Special 2020 Graduation Edition

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Graduation Edition


Graduation Edition - Page 2

May 20, 2020


May 20, 2020


Graduate Edition - Page 3


Bradlee Bissell

Caleb Bowers

Corinne Branson

Matthew Chaney

Malory Cline

Nathan Cottman

Cody Curry

Justin Dowlen

Makenna Goss

Raymond Hannaman

Kacey Head

Mindy Hibbs

Kaylyn Hicks

Morgan Gracie Hill

Sophie Jackson

Austin Kuakahela

Brady Lyle


Graduation Edition - Page 4

Jacob Moore

An Pham

Mercedes Mowdy

Alexius Powell


May 20, 2020

Matthew Nance

Ha Gloria Nguyen

Justin Richmond



Brickie Sachs

Minh Nguyen

Jonathan O’Donnal

Haley Sandoval

Ethan Sides




3357 Hwy 71 N


3357 Hwy 71 N 479-394-1394

WE MISSED... Drama Productions


Graduate Edition - Page 5

May 20, 2020

Acorn High School Senior Scholarship Information

Chad Sutton

Maria Testoni

Jeremiah Swint

Chris Thacker

Cameron Tabor

Nghi Tran

J&A Truss and Lumber, LLC


Brody Webb

Congrats Local Seniors!

Branson, Corinne: Arkansas Academic Challenge-$13,000, Ouachita Arts & Crafts Guild-$500. Total - $13,500.00 Goss, Makenna: Acorn High School Valedictorian-Governor’s Distinguished Scholar-$40,000, University of Central Arkansas Schedler’s Honors College Scholarship-$40,000, Acorn School Reunion-$1,000. Total - $81,000.00 Hannaman, Raymond: Arkansas Academic Challenge-$13,000. Total – $13,000.00 Head, Kacey: Governor’s Distinguished Scholar-$40,000, Arkansas Tech University Board of Trustees Scholarship-$36,000. Total - $76,000.00 Jackson, Sophie: Arkansas Academic Challenge-$13,000, Lloyd Lee Lott Scholarship-$750. Total – 13,750.00 Lyle, Brady: Acorn High School Salutatorian-Arkansas Tech University Presidential Scholarship$32,000, Arkansas Academic Challenge-$14,000, Robert L. Morrow-$500, Lloyd Lee Lott Scholarship-$750. Total - $47,250.00 Mowdy, Mercedes: Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship-$13,000. Total $13,000.00 Nance, Matthew: Arkansas Academic Challenge-$14,000, University of Central Arkansas Excellence Scholarship-$28,000, Hagan Foundation-$12,000. Total $54,000.00 Sandoval, Haley: Arkansas Academic Challenge-$14,000, Arkansas Tech University Board of Trustees Scholarship-$36,000. Total - $50,000.00 Swint, Jeremiah: Arkansas Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total $14,000.00 Webb, Brody: Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship-$13,000. Total $ 13,000.00

WE MISSED... Cafeteria Food

IONS! T A L U T A R G N CO Dixon


Cossatot River High School

From your Family at 870-387-2021

5607 Hwy 71 South Cove, AR

Graduation Edition - Page 6


May 20, 2020


Josalynn Bennett

Kyle Christenberry

Judy Cook

Teresa Cude

Kevin Day

Mali Damazio

Flynn Hackworth

Preston Harris

Adam Hughes

Allen Chuliang

Audrey Maish

Ethan Mayo

Zack Mayo

Daniel Norman

Garrett Pearce

Baili Powell

Amelia Still

WE MISSED... Award Ceremonies


Austin Stovall

May 20, 2020

Allie Strother

Tucker Van Pelt

Graduate Edition - Page 7

Oden Scholarships 2020 Josalynn Bennett—Bud and Katie Sampley Memorial Scholarship Judy Cook-- Bud and Katie Sampley Memorial Scholarship; Arkansas Challenge Scholarship; SAU Blue and Gold Academic Scholarship; Leon and Marie (Hopper) Pearce Memorial Scholarship Teresa Cude—Arkansas Challenge Scholarship; UARM Margaret Hopper Endowment Scholarship Kevin Day—Arkansas Challenge Scholarship Garrett Pearce—Arkansas Challenge Scholarship Baili Powell—Arkansas Challenge Scholarship Amelia Still-- Arkansas Tech University Academic Scholarship, Arkansas Challenge Scholarship Allie Strother-- Bud and Katie Sampley Memorial Scholarship; Arkansas Challenge Scholarship; National Park College President’s Scholarship Tucker Van Pelt-- Bud and Katie Sampley Memorial Scholarship; Arkansas Challenge Scholarship; National Park College President’s Scholarship

