February 12, 2020
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Locations of Polk County Vote Centers for March 3rd Election
Polk County Clerk Terri Harrisonhas released the locations of Vote Centers in Polk County for the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Polls will be open Election Day from 7:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the locations below. Early Voting for the March 3rd Primary Election will be at the Polk County Office Complex on Pine Street in Mena on the following dates and times: February 18th - 21st from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. February 22nd 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. February 24th - 28th 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. February 29th 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. March 2nd 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Persons already registered to vote in another Arkansas county will be able to move their registration to Polk County through Friday, February 28th at the County Clerk's Office in Mena. Vote Centers - Polk County, Arkansas Vote Center #1 Polk County Office Complex ---this is also the early voting location 606 Pine Street Mena, ArR71953
Vote Center #2 9th Street Ministries 306 9th Street Mena, AR 71953 Vote Center #3 Dallas Avenue Life Center 300 Dallas Avenue Mena, AR 71953 Vote Center #4 Aacorn High School 143 Polk Road 96 Mena, AR 71953 Vote Center #5 Concord Baptist Church 3467 Hwy 88 E Mena, AR 71953 Vote Center #6 Salem Baptist Church 115 Polk Road 56 Mena, AR 71953 Vote Center #7 Hatfield Town Hall 115 Town Hall Park Hatfield, AR 71945 Vote Center #8 Cove Town Hall
Two Killed, Two Injured in Accident Near Board Camp Two Montgomery County residents were killed Friday evening and a Mena resident and an unidentified minor were injured just east of Board Camp (Polk County, AR) on State Highway 8 when two vehicles collided. According to the Arkansas State Police Report, a Ford F250 truck driven by Jeffery Clayton Cude, age 40 of Mena, was eastbound and crossed the center line hitting head on a west bound Chrysler van driven by Roseanna Markham, age 69 of Norman, Arkansas and occupied by Deborah Jean Black, age 68 also of Norman, Arkansas, as well as an unidentified minor.
Both Markham and Black were pronounced dead the scene by the Polk County Coroner. Two medical helicopters were requested for the injured, one of which was flown to Baptist Fort Smith and the other to Children's in Little Rock. The accident was investigated by Arkansas State Police Officer Ben Harrison. Also responding and assisting were the Polk County Sheriff's Office, Board Camp Fire Department, Dallas Valley Fire Department, Mena Fire Department, and Southwest EMS.
Large Shop Building Damaged by Fire Last Wednesday at Local Business Four area fire departments responded to a fire Wednesday afternoon at The Outback Barn on Hwy 71 South of Mena. Just after 4:30 p.m. the Potter Fire Department was paged after there was a report of building materials on fire, then shortly thereafter the Mena Fire Department was paged out for mutual aid and the report changed to a building fire. Dallas Valley and Shady Grove were paged out
for tanker support. The Outback Barn is owned locally by the Ledbetter family and manufactures portable buildings. The cause of the fire has not been determined. The building was heavily damaged. There were no injuries. The Polk County Sheriff's Department and Southwest EMS also responded.
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February 12, 2020
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Representative John Maddox
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, and 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease each year. In 2017 in Arkansas, a total of 8,270 people
died of heart disease. February is American Heart Month. Its purpose is to promote the importance of heart health and increase awareness of the risk factors of heart disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of all Americans have at least one of the top three risk factors for heart disease-high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.
Other conditions and behaviors that affect your risk for heart disease include obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity, and unhealthy eating patterns. Smoking, the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, is also one of the greatest risk factors for developing heart disease. Smoking damages the heart and blood vessels very quickly, but the damage is repaired quickly for most smokers who quit In 2019, the General Assembly passed Act 580, which would have phased in an increase in the age a person must be to buy tobacco products like cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and vaping products that contain nicotine. However, a new federal law signed by President Trump supersedes the 2019 state law, and as of December 27, 2019, the nationwide minimum age to buy tobacco products has been raised to 21. With this law now in place at the federal level, we expect to see fewer teens begin smoking or vaping in the first place. You can choose healthy habits to help prevent heart disease. Arkansans are encouraged to make healthy changes to lower their risk of developing heart disease such as controlling their cholesterol and blood pressure, living an active lifestyle, and eating healthy. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you smoke, know that quitting will lower your risk for heart disease. For free help to quit smoking, call 1-800-QUITNOW or go to smokefree.gov or cdc.gov/ tips. VOTE CENTERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
5568 Hwy 71 S Cove, AR 71937 Vote Center #9 Grannis Town Hall 132 Frachiseur Road Grannis, AR 71944
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February 12, 2020
Reflections from History and Faith: Susan B. Anthony By Jeff Olson One-hundred years ago this week, February 15, 1820, Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams, Massachusetts. She was one of the first pioneering leaders in championing women’s rights. She came from a Quaker family, and a part of their belief was the equality of men and women. Quakers also strongly supported other major reforms such as the abolition of slavery and alcoholic beverages (temperance). In Anthony's day, women in America were considered inferior to men. Most colleges weren't open to women and even many restaurants posted signs indicating that no females were allowed. By law, husbands controlled their wive's property, including any money they might earn. And, women could not legally hold most jobs and public offices nor could they vote. Anthony taught school for ten years (1839-1849). Soon after, she joined the temperance movement, but discovered that most of the groups would not allow women to be a part of this, as in one instance in 1852 where they wouldn't even allow her to speak at one of the rallies. Soon after, she formed the Women's State Temperance Society of New York. From this point forward, Anthony devoted herself completely to women's rights and became a leader of the movement. She even supported dress reform and for a time wore bloomers which became a symbol of the women's rights movement. She also worked in support of
equal educational opportunities and property rights for women. Over the years, she wrote books, pamphlets and articles and tirelessly campaigned for women's equality. In 1869, Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed the National Woman Suffrage Association and worked for a woman suffrage amendment to the Constitution. In 1872, Anthony voted in the presidential election only to be arrested and fined $100 for voting illegally. She responded, "I will never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty,” and she didn't. She also co-edited (with Stanton) 3 volumes of a book, "History of Woman Suffrage" from 1881 to 1886 and published the 4th volume in 1902. From 1892 to 1900 Anthony served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and in 1904 she co-founded the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Susan B. Anthony died in 1906, just fourteen years before the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the right to vote, was ratified. There is no doubt that this milestone of women's rights in America owes to its success a tremendous debt of gratitude to Susan B. Anthony's lifetime of dedication, sacrifice and service. It is also worth noting that the passage of the 19th Amendment occurred in the centennial year of her birth. In her honor, the U.S. government minted one dollar coins bearing her picture in 1979 through 1981 and then again in 1999.
