FREE WEEKLY 1168 Hwy 71 S Mena, AR 71953 479.243.9600
December 16, 2020
Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM & MyPulseNews.com INSIDE:
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!
Photo by Trey Youngdahl
BabyĘźs First Christmas
Page 12-19
Christmas Made Merry
Lights at Janssen Park shine brightly as Christmas nears and oers visitors an opportunity to watch and listen to a timed display, courtesy of The City of Mena.
Page 24
Airport lights the way
What Christmas Means to Me
Page 12-19
Photo by Fred Ogden
Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on Dec. 2 was cold and rainy, but lights herald the warmth of Christmas is here. At the monthly Airport Commission Meeting Danny Thrailkill was recognized for 35 years of service to the airport. Thrailkill advised the commission that he will step down as the airport attorney since his new judicial role will not allow him to continue with the airport. He said it was an honor to have been able to serve the airport for the last 35 years. Fuel sales this month were 6,668 gallons versus 5,401 gallons last month. The year to date monthly average this year is 6,587 gallons versus 8,928 gallons year to date last year. Taxiway B improvements continue and the PAPI lights have been relocated.
www.lelanordykephotography.com 479.234.9032
2 News
December 16, 2020
Drive Merry & Bright and SOBER this holiday season
Law enforcement agencies across Arkansas and the nation are prepared to launch a two-week long intensified enforcement plan aimed at drivers who choose to drive impaired. In advance of the holiday travel period state troopers, local police, and sheriff ’s deputies want to remind drivers of their stepped-up patrols along U.S. and state highways, as well as local streets and county roads. Beginning this Friday (December 18th) and continuing through January 1, 2021, motorists will witness an increased presence of state and local law enforcement whether they’re traveling across the state or across the country. The national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over operation incorporates public service advertising and messaging coupled with assurances from law
Merry s Christma From
enforcement officers of zero tolerance for drunk driving. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is intended to drastically reduce drunk driving on our nation’s roadways. A look back at national fatality statistics sadly tells the story of tragic consequences from 2018 when one person every 50 minutes lost their life as the result of a drunk-driving motor vehicle crash. Reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that on average more than 10,000 people were killed each year from 2014 through 2018 as the result of drunk driving related crashes. “The Christmas and New Year’s holiday period should be an enjoyable time for our Arkansas families, not a marker of death for a loved one who was involved in a drunk driving crash,” said Colonel Bill Bryant, Director of the Arkansas State Police and the Governor’s Highway Safety Representative. “We need a commitment from everyone that they’ll drive sober so that everyone can have a safe holiday. This is a campaign to get the message out that drunk driving is illegal and it claims far too many lives,” Colonel Bryant stated. The Arkansas Highway Safety Office and NHTSA wants to remind everyone of the many resources available and the
precautions to take, ensuring that everyone gets home safely. Remember that it is never okay to drink and drive. Even if you’ve had only one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride service to get home safely. If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact the nearest law enforcement agency. Your actions could help save someone’s life. Guard against allowing a friend who has been drinking to drive. Take the keys away and make arrangements to get your friend home safely. “Drunk driving is not acceptable behavior,” said Colonel Bill Bryant. “It is essential to plan a sober ride home before you ever leave for your destination. That’s why, during the holiday season, we will make zero exceptions and arrest all drunk drivers. There are no excuses,” he said. For more information about the 2020 Holiday Season Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, visit www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving or call the Arkansas Highway Safety Office at (501) 618-8136. For more on Arkansas’ ongoing Toward Zero Deaths campaign to eliminate preventable traffic fatalities, visit www.TZDArkansas.org
Auto Glass - Window Tint - Accessories & More Our doors will be closed on December 24th and 25th to celebrate the holidays with our friends and family. There will be no paper on December 23rd. Swap Shop and Thrifty Thursday will also be postponed until after Christmas.
WE ARE YOUR AFTERMARKET SPECIALIST 1509 Hwy 71-S 479-394-6424 25+ Years in the Auto Restyling Industry
Public input sought for Albert Pike Recreation Ouachita National Forest officials are extending the public comment period from Dec. 14 – Jan. 14 regarding the future of the Albert Pike Recreation Area, located in Langley, Ark. The 30-day extended period will enable the public to review the Ouachita National Forest’s proposed long-term management and use of the recreation area. “We want to ensure the public has ample time to provide input into the proposed actions for the Albert Pike Recreation Area,” said Troy Heithecker, Ouachita National Forest supervisor. The Ouachita National Forest proposes to improve day use opportunities which includes general maintenance, adding more parking, providing alternative bathroom facilities, increasing signage and improving the swim beach. Overnight use below the 100-year flood elevation would not be permitted anywhere in the Albert Pike Recreation Area. “Our goal is to ensure transparency through this process,” Heithecker said. “We want to ensure that the public at large also has ample opportunity to weigh in on the future of the Albert Pike Recreation Area.” The proposed action can be found on the project’s webpage at https://www. fs.usda.gov/project/?project=58793 All comments must be in writing and submitted through formal channels. To comment on the proposed action, email is the preferred method at comments-southern-ouachita-caddo-womble@fs.fed.us. Comments may also be submitted through the mail to Troy Heithecker, Forest Supervisor, c/o Chip Stokes 1523 Hwy 270 E, Mt. Ida AR 71957 or fax to 870-867-3338. The office hours for those submitting hand delivered comments are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Please state “Albert Pike Recreation Area” in the subject line when providing electronic comments or on the envelope when replying by mail.
Editorial 3
December 16, 2020
Radio - Print - Web 1168 Hwy 71S Mena, AR 71953 Phone: 479-243-9600 Fax: 479-243-9603 Email: news@mypulsenews.com
KENA 104.1 - KQOR 105.3 MyPulseNews.com
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Ashley Smith- General Manager Jeri Pearson - Editor Tori Stockton - Production Manager John Russell - Graphic Design Trey Youngdahl- Digital Producer Curt Teasdale - Programmer/ On-Air Personality Jim Pinson - Morning Personality Jackye Pruitt - Senior Account Executive Brooke Rose - Account Executive Stacy Vann - Office Manager Distribution & Insertion Staff Dan & Linda Deramus, Eli Henderson, Jason Sharp, Paeton Fryar The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays, with a distribution of 8,000 and an estimated readership of 10,000. MyPulseNews.com has hundreds of visitors daily and KENA and KQOR have thousands of listeners hourly. POLICY: The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. All property rights, including any copyright interest, in any advertisement produced by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse using art work and/or typography furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse shall be the property of Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse. No such advertisement or any part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Pulse Multi-Media and The Polk County Pulse. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements of a political nature must be prepaid and must also include the name of the entity paying for the advertisement. If an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the candidate verifying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.
Weekly Address from
Governor Asa Hutchinson Hope and a Bright Day Ahead
On Thursday, the Advisory Committee of the Federal Drug Administration said “yes” to the emergency use authorization of the first Coronavirus vaccine in the United States, and today I’d like to talk about what that means for Arkansas. This is a historic development in this pandemic. Now we can move forward with confidence and hope that we will win this fight. It’s only a matter of days until the Pfizer vaccine arrives in Arkansas. I have authorized the first dosages to be distributed to our health care workers. The next round of vaccine will be distributed to our nursing homes. Although in the first delivery there will not be enough vaccine to cover every health care worker, the hospitals will prioritize the distribution. And then there will be second and continuing deliveries until everyone is covered. It is essential that we provide the vaccine to our most vulnerable citizens in our long-term care facilities. In Arkansas, 79.5 percent of our COVID deaths occur in those 65 years or older. I expect the FDA to approve additional vaccines this month, which will accelerate our immunization program and increase the number of people we can vaccinate. We will continue to prioritize the vaccine distribution until it is widely available and everyone is covered. It is my belief that the determination and ingenuity of our pharmaceutical industry combined with the support of our federal partners will result in universal distribution in historic and record time. It may be late spring before everyone in Arkansas has access to a vaccine, but we will get to that point, and if we all do our part, we will beat this silent killer together. There is hope and a bright day ahead. The experts say that in order for the vaccine to defeat the virus that 70 percent of our population must take the shot. I have confidence in the vaccine. In fact, Susan and I will be taking the vaccine when it is our turn. There will be no government directives to be vaccinated, but that should not be necessary when it is so important to our nation and state. In the meantime, we must be remain vigilant with the 3 Ws: Wash your hands. Wear your mask. Watch your social distance. We are just two weeks out from Thanksgiving, and we are seeing the predicted surge in the number of COVID-19 cases. Christmas is only two weeks away, and we must do everything we can to avoid a third surge. I hope that everyone will find a safe way to celebrate Christmas and that this year will be better and brighter than ever. That means we need to think about outof-state travel and what is necessary to limit the size of our gatherings. I loved the idea of a family from Little Rock who said they are going to celebrate Christmas outside around a firepit. Be innovative. Figure out what we can do to have a meaningful holiday without spreading the virus. Let’s team up as fellow Arkansans and slow the spread of COVID during Christmas. With the dawn of a New Year and the arrival of a vaccine, I am confident we are on the right path to shut down this pandemic and return to life without public health restrictions.
Want to share your opinion? The Polk County Pulse welcomes letters to the Editor addressing any topic of interest to our readers. To be published, letters must not contain obscene or libelous language. The letter must include a signature to be considered for publication. Signatures will NOT be held out by request. The following contact information is required when the letter is submitted: NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER. Letters are published at the discretion of the Editor and Publisher. Letters may be submitted by e-mail to news@mypulsenews.com; mailed to P.O. Box 1450, Mena, AR 71953 or dropped off at 1168 Hwy. 71 South, Mena, AR. A drop-box is provided by the front door for after hour convenience.
4 State
December 16, 2020
From the
State House of Representatives
One of the many legislative issues Using census data, both chambers that will be before us in the 2021 Regu- of the state legislature must approve a single redistricting plan. The process lar Session is redistricting. Redistricting is an important part of in the House will begin in the State our democracy. It is required by law Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee. The governor once every ten years after the Federal Census. John Maddox may veto the lines drawn by the state legislature. There are two separate proAs with state legislative discesses for redistricting in Artricts, some congressional diskansas. tricts may expand geographic One process is redrawing boundaries while others may legislative boundaries for our shrink depending on populastate senators and representation changes. tives. This is the responsibilDistricts over time may ity of the Arkansas Board of change demographically. That’s why it Apportionment. The Board of Apportionment is is important they are redrawn every made up of the Governor, the Attorney ten years. The goal is to ensure each General, and the Secretary of State. district has about the same number of The Board will be redrawing 100 State people and reflects diverse communiHouse & 35 State Senate Districts so ties. Census bureau information is exthat each district meets various legal criteria, including each district being pected to be released in the spring. As a result, redistricting is typically one of about the same size in population. The other redistricting process is our the final items addressed toward the end of the session. responsibility. You can watch this process in reThe Arkansas General Assembly is responsible for drawing congressional al-time as we live stream all committee meetings. district lines. The 2021 Regular Session begins Arkansas comprises four congressioJanuary 11. nal districts.
