CMA Section 2015

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October 21, 2015

From the Heart of CMA Chairman, John Ogden, Sr.:

hat started in 1975 as one man on a motorcycle with a willingness to obey God has grown into a worldwide ministry with thousands of members and chapters across the USA and outreaches in more than 30 countries around the world. Our members enjoy an unmatched experience as they involve themselves in the ministry with their local CMA chapter. Strong friendships develop around the common interests of faith, family, and motorcycling. Involvement in CMA will allow you to meet some wonderful people to ride alongside; people who will love, support, and encourage you. CMA is motorcyclist friendly fellowship in a ministry whose cornerstone is Jesus Christ. The heartbeat of CMA is evangelism. Although you can be a part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association solely for the fun and the fellowship, it’s the sharing of the Gospel in the motorcycling community that is our distinct calling. Each weekend, CMA members go into the highways and byways of America, taking the love and the light of Christ to the lost and the hurting, serving at motorcycling events of every sort. From distributing water in the heat of the day, to flagging races, to picking up trash, CMA members look for ways to serve and be “Here if you need us” whenever and wherever possible. Because of these efforts, millions of lives around the world have been impacted for the cause of Christ.

You are invited to join in the celebration! 2015 Christian Motorcyclists Association

changing of the colors rally

John Ogden Sr. is the CEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Christian Motorcyclists Association. He and his wife, Rebecca, have been members of CMA since 1982. Ogden served as one of the CMA National Directors prior to 2000 before he was appointed as the CEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Welcome Back,


Celebrating 40 years of ministry!

21st r e b o t c O , y a d s Wedne through er 24th b o t c O , y a d r u t Sa

1020 Mena St. • Mena, AR 71953

479.394.4332 or TOLL FREE 1.888.394.4332

HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm • Sat. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

s at 7 pm ning Service ve E m p & 7 m t a a 9 1 at er 2 ing Services esday, Octob 22-24: Morn Opens Wedn er b o ct O y, cludena: am aturda nts in e v Service at 8 Thursday - S g E in r rn o e M h : e t 5 O torcycle Parad to Me ber 2 Sunday, Octo o M eC AM Run & th K 5 n o S he For info: Run for t 89-6560

or call Chris


Benner at 87

October 21, 2015


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7:00 am

CMA 5K Fun Run/Walk benefiting Run for the Son

10:00 am

Non-Stop Fitness Strongman Pumpkin Chunkin’ Contest Vendor Booths, Inflatables & Kids Korner Open

10:30 am

Dance Performance by Beautiful Soles

11:00 am

Tailgate AR Razorback Football Chili Cook-Off Judging

Saturday,Janssen October 24 Park in Mena Vendors

12:00 pm

Pumpkin Chunkin’

1:30 pm

CMA Bike Stunt Show at First Baptist Church

2:00 pm

Mena High School Jazz Band Performance

2:45 pm

Mena High School Marching Band & Drum Line Performance

Family Fun

3:30 pm

Dance Performance by Next Generation Dance Academy


For festival announcements & details:

4:00 pm

CMA Bike Stunt Show at First Baptist Church

4:30 pm

Raffles, Drawings and Festival Announcements

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October 21, 2015

1975: The Birth of CMA One Man... One Motorcycle... One Heart at a Time


erb Shreve; horseman, pastor, biker, evangelist and founder of the Christian Motorcyclists Association struggled in his calling to evangelize the motorcycling world. From his first visit to a motorcycle rally and eye opening look at the biker lifestyle, he prayed: “Please God, send someone to help these people. But please…don’t let it be me.” As he visited rally after rally the Holy Spirit continued the conviction and Herb’s heart began to change along with his prayers. “Lord,” he prayed, “You know I’ll go wherever You want me to go, and do whatever you want me to do. I just hope You don’t want me to start riding a motorcycle on a full-time basis. But if that is what you have in mind…please give me a willing and obedient heart.” As soon as he prayed that prayer he was put to the test. When receiving an offer from a larger church that would have meant certain comfort and financial security he felt led to turn it down in favor of putting his faith in God’s call and facing the unknown. It was only a short time later that some serious health issues resulting in open heart surgery further tested his resolve. This would have been enough to dissuade most, but Herb, in never wavering faith, saw it through and allowed God to work through him to put a solid foundation under the ministry that stands firm 40 years later. Make no mistake, although Herb was the one God called to pay the price to establish this ministry, the Christian Motorcyclists Association is firmly built on Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11) and guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Although experiencing several leadership changes in their 40 year history their vision or mission statement has not changed. God is just as much in control in 2015 as he was that day in 1975 when CMA was birthed. It was not an easy road Herb traveled, as he suffered through sleepless nights at rowdy rallies, endured long hours on the road in every kinds of weather, and put up with the intimidation and rudeness of those he was there to serve, God blessed every mile of the journey. From ensuring physical protection, to allowing favor among the lost and providing every financial need, God was faithful to care for His servant. CMAers are faithful to acknowledge that it was Herb who came before them and earned the right to speak and gained the respect and acceptance CMA has in the motorcycling world. CMA CEO/Chairman John Ogden, Sr., stated, “It is our duty to protect and maintain that integrity and right to speak in our area of influence for the benefit not only of the lost but those future CMAers who will come after us in the ministry. Herb was for sure the pioneer that USE OUR VISA endured the brunt of MASTERCARD LAYAWAY DISCOVER the tough stuff and PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS we are ever grateful for his commitment WE ALSO OFFER: and sacrifice and I’m GIFT ITEMS sure it never entered HAND MADE KNIVES his mind that he was PURSES COWHIDES LAMPS BLANKETS We offer over 2,000 pieces of authentic RUGS Indian jewelry from New Mexico. BUFFALO WALLETS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD BRONZE REMINGTONS on our authentic signed CIVIL WAR ITEMS Indian Pottery from New Mexico CROSSES DINE IN OR