Alyvia Wooden (Titania) and Mike Moe (Oberon)
MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Stop by the Ouachita Little Theatre any weekday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM to secure your reserved seating tickets to see one of the most famous comedies of all time! William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” will open Friday, February 21 at 7:30 PM at the OLT. Directed by Robby and Gini Burt in conjunction with the University of Arkansas at Rich Mountain, this lively show features colorful costumes, great scenery, and a large cast showcasing excellent acting that will delight audiences. The play will also run on February 22, 23, and the following weekend on February 28, 29, and March 1. Friday and Saturday
Farrell & Sharon Cole The Cole Team
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Now Open On Fridays Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000 www.FarrellCole.com www.MenaRealEstate.com
shows are at 7:30 PM, Sunday matinees are at 2:30 PM. There will also be additional performances at area schools for educational purposes open to students. Mark your calendars for this memorable event!
Alexa Night (Puck)
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
2407 Sutherland, Mena, AR 71953
Benefit Fish Fry
Catfish and All the Trimmings! Saturday, Feb. 15th at 5pm
DONATIONS WELCOME • EVERYONE IS INVITED Proceeds go to fund a Mission Trip for the Youth
February 12, 2020
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
POLK COUNTY ARRAIGNMENTS All criminal information is merely an accusation and the Defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. Prosecuting Attorney Andy Riner, within and for the 18th-West Judicial District of the State of Arkansas, of which Polk County is a part, in the name and by the authority of the State of Arkansas, on oath, do hereby accuse the defendants of committing in Polk County, Arkansas the following crimes: State of Arkansas Vs. Matthew E. Cannon, White Male, age 39, Count I: Theft of Property a Class “c” Felony. Count II: Breaking or Entering, Class “D” Felony. State of Arkansas Vs. Isaac L.B. Cain, White Male, age 26, Count I: Furising, Possessing, or using Prohibited Articles, Class “C” Felony. State of Arkansas Vs. Benjamin D. Gheorghiu, age 44, Count I: Possession of A Schedule II Controlled Substance, Class “D” Felony. State of Arkansas Vs. Randall D. Burkett Jr., age 27, Count I: Probation Violation. State of Arkansas Vs. Isaac L.B. Cain, Age 26, Count I: Violation of Suspended Imposition of Sentence. State of Arkansas Vs. Daniel Mendieta, Age 22, Count I: Probation Violation.
MENA POLICE REPORT January 26, 2020 Jasper Richmond, 20, was arrested and cited for Theft of Property (shoplifting) after a call to a department store. Madison Fairless, 19, was arrested and cited for Theft of Property (shoplifting) after a call to a department store. Four juveniles were cited for Criminal Mischief in the second degree after officers were alerted to vandalism of personal property. January 27, 2020 Report of a counterfeit bill at a local bank. Case is still under investigation. Police Department recovered stolen property and returned it to the proper owner. January 28, 2020 Nathan Gastineau, 38, was arrested for
a warrant at the Mena Police Department after being interviewed on an unrelated case. Officers were dispatched to a two-car accident at U.S. Highway 71 and 7th Street. January 29, 2020 Officers were dispatched to a call of a juvenile that had not come home. Later Officers pulled over a vehicle for a traffic violation which contained the two juveniles from the earlier call. They were arrested for Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Minor in Possession of Alcohol, and Violation of Curfew. January 30, 2020 Isaac Cain, 26, was arrested, after a call for assistance from the office of Probation and Parole, for two warrants, probation violation, possession of schedule VI, possession of drug paraphernalia, violation of a protection order, and furnishing prohibited articles. Randi Ward, 33, was arrested for theft of property (shoplifting) after a call to a department store. Officers investigated a reported rape. Case is still under investigation. January 31, 2020 Officers responded to a call of vandalism at a residence. Case is still under investigation. February 1, 2020 Randall Burkett, 27, was arrested for an outstanding warrant following officers responding to domestic disturbance call. February 2, 2020 Benjamin Gheorghiu, 44, was arrested, for no driver’s license, fleeing in a vehicle, and possession of schedule II-controlled substance, after officers had been called to a residence for harassment. Officers investigated the report of a theft of property by deception (scam). Case is still under investigation. Officers responded to a report of a rape at a residence. Case is still under investigation. February 3, 2020 Eric Nichols, 51, was arrested/cited, for possession of schedule 6 controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia, after officers were called to a local business for report of trespassing. Eugene Foster, 52, was arrested/cited,
for obstruction of governmental operations and refusal to submit to arrest, after officers were called to a local business for report of trespassing. Officers responded to a call of domestic battery at a residence. Case is still under investigation. February 4, 2020 Officer is investigating the report of multiple incidents of theft of property (shoplifting) from a department store. Jake Watson, 62, was arrested for DWI (driving while intoxicated) after officers respond to motor vehicle accident. Lisa Overturf, 52, was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, after officers were called to the residence for a reported domestic battery. Officers were called to a residence on the report of a battery. A juvenile was arrested for domestic battery second degree and possession of schedule VI less than 4 oz. February 5, 2020 Nickie Landfair, 27, was arrested for criminal trespass in or on a vehicle or structure/premises, this was following officers responding to a call of disturbance at a local business. February 6, 2020 Officers responded to the report of a possible rape. Case is still under investigation. Officers responded to a report of theft of property (shoplifting). Annie Aswell, 38, was arrested, for possession of drug paraphernalia, furnishing prohibited articles, possession of meth or cocaine less than 2 gm, possession of schedule II controlled substance, driving on suspended license, and improper use of evidences of registration, following a traffic stop for traffic violations. February 7, 2020 James Hembree, 59, was arrested/ cited for disorderly conduct, after officers responded to a disturbance at the Mena Regional Health System. February 8, 2020 David Hale, 32, was arrested on a warrant, after an Officer recognized him at a local business parking lot.