Contact Your Legislators! John Maddox
Larry Teague
Email: john.maddox@ arkansashouse.org Write: 520 Church Avenue Mena, AR 71953
Call: 479-394-6060
Call: 870-845-5303
Larry.Teague@senate.ar.gov Write: P.O. Box 903, Nashville, 71852
From the
State Senate
serve fund from about $185 One of the most important duties for legislators is to million now to about $420 set spending levels for state million after the next two agencies. fiscal years. The level of state governGeneral revenue from ment spending determines state taxes will amount to how much of a surplus is left an estimated $5.68 billion at the end of the fiscal year. this year. It is forecast to inOne of the legislature’s Larry Teague crease to $5.8 billion next most important decisions is fiscal and $6 billion the folhow much of a surplus to accumulate, lowing fiscal year. and what to do with it. One option is Larger reserve funds improve the to lower taxes, which lowers the avail- state’s bond ratings, which saves able surplus because it decreases rev- agencies money on building projects. enue for government. Another option It is well known in state government is to spend the surplus on one-time that Arkansas does not deficit spend, capital projects. It can also be trans- which means that unlike Washington ferred to programs that have been af- we don’t used borrowed money to pay fected by spending cuts. for ongoing operational costs. Another option is to place the surHowever, universities and state plus in a “rainy day” fund, to be availagencies issue bonds for buildings and able in periods of financial crisis. That capital improvements. Issuing bonds option will be seriously considered is a way of borrowing money for oneby legislators during the 2021 regular time expenses. For example, last week session that begins in January. the Arkansas Highway Commission The legislature has the constitutionvoted to refinance a series of bonds in al authority to appropriate tax revorder to take advantage of low interenue and set government spending levels. That authority is often called est rates. Over the past five years, tax cuts “the power of the purse strings.” By enacted by the legislature have slowed designating where tax dollars are spent, the legislature officially deter- the growth of state revenue by several mines the state’s priorities on educa- hundred million dollars a year. The state is on pace to accumulate tion, transportation, health care, tax rates and many other areas of public a healthy budget surplus, even after taking into account the loss of revepolicy. As the head of the executive branch, nue from those tax reductions, and the governor presents a balanced bud- the drop in tax collections due to the get plan to the legislature as a starting economic effect of the pandemic. Surpluses are created because Arpoint. Legislators modify that budget kansas legislators consistently adopt plan to reflect their priorities. When the regular session is finished next very conservative budgets for state spring the state will have an official government. Also, Arkansas operates budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which under a balanced budget law called the Revenue Stabilization Act, which begins on July 1, 2021. In a letter accompanying his pre- requires state agencies to reduce sentation of a balanced budget, the spending if an economic downturn governor proposed increasing the results in reduced revenue from sales amount in the state’s long-term re- and income taxes.
Obituaries 5
December 16, 2020
Joyce Ann Allen
Joyce Ann Allen, age 77, of Mena, died Friday, December 11, 2020 at the Waldron Nursing Center. She was born on Monday, January 25, 1943 to Leonard John Kulis and Isabelle Sue Jezowski in Detroit, Michigan. Joyce was a Christian woman who loved her family with all her heart. She loved animals and her horse, birds, Poodles and German Shepherds and were very important to her. Joyce raised Cockatiels, Australia Grass Keets, Lovebirds and Finches at Allen’s Bird Farm in El Cerrito and Norco, California. Joyce was a loving mother, sister, grandmother, great grandmother and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Glen Allen. Joyce is survived by two daughters and sons in law, Brenda and Bruce Thomas of Mena, and Starla and Michael Cline of Smithville, Oklahoma; one sister, Arlene Keller of Palm Desert, California; four grandchildren, Bethany Arellano of Hesperia, California, Jennifer Ferris of Menifee, California, Brian Johnson of Cove, and Amy Hamm of Cove; seven great grandchildren, Jeremiah Arellano, Zaria Arellano, Mason Jordan, Anthony Johnson, Easton Johnson, Hunter Hamm and Chelsey Hamm; and a host of other relatives and friends. No services are planned at this time. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Caring for your family since 1928
Locally owned & operated 479-394-1310
611 Janssen Avenue - Mena, AR
Powell Aulds
Powell Aulds went to be with the Lord Tuesday December 8, 2020, at his home in Cove, Arkansas. Powell was born on October 29, 1931 in Winnsboro, Louisiana to Willy A. and Ada F. Aulds. He was a beloved husband, Pa, Pop, Papaw, & Friend. He enjoyed gardening, and joking with everyone he met. He loved his family, and enjoyed every moment with his grandkids. He was preceded in death by his mother, father, brother, and sisters. Powell is survived by his loving wife, Lanora Aulds; four sons, Mike Aulds, James Edward Ewing, Henry Ewing, and Darrell Ewing; three daughters, Francis Slawinsky, Linda Lamoreaux, and Cheryl Ward; eighteen grandchildren, and thirty great grandchildren. No services are planned at this time. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas.
Autumn Renee’ Broach
Autumn Renee` Broach, beautiful and loved baby girl of George and Freedom (Bawden) Broach, passed away December 7, 2020 in Mena. She is survived by her parents. She was a cherished little sister to her brothers, Rowdy Marquis Broach, and Shannon Lynn Broach; and her sister, Dyllon LeAnn Broach; also surviving her are paternal grandparents, Pamela Rapp and husband William of Wickes, and George W. Broach and wife Vesta of Hatton; maternal grandparents, Stephanie Bawden Case and companion Pete Case, and Gary Alan Long and wife Krista; and great grandparents, Sheila Roark of Grannis, and George and Minnie Littell of Wickes; aunt and uncle, James and Miranda Broach; nieces and nephews,
Alexis Marie Broach, Madisin Lynn Broach, Dustin James Thomas Broach, Jesse James Wayne Broach, and James Sydney Owen Broach; cousins, Michael Boyd Bawden (Buckwheat), Mark and Matthew Littell and Kala Belknap. She was preceded in death by her cousin Aiden James Arnold Broach and her great grandfather, Joe Marquis Roark. A graveside service for Autumn will be held 2:00 pm Tuesday December 15, 2020 at Oak Grove Cemetery in Wickes, Arkansas. Pallbearers will be George T. Broach, James W. Broach, Pete Case and Michael B. Bawden Jr; Honorary Pallbearers will be George S. Littell, George W. Broach, and Michael B. Bawden III. Visitation is general. Services are under the direction of Beasley Wood Funeral Home.
She is preceded in death by her mother, Betty Erlandsen. Cynthia is survived by her father, Roy Erlandsen Jr. of Mena; two sons, Chris Cloud of Mena and Casey Cloud of Mena; one daughter, Melissa Cloud of Mena; her brother, Roy Erlandsen III of Marietta, Georgia; her sister, Carol Cianfrone of Piscataway, New Jersey; four nieces, five nephews, one great niece and a host of other relatives and friends. No services are planned at this time. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas.
Junita Josephine Krebbs
Cynthia Junita JoseAnn phine Krebbs, was born JanuErlandson ary 6, 1934 in Retrop OK and left this Cloud earth for her eternal life December 8,
Cynthia “Cindy” Ann Erlandson Cloud, age 56, of Mena, Arkansas, died Wednesday, December 2, 2020, in Fort Smith, Arkansas. She was born on Monday, June 22, 1964 to Roy Leslie Erlandsen Jr. and Betty Lawson Thaxton Erlandsen in Saddle Brook, New Jersey. Cynthia was a loving woman and enjoyed spending time with her family. Her children were truly the highlight of her life. In addition to being a devoted and loving mother, Cynthia was a Pharmacist who cared deeply for each of her patrons. She previously worked as a Pharmacist at Mena Regional before being employed by Freedom Pharmacy. Earlier in her career she also worked as a Pharmacist at Acme in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania where she received the Acme Eagle Award for providing life-saving aid to a customer. She enjoyed nature and the beauty of the great outdoors. In her free time, Cynthia liked to go hiking. Cynthia was a loving mother, sister, aunt, and friend and will be missed by all who knew her.
2020. She was the daughter of Joseph and Rosie Tilley Winfield. Junita is survived by her husband of 64 years, Charles Krebbs, of Hatfield, daughter Rose/Jan King of Lubbock TX, Grand Daughters Sabrina/Fred Martin and Jamie/Thomas Stewart. Great Grand Children, Allyson and Jillian Martiin, Joshua and Michael Stewart. Brother Junior Winfield and sisterin-law Louise Murray. A host of nieces and nephews and special friends, Sandy and Monty Gray. Junita was preceeded in death by her two sons, Richard and Robin Krebbs. A memorial service will be December 10, 2:00pm at Plesant Grove Cemetary, Cove, AR. Memorials in her honor may be given to the Lubbock Christian Childrens Home, 4404 Idalou Rd. Lubbock, TX, 7940.
Obituaries Continued on Page 6
6 Obituaries
December 16, 2020
Norma Lee Lott
Norma Lee Lott, age 81, of Mena, Arkansas passed away Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at her home. She was born January 10, 1939 in Eagleton, Arkansas to the late Lucious Watson Moran and Nona Mae Jones Moran. Norma was a kitchen dietary aide at Mena Manor and the Mena Hospital for many years. She enjoyed the chance to watch the daily soap operas, Days of our lives being her favorite. Most of all, she adored her grandchildren, great grandchildren, and family. She was a loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, and friend. She will be dearly missed. Norma is survived by her first husband, Bobby Lott of Mena, Arkansas; daughters, Cathy Singleton and husband Steve of Mena, Arkansas, Jennifer Lott and Donna Hillin both of Mena, Arkansas; grandchildren, Gary Singleton and wife Colby of Mena, Arkansas, Jason Singleton and wife Caroline of Mena, Arkansas, Jessica Beck and husband Bradley of Mena, Arkansas, Misty Allen and husband Wesley of Oklahoma, Aaron Whisenhunt of Mena, Arkansas, Bryce Hillin of Mena, Arkansas, Tiffany Lott Manely and Hope Lott both of Mena, Arkansas; sister, Yvonne Blakney of Little Rock, Arkansas and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends too numerous to mention. She was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters and a brother, and her grandson, Greg Singleton. Graveside service will be Monday, December 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Pinecrest Memorial Park in Mena with Brothers Troy Denton, Robert Lott and Cavin Rye officiating. Interment will follow under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
Thomas Junior Ortiz
Thomas (Tom) Junior Ortiz died Sunday, December 6, 2020, at the age of 61 in
Mena, Arkansas. Tom is survived by his wife, Kristina Kenyon; children, MaKayla (mija), Mikel (Bubba), and Jacob (Peanut); his parents, Tomas and Mary Lee Ortiz; his siblings, David Ortiz, Steve Ortiz, Sylvia Ortiz, and Rebeca Guerra; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. He is preceded in death by his brother John (Juanito). Tom was born in Kyle, Texas on April 27, 1959 to Tomas and Mary Lee Ortiz. He graduated from Hays High School in 1977 (Go Rebs). He worded many years for Adolph’s Tire Shop, where he was known as ‘The Tire Guy’. To others, he simply knew his as ‘Crazy Tom.’ Tom was married to his wife for 22 years and was a devoted, loving father to their three children. Tom had a gentle soul and a kind heart. He was known for his love of barbecuing, eclectic music and enjoyed dancing. He loved telling stories, laughing, and telling jokes. He has left his family with fond memories and countless stories that will last an eternity. Tom’s thoughtful and caring personality touched everyone and will be dearly missed. His services are pending at this time with Los Angeles Funeral Home in San Marcos, Texas.
Bertha Mae Lawrence Milham Stiles
Bertha Mae Lawrence Milham Stiles, age 81, of Mena, Arkansas passed away Tuesday, December 8, 2020 in Mena. She was born August 28, 1939 in Hatfield, Arkansas to the late Manassie and Ethel
Lawrence. Bertha was a retail manager by profession. She loved spending time with her family and reading. She is survived by her children, Terry Milham and wife Karin of Pasco, Washington, Lisa Fowler and husband Tommy of Mena, Arkansas, Tracy Higginbotham and husband Chris of Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Michele Sparks and husband Marc of Ft. Smith, Arkansas; brothers, J.D. Lawrence of Oregon, Jerry Lawrence and wife Sally of Oregon, and Curtis Lawrence of Oregon; sister, Shirley Callahan and husband Birn of Oregon; grandchildren, Kristin Pruett, Lori Thiel, Stephen Milham, Matthew Fowler, Nathaniel Fowler, Amber Vicente, Amy Harrison, Dillon Chronister, and Blake Pinkston; twenty-four great-grandchildren. Bertha is preceded in death by her parents; her brother, R.B. Lawrence; her sisters, Opal Smith, Ruby Lawrence, and Estelle Hensley; and sister-in-law, Charlotte Lawrence. Graveside service will be 3:00 p.m. Saturday, December 12, 2020 at the Old Dallas Cemetery with Brother Mark Lyle officiating. Pallbearers will be Terry Milham, Tommy Fowler, Marc Sparks, Matthew Fowler, Nathan Fowler, Stephen Milham, Dillon Chronister, and Blake Pinkston. Visitation is general. Arrangements are under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home. Special thanks to Carla Tinbrook and staff at Peach Tree Assisted Living. Her hospice nurses Sadie Whorton, Linda Boggio, Chaplain Mark Lyle, and all the precious ladies that hand made gifts for Bertha, especially her aid, Emily Sanders. You are all angels to us.