WE MISSED... Archery

Graduation Edition - Page 8

May 20, 2020

WE MISSED... End of Year Parties


May 20, 2020


Ariana Hicks MENA


Graduate Edition - Page 9

Kiara Kesterson MENA

Justin Richmond ACORN

Brody Webb ACORN


Bryce Fox UMPIRE

Brock Hemphii SMITHVILLE

Drew Philpot MENA

Hoiie Mounts DIERKS

Kimberly Teodoro Mendez


WE MISSED... Pictures in the park

Graduation Edition - Page 10

May 20, 2020



Sixto Aguilar

Celina Arce

Jordan Bailey

Troy Bailey

Katelyn Baker

Alexis Brito

Litzy Brito

Damon Canada

Alicia Castrejon

Autumn Crochet

Clayton Davis

Lizbet Delgado

Lizbet Delgado

Cassidy Dixon

Manuel EsquivelAmador

Christian Evans

Makaya Floyd

Abygail Fortner

WE MISSED... Prom Royalty


Graduate Edition - Page 11

May 20, 2020

Callie Frachiseur

Coy Frachiseur

Kolby Frachiseur

Mayra Gutierrez

Lashay Hackworth

Haley Laymance

Colton Hammer

Malachi Harper

Amy Haynes

Johan Hernandez

Emily Howard

Megan James

1100 Hwy 71 N Mena, AR

(479) 394-0813

Congrats to the Class of 2020!

WE MISSED... Choir

Graduation Edition - Page 12

Kyle Lambert

Esperanza Ortiz

Robert Maddox

Jose Ortiz

May 20, 2020

Katelyn McLain

Trenton Overton


Yazmin MedinaMorales

Summer Raines

Samuel Miranda

Dayton Ralls

George Morgan

Jared Richardson

Congratulations to all Polk County Seniors!

Jordy Roldan

Crystal Salgado

Jeremiah Sanchez

WE MISSED... Track

Here to Serve You!

John Maddox

State Representative District 20


May 20, 2020

Graduate Edition - Page 13 Cossatot River School District Scholarship list

Jacob Sherwood

Christian Shores

James Stark

Hylan Stauder

Brian Strother

Ruben Trinidad

Belen VasquezAntunez

Kailey Wade

Jacinda Watkins

Larry Whorton

Natalie Wilson

Braxton Wise

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau

Kayla Youngblood

Rachel Zarate

Aguilar, Sixto: Arkansas Tech University Dean’s Scholarship-$24,000, Presidential Distinction Scholarship-$19,000, Achievement award-$8,000, University Scholarship$14,000, AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total $79,000.00 Arce, Celina: Carroll G. and Louise Davis Endowment Scholarship-$2000, AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total - $16,000.00 Bailey, Jordan: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Bailey, Troy: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Baker, Katelyn: Rachel Norman Choral Scholarship-$500, UARM Union Bank Endowment$1000, Shelter Insurance Scholarship-$2000, AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total -$17,500.00 Brito, Litzy: Harding University Grant-$1000. Castrejon, Alicia: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Delgado-Delgado, Lizbet: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Dixon, Cassidy: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Equivel-Adamor, Manuel: Henderson's Distinguished Freshman Scholarship-$48,000, AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total - $62,000.00 Frachiseur, Coy: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Haynes, Amy: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Ortiz, Jose: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Ortiz, Esperaza: Carroll G. and Louise Davis Endowment Scholarship-$2000, AR Academic Challenge, $14,000. Total - $16,000.00 Raines, Summer: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Stark, James: Arkansas Tech University Board of Trustees-$36,000, Southern Arkansas University Presidential Award-$44,000, Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship-$40,0000. Total - $120,000.00 Strother, Brian: Carroll G. and Louise Davis Endowment Scholarship-$2000, AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Total - $16,000.00 Trinidad, Ruben: AR Academic Challenge-$14,000. Wade, Kailey: Carroll G. and Louise Davis Endowment Scholarship-$2000, Ed and Dorothy Stevenson Endowment Tuition Scholarship GRANT 1-$1000, AR Academic Challenge$14,000. Total - $17,000.00