POLK COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT February 3, 2020 Report of a disturbance on Highway 8 West near Shady Grove led to the arrest of Shelly L. Davis, 48, of Mena, on Charges of Domestic Battery 3rd Degree and Resisting Arrest. Additional information has been
forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of a bulldozer, valued at $60,000.00, on fire on Highway 8 West near Rocky. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Daniel J. Mendieta, 21, of Hot Springs, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. Arrested was Maurizo A. Malucci, 32, of Mena, on a Body Attachment Warrant. Arrested was Danny A. Holliday, 51, of Mena, on a Warrant for Battery 3rd Degree. February 4, 2020 Report from complainant on Highway 8 West near Shady Grove of a missing sign. Investigation continues. Report of a disturbance on Polk 87 near Ink led to the arrest of Shawna M. Morris, 23, of Mena, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. February 6, 2020 Report of illegal contraband led to a 14-year-old being issued a Juvenile Citation for Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Report from complainant on Polk 42 near Potter of the theft of a vehicle, valued at $35,000.00. The vehicle was later located. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was Herbert O. Aiken, 40, of Cove, on a Body Attachment Warrant. Arrested was Christopher K. Hoover, 38, of Glenwood, on two Warrants for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. February 7, 2020 Arrested was Jamie F. Beckwith, 28, of Mena, on a Drug Court Sanction. February 8, 2020 Report from complainant on N. Eve Street in Mena of an unauthorized person on their property. Deputy advised subject to not return to the property. Arrested was April K. G. Poor, 41, of Mena, on a Warrant for Bond Revocation. February 9, 2020 Report from complainant on Polk 268 near Vandervoort of the theft of deer and elk antlers, all valued at $2,500.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 72 near Yocana of unauthorized persons on their property. Investigation continues. Arrested was Cody D. Kaderly, 25, of Mena, on a Body Attachment Warrant. Arrested was Tyra N. Cornelius, 35, of SHERIFF’S REPORT CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
February 12, 2020
State of the Treasury: Steady Growth in Challenging Economy Half-year investment receipts total $46.1 million
Little Rock, Ark. – Receipts from the state’s $4.5 billion investment portfolio totaled $23.4 million during the second quarter of fiscal year 2020, bringing the half-year total to $46.1 million, Treasurer of State Dennis Milligan told the State Board of Finance recently. While the economy is challenging for investors, Arkansas’s current half-year total is nearly equal to what
the Treasury earned in all four quarters of fiscal 2016. “The Federal Open Market Committee is currently holding interest rates steady and has provided a lot of liquidity in the market, which would normally lead to economic stability,” Milligan said. “However, amid the impeachment hearings, the tension between the U.S. and Iran, as well as other
Seventy Years of the People’s House LITTLE ROCK – Seventy years ago this month, Governor Sid McMath and his family moved into the brand-new governor’s residence, and this week, some of the First Families who have lived there joined the First Lady and me to celebrate the anniversary. Twelve First Families have lived in the residence since it was completed in February 1950. At least 22 “first children” have lived there, and no telling how many “first grandchildren” have visited. Our guests included former governors Jim Guy Tucker, Mike Huckabee, and Mike Beebe; and former First Lady Gay White Sigler. Also attending were six of the McMath children; Governor Bumpers’s daughter, Brooke; and Governor Faubus’s granddaughter, Ellen Faubus Kreth. The official residence is sometimes called the Governor’s Mansion, but we like calling it the People’s House. The fact that Arkansas even has a governor’s house is worth celebrating because for the first 114 years as a state, there was not an official residence. That changed when out-ofstate visitors asked their hostess, Agnes Bass Shinn of Harrison, to show them Arkansas’s Governor’s Mansion. She was embarrassed that we didn’t have one, so
she began the campaign to build one. In 1945, the legislature rejected the idea, but two years later, the general assembly created the Governor’s Mansion Commission and allocated $100,000 to build one on the original site of the Arkansas School for the Blind. The mansion opened on January 10, 1950. There wasn’t a ribbon cutting, but the public was invited to tour it. More than 180,000 showed up during that week. We haven’t slowed down since. Last year, more than 15,000 people visited, and since January 2015, we’ve had more than 72,000 guests. Using that as an average, we can calculate that roughly 1.2 million visitors have visited the mansion since 1950. Governor Winthrop Rockefeller made plans in the mansion library for the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial service at the Arkansas Capitol – the first such service in the south. Every year, guests from across the state and nation visit the Governor’s Mansion for the holiday decorations or to enjoy a real-life old-fashion Southern-style tea party. The First Lady and I are blessed to be stewards of a space that belongs to all the people of Arkansas.
current geo-political events, investors are on guard.” In comparison to previous years, investment receipts were $35.6 million at this same point in fiscal 2018, and $53.9 million at the same time in fiscal 2019. “We’re trending roughly in between where we were at this time in FY 18 and FY 19,” Milligan told the Board, adding that interest rates in 2018 were higher on average than they have been during fiscal 2020. “We’re holding our own, so to speak,” he said. The State Treasury is statutorily limited to investing in only fixed-income securities (in order to be able to meet the Board of Finance’s top priorities of safety and liquidity of investments). The Treasury is responsible for providing the funds the state needs to pay its bills. “I think we have a unique opportunity to diversify the state’s investment portfo-
lio and produce steady results that can be relied upon in both good and bad economic times,” Milligan said, adding that he expects his investment team to “ensure the investments Treasurer of State of the state are Dennis Milligan sound and secure in a fixed-income world.” “We also have an obligation to make sure the investment department of the State Treasury is running in the most professional manner and is as close to industry standards as possible.” Fiscal year 2020 runs from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.
