November 16, 2016
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New Regulations to Affect Adults with Disabilities and PCDC BY MELANIE BUCK •
A n act sig ned into l aw in 2 0 1 4 that is m eant to protect w orke rs w ith disab il ities has fam il ies in the area concerned that it has the potential to create a hardship instead. T he W orkf orce I nnova tion and O pportunity A ct ( W I O A ) w as sig ned into l aw on Ju l y 2 2 , 2 0 1 4 b y P resident B arack O b am a and w as created to “ increase indivi dual s w ith disab il ities access to CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
Godfrey Appointed as Director of ASA BY MELANIE BUCK •
F orm er P ol k C ounty S heriff M ike G odfrey continues to adva nce in the ranks and now sits as the D irector of the A rka nsas S heriff’ s A ssociation ( A S A ) . G odfrey serve d as S heriff in P ol k C ounty for m ore than six y ears, resig ning in A ug ust 2 0 1 6 to take a position as D eputy D irector of A S A . CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
Community Honors Our Veterans
Y oung I nduc ted i nto Ark ansas M ilitary V eterans H all of F ame
Polk County Offers a Triple Treat of Community Thanksgiving Festivities BY MELANIE BUCK •
T here w il l b e three chances for P ol k C ounty citize n’ s to take part in com m unity T hanksg iv ing cel eb rations. E ach of the dinners have their ow n ag enda and each serve s hundreds each T hanksg ivi ng . The first will come on November 19th, as the 6 th annual Thanksgiving Supper is held at the Vandervoort Elementary Cafeteria. From 4 p.m. p.m. on Saturday the 19th, a CONTINUED ON PAGE 27
High Voter Turnout in Polk County General Election BY MELANIE BUCK •
The 2016 General Election was held on Tuesday, November th and Republican nominee D onal d T rum p has b een vo ted in as the 4 5 th P resident of the U nited S tates. T rum p w il l be inaugurated on January 20, 201 . Trump received 290 electoral college votes, claiming the country’ s hig hest seat. I n A rka nsas, T rum p receive d 6 0 % of the vo te and in P ol k C ounty , CONTINUED ON PAGE 27
Come see our all New @ 505 DeQueen Street!
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U.S. Navy Captain (Ret.) Bob Young proudly led the Veterans Day Parade carrying the Stars & Stripes. Young was recently inducted into the Arkansas Military eterans all of ame for his acts of bravery and com mitment to protecting fellow .S. soldiers and citi ens.. SEE ST RY PA E 26. ocal veterans were honored throughout Polk County on riday with meals, ceremonies and the parade. SEE P CT R A A D ST RY PA E 26.
This week's special: Cheddar n' Ale Soup $6.95 / bowl
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
Local Masonic Lodges Host Awards Banquet T BY MELANIE BUCK •
w o county M asonic Lodg es hel d their annual b anq uet on S aturday , N ov em b er 1 2 th, and presented aw ards to l odg e and com m unity m em b ers. D al l as M asonic Lodg e ( M ena’ s Lodg e) and M ountain M eadow Lodg e Hatfield’s Lodge , hold the ban uet tog ether each y ear and honor those w ho they feel hav e g one ab ov e and b ey ond their norm al duties, w hether as a M ason or a citiz en of the com m unity . T he D al l as Lodg e g av e tw o com m unity serv ice aw ards, one to R ob ert Lancaster, w ho is al so a M ason, and one to M el anie B uck of P ul se M ul ti- M edia. M ountain M eadow al so g av e tw o com m unity serv ice aw ards. O ne to N ina T ib b s, for her unw av ering dedication to driv ing v eterans to Littl e R ock and b ack for doctor appointm ents. T ib b s has driv en m ore than 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 m il es during her serv ice w ith D A V . T hey al so recog niz ed S tev en F ree, a drug and sub stance ab use counsel or for the 1 8 th W est J udicial D istrict. T heir Lodg e S erv ice A w ards w ere presented to Larry Winfield and Steve F ortner, of M ountain M eadow Lodg e. T he D al l as Lodg e S erv ice A w ard w as presented to al l w om en of the l odg e w ho hel p in a v ariety of w ay s. M ason of the Y ear w as presented to R andy W eb ster of D al l as Lodg e and D ez i B ow l es of M ountain M eadow Lodg e. O ne of the M ason’ s hig hest honors is the P il l ars of S ol om on A w ard. M ichael C am pb el l of M ountain M eadow s receiv ed the honor, as did Lou B rook s of the D al l as Lodg e. An award specific to the local lodges w as l aunched l ast y ear w ith tw o receiv ing the hig h honor of R ose C roix . A t the tim e, the M asons stated that the aw ard had nev er b een g iv en b efore and m ay nev er b e ag ain. H ow ev er, they found another recipient as w orthy as those of the past and g av e Lou B rook s the R ose C roix . A n em otional B rook s w as at a l oss for w ords. H e has serv ed m ore than 5 0 y ears as a M ason across the g l ob e. Look for B rook s to b e featured as an upcom ing P ul se C itiz en of the W eek .