Clarence Wiseman
Clarence Wiseman, age 75, of Mena, Arkansas died on Friday, December 11, 2020 at Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock. He was born on Friday, July 27, 1945 to George and Mary Wiseman in Steele, Missouri. Clarence was of the Christian Faith and attended the Acorn Baptist Church.
He always believed that if something was worth doing, it was worth doing right the first time. Clarence was a welder for much of his life and retired to Mena to farm. He enjoyed restoring vintage vehicles, and was quite talented at it. Clarence liked to go fishing on the lake and dove hunting. He was a member of the Moose Lodge in Fort Worth, Texas. His kids and grandkids meant everything to him, and always guided his life. Clarence was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Jim Wiseman and two sisters, Violet Wiseman, Sylvia Wiseman, Judy Wiseman. Clarence is survived by his wife, Michelle Wiseman of Mena; four sons and two daughters in law, Ed and Cheryll Wiseman of Fort Worth, Texas, Justin and Taylor Wiseman of Washington, D.C., Taylor Wiseman of Mena and Bradley Wiseman of Kentucky; two daughters and sons in law, Ann Speigel and Mark Slayton of Oak Point, Texas and Ginger and Jody Sebastian of Arlington, Texas; four brothers, Winston Wiseman of Ennis, Texas, Tim Wiseman of Seattle, Washington, Jerry Wiseman of Seattle, Washington and Roy Wiseman of Texas; three sisters, Linda Wiseman of Eufaula, Oklahoma and Ruth Anderson of Seattle, Washington; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A graveside funeral service will be held on Friday, December 18, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Mena with Brother Roger Bishop officiating. Visitation will be Friday, December 18, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena.
Trudy Sue Dugan West
Trudy Sue Dugan West, age 80, of Mena, died Sunday, December 13,
2020 at Baptist Health in Fort Smith. She was born on Wednesday, January 24, 1940 to Harley and Elizabeth Anderson Dugan in Eagleton, Oklahoma. Trudy was a good Christian woman who attended the Assembly of God Church in Mena. She had a beautifully optimistic spirit and would often say not to worry about tomorrow. Trudy was a terrific cook. People loved her Hungarian Goulash, taco salad, cornbread, and fried chicken. She was very talented at embroidery and loved gospel music and old country like Jean Watson. She was a passionate Missionette, working diligently for the women’s ministry. Her daughters and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren filled her life with joy and she cherished every moment spent with all of them. Trudy was a loving mother, sister, grandmother, great grandmother and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her husband, Clarence E. West Sr.; one son, Glendol Gene Wilcox; five brothers, Joe Dugan, Doyle Dugan, Dale Dugan, Vandaley Dugan, and Theo Dugan.
December 16, 2020 Trudy is survived by her two daughters, Suzanne Willis of Mena, and Debra Wilcox Marshall of Bartlesville, Oklahoma; one brother, Chester Dugan in Houston, Texas; one sister, Margie Smallwood of Mena; four grandchildren, Debra and Jeffrey Thoma of Mena, Vernon and Christina Wilcox of Mena, Damon and Tina Miller of Pryor, Oklahoma, and Randall and Nicole Miller of Pryor, Oklahoma; thirteen great grandchildren, Tristan Miller, Austin Miller, Emmary Miller, Ethan Miller, Eian Miller, Erika Miller, Brittany Dulaney, James Dulaney, Alexia Thoma, Suzanne Lawrence, Tiffany Lawrence, Destiny Thoma, and Mary Nell Thoma; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A graveside funeral service will be held on Thursday, December 17, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. at the Cecil Chapel Cemetery in Vandervoort, Arkansas with Brother Ron Tilley officiating. Visitation will be general during office hours at Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena.Clarence was of the Christian Faith and attended the Acorn Baptist Church.
Obituaries 7
8 Faith
An Arkie’s Faith
The Virus Queen By Richie Lawry One of my favorite activities is listening to podcasts. I listen whenever I am driving or have free time. I like those that deal with history and science. Surprisingly Brilliant is a new podcast that started this year. It is a science history podcast that tells the stories of surprising yet brilliant discoveries, ideas, and people. A recent episode told a story that I want to share with you. In 1930, a girl named June Hart was born in the slums of Glasgow, Scotland. She was very bright and overly motivated, but she had to leave school at 16 and get a job to help her family. She managed to get an apprenticeship to become a lab technician at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Her salary was 25 shillings a week, which would be $160.00 in today’s money. Her job was to look at tissue samples through a microscope. She was exceptionally good at her job, becoming a microscopy expert as a young woman. When she was 24 years old, she married Enriques Almeida. Not long after her marriage, the couple moved to Canada. The Ontario Cancer Institute hired her as a technician and a research assistant in electron microscopy. Anything smaller than light waves cannot be seen in a regular microscope, no matter how high the magnification. The new electron technology allowed researchers to see things even tinier than the waves of light. When June arrived at the Institute, she had never worked with an electron microscope. June soon became involved in significant research that established the link between viruses and cancer. It was her imaging using the electron microscope that helped establish that relationship. Another thing that was important about her work in Canada was that she devised a classification system to group viruses through her electron microscope images.
December 16, 2020
When researchers explored the common cold, they discovered that many different viruses caused it. In 1967, researchers at the Common Cold Research Unit came across some virus strains they had not seen before. They grew in tissue culture in a weird way that the researchers did not recognize. So, they sent some samples to June. When she looked at it under an electron microscope, she saw a little ball with some spikes on it. June and her colleagues are the ones who named it coronavirus because the things sticking off it look like a halo or a crown, and corona means crown in Latin. At the time, they were excited to have discovered and named a new kind of virus. They found that several different types of coronavirus can cause the common cold. June took the first images of coronavirus, showing that it causes cold-like symptoms. But when she submitted a paper on her findings, the journal rejected it. They said, “Oh, these are just very bad electron microscope pictures of something like the influenza virus.” But June and her colleagues persisted. They took better electron microscope photos and were able to get their work published. Eventually, the scientific community accepted their research. At the time, coronaviruses were not considered important. But in 2003, when there was the SARS outbreak, researchers studied June Almeida’s original work. SARS is a sudden acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus. It is a different virus than the one causing the COVID-19 pandemic today, but they are both coronaviruses. When the SARS outbreak happened, that’s when researchers reexamined June Almeida’s work and how her images contributed to the understanding of coronaviruses. Her groundbreaking work has been indispensable in the fight against COVID-19. So how did June go from a humble girl in Glasgow who could not afford to go to school to becoming recognized as a master of electron microscopy? This uneducated girl laid the
foundations for classifying viruses. She provided evidence for the link between viruses and cancer, gave us images of rubella, hepatitis B, HIV, and the first images of human coronavirus. One biographer said that this was just a confluence of chance moments. She happens to get a job in a lab even though she is 16 and uneducated. Her husband happens to want to move to Canada because he does not like London. The electron microscopy position happens to be the only one open for any microscopist when June arrives at the Ontario Cancer Institute. Researchers happen to send her a sample of coronavirus. All these chance moments end up changing the entire course of her life and her career. Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.” When June got her first job at 16, spending hours looking through a microscope for low wages, I am sure that she had no idea that she would one day be the virus queen. It may have been the right place at the right time, but she made the most of it. The dots can all be there, but you must be able to put them together. Gentle Reader, time is a remarkable gift from God. He wants us to use our time to take the opportunities that he has for us. Sometimes we are looking for the big break that will make us successful. But the Bible says that “if a person waits for perfect weather, he will never plant his seeds. And if he is afraid that every cloud will bring rain, he will never harvest his crops.” Ecclesiastes 11:4 (ICB) Remember to make the most of the opportunity that God gives you today. Do not wait until just the right moment comes along because that moment may never come. “Be very careful, then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. Ephesians 5:15,16 (NIV)
Devotions from a Small Town is a free gift to the spirit By Jeri Pearson Local author Richie Lawry has made 150 of his books free, thanks to an undisclosed donor. After receiving a check with the memo made out to "ministry," Lawry said he was confused at first. "I thought, well I don't have a ministry, per say," he said."I wondered what I should do with the donation." However, Lawry does have a ministry. He has been compiling writings, which have been published into several books, as well as having an active blog since 2008 and contributing to local papers beginning in 2016. His writings take everyday life and encounters and correlates the meanings he finds in interactions and situations with spiritual truths that are profound and uplifting. By using his talent of storytelling and creative writing, coupled with his knowledge of scripture and love of people, Lawry has generated a following of people who look forward to his weekly column, An Arkie's Faith, which can be found in the Pulse. His writing has an appeal that reaches across denominations and appeals to even the most anti-religious person. Lawry is the type of person who embodies the love of Christ and shares that love in a humble and genuine way, not only through his writing but also in person. "After thinking about the donation and how to use it, I thought I'd use it to ship my books, free of charge, to anyone who wants one," Lawry said, noting he would only need to know the address for shipping. In addition to his column in the Pulse, Lawry's writings can also be found on anarkiesmusings.blogspot.com and Amazon. Devotional publishings include The Little Things, In the Fog, Causing a Splash, Devotionals from a Small Town and Rusty Treasures, which can be found on Amazon. To request a free copy of Richard Lawry's devotionals, send your, or your loved one's, address to Lawry by calling (479) 394-9938, email: richies@sbcglobal.net, or on Facebook #Richard Lawry.
December 16, 2020
Faith 9
Reflections From History and Faith
Beyond the Manger By Jeff Olson
The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is made up of a very diverse group of people. More than just an obvious fact, this truth is demonstrative of the awesome creativity, artistry and inclusiveness of God. Miraculously, He has called, unified, empowered, utilized, and sustained this motley group into a single purpose and mission for over a 2,000 year time span. Throughout the Church’s history, the working of this miracle has been essentially the reflection of the sum total of individual relationships between God and each of His children, the relationships between His children, and the unity that grows from these (John17:21-23). The scope and depth of each of these relationships has governed the successes and the failures of the Church as a whole. Next to Jesus Himself and perhaps the Apostle Paul, John the Baptist best exemplified the relationship and commitment that we need so much more of today. John’s life and each of our lives have a very interesting and important parallel. In Luke 1, John the Baptist’s miraculous conception and his birth and purpose are foretold. Just six months older than Jesus, John is best remembered as the forerunner to Jesus, preparing the way for the arrival and ministry of our Lord. God’s ministry through John though was possible and effective for one reason and one reason only. This is reflected in his love and obedience to God the Father and best summed up in his testimony in John 3:27-30, “He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.” John wasn’t trying to say that he was unimportant to God, nor was he trying to demonstrate humility, nor was he even saying that God was through with him. What John was doing was succinctly defining the very character of what our relationship with God should be. John knew, as we must know, that a Christian’s relationship and purpose to God has to begin with the understanding that each of us has absolutely nothing to offer Him but our own poverty and destitution (Isaiah 64:6). If we come to God believing we have something to bring to the table or if we come with the ambition to do something great and significant for Him, or if we have the attitude that we are doing Him a great service by offering our time, abilities, talents, money, virtue, character, etc., then we are in fact presenting ourselves as trophies; ornaments of no real use other than as sources of glitz and glitter with motive and power only to reflect and glorify ourselves (1 Corinthians 13:1) and no power from God to work His purpose and will. You see - it’s not a question of what we bring to God. Rather it is a question of how each of us responds to what God brings to each of us. What He wants are vessels through which the self-decreasing/Christ-increasing transformation process can begin (justification), grow (sanctification), and come to fruition (glorification). It is all about the righteousness, character and power of Christ lived out through each of God’s children. John the Baptist lived this out, and we must do the same if our lives are to make a difference for The Kingdom of God. Indeed, John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ first coming. It is imperative that we follow his example and allow the Holy Spirit to transform and regenerate us into a people who can and will prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming.
