MAY 22, 2019
THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600
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Mena High School Graduation Ceremony
(MENA) The 111th graduating class of Mena High School was held on Sunday, May 19th at Bearcat Stadium in Mena. The class made history as they crossed the field and received their diplomas, in
Janssen Park Improvements
which 43% of the graduating class received college scholarships that totaled $2.3 million. As student Matthew Bowser received just over $621,000 in scholarship dollars, to continue his secondary education. Nearly a dozen other graduates received over $100,000 or more in scholarship awards for their education efforts. Principal Shane Torix presided over his last graduation ceremony as principal of Mena High School. The ceremony also heard musical selections from the Spotlight Singers, singing along with the senior class, the school Alma Mater and “A Million Dreams” by Emerson. The 2019 Class Speaker was Christo-
pher Thompson, who gave a rousing and encouraging message to his fellow classmates. Thompson also thanked the teachers and parents for keeping them on a rigid path for success as students. Superintendant Benny Weston and Mena Public Schools Board President Edd Puckett presented the senior class of 2019 awarded the diplomas to the 108 students.
2019 Relay For Life Event Held (MENA) Park improvements are underway at Janssen Park in downtown Mena. A much needed new basketball court has been poured and city officials expect to have that project completed by the time the annual Lum and Abner Festival arrives three weeks time. Gazebo work and the reshingling of various roofs within the park are also being undertaken by city workers. The thousands of people who attend the festival will see not only the gazebo work and new concrete for the court but also that Janssen Park has undergone a thorough cleaning and landscaping. Electric and water lines have already been installed by contractors and are good to go for the festival.
(MENA) Hundreds came out on Friday evening to show their support and to also participate in the Polk County Relay for Life event at Mena’s Janssen Park. Around a dozen teams, ranging from four team members to as many as two dozen members, put on their walking shoes and raised nearly $50,000 for the area. Activities, crafts, food and various events went into the night, making this years event a success. Plans are already underway for next year’s events. With various fundraisers being planned and making the event a bigger event than this years. For more information you can visit their Facebook page at County Relay For Life.
Stay Connected!
Mena Council Approves Items (MENA) Mena City Council decided to change their service plan for telephone and internet service from A T & T and Network Services in Little Rock to a local service provider. Velocity of Mena was awarded the contract to provide those services. Just on the internet costs alone, it will cost approximately $1224.64 per month on average. This is a slight increase of $21.64 per month in what they have been paying A T & T. Mayor Seth Smith stated that he felt that the City would be able to get faster service with a local provider, as compared to the current provider that would come out of Little Rock. The significant benefit seen by administrators was the fact that internet service would increase from 10 Megabytes per second, that is provided by A T & T to 50 Megabytes per second, that will be provided by Velocity. One other bid was submitted by Vyve, which was $1800 more than the other bidders. Currently, the city pays about $2864 per month for combined services with A T & T. Council also approved an Ordinance permitting a member of the Mena Advertising and Promotions Commission, Tim Kiser, to be allowed to conduct business with the City, on the purchase of a Power Washer from Kiser’s business, Tim’s Yamaha. The power washer will be used at Tapley Park. The power washer will cost approximately $602.24. Mayor Smith said that the opportunity of keeping the city’s business with a local firm is definitely a consideration whenever purchases of equipment is needed by the City. In other business, Gregg McDonald was appointed to the Mena Airport Commission, filling the unexpired term of Nancy Wright, which ends in February 2023. Council was informed that the final touchups are almost completed with Janssen Park
MAY 22, 2019
2 479-243-9600
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1168 Hwy 71 So l Mena, AR 71953 Ph: 479-243-9600 Fax: 479-243-9603
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Dan & Linda Deramus, Shane Deramus, Stacy Vann, Joseph Vieira, and Tim Goodreau The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays with a distribution of 8,000 and estimated readership of 10,000. All rights to contents are reserved by Pulse Multi-Media. currently has an on-line 32,000. POLICY: The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. All property rights, including any copyright interest, in any advertisement produced by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse using art work and/or typography furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse shall be the property of Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse. No such advertisement or any part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Pulse Multi-Media & The Polk County Pulse. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements of a political nature must be pre-paid and must also include the name of the entity paying for the advertisement. If an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the candidate verifying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.
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Letter Editor Letters to the Editor are not edited for grammar or spelling & are printed exactly as they are received.
Dear Editor, UNBELIEVABLE!! If you missed the Jazz Festival on Sunday, at Mena Mountain Resort, YOU are going to kick yourself! Who knew Mena could harbor such talent, AND such fantastic food!! Eggs Benedict, Jambalaya, Bread Pudding just to name a few. Eric Vasquez, (a hometown success story), and his Jazz trio were EXCELLENT, and a surprise solo by Jan Tittsworth was the icing on the cake! Bravo for such a spectacular event! Cindi Hernandez The Polk County Pulse reserves all rights to reject submissions. Anonymous letters are not permitted. All letters to the editor must be signed, include author’s town of residence, and be free of the threat of libel. Letters must be 300 words or less. We prefer they stay in the bounds of sensibility and good taste. We reserve the right to authenticate letters before publishing.
The Polk County Pulse welcomes letters to the Editor addressing any topic of interest to our readers. To be published, letters must be less than 300 words and must not contain obscene or libelous language. The letter must include a signature to be considered for publication. Signatures will NOT be held out by request. The following contact information is required when the letter is submitted: NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER. Letters are published at the discretion of the Editor and Publisher. Letters may be submitted by e-mail to; mailed to P.O. Box 1450, Mena, AR 71953 or dropped off at 1168 Hwy. 71 South, Mena, AR. A drop-box is provided by the front door for after hour convenience.