Elizabeth Jane Bellon
Elizabeth Jane Bellon, age 38, of Cherry Hill, AR died Monday, February 3, 2020 at the Mena Regional Health System. She was born on Sunday, April 5, 1981 to John Thomas Jr. and Mary Emma Casey Jobe in Conroe, TX. Elizabeth was a lady of faith and love for her family. Her home and her family she made with her husband, Tom was the most important aspect of her life. She made her home a place where her children flourished and was nurtured. Elizabeth was a member of the Cherry Hill Baptist Church. She enjoyed sewing and doing her needlepoint. Elizabeth loved playing music and was so talented she could play almost any instrument she picked up. She attended Williams Baptist College on a Band and Choir Scholarship when she graduated high school. Elizabeth was a loving wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her father, John Jobe Jr. Elizabeth is survived by her loving husband, Tom Bellon of Cherry Hill; her six daughters, Hannah Bellon of Mena, Kara Bellon, Ella Bellon, Naomi Bellon, Esther Bellon and Aimee Bellon all of Cherry Hill; her mother, Mary Jobe of Mena; her two brothers and sister in law, Johnny and Veronica Jobe of Vandervoort and Shawn Jobe of Marion, Illinois; her sister and brother in law, Shari and Rodney Dominguez of Mena; one granddaughter, Finnley Cannon of Mena; several nephews and nieces and a host of other family and friends.
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February 12, 2020 Funeral services will be Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. at the Cherry Hill Baptist Church with Steve Barney and Brother Grant Geiger officiating. Interment will be Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. at the Maplewood Cemetery in Exeter, Missouri. Visitation will be Friday, February 7, 2020 from 6-8 P.M. at the Bowser Funeral Home Chapel in Mena. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, AR. Online Guestbook: www.bowserffh.com
Lucy Allison Brownlow Lucy Allison Brownlow, age 72, of Mena, Arkansas died Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab. She was born on Friday, June 27, 1947 to Earl Carlisle and Bernadean Evelyn Rhys Brownlow in Dallas, Texas. Lucy was a Christian and loved her family above all. She worked over 20 years for Southern Disposal in Mena at the Hatfield Transfer Station. Lucy loved doing woodworking and decoupage art work. Lucy was a loving sister, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents, three brothers, William Chance, Garman Chance and David Chance and two sisters, Nancy Brownlow and Patricia O’Dell. Lucy is survived by her brother, Fred Chance of Haslet, Texas; her beloved sister, Jenny Kidwell of Mena; her beloved fur babies, Sally and Jar Jar; several nephews and nieces and a host of other family and friends. A celebration of life will be Monday, February 10, 2020 at 1:00 P.M. at the Covenant of Life Church with Brother Curtis Cox officiating. Interment will follow in the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Cove. Visitation will be Monday, February 10, 2020 at 11:00 A.M till service time at 1:00 P.M. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. In lieu of flowers please make donations to the help with funeral expenses to Bowser Family Funeral Home, P.O. Box 487, Mena, Arkansas 71953. Online Guestbook: www.bowserffh.com
Jack Dempsey Jack Dempsey, 92, of Arlington, TX passed away on January 16th, at Universal Hospice in Ft. Worth, TX. Jack was a retired military veteran, served as a volunteer fireman and a city councilman in his younger years. He was active in politics and considered himself to be a populist. His fondness of dancing made him very popular among the ladies at any dance he attended. Jack earned his living as an artist and illustrator. In his later years, he also became a published author for various magazines. He frequently illustrated his articles. Jack was a member of the Mena Art Gallery. He is survived by his Children: Steve Dempsey of Frankston, TX, Craig Dempsey of Poynor, TX, Niki Dempsey of Hatfield, AR, Vone Dempsey of Arlington, TX, Tami Dempsey Brawner of Pueblo, CO; Eight grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Services for Mr. Dempsey will be held at 1:00 pm, Sunday, March 1st at Moore Funeral Home: 1219 N. Davis, Arlington, TX. Interment: 10:30 am, Monday, March 2nd at Dallas/Ft. Worth National Cemetary: 2800 Mountain Creek Parkway, Dallas, TX 75211
Bart D. Hailey Mr. Bart D. Hailey, 54, of Mena, passed away Saturday, February 8, 2020 in Mena. He was born January 1, 1966 in Fresno, California to Les Hailey and Carol Poor Hailey. He was married to Judy Ann Nelson Hailey and was a farmer. Mr. Hailey was an avid outdoorsman and loved fishing and gardening and burrows. Above all he was devoted to his family, whom he loved dearly. He was a loving son, husband, father, step-father, grandfather, uncle and friend. He is survived by; Mother, Carol Hailey of Hackett, AR; Wife, Judy Hailey of
Mena, AR; Sister, Phyllis Fant and family of Russellville, AR; Step-Sons, James Clanin and wife Marci of Austin, TX, Zack Clanin and wife Jessica of North Carolina; Step-Daughter, Crystal Dehart and husband Colt of Mena, AR; Many other nieces, nephews, grandkids and great grandkids. He was preceded in death by his father, Les Hailey and his grandparents. Mr. Hailey was sent for cremation under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home. A memorial service will be held Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 10:30 at the Penuel Church in Hatfield with Reverend Daniel Egger officiating.
