on the number of waivers that can be issued, thus causing a

-See The Oaks, continued pg. 19

Murder Suspect In Court Monday

2019 Polk County Rodeo Queen and Court Named...

(MENA) The 66th Annual Polk County Rodeo is in the books and the naming of the Rodeo Royalty was named Saturday afternoon, in the Commercial Building of the Polk County Fairgrounds. Kristin White - Senior Queen. Maggie Barrett -Rodeo Queen, McKenna Williams - Princess and Charlee Fortner -Lil Miss. Submitted photo.

Country Express 1146 Hwy 71 S, Mena


3 RIBS Choice of 2 Sides $



(MENA) A 26 year old DeQueen man accused of murder was back in court in Polk County, Monday morning. Adam Mathew Green, was charged with Theft by Receiving, with bail set at $10,000 for that offense. Green was also charged with Possession of a Firearm by Certain Persons, a Violation of Suspended Imposition, with bail set at $100,000 and First Degree Murder, with bail set at $1 million dollars. Green was transported to the Arkansas Department of Corrections for confinement until his trial is scheduled. Meanwhile, Jody Bud Rogers, 42, of Mena was also in court Monday morning answering to charges of Sexual Assault in the First Degree, Theft of Property, Forgery in the 2nd Degree, and Theft by Receiving.

1 Pork Sand. Choice of 1 Side $


-See Court, continued pg. 19



Pork Chop

Adam Mathew Green


1 Brisket Sand

Mashed potatoes, gravy, Chopped pintos, fried okra, Choice of 2 Sides cornbread 99 $ $ 99



F r id a y


Slaw, fries, pintos, and hushpuppies $


AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

The Polk County Pulse & are publications of


The Heartbeat of Our Community RADIO • PRINT • WEB • VIDEO

1168 Hwy 71 So l Mena, AR 71953 Ph: 479-243-9600 Fax: 479-243-9603

•KENA 104.1 FM •KQOR 105.3 FM Good News 1450 AM

Jamie Hammack-General Manager/Publisher Sam Jordan-Operations Manager Beth Goodreau-Jordan - Office Manager Linda Lee Denton-Graphic Design John Russell-Graphic Design Carla Vaught & Richard Hanley - Writers Curt Teasdale-Programmer/On-Air Personality Paula Bradley & Jackye Palmer-Marketing Specialist DISTRIBUTION & INSERTION STAFF

Dan & Linda Deramus, Shane Deramus, Stacy Vann, and Tim Goodreau The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays with a distribution of 8,000 and estimated readership of 10,000. All rights to contents are reserved by Pulse Multi-Media. currently has an on-line 32,000. POLICY: The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. All property rights, including any copyright interest, in any advertisement produced by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse using art work and/or typography furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse shall be the property of Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse. No such advertisement or any part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Pulse Multi-Media & The Polk County Pulse. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements of a political nature must be pre-paid and must also include the name of the entity paying for the advertisement. If an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the candidate verifying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.


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Polk County Pulse

Gun Control Legislation Not On Governor’s Agenda

(LITTLE ROCK) Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson’s list of legislative agenda items released on Wednesday, does not include the temporary seizure of firearms from dangerous people. The list of agenda items are for a three year period; but, the Governor is not discounting the idea entirely. Many Republican leaders have backed similar legislation recently; but, Hutchinson hasn’t found a plan that he can back. Thus, not moving forward with that idea. Red flag laws have been implemented in 17 states, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which advocates for gun control. All but two of the states with such laws in place have Democratic-majority legislatures. The Arkansas Legislature is Republican-majority. Some opponents feel that this is a “slippery slope” toward eliminating the second amendment rights provided in the United States Constitution, by enacting the legislation. Hutchinson and other Republicans, have largely remained skeptical and have steered clear of such laws, citing concerns


LETTER TO THE The Polk County Pulse welcomes letters to the Editor addressing any topic of interest to our readers. To be published, letters must be less than 300 words and must not contain obscene or libelous language. The letter must include a signature to be considered for publication. Signatures will NOT be held out by request. The following contact information is required when the letter is submitted: NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER. Letters are published at the discretion of the Editor and Publisher. Letters may be submitted by e-mail to; mailed to P.O. Box 1450, Mena, AR 71953 or dropped off at 1168 Hwy. 71 South, Mena, AR. A drop-box is provided by the front door for after hour convenience.

about the due process legal rights of people whose guns would be seized. But, due to multiple mass shootings that has occurred recently in Texas and Ohio, it has prompted a swell of support among national Republicans seeking to take action against such massacres. A bill sponsored earlier this year by Arkansas State Senator Greg Leding, D-Fayetteville, would have required that two law enforcement officers swear in an affidavit presented to a judge that probable cause exists to issue such an order. That law included a higher burden of proof in an attempt to get the governor's support, Leding said Wednesday. The backing of support by a gun advocacy group was then withdrawn Hutchinson signaled an openness toward red flag legislation last year, but some other Arkansas Republicans have remained steadfastly opposed. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has proposed legislation to open up federal

funding to states that pass red flag laws. President Donald Trump said he was calling for legislation that would allow guns to be "taken through rapid due process." Hutchinson, in a separate meeting in the morning with local reporters at his Capitol office, said the onus would be on the state's lawmakers to come up with workable legislation before the next regular legislative session in 2021. The Governor said he preferred the term "extreme risk protection orders" rather than "red flag" law to describe a policy through which a judge could sign an order to temporarily seize a person's guns if a sufficient burden of proof is met to show that the person is a potential threat to himself or someone else. An insistence on a strict burden of proof, however, could doom the prospects of any red flag proposal, especially if a large number of state Republican lawmakers continue to withhold their support.

Local Teens Return Home After Bring Missing For A Few Days

(MENA) The search for two Polk County teens who ran away from their homes on Sunday, August 4th, were found after being gone from their homes. Polk County Sheriffs Department personnel, along with various family members had been combing through leads, but to no avail

in finding the pair until they were found on Wednesday evening, August 7th.. Travis Beck, 15, disappeared with Lily Oglesby, 13, late Sunday evening and were reported to be in safe condition. The family wants to thank everyone for their help in locating the teens.

Fireworks Rescheduled For September 1st

(MENA) The fireworks that were scheduled for July 6th in Tapley Park has been rescheduled for Sunday, September 1st. That announcement came late last week from the city’s Advertising and Promotion

Committee. Lana Gail and Gail Force will be entertainment for the evening. Music will get underway at 7pm, with the fireworks set to get underway at 8:30pm.

N OW H I R I N G Coding and Billing Specialist needed for a new local medical clinic.

Excellent pay. Flexible hours.

Extra pay for bilingual & front desk experience, but not required. Email:

Weekly Publication

AUGUST 14, 2019 479-243-9600


Polk County Prayer Request Debuts on Local Radio Station By Linda Lee Denton (MENA) A unique radio program made its debut Sunday, August 4th. The program is aimed at ministering to the local, listening community and aired on KENA-AM 1450 “Good News Radio”. The Polk County Prayer Request came

to fruition after noticing the need for a program to offer prayer on the radio. Each Sunday now, prayer requests gathered throughout the week are broadcasted to our local area reaching communities, spanning just outside of our county line with over 1,500 listeners.