Graduation Edition - Page 14


May 20, 2020



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WE MISSED... Softball

of So proud 20 of your achievements 20 CLASS


309 S. Morrow - Mena, AR


Concession T railer



Graduate Edition - Page 15

May 20, 2020

Who said you wouldn’t graduate? Congrats from George and Rosie Davis Milia Sibbett Mena High

Haley Caldwell Mena High

410 Sher wood Ave, Suite 1 Mena, AR 71953 479-394-4521

WE MISSED... Signing Our Yearbooks

Graduation Edition - Page 16


May 20, 2020


Jennifer Adams

Abbie Alvarez

Caleb Baber

Richard Bagwell

Braxton Bahr

Julia Bailey

LaDonna Barber

Shaun Bass

Tristen Beck

Gregory Blaschka

Avery Bowling

Jacob Bradley

Ashton Briley

Charles Brown

Haley Caldwell

Cadie Cannon

Cason Cannon

WE MISSED... Senior Lip Sync Performances


Graduate Edition - Page 17

May 20, 2020

Ashtan Carr

Jayden Castillo

Brendon Catlett

Jillian Faith Chaney

Lila Chapman

Jacob Coogan

Elijah Cook

Mariana Correia

Curtis Curry

Vy Dang

Cassidy Delaney

Travis Denton

WE MISSED... Valedictorian Speeches

Graduation Edition - Page 18

Cameron Downen

Mikala Evans

Marissa Grafton


May 20, 2020

Cara Diggers

Devin Durham

Jacob Dwiggins

Jackson Efird

Hope Egger

Paige Evans

Gabriel Fernandes

Simeon Fields

Pete Floyd

Kade Garrett

Andrew Graves

David Grenier

Ariana Hicks

Autumn Hill

Nicholas Holman

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Elenore Roosevelt


Caleb Holmes

Octavia Howard

Travis Hughes

Graduate Edition - Page 19

May 20, 2020


Lindy Hull

Iaza Ingoglia

Macie Johnson

Austin Johnston

Julianna Kennedy

Kiara Kesterson

TJ Kiser

Misael Knight

Abigail Langin

Alexiza Lawrence

Jenny Laxamana

Tam Le

Madiaon Linch

Dakota Looney

Daniel Machado

Macy Maddox



WE MISSED... Friends

From Your Family At Telissa Montgomery Agent 205 N Morrow, Mena, AR 71953

Lauryn Maechler





Graduation Edition - Page 20

May 20, 2020


Aaron McConnell

Dalton McCourtney

Austin McEntire

Cody McQueen

Morgan Miller

Hunter Montgomery

Skylar Montgomery

Lilyan Muns

Dang Nguyen

Kiet Nguyen

Thi Nguyen

Ivan Obregon

Ashley Page

Cash Parker

Jocelyn Parsons

Alexis Payne

Tristen Penny

Jacinto Perez

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. - Leslie Brown

WE MISSED... Soccer

Aina Perez-Serra

Heath Peterson

Anh Phi


Graduate Edition - Page 21

May 20, 2020

Andrew Philpot

Dustin Poor

Autumn Powell

Cypriss-Rose Pruitt

Chloe Rocha

Wuttipat Saithanoo

Pedro Santos Silva

Molly Schnell

Kyndon Schuller

Milia Sibbett

Christian Siler

Kaitlyn Simmons

Reigha Smith

Zane Stephens

McKenzie Strother

Chantal Sims


Graduation Edition - Page 22

Sierra Taylor

Martin Wagner

Hannah Willis

Amy Thompson

Emma Wallis

Marc Wilson

May 20, 2020

Kaitlyn Titsworth

Samuel Wallstrom

Shih-Hung Yang

Beau Tomblin

Hunter Waters

Lillian McDaniel

WE MISSED... our Teachers


Lun Tung

Dylan White

Duc Vu

Majjor White

Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. Make good art. - Neil Gaiman

