March 30, 2016

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March 30, 2016


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1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600 ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM &

Ellison Proposes Plan to Jail Committee BY MELANIE BUCK •

A meeting was held by the Polk County Jail Committee on March 22nd, where County Judge Brandon Ellison laid out a plan that could be presented to Jail Standards Appointee, Sterling Penix, on his next visit in April. The Committee, which is made up of local Justices of the Peace, approved the plan unanimously and will send an appropriations recommendation for funding. Ellison said there are eight key areas in the current jail that he believes can be worked through, but there are steps to take before that can be known for sure and also, to know the cost of fixing CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

State Highway Chair Discusses I-49 at Local Rotary Meeting BY MELANIE BUCK •

Mena/Polk County Rotary Club hosted Arkansas State Highway Commission Chairman Dick Trammel at their most recent meeting, to hear the latest discussions of Interstate 49. Currently, I-49 is a little more than 80% complete but Arkansas has three major unfinished projects, the I-49 bridge over the Arkansas River, the Bella Vista bypass and the “missing link” between Texarkana and Fort Smith. Several business owners and citizens were in attendance along with the Rotary to hear the latest details Trammel could give. AlCONTINUED ON PAGE 7

Mena A&P Names Two New Marketing Contracts BY MELANIE BUCK •

After months of searching, the Mena Advertising & Promotion Commission has awarded two new marketing contracts to conduct their future marketing and promotional efforts to continue to build an ever-growing local tourism industry. The Richland Group in Fort Smith, has been contracted as the Social Media and Graphic Design consulting firm, while Donnie CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

[PHOTO BY LEANN DILBECK] Washington D.C. may have its cherry blossoms but Mena’s Janssen Park has its own, too, signifing the arrival of the spectacular Spring season. The beautiful 10-acre community park with its two spring fed ponds and 1851 log cabin is a local favorite and enjoyed year round!

Check out this week’s packed Spring Lawn Care section on pages 11-13!


March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication



DAR Receives Award, Looks to Set World Record A


n honorable award has been bestowed upon the James K. Polk Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, or DAR as they are more commonly known. The elite Golden Eagle Club recognizes chapters that posted a 10% net increase in membership during each year of the current administration. The certificate will be given at the 125th Continental Congress in Washington, D.C. this summer. The club has worked hard in their efforts to achieve the Golden Eagle Club ranking and are proud to see the fruit of their labors. In addition to receiving the certificate, the local Chapter has also announced that they will take part in achieving a patriotism record in the Guinness Book of World Records this year. As the grand finale for both DAR’s Celebrate America! And Celebrate 125 commemorations, the National Society of the DAR is staging an official attempt for “most letters to military personnel collected in one month.” To achieve the record, DAR will collect letters to soldiers to mail. The letters will be taken to the 125th Continental Congress, logged in, and all mailed within a month. The local Chapter intends to ask students and civic clubs for their involvement in the project. Letters can be addressed to specific deployed soldiers or active duty personnel, but do not have to be addressed to anyone specific. Every letter must contain three components: a greeting, a message of support or appreciation, and a closing with signature. There are no size or length requirements and both letters and cards can be used. Letters should be handwritten and include your name and address on the envelope. Letters cannot be sealed to make sure qualifications are met and each must bear a 49-cent postage stamp. Pictured are Dotty Kinnun and Era Looney. Kinnun Lynn Young, National President General of DAR said, “One of the most rewarding aspects of DAR membership is the serves as the James K. Polk Daughters of the American ability to express our love of country through our support of America’s Armed Forces. I’m asking DAR members to write Revolution Chapter Regent. [PHOTO BY ILANA BURK] and collect as many letters as possible. In order to establish a new world record, we must collect at least 10,000 letters at Congress.” Another project the James K. Polk Chapter is working on is their ‘No-Bake- Bake Sale Recipe. The fundraiser is just what it says, a ‘no-bake’ recipe, which only calls for opening your purse or wallet and making a donation. If you would like to participate, mail your donation to Brandie Jo Alexander, 140 Polk 414, Mena, AR 71953. For more information on any of these projects or how you may could join, contact local DAR member, Kathy Haglar at 479-216-9041.

Performing Live Mike Mayberry

Elks Members and Guests

at the Elks Lodge of Mena and the Slowhands

Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing Tires • Brakes • Custom Exhaust • Shocks & Struts Hours: Mon.-Fri. • 8am-5:30pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena

•394-1938• Owner : Stacy & Julie Nash

Weekly Publication

Schnell Wins Circuit Frost Takes on New FCS Position T Clerk Run-Off Race BY MELANIE BUCK


ichelle Heath Schnell came out as the winner of the March 22, 2016 run-off election with 52.35% of the vote. Schnell was part of a three-way race in the primary election on the Republican ticket with Debbie Scott and Wanda Smith. Smith was knocked out and a run-off was held between Scott and Schnell. Schnell received 535 votes to Scott’s 487. Schnell will take office on January 1, 2017, since there are no opponents to run against in November. She is replacing retiring Polk County Circuit Clerk Sharon Simmons. Schnell said, “I just want to thank everyone that came out and voted for me. I will continue to do my best to serve all of Polk County.”

he Polk County Extension Service has announced that current 4-H Coordinator Lauren Frost will now fill the role left behind by recently retired Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Kim Hughes. Frost joined the Extension Office in July 2015 and looks forward to challenges brought about by her new position. Frost will now be the 4-H/FCS Agent, allowing her to wear several hats throughout the day. “It’s going to be hard to fill Kim’s shoes, she always did so much and always went the extra mile without being asked,” said Extension Agent Carla Vaught. She continued, “Lauren’s position will be different but we will do everything we can to carry on that role.” That role includes working with county homemakers clubs, master gardeners, family and consumer science education, and more. Vaught also explained that she and Hughes only filled a portion of their time with 4-H but that will still continue to be Frost’s main focus, spending about 75% of her time in that area. “The children are our future and if we can get them trained up now, we won’t have to do so much training later,” explained Vaught. Volunteers will be needed to help fill some of Kim’s duties, just because she did so much. Frost said, “It’s an overwhelming task at hand because there is so much to be done in both areas. I’m really passionate about kids and offering them diverse opportunities and giving them learning experiences. On the FCS side of it, there are so many things that need to be addressed for aging adults and home economics and it’s a big elephant.” Frost holds a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences and looks forward to being able to work in that area as well. For more information on CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

January 6, 2016

Republican Party Reagan-Rockefeller Dinner

The Keynote Speaker will be


For tickets, contact: Erma Mize - 394-1982 LaDon Copelin - 394-5570 Gar Eisele - 394-4332



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Tickets will also be available at the door.

RMCC Ouachita Center Mena, AR

April 9, 2016 5 pm

Come out and enjoy this important 2016 election event with a traditional dinner, great music, excellent speakers and fellowship. In addition, meet and mingle with current local office holders, as well as Attorney John Maddox, Polk County Republican Committee Chair and candidate for the 20th District, Arkansas House of Representatives.

Advance Tickets are available for the dinner & program for $25 each. Please join us for this important major Polk County event!



March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication



OLT to Benefit from Online Fundraiser


ena /Polk County givers will have an opportunity to stretch their charitable dollars by making online gifts to Ouachita Little Theatre through from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 7. Last year ArkansasGives raised $2 million online in one day for more than 350 nonprofits statewide. This year’s goal is $4 million. “Your online donation April 7 will help Ouachita Little Theatre earn bonus dollars from a $400,000 bonus pool provided by Arkansas Community Foundation,” said Rudi Timmerman. “It’s one day, one easy way to give.” On April 7, the public will be able to give online from smartphones, tablets or personal computers by going to ArkansasGives. org, choosing Ouachita Little Theatre and making a credit card donation. In addition to the value of their gift, ArkansasGives donors will help Ouachita Little Theatre receive a portion of the bonus dollars and help them compete for additional cash prizes from First Security Bank that will be awarded to the organizations that raise the most individual donations and most total dollars. “We’re hoping to get donors to mark their calendars now to participate in this first-time statewide ArkansasGives day,” said Timmerman. “They can also text ARGIVES to 24587 to receive a reminder text to give on April 7.” ArkansasGives is presented by Arkansas Community Foundation, in partnership with Arkansas Nonprofit Alliance and AT&T Arkansas. Media partners include THV 11 in Little Rock, KAIT in Jonesboro, KFSM TV 5 in Fort-Smith-Fayetteville, iHeart Media, the Arkansas Press Association, the Arkansas Broadcast Association and Soiree Magazine. Arkansas Community Foundation offers tools to help Arkansans protect, grow and direct their charitable dollars as they learn more about community needs. By making grants and sharing knowledge, the Community Foundation supports charitable programs that work for Arkansas and partners to create new initiatives that address the gaps. Since 1976, the Community Foundation has provided more than $132 million in grants and partnered with thousands of Arkansans to help them improve our neighborhoods, our towns and our entire state. Contributions to the Community Foundation, its funds and any of its 27 affiliates are fully tax deductible. “OLT is at a crossroads. After providing young and old, the opportunity to grow culturally, both on and off the stage for over 36 years through the presentation of hundreds of shows, finances are such that the maintenance of the building is becoming an obstacle to continued operation. It is the hope that ArkansasGives will help mitigate this problem. Your participation April 7 will be greatly appreciated,” said Timmerman.

