December 7, 2016
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Acorn Home Destroyed by Fire
BY MELANIE BUCK • A house at 1 2 7 Emerald Lane north of Acorn was a comlete loss a ter catchin fire on Wednesday, ove er , ust a ter noon. The house is owned y Brenda Martin. t took firefi hters an hour to ain control o the a es with Acorn, nk, Dallas alley, and Polk County er ency Mana e ent res ondin . Althou h winds were hi h,
Postponed Mena Christmas Festivities Set for this Friday
Polk County Remains in Gap of I-49 Completion BY JIM PINSON & LEANN DILBECK • editor everal local leaders attended a eetin o the - Coalition held last week in De ueen. The eetin , hosted on the ca us o A Cossatot, included re ional elected o ficials, cha er o co erce re resentatives, usiness leaders, and concerned citi ens. The eetin was led y Texarkana Cha er o Co erce President Michael Malone and Coalition xecutive Director ard Wayt. Curtis reen, the President o the nternational Coalition shared in or ation a out the ro CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Cove to Host 23rd Annual Christmas Parade BY MELANIE BUCK • The Town o Cove will resent their rd annual Christas trava an a on aturday, Dece er th, at . . The arade will include s ecial uest, anta Claus. A rece tion will ollow in the Co unity Center next to Cove Town all at wy. . At the rece tion, children will e a le to talk with anta and tro hies will e awarded to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Loaded Baked
Rainy weather forced the postponement of the Mena Christmas Parade and Fireworks until this Friday, e ember 9. arade begins at 6:30 pm ith the Lana Gail and Gail For e on ert and fire orks display follo ing in anssen ark. City offi ials did de ide to ip the s it h’ to the spe ta ular Christmas lighting display in Janssen Park so residents and visitors could begin enjoying the long-standing Mena Christmas tradition. This spectacular photo was captured by Janssen Park Place B&B owner John Vacca and shows the lighted fountain in the pond with a portion of the elaborate Janssen Park display behind.
Bowl $5 Potato Soup Cup $3
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Veteran’s Service Office news@mypulsenews Changes Locations BY MELANIE BUCK
he Polk County eteran s ervice fice has ound a new ho e a ter s endin years in the ase ent o the courthouse. ective Dece er st, the eteran s ervice fice is now located in the Polk County fice Co lex the ld os ital , at Pine treet, uite . Polk County ud e Brandon llison said the new location would etter serve veterans. At the new location, there is etter arkin and no stairs. This will ake it easier access or everyone and es ecially those who had di ficulty ettin to the courthouse ase ent o fice. think the ove will e uch ore acco odatin or our veterans and that is very i ortant to e. llison also said there were a ew key volunteers that hel ed ake the transition easier. d like to say a hu e thank you to the A erican e ion, Dewayne Den on, Dou olden, and la Bass or their assistance in relocatin the . The eteran s ervice fice hours are Monday throu h riday, a. . : . . Their hone nu er is .
Sydney Crawford
Justice Neufeld
Basketball, Track, X-Country, Band
Sunshine Butterfield Basketball
Lexi Dilbeck Cheer, Choir, Band
Tyler Lyle
Sydni Fry
Band, Choir
Archery, X-Country, Basketball
CASA Fundraiser at Silver Screens BY MELANIE BUCK •
ilver creens Theater will host a s ecial showin o ow the rinch tole Christ as to raise oney or CA A Court A ointed ecial Advocates o the uachitas on Dece er th at . . Two dollars o each ticket will e donated directly to CA A o the uachitas who advocate or oster children. There will also e a a a a costu e contest at : with a i t card ri e. Ad ission is or a es and over, a es , and a es and under are ree. CA A o the uachitas advocates or oster children in Polk, evier, and Mont o ery Counties. or ore in or ation, contact the local CA A o fice at .
the arade winners. you would like to artici ate, lease contact Cove Town all at or ore in or ation. We would love to have you, said Cove Mayor, oan eadley. i tured belo : heriff- le t Christmas travagan a.
ott a yer
ins last year’s oat division in the Cove
Other great opportunities available for students to grow their talents at our campus include: Cross-Country • Track • Choir • Rodeo • F BLA FCCLA • Golf • Tennis • FFA • FCS Baseball • Softball
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Lyle Wins Acorn Constable Race
he Acorn Constable Run-Off election was held Tuesday, November 2 9 th, and Kris Lyle was declared the winner with 8 0 % of the vote. The Acorn Constable race started out with four contenders, none of which got the req uired 5 0 % plus one votes on General Election Day, November 8 th, causing a run-off between two candidates, Lyle and Frank Moore. Lyle was the incumbent candidate and has served the osition since , with one rie reak. took o fice o Acorn Constable in 2 0 0 0 and was beat by V al Reed in 2 0 0 4 . I took it back in 2 0 0 6 and have had it since then,” explained Lyle. “I’ve always enj oyed serving the public, as I have my hands in a lot of different titles... Acorn Constable, Acorn Assistant Fire Chief, Acorn Fire Department Director, first res onder, and reserve de uty or the Polk County heri s fice. Thou h this is a voluntary osition, see it as an opportunity to serve my community. The pay/ reward is in knowing the community continues to put their trust in me.” Lyle will be sworn in January along with the rest of this year s inco in elected o ficials.
Rotary Continues Dictionary Donations BY MELANIE BUCK •
he Rotary Clu o Mena Polk County recently held their annual dictionary giveaway. Each year, members of the Rotary purchase enough dictionaries to give to each child in third grade across the county. The dictionaries also include q uite a bit of reference material such as information about each state and each U .S. president. “Teachers and students welcome us to their classrooms and we get the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with them. High school teachers have told us that they have students who still have, and use, their Rotary dictionary. It is very rewarding for us to provide a book to each child and to know they are well used,” said Linda Rowe, member of the Rotary Club. In addition to the dictionary proj ect, the Club also provides classroom grants for teachers, scholarships, and support for proj ects to improve the lives of people in the community. “We honor a volunteer of the year, citi en o the year, law en orce ent o ficer o the year, and annually contri ute to the in le Parent cholarshi und, said Rowe. Rotarians can be found volunteering at Special Olympics, working in area school concession stands, supporting Chamber of Commerce activities and much more. Their signature fundraiser for the year is Wheel A’Mena - Tour to the To , a icycle ride that leaves anssen Park and ives riders the o tion o a - ile ride u the north side o Rich Mountain, or a 7 0 -mile ride into Oklahoma and returning to Mena on the Talimena Scenic Drive. 2 0 1 4 marked the third Wheel A’Mena event and where the Rotary hosted more than 8 0 cyclists from six states.
January 6, 2016 Remember Il Primo Pizza... the great Pizza Maker, Bob Wolfe and staff. We’re now under the new name of
Continuing our Christmas Tradition... You are invited to participate in our Christmas Remembrance Trees to honor the memory of your loved one at this time of year. For our thirteenth year, we invite you to bring a Christmas ornament with your loved one’s name on it, and place it on the Christmas Tree located in the foyer of Beasley-Wood Funeral Home. Each year as the holiday season comes around, the tree will be set up with the ornament from years past and the new additions as a special remembrance for the individuals that we have lost. This opportunity is not restricted to our customers or to deaths from this year but is open to memorialize anyone whom you may have lost at any time.
Jenny’s Italian Kitchen
located in Acorn at 102 Hwy 270 & 71 North, at the junction. Some great Pizza, Pasta, Sandwiches & more. Some old dishes and some new. So, call 479-243-0614 or Delivery: 479-243-0615 Winter Hours: Tues.-Sat. 11am-8:30pm Sunday 1pm-8pm Closed on Monday Drive-up Window NOW available! Come see us! Thank you, the Wolfe Family & Staff
You may bring your ornament during regular business hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
It is our sincere wish that all families find peace and comfort this holiday season. FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS
BEASLEY-WOOD FUNERAL HOME Caring for your Family since 1928 611 Janssen Avenue • Mena
Kid’s Hamburger $1.00
White Bag Special: $9.36 Egg Nog or 2 Hamburgers Pumpkin Pie Shake 2 French Fries $1.29 2 Medium Drinks
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
ect. Wayt re orted the ro ect is an international ro ect that will connect ew rleans, ouisiana with Winni e , Canada when it is co leted. e said the ro ect is a out finished with another under construction. e said that leaves that has yet to e started, with the i est o stacle ein undin . Wayt said the a ority o that is in Arkansas etween ort ith and Texarkana. Currently, in northwest Arkansas, a ile, two-lane ortion o the Bella ista y ass is ein uilt, artially unded ro the ten-year cent sales tax or hi hways a roved y Arkansas voters in . When an additional M is o tained, the By ass will ulti ately e -lane and will e rena ed - . The new sales tax is also hel in to ex and wy to six lanes etween ayetteville and Bentonville, and wy has een rena ed - . n west Arkansas in the River alley re ion, six iles o - at Cha ee Crossin o ened in uly . Po ulation rowth in reenwood, Ark. is ro ected to increase y the year . Cities like reenwood and Al a are lookin at - connections as si nificant contri utin actors to their ro ected rowth. urther south, there re ains iles ro ort ith to Texarkana, that still needs . illion in undin . Arkansas overnor Asa utchinson, who has een very vocal o his su ort o the co letion o ecause o the econo ic i act that Arkansas stands to ain ro the ro ect has co issioned a study to evaluate the ossi ility o toll roads in the state. outhwest Arkansas has seen ro ress with the ro ect with the wy astern oo around Texarkana ein o ened in . The . iles extendin wy ro Doddrid e to the ouisiana order o ened in a oint cere ony at the Arkansas ouisiana order on ove er , . wy has now een rena ed - . Malone encoura ed area residents, cha ers o co erce, and unici alities to ush or the co letion o the ro ect in Arkansas y contactin their res ective senators and re resentatives. reen said the ro ect started in and a ects states. e said when finished - will cross nine interstates and cited the i ortance o the ro ect ecause o the ex ansion o the Pana a Canal. AR ood Roads Co issioner Crai Dou lass has u licly co ented on how the Pana a Canal o enin could i act Arkansas hi hways and create a reater de and or the - co letion. everal leaders were resent ro Polk County includin Mena Mayor eor e Mc ee, Cove Mayor oan eadley, Polk County ud e Brandon llison, ARC Co-Chair ohn acca, firefi hters were a le to kee the fire ro s readin . Mena Polk County Cha er o Co erce Director Paula BaiThe cause o the fire is still undeter ined. Three individuals were inside the ho e when it cau ht fire, ut all were a le to et out sa eley and - Coalition e er ACR ounder ar isele. or ore in or ation, visit the we site www. nterstate . ly. The a ily has lost everythin . you would like to hel , contact the a ily at . or .
