January 8, 2020
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Operation Hair Spray
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office, 18th Judicial West Drug Task Force, and the Mena Police Department assisted by Officers with the AG&F and ACC conducted an early morning New Year’s day raid at a residence on Cordie Drive in Mena. Sheriff Scott Sawyer stated that the Search Warrant/ Arrest Warrant served this morning was the result of a lengthy investigation into the sale and distribution of Methamphetamines in Polk County. The New Year’s Day raid, dubbed “Operation Hair Spray” consisted of over 20 Law Enforcement Officers from five different agencies. During the search of the residence, Officers located a large amount of Methamphetamines, cash, and assorted items of drug paraphernalia. Arrested at the scene were Michelle L. Block (age 46) of Mena, Kayla Odom (age 32) of Mena, Kevin Smith (age 29) of Cameron, Ok, and Brianna M. Ramirez (age 20) of Mena. Michelle Block was charged with 2 counts of Delivery of a Controlled Substance (Meth), Possession of a Controlled Substance (Meth) with Intent to Deliver, Simultaneous Possession of Drugs and Firearms, Use of a Communication Device to Further a Drug Transaction, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Maintaining a Drug Premises. Kayla Odom was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance (Meth) with Intent to Deliver, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Maintaining a Drug Premises. Kevin Smith was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance (Meth) with Intent to Deliver
and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Brianna Ramirez was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance (Meth). All suspects were arrested and transported to the Polk County Detention Center. Sheriff Sawyer stated “Methamphetamine is an evil drug that has ruined lives and taken over communities. The toll it has taken on families across the nation is tragic. To keep our streets and communities safe, we are committed to continue to aggressively pursue methamphetamine dealers here in Polk County”. “I’d also like to thank all of the area Law Enforcement Officers that participated in this operation. Many of them cancelled plans with their families this morning to come in and help out. Your dedication is appreciated”. The above listed charges are accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Mena to Host ArDOT Meeting
Mena will be the site of a public meeting hosted by the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) on February 11 at the Ouachita Center on the campus of University of Arkansas Rich Mountain. The meeting is one of 12 across the state. The purpose of the meetings that will begin later this month is to give feedback to ArDOT on the proposed extension of the half-cent sales tax and the projects funded by the tax. Attendees will have the opportunity to take a look at displays, speak with ArDOT staff, as well as interact with ArDOT Director Scott Bennett. The meetings will include a brief formal presentation on the condition of the state highway system and how extending the sales tax would impact the state highway system. The existing tax generates nearly $300 million annually. ArDOT receives $205 million of the $300 million while $43 million is allocated to cities and $43 million to counties. The tax extension will be on the November ballot.
Following are the dates and locations for the public meetings, and all of the meetings start at 5:30 p.m.:
• Jan. 21, UAM Fine Arts Center, 371 University Drive, Monticello • Jan. 23, The Academies of West Memphis — Performing Arts Center, 501 W. Broadway, West Memphis • Jan. 28, Harrison High School — Performing Arts Center, 925 Goblin Drive, Harrison • Jan. 30, Trinity Baptist Church, 3115 Trinity Boulevard, Texarkana • Feb. 11, U of A Rich Mountain — Ouachita Center, 1100 College Drive, Mena • Feb. 13, The Blue Lion, 101 N. Second St., Fort Smith • Feb. 20, Crossgate Church, 3100 E. Grand Ave., Hot Springs • March 9, Jess Odom Community Center — Gymnasium, 1100 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle • March 10, The Jones Center, 922 E. Emma Ave., Springdale • March 12, UACCB — Independence Hall, Batesville • March 31, ASU — 1st National Bank Arena — Auditorium, 217 Olympic Drive, Jonesboro • April 2, El Dorado Municipal Auditorium, 100 W. Eighth St., El Dorado
January 8, 2020
Dear Editor, Ok, boys and girls, if you have not been to the Limetree since their re-birth, you are missing out! I have eaten at the Limetree for many years, but since the new owner’s/chef’s arrival, some changes have made it MARKEDLY better! I went there last Friday for “fish night”, and was blown away! EVERYTHING is better, as a matter of fact, it is downright amazing! Fish, shrimp, crab, fried okra, (be still my heart!), mashed potatoes, even the tarter sauce was to die for! Do yourself a favor, try it…YOU’LL LOVE IT! — Cindi Hernandez
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Dan & Linda Deramus, Shane Deramus, Stacy Vann, Tim Goodreau, and Jason Sharp The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays with a distribution of 8,000 and estimated readership of 10,000. All rights to contents are reserved by Pulse Multi-Media. MyPulseNews.com currently has an on-line 32,000. POLICY: The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. All property rights, including any copyright interest, in any advertisement produced by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse using art work and/or typography furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse shall be the property of Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse. No such advertisement or any part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Pulse Multi-Media & The Polk County Pulse. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements of a political nature must be pre-paid and must also include the name of the entity paying for the advertisement. If an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the candidate verifying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.
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Polk County Pulse
As many of you are reflecting on 2019 and setting goals for 2020, we want to remind you of what is ahead for the Arkansas House in the New Year. In less than 10 weeks, Arkansans will be heading to the polls to cast ballots in the March 3 primary. This year, the General Assembly passed Act 545 which provides for a March preferential primary election in the years in which the office of President of the United States is voted on and a May preferential primary election in the years in which the office of Governor is voted on. Fiscal sessions have been held on the second Monday in February on even-numbered years. However, Act 545 states that on years in which the preferential primary is held in March, the General Assembly will instead meet for a fiscal session on the second Wednesday of April. This means we will begin pre-fiscal session budget hearings the day after the primary election, March 4. The hearings are expected to continue through March 12. Members can begin filing bills for the session on March 9. We will convene on April 8. In 2008, Arkansans approved Amendment 86 which created fiscal sessions. Only budget bills are to be considered during a fiscal session. If any member wishes to file a bill other an appropriation bill during a fiscal session, then 2/3 of both chambers must first vote on a resolution to allow such a bill to be filed.
Attention Polk County
If you get a call from a Sergeant Tom King from the Polk County Citation Department claiming that you owe past due fines just hang up on him. This is a scam. We don’t have a Sergeant Tom King. We don’t have a Citation Department. We don’t collect fines via green dot or iTunes cards.
Representative John Maddox
Amendment 86 is also very clear about keeping these sessions brief. Fiscal Sessions can only be 30 days long. They can be extended one time for 15 days only if ¾ of both chambers agree. We head into this New Year with an optimistic financial outlook. State revenue reports continue to exceed economic forecasts. And the unemployment level is at 3.6%. Just as you do with your budget, our job in the weeks ahead will be to prioritize spending. As a reminder all of our budget hearings are live streamed and recorded on our website.
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Owner: Stacy & Julie Nash
Reflections from History and Faith Ellis Island
By Jeff Olson
In recent years, the subject of immigration has become a major cultural, economic and political issue in America, and it will continue to be – primarily because our country’s immigration system is not functioning as originally intended. There was a time, however, when the system worked pretty well and a vial part of that included a very important institution which shaped legal immigration’s role in America’s growth. One hundred twenty eight years ago this week, in January 1892, the first Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opened. Seven hundred immigrants passed through Ellis Island that day, and nearly 450,000 followed over the course of that first year. The island was named for Samuel Ellis, a merchant and farmer who owned the island in the late 18th century. The U.S. government bought
January 8, 2020 the island in 1808. In the 19th century, America was seen in the eyes of many as a country of huge expanse - in size, in resources, and most importantly in individual freedom and opportunity. A larger number of people from more countries therefore began looking to America in search of a better life. Annie Moore, 15, from Ireland was one of over12 million immigrants to cross the Atlantic over the next 62 years, and the first to pass through Ellis Island. Originally disembarking from sailing vessels and steamships, they were screened by doctors and immigration officers prior to being allowed into the United States. Not all were admitted into the country, but about 98 percent of them were. For the vast majority of immigrants, Ellis Island truly was an “Island of Hope” - the first stop on their way to new opportunities and experiences in America. It is estimated that 40 percent of all U.S. citizens can trace their ancestry through these immigrants. It is often said that American is a nation of immigrants, and Ellis Island was the hub of that
Living Word Pentecostal Church
In 1965, the island became a national historic site and in 1990 the Ellis Island Immigration Museum opened to give present and future generations a better understanding and appreciation of this important aspect of America’s rich and diverse history. It certainly did for my wife and I through our visit there several years ago. The story of Ellis Island is a composite of many stories; a tapestry woven by individuals and families facing uncertainty, risk, hardship, and the unknown in forging a new life from the abilities, imagination, creativity, and innovation which freedom can unleash through the human spirit. And, it reminds us historically of the important place of immigration within the rule of law which gave America her identity and reputation as a beacon of hope, a haven of liberty, and land of opportunity.
