January 10, 2018
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Maddox Doubly Awarded
Ark. AG Holds First ‘Round Table’ of 2018 at MRHS BY MELANIE WADE • rkansas ttorney eneral eslie Rutledge held her first ‘ Round Table’ meeting of 2018 in Mena last week at Mena Regional H ealth System. Rutledge’s ‘ Round Table’ program is beginning its fourth year in which Rutledge will visit all 7 5 counties to hear directly from Arkansans about concerns and issues impacting their county. Since beginning the program, more than 230 ‘ Round Tables’ have been held across the state with more than 2,200 CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Mena Police Officers Aid Fire Victims in Escape BY MELANIE WADE • Polk County 9 11 dispatch sent out a call around 4:40 a.m. riday morning, January , 2018, regarding a structure fire on Edgewood Lane in Mena. Dispatch informed the authorities that a woman had called the fire in and had reported her granddaughter was still trapped inside the home. Mena Police epartment fficer Mike Wolf was the first to arrive on the scene and was followed shortly after y fficer Paul CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
First Baby of 2018 Welcomed at Mena Regional
Arkansas State Representative John Maddox, of Mena, received two prestigious awards in the span of one week. Above, Maddox (right) is pictured with State Chamber/AIA President & CEO Randy Zook on Monday, January 8, 2018, receiving the Business Matters Leadership Award. Maddox received an award from the Arkansas Prosecutors Association last week. For more on Maddox and the awards, see the full story on page 7 of this edition.
BY MELANIE WADE • Polk ounty has welcomed its first a y of the ew ear Joshua Ryan Wood Jr. was orn on January 3, 2018 at 2:28 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 14 ½ oz and measuring 20 in. long at Mena Regional Health ystem. Proud parents are Josh Wood and Alejandra Lopez of Mena, Ark. The family was honored with the CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
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. .January . . . . . . . .10, . . .2018 ................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication
Rotarians Continue Support of Literacy
n December 28th, the Rotary Club of Polk County/Mena provided over 17 0 nominee and award-winning books to each of the Polk County branch libraries. On hand for the distribution event PICTURED L-R: (Front row, seated) Wakunda Williams, Frieda Romine, included RotariEvie Brown. (Standing) Brenda Miner, Henry Sunderman, Michael Cate, ans from the Polk Linda Rexroad, Mary Alice Head, Fred Ogden, Sue Cavner, Tanner HoopCounty/Mena er, Charles Pitman, Heather Aleshire, Karlene Hooker, Crystal Liles, Pete Rotary Club; Chambers, Mary Renick, Sonya Maye, Tammy Young, Cy Young. Polk County Librarian Mary Renick; B renda Miner, U A Rich Mountain Director of Library Services & Ouachita Mountains Regional Librarian; and Polk County B ranch Library volunteers, Wakunda Williams of oard amp, rieda Romine of Hatfield, and vie rown of ove. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
Martin Recognized for Decade of Service T BY LEANN DILBECK •
he CASA ( Court Appointed Special Advocates) B oard of Directors recently recognize d Program Director Cynthia Martin for her 10 years of dedicated service to the program. B oard Chair Amye H ebert commended Martin’s dedication to the program and said that she repeatedly goes above and beyond in her efforts to serve the vulnerable children in the program. CASA ( Court Appointed Special Advocates) of the Ouachita Region is a vital organiza tion with an important mission: to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the court system. With the belief that every child is entitled to a safe, permanent home, they recruit, train and supervise volunteers to serve as a child’s advocate in court. CASA is a nationwide organiza tion with approxi mately 7 7 ,000 volunteers across the U nited States, each one dedicated to the children they serve. CASA of the Ouachita Region was originally created in 2005 under the umbrella of H ealthy Connections, Inc. until it separated and formed its own 5 01( c) ( 3) in 2008. They are funded by state and federal grants but also rely heavily on donations from businesses and individuals, as well as fundraising.
My nam e is G ene S tacks. O ne J une 13th of l ast y ear I took a v ery serious f al l and inj ured m y brain in such a w ay that, by the testim ony of m any , I l ikel y w oul d not l ive through the night. I d id . A nd in this w riting m y sol e d esire is to bring honor to the G od w ho p erf orm ed sev eral m iracl es that night. T he f irst m iracl e w as that w hen I f el l there w as no one around to hel p m e, y et, af ter the f al l I got up and w al ked to m y car. I hav e absol utel y no p ersonal m em ory of any thing that hap p ened af ter that until af ter I aw oke the nex t d ay in the recov ery room of the hosp ital in Hot S p rings. W hat I w il l say is w hat others hav e tol d m e. Wh en I f el l I hit m y head on either rocks or concrete, and it f el t l ike I had been hit in the head w ith a basebal l bat. A f ter getting into m y car I d rov e the nex t tw o m il es to m y hom e, w ith no m em ory of any sort, y et, I d id , and d id not inj ure any one on that trip . A f ter that I d rov e to church. I t w as a W ed nesd ay and w e hel d servi ces on W ed nesd ay night. A gain, no m em ory , and , as f ar as I know , no one w as inj ureed because of m y d riv ing. Miracl e? Y es. G od d id w hat I coul d not hav e d one. A t church one of the m en recogniz ed that I w as acting strangel y and took m e to m y house. A t that p oint they cal l ed m y son, T erry , w ho cam e q uickl y to see about m e. F rom that p oint on it w as one m iracl e af ter another. T erry sav ed m y l if e that night. I nstead of p utting m e to bed w itha bad head ache he took m e to the em ergency room of the hosp ital l . Had he p ut m e to bed I w oul d hav e d ied that night f rom w hat the neurol ogical surgeon tol d m e l ater w as a subd ural hem atom a, a v ery serious brain bl eed . A t the hosp ital I w as im m ed iatel y taken f or p ictures w hich conf irm ed the f act of m aj or inj ury . I am a bit uncl ear as to how the nex t m iracl e occurred . S om eone in the E R had cal l ed the hel icop ter transp ort, and they arriv ed at ex actl y the right tim e. I rem em ber none of this, but others d o. T he hel icop ter took m e to the hosp ital in Hot S p ring w here the neurosurgeon w as w aiting and read y to go. I d on’ t know the nam es of al l of those w ho w orked on m e that night ( they began at 1: 00 am ) , but I d o rem em ber D r. D eCastro, w ho ap p arentl y w as the chief surgeon. A gain, the tim ing w as right. A nother m iracl e. T he D octors p erf orm ed a craniotom y . B l ood had al read y accum ul ated on one sid e of m y brain to the ex tent that it had p ushed m y brain ov er to the other sid e. T hat bl ood had to be rem ov ed . A nd the v essel s that had been d am aged had to be rep aired . D r. D eCastro tol d m e l ater that “ if I had a hund red p atients l ike y ou onl y tw o w oul d surv iv e. ” He al so said to m e “ y ou are a m iracl e. ” A nd then he said “ y ou are a f ighter. ” He w as right about the m iracl e, but w hat he m ay hav e not und erstood w as that I w as not a f ighter, that I had O ne f ighting f or m e w ho nev er l oses. A nd it is to this O ne that I giv e p raise. O ur G od is stil l in business! I d o not know w hy I w as sp ared , but I know that I w oul d l ike to tel l ev ery one about this “ G od of m iracl es,” and that is w hy I w rite these w ord s. My recov ery has been a m iracl e al so. A f ter sev en w eeks in the hosp ital , w here I had to l earn to w al k again and w here I had to l earn to sp eak w ith som e cl arity , I am now , af ter about six m onths, d oing ev ery thing that I ev er coul d d o. . . ex cep t I cannot ty p e as w el l , and I stil l cannot p l ay m y guitar. I t w il l com e if G od w il l s. . . and that w il l be good enough. I thank G od f or w ho He is and f or w hat He d oes, and I thank those l iteral l y hund red s of T he F am il y w ho p ray ed f or m e. My nam e is G ene S tacks and I ap p rov e of this m essage. T HI S A D P U RCHA S E D B Y G E NE S T A CK S
January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
Boil Order Issued Farringer to Lead the Queen M F BY MELANIE WADE •
reedom Water Association, which supplies consumers in the areas of H ighway 8 West and H ighway 37 5 West in Mena, Shady G rove, Potter, etc., issued a boil order around 3 p.m. on Friday, J anuary 5 , 2018, effective immediately and until further notice. Earlier on Friday, Freedom Water had issued a notice of low water pressure or no water at all for their consumers as they attempted to find a break in the lines. H owever, as the day progressed, a boil order was deemed imminent. Freedom Water continues their efforts to make the water safe and to make any necessary repairs. For updates, check MyPulseNews. com and tune in to K ENA 104.1FM, where notifications will e released as soon as they are received.