Bearcats for a Cure

Postage Stamp Prices Fall in April BY MELANIE BUCK


n April 10th, the price of stamps at the U. S. Postal Service will decrease for the first time in 97 years, moving from 49 cents each down to 47 cents. The decrease comes after an increase of three cents was approved in 2014 by Congress, contingent upon it only being a two-year increase. The increase in 2014 was to help build $4.6 billion in revenue for the organization that is in financial straits. Congress is allowing the postal service to keep one cent of the increase to keep up with inflation costs. The Postal Service is asking Congress to keep the entire increase due to a loss of $2 billion per year with the decrease. Standard mail, such as first-class letters and postcards, make up 76% of the Postal Service’s sales. Postcard stamp prices will drop by a penny to 34 cents, and international stamps will cost $1.15, down from $1.20.

YARD SALE Saturday, April 2 8 am - ?? 2211 Hwy 71 South (next to Five J Electric)

Come out and support Bearcats for a Cure Relay for Life Team! •Clothes •Home Decor & much, much more!

Apartments for Rent at our locations in Mena, Hatfield, Cove and Wickes. Our apartments are "Smoke Free" and you will find the following included in the rent you pay. Cooking and Heating are both Natural Gas and this is paid by the housing authority. Your water, sewer and garbage pick-up is also paid by the housing authority. You will be responsible for your own electric, phone and TV service. Rent amount based on income. Lawn mowing service is provided to elderly/disabled residents and the service is available for a fee to all other resident's. Apartments are equipped with a range, refrigerator and central heat and air conditioning.

Interested??? Contact our office at 479-394-1569 or our website:



March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication



FCA Launches New Fellowship Program M

ena High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is launching a new fellowship activity on the patio at Stache’s Cookery. Each Sunday night at 7 p.m., local teens from Mena and Acorn High Schools will lead a time of worship, fellowship, and food. All students are welcome to attend. MHS Athletic Director Tim Harper said, “We want to give a special thank you to Amy Hebert at Stache’s for providing the snacks and allowing us to use the patio free of charge. She is opening just for the students and we couldn’t be more appreciative of her efforts.” The meeting will last for about an hour and will focus on FCA and taking their influence for Christ more seriously. “We have some excellent churches in Polk County, but we want to make an even greater impact,” Harper said. For anyone interested in helping, including individuals and churches, contact Coach Tim Harper, Coach Randy Peters, or Mrs. Melissa Puckett at Mena High School.

Chamber Announces Annual Banquet Entertainment M

ena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce has announced this year’s entertainment at the annual Chamber Banquet. Sock Monkey Improv of Rogers, Arkansas, is set to keep the crowd in stitches with their comedy routine. The Sock Monkey Improv Troupe consists of ten members and their mission is to “spread laughter to all we encounter.” The Troupe performs games and skits that are all made up on the spot. Suggestions from the audience are sometimes taken. Videos of their antics can be found on their Facebook page, Sock Monkey Improv, or their website, The Mena/Polk County Chamber Banquet will be held in the Carver Grand Hall of the Ouachita Center on the campus of RMCC on Tuesday, April 19th, at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served and a fundraiser will be held with Hunter’s Auction Service. Tickets can be obtained by contacting the Chamber of Commerce at 479-394-2912.

In Loving Memory

William Lauck (Bill) Wood November 8, 1926 ~ March 18, 2016

Robbins Hired as Loan Officer at Union Bank SUBMITTED


hilip Hensley, President and Chief Executive Officer of Union Bank of Mena has announced the hiring of Tony Robbins as Loan Office for the bank. Tony is a 1997 graduate of Van Cove High School and attended Rich Mountain Community College. Prior to joining Union Bank, Tony worked as a registered appraiser in Northwest Arkansas before moving back to Mena to take on managerial positions for various local businesses. Tony and his wife Jessica have one son, Evan. Union Bank has a long-standing tradition of serving the people of this area and Tony will add to that tradition,” said Hensley. “Tony looks forward to serving the residents of Polk County and invites everyone to stop by the bank to visit with him.”

January 6, 2016

Union Bank of Mena mourns the loss of Bill Wood, an employee for over 65 years. Serving in many capacities at the bank and retiring as President. Bill was also a member of our Board of Directors from 1983 to the present. We will miss you Bill - thank you for your many years of service and for your dedication to the bank.



Weekly Publication March . . . .30, . . . .2016 ........................................................................................................................

Ellison Proposes Plan to Jail Committee

CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE those key areas. The first step in the process, Ellison said, is to retain an architect to see if the Polk County Detention Center can be made compliant. The retainer for such services is $10,000 and the Committee voted to approve SouthBuild as the architect and the cost of the retainer. Step two, Judge Ellison explained, would be for the County to fund the cost of any remodels and repairs the current facility would need to become compliant. The Committee voted to send an appropriation recommendation to the full Quorum Court to move $500,000 this year from County General, or earmark the funds for the project. With current tax collections, it is hoped that another $500,000 can be appropriated next year for the project as well. The concern expressed by some members of the committee is whether bringing the current jail into compliance is going to last long enough to appropriate such large amounts of tax dollars. If the compliance was only to last a couple of years, members do not consider it a feasible plan. Many of those answers will depend on Sterling Penix and may not be known for some time, and the results of the architect’s findings, which is the third step in Ellison’s plan, to see what the architect’s estimates are. From there, the Committee will come back and discuss further steps. Until then, the Polk County Detention Center’s future remains uncertain. Sheriff-Elect Scott Sawyer was at the meeting and said, “Whatever it takes to keep it open is what we’ve got to do, within reason. We don’t want it to come to a point where we have to decide whether to put a rapist or child abuser back out on the streets because we don’t have a facility.”

Frost Takes on New FCS Position


Frost’s background, check out her Polk County Pulse Citizen of the Week feature at Although Frost’s new role is unique, there is another agent outside of the county that fills a similar role and she will be able to help mentor her as she moves into new territory. Vaught said with Hughes retiring, there have been a lot of questions about what activities will be kept. “We don’t have a lot of answers right now but we will work through it and believe that Lauren is going to do a great job,” said Vaught. Patience is asked of patrons of the Extension Service. “Give us a year of feeling and learning and walking our way through,” she added. Frost said, “I think it’s important to understand all of the different arms of Extension. I love to learn new things.” “We hate to see Kim retire but we are excited about what’s to come in the future,” Vaught said. To learn more about the Polk County Extension Service and all they offer, stop by and visit them at 211 DeQueen Street in Mena, or call 479-394-6018.

Mena Woman Killed in Scott County Accident

BY MELANIE BUCK • Margaret Isaac, age 95 of Mena, lost her life in a one-vehicle traffic accident on Thursday, March 24, 2016. Isaac was the passenger of a northbound vehicle, driven by 72-year old Patricia White, on Hwy. 71 near Johnson Creek Road, just north of the Scott County line. Arkansas State Trooper Christopher Short worked the scene of the accident and reported that the vehicle left the roadway and over-corrected, crossing the centerline. The vehicle over-corrected again and came to rest in the northbound ditch. The fatal accident was reported shortly before 9 a.m. on Thursday and conditions were listed as cloudy and dry.