Weekly Publication
Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
Reflections From Faith and History The Hand that Rocks the Cradle -by Jeff Olson Memorial Day is an opportunity to pause from our busy lives to honor those Americans who have given their lives in service to their (and our) country. Major General John A. Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, officially proclaimed Decoration Day on May 5, 1868 and it was first observed 151 years ago on May 30, 1868. General James A. Garfield (later the 20th U.S. president) gave a speech then in remembrance of fallen Union and Confederate soldiers, saying that "for love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue." Afterwards, about 5,000 people helped decorate the graves of more than 20,000 soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Decoration Day had many separate beginnings prior to General Logan's proclamation. Numerous towns around America had their own observances and some would become official days of remembrance in some states, with New York and Michigan being the first (in the 1870s). Since then, Decoration Day has grown into an institutionalized national tradition to honor all Americans who have died while in military service and it has come to be known as Memorial Day. It eventually became an officially recognized national holiday to be observed on the last Monday in May through the National Holiday Act of 1971. Some states still have an additional day set aside for honoring the Confederate war dead. One aspect of Memorial Day which must not go unmentioned is the fact that many
American soldiers have died without their remains being identified. Following World War I, a movement arose to commemorate these soldiers with a single tomb and in 1921 the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was unveiled in Arlington National Cemetery. Since then, the president or vice president has laid a wreath at the Tomb each Memorial Day. In totality, there have been over 1.3 million U.S. military deaths in wars and conflicts since 1775, but we should also remember that this does not take into account the related ordeals and sacrifices of their family members. As we approach and observe Memorial Day 2019, we must be careful not to allow the “holiday” to obscure or overshadow the "Memorial" as we partake in our weekend activities. Memorial Day should be a solemn reminder of the cost of freedom and it should renew our understanding of the necessity for our own commitment to preserving it through active and responsible citizenship. And, we should never forget to remember, pray for, and express our gratitude and respect to the men and women currently serving in our military, including their families. Freedom is truly every citizen's call to duty. As one of our former presidents expressed it, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
MAY 22, 2019
Lum & Abner Festival Coming Soon (MENA) The 42nd Annual Lum & Abner Festival is returning to Mena and Polk County on June 7th and 8th, in historic and beautiful Janssen Park. The event is sponsored by the Mena Advertising and Promotion Commission, and is a yearly tradition for two full days of attractions, events, music and shopping. Lum and Abner was an American network radio comedy program created by Chester Lauck and Norris Goff, that aired from 1931 to 1954. The show was modeled on the life in the small town of Waters, Arkansas (now known as Pine Ridge) where Lauck and Goff grew up. Lauck played Lum and Goff played Abner. Lauck was born in Aleene, Arkansas in 1902 and Goff was born in Cove in 1906. Both had moved to Mena with their families by 1911. LIVE entertainment will fill the festival schedule with sounds of American Folk, Bluegrass and other genres of music. Arkansauce, Opal Agafia, Jessie Dean and
Company, along with other entertainers will grace the stage at Janssen Park. A wide variety of arts and crafts vendors, food vendors, and much more will also fill the park with something to check into. The popular Lum and Abner Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show, 5k Run / Walk, 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, and Softball will give a competitive feel to the event.
Farrell & Sharon Cole The Cole Team
816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000
May 22, 2019
Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
Police Reports... The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
Polk County Arraignment Report State Of Arkansas vs. John Leonard Mitchell White Male / Date of Birth: 10/19/1959 Date of Offense: October 15, 2018 Count #1: POSSESSION OF A SCHEDULE VI CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITH THE PURPOSE TO DELIVER MARIJUANA On / About October 15, 2018, unlawfully possessed Marijuana with the purpose to deliver four ounces or more, but less than twenty-five pounds by aggregate weight. Class C Felony. State Of Arkansas vs. David Marshall Fraser White Male / Date of Birth: 08/22/1988 Date of Offense: May 8, 2019 Count #1: FLEEING On / About May 8, 2019, knowing that his immediate arrest or detention was being attempted, did flee by means of any vehicle or conveyance, manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life. Class D Felony. State Of Arkansas vs. SHERI BENSON White Female / Date of Birth: 06/22/1966 Date of Offense: May 10, 2019 Count #1: BATTERY IN THE SECOND DEGREE On / About May 10, 2019, knowingly, without legal justification, caused physical injury to or incapacitated a person she knew to be, a licensed or certified healthcare professional who was providing medical treatment or while in the course of other employment relating to his or her medical training. Class D Felony. State Of Arkansas vs. Dennis Howard White Male / Date of Birth: 08/03/1973 Date of Offense: April 8, 2019 Count #1: FAILURE TO APPEAR On / About April 8, 2019, knowingly unlawfully fail to appear to answer a felony charge in CR-2018-106, without reasonable excuse and having been lawfully set at liberty upon condition that he appear at a specified time, place and court. Class C Felony. Count #2: FAILURE TO APPEAR On / About April 8, 2019, knowingly unlawfully fail to appear to answer a felony charge in CR-2019-019, without reasonable excuse and having been lawfully set at liberty upon condition that he appear at a specified time, place and court. Class C Felony. Count #3: FAILURE TO APPEAR On / About April 8, 2019, knowingly unlawfully fail to appear to answer a felony charge in CR-2019-020, without reasonable excuse and having been lawfully set at liberty upon condition that he appear at a specified time, place
and court. Class C Felony. State Of Arkansas vs. Debbie A. Pruitt White Female / Date of Birth: 08/17/1984 Date of Offense: April 12, 2019 Count #1-2: COMMERCIAL BURGLARY On / About April 12, 2019, acting alone or as an accomplice to Charles Harvey, did unlawfully enter a commercial occupiable structure of another person with the purpose of committing in the residential commercial structure any offense punishable by imprisonment. Class C Felony. Count #3: THEFT OF PROPERTY On / About April 12, 2019, acting alone or as an accomplice to Charles Harvey, did unlawfully and knowingly take or exercise unauthorized control over property, valued at $1000 or less, with the purpose of depriving the owner thereof. Class A Misdemeanor. Count #4-6: CRIMINAL MISCHIEF IN 1ST DEGREE On / About April 12, 2019, did purposefully and without legal justification destroy or cause damage to the property of Simple Simons Pizza, Dollar Tree and The Salvation Army, in one criminal episode with an actual amount of damage of $1000 or less. Class A Misdemeanor. State Of Arkansas vs. Vickie Ramirez White Female / Date of Birth: 02/19/1977 Date of Offense: May 15, 2019 Count #1: POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHANALIA On / About May 15, 2019, did possess with the purpose to use the drug paraphernalia to inject, incest, inhale or otherwise introduce Methamphetamine into the human body. Class D Felony. Count #2: POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHANALIA On / About May 15, 2019, did possess with the purpose to use the drug paraphernalia to store, contain or conceal a controlled substance, That is Methamphetamine or Cocaine. Class D Felony. Count #3: POSSESSION OF A SCHEDULED II CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE On / About May 15, 2019, did unlawfully possessed Methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in an amount less than two Grams. Class D Felony.
