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Passing It Forward: Student's Caring Heart Touches Fellow Classmate

Thanks to a caring classmate a senior at Caddo Hills High School in Norman is getting around much easier these days. Brandon Qualls had been using a manual wheelchair, but his classmate, Tanner Wilson, wanted to change that. So Tanner worked a part time job and saved money for two years. On February 26th Tanner surprised his classmate with a new electric wheelchair. Qualls told KTHV-TV “My arms would get really tired and I would have to take rests. They came in and my face just blew up. I was crying everywhere.,” I was like “Wow, I can’t believe he did that for me.” Wilson’s good deed for a friend and the national attention it has now gained isn’t going to the young mans head, saying, “I feel like life’s a little bit too short to be judging everybody, and you should think more of others than just yourself.”

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