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3586 - These wooded lots at the corner of Hickory and 1st would be a investment for the future or build on them now. $12,000 3620 - Lovely, corner lot just waiting for you to build your dream home! Large shade trees perfect for afternoon sitting. City utilities available. Just minutes from Schools, and Shopping. Call today and make your dreams a reality! $12,000 3569 - Ready to build? Here is a 1 ac lot at the Country Club, utilities are in, house pad is already set bring your plans and get started! $19,500 3573 - Property has several good building sites, lots of woods, not far from town has electric crossing property. 7.50 acres. $22,500 3588-This wooded 40 ac in the country joins county road and with the timber gives the new owner the opportunity to leave as much shade on your building site as you would like. $90,000 3584 - 76.68 Ac. on the West side of town, lots of pasture for cattle, a 40 x 40 shop with lean to for storage. $160,000 3577 - This 42.50 ac. comes with 1/4 mi. of Ouachita River frontage and 1/4 mi. of National Forest on the West line plus end of the road location. There is a large field and a high building site. $219,000 3582 - This 150 ac. has approximately 1 mile of National Forest on the South border, would make ideal place for cabins or your on riding trails. There is to be a 125' deeded entry from Polk 42 to property. $345,000

LOCATION ‘ LOCATION ’ LOCATION with a very high traffic count 4 way stop intersection. Prime Corner Location Comm. Real Estate Auction. This building consisting of approx. 10,000+/- SF under roof, 3200 +_ SF Retail Space and 7700 +_ SF Warehouse. Our seller Walter Deetz confirms owner financing is available, contact our office prior to auction for details. Real Estate Terms; 10% down day of Auction in certified funds approved through our office, title insurance and warranty deed furnished at closing within 30 days, 10% buyer premium. Announcements made day of auction take precendence over all.

Weekly Publication

“It’s more than an education. It’s an experience. Come experience it with us!”

Upcoming T.E.A.M. MENA Events: Softball, Baseball, Track, and Soccer are in full swing! Use our website

for a full calendar of all our games and activities. Watch for notes from your child’s school regarding upcoming dates and times for State Spring Testing. April 11th – April 15th – Mid-term progress reports will go home Tuesday, April 12th – Mena High School and Mena Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday, April 14th – Band Concert at the MHS Performing Arts Center Saturday, April 16th – Mena High School Prom Monday, April 18th – Board Meeting Monday, April 25th – Elementary Choir Concert at MHS Performing Arts Center Friday, April 29th – Mena High School Choir Concert at the Performing Arts Center Saturday, April 30th – Band Banquet

Photos Courtesy of Sweet Peas Photography

State Highway Chair Discusses I-49 CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE


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though there hasn’t been many steps taken, there has been a detailed budget laid out by Governor Asa Hutchinson that Trammel explained extensively. The FAST Act, Fixing America’s Surface and Transportation Act, provides five years of funding for highway projects in Arkansas through fiscal years 2016-2020 and would invest $225.2 billion dollars into those projects. The state’s 20% of the funding is set to come from a surplus, by way of motor fuel and registration fees, diesel tax, and natural gas severance tax. There has been no confirmation on whether part of that funding will go towards the missing links on I-49 in Arkansas, but the I-49 International Coalition is working hard to make it happen. Local member, Gar Eisele was in attendance at the meeting and thanked Trammel for his support of the project as well. The Coalition was originally organized in December 2002, with representation from Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri, to work collectively to promote the completion of the North-South corridor. I-49 is designated by the U.S. Congress as the #1 High Priority Corridor that will connect Kansas City and New Orleans; connecting in Kansas City with I-29 North, it will create a 1700 - mile uninterrupted interstate highway from Winnipeg, Canada, through the heart of America to New Orleans and through the port system of Louisiana, to Central and South America where trade and traffic are expected to triple in the next decade with expansion of the Panama Canal. From Winnipeg, going South, this Interstate trade route intersects existing East – West Interstates I-94 (Fargo), I-90 (Sioux Falls), I-80 (Omaha), I-70 (Kansas City), I-44 (Joplin), I-40 (Fort Smith), I-30 (Texarkana), I-20 (Shreveport), and I-10 (Lafayette) on the way to New Orleans and other ports on the Gulf Coast. The result is a comprehensive transportation grid to enhance the movement of food, goods, energy and people to and from anywhere in Mid – America and the rest of the world. Trammel also discussed the idea of the proposed funding not going through. “Depending on the healthcare issue, how that may change, it could change everything,” said Trammel. He explained that if healthcare was left up to the states to solely support, it could take all funding away from the budget and then it would be back to square one on trying to find available money. Chad Adams, Arkansas Highway Department District Engineer said the cost of the 160-mile section between Fort Smith and Texarkana is a $3 billion project. “It’s going to be very difficult to raise the funding for the project,” said Adams. He also discussed the completion of a bridge near Fort Chaffee that will cost $350 million to finish. I-49 Coalition member, Gar Eisele said, “If we can get the bridge built, we can get our portion finished.” “Everything depends on the funding,” said Adams. He also discussed other upcoming projects in Mena. The North Morgan Street project, that will run from Holly Harshman Elementary to Highway 71, next to Sun Country Inn, is expected to begin by June 2016. The Highway Department is funding 80% of the project, while the city of Mena is funding the remaining 20%. The state will oversee the designs and construction process of the project. Highway 88 East also has an upcoming resurfacing project. Beginning at the ‘Y’ on the north edge of the city limits, and running for five miles, will receive a new surface. That project is expected to begin sometime this summer. “We’re in the midst of a downtown revitilization here and I want to thank you for working with us so well so that we could get the project done,” said Adams in relation to the final phase of the streetscape sidewalk project that is currently on-going on Mena Street.

January 6, 201

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held by the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, March 17th, at Happy Heart Catering and Cakes in Hatfield. They are located at 108 Cemetery Road in Hatfield and cater weddings, birthday parties, business events, and more. For more information, call 479-216-4758.



March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


Mena A&P Awards Two New Marketing Contracts


Crane, of Perryville, Arkansas, will serve as the Festival & Marketing Coordinator. Rham Cunningham, formerly of Mena, works for the Richland Group negotiated with the A&P to securing the details of the contract but as Mark Harper, owner of the Richland Group explained, Mena A&P will benefit from the contract by “being able to use the Group’s vast amount of talent and resources.” Donnie Crane is a recipient of the Henry Award, which is awarded at the Governor’s Conference on Tourism. The Henry Award is one of the most prestigious tourism industry awards in Arkansas and recognizes individuals, businesses, and organizations, which have distinguished themselves in the industry. The search for a new coordinator has been ongoing since September 2015 when the former consultant chose not to seek a renewal of contract. The Commission submitted Requests for Qualifications with local media in October and November of 2015, receiving only two applicants in the first period and none in the second. In December 2015, the Commission considered contracting with firms instead of individual consultants. Trying to find a larger pool of applicants, “The Commission felt it should reach out further since all media publications thus far had been local,” said a statement released by the Commission. In January, the Commission decided to place ads outside of Polk County and reached out to the Southwest Times Record Fort Smith, Hot Springs Sentinel, The Poteau Daily News, The Mena Star, including DeQueen, Waldron, and Mansfield, The Ouachita Trading Post, The Polk County Pulse, and Municipal League’s “City & Town” monthly magazine. Three applications were received after that period, of which one withdrew and another was past deadline. However, by taking the previous single-person position and splitting it into two separate positions, the Commission found what they were looking for and contracted with the outof-town firms. Other than the lack of applicants, the Commission stated that many other aspects of the A&P were being worked on, causing yet more delays. “During this entire process, the A&P Commission was holding many other committee meetings to take care of other time-sensitive business, including A&P Brochure Committee meetings, A&P Grant Funding Committee meetings, and A&P Festival Committee meetings,” said the statement. In 2015, restaurant tax revenue for Mena A&P were $172,185.00 and lodging tax revenue was $61,047.58. Consulting fees from both Cunningham and Crane will be paid for from those tax collections. A&P Commissioner Terri Neugent, who has voluntarily filled the role of coordinator for the last seven months, said, “I believe I have managed to keep things on a proper timeline during the last six months; therefore, both consultants will be able to step in and transition into their positions in a smooth manner. In other words, neither will have to play catch up, they will just have to pick up from where I am currently at with tasks and projects.” She added, “I will continue to work with both during a transitional period, however long that may be... more so with Donnie because of the many areas of festival and marketing tasks and deadlines that are actively on-going at the present time. I anticipate that won’t take long.” The A&P’s statement also said, “Mena is a great City and this area is one of beauty and enjoyment. Mena will, no doubt, be even better in getting the word out to many outside the area of the many attractions, recreations, points of interest, and events we have to offer. Donnie is quickly becoming acquainted with Mena and the people in the Community.” Neugent said she was pleased with the progress when she spent the day with Donnie Crane and he “asked the right questions, showing his experience in the many areas of tourism and festivals.” The A&P Commission is looking forward to working with both consultants and said in their statement, “The Commission is excited to have Donnie and the Richland Group as part of the A&P Team. Both are professionals and will bring their expertise and years of experience with them, which will be a great asset for the Commission.”