State Of Arkansas vs. Stephanie Abbott White Female / Date of Birth: 08/09/1980 Date of Offense: May 14, 2019 Count #1: DOMESTIC BATTERY IN THE 1ST DEGREE On / About May 15, 2019, with the purpose of causing physical injury to a family or household member, did cause physical injury to a family or household member by means of a deadly weapon. Class D Felony. State Of Arkansas vs. Krishna K. Turner
White Female / Date of Birth: 03/16/1992 Date of Offense: May 14, 2019 Count #1: POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHANALIA On / About May 14, 2019, did unlawfully possessed Methamphetamine, with the purpose to deliver in an aggregate amount of two Grams or more, but less than ten Grams.. Class B Felony. Count #2: POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHANALIA On / About May 14, 2019, did possess with the purpose to use the drug paraphernalia to store, contain or conceal a controlled substance, That is Methamphetamine or Cocaine. Class D Felony. Count #3: FLEEING On / About May 14, 2019, knowing that his immediate arrest or detention was being attempted, did flee by means of any vehicle or conveyance, manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life. Class A Misdemeanor.
Mena Police Department Report May 12, 2019 Report was made of someone vandalizing a gate on a local property. No suspects at this time. Shawn Daniel Morrison, 34, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant from the Mena Police Department. He was picked up in Texarkana, and local officers travelled there to return him to Polk County. May 13, 2019 Jennifer Widders, 27, of Mena was charged with shoplifting after officers responded to a call at a local retail store. Dax Wood, 22, of Mena was charged with shoplifting after a call to a local retail store. He was additionally served an outstanding warrant from the Mena Police Department. Jeremiah Brown, 38, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant from a local agency. Thomas Russell Lindley, 47, of Fort Smith was charged with possession of a schedule VI controlled substance and disorderly conduct after a call to a local business. Officers travelled to Glenwood and brought Debbie Arline Pruett, 34, of Mena back to Polk County where she was served an outstanding warrant from the Mena Police Department. May 14, 2019 Jessica D. Caldwell, 37, of Mena was charged with possession of an instrument of crime following a traffic stop. Stephanie Abbot, 38, of Mena was charged with second degree battery. The arrest followed a call and subsequent investigation at a local residence. Mamie Renee Stinson, 41, of Mena was served an outstanding warrant for contempt of court from the Waldron Police Department. May 15, 2019
John Charles Murphy, 32, of Mena was charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license. Vickie Ramirez, 42, of Mena was charged with possession of cocaine or methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, having no driver’s license, and filing to signal. Arrest followed a traffic stop. May 16, 2019 A local woman reported the theft of her vehicle which was later located in Fort Smith Report was forwarded to the prosecuting attorney’s office for an arrest warrant for the suspect. May 17, 2019 A Polk County woman reported that her 16-year-old daughter had not come home. She was located and the mother came to the communications center to get her. Case has been referred to juvenile authorities. Jack Rawlins, 52, of Mena was served an outstanding warrant from the Mena Police Department. May 18, 2019 Dusty T. Dollar, 53, of Oden was charged with DWI after a call from a concerned citizen. James Miller, 42, of Mena was charged with shoplifting after a call to a local retail store.
Polk County Sheriffs Report May 13, 2019 Report of a domestic disturbance on Polk 76 East near Mena led to the arrest of Katelyn E. Enyeart, 26, of Mena, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. Also arrested was Logan E. Pitts, 40, of Mena, on Charges of Disorderly Conduct and Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance. Report from Polk County Detention Center of the discovery of contraband on an inmate in the facility. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was Lauren A. Spurkosky, 34, of Mena, on a Warrant for Tampering. Arrested was Debbie A. Pruitt, 34, of Mena, on Charges of Theft of Property and Criminal Mischief 1st Degree and a Warrant for Commercial Burglary. Arrested was Jeff A. White, 38, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order and a Montgomery County Warrant.
-See Sheriff, continued pg. 7
MAY 22, 2019 Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
SILVER SCREEN Ouachita River School District THEATER Holds Fishing Derbies for students NOW SHOWING 1200 Pine St. - Mena
Both Acorn Elementary School and Ode Maddox Elementary School have held Spring Fishing Derbies for students. Acorn Elementary students in grades K-3 fished in the Janssen Park Pond on May 9. Stocked with catfish from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, this was the first time that many students had caught a fish! The event was well attended with over 200 students and 145 parents and grandparents supporting their kids. Janssen Park personnel welcomed the group giving them an excellent experience. Leo Mabry’s high school students were there to assist these young anglers. Ode Maddox Elementary School held their Fishing Derby at the Oden Rifle Range Pond, also stocked with catfish from AGFC. U.S. Forest Service representatives supported the event and presented programs relating to fish habitats and biology. The Montgomery County 4-H leader assisted with teaching students the art of fishing. Approximately 85 students
and 73 parents and grandparents encouraged the excited students. This annual event culminates a year of
student learning about science and the environment in Mrs. Rusert’s Science Labs.