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October 21, 2015


his commitment and sacrifice and I’m sure it never entered his mind that he was paving the way for a whole army of servants that were to follow in his footsteps. For me and many members I talk to, without the hard won ministry opportunities open to us through CMA we probably never would have become as active in serving the Lord.” Herb witnessed the growth and maturing of CMA; some under his leadership, and some under others. For Herb and those who were here from the beginning it must have seemed nothing short of miraculous to experience the steady growth from a few folks gathered around a stump on the original plot of ground North of Hatfield to thousands of Christian motorcyclists gathered on Iron Mountain. In later years Herb was overwhelmed at the scope of the ministry and the organization that erb Shreve was was in place and although feeling inadequate to direct it at that point, he knew he had been God’s man for his season and was grateful for the present leadera man of God and ship and how CMA was still on track with the original vision God gave him. In evangelist of the same his last few years he took great delight in being appointed CMA Ambassador at Large. He piloted his 400cc scooter to many rallies and events, even riding fabric... He fought the it all the way to Daytona Bike Week and back. In Acts 20:24 referring to the good fight, finished the chains and tribulations that awaited him in Jerusalem, Paul declared; “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I race and kept the faith. may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Herb Shreve was a man of God and evangelist of the same fabric; he didn’t worry about the uncomfortable conditions and agonizing situations he knew he would endure for the Gospel. He fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith. Recently, during lunch with one of his good friends and contemporaries, we concluded that Herb Shreve was not only sorely missed but was indeed a man of his convictions. He accepted God’s calling to evangelize the biker world and remained faithful to the end. 40 years ago Herb’s understanding of the vision was one man on one motorcycle evangelizing the motorcycling culture, but God definitely had much much more in mind when He birthed the Christian Motorcyclists Association in Herb’s spirit.


Congratulations to the Christian Motorcyclists Association in celebrating 40 years of riding for the Son! MENA | HATFIELD | WICKES 479-394-2211•

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October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015


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Welcome to Mena CMA! Congratulations on Celebrating 40 Years! We proudly welcome you back!

WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Open Sun-Thurs: 11 am-9 pm Fri & Sat: 11 am-10 pm in the Atwoods Plaza Hwy 71 North


We have Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials

Welcome CMA! Family Shoe Store in Downtown Mena Shoe Craze @shopthecraze

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Monday - Saturday • 10am - 6pm

ers Welcome! k i B

401 Sherwood Ave. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 9-5 Sat. 10-3

Welcome to Mena, CMA!


812 Mena St. • Mena, AR



709 Hwy 71 N. Mena, AR


“And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15-16 NLT).