With this understanding and in bringing this closer to the here and now, we must not allow all the decorations, parties, gifts, Santas and even nativity scenes to limit or obscure the Christmas story in its entirety. The second time around, Jesus will not be a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a feeding trough because there was no room for him in the inn. Nor will He be the suffering servant or the crucified Christ. No, not at all! Praise God He will return as the risen King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:11-16). This is the Jesus who has for centuries saved people from their sins and given life eternal and who will reign forever. And, He is still open for business regardless of COVID-19 or anything else. This is the Jesus for whom every facet of our lives must bear witness and give testimony. This is the Jesus who gave the Church its mandate (Matthew 28:16-20) and the power to fulfill it (Acts 2). This is still the Jesus who must increase! How we as Christians and the Church celebrate Christmas and serve others during this special season of year and beyond will help define “Christmas” and “Christian” to those in need, and will go a long way in authenticating (or discrediting) our claim to Christ as Lord and Savior and the Church as the Body of Christ. This is what distinguishes religion (including the christian religion) from the Christian faith. May we remember this and, especially during this period of distress, uncertainty and opportunity, show His love and hope through both personal and practical ways and tell His story to a lost and dying world which may be willing to look, listen and respond now more than ever before!
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10 Outdoors
December 16, 2020
Ouachita Bushcraft & Survival
Have you ever wondered why some hunters manage to fill their game tags every year, while others go home empty handed? If you’re one of the unfortunate ones, keep reading, because I’m going to share some strategies that will guarantee success! The first piece of advice I’ll offer is also the most important. Keep an open mind, approach every hunt as a learning experience, and don’t repeat your mistakes. A GOOD MENTAL ATTITUDE IS ESSENTIAL. Call it beginner’s luck, or anything you want, but my first deer season was a fiasco, filled with unpredictable events that defy logic. Maybe this is why I got
hooked, and couldn’t wait to try my luck again? In fact, some of the things I observed were the exact opposite of what I’d been told to expect. In retrospect, I should have bagged two nice bucks and a couple of mature does, but I didn’t; where did I go wrong? Before we discuss my failures, let’s turn this situation around and look at something positive. I recognized my shortcomings and began analyzing all of the details to rectify my errors. I hate to admit it, but I was a Greenhorn who blew it. STAY FOCUSED AND KEEP YOUR MIND ON WHAT YOU’RE DOING. This might sound funny, but it’s the truth. It was my very first solo hunt, opening day, and I was sitting on a log daydreaming about being mauled by a pack of howling coyotes. Those rabid carnivores were intimidating, and I instinctively sensed that they were starving to death. By the way they were growling, I just knew they’d find me, but I wasn’t giving up easily; they’d have to fight for their next meal. A half hour
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later, I was still alive and thinking about something else. Shortly after daybreak, I could hear someone walking through the forest, but I couldn’t see them. All of a sudden they started running in my direction, busting branches and crashing through the woods like a madman. I sat motionless as my phantom emerged from the tree-line and jumped over the dead pine where I was waiting. To my surprise, this wasn’t another hunter; it was a magnificent, eight point buck and he was only 20 feet away! Needless to say, I missed the opportunity of a lifetime, because I wasn’t holding my rifle. I was so startled, by the time I snatched it up, that buck was already high-tailing it to the next county! This was a costly lesson that I’ll never forget. Always expect the unexpected! THAT OLD CURSE CALLED BUCK FEVER. The following week, I abandoned the clear-cut, and setup about 75 yards in the woods. I was sitting on the ground, leaning against an old oak tree and watching the squirrels play, when I
heard the steady cadence of crunching leaves and snapping twigs. I glanced to my left, saw a beautifully racked deer, and he was oblivious to my presence. This is too easy, I thought! To my dismay, I started breathing like a bellowing locomotive; my hands were trembling as if I had an incurable neurological disease, and I had an extremely hard time focusing. The adrenaline rush intensified until it was overwhelming. Conflicting thoughts flooded my mind, and before I could gather my faculties, I was in full panic mode. My God, he’s getting away! I raised my rifle, squinted my eyes, and yanked the trigger. It never dawned on me to align the sights. How could I ignore my marksmanship skills? I was ashamed, and my ego was crushed. These things aren’t suppose to happen to macho guys like me! Fact is, this happens to everyone, although few of us will admit to it. THIS IS HOW TO VANQUISH YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL ENEMIES. Buck-fever is nothing but a mental obstacle that can easily be defeated. Realizing that you’re not alone is the first step to regaining your confidence. I’ve seen some tough dudes succumb to this affliction, so don’t allow your hunting companions to deceive you with their superhuman stories of ironclad nerves. Specialized conditioning is one of the
See SURVIVAL page 23
Christmas 11
December 16, 2020
The Polk County Pulse’s Special Christmas Section
Area 2nd Graders write:
What Christmas Means to Me Parents Celebrate:
Baby’s First Christmas
Expecting someone to drop in this Christmas?
Safe & Happy New Year!
We’ll keep you off their naughty list.
Let’s put 2020 behind us! Have a Merry Christmas and a
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12 Christmas
Area Second Graders were asked What Christmas means to them. Their written responses are as follows: Acorn Elementary Teacher: Howard
love him as much as he loves us. Christmas is the BesT Time ever! Christmas is fun! Christmas is magic -Kynleigh
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December 16, 2020
Christmas is fun because it is Jesuss birthday family get togather To me Christmas is the most That is why Christmas is fun magical time of the year! Christmas -Corbin is Jesus’s birthday. Christmas is joyfull time of the year win your family To me cHrIStMAs is fun Becan get togaether and have fun. You cause it’s Jeuss birthday and we get can read a book to a littl kid to help to gather and We get to decorate them understand What Christmas the trees and I LOVe geting to gethmeans. Some people decorate ther er and that’s Why I thank christmas house and tree On christmas you is fun. can help the homeless. You can give -Tristan the homeless peopl presents and a home. That is Why I think it is the Christmas is the best time of most magical time of the year! year! When I think of christmas I -Anastasia think of there thingsL Jesus’s Birthday, Sing Christmas Songs, SpendTo me christmas is the best time ing time with my family whach ever. We have Laughter and joy on christmas moves and decotaring christmas day. The presents we get the christmas tree I open presents is because jesus he created us so we I make Christmas cards we whach
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I think christmas is teh Best time of the year! Christmas is my favriteo time of the year! Because We gett presents! That’s Why Christmas ist the best! f -Zoe C
Chase Miller 4 Month Joel & Velina Miller Hall Mark Moves! Great food That is What Christmas meas to me! -Brylin To me Christmas is the most fun time of the year! When I think of Christmas I think of these things: I Love spiding time with my family and with my mom and my Dad. I Love making cookies with me nana. I Love my family and i Love my family on Christmas. THat is why Christmas is so fun to me. -Abigail Christmas is a wanderful time of the year! I like to spend time with my family.when I think of Christmas: Christmas is a pretty Holliday, Christmas is when you can spend time with your falmily and friends. That is want Christmas means to me! -Isabella
I love Christmas it is a great time of the year. It is 1. Movies 2. Tree 3. Dinnle 4. Songs 5. opining presents. That is why I think Christmas is great! -Lorelli l To me christmas is my favor-f ite holiday. it is wonderful! Jesus’sw Birthdat, Loving Jesus, me and Jesus praying in our hreats, spending time with family, That is Why Christmsa is my favorit holiday. a -Emma u To me christmas is the most won-h derful Time of The Year! I Think ofg these wen christmas is here. Things: Jesus’s Birthday, Eating Dinner togther, Our friends come over, playing in The Dark, And openings up presents. Making cookies withg cousins. That is what christmas means to me! -Eden R. t I think that christmas is magi-C cal. I think of Christmas as these. AC time to have time with your family! A time to decorate a tree! A time to do traditions! That is why I think l that it’s magicl. a -Lucas
Bob & Wendy Martin; Ashley & Scott Vacca; Erick & Charmaine Martin 104 Port Arthur l Mena, AR l 479-394-4248
Pulse To me Christmas is the most lu-
December 16, 2020
Christmas 13
fun. we are giving stuff. And playing games with mom and dad. -Bentley It’s Gods Love and family. Elfs make gifts. We put up trees. We sing Teacher: Martin songs. Santa brings us presents. -Rhyder What Christmas means to me is It is famle time and it is Jesus when it is Jesus birthday and spendbuthday and God’s buthday too. It ing time with my family. Louise Durham Elementary - Rhyen Henry is game time. Teacher: Smallwood -Jermiah Christmas means spending time It’s about Jesus Gof, family and It means to celebrate God and with family and friends and wacklove. We are spinding time with my Jesuses birthday. It is family time. It ing up on Christmas morning. family. It’s about joy and lafter. It’s - Hannah Barrett also reminds me of santa. Charlee Kaylynn Lane who you love. -Renee Russell Lane & Nikita Hale -Rayleigh Christmas is the best time of the I get new toys to play. I can play year because it is Jesus’s is birthWen God has his bethday. in snow. I can have fun in santaoo! I day. Christmas means a lot to me My family love me. God Jesus Christmsa is abut god. Christmas is dig in snow too. because we get to spend time with and frands are nis to me. We huddle family. I love Christmas because I up to open presen. I get to see my abut you and your flamy. -Aide -Cooper holle family. They see me too. We get to see my three elf ’s do someget new stof that We place with it. Chrismis is my favret. Holliday thing funny. Jeus and God. My Family gets of the year. It is so fun. -Xandera - Macy Flores me toys. I got am elf on shelf. I love -Brant It is a bout god, famle, mom, dad, singing songs. I Love God. I like Christmas means to me abot santa, gifts, Presens, snow, Non, makeing cokie for santa. Christmas Opening presents and having with my family and friends. Christtrees are good. Good stuf are good. gram po, and toys. -Ryleigh -Landon -Erika
onderful time of the year! when I think of Christmas I think of these things: je8us’s birthday, Love and family, mom and dadm that is what Christmas means to me ! -Aubree
It is about god. Christmas means to me is to open presents and Jesus. Christmas is about femly and frens. Christmas is about Santa. -Jozelynn
It’s about seubrating Jesus’ birthday on crismisev. Wen santu clos bringes presens. Wen we put up the crimis tree. Wen we open the presens. -Bentley
It is about prait and love. My famly gets too gether. It’s Gods berthday To spend time with family. We and the elf on the self. open presins and to selerbrat God. -Kaiden We play games. MON-THUR 10AM-9PM FRI-SAT 10AM-10PM SUNDAY 10AM-4PM CATERING AVAILABLE
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14 Christmas mas mean to me adot celebrate abot baby Jesus. - Nathaniel Ryan Copelin
Christmas is fun becaus I get presents. – Blaine Davy
Christmas was the year Jesus was born in a barn. - Allie Wells
Christmas is a time of year that I spend time with my family. – Grant Thompson
Christmas means to me that we get to spend Jesus bithday mare Christmas. - Abby Kincaid
Christmas means to me that is nice cause Jesus was born that day on Christmas day. – Emma Butterfield
Christmas is a time to spend time with family and friends. – Garrison Singleton
Christmas means we celebrate baby Jesus’s birthday and spending time with family. Santa Clause brings nices girls and boys presents. – Kaylee Hankins
Christmas is cool because you get presents. – Zane Golden
December 16, 2020
Annalishea Starr 8months Jaquita & Tyler Starr Celebrateing Jesus’s birthday on Christmas. – Levi Boyd
Teacher: Wagner Christmas means to me spending time with family and friends. AprilJacob Mecwtcc hstsocabtChristmas is cool because snow duJacob Christmas means to me celebrateing Jesus’s birthday. Christmas means makes it cool. – April VanNatta – Bryar Yarbrough to me giveing and geting presents. – Journey Alesse Copelin I get presit from miy mom and
Mey Chrisas
Room of Hope
At the close of this crazy year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy Holiday Season.