Jean E. Oliver Riley Jean E. Oliver Riley age 89 of Mena, Arkansas passed away Tuesday, February 4, 2020 in Mena. Jean was born on January 15, 1931 in Evansville, Indiana to the late Alonzo Oliver and the late Marion Henson Oliver. She worked for Western Electric now known as AT&T for many years. Jean enjoyed doing Arts and Crafts. She volunteered working at the Depot and making crafts to sell. Most of all she enjoyed making Teddy Bears for the police department in Mena for children. She loved helping people in need. She was a loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, greatgreat-grandmother, sister and friend to all who knew her. Jean will be dearly missed. She is survived by her son Ray Riley of Mena, Arkansas, daughter Pamela Albin also of Mena, grandchildren: Jean Epperson and Chris, David Riley, Amanda Reid and Scott, Nathaniel Riley, Rebecca Riley, Catherine Ulmer and Bennett, Angela Hudson and Donnie, numerous great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild, brothers: Jack Burdette and Sim, Gail Burdette and Jenny, Harry Burdette and Darlene, and sisters: Charlotte Kirkwood and Jesse, Suzanne Crowley and John, Janice Vowels and David. She was preceded in death by her parents, sons, Omer and Gene Riley, grandsons R.C. Riley and Anthony Riley, nephew Christopher Kirkwood, brothers Alonzo Oliver and Buddy Burdette and sisters
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Jean E. Oliver Riley Ruby Chapman and Winnie Bradley. Graveside service will be Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at Pinecrest Memorial Park with Reverend Timothy J. Henning officiating under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friends visitation will be Friday, February 7, 2020 at Beasley-Wood from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Gaylord Rush Keener Mr. Gaylord Rush Keener, 84, of Mena, Arkansas passed away Monday, February 3, 2020 in Mena. He was born November 19, 1935 in Mena, Arkansas to the late John Wiley Keener and the late Helen Christine Rush Keener. He was happily married to Cordelia Jane Curry Keener. He was the local Snap on Tool Man and was also retired from Aalfs Manufacturing. Rush loved watching the Razorbacks and the Cowboys play football and was an avid gardener and hunter. He never met a stranger, but his true passion was spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother and friend and will be deeply missed. He is survived by his wife: Cordelia Keener of the home, daughters: René Whitaker and husband Jeff of Mena, AR, Vicky Heifner and husband Gerald of DeQueen, AR, sister: Sharon Wiles and husband John of Mena, AR, sister-in-Law: Alice Keener of New Potter, AR, Grandchildren: Brad Anderson and Kailyn Deramus of Conway, AR, Chelsea Johnson and husband Cameron of Hatfield, AR, Cheyenne Anderson and Kevin Harris of Texarkana, AR, Justin Ashley of Baytown, TX, Devin Ashley of Mena, AR, Great-Grandchildren: Easton, Eliza and Jagger Johnson and Cordelia Anderson Nephews and niece: Terry Keener and wife Rita of New Potter, AR, Beth Scott and husband Dewayne of Cove, AR, Billy Keener and wife JoAnne of Conway, AR and several other family and friends too great to mention. He was preceded in death by his parents, 2 brothers, Alton Keener and J.W. Keener and a sister Daphne Hirsch.
February 12, 2020 Funeral services will be Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at Beasley-Wood Chapel with Brother Ron Tilley officiating under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home. A private family burial I will follow in the Rocky Cemetery. Visitation will be Wednesday evening, February 5th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Honorary pallbearers are Brad Anderson, Justin Ashley, Devin Ashley, Jeff Whitaker, Gerald Heifner and Cameron Johnson.
Claude Ernest Overcast
Claude Ernest Overcast, age 91, of Mena, Arkansas died Sunday, January 26, 2020 at the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab in Mena. He was born on Thursday, August 2, 1928 to Claude Ross and Annie Elder Overcast in Shamrock, TX. Ernie as he was lovingly known was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Mena. Ernie enjoyed working in the yard, spending time with his family and friends. Ernie served his country in the United States Navy during the Korean Conflict. Before his retirement he worked many years at the Mena Wal-Mart. Ernie was a loving husband, father, brother, uncle and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. Ernie is preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Shelia Osburn; three brothers, Bill Overcast, Richard Overcast and Lawrence Overcast and his sister, Thelma Jett. Ernie is survived by loving wife, Sharon Overcast of Mena; his sons, Steven Overcast of Huntington Beach, California and Douglas Carr of Garden Grove, California; three daughters, Kim Walker of Chino Hills, California, Terri Glenn of Huntington Beach, California and Dana McDonald of Newport Beach, California; his brother, Melvin Overcast of Washburn, Texas; nineteen grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. at the First United Methodist Church in Mena with Reverend Donald Hall officiating. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas.
Online Guestbook: www.bowserffh.com
James Franklin West Mr. James Franklin West, 79, of Watson, OK passed away Saturday, February 8, 2020 at his home. He was born in Kingfisher, OK on November 4, 1940 to the late Stanley lee West and the late Gladys Louise White West. He was married to Donna Wilson West for many happy years. Mr. West was a mechanic and a master craftsman, showing his many talents re-
building and restoring cars. He also had a love for the outdoors and nature and was an avid fisherman, aviarist and florist. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and a friend to all. He is survived by: Wife, Donna West of Watson, OK; Sons, James Dean West and wife Karen, James Franklin West and wife Jodi; Daughters, Tamilea Denmon and husband Bobby, Karen Davis and husband Jimmy, Jamie Reynolds and husband Douglas, Amy Bartow and husband Wendell; 14 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and 1 on the way. He was preceded in death by his parents. Mr. West was sent for cremation under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home. No services are scheduled at this time.
ATTORNEY GENERAL ALERT: Don’t Go Phishing for Love in All the Wrong Places LITTLE ROCK – Dating apps can be like a box of chocolates, but the surprise may be far less sweet. Valentine’s Day is another opportunity for con artists to take advantage of Arkansans putting their hearts and money on the line to find love. By using false pictures and information, a perfect “match” could be a set up for a scam. “Meeting new people and dating has turned digital, with more than 1,500 dating apps available,” said Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. “With so many ‘fish in the sea,’ Arkansans hope to catch a good one, but there is a risk. Keep your private information private and use caution and commonsense when looking for love online.” Attorney General Rutledge released the following tips for social media users: • Share your hopes and dreams, not your salary and bank information. • Be honest about your expectations, not
your pin number. • Reveal your hobbies, not your passwords. • Open your heart to love, not your wallet to a sob story. • Plan to meet in public, not in a private, secluded or an unknown place. • Talk about your favorite vacations, not when you’re leaving town. • Hope for the best in others, but don’t ignore red flags. The Attorney General’s Office provides a tip card for consumers, how to spot phishing scams, information for parents to spot cyberbullying and offers a Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety. For more information and tips to avoid scams and other consumer-related issues, contact the Attorney General’s Office at (800) 482-8982 or consumer@arkansasag.gov or visit ArkansasAG.gov or Facebook.com/AGLeslieRutledge.
February 12, 2020
A reception was held recently to honor the Mena Regional Health System employee RN graduates of UARM. Pictured from left: Maranda Dees, Med/Surg; Sarah Jenkins, ER; Sasha Wise, Women’s Services; Jared Standridge, Med/Surg; Whitney Kincaid, Mena Surgical Center; Elaine Crabtree, SBH; Mandy Ryals, ER; and Taylor Jones, Women’s Services. Not pictured: Adrienne Pannell, Med/Surg and Tori Tackett, Women’s Services. Submitted photo.
