January 15, 2020
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Mena Lioness Club Presents Checks to Local Non-profits The Mena Lioness Club presented checks to several local non-profit organizations recently. The Lioness presented checks to CASA, Single Parent Scholarship Program, Fresh Start Pregnancy Resource Center, the Salvation Army, Clarice’s Room of Hope, and the Polk County Backpack Program. The Mena Lioness Club made the dona-
tions out of the proceeds from their Dinner and Auction that took place on September 24th. The Lioness chose to keep the donations local because they feel that’s where the money could be best used. A representative from the Lioness said “this community is so supportive of our auction and other fundraising events and we are so grateful for their commitment to what we do”.
Severe weather hits area Severe storms hit the state Friday night and Saturday morning. Polk County did not receive any significant damage. Some residents did lose power, but it was restored by the end of the weekend. According to the National Weather Service, four tornadoes were confirmed as of Sunday night. The strongest tornado was an EF-2 that
hit near Midway in Logan County. The other three were EF-1’s and were detected in the Seaton Community in Lonoke County, near Ozark in Franklin County, and near Jerome in Drew County. SWEPCO had an extra 150 employees on stand-by in anticipation of the bad weather.
Mena Lioness Club presented a check to Clarices Room of Hope. Submitted photo. See more photos on page 8.
Local Boxers Compete in Little Rock Defenders Boxing Club took three local youth boxers to North Little Rock this weekend. All three boxers drew much more experienced boxers in each of their bouts, but gained some much-needed national level experience. First up Thursday night, Sally Davison. Mena's own 70lb State Champion. She faced a taller more experienced young lady 9 bouts to her record from the Dallas Pal Club. Sally gave it everything she had and proved she deserved to be there but came up short. Sally's record now stands at 4-1. Up next Thursday night, Kathryn Davison. Again, Mena's own 119lb State Champion. Kathryn also drew the most experienced female in the tournament (21 bouts). Kathryn more than held her own in this back and forth contest until the ring experience of the girls from the Dallas Pal
club became too much to overcome. Kathryn now holds a record of 3-3. But gained much needed higher level experience. Closing out the weekend for Defenders on Friday, Zackary Willis. Our 115lb State Champion from Mena. Zack drew a young man from Louisiana who came in with 14 matches to his record. Zack more than showed he earned his way into this tournament, he boxed with a toughness that cannot be taught it comes naturally. But the other young man's experience was more than could be overcome. Zack as well came up short in his bid for a regional title. Zacks record now stands at 3-3. Richard Hexamer said "You can rest assured they will be back in the gym next week working harder and determined to DEFENDERS CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
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House Committee Discusses E-waste In an age where technology moves
at a rapid pace, electronic devices often become e-waste in only a few years after manufacturing. Electronic waste is commonly known as e-waste. It is defined as used electronics that are nearing the end of their useful life, and are discarded, donated or given to a recycler. The amount of worldwide e-waste generation in 2018 exceeded 50 million tons. And it’s growing at a rate of 5% every year. This week, a House City, County, and Local Affairs Planning Sub-Committee held a meeting to discuss e-waste, the impact it has on our state, and what is being done to address the problem. Many electronics contain elements – lead, mercury, and cadmium, for example – that are safe when the items are used as directed but can be hazardous if disposed of in household trash and compacted at landfills. There are 19 Regional Solid Waste Management Districts across the state. Representatives from several of those districts testified to members of the committee about their e-waste recycling efforts. In that testimony, we learned that e-waste represents 2% of America's trash in landfills, but it equals 70% of overall toxic waste. We also learned that only 12.5% of e-waste is currently recycled. An estimated 6,000 tons of e-waste in 2018 were collected and processed in Arkansas. Recycling one million laptops saves the energy equivalent to the electricity used by more than 3,500 US homes in a year. For every million cell phones we recy-
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cle, 35 thousand pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, and 75 pounds of gold can be recovered. For all the benefits of recycling electronics, collection efforts can be costly. And with Arkansans disposing more each year it is an issue that demands our attention. While the legislature continues to study ways to address e-waste collection efforts, there are things all of us can do to reduce the amount of products we discard. Proper maintenance of electronics can extend their usefulness. And before discarding, consider selling or donating your used device. Many Arkansas communities offer electronic waste collection centers or events. We posted a link to find an e-waste collection center in your area on our website www.arkansashouse.org.