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October 21, 2015

Riding for the Son


erb Shreve never expected the flurry of responses he got from an almost forgotten ad he had placed in a national magazine, months earlier. But there it was, in the form of an overflowing mail box, God’s definitive answer to the question, “was there any interest in an organization combining Christianity and motorcycling?” The discovery of a whole family of “Christian motorcyclists” that was excited at the prospect of joining a group connecting Christ to motorcycling was a revelation. Overwhelmed, Herb in 1975 sought advice from a Christian motorcycling friend, encourager, and businessman who knew exactly what to do and even put up the 100 dollars needed to incorporate the fledgling Christian Motorcyclists Association. This grass roots movement to combine Christ and motorcycles took on a life of its own and several chapters were chartered starting in late 1976 in the Southwest and continued to grow as additional chapters began to spring up everywhere. Unfortunately, the fire that destroyed the Shreve family home in 1977 wiped out all of the early records. The CMA archives contain copies of letters that Shirley, Herb’s wife, had written to members requesting information to help reconstruct the records, hand written notes between Shirley and June Johnson exchanging the information, and many different typed membership lists. Obviously, Shirley took it on as a real labor of love and was totally dedicated to the task. With over 170,000 applications accepted for membership over the last 40 years, the progress from hand written index cards, typed sheets, and several different computer generations, has been very necessary. The first computerized membership database was established in 1993. CMA has tried to balance keeping up with the advancements in technology and being good stewards of the resources entrusted to them. 2001 saw the launch of the CMA website, and from 2003 to 2006 the shopping site, Regional, State, and Chapter Web, International and Country sites, and the e-newsletter were developed. In the late 80s, the five original regions were established and by 2000, the growth in members and active chapters dictated the need to expand to six regions, each overseen by a Regional Evangelist. With growth in the West, reorganization in 2011 put the regions in their present configuration. The following is a quote from Herb’s Report in the March 1980 CMA Newsletter: “January and February have been great months. Everywhere I preached the Word, God honored His Word. God honors the ministry of CMA. This year there will be two of us going full-time preaching the Word. There will be others going in their state and area preaching the Word. Are you praying for us? I know many are and I hope you are one of them. I hope you are involved in this ministry. It’s a ministry that is reaching people for Christ.” As of today, there are 9 full time Evangelists and thousands and thousands of CMA’ers in their own local areas preaching the Word. There are thousands of Prayer Warriors on their knees and thousands that are involved in this ministry on a daily basis. The growth God has allowed over the last 40 years is phenomenal and with 6 regions, 9 full time Evangelists, over 890 active chapters, and Support Center staff over 40, Herb’s words still ring true; “this ministry is reaching people for Christ” and all of it remains headquartered right here in Polk County!

(479) 394-5000 816 S. Mena St.

Historic Downtown Mena

Welcome CMA!

Enjoy the scenic beauty of our Ouachitas!

Welcome CMA! 1506 Hwy. 71 S, Mena


October 21, 2015


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Building a place to come home to...

From a vision on wheels, it became clear that a headquarters would be necessary and the opportunity presented itself to host a rally that would draw the rapidly growing CMA family together, celebrating Christian fellowship, listening to the Word, and of course, enjoying the area’s most splendidly colorful time of the year. In 1976, CMA was able to purchase the original 3 acres on which the Christian Motorcyclists Association was established, a small red building was erected and became the National Headquarters for this fledgling ministry. The first open air pavilion, a pipe and tin structure, went up in the spring of 1982 followed by a concrete bathhouse to accommodate the campground in 1985 and the present National Support Center Administration building was constructed in 1989. In 1995 the open air pavilion was expanded and enclosed to form an eight hundred seat auditorium. Now with a total of 10 acres and this new auditorium, CMA was set for years to come, or so it seemed. But by the second year the overhead doors remained open during the service because the crowd exceeded the space and people had to stand outside. During that time CMA was blessed with 4 acres across the highway (what is now the East Campground) for less than a third of its value. God was at work growing the ministry and this location saw many uses from overflow camping to vendor mall to bike games, but the real desire was to have enough space to bring everything together. The Iron Mountain campground project had gone from simply a dream to clearly becoming a necessity. The first land purchase was 28 acres in 1997, 20 additional acres in 2000, and the final 50 acres in 2002. The Welcome Center bathhouse was constructed in 1998, the huge pavilion in 1999, the caretaker’s house in 2000, the maintenance shop in 2001, and the house on the ridge in 2005. In the meantime, the camping facilities were steadily growing also. Camping grew from a cleared area for approximately a hundred primitive tents to 400 dedicated sites with electrical hook-ups and 100 full-service RV sites. The two full service cabins were constructed in 2005 with the two camping cabins following closely behind. Up to 15 more camping cabins are in the plans as funds CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” ~ Psalm 91:2