House Fire
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Young has Eagles Soaring In
ildli e Reha ilitator To y Youn is findin his wildli e hos ital fillin u with ea les, and e ore the nor al season or the to e in the area has even started. Youn has received our ald ea les this year, losin one hours a ter arrival, and sendin another ack into the wild a ter her reha ilitation was co lete. n ove er th, another ald ea le was rou ht in a ter ein ound with a head in ury near ot rin s. Youn ex lained that in addition to the head in ury, it also had a ractured win and li a ent slin . Dr. ullivan and will have to o in and scra e out a calciu de osit that has uilt u on the win , causin it to e una le to y, Youn said. The ea le is still in need o a s onsor as Youn has already used , o his unds to et the ederally re uired lood tests and x-rays done. Youn still has irit, the uvenile ald ea le rou ht in the rin with inc oisonin . irit has een s onsored y Construction and will re ain in reha ilitation services or several ore onths. n ove er th, he released i erty, a ald ea le
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December 7, 2016
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Corporate Office: 1311-C Hwy 71 North • Mena, AR 71953 479-394-7300 • Visit us at
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
MRHS-Santa for Soldiers BY MELANIE BUCK •
he various departments of Mena Regional Health System recently collected items for their annual “Santa For Soldiers” ro ect. ach de art ent filled several riority oxes to e shi ed with items from the soldier’s wish list. The boxes collected will be shipped to troops that have been deployed overseas. “Santa For Soldiers is one of several charitable proj ects the MRHS employees participate in each year and continues to be a tremendous success. The employees are eager to show their appreciation to our troops who are so willing to serve our county. Many servicemen/ women are unable to enj oy Christmas with their families. It is our hope that the packages will bring them j oy this holiday season,” said Sonya Maye, MRHS Marketing/ Public Relations Director.
to get
1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
Williams Medical Clinic, L.L.C.
Dr. Robert S. Williams, M.D. All Major Insurance Accepted
Rotary Club to Ministerial Alliance Visits BY MELANIE BUCK Host Annual Lions Club Breakfast with M Santa
embers of the Mena Ministerial Alliance visited with the Mena Lions Club on Friday, December 2 . Pastor Ron Tilley of Mena Assembly of God and Pastor Ann Ferris of Mena First U nited Methodist Church both spoke of the various ways the alliance helps members of the community. The group began in 2 0 0 1 and has grown to include approximately 1 5 churches from across the county. The group held their annual Community Thanksgiving Celebration recently and we were able to serve around 2 0 0 people. “We’re there to love them with God’s love and food,” smiled Ferris. They also host an Easter Sunrise Service each year at 6 a.m. at Bearcat Stadium in Mena as well as the National Day of Prayer in May, which is held at the Courthouse. Another proj ect is the Back to School Prayer Walk that began a couple of years ago. Members walk the halls, classrooms, and parking lots of local schools praying for a great year for all. Helping residents get to doctors appointments via gas cards and transportation is another outreach program that Mena Ministerial Alliance offers. “When we feel like there is a legitimate need, we want to help. We want our community to be a healthy place to live,” said Tilley. For more information on that program, contact Ferris at Mena First U nited Methodist Church, 4 7 9 -3 9 4 -3 0 5 1 .
he Rotary Club of Mena/ Polk County will host their annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 1 0 th at Papa’s Mexican Café . The event will be held from 8 a.m. – 1 0 a.m. while children enj oy a breakfast of pancakes with sausage or bacon, orange j uice, milk, chocolate milk, or coffee with the man in the big red suit – Santa Claus. Children’s plates are $ 6 each for ages 1 0 and under and adult plates are $ 8 each. Call Papa’s at 4 7 9 3 9 4 -6 5 2 1 to reserve your space by December 9 th.
Ne e d e d i n Me n a , Wi c k e s , Od e n , Ha t f i e l d , a n d Mt . I d a Ar e a s C o n ta c P: 8 70.455.16 132 Me d i c a l Na s h v Ex c e l l e n t B Op Ap p l y o n l i n e a o r e m a
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Weekly Publication
Local Businessman Suffers Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December . . . . . . . . . . .7,. 2016 ....
local Mena usiness an in ured in a one-vehicle accident in Au ust is continuin to fi ht his way ack to a nor al li e in a world-renowned acility in Colorado. Mark Craw ord, ana er o one o Mena s oldest usinesses, anders Movin tora e, was in ured when he swerved to iss a deer on Au ust near the devils eye row curve on wy . The ord icku he was drivin le t the roadway and sla ed into a tree. The collision was with such orce that the seat elt roke and Craw ord was thrown into the assen er side oor oard. e was alone at the ti e o the incident. outhWest M trans orted Craw ord to Mena Re ional ealth yste who tria ed hi and airli ted hi to t. incent in ot rin s, where it was concluded that he had su ered a trau atic s inal cord in ury alon with ulti le acial ractures, includin sta les on the to o his head, roken ri s, a roken nose, and a roken ar . Craw ord said that one doctor told hi that i he hadn t had such a uscular . inch neck, his s inal cord ro a ly would have een severed and killed hi . Craw ord was su se uently trans erred to ealth outh Reha at arks in t. ith to under o intensive thera y. Throu h a re erral y his case worker, also a Mena native, Donna trickland hort, nurses ro the world-renowned Crai nstitute in n lewood, Colo. ew in and conducted an assess ent o his in uries and deter ined that Craw ord was an excellent candidate or their ro ra that s eciali es in trau atic s inal cord in uries. Craw ord was own there in e te er and has under one additional sur eries and intensive hysical thera y. While Craw ord re ains in a wheelchair now, una le to walk, doctors have iven hi ho e that with continued intensive hysical reha ilitation, he can re ain the a ility to walk. will walk a ain, said a very deter ined Craword, who said he wants to return to nor al and et ack to walkin and workin . is other, udy, has co e out o retire ent to run the a ily usiness. Craw ord is the third eneration to run the usiness that was ounded y ene anders in and she said that she is rate ul his crew has stayed with the . he s oke o her son s deter ination to re ain walkin and return to work, e ay not e ovin ianos and un sa es any ore, ut he does want to return to work. udy said they have ade odifications to his house to allow or the wheelchair, ut they re ain deter ined that they are only te orary. Craw ord ex ressed his a reciation to Dr. ohansen and his tea at the Crai nstitute or how ar they have rou ht hi , ut said i it were not or the swi t res onse o Ro y ines and the crew o outhWest M , alon with the excellent edical care he received ro the MR er ency De t., he would have never ade it to Colorado. ven with insurance, the a ily has endured extraordinary ex enses. An account has een esta lished at nion Bank in the na e o Mark Craw ord ecial Account or anyone who is interested in assistin .
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With Warm Christmas Wishes we invite you to come by the office and register for our
HOLIDAY GIVEAWAYS!! 3610 - One of a Kind Country Estate. A c i r c l e d r i v e l e a d s u p t o t h e c u s t o m b u i l t Ha n d i c a p Ac c e s s i b l e 396 8 s q ft b r ic k h o m e th a t h a s a fr o n t p o r c h s h a d e d b y la r g e tr e e s a n d o v e r l o o k s a l o v e l y m e a d o w . Th e 13 a c r e p r o p e r t y a l s o i n c l u d e s a 30 x 50 i n s u l a t e d s h o p w i t h 2 r o l l u p d o o r s w / b a c k 12x 50 s h e d a n d a n o t h e r 20x 24 s h o p . Th e b e a u tifu l m e a d o w in fr o n t a n d to th e s id e c o u ld b e fe n c e d fo r a h o r s e p a s tu r e o r fo r liv e s to c k to a d d a d d itio n a l e n j o y m e n t t o t h i s b e a u t i f u l p r o p e r t y . MLS16005426 $370,000 3667 - Southern Living Raised Farm House Style Home i s c o m p le te w ith r o c k e r s o n th e fr o n t p o r c h !! F r o m th e d e lig h tfu l e n tr y w a y y o u w ill s e e a lib r a r y /s tu d y to th e le ft a n d th e g r a n d G r e a t r o o m w h ic h fe a tu r e s tr ip le c r o w n m o ld in g , fir e p la c e fla n k e d b y c u s to m s h e lv in g a n d F r e n c h d o o r s le a d in g to th e b a c k p o r c h . Th e C h e f s d r e a m k i t c h e n h a s c u s t o m i z e d d r a w e r s a n d p u l l o u t s w ith C h e r r y c a b in e ts , g r a n ite c o u n te r to p s , g a s c o o k to p a n d d o u b l e w a l l o v e n s . Re c e n t l y a n i n -g r o u n d s w i m m i n g p o o l , c o m p le te w ith s to n e s u r r o u n d , fir e p it, p e r g o la a n d p o o l h o u s e h a s b e e n a d d e d t o t h e l o v e l y b a c k y a r d . Si t u a t e d o n 5 a c r e s i n a l o v e l y c o u n t r y s e t t i n g . MLS16026108 $375,000
January 6, 2016
who had een itten y a o cat. That ade Youn s rd ald ea le to e released in years and his th ea le release alto ether. n addition to the ea les Youn is already housin , he received a call Monday ni ht ro Arkansas a e and ish that another ea le was ein delivered to hi ro orthwest Arkansas, eanin another , or initial testin lus, additional aids to co lete the reha ilitation rocess. To hel su ort the ea les, or other ani als Youn is reha ilitatin , contact hi at . A reward is still ein o ered or the reak-in and the t o the ani al hos ital in cto er. The investi ation into who co itted the cri es is on oin . Arkansas a e and ish are investi atin the oachin o a resident our-year old deer and the Polk County heri s De art ent is investi atin the ro ery o the useu . Youn and his su orters are o erin a , reward or in or ation leadin to the arrest and conviction o the erson or ersons res onsi le. you have any in or ation, contact the Polk County heri s De art ent at or To y Youn at .