ike Farringer has been promoted to the superintendent position at Q ueen Wilhelmina State Park. Farringer has served in several capacities during his 18-year career at the Arkansas State Parks service, from park ranger to assistant superintendent and Park uperintendent at ane reek and for the last five years, Park uperintendent at Cossatot River State Park. “ Mike has a good history of exce ptional performance in our state park system,” said Arkansas State Parks Director G rady Spann. “ H is proven performance, proven leadership; he has a very high q uality of hospitality about him personally and I just think he’ll serve Q WSP and that whole area very well. H is family is from that area so he has a vested interest in that part of the state. He will e a great fit for W P and the Mena area in general.” Farringer, who married into a local family, is a self-proclaimed “ military brat” but is proud to call Polk County his home. “ I grew up a military brat. My father was in the Air Force for over 30+ years so we travelled around q uite a bit spending several years overseas in Europe. My ext ended family is all from Pennsylvania, which is where I also went to college at Slippery Rock U niversity. I graduated with a B achelor’s Degree in Parks, Recreation and Resource Management.” Farringer and his wife Alicia have been married for 15 years and have three children, Mallory age 12, G rayson age 9 , and Jo shua age 6 . “ We met when I was a ranger at Cossatot River State Park in Wickes, which is where she grew up. H er mom and stepdad moved from Wickes to Mena in 2005 and are retired school teachers from Mena, so we have family just right down the road from us.” I have spent a great deal of my service with Arkansas State Parks at the Cossatot, so as you can guess, that place means a lot to me. I was hired by my good friend and mentor Stan Speight, back in 19 9 9 , who taught me what it was to be a park professional and conservationist. Over the years, I had a chance to work with some great people both in Arkansas State Parks and outside the department in the local communities and across the state. They have helped me along the way in my career and I am grateful for all the help and knowledge they have given me throughout my time with Arkansas State Parks.” And although he will miss the Cossatot, he and his family are looking forward to the ‘ royal’ life atop Arkansas’ second highest peak. “ Q ueen Wilhelmina State Park is an awesome place, as the people from Mena and Polk County can attest to. While Cossatot River State Park’s mission was built around environmental education, resource/ on your PC... river based recreation, Q ueen Wilhelmina is built around this great lodge, the Castle in the Clouds, built on top of Rich Mountain. I look forward to working in this great setting mobile device... and developing relationships with the great group of professionals at the park, as well as laptop! working with the surrounding communities. As with all of our parks, Q ueen Wilhelmina is like a big family and they have welcomed me and my family.” Anytime! Anywhere! Q ueen Wilhelmina State Park sits atop the local 2,6 81-foot Rich Mountain. Of the 5 2 Arkansas state parks, Q ueen Wilhelmina is one of only eight of the state’s parks with a resort or hotel, a stark contrast from Farringer’s previous position. powered by THE POLK COUNTY PULSE Following ext ensive renovations in recent years, today’s Q ueen Wilhelmina Lodge offers 0 guest rooms, outhern fare at the ueen’s Restaurant, and a treasure-filled gift shop. Campsites and hiking trails are also available. For more information about Q ueen Wilhelmina and the other 5 1 state parks go to
January 6, 2016
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. .January . . . . . . . .10, . . .2018 ................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication
Dixon Retires
ary Di on Polk County’s Court eporter is retirin after years Di on as honore y her o orkers on hurs ay De em er Pi ture l to r i helle oehler Distri t u e Danny hrailkill Cir uit Court u e erry yan Di on etire u e ale or u e ake ooney Prose utin ttorney n y iner seate ttorney an y ain ater City of ena ttorney Patri k Daniel ssistant Prose utin ttorney im en erson ttorney Da i a o ttorney an State epresentati e ohn a o an ttorney r in oster
Arceneaux. Wolf heard a woman screaming from the home and entered through the front door. H owever, once inside, he was unable to hear the woman. Wolf stepped back outside the home and heard the woman clearly again from the rear of the home. fficers Wolf and Arceneaux made their way to the back ext erior of the home where they located the reporting party and owner of the home, G lenda Lunsford, and her 12-year old granddaughter trying to escape through a ack window. The officers helped the pair exi t the window. EMS arrived and both victims were transported to Mena Regional H ealth System, where they were stabilize d before being airlifted with burn and smoke inhalation injuries. According to family members, the pair were transported to Arkansas Children’s H ospital where both were put on life support with multiple burn injuries as well as severe smoke inhalation. Lunsford has since been taken off of life support and she and her granddaughter are still being treated. Mena Fire Department personnel put out the blaze that was located in the center of the home. Fire Chief Steve Egger reported moderate smoke damage to the home as well as fire and water damage. ire personnel cleared the scene around :30 a.m. gger said the e act cause of the fire is unknown and is under investigation.
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New CASA Volunteers Sworn In
The Honorable Judge Ryan recently swore in Donald and Annette Rogers as t o of C S of the ua hitas’ ne est olunteers for Polk County e are ery e ite to ha e them on our C S team sai enee en ri of C S The couple has omplete the required 30 hours of training and ourtroom o ser ation CASA of the Ouachitas olunteers a o ate for abused and neglected children in Polk Se ier an ont omery ounties CASA (Court Appointed Spe ial oates olunteers are ourt appointe y a u e to e the oi e for foster hil ren C S elie es o i e a hil a C S is to i e them a oi e o i e them a oi e is to i e them hope an to i e them hope is to i e them the orl f you are intereste in e omin a olunteer onta t Cynthia artin or enee en ri at
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January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
Farm Bureau Welcomes Two New Agents
olk County Farm B ureau Agency Manager Tony H ooper has announced the addition of two new agents, Nathan Fowler and Nikki Cureton. Fowler is a 2007 graduate of Mena H igh School and holds a bachelor’s degree from Arkansas Tech and an MB A from Columbia Southern U niversity. Prior to joining the Farm B ureau family, Fowler worked as the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Mena. H e and his wife, Pilar, have a 3-year old daughter, Natalee, and the family attends Christ Community Fellowship Church. Fowler is looking forward to a change, “ I am very exci ted to start this new chapter in my life with Farm B ureau. Farm B ureau has a great track record and the staff here has made me feel right at home.” Cureton is a native from Vandervoort and graduated from Van-Cove H igh School in 2003 and after working in northwest Arkansas, Texa s and South Florida, is very exci ted to be returning home. Cureton spent the better part of the last year working with Luke and Deedee Alston at H olly Springs H omestead. “ B efore that, I worked in higher education for about 10 years. I worked with new students and alumni at the U niversity of Arkansas, U niversity of Arkansas – Fort Smith, Texa s Tech U niversity and the U niversity of South Florida.” Cureton holds bachelor degrees from both Arkansas Tech and the U niversity of Arkansas as well as a Masters of Education from U niversity of Arkansas. “ Though I enjoyed helping students and alumni in higher education, it’s great to be back home close to family and friends! I have missed being a part of a small community and I like that Farm B ureau gives me the opportunity to help others and reconnect.” The Polk County Farm B ureau Insurance Agency provides personal lines of insurance for homes, auto, boat, farms, eq uipment, health through B lue Cross/B lue Shield, life insurance, and annuities for approxi mately 3,125 members in Polk County. They also provide limited banking services including loans, CD’s, checking, money market accounts, business lines of credit, and credit cards. Locally, Farm B ureau is governed by its 15 member board: Allen Stewart – President, Ronney Fields – V.P., Terry K eener – Secretary, G reg H unter , Terry Terrell , Ja mes Watkins, Duane Webb, Rodney B owen, Mitchell Tidwell, Steve B arney, Farrell It is with great sadness to announce that one of our providers, Cole, B ill H oek , Dennis Philpot , David H ead, and Lucas Alston. “ We are very pleased that Nikki and Nathan have chosen to become a part of our Debra Tooker, will be leaving our practice on January 5, 2018. Farm B ureau family! ” said H ooper. “ We think they are going to be great agents and will Our clinic would like to wish her all the best in her future endeavors. fill niches that we were previously lacking in those eing agents who are well known y If you require continuing care for Family Practice and Pediatric needs, the younger families in our local market and one with south Polk County roots.” our practice has other fine physicians available to you. We will be able H ooper is proud of the education they pursued in their earlier careers and is very to provide the services you may require without interruption. confident of their future with arm ureau, “ oth are very intelligent and have o tained Our clinic includes Family Care physicians Dr. Lochala and Jeff Ulmer, Master’s degrees while in their prior careers. One day, they will be the generation that P.A.-C, and our Pediatric physicians Dr. Beckel and Kelley Dotson, we will hand the torch off to… to carry on the Farm B ureau traditions and to build upon APRN. You may call our office at 479-394-7301 to make an appointthe foundations of customer service and insurance professionalism that we, and all those before us, have strived to create. We hope that you will stop by and meet them ment. personally and give them an opportunity to discuss all your insurance needs.” In the event you plan to transfer your care to a physician in another
January 6, 2016
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. . January . . . . . . . .10, . . .2018 ...................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Maddox Recognized by two State Associations
tate Representative J ohn Maddox has been awarded two prestigious awards by state associations in the last week and is honored and humbled to have been selected. oth the rkansas Prosecuting ttorney’s ssociation and the rkansas tate ham er of ommerce recogni ed Maddo for his work in each field while serving in the state’s H ouse of Representatives in the 9 1st G eneral Assembly. Maddo is serving in his first term in the rkansas House. He represents istrict 20, which includes portions of Montgomery, Polk, and evier counties. He serves on the H ouse J udiciary Committee and the H ouse Insurance and Commerce Committee. As such, he pours through bills that impact our judicial system, as well as commerce, and it was in those facets that his commendations were rendered. Maddo was first recogni ed y the rkansas Prosecuting ttorneys ssociation in early January for advocating for law enforcement in the 201 legislative session. “ have witnessed first hand the professionalism and the dedication of our aw nforcement officers and Prosecuting ttorney and staff in Polk and Montgomery ounty. will continue to ealously advocate for aw nforcement and victims of crime every time have the opportunity,” he stated. His first hand knowledge comes from serving more than two decades as an attorney, as well as a eputy Prosecuting ttorney. “We are e tremely fortunate in oth Polk and Montgomery ounties to have e cellent law enforcement officers and prosecuting attorneys. have gained an immense amount of respect for what they do. was honored to e recogni ed as a supporter of law enforcement and a supporter of victims of crime and will continue to advocate for these causes at every opportunity.” n Monday, January 8, Maddo was awarded y the rkansas tate ham er of ommerce for advocating for pro usiness policies in the state. “ t is something am very passionate about - making Arkansas more business friendly and competitive with other states. We were able to accomplish numerous substantive reforms that will have a positive impact on the state’s economy as a whole,” he said proudly. Maddox said some of the accomplishments that gained him the award were passing legislation that reduced unemployment insurance costs for employers by $ 5 0 million; creating a sales tax ex emption for Arkansas manufacturers on the repair and replacement for parts on manufacturing eq uipment; and reducing the amount of time that people can receive unemployment enefits in an effort to incentivi e work and get people ack into the workforce. “ researched and found that people were remaining on unemployment enefits until the last week of eligi le enefits efore they retained employment. t was clear to us that the system was being abused. This incentiviz ed work saved the tax payers of Arkansas a substantial amount of money.” Maddox also helped pass legislation focusing on workforce development and focusing more on technical careers “to incentivi e young people to e plore the tech career options.” In addition to serving in the H ouse, Maddox also continues to serve as an attorney at Maddox and Maddox Law Firm in Mena. H e serves on the board of directors for the Polk County Developmental Center, U niversity of Arkansas at Rich Mountain, and U nion B ank of Mena. H e resides in Mena with his wife, Mandy, and they have two children.