May 20, 2020


Mena High School 2019-2020 Seniors Scholarships and Grants Alvarez, Abbie Lynn: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Arkansas Future Grant, Freshman Award Scholarship-UALR-$8,000. Total - $22,000.00 Adams, Devan Eric: Tasseltime Scholarship-$100. Total - $100.00 Adams, Jennifer: UA Rich Mountain Board of Visitors Academic Scholarship-$6,600. Total - $6,600.00 Baber, Caleb: Nursing Scholarship-$500. Total - $500.00 Bagwell, Richard: Montgomery GI Bill-$14,112, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $28,112.00 Bahr, Braxton: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Bailey, Julia: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Barber, Ladonna: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Bass, Shaun Matthew: University Arkansas Freshman Success Scholarship-$2,000, Arkansas Future Grant, JAG Scholarship-$100, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000.Total - $16,100.00 Beck, Tristen Lee: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Blaschka, Gregory: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Military Dependents Scholarship. Total - $14,000.00 Bowling, Avery Faith: Pell Grant-$5,000, Arkansas Future Grant, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $19,000.00 Brown, Charles James: Arkansas Future Grant Browning, Micah: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Cannon, Cadie: Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship-$800, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,800.00 Castillo, Jayden Angelo: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Catlett, Brendon William Lee: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UA Rich Mountain Chancellor’s Academic Scholarship-$5,100, State FFA Scholarship. Total - $19,100.00 Chaney, Jillian: UAFS Academic Distinction Scholarship-$19,000, Henderson Presidential Scholarship-$40,000, SAU Blue and Gold Award-$26,400, DAR Local Scholarship-$100, DAR State Scholarship-$250, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $99,750.00 Chapman, Lila Hearn: Arkansas Future Grant, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Minuteman ROTC to University of Arkansas-Fort Smith- $91,175. Total - $105,175.00 Coogan, Jacob: ATU Board of Trustee Scholarship-$36,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $50,000.00 Cook, Elijah Neil: Arkansas Future Grant, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Pell grant-$6,195. Total - $20,195.00 Delaney, Cassidy Lynn: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Reddie Achievement- $10,000, SAU Achievement-$8,000, Freshman Award Scholarship-UALR-$8,000. Total - $40,000.00 Denton, Travis Wade: Montgomery GI Bill and Kicker- $26,712. Total - $26,712.00 Downen, Cameron: Leadership Scholarship-ATU-$8,000. Total - $8,000.00 Driggers, Cara Lyn: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UAFS Academic Scholarship- $19,000. Total - $33,000.00 Durham, Devin: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Dwiggins, Jacob Lynn: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total -$14,000.00 Efird, Jackson: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00

Graduate Edition - Page 23

Egger, Hope Alisa: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Reddie Achievement- $10,000, Freshman Award Scholarship-UALR-$8,000. Total - $32,000.00 Evans, Mikala Mayanne: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Arkansas Future Grant, Chris Jones Memorial Scholarship-$500, Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship-$800. Total - $1,300.00 Evans, Paige: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Floyd, Pete Kimsey: SAU Foundation Scholarship-$8,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship- $14,000. Total - $22,000.00 Garrett, Kade William Edward: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Grafton, Marissa Renee: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Graves, Andrew Daniel: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UA Rich Mountain-Mena Schools-$1,000. Total - $15,000.00 Grenier, David Reese: Bearcat Foundation Scholarship-$2,000, UA Rich Mountain Board of Visitors Academic Scholarship-$6,600, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Honor College Academy-$16,000, US Electrical Motors (NIDEC) Endowment Scholarship-$2,000, Deans; Academic Merit Scholarship-UALR-$24,000. Total - $64,600.00 Hicks, Ariana: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UALR-Dean’s Academic Merit Scholarship-$24,000. Total - $38,000.00 Hill, Autumn Marie: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Holmes, Caleb Ryan: Governor’s Scholars Program-$40,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Arkansas Future Grant, University of Arkansas Chancellor’s-$32,000, Pell Grant-$2,295, Engineering and Information Technology Scholars-UALR-$24,000, Chancellor’s Academic Distinction Scholarship-UALR- $40,000. Total - $152,295.00 Howard, Octavia Rayne: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Hull, Lindy Ann: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UA Rich Mountain Board of Visitors Academic Scholarship-$6,600, Aramark-$500, University Centurium-$40,000, Deans Academic Merit Scholarship-UALR-$24,000. Total - $85,100.00 Johnston, Austin Ryan: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, ATU-Leadershi Scholarship-$8,000. Total - $22,000.00 Johnson, Macie: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, 40 Year Club Endowment Scholarship-$2,000. Total - $16,000.00 Kennedy, Julianna Elyse: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, 40 Year Club Endowment Scholarship-$2,000, US Electrical Motors (NIDEC) Endowment Scholarship- $2,000. Total - $18,000.00 Kesterson, Kiara Page: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000 UAFS-Academic Excellence Scholarship- $15,000. Total - $29,000.00 Kiser, Tj Garrett: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Knight, Misael: UA Rich Mountain Destination Science Scholarship-$250. Langin, Abigail: Freshman Presidential Scholarship-$124,640, Discovery Scholarship- $2,000, John Natalini Scholarship-$82,000. Total - $208,640.00 Lawrence, Alexiza: SAU University Scholarship-$36,000, UCA Achievement Scholarship- $48,000, UAFS Academic Distriction Scholarship-$19,000, ATU Presidential Scholarship- $32,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Presidential Scholarship-ATU-$32,000. Total - $181,000.00 Laxamana, Jenny Lynn: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Linch, Madison Faith: Arkansas Future Grant Looney, Dakota Lee: Montgomery GI Bill-$14,112, Academic Challenge Scholarship- $14,000. Total - $28,112.00 Maddox, Macy Ann: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total -$14,000.00 Maechler, Lauryn: 40 Year Club Endowment Scholarship-$2,000, UAFS-$15,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $31,000.00 McConnell, Aaron: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000