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December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Couple Finds Understanding with Members of Remembering Hearts Forever BY MELANIE BUCK •
hen a loss is suffered, especially the lost of a child, they say that no one can truly understand unless they’ve een throu h it the selves. owever, there are rou s out there that are created s ecifically or a ilies o such tragedies, to provide emotional support, an understanding ear. Bob and Margie Ledbetter, of Mena, have been members of a local group, Remembering Hearts Forever, for around three years and as Bob said, “The meetings help you realize that there are more people in the same boat.” Bob and Margie are parents of forever 1 7 -year old Aaron Ledbetter who lost his life tragically in a car accident when hit by a drunk driver in 1 9 9 5 . “He was three months shy of graduating high school,” Bob explained. In a tragedy that would change an entire town, Aaron, along with two other friends, Chance and Ruby, lost their lives and hundreds of hearts were broken in one fell swoop. Chance and Ruby were killed instantly, but Aaron held on for eight days before being declared brain dead. “He was an ‘ All American’ boy. He participated in sports, band, theatre arts, sang and danced in front of people. He was an excellent baseball player. He was compassionate, he cared for people,” Bob said. His compassion went beyond the normal teenager. As a member of PALS ( Peer Assistance and Leadershi , Aaron entored first and second raders. The est thin he ever did was ein a member of PALS. He loved kids. One of his teachers would call him the pied piper. He would o out to recess with the kids and they would ut their hands in his ockets, fingers in his belt loops and hung around his legs; anything to be close to him.” His parents said the second graders sang at his funeral. They also made him a book of letters that each of the students wrote to Aaron. Some letters telling of how he made them smile, others on how much they would miss him. Aaron was also an organ donor, extending his life in a way. His heart was donated to a man in Houston who was able to live for several more years. His kidney went to a man in Lubbock. When the Ledbetters were able to reach the organ recipients, they became like family to them. “The man who received Aaron’s kidney said that he and his wife were unable to have children, but after the transplant, they have had four since. They are j ust like our grandchildren. We visit during the holidays and have dinner with them.”
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December . . . . . . . . . . 7,. .2016 ....
Remembering Hearts
Christmas Potluck at Art Gallery SUBMITTED
n Wednesday, December 1 4 , at 6 :3 0 p.m., Mena Art allery will hold its annual Christ as Potluck at the gallery, 6 0 7 Mena Street. Come, bring something good to eat, and j oin the un. You do not have to e a e er, and this is a great chance to get to know the people who make your local art gallery possible. We are a non- rofit C cor oration so, basically, we are a bunch of volunteers who love the arts not all o us are artists and do what we can to ake sure this or ani ation continues. ince its start in 1 9 4 5 , we have been growing from a few people meeting in their living rooms to the current 1 8 5 memers. We rin you a do en shows a year all the way ro the Youn Artists xhi it eaturin the work o children and teens to the annual uachita x ressions fine arts exhi it, Photo ra hy how, and Art o the Heartland national j uried painting competition.
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January 6, 2016
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Remembering his sweet smile, Margie said, “I remember his sweetness the most. He took me to my college graduation party and he went over and shook everyone’s hand. He was the one that talked me into going. We went to church together. I had gotten a new dress and twirled around in my new dress and he j ust smiled and said, ‘ you look good.’ He and I had a bond and I know that he knows I loved him and he loved me.” A fond memory of Bob’s shows yet another example of the kindness in Aaron’s heart. “They had a scrimmage in Springtown. Aaron went in as the fourth pitcher and the smallest kid in Springtown put it over the fence, a homerun. Aaron went over to third ase and hi h-fived the kid as he went y. You don t see that out o any. To cope with such a loss, the Ledbetters have tried various groups but none had j ust what they were searching for. Bob ex lained, don t really understand closure. t s not so ethin you ever et over, you ust learn to live with it. You have a forever hole in your heart and a void in your life. The best thing to do is remember the good things. Remembering Hearts Forever is different in that they don’t concentrate on how they died, they are more about helping you get through it.” Margie added, Diane Mathis leader o the rou is an an el and everyone that she touches, touches us in turn. They are definitely there to love and support you and grieve with you. We hope that Aaron’s story brings families closer together. At the time of his death, we saw people talking to their parents, telling them they love them. It was three children from the same school. It affected a lot of people” “We’ve all lost children,” said Bob. “We still all have different feelings about it, but we still understand the loss.” If you would like to learn more about Remembering Hearts Forever, you can contact Diane Mathis at 4 7 9 -2 4 3 -0 1 9 1 . The group will hold their annual Candle Lighting Ceremony on Sunday, December 1 1 th at 5 :3 0 p.m. at the U nion Bank of Mena Community Room. “We will light a candle and say our child’s name,” explained Mathis. “Bring your family and friends to share this remembrance with us. After the lighting we will stay and visit with others that understand.” They are also currently sellin ra e tickets or a ron e statue that will e drawn or at the candle li htin . Tickets are $ 1 each, or 6 for $ 5 , or 2 5 for $ 2 0 . The statue is a boy and girl playing leapfrog and stands almost two feet tall. Tickets can e urchased ro Rosanna Youn lood at Charie Ma ry at isa Masters at or Diane Mathis at . They are also availa le at nion Bank, reedo Water, and The ho . The ra e roceeds will enefit their Me orial arden, located on the courthouse lawn.
Weekly Publication
1341 Mena Street, Mena
. . December . . . . . . . . . . .7,. .2016 .................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Master Chief Quarter Master Alan “Jerry” Wilson, Sr., age 80, died peacefully in his Mena, AR home on December 01, 2016. He was a 22-year veteran submarine sailor and river patrol boat commander in the Navy. He served three tours on River Patrol Boats in the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War and was awarded many commendations, including a Bronze Star. After retiring from the Navy, Alan attended Purdue University Extension in Michigan City, Indiana where he obtained an Associates Degree in Accounting. For the next fifteen years, he worked as an accountant and subsequently as sales manager for Sullaire Corporation in Michigan City, Indiana. He finished his working life as an independent long-haul trucker operating out of Mena, Arkansas. QMCM Wilson was born on May 10, 1936 in Chicago, Illinois to parents Gustav Wilson and Lillian Sunderman. He married Carroll Wilson in 1972. He is survived by his daughters, Dana and Stacey; his sons, Dave and Alan Jr.; and a sister, Barbara Rogers. His kindness and patience touched the lives of many, and all who knew him respected and loved him. His memory will live on in the hearts of his family and friends, and he will never be forgotten. Arrangements were made under Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena.
Vera Mae Reeder, age 91, of Mena, passed away Saturday, November 26, 2016 in Mena. Vera Mae was born in Rich Mountain, Arkansas on March 8, 1925 to the late Andrew Jackson Reeder and the late Sarah Lennis Little Reeder. She was a member of the First Christian Church in Rich Mountain. She is survived by nieces, Patricia Lacefield of Russellville, Arkansas, Lavern Beaty of Mena, Arkansas; nephews, Ronald Davis of Rich Mountain, Arkansas, Bobby Davis of Foreman, Arkansas, Charlie Reynolds of Mena, Arkansas; many other nieces and nephews from California and Maryland. She was preceded in death by her parents, Andrew and Sarah Reeder, and six siblings. Funeral services will be Thursday, December 1, 2016, 2:00 p.m. in Beasley Wood Chapel in Mena with Brother Lewis Martin and Brother Roy Powell officiating. Interment will follow in the Eagleton Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Pallbearers will be Anthony Davis, Jerry
Davis, Mike Lacefield, TJ Frachiseur, Ronald Davis and Bobby Davis.