Kaison Terry 9 Months Logan & Tiffiani Terry Dad frens I love Jesis. – Cheyenne Smith Spining tim wif my famle. And ges is buthday. And presis, and loveing wan and authr, and hot caccow, and Santa Clause, and crismus spirit. Loveing gesis and god, and a crismas chres. – Flower McCarty I love Crismis beecus I git to spind tim wich mi famic and mi fans. Ind I git too pin mi pravis. – Lane Henry Christmas is celebrate God birthday. – Kaden Pearl Christmas means to me to ope I presents and play whith friends. – Michael Williams
Christmas means to me is about fun and Jesus birthday. Love Ty Wright
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Christmas means to me tpend time with my family and friends and god and baby Jesus. – Samantha Dowdy
Christmas means to me is that I get to spend time with my family and even know that this year is dif-
Christmas 15
December 16, 2020 “Christmas to me means I should remember Jesus’s birthday. It also means to me that I get to spend time with my family. Last Christmas means to me that it’s a fun and special holiday.” - Adalee Hobson
cause I get to spend time with my family. It is Jesus’s birth day. I celebrate with family I never get to see.” - Avori Gortemiller “Christmas is Jesus’s birthday. It is also a good family time.” - Bella Edwards
“Christmas is my favorite holi“On Christmas it’s Jesus’s birthday because it was on Jesus’s birth- day. I care for Jesus.” day. Christmas is my favorite hol- Peyton Sanchez iday because my family is around me.” “Christmas Means to me: Jesus Bo Starr birthday. ” Ella Kay Blake 3 Months Brayden Bowles Chantry & Meagan Blake “Christmas is about Jesus’ birthday and spending time with my “Christmas is the best holiday. frnet I’ll still have fun. family” You can get toys. Christmas means – Aaron Belcher - Wyatt Kesterson spending time with family.” - Paisley Walker Christmas means to me Cele“It means we celebrate Jesus. It brate and presents and Jesus is brth“Chistmas is Jesus’ birthday. You day and spending year brthday and also is a special holiday. My family get to spend time with your family.” family and friends and sata Clause. has a big feast.” Rustin Todd - Rylen Vekre – Dillon McClarais? Spending Christmas with family and friends and seeing my brother open presents makes me happy. – Cali Newbolt I love Christmas because it was baby Jesus birthday. – Chevelle Higby Teacher: Maddox “Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. Christmas is not about gifts, it is about family.” - Kennedi Plunkett “I think Christmas is all about Jesus because it is his birthday. I think Christmas is also about family because you get to see all your family again.” - Tatelynn Pullen “What Christmas meas to me is family because my mom is nice to me and dad” - Dennie Byrd
“Christmas is special to me be-
“Christmas is fun because it
Merrryy M s a m s t a s i r m t h s C i r Ch
Dylan Meade 4 Months Mathew & Sophie Meade snow’s.” - Cisley McDaniel
“Chrishmas means a lot to me Because I get to spend time with my family. I get to celebrate for Jesus’s birthday. I get to watch my family open present’s.” - Ashton Tidwell
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16 Christmas
December 16, 2020 Teacher: Miller
- Alvin Richardson
“Christmas means to be nice to others” - Derrick Stanley
“Christmas is when my family comes and visits and eats Christmas diner with my grapol. I Love Christmas.” - William Logan
“Christmas is all about spending time with famly because I love them.” - Stelle Renard “Christmas is about Love and family because I Love my family.” - Stormy Tugman Davara Meier 11 Months David Meier & Paula Armstrong
“Christmas is the best holiday because you get toys and write christmas card.” - Lucas McQuarrie
“Christmas means love to me.” - Justice Self
Haislee Pollard 6 Months Faye Wilkinson & James Pollard
“Chrishmas Means to me all adout love and family” - Zoe Edwards Teacher: Trammell
I Love christmas. I Love my family. I Love presints. I Love God. I Love Jesus. “Christmas means to Me a lot “It is a special holiday because it - Blakely “Christmas means to me Love of presints. Also family time. Also is Jesus’s birthday. It is special be- and spending time with family.” happyniss.” cause we get to spend time with our Is Love because I get to see the - Payton York - Cohen Fendley family. It is fun because we get to face of God I get to spend time with open presents. It is fun because we my mom, dad and my sister. I get to “Christmas to me means Love.” “Christmas is my favorite holiday get to have a feast.” have fun with my famly. when we - Matthew Slinkard because my family comes together.” have fun we eat after. - Raelea Pate - Meggy Craighead - Aliyah “Christmas means to see your “I love Christmas because we get family.” “Christmas makes me think to celebrate Jesus’s birthday. Your that I spend tim with my familey - Tuck Sterner about the things we love. I love my and my cusens. I also go to nonny family gives you special gifts.” sister.” - Trinity Curtis and popos hows. At Christmas I will “Christmas means love.” -Jocelyn Stipe open presents and celebrate. Jesus’s - Jared Phillips “I love chrismas because it is Jebirthday is on Christmas. “ Christmas is a holiday. Christsus’s birthday. My family celebrates -Zander “Christmas means to me spendmas has snow. Christmas has presint. on Jesus’s birthday. all of my family ing time with family.” Christmas has Santa. Christmas has comes to my NaNa’s house and celeI love celebrating Jesus’s birthday. - Mackenzie Holder family. Christmas means to me love. I love Jesus, becase God mad him brate with us.” - Natalee Spenser “Christmas is about opening Christmas has breakfest and dinner. speshol. Becase we celebrate Jesus. Christmas is a new year.” -Joshua gifts.”
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Merry Christmas
- Olive Craig
It’s Tree Hunting Season
Have a Safe and Merry One
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Christmas 17
December 16, 2020 sad on christmas because that is his birthday no butty is there. -caysen
I celebrate christmas because it is Jesus birthirday. I know the best gifft of all it is love I love you Jesus and God. A holy day that is special to me it is christmas. -Dawson I Love christmas becasuas I get toys and I get to eat candy. - Mateo Jesse Henry Jr. 11 Month Ashley & Jesse Henry
Famiy becase Jeses is my famly. everones’s faly. I pray to Jeses Christmas to Christmas. - Juliet
Katie Belknap 3 Months Caleb & Kala Belknap
Christmas means Jesus’s birthday. I get to go on a shoppign trip At Christmas I love to open gifts Celebrate the birth of Jesus and with my family. I get ot have a parbut I Love to spend time with my love. Haveing family fun and open ty with friends at school Chistmas famly more. Every Cristmas morn- presents. In the meanetime can I time is special to me because it ing we eat brates then we open gifts. have makeup for Christmas sometimes snows! Then we spend time to gether. For -Hannah Love Lizzy Cristmas I want a huerbored. -Addelyn Christmas means that I get to I celebrate with my family. We sleep with mom and dad. I enjoy take pictures by the tree. My family and frens. I am happy baking cookies with them. I also en- Eden for jesus. I am gratful for jesus. joy hanging out with them. Cjrost-Huck Family, fun, giving and happi- mas times is special to me because ness. Presents from santa and joy I get to see my Elf on the Shelf. Her Sana clouse and presint and having fun and joy, toys, having fun name is Herminy. spending time with my famle. -Mikaela with my family, loving, and loving -Kashlynn God. Christmas means opens pres-Aiden I love getting my preses. I Love ents. I like to bake chocolate cookspending time with my famy. I like ies wirth my mom. I like to see my Wickes Elementary the elf comeing. I like santa comeTeachers Williams and Brantly friends. Christmas time is my favoring with preses. But geses must be ite because I get presents.
CHRISTMAS Beasley-Wood Funeral Home
611 Janssen Street, Mena, AR 71953
(479) 394-1310
Merry Christmas
owner: Robbie Dixon 109 South 5th Street Cove, AR 71937 870.387.3790
Christmas means spending time with my family. I like going to see the lights in DeQueen with my family. I enjoy spending time with my friends watching movies. Christmas time is special because I get to go to church. -Justin Christmas Means putting presents under the tree. MY family prays for baby JEsus. I get to spend time with my friends and riding bikes. Christmas is special to me because of church. -Brently
Christmas means having fun with each other. I have a big breakfast, and we get together. Christmas time is special to me in the morning because we open presents. -Carson
18 Christmas
December 16, 2020
ily and friends and the importnt part Christ was born -Unknown
Christmas means opening presents. I go to the trail of lights wit my family. I play hide and seek with my friends. Christmas time is special because of baby Jesuss. -Jayden
Christmas means spending time with my family. We enjoy opening presents. We left over. We decorate our house. -Unknown
Christmas means we get to put up a tree. I like watching Christmas shows with my family. Christmas time is special to me because I like putting the lights on the tree. -Faith Lonelai 3 Months Cynthisa Tena & Darryl Christmas means spending time with family. Going to a light show with my family is fun. I’m spending time with my 3 friends. Christmas time is special to me because I love lights because they are so pretty! -Nayeli
Christmas means having a big dinner. My family prays for God and my friends play fun games. Christmas time is special to me because of my family. -David Christmas means spending time with family three different places. I wil lfo to see Christmas lights with my Daddy. I like to see my friends. Christmas is my favorite because I get to go to church.
y r r e M s a m t ChrisFrom
Piper Lawrence 8 Months Courtney & Aaron Lawrence -Parker Christmas means celebrating Christ was born. Nana, Papa, and I spend time with eachother. We eat Christmas cookies, cupcakes and cake. Christmas time is special because I get to spend time with famWISHING YOU A SAFE AND
Christmas mean spending tim with my mom watcha move and dricking and then oping present. We dricking hot chachlote eat cupcake, christmas time is special because oping presents. -Unknown
Christmas means doing stuff together. My family likes to make gingerbread reindeer. We eat the gingerbread reindeer. Christmas is special because it is the birthday of Jesus. -Ellah
Christmas means to open gifts on christmas. I decorate My tree with My family. My family eat cupcakes and hot coco. Christmas time is spacial because it spacial of God. -Darnel
Christmas means celebrating Jesus birthday. My family enjoy watching, a movie. We eat cupcake cookies and choklet. Christmas is special because Jesus was born. -Rafael Christmas means spending time
Merry Christmas
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Christmas 19
December 16, 2020 Christmas time is special because I can spend time with my family. - Unknown
and family. It also means Math, my Elf on a shelf, food, clothes, and my friends. I love Christmas. - Lacelynn
Christmas means spending tim with my family. On Chistmas I make a ginger bread house. On Christmas I eat cookies. Christmas time is special because Christ was born. -Unknown Kaylynn McDaniel 7 weeks Kevin & Melody McDaniel with my family. I open presents with mom, dad, and brothers. We eat turkey. Christmas time is special because JEsus was born on that day and it makes me happy. - Kaitlyn Chrsmess means spending time with my family. On christmas me and family we open presents. On christmas we eat cupcakes. Christmas is special because the baby chris of Jesuss. - Unknown Christmas mean spending time with my family. On christmas my family and I open presents. My family and I eat beans, chicken, cookies.
Oden Teacher: Thomas
Wyatt Lewis 5 Months Scott & Lanie Lewis
Christmas means Jesuss birthday. My mom, my dad, me living, and my life. - Brayden
Christmas means to me Jesus, Christmas means love and kindness. I’m thankful for family my family, and my Elf on the Shelf. Christmas is my favorite holiday and Jesus’ birthday. Also, Elf on a Also, my freinds and teachers. I love santa is a good man. He bribs presShelf, my nana, my friends, food, Christmas time! - Charlotte sis I want a labcaot. I love chrasmas and water. I love Christmas! time. - Dawson Christmas means Jesus birthday - Jessie
Bringing Your Christmas Dreams to Light Mena Real Estate 816 Mena Street Mena, AR 71953
Blessings to You & Yours Bowser Family Funeral Home Our Wish Is For Each Of You To Enjoy This Holy Season of Christmas.
It Has Been A Blessing To Serve You Throughout the Year. We Pledge Our Continued Service As We Enter The New Year.
Christmas means love to me. I’m thankful for friends. I’m also thankful for Jesus. I love Christmas! - Danny
Brian and Stacey Bowser 2608 Hwy. 71 South, Mena, AR
Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative, Inc. Owned By Those We Serve 515 Janssen Ave, Mena, AR 71953
(479) 394-4140 W W W. R M E C . C O M
Happy Holidays!