reality. The island’s large-scale use as an immigration station ended in 1924, and it closed completely in 1954. America’s growth and development can, to a large extent, be credited to the religious values, work ethic, personal initiative, ingenuity, and self-reliance which many of these pilgrims brought to our shores. By in large they came to America not with the intention of supplanting America’s culture with their own, but to begin life anew and with little more than the clothes on their backs and the hope of determining their own destinies as Americans. Without surrendering their personal identities or heritage, they came and added their own creativity and enrichment to the American culture and contributed immensely in making her the most inclusive, industrious, and prosperous nation on earth. Their journey to and assimilation within America defined and personified the phrase “E pluribus unum” (“Out of many, one”) which is the Latin motto on the face of the Great Seal of the United States.
“Jukebox Memories” Coming to OLT
Hatfield Arkansas
If you are a fan of 1950’s and 60’s music, you won’t want to miss Johnathan Len’s performance
We would like to invite you to come hear Brother Tony Busby Sunday, January 12th at The Living Word Pentecostal Church of Hatfield at 10:45 am and 6:00 pm Sunday night.
This Thursday, January 9
Brother Tony is the former pastor of the Hatfield Assembly of God Church; he was the pastor during the time of the great revival at Hatfield Assembly. Please come join us and Brother Tony at the Living Word Pentecostal Church at Hatfield, located in the old Freewill Baptist building.
Ouachita Little Theatre Len is a vocalist that has traveled the country performing at state fairs, art centers, and music festivals. He was featured as the lead singer in the acapella group “Blend” that has appeared at OLT before. Now as a soloist, he is entertaining audiences with his catalogue of music that spans the golden 50’s and 60’s era, as well as a bit of country and gospel. His show is sure to appeal to all ages and musical tastes.
The show starts at OLT at 7:30 PM this Thursday. Admission is $12 for this single performance. Tickets are already on sale at the theater office and the Chamber of Commerce and will be available at the door.
Police Reports...
January 8, 2020
The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
Polk County Sheriff’s Report
December 30, 2019 Report from complainant on Highway 88 East near Ink of being threatened by an acquaintance. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from a Hatfield woman of a missing 16-year-old family member. Investigation continues. December 31, 2019 Report of a domestic disturbance on Highway 4 West near Cove led to the arrest of Willard W. Smith, 37, of Cove, on Charges of Domestic Battery 3rd Degree, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Refusal to Submit to Arrest. Report from complainant on Polk 188 near Acorn of the discovery of a suspicious item in their yard. Deputy responded. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Bird Lane near Shady Grove of being harassed by an acquaintance. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of a disturbance on Polk 67 near Cherry Hill. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Polk 419 near Potter of an unattended death. Deputy responded. Report from Polk County Detention Center of the discovery of contraband in the facility. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was Justin R. Simmons, 36, of Wickes, on a Warrant for Commercial Burglary and Criminal Mischief 1st Degree and a Parole Revocation. Arrested was Austin C. McCulley, 25, of Hatfield, on a Charge of Violation of an Order of Protection. January 1, 2020 Report of a structure fire on Polk
646 near Mena. Deputy responded. Traffic stop on Highway 71 led to the arrest of Nevada Woodruff, 30, of Cove, on Charges of Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License and Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance. Arrested was Michelle L. Block, 46, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Meth/Cocaine with Purpose to Deliver, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Delivery of Meth/Cocaine, Possession of a Schedule I/II Controlled Substance, Delivery of Meth/Cocaine and Failure to Appear. Arrested was Kevin L. Smith, 29, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Possession of Meth/Cocaine. Arrested was Kayla Odom, 32, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Meth/Cocaine, Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Maintaining a Drug Premise. Arrested was Brianna Ramirez, 20, of Mena, on a Charge of Possession of Meth/Cocaine. Report from complainant of the theft of a chainsaw, valued at $349.95. The chainsaw was located and returned to the owner. Additional information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of an abandoned vehicle on Highway 88 East near Cherry Hill. Deputy responded. January 2, 2020 Report from complainant on Highway 375 East near Mena of being harassed by an unknown individual. Investigation continues. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Darrell G. C. Garrett, 28, of Wickes, on a Charge of Domestic Battery 3rd Degree. January 3, 2020 Report from complainant of a malnourished horse on Polk 36 near
Hatfield. Deputy responded. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Jhanell M. Wilson, 39, of Grannis, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. January 4, 2020 Arrested was Brittan M. McCulley, 38, of Hatfield, on Warrants for Failure to Appear and two counts of Failure to Comply with a Court Order. January 5, 2020 Report from complainant on Polk 412 near Potter of damage done to a mailbox. Investigation continues. Report of a chickenhouse on fire on Polk 71 near Yocana. Deputy responded. Report from a Mena woman of issues concerning child custody exchange. Report from an Oklahoma man of finding stolen items for sale in Polk County. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway 370 near Board Camp of an unauthorized person on their property. Suspect fled before deputies arrived. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from Mena Regional Health System of a dog bite victim. Deputy responded. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked two vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 25 Incarcerated Inmates , with 8 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
Mena Police Report from December 15 2019 to December 28, 2019 December 15, 2019 Ricky D. Miller, 58, of Cove was served a warrant for failure to appear. Randall “Chip” Burkett, 27, of Mena was served an outstanding warrant. Audrey Simmons, 33, of Mena was charged with shoplifting after a call from a local business December 16 & 17, 2019 A Polk County man reported that someone had written checks on his local account the transactions were made in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Case pending. A Mena woman reported that someone had stolen Christmas ornaments from her yard. Case is pending.
December 18, 2019 A local woman reported that someone in a vehicle she did not recognize had been driving by her house and had come into the driveway at one point. Officers searched for the suspect vehicle, but were unable to locate it. Case pending. Justin Cole, 30, was charged with driving on a suspended license and having no proof of insurance. The arrest followed a call regarding a reckless driver. December 19, 2019 Cyrus Bonnette, 45, of Mena was charged with running a stop sign driving on a suspended driver’s license, fleeing in a vehicle, and possession of a controlled substance. He was also served an outstanding warrant. A Mena woman reported that someone had driven over her foot. Case is pending. December 20 & 21, 2019 A local businessman reported finding several tools on his property. They were turned over to the officer, who was able to find the owner. Daniel Green, 42, of Mena was charged with disorderly conduct after an incident in the courtroom. Brian Lester, 34, of Mena was charged with sexual solicitation after an investigation by local authorities. Billy Fletcher, 33, of Mena was charged with possession of a controlled substance December 22 & 23, 2019 Michael Carpenter, 53, of Mena was charged with DWI. The arrest followed a call regarding a reckless driver. December 24, 2019 Daniel Felix, 41, of Mena was charged with shoplifting after a call from a local retail store. A Mena man reported the theft of a pickup he had borrowed from a relative. Information was sent to ACIC. No suspects at this time. December 25 & 26, 2019 Report was made of an altercation between housemates. No arrests have been made. December 27 & 28, 2019 Abram Abernathy, 23, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Two Mena girls, both 14, were reported as having disappeared from a local residence. Officers later located the girls at a local park. They were taken back to their guardians.