WE MISSED... Walking THAT Stage

Graduation Edition - Page 24

May 20, 2020

McCourtney, Dalton: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 McEntire, Austin Hunter: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, SAU Achievement- $8,000, SAU Music Scholarship-$28,000, Freshman Award Scholarship-UALR-$8,000. Total - $58,000.00 Miller, Morgan Dawn: Full Pell Grant-$6,345, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $20,345.00 Montgomery, Skylar Ann: University of Arkansas Leadership Scholarship-$2,000, JAG Scholarship-$300, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $16,300.00 Parsons, Jocelyn: SAU University- $36,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $36,000.00 Payne, Alexis: UA Rich Mountain Mena Schools-$1,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship- $14,000. Total - $15,000.00 Peterson, Heath: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Philpot, Andrew: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Powell, Autumn Christene: UARM Softball Athletic-$7,000, JAG Scholarship-$300, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, 40 Year Club Endowment Scholarship-$2,000. Total - $23,300.00 Pruitt, Cypriss-Rose Naluo’kawailani: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UARM Board of Visitors Academic Scholarship-$6,600, Deans' Academic Merit Scholarship-UALR- $24,000. Total - $44,600.00 Rocha, Chloe Nicole: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000 Schnell, Molly Jean: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000 Schuller, Kyndon: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000 Sibbett, Milia Rosalie: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000 Simmons, Kaitlyn Ann: UARM Board of Visitors Academic Scholarship-$6,600, Ouachita Baptist University President’s Scholarship-$74,000, University of Arkansas Fort Smith Academic Scholarship-$5,500, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Dean’s Scholarship- $40,000, Oral Roberts University Quest Whole Leader Scholarship-$17,500, Williams Baptist University Founder’s Scholarship-$48,000,Southern Arkansas University Presidential Scholarship-$44,000, Oakland City University Merit Scholarship-$28,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Henderson State University Presidential Scholarship-$42,000. Total - $319,600.00 Smith, Reigha Luciel: Federal Pell Grant 2020-2021-$3,195, Arkansas State Heritage Grant 2020-2021-$3,000, Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship-$800, Federal Work Study 2020-2021-$3,000. Total - $9,995.00 Stephens, Zane Tyler: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, UA Rich Mountain Chancellor’s Academic Scholarship-$5,100, UA Little Rock Academic Achievement Scholarship-$16,000. Total - $35,100.00 Strother, McKenzie Brooke: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Ta, Khuong: UAFS-$20,000. Total - $20,000.00 Taylor, Sierra Nicole: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Mule Rider Scholarship- $24,000, Top 10% Scholarship (SAU) $26,400, Cappex Scholarship-$1,000. Total - $65,400.00 Titsworth, Kaitlyn Marie: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Tomblin, Beau William: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Waters, Hunter: UA Rich Mountain Mena Schools-$1,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship- $14,000. Total - $15,000.00 White, Majjor Alan: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Military Dependents Scholarship, National Guard education benefits-ATU-$35,250, Montgomery GI Bill and KICKER-$26,712. Total - $75,962.00 Willis, Hannah May: Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000. Total - $14,000.00 Wilson, Marc D.: Red and Gray-HSU-$16,000, Academic Challenge Scholarship-$14,000, Bearcat Foundation Scholarship-$2,000, Freshman Award Scholarship-UALR-$8,000. Total - $40,000.00 Tentative Grand Total 80 students listed $2,654,043.00