MRHS to host Free Childbirth Education Class 5 key facts about Prostate Cancer: M
ena Regional H ealth System will be offering a free Childbirth Education 1. Affects 1 in every 6 men Class on Monday, February 2. Deadlier than breast cancer 5 , 2018 from 6 :00-8:00 p.m. at the hospital. The class will be taught by B rooke B aldridge, RNC-OB , IB CLC, from the Women’s 3. Detectable in early stages Services4. Department at Mena Regional. NOT an old man’s disease 5. Doeswill NOT go away if you avoid B aldridge cover topics such as labor and delivery, postpartum care, newborn testing. Gentlemen: We you to get care, and breastfeeding. Exp encourage ectant mothers may attend at any stage of their prega PSA blood test. nancy, and are encouraged to bring their partner or support person to the class as well. For more information or to register for the class, please call Women’s Services at 47 9 -243-2400.
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January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
Start the New Year with the Cash Mob D
o you have post-holiday blues or cabin fever? This Saturday, you will have the opportunity to help with both. The Cash Mo sponsored y Mena owntown Partners will meet on aturday, January 13. Mo ’sters will meet at the Mena rt allery at 10 M for coffee, door pri es and fun prior to the usiness name eing drawn to e mo ed’. ince eginning in cto er, many have become a part of this activity. For those still not familiar with the term Cash Mob: A Cash Mob is a community effort that joins people together to support local businesses. In this effort, the Cash Mob will converge on a downtown retailer which is a mem er of the owntown Partners to spend at least 20 and have an en oya le time with fellow Mob’sters. Cash Mobs bring an immediate economic impact to a locally-owned business with long-term positive results. The October Mob converged on Coast to Coast; the November Mob enjoyed shopping at the Corner Shoppe and the Santa Mob in December had a great time at The Mercantile. This is a part of the Downtown Partners’ B uy Local campaign. The Mo meets each second aturday at 10:00 M at a predetermined place for morning refreshments. ll participating M P retailers who have not yet been selected will have their business names placed in a container. One of the Mob’sters will draw the Pictured are cash mobbers from December 2017. name and then the Mob will proceed to the selected business for a fun shopping exp erience. Cash Mobs have grown in popularity throughout the nation and have proven to be an entertaining way to encourage shoppers into businesses where they not only normally shop but also to stores that they are not familiar with. Each month will provide an opportunity to shop at a different store! Through the M P mem er usinesses, door pri es and special incentives are given to Mo ’sters. Rules are simple 1) ommit to spend at least 20 at each ash Mo 2) Meet new people each time and most importantly 3) Have fun. ou do not have to e pre-registered as a Mo mem er. Just show up and sign your form at the door. Help the local economy and indulge in that all-American pastime of…. shopping!
participants attending. Rutledge says that starting a conversation with various business, education, agriculture, faith-based and community leaders in each county gives her a better understanding of what she can do as Attorney G eneral to best serve and assist Arkansans. “ We had a great group in Mena. I am a big believer in face to face conversations, talking about what’s going on in an area, and things I need to be aware of,” said Rutledge, who visits with medical facility directors, arm ureau agents, mayors, law enforcement, school officials, and others during her discussions. he recogni ed the need for such Round Ta le’ discussions when she first came into office in 201 , as it is challenging for some to travel to her. “ t is too difficult for people to get to Little Rock and that’s why I travel to have those face to face conversations with them.” While in Mena, Rutledge fielded uestions a out several topics including medical marijuana, the opioid epidemic, scam calls, and con artist schemes. She also said she looks forward to her next visit to the area. “ At MRH S, we were honored to host Leslie Rutledge for a “ Rutledge Roundtable.” Polk County was well represented and those in attendance were given a valuable opportunity to share their ideas and concerns regarding issues that affect our community at the state and local level. We would also like to thank our local representatives, law enforcement, business leaders, and concerned citize ns for their commitment to the betterment our community,” said Sonya Maye, Marketing/Public Relations Director, MRH S. Rutledge also emphasize d the vast amount of resources found on their website, “ I want people to use us as their resource,” she said. On the website, such topics as domestic violence, identity theft, internet safety, military/veterans initiative, and prescription drug a use. ou can also find dates for future mo ile offices, where Rutledge’s staff visits communities to answer uestions and assist those who are unable to make the trip to Little Rock. For more information, view their website, visit them on ace ook, Twitter, nstagram, or napchat, or give them a call at 1-800- 828 82.
January 6, 2016
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. . .January . . . . . . . .10, . . .2018 .................................................................................................................. Weekly Publication
Ouachita Regional Hospice Welcomed into Chamber Rotary
Ouachita Regional Hospice was welcomed into the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce on December 12, 2017, with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Ouachita Regional Hospice also held Open House that day and welcomed all to visit their new location at 602 DeQueen Street in Mena.
J oy Roz ell B ailey J enkins, age 84 of Wickes, Arkansas, died on Friday, J anuary 5 , 2018 at the Mena Regional H ealth System. She was born on Sunday, November 19 , 19 33 to Lonnie Odell and Creo Rillie Edwards Reatherford in rownfield, Te as. J oy loved her family and spending time with the ones she cared for. She lived for many years in Z afra, Oklahoma, building a working family farm on 380 acres with her first hus and, ecil. Joy en oyed ird watching, playing the piano, crocheting, sewing, and woodworking. She loved the Lord and always knew H e would provide for her and her family. She was a member of the Wickes Church of the Naz arene. J oy was very active in her daily life and was a former board member of the Cossatot Senior Center in Wickes. J oy was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and friend and will be missed by all who knew her.
She was preceded in death by her parents her first hus and, ecil lton ailey one son, Travis ailey her twin rother, Troy Reatherford one sister, ay aulkner and one grandson, Derrick J enkins. J oy is survived by her husband, Lacey J enkins of Wickes; her children: K aren and arl Hooper of e al , Te as, rian and Leslie B ailey of Aurora, Colorado, Martin and Maria B ailey of J oplin, Missouri, Aaron and J onsye B ailey of Dayton, Arkansas, Amy and Darryn Davis of Verona, Missouri, J ames and Vicki J enkins of Wickes, J ason J enkins of Wickes, Neal and Patricia J enkins of Wickes, Thomas and .J. Jenkins of Wickes; one sister, H az el de Mora of Copiapo, Chile, South America; twenty-two grandchildren, thirty great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. funeral service will e held on Thursday, J anuary 11, 2018 at 10:00 A.M. at the Wickes Church of the Naz arene with B rother Jon ewlin officiating. nterment is to follow at the B ailey Cemetery in Z afra, Oklahoma. Visitation is Wednesday, J anuary 10, 2018 from 6 :00-8:00 P.M. at the B owser Family Funeral H ome Chapel in Mena, Arkansas. Pallbearers will be Carl H ooper, J eremy H ooper, Darryn Davis, Ethan Davis, Eric Davis, Austin B ailey, Frank B ailey, Adam
ailey, le Jenkins, and Justin Jenkins.
MARY ELIZABETH WHITE Mary Eliz abeth White, born on J anuary 28th, 19 32 to H oward and Audrey G uiz e in Port rthur, Te as, passed away peacefully on ecem er 2 , 201 in eaumont Te as. Mary was preceded in death by her parents, and husband, Francis Ellis “ Pamp” White. Mary is survived by her daughter, Mary Ann B escher; daughter, Pamela and husband Lynn Coffman; and son H oward White; her grandchildren and great grandchildren: Missy, arrell and ale esormeau Tina, J ames, Sawyer, H ayleigh and Porter Roberson; Ashley, Michael, Everett and Adelaide Leman; Sarah, Andrew, K aitlynn and Emmerson H einer; Candace, Cory, J ackson and rant Thompson ayla White errie White and son Tyler ayne Ru recht brother-in-law, J immy Don and wife B arbara White; sister in Christ, Linda B ennette; and many nieces and nephews. Mary was an amaz ing grandma remembered for playing
The books will be distributed to the branch libraries of the Polk County Library that reside in the communities of B oard amp, ig ork, ove, Hatfield, and hady and set up on a rotation basis. “ ur lu recogni es the significance literacy has on the residents of Polk County and we are honored to support such an important pro ect that will have such a positive impact,” stated Sue Cavner, Club President of Polk County/ Mena Rotary Club. The local Rotary lu received a grant from Rotary District # 6 17 0 to provide books to the branch libraries of the Polk County Library and to address one of the seven main causes of Rotary nternational, “ upporting ducation”. Rotary nternational states, “ Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults.” More information a out Rotary nternational can be found on their website at dominoes and card games like go fish and craz y eight. A memorial service will be held on J anuary 20th 2018 at 9 a.m. at 1122 Maple Ave., Mena, R (The rossing’s Maple treet uilding) with rother ictor Rowell officiating.