1168 Hwy 71 So l Mena, AR 71953 Ph: 479-243-9600 Fax: 479-243-9603
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January 15, 2020
Reflections from History and Faith: Religious Freedom Day By Jeff Olson Thursday, January 16th is Religious Freedom Day in America. This day was chosen because it is the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute For Religious Freedom, drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1777 and introduced and carried through to passage by James Madison in 1786. It would do well for each of us to read this document as it is a remarkable declaration of intellectual and spiritual independence and one of the most dramatic and influential documents in American history. It was also very prominent in the disestablishment of state churches in the American colonies. There is a tremendous amount of history surrounding this document which will not be found in modern day history books or even on the web site proclaiming this anniversary. What I would like to do here is provide briefly some background and details which I think will give you some additional appreciation and perspective for not only the document’s contents but also something of its broader historical context. And, it will reveal Jefferson’s concept of religious
freedom which has been so misrepresented by the metaphor, “wall of separation between church and state.” The approval of the Declaration of Independence not only signaled political autonomy of the American colonies from the English crown, but also severed the colonies’ formal legal ties with the mother country. It was therefore necessary to bring the laws of the individual colonies into conformity with republican principles and to remove the existing legal code of any remaining vestiges of Monarchical rule. Thus, in the fall of 1776, a committee of prominent Virginians under the chairmanship of Thomas Jefferson was commissioned by the Virginia legislature to “revise, alter, amend, repeal, or introduce all or any of the said laws” of the Commonwealth. This “Revisal of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia” was comprised of a total of 126 bills. Bill Number 82 of the Revisals, Jefferson’s “Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom,” was only the first of five consecutive bills dealing with religion. Jefferson himself assumed responsibility for drafting the bills. Bill 82 in its essential parts
enacted four things: no person shall (1) be compelled by civil government to attend or support any religious worship, place, or ministry, nor (2) be punished or restrained by the Commonwealth on account of his/ her religious opinions or beliefs; but, on the contrary, every person shall (3) be free to profess and contend for his religious opinions and beliefs, and (4) such activity shall in no way affect his/her civil capacities. Here you can sense that the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom proclaimed a cooperative connection between religion and the state. Bill 82 as well as Bills 83 through 86 of the Revisals were all linked together and as a whole are inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s argument that the First Amendment's original intent was to erect a “high and impregnable wall of separation" between church and state per Everson vs. Board of Education (1947) and the Court's historical reference to the Virginia Statute to substantiate it. These bills essentially suggested a flexible church-state model which promoted an accommodation be-
tween the interests of the church and the civil government and prohibited governmental interference with the freedom of religious beliefs and expression. These bills also shed more light on Jefferson's actual views on religious freedom which have been distorted by the courts, the media, and in classrooms during the years since. The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, while not the first state legislation to expand religious liberty, was nevertheless a significant achievement in America's journey towards religious freedom. Celebrating Religious Freedom Day has taken form also in many churches in America through the recognition of Religious Freedom Sunday which will be on January 19th this year. The week of January 16 presents several good opportunities to celebrate an important cornerstone of our nation's history, including doing so within an environment of praise, worship and honor to Almighty God for his legacy of blessings on our nation, and to seek His face and forgiveness in healing our troubled land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The Surgery Department at Mena Regional Health System was named the iCARE Star Department of the Quarter. The department has continued to exceed goals and expectations while maintaining excellence in quality, safety, and patient-centered care. With this honor, the team received a framed certificate to be displayed on the iCARE Wall of Fame and a pizza party. Pictured from left: Karey Don Kesterson, CFO; Jennifer Norman, RN; Cristina Crawford, LPN; Mark Hamelink, CRNA; Nicole Medford, CST; Brittany Wilhite, LPN; Mary Peters, RN; Rick Billingsley, CNO; Jordan Bass, LPN; Dee Matejek, OR Director; Kim Finck, RN; Carmie Lance, RN; Stacy Bowser, RN; Vanessa McIntyre, RN; Mike Butterfield, RN; Rosa Allen, EVS; Betty Brown, EVS; and Sarah Hale, Director of Quality.. Not pictured: Shannon Posey, RN; Chardae Beaty, RN; Kendra Bradford, RN; Meg Wooten, RN; Pyke Bobo, CRNA; Ben Campbell, CRNA; and Lupe Gallegos, Secretary. Submitted photo.
January 15, 2020
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
MENA POLICE REPORT January 5, 2020 Richard Silverman, Jr. of Mena was charged with domestic battery and resisting arrest after a call to a local residence. While incarcerated, he violated his no-contact order by calling one of the victims. Robert Pierce, 41, of Mena was charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was also served two outstanding warrants. Terrie Williams, 32, of Mena was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. The arrest followed a vehicle stop. Benjamin Gheorghiu, 44, of Mena was charged with disorderly contact. The arrest followed a traffic stop. January 6, 2020 Tearesa Denton, 47, of Mena was charged with criminal mischief and three counts of possession of a controlled substance. The arrest followed a call to a local retail store regarding someone breaking into a vending machine. Vicky Franz, 56, of Mena was charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license, having no insurance, and having no vehicle tags. Lester Wright, 57, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana was charged with public intoxication. January 7, 2020 Report was made of someone vandalizing a vending machine at a local laundromat. After an investigation and review of surveillance tape, three Mena youths, two aged 16, and one 15 were charged with criminal mischief. The case has been sent to the juvenile department. January 8, 2020 Two local women reported that someone had pried the lock on their house and stole several prescription bottles while they were out. Case pending. January 9, 2020 A local man reported that someone had used his debit card. He had lost his wallet, and someone had used his debit card for airline tickets. Case pending. Employees at a local gas station reported that someone had struck a pump, causing significant damage. Case is pending location of suspect. January 10, 2020 Paul Mahoney, 26, of Mena was charged
with domestic battery after a call from one of their neighbors. January 11, 2020 Cody Dees, 34, of Mena was taken into custody and served two warrants.