ADELAIDE “ADDIE” GARNER Adelaide “Addie” Garner, age 90, of Cove, died Sunday, December 4, 2016 at the Mena Manor. She was born on Thursday, April 22, 1926 to James Addison and Irene Stocks Williams in West Point, Texas. Addie graduated in 1944 at Smithville High School in Smithville, Texas. In 1948, she married her husband, J.A. Garner in Indianhead, Maryland. In 1959, she and her family moved to Polk County and in 1965 moved to Cove. She was a very active member of the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Cove where she enjoyed church social and baking breads for them. Addie was a loving sister in law, cousin, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; her beloved son, Jimmy Garner; sister in law and brother in law, Marie and James Andrews; very special aunts and uncles, cousins. Addie is survived by her brother and sister in law, Hershel and Anita Garner of Gallatin, Texas; nephew, Stephen Darner and wife, Carolyn Garner of Nacogdoches, Texas; and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be Friday, December 9, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. at the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Cove with Brother Charles Sutton officiating. Interment will follow in the Pleasant Grove Cemetery under the direction of Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Visitation will be general at the Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Online Guestbook:
LEVIETA FAYE EHRET Levieta Faye Ehret, age 55, of Mena, passed away Saturday December 3, 2016 in Mena. Mrs. Ehret was born in Atlanta, Georgia on December 28, 1960 to Clarence Edward Houston and Betty Joe Gentry. She was married to William “Bill” Ehret and was a loving homemaker. Most of all she loved serving God first and foremost, followed by taking care of her family and friends. She loved to give hugs and receiving hugs, she loved people. Faye enjoyed doing arts and crafts and enjoyed decorating. She was a dedicated wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She will be dearly missed by all. She is survived by, husband, William Ehret of the home; sons, Brian Ehret and Christopher Ehret; daughters, Amber Paulson and Lisa Jo Jolley; grandchildren, Marik and Illyan Jolley, Ashlynn, Kennyth, and Nikole Denley-Ehret, Honesty London, Jeanquanette Munn, and Serenity Ehret; great-grandchildren, Hayden Ehret, Jullian Paulson, Blessing Paulson; mother, Betty Murray; brothers, Clarence Houston and
Randy Houston, Sr.; sisters, Rebecca Houston, Pauline Matura and Paula Drummond; and many other relatives and church family Funeral services will be Saturday, December 10, 2016 2:00 p.m. at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church with Brother Justin Leonard officiating. Interment will follow in the Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friends visitation will be Friday, December 9, 2016 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Beasley Wood. Pallbearers will be Brian Ehret, Christopher Ehret, Grady Wilds, Thomas Paulson, Wesley Schuller, and Lance Bernardini.
ELVIN HUSTON DAVIS Elvin Huston Davis, age 77, of Mena, went to be with his Heavenly Father on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 in Mena,
Arkansas. Elvin was born in Blackfork, Arkansas on November 25, 1939 to the late Johnnie R. Davis and the late Almira Ensminger Davis. He was married to Armel Mae Byford Davis and proudly served his country in the United States Navy. Elvin worked as a paint salesman in the retail business. His hobbies included hunting and fishing with family and friends, also gardening and watching sports. Elvin was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend to all who knew him. All will dearly miss him. He is survived by wife, Armel Mae Davis of Mena, Arkansas; son, Lee Davis and wife Joyce of Marshall, Texas; daughter, Dr. Kay Davis and husband Jeff Hoesel of Colterville, Missouri; grandchildren, Leanna Davis of Wichita, Kansas, Houston Davis of Little Rock, Arkansas, Clifford Dollar of Cameron, Oklahoma; step-son, Jerry Staggs and wife Tammy of Mena, Arkansas; step-daughters, Sandy Egger and husband Ron of Mena, Arkansas, Verla Kinsey and husband Dana of Mena, Arkansas; step-grandchildren, Evan Kinsey of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, Justin Kinsey and wife Dymond of Mena, Arkansas, Brenna May of Woodbury, Tennessee, Staci May and Lara May of Mena, Arkansas, Laney Staggs and Katelynn Staggs of Mena, Arkansas, Darian Shockley and husband Brett of Spiro, Oklahoma; great-grandchildren, Maycie and Wyatt Laxton of Woodbury, Tennessee, Lane Shockley of Spiro, Oklahoma; brothers, Vernon Davis and wife Judy of Decatur, Arkansas, Denver Davis and wife Leisa of Mena, Arkansas; nieces and nephews, Hal Davis, Rebecca Ebsen, Sheila Weems, Karen Stewart, Brian Davis, and Brandi Goodwin. He was preceded in death by his parents, Johnnie and Toots Davis, a daughter Nancy Gail Davis, and a brother Herman Davis. Funeral services were Saturday, December 3, 2016, 10:00 a.m. at Acorn Baptist Church with Brother Roger Bishop and Brother Dana Kinsey officiating. Interment followed in the
Piney Cemetery in Blackfork, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friends visitation was Friday, December 2, 2016, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Beasley Wood Chapel.
Steve Loyd Cole, age 59, of Mena, Arkansas passed away Saturday December 3, 2016 at his home in Mena. Steve was born in Mena, Arkansas on October 21, 1957 to the late Loyd Jackson Cole and Vivian Maxine Jackson Cole. He was married to Michelle French Cole and worked for Arkansas Highway Department. Steve loved watching sports and was an avid Razorback fan. He was a longtime member of the Mena Elks Lodge. Steve along with wife Michelle opened their home to several foreign exchange students. One of his favorite places was hanging out with his “men friends” at the Fox Den, sharing stories. Steve had a deep love for his family and friends and enjoyed his dogs, Lucky and Maggie. He was a loving son, husband, and friend to all who knew him. He will be missed by all. He is survived by wife, Michelle Cole of 32 years; mother, Vivian Maxine Cole of Mena, Arkansas; and special friend, who Steven loved as a son, Julian Latke of Germany. He was preceded in death by his father, Loyd Jackson Cole. Mass of Christian Burial will be Friday, December 9, 2016 at St. Agnes Catholic Church at 1:00 p.m. with Father Norbert Rappold as Celebrant. Interment will follow in the Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friends visitation will be Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Beasley Wood Chapel. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Mena Elks Lodge Elderly Food Pantry. Pallbearers will be Mark Matejek, Tom Matejek, Roy Baker, Randy Pounds, Eric Hughes, Jerrod Posey, Chance Strother, and Brandon Craig.
Caring for your family since 1928 479-394-1310 611 Janssen Ave. Mena, AR 71953
December 7, 2016
Eat, Shop, Spend, Enjoy – LOCAL BY LEANN DILBECK •
ood things come in small packages… and big ones too! The Shop Mena First Holiday Gift Guide is full of uniq ue ideas for that hard to buy someone, that person who already has everything, or maybe that someone that you truly want to honor or impress! Originality is always a plus when giving a gift and how about one that is Arkansas made? Check out these beauties available at American Artisans in the downtown Arts District at 6 1 5 Mena Street. The Chrisman’s say it is their best selling line, being made in Huntsville, Ark. by artists Jeff and Judy Goodwin on their 1 0 0 acre farm nestled in the Ozark Mountains. The work is an ancient techni ue called illifiore involvin care ully laid locks o u to , ieces o colored orcelains. Cross sections o the lock are then sliced o , or ed into sha es, sanded, la ed, and fired ti es. The finishin touch is kt. old ein a lied to the ed es and ein fired a final ti e. The result is an exq uisite, uniq ue, durable… and let’s not forget… wearable piece of art! Nothing impresses the ladies q uite like a gift that not only dangles, but shimmers… and says the gift is as uniq ue as she is! ust like no outfit is co lete without accessories no roo is co lete without the accessories Wash urn s o e urnishin s at Mena treet is known or its stylish and co orta le urniture or every roo o your house ut re e er, it s not co lete until you accessori e The desi n roessionals at Wash urn s can hel you select from their wide variety of wall or table dé cor spanning three showrooms, that is guaranteed to not only complete the look, but demonstrate your ‘ good taste and style’! Good health is at the center of happiness, right? So, consider this uniq ue gift eatured at the le ar ouse, now in their new location at wy outh F u ll Line D ru g store • Larg e Selection of G ifts across ro Pulse Multi-Media alt a s Brou ht out of the Himalayan Salt Mines, salt has been known for its healing powers dating back thousands of years. Asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory sufferers would be sent to live in the salt chambers of the mountain as a cure for their Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am-6 pm ailment… and now you can have the same results right in
Connie’s Purses 710 4th Street • Mena, AR Sat. • 9 am -12:30 pm Sun. • Closed
710 4th Street • Mena, AR Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am-6 pm 479-394-4535 Sat. • 9 am -12:30 pm Sun. • Closed
• 908 Mena St., Mena
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December 7, 2016
your own home! Salt lamps create negative ions, which attach themselves to positive ones ( the bad ones) , conseq uently, making them very heavy. They then fall to the ground or surface in your home as dust that is then easily vacummed or dusted. Healthy and attractive, salt lamps may be the cure for your ‘ already has everything somebody’ on your holiday shopping list! Loaves and Fishes located at 3 3 5 4 Hwy 7 1 j ust south of Mena has the gift that embodies what the Christmas message is all about – Bibles. They have a wide-variety of sizes, colors, translations, bold print, and can be personalized by being embossed with their name. They also have a variety of study Bibles to help someone grow spiritually in their walk of faith. Sharing truth and love as a gift this Christmas season not only remembers the reason for the season, but shows how much special they are to you to give a gift that gives life and life everlasting! Sears has been one of the “go to” shops for Christmas for decades and this year is no different! Sears Hometown Store at 9 0 8 South Mena Street in Mena has all your appliance, tool, and lawn & garden needs covered! During this holiday season, they will have great offers including 2 5 % off of appliances and up to 5 0 % off of tools! Make Mom happy and save $ 7 0 0 on a new Kenmore 2 7 .6 cubic foot french door refrigerator with ice maker, or shop the tool aisle for the perfect gift for Dad! Mike has j ust returned to the Cowboy & Indian Trading Post at 5 1 5 Sherwood Avenue with a large selection of stylish purses and wallets. Some styles feature the very popular fringe design that is all the rage this season. There is a diverse collection of colors, si es, and styles ro sleek and classy to studded u lin or that country irl air ut all are well cra ted and any are so t, enuine leather that will be able to withstand many “shop til you drop” outings. Impress her with a gift that is personable and stylish!