January 8, 2020
State Capitol Week in Review
From Senator Larry Teague January 3, 2020
LITTLE ROCK – The Legislative Council endorsed a plan for two southeast Arkansas counties to contract with a private company to build and operate a 600-bed prison. Spokesmen have said that the company intends to begin construction this year, for between $15 million and $18 million. The facility will hold 500 state inmates and the remaining space will house offenders from Bradley and Drew Counties who have been arrested and are awaiting trial. The two counties have an agreement with LaSalle Corrections of Ruston, Louisiana, to build the prison and operate it. The Legislative Council, a committee of legislators that oversees state government operations in the interim between sessions, signed off on the agreement during its December meeting. The contract is for close to $8.2 million a year, between the state Department of Correction and Bradley and Drew Counties. It is for 20 years, for a total cost to the state of $163 million. The state will pay about $44 a day per inmate, which is less than the cost of securely housing inmates in state prison units. Bradley and Drew Counties will pay less because they will not provide as many services to county inmates, such as drug rehabilitation and job training to prepare inmates for release into the free world. Arkansas had two private prisons, for about three-and-a-half years in the late 1990s. Wackenhut Corrections Corporation operated two units near Newport, the Grimes Unit and the McPherson Unit. In 2001 the state Correction Department took over the two units, after Wackenhut decided against renewing its contract. The Grimes Unit housed youthful male offenders and the McPherson Unit housed females. Both units had 600 beds and both opened
in 1998. Other reports reviewed by the Legislative Council provide a glimpse into the everyday workings of state government. For example, the Department of Finance and Administration has a division of Child Support Enforcement. It is authorized under state law to suspend the licenses of parents who fail to comply with court orders to pay child support. In the first six months of 2019, the division suspended 4,159 drivers’ licenses and 360 vehicle tags. It also suspended 1,033 hunting and fishing licenses. Those suspensions were among 95,000 child support cases enforced by the state agency. In the first six months of the year, more than $145 million in child support was collected and passed on to custodial parents. The Forestry Division is within the state Agriculture Department. It’s directed by the state forester, who sends regular reports to the Legislative Council. In November, the division helped rural fire departments suppress 52 wildfires that burned 668 acres. That was significantly below the average number of November wildfires reported in the past decade. Over the past 10 years, the average for November has been 94 fires burning 1,585 acres. The division administers federal grants to about 1,000 rural fire departments, and helps train and equip their members. The division also works with landowners to develop new strains of timber. For the first five months of the fiscal year, Forestry sold 885,000 pine seedlings and 6.9 million hardwood seedlings.
Polk County 4-Her’s Ava Ruth F. and Nathaniel F. are pictured with gifts that were delivered to area Seniors.
Local Youth Giving Back to Community Through Santas 4 Seniors Program Area youth and local community members gather donations to give local seniors in need. Each year the Polk County Extension Office takes applications for local senior citizens in need. Seniors provide a list of the items they could greatly benefit from. Polk County 4-H Clubs, community volunteers, and local businesses gather the items right before Christmas. The items, accompanied by a food basket, are delivered to the seniors as Christmas approaches. This program has been a great blessing to many seniors in the community as well as the 4-H youth that deliver the gifts. The Polk County Extension Office as well as the 79 seniors who benefited from the program this Christmas are thankful for the local community members and businesses who donated items and food for the program. Polk County has over 200 youth enrolled in the 4-H program through the University Of Arkansas Division
Of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. The mission of 4-H is to provide opportunities for youth to acquire knowledge, develop life skills, form attitudes, and practice behavior that will enable them to become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society. If you have any interest in joining Polk County 4-H, please email bsterner@uaex.edu or call the Extension office at (479)394-6018.
Farrell & Sharon Cole The Cole Team
816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000 www.FarrellCole.com www.MenaRealEstate.com
obituaries Michael Joseph
Michael Joseph Verba, 71, of Mena, AR, returned home Dec. 24, 2019. Mike was born on July 11, 1948 to Anna Verba in Cook County, Illinois. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Donna Verba, his three daughters Michelle Verba-Hogan, Kandy Page and husband Darrell, Melinda Raney and husband Aaron; his grandchildren Krysten Fagan, Morgan Fagan, Nathan Raney, Bradley Verba, and Tyler Verba. He was preceded in death by his son, Gene Allan Broertjes and his mother, Anna Verba. Mike did many things in his life. He loved the outdoors, fishing, camping, and walks through the woods, as well as working on old cars. He worked many different jobs in his life, but most of them were masonry construction, as a labor foreman. He grew up in Calumet Park, IL, married and then moved to South Holland, IL. The family moved to Polk County, AR in 1985 and has been here in the Ouachita Mountains ever since. Mike loved the mountains and the forest here, and he fished and camped as much as he could with his grandchildren, and taught them many things from working on cars, to working with your hands and building things. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Edith LaVerne Weatherby
Edith LaVerne Weatherby McAllister, daughter of G.S. (Skinny) and Ella Atchley Weatherby, was born January 11, 1940, at New Potter, Arkansas. She passed away on December 25, 2019 in Fayetteville. Edith grew up in the Old Potter, Arkansas, area, and was baptized at the age of eight in a creek at the Old Potter
January 8, 2020 Presbyterian Church. She was active in her church as long as her health permitted, teaching Sunday School to adults and preteens. She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother, Johnny Weatherby, and her sister, Betty Weatherby Ward. She is survived by her husband of 55 years, William A. “Bill” McAllister, son Kent (Sara) McAllister of Richmond, TX, and daughter Sara (Scott) Young of Fayetteville, Arkansas, three grandsons, Ryan McAllister, Matthew McAllister and Jaedon Crawford. She is also survived by seven nieces and nephews in Mena, Arkansas. She graduated as class salutatorian from Mena High School, and from Southern State College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Education. She later received a master’s degree in Business Education from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. While at Southern State College she was active in the Baptist Student Union and served one year as the state secretary. She taught three years at Van-Cove High School, one year at Saint Paul High School and 25 years at Fayetteville High School. She influenced many lives in those years of teaching and was sponsor for the National Honor Society and Future Business Leaders of America. Her greatest honor was being selected “Business Teacher of the Year” by her former students attending the University of Arkansas who named her the most helpful of all their business teachers from their high school. After retiring from teaching, she owned and operated McAllister’s Antiques in Fayetteville for several years. She was a member of many organizations pertaining to the teaching profession as well as Delta Kappa Gamma, Arkansas Retired Teachers Association and served one year as State Treasurer of the Arkansas Business Teachers Association. She was a member of The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Farmington Library Board and the Board of the Farmington First Church of the Nazarene. A graveside service was held on Monday, December 30, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. at the Pinecrest Memorial Park in Mena, Arkansas under the direction of Bowser Family Funeral Home. A visitation was held on Sunday, December 29, 2019 from 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena, Arkansas.