Reflections From Faith and History Remembering Mr. Carmack -by Jeff Olson Each year at about this time teachers throughout America have been preparing for a new school year, working behind the scenes in ways unknown to most of us. I believe good teachers approach the new year not just as a job to teach a subject but as educators with a desire to help develop both the moral and intellectual dimensions of their students. Every one of us can remember those teachers who had the most positive and lasting impact on our lives. I certainly can, so please indulge me as I tell you something about one of them, Mr. Billy Carmack (1925-1989). Though I was blessed with a number of good teachers during my school years, Mr. Carmack stood head and shoulders above most of the others. He taught American History at our high school. Though slight in physical stature, he was larger than life in the classroom. His great reputation among both school faculty and students preceded him, so I was one of many who looked forward to his class. Even some of those students who didn't particularly care for history liked Mr. Carmack's class and held him in high esteem. By the time I made it to his class, he had been teaching history for many years and knew his subject matter by memory and by heart, and I do mean by heart! He put his heart and soul and every ounce of his being into teaching us the roots of our national origin and identity, those personal virtues and collective values and principles which have made America unique, exceptional, and enduring, and even how and where we failed along the way. Indeed, American history came alive in Mr. Carmack's classroom. However, he considered teaching to be much more than just about American History. It was also about serving as a mentor and role model. He valued each and every one of his students, and we knew it. He exemplified character and integrity which

he sought to instill into us - that we would grow into men and women who would be the informed and responsible citizens that America would need to continue her journey as that successful experiment in ordered liberty which our Founders set in motion. Not surprisingly, he was voted "Teacher of the Year" at our school more than once during his career there. He believed, in the words of one educator, “Teach them [children] everything that is best in life – teach them all the good things our country has done –and you will find we shall get a very much better education.” In retrospect, Mr. Carmack was not only my choice for Teacher of the Year in 1973, but is also my choice for Teacher of a Lifetime in 2019. He was a special man in so many ways, and this was no less true within and among his family and friends. We witnessed his faith and resilience during the loss of his only child in her teen years. He himself passed away too young, but left an enduring legacy beyond what I've been able to adequately describe here. In closing, what I can and must say is this: Thank you Mr. Carmack - for your example and inspiration and for the honor I have in being a part of your legacy, as I've joined many others (albeit in a small way) in the important and consequential stewardship of America's history. Many of you could probably share a similar story from your own experiences in school. May what I've shared here about Mr. Carmack help to revive such memories for you and serve as a tribute to all the great educators who enlightened, inspired and cared for us. And, may it also remind each of us to support and pray for those teachers who will be pouring themselves into the generations of today and tomorrow. Our culture, our nation need them more than ever in 2019 and beyond!

On numerous occasions people have come in to The Polk County Pulse office looking for help. Their needs range from assistance to families without income, expecting mothers with no healthcare or housing plans, to individuals who want to reach out to the community for help, specifically prayer. This is the basis that led to the Polk County Prayer Request formation. Specifically, one Friday afternoon, a lady came in concerned about her friend who had been life-flighted out for emergency care. She wished to have a prayer placed on air, live and immediately. Policies and scheduling aside, this was not plausible. As an employee of The Pulse, I recognized the need then for prayer and begin forming the basis of this program. The Polk County Prayer Request is privately funded and originates from the desire to share this powerful part of my Christian’s walk. Prayer is NEVER the least one can do but one of the most important actions Christians can offer. On a personal note, I haven’t always been a participant in public prayer. That is changing. In my opinion, people are seeing prayer in the public less and less. Some people haven’t ever heard prayer or feel they know ‘how to pray’. While there is no right or wrong way, prayer is an important part of our Christian walk. This defining moment came when a friend asked me to sign up for a prayer time. She was attending a youth camp as a worker and had prayer warriors sign up for hour sessions to cover her time ministering to the youth. I signed. I had never prayed for an hour; didn’t know if I could or what I would be doing that day when the time came. As life had it, my family was traveling to Corpus Christi, TX that day. I moved to the back seat and bowed my head. My

prayer was standard at first, almost rehearsed- the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. I looked at my watch, ten minutes had elapsed; I started back. After checking my watch a couple more times in 5 minute intervals (which seemed long), my prayer changed. It was no longer just my needs, the thoughts that were on my mind, the ideas I felt needed to be covered (like a grocery list I was checking off), the prayer flowed and was powerful. Personally, the Holy Spirit led me to and through that prayer. I succeeded the time assigned. In faith, I knew she received the blessings as did the children who were there at that camp. These instances led me to put together a program where people could have their praises, petitions, request, and thanksgivings brought to our heavenly father and the Lord Jesus Christ. People need to hear prayer. We all need prayer. Together with assistance of local pastors, the Polk County Prayer Request was formed. The program received another blessing as two businesses have also chosen to show support for the program. To learn more about Polk County Prayer Request check out the Facebook page /PolkCountyPrayerRequest. ‘Like’ the page to follow future post, scriptures, schedule, and that week’s participating pastor. Message your prayer request through this page or email your request to Request are taken daily and shared with the pastor prior to his recording of each week’s program. The Polk County Prayer Request airs each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and again at 4:30 p.m. on 1450 AM ‘The Good News Radio’. You are encouraged to tune in and pray with us each week.


Farrell & Sharon Cole The Cole Team


1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953

816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000

AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Police Reports... The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Polk County Arraignment Report

STATE OF ARKANSAS vs. JACOB GREEN White Male / DOB: 12/18/1993 Date of Offense: August 3, 2019 COUNT #1 – ARSON, the said defendant, acting alone or as an accomplice, did start a fire or cause an explosion with the purpose of destroying or otherwise damaging any property, whether his own or property of another, and the act thereby negligently created a risk of death or serious physical injury to any person, and the property sustained at least $15,000 but less than $100,000 worth of damage. Class A Felony. COUNT #2 – THREATENING A FIRE OR BOMBING, did purposefully threaten damage or injury to the person or property of another person by fire or bombing or other means in a manner likely to place another person in reasonable apprehension of physical injury to that person or another person. Class A Misdemeanor. COUNT #3 – COMMERCIAL BURGLARY, defendant did unlawfully enter a commercial occupiable structure of another person with the purpose of committing in the residential commercial structure any offense punishable by imprisonment. Class C Felony.

Mena Police Department Report August 4 & 5, 2019 Bambe Mellard, 35, of Mena turned herself in to authorities and was served an outstanding warrant for probation violation. Tatum Veal, 28, of Mena was cited for shoplifting after officers responded to a call at a local retail store. A local man reported that a motorcycle disappeared from his residence. Case is pending.

August 6, 2019 Christy Pruitt, 25, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant for violation of Arkansas Hot Check Law from the DeQueen Police. August 7, 2019 A 14-year-old Mena youth was charged with public intoxication and violation of curfew law. Case was referred to juvenile authorities. August 8, 2019 Officers responded to a local residence regarding a couple fighting. No charges have been filed. Rickey Looney, 38, of Mena, was charged with third degree battery and interference with emergency communications. The arrest followed a complaint and further investigation. August 9, 2019 Garrett Bosley, 29, of Mena was charged with shoplifting and criminal trespass after a call to a local store. Owner of a local ice machine reported that it had been vandalized by someone spray painting the structure. Case is under investigation. Nickie Landfair, 26, of Mena was charged with criminal trespass and resisting arrest. The arrest followed a call to a local residence. Jason Lovett, 45, of Mena was charged with shoplifting after officers responded to a call from a local retail store. Kara Bone, 33, of Cove was charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of an instrument of crime. The incident followed a traffic stop. August 10, 2019 A local resident reported that his mail box had been damaged by a vehicle. Case is pending. Justin Cole, 29, of Mena was served two outstanding warrants, one from the Polk County Sheriff and one from Mena Police. Gregory Brewer, 50, of Mena was

charged with possession of a controlled substance

Polk County Sheriff’s Report August 5, 2019 Report from two Hatfield families that their 13-year-old daughter and 15-year-old son were missing. The juveniles were later located. August 6, 2019 Report of a single-vehicle accident on Buddy Bean Lane in Hatfield led to Citations for No Proof of Insurance and Careless/Prohibited Driving being issued to Brandon R. Falls, 33, of Mena. Arrested by an officer with Arkansas Probation & Parole was Patrick J. Bates, 46, of Norman, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order and two Warrants for Failure to Appear. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Clinton W. Mahaffey, 35, of Watson, OK, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. Arrested was Jonathan M. Tidwell, 40, of Wickes, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. August 7, 2019 Report from complainant on Butler Circle in Hatfield of an unauthorized person on their property. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Polk 46 near Shady Grove of missing farm equipment, valued at $950.00, and unauthorized persons on their property. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Race Lane near Mena of the theft of personal items, jewelry and knives, all valued at $152.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Horseshoe Lane near Potter of an unauthorized person on their property. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Polk 85 near Cherry Hill of being threatened by an acquaintance. Arrested was Gregory S. McDonald, 41, of Mena, on a Warrant for Defrauding Secured Creditors. August 8, 2019 Report from complainant on Polk 29 near Hatfield of a disturbance that had occurred earlier in the Mena city limits. This case was forwarded to the Mena Police Department.