MARION LOUISE WINTERS Marion Louise Winters, age 9 3 of Smithville, Oklahoma, passed away Monday, J anuary 1, 2018 in Smithville, Oklahoma She was born on September 2, 19 24 in Tonawanda, ew ork to Ro ert inne and Winifred Priscilla Waldorf. he en oyed working on crossword puz z les and reading. Marion dearly loved her family and will be missed. She was a loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great grandmother and a great-great-great-grandmother. She is survived by son, Robert Riggle and wife nn of Medina, ew ork daughter, J oyce B erq ual and G uy Nollan of San ntonia, Te as grandchildren, onnie B rown and husband Ala of Smithville, Oklahoma, Mike Riggle and wife April of B uffalo,
January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
................................................................................................................................ New York, Lisa B aehr-Pearson of G eorgia, Stacy Williams of Alabama, Nick Riggle and wife Melanie of B urlington Wisconsin, G eorge B erq ual and wife Charity of H ouston, Tex as, Rebecca B ron and husband of New York; great-grandchildren, Courtney H yde, Stacy Craver, Thomas Craver and Todd B rown; great-great grandchildren, Lauralei Riggle, Lillian Riggle, Nick Riggle, J r., Olivia Riggle, Michael Riggle, J r., and Dylan B aehr; and great-great-great-grandchild, Ryan H yde. She was preceded in death by her parents, brothers, sisters, and a daughter, Cheryl Riggle-K nop. Visitation-Funeral service was held Saturday, J anuary 6 , 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at B easley Wood Funeral H ome of Mena.
JAY MARSHALL BALKENHOL J ay Marshall B alkenhol, age 6 6 , of Mena, AR passed away on December 29 , 2017 , in Mena, AR. J ay was born March 23, 19 5 1, in Emporia, K S to the late J acob F. and Lois Marshall B alkenhol. After graduating from Emporia H igh School in 19 6 9 , J ay majored in fine arts at mporia tate niversity. He received a graphic arts certificate from alina Area Technical College, Salina, K S in 19 7 2. H e was married to his high school sweetheart, Sherry Rex road, also of Emporia, in Savannah, G A in 19 7 3. J ay was employed as a graphic artist on Hilton Head sland, for five years. He and his wife relocated to Oklahoma City in 19 7 7 , where he worked as the art director for an advertising agency. They moved to Mena, AR in 19 82. During J ay’s 35 years in Mena, he worked as a master carpenter and contractor. J ay was q uiet, thoughtful, and generous, and had a lifetime passion for learning. H e
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was kind and gentle, always willing to help a friend or neighbor. H e loved animals and the earth and was an avid organic gardener. As a talented artist and creative craftsman, his legacy includes many works of art as well as beautifully built homes, including his own. H e is survived by mother, Lois B alkenhol of Emporia, K S; wife, Sherry B alkenhol of Mena, AR; sons, Aaron and wife Sharlene B alkenhol of Mena, AR, B randon and wife K ari B alkenhol of Springdale, AR; grandchildren, Mariah G utierrez , Abigail G utierrez , K aleb B irtcher, Isabella B alkenhol, Morgaine B alkenhol; three great-grandchildren; brothers, B ruce B alkenhol of Emporia, K S, B rett and wife Tatiana B alkenhol of Lancaster, PA, B rian B alkenhol of Sabetha, K S; sisters, B renda and husband Dwight Lauer of Parker, CO, B eth and husband Leo Crowell of pringfield, M , a ette and hus and Tom B rekka of Santa Cruz , CA; sisters-inlaw, Ricci B alkenhol of Emporia, K S, Linda Rex road of Mena, AR; brother-in-law, Ralph Rex road of Mena, AR; and numerous, much-loved nieces and nephews. H e was preceded in death by his father, J acob B alkenhol, and brother, B arry B alkenhol. H is body was sent for cremation under the direction of B easley-Wood Funeral H ome of Mena, AR. A Celebration of Life memorial will be scheduled at a later date.
HOWARD WAYNE JOHNSON H oward Wayne J ohnson, age 7 0, of Mena, Arkansas, passed away Tuesday, J anuary 2, 2018 in Oklahoma. Wayne was born on September 2, 19 47 in Sapulpa, Oklahoma to the late H oward Edwin J ohnson and Valeda Ellen Van H orn J ohnson. H e was married to Linda Smith J ohnson. Wayne worked in the Waste Management business. Wayne enjoyed sub teaching, as he loved being around students. Also he loved being outdoors, riding his motorcycle, T , and playing with his dogs. Wayne enjoyed RV’ing around the country seeing interesting places with family and friends. Most of all he dearly loved his family. H e was a loving and kind husband, father, step-father, grandfather, brother. H e is survived by wife, Linda J ohnson of Mena, Arkansas; son, Mike J ohnson of Tulsa, Oklahoma; step-sons, Robert Devoll of Z anesville, Ohio, Corey Devoll of Z anesville, Ohio; daughter, Erin G rimes of Tulsa, Oklahoma; grandchildren, J ax son, Raylee, Peighton, K atherine, and Caroline; brothers, Terry J ohnson of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Rodger J ohnson of Tulsa, Oklahoma; pet
children, Eli and Penny. H e was preceded in death by his parents, H oward and Valeda J ohnson. Celebration of Life service was held Friday, J anuary 5 , 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the Mena First Assembly of G od Church with rother Ron Tilley officiating under the direction of B easley Wood Funeral H ome of Mena.
ROGER DALE SHARP Mr. Roger Dale Sharp, age 6 8 of Wickes, Arkansas, passed away Thursday, December 28, 2017 in Wickes. Roger was born on February 19 , 19 49 in Mena, Arkansas to Ovan Chester Sharp and Marietta Monteen Musick Sharp. H e served his country in the nited tates rmy. Roger worked for the County Road Department. He en oyed gardening, hunting and fishing, just being out in nature. H e was a loving father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother and friend. H e is survived by son, Daniel Wiley of Fort Smith, Arkansas; daughters, Angela Sharp of Poteau, Oklahoma, Lavon H oyle and husband David of H atton, Arkansas; grandchildren, hai harp and fianc ’ nthony H unter of Cove, Arkansas, Madelyn H oyle of H atton, Arkansas, J acob B oyanton of Yukon, Oklahoma; great-granddaughter, Caroline H unter of Cove, Arkansas; sister, Mary Page and husband Leon of Cove, Arkansas; mother of children, Leota Sharp of Smithville, Oklahoma; and brother-in-law, Clovis K esterson of Vandervoort, Arkansas. H e was preceded in death by his parents, Ovan and Marietta Sharp, a sister, K athy K esterson, and a niece, Marietta K esterson. Mr. Sharp was sent for cremation under the direction of the B easley Wood Funeral H ome of Mena. Memorial service will be Saturday, J anuary 13, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in Wickes Church of Naz arene in Wickes, Arkansas with rother Jon ewlin officiating under the direction of the B easley Wood Funeral H ome of Mena. Family and friends lunch will be served at 11:30 at Wickes Church of Naz arene.
CLAYTON ONEAL WALLACE Clayton Oneal Wallace, age 5 3, passed away of cancer on J anuary 1, 2018 in Conway Regional H ospital, Conway Arkansas. Clayton is survived by his sister, Rosa Ann Abernathy, of Conway, Arkansas; and
his niece, Renee LeAnne Abernathy, Mills. H e is preceded in death by his father, Clayton Oneal Wallace, Sr., and his mother, Erma Lee Ryals Dunagan. Clayton was born on September 30, 19 6 4 in Mena, Arkansas to his parents, Clayton Oneal Wallace, Sr. and Erma Lee Wallace Dunagan. H e attended Mena H igh School and worked in aviation for 36 years at the Mena Regional Airport. Clayton was a social man who was a member of Mena Elks Lodge # 7 81 and was deeply involved in multiple volunteer programs. H e enjoyed fishing, horses, and hunting. His family and friends will always remember him as a caring, fun-loving person. A celebration of his life is scheduled for Saturday, J anuary 13th at 1:00 p.m. at the Mena Elks Lodge # 7 81. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Clayton’s life.
ZEPHA LORENE FOREHAND Z epha Lorene Forehand, age 81, was born to Andrew and Annie Lou Mix on on J uly 2, 19 36 in Malta, Tex as. She went to her heavenly home on J anuary 2, 2018 in Mena, Arkansas. Z epha enjoyed going to church and singing. She also loved to help others, and working in her yard and garden. She worked at Aalfs in Mena for many years. She wrote the Plunketville News for the Mena Star and loved collecting the stories from her neighbors and friends. She was a very loving and giving person to all who knew her. All who knew her will cherish her memory. Z epha is survived by step-daughter, J eannie Young and husband Don; numerous cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends of the community. She was preceded in death by her parents, one rother, one sister, her first husband, Pete B urgess, and second, B uddy Forehand. Funeral service was Saturday, J anuary 6 , 2018, 10:00 a.m. at the Church of Naz arene in Cove with B rother Steve B radley officiating. nterment followed in the West View Cemetery under the direction of the B easley Wood Funeral H ome of Mena. Pallbearers were Don Young, Ron Smith, Paul Stark, B ill Walker, Wango J ohnson, and Casey Smith. H onorary pallbearers were David Toon and Jeff lmer. Family wishes to say a sincere ‘ ThankYou” to Peach Tree, Ouachita H ospice, and r. Jeff lmer for taking care of Mrs. orehand.
January 6, 2016
January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
Acorn Releases Elementary Students with Perfect Attendance
JANUARY 15-19, 2018 MONDAY:
he following students had perfect attendance for the 1st Semester at the Acorn Campus of the Ouachita River School District: B ailey Andrews, Emma Arnold, Mason Cearley, Christian Christiana, K arma Christiana, Reily Crabtree, Dawson Davis, Duncan Dill, Randy Dill Ricky H olliday, Ja ckson Lott, Drew Mabry, G racie Mabry, Natalie Mabry, Caleigh Moore, Levi Neufeld, K ylee Parnell, Ace Sarabia, G age Sarabia, H ailee Shores, Ava Smith-H awley, Cooper Strother, K asen Strother, and K aleb Sullivan.