Louis Edward
Louis Edward Brooks age 86 of Mena passed away Friday, December 27, 2019 in Mena, Arkansas. He was born on July 26, 1933 in Wellington, Texas to the late Archie Dale Brooks and the late Lillie Audrey Phillips Brooks. Louis was married to Sandra Mae Carter Brooks for twenty-one years. He proudly served his county for 24 years, retiring as Chief Master Sergeant (E-9). Louis honorably defended his country during The Korean War, Vietnam and the Gulf War with the Red Horse Division. Lou was also part of the Atlas Missile program. After retiring from the Air Force, Georgetown Health System hired Lou and alongside with Ken Pottee and their team to rebuild a 10, 000 square foot center into a 190,000 square foot, 4 story building. It included a radiation and cancer treatment center. Lou and Ken’s team also constructed a 45,000 square foot medical office building and a three story parking garage to complete the site. During this time Lou was an active member and officer of the Texas Hospital Association Society of Engineers., the Georgetown Kiwanis, Past Master for Masonic Dallas Lodge #128, being a member for over sixty years. Lou was active in the Shrinders also. He was devoted to his church and local charitable events. Lou worked for 30 years for Georgetown Health System. He loved to golf, above all he was very kind man and always would lend a helping hand. Louis was a loving and devoted husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and brother-in-law, and friend. He will be dearly missed. Louis is survived by: Wife: Sandra Brooks of Mena, Arkansas Son: “Skip” Weston Brooks and Llynne of St. Petersburg, Florida Grandchildren: Jason Brooks and wife Erin, Samantha Prince, Michael Prince and Stephen Prince. Seven great-grandchildren Nieces: Lavona Labare, Linda Drake Sister-and brother-in-law: Jo and Doug Coburn Host of many dear friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents Archie and Lilly Brooks, a sisters Shirley Brooks and Dail Brooks. Funeral service will be Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at Beasley Wood Chapel with Brother Victor Rowell officiating. Interment will be Monday, January 6, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the National Military Cemetery in Ft. Smith, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friend’s visitation will be Friday, January 03, 2020 at Beasley Wood Chapel at 6:00-8:00 p.m. Pallbearers will be Members of Dallas Lodge #128 Online obituary
Joan Louise Black
Joan Louise Black, age 81, of Mena, Arkansas died Sunday, December 22, 2019, at her home in Mena. Joanie was born Tuesday, April 12, 1938 to Lucian Ellis and Esther May Horne Black in McCleary, Washington. Joanie loved her family, especially her many nieces and nephews. She loved her dogs and cats, eating chocolate ice cream, and taking care of her garden. Joanie was a Presbyterian by faith and loved singing hymns. Joanie was a loving sister, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents and two brothers, Lucian Black Jr. and Jon Michael “Mickey” Black. Joanie is survived by her brothers and sister in law, Terry and Sue Black of Norman and Mark Black of Uvalde, Texas; sisters and brothers in law, Norma and Bernis Duke of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mary Beth and David Lysobey of Norman, Arkansas, Kathy and Ed Kubler of Benton, Arkansas, Becky and Gary Floyd of Mena and Kim and Jim Meeks of Mena; two sisters in law, Shirley Blackburn of Charleston, Missouri and Kwin Black of Norman, Arkansas; several nephews and nieces and a host of other family and friends. A memorial service was held Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 10:00 A.M. at the Barr Memorial Presbyterian Church in Norman with Reverend Marci Ward. Officiating and cremation arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas.
Dwayne “Slim”
Dwayne “Slim” Ingram, age 67, of Mena, Arkansas died Tuesday, December 31, 2019. He was born on Friday, February 22, 1952 to Harold D. and Bernice Marie Skaggs Ingram in Fresno, California. Dwayne was of the Baptist faith and a veteran of the United States Army during the Vietnam era. He was proud of receiving a scholarship offer to play basketball and went on to become a self-employed painter for forty years. He loved classic cars as well as wood working and finishing. Dwayne enjoyed playing and listening to Classic Rock music. He was a member of the Mena Elks Lodge. Dwayne was a loving father, son, grandfather, uncle and friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his father; two uncles, Ike Spoon and Leon Skaggs; and grandmother Pearl Mae. Dwayne is survived by his mother, Bernice Mahan of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma; two sons and daughter in law, Brian and Trixie Ingram of Mena, and Joseph Ingram of Daisy, Oklahoma; one daughter, Summer McLellan of Sulphur, Louisiana; four brothers, David Ingram of Mangrim, Oklahoma, Leon Ingram of California, Johnny Clelland of Pittsburg, Oklahoma, and Brandon Clelland of Pittsburg, Oklahoma; one sister, Jackie Longoria and husband Larry Longoria of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma; his uncles, Jerry Spoon, Ronnie Spoon and Harvey Skaggs; ten grandchildren; Kara Austin, Quest Cameron, Ian Cameron,Charity Cameron, Eli Hamilton, Caleb McLellan, Nathan McLellan, Maddie Thompson, Rebecca Ingram, and Zoe Ingram; four great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service will take place Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena, Arkansas with Brother Jerry Musgrove officiating. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. The family would appreciate donations for funeral expenses in lieu of flowers.
January 8, 2020
John Milburn
John Milburn Tidwell died peacefully on January 4, 2020 at the age of 93 in Mena, Arkansas, surrounded by family and friends. John was born on June 29, 1926 in the home on the county line between Polk and
Howard County. John was an admired building contractor and farmer. As a loving husband, he also filled the roles of the best father, grandfather, and great grandfather with pride. He often enjoyed spending time with Imogene and his family, camping and fishing on Arkansas lakes and actively serving as a member of Vandervoort Baptist Church. John will be remembered for his hard work, ethics, perseverance and service to God and country. In the spring of 1945 John joined the military. He served in the U. S. Army, assigned to the 24th Infantry, 21st Regiment Company D. After six weeks of training, John went into active duty at Mindanao in the Philippines until the end of WWII in 1945. John was a master sergeant commanding over 200 men. Most nights he survived in a foxhole with bullets whizzing overhead. After the war, John returned to Alabama as a drill instructor. In 1946-47, John was stationed on Kumamoto, Kyushu, an island of Occupied Japan, as Headmaster of the U.S. Military School. His wife, Imogene, joined him while in Japan. His service to his country was of utmost importance to John. Burial will take place at 2:00 p.m. on January 7, 2020 at Crystal Hill Cemetery, Wickes, AR with James Squires officiating, under the direction of Wilkerson Funeral Home. The family will receive friends from 5:00-7:00 p.m., Monday, January 6th at the funeral home John was preceded in death by his loving wife, Imogene Gentry Tidwell; parents, William and Deloma White Tidwell; four sisters, Ester Sutton, Bessie Barnes, Eldora Johnson, and Zelma Fowler; two brothers, Jim Tidwell and Marvin Tidwell; and a loving granddaughter, Amber CarLeigh Morris. John is survived by two daughters,
Patricia Towry (Charles) and Paula Dickerson (Merle); one son, Mitchell Tidwell (Laurie); one sister, Eugenia Woodruff; ten grandchildren, Shauna Gilbraith (Scott), Brad Lyle (Linda), Melissa Birchfield (Micah), Maralyn Faulkenberry (Stacy) Tamara Campbell, Jon Tidwell, Amy Tadlock, Brad Gentry (Haley), Briony Jenkins (Chad), Brentley Morris; twenty-six great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Special caregiver, Sondra McCarley. You may leave a condolence online at www.wilkersonfuneralhomes.com
Modema P.
Modema P. Smedley, age 93, of Cove, Arkansas, passed away Thursday, January 2, 2020 in Mena. She was born on March 17, 1926 in Athens, Arkansas to the late Coy Pate and the late Evelyn Davis Pate. She was married to Jhon Smedley and they owned and operated The Smedley Store in Cove for many years. She was of the Pentecostal faith and was a loving mother, grandmother and friend to all who knew her. She is survived by her son, Joel Don Smedley and his wife Pat of Coweta, Oklahoma. Her grandchildren Melodie and Keith Frederick of Coweta, Oklahoma, Jennifer and Cole Moore of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and Nikki Morton of Bixby, Oklahoma. Four great granddaughters, Allison and Jack Winkle, Lydia Jackson-Moore, Hailey Morton and Violet Morton. One sister, Sodola Griffith. She was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers Dellas Pate, William Pate and Emil Pate and her sisters Voneithel O’neal, Eda Towry and Verbalee Dickison. Funeral services will be 2:00 pm., Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at the Cove Revival Center with Brother Reggie Fryar and Brother Larry Davis officiating. Interment will follow in Pleasant Grove Cemetery at Cove under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home. Visitation is General. Pallbearers will be Andrew Dickison,
Tony Smedley, Keith Frederick, Tim Smedley, Shirel Dickison, and Tyler Smedley.