Report of a disturbance on Twin Pines Lane near Mena. Deputies responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Traffic stop on Highway 8 East near Mena led to the arrest of James R. Grossman, 56, of Mena, on a Charge of Public Intoxication. Report from a business on Highway 71 South in Cove of the theft of motor fuel, totaling losses at $61.53. Informa totaling losses at $61.53. Informatotaling losses at $61.53. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. August 9, 2019 Arrested was Eric D. Revels, 35, of Mena, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. August 10, 2019 Report from complainant on Polk 76 West near Mena of the theft of prescription medication. Investigation continues. Report of a dog bite victim on Cloud Lane near Shady Grove. Deputy responded. August 11, 2019 Arrested was Billy R. Powell, 37, of Hatfield, on a Charge of Public Intoxication. Arrested was Jennifer A. M. Emfinger, 33, of Horatio, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked two vehicle accidents this week.

Sheriff Sawyer Named To State Commission (MENA) Polk County Sheriff Scott Sawyer, of Mena, has been named to the Arkansas Child Abuse/Rape/Domestic Violence Commission. Sheriff Sawyer was one of twenty-two people that were appointed by Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson on Monday. Sheriff Sawyer’s term expires July 1, 2021. He replaces Cory Sanders.

Weekly Publication

AUGUST 14, 2019 479-243-9600


-The Oaks, from pg. 1 decrease in population from time to time.” Black said that the numbers have dropped below the necessary levels to operate such a facility. The Oaks have been trying to find changes to the formula for two years, with legislators. The Arkansas Development Finance Agency, will take over the facility on that date or soon thereafter and will determine the fate of the facility. Randolph Emerson, a member of the

Ouachita Seniors and Retirees Inc. said that “it severely limits the choice that seniors have and puts a burden on families to try locate seniors that they are unable to care for at home”. This is the second facility to announce its closing recently. Mena Manor closed in July. However, officials are anticipating opening at a possible location in the Industrial Park area of the city.

Helpful Tips On Using and Disposing of Materials Properly

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends using and disposing of harmful materials properly. When hazardous waste is dumped on the ground it can contaminate the soil and eventually lead to our water streams. Contaminated soil then contaminates the ground water or nearby surface water. A number of products used at home contain hazardous or toxic substances that can contaminate ground or surface waters, such as Motor oil, Pesticides, Leftover paints or paint cans, Mothballs, Flea collars, Household cleaners, and a num-

ber of medicines Next, don’t overuse pesticides or fertilizers. Many fertilizers and pesticides contain hazardous chemicals, which can travel through the soil and contaminate ground water. It is also recommended to keep yard waste off the streets, sidewalks, and driveways, and gutters. If yard waste such as grass clippings and leaves enters our storm drains, it flows untreated directly to creeks, streams, and lakes. As yard waste breaks down, nutrients that are released can lead to water pollution.

2018 Polk County Rodeo Royalty Participated in the 2019 Polk County Rodeo Parade

Polk County Housing Authority Receives Grant Polk County Housing Authority received a grant from Walmart Giving! And, the housing authority purchased school supplies for students who are assisted by Polk County housing programs. With Walmart's generous assistance backpacks and other supplies will be provided to over 70 students in the county. Pictured are Scott Brown, Mena Wal-Mart Store Manager, and Sheila Pate, Donna Hendricks, Jeanne Mabry and Dixie Shrader, Executive Director of the Polk County Housing Authority. Photo submitted by Dixie Shrader


Inquiry classes into the Catholic Faith begin Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 6:45 to 8:30 PM in the St. Thomas House at ST. AGNES CATHOLIC CHURCH 203 8th St.

and continues through Easter 2020. There is no cost or obligation and anyone interested is invited to attend.

For More Information Call: 479-394-1017 between 9-12 M-F


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AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Imogene Gentry

TIDWELL Mrs. Imogene Gentry Tidwell, age 89, a resident of Wickes, Arkansas, died Friday, August 9, 2019 in Nashville, Arkansas. She was born August 28, 1929 in Van Alstyne, Texas. She was a homemaker and loved to sew, crochet and read. After retirement, she and her husband enjoyed camping and crappie fishing for 30 years. She was a member of Vandervoort Baptist Church. Mrs. Tidwell was preceded in death by her parents, William Carl and Claudia Inez Bishop Gentry; a brother, Albert Gentry; and a granddaughter, Amber Morris. She is survived by her husband of 72 years, John Milburn Tidwell of Wickes; two daughters: Patricia (Charles) Towry of Wickes and Paula (Merle) Dickerson of Van Buren, Arkansas; one son, Mitchell (Laurie) Tidwell of Wickes; one brother, William (Suzette) Gentry of Granbury, Texas; her grandchildren: Shauna (Scott) Gilbraith, Brad (Linda) Lyle, Tamara Campbell, Jon Tidwell, Amy Tadlock, Brad (Haley) Gentry, Briony (Chad) Jenkins; 23 great grandchildren; three great-great grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. Graveside funeral services for Mrs. Tidwell was held at 10:00 a.m. Monday, August 12, 2019 in the Crystal Hill Cemetery in Wickes with James Squires officiating, under the direction of Wilkerson Funeral Home. You may leave a condolence online at

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Hale Wayne C. Hale, age 71 of Cove, Arkansas passes away in Fort Smith, Arkansas on August 3, 2019. He leaves behind his wife of 25 years, Martha Hale of Cove. His father and step-mother of Lewisville, Illinois; brother, Frank Hale and wife Jessie of Texas; sons: Charles Hale of Minnesota and Jon Hale and wife Morgan of Topeka, Kansas; step-daughter, Sondra Orthman and husband Jessie; step-son Brian Hill and wife Brandy of Texas; four granddaughters: Kyndra Nitcher and husband Keith of Salina, Kansas, Jennifer Gossett and husband James of Freeport, Texas, Meghan Hebert of Clute,Texas, and Dayne Hill of Texas; two grandsons: Travis Rathburn of Topeka, Kansas and Sullivan Hill of Texas; two great-grandsons: Lincoln Gossett of Freeport, Texas and Jeramiah Hart of Clute, Texas; many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends. A celebration of life will be held at Cove City Hall in the Community Center on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 11:00 a.m.

James W. “Jim”

ALLEY James W. “Jim” Alley, age 82, of Mena, Arkansas died Monday, August 5, 2019 at the Montgomery County Nursing Home. He was born on Thursday, February 4, 1937 to Alfred David and Mary Elizabeth Golden Alley in Mena, Arkansas. Jim was a good friend to many and a Christian. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Mena and served as a deacon and Sunday School teacher. Jim served in the United States Navy for twenty years and retired as a Chief Petty Officer Machinery Repairman. He later worked at U.S. Electrical Motors Corporation for 10 years. Jim then became the Instructor of Machine Tool Technology at Rich Mountain Community College for the next twenty years and cemented a legacy of being

Maria Florella


Maria Florella Miller, age 74, of Cove, Arkansas died Thursday, August 8, 2019 at her home. She was born on Thursday, January 25, 1945 to Jose Daniel and Crisofora Jaramillo Olguin in Jarales, New Mexico. Maria was a member of Christ’s Church in Cove and regularly taught Sunday school and bible study. Her faith and family meant everything to her and gave her great joy. Maria spent much of her life farming and ten years as a USPS mail carrier in Cove. She was proud to be a classroom grandparent at Wickes and Vandervoort and she loved to read and cook, especially her delicious enchiladas. She was feisty and fun. She is someone you wanted on your side. Maria was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Daniel Olguin and Ernesto Olguin; and one sister, Aurelia Jaramillo. Maria is survived by her loving husband of 55 years, Wayne Miller of Cove; two sons and daughter in law, Lonnie and Deanna Miller of Cove, and Paul Miller of Cove; one a wonderful friend and great mentor. After retirement, he co-owned and operated B J Machining Inc. He received great joy from teaching Bible classes, gardening, hunting, fishing and reading. Jim was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his parents. Jim is survived by his loving wife of 62 years, Eva Dell Alley of Mena; his daughter, Reta Lapenter of Mena; one son and daughter in law, Randal and Debbie Alley of Hatfield; his daughter, Rhonda Tranter of Mena and fiancé, Bobby Faulkner of Huntsville, Alabama; one brother and sister in law, David and Kay Alley of Mena; one sister and brother in law, Belva and E. Wayne McDaniel of Mena; five grandchildren, Jacob Alley of Mena, Justin Lapenter of Ashland, Wisconsin, Tabitha Ervin of Charleston, Arkansas, Caleb Tranter of Denver, Colorado, and Rachel Walsh of Burlington, Iowa; four great grandchildren, Jacob Dill of Alabama,