Mena Mountain Resort
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For more than 65 years, Arkansans have looked to the Cross and Shield for health plans to fit their health and budget needs. And, as an Arkansas Blue Cross Agent, LaDon Copelin can advise you on the plan that’s best for you and your family. MPI 3362 1/15 R102019
A Romantic Valentine Evening
And count on me to help. When it comes to affordable, reliable health, dental and vision insurance plans, there are two names you can count on: Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and LaDon Copelin.
Soliciting agent for Arkansas Blue Cross, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Plans available only to residents in Arkansas.
Mena Regional Health System recently participated in National Go Red for Women, a campaign to help raise awareness for heart disease among women. Nearly 1 in 3 deaths in the US each year is caused by heart disease and stroke. At least 200,000 of these deaths could have been prevented through these simple changes in health habits. •Stop Smoking •More physical activity •Less salt in diet •Manage high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes Mena Regional Health System encourages everyone to visit with their primary care provider regarding their personal risk factors, cardiovascular and calcium screenings, and heart disease prevention. Screenings are important for your health and could lead to early detection and treatment of heart disease. They could help identify problems before symptoms even appear, reducing the risk for heart attack, stroke, heart disease and other serious conditions.
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
Mena High School Senior Zane Stephens. Zane will be playing football at Ouachita Baptist University & signed his letter of intent this morning in the Union Bank Center surrounded by family, friends, teammates & coaches. GO BEARCATS! Submitted photo.
Mena Bearcats of the
Presented By
Thur, Fri, Sat February 13, 14, 15
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$33.95 with baked potato and a salad.
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Gracie Lyle #10 David Grenier #10 This weeks Comfort Center Home Furnishings Players of the Game are Gracie Lyle #10 David Grenier #10. Congrats Gracie & David! Enjoy those pillows! Pillows are Presented by Stacy Ward of the
Comfort Center Home Furnishings
906 B Gillham - Mena, Arkansas 71953 479-234-8556 www.mycomfortcenter.com
February 12, 2020
De Queen Wins a Pair in Mena The De Queen teams won a pair of senior contests Tuesday night at the Union Bank Center. The De Queen girls knocked off the LadyCats 44-39, while the Leopards defeated the Bearcats 58-38 in boys action. The LadyCats led by as many as 14 points in the first half and took a 26-20 lead into the locker room at the half. De Queen rallied to take a 33-32 lead after three quarters and it was a see saw battle the rest of the way, as the Lady Leopards stayed undefeated in Conference play with the 44-
39 win. Grayson Fairless led a balanced Mena scoring attack with 11 points. Emily Wagner, Kiara Kesterson, and Gracie Lyle added seven points each. The LadyCats are 5-4 in league play and 10-12 overall. In the boys matchup, Mena and De Queen were tied at 13 after the opening quarter. But the Leopards steadily pulled away to post the 58-38 victory. David Grenier led Mena with 14. Marc Wilson added nine. The Bearcats are 5-15 on the season.
The Acorn Lady Tigers put on a furious fourth quarter rally to nip Cossatot River 62-60 to remain unbeaten in conference play Tuesday night at Acorn. It looked like the Lady Eagles had the game in hand with a 36-20 halftime lead. However, the Lady Tigers outscored the Lady Eagles 25-10 in the final eight min-
utes to pull out the two point victory. The Acorn girls are 13-0 in conference play and 24-4 overall. The Lady Eagles are 10-3 in the league and 19-9 overall. Acorn also took the boys contest 6237 to improve to 11-2 in the conference and 19-8 on the year.
Acorn Sweeps Cossatot River
r e n n i D s ’ e Valentin & Dance at The Elks Lodge 124 Elks Lane ♥ Mena, Arkansas
berry &s Mike Maloyw d The mS - Midnhigahnt Prime RpibmDinner 8p
6pm - 8
Dance: $7 - Members / $8 Non-Members Dinner: $20 Dinner & Dance: $25 - Members / $26 Non-Members Call 394-3740 for dinner reservations or come by the lodge. Must be 21 Years of Age or Older
Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing TIRES BRAKES CUSTOM EXHUAST SHOCKS & STRUTS Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 am - 5:30 pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena
Owner: Stacy & Julie Nash
February 12, 2020
Lady Bearcats Pull Out a Win Over Bauxite on Senior Night It was senior night at the Union Bank Center Friday night and the Mena teams split with Bauxite. The LadyCats pulled out a thrilling 41-37 victory, while the Mena boys fell 40-27 in action heard live on KQOR 105.3. Kiara Kesterson hit a three pointer at the end of the third quarter to give Mena a 3130 lead. The LadyCats rode that momentum by outscoring Bauxite 10-7 in the fourth quarter to post the 41-37 victory to improve to 11-12 on the season. Emily Wagner led the LadyCats in scoring with 11 points. The LadyCats are 6-4 in 4A Region 7 play, just a half game now behind Bauxite at 7-4, and one game behind Nashville for second place in the conference standings. Mena
closes out the regular season this week with contests on the road against Nashville and Arkadelphia. In the boys contest, the Bearcats led a low scoring contest until the fourth quarter. Mena led 6-5 after the opening quarter, and 12-11 at the half. Mena led 24-21 after three quarters. The Mena boys led by as many as six points in that third quarter. But the Miners outscored the Bearcats 19-3 in the final quarter to pull out the win at 4027. David Grenier led the Bearcats with 12 points on the night. The length of the Miners inside with a 6'7" player and a 6'5" player gave the Bearcats trouble with scoring. The Mena boys fell to 5-15 on the year.
Find Your Local News at MyPulseNews.com RE-ELECT
Pleasant Hills Animal Clinic is offering
15% OFF DENTAL CLEANINGS for the month of February! If your pet is 2 years of age or older, we strongly recommend having their teeth examined by a veterinarian for signs of dental disease. Call today to schedule a FREE dental exam to see if your pet is in need of a professional cleaning!