Brian Keith
Brian Keith Metcalf age 50 of Hatfield, Arkansas passed away Saturday, December 28,, 2019 in Ft. Smith. He was born on January 26, 1969 in Mena, Arkansas to William “Willie” Edward Metcalf, Jr. and Edna Ann Potter Metcalf. He was a carpenter by profession. Brian earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Forensics. He enjoyed watching Westerns. He was an accomplished artist and a published poet. Brian was a loving and devoted son, father, grandfather, brother and friend. He will be dearly missed. He is survived by: Sons: Michael Lewis and Forrester Letchworth Daughters: Christy Lewis and Chancey Williams Grandchildren: Nolen and Hunter Parents: William “Willie” and Ann Metcalf Brother: David Wayne Metcalf Nieces and nephews: Latrisha Hulliberger, Trey Metcalf, CeCe Cearley and husband Troy Great-Nieces and nephews: Liam Hulliberger, Emma Hulliberger and Dean Cearley Friend: Floyd Fredrick Numerous aunts and uncles He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents Marie Lydolph and Wes Potter and his paternal grandparents William “Ed” Edward and Alice Mildred Metcalf. Funeral service will be Friday, January 3, 2020 in Beasley-Wood Chapel at 2:00 p.m. with Brother Ron Tilley officiating. Interment will follow in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friends visitation will be Thursday, January 2, 2020 at Beasley-Wood at 5:00-7:00 p.m. Pallbearers will be Leroy Arthur, Gabriel Jasso, Marty Cochran, William Fredrick, James Taylor, and Chris Sanders. Online obituary at www.beasleywoodfuneralhome.com
Jesse Ray Dickison
Jesse Ray Dickison age 88, of Cove, Arkansas passed away Friday, December 27, 2019 in Mena. Jesse Ray was born on September 2, 1931 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to the late Floyd Ray “Cagle” Dickison and the late Versa Delona White Dickison. He was married to Vaunita “Red” Dickison until her passing. Jesse Ray was a carpenter by profession. He enjoyed restoring old Studebakers, which was one of his passions. Jesse Ray also loved being outdoors doing farm work and riding his tractor. He was a devoted and loving father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend. He will be dearly missed. He is survived by: Children: Cindy Watkins and husband Morris of Vandervoort, Arkansas, Sue Pollard and husband Junior of Cove, Arkansas, Peggy Hairgrove and husband Monte of Cove, Arkansas Stephen Dickison and wife Dollie of Red Oak, Texas Grandchildren: Luke Watkins, Clay Watkins, Derek Pollard, Bobbie Jo Lee, Melinda Pope, Sonja Childress, Sydney Dickison, Devon Dickison, Annie Davidson and Robert Davidson and Twelve great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents Cagle and Versa Dickison, his wife Vaunita “Red” Dickison, two brothers Shirel and Gary and a sister Jeanette. Graveside service will be Tuesday, December 31, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. at Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Cove, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Honorary pallbearers will be Jesse Ray’s grandsons; Luke Watkins, Clay Watkins, Heath Lee, Devon Dickison and Derek Pollard. Online obituary at www.beasleywoodfuneralhome.com ley-Wood Funeral Home 611 Janssen Ave. Mena, Arkansas 71953 Ph# 479394-1310 bwfuneralhome@yahoo.com
January 8, 2020
Michael W. French
Michael W. French (51) was tragically killed along with his beloved dog, Harvey Pickle, December 30, 2019 while walking in Berlin, NY. Michael’s love of archaeology began as a little boy, pouring over National Geographic and being teased mercilessly by his siblings for just “looking at the pictures”….only to later figure out he was actually READING every word of those magazines and learning of mystical places of afar. He would also take his Star Wars figurines and bury them, only to have an “excavation” and make “new” discoveries! Michael lived his whole life with a passionate dedication to making the world a better and more just place for all. His sense of wonder and love of understanding led him to a long and respected career as an archaeologist which culminated in a position as a Senior Project Manager at Wood where he participated in projects across the Eastern US. His belief in “doing” and fixing meant he was involved in both multiple social justice causes and the more mundane home repairs of his “kith & kin”. He loved to walk in the woods and share his love of science and astronomy. In recent years he had taken up running, which he enjoyed doing and training for with his beloved buddy, Harvey. He lived simply in his daily life enjoying a good meal, a good beer and great stories. Above all he cared for his family in the fullest extent of the word and though they can no longer physically hold his hand as they continue their journey, he will remain a bedrock of their lives forever. Michael was born in Little Rock, AR to Michael “Mickey” French and Mary
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Ann Mills French. He grew up in Mena, Arkansas and graduated from Mena High School in 1987. Michael is preceded in death by his father, Michael “Mickey” French and his brother in law, Steve Cole. He is survived by: Wife: Heather DeCarlos French, Louisville, KY Daughters: Sophia and Lydia, Louisville, KY Son: Isaac Wagner, Ithaca, NY Mother: Mary Ann Zachary (William “Zack”), Mena, AR Sisters: Michelle French Cole, Mena, AR. Melynda French/Buchanan Williams, Greers, SC Brothers: Micah French (Rachel), Indianapolis, IN; Ken Buchanan (Kathy), Jonesboro, AR Aunt: Lynda Mills Langley (Travis), Dalark, AR Cousins: Travis Langley (Rebecca), Arkadelphia, AR; Melissa Langley Biegert (Larry), Austin, TX Niece: Abigail Williams, Greers, SC Nephews: Logan and Max Williams, Greers, SC Services will be held in Louisville, KY on January 11th at 11:00am at Highland Baptist Church. The family is creating a memory book for Michael’s children. If you have any pictures or stories that you would like to share about Michael, please send to: Michelle Cole, 135 Polk Road 616, Mena, AR 71953.
Mena, Arkansas, Debbie Joe Garroutte of New Blaine, Arkansas Grandchildren: Danniell Johnson and Dustin James Tantillo and wife Samantha Great-Grandchildren: Dillon and Kamden Tantillo Brothers: Dennis Whitman and Earl Whitman Sisters: Agnes Connett, Shirley LeClaire and Edna Cameron Special Friends: Tom Brough, Tom Deters, Greg Fuller and Marvin Beckman He was preceded in death by his parents, Leo and Laura Whitman, 2 brothers, Stanley Whitman and Joseph Whitman, 3 sisters, Jean Fox, Monica Reynolds and Barbara Sage and by a great-granddaughter, Paxton Crook. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Saturday, January 11, 10:00 a.m. at St. Agnes Catholic Church with Father Joseph Shantiraj as Celebrant. Interment will follow in Mt. Calvary Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. A Rosary will be said Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. at the Beasley Wood Chapel. Pallbearers will be Tom Deters, Tom Brough, David Sage, Kevin Sage, Gregory Fox and Greg Fuller.
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Whitman Mr. Victor Leo
Whitman, age 92, of Mena, Arkansas, passed away Sunday, January 5, 2020 at his home. He was born on January 21, 1927, in Doylestown, Ohio to the late Leo Whitman and the late Laura Bidinger Whitman. He was married to Gertrude Alice Law Whitman for 71 years and was an insurance agent for New York Life for over 50 years. Mr. Whitman was an avid traveler and enjoyed hunting, fly fishing and camping. He was also a welder and was a member of the American Legion and the Knights of Columbus. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother and a friend to all he met. He is survived by: Wife: Trudy Whitman of the home Daughters: Diana K. Beckman of
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January 8, 2020
DAR Celebrates 10th Year Anniversary
James k. Polk DAR celebrates 10th anniversary on December 12, 2019 – 10 years after charter was signed for new DAR chapter in Mena. Pictured from left to right – front row: Era Looney, Charlotte Jeffers, Cortez Copher, Alice Carpenter and Dotty Kinnun. Back row: Cheryl Anglin, Shelly Collins, Brenda Cunningham, Ruth Gray, Jane Simmons, Ann Garrett, Carolyn Hanna, Linda Evans and Kathy Hagler. Submitted photo by Kay Dye.