POLK COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT The following information was received from Polk County Sheriff Scott Sawyer for the week of January 6, 2020 – January 12, 2020. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner. January 6, 2020 Report from complainant on Polk 59 near Board Camp of a suspicious vehicle led to the arrest of Jacob W. Seago-Moga, 23, of Mena, on Charges of Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License, Careless/ Prohibited Driving and Driving Left of Center. January 7, 2020 Report of an abandoned vehicle on Polk 82 near Big Fork. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Heritage Lane near Hatfield of an unauthorized person at a residence, and the theft of a phone, valued at $60.00. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. January 8, 2020 Report from a Cove woman of the discovery of a suspicious material in their residence. Deputy responded. Arrested was Teresa L. Destrini, 54, of Mena, on a Drug Court Sanction. Arrested was David T. Sinyard, 44, of Mena, on a Drug Court Sanction. Arrested was Kenneth R. Fry, 48, of Hatfield, on a Warrant for Theft of Motor Fuel. January 9, 2020 Report from a Cove woman that her 15-year-old son was missing. The juvenile was located and returned to the custody of a parent/guardian. Additional information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration.
Report of a domestic disturbance on Highway 71 South near Hatfield. Deputy responded. January 10, 2020 Report from a 17-year-old female of being harassed by an acquaintance. Deputy responded. Report of a disturbance on Polk 31 near Hatfield led to the arrest of Windal Loyd, 39, of Hatfield, on Charges of Battery 3rd Degree and Domestic Battery 3rd Degree. Arrested was Jamie R. Arce, 36, of Hatfield, on a Warrant for Harassment. Arrested was Krishna K. Turner, 27, of Vandervoort, on a Warrant for Felony Failure to Appear. January 11, 2020 Report from complainant on West Dover Street in Hatfield of finding suspicious items in their residence. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Scott J. Flournoy, 35, of Dequeen, on two Warrants for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. January 12, 2020 Report of a disturbance on Airport Lane near Mena led to the arrest of Lisa G. Overturf, 52, of Mena, on Charges of Disorderly Conduct and Battery 3rd Degree. Report from complainant on Polk 30 near Hatfield of problems with a neighbor’s dogs. Deputy responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of a disturbance on Highway 88 East near Yocana led to the arrest of April Poor, 40, of Mena, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. Report of an unattended death on Highway 88 East near Mena. Deputy responded. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 33 Incarcerated Inmates , with 8 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
by: Cortez Copher, Regent James K. Polk Chapter, NSDAR
After many months of searching her lineage back to an American Revolutionary War Patriot, Brenda Cunningham finally found the proof she needed for DAR membership. Both Brenda and her daughter, Amanda, became members of the James K. Polk Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution last October. Brenda helped the DAR Executive Board in October by making calls, mailing out DAR letters, delivering Constitution Books to Mena Middle School, and assisting in an interview with the James K. Polk Outstanding American History nomination. Brenda also planned a group service project helping residents paint pumpkins, and later helped judge Halloween costumes at the Peachtree Assisted Living. For November, Brenda helped decorate the DAR first place winning float for the Veterans Day Parade, attended the Elks Lodge Veterans Memorial Service, helped put out flags for veterans in Whiteoak Cemetery, assisted the VFW Auxiliary place wreaths on veterans graves, and attended a meeting in Hot springs to help plan and make decorations for the DAR State Convention in March. In December, she helped with packing Christmas gift bags for veterans in Mena, delivering of hats, gloves, and blankets to the Mena Veterans Clinic, and making decorations for the Mena James K. Polk Chapter 10th Year Anniversary Celebration December 12. The James K. Polk Chapter appreciates Brenda and are lucky to have her as a member of our organization. Both Brenda and her husband, Dennis Cunningham are retired Mena teachers.
January 15, 2020
Area Students Named to SAU’s Fall 2019 President’s List 374 students earned a 4.0 GPA for the fall 2019 semester, earning recognition on the Southern Arkansas University President's List. Those from this area include: Jean Robertson is a junior major K-6 Elementary Education from Cove, AR. Jacquelyn Speight is a senior major K-6 Elementary Education from Grannis, AR. Lorena Tena is a senior major K-6 Elementary Education from Grannis, AR. Jasmine Johnson is a senior major K-6 Elementary Education from Mena, AR. Hope Lyle is a senior major K-6 Elementary Education from Mena, AR. Brooke Howell is a senior major K-6 Elementary Education from Wickes, AR. Liliana Trinidad is a senior major K-6 El-
Kathy Hopper, Mena Regional Health System Med/Surg RN was awarded the iCARE Star Employee of the Quarter. Several nominations were submitted on Kathy’s behalf. This quarter, she has effectively demonstrated the five qualities the iCARE program including: Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence. As the honored recipient, Kathy received a personal framed certificate, her name engraved on the iCARE progressive plaque displayed on the iCARE Wall of Fame, and a paid day off. To nominate an MRHS, Mena Medical Associates, Mena Surgical Clinic, or Ouachita Rehab employee for the honor, visit our website www.menaregional.com, click on the iCARE submissions link, complete and submit. Nomination boxes are also throughout the hospital and clinics. Pictured from left: Chandler Cox, HR Director; Rick Billingsley, CNO; Kathy Hopper, iCARE Recipient; Lisa Wood, Med/ Surg Director; and Karey Don Kesterson, CFO. Submitted photo.