Rodeo Royalty Clinic Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 10:00 am $30.00 Fee

Lunch Provided for Participants & 1 Guest

Ages 10 & Up Polk County Fair & Rodeo Arena If raining - event will be held in Show Barn & Show Arena

Open to ANYONE!

Presented by: Shelby Fields & Laney Davis

For more information contact Cheryl Edwards (479) 234-2477 or Sharon Walston (479) 216-0141 Hosted by Polk County Fair & Rodeo Royalty Committee

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CASA of the Ouachita Region CASA will earn bonus dollars and have a chance to earn prizes for every gift given online through from 8am - 8pm Thursday. Your online donation April 7 will help CASA of the Ouachita Region, serving as a child’s advocate in the court system for abused and neglected children. The public will be able to give online from smartphones, tablets or personal computers by going to and making a credit card donation.

300 Dallas Avenue


March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


................................................................................................................................ ROY LEE DOLLARHYDE Roy Lee Dollarhyde, age 60, of Mena went to his heavenly home March 21, 2016 in Mena. Roy was born in Pryor, Oklahoma on November 25, 1955 to the late Roy Lee

Dollarhyde, Sr. and Dorothy Russelll Dollarhyde. He was married to Susan Clement Dollarhyde for 41 years and was in the logging business. Roy was a straight shooter kind of guy, who wouldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it. He enjoyed fishing and, working on chainsaws. Roy had a big heart, when you came thru the door, you could feel love and he always was trying to feed you with good fried food. He was a loving husband, father, son, brother,

Very partial List: Commercial Popcorn Maker * 4 Person Gas Powered Golf Cart * New Spray Rig on Trailer 18’ Boom * Golf Greens Mower * New and Used Appliances * Wood cook stoves * Bathroom vanities * mirrors * lights * sinks * Retail Racks * old Glenwood Rail Road Ties * Concrete Lite Forms for safe rooms/storm cellars * Showers * Toilets * Faucets * Plumbing * Faucet Parts * Toilet Parts * Hot Water Heaters * Recessed Canned Lighting * Ceiling Fans * Light Fixtures * Chandeliers * Work Clothes & Jeans * Insulated Shirts * New Overalls * Work Jackets * Commerical and Household Cleaning Supplies * Misc. Christmas Decor * Flat Screen TV Stands * Patio Boiler Stove * Patio Tables * Propane and Wood Fire Pits * Patio Umbrella * Water Fall Fountain * Submersible Water Pump * Spray Paint * Utility Shelves * Misc. Batteries * Breakers Light Bulbs * Misc Door Knobs and Locks * Screw Racks * Air Purifiers * iphone cases * Water Hose Reels * Tankless Water Heaters * Scotts, RoundUp, Miracle Gro and ortho yard products * Siphoning Pumps * Exterior Waterproofing Sealers * Concrete Stains * Sealers * Color Flakes * Eureka and Oreck Vacuums * Electric Chainsaws * Flower Pots * Grinding Wheels * Drill Sets * Nail Guns * Impact Drill * Saws * Tool Kits * Drill Bit Sets * Misc. Air Compressors * Misc. Lumber * Metal Roofing * Welders * Rail Road Ties * Metal Roofing * Molding * Windows * Doors * Vinyl Siding * Jacuzzi Tubs * Composite Decking Fascia * James Hardi Concrete Siding Board * and so much more being added daily, see list on our web site and sign up for email updates.

grandfather, and friend to everyone. He will be missed by all. Roy is survived by, wife, Susan Dollarhyde; sons, William Lee- Jr Dollarhyde, Adam Dollarhyde and wife Brandi, Travis Dollarhyde and wife Amy and Jeff Dollarhyde; daughter, Jennifer Lee Rose Dollarhyde and husband Rodney; grandchildren, Trinity Wright, Christopher Dollarhyde, Adian Russell Dollarhyde, Deziray Dollarhyde, Isabella Dollarhyde and Christina Dollarhyde; mother, Dorothy Dollarhyde; brother, Matthew Dollarhyde; sister, Michelle Rosson and husband Aldin. He was preceded in death by, his father, Roy Lee Dollarhyde Sr; brothers, Donald Ray Dollarhyde, and Mark Dewayne Dollarhyde and a sister, Nancy Pauline Lane. Funeral Services were Monday, March 28, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at the Bible Believers Baptist Church in Mena with Brother Gerald Musgrove officiating. Interment followed in the Lower Big Fork Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home. Family and friend’s visitation was Thursday, March 24, 2016 at Beasley Wood Funeral Home from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Online obituary at http://www.beasleywoodfuneralhomecom/

SUE TABLER Sue Tabler, age 68, of Board Camp, died Monday, March 21, 2016 at CHI St. Vincent in Hot Springs AR. She was born on Sunday, November 16, 1947 to Thurman Luther and Pena Anderson Scott in Columbia, Louisiana. Sue loved life and enjoyed helping others. She worked the majority of her life as a Registered Nurse in Arkansas and in Texas. She recently worked in Mena at

Ouachita Family Health and with Mena Regional Health System. After her husband, Maurice, retired, she worked as a traveling nurse throughout the United States in places such as Alaska, Montana, Utah and Nebraska. Sue truly enjoyed seeing the country and then returning to Mena to relax and recharge. She truly had a servant’s heart. She loved her family and spending time with her children, grandchildren, and her dogs. Sue was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend and will be deeply missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents. Sue is survived by her husband, Maurice Tabler of Board Camp; two sons, Robert Harp and wife, Alecia of Hewitt, Texas and Scott Harp and spouse, Brad Wilhelm of Orlando, Florida; one stepson, Russell Tabler of Carrollton, Texas; two stepdaughters, Robin Seavers of Texarkana, Arkansas and Roxanne Boyd of Lamar, Arkansas; one brother, Tim Scott and wife, Phyllis of Smackover, Arkansas; one sister, Tish Sanders and husband, Tony of Cody, Wyoming; two grandchildren, Blair Harp and Abbie Harp of Hewitt, Texas; six step grandchildren, Josh Stinson, Hannah Topor, Lana Thurman, Dale Stewart, Kenneth Boyd, and Miranda Boyd, three great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews, and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena with cremation services entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Donations in her name to Elite Home Health and/or Mena Hospice in Mena, AR would be appreciated.

January 6, 2016



March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


Thursday, 3/31 •8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – St. Agnes Church Food Distribution at the St. Agnes Parish Hall. Pre-registration (Required) at 8:30 a.m. 48 Bags of Food Available. •11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County meets at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Lisa Martin at 216-3383 or Charles Pitman at 216-4882 for more information. •12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch Library is open. •12:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m. - The Sonlighters In Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. •5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. •5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – women’s meeting – ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. •5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. •6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist. •6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Saint Agnes Church Parish Hall. •7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. Friday, 4/1 •8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. •12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. •6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous

meeting at Saint Agnes Church Parish Hall. Monday, 4/4 •12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. •6:00 p.m. – Polk County Fair & Rodeo meets at the Fairgrounds. •6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. •6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. •6:30 p.m. – Shady Grove RVFD business and training meeting. •6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – AWANA Clubs meet at Grace Bible Church, Highway 71 North. •7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. •7:00 p.m. – Potter RVFD meeting at the Fire Station. •7:00 p.m. – Acorn RVFD meeting will be at the Fire House. •7:00 p.m. – Mena Emblem Club meets at the Elks Lodge. Tuesday, 4/5 •8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. •10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. •11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and join other artists. •11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Free lunch at Vegetarian Soup Kitchen at Mena Seventh Day Adventist Church, 149 Polk 43 (Fairground Road), Mena. 479-394-7404. Take-Out available. All are welcome. •12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters In Action Card Shop will be open at 3671Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. •12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch Library will be open. •5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weighins, followed by a meeting from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome. •6:00 p.m. – Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 646 meets at the Limetree. For more information, contact Henry/ Hank Todara at 870-334-2638. •7:00 p.m. – Dallas Valley RVFD meets for training at the Fire House. •7:00 p.m. – Acorn Fire & Rescue meets at the Fire Department. •8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479-234-3043. Wednesday, 4/6 •The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Hatfield, Wickes, Grannis,