The Ole’ Farm House
1171 Hwy 71 South, mena • 479-385-2151
Salt Lamps
Brought out of the Himalayan Salt Mines, salt has been known for its healing powers dating back thousands of years. Asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory sufferers would be sent to live in the salt chambers of the mountain as a cure for their ailment. Salt lamps create negative ions, which attach themselves to positive ones (the bad ones), consequently making them very heavy. They then fall to the ground or surface in your home as dust that is then easily vacuumed or dusted.
Sunday - Friday 10 am - 5:30 pm Closed Saturday
Cowboy & Indian TRADING POST 515 SHERWOOD AVE | MENA | 479-243-9394 HOURS: MON.-SAT. 9:30 AM - 5 PM
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615 Mena Street • Mena, AR Open Wednesday through Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm Lunch Served 11:00am - 3:00pm Serving Soups, Salads and Sandwiches
Weekly Publication
Thursday, 12/8 •10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. •11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Polk County Sociable Seniors December Lunch at Union Bank of Mena Community Room. •11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County meets at Papa s Mexican Caf . Contact Lisa Martin at 216-3383 or Charles Pitman at 216-4882 for more information. •12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. •12:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m. - The Sonlighters In Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. •1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God Distributes food at 2111 Sutherland or call 394-1229. •5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. •5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. •5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous women s meeting at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. •6:00 p.m. – MHS Class of 1959 Christmas Party at The Chopping Block. Questions call, 479-394-6221. •6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist. •6:00 p.m. – Hatfield’s Lion’s Club meets at the Lions Club Field House. •6:30 p.m. – Mena Chapter #243, Order of the Eastern Star meets at the Masonic Temple at 701 Port Arthur. Refreshments at 6:30; meeting at 7:00 p.m. •6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Saint Agnes Church Parish Hall. •7:00 p.m. – Mena Middle and High School Band Concert at MHS Performing Arts Center. •7:00 p.m. – Polk County Genealogy Society meeting at the Polk County Library, 410 8th Street. •7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. •7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meets for a business meeting and training at the Fire Station. Friday, 12/9 •8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. •10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Christmas Open House at Mena Art Gallery. Hot drinks and chili during and after Parade of Lights. •12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South.
•6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Wickes First Baptist Church. 107 N 2nd Street, Wickes AR. •6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Gator and Friends will be playing at the American Legion in Acorn. $6.00 admission. Potluck, 50/50 raffle. •7:30 p.m. – Open House and Live Nativity at Mena First United Methodist Church. •8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. Saturday, 12/10 •8:00 a.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church presents Christmas Hope breakfast and children s shoe giveaway. Children must be present to receive shoes. •8:15 a.m. – Home Front Warriors CMA Chapter 377 Breakfast Bible Study, Lime Tree Restaurant, Public is invited. •9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Growing Up Wild, Exploring Nature with Children Workshop at Cossatot River State Park. Meet at Visitor Center s Legacy Room. •1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery has children s art classes. •2:00 p.m. – Cove’s 23rd Annual Christmas Xtravaganza. Parade and reception with Santa. •3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. •6:00 p.m. – Alder Springs Community Christmas Party. Bring a covered dish and gift to share. •7:00 p.m. – Holly Grove Church in Grannis will have Gospel Music. •8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 479-243-0297 or 479-2164606. Sunday, 12/11 •9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Winter’s Nature Investigation Hike at Cossatot River State Park. Meet at Low Water Bridge below Visitor Center. •2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Feed the Critters at Cossatot River State Park. Meet at Visitor Center. •2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. •3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Animals in Winter at Cossatot River State Park. Meet at Visitor s Center Legacy Room. •5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. •6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Saint Agnes Church Parish Hall. Monday, 12/12 •9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center will serve free Groceries & free Toiletry to the needy at 1200 Reeves Ave, Mena.
•12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. •3:00 p.m. – The Airport Commission will meet in the RMCC Boardroom located in the Spencer Building, 1100 College Drive. •6:00 p.m. – CASA Fundraiser at Silver Screens Cinema. Watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Pajama costume contest begins at 5:30 p.m. •6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. •6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. •7:00 p.m. – Acorn Choir Concert in the new music room. •7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. •7:00 p.m. – Mena Elks Lodge meeting. All Elks are invited to attend. •7:30 p.m. – Mountain Meadow Chapter #22 Order of the Eastern Star meet at the Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge Hall in Hatfield. Tuesday, 12/13 •8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. •10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. •11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and work with other artists. •12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters In Action Card Shop will be open at 3671Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. •12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch Library will be open. •5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. •5:30 p.m. – Second Tuesday Book Club meets at Christ piscopal Church, Annex Building, 809 Church Street. If you enjoy reading good books, The Club is looking for additional members. For more information and details call 394-1482 or 394-6221. •5:30 p.m. – The American Legion Board of Trustees and Auxiliary will meet at the American Legion Building at Veterans Memorial Park. Potluck will be served at 6:00 p.m. The Legion meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. •7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for the families of addicts and alcoholics meets at the ABC Club. •7:00 p.m. – Acorn Band Concert in the old gym. •7:00 p.m. – The Dallas Valley R.V.F.D. meets for maintenance at the Firehouse. •7:00 p.m. – The Rocky Fire Department meets. All members are encouraged to attend. •7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music
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at Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room. •8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479-2343043. Wednesday, 12/14 •11:30 a.m. – Polk County Retired Teachers will meet at Papa s. They will have a Dirty Santa party. All Polk County retired school employees are encouraged to attend. •The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena at noon. •12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. •12:00 p.m. – Mena Lioness Lions Club meeting at Limetree. For more information, call 243-3752. Guests welcome. •12:00 p.m. – Quality of Life Outreach meeting at Lavilla Restaurant. •5:45 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. •6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – The Southside Church of God Warriors for Christ will meet. •6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries at Mena Church of God Hwy 88 East. •6:15 p.m. – Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru 5th Grade; Collide Youth Ministry – 6th Thru 12th Grades; and Adult Bible Study at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church. •6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. •7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. •7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the Catholic Faith begins in the Parish Hall of St. Agnes Catholic Church at 203 8th St. There is no cost or obligation and anyone interested is invited to attend. Call 394-1017 or 394-5655 for more information.
January 6, 201
. .December . . . . . . . . . . 7, . . 2016 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
MMS Flies Drones K
yle Rowland with the Polk County Emergency Management Services recently gave the Mena Middle School EAST students an opportunity to y drones. The students are very interested in learnin a out drones and how they can e used, said MM A T acilitator, Melissa uns ord. Cale Crow, student, is deterined drones could e used to scan roo s or da a e. This would allow the elderly a way to actually see their roo to avoid ein sca ed y eo le sellin the a new roo when they don t need one.
MONDAY 12/12 le ci amo mu fi , ucky harms, heerio s, stri g cheese, ears, gra e juice, milk TUESDAY 12/13 herry rudel, utterscotch oatmeal ar, mi ed ruit, ruit juice, milk WEDNESDAY 12/15 i i a cakes, stra erry a a a yogurt, a imal crackers, a lesauce, milk THURSDAY 12/16 i amo reak ast rou d, herrio s, ri , raisi s, cherry star, milk FRIDAY 12/17 hocolate mu fi , stra erry a a a yogurt, graham crackers, diced eaches, a le juice, milk
MMS All-Region Chior S
everal Mena Middle School Choir e ers recently auditioned and were selected to e a art o the Re ion West All Re ion Choir. The students participated in the All Region Clinic and Concert in Benton on ove er . Pictured are: Back row, le t to ri ht: Monica Deater, Cora Curry, o an awrence, Madalyn Turner, oe McPherson, and eather eal. ront row, le t to ri ht: ack den, vette arnar, and Anna elle eath
livia Bet , Allison
Bearcats Victorious In Waldron BY EASTON LEONARD
ast Tuesday, the Mena Bearcats traveled to Waldron to take on their arch rival Bulldo s. Both tea s went ack and orth in the first ei ht inutes, ut the Bearcats were a le to take a oint lead into the second uarter, outscorin Waldron - . The ace stayed the sa e in the se-cond uarter, allowin Mena to attain a oint lead headin into hal ti e, with the score - . n the third uarter, Mena started ullin away with the a e, outscorin the Bulldo s - to ake the score oin into the final uarter o lay. The Bearcats finished o Waldron in the last ei ht inutes, outscorin the Bulldo s - , to win the a e y oints. Connor arvey led the Bearcats in scorin with oints, while Cross u hes added oints and Darius i s oints.