Food Safety Training Servsafe Essentials The University of Arkansas Extension Service is proud to offer the SERVSAFE® program to all food service professionals in Arkansas. As a result of new Department of Health regulations, the Polk County Extension Office will be offering a training March 12-16. Deadline to register is February 18. The class is for food service managers who want, or need, to get certified through the nationally recognized curriculum. The updated Department of Health “Rules Pertaining to Food Establishments,” effective September 7th, 2019 indicate that food establishments will be required to have “at least one supervisory employee who has
Certified Food Manager training…[which] ensures someone with food safety knowledge is present in every facility.” Classes will be March 12 and March 13 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day. The exam will be given on Monday, March 16 at 8:30 a.m. Cost will be $110 per person plus an additional proctor fee per facility of $30. This will include a book, the class and exam. Community training teams from the Cooperative Extension Service and the Department of Health conduct this program. Call the Polk County Extension Office at 479-394-6018 for more details or to sign up for the class.
ementary Education from Wickes, AR. Brianna Peters is a senior major K-6 Elementary Education from Cove, AR. A total of 374 students were honored on this semester's Dean's List, breaking last year's record of 290. SAU "feels like home" and continues to build on its dedication to student achievement and success in a caring atmosphere, both on campus and online. With more than 80 degrees in four distinct colleges and the School of Graduate Studies, SAU initiates new degree programs to fit the needs of career and professional trends of today. A few of the latest additions include new programs in International Business, Game Design, and Cyber Criminology.
Area Students Named to SAU’s Fall 2019 Dean’s List 585 students earned a 3.5 GPA or higher for the fall 2019 semester, earning recognition on the Southern Arkansas University Dean's List. Those from this area include: Josey Webb, junior Animal Science major from Mena, AR. Adrianna Wolfenbarger, senior Management major from Mena, AR. Reagan Sikes, junior K-6 Elementary Education major from Mena, AR. Karlie Rodriguez, senior K-6 Elementary Education major from Wickes, AR. Kara Richardson, senior Exercise Science major from Grannis, AR. Elizabeth Baker, senior Nursing major from Mena, AR.
Alexander Cude, freshman Instrumental Musical Performance major from Mena, AR. A total of 585 students were honored on this semester's Dean's List, breaking last year's record of 509. SAU "feels like home" and continues to build on its dedication to student achievement and success in a caring atmosphere, both on campus and online. With more than 80 degrees in four distinct colleges and the School of Graduate Studies, SAU initiates new degree programs to fit the needs of career and professional trends of today. A few of the latest additions include new programs in International Business, Game Design, and Cyber Criminology.
obituaries Angeline Monette Meyer
Angeline Monette Meyer, age 77, of Cove, Arkansas died Thursday, January 9, 2020 at her home. She was born on Thursday, January 7, 1943 to Felix Jefferson and Birdie Angeline Stipe Davis in Big Fork, Arkansas. Angeline was a lady of faith and love for her family. She had a benevolent heart and was kind to all she came across in life. Her family was very special to her and especially her children and grandchildren. Angeline was a wonderful oil painter and many of her works are on display in different businesses in Mena and surrounding areas. Angeline worked many years as a culinary chef at Queen Wilhelmina State Park and was trained at Petty Jean State Park. She also was a proud member of the National Rifle Association. Angeline enjoyed gardening, hunting and fishing. Angeline was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William Meyer; two brothers, Danny Davis and Felix Davis and one sister, Wanda Tilley. Angeline is survived by her son and daughter in law, Matt and Shirley McCarthy of Craig, Colorado; her daughter and son in law, Starlet and Larry Wayne Thibodeaux of Pea Ridge, Arkansas; one brother, Donnie Davis of Mena; one sister, Pat Westbrook of Mena; four grandchildren, Shannon Moore of Craig Colorado, Kaleb McCarthy of Keenesburg, Colorado, Cory Atkins of Virginia and Adam Atkins of Lowell, Arkansas; five great grandchildren;
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January 15, 2020 several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena with Brother Keith Hamrick officiating. Interment will follow in the Pinecrest Memorial Park in Mena. No visitation is planned. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Pallbearers will be Matt McCarthy, Kaleb McCarthy Cody McCarthy, Larry Wayne Thibodeaux, Adam Atkins, and Sam Robinson. Honorary Pallbearers will be Donnie Davis, Cory Atkins, Earl Davis and Rueben Davis.
Robert Nicholson
Robert Nicholson, formally of Hatfield, passed from this life on January 2nd, 2020 in Kingwood, Texas. There will be a life memorial service on Saturday January 18th at 2:00 P.M. At Hillcrest Baptist Church, 2741 Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations could be made to Grace Hospice of Texas, (www.gracehospiceoftexas.com), 2325 Timber Shadows Drive, Suite B, Kingwood, TX 77339. If you send a check please note in memo for whom.
Orle Scruggs
Orle Scruggs, age 84, of Mena, Arkansas died, on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab in Mena. He was born on Saturday, December 7, 1935 to William Orle and Ruth Hendrix Scruggs in Lynwood, California. Orle served his country for seven years in the United States Army in Hawaii, Thailand and Germany. Orle loved flying his R/C Model Airplanes with his fellow members of the Mena R/C Flying Club. He also enjoyed ocean fishing, riding his motorcycles and traveling. Orle was a welder for over 30 years. Orle was a loving brother, uncle and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. Orle is survived by brother, Clearance Scruggs of Redding, California; niece, Gail Langford of Mena, nephew, Glenn Scruggs of Mena and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 1:00 P.M. at the
Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena, Arkansas. Cremation services are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena.