(479)possible 243-9200 This week’s Cutest Pet Pic made by your friends at:
Pleasant Hills Animal Clinic
3112 Highway 71 S Mena, AR 71953
POSITION #2 Political Ad Paid for by Robby Hines
Eagles Drop a Pair to Danville Cossatot River traveled to Danville Friday night for non-conference action. Danville defeated the Lady Eagles 43-30, while the Little Johns turned back the Eagles 4841 in boys action. The Lady Eagles are now 20-10 on the season, and in second place in the 2A Region 7 Conference at 11-3. The Acorn Lady Tigers lead the league
with a perfect 14-0 record. And Mount Ida struggled on the road at Caddo Hills on Friday night. The Lady Indians defeated the Lady Lions 48-32, while Caddo Hills won the boys contest too by a final score of 59-29. Both Mount Ida senior teams are 6-16 on the year.
Mena School EAST Program Receives Grants Case Wiles and Baylen Wright, 8th Graders in EAST at Mena Schools started a project “The Secret Garden”. Holly Harshmen Elementary had a designated garden area which needed attention. Case and Baylen decided to take on the project. They have worked diligently to make improvements since August. They have completed their fire pit, which they dug by hand, and are in the process of purchasing plants and trees for the garden. Oth-
February 12, 2020
er EAST students have joined to help by designing a Hammock and Reading Tent area. With a grant from Farm Bureau, they will create a vegetable garden and outdoor classroom area to help increase the agriculture awareness of students. This is a wonderful learning opportunity, allowing students to apply their knowledge. Case and Baylen will be teaching other students what they have learned from generations of family farming.
(479) 385-5200
PRICES VALID THURSDAY, FEB. 6TH THRU SATURDAY, FEB. 15TH, 2020 908 South Mena Street Mena, Arkansas 71953 479-394-4535
Pictured are Polk County Farm Bureau Agency Manager Tony Hooper Case Wiles, Charlotte Wiles ,Melissa Lunsford, Baylen Wright & Cliff Sherrer. Submitted photo.
Leasing Available
On all appliances: Colors, connectors, ice-maker hookup and installation extra. †Total Capacity (1,3,4) Exclusions apply. See store for additional exclusions. Offers good thru 2/15/20. Subject to lease approval, total cost to lease for a 5-mo. lease agreement is the above listed amount due at lease signing plus taxes, followed by 18 weekly payments of the same amount. For your options at the end of the 5 mo. agreement, please inquire about leasing details. Lease prices shown are valid on the sale prices shown for the duration of this advertisement.
February 12, 2020
Phyllis Bell attended and brought a letter from Asa Hutchinson the governor. Chris Hoover from Tom Cottons office also attended. There were approximatly 700 attendees. We had chicken dinner and lots
This week’s ad for
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Pet Pic
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104.1 KENA, 1450AM The Good News, 105.3 KQOR and The Polk County Pulse are giving away
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2920 Hwy. 71 N, Mena, AR 71953
HOURS: Mon. Tues. Wed. & Fri. 8am-5pm Closed on Thurs.
Sign up boxes will be available at Little Italy, Janssen Avenue Florist, The Stockpile Thrift Store and Sears Hometown Store between Feb. 3rd and Feb. 13th where you can register to win. Listen to 104.1 KENA for more sign up locations and for more information. THE WINNER WILL WIL BE ANNOUNCED DURING THE MORNING SHOW ON 104.1 KENA FEB. 13TH
Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to:
The Polk County Pulse
1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 or email: news@mypulsenews.com
February 12, 2020
desserts. The local community really came out to help. We had Safety Pup and Smokey the bear. A 1920 Model car and lots of motorcycles. You have permission to use any face book photos.
T.J.’s Country Store
Valentine Special
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Photos by Sarah Lewis Vekre
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February 12, 2020
Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK
Cali is impressive! She is a large, 87 pounds, Bernese Mountain Dog. This gentle giant loves to be petted, is calm, and is not a big barker. Her fur is shaded from black reddish-brown to reddish-brown with tan and white. Just look at that expressive face and sweet smile! Cali likes dogs but wants a cat free home. She walks well on leash. Buy her toys and treats for her birthday in November (11/18/14). Cali is dreaming of living at your place and she will be your dream come true! All animals at the Humane Society of the Ouachitas are current on their vaccinations and spayed/neutered prior to adoption. ALL ANIMALS AT HSO ARE SPAYED/NEUTERED AND ARE CURRENT ON THEIR VACCINATIONS PRIOR TO ADOPTION.
Thursday, February 13th
• 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/ Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at (479)2345844 or Linda Rowe at (479)234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Good Vibes Art Day at the Mena Art Gallery. All mediums welcome, from fiber art, painting and crafting. Open to public. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – The Mena Lioness Lions meet at the Limetree Restaurant. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God distributes food at 2111 Sutherland or call (479)394-1229. • 4:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club, at 1159 Highway 71 South., Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Education Wing, West End. Call (479)2342297 for more information. • 6:00 p.m. – Hatfield’s Lion’s Club meets at the Lions Club Field House. • 6:30 p.m. – Mena Chapter #243, Order of the Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Temple at 701 Port Arthur, Mena. Meeting will follow a meal at 6:30 p.m. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meets at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next toThe Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meeting and training at the Fire Station. • 7:00 p.m. – Valentine’s Concert in the Ouachita Center of UA Rich Mountain. Voice of the Ouachitas and the Mena Area Community Chorus performing. Directed by Stephanie Tapley. • 7:10 p.m. – Ouachita Little Theatre will be presenting Johnathan LenJukebox memories. Email julmer1954@ gmail.com for more.
Friday, February 14th
• 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings
February 12, 2020 are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Hatfield Auditorium Country-Western Dance Admission is $6 and 50/50 drawing. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297.
Saturday, February 15th
• 10:00 a.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Men’s Meeting – ABC Club, across form Chopping Block: 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena – (281)387-0400. • 10:00 a.m.- 12:00p.m.- Montgomery County Council for the Performing Arts will be holding auditions for “Little Women” at Roosevelt Auditorium in Mt. Ida. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – 3rd Saturday Gospel Singing to be held at Janssen Park. Bring a lawn chair and cold drink. Musicians and singers welcome. For more information, contact Stanley or Jeanette Dreyer at (479)216-0533. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)243-0297 or (479)2164606.