by: Cortez J. Copher, Regent
The James K. Polk Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution of the Mena area celebrated their 10th Anniversary on December 12. The event was held in the Daisy Room of Janssen Avenue Florist from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There were three guests and thirteen members attending. After lunch, the group gathered for group pictures, and the meeting started at 1:00 p.m. Out-oftown guests were Charlotte Jeffers, the ASDAR Caddo District Director from Arkadelphia, and Mary Alice Carpenter, the first James K. Polk Regent in 2009 now a member of St. Tammany DAR Chapter in Slidell, Louisiana. Another special guest was the James K. Polk Chapter photographer, Kay Dye, from Cove. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ann Garrett, Second Vice Regent, and the opening prayer was given by Jane Simmons, Chaplain. Dotty Kinnun, Registrar and Honorary Regent, was introduced by Cortez Copher, Regent, as the Mistress of Ceremony. The first part of the program was presented by chapter member, Carolyn Hanna. Her topic was “The Founding Mothers of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.” She explained how the Daughters of the American Revolution was started because the Sons of the American Revolution refused to let women join their organization. On October 11, 1890, the founding mothers held the first meeting on Columbus Day because it was through the interests of a women, Queen Isabella of Spain, that Columbus made his discovery of America. Secondly, a brief memorial service was
held in honor of the five members who had passed away during the last 10 years: Eva Furr, Margaret Shepard, Natalie Ricketts, Eloise Davis Stobaugh, and Judy Boyle. A photo of each was hung above the mantle. At a chime sound, the name of each deceased member was read, and DAR members Era Looney, Mary Alice Carpenter, Ann Garrett, Linda Craig Evans, and Brenda Cunningham placed a red rose in a vase on the mantle under the pictures. The third part of the program was “The Beginning Years” of the James K. Polk Chapter presented by Mary Alice Carpenter, the organizing regent. The second part of the chapter history, “Carrying On,” was presented by Dotty Kinnun, Regent from 2012 through 2018. She is currently serving as Registrar and Honorary Chapter Regent. Cortez Copher, Regent, thanked the guests for coming and the members for their work and support in the planning of the 10th Year Anniversary. All DAR members were asked to turn on their luminary candles and raise them high to honor their James K. Polk DAR Chapter. The cake which looked like the first cake in 2009 was cut by Alice Carpenter. Dotty Kinnun and Cortez Copher distributed the cake to everyone. The next meeting is January 16, in the Polk County Library at 1:30. The speaker will be Joe Mannon with a presentation of “Washington and the American Democracy.” Ladies interested in becoming a member of the DAR are invited to attend. For more information, contact Dotty Kinnun, Registrar- (479437-3111).
news Ruffling Feathers by staff
The $4.50 per square foot, that state assessment officials last year increased their recommended appraisals of standard chicken houses, has frustrated state legislators, who have questioned the valuations. Lawmakers in Little Rock passed a resolution recently condemning the state Assessment Coordination Division’s poultry house valuations and urged further study. Assessment officials say it’s time to update poultry house appraisals, which have remained unchanged since 1995. Several lawmakers though argue that the chicken houses are a special type of property, and the rate increase from $4.50 to $9 per square foot on broiler houses was changed without proper representation for the farmers. The Assessment Coordination Division was created to help ensure that local taxes across Arkansas were levied equitably. But in addition to the farmers being upset about increased property-tax bills, there were misconceptions about whether the division’s recommendations were binding on county assessors who felt the rates were too high in their respective counties. The division publishes guidelines to assist assessors, but they are not mandatory. The final authority to determine market value in a specific county lies with that elected assessor. Lawmakers argue that while the guidelines aren’t binding on assessors, most are forced to abide by them because they don’t have the resources to independently develop their own valuation measures. State Representative DeAnn Vaught of Horatio, a poultry farmer told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that the issue is still “muddy” even after a letter was sent from the Division to lawmakers addressing concerns. Representative Vaught said some farmers could go out of business. Polk County Assessor Jovan Thomas told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that most of the confusion appeared to have cleared from her perspective. She said that she has spoken with many poultry farmers whose concerns were
January 8, 2020 eased after she walked them through the new appraisal guidelines. Most, she said, ended up owing far less that expected. Thomas, who said Polk County has one of the highest concentrations of chicken houses in the state, added that new poultry houses are affected most by the new guidelines, but she said that after meeting with one farmer in the middle of building new chicken houses, even he was surprised at how little the taxes would increase. To determine the property tax owed in Arkansas, 20% of a valuation is multiplied by a millage rate. Under the state constitution, a property-tax bill can increase at most 10% a year when the valuations increase. Thomas, the Polk County Assessor, says the Assessment Coordination Division’s poultry house valuations were accurate based on poultry house sales in Polk County. If anything, she said, the rate remains favorable to the farmer. In recent months, Thomas said that poultry farmers in the area have come to realize that the new valuations are not as tremendous and scary as they thought. “We just had to take the time to explain it to our constituents”, Thomas said. A spokesman with the Department of Finance and Administration noted that change is difficult, but that the new rates will benefit communities. The majority of the property-tax money is used to educate children in public schools locally. But some farmers argue that higher taxes on poultry houses could have an adverse effect by discouraging the construction of broiler houses.
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Just Follow the Plan By Bro. Gene Stacks
Years ago I learned the importance of following a given plan to achieve a desired end. I learned that when the plan was drawn up by one qualified to do so, and is the diligently followed everything turned out as it should. Disaster occurs when we think we know better than the plan. A good building starts with a thought. We visualize what we want, what we need, and then we hire an architect to design it for us. In his design are the details of everything that goes to create a work that matches our thinking. In order to do this we make sure that the architect we hire is good, that he knows what he is doing. Our lives are much like that. And at some point we realize that a great deal of thought goes into achieving our goal. We realize that we need some kind of a goal, some sort of a plan. We heard the old saying that “to fail to plan is to plan to fail.” So we need an architect to design and plan our lives so that we will achieve the very best life possible. So we talk to friend who have made similar choices, and we find that many of our friends have turned to the Old Book, the Bible to learn as much as possible about the task. The first thaing that we find out is that God is the One who designed the universe, the planet on which we live, and everything on that planet. He is the chief Architect of all that is. We see it, so how does that apply to us? Can one One who designed such big and intricate things as a world and universe possibly know about me? I am but a small dot on a million page manuscript, so does the Architect of the universe know about me? The answer to the question is YES, Absolutely! The Architect of the universe also designed us! He knows all about us, our wants, our needs, our desires...all of it, and knowing all, He designed a life for us that works! If life is not working it is not the fault of the Architect of the design. If the builder chooses to disregard the blueprint, he will end up with a mess! It is like that in human life. God has designed us, He has designed a life for us and when we follow the design it works. When we do not all sorts of really bad things happen. We try everything that we can think of to “get it right,” but the big picture never changes..except to get worse. No, we have not tried everything. We have tried everything humanly possible, but that has never been enough, it never will be enough. We have departed from the blueprint and the house is not turning out like we wanted. We elect people whose platform is almost always “ I will fix it.” They never do! Because they can't! There is ONE BLUEPRINT, and only one! As a people we have chosen to set it aside, except in some small radical groups. We don't read from it to our children, not at school, and in most cases, not at home. And, tragedy of tragedy, some “church” groups do not give proper attention to the Blueprint. “Let's do it our way, God won't mind.” But he DOES! His plan is perfect and any change that we make detracts and never adds to it. So what is this Plan that I am writing about. It is called the Bible, the written and living Word of the Almighty God. Written over a period of some fifteen hundred years with some forty or forty one human instruments, it has a message from Genesis to Revelation, and it includes details of how to put it into action. And it all begins in knowing HIM, and that is through Jesus Christ and Him only! He said “I am THE WAY and THE TRUTH and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by Me.” The evidence is clear: He said “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” Amen.
Cotton Statement on Reported Death of Qassem Soleimani Washington, D.C. — Following reports of a strike that killed Qassem Soleimani, an Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the commander of its Quds
Force, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement: “Qassem Soleimani masterminded Iran’s reign of terror for decades, including the deaths of hundreds of Americans. Tonight, he got what he richly deserved, and all those American soldiers who died by his hand also got what they deserved: justice. America is safer now after Soleimani’s demise.”