Vandervoort, Cove, and Mena at noon. •11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Charm Quilters will meet at the Free Will Baptist Church on the corner of Petros and Cherry St. •12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library is open. •5:45 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. •6:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, 812 Hwy 71 S., Mena. •6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – The Southside Church of God Warriors for Christ will meet. •6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries “Regenerating this Generation” at Mena Church of God Hwy 88 East. •6:15 p.m. – Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru 5th Grade; Collide Youth Ministry – 6th Thru 12th Grades; and Adult Bible Study at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church. •6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. •7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. •7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the Catholic Faith begins in the Parish Hall of St. Agnes Catholic Church at 203 8th St. There is no cost or obligation and anyone interested is invited to attend. Call 394-1017 or 394-5655 for more information.

•PCDC is not accepting recycle plastic of any kind at this time due to commodity market trends. •PLEASANT GROVE CEMETERY – Cove - A Reminder to pick up anything you want to keep. All flowers and anything on the ground will be removed after April 1st to prepare for mowing season. Decoration is May 15th. The 3rd Sunday of May, as always.


meeting at Wickes First Baptist Church. 107 N 2nd Street, Wickes AR. •7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Dance to Don Thompson & Talimena Drive Band, American Legion, Acorn, $6.00 admission. •7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 812 Highway 71 South, Mena. •8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. Saturday, 4/2 •7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Pancake Breakfast at the Wickes Masonic Lodge. All proceeds will go towards the Scholarship Fund. •8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - P.A.W.S. Animal Rescue of Polk County Yard Sale - at Bear State Bank Mena, AR 71953. For donations call: (985)-519-5391. •9:00 a.m. - Benefit Poker Run for Jim Higgins - Meet at Hog Country, first bike out at 9:30 last bike out at 10:30. $10.00 per hand $5.00 for extra rider, lunch only. End at Elks Lodge. Last bike in at 1:30 p.m. Prizes $125 Best and $75 Worst Hands. •1:00 p.m. – There will be an M.S.A.A. Support Group meeting in Room 156 at RMCC. •2:30 p.m. – Old Lyric Players (Seniors Readers’ Theater) meets at Subway on the highway. Participants 50 years of age and older are welcome. For further info, contact Janelle Baldwin 479-243-6486. •6:00 p.m. – Gospel Singing at the Little Hope Baptist Church near Pine Ridge with dinner following. •6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. •8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 479-243-0297 or 479-216-4606. Sunday, 4/3 •10:45 a.m. - Morning Service - Mena First Church of Nazarene will be hosting Gary and Winnie Whitmore from Trans World Radio. Evening service is at 6:00 p.m. They will speak at both services. •2:30 p.m. – ABATE (Arkansas Bikers Aiming Toward Education) monthly meeting at Limetree Restaurant. Officers meeting at 2:30; general meeting at 3:00 p.m. You don’t have to ride to attend or be a member. A non-profit organization. •2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. •5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. •6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous

March 30, 2016



More information inside


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(StatePoint) A stunning lawn is the trademark of most proud homeowners. After all, the front yard is the first thing visitors and passersby see. But achieving and maintaining the perfect landscape can be time consuming without the right tools. Want more of your weekends back? Experts say achieving professional-level results in less time starts with the equipment you use to do the job. Take stock of the tools in your garage or shed. Are they up to the task? If you’re spending too much time on the yard, it may be time to make some key upgrades. The right lawnmower, for example, “is not just an investment in the beauty of your property, it’s an investment in your quality of life,” says Judy Altmaier, general manager of Exmark, a leading manufacturer of mowers and other lawn equipment. “A faster mower means more free time, plain and simple.” With that principle in mind, here are a few insights about what to look for when replacing an older mower with a new, more efficient model. • Maneuverability: Between trees, flower beds and other landscape features, a mower should be easy to maneuver, so you

Spring's Here

We're so excited, we wet our plants!

March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016

can mow closer and spend less time with the trimmer. • Quality of cut: Not all mowers offer the same quality of cut. When choosing a new mower, take this factor into consideration, as well as the type of lawn and grass you have. • Durability: A durable mower will include features such as welded, fabricated cutting decks, commercial engines and heavy-duty welded, tubular steel unibody frames. For quick guidance, consider taking a cue from those who make a living by being more efficient in the yard – landscape professionals. “These days, it’s safe to say that zero-turn riding mowers have become the tool of choice among landscape professionals,” says Altmaier. This season, give yourself more time and energy to enjoy the yard you so painstakingly maintain.

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March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


Mena Middle School Attends EAST Conference



AST Conference 2016 was held Tuesday, March 15 through Thursday, March 17. The following team of students represented the Mena Middle School EAST program: Avery Bowling, Bethany Cude, Ally Wright, Lauren Sikes, Olivia Ferguson, Ciara Lance, Cypriss Pruitt, and Kaitlyn Titsworth. The students worked extremely hard preparing for conference. Kaitlyn Titsworth and Avery Bowling presented their EAST program along with various EAST projects the students have been involved with during this school year to a panel of judges. All of the team members had to present to other EAST programs, businesses, EAST staff, and the public. These students also had the opportunity to attend breakout sessions to learn more about software programs, EAST related projects, etc. Mrs. Sikes is extremely proud of the way these students conducted themselves on the trip and the hard work they put in to making this year’s EAST conference a huge success.

MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 4/4 Pizza bagel, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal TUESDAY 4/5 Breakfast chicken biscuit, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal WEDNESDAY 4/6 Sausage & biscuit, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal THURSDAY 4/7 Bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuit, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal FRIDAY 4/8 Waffles, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal

MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S LUNCH MONDAY 4/4 Hot ham & cheese sandwich, ranch wedges, lettuce, tomato, fruit, milk; Choices: Chicken bacon ranch sub, ranch wedges, lettuce, tomato, fruit, milk; or Chef Salad TUESDAY 4/5 Beef & cheese nachos, salad, celery & cucumbers w/ ranch, cookie, fruit, milk; Choices: Cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato, pickles, celery & cucumbers w/ ranch, pretzels, cookie, fruit, milk; or Pizza WEDNESDAY 4/6 Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, peas & carrots, hot roll, fruit, milk; Choices: steak fingers, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, peas & carrots, hot roll, fruit, milk; or Chef Salad THURSDAY 4/7 Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, peas & carrots, hot roll, fruit, milk; Choices: steak fingers, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, peas & carrots, hot roll, fruit, milk; or Chef Salad FRIDAY 4/8 Crispitos w/ cheese, salad, refried beans, fruit, milk; Choices: Burritos w/ cheese, salad, refried beans, fruit, milk; or Chef Salad ACORN SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME ACORN SCHOOL’S LUNCH NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME

COSSATOT RIVER SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 4/4 Granola bar, applesauce, orange juice, milk TUESDAY 4/5 Biscuit & gravy, craisins, apple juice, milk WEDNESDAY 4/6 Cereal, orange wedges, juice, milk THURSDAY 4/7 Breakfast pizza, apple wedges, orange juice, milk FRIDAY 4/8 Super donut, fruit cup, apple juice, milk

Vandervoort Elementary Students Finish Engineering/ Architecture Project SUBMITTED BY VANDERVOORT ELEMENTARY


he students in Mrs. Dee’s 3rd grade class at Vandervoort Elementary just finished an Engineering/Architecture project. They worked in groups to make platforms for museum using only notecards and 1 ft. of tape. The students had a lot of fun being engineers and learned all about teamwork.