Wanda Jean Davis Tilley
Wanda Jean Davis Tilley Age 80, of Hatfield went home to be with her Lord on Friday, January 10th, 2020 in Mena Arkansas. She was born May 29th 1939 at Big Fork Arkansas the daughter of Birdie Angeline Stipe and Jeff Davis. She grew up in Mena Arkansas and graduated from Mena High school in 1957. Her favorite things in life were her family and friends, her church, her Genealogical endeavors and volunteering at the local library. She loved singing, gardening, attending TOPS and genealogy meetings, and helping other people. She founded the Polk County Genealogy Society. She is survived by: Aunt: Othae Davis of Mena, Sister: Pat Westbrook of Hatfield Brother and sister-in-law Donnie and Barbara Davis, Sister-in-law: Bobbie Davis, Daughter and son-in-law: Dan and Peggy Lawson of Clovis NM, Grandchildren Katie Lawson of Hatfield, Mindy Lawson of Clovis NM, and Jessica Tilley of Hatfield. As well as many beloved cousins, nieces, nephews and deeply cherished friends. She was proceeded in death by her parents , her husband Bob Tilley, her son Jeff Tilley, her brother Danny Davis, her brother Felix Davis, her sister Angeline Monette Meyer. Funeral services will be held at Beasley-Wood chapel on Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 10:00 am. The visitation is Tuesday January 14, 2020 from 5-7pm at Beasley-Wood. Pallbearers will be Larry Theibodeau, Matt Davis, Jason Sharp, Josh Tilley, Tracy Standefer and Glen Standefer. Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor to things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us for the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. www.beasleywoodfuneralhome.com
Linda LaVera Crane
Linda LaVera Crane age 73 of Cove, Arkansas passed away Wednesday, January 8, 2020 in Texarkana, Texas.
Linda was born on September 15, 1946 in Salem, Oregon to the late Fredrick Rollie Nunn and the late Chrystal Irene May. She was married to William Del Crane and was a loving mother to five children several step-children. Linda was a professional upholsterer, she was very active woman who enjoyed being an artist, seamstress, truck driver and a waitress. Linda was a woman of many other talents. Above all she loved and was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt and friend to all who knew and loved her. She is survived by: Husband: William Del Crane Her five children: Steven Schantz of Arbuckle, California; Scott Schantz of Fallon, Nevada; Sherman Schantz and wife Janie of Gridley, California; Stacey Wren of DeQueen, Arkansas; Shelley Crane and husband Steven of New Boston, Texas Step-children: Theresa Lance of Mena, Arkansas; Stanley Plumley of Cove, Arkansas; Tonya Heard of Mena, Arkansas; Tammy Rowe of Dangerfield, Texas; Michael Crane of Texarkana, Texas. Twenty-four grandchildren and twenty-six great grandchildren and several brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and a host of friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, brothers, Daniel Meade, Frederick Charles Nunn, Melvin Ross Nunn and Roger Lewis Nunn, a niece Christina Nave and son Robert Wren. Family and friend visitation will be Sunday, January12, 2020 at Beasley-Wood from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Memorial will be planned at a later date. Services were arranged under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. www.beasleywoodfuneralhome.com
Jimmy Eugene Hicks
Jimmy Eugene Hicks, 83, of Mena, passed away Saturday, January 11, 2020 at his home. He was born October 22, 1936 to J.B. and Ruby Tinkes Hicks in DeQueen, Arkansas. Jim graduated high school in Mineral Springs, Arkansas in 1955 before moving to Mena. After serving with the Army National Guard, Jim owned and operated the Conoco Distributorship until 1971. He then
Jimmy Eugene Hicks
went on to build Mena Oil and Tire, which he sold in 2002. He also co-owned D&H Trucking Company. In the 1980, he bought into Mid-South Wood Products and Transportation. Mr. Hicks also bought and sold multiple properties. Jim enjoyed fishing, playing golf and mowing his lawn. He was a member of Dallas Avenue Baptist Church, Dallas Masonic Lodge #128 and the Mena Elks Lodge #781. He was preceded in death by his parents, an infant brother, Donald Ray and one sister, Hazel Vilt. He is survived by his two daughters,
January 15, 2020 Debbie Welch and Donna Hicks, both of Mena; 5 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; 2 nieces and 3 nephews. Funeral services will be held Friday, January 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at the Beasley Wood Chapel with Brother Donnie Jewell officiating. Interment follows in Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home. Visitation will be Thursday evening, January 16th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Frank Welch, Jimmy Welch, Jerod Stinson, Eligh Julian, Blake Padgett and Arley Stinson
Arkansas Tourism Names Finalists for Henry Awards Awards recognize excellence in tourism across the state... The winners of the Excellence in Arkansas Tourism Henry Awards will be revealed at the 46th Annual Arkansas Governor’s Conference on Tourism to be held in Fort Smith March 1-3, 2020. The Henry Awards ceremony will take place the evening of Tuesday, March 3. The awards and respective finalists are: The Media Support Award, which is presented annually to a distinguished individual or organization for extraordinary attention to/support of Arkansas’s tourism industry through the use of media. – Terrain Magazine – Arkansas Festivals and Events Association – Rob Johnson at KBFC/KXJK The Bootstrap Award, which is presented annually to an individual, organization, or community that has achieved significant success “on a shoestring” budget. – Spring River Innovation Hub, Inc., for work on the Arkansas Pie Festival – Sevier County Tourism Committee – Marvell Civic Club for work on the Levon Helm Project The Exceptional Use of Social Media Award, which is presented to a community or organization that has demonstrated effective and innovative use of social media for a specific campaign or special event to promote tourism, community pride, or placemaking. – Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau – Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge – Mississippi River State Park and Helena Adventure Company The Outstanding Digital Campaign/
Website Award, which is presented to an individual, organization or community that has provided extraordinary attention/ support for Arkansas’s tourism industry through the use of media. – Visit Hot Springs – Searcy – Experience Fayetteville The Distinguished Volunteer Service Award, which is presented to an individual or group that has made a substantial contribution to Arkansas’s tourism industry while demonstrating outstanding volunteer spirit. – Julie Johnson for the Cave City Watermelon Festival – Clinton Presidential Center volunteers – Eureka Springs Arts Council The Natural State Community Development Award, which is presented to a community, organization, special event or attraction for an innovative project that “stands out from the crowd” because of its unique appeal or creative approach that increases community pride and placemaking. – Mid-America Science Museum Oaklawn Foundation Dino Trek – Fairfield Bay – Rogers The Tourism Region of the Year (2020 People’s Choice Award), which is presented to one of Arkansas’s 12 Regional Tourist Associations for excellence over the course of the previous year. – Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association – Ozark Mountain Region – Arkansas Delta Byways.