Filing Consumer Complaints Against Scam Artists
LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge today announced mobile office locations for January. Attorney General Rutledge created this initiative during her first year in office to increase office accessibility for all Arkansans, particularly to those who live outside the capital city. Office hours were held in all 75 counties each year during her first term, assisting 3,300 Arkansans. In 2019, Attorney General Mobile Offices served over 2,200 Arkansans. Rutledge believes face-to-face conversations are the best way to truly hear from Arkansans. The Attorney General Mobile Offices assist Arkansans with consumer related issues by filing consumer complaints against scam artists as well as answering questions about the office and the other services it offers to constituents. Rutledge continues her partner-
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January 8, 2020 ships with local law enforcement across Arkansas. Law enforcement officials will be on hand to collect unused and expired prescription medications to ensure they are secured and properly disposed. Arkansans are encouraged to bring their old, unused or expired prescription medications to an upcoming mobile office. During Rutledge’s five years in office, over 800 pounds of medications were collected at mobile offices. For more information about services provided by the Attorney General’s office, visit ArkansasAG.gov or call (501) 682-2007. Rutledge can also be found on Facebook at facebook.com/AGLeslieRutledge and on Twitter at twitter.com/AGRutledge. The upcoming mobile office schedule is below: Grant County Tuesday, January 7 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Sheridan Senior Center Grant County Park 1525 US-270 Sheridan, AR 72150
Perry County Thursday, January 9 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Diane Wilson Senior Activity Center 107 North Magnolia Street Perryville, AR 72126 Conway County Wednesday, January 15 10:30 a.m. to noon T.C. Vaughan Senior Activity Center 706 North Division Street Morrilton, AR 72110 White County Thursday, January 16 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. John E. Lightle Senior Center 2200 East Moore Street Searcy, AR 72143 Ashley County Thursday, January 23 10:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Hamburg Senior Citizens Center 1406 North Main Street Hamburg, AR 71646 Prairie County Tuesday, January 28 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hazen Senior Health & Wellness Center 607 McDonald Drive Hazen, AR 72064 Clark County Thursday, January 30 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. CADC Arkadelphia Senior Activity Center 1305 North 10th Street Arkadelphia, AR 71923
479.394.4248 104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344
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January 8, 2020
Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK
Angel is just that! She is such a dear! Angel is a beautiful buttery brindle color with white accents. Angel is very playful, loves to throw toys around. Jumps up while playing and gently engages in play fighting. Leash trained too! Angel is under a year old and would love toys on her next birthday in January (01/24/2019). She is good with kids and dogs. Angel would love to be your new doggy! ALL ANIMALS AT HSO ARE SPAYED/NEUTERED AND ARE CURRENT ON THEIR VACCINATIONS PRIOR TO ADOPTION.
Helping More Arkansans Access Higher Learning
Late last year, Congress took a historic, critical step toward expanding access to higher education and supporting the nation’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and minority-serving institutions (MSIs). In December, bipartisan legislation was approved and signed into law by President Trump that provides permanent funding for HBCUs while also reforming federal financial aid to make it easier and simpler for those who rely on it. The Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education Act, or FUTURE Act, promises to help make college more accessible and invests in the institutions that serve populations that traditionally see less college participation than their counterparts. The bill does two specific things to serve these ambitions. First, it provides permanent annual funding for HBCUs and MSIs and guarantees they will receive at least $250 million per year. That funding will come from savings to the federal government as a result of the law’s measure to allow the sharing of tax data between the IRS and Department of Education, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates will save $2.8 billion over ten years. The FUTURE Act also makes the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) form more user-friendly and shorter by allowing students to bypass up to 22 questions, as well as reduce duplicative and burdensome verification processes. These steps to ensure minority-serving institutions are well-positioned to continue providing quality educational opportunities into the future and help students better access tools and resources to pay for college are likely game-changers. Arkansas is home to four HBCUs – the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Philander Smith College, Arkansas Baptist College and Shorter College. I’ve met with administrators
January 8, 2020 and faculty at these schools who have emphasized the need for consistent funding while also demonstrating their value to their communities and our state. I recognize the historical significance and positive educational impact of these schools in Arkansas and across the country. They provide an immense source of pride and accomplishment not only for the African American community, but also for all Americans, which is why I strongly believed in the need to maintain structures for the opportunities they promised so many aspiring scholars. As a former school board member in Rogers, I have consistently sought to ensure that Arkansans receive the very best education we can offer them. The FUTURE Act was a commonsense, bipartisan success because of its clear objectives to
support and sustain minority-serving higher learning institutions while also helping to make student aid easier to understand and apply for. In fact, it passed the Senate unanimously. Providing students who want to go to college the opportunity to do so has helped transform our society. We have an obligation to make sure that students from diverse backgrounds have the same access to higher education and that the institutions specifically created to serve their unique needs are poised to improve and grow. That’s why the FUTURE Act is such an important achievement that we should celebrate in Arkansas and across the U.S.
Polk County Births Mena Regional Health System December 27 – January 3 , 2020
Ashley Myers & Jesse Henry of Mena, Arkansas are the proud parents of a baby boy born Dec. 30th Gabrielle & Raul Toribio Jr. of Mena, Arkansas are the proud parents of a baby girl born Dec. 30th Briann & Brendon Henry of Mena, Arkansas are the proud parents of a baby girl born Dec. 30th Andrea Mcdaniel of Waldron, Arkansas is the proud parent of a baby girl born Dec. 31st Brittney Jegstrup & Colt Irons of Eagletown, Oklahoma are the proud parents of a baby boy born Dec. 31st
ATTORNEY GENERAL ALERT: Avoid Sweating over Gym Contracts
LITTLE ROCK – Getting in shape is always a top New Year’s Resolution and joining a gym is a popular step in achieving that goal. More than 60 million Americans are members of health clubs and gyms, according to the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. While the decision to join an exercise program or gym can be a pleasant and rewarding experience, sometimes, it’s not. “Investing in your health is important for your physical and mental wellbeing,” said Attorney General Rutledge. “But reading the fine print, getting all sales promises in writing and knowing the cancelation and billing policies are crucial in securing your fiscal wellbeing and avoiding any unfortunate surprises.”
Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge addresses some concerns received by her office on poor practices at health clubs, and what to look out for before signing on the dotted line.
• Visit the spa or gym during the hours you would normally attend. Note the condition and cleanliness of the equipment and if the facilities are overcrowded. • Compare several gyms in the area. • Ask about trial periods so you can sample the gym without obligation to join. • Ask about hours of operation and any limits to certain memberships. • Do instructors and trainers have special qualifications or expertise to best serve its members? • Ask what the cancellation policy is upfront and the costs of any joining or cancellation fees. • Consider the form of payment. Remember which bank card or bank account number are on file to make the cancellation process easier. • Ask about automatic renewal policies and any recurring annual fees. • If signing a contract for a specific time period, are there extenuating circumstances that would allow breaks in the contract such as injury, illness or moving?
Enticing advertisements can sometimes cross over to deception from highly motivated sales people. If a sales person agrees to special perks, waived fees or price changes, always make sure they are in writing – hard copy and electronically- and approved by the manager. The law requires that a copy of the signed contract be given at the time of joining. Arkansas law allows buyers to cancel the remaining portion of a health spa contract if the buyer becomes permanently disabled or if the buyer moves more than 50 miles from any location operated by the gym. These laws do not apply to most non-profit gyms such as YMCA. Finally, before joining a health club, consider contacting the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office and Better Business Bureau to find out if complaints have been filed against the gym.
Thursday, January 9th
• 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:30 a.m. - Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at (479)234-5844 or Linda Rowe at (479)234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. – Good Vibes Art Day at the Mena Art Gallery. All mediums welcome, from fiber art, painting and crafting. Open to public. • 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – The Mena Lioness Lions meet at the Limetree Restaurant. • 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God distributes food at 2111 Sutherland or call (479)394-1229. • 4:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club, at 1159 Highway 71 South., Mena. (479)2164606 or (479)243-0297.
January 8, 2020 • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Education Wing, West End. Call (479)234-2297 for more information. • 6:00 p.m. – Hatfield’s Lion’s Club meets at the Lions Club Field House. • 6:30 p.m. – Van-Cove Alumni regular quarterly meeting. • 6:30 p.m. – Mena Chapter #243, Order of the Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Temple at 701 Port Arthur, Mena. Meeting will follow a meal at 6:30 p.m. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meets at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meeting and training at the Fire Station. • 7:10 p.m. – Ouachita Little Theatre will be presenting Johnathan Len- Jukebox memories. Email julmer1954@gmail.com for more.