COSSATOT RIVER SCHOOL’S LUNCH MONDAY 4/4 Pizza, tossed salad w/ dressing, peaches, marshmallow treat, milk TUESDAY 4/5 Chicken strips, quick baked potato, green beans, roll, pears, milk WEDNESDAY 4/6 Beef taco, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa, pinto beans, mandarin oranges, milk THURSDAY 4/7 Chicken spaghetti, tossed salad w/ dressing, corn, roll, fruit cocktail, roll, milk FRIDAY 4/8 Hot ham & cheese sandwich, potato wedges, ranch beans, pineapple, milk

This weekly info proudly sponsored by:


Insurance with a name you know STATE FARM INSURANCE 624 Sherwood Avenue, Mena, AR

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Weekly Publication

Webb Receives 2015 Archery State Ring A


corn Archery Program archer, Brody Webb received his 2015 State ring in Archery. Webb is the 2015 Middle Level Boys State Champion and had an overall score of 286 in the ANASP competition that was held in Hot Springs on March 27, 2015. Webb is the eighth grade son of Duane and Dotsy Webb. Webb and the rest of the Acorn Archery Program are set for a repeat run at the State level this April, after a 2nd and 3rd place finish in Regional in February.

CRHS Students Participate in the Young SUBMITTED BY COSSATOT RIVER SCHOOL Voters Workshop O


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n March 10, eight students from Cossatot River High School attended the Young Voters Workshop in Little Rock. The conference is sponsored by the Secretary of State’s office to educate students about the history and benefits of voting. The students participated in skits, history lessons, and debates on voting and current events. Students attending were Rachel Lyle, Abby Taylor, Brianna Peters, Savannah Frachiseur, Brooke Howell, Karlie Tinkes, Kody Vaughn, and Jose Cordova.

RMCC’s Student Support Services Chooses March Student of the Month January 6, 201 SUBMITTED BY RMCC


shley Sims has been chosen as the RMCC Student Support Services’ Student of the Month for March 2016. Ashley says, “I am currently working towards an Associate of Applied Science: Business and Information Technology degree. I love being outdoors, playing sports, and spending time with my family and friends. SSS has tremendously 5 key facts about Prostate Cancer:the good grades that I strive for every helped me to maintain 1. Affects 1 in everyday. 6 men Whether it be looking over a Composition II essay or 2. Deadlier than breast cancer tutoring 3. Detectable in early stages in Business Statistics this semester, I know that I can count on the SSS tutors to make sure I am on the right 4. NOT an old man’s disease 5. Does NOT go away if you avoid track. The tutors have pushed me to become a better student testing. Gentlemen: We encourage you to getkindness, and thorough explanations. I through their patience, a PSA blood test. am very thankful to have such a wonderful service that I can count on here at RMCC.” For more information contact Lisa Rackley, Director of Student Support Services at or call 394-7622 ext. 1624.

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March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


Morgan Puckett – A Young Girl Making a Forever Impact O


n an ordinary day while taking a walk with her father on the Ouachita River, Morgan Puckett took in a scene that absolutely troubled her. She began to notice all of the trash that littered the river and surrounding areas that had mainly been caused from a major flood in the area in December, dubbed ‘Goliath.’ The trash covered the banks of the otherwise picturesque river, but it was also several feet high… plastic wrap that once surrounded bailed hay now encircled trees and their branches. Her family had shared with Morgan and her parents of the issue… but none of them realized the severity of the problem until they saw it themselves. Then and there, this ambitious Mena Middle School student decided to stand up and make a difference. Her favorite verse came to mind, Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Morgan credits this verse for seeing her through sports, church and school and now it would see her through another milestone of her life. Morgan Puckett is the daughter of Edd & Melissa Puckett and by all accounts an average 13 year old. She attends 7th grade at Mena Middle School. She has an avid passion for softball and volleyball. Her favorite subject is science and she loves being a Mena Bearcat. She attends The Crossing Church, where she helps with the nursery and is very active on the Praise and Worship team and Hebron. The thing that makes Puckett stand out is that she has an infectious smile and a humble servant’s heart. Puckett says “I love living here in Arkansas and we are known as the Natural state.” When she saw the polluted condition of the Ouachita River, she knew “someone” had to do something… and why couldn’t that “someone” be her. Puckett spoke with her dad about the area and her desire to step up and do something. Her father took her concern and spoke with a small life group from The Crossing that he leads. After receiving positive affirmation from them and their wiliness to help, as well as the church as a whole, ‘Morgan’s Project’ came into being. The original date of this project was changed due to heavy rainfall, but on March 19th Morgan’s Project was ‘a go.’ Around 30 volunteers showed up to help make Morgan’s vision a reality. In a few short hours, these volunteers, inspired by Morgan’s ambition, made a significant impact removing large amounts of litter and debris from the hardest hit section of the river in Polk County. Melissa Puckett stated, “This has been such a positive experience to see that it just takes that someone to take the initiative and then others will come alongside and support you 100%.” There were many local businesses that stepped forward to lend a helping hand, Cruizzers, Southern Disposal and Atwoods as well as several individuals and The Crossing Church. Melissa went on the say, “I am so thankful that Morgan was able to witness all of these people from our community come forward and support her and this project.” Morgan loves that Arkansas is known as the Natural State and that people come from miles around to enjoy the scenic mountains and beautiful views. She wants to do her part to make sure they keep coming back for generations to come. “If everyone would do something little then no one person would have to do something big. If everyone would just pick up a little bit here and there, how much better things would look.” she stated.

March Specials Steak Sandwich Wild Dog $3.19 & Onion Rings $3.79 Single Topping Sundae $1.79 Half Price

Regular Size Cheeseburgers & Hamburgers & All Sizes Malts, Shakes, Floats & Frosties

Opening Date: Thursday, April 7th Shop Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. All appointments after hours will be by appointment only

479-385-5171 918 Mena Street

Shellac Nails, Pedicures, Hair Services, Spray Tans, Makeup

March 30, 2016


Weekly Publication



Defenders Boxing & Family Sports Center – Bringing Options for Youth and Women D Bruce’s BY RENEE HENDRIX

efenders Boxing & Family Sports Center is a dream come true for Richard & Pearl Hexamer and their family. This family owned and operated business brings an alternative for Mena residents. With his military background, Hexamer felt he could bring a facility that could empower women with self defense and self-awareness classes, explaining he feels there is a greater need for this in today’s society. For women to be aware at all times and be able to defend themselves if the need arose, he said, is a new essential. Hexamer Repairs done and his family also realize there was another need in your home. in Polk County, more options for the youth. “The kids need something to do, someplace they can Bruce Erickson, Owner be safe and be involved in an activity that will keep them out of trouble.” Hexamer said. Walking into this establishment on the corner of Highway 71 and 9th street, the first thing you notice is the boxing ring and the boxing gloves lining the walls. This sight alone draws you in. Defenders Boxing & Family Sports Center offers boxing classes, self-defense and self-awareness January 6, 2016 Commercial An Affordable classes as well and Residential Plan for Everyone CALL 479-243-9600 as endurance, Termites • Household Pests strength and Bed Bugs • Fire Ants core training. Polk County 479-234-2038 Hexamer has his two children, Jeremiah Hexamer and Keena-Marie Relaford, as trainers. Both of them Scott County 479-637-6064 bring a history of boxing and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) to the table. Both are extremely motivated and 5 Year No Price Increase Guarantee want to encourage and support the local kids. “We want to give the community kids something to do and “Serving your families with be proud of,” Keena said. Dignity & Care for over 80 years” One of the many things the Hexamer family offers is an all ladies night. This night will be exclusively Selected Funeral & Life Insurance Agent for women. Hexamer wanted to offer the ladies of Polk County a chance to come and feel comfortable Member of the National Funeral Directors Assoc. during their workout. A safe place for them to Manufacturer 611 Janssen, Mena, AR of Quality CNC Parts learn any of the variety of the services offered. (479) 394-1310 A place they can have a time out from the hustle 479.394.4248 and bustle of daily life. Ladies night will be on 104 Port Arthur Avenue Tuesday nights from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Mena, AR 71953-3344 Hexamer is a veteran and wanted to reach out to his fellow veterans and have a night just for nuary 6, 2016 Weekly Pub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .them . . . . .as . . well. . . . . .He . . .explained . . . . . . . . .they . . . .can . . . .meet . . . . .and .................................... work out, have a go at some boxing or just sit around drinking coffee talking about the good old days, FULL ATV comparing war stories. Saturdays have been divided up for kids 12 and under from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. SERVICE and family time from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. & REPAIR Defenders provides a self-paced environment. They will push you to your limit and encourage you to Hwy 71N/Hwy 88E Junction go further. They can cater to any physical issues you may have. Hexamer will concentrate on a unique (Behind Terminix) and exclusive work out that is just for you. If you have any questions about rates or classes feel free to Like us on Facebook! 479-216-3519 OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY contact them at 479-234-0820.