Acorn Elementary Releases Honor Rolls for Fall 2017 Semester
2 nd Grade All A’s: Drake Anglin, Paisley B urger, Ja cob H ostetler, Ja ylen McQ ueen, Shawn Posey, B eau Rodgers, Z eppelin Smith, Payson B elcher, Adalyn B ohlman, Sophia Cummings, Ju lia Dan, Caiden H icks, Addisyn Ledbetter, G avin McK ee, Shelby Rusert, Jo nathan Varnado, K eelie B ohanan, Nevaeh Daugherty, Ashlin Ford, G race Freitag, Ja ycelin G ardner, B ricen G reen 2 nd Grade All A’s and B’s: K arson Attebery Emele Caldwell, Addison Sipe, Ji llian Wood, Chloe B lair, Aubrie B oyd, Mason Cearley, Iza bella Lozi er, Iza ac Tetro, Levi Cummings, Caston H orn, Natalie Mabry, G racie Sanchez, Max Schnell 3 rd Grade All A’s: Eilam H olland, Clay McG ee, Jo hn McAdams 3 rd Grade All A’s and B’s: Ashlyn Aguilar, Chance H ughes, Taylar K esterson, Regan Larucci, K atie Neugent, Caden Ryan, H unter Sanchez, Mylee Sharp, Andrea Wagner, Tatelyn Wood, B ailey Andrews, K arma Christiana, Camara Dill, Jo sey Dollar, Dreygon Long, Makinze e May, B lake Moore, Rowdi Pryor, Ace Sarabia, Christian Warner, Payton Wheless 4th Grade All A’s: Cami Eaton, Isabella Fowler, Taza nna H aggard, K aitlynn Ledbetter, G racie Mabry, Lacy McEntire, Levite Neufeld, Summer Nix, Christian Staggs CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
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Weekly Publication
Acorn Students Learn Science on Tour of Crystal Bridges Art Museum SUBMITTED A
ABOVE: Calee Puckett, Kirsten Belcher, and Chance Hughes study abstract art at Crystal Bridges and compare it to their own abstract artwork. RIGHT: Third grader Chance Hughes stan s in front of one of Stuart Da is’s In Full Swing artwork.
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corn Elementary third graders recently boarded a charter bus from Little Rock Tours and travelled to Crystal B ridges Art Museum in B entonville, Arkansas, to learn about science and art. U pon arrival on this warm December day, the group walked the Nature Trail across rock bridges over natural “ crystal” clear springs. They also walked the Art Trail to ex perience the many outdoor sculptures. “ Science and Art” is a program presented for students at the museum. According to the Crystal B ridges website, “ Throughout history, artists and scientists have shared a passion for discovery and innovation. tudents on this tour will practice scientific thinking to develop connections between science and visual art. Through discussions of the subject matter of works of art, as well as artists’ materials and processes, students will gain understanding of the visual effects we see in painting and sculpture and how they were achieved.” Prior to the field trip, the third graders e perienced cu ism and impressionism art during their science lab classes and used these techniq ues to create a piece of artwork. This also helped them to understand the special ex hibit at Crystal B ridges, Stuart Davis In Full Swing and other abstract artwork. Funding for this trip supporting Arkansas Science Standards was provided through a grant from Willard and Pat Walker Foundation. Chaperones were science teacher K athy Rusert; third grade teachers, Lisa Pearson and K endra Myers; Michelle McG ee, Tina K esterson, and Samantha H olland.
Legion Auxiliary Provides Support to January 6, 2016 UARM Foundation SUBMITTED
The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 18 presented the UA Rich Mountain Foundation with a donation for scholarships. The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 18 is a non pro t or anization comprised of women or their descendants, of men who have served in the military during periods of war. Members of the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 18 pictured with UA Rich Mountain Foundation Board and staff. Pictured presenting check to Foundation, Tawana Gilbert with Foundation President, John Vacca receiving donation. UA Rich Mountain Foundation Board also pictured are: Joe Liles, Damon Miller, Bo Collins, David Alley, and Tammy Young, Director of Development and Community Relations.
Acorn Honor Roll
4th Grade All A’s and B’s: Emma Arnold, K aden Carter, Austin G arner, Nicholas H icks, Ty K esterson, Macy McEntire, Lyndsey Powell, Sheridyn Salley, K aleb Sullivan, William B loodworth, Michael Carbone, Lauren Cruz, Irene G ilhousen, Chloie Smith, Taylor Watts, Caleb Young 5th Grade All A’s: H ailee Shores, Rebecca B loodworth, Rebecca Moore 5th Grade All A’s and B’s: Damon Cruz, Sydney H olliday, MaryClaire Laing, Z achariah Neugent, McK enna Pippen, Ja mes Earl Jr . Sullivan, Caden Tarkinton, Christian Christiana, Duncan Dill, Ja yde Escalanta, Tara H art, B radley McEntire, Tyler Pippen, Paul Puckett 6th Grade All A’s: K enzi e Daniels, Payton Davis, Daisy Dollar, H oliday Neufeld, K ensey Rosson, Ava Smith-H awley, Sophie Strasner, Sarah Tedder 6th Grade All A’s and B’s: Ryann Allen, Meghan Armijo, Coy B rumbelow, Randy Dill, Sara Pippen, Jo rdyn Prewett, Annabella Tedder, K ymberlee Adaway, K ora Carter, Noah H olland, Audrey H olliday, Rileigh H usted, Lucas Parnell, Sarah Sullivan
. . January . . . . . . . .10, . . . 2018 ...................................................................................................................
Thursday, 1/11 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s Me ican Caf . Contact Sue Cavner at 234-5844 or Linda Rowe at 234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – The Mena Lioness Lions meet at the Limetree Restaurant. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God distributes food at 2111 Sutherland or call 394-1229. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous omen’s eetin at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist. pm at el ’s ion’s Clu meets at the Lions Club Field House. • 6:30 p.m. – Mena Chapter #243, Order of the Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Temple at 701 Port Arthur. Meeting will follow refreshments. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-2164606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn ne t The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meeting and training at the Fire Station. Friday, 1/12 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1 00 p.m. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway
71 South. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at Mena Art Gallery. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Leon Page Band will be playing at the Hatfield Auditorium in Acorn. $6.00 admission. 50 50 drawing, potluck, and door pri es. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn ne t The Crossing Church. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-2164606 or 479-243-0297. Saturday, 1/13 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. am p m Chil ren’s rt Class at the Mena Art Gallery, for children ages 10 up, including adults. Cost is $3. Call 479-394-3880 to reserve spot. • 12:00 p.m. – Ouachita Amateur Radio Association monthly meeting at the Limetree. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – Holly Grove Church in Grannis will have Gospel Music. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 479-2430297 or 479-216-4606. Sunday, 1/14 • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-2164606 or 479-243-0297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship service is held at Sulpher Springs Church. • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. Monday, 1/15 • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Mena Seventh-Day Adventist Church Food Pantry across from the Polk County Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. No one will be turned away. • 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Republican Committee meets at Polk County Library, North Room. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – The Lady Ouachitas will meet at the Bear State Bank Main Branch.
• 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-2164606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn ne t The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at nion Bank. Tuesday, 1/16 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community en’s reakfast at the First nited Methodist Church in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current pro ect and work with other artists. pm pm he at el Branch library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the nion Bank Community Room for weighins, followed by a meeting. • 5:00 p.m. – Country and Gospel music is played at the Polk County Housing Authority Community Room. pm he e ular at el o n Council will meet at the Town Hall in Hatfield. • 7:00 p.m. – The Polk County Cattlemen’s sso iation meeting will be held at the Polk County Fairgrounds. • 7:00 p.m. – VFW Post 4451 meeting at Veterans Park in Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for families of addicts and alcoholics meets at the ABC Club. • 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music at Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First nited Methodist Church, 9th Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479234-3043. Wednesday, 1/17 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. pm he mer en y arnin sirens will be tested in Mena. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk Drop off your is items at County Library Cove Branch open. • 5:45 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. • 6:00 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries at Mena Church of God Hwy 88 East.
• 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church hosts Discovery ids indergarten Thru 5th Grade Collide Youth Ministry 6th Thru 12th Grades and Adult Bible Study. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-2164606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Inquiry Classes into the Catholic Faith will be held in the St. Thomas House at St. Agnes Catholic Church, 203 8th Street, and continue through Easter 2018. No cost or obligation, anyone interested is invited. Call 479-394-1017 for more information.
• POLK COUNTY SOCIABLE SENIORS will hold their January luncheon at New China Restaurant at 12 noon on Tuesday, January 16. Anyone over the age of 50 is welcome to attend. Fore more information, call Diane at 479-243-0191. • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH of Mena will host the Dave Melton Family Singers on Sunday, January 14, at 6 p.m. Call 479-394-1456 for more information. • SON LIGHTERS IN ACTION CARD SHOP is closed for winter break. They will reopen on January 16.
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January 10, 2018
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. . . . January . . . . . . . . 10, . . . 2018 .................................................................................................................