Friday, January 10th • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South.
• 12:00 p.m. – Ouachita Amateur Radio Association monthly meeting at the Limetree Restaurant. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – Holly Grove Church in Grannis will have Gospel Music.
• 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church.
• 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)243-0297 or (479)216-4606.
• 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. – Hatfield Auditorium Country-Western Dance Admission is $6 and 50/50 drawing.
Sunday, January 12th
• 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297.
Saturday, January 11th • 10:00 a.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Men’s Meeting – ABC Club, across form Chopping Block: 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena – (281)387-0400. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50.
• 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship Service is held at Sulphur Springs Church.
Monday, January 13th • 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 1:30 p.m. – Polk County Genealogical Society will meet at the Polk County Library. • 3:00 p.m. – The Airport Commission
Meeting will be held at the UA-Rich Mountain Boardroom in the Spencer Building, 1100 College Drive. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn.
January 8, 2020 Refreshments served, cookies or fingerfoods accepted. • 6:30 p.m. – Shady Fire and Rescue District 10 will meet at the Shady Community Center.
• 6:00 p.m. – Democratic Party of Polk County meets at Papa’s Mexican Café. Anyone interested is welcome. You do not have to be a member.
• 7:00 p.m. – The Dallas Valley R.V.F.D. will meet for training at the Firehouse.
• 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome.
• 7:00 p.m. – Ross-Tunnell Post #249 will meet at the Wickes Community Center.
• 6:30 p.m. – Mena Community Choir practice at the First Methodist Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Mena Elks Lodge meeting. All Elks are invited to attend.
Tuesday, January 14th • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. The written portion of the drivers test will be given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority, and as long as road conditions are optimal the driving portion of the test will be given. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch Library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting.
• 7:00 p.m. – The Acorn Fire and Rescue will meet at the Fire Department.
• 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. (479)234-2887 or (479)234-3043.
Wednesday, January 15th • 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. – Shepherd’s Closet open at First Baptist Church 4802 Hwy 71 S Hatfield, AR (870)3896412. Accepting and distributing clothing/ usable household items/and nonperishable food items. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery Art Group meeting. • 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency Warning Sirens will be tested in Mena. • 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 12:00 p.m. – Quality of Life Outreach meeting at Lavilla Restaurant. • 5:30 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Bible Study Service. • 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Highway 71 North, Mena. All Area Middle and High
School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297.
- CLASSIFIEDS Teaching Chinese languAge, also translations, Chinese Cuisine, Acupressure, Kung Fu, and Five Step Fitness Boxing. $15 per session. 580-306-3381. T12919 Now Hiring MA or LPN part time. Bring Resume to First Care Family Health, 1706, Highway 71N, Mena AR, 71953. T1819 For Sale: A Large Entertainment Center – 68” high x 28 ½” wide. $75 a duel cassette player needs a receiver a lot of canning jars pints, quarts and 1 ½ quarts $30. A bull piggy bank from Mexico Chips off feet. $10 recliner chair with vibration and heat $50. Call 479-216-9551. For rent: A Convenient, in-town, 2-bedroom, 1 bath. Remodeled in 2018, Central HVAC. Washer and Dryer available. $615 per month with $500.00 secure in deposit. Call Robert at (832) 247-5285. T11520
NOTICE The Polk County Road Department will be accepting sealed bids for 2020 culvert purchases . Bids are to be opened in the Polk County Judge's office at the Polk County Courthouse at 507 Church Avenue in Mena, Arkansas 71953, at 9:00 AM January 22nd, 2020.
All interested parties should contact Polk County Judge Brandon Ellison at 479-394-8133 for complete specifications and instructions.
Highway man services interior painter and other repairs, Plumbing, and electric, Call Bill Duff: (479) 216-5204. T11520
Help us build our Classified Section.
2014 Side-by-Side 800cc 4WD – post.Turn Signals – Winch – Big Tires – Mags – Top & More. Big Light Spots – 68 hrs. Low Miles – New Mena 505-414-0302
Place Your Ad in Our Office
Roommate wanted: must help pay utilities. Please call Margret at (479) 2196536.
Get your word ads out to 8,000+ viewers a week for a minimum cost. If you have a listing, sale item(s), job opening, tradewe can put it in an ad for you!! 1168 Hwy 71 So - Mena, AR You can call, fax or email BUT all ads must be pre-paid.
Friday at Noon
Must Pre-Pay CASH / VISA / MC
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Words 1-20 $ 4 Extra words +$ .25 Add a border +$ 1
• 6:00 p.m. – Home Front Warriors CMA Chapter 377 Bible Study at the Limetree Restaurant. Public is invited. • 6:00 p.m. – American Legion Post 18 Potluck Dinner, at Veteran’s Park in Acorn, with meeting to follow at 7 p.m. • 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. – Polk County Housing Authority Community Room LIVE Country and Gospel music. • 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. – Hatfield Jam Session at the Hatfield Auditorium. All musicians/singers and listeners welcome.
1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
Now Open On Fridays Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
January 8, 2020
Ouachita Coffee Roasters by Jeff Akin
Now Offering Breakfast and Lunch Sandwiches Fresh Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits Fresh Pastries Daily 11-4 Serving Pizza
821 Mena Street, Mena, AR, 71953
Who: Derek Campbell What: Ouachita Coffee Roasters When: Monday - Friday 7:00am-4:00pm Saturday 7:00am-2:00pm Where: 821 Mena Street Mena, Arkansas How: “When you walk in, you’ll experience an environment that likely wouldn’t be expected in Mena. We like to create something people don’t normally see. We want you to come in be comfortable and enjoy your coffee, enjoy some food while you’re there. We always have great music. We always have smiling friendly faces. We have comfortable seating. We have table seating. You can expect to see some awesome package sandwiches nice and hot for you, some lunch sandwiches, parfaits, and some the best coffee you’ll get in Arkansas that’s for sure”. Derek Campbell Vision 2020: “2020 is going to be very exciting for Ouachita Coffee Roasters, but not only for Ouachita Coffee Roasters, but we are also adding Ouachita Brewing Company. We will be having the first and only micro-brewery in Mena, Arkansas. What that means is, we are going to brew some very craft beer in house, we will have that on tap. Also on tap, we will have other craft beer from Arkansas. We will be totaling somewhere around 29 taps in our taproom. We will also begin serving wine and champaign along with that. So you’ll be to come into our enviorment and have plenty of seating options, plenty of food options, plenty of drink options, so when you come in you’ll stay awhile and enjoy what’s going on. Along with those things, we will have some entertainment. We are going to have weekly live music, triva nights, and we want to do brunches on the weekend where we show old classic cartoons in the morning. Just really create an atmosphere for anyone, family, friends, people you haven’t see in awhle, just come in and talk with us. So, 2020 is going to be very interesting for us.” Derek Campbell From ouachitacoffee.com We love the community that forms around a good cup of coffee. People come together in common interest and it opens up so many avenues for making real connections! We try to make most of our products ourselves or get them from talented Arkansas companies who strive for quality and use natural products. The owners, Derek and Jennifer Campbell, sought the best coffee training and education before venturing out to begin their own coffee bar and roaster. Jenn is the master roaster at Ouachita Coffee. She uses her background in Biochemistry to develop roast profiles for each origin that comes through the doors. Derek is our coffee educator/trainer and wholesale manager. He loves creating our seasonal menus, working in house with new baristas, and with our clients to train their staff to make life-changing coffees! Together Derek and Jenn are always working to make your Ouachita Coffee experience better. We have a passion for learning and growing. It’s our desire to inspire our community to drink more coffee, adventure, and pursue what they love. Come visit our coffee bar and experience the welcoming and inspiring atmosphere that will leave counting the minutes until your next coffee break!