FRI & SAT : 6P & 8P SUN : Matinee 3P & 6P Home of the
Silver Screen Theater
MAY 22, 2019
Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
Judy Kaye Cannon age 73 of Mena, Arkansas passed away Friday, May 17, 2019 at the Mena Regional Health System. She was born on July 26, 1945 to the late Owen and Helen Philpot of Mena, Arkansas. Judy always wanted to be a nurse. In the process of fulfilling her dream, she provided comfort and care to hundreds of people in her 45-year career. Judy also spent several years teaching Advanced Cardiac Life Support to the staff of Mena Regional Hospital and the ambulance staff of the area, along with working in the Emergency Room. It was an emotional and difficult profession, but she loved it. She also loved the Lord, family and especially movies and Gospel music by Elvis Presley! Judy is survived by daughter, Stephanee Brown and husband Rick; sisters: Mary Ryals and husband Leon, Nell Langston and husband Carlos, and Dell Willhite; grandsons: Rob Wallis, Rayden Laird, Grant, and Andrew Laird; and a host of nieces, nephews, family and friends. She is preceded in death by her parents, Owen and Helen Philpot; grandparents, Amos and Grace Egger and Walter and Anna Philpot; and a brother Jim Philpot. A gathering of family and friends will be Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Beasley Wood Chapel. Arrangements are under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Online obituary at
Caring for your family since 1928
Suedell “Sue” James, lovingly known as Momma and Granny, age 74 of Watson, Oklahoma passed away Monday, May 13, 2019 in Watson, Oklahoma. Granny was born on July 20, 1944 in Mena, Arkansas to the late Charles James and the late Rhoda Jefferson James. She worked for Tyson in the Poultry business for many years. Granny was a die-hard Oklahoma Sooners fan and an avid DeQueen Lady Leopard softball fan with Granny being #7’s biggest fan. She enjoyed working cross word puzzles, reading and working in her yard. Granny was a loving and dedicated mother, granny, aunt, and friend to all who knew her. She is survived by daughter, Shelly Taylor and husband Mike of DeQueen, Arkansas; sons: Daniel James of Warren, MI, Doug James of Mena, Arkansas, Jerry James of Antlers, Oklahoma; grandchildren: Lexy, Alan, Brittney, Haylee, Eric, Jeremy, Marissa, Whitney, and Ty; great-grandchildren: Abel, Paisley, Nolan and Dylan; special friend, Ted Ludlow; special nephew, Johnnie Hartin; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Rhoda James, one brother and three sisters. Funeral service was Friday, May 17, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at Beasley-Wood Chapel with Brother Darrell Brien officiating. Interment followed in the Kulli Tuklo Cemetery in Watson, Oklahoma under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Visitation was Thursday, May 16, 2019 at Beasley-Wood from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Pallbearers were Chad Roberts, Bill Roberts, Tyler Ludlow, Brendan Ludlow, Juan Ugarte, Seth Crow, Kelsey Ludlow and Archie McDaniel. Honorary pallbearers were Abel James, Dylan James, Nolan Mattes, and Tristan Ludlow. Online obituary at
Locally owned & operated 479-394-1310
611 Janssen Avenue - Mena, AR
Obituaries are
available online at
Bob Owen Davis, age 84, of Mena, Arkansas died Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab in Mena. He was born on Saturday, November 24, 1934 to Charles Whitney Sr. and Mary Katherine Fortner Davis in Shreveport, Louisiana. Bob served his county in the United States Army during the Korean Conflict. After he was honorably discharged from the Army, Bob found himself in the 1950’s at a Billy Graham Crusade where he accepted Christ as his Savior. Bob loved his family, his animals and was very charitable to others in need. Bob was very athletic and
FAULKNER James Lewis Faulkner, better known by his loved ones as “Jimmy”, “Dad”, or “Papa”, passed away on May 19, 2019, at the age of 79, at Mercy Hospital in Fort Smith. Jimmy was born on January 14th, 1940 to Lewis and Mary Lee Faulkner in Mena, Arkansas. Although he lived the last 20 years of his life in Greenwood, he would always consider his home to be Mena, the place where he grew up, met his wife, raised two children, and pursued a 30 year career with U.S. Motors. After retirement, he relocated to Greenwood where he enjoyed tinkering in his shop, diligently following the stock market, and solving the world’s problems over coffee with friends. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Linda Faulkner; two sons: Bob Faulkner of Huntsville, Alabama and Scott Faulkner and wife Valerie of Fort Smith; two grandchildren: Josh Faulkner and partner Alma
enjoyed playing tennis and going on walks. Bob was a loving uncle and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Charles Davis Jr. and his sister, Gaye Wilcox. Bob is survived by one sister, several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A graveside services was held on Friday, May 17, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Forest Park Cemetery in Shreveport, Louisiana. Visitation was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena. Arrangements were entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Online Guestbook:
Pena and Abby Saviers and husband Robert; one great-grandchild, Dahlia Faulkner; as well as his siblings and their spouses: Nancy Abbott, Linda and Jimbo Davis, Jack Faulkner, Carla and Steve Mosley; and brother-in-laws: Gus Abbott and Dick Goodgame. He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters: Doris Abbott and Nodene Goodgame; brother-in-law, Tom Abbott; and daughter-in-law, Donna Faulkner. Funeral service will be Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 at 2:00pm, at Beasley Wood Chapel, with Brother Fred Salter and Brother Donnie Jewell officiating. Interment will follow at Pinecrest Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Gus Abbott, Jimmy Abbott, Dick Goodgame, LaDell Risenhoover, Shawn Walker, Josh Faulkner, and Robert Saviers. Visitation was Tuesday, May 21st, from 5:00 – 7:00pm at Beasley Wood Funeral Home. Arrangements under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena Obituary at
It Will Be a Supernatural Conference
All Day Saturday - June 1, 2019 • Begins at 10 a.m. COVENANT OF LIFE FAMILY CHURCH 1101 Pine Avenue • Mena, AR 71953 Guest speaker is Evangelist
Carla Vain Kelly & Missionaries: Bro. Daniel & Sister Delia Hale
They operate in gifts of the Spirit and one word could change your life! Free luncheon and a meeting after lunch Please register by calling 394-6763 or 394-1126 Join Us also for Our Sunday Morning Service at 10:30 a.m.
Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
-Sheriff, from pg. 4
Arrested by a Drug Task Force Officer was Dennis W. Howard, 45, of Cove, on a Warrant for Felony Failure to Appear. May 14, 2019 Report of disruptive behavior led to a 17-year-old male being issued Juvenile Citations for Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Traffic stop on Highway 71 South near Cove led to the arrest of Krishna K. Turner, 27, of Vandervoort, on Charges of Fleeing, Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance, No Driver’s License, No Vehicle Insurance and No Vehicle License. Report from walk-in complainant of the mistreatment of animals. Investigation continues. Arrested was Michael W. McCormick, 55, of Grannis, on a Warrant for Rape. Report from complainant on Polk 189 near Mena of unauthorized persons on their property. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. May 15, 2019 Report from complainant on River Lane
near Ink of being the victim of theft by deception, totaling losses at $2,500.00. Investigation continues. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was James C. Lane, 40, of Mena, on a Body Attachment Warrant. May 16, 2019 Report of a disturbance on Fender Lane near Ink. Deputy responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of a disturbance on Polk 418 near Potter led to a 17-year-old male being issued Juvenile Citations for Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Mischief. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. May 17, 2019 Report of a domestic disturbance on Polk 24 near Cove. Deputies responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of a domestic disturbance on Polk 122 near Shady Grove. Deputies responded. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Tilley Road
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near Hatfield of the theft of a firearm, valued at $350.00. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Highway 71 South near Cove of the fraudulent use of a credit card, totaling losses at $10,000.00. Investigation continues. May 18, 2019 Report from complainant on Polk 416 near Potter of being the victim of an attempted scam. Complainant was advised to cease all contact with suspect. Report from complainant on Polk 646 near Mena of the theft of lumber, valued at $52.00. Investigation continues. Report from a Mena woman of the discovery of a firearm. Arrested was Jacquelin L. Burnett, 28, of Mena, on a Drug Court Sanction. Arrested was Rosie R. Arthur, 45, of Oden, on a Warrant for Felony Failure to Appear. May 19, 2019 Report from complainant on Polk 710 near Potter of unauthorized vehicles on their property led to the arrest of Logan E. Pitts, 40, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License.
MAY 22, 2019
Report from complainant on Polk 710 near Potter of the discovery of illegal substances. Deputy responded. Report from a church on Polk 70 in Cherry Hill of the theft of electronics, all valued at $120.00. Investigation continues. Report of a disturbance on Polk 661 near Cherry Hill. Deputy responded. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was Kristian D. Taylor, 31, of Hatfield, on a Warrant for Felony Failure to Appear. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked two vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 24 Incarcerated Inmates , with 9 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
MAY 22, 2019
8 479-243-9600
Weekly Publication
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Homestyle Cooking from Scratch
MAY 22, 2019
Weekly Publication
Broadband Access in Arkanas By 2022 (LITTLE ROCK) Governor Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday set a goal of expanding access to high-speed broadband Internet to all communities in the state with more than 500 people by 2022, calling for vast increases in Internet speed and connections for a state that ranks last in access to the Web. The governor's State Broadband Plan, which does not call for a new commitment of state funds, instead relies on the expectation that large amounts of federal funds will be made available for Internet service providers to build networks and run wires into rural areas that now lack broadband access. A 77-page report released Wednesday by the governor's office pointed to a trio of new laws passed by the Legislature earlier this year as influential in the deployment of broadband services. Among those laws was Act 198 of 2019, which ended the prohibition on government entities providing broadband services on their own or through a partnership with a private company. Arkansas ranks last among states in access to wired broadband, according to the website While 92% of Americans as a whole have access to wired broadband, only about 75% of Arkansans have similar access. The Federal Communications Commission's standard for minimum broadband speeds is 25 megabits per second for downloads, and 3 Mbps for uploads. That's fast enough to download a song in a second, or a two-hour movie in about 10 minutes. Maps created by the Arkansas Development Finance Authority's Economic Policy Division show that access to broadband is especially sparse in towns throughout the Arkansas Delta, Ozark Mountains and the southern timberlands. The governor's report also found that "substantial" parts of some urban areas, such as Little Rock and West Memphis, lack access to high-speed Internet. J.R. Davis, a spokesman for the governor, said that by simply adopting a statewide plan, Internet service providers operating in Arkansas can score higher in their grant applications with the federal government. The governor's report pointed to investments in rural broadband being made by the FCC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including the anticipation of a 10year, $20.4 billion Rural Digital Opportu-
nity Fund that has been proposed by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. Elizabeth Bowles, the CEO of Little Rock wireless Internet service provider Aristotle Inc., described a lack of usable available infrastructure, such as poles on which to hang wire, and the distance between rural customers as a cost barrier to traditional Internet service providers expanding to rural areas. Without high-speed Internet, customers end up moving out of those communities, creating a "vicious cycle," Bowles said. While the governor's plan does not specify how it plans to identify "population centers" of more than 500 people -- or whether those communities must be incorporated -- Davis said the effect of the plan will likely extend beyond small towns. According to the report, 641,000 Arkansans did not have access to wired Internet capable of broadband speeds, despite 136 Internet service providers operating in the state, which has a population of about 3 million. There are 721,000 Arkansans who have access to a single wired Internet service provider, according to the report.
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l Open to boys or girls 7 yrs to 12 yrs of age l Camp will be held in the old Hatfield High l School gym, Monday through Thursday l Christian coaches coaching basketball basics with Christian ethics and sportsmanship Sponsored By First Baptist Church of Hatfield and The Sports Ministry of North Texas The Sports Ministry of North Texas has over 30 yrs of
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Lay me down in the cold cold ground Where before many more have gone Lay me down in the cold cold ground Where before many more have gone When they come I will stand my ground Stand my ground I’ll not be afraid Thoughts of home take away my fear Sweat and blood hide my veil of tears Once a year say a prayer for me Close your eyes and remember me
MAY 22, 2019 479-243-9600
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MAY 22, 2019
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MAY 22, 2019
12 479-243-9600
Weekly Publication
Acorn Archery Attended NASP National Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky
Acorn Archery attended the NASP National Tournament on May 11th in Louisville, KY. There were 14,500 archers shooting in this tournament. Brody Webb came in 4th out of 7,837 male archers with a score of 298. He was the 1st place shooter for the state of Arkansas. The team also qualified by their score for the NASP Championship on July 27th in Nashville, TN. At the Championship, Brody was one of 18 shooters who competed in a shoot-
When Mena High School 40-Year Club was organized in 1956, its primary purpose was to plan gatherings for those who graduated from Mena High School more than 40 years prior. The Board of Directors established a scholarship fund to assist MHS graduates who plan to attend college. In 1982, the first Scholarship Committee was formed. In 2005, the Scholarship Committee established two endowments at RMCC. Currently there are four MHS 40-Year Club endowments at UARM, and more than $20,000 hs been awarded to Mena High School seniors to further their education.