daughter and son in law, Le-Ann and Robby Holmes of Mena; five sisters, Angelina Sanchez (Sonny) of Jarales, New Mexico, Perfilia Ulibarri (Robert) of Veguita, New Mexico, Celina Abeyta (Abran) of Jarales, New Mexico, Viola Vaisa (Steve) of Valencia, New Mexico, and Gloria Cordova of Belen, New Mexico; one brother, Frank Olguin (Tammy) of Jarales, New Mexico; nine grandchildren, Brooke Sanchez (Hugo) of Mena, Joseph Miller (Taylor) of Cove, Harley Burgett (Tyler) of Hoxie, Gene Miller of Hoxie, J.T. Miller of Cove, Ashton Miller of Horatio, Nick Holmes of Mena, Jared Holmes of Fort Smith, and Caleb Holmes of Mena; four great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held on Sunday, August 18 at 3 pm at Christ’s Church in Cove, Arkansas with Brother Riley Christensen and Brother Victor Rowell, officiating. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Maria was a 17 year breast cancer survivor. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to UAMS Cancer Research at 4301 W. Markham Street, #716, Little Rock, AR 72205. Online Guestbook: Rebel and Radley Ervin of Charleston, Arkansas, and Kai Lapenter of El Prado, New Mexico; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A funeral service took place on Friday, August 9, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Salem Baptist Church in Mena (Nunley), Arkansas with Brother Steve Ellison officiating. Interment followed at the Board Camp Cemetery in Board Camp, Arkansas. A visitation was held on Thursday, August 8, 2019 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Pallbearers were Harold Coogan, Eddie Lunsford, Jonathan Lunsford, Richard Martin, Andy Brown, and Jim Aleshire. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, 10 Remington Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204. Online Guestbook:

AUGUST 14, 2019

Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Ronald Warren

Jerry W.

James (Jim) D.




Ronald Warren Elliott, age 78, of Mena, died Thursday, August 8, 2019 at the Heart of Hospice in Fort Smith, Arkansas he was born on Wednesday, June 25, 1941 to Floyd Ezra and Edith May Roach Elliott in Little Blue, Missouri. Ron was a Godly man and raised his family in a Christian home where Christ was taught and professed. He was a minister for many years of Jesus Christ and preached at Faith Tabernacle Church in Potter for some time. He loved serving the Lord and pointing others to Christ. Ron loved his family and spending time with his grandchildren. He also was an avid CBer and tinkerer. Ron woke up everyday wanting to work hard and provide for his family. He owned his own gravel truck for many years, fixing many people’s driveways. Ron was a loving husband, father, brother, grandfather and friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, Richard Elliott, Eddie Elliott and Larry Elliott and three sisters, Patricia Wilson, Sharon Olaughlin and Jaqueline Willis. He is survived by his loving wife of 30 years, Linda Elliott of Mena; two sons and daughters in law, Jonathan and Roxann Elliott of Mena and Timothy and Kara Elliott of Hot Springs; three daughters and sons in law, Amanda and John Morris of Conway, Sharon and Shawn Bollmeyer of Mena and Stephanie Bagley of Salt Lake City, Utah; one sister, Deborah Parker of Blue Springs, Missouri; nineteen grandchildren; five great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral service will be Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Jack Smith officiating. Interment will follow in the Nunley Cemetery under the direction of Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Visitation was Tuesday, August 13, 2019 from 6-8 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena, Arkansas. Pallbearers will be Andrew Elliot, Caleb Foreman, Christopher Bollmeyer, Cody Bollmeyer, Eric Elliot, Aaron Reed, Robert Doty and Jacob Doty. Online Guestbook:

Jerry W. Foster age 89 of Mena, Arkansas passed away Monday August 12, 2019 in Mena, Arkansas. Jerry was born in Oden, Arkansas on August 4, 1930 to the late Jasper Foster and the late Cornelia Wilhite Foster. He was married for 65 years to the late Wanda Foster. Jerry worked in the timber and logging business and was a mechanic. He also enjoyed deer hunting and fishing with family and friends. He enjoyed tying his own jiggs. Jerry loved to work in his garden and canned the bounties of food. He thoroughly enjoyed going to the cabin with Wanda and his family. In Jerrys home there was always westerns or Wheel of Fortune on his tv. Above all he was a family man, a good father to his family. He was a loving father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother and friend to all who knew him. He is survived by his daughters: Charlotte Foster of Fort Smith, Arkansas and Sheila Hicks and husband Mike of Mineral Springs, Arkansas; sons: Rick Foster and wife Lynn of Mena, Arkansas, Terry Foster of Mena, Arkansas, and Stanley Foster and wife Kandy and grandson Jo Jo Foster of Mena, Arkansas; brother, Carl Foster of Mena, Arkansas; sisters: Anne Scheeler and husband Bob of Mena, Arkansas and Donna Cogburn and husband Henry of Mena, Arkansas; good friends: Bob Jones and brother-in-law, Eddie Cross; plus numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jasper and Cornelia Foster; his wife, Wanda Lou Foster; daughter, Brenda Sue Foster; and a sister, Nettie Cross. Funeral service will be Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at Beasley-Wood Chapel with Brother Steve Ellison officiating. Interment will follow in the Brushy Cemetery in Oden, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral of Mena. Visitation will be Wednesday August 14. 2019 at 9:00 a.m. before service at Beasley Wood. Pallbearers will be Rodney Jones, Eddie Cross, Josh Foster, Carl Foster, Mike Hicks and Scott Hicks.

James (Jim) D. Phillips, age 84 of Mena passed away Thursday, August 8, 2019 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Jim was born January 1, 1935 in Rector, Arkansas to the late Thomas Jefferson Phillips and Lavada Belle Eagle Phillips. He was married to the late Judy Ann Phillips, born in Gladewater, Texas. Jim proudly served his country in the United States Army. He worked as a Realtor with Century 21 for many years and never met a stranger. He liked camping and spent several winters in Mission, Texas. Jim enjoyed horseback riding, golf and bowling with family and friends. He loved playing and listening to music, country and bluegrass, and going to Turkey Track festival in Waldron. Above all, Jim loved and adored his family and friends. He was a loving and dedicated father, papa, great grandfather and a friend to all who knew him and will be dearly missed by all. He is survived by his son, Kevin Ray Phillips and wife Terah of Mena, Arkansas; daughter, Kelli Diane Hiaumet and husband Billy Joe of Oden, Arkansas; grandchildren: Shelby Arceneau, Colton Phillips, Nicole Renard, Dustin Hiaumet and wife Beth, and Joe Hiaumet; great-grandchildren: Stella, Isaiah, and Isaac Renard; Braelyn and Dillan Hiaumet; and Keeli Arceneau and Korbin Chapman. He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Lavada Phillipsand wife, Judy Ann Phillips. Funeral was held Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at Northside Church of Christ in Mena with Brother Jeremy Jones officiating. Interment followed in the Cherry Hill Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Visitation was Monday August 12, 2019 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Beasley-Wood. Pallbearers were Colton Phillips, Dustin Hiaumet, Joe Hiaumet., Brad Fountain, Tim Robbins, and K.C. Chapman. Honorary pallbearers were Jimmy McMellon, Doyle Beck, and Clarence Barns. Online obituary at


CRSD Anticipates 1000 Students For School Year

(WICKES) Members of the Cossatot River School Board heard reports from the various building principals that the district will have just over one thousand students attending their two high schools and three elementary school campuses in the 20192020 school year. Cossatot River High School will have the largest contingent of students, with 410 enrolled. Wickes Elementary will have 300 students, Vandervoort Elementary will have 175 students and the Umpire campus will have 115 students. The district approved seven transfers of students to the Mena Public Schools. While, the Umpire campus is seeing students leaving that facility to go to Dierks schools. The biggest gain of students is happening at the Cossatot River High School, where twenty-seven new students are enrolled. School begins on Wednesday, August 14th around the region.

CRSD Making Improvements to District Facilities (WICKES) Cossatot River School District Superintendent Jim Tankersley reported that the district has been making some much needed improvements to some facilities. The district is installing handicap ramps at the Music Room at Umpire campus. In addition, new steps are being placed near the Ag Building on the campus. At Vandervoort Elementary, the school is getting a lot of wood replaced around the gymnasium. The gymnasium was built in 1938 and was needing those upgrades made to keep it in shape.

AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Athletic Facilities Upgrade Free and Reduced Lunch Underway At Cossatot River Program For ORSD Families (WICKES) Cossatot River School District Superintendent Jim Tankersley reported in his report to the school board that the ball field project at Cossatot River High School will begin on Monday. The project will see a new soccer field, baseball and softball fields at the Wickes campus. Tankersley said that the teams spent more time on the road playing their opponents last year and with the construction of the new ball fields will have the district seeing a savings in travel costs. The district is hoping to change the minds of leaders with the Arkansas Activities Association in proposing a move of the schools from its current region of opponents, to a proposed move to playing schools as near as Waldron. Most of those schools are around the Fort Smith area. No decision has been made on the realignment.

(ACORN) The Ouachita River School District announced on Monday, August 12th, its policy for providing free and reduced price meals for children served under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Each school campus office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party. The price charged for a paid student breakfast is $1.00; the price charged for a paid student lunch is $1.95. The household size and income criteria will be used to determine eligibility for free and reduced price benefits for School Year 2019-2020. Children from households whose income is at or below the levels in the tables are eligible for free or reduced price meals. To review the income guidelines, you can view them in this week’s edition of The Polk County Pulse newspaper (see page 15), on newsstands this Wednesday; or by visiting The Polk County Pulse Facebook page. In addition, by contacting your respective school office.

Jim Tankersley Superintendent of Cossator River School District

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AUGUST 14, 2019

Weekly Publication 479-243-9600


Arkansas Department of Health Prepares Arkansans For the School Year

(LITTLE ROCK) It is almost time for school to be back in session. Students may need immunizations or a copy of their birth certificate, both of which the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) can provide. Immunizations Immunizations are required to help protect Arkansas students from vaccine-preventable diseases. If a student has not yet received the proper immunization, he or she will be able to receive it at his or her local health unit. Please call your local health unit to schedule an appointment or ask about the next vaccination clinic. If a student needs an immunization record, the ADH can provide that as well. Our shot record request form can be found online at https://www.healthy.arkansas. gov/images/uploads/pdf/Shot_Record_ Release1.pdf. A parent or guardian may also request their child’s record by emailing or calling 501-661-2169. For more information regarding immunization for school children, go to: https:// Birth Certificates

There are a variety of ways to obtain a birth certificate through the ADH. You can request a record in person at a Local Health Unit or the Little Rock office for same-day pick up in most cases. You can also order a record through ADH’s website; mail a form available online or at your local health unit; or call 866-209-9482. All Local Health Units are able to provide birth and death certificates. You can also come to the Arkansas Department of Health’s vital records office at 4815 West

Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205. Birth certificates may be ordered by the parents as listed on the certificate, maternal grandparents, legal guardian or the individual named on the birth certificate if he or she is 16 or older. A valid photo identification card must be provided to obtain a birth certificate. This ID must contain a photo, current address, signature, and a unique number or barcode assigned to the person. This could include

a driver’s license or ID card, a passport, a visa and more. The first copy costs $12 and each additional copy costs $10. For more information about birth certificates, including a link to the birth certificate application, go to: https://www.healthy. order-birth-records. The ADH wishes all students and families a happy and healthy start to a new school year.

Use Of Cellphones In School Zones Are Banned (MENA) The Mena Public Schools has announced that with Act 738, now in effect, that drivers are banned from using their phones in school zones during school hours when students are present. The new law amends an existing one to comply with federal regulations. The definition of texting was expanded to include instant messaging and electronic data retrieval. Texting while driving is banned for drivers of all ages.

Cellphone use behind the wheel is completely prohibited for drivers under the age of 18. Drivers that are 18 or older can use a hands-free device while driving, while drivers over 21 can enter, read or select a telephone number to make a call and hold the phone while talking on it. But, the biggest change is that drivers are banned from using their phones within school zones during school hours.

For the past decade, Pleasant Hills Animal Clinic has been proudly serving the people and pets of Mena and Polk County.

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AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Fall Single Parent Scholarships Available

(MENA) Single parents thinking about continuing their education or who have already enrolled in college are eligible for fall scholarships. There are two qualifications: 1) responsible for at least one dependent child; and 2) eligible for a Pell Gant. Single Parent Scholarships are good at any post-secondary, non-profit institution.

For full-time students, scholarships are $1,100 a semester and $2,000 a semester for LPN students. Applications are available at the University of Arkansas Rich Mountain Financial Aid office and from the Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Polk County. The Scholarship Fund contact is Pete Chambers, (479)243-0781.

THE DEVALUATIONO F HUMAN LIFE We all know about it. Just a few days ago a man walked into a Walmart store and began killing people. Before he finished, he had killed 20 people and wounded many more. That same day, I think, another man killed 9 people and wounded many others. We feel hurt, we feel outrage, we feel anger, we have questions that just don’t seem to have answers, or at least our leaders have not found them. The anger that many of us feel is that leaders seem to focus on dealing with symptoms rather than problems. Take away the guns and the problem goes away??? No. The problem with human behavior is not going to be solved by taking guns away. There are many ways to kill masses of people, many of them far better than guns. In America we have killed over fifty MILLION babies with beating hearts in the past few years and the carnage goes on. In America we kill thousands on highways every year because alcohol is OK in America. In 10 years in Vietnam there were approximately 50 thousand young American men who died. Horrible. Yes. But in that same time in America approximately 250 thousand men, women, and children died on highways due to drunk drivers. Where are our legislaturers on that issue? They will continue to refuse to do anything at all about it until some of their own families are hit by this tragic nonsense. Maybe it’s because some of them enjoy alcohol themselves. You think? And automobiles? Even without alcohol the automobile (in use by humans) has killed thousands upon thousands of Americans through the years and continues even now to do so. Maybe we can take automobiles away. Maybe that will solve the problem. And bombs? Any high school young person can get the information and the materials to build bombs that potentially can kill more people at one time than a gunman with an AK-47 or AR-15 can do. I worked in San Quentin prison in California for a while. Once in a while a bomb would go off in the prison. Impossible! No. I will not tell you how they made them, only that they did, and with materials available to anyone who just wants to kill a lot of people… and, as we have seen those kinds of people are out there, somewhere, maybe in our own town. So now we are going to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Medical marijuana was simply the “foot in the door”, first step. Now “we” are considering that many who are in prison for marijuana violations are potentially going to be released. So what will they do if “recreational use” is legalized? Will they get “high”? Will they get behind the wheel? Will they hire ‘slick’ lawyers to sue us for false imprisonment? Sicker things have happened. Our culture has, in effect, decided that we do not need God anymore. And the consequences of that mentality are just beginning. And no one is going to like how it turns out. God is in His Word, and when that Word does not matter the One Who is in the Word does not matter either. If I sound like a “preacher,” then so be it. I am a man who wants to see the will of God prevail in our culture because I know there is no other way to achieve good results. The answer has never changed: “If My people who are called by My name will (1) humble themselves and (2) pray, and (3) seek My face, and (4) turn from their wicked ways, I will (1) hear from Heaven, (2) forgive their sin, and (3) HEAL THEIR LAND” (II Chronicles 7: 14). The Church of Jesus Christ is the “My people,” and it is so divided that it cannot pray with power. Jesus prayed for us that we would be “ONE,” not hundreds of “denominations.” YES, MY NAME IS GENE STACKS AND I DO APPROVE OF THIS MESSAGE. PROVIDED AND PAID FOR BY GENE STACKS

Letter to the Ouachita River School Community Ouachita River Community, Let me be the first to say, “Welcome Back to School!” I hope all of you had time to enjoy this summer together. As you know, school is fast approaching. In three short weeks we will begin the 201920 school year. We have been working hard to prepare our classrooms, buses, facilities, and personnel to make this year a success. I want to thank all of the staff for working so hard to prepare for the upcoming school year. We accomplished so much last year as a district, and I look forward to seeing what successes this year will bring as well. This year, as in the past, you will notice a few new faces among the ORSD family educating our students. I encourage you to come to Open House on August 12th at 6:30 pm to meet and welcome our new staff. Also, I want to share with you that we still have a Before/After School Program that will be starting in October on the Acorn Campus. This program will provide homework support, en-

richment activities, an afternoon snack, and transportation home. We will be communicating to you much more about this program as we approach September. Also, I want to share with you that we will have a different car rider drop off system this year on each campus. Please call your respective school for more information. Construction will be ongoing on the Acorn Campus until October around the Mary Davis Gym, New Gym, and Acorn High School. Each year our goal is to make our campuses as safe, functional, and clean as possible. In closing, let me say thank you so much for all of your support last year. I am very excited and enthusiastic about this year and the new projects to come for the Ouachita River School District. I cannot wait to see all of our students and staff! Sincerely,

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AUGUST 14, 2019

Weekly Publication

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(Hot Springs) Basscat Austin Rose recently enjoyed sharing the spotlight with Hank Parker. Many bass anglers gathered in Hot Springs last week for the Forrest Wood Cup held on Lake Hamilton. Austin, as other teammates, will return to compete in the upcoming school league. Their season had just culminated over the summer at the High School National Championship and World Finals. The Basscats will be having their annual beginning of the year meeting soon. Coach Rose will announce the dates as soon as available. The Basscats have a Junior Team (5th - 8th) and a Senior Team (9th - 12th). If you have a son or daughter that has a passion for bass fishing, he or she needs to join the club. The Basscats are one of the top teams in the country having had two teams qualify for the High School National Championship and compete in the World Finals. If you have any questions please let me know. Call Coach Rose @ 479-234-0771.