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Weekly Publication
Budget Committee Begins ACT 746 Defines Open Carry Preparations for Fiscal Session in Arkansas
SUBMITTED BY STATE SENATOR LARRY TEAGUE In a letter to the State Police, the governor said that SUBMITTED BY STATE REPRESENTATIVE JOHN MADDOX open carry of a firearm is not a violation of state gun y law, iscal essions can only last 30 laws, as long as there is no intent to use the weapon days ( days with a vote to e tend), so unlawfully. mem ers work weeks in advance drafting This is the second time since 201 that a state conappropriation measures in order to ensure stitutional officer has written that open carry is legal. our sessions are rief. n attorney general’s opinion from 201 says that “in That preparation egins in udget hearings. egingeneral merely possessing a handgun on your person ning January , the Joint udget ommittee will hold or in your vehicle does not violate” statutes a out a series of meetings designed to egin the process of firearm possession. outlining a udget for the ne t fiscal year. The iscal In response to the governor’s letter, the director of the State Police sent a ession egins e ruary 12. memo to troop commanders saying that, “openly carrying a firearm does not udget hearings will egin with the epartment of inance and dministration alone provide pro a le cause for arrest.” presenting its annual forecast and recommendations for a alanced udget y The governor, a former . . ttorney, and the current state attorney generthe overnor. al oth cite ct of 2013, which spells out when it is permissi le to carry a ver the course of the ne t few days, the committee will hear udget re uests firearm on a ourney. for Higher ducation nstitutions, epartment of ducation, the epartment of The attorney general’s opinion was issued ugust 28, 201 and is 1 pages. Human ervices, epartment of Health, epartment of orrection and the et is num er 201 -0 . t outlines the legal changes made y ct . partment of ommunity orrection, commonly referred to the “ ig ”. lthough open carry is legal, someone who carries a handgun should ren the following weeks, mem ers will review udgets for all state oards, commem er that the police may lawfully uestion them a out their purpose. The missions, and agencies. officer may detain the person carrying the firearm due to suspicions ased on i months into this fiscal year, general revenue is now . million or 2.8 the persons’ demeanor and activities, or ased on information supplied y a a ove this time last year. The most recent general revenue report showed revenue for ecem er 201 was 11. more than ecem er 201 . This report third person, or ecause of known criminal activity near y. Private property owners are still entitled to keep firearms off their property, and revenue forecast from economists will help us guide our decision making and a person carrying a handgun can e prosecuted for criminal trespass if process in the months ahead. they enter that property against the owner’s wishes. lthough legislation during the Regular essions typically attract more attenThere are still prohi itions against carrying a firearm into pu lic uildings tion, it is important to remem er the impact our udget making process has on such as ails and courtrooms. our day to day lives. ct changed state law so that there is no longer a presumption that The decisions we will e making show the priorities we make as state. ppropossession of a loaded handgun indicates any intent to commit an unlawful act, priations fund everything from classrooms to health care. according to the attorney general’s opinion. The urden of proof is now on the Mem ers can egin filing appropriation ills and identical resolutions on Janprosecution to prove that the person carrying the gun intended to do something uary 8. s a reminder, the legislature cannot take up any non-appropriation ills against the law. during the iscal ession unless 2 3 of the ody votes in favor of a resolution. The opinion states that ct does not overturn any rules affecting conou can find a list of daily meetings as well as a link to keep up with the most cealed-carry permit holders, and laws re uiring concealed carry permits are still recently filed ills on our we site at in full force and effect. person may not carry a concealed handgun unless he We will keep you updated on this process as it continues. has a concealed-carry license. n fact, the opinion says, the courts would likely consider outing of concealed-carry laws to e a presumption of intent to do something unlawful. The opinion discusses the “ ourney e ception,” which allows you to carry a firearm in your vehicle either in the open or concealed, as long as you have no intent to use it unlawfully. The ourney e ception does not override other gun laws, for e ample, you cannot ring a gun in your vehicle and park it on the grounds of a prison ust ecause you’re on a ourney. nce the gun owner takes it out of the vehicle, the ourney e ception no longer applies ut the person may lawfully carry the gun as long as he or she has no intent to use it unlawfully against another person. f the person conceals it while carrying it, he or she must have a concealed-carry license. ct passed y a vote of 82-to-1 in the House of Representatives and 28-to-0 in the enate.
Additional Op-Eds, Editorials, & Commentaries Available under the Features Tab at
Weekly Publication
January 10, 2018
January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month B
irth defects are common, costly, and critical. In the U nited States, a baby is born with a birth defect every 4 ½ minutes leading to 120,000 babies affected each year. irth defects are the most common cause of death in the first year of life and the second most common cause of death in children aged one to four years. Although not all birth defects can be prevented, steps can be taken to increase a woman’s chance of having a healthy baby. Some infections before and during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects and other health problems. Jo in the effort to raise awareness of birth defects by encouraging all women to prevent infections for their baby’s protection. H ere are some helpful tips for pregnant women or women who may become pregnant: G et vaccinated. et the u shot and whooping cough vaccine. • B ecome up-to-date with all vaccines before getting pregnant. Prevent insect bites. • U se insect repellent. • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outside. • Consider avoiding travel to areas with Z ika virus. Practice good hygiene. • Wash your hands often with soap and water. void putting a young child’s cup or pacifier in your mouth. Talk to your healthcare provider. • Ask about how you can prevent infections, such as Z ika virus. • Discuss how to prevent sexu ally transmitted infections. Women and their loved ones can follow these important tips to promote a healthy pregnancy. Share your own tips for a healthy pregJanuary 6, 2016 nancy using # Prevent2Protect Beth Polo Beckel RD LD CDE on social media. Learn more at
our local licensed nutrition educator will always be in one place...
It’s Not Too Late to be Vaccinated for Flu D
uring one of the most active u seasons in recent memory, health officials are still encouraging the pu lic to e vaccinated. “ It’s not too late to get vaccinated,” said Dr. William Schaffner, chair of the department of preventive medicine at Vander ilt niversity Medical enter. “Hurry up and get vaccinated. on’t linger. o to your pharmacist, your doctor’s office, your clinic, and get vaccinated.” espite data showing that the u vaccine isn’t optimal against the H3 2 strain, it’s still the est vaccine we currently have. “ Even if it doesn’t protect you completely, it will make the illness milder,” said chaffner. “ o if you do happen to get the u despite ettingv ac c inat edm ak es getting the vaccine, you’re less likely to get the complications of pneumonia, you’re less likely to have to be hospitalize d, and you’re itl es s l ikel y t hat y ou’ regoi ngt o less likely, frankly, to die. So we have to recognize that even though s pr eadt he v irus t oy our f riends and we don’t have a perfect vaccine, it still is pretty darn good.” 23 H3 2’s significant role this u t’s also worth noting that, despite f am il y andc o- w or kers .” January 6, 2016 season, it’s not the only strain out there. ................................................ or those milder, less common u strains, the vaccine is considera ly more effective. final incentive to get vaccinated is to protect friends and family. “ [ G etting vaccinated] makes it less likely that you’re going to spread the virus to your friends and family and co-workers,” said chaffner. “ o one likes to e, as say, the dreaded spreader.’ o ody wants to e the source. o there are a bunch of reasons, still, to get vaccinated — and do it q uickly.” or people who do come down with the u, chaffner recommends promptly calling their healthcare provider. They may prescribe an antiviral that can lessen the effects of the illness.
Call 394.7301 to make your appointment! All ages WELCOME.
“ G
. . .January . . . . . . . 10, . . . 2018 ...................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Bearcats Win Close One In Prescott
BY EASTON LEONARD riday, J anuary 5 , 2018, the Mena B earcats senior high basketball team traveled to Prescott to take on the Curley Wolves. The first uarter set the tone for what turned out to e a tightly knit game, as oth teams scored thirteen points apiece, to go into the second uarter tied. Mena and the urley Wolves continued to play close in the second, however, the earcats were a le to a score a one-point advantage, to take a 32-31 lead into halftime. n the third uarter, as Prescott along with the earcats, scored seventeen points each, Mena held onto its one point lead into the final uarter of play, up - 8. Thanks to two free throws y ick Myers with 12.1 seconds left in the game, the earcats were a le to cap off their rough and hard fought game with a victory. utscoring the urley Wolves y one, 12-11, in the final uarter, Mena won y two, 1- . onnor Harvey led the Mena earcats with 20 points on the night, as aniel avis and lake eals oth added on 13 points apiece, ick Myers 11 points, and rock trother and Marc Wilson 2 points each. n Tuesday, January th, the earcats hosted the ashville crappers, and will ack at home in the nion ank enter again on Friday, J anuary 12th, against G enoa Central.
Acorn’s Keith Willsey Track to be Resurfaced Mena Youth BY LEANN DILBECK•
ot only will the corn track ear a new name this spring, ut it will also e resurfaced following oard approval during a special called meeting of the uachita River chool istrict on January . The oard approved the purchase of 1 ,2 8.30 for material from merican Recycling to resurface the eith Willsey Track located on the corn campus. ccording to R uperintendent Jerry trasner, the e pected install is when the weather warms up enough to apply it, “ . hopefully efore March.” The track was formally dedicated to oach eith Willsey during Homecoming ceremonies, ovem er 1 , as reported by the Pulse. Willsey, as his pla ue reads, egan uilding in 1 1 the est Track, ield, and ross ountry record in the history of corn High chool. His efforts and motivations for the program have led numerous students in continuing their passions for track and cross country on college levels, and he has inspired countless students oth in athletics and in his classroom as a history teacher. Willsey has led his teams to victory at istrict, Regional, and tate levels, and his am itions show no sign of slowing down. His charisma and humor have lifted students, co-workers, friends and family up, and remind all who know him that he is a charita le and giving person at heart, even when he’s ust giving a laugh. pla ue commemorating the heartfelt dedication made y the corn lumni will e installed at a later date. Please make The Cole
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January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
Lady Eagles Advance in Cossatot Tournament
"Our RIBFEST was a huge success thanks to Mark Hobson and KENA!" -- Eugene Taff
food in the news on
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1168 Hwy 71 S., Mena
Contact any of our marketing specialists today to find out how your restaurant / food service can get a big boost with our 'Food in the News' segments on Debbie Frost Mark Hobson
Melanie Wade LeAnn Dilbeck
onday night, Ja nuary 8th, the Cossatot River Lady Eagles took on the Dierks ady utlaws in their first game of the ossatot River r. High asket all Tournament. n a low scoring first uarter, oth teams scored ust seven points each, to go into the second tied. utscoring the ady utlaws 12-10 in the second uarter, ossatot took a two point, 1 -1 , lead into halftime. Halle Mounts led ierks with points at halftime, while shlen on ale led the ady agles with 1 points. n the third uarter, ossatot e tended its lead, outscoring ierks 12- , to take an eight point, 31-23, lead into the final uarter of play. The ady agles did not let up in the fourth, e tending their lead y four more, outscoring the ady utlaws -1, to win the game y twelve, 3 -2 . alany ckert and Halle Mounts oth led the ierks ady utlaws with points on the night, as Jacie ims and racie Thomas added on 3 points each, a y trasner 2 points, and Jaycee Runnels and shton le ander 1 point each. Player of the ame shlen on ale led the ossatot ady agles with 1 points, while Raegan Richardson scored 8 points, Jacie Wilkerson and Harley earing points each, and Rhyen Martin and Jade Richardson 2 points each. The ady agles will take on the addo Hills ady ndians on Thursday at :00 p.m., in the semi-finals of the tournament. lso Monday night, the ossatot senior oys took on the utlaws of ierks ut were defeated 1- 3.