off for a scholarship up to $20,000. He was guaranteed a scholarship of $1000. The team would like to thank their community and the many generous donors who have made this season possible. Thank you to Union Bank of Mena, Goss Electronics, Nidec, UA Rich Mountain, Freedom Pharmacy, Healthy Connections, ACCI Restorations, Sonic, Select Realty, Rich Mountain Women's Clinic, Simple Simons Pizza, Curt's Tire, Farm Bureau, Handy Hardware, and Carroll & Edna Pettigrew.
The Mena High School 40-Year Club 2019 gathering will be held May 24th - May 25th, 2019 A Reception for the incoming classes of 1978-1979 will be at 6:00 pm Friday, May 24th at the Mena Middle School Cafeteria
A Reception for 60+ Year Graduates will be from 10:00 am - 11:30 am Saturday, May 25th at the Ouachita Center
University of Arkansas Rich Mountain
All classes are invited to the 2019 reunion at the Mena High School Saturday, May 25th beginning at 2:00 pm ending in the evening with a Fish/Barbeque Dinner hosted by the 40-Year Club Board of Directors
For more Information and Registration Forms Check out Our Facebook Pg School-Forty-Year-Club
MAY 22, 2019 Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
UALR, Arkansas State and UCA in College Baseball Action (JONESBORO) Little Rock set a new program record for conference wins with their 13-9 win over Arkansas State to complete the sweep, Saturday afternoon at Tomlinson Stadium-Kell Field. The Trojans picked up their 18th conference win of the year in the regular season finale, breaking the record of 17 wins set in 2016. Little Rock improves to 28-26 overall (18-11 Sun Belt) while Arkansas State falls to 26-29 (11-19 Sun Belt). Meanwhile, in Beaumont, Texas, a come-from-behind 4-3 victory over Lamar on Saturday at Vincent-Beck Stadium earned the University of Central Arkansas Bears their eighth Southland Conference series win of the year and the No. 2 seed in next week's SLC Tournament. The Bears (29-25, 19-11) got an RBI triple from junior third baseman Beau Orlando in a three-run eighth inning and then
Swap Shop
held off the Cardinals (18-36, 9-12) to close the regular season. UCA finished in a tie for second with Southeastern Louisiana in the final SLC standings but earned the No. 2 seed by virtue of its 2-1 series win over the Lions on the opening conference weekend back in March in Hammond, La. UCA, making its eighth consecutive SLC tournament appearance, will face seventh-seeded Northwestern State, the defending SLC Tournament champions, at noon Wednesday at Constellation Field in Sugar Land, Texas. The No. 2 seed is the highest ever for the Bears, who won the tournament in 2013 as a No. 7 seed and have reached two other championship games since. The 19 conference wins is a school record for the Bears since moving into the SLC in 2007.
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MAY 22, 2019
14 479-243-9600
Weekly Publication
Mena City Council Discusses Increasing Pool Rates (MENA) Mena City Council met Tuesday night and discussed the possibility of raising the rates for the McMillan Park Swimming Pool and Kiddie Pool. Mayor Seth Smith noted that the rates had not been raised since 2010 and the city had seen five minimum wage rate increases during that time. General Admission rates will increase by 50 cents to $4.00 per person. Seniors aged 55 and older & children aged five and under goes to $2.00 per person each. Pool parties for up to 50 people will see an increase of $5.00 to $75.00. Pool par-
Every Friday on 104.1 KENA we're giving away 2 all day passes to MAGIC SPRINGS Theme and Water Park! Go by these sponsors and sign up today! Then listen to 104.1 KENA every Friday during the Morning Walk with Sam. If your name is drawn you win 2 all day passes to Magic Springs! If your name isn't drawn, go back and sign up again! We're doing this all summer long!
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If you go on a Saturday you could see a free concert!
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ties for 100 people or more will not see a change and will stay at $100.00. A book of 25 tickets will see the biggest increase of $15.00 to $75.00. According to Mayor Smith, the book of tickets will still be a savings of $25.00, compared to buying individual admission. Swimming lessons for a two week period will increase by $10.00 to $40.00. The rate increases will take effect once the pool restoration project is completed, which should be completed within the next two weeks or sooner.
Mena City Council To Honor the Late Dale “D.C.” Spencer (MENA) The memory of the late Dale “D.C.” Spencer will be forever remembered for the many accomplishments that he did for the City of Mena and the many thousands of dollars that he helped the city save with engineering and design. Spencer recently passed away earlier this year and had been an architect of the Talimena Scenic Parkway, that starts in downtown Mena. He also helped design the layout for Aubrey Tapley Park and now Mena City Council has passed a resolution
that changes the name of the roadway leading into Tapley Park from Recreation Lane to the Dale D.C. Spencer Lane. The unaminous vote by Council echoed on what Councilman James Earl Turner mentioned about how Spencer saved the City a fortune, if he hadn’t been involved on various projects. As soon as crews complete the pickup of the recent Spring cleanup, they will install the new street sign leading into the park, just off Highway 71 North.
OLT Benson Awards set for June 1 The Ouachita Little Theater is holding its biennial Benson Award ceremony on June 1 at the Ouachita Center on the U of A Rich Mountain campus. Featuring a catered dinner by Papa's Mexican Café beginning at 6:00 PM, the
pre-dinner music will be presented by Kassie Moe. The program will follow at 6:30 PM. Various awards will be presented to OLT participants by well-known members of the community in the categories of acting, technical, and Jr. OLT productions for the 2017/2018 seasons. Musical interludes will provide entertainment throughout the presentations. There will be door prizes and a silent auction to benefit the Ouachita Little Theater Building Projects Fund. Table sponsorships are available starting at $300 and open to businesses as well as individuals. All donations are tax deductible. Advanced tickets may be purchased at the OLT office at 610 Mena Street Monday thru Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Tickets are $10.00 each and include the meal. Anyone is welcome to attend!