s n o i t a l u t a r g Con to all area Seniors

2201 Hwy. 71 Mena, AR

(479) 394-5900 (800) 394-6695


WE MISSED... Morning Announcements

May 20, 2020


Graduate Edition - Page 25


Michael Allen-Gibbs

Alyssa Anderson

Fisher Bissell

Haley Black

Austin Boone

Seth Breashears

Banner Carlton

Brandon Chaffin

Katelyn Cox

Fisher Davis

Hunter Davis

Colton Goss

Joseph Gregory

Brianna Hendrix

Skyler Holden

Carter Husted

Jordan Keeton

WE MISSED... Senior Shenanigans

Graduation Edition - Page 26

Haley Lyksett

Mason Manley

Allison Saveall

Kyleigh Sigman

May 20, 2020

Alexis Moore

Dixie Standridge


Caleb Rhoden

Alexis Rowland

Congratulations Jessica Swindle

Isabella Thew

Graduates, you are our future! Merlin Vande Weyer

Tyler Walden

Anna Wood

It takes courage to grow up and be who you really are. - E. E. Cummings WE MISSED... Baseball

Austin Rowland

We salute you on your accomplishments and encourage you to continue to work hard and dream big... and to

be the change you

wish to see in

the world!


Branden Thomas


May 20, 2020

Graduate Edition - Page 27

WE MISSED... Field Trips and Long Bus Rides

Graduate Edition - Page 28

May 20, 2020


U of A Rich Mountain

Highest Honors

Downer, Khamon: Technical Certificate - Cosmetology Garcia, Diane: Associate of Applied Science - Health Information Billing and Coding Goff, Darla: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Hewitt, Kimberly: Associate of General Studies Martindale, Kaitlyn:Associate of Applied Science-Health Information Billing&Coding Medlin, Payton: Associate of Arts Ocampo, Rebecca: Technical Certificate - Cosmetology Smith, Lela: Associate of General Studies Speight, Trevor: Associate of Arts Wahl, Susan: Associate of Applied Science - Health Information Billing and Coding


Baker, Cameron: Associate of General Studies Barney, Keilah: Associate of Arts Bills, Ian: Associate of General Studies Coon, Austin: Certificate of General Studies Dollarhyde, Tyra: Technical Certificate - Welding Dozier, Mason: Associate of Applied Science - Advanced Manufacturing - Welding Dozier, Mason: Technical Certificate - Welding Fowler, Whitney: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Howel, Kelhan: Associate of Applied Science - Business and Information Technology Hunter, Ann: Associate of Arts James, Brenden: Certificate of General Studies Lagoy, Jacob: Associate of Applied Science - Advanced Manufacturing - Welding Lagoy, Jacob: Associate of Applied Science-Advanced Manufacturin-Machine Tool Technology Lagoy, Jacob: Technical Certificate - Machine Shop Lewis, Adria: Associate of General Studies Lewis, Thomas: Associate of Applied Science-Business and Information Technology Lewis, Thomas: Technical Certificate - Computer Systems Technology McClain, William: Associate of Arts McCourtney, Christopher: Associate of General Studies McLemore, Stacy: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Pate, Marissa: Associate of Applied Science - Health Information Billing and Coding Rogers, Alice: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Scurlock, Victoria: Associate of Arts Tapley, Stephanie: Associate of Applied Science - Business and Information Technology-Information Systems Technology

Tapley, Stephani Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Wood, Michaela: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Wright, Amanda: Associate of Applied Science - Health Information Billing & Coding Yarbrough, Kristy: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Adams, Cristy: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Adaway, Angeline: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Alfaro-Machuca, Samantha: Certificate of Proficiency - Cosmetology Instructor Anderson, Hannah: Certificate of Proficiency - Early Childhood Development Badger, Caleb: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Badger, Caleb: Technical Certificate - Welding Barnett, Daly: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Beck, Skylar: Associate of General Studies Bhan, Neelam: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Bhan, Sahil: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Bhan, Sahil: Technical Certificate - Welding Bhan, Sidarth Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Brett, Donna: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Brown, Blake: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding Brown, Blake: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Browning, Brya: Associate of Applied Science - Advanced Manufacturing - Welding Browning, Bryar: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding Browning, Bryar: Technical Certificate - Welding Bush, Courtney: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Bush, Courtney: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Cabello, Chelsea: Associate of General Studies Cagle, Michael: Associate of General Studies Cameron, Charity: Associate of General Studies Campbell, Tonya: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Castillo, Haley: Associate of Arts Cervenka, Chance: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Chapel, Victoria: Associate of General Studies Clegg, Danielle: Associate of General Studies Clibrey, Jarrett: Associate of General Studies Cole, Samantha: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Coon, Cortney: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Courter, Jason: Technical Certificate - Computer Systems Technology Cox, Michelle: Certificate of Proficiency - Early Childhood Development