January 6, 2016
. . .January . . . . . . . .10, . . .2018 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Moments from America’s History R T
el igi ous
F reedom
D ay
uesday, January 1 th, is Religious reedom ay in merica, commemorating the 232nd anniversary of the passage of the irginia ill for sta lishing Religious reedom. This was the original legislative asis for freedom of religion under the irst mendment to the . . onstitution. January 1 , 1 8 was the culmination of nearly ten years of hard work, de ate, and delays. This statute had its origins ack in 1 , during the early days of merica’s War of ndependence. Though eorge Mason originally led the effort for a ill of Rights, Thomas Jefferson’s in uential role in supporting Mason’s campaign to enact the “ eclaration of Rights of irginia” was of ma or conse uence. lthough this document included a guarantee of free e ercise of religion, Jefferson didn’t think it was thorough enough. ommittee of Revisors, with Jefferson as chairman, was commissioned by the Virginia legislature in the autumn of 17 7 6 and it convened in Ja nuary of 17 7 7 to address this issue. n its roader historical conte t, the irginia ill for sta lishing Religious reedom was necessary and ustified in light of the severing of legal connections with the mother country, a need to bring the laws of the individual colonies into conformity with republican principles, and to remove from the exi sting legal code any remaining vestiges of B ritish monarchical rule. n Jefferson’s words, the Revisal was to structure “a system y which every fi er would e eradicated of ancient or future aristocracy and a foundation laid for a government truly repu lican.” With Jefferson ecoming governor of irginia and su se uently the merican m assador to rance, he was not a le to continue his work on the revisal ills. n cto er 31, 1 8 , James Madison revived Jefferson’s vision of seeing the ills enacted into law in their entirety. That day, he presented efore the irginia ssembly 117 bills contained in the Report of the Revisors. The ill for sta lishing Religious reedom was one ( ill 82) of 12 original ills of the Revisal and also the first of five consecutive ills addressing religion. ill 82 essentially enacted four principles, which represented a truly remarka le declaration of intellectual and spiritual independence. ll five ills were designed and were written to e enacted, as a whole, within the Revisal. Together they represented a church-state model, which promoted an accommodation between the interests of the church and the state and prohibited governmental interference with the freedom of religious beliefs and exp ression. While only three of the five ills (82-8 ) were enacted into law, the irginia ill for sta lishing Religious reedom is one of the most original and in uential documents in merican History. t helped set the course for the religious freedom principles that would ecome enshrined in many state constitutions as well as in the . . onstitution’s ill of Rights.
Weekly Publication
OLT Looking Ahead to 2018 T
he Ouachita Little Theatre B oard of Directors is making plans for improvements and updates during the coming year. In Ja nuary, the membership drive will be in full force, including a new online renewal form. Members will still be able to join through the mail-in form, but the on-line format will be an easy and secure method of registering for OLT member status and ticketed events. More information will be made available in the coming weeks. Current OLT members should be watching their emails in the next few weeks for further details. The next OLT production of Four Weddings and an Elvis directed by Scotty Je nkins will be opening February 9 , 2018. The cast has been chosen and is posted on the OLT Facebook page. There are plans to reorganize the upstairs portion of the theatre to make costumes and certain props more attainable for shows and rentals. The sound system of the theatre is also being reworked. Donations are appreciated, so friends of the theatre may want to consider donating to this cause as 2017 draws to a close. Our next free movie night on Ja nuary 10th celebrates the 7 0th anniversary of one of the most critically acclaimed and loved movies of all time, “ Casablanca.” The time has been moved from 6 :00 PM to 6 :30 PM to give our patrons more time to eat dinner before they come, but still get home at a reasonable time. Ju st “ save room” for popcorn! OLT would like to remind the public that their VH S tapes and 8mm movies can still be copied onto a DVD format. This will be an ongoing service, so don’t hesitate to drop by the office on Main treet on weekdays etween 10:00 M and 2:00 PM for information and prices. dvance ticket sales for all shows are also availa le during these hours.
Portrait of Arkansas BY BARBARA M. TOBIAS
he e ruary hi it at Mena rt allery will e n rtist’s Portrait of rkansas, the atural tate. ach artist will find something that means “ rkansas” to them and that will e the su ject of their work. Entries can be in any media: Paintings, photographs, drawings, pen and ink, and three-dimensional work will be included. This will be a judged show, open to nonmembers as well as members. Entries must include a description of the work, including the date, location, and the artist’s thoughts about the subject on a card to be ex hibited with the work. For details, see the gallery we site: www.Mena rt ot an artist Then mark your calendar for January 31 through e ruary 2 to see the e hi it and find out whether there is an artist out there who sees the same things in our state that you do. Or you may find that there are aspects of our eautiful state that you have not yet noticed. Reception will be from 1 to 3 p.m. on February 3; regular gallery hours are from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays.
Double Header this Week at OLT F
riends and members of OLT have a rare opportunity to exp erience not one, but two exci ting events for the public in the same week. First, on Wednesday, Ja nuary 10th at 6 :30 p.m., a free movie party will be hosted by Ouachita Little Theatre. The feature will be one of the most famously popular and critically acclaimed movies of all time, Casablanca. T desires to ring fine classic films to Polk ounty to e pose all generations, young and old, to movies that have inspired and in uenced the entire industry of film making. asa lanca is a “must see” for anyone who loves movies. tarring Humphrey ogart and ngrid ergman, this film was released in January 1 3. T is cele rating the th anniversary of the film this month, which was nominated for eight cademy wards and won three of them, including est Picture. onations are welcome, concession stand will be open. The second opportunity is a live program on the OLT stage that is sure to be enjoyed by area music lovers. “ B lend” is an acapella musical group of three young men who specialize in “ Doo Wop” music. They are making their “ arewell Tour” through rkansas and uachita ittle Theatre was a le to ook a last-minute performance by this talented group of musicians. The show is being performed Thursday, Ja nuary 11 at 7 :30 p.m. at the OLT. Even though they specialize in classic songs of the 19 5 0’s and ‘ 6 0’s, “ B lend” also interprets modern songs from groups like U 2, and has a strong repertoire of inspirational music. “ B lend” has performed before on the OLT stage and their show was wildly popular and well received y the community. dvanced ticket sales are availa le at the T usiness office weekdays from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on’t miss this special chance to see “ lend” perform one of their final shows.
January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
Chr i s Ma Phi lli p s a p a r ents of a D ecemb
First Baby
y a nd K a yla r e the p r oud b a b y b oy b or n er 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 .
J oshua W ood a nd A lej a nd r a L op ez a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y b oy b or n J a nua r y 3 , 2 0 1 8 . ******************** All information contained weekly in this feature is submitted by Mena Regional H ealth System.
Happy Holidays from “Trinket”! rinket’s o ners are i h in a ay
Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 or email:
January 6, 2016 presentation of a gift asket filled with gift cards and items donated y the hospital and several local businesses. Pictured from left to right: Jay Quebedeaux, CEO; Teresa Wise, CNO; Joshua oo father le an ra ope mother Chan ler Co uman esour es Dire tor an annah Sto all omen’s Center Dire tor
Birth Announcements • Anniversaries • Birthdays Wedding Announcements under the FEATURES tab at
This week’s Cutest Pet Pic made possible by your friends at:
Ouachita Equine Clinic Serving all your small & large animal needs. Hours: Mon. Tues. Wed., and Fri. 8am-5pm • Closed on Thurs.