Sunday, February 16th
• 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297. • 2:00 p.m.- 4:00p.m.- Montgomery County Council for the Performing Arts will be holding auditions for “Little Women” at Roosevelt Auditorium in Mt. Ida. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship Service is held at Sulphur Springs Church.
Monday, February 17th
• 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Mena Seventh-Day Adventist Church Food Pantry across from the Polk County Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. No one will be turned away. • 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Republican Committee meets at Polk County Li-
brary, North Room. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Bee Association meeting at Union Bank of Mena. • 7:00 p.m. - Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at Union Bank Community Room.
Tuesday, February 18th
• 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The written portion of the drivers test will be given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority, and as long as road conditions are optimal the driving portion of the test will be given. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.- UARM Relay for Life Team holding a Fat Tuesday fundraiser (Cajun Dinner) at the Bucks Concession Trailer. Place orders by 2/14/20. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. • 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Hatfield Jam Session at the Hatfield Auditorium. All muscians/singers and listeners welcome. Refreshements served, cookies or fingerfoods accepted. • 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Polk County Housing Authority Community Room LIVE Country and Gospel music. • 6:00 p.m. – The Regular Hatfield Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Hatfield. • 6:00 p.m. – Mena City Council Meeting • 7:00 p.m. – VFW Post 4451 meeting at Veterans Park in Acorn. • 7:30 p.m. – The Regular Cove Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Cove. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anony-
mous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. (479)234-2887 or (479)234-3043.
Wednesday, February 19th
• 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Shepherd’s Closet open at First Baptist Church 4802 Hwy 71 S Hatfield, AR (870)389-6412. Accepting and distributing clothing/usable household items/and nonperishable food items. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery Art Group meeting. • 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency Warning Sirens will be tested in Mena. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 5:30 p.m. – Dinner at Christ Community Fellowship followed by services at 6:15 p.m. for Youth, Children’s Activities, Young Adult and Adult Bible studies. • 5:30 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Bible Study Service. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. • 6:00 p.m. – All area boys and girls are invited to join the activities at the Southside Church of God, 101 Dallas Ave. A meal will be served and all is free. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Highway 71 North, Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297.
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CLASSIFIEDS - SERVICES - FOR RENT Need your land cleared? Let me mulch it for you! RC Customz Land Clearing, Mulching & More. Some services (but not all) include: Fence lines, cleaning of lots, bush-hogging & fencing. This is a great solution for clearing overgrowth while leaving desirable trees. We service both residential & commercial customers. Military discount available. For more info & estimates contact Russell Lane at (479) 216-2976 T040120
1 Bedroom House for Rent, fully furnished, washer & dryer, wifi, satellite TV, all utilities paid. No pets please, security deposit required. Call for information/appointments. (479)234-7150 T02192020
Handyman Services, interior painting, plumbing, electric, other repairs. Call for details. Bill Duff 479-216-5204 T021220
Taren Cook & Thomas Fish of Waldron, Arkansas are the proud parents of a baby boy born Feb. 4th
You Can Reach
Kaylee & Bradley Roberts of Gillham, Arkansas are the proud parents of a baby girl born Feb. 4th
Polk County Births Mena Regional Health System January 31– February 6 , 2020
Sarah & Randall Horton of Mena, Arkansas are the proud parents of a baby girl born Dec. 5th
Fran & Al
Hadaway Miranda Bump of Mena, Arkansas
in the
February 12, 2020
Join us for a 60 Anniversary Party! th
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Connection Café *No Gifts Please.
(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Arkansas State Park chefs will partner with Pulaski Technical College Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute to compete in a Top Chef competition on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. Each team will be judged on their entrée to earn the title of Arkansas State Park’s Top Chef. There will also be a People’s Choice Award. “It was an idea we thought of a few years ago to highlight the fact that we offer a great culinary experience in our restaurants,” said Arkansas State Parks Director Grady Spann. “There are eight restaurants that serve our public year-round or during the season. We use as many locally sourced ingredients as possible and are focusing on healthy options. Like our state parks, the views from some of our restaurants make a meal feel more like a vacation.” There will be two parts to the competition: the traditional judging and the judging from peers and fellow conference attendees. Contestants will need to be prepared to share sample-sized versions of their entrée to accommodate 40 attendees. Participants will also need to consider how the items will be displayed on their park’s table and come prepared to enhance the presentation. The surprise component of the competition will be the creation of a new entrée and sides that each restaurant does not currently have on its menu but is considering adding it as a selection.
Teams will consist of a “Chef” and “Sous Chef” from each park. Teams will be decided by the restaurant managers and park superintendents. The judges will be: • David Flake, Personnel Director • Jodi Davis, Planning & Development • Eugene McCann, Business Development Manager, Ben E. Keith Foods • Leesa Freasier, Program Manager-Family and Preventive Medicine, UAMS • Caleb Osborne, Chief of Staff, ADPHT General Guidelines: teams will prepare four (4) plated meals. • Sauces must be produced during the competition. • Any dressings are to be prepared during the competition. • Teams must leave the workstation in a neat and tidy condition; this is part of the judging criteria. Sequence of Events: 11:45 a.m.: • Facility and pantry tour for contestants and briefing for judges 12-1 p.m. (15 minute staggered entrée delivery times): • Preparation and Cooking Time • Each team will prepare four identical plates to present to the judges (smaller portions are appreciated to reduce waste) 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.: • Presentation of Dish and Judging 2:15 p.m.: • Declaration of Winner
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February 12, 2020
The Downtown Cash Mob was hosted Saturday by Wild Hare Art Glass Studio. After enjoying a variety of refreshments, door prizes were given and games played prior to the name of the shop to be mobbed being drawn. Jackye Palmer and Earl Harrell are shown participating in a funny Valentine’s scenario. The group is shown outside Coast to Coast before converging into the store laughing and yelling “You’re being mobbed.” After Coast to Coast owner, Jimmy Abbott, recovered from the surprise, he briefly told about the shop and invited the Mob’sters to enjoy shopping which they eagerly did. Submitted photo.
Mena, on a Warrant for Terroristic Threatening 2nd Degree. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked one vehicle accident this week.
Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 27 Incarcerated Inmates , with 14 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
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February 12, 2020
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