May 20, 2020

Crabtree, Elaine: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Cruz, Neila: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Davis, Clayton: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Day, Kevin: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Dees, Maranda: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Dehart, Hailee: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Dehart, Zachariah: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding DeVries, Austin: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Systems Technology Dewitt, Breadan: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Diaz, Bonnie: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Dixon, Angela: Certificate of Proficiency - Cosmetology Instructor Dollarhyde, Tyra: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding Dozier, Mason: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding Drake-Lewis, Mary: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing&Coding Drake-Lewis, Mary: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Durham, Devin: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Elardo, Dalton: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Evans, Mikala: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Ezell, Melissa: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Fairless, Christina: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Fenwick, Samuel: Associate of General Studies Floyd, Destiny: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Systems Technology Floyd, Destiny: Certificate of Proficiency - Web Design Foshee, Autumn: Associate of Arts Foster, Jordan: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Fry, James: Associate of Applied Science - Advanced Manufacturing - Welding Fry, James: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding Fry, James: Technical Certificate - Welding Fryar, Ashton: Associate of General Studies Gage, Lauren: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Gage, Lauren: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Garzon, Tara: Associate of General Studies Gibson, Lara: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Goff, Darla: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Gutierrez, Mayra: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Hackworth, Lashay: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Hamel, Kelsey: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Hammer, Colton: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Hammer, Oliva: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Hankins, Brittany: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Hannaman, Caici: Associate of General Studies Harris, Cameron: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Harris, Cameron: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Harrison, Brandie: Associate of Arts Hendrix, Ethan: Certificate of General Studies Henry, Tamara: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Henry, Tamara: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Hicks, Eric: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Hicks, Eric: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Hill, Faith: Associate of General Studies Himes, Lily: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Howard, Emily: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding

Graduation Edition - Page 29

Howell, Kelhan: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Programming Howell, Kelhan: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Systems Technology Howell, Kelhan: Certificate of Proficiency - Web Design Hughes, Cooper: Associate of Arts Hughes, Travis: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Ingoglia, Halie: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Irwin, Patrick: Technical Certificate - Machine Shop Irwin, Patrick: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Jackson, Cyndi: Certificate of Proficiency - Early Childhood Development James, Megan: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant James, Melanie: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Jenkins, Sarah: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Jones, Taylor: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Kennedy, Daniel: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Kennedy, Julianna: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Kesterson, Kristin: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Kincaid, Ashli: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Kincaid, Whitney: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Knigh, Misael: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Krahn, Gayle: Certificate of Proficiency - Cosmetology Instructor Lagoy, Jacob: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Lambert, Kyle: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Lawrence, Toni: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Leda, Andrew: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Leon, Corie: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Leonard, Easton: Associate of Applied Science - Business & Information Technology Leonard, Easton: Technical Certificate - Computer Systems Technology Leonard, Easton: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Systems Technology Lewis, Adria: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Lewis, Amy: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Lewis, Elgecca: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Lewis, Thomas: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Programming Lindsey, Nicole: Technical Certificate - Cosmetology Lisle, Timothy: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Lockhart, Olivia: Associate of Arts Lovett, Hunter: Associate of Arts Lunsford, Angelia: Associate of Applied Science-Business&Information Technology Lytle, Atrea: Associate of Applied Science - Business and Information Technology Maddox, Ashley: Certificate of Proficiency - Early Childhood Development May, Brittany: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Maya, Emmanuel: Associate of Arts McGee, Terry: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing McLain, Mary: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding McLain, Mary: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding McNatt, Aubrey: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Meador, Brittany: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Meador, Rachel: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Medina-Morales, Yazmin: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Medlin, Katelynn: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Mendez, Miriam: Certificate of General Studies Milam, Courtney: Technical Certificate - Cosmetology Miles, Kasie: Associate of Arts