MONDAY 12/12 E L E M E N T A R Y : i a stick, cheese urger, cor , roccoli, a le, juice, milk M I D D L E S C H O O L : i a stick, sausage i a, e ero i i a, chicke so t taco, cor , roccoli, a le H I G H S C H O O L : i a stick, i a choice, ee , chicke or cheese achos, ee or chicke melt, chicke te ders, cheese urger TUESDAY 12/13 E L E M E N T A R Y : alis ury steak, oodles, ri atty sa d ich, gree ea s, red e er stri s, ora ge, a le juice, milk M I D D L E S C H O O L : alis ury steak, oodles, atty sa d ich, cheese i a, e ero i i a, gree ea s, red e er stri s, ora ge H I G H S C H O O L : alis ury steak, i a choice, ee , chicke or cheese achos, ee or chicke taco, ri atty sa d ich, hot dog, chicke sa d ich, o cor chicke urrito WEDNESDAY 12/15 E L E M E N T A R Y : ra ge o cor chicke , roccoli, ci la tro rice, chicke uggets, readstick, s eet otato tots, ruit, gra e juice, milk M I D D L E S C H O O L : ra ge o cor chicke , roccoli, cila tro rice, chicke uggets, readstick, s eet otato tots, ruit, gra e juice armesa o at read, chicke te ders, H I G H S C H O O L : o cor chicke ham urger, ee , chicke or cheese achos, ee or chicke tacos THURSDAY 12/16 E L E M E N T A R Y : hicke e e rose asta, readstick, hot dog, lack ea s, cucum er tomato salad, ca talou e, ora ge juice, milk M I D D L E S C H O O L : hicke e e rose asta, readstick, chick e ajita, lack ea s, celery sticks ra ch, ruit H I G H S C H O O L : ot dog, chicke sa d ich, ee or chicke taco, ee chicke or cheese a chos, chicke ajita FRIDAY 12/17 E L E M E N T A R Y : e ero i i a, slo y joes, a y carrots, colesla , ruit salad, juice, milk M I D D L E S C H O O L : i a o ly H I G H S C H O O L : i a ly This weekly info proudly sponsored by:
Insurance with a name you know STATE FARM INSURANCE 624 Sherwood Avenue, Mena, AR
479.394.4521 Res. 479.394.1895
Weekly Publication
Acorn High School Upcoming Concerts T
Acorn Tigers Sweep Varsity Basketball Games Against Horatio T
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December . . . . . . . . . . .7,. .2016 ........
uesday night, the Horatio Lions traveled to Acorn High School to take on the Tigers in a few good games of basketball. To start the varsity games off, the Lady Tigers and Lady Lions set up for tip-off. After a slow start, Acorn was a le to outscore oratio in the first uarter - . The ady Ti ers o tained an excellent start in the second uarter, orcin oratio to call a ti eout with : le t in the uarter with Acorn on to - . A ter the ti eout, Acorn held the ady ions to only oints in the second uarter, akin the score - at hal ti e. n the third uarter, the ady Ti ers outscored oratio - , akin the score oin into the final uarter o lay. The ady Ti ers had another hi h scorin uarter in the ourth, outscorin the ady ions to ake the final score - . A ter a oint win y the ady Ti ers, the Acorn oys re ared to ti -o the final game of the night. Acorn took an early 7 -2 lead against Horatio and never looked back, outscorin the ions - in the first uarter. The Ti ers continued their excellent shootin er or ance in the second uar-ter, scorin to ake the score - heading to halftime. Both tea s de enses held each other to only oints a iece in the third uarter, kee in Acorn s lead at oin into the ourth uarter with the score - . n the ACORN SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST ourth uarter, oth tea s shot the all well, ut Acorn was a le to extend their lead and MONDAY 12/12 V ariety cereal, toast, french toast sticks w/ syrup, oranges, ulti ately eat the ions y a score o - . yogurt, juice, milk or oratio, endrix led the ions in scorin with oints, while Black had TUESDAY 12/13 V ariety cereal, toast w/ jelly, cinnamon roll, yogurt, apripoints. cots, juice, milk Aaron Bissell led the Tigers in scoring with 2 1 points, Leo Jacinto followed with 2 0 , WEDNESDAY 12/14 V ariety cereal, toast w/ jelly, sausage & cheese biscuit, Tyler Bates oints, ak A ott oints, Daniel Cottrell oints, o an rost peaches, juice, milk points, and both Josh Swint and Dylyn Hayner scored 3 points. THURSDAY 12/15 V ariety cereal, oatmeal w/ dried cranberries, bananas, yogurt, goldfish graham crackers, juice, milk To the Class of 1988 FRIDAY 12/16 V ariety cereal, toast w/ jelly, Pancake on a stick w/ syrup, applesauce, yogurt, juice, milk and the communities of Grannis, Gillham, Wickes,
he Acorn High School Choir, grades 6 -1 2 , will be performing their Christmas concert on Monday, December 1 2 th at 7 :0 0 pm. They will be performing in the new Tornado Shelter/ Music Room. The Acorn High School Band and Beginning Band will be performing their Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 1 3 th at 7 :0 0 pm. They will be performing in the Old Gym.
January 6, 201
ACORN SCHOOL’S LUNCH MONDAY 12/12 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Chicken fajitas, beef tamale pie, spanish rice, refried beans, oranges, jell-o, salad bar, juice, milk. 7 T H – 12T H G R A D E : Chicken fajitas, beef tamale pie, pizza , spinach tice, refried beans, oranges, J ell-o, salad bar, juice, milk TUESDAY 12/13 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Hamburger, chicken patty sandwich, tater tots, oranges, jell-o, graham crackers, salad bar, juice, milk. 7 T H – 12T H G R A D E : Hamburger, chicken patty sandwich, pizza , tater tots, oranges, jell-o, salad bar, juice, milk WEDNESDAY 12/14 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Popcorn chicken, ham & cheese sandwich, fries, bananas, J ell-o, graham crackers, salad bar, juice, milk. 7 T H – 12T H G R A D E : Popcorn chicken, ham & cheese sandwich, pizza , fries, bananas, J ell-o, graham crackers, salad bar, juice, milk THURSDAY 12/15 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Chili dog, corn dog, peas & carrots, graham crackers, pineapple tidbits, salad bar, juice, milk. 7 T H – 12T H G R A D E : Chili dog, corn dog, pizza , peas & carrots, graham crackers, pineapple tidbits, salad bar, juice, milk FRIDAY 12/16 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, chicken alfredo, breadstick, black eyed peas, apples, salad bar, juice, milk. 7 T H – 12T H G R A D E : Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, chicken alfredo, pizza , breadsticks, black eyed peas, apple, salad bar, juice, milk
Acorn Menus Sponsored by:
DeQueen, Mena and the entire surrounging area... Our entire family cannot possibly express our appreciation enough to each and ever y person who organized, cooked, ser ved, donated, participated and prayed for and with us during the Benefit for John Frachiseur. The example of compassion and selflessness this community embodies is a blessing a lot of people will never experience. We will forever be thankful for your love and support. It is truly a blessing to be reminded of so much good in the world. We love each of you and thank you! Love, John, Tonya, Austin, Cayla, Lexie and our family.
Prices effective November 29, 2016 - December 27, 2016
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. .December . . . . . . . . . . 7, . . 2016 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Cossatot River Plays in Booneville Classic Basketball Tournament
he Cossatot River Lady Eagles played in the Booneville Classic Basketball tournament last week and claimed the championship trophy. Other teams in the tournament were Dover, Waldron, Western Yell, Booneville, Two Rivers, Mansfield, and Acorn. Pictured are: Coach Tyler Timms, Rachel Norman, Megan Andrews, Shanna Johnson, Ashlen Gonzalez, Lauren Driver, Jade Richardon, Mackenzie Winkley, Coach Bryan Richardson, Raegan Richardson, Harley Dering, Rhyen Martin,Jacie Wilkerson, and Caylee Stuart.
EAST Collaborates with the Old State House Museum S
tudents from the Cossatot River High School EAST Program participated in a Grand Survey Tour of the Old State House Museum and had a brainstorming session with the Old State House Museum Education Staff. During their meeting they brainstormed ideas and discussed ways that the students could use their talents and advanced technology to help preserve the history of the state and artifacts found throughout. The students will be in contact with the education staff for the next few months via email and video conference. They will also be in contact in the Spring for the opening of the Cabinet of Curiousities exhibit in March and to present the student’s ideas to the education staff. Cossatot River EAST Facilitator, Emily Huckabey said, “This is such an amazing opportunity for our students to be able to partner with a federal program in our state and have the possibility of their work being put to use in a public venue like the Old State House Museum. The vision of the Old State House education committee is to collaborate with programs like our EAST program to prepare their museum exhibits in a way that will interest future generations and keep the history and stories of our state and country from dying out over time.”
he Cossatot River Eagles participated in the Booneville Classic Basketball tournament last week and came out on top, claiming the championship trophy. Other teams in the tournament were Dover, Waldron, Western Yell, Booneville, Two Rivers, Mansfield, and Acorn. Pictured are: Coach Blake Alexander, Cody Baker, Keelan Youngblood, Cody Brown, Trevon Broach, Gabe McIntyre, Drayven Brock, Garrett Watkins, Josua McCoy, Kolt Richardson, Trenton Rosson, Brayden Smith, Marco ramirez, Martin Zarate, Juan Trinidad, Andrew Tallant, Brandon Williams, and Coach Wendell Cartwright.
COSSATOT RIVER SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 12/12 Breakfast bites, orange wedges, apple juice, milk TUESDAY 12/13 Biscuit w/ sausage, applesauce, juice, milk WEDNESDAY 12/14 Cereal, banana, orange juice, milk THURSDAY 12/15 Pancake on a stick, apple on a stick, apple wedges, juice, milk FRIDAY 12/16 Super donut, raisels, apple juice, milk COSSATOT RIVER SCHOOL’S LUNCH MONDAY 12/12 Chicken quesadilla, tossed salad w/ dressing, corn, fruit cocktail, milk TUESDAY 12/13 Sub sandwich, lettuce, tomato, pickle, broccoli & carrots w/ dressing, chips, pineapple, milk WEDNESDAY 12/14 Chicken fajita, lettuce, tomato, salsa, cheese, pinto beans, mandarin orange, milk THURSDAY 12/15 Hamburger, lettuce, tomato, pickles, french fries, strawberries, cookies, milk FRIDAY 12/16 Baked ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, peaches, roll, cupcake, milk
Cossatot Menus Sponsored by: powered by
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Welcome Derrick Wyatt Reed! R
uby and Ed Hartsfield would like to announce the irth o their first reat randson, Derrick Wyatt Reed, orn ove er nd, in ayetteville, AR. e wei hed ounds and was inches lon . Parents are ei an and oe Reed. rand arents are hannon and Russ inton.