Jessco Paving LLC. Hd13streetglide@yahoo

(BROOKLYN, MI) Kevin Harvick is feeling confidence on the NASCAR track and with help from his team, doesn’t show too much excitement when he wins a race. Harvick raced to his 47th NASCAR Cup victory of his career and his second in less than a month on Sunday, pulling away from the pack to win the Consumers Energy 400 at Michigan International Speedway for the second consecutive year. There are just three races remaining before the playoffs begin and with the momentum that Harvick is experiencing, the timing of his latest strong performance may help him win a second NASCAR Monster Energy Cup title. The Stewart-Haas Racing driver finished more than a second ahead of second place finisher Denny Hamlin. Kyle Larson was third, more than 16 seconds behind Harvick. He was followed by Martin Truex Jr., Daniel Suarez and points-leader Kyle Busch.


Mena Basscat Meets Bass Fishing Legend Hank Parker At the Forrest Wood Cup


NASCAR Race At Michigan International Speedway 479-243-9600






Submitted photo: Basscat Austin Rose shakes hands with Hank Parker at the Outdoors Expo in the Hot Spring Convention Center.

AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Bearcat Scrimmage This Friday

(MENA) The Craig Bentley era of Mena Bearcat football is set to get underway on Friday night at Bob Carver/Bearcat Stadium in Mena, with the annual Mena Red and Black scrimmage game. Bentley, who returns to Mena after a two year stint at Mansfield High School, is optimistic and excited about how his team is shaping up for the upcoming season. Many prognosticators are predicting the Bearcats to be one of the top Class 4A teams in the state. A big reminder to the 2014 Bearcat football team that reached the state championship game. The scrimmage game will be at 6pm on Friday night and all of the Mena Bearcat football games will be heard on Classic Hits 105.3 FM – KQOR. Start your football week off with “The Grid Iron Gang Show” hosted by Sam Jordan and Coach Bentley, that will be heard on Tuesday nights from 6 to 7pm, and will be broadcast LIVE from The Chopping Block Restaurant on Highway 71 South. Fans are encouraged to stop and participate in the program.

Submitted photo: Mark Hopson

Alternate Form of Entry At Bearcat Scrimmage on August 15 (MENA) The Annual Mena Bearcat football scrimmage game set for Friday, August 16th at Bob Carver / Bearcat Stadium will only cost you either a pack of Gatorade or a box of powdered detergent. The game will feature the 2019 edition of Mena Bearcats Red and Black teams. Many prognosticators are thinking that

this year’s team go make another state title run, similar to the 2014 team. Head Coach Craig Bentley and staff are making final preparations before the scrimmage and before the Bearcats face off against their rival, the DeQueen Leopards, to open the season on August 30th at Bearcat Stadium.

Weekly Publication

AUGUST 14, 2019 479-243-9600

Bucks Soccer Opens Season This Week At Batesville


(MENA) The University of Arkansas – Rich Mountain Bucks Soccer Teams begins their inaugural season opener on the road at Batesville on Tuesday, August 12th with Lyons College. Head Coach Brian Byrd, along with Assistant Coaches Rick Moss and Michael Ola are excited about what these two teams are shaping up to be, in their inau-

gural season. On Thursday, August 15th, the Bucks will have a scrimmage match, with a simultaneous “Meet The Bucks Event” at Bearcat Stadium. All members of the Youth Soccer Association are encouraged to attend and wear their most recent team jersey and meet at 5:30 inside the Bucks tent. Those young

Bucks can also run with the Bucks in prematch festivities and be a part of the National Anthem too. In addition, businesses in downtown Mena are painting the town RED and BLACK too. Fans are encouraged to wear their RED and BLACK and show their immense support of their teams. Coach Byrd said that sixty one student

athletes are on the Bucks Soccer teams, twenty-three athletes that are from other countries, around the world. Also, an Honorary Cheer Squad will be present on Thursday evening with cheerleaders from Acorn, Cossatot River and Mena High Schools comprising the squad. The activities get underway at 6pm.

(FAYETTEVILLE) Fifteen former Arkansas Razorback athletes have been named to the University of Arkansas 2019 Hall of Honor Class. The class includes former baseball pitcher Kevin Campbell; former football players Dick Cunningham, David Dickey and Hal McAfee; basketball player James Cathcart, Joe Johnson; tennis players Aurelija Miseviciute; track & field athletes Wallace Spearmon Jr., LaShaunte’a Moore and Lee Yoder; softball player Tiffany Woolley Moyer; and swimmer Martin Smith, a three-time All-American swimmer who also kicked for the Arkansas’ football

team. The most notable athletes in the class is former NBA great Joe Johnson and former Olympic sprinter Wallace Spearmon Jr. who headline the latest 15-member class. The 2019 Hall of Honor class will be inducted during a ceremony September.13th at the Fayetteville Town Center, and will be recognized during halftime of the Razorbacks’ football game against Colorado State on September 14th. Johnson, a Little Rock native, averaged 16 and 14.2 points per game during his two seasons with the Razorbacks from 19992001. Johnson was a seven-time all-star in

18 NBA seasons. Johnson scored 20,405 points as a professional, which ranks 42nd on the NBA’s career scoring list. Spearmon, a Fayetteville native, was a two-time national champion at Arkansas from 2004-05 and later competed for the U.S. in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. In 2008, Spearmon finished third in the Olympics 200 meters, but was denied a bronze medal when he was disqualified for a lane violation. He was a three-time medalist in the 200 meters at the World Championships, and won a gold medal at the 2007 World Championships as part of

the U.S. 400-meter relay team. Other notable inductees this year include former football receiver Anthony Lucas, whose 2,879 yards are second in Razorbacks history and whose touchdown catch against Tennessee in 1999 gave Arkansas one of its most memorable wins; Tommy Trantham, a three-time All-Southwest Conference defensive back who had an interception return for a touchdown in Arkansas’ 1965 victory over No. 1 Texas; and David Lingmerth, a two-time All-SEC golfer who won a PGA Tour event in 2015.

2019 Hall of Honor Class Announced At University of Arkansas

AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Mena Enrichment Classes Choose ‘To Do’ Love: Promoting Recycling and Helping the Homeless (MENA) Two Enrichment Classes, led by Mrs. Philpot and Mrs. Lindsey, exhibited the spirit of community and encouragement to take action. During last year’s Enrichment period, Sophomores worked through a program titled “Choose Love”. It was half-way through the program the class choose “To Do Love” and provide a service instead of watching a program on others choosing to do good works. Mrs. Philpot gave them several ideas and after watching a couple videos the kids settled on making mats for the homeless from plastic, recyclable shopping bags. Her students were so excited they began to share their project with peers, stimulating them to participate. After presenting the project to Mr. Torix, who was principle at the time, and then to the faculty, a buzz was about the school and Mrs. Lindsey’s class got on board. A school-wide effort in the form of an email campaign throughout Mena Public Schools assisted in collecting

plastic bags. Bags donations were received during the entire 2018-2019 school year. Mrs. Philpot’s and Mrs. Lindsey’s class transformed these bags into plarn- cutting and looping sections together to make long strands which were then wound into a ball. While students produced plarn, Mrs. Philpot crocheted mats well into the summer. Three mats are completed and three more are underway. When all mats are completed, Mrs. Philpot will deliver them to a home-

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less shelter in Broken Arrow, OK whom she has been in contact with. Each student who participated in the project walked away with a greater awareness of their own ability to help save our planet through recycling and their ability to offer assistance and encouragement to some a little less fortunate. Students discovered a number of classmates in Polk County that do not have a bed to sleep on. This process also instilled a sense of responsibility while at the same time dispelling the myth that all homeless people are druggies or are just lazy and unwilling to work. From watching a documentary in class, Mrs. Philpot said it hit home when they learned, “1 out of every 3 Americans are 1 paycheck from being homeless.” Choosing ‘To Do’ an act of love will carry through into this school year. The 20192020 school year offers further opportunities to new students. May we all learn from Mrs. Philpot and Mrs. Lindsey, as well as

their students. Each has truly grown from this Enrichment period project.