January 15, 2020
Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing TIRES 혺 BRAKES 혺 CUSTOM EXHUAST 혺 SHOCKS & STRUTS Hours: Mon.- Fri. 혺 8 am - 5:30 pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena
g n g i n t i t a a r r b e e l l e e CC ! s r a ! e s Y r a 2 e Y 2
Owner: Stacy & Julie Nash
Mena Lioness Club presented a check to the Single Parent Scholarship Fund. Submitted photo.
MON - FRI 7am to 3pm SATURDAY 8am to 3pm
& p u C d n e l B e s u Ho
Coffee / Tea Shakes Breakfast Light Lunch
Mena Lioness Club presented a check to the Salvation Army. Submitted photo.
5607 Hwy 71 l South Cove, AR
Our e t a r b e l e C Come ary s r e v i n n 2 Year A ith Us! W
Mena Lioness Club presented a check to CASA. Submitted photo.
January 15, 2020
Acorn High School 2nd Nine Weeks Honor Roll A’s & B’s 7th Grade: Christian Christiana Damon Cruz Rebecca Moore Zachariah Neugent Hailee Shores Jordan Wagner 8th Grade: Shay Allen Nicholi Carrillo Kenzie Daniels Daisy Dollar Rileigh Husted Rayden Laird Ava Smith-Hawley Sarah Tedder 9th Grade: Charish Hill Westin Johnson Rachael Miller Addyson Prewett Lori Richardson
10th Grade: Damian Bohlman Riley Weddle 11th Grade: Emmy Goss Halli Holland Jayden Quebedeaux Harlee Rodgers Autumn Strother Sandy Strother Sarah Wallace 12th Grade: Matthew Chaney Kacey Head Matthew Nance Ha Nguyen Minh Nguyen An Pham Lexi Powell Brickie Sachs Jeremiah Swint
Acorn High School 2nd Nine Weeks Honor Roll All A’s 7th Grade: Colten Quebedeaux 8th Grade: Sara Pippen Kensey Rosson Sophie Strasner 9th Grade: Brookelyn Goss Reed McGee Rachael Weddle Emily Whorton
Jayden Willborg 10th Grade: Kiersten Larucci Jacob Lyle Abigail Nance Justice Neufeld Raeghan Weddle 12th Grade: Sophie Jackson Brady Lyle Nghi Tran
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POSITION #2 Political Ad Paid for by Robby Hines
January 15, 2020
Acorn High School 1st Semester Honor Roll A’s & B’s 7th Grade: Rebecca Bloodworth Christian Christiana Damon Cruz Karli Davis Rebecca Moore Jasmine Onstott Hailee Shores 8th Grade: Nicholi Carrillo Kora Carter Kenzie Daniels Randy Dill Daisy Dollar Rileigh Husted Rayden Laird Ava Smith-Hawley Sophie Strasner Sarah Tedder 9th Grade: Cora Bell Charish Hill Raylin Lane Rachael Miller Addyson Prewett Lori Richardson
Dakota Sullivan 10th Grade: Damian Bohlman Kayla Curry Tony Reyes Lauren Treat Riley Weddle 11th Grade: Keelan Allen Emmy Goss Corryn Holland Halli Holland Harlee Rodgers Autumn Strother Sandy Strother 12th Grade: Matthew Chaney Kacey Head Ha Nguyen Minh Nguyen Lexi Powell Brickie Sachs Haley Sandoval Jeremiah Swint Maria Testoni Brody Webb
Acorn High School 1st Semester Honor Roll All A’s 7th Grade: Colten Quebedeaux Jordan Wagner 8th Grade: Sara Pippen Kensey Rosson 9th Grade: Brookelyn Goss Reed McGee Rachael Weddle Emily Whorton Jayden Willborg 10th Grade: Kiersten Larucci
Jacob Lyle Abigail Nance Justice Neufeld Raeghan Weddle 11th Grade: Jayden Quebedeaux Sarah Wallace 12th Grade: Makenna Goss Sophie Jackson Brady Lyle Matthew Nance An Pham Nghi Tran
January 15, 2020
DEFENDERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 come back stronger. All of our boxers fought with pride, honor, respect and sportsmanship even coming out on the hard side of their matches. All three of these young athletes made me proud beyond words. These boxers fought hard to represent Arkansas, Polk County and Mena. They deserve our respect and gratitude. Yes, we are a team but this is a one on one sport
Pick up a BIG GAME SQUARES game sheet beginning January 11th from one of these sponsors: SEARS HOMETOWN STORE ALLBAUGH'S FLORIST DON'S EZ PAY FARM BUREAU INSURANCE
Then listen to 104.1 KENA for the BIG GAME SQUARES sounder between 6AM and 6PM. If you're the correct caller with the right name in the square then your name goes in that square. On January 31st between 8:30 and 9AM the AFC and NFC squares will be drawn. The winning square will be determined by the final score of the big game on February 2nd. If it's you then you'll win $500!
they get in the ring ALONE and do it with pride. We as a community need to show some support for these young warriors who are helping to put a lot of eyes on Mena." Defenders Boxing Club will be hosting their third show “Rumble on the Mountain“ on May 30th, 2020 on Iron Mountain. Everyone is welcome to come out and support our local fighters.