A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his neighbor came out of his house and went straight to the mailbox. The neighbor opened it, looked inside, slammed it shut, and stormed back into her house. A little later the neighbor came out of her house again, went to the mailbox, again opened it, and slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house the neighbor went. As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here came his neighbor again! The neighbor marched to the mailbox, opened it and then slammed it closed . . . harder than ever! Puzzled by his neighbor’s actions, the man asked, “Is something wrong?” To which his neighbor replied, “There certainly is! My stupid computer keeps telling me I have mail!”
Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Presents:
D ecemb er 10 • 8 am • D A B C F L C Dallas Avenue Baptist Church • 300 Dallas Avenue • 479-394-2697
Baker & Norris to Wed
r. and Mrs. Ray Baker would like to announce the arria e o their dau hter, Dorothy ean Baker to Charles Andrew ee orris, son o Mr. and Mrs. Paul orris. The cere ony will e aturday, Dece er , , at at the ld Mill Weddin Cha el. Rece tion will ollow.
POLK COUNTY BIRTHS AT MENA REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM V ictoria Cham berlain and Cody Y oung , of M ena, are the p roud p arent of a baby g irl, born on N ov em ber 2 8 th. Tania and J erem y J ester, of W ickes, are the p arents of a baby g irl, born on N ov em ber 2 9 th.
January 6, 2016
Acorn Preschool would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for making our Thanksgiving breakfast a huge success for our preschool students and parents.
Andy and Cheryl Boyd-Laark Enterprises, Inc. Tim and Lana Wood-Simple Simon's David and Julie Daniels Wal-Mart
We appreciate the support we have been given over the last several years from the community.
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Brian Thompson - A Servant Leader B
rian Thompson embodies a q uote from Donald Walters who once said, “Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance.” Thompson is a leader who would rather than identify himself with his title; would rather be identified with the eo le he serves. Brian is retired ro the Ar y where he served in the in antry latoon. e served our country sel essly or years and finished his last tour o duty in . was stationed all over the world and it rou ht such ride knowin was servin y country, recalled Brian. e si ned u ori inally thinkin he i ht ulfill his contract, ut the lon er he was servin , he loved it. The rotherhood and service is what eant so uch to e. t eans a lot, says Brian. A ter retirin ro the Ar y, Brian ca e ack to Mena, wonderin what the next ste was. n the ean ti e, Brian s ent ti e ocusin on his a ily that he is extre ely roud o . e s oke with such ride as he talked a out his kids, We have kids and now randkids. t s reat. As rate ul as Brian was to return to a ily, he elt an a sence in his li e. was used to servin and wanted to continue, recalls Brian. A ter co in ack to Mena Brian eca e a e er o the local Benevolent Protective rder o the lks, where he now serves as the xalted Ruler. With rate ulness in his voice, Brian said, t s hard when you co e ack ro servin your country. t can e di ficult to ad ust. A lot o eo le say they want to hel veterans, ut elt like the lks really eant it. Years later and Brian is still servin , ut rather than servin the country as a whole, he is servin Polk County. This is fillin the a had in ti e and it ave e a service to others that issed, recalls Brian. The BP was esta lished in and e an its ission to uild stron er co unities. With ore than , e ers the BP continues to row nationwide. Brian exressed reat ride in what the lks is doin and ore s ecifically, what he is doin . We are a le to eet real needs in this co unity. There are a ily needs that we can hel ulfill, whether that is a ood drive, or hel in with Toys or Tots like we are now. Brian told e that the lks live y our co onents: rotherly love, ustice, charity, and fidelity. When you talk to Brian, it eco es clear that these aren t ust rinci les the lks live y, ut thin s that are e odied in everythin Brian does. Brian said, We need to co e to each other with a servant s heart, elieve in what you re doin , and when you elieve in what you re doin it s not work any ore. is heart or the co unity s ills out as he talks a out the needs o a ilies, students, and others in the co unity. When o ho e and look in the irror, honestly eel like can say that akin a di erence in Polk County. That drives e, says Brian. Brian s desire to serve is so ethin he has tried to ass alon to his a ily, My irls have een hel in with thin s the ast years. They have hel ed with undraisers and ood drives. is enthusias or the co unity is evident. With a i s ile he said, n Dece er th the lks is oin to olly arsh an and we are akin a t ice crea sundae or the students o the onth. t is oin to e aweso e, can t wait. Brian re eatedly talked a out service, t is ore than a at on the ack, it s ride in the work that s done here. Brian Tho son clearly e odies what President arry . Tru an said a out servant leaders, t is a a in what you can acco lish when you don t care who ets the credit.
Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing Tires • Brakes • Custom Exhaust • Shocks & Struts Hours: Mon.-Fri. • 8am-5:30pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena
•394-1938• Owner: Stacy & Julie Nash
309 S. Morrow, Mena
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Stitch Chick and Gifts - Friends are Welcome A
s Christmas fast approaches many people in the community will be out shopping. Shopping for family and
friends can be made even more enj oyable when you are among friends and such is the case when you shop downtown Mena’s newest retailer. Lisa Brewer at Stitch Chick and Gifts has been serving the community for nearly four decades in a variety of roles and is excited to make your shopping experience personable. Lisa is no stranger to the community. In fact, Lisa has been working in Mena nearly her whole life. Her parents, Charles and Jo Stricklin had Lisa and her sister workin at an early a e in their rocery store. Charles ran a rocery store in atfield called tricklins where isa and her sister worked the counter. Serving the people of Polk County is almost second nature to her. A few people may remember Lisa’s restaurant that she opened in Potter, the Q uicky Burger. he was only at the ti e. had went to school and when was at ho e on reak Dad ave e a set o keys and said, You can ay e ack when you can says, isa. had reat arents, teachin e how to care or eo le and that is so ethin that has stuck with e, recalls isa. Most eo le ay know isa and her a ily ro the years she s ent workin with her dad in the anitorial su ly usiness. he s ent years o her career in the field servin schools, s all businesses, and even large businesses in the surrounding state. Lisa learned something then that will certainly serve her and her customers now, “I learned to meet the needs of people. It did me no good to j ust sell them supplies so I could say I sold something. Instead, I tried to care about the people and understand what their needs were and how we could eet the , said isa. When you love something or somebody, nothing can keep you from pursuing them. Doctors had told Lisa she needed to slow down from the demanding schedule of the j anitorial supply world, ut she didn t want to sto . never wanted to retire and o ho e and ust sit. still have the drive and love eo le so want to do so ethin , said isa. n the ean ti e, isa s ent ti e helping her two daughters and their growing businesses. Lisa and her husband Marvin have been proud to watch their daughters Amber and Holly pursue their passions here in Mena. Amber is the owner o the air ady and the Refinery. olly leads a rou o ladies at the salon, i stick and Curls, which sits next to her o s sho on Mena treet. isa said, Durin y initial down ti e was unsure o what to do so would o hel A er. would o to shows and arket with her and would see thin s that liked. e an to think, ay e could do this and so e an to do so e research in the i ts and e roidery usiness. loved it. isa s iles as she o ers sounds wisdo , My dad always said, ove what you re doin and love eo le and servin the so decided it was ti e to o en y sho . Lisa has always loved gifts and decorating her house and so with her already kindled passion she decided to open Stitch Chick and Gifts. “I’ve always loved decorating and I guess I have for as lon as can re e er. Mo always told e that needed y own roo or all the decoratin did, recalled isa. When you talk to isa you can see her s ile as she talks with excite ent a out the sho and the eo le that walk throu h the door. isa says, always loved eo le. They have always een the ost excitin art o y o . Stitch Chick and Gifts offers gifts, decorations, Christian apparel, but the thing that Lisa is most excited is yet to come. “Starting in January we are going to do embroidery here and we are excited. We hear about a lot of people that want a shirt, bag, or even dish towels embroidered and now we are going to be able to do that. I care about what people want and are looking for and I think that this will e loved y a lot o eo le, says isa. So when you are out shopping this Christmas season, come visit Lisa at Stitch Chick and Gifts next to Lipstick and Curls on Mena Street. Lisa says, “I’m going to be the voice of the customer. you co e in and want so ethin don t have, tell e and will do y est to et it. titch Chick and i ts will e o en Tuesday- riday ro - : and aturdays - to serve you.
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Friday, December 9 7:30 p.m. Mena First United Methodist Church 501 Ninth Street 479-394-3051 Ann Ferris, Pastor
Come Celebrate With Us!