Submitted photos: Students making plarn and displaying a finished mat.

AUGUST 14, 2019

Weekly Publication 479-243-9600



Ouachita River School District today announces its policy for providing free and reduced price meals for children served under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Each school campus office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party. The price charged for a paid student breakfast is $1.00; the price charged for a paid student lunch is $1.95. HOUSEHOLD APPLICATIONS The household size and income criteria identified below will be used to determine eligibility for free and reduced price benefits for SY 2019-2020. Children from households whose income is at or below the levels shown are eligible for free or reduced price meals.

FREE MEALS – 130% Household Size

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Each add'l person add

Federal Poverty Guidelines



Twice per Month

12,490 16,910 21,330 25,750 30,170 34,590 39,010 43,430 4,420

16,237 21,983 27,729 33,475 39,221 44,967 50,713 56,459 5,746

1,354 1,832 2,311 2,790 3,269 3,748 4,227 4,705 479

677 916 1,156 1,395 1,635 1,874 2,114 2,353 240


Every Two Weeks




625 846 1,067 1,288 1,509 1,730 1,951 2,172 221

313 423 534 644 755 865 976 1,086 111

23,107 31,284 39,461 47,638 55,815 63,992 72,169 80,346 8,177

1,926 2,607 3,289 3,970 4,652 5,333 6,015 6,696 682

Twice Per Month

963 1,304 1,645 1,985 2,326 2,667 3,008 3,348 341

Every Two Weeks

889 1,204 1,518 1,833 2,147 2,462 2,776 3,091 315


445 602 759 917 1,074 1,231 1,388 1,546 158

Household application forms are being distributed by the school with a letter informing households of the availability of free and reduced price meals for their children. Only one application should be submitted for each household. Applications are also available at the principal’s office in each school. To apply for free or reduced price meals, households must complete the application and return it to the school. Applications cannot be approved unless it contains complete information as described in the instructions provided with the application. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year as circumstances change. The information households provide on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and verification of data. Applications may be subject to verification at any time during the school year by school officials. CATEGORICAL ELIGIBILITY Children who are members of a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly food stamps, household are categorically eligible for free meals. School officials will determine eligibility for free meals based on documentation obtained directly from the SNAP office. School officials will notify households of their eligibility. Households who are notified of their eligibility but who do not want their children to receive free meals must contact the school. SNAP households should complete an application if they are not notified of their eligibility by August 14, 2019. Households with children who are members of currently approved Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, formerly food stamps, may submit an application with abbreviated information as described in the application instructions. Children who are enrolled in Head Start / Even Start programs are categorically eligible for free meals. Contact Ouachita River School District at 479-394-2348 Ext 200 with questions regarding Head Start / Even Start meal benefits. Children certified as migrant, homeless or runaway by the district are categorically eligible for free meals. Contact Tammi Faught at 479-394-2348 Ext 200 with questions regarding migrant, homeless or runaway meal benefits. Foster children who are the legal responsibility of a welfare agency or court are also eligible for benefits regardless of the income of the household with whom they reside. Eligibility for the foster child is based on the child being the legal responsibility of welfare agency or court. An application for a household that includes both foster children and non-foster must be completed for eligibility to be determined for the non-foster children. Contact Tammi Faught at 479-394-2348 Ext 200 with questions regarding foster children. Children in households that receive WIC may be eligible for benefits. An application must be completed for determination of eligibility. If a household member becomes unemployed during the school year, the household may be eligible for free or reduced price meals PROVIDED that the loss of income causes the household income to be within the eligibility criteria. An application should be completed for determination of eligibility benefits. Under the provisions of the free and reduced price meal policy Tammi Faught, ORSD Acorn Campus 479-394-2348 ext. 200: Crystal Hill , ORSD Oden Campus 870-326-4311 will review applications and determine eligibility. Parents or guardians dissatisfied with the ruling of the determining official may wish to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. Parents wishing to make a formal appeal for a hearing on the decision may make a request either to: Jerry Strasner at 479-394-2348. A household may SUBMIT an application ANYTIME DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. Nondiscrimination Statement: In accordance with Federal civil rights law and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: 202-6907442; or (3) email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
































Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK

Periwinkle will grace your home with her charming purrrr-sonality! This young girl is about a year old. She has beautiful green eyes. Celebrate Periwinkle's birthday in July ( 07/02/2018 ). She would love some cat treats! Periwinkle is a purrr-fect choice! ALL ANIMALS AT HSO ARE SPAYED/NEUTERED AND ARE CURRENT ON THEIR VACCINATIONS PRIOR TO ADOPTION.


OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (479) 394-5682 • WEB SITE: • HSO is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please consult your tax advisor to see if your donation is tax deductible.

AUGUST 14, 2019

Weekly Publication 479-243-9600




Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297.

ins, followed by a meeting.

• 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50.

• 8:00 a.m. – Sale at The Oaks at Mena 1341 Mena Street.

• 3:00 p.m. – Worship Service is held at Sulphur Springs Church.

• 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Polk County Housing Authority Community Room LIVE Country and Gospel music.


• 6:00 p.m. – The Regular Hatfield Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Hatfield.

• 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – The Board Camp Baptist Church at 107 Country Road 63 will distribute food. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/ Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at (479)2345844 or Linda Rowe at (479)234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – Polk County Library Board will meet in the Susanna Mosley Community Room at the Library. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Good Vibes Art Day at the Mena Art Gallery. All mediums welcome, from fiber art, painting and crafting. Open to public. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – LIVE Country & Gospel Music. Open to the public at the Daisy Room, Janssen Florist in downtown Mena. • 5:30 p.m. – Meet the Bucks Night tailgate party at Mena Bearcat Stadium followed by introducing the 2019-2020 UARM Bucks soccer team. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Education Wing, West End. Call (479)234-2297 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club, at 1159 Highway 71 South., Mena. (479)2164606 or (479)243-0297. • 6:00 p.m. – Acorn Water monthly meeting at the Water Office. • 6:30 p.m. – Disaster Preparedness Group meets at Assembly of God Church, 2111 Sutherland Ave. in Mena. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:30 p.m. – Dallas Masonic Lodge #128 meets at the Mena Lodge located in the Old Post Office by Janssen Park.

• 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at Mena Art Gallery. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 6:00 p.m. – Mena Red vs. Black Scrimmage for junior and senior high to kick-off football season. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Hatfield Auditorium Country-Western Dance Admission is $6 and 50/50 drawing. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297.

SATURDAY, AUG. 17TH – • 8:00 a.m. – Sale at The Oaks at Mena 1341 Mena Street. • 10:00 a.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Men’s Meeting – ABC Club, across form Chopping Block: 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena – (281)387-0400. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Children’s Art Class at the Mena Art Gallery, for children ages 5 to 9. Cost is $2. Call (479)394-3880 to reserve spot. • 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – 3rd Saturday Gospel Singing to be held at Janssen Park. Bring a lawn chair and cold drink. Musicians and singers welcome. For more information, contact Stanley or Jeanette Dreyer at (479)216-0533. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn.

• 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Mena Seventh-Day Adventist Church Food Pantry across from the Polk County Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. No one will be turned away.

• 7:00 p.m. – VFW Post 4451 meeting at Veterans Park in Acorn. • 7:30 p.m. – The Regular Cove Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Cove.

• 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Republican Committee meets at Polk County Library, North Room.

• 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. (479)234-2887 or (479)234-3043.

• 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn.


• 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 7:00 p.m. - Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church.

• 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Shepherd’s Closet open at First Baptist Church 4802 Hwy 71 S Hatfield, AR (870)389-6412. Accepting and distributing clothing/usable household items/and nonperishable food items. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50.

• 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at Union Bank Community Room.

• 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery Art Group meeting.


• 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open.