WE MISSED... Hallway Gossip

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May 20, 2020

Miller, Dominick: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Miller, Matthew: Associate of Applied Science - Advanced Manufacturing - Machine Tool Technology Miller, Matthew: Technical Certificate - Machine Shop Miller, Morgan: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Minton, Katie: Associate of Arts Mishler, Christine: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Moore, Gillian: Associate of General Studies Moore, Jacob: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Morgan, Skylar: Associate of General Studies Murr, Jonathan: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Nixon, Haley: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Obregon, Ivan: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Ortiz, Destiny: Associate of General Studies Owens, Tesia: Associate of Arts Palmer, Toni: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Paniagua-Kelsay, Zinianna: Associate of General Studies Pannell, Adrienne: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Parker, Kimberly: Associate of Applied Science - Health Information Billing and Coding Pasquinzo, Aaron: Associate of Arts Penny, Tristen: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Philpot, Chelsea: Certificate of Proficiency - Early Childhood Development Poor, Dustin: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Powell, Callie: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Profrock, Franklyn: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Reay, Kennith: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Rivera, Andreina: Associate of General Studies Rogers, Alice: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Ross, Nicholas: Technical Certificate - Welding Rudman, Victoria: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Ruskin, Kenley: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Russell, Robert: Associate of Arts Ryals, Mandy: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Sanchez, Asael: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Shaner, William: Associate of General Studies Shores, Christian: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Shuey, Kaylea: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Sides, Ethan: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Slater, Tonya: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Slater, Tonya: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Sparks, Allison: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding


Sparks, Allison: Technical Certificate - Welding Sparks, Allison: Associate of Applied Science - Welding Standridge, Jared: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Starr, Brooklynn: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Stewart, Diane: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Stewart, Diane: Associate of Applied Science - Health Information Billing and Coding Stonecipher, Ashley: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Stover, Dustin: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Strother, Braxlie: Associate of General Studies Surber, Misty: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Swan, Amanda: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Tackett, Brooklyn: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Tackett, Victoria: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Taylor, Amy: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Terwilliger, Kayla: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding Terwilliger, Kayla: Technical Certificate - Health Information Billing and Coding Thacker, Heather: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Thacker, Tateli: Associate of General Studies Thomas, David: Technical Certificate - Massage Therapy Thornton, Patrica: Certificate of Proficiency - Inert Gas Welding Thornton, Patrica: Technical Certificate - Welding Thornton, Patrica: Associate of Applied Science - Welding Titsworth, Charity: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Townzen, Jesse: Associate of General Studies Vasquez, Belen: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Vatsana, Anna: Certificate of Proficiency - Manicuring and Nail Technology Wagner, Hannah: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Wagner, Shauna: Associate of General Studies Ward, Jacob: Certificate of Proficiency - Machine Tool Technology Watkin, Merisa: Certificate of Proficiency - Certified Nursing Assistant Watts, Leonard: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Wilkinson, Destiny: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Systems Technology Wilkinson, Destiny: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Williams, Rebekah: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Winkley, Ethan: Certificate of Proficiency - Welding Wise, Sasha: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Wood, Jason: Certificate of Proficiency - Computer Programming Wood, Jason: Technical Certificate - Computer Systems Technology Wood, Jason: Associate of Applied Science - General Technology Yang, Mai: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Yang, Ntxhee: Associate of Applied Science - Registered Nursing Yarbrough, Kristy: Certificate of Proficiency - Health Information Billing and Coding

May 20, 2020


Graduate Edition - Page 31

#StayHome with Rich Mountain Not every graduate can “Stay Home” while going to college… but your graduate can. No matter what educational goals they’re pursuing, there’s never been a better time for you and your graduate to consider University of Arkansas Rich Mountain.

In this new normal, consider this: Small & can quickly adapt to changes They can start as a Buck… and finish strong as a Razorback and continue paying Rich Mountain tuition rates while completing their Bachelor’s degree.

Scholarships, grants & loans We have one of the lowest costs of attendance anywhere. Plus, we award over $2.2 million in federal financial funds EVERY year.

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With the addition of on-campus student housing and an emerging Bucks Athletics program, we deliver on the full college experience.

Graduation Edition

May 20, 2020


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