Randy J. Burgess D.V.M. 2920 Hwy. 71 N, Mena, AR 71953
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•394-1938• Owner: Stacy & Julie Nash
. . .January . . . . . . . .10, . . .2018 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Mandy Parks Photography – Capturing Proof of Unforgettable Moments BY LEANN DILBECK •
well-known American photographer, Aaron Siskind, once said, “ Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything,” and no one can probably attest to that more than one local photographer, Mandy Parks. “ I was widowed in 2011 and realize d that pictures play a bigger role in life than some of us realize . Life is short and we will never know when pictures will be all we have left to take us to a certain time or place.” Perhaps that is why Mandy’s eye sees much more than the person or object of her shot. Such was the case with the photo that graced the front cover of the Pulse’s first issue of 2018 that once posted on social media, q uickly went ‘ viral.’ Mandy’s photo of an ‘ old barn’ and a local veteran she lovingly referred to as ‘ Mr. Jo hn’ became proof in Mandy’s own words that ‘ pictures will be the only proof that barns like this and men like him were really built that tough.’ Mandy exp lained that she is self-taught but the natural raw talent is evident in every photo. Photography had always been a passion and hobby of hers but when her husband, Jo sh, bought her a camera a few years ago, things have just “ took off” from there and she exp lains, “ We haven’t looked back.” Mandy decided to go full-time Ja nuary 1, 2017 and recently opened a studio in Wickes, which she says she is super exci ted about. “ This community has been amazi ng towards me and by business.” Mandy is not a native of Polk County, having moved here in 2014 when she married Jo sh. She has q uickly fell in love not only with the area but has learned that it is the people who make it a tremendous place to live, “ I’ve never been part of a community like this! I constantly brag about this community and the people in it. It’s amazi ng! ” In fact, Mandy will q uickly tell you that it is the local people who make her job so satisfying, “ Since I am not from here, the most satisfying thing about my career is the people. Ive never walked away from a session without 23my clients. That is hands down the having a personal friendship with January 6, 2016 best thing about my job.” ............................................... The digital world keeps many industries and professions constantly evolving and photography is certainly no different. “ K eeping up with the daily changes in the digital world can sometimes be challenging but I am self taught and continue to educate myself as I go.” Mandy has immense respect for the plethora of local photographers, “ There are some very talented photographers in this area and each one provides their own style. I love that this area has a variety to choose from.” The goal of Mandy’s photography shoots goes beyond capturing an image to capturing a moment… and she readily admits that she likes to photograph anything that makes an “ impact. I try to get my clients comfortable and act natural without posing. I will say or do something and try to capture their reactions. There is nothing better than a genuine smile from a senior, a real tear from a bride’s mom, or a sweet kiss from a fiance. That is my goal when approaching every session.” Josh and Mandy share three children: Reagan (13), Ziggie (11) and Heath (8) and the family makes their home in Wickes. “There is no way I would be able to pursue my dream job without their support.” Mandy’s favorite q uote is from the great Maya Angelou and as many of her customers will testify, the standard by which Mandy lives and works, “ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“ I
’ v ene v erbe enpar c om m uni ty l iket hi s ! I c ons br agbout t hi s c om m uni the pe opl ei ni t.I t’ s am az
tof a tant l y ty and ing! ”
January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
Mena Police Department December 17, 2017 A Mena man reported that he had been slapped several times by another local man. No charges have been filed. December 18, 2017 Report was made of a local man setting up a utility account with someone else’s personal information. Case pending. Brandon Everett, 28, of Mena was arrested on a warrant for battery and disorderly conduct from the Mena Police Department. December 19, 2017 A Mena woman reported that her neighbors had stolen her cell phone. No charges have been filed at this time. A 13-year- old Vandervoort boy was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after officers responded to a call at a local retail store. The case was referred to juvenile authorities. December 20,2017 Report was taken regarding windows being broken out of a building at a local gasoline distribution site. Case is pending further investigation. December 21, 2017 No reports on file. December 22,2017 Roger Burton, 29, of Hatfield was served an outstanding warrant. A local woman reported that her husband had physically attacked her. Case is pending further investigation and location and interview of suspect. December 23, 2017 Frankie Lee Cox, 56, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Heather Smith, 44, of Mena was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after officers received a call from a local retail store. December 24, 2017 Norman Ray Morgan, 53, of Hatfield was charged with DWI and driving on a suspended driver’s license. The arrest followed a call to a vehicle with two men passed out in the seat. Also charged with
public intoxication was Gerald Aleshire, 20, of Mena. Report was taken of someone stealing gasoline from vehicles at a local service organi ation office. Case is pending. A local woman reported that someone had stolen clothes from a dryer at a local laundromat. Case is pending. December 25, 2017 Report was made of a verbal domestic dispute between a local man and woman. Neither wished to press charges. December 26, 2017 Bradley Brumfield, 27, of Mena was charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license. Officers recovered a 20-dollar counterfeit bill had been received at a local bank. Case pending. Employees reported theft of gasoline from vehicles at a local business. Case is pending further investigation. December 27, 2017 A local man reported that the tires on his vehicle had been slashed. Case is pending location and interview of suspect. A local woman reported that a man against whom she had an order of protection is harassing her. Case has been forwarded to the prosecuting attorney’s office for review and possible issuance of a warrant. A women reported receiving threatening calls from her estranged husband. Case is pending. December 28, 2017 Report was taken regarding a dog having been stolen. Case is pending location and interview of suspect. December 29, 2017 Robert Schmidt, 23, of Mena was arrested on a warrant from the Mena Police Department. December 30, 2017 Dale Eugene Odonnal, 47, of Mena was charged with DWI, possession of drug paraphernalia, careless driving, and no driver’s license. The arrest followed a traffic stop. Polk County Sheriff’s Department December 18, 2017 Report from a local medical clinic of a dog bite victim. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Polk 30 near Hatfield of the break-in to a storage building. Investigation continues. Arrested was Jesse S. Lively, 23, of Yukon, OK, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. December 19, 2017 Report of a disturbance on Highway 8
East near Mena. Deputies responded. Complainant refused to press charges. Parties were advised to cease all contact with one another. December 20, 2017 Report of a suspicious person on Polk 158 near Potter led to the arrest of Staci R. Smith, 30, of New Boston, TX, on a Charge of Criminal Trespass and a Texas Warrant for Forgery. Report of stolen property led to two juvenile males being issued Juvenile Citations for Theft by Receiving. The juveniles were released to the custody of parents/guardians. Report of contraband led to a 17-yearold male being issued a Juvenile Citation for Possession of Alcohol by a Minor. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. December 21, 2017 Report from complainant on Dirt Lane near Mena of being threatened by an acquaintance. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Polk 47 near Shady Grove of the break-in to two storage buildings and theft of tools and a chainsaw, all valued at $400.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 188 near Acorn of the theft of electronics, valued at $60.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 48 near Potter of the break-in and theft of household items. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 76 East near Mena of suspicious wounds on an animal. Deputy responded. Arrested was Erica D. Phillips, 20, of Mena, on three Warrants for Failure to Appear. December 22, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 76 West near Mena of a dog bite victim. Deputy responded. Traffic stop on Highway 71 South near Hatfield led to the arrest of Tyler E. Gillespie, 22, of Hineston, LA, on Charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Theft by Receiving. Arrested was Ernest A. Pennell, 41, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. December 23, 2017 Report of a disturbance in Hatfield led to the arrest of Cheyenne N. Smith, 23, of Mena, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. A 16-year-old female was issued a Juvenile Citation for Disorderly Conduct. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian.
Report of an abandoned vehicle on Polk 64 near Shady. Investigation continues. December 24, 2017 Traffic stop led to the arrest of Blade A. Aleshire, 23, of Mena, on a Charge of DWI and a Warrant for Failure to Appear. Report of trash being dumped on Polk 76 East near Mena. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway 8 East near Board Camp of the theft of a motorcycle, valued at $2,500.00. Investigation continues. Report of suspicious persons at a business on Highway 71 South in Hatfield led to the arrest of Blake E. Caldwell, 31, of Hatfield, on Charges of DWI, Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Refusal to Submit. Also arrested was Jennifer E. Wilson, 39, of Hatfield, on a Charge of Public Intoxication. Arrested was Robert E. Moller, 24, of Mena, on a Body Attachment Warrant. December 25, 2017 Report of a disturbance on Polk 18 near Cove. Deputy responded. Complainant refused to press charges. December 26, 2017 Report from complainant on Highway 8 West near Rocky of the break-in and theft of jewelry, valued at $600.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Lark Lane near Board Camp of a bullet hole in an exterior wall of their residence. Investigation continues. Report of a disturbance on Highway 71 South near Mena. Suspect ed the residence before deputies arrived. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. December 27, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 48 near Potter of an unauthorized person on their property. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Flatfalls Lane near Ink of the theft of prescription medication from their mailbox. Investigation continues. December 28, 2017 Report of a disturbance in Vandervoort. Deputies responded. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Polk 89 near Mena of the theft of $125.00. Information has been provided to the
January 6, 20
January 10, 2018
Weekly Publication
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Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Polk 89 near Mena of the theft of $125.00. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. December 29, 2017 Report from complainant on Highway 88 East near Yocana of the break-in and theft of a television, valued at $150.00. Investigation continues. Report of an unattended death on Polk 219 near Wickes. Deputies responded. Report of an ATV accident on Polk 612 near Board Camp. Arrested was Jimmy R. A. Lindsey, 34, of Glenwood, on a Body Attachment Warrant. Arrested was Richard S. Chaney, 23, of Lockesburg, on two Warrants for Assault 3rd Degree. Arrested was Joey W. Rymer, 33, of
Dequeen, on a Warrant for Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License. December 30, 2017 Arrested was Annie L. Aswell, 36, of Mena, on Charges of Reckless Driving and No Proof of Insurance. December 31, 2017 Report from complainant on Highway 71 South near Wickes of the theft of a firearm, valued at $266.55, led to the arrest of Herbert O. Aikin, Jr., 38, of Cove, on a Charge of Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons. Additional information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration.
Weekly Publication
Ad deadline is 12 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly. Daniel’s Carpentry and Painting, home repair, decks, privacy fences, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 479-216-1101 or 479-2162299. 1/3 Clean an comfortable housing since 1969, No Pets. J. Ray Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479-216-3085 TFN Di Foundry is accepting applications for general labor positions. Applications may be picked up at the office, 301 Maple Ave. in Mena, from 8 00 a.m. to 5 00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to applicants Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. 1/10
ouse Cleanin and more. Call Winnie Cotter at 2343418 or Ina Lewis at 234-5396. 1/31
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ro i n is accepting applications for an experienced CNC Machine Operator. Applications may be picked up at the Brodi office, located at 301 Maple in Mena, from 8 00 a.m. to 5 00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to applicants Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. 1/10 ar o in weed eating, bush hogging, handyman services, power washing, garden tilling with tractor. Have tractor with implements for larger obs. Bill Duff 479-216-5204. 1/10 ena anor is accepting applications for a cook and a full time LPN position. Please apply in person at 100 9th street. 1/17 o oo Home. 2 black kittens 1 male 1 female. Sweet, adorable, lovable. 10 wks old. potty trained. 479-234-7044 1/10
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