MAY 22, 2019
Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Car show Saturday morning (check in is at 8:00am/registration at 10:30am) Face painting 10am - noon Sidewalk Art Competition 10am - noon Concert: Mike Mayberry and the Slow Hands perform at around 7:00pm Listed in the National Register of Historic Places
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MAY 22, 2019
Weekly Publication 479-243-9600
MRHS Cost Contained Program Pays Off
Mena Regional Health System recently implemented a Cost Containment program in order to find more efficient ways to conduct hospital operations. A committee, consisting of hospital executives and a non-manager representative from each department, was formed to present ideas on both labor and material cost savings each quarter after brainstorming with their colleagues. Each quarter, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place departments in both categories will be awarded on a percentage of their savings. The 1st Place Department for Quarterly Labor Savings was awarded to the Environmental Services department. (pictured top left). The 1st place Department for Quarterly Cost Savings was awarded to Radiology. (pictured bottom left). Karey Don Kesterson, CFO (pictured left) is shown presenting the checks to the departments.
Bad weather outside? Bring the team to SOUTHERN SPORTS ACADEMY l Indoor batting cages and fielding area for baseball and softball
TWO SYSTEMS, TWO LIVES, TWO DESTINATIONS There are just two systems at work in the world today, two and only tow. There is a world system that is dominated by the enemy of God, a system which, according to the Bible, hates God and all that He loves. Radical statement? Yes. True? Yes, absolutely. Jesus called satan the “prince of this world” (John 14:30. Paul, directed by the Holy Spirit wrote, “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2: 2). And then from I John come these words “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the evil one” (I John 5: 19). And then there is John 3: 16 which tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” There is the world that God loves and there is the world that is essentially a system controlled by the enemy of God, whose name is “Abaddon and Apollyon” (Rev. 9: 11). All of us belong to one king and one kingdom, or another. There is the kingdom of satan, which he controls from behind the scenes. Remember, Jesus called him a “prince,” and a “prince” is a ruler. And there is the Kingdom of God which is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ! We are, all of us, by nature, members of the world system. We have inherited a “sin nature,” which none of us can, on our own, overcome. We may deny it but the evidence is all around us that something is badly “out of order”. And it will get worse! The world system is hostile to the rule and reign of Jesus Christ, and there will never be peace between the two worlds. Very few Christians understand the meaning of the word “saved.” By itself the word comes from a Greek word that means to “rescue” us from something. Rescue means that God Himself has reached into the doomed world system and pulled us out. He does that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross. He went “behind the lines” to rescue us. And then those who are rescued become “ambassadors for Christ” in the world from which they have been rescued. An ambassador is the representative of one king in the court of another. As those who have been rescued it is now our highest privilege to tell others who are entrapped by the system how to get out of it. We now represent the King of Glory in the kingdom of satan. We represent Him in two ways. First, we represent Him by the New Life that He has brought into us; and second, we represent Him by sharing His terms for peace. And once we have truly accepted those terms we will know how and what to share with others. The “term” is faith in Jesus Christ. But faith is more than emotion and it is more than knowledge. When faith is real it will evidence itself in its new relationship to Christ. He is no longer a figure in history or in “religion;” He is now our very personal Lord and Savior. As ambassadors we must express His terms, not ours. God has made Him “both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2: 36). We must make Him no less thank God has made Him to be. “Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Phil. 2: 11). Which kingdom do you belong to? Which one do you want to belong to? Make Jesus your Lord and Savior today. MESSAGE PROVIDED AND PAID FOR BY GENE STACKS
l Indoor area for soccer
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Weekly Publication Thursday, May 23rd 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachita is open at 368 Polk Road 50. 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at 234-5844 or Linda Rowe at (479)234-2575 for more info. 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club at 1159 Hwy, 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Education Wing, West End. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. 6:00 p.m. - Grief Share Seminar / Support Group meets at Ouachita Regional Hospice, 602 DeQueen Street in Mena. 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club 1159 Hwy 71 South, Mena. For more information, call (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. Friday, May 24th 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachita is open at 368 Polk Road 50. 12:00 p.m. – PCDC Board of Directors will meet in the MRHS Conference Room A. 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at Mena Art Gallery. 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Hwy 71 South. 2:00 p.m. - Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. 4:00 p.m. - Butterflies Discussion at Queen Wilhelmina State Park’s Amphitheater. 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. 479-243-9600
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Hatfield Auditorium Country-Western Dance Admission is $6 and 50/50 drawing. 8:00 p.m. - Sunset Art In The Park at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Picnic Area. 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club 1159 Hwy 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. Saturday, May 25th 8:30 a.m. - 5k Color Fun Run Walk / Jog / Run. Proceeds benefit Acorn FCCLA trip to Nationals. For more information, contact Mindy Lyle at (479)394-5544 10:00 a.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Men’s meeting – ABC Club, across form Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 South, Mena – (281)3870400. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachita is open at 368 Polk Road 50. 2:00 p.m. - Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. 4:00 p.m. - Dutch Oven Demonstration at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Picnic Area. 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 North, Acorn. 7:00 p.m. - S’mores at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Picnic Area. 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Hwy 71 South, Mena. (479)243-0297 or (479)216-4606. Sunday, May 26th 9:00 a.m. - Unnatural Hike at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Amphitheater. 10:00 a.m. - Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. 2:00 p.m. - Volleyball at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Amphitheater. 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club 1159 Hwy 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. 3:00 p.m. – Worship service is held at Sulpher Springs Church. 3:30 p.m. – BINGO at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Conference Room.