804 Hwy 71 North, Mena • 394-4702

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October 21, 2015

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funds become available. While Iron Mountain was undergoing major developments, a lot also was taking place back at the Support Center location. With the inaugural use of the Iron Mountain pavilion for the Changing of the Colors Rally in 1999, it was time to repurpose the old auditorium at the Support Center. Separate silkscreen and print shop areas were constructed and the rest of the square footage was dedicated to a magnificent warehouse facility. The original dorm rooms in the Administration Building were converted to offices and several updates and remodels have occurred since, including the new Goodie Store and a three phase repurposing project that is happening as we speak. Ground was broken for the new Multi-Purpose building in 2008 and officially opened in 2012. What an attractive and practical building it is with glass entrance and reception area, refueling station with vending machines and bistro tables for tired travelers, a beautiful chapel to refresh weary souls, 5 offices upstairs with large conference room and audio-visual capable training center, and 9 offices downstairs with a dozen additional cubicles equipped with Wi-Fi for visitor’s convenience. Attached to the MPB is a full scale media production facility with studio that films, develops, and produces all of the CMA training material such as the CMA Member Training and Life’s Ride Plan DVDs. In the near future a beautiful and reflective prayer garden will complete the effectiveness of this new multi-purpose structure. CMA is financially strong, experiencing phenomenal growth in facilities in ictor Rowell spoke at a relatively short time, the association has approximately 112 acres scattered the dedication of the newly over three properties, 10 permanent revamped pavilion in 1995, buildings, 5 cabins, and 5 temporary referring to Exodus 36, relathousing structures and yet, CMA doesn’t owe one penny on any of it. ing how the tabernacle got It is no secret that volunteers have built because “the people had always been a huge part of CMA in a heart to work”. Hatfield. Even back in 1982, volunteers rode from hundreds of miles around to help construct the first pavilion and volunteers have been involved in every phase of construction, remodel, and major maintenance projects ever since. Victor Rowell spoke at the dedication of the newly revamped pavilion in 1995, referring to Exodus 36, relating how the tabernacle got built because Thurs. - Tues. 5:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. “the people had a heart to work”. CMA has exemplified time and again that Closed Wednesdays they “have a heart to work”! Welders, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters, every construction trade imaginable of, handymen and handywomen from every walk of life and age bracket, cooks, floor sweepers, toilet cleaners, trash haulers, grounds keepers, artists, designers, planners, check writers, prayer warriors; have all built a legacy, a memorial to the Lord, not only of buildings and grounds but of lives that have been changed for His Kingdom.




Welcome CMA!

Rick & Donna Chrisman


615 Mena Street • Mena, AR 71953 Located in the

Downtown Mena Arts District

Welcome to Mena, CMA!

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October 21, 2015



Mena’s Historic Downown

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ena’s impressive revitalization continues as new stores continue opening in what were once vacant buildings and all are in great anticipation of the return of faithful CMAers each year. Mena Street serves as the gateway to the scenic Talimena National Byway that leads directly to the newly renocated Queen Wilhelmina Lodge’s front door and gives guests and locals a plethora of cultural, shopping, and dining opportunities. Much of the revitalization can be attributed to the visions of the Arkansas Regional Coalition of the Ouachitas who actively began spearheading the campaign in 2011. The final block of Mena Street is slated to receive the beautiful lampposts and sidewalks that adorn the remainder of this historic street, all adding to the overall experience of visiting Queen Wilhelmina and Mena. Flanked by Sherwood Avenue and DeQueen Street, the shopping and dining are not excluded to Mena Street alone but encompasses several blocks on either side of Hwy 71. Unlike many rural downtown areas that are struggling to compete with the construction of outlet malls and promenades, Mena’s downtown is reviving and thriving with new additions of antique stores, flea markets, and ladies’ boutiques. A budding arts district continues to grow and has launched a new Ouachita Arts Celebration that is expected to become one of the area’s premiere events, attracting artisans and viewers from far and wide. Mena Street is steep in tradition too, with a number of businesses who have witnessed both the decline and the revitalization first hand. Guests and local alike will quickly tell you that no visit is complete without dining at the Skyline Café that first opened its doors in 1922, and has been featured in numerous state and national publications. In the center of it all is Coast to Coast Home & Hardware store that has been delivering personalized service 7 days a week since 1946. Or you can check out the south end of Mena Street for Washburn’s Home Furnishings that has been serving the local area for over 75 years. Also in the heart of downtown Mena is the historic Mena Depot Center, a restored KCS Depot, which has also recently received much needed roof repairs. The Depot serves as a local museum, housing local history, and includes a room of General Store & Indoor Flea Market Lum & Abner memorabilia and the famous Ouachita Portrait collection by local artist Monta Black Philpot. During various times of the year, downtown Mena is the host to large-scale Come in for your Talimena Drive T-Shirts, events ranging from the arts, street dances, festivals, and car shows. This year Vest Pins, Souvenirs, Gifts, marked the 40th annual Queen Wilhelmina Rod Run, founded by the late Mark Antiques and Collectibles. Campbell of Street & Performance, and is responsible for bringing 200-300 highend antique cars and street rods into downtown and to the Queen each August. In We Sell STUFF! November, the Arts District will come alive with the Ouachita Arts Celebration. 622 Mena Street Simply put, no visit to Mena is complete without a day or two exploring all that Mena, Arkansas 71953 downtown Mena has to offer!


Welcome CMA!

Tues. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sun. 12 - 4 p.m.

2611 Hwy 71 S., Mena 479-394-7676 Visit us online at

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479-243-9600 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953

The Heartbeat of Our Community

October 21, 2015

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