• 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The written portion of the drivers test will be given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority, and as long as road conditions are optimal the driving portion of the test will be given. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50.

• 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)243-0297 or (479)216-4606.

• 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and work with other artists.

Sunday, Aug. 18th –

• 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch library will be open.

• 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South,

• 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-

• 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency Warning Sirens will be tested in Mena.

• 5:30 p.m. – Dinner at Christ Community Fellowship followed by services at 6:15 p.m. for Youth, Children’s Activities, Young Adult and Adult Bible studies. • 5:30 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Bible Study Service. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Highway 71 North, Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479) 216-4606 or (479)243-0297.

We are Alway On at

AUGUST 14, 2019


Weekly Publication 479-243-9600



Help Wanted - Outside work. Pay based on experience. Must pass background check and have a valid driver’s license. Call 479-394-2699 for more information. T81419 Brodix, Inc. is accepting applications for a full-time office position. Applications may be picked up at the Brodix office, located at 301 Maple Avenue in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages; benefits available for full-time positions. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. T82819 Brodix, Inc. is accepting applications for an experienced CNC Machine Operator. Applications may be picked up at the Brodix office, located at 301 Maple Avenue in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. T82819 Brodix, Inc. is accepting applications for general labor positions. Applications may be picked up at the Brodix office, located at 301 Maple Avenue in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. T82819 F.M. Dix Foundry is accepting applications for general labor positions. Applications may be picked up at the office, located at 301 Maple Avenue in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. T82819


Publishing-distributing 8,000 copies / wk


1967 Chevrolet C-10 short bed pickup roller. No engine or transmission. $1,500, call or text. (479) 437-4690 T081419

Child Care: before and after school. Weekly / Daily - CPR certified, 30 years experience. Call 580-209-2382. T08281919

2011 GMC Sierra 2500HD 6.0 liter gas, crewcab, 2WD, gooseneck & receiver hitches + trailer plugs, auto, cruise, PDL, POW, mileage 173,000; good condition, 2 new tires. $10,500. 404-787-9767.

Daniel’s Carpentry and Painting, home repair, decks, privacy fences, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 479-216-1101 or 479-216-2299


- FOR SALE For Sale - MotorGuide digital tour trolling motor, 36 volt model #930011050. Call 479-243-7923. T0081419


House For rent- 2 bedroom, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer and dishwasher. Two-covered cartports, garage, shop, and RV shed. 479-394-2018 T081419

- Garage Sales -

HUGE Garage Sale at 1908 Carder Avenue in Mena, AR - August 15th & 16th. Kids and Teen Girls Clothing, Toys, etc. T081419

Last Chance Moving Sale 149 North Lewis in Cove. August 16th, 17th, 18th. T081419

Ouachita Seniors and Retirees, Inc. Donated Items Sale - this Friday and Saturday - 8:00 a.m. at The Oaks at MenaT081419 1341 Mena Street.


Country/Gospel Hoedown - for all music lovers. Friday, August 16, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at CMA Pavilion on Iron Mountain. FREE admission. T081419 DANCE - every Friday, 7-10 p.m. Live band, $6.00 cover charge, old Hatfield school house. T081419

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Complete Yard Care, Odd Jobs and more! When you need an extra hand, call me! Mena, Arkansas and Polk County area479-234-0509. T110619

Need your land cleared? Let me Mulch it for you! RC Customz Land Clearing, Mulching and More. Some services but not all include: fence lines, clearing of lots, bush-hogging, and fencing. This is a great solution for clearing overgrowth while leaving desirable trees. We service both residential and commercial customers. Military discount available. For more information and estimates contact Russell Lane at 479-216-2976. T082819 Lawn Mower REPAIR on riders or push mowers, weed eaters, chainsaws, generator. $20.00 for service call. Call Bill Duff 479-216-5204 T082819 Amazing Care, Pet care in your home. Got places to be? Worried about leaving your loved pets alone? We have a solution. We are bonded and prepared to care for your animals anytime at your home. Call for more information or scheduling at 479-394-1781, if no answer leave a message. T081419 A

Carpentry Work: Decks, fencing, roofing, home remodels or any of your basic needs. Call Charles Duff 870-490-1565.


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Arkansas House of Representatives Report (LITTLE ROCK) In Arkansas, there are on average 71 billion gallons of water flowing in rivers, 4.8 trillion gallons in lakes and 200 trillion gallons in the ground. Our state is abundant with water resources and much of our economy depends on it. It is estimated Arkansans use 157 gallons of water every day. August is National Water Quality Month. It reminds us to take a look at what our households and communities are doing to protect sources of fresh water. The Clean Water Act, passed in 1972, establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants and regulating quality standards for surface waters. But most people are unaware of the little ways they can pollute their water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends using and disposing of harmful materials properly. When hazardous waste is dumped on the ground it can contaminate the soil. Contaminated soil then contaminates the ground water or nearby surface water. A number of products used at home contain hazardous or toxic substances that can contaminate ground or surface waters, such as Motor oil, Pesticides, Leftover paints or paint cans, Mothballs, Flea collars, Household cleaners, and a number of medicines Next, don’t overuse pesticides or fertilizers. Many fertilizers and pesticides contain hazardous chemicals which can travel through the soil and contaminate ground water. It is also recommended to keep yard waste off the streets, sidewalks, and driveways, and gutters. If yard waste such as grass clippings and leaves enters our storm drains, it flows untreated directly to creeks, streams, and lakes. As yard waste breaks down, nutrients that are released can lead to water pollution. Overall, Arkansans have access to good quality water. But it is not a resource to take for granted. The University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension has extensive material on how to best protect conserve and protect our water at

AUGUST 14, 2019

Weekly Publication 479-243-9600

Operation Mad Hatter Nabs Fifteen People

(MENA) Federal and State cooperation among ten member organizations has netted fifteen people involved in a drug operation, named Operation Mad Hatter. The investigation, run by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, has resulted in the arrest of several drug traffickers and the seizure of 17 kilograms of Methamphetamine, 4 kilograms of Cocaine, 249 grams of Crack Cocaine, over 1 kilogram of Heroin, over 200 diverted prescription pills, over $107,000 in assets and numerous firearms, according to officials at a press conference held Monday in Little Rock.. Operation Mad Hatter was a joint investigation between the DEA - Little Rock District Office, United States Postal Inspection Service, Pine Bluff Police Department, Jefferson County Sheriff’s office, Arkansas

-Court, from pg. 1 Bail was set at $32,500 for the Sexual Assault charge. Rogers was also put on hold with a body attachment for another warrant outstanding from White County.

State Police, Arkansas Community Corrections, Pulaski County Sheriff’s office, Benton Police Department, Little Rock Police Department and the Arkansas National Guard Counterdrug Program. DEA Assistant Special Agent in Charge Justin King said that “Much of that Heroin contains Fentanyl,” Five people were arrested Monday morning after the unsealing of an indictment of 19 individuals who were charged by a federal grand jury on Aug. 7, 2019. Officials said 10 people had already been arrested throughout the investigation and law enforcement has made contact with the remaining four defendants, completing this phase of the operation. The operation was part of an ongoing DEA Domestic Cartel Initiative investigation. “The investigation began in 2018 and

The PULSE needs your submissions! Send us your cutest pet pictures and you could be on the next Cutest Pet Pic ad.


This week’s

were getting their drugs from bigger organizations outside of the state and eventually to cartels in Mexico that supply these drugs,” King said. The violent drug trafficking operation was mainly located in Little Rock and Pine Bluff, but the group was making attempts to expand beyond Central Arkansas, according to officials.

UA - Rich Mountain Registration (MENA) The University of Arkansas – Rich Mountain is getting set for another school year in just a few short weeks. While there are some students are already on campus with athletic teams conducting practices in their preparation

Beth Polo Beckel RD LD CDE our local licensed nutrition educator will always be in one place...

t s e t u

Send pictures to

Jody Bud Rogers

the first arrests were made in February of 2019,” said Cody Hiland, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Chico Jahoney Russell, also known as “Supreme”, and Terrance Deandre Jackson were named as the heads of the central Arkansas drug organization, he said. “For what they ran here in Arkansas they were the ones in charge here, but they


Call 394.7301 to make your appointment! All ages WELCOME.

to Soccer and Cross Country; Fall Registration will take place from August 12th through the 16th. For more information on registration, contact UA – Rich Mountain at (479) 3947622.

AUGUST 14, 2019

20 479-243-9600

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