4:00 p.m. - Edible Insects Discussion at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Hearth Room. Monday, May 27th 8:00 a.m. - Bird Watching at Queen Wilhelmina State Park, near Lovers Leap. 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. 2:00 p.m. - Five Minute Class on Ice Cream at Queen Wilhelmina State Park Amphitheater. 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. 6:00 p.m. - Clarice’s Room of Hope group gathering will be held at 403 North Morrow St., Suite C. 6:00 p.m. – Home Front Warriors CMA Chapter 377 meeting at Limetree Restaurant. Meeting follows meal. 6:00 p.m. – We The People Tea Party meets at Papas Mexican Restaurant. 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-2430297. 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. 7:00 p.m. – Mena Elks Lodge meeting. All Elks are invited to attend. Tuesday, May 28th 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The written portion of the drivers test will be given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority, and as long as road conditions are optimal the driving portion of the test will be given. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50.
MAY 22, 2019
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and work with other artists. 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch library will be open. 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Polk County Housing Authority Community Room LIVE country and gospel music. 7:00 p.m. – The Marine Corps League Detachment will meet at The Limetree Restaurant, Mena. For more information, call 479-234-0769. 7:30 p.m. – Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge #218 will meet at the Hatfield Lodge. 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479-234-3043. Wednesday, May 29th 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Shepherd’s Closet open at First Baptist Church 4802 Hwy 71 S Hatfield, AR 870-389-6412. Accepting and distributing clothing/usable household items/and nonperishable food items. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachita is open at 366 Polk Road 50. 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena. 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library is open. 5:30 p.m. – Dinner at Christ Community Fellowship followed by services at 6:15 p.m. services for Youth, Children’s Activities, Young Adult and Adult Bible studies. 5:30 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Bible Study Service. 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297.
We’re Always on at
MAY 22, 2019
18 479-243-9600
Weekly Publication
Crossword Puzzle 05.22.19
Brodix, Inc. is accepting applications for general labor positions. Applications may be picked up at the Brodix office, located at 301 Maple Avenue in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. T060519 F.M. Dix Foundry is accepting applications for general labor positions. Applications may be picked up at the office, located at 301 Maple Avenue in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. T060519
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MAY 22, 2019 Weekly Publication
Polk County Births
Mena Regional Health System May 10, 2019 - May 17, 2019
Nina Jones and Scotty McCauley,
of Wickes, Arkansas, are the proud parents of a baby boy born May 10th
Tabitha Gonyea and Bobby May,
of Mena, Arkansas, are the proud
parents of a baby girl born May 11th
Amanda and Scott Reid,
of Mena, Arkansas, are the proud parents of a baby boy born May 14th
Ashley and Kyle Woody,
of Mena, Arkansas, are the proud parents of a baby boy born May 16th
Memorial Day in Polk County SUBMITTED BY CARLA VAUGHT The unofficial-official start of summer will be celebrated this weekend. Known as Memorial Day in the USA, the real reason we mark this patriotic holiday is to honor the men/women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. This holiday, like all patriotic holidays in Polk County, will be marked with American flags lining our sidewalks. If you are like me, you assume the flags will be there when the occasion arises. Until I was called to help secure 4-H members to assist one year, I didn’t realize the size of the program and the dedication of people that make it happen. The flag program has been established for at least 25 years. It began with the Jaycees, handed to the Fleet Reserve Association, and then passed to the American Legion Post #18 who continues it today. There are 152 flags placed each holiday sponsored by 117 businesses and/or individuals. Ret. Col. Billy R. Wood coordinates the flag program at this time. The flags are organized into five routes lead by veteran volunteers. In the wee hours of the morning and depending on the season: darkness or light, cold or hot, rain
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or shine; the flags are taken out of storage and placed in inconspicuous holders along the streets in our community. At the end of the day, the teams gather back to follow the routes and carefully roll the flags back up for their trip back to storage. The route leaders are: Route 1 Michael and Mary Meier; Route 2Eddie Cross; Route 3 L.J. Dugan; Route 4 Bob Young and Billy Wood; and Route 5 Bob Lancaster and David Spurgin. Current volunteers that help the leaders include: Kelvin Crochet; Seth Smith, Ed Anderson, Nathan Roth, Heather and Sarah Grenier; Randy Lindsey; Micheal McKinnis; Ladurl Knight; Melanie Wade; Carla Vaught; 4-H, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts. How can you help with this program? Sponsor a flag for $25 a year. Sign up to help put out and take down flags. Each route could use more helpers. They meet at 6:30 am to put out flags and around 5 pm to take down flags! If you would like to volunteer, you can contact the Veterans Service Office at the Polk County Office Complex on Pine Street or contact Billy Wood. Our local Veterans play a big role in our community. Members from our veterans groups work together to form the Polk
The Cossatot River School District is excited to announce that we will be having a
Summer Feeding Program!
The program will provide meals to the community for breakfast and lunch.
Wickes Elementary 130 School Drive Wickes, AR 71973
Breakfast 7:30-8:30 a.m. Lunch 11:00-12:00 p.m.
PRICE we’re here when you need us most!
County Honor Guard. Honor Guard provides funeral honors for fallen comrades and serves as guardians of the colors by escorting and displaying the national flag on ceremonial occasions. Through Community Veterans Engagement Team, chaired by Theresa Judkins at the Veteran Service Office, civilians and veterans are encouraged to get involved. All veteran organizations are working together to bring awareness and attention to Military Suicide Prevention. Twenty-two American military personnel a day choose to end their life. The Disabled American Veterans provides the van that transport folks to the Little Rock VA each day. All veterans groups, community volunteers, and the Fraternal Order of Elks help with driving. The Marine Corp League sponsors the Toys for Tots program, Coats for Kids, and funds the Herbert A Littleton scholarship each year. The VFW conduct a scholarship program and provide valentines and gifts to the local nursing homes. The Fraternal Order of Eagles conduct a disaster relief program in our community. The American Legion: conducts fundraising BINGO for their scholarship programs, sponsor Boys and Girls State each summer, conduct the annual Law Enforcement Dinner each October, and coordinates the flag display program.
May 28th – 31st June 3rd – 6th June 10th – 13th June 17th – 20th
18 and under – FREE Adults – Breakfast $2 & Lunch $3.75
For more information, contact Carla Harwood, Child Nutrition Director at 870-385-7101 Ext. 5800
MAY 22, 2019
20 479-243-9600
Weekly Publication