20 Christmas
December 16, 2020
GINGERBREAD COOKIE RECIPE: INGREDIENTS 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground ginger 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened to room temperature 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 large egg 1/2 cup unsulfured molasses 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract (optional) zest of one small orange optional toppings: simple icing (see below), red hots, sprinkles, etc. SIMPLE ICING RECIPE: 2 cups powdered sugar 2–3 tablespoons milk 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Merry Merry Christmas Christmas to All of Our Polk County Community
306 Hornbeck Mena, Arkansas 479-394-3511
INSTRUCTIONS In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon, ginger, baking soda, cloves, salt and nutmeg. Set aside. In an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or alternately, you can use a hand mixer and a separate large mixing bowl), beat the butter and sugar together for 2 minutes on medium-high speed until light and fluffy. Add in eggs, molasses and vanilla, and beat on medium speed until combined. Reduce mixer speed to low, and gradually add the flour mixture until just combined. Divide the dough into two equal portions, and form them each into a ball. Then gently use your hands to flatten each ball into a 1-inch thick disk, wrap tightly in plastic wrap, and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight. Once the dough is thoroughly chilled and you’re ready to bake the cookies, heat the oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside. Unwrap the dough and place it on a large, lightly-floured hard surface. Use a floured rolling pin to roll the dough evenly until it is approximately 1/8inch thick. Then use your favorite cookie cutters to cut out your desired shapes, re-rolling the dough as needed to cut out more. Transfer to parchment-covered baking sheets. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the cookies are crisp around the edges and on top. Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling. Once the cookies are room temperature, feel free to decorate them as desired with the icing (see below) plus any extra sprinkles or candies. Serve and enjoy immediately, or store in a sealed container for up to 4 days. TO MAKE THE SIMPLE ICING: Whisk all ingredients together in a mixing bowl until smooth. If your icing is too thin, add in a little more powdered sugar. If your icing is too thick, add in a tiny bit of milk. Use a piping bag, or a ziplock bag (with the corner snipped off), or a plastic squeeze bottle to pipe the icing onto the cookies.
December 16, 2020
‘Tis the Season for Ginger (StatePoint) Ginger is not just spicy, sweet and delicious, it’s also tremendously good for you. And the holiday season is the perfect time to pack a punch with it in everything from the cookie tray to the cocktails. Here’s why and how to include this efficacious superfood in your holiday festivities. • Be good to yourself: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season, a nutritious immunity-boosting diet can help you take good care of your health. With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger boasts a wide range of health benefits, making it a great ingredient to include in your winter culinary repertoire. What’s more, ginger can help counteract some of the effects of an indulgent holiday season, as it promotes digestive health and calms nausea. • Embrace its versatility: Ginger goes far beyond such holiday classics like gingerbread houses. With a little creativity, it can be incorporated into every course of your holiday meal, adding a rare depth
707 7th St., Mena, AR
(479) 394-7257
of flavor few other ingredients can match. Reed’s Crystallized Ginger makes it easier than ever to add that burst of spicy sweetness to seasonal recipes with its diced, readyto-eat baby ginger root. So, consider wowing your family! Whip up a batch of ginger-carrot soup, prepare a ginger-based salad dressing, top your roast with a ginger-gravy or simply garnish your favorite cocktail. • Go for the real stuff: To amp up the flavor and health benefits, use only ingredients incorporating real ginger. Just be sure to read the label. If you’re like the one in three ginger ale drinkers who reach for this bubbly beverage because you’re looking for a drink with actual ginger, you may be surprised to learn that most mainstream ginger ales contain almost no real ginger. A satisfying spice known worldwide for its wellness benefits, you can give your family the gift of flavor and health by putting ginger front-and-center this holiday season.
Christmas 21
22 Christmas
December 16, 2020
Wishing you a
Merry Christmas
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fivejelectric@sbcglobal.net Robby & Sonja Birtcher
Continued form page 10 primary methods that law enforcement officers and Special Forces operatives use to cope with this dilemma. Example; when soldiers and police qualify at the rifle and pistol ranges, they’re shooting silhouettes instead of traditional targets. Hogan’s alley and virtual-reality, computerized programs are implemented for those who require more extensive training. Fight or flight is an emotional response that can be negated by reflexive conditioning that will trigger an automated response. All of this sounds complicated, but it’s not. In layman’s terminology, IMPLEMENT REALISTIC TRAINING METHODS. Three dimensional targets and life size deer posters would be an equivalent alternative for sportsmen. I have several friends who have set up their own 3-D archery ranges, and these guys never have any trouble harvesting a deer. When I was a policeman, the range officer invented a moving target system rigged with pulleys. It was funny watching everyone trying to engage their imaginary adversary. A bullet travels extremely fast, so quick that it breaks the sound barrier. All of my colleagues were leading their targets and missing the silhouettes. The firearms instructor and I were the only two who could consistently place our shots, center of mass. What’s your secret everyone asked? The instructor and I were swinging with our targets, and aiming dead-on! The only time you should lead your target is with scatterguns, muzzle loaders, or if you’re shooting long distances. Modern, high velocity ammunition is Johnny on the spot! FAMILIARIZATION WITH YOUR WEAPON IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. Rule number one. Safety should always be your first priority, no exceptions! Memorize the shooting commandments. Proficiency is mandatory if you want to take your deer hunting to the ultimate level. Learn how to disassemble and reassemble your firearm; keep it clean so it functions reliably, and master the mechanics like your life depends on it. Marksman, sharpshooter, and expert are the three qualifying
Outdoors 23
December 16, 2020 categories that military and law enforcement recognize. If you’re going to become a top-gun, you’ve got to invest a lot of time and ammunition. For those with a limited budget, most of us have been there, purchase some snap-caps and practice dry firing. It’s imperative that you make the most out of each practice session. I’ve been shooting most of my life, and I’m never beyond learning! NO MORE GUESSING GAMES. IT’S NOT THE RIFLE’S FAULT THAT YOU MISSED! When you reach a certain degree of expertise, you’ll be able to call your shots. In other words, when you squeeze the trigger, you’ll have a good idea of where that bullet went. If your gun is properly zeroed and the ammunition has been tested, you can attribute a missed opportunity to operator error. Those who ascend to this proverbial plateau will notice that their misses are few and far between, and their freezers will be packed with venison! RANGE ESTIMATION IS CRITICALWHEN YOU’RE HUNTING IN OPEN TERRITORY. To consistently harvest game at long distances there’s little room for error. If you do the math, any mistake will be magnified, especially flinching. Back in the old days, a rifleman would gage the distance to his targets by visually estimating landmarks in 100 yard increments; this sounds easy, but it’s not. When you’re hunting in hilly terrain, this type of computation is tricky and unreliable. If you’re a good shot, and you’ve mastered the fundamentals, a miscalculation will be the primary reason that you’ll miss. What’s the solution to this dilemma? Laser range finders and scopes which are equipped with BDC, (Bullet Drop Compensating) Reticles are the scientific answers. WHAT’S THE HURRY? Another thing to consider when you’re viewing animals beyond 200 hundred yards is exercising patience. Take your time and let the adrenaline rush subside. This is a fact; the longer you watch, the calm-
er you’ll become. Don’t rush your shot! Your quarry doesn’t see you, and if they do, they won’t perceive you as a viable threat because you’re too far away! When the time is right, dial in the range, concentrate and squeeze the trigger. IT’S TIME TO GO TO WORK. It was a cold, still morning back in 1988, an hour before daylight, and I was walking to my deer blind. I’d been hunting for three days in the San Jacinto National Forest in Texas, and I was frustrated, because I wasn’t seeing anything. In spite of the hunting pressure, there were scrapes, rubs and tracks everywhere, but the deer were educated and they weren’t cooperating. Suddenly it dawned on me; I’ve got to put in my time, get serious and stop playing around. I need to approach this task, LIKE IT’S A JOB! Two hours elapsed, and I was field dressing a fat little deer
deep in the forest. The woods were so quiet that morning that my rifle shot was the only report I’d heard. Success can be poetic. While the other hunters were getting skunked, I was slowly dragging my buck to my truck. VERSATILE HUNTERS HAVE LONGER SEASONS. Most, if not all states offer exclusive timeframes for traditionalists which entail, muzzle-loading and archery. If you’re fortunate enough to reside someplace where the primitive seasons precede modern methods, it’s wise to take advantage. It didn’t take me long to recognize the benefits of hunting early. The deer are more predictable, and easier to pattern; they aren’t as wary because hunting pressure is minimal, and the mature bucks are marking their territories, sparring with one another, and preparing for the rut. Mere words can’t describe the thrill of witnessing two animals locking horns in the woods, but it’s exciting! Becoming proficient with an antiquated weapon and harvesting your first deer is also, the experience of a lifetime.
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Brooke Rose
24 Community
December 16, 2020
Pearl Harbor Day recognized Courtesy Photo On Dec. 5 the Disabled Veterans Auxiliary took more than 600 wreaths to Pinecrest Cemetery to place on the veterans graves for Pearl Harbor Day, which was Dec. 7. Those assisting in this endeavor were members Commander Carol Burns, Adjutant Linda Spurgin, David Spurgin, Sr. Vice Commander Shirley Tharrett and grandson Holden Frick, Marybeth Lowery, Ethel Glenn, Corky Cortez and husband Skip, Jr. member Alexis Minzel and friend Layla, Eleanor Jones, Will Rios and Cindy Hernandez. It was an honor to recognize and show respect for all our deceased veterans.
Hampton lends helping hand
Courtesy Photo Hampton Aviation presents a donation to the Elk’s Food Basket and Toys for Tots programs. Pictured left to right is Mike Burnett (Elks Exalted Ruler), Cheryl Higgins (Elks Secretary) and Larry Davis (President, Hampton Aviation). Thank you to Mena Elks Lodge and Marine Corp League for working so diligently to provide during what has been a diďŹƒcult year for so many.
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December 16, 2020
Around Town
Ouachita Little Theater December 18 – A Christmas Concert by Harmony, a Christian family musical group will be performed live. Many people enjoyed them last year, and they are set for another great show on Friday, December 18, at 7:30 PM at the theater. Admission is by your choice of donation at the door. Mena Middle School Computer Science is partnering with the Mena Polk County Chamber of Commerce to host a Veteranʼs Parade Drive-Thru on December 16 from 5:30pm-6pm at the Mena KCS Depot Museum. Veteranʼs will receive a free Christmas gift. Contact Melissa Lunsford at Mena Middle School or the Mena Polk County Chamber of Commerce for more details. The Elks Lodge is seeking donations for their annual Christmas food baskets. For more information contact the lodge at 479-394-3740. Bikes for Transportation project, coordinated by Mena Middle School EAST Lab, aims to offer free, cleaned and repaired bikes that have been donated by the community for people who do not have transportation. If you or someone you know needs a bike, contact 479-637-6599. CASA is asking community members to sponsor a foster childʼs Christmas wish list. Approximately 75 children in the area will spend the holidays in foster care. To sponsor a child, please call Cynthia Martin at cmartin1209@yahoo.com or call 479-243-9277. The Mena Lioness Club is asking the community to make donations to the Backpack Program, which sends food home with children during the school year. It cost $126 to sponsor one child for the year, or $14 a month. To help assist the program and help a food insecure child through this program, drop off donations at UnionBank, to the BackPack program or mail donations to Mena Lioness Lions, PO Box 688, Mena AR 71953. Itʼs easy to have your event listed in Around Town, which will be read on radio stations KENA and KQOR daily. Simply send your Around Town announcement to news@ mypulsenews.com or call 479-243-9600 and let us know about your event! To have it in the Polk County Pulse newspaper, we need to know by FIVE on FRIDAY. We look forward to continuing to serve the community!