Appliance Service



Beasley-Wood Geyer-Quillin Funeral Home

“We want to give the com-

munity something to do and be proud of.”

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. .March . . . . . . .30, . . . 2016 ....................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication

Bearcats Conquer Centerpoint Knights BY MELANIE BUCK •

he Mena Bearcat Soccer team beat the Centerpoint Knights 5-1 in their recent game on March 17th on home turf. The non-conference game gave the Bearcats a 3-2 record for the season. The Bearcats were next set to play a home game against Poteau on Tuesday, March 29th and at Robinson High School on March 31st. PHOTOS BY SAM MAECHLER

Ladycats Defeat Centerpoint Knights BY MELANIE BUCK •


he Mena Ladycats were in action on the soccer field on March 17th, against the Centerpoint Knights, defeating their opponent 5-0. The game was a non-conference game and gives the Ladycats a 1-4 season record. The Ladycats were set to play Poteau on Mena’s Bearcat field on Tuesday, March 29th, and will travel to Robinson High School on March 31st. PHOTOS BY SAM MAECHLER

• Forestry Mulching • Utility Right of Way Aaron Marshall - Owner/Operator

479-216-2832 3562 Polk Road 54 Mena, AR 71953

Insured • Accept Credit/Debit Cards

• Pasture Restoration • Storm Clean Up • Logging Clean Up

Team Bass Results M

ena Team Bass held their third tournament of the season on March 19th on a cold and windy Broken Bow Lake. 1st place and Big Bass (4.32) went to the Father/Son team of Mickey and Chase Mitchell with 16.71. 2nd place went to the Father/ Son team of Gerald and Jayrd Moore with 15.91. 3rd - Barton/Morgan, 13.70 4th - Toon/Toon, 12.41 5th - Cobb/Fielding, 11.68 6th - Johnston/Johnston, 11.54 7th - Boyd/Matajek, 11.12 8th - Bohanon/McDaniel, 11.07 9th - Gunn/Gunn, 10.99 10th - Brown/Rossen, 10.77 11th - Morse/Jopling, 10.36 12th - Tabler/Blue, 10.08 13th - Page/Varner, 9.87 14th - Falls/Wright, 9.87 15th - Deputy/Morphew, 9.82 16th - Rose/Rose, 5.67

March 30, 2016



In Honor of Doctor’s Day‌Mena Regional Health System recognizes the medical staff serving this region!

Jimmy Barrow, M.D. Family Medicine 479-437-3449 / 870-867-4244

Ronald W. Beckel Jr., M.D. Pediatrics 479-394-7301

Terrell Bishop, M.D. Psychiatry 479-394-7400

Fred Divers, M.D. Oncology 1-800-952-1248

John H. Finck, M.D. Family Practice 479-394-4703

Steve Forrest, M.D. Family Medicine 479-394-3887

Carl Leding, M.D. Cardiology 1-800-264-5722

Richard M. Lochala, M.D. Family Practice 479-394-7301

Stephen Luker, D.O. Family Medicine 479-394-1414

Bradley Short, D.O. Physical Medicine/ Rehabilitation 479-243-2303

Gregory St. John, M.D. Cardiology 877-625-3403

Thomas Sullivan, M.D. General/Colorectal Surgery 479-394-1414

Robert Williams, M.D. Family Practice 479-243-9024

Eric Bowen, M.D. Cardiology 877-625-3403

Patrick Fox, M.D. Family Practice 479-437-3300

Robert J. Manis, M.D. Family Practice/Retired 479-394-3887

John Sweat, M.D. Emergency Medicine 479-394-6100

David Brown, M.D. Family Practice/Geriatric 479-394-3718

Rafael Gomez, M.D. Emergency Medicine 479-394-6100

John D. Mesko, M.D. OB/GYN 479-394-4595

Jeffrey Tauth, M.D. Cardiology 877-625-3403

Paul Buschman, M.D. Hospitalist 479-394-6100

Victor Castro, M.D. Cardiology 501-625-3400

Ihab Herraka, M.D. Gastroenterologist Hepatitis C Clinic 479-242-2888

Jeffrey Holt, M.D. Ophthalmology 877-625-3403

Tariq Niazi, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery 479-243-2103

Carlos B. Rocha, M.D. OB/GYN 479-394-2534

Lonnie H. Sessler, M.D. Family Practice 479-437-3449

Brian Telle, M.D. Urology 501-525-4555

Sherilyn Webb, M.D. Family Medicine 479-394-3887

Anthony Burton, M.D. General Surgery 479-243-2103

David Henderson, M.D. Hospitalist 479-394-6100

Jonathan Welsh, M.D. Radiology 479-394-6100

For all that you do... We Appreciate You!

Patients First... Always

311 North Morrow Mena, Arkansas 479-394-6100



March 30, 2016

Tips to Spruce Up Your Outdoor Spaces for the Season (StatePoint) When the weather warms up, it’s all about relaxing outdoors. But it’s possible you’ve neglected upkeep on your home’s outdoor spaces during the chilly months of winter. To enjoy yourself more this season, take time to spruce up your yard. Here are some quick tips. Do a Survey Take a walk around the perimeter of your patio, deck and yard to survey what needs to be cleaned, repaired or replaced. Did potted plants and lawn ornaments survive the cooler months? Are outdoor light fixtures functioning? Are fallen branches littering the yard? Make a mental to-do list. Deep Clean Like interior spaces, periodic deep cleans are necessary outdoors too. But don’t waste your leisure time. “With the right tools you can work smart, not hard,” says Jeff Devlin, host on a popular home improvement channel. “A heavy-duty cleaner, such as Mean Green Degreaser, not only works indoors, but is ideal for my tough outdoor cleaning jobs.” Devlin recommends using the Super Strength multi-surface formula -- which is lab-tested to clean and remove grease, grime, mildew, dirt, and oil more effectively than its competitors -- to clean and remove mildew from patios, outdoor furniture, concrete, composite and wood fences and siding, as well as to clean and degrease tools, lawn equipment and grills. Use it as a concentrated spray or diluted solution. Clean with a brush or sponge. “For your toughest jobs, add it to your pressure washer,” says Devlin. Helpful cleaning tips can be found at LICENSED RESIDENTIAL Routine Maintenance AND COMMERCIAL Perform routine upkeep to keep items from falling into disrepair or becoming overgrown or unkempt. CONTRACTOR Sweep walkways and your deck regularly, especially if they are situated under trees. Promote a healthy lawn by mowing it regularly, never removing more than one-third of the grass blade. Keep gutters devoid of leaves and debris so that water does not collect in your yard or at the base of your home’s structure. Rinse patio furniture, umbrellas and awnings using water or a diluted cleaner. Spring is in the air. With a little effort, you can be prepared to make the most of it.




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March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication





Chelsea Stanbro and Miles Feerick, of Hatfield, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on March 16th. Kimberly and Damon Miller, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on March 16th.

#LOL Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

Welcome Baby Joshua Parker Billings

A: A candle

Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?

A: Mary

Q: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs? A: There weren’t any stairs, it was a one story house!

Joshua Parker Billings was born on March 8, 2016 at 4:17pm. He weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. He was born at Mena Regional Health System. His parents are Zachary and Sarah Billings.

Mena Lions Club

Gun & Knife Show April 2, 2016 • 8 am - 5 pm

Open to the Public Polk County Fairgrounds Polk Road 43 • Mena, AR 71953 Lions Recycle for Sight - Eyewear Donations Accepted

Admission 13 and older - $5 (Free to any Polk County Law Enforcement and children 12 and under)


For information or reservations contact: Kevin Sweeney • 479-394-8923 Wes Lyle • 479-216-5329

Couple Celebrates 50 Years of Marriage

Lyndell and Bonnie Lyda will be honored with a 50th Wedding Anniversary Reception on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at Mena First Assembly of God Church Fellowship Hall from 2 to 4 pm. All friends and family are invited. In Lieu of gifts, if you would like to honor them, they request that a donation be made to the Acts of Love Food Pantry or Assembly of God Missions Fund.