Sally Davison, Zackary Willis and Kathryn Davison represented the Mena’s Defenders Boxing Club in matches in Little Rock. The Defenders Boxing Club will be hosting “Rumble on the Mountain” May 30th. Submitted photo.
The Stockpile Thrift Store Matt & Tori Stockton Owners
(479)216-8000 (479)216-9223 Facebook - The Stockpile Thrift Shop 700 4th Street Mena, AR
Thurs-Sat 9am-5pm
479.394.4248 104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344
January 15, 2020
Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK
Chloe Loves to Sing and Meow! She also loves to be held and to cuddle! This affectionate girl is ready to be yours! Sing Happy Birthday to her in August (08/24/2017) and she might just make it a duet! Chloe is good with kids and cats. She is litter box trained. Bring home Chloe the Musical Cat! ALL ANIMALS AT HSO ARE SPAYED/NEUTERED AND ARE CURRENT ON THEIR VACCINATIONS PRIOR TO ADOPTION.
Thursday, January 16th • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – The Board Camp Baptist Church at 107 Country Road 63 will distribute food. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at (479)234-5844 or Linda Rowe at (479)234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – Polk County Library Board will meet in the Susanna Mosley Community Room at the Library. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Good Vibes Art Day at the Mena Art Gallery. All mediums welcome, from fiber art, painting and crafting. Open to public. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 4:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club, at 1159 Highway 71 South., Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – LIVE Country & Gospel Music. Open to the public at the Daisy Room, Janssen Florist in downtown Mena. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Education Wing, West End. Call (479)234-2297 for more information. • 6:00 p.m. – Acorn Water monthly meeting at the Water Office. • 6:30 p.m. – Disaster Preparedness Group meets at Assembly of God Church, 2111 Sutherland Ave. in Mena. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:30 p.m. – Dallas Masonic Lodge #128 meets at the Mena Lodge located in the Old Post Office by Janssen Park.
Friday, January 17th
• 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open
January 15, 2020 at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Hatfield Auditorium Country-Western Dance Admission is $6 and 50/50 drawing. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297.
Saturday, January 18th
• 10:00 a.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Men’s Meeting – ABC Club, across form Chopping Block: 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena – (281)387-0400. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – 3rd Saturday Gospel Singing to be held at Janssen Park. Bring a lawn chair and cold drink. Musicians and singers welcome. For more information, contact Stanley or Jeanette Dreyer at (479)2160533. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)243-0297 or (479)216-4606.
Sunday, January 19th
• 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship Service is held at Sulphur Springs Church. Monday, January 20th • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Mena Seventh-Day Adventist Church Food Pantry across from the Polk County Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. No one will be turned away. • 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Republican Committee meets at Polk County Library, North Room. • 6:30 p.m. – Mena Communi-
ty Choir practice at the First Methodist Church. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Bee Association meeting at Union Bank of Mena. • 7:00 p.m. - Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at Union Bank Community Room.
Tuesday, January 21st
• 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The written portion of the drivers test will be given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority, and as long as road conditions are optimal the driving portion of the test will be given. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. • 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Hatfield Jam Session at the Hatfield Auditorium. All muscians/singers and listeners welcome. Refreshements served, cookies or fingerfoods accepted. • 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Polk County Housing Authority Community Room LIVE Country and Gospel music.
• 6:00 p.m. – The Regular Hatfield Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Hatfield. • 7:00 p.m. – VFW Post 4451 meeting at Veterans Park in Acorn. • 7:30 p.m. – The Regular Cove Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Cove. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. (479)2342887 or (479)234-3043.
Wednesday, January 22nd
• 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Shepherd’s Closet open at First Baptist Church 4802 Hwy 71 S Hatfield, AR (870)389-6412. Accepting and distributing clothing/usable household items/and nonperishable food items. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery Art Group meeting. • 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency Warning Sirens will be tested in Mena. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 5:30 p.m. – Dinner at Christ Community Fellowship followed by services at 6:15 p.m. for Youth, Children’s Activities, Young Adult and Adult Bible studies. • 5:30 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Bible Study Service. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Highway 71 North, Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297.