Around Town 25
Hogspore News
An Evening in Front of the Fire By Clet Litter from the Ozarks
Punkin and me have the fireplace going with seasoned oak logs snapping and popping away. We hardly ever turn on the television. We just sit and read by the fire in the living room. She’s reading one of those library books with pages and no pictures. I’m pouring over the Harbor Freight catalog thinking I need a bigger workshop before ordering any more tools. But, last night I decided to view a few reruns of Cops. I’m usually alone when I watch, so I sing along. “Bad Boys, Bad Boys. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?” It ain’t no secret what they’re gonna do. Them bad boys are going to the slammer. The only sad thing is when a little girl hiding behind her mother asks, “Mommy, are they gonna shoot Daddy?” At least you can’t hear the mother mumbling back, “Oh, Mommy sure hopes so.” It was disappointing cause Cops weren’t playing. There was a message on the screen, “During the Holiday season we will be featuring a 24-hour continuous scene of a crackling fire.” Cept, this was not a Hallmark type setting. Through December, you can watch a Meth Lab burning. It’s not real relaxing, what with no sounds of wood snapping and popping. Still, every so often a box of stored ammo goes off. More TV stuff: Munford Pickens said, “I saw a commercial for a device that attaches to a toilet that lets you clean your ‘Australian Area’ with water. You don’t have to use toilet paper. I might buy one, but maybe next January. Til then, I’m gonna enjoy the rest of this year with a Wiped Christmas.” Jimmy Suspenders was boasting in
Tony’s Barbershop that he had himself a new work title. “I am now officially working in administration.” Tony asked, “What kind of administration?” He come back with, “It’s an I.T. position. That stands for Information Technology. The best part is working from home.” Tony asked, “How much do you make?” Jimmy said, “I don’t know yet. I just started.” Tony said, “That’s crazy that you don’t know. Who told you that you had this administration job?” “Nobody, that’s what my computer informed me yesterday, ‘Do you want to run this program as the Administrator?”’ Tony looked down, “Jimmy, I hope you aren’t wanting a trim today cause I think I would accidentally cut you.” Hogspore News was awarded the National Society of Newspaper Columnists 2008 First Place Humor Column. You can contact Clet Litter at bobsimpson1947@yahoo.com. or visitHogspore.com for more information. N O T I C E Life & Health Insurance Annuities Medicare Supplements Long Term Care Financial Planning
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26 Law & Order
December 16, 2020
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
December 7, 2020 Report from a business near Cove of the theft of a battery. Deputy responded. Battery was recovered. December 8, 2020 Report of an RV fire on Polk 41S near Potter. Deputy responded. Report of items taken from a vehicle while parked at a place of business. Deputies responded. Items were later recovered. Report of a domestic altercation on N. Lewis Street near Cove. Deputy responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. December 9, 2020 Report of a lost wallet. Deputy responded. Report of a stolen Apple I watch. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 675 near Big Fork of identity fraud. Report of the discovery of a suspicious item led to a juvenile being issued a Juvenile Citation for Drug Paraphernalia. Juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Report of the theft of five road signs on Hwy 88E valued at $100.00 each. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 36 near Hatfield of identity fraud. Report of mail being found in a driveway. December 10, 2020 Report from complainant on 1 st Street near Hatfield of an individual attempting to steal a four-wheeler. Deputies responded.
December 11, 2020 Report from complainant on Henry Lane near Hatfield of identity fraud. Report of a vehicle accident led to the arrest of David E. Hale, 33, of Mena on a Charge of DWI and a Charge of Driving on a DWI Suspended License, 3 Warrants for Failure to Comply and 2 Warrants for Failure to Appear. December 12, 2020 Report from complainant on Polk 34 near Hatfield of a cow being shot. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Heritage Lane near Hatfield of the theft of $500.00 cash. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 71 near Cherry Hill of the theft of jewelry and tools valued at $1152.00. Deputy responded. Report of the theft of items from a vehicle parked near Potter. Deputy responded. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Trae A. Clouse, 29, of Mena on Charges of Possession of Meth or Cocaine, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor, No Driver’s License, and Fleeing in a Vehicle. December 13, 2020 Traffic stop on Hwy 246W led to the discovery of suspicious items. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of trash being dumped on private property. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Hwy 8W near Shady Grove of a domestic assault. Deputy responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on May Lane near Acorn of a verbal domestic led to the arrest of Clinton W. Duval, 45, of Mena on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct.
Polk County Sheriff ’s Office worked three vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 19 Incarcerated Inmates, with 8 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
December 6, 2020 A report of breaking or entering was taken on Janssen Avenue. A report of criminal mischief was taken on 10 th Street. A report of harassment was taken from a walk-in complainant. Jason Lovett, 46, was charged with One person was shot and died, anCriminal Trespass and served with other was wounded, at a Brinkley resa warrant after a complaint from Walmart. idence yesterday (Thursday, December 10th). Special Agents of the Arkansas December 7, 2020 State Police have been assigned to lead Gerald Davis, 45, was charged with Domestic Battery 3 rd , Resisting Ar- the investigation and search for a susrest, Obstructing Government Oper- pect. ations, and served with two warrants Officers of the Brinkley Police Deafter a disturbance call to Church Av- partment contacted state police about enue. 5 PM after they found the crime scene inside a home at 13 East Willow Street. December 8, 2020 Kaleisha McNeil, 25, was pronounced A report of sexual assault was taken from a walk-in complainant. dead at the scene. Tavious Alexander A report of financial identity fraud Palmer, 26, was transported to a Memwas taken from a walk-in complainant. phis hospital and is reported to be in serious condition. Both McNeil and December 9, 2020 A death investigation report was tak- Palmer lived at the Willow Street resen on Sarah Way. idence. A report of a disturbance was taken Special Agents of the state police on Dallas Avenue. Criminal Investigation Division deA report of financial identity fraud veloped leads and collected evidence was taken at KFC/Taco Bell. overnight at the crime scene leading December 10, 2020 A report of criminal mischief was them to obtain a warrant for the arrest taken from a walk-in complainant. of Chadwick Reed, 37, of 111 North A report of rape was taken from a person at the Mena Reginal Health Sys- Brinkley Avenue, Brinkley. Reed is charged with Murder, Aggravated Astem. sault, Battery (1st degree) and three December 11, 2020 counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Ginger Acquaah, 39, and Quincey Minor. (*An image file of Reed is copYoung, 39, were both served with waried to this news release.) rants at the police department. McNeil’s body was transported to the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory to December 12, 2020 No reports filed. confirm a manner and cause of death.
December 16, 2020
Best Christmas Movies of All Time
A major focal point for Christmas is spending time with family. Often, that time is spent watching movies. So we’ve shared RottenTomato’s list of The Best Christmas Movies Of All Time, ranked from number 62 to number 1, do you see your’s on the list? MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1994) #62 Starring: Mara Wilson, Richard Attenborough, Elizabeth Perkins, Dylan McDermott, Directed By: Les Mayfield THE PREACHER'S WIFE (1996) #61 Starring: Denzel Washington, Whitney Houston, Courtney B. Vance, Gregory Hines, Directed By: Penny Marshall THE GRINCH (2018) #60 Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones, Tristan O'Hare, Scarlett Estevez, Directed By: Scott Mosier, Yarrow Cheney THE CHRISTMAS CHRONICLES (2018) #59 Starring: Kurt Russell, Judah Lewis, Darby Camp, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Directed By: Clay Kaytis THE CHRISTMAS CHRONICLES 2 (2020) #58 Starring: Joshua Blumhagen, Jahzir Bruno, Darby Camp, Milaina Chanel, Directed By: Chris Columbus
er 18th ecemb n D , y a Frid natio 7:30pm ission by Deods will benefit ce m , pro Ad you can ally) u what eater eq (Donate d and th the ban
All Covid 19 Guidelines will be followed!
Also Performing: A
Christmas Carol
12/11-12 at 7:30 and 12/13 at 2:30.
LOVE ACTUALLY (2003) #57 Starring: Bill Nighy, Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Directed By: Richard Curtis
KRAMPUS (2015) #56 Starring: Emjay Anthony, Adam Scott, Toni Collette, David Koechner, Directed By: Michael Dougherty NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CHRISTMAS VACATION (1989) #55 Starring: Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Randy Quaid, Juliette Lewis, Directed By: Jeremiah Chechik, Jeremiah S. Chechik A VERY HAROLD & KUMAR CHRISTMAS (2011) #54 Starring: John Cho, Kal Penn, Neil Patrick Harris, Fred Melamed, Directed By: Todd Strauss-Schulson MICKEY'S CHRISTMAS CAROL (1983) #53 Starring: Wayne Allwine, Alan Young, Will Ryan, Directed By: Burny Mattinson THE NIGHT BEFORE (2015) #52 Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, Anthony Mackie, Lizzy Caplan, Directed By: Jonathan Levine HOME ALONE (1990) #51 Starring: Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, Catherine O'Hara, irected By: Chris Columbus
The Polk County Fair & Rodeo Association will hold their annual membership/officer election meeting Monday January 4, 2021 at 6pm in the Association meeting room. This meeting is open to the public.
FROSTY THE SNOWMAN (1969) #50 Starring: Jimmy Durante, Jackie Vernon, Billy De Wolfe, June Foray, Directed By: Arthur Rankin Jr., Jules Bass THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY (2013) #49 Starring: Morris Chestnut, Taye Diggs, Regina Hall, Terrence Howard, Directed By: Malcolm D. Lee
Starring: Anna Kendrick, Melanie Lynskey, Mark Webber, Lena Dunham, Directed By: Joe Swanberg
THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL (1992) #42 Starring: Michael Caine, Steve Whitmire, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz, Directed By: Brian Henson
SCROOGED (1988) #48 Starring: Bill Murray, Karen Allen, John Forsythe, John Glover, Directed By: Richard Donner
A CHRISTMAS HORROR STORY (2015) #41 Starring: George Buza, William Shatner, Jessica Jane Clement, Percy HynesWhite, Directed By: Steven Hoban, Brett Sullivan, Grant Harvey
THE SANTA CLAUSE (1994) #47 Starring: Tim Allen, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, Eric Lloyd, Directed By: John Pasquin
LET IT SNOW (2019) #40 Starring: Isabela Merced, Shameik Moore, Kiernan Shipka, Odeya Rush, Directed By: Luke Snellin
BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974) #46 Starring: Olivia Hussey, Keir Dullea, Margot Kidder, John Saxon, Directed By: Bob Clark
WHITE CHRISTMAS (1954) #39 Starring: Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Vera-Ellen, Rosemary Clooney, Directed By: Michael Curtiz
THE REF (1994) #45 Starring: Denis Leary, Judy Davis, Kevin Spacey, Robert J. Steinmiller Jr., Directed By: Ted Demme
ANNA AND THE APOCALYPSE (2018) #38 Starring: Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming, Sarah Swire, Christopher Leveaux, Directed By: John McPhail
JOYEUX NOËL (MERRY CHRISTMAS) (2006) #44 Starring: Diane Kruger, Benno Fürmann, Guillaume Canet, Gary Lewis, Directed By: Christian Carion HAPPY CHRISTMAS (2014) #43
WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING (1995) #37 Starring: Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman, Peter Gallagher, Peter Boyle, Directed By: Jon Turteltaub
MOVIES continued on page28
Mon - Fri 8 am - 5:30 pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena
Owners: Stacy & Julie Nash
28 News
continued from page 27 BAD SANTA (2003) #36 Starring: Billy Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac, Tony Cox, Brett Kelly, Directed By: Terry Zwigoff THE MAN WHO INVENTED CHRISTMAS (2017) #35 Starring: Dan Stevens, Christopher Plummer, Jonathan Pryce, Miriam Margolyes, Directed By: Bharat Nalluri BATMAN RETURNS (1992) #34 Starring: Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Directed By: Tim Burton THE BISHOP'S WIFE (1948) #33 Starring: Cary Grant, David Niven, Loretta Young, Monty Woolley, Directed By: Henry Koster HAPPIEST SEASON (2020) #32 Starring: Kristen Stewart, Mackenzie Davis, Alison Brie, Aubrey Plaza, Di-
got medicare???