5 1 7S h e r w o o d A v e n u e , M e n a , A r k a n s a s 71 95 3 ( 479) 394-2 38 5
Join us for breakfast, lunch or a cup of coffee and sign up for weekly drawings for gift certificates until Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
Mena Police Department November 27, 2016 Randy Len Cranfield, , of Mena was charged with theft of property shoplifting after a call to a local retail store. November 28, 2016 mployees at a local retail store reported that a local woman who had been banned from the store for shoplifting had returned. She had signed a form agreeing to stay away. Case has been sent to the prosecutor s office re uesting a warrant be issued for criminal trespass. November 29, 2016 Paul Samuel Lange, , of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Dawn M. Bradley, , of Mena was charged with public intoxication after officers responded to a suspicious woman walking in traffic. November 30, 2016 fficers traveled to Garland County to pick up David Leon aught, , of Mena on an outstanding warrant. Sabrina Dover, , of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant. She was additionally charged with driving on a suspended driver s license. December 1, 2016 A year old Mena youth was charged with disorderly conduct after a call regarding a family dispute. He was transported to the Sebastian County Juvenile Detention Center. December 2, 2016 Mark Kade illingham, , of Mena was arrested on an outstanding felony warrant. Kevin Grahn, , of Mena was arrested on five outstanding warrants. David Horton, of Mena was charged with criminal trespass after a call to a local retail store. December 3, 2016 o completed reports on file. olk County heriff’s epartment November 28, 2016 Report from complainant on Trailwood Lane near Mena of loud noise led to the arrest of Chelsey C. anhoose, , of Mena,
on a Charge of Contributing to the Delinuency of a Minor. Also arrested were athan . Donelson, Lane M. H. Keene and Maeric L. Moore, all and of Mena, each on a Charge of Possession of Intoxicating Li uor by a Minor. Report of an AT accident on Polk in the Potter community. Report from a Mena woman of fraudulent use of her credit card. Investigation continues. Traffic stop led to Citations for Failure to bey a Stop Sign and o Driver s License being issued to Christopher S. Davy, , of Mena. Re uest for assistance from Probation Parole fficers on Polk near Potter. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney s ffice for further consideration. November 29, 2016 Traffic stop on Mullins Street in Hatfield led to the arrest of hitney B. Reynolds, , of Hatfield, on a Charge of Driving with a Suspended Driver s License. Report from complainant on Polk near Mena of the fraudulent use of his credit card in the amount of . . The money was refunded to the account. Report from complainant on School Street in Cove of the theft of a vehicle, cell phone and debit card. Investigation continues. November 30, 2016 Report from complainant on Highway ast near Mena of the theft of prescription medication. Investigation continues. Arrested was Kenneth L. Sipe, , of Mena, on a Charge of Possession of an Instrument of Crime. Report of a disturbance on Polk near Hatfield. Deputy responded. Complainant later re uested charges be dropped. December 1, 2016 Traffic stop on Polk near the Rocky community led to the arrest of Sandra D. Ralph, , of Mena, on Charges of D I and Faulty uipment. Report from a business on Highway orth near Mena of a forged check, totaling losses at . . Investigation continues. Report from complainant on enable Lane near Mena of the theft of electronics and ewelry, all valued at . . Investigation continues. Arrested was Paul . Lackey, , of Hot Springs, on a Body Attachment arrant. Arrested was Robert J. Stine, , of Mena, on a arrant for Harassment. December 2, 2016 Traffic stop on Highway South in Potter led to Citations for Driving with a
Suspended Driver s License and o Liability Insurance being issued to Melissa D. Turpin, , of Hatfield. Report of a Mena woman that hasn t been seen in several days. The individual was entered into the CIC database as missing. Report of a malnourished dog on ast Barton Street in Cove. Investigation continues into the owner of the animal. Report from an klahoma woman of being dog bit while in Polk County. The dog owner was advised to uarantine the animal for ten days. Report of a car fire on Polk in Cove. Investigation continues into the origin of the fire. December 3, 2016 Report from complainant on Highway South in Hatfield of the theft of items from a storage unit, totaling losses at , . . Investigation continues. Report of an unattended death on Polk near Mena. Traffic stop on Highway South near Cove led to Citations for Speeding and
Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance being issued to Darrell . Sanders, , of Mena. Traffic stop on Polk near Hatfield led to the arrest of Justin A. Ashley, , of Mena, on Charges of D I and Careless Prohibited Driving. December 4, 2016 Report from a Hatfield woman of being threatened by an ac uaintance. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway orth near Mena of the theft of items from a storage unit, totaling losses at . . Investigation continues. Re uest from complainant on Polk near Mena of an unwanted person on their property. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney s ffice for further consideration. Polk County Sheriff s ffice worked one vehicle accident this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population Incarcerated Inmates, with Inmates currently on the aiting List for a State Facility.
December 7, 2016
Weekly Publication
Moments from America’s History: Remembering Pearl Harbor – 75 years CONTRIBUTED BY JEFF OLSON •
ear a ter year, any o us can ro a ly re e er a date ro A erica s history which is very si nificant ro the stand oints o oth country and a ily. This is certainly true or e and one reason that include one such date in this colu n each year. n Dece er , the a anese e ire launched a sur rise and un rovoked attack on the A erican naval ase at Pearl ar or and the Ar y Air Cor s Base at icka ield, awaii. The attack co enced at a out : a and y ornin s end there were a roxi ately , eo le dead and , wounded, with shi s and ore than air lanes destroyed or da a ed. These losses were devastatin , dealin a hu e low to A erica s Pacific eet and air ower. ortunately, our aircra t carriers were not at Pearl ar or. They would sail to fi ht another day, and that day and any ore would co e throu hout the war, first with the Doolittle o in raid on Tokyo the ollowin A ril and a ain in une when the A erican carriers would hand the uch lar er a anese naval orce a stunnin and decisive de eat in the Battle o Midway. As a boy, I can remember asking my father more than once about his military service and to see his medals and one q uestion that I asked him was where he was on that Sunday ornin o Dece er th. e re lied that he was duck huntin and heard the news a out the attack a ter returnin ho e. The next day, the nited tates declared war on a an and within six onths y ather was dra ted into the . . Ar y. e su se uently served or nearly two years in co at in the outh West Pacific theater e ore ein seriously wounded in une . The attack on Pearl ar or unified A erica as she has rarely i ever een, e ore or since. World War was the ost costly war in history in lives, destruction, and ar-reachin conse uences. A erica s reatest eneration ou ht World War on the co at ront and ho e ront, and it took co it ent and sacrifice on oth ronts to achieve victory - a victory which is one reason have the reedo to write this and you to read it on this day. The war however, was not won y A erica alone. t also took stron and decisive leadershi and resolve y other Allied nations who had een in the war already or several years. As Winston Churchill stated durin so e o reat Britain s darkest hours o the war, You ask what is our ai can answer in one word: ictory. ictory at all costs. ictory in s ite o all terror. ictory however lon and hard the road ay e. or without victory there is no survival. urs ay not e the reatest enerations, ut we ust e reat enou h to ake our own co it ents and sacrifices needed on all ronts to reserve a ree A erica a nation which needs to achieve reater unity and return to ood old- ashioned atriotis without relyin on our ene ies to ive us the i etus to do so. We should not have to ex erience another Re e er Pearl ar or or Re e er to once a ain co e to ether as one nation, or etter yet- ne ation nder od. This year co e orates the th anniversary o the date which will live in in a y. would like to close with another rie excer t ro President ranklin Roosevelt s address to Con ress in the ouse Cha er on Dece er , , o atter how lon it ay take us to overco e this re editated invasion, the A erican eo le in their ri hteous i ht will win throu h to a solute victory.... There is no linkin at the act that our eo le, our territory and our interests are in rave dan er. With confidence in our ar ed orces - with the un oundin deter ination o our eo le - we will ain the inevita le triu h - so hel us od.
Weekly Publication
Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly. I BUY computers! Desktops, laptops, new, old, broken, working, full of viruses, in pieces, hit by lightening, I ll offer you a fair price! NO printers or CRT monitors, Mitchell Computer Services, 717 Mena Street next to OMG 1/25 Phone/tablet repair. Clean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy orth, Mena, AR. 479-216-3085 TFN Dugan Lawn Care and Landscaping. A full service ground maintenance Company. Leaf cleans ups, property clean ups, brush hogging, flower bed clean up, flower bed clean up, new construction, tree trimming and removal. How offering small driveway repair. 394-2699 12/16 Yard Mowing, weed eating, bush hogging, handyman services, power washing, garden plowing and tilling. Have tractor with implements for larger obs. Bill Duff. Call 479-216-5204. 12/14 House Cleaning and more. Call Winnie Cotter at 2343418. 12/21
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For Rent: Two bedroom, two bath brick home in Mena, Stove & refrigerator, central heat & air, no inside smokers or H D. Rent . Deposit . TFN
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FOR RENT: BD duplex, in Mena, per month plus deposit. Yard maintenance provided. Carport. 479-234-3669 or 479-234-8353.
Alder Springs Community Christmas Party. Dec. 10 @ pm. Bring a covered dish and a gift to share. 12/7
Part Time Help wanted Looking to hire experienced tractor operator. Must have proven work history with tractor experience and references. Must be able to perform tractor maintenance and small repairs. Pay based on experience. 479-234-6555 12/21
J&N Dozer- Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 years experience. e appreciate your Business Call 479-234-1357 TFN Light tractor services. Brush hogging, light driveway repair, stump removal. General property clean up. Dirt, top soil, fill dirt, and gravel available. DLC Dirt Dawgs. e do the small obs bog boys wont. For more information, call 479-234-6555. 12/21
Appliances Wanted. Please donate or sell us your working or repairable appliances so that we may bless others. Call 479-227-1468. 1/4 For Rent: Two bedroom, one bath, duplex. Has stove and refrigerator, washer and dryer connection. Water bill paid. o inside smokers or H D. Rent . Deposit . . TFN
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