AG Alert: Real ID Enhances National Security Safety Measures
LITTLE ROCK – If it is time to renew your driver’s license, consider making the transition to the “REAL ID” now. Beginning October 1, 2020, the REAL ID driver’s license or identification card will be required to board a domestic flight or enter a federal building or facility, including military bases. According to the Department of Homeland Security, the REAL ID improves the security of state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards as well as help fight terrorism and reduce identity fraud. To receive the enhanced ID you must present qualifying forms of identification that confirm your full legal name, date of birth, Social Security Number, proof of address and lawful status. Visit the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration website. Arkansans can get a REAL ID by bringing with them the qualifying forms of identification to specific regional offices around the State. The cost of the enhanced license remains $40, the same amount as the standard non-enhanced state license. If your license is current, you can convert your license to a REAL ID for a $10 duplicate card charge. REAL IDs have a yellow circle with a white star in the middle on the upper right side of the license. Though a REAL ID does not expire for 8 years, the renewal process is simpler than when the original enhanced license is obtained. You will only need to bring qualifying forms of identification if your name, gender or Social Security Number have changed or if your date of birth was amended. The standard driver’s license will remain valid for state-related purposes such as driving, banking and voting. A valid passport will be accepted to board airlines.
January 15, 2020
Now Hiring MA or LPN part time. Bring Resume to First Care Family Health, 1706, Highway 71N, Mena AR, 71953. T1819
For rent: A Convenient, in-town, 2-bedroom, 1 bath. Remodeled in 2018, Central HVAC. Washer and Dryer available. $615 per month with $500.00 secure in deposit. Call Robert at (832) 247-5285. T11520
Highway Man Services interior painter and other repairs, Plumbing, and electric, Call Bill Duff: (479) 216-5204. T11520 Now Available Mena Area, Christian Singles come meet new friends, get out of the house. All ages, not church affiliated. Meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at Union Bank community room, 6pm. Call or text 479-234-0865 for more info. T011520
Teaching Chinese languAge, also translations, Chinese Cuisine, Acupressure, Kung Fu, and Five Step Fitness Boxing. $15 per session. 580-306-3381. T12919
2014 Side-by-Side 800cc 4WD – post.Turn Signals-Winch-Big Tires-Mags-Top & More. Big Light Spots – 68 hrs. Low Miles - New - Mena 505-414-0302 T011520
N O T I C E Life & Health Insurance Annuities Medicare Supplements Long Term Care Financial Planning
I’m certified & licensed with several companies, and I can get you the BEST PRICE!
Call: LaDon Copelin CLU, ChFC, CFP® 3015 Hwy. 71 S, Mena • 479-394-5570 AR License #15429 - OK License #40117342
Farrell & Sharon Cole
The Polk County Road Department will be accepting sealed bids for 2020 culvert purchases . Bids are to be opened in the Polk County Judge's office at the Polk County Courthouse at 507 Church Avenue in Mena, Arkansas 71953, at 9:00 AM January 22nd, 2020.
The Cole Team
816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000 www.FarrellCole.com www.MenaRealEstate.com
All interested parties should contact Polk County Judge Brandon Ellison at 479-394-8133 for complete specifications and instructions.
Help us build our Classified Section.
1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
Now Open On Fridays Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Get your word ads out to 8,000+ viewers a week for a minimum cost. If you have a listing, sale item(s), job opening, tradewe can put it in an ad for you!!
Place Your Ad in Our Office
1168 Hwy 71 So - Mena, AR You can call, fax or email BUT all ads must be pre-paid.
Friday at Noon
Must Pre-Pay CASH / VISA / MC
Cost per Ad
Words 1-20 $ 4 Extra words +$ .25 Add a border +$ 1
news MRHS Welcomes the First Baby of the New Year January 15, 2020
Mena Regional Health System’s First Baby of the New Year has arrived! Gracelynn Ward, daughter of Sabrina Ward, was born on January 7, 2020 at 8:10 am weigh-
ing 7lbs. 12oz. and measuring 20 ½ inches long. The mother was presented a gift basket full of items generously donated by the
following businesses: First Financial Bank, Union Bank, Allbaugh’s Florist and Gifts, Papa Pablanos, Pizza Hut, James Super-
save Foods, Sweet Peas Photography, The Corner Shoppe, Mena Regional Auxiliary and Mena Regional Health System.
Pictured from left: Karey Don Kesterson, CFO; Rick Billingsley, CNO; Amber Taylor, Women’s Services Director; Sabrina Ward, Mother of Gracelynn; Minta Milam, RN; Leah Cannon, RN and Sasha Wise, LPN. Submitted photo.
t s e t Pic u C PetOutpatient Veterinary Clinic
This week’s
made possible by your friends at:
Dr. P.C. Roberts, III Mena, AR (Nunley) 719-738-0800 Call/Text for Appointments LIMITED TO DOGS & CATS
Louie Vuitton
We would like to thank all of you for your loyal patronage this past year!
MOBILE: 479-243-5613 OFFICE: 1-479-394-4200 hbell.hollysprings@gmail.com
Companion of Alyce Carole Williams-Mixon Share your favorite pet photo. The Polk County Pulse 1168 Hwy 71 S Mena, AR 71953 ads@mypulsenews.com
• Health Care/ Vaccinations • Dentals • Spays/Neuters WE HONOR ALL SPAY/NEUTER ADOPTION VOUCHERS
January 15, 2020
The 31 Annual Mena FFA Alumni Consignment Auction Saturday February 1, 2020 st
R A I N 10 AM Polk County Fairgrounds O R Consigned items can be checked in on Friday, Jan. 31 from 9am-5pm E N I H S ANYONE CAN BUY ANYONE CAN SELL st
To consign items, please call:
 Â? Â? Â?Â?   € ‚  Â?ƒ Â
Call Today to Consign Items! Please call Brian Erickson: 479-243-7512 Consigned items can be checked in on Friday, January 31st from 9 am to 5 pm