December 16, 2020 rected By: Clea DuVall ELF (2003) #31 Starring: Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Newhart, Edward Asner, Directed By: Jon Favreau CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT (1945) #30 Starring: Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan, Sydney Greenstreet, Reginald Gardiner, Directed By: Peter Godfrey A CHRISTMAS CAROL (1951) #29 Critics Consensus: Starring: Alastair Sim, Kathleen Harrison, Mervyn Johns, Hermione Baddeley, Directed By: Brian Desmond Hurst UN CONTE DE NOËL (A CHRISTMAS TALE) (2008) #28 Starring: Catherine Deneuve, Mathieu Amalric, Jean-Paul Roussillon, Anne Consigny, Directed By: Arnaud Desplechin GREMLINS (1984) #27 Starring: Zach Galligan, Hoyt Axton, Frances Lee McCain, Phoebe Cates, Directed By: Joe Dante TRADING PLACES (1983) #26 Starring: Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche, Directed By: John Landis BETTER WATCH OUT (2017) #25 Starring: Levi Miller, Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Dacre Montgomery, Directed By: Chris Peckover TOKYO GODFATHERS (2003) #24 Starring: Jon Avner, Shakina Nayfack, Victoria Grace (II) , Jamieson Price, Directed By: Satoshi Kon, Shôgo Furuya KISS KISS, BANG BANG (2005) #23 Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer, Michelle Monaghan, Corbin Bernsen, Directed By: Shane Black RARE EXPORTS: A CHRISTMAS TALE (2010) #22 Starring: Onni Tommila, Jorma Tommila, Ilmari Järvenpää, Peeter Jakobi, Directed By: Jalmari Helander
A CHRISTMAS STORY (1983) #21 Starring: Peter Billingsley, Darren McGavin, Melinda Dillon, Ian Petrella, Directed By: Bob Clark LITTLE WOMEN (1994) #20 Starring: Winona Ryder, Susan Sarandon, Trini Alvarado, Eric Stoltz, Directed By: Gillian Armstrong EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (1990) #19 Starring: Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder, Dianne Wiest, Anthony Michael Hall, Directed By: Tim Burton KLAUS (2019) #18 Starring: Jason Schwartzman, J.K. Simmons, Rashida Jones, Will Sasso, Directed By: Sergio Pablos JINGLE JANGLE: A CHRISTMAS JOURNEY (2020) #17 Starring: Forest Whitaker, Hugh Bonneville, Keegan-Michael Key, Phylicia Rashad RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER (1964) #16 Starring: Burl Ives, Larry D. Mann, Billy Richards, Paul Soles, Directed By: Maury Laws, Larry Roemer ARTHUR CHRISTMAS (2011) #15 Starring: James McAvoy, Hugh Laurie, Bill Nighy, Jim Broadbent, Directed By: Sarah Smith, Barry Cook DIE HARD (1988) #14 Starring: Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Reginald VelJohnson, Bonnie Bedelia, Directed By: John McTiernan REMEMBER THE NIGHT (1940) #13 Starring: Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Beulah Bondi, Sterling Holloway, Directed By: Mitchell Leisen BABES IN TOYLAND (1934) #12 Starring: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Charlotte Henry, Felix Knight, Directed By: Gus Meins, Charles 'Buddy' Rogers TANGERINE (2015) #11 Starring: Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, James Ransone, Mya Taylor, Alla Tumanian, Directed By: Sean Baker (II)
CAROL (2015) #10 Starring: Cate Blanchett, Kyle Chandler, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson, Directed By: Todd Haynes MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (1944) #9 Starring: Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Lucille Bremer, Mary Astor, Directed By: Vincente Minnelli
LITTLE WOMEN (2019) #8 Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, Directed By: Greta Gerwig
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993) #7 Starring: Chris Sarandon, Catherine O'Hara, Glenn Shadix, Danny Elfman, Directed By: Henry Selick, Tim Burton
HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS (1967) #6 Starring: Boris Karloff, June Foray, Thurl Ravenscroft, Eugene Poddany, Directed By: Chuck Jones, Ben Washam
THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER (1940) #5 Starring: Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart, Frank Morgan, Joseph Schildkraut, Directed By: Ernst Lubitsch HOLIDAY INN (1942) #4 Starring: Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Marjorie Reynolds, Virginia Dale, Directed By: Mark Sandrich
MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1947) #3 Starring: Edmund Gwenn, John Payne, Maureen O'Hara, Natalie Wood, Directed By: George Seaton
A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS (1965) #2 Starring: Peter Robbins, Christopher Shea, Tracy Stratford, Sally Dryer, irected By: Bill Melendez, Phil Roman
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) #1 Starring: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Directed By: Frank Capra
Puzzles 29
December 16, 2020
Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK
Hello! My name is Mater. I am a Coonhound mix and I am waiting for someone special. I am big handsome boy at about 78 pounds. I am good with other dogs but it is unknown if I have every been exposed to cats. I love to play and be affectionate. I would sit all day, if you want to love on me. I am a goof too! I enjoy rolling over to have my belly rubbed. I know some commands, such as sit. I am leash trained and enjoy going on walks. I should be kept on a monthly heartworm preventative to ensure my best health. I do enjoy meeting new people. So, come by HSO and ask for Mater! All selected Pet of the Week animals come with a gift package. This special starter pack in December for dogs includes a harness, leash, collar, bed, clothing, toy selection, Dog advent calendar and stocking. All animals at the Humane Society of the Ouachitas are current on their vaccinations and spayed/neutered prior to adoption.
30 Classifieds
Legislation introduced to stop Medicare Physician Payment Cuts WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators John Boozman (R-AR), Cindy HydeSmith (R-MS), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced legislation to prevent the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) planned physician payment cuts scheduled to begin January 1, 2021. The Holding Providers Harmless from Medicare Cuts During COVID-19 Act of 2020 would ensure payments to medical physicians are maintained at current levels for the next two years. “Cutting physician payments is the last thing CMS should be doing when we’re in the middle of a pandemic. Patients deserve access to quality and affordable health care. This legislation is necessary to achieve this,” Boozman said. “If our heroes this year are people who wear scrubs, then it is unconscionable to hit them with Medicare cuts as a New Year’s gift,” Hyde-Smith said. “This legislation needs to be passed before the holidays to provide relief to the very healthcare professionals who bear the burden of fighting this pandemic.” “Health care providers in North Dakota and across the country face significant financial strain caused by COVID-19. They can’t afford these cuts, and we can’t afford to lose their services,” said Cramer. “Our bill helps ensure these providers can continue the admirable service they’ve displayed throughout the pandemic without having another reason to worry about their bottom line.” “Many frontline health care providers face substantial Medicare reimbursement cuts beginning on January 1st. Our health care system is already under tremendous strain due to the pandemic. Our bill stops these cuts from
December 16, 2020
taking effect and imposing any further burden on our providers during this public health emergency,” Cotton said. “These reimbursement cuts primarily fall on the backs of health care providers across non-primary care specialties – from radiology to physical therapy to orthopaedic surgery. If theese ill-timed payment cuts go into effect, they could have a devastating effect on providers, health care practices, and, most important, patient access to care,” said Collins. “Our legislation would halt these payments cuts from going into effect at the start of the New Year, helping to ensure that we do not further burden our health care system that is already struggling due to the pandemic.” The legislation is supported by a number of health care industry groups including the American Medical Association, American Optometric Association, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons. “Our nation’s physicians are under incredible strain due to COVID-19, and this bill begins to correct a misguided and ill-timed policy that would cut health care spending in the middle of a pandemic. Time is running out to reverse these cuts and protect patients. We thank Sen. Boozman for his leadership on this issue and will continue to partner with him and his Congressional colleagues to protect patients’ access to quality surgical care,” said David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS, American College of Surgeons Executive Director. Last week, Boozman led a bipartisan group of senators calling on Senate leadership to stop the scheduled cuts. Companion legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressmen Ami Bera, M.D. (DCA) and Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-IN).
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Polk County Pulse Classifieds
December 16, 2020
Community 31
Congratulations to the following 15 Mena Band students for making the Junior High Region VIII All Region Band: Bracey Turner- 3 rd band, 4 th chair Flute Ellijah Schneider- 3 rd band, 3 rd chair Oboe Logan Shone-2 nd band, 15 th chair Clarinet Brenden Ricker-2 nd band, 1 chair Photo courtesy of Mena Public Schools Alto Saxophone Zeke Berkey-2 nd band, 2 nd chair Congratulations to Mena High School Cross Country Athletes LO- Alto Saxophone GAN MYERS & TRE MCMELLON. The pair were All-State performers Levi Neufeld-3 rd band, 1 st chair this past season. Tenor Saxophone Jokiah Look- 2 nd band, 1 st chair
Eagles soar over Leopards
The Cossatot River Eagles and Lady Eagles swept a pair of senior high contests last Tuesday night at Leopard Coliseum in De Queen. The undefeated Lady Eagles improved to 7-0 on the season with a 55-49 victory over the Lady Leopards, while the Eagles defeated the Leopards for the second time this season in the boys contest 63-55. In the girls contest, Kayla Richardson led Cossatot River to the 55-49 win with 15 points. The Lady Eagles hit 20 of 31 free throws to seal the victory. Allison Dockins, our McDonalds Player of the Night, led the De Queen girls with 17 points. Belle Lindsey added 14. Jera Cotton led the rebound charts with 8. The Lady Leopards fell to 5-4 on the season. In the boys action, Cossatot River had four players in double figures enroute to the 63-55 win. Pate Taylor led the way with 22. Hunter Burke pitched in 14. Victor Trinidad scored 13, including a perfect 10 for 10 from the charity stripe. Dakota Gentry added 11. For the Leopards, now 3-5 on the year, Will Dykes led all scorers with 29 points, and Will collected 10 rebounds. Nathan Patterson also had a double-double with 19 points and 12 boards.
Baritone Saxophone Claire Walston-1 st band, 6 th chair French Horn Scottie Gragg- 1 st band, 3 rd chair Trumpet Cason Bowling- 3 rd band, 1 st chair Trumpet Nick Williams- Trumpet Alternate Nathan Needham-3 rd band, 1 st chair Trombone Mason Brown- 3 rd band, 1 st chair Baritone Dalton McEntire- 3 rd band, 6 th chair Tuba Gabe Cunningham- Percussion Alternate
December 16, 2020
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4097- Near Vandervoort 4 plus Acres with a newly remodeled, 1800 sq. ft. 3 bdr/2 bath Home. Huge living room w/gas log fireplace. Spacious kitchen w/all new StSteel Appliances, new cabinets, pantry. Utility Room & a Mud Room. MLS200 MLS20027504 $239,500 4066- Wonderful 69 Acre Broiler and Cattle Farm includes two homes!! Beautiful 1854 sq ft Brick Home has a wrap around porch, 3 bdrs/2 baths, an office and a spacious country kitchen! The 2nd home is 1124 sq ft with 3 bdrs/2baths. The property has 3 Large ca ponds, fenced X-fenced, cattle corral, barns and sheds. MLS20017528 $940,000 4078- Come home to this spacious 2,017 sq ft 3 bdr/2.5 bath Brick home in Mena's Bethesda Heights! Cathedral ceiling w/skylights, bright windows & fireplace in the large den. New renovations include a new roof, paint, crown molding and new flooring!! Nice big workshop, shed, potting shed & fenced back yard. MLS20022215 $189,500 4132-Custom 2746 sqft 4bdr/3bath home has had many updates you should see! A large garage w/ breezeway has recently been added! Lots of Storage everywhere & custom Cabinets! On 9 acres only a few miles from Lake Wilhelmina or into Mena! MLS2003 MLS20035732 $334,999
First Financial Bank wishes you and your family a magical holiday season!
4120-Country Place with beautiful Mountain View! 2512 sq ft, 4 bdr-3 bath home with 8 acres, close to Mena. Create your own little farmstead. Newly updated, this home is a Must See! Double carport and a detached 2 car garage. MLS200 MLS20032203 $249,900 4134-This DOLL HOUSE is full of charm with timeless built-ins and surprises tucked in every corner!! 1700 sq ft 3bdr/2baths and a basement. Master bdr down, 2 bdr up. Attached carport & fenced back yard. MLS20036167 $85,000
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