January 6, 2016



March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Mena Police Department March 20, 2016 No completed reports on file. March 21, 2016 Timothy Wayne Leonard, 50, of Mena, was arrested for DWI, 4th offense (a felony), careless driving, and obstructing governmental operations. March 22, 2016 No completed reports on file. March 23, 2106 Johnny Allen Howard, 51, of Mena, was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failure to pay fines and court costs. Michael J. Todd, 21, of Mena, was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal mischief. March 24, 2106 Report was taken of a gas-skip from a local convenience store. Case pending. A local man reported that someone had

stolen a container of coins from his vehicle. Case pending. A local woman reported someone had stolen her prescription medication. Case is pending. March 25, 2016 No completed reports filed. March 26, 2016 Linda Marschall, 38, of Mena was charged with third degree battery and disorderly conduct. Also charged in the incident with disorderly conduct was Jeanette Manasco, 49, of Polk County. Polk County Sheriff’s Department March 21, 2016 Report of an altercation on Polk 36 near Hatfield. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of vandalism on the Vandervoort Elementary Campus. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Oak Grove Avenue in Mena of being harassed by an acquaintance. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Avalon Lane of being harassed by an acquaintance. Suspect was advised to cease the harassment.

Z’s Safe & Secure Please make The Cole Team Bold & larger than the address & phone numbers below it.

U-Lock-It Storage

Sizes ranging Omit the 800from number and the e-mail address and 5x10 to 10x30 substitute instead.

Fairgrounds Rd.

In the web address across Fenced & Secure the bottom, capitalize the

479-437-4283 M in Mena, the R in Real & the E in Estate.

Prices effective March 30, 2016 - April 26, 2016






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March 22, 2016 Report from complainant on Butler Circle in Hatfield of being threatened led to the arrest of William N. Buck, 63, of Smithville, OK, on a Charge of Terroristic Threatening 2nd Degree. Report of a two-vehicle accident on Highway 375 East near Mena. Report from complainant on Polk 31 near Cove of persons trespassing on their property. Subjects fled before deputy arrived. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Jewel S. Irons, 31, of Wickes, on a Charge of Domestic Battery 3rd Degree. March 23, 2016 Report from complainant on Polk 31 near Cove of being assaulted at their residence. Investigation continues. Arrested was Christopher L. Chesser, 30, of Cove, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. March 24, 2016 Report from complainant on Polk 121 near Mena of problems with neighbors regarding livestock. Report from complainant on Polk 184 near Acorn of the break-in and theft of household items, all valued at $25.00. Investigation con-

tinues. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Roy A. Beeney, 35, of Grannis, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. Arrested was Rondald A. Mowdy, 22, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. Arrested was Rocky E. Daugherty, 24, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. March 25, 2016 Report from complainant on Vanna Lane near Vandervoort of being the victim of financial identity fraud. Report from complainant on Polk 35 near Hatfield of the break-in to a vehicle and theft of stereo equipment, totaling losses and damages at $500.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 41 South near the Potter community of the theft of several tools, totaling losses at $2,630.00. Investigation continues. Arrested was David H. Newman, 49, of Drumright, OK, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. March 26, 2016 Report from complainant on Polk 100 near the Rocky community of a break-in and theft



March 30, 2016

Weekly Publication


................................................................................................................................ UP TO 20 WORDS - $4 PER WEEK, $0.25 EACH ADDITIONAL WORD • BORDER $1 • ALL CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE PREPAID.

Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly.


Public School Choice in Arkansas allows students to attend a public school in a district other than the one in which they reside. The applications must be made by May 1, 2016, to qualify for provisions under the Arkansas Public School Choice Act of 2013. Pursuant to standards adopted by a nonresident district may reserve the right to accept or reject applicants based on capacity of programs, class, grade level or school building. Likewise, a nonresident district’s standards may provide for rejection of an applicant based upon the submission of false or misleading information to the above listed request for information when that information directly impacts the legal qualifications of an applicant to transfer pursuant to the School Choice Act. However, a nonresident district’s standards shall not include an applicant’s previous academic achievement, athletic or other extracurricular ability, handicapping conditions, English proficiency level, or previous disciplinary proceedings, except that an expulsion from another district may be included pursuant to Ark. Code Ann 618510. Priority will be given to applicants with siblings attending the district. The nonresident district shall accept credits toward graduation that were awarded by another district and award a diploma to a nonresident district’s graduation requirements. Applications postmarked or delivered to the Superintendent of Schools no later than May 1 for a child to be able to enroll for the fall semester. Transfers shall be granted on a nondiscriminatory basis. Students who have been accepted and enrolled in previous years do not have to reapply as approved transfers remain valid for as long as the student attends public school. The following districts comply with this public school announcement: Ashdown, Caddo Hills, Cossatot River, DeQueen, Dierks, Foreman, Horatio, Mena, Mineral Springs, Mount Ida, Nashville and Ouachita River. (DMESC:22;w288) of alcohol, valued at $30.00. As a result, a 16-year-old Mena female was issued Juvenile Citations for Theft of Property and Burglary. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Investigation continues into the case. Report of a 911 call regarding a stabbing

that occurred in Oklahoma. All information was turned over to Leflore County Oklahoma authorities. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Emilio Garsia, 22, of Dequeen, on a Charge of Obstructing Governmental Operations.

Clean & Comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479-394-1252. TFN J & N Dozer – Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer Operator Randy Egger, over 30 years’ experience. We appreciate your Business! Call 479-234-1357. TFN

For a lawn and garden your neighbors will envy, call the lawn service with green thumbs and orange shirts. Dugan Lawn Care & Landscaping, lawn care done right. (479) 394-2699. 4/6

Harris Fence serving Mena & surrounding areas chain link, privacy and vinyl no job too small, repairs & all 501-388-7195 over 20 years exp. 4/6 Classic Collectable Car – 1967 Mercury Cougar Excellent Condition – One Owner info: 479-394-3146. 3/30

For Sale – 2005 Fleetwood Prowler Regal 30’ 5th Wheel camper. In very good condition – 2 Lost from Black Springs: Large female slides Hitch included. New roof and new tires. Walker hound dog 1 ½ yrs old, white, $12,000 may consider trade-in or part cashbrown & black. Please Call 870-334-2146, part owner financing. Call 479-234-2795 or 479-394-3950. 3/30 870-490-2835 or 808-333-8447. Squeaky Clean Mobile Dog Wash, Dry, Nails, 3/30 Ears, Brushing, Clipping. Deanna Boyd 479234-1866, I will A&J’s Lawn Service and Handy work. come to you. Like Facebook 4/27

January 6, 2016

Aaron – 479-216-9150.



House Cleaning and More. Call Winnie Cotter at 234-3418. 3/30 Bolens MTD frontline tiller. Briggs & Stratton 5.50 HP 12” Tines – 22” width. Excellent Condition $175.00 Call: 479394-3146. 3/30

Mowing, Weed Eating, Bush Hogging, Handyman Services, Power Washing, Garden Plowing & Tilling. Have Tractor with Implements for larger jobs. Also Chainsaw Work. Bill Duff. Call 479-216-5204. 3/30

For Rent in Board Camp area 2 bedroom, 1 ½ bath roof-over mobile home with CH & air, propane heater, store, fridge and DW. Has covered front porch, back deck and carport. Trash pickup provided. No smoking – no pets. $400.00 a month w/$200 non-refundable deposit. Call 479-234-2795 or 479-3943950.

3/30 Concrete Work licensed, dependHarris Fence serving Mena & surroundable. Call for estimate. William (Jack) ing areas chain link, privacy and vinyl no Barnes 479-394-6175 or 479-234job too small, repairs & all 501-388-7195 4/6 2608. over 20 years exp.


March 27, 2016 Report of an altercation on Carter Creek Lane near Mena led to Citations for Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree being issued to Shelby D. Hoyle, 18, of Mena. Report of an altercation on Polk 414 near Hatfield. Complainant refused to press charges.

Arrested was Brian J. McAnelly, 36, of Pencil Bluff, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 19 Incarcerated Inmates; 1 Inmate currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.



Daniel’s Carpentry and Painting. Home repair, decks, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 870334-2068. 4/20


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