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T he P ol k C ounty P ul se is the area’ s prem iere and fastest g row ing new s pub l ication. T he P ol k C ounty P ul se is F R E E and pub l ished w eek l y on W ednesday s w ith a distrib ution of 8 , 0 0 0 and estim ated readership of 1 0 , 0 0 0 . A l l rig hts to contents are reserv ed b y P ul se M ul ti- M edia. M y P ul seN ew s. com currentl y has an on- l ine audience of 2 4 , 0 0 0 g iv ing us a com b ined readership of 3 2 , 0 0 0 . P O LI C Y : T he P ub l isher reserv es the rig ht to rej ect or cancel any adv ertisem ent at any tim e. A l l property rig hts, incl uding any copy rig ht interest, in any adv ertisem ent produced b y P ul se M ul ti- M edia and/ or T he P ol k C ounty P ul se using art w ork and/ or ty pog raphy furnished or arrang ed b y P ul se M ul ti- M edia and/ or T he P ol k C ounty P ul se shal l b e the property of P ul se M ul ti- M edia and/ or T he P ol k C ounty P ul se. N o such adv ertisem ent or any part thereof m ay b e reproduced w ithout the prior w ritten consent of P ul se M ul ti- M edia & T he P ol k C ounty P ul se. P O LI T I C A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T S : A dv ertisem ents of a pol itical nature m ust b e pre- paid and m ust al so incl ude the nam e of the entity pay ing for the adv ertisem ent. I f an entity other than the candidate the adv ertisem ent is endorsing is pay ing for the ad, a statem ent m ust b e sig ned b y the candidate v erify ing the candidate has seen and approv ed the adv ertisem ent.
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
Local Man Arrested for Marijuana Distribution C BY MELANIE BUCK •
hristopher Brinlee, Sr., age 53, of Mena, was arrested on Tuesday, November 8th, on an array of charges that center around the alleged sell and distribution of marijuana. Brinlee has been charged with two counts of Delivery of Schedule VI Controlled Substance (Class A Misdemeanor), one count of Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance with the Purpose to Deliver (a Class C Felony), Simultaneous Possession of Controlled Substance and Firearms (a Class Y Felony), three counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (a Class D Felony). Although the case is still under active investigation, other possible charges could be included. The Mena Police Department made the arrest following an investigation where marijuana was allegedly purchased from Brinlee. The alleged transactions occurred at Brinlee s residence, which sits within 1,000 feet of a local school. Due to the transactions occurring within the close proximity of the school, if convicted, Brinlee could face enhanced penalties. A 17-year-old youth was charged in the incident as well. Brinlee was taken to the Polk County Detention Center and released on a $10,000 bond and currently awaits trial.
(Next to MovieTown in the former Sunkissed Tanning Building)
Diane Rotter Stylist • Doris Floyd Stylist • Angela Dixon Stylist Cindy Lackey Stylist • Sharleen Balkenhol Stylist Nancy Williams Nail Tech • Emily Chapman Yoga Instructor Gabie Huitt (Starting in December) Esthetician (Facials) Jackie McLellan Aroma & Massage Therapy
World Services of the Blind Empowering for Sustainable Independence BY MELANIE BUCK •
he M ena Lioness C l ub hosted W orl d S ervi ces for the B l ind ( W S B ) C E O , S haron G iovi nazzo , w ho presented inform ation on w hat W S B does and w hy . G iovi nazzo is a success story hersel f. S he is b l ind and heads up a corporation, sending em ail s, m aki ng F aceb ook posts, and hel ping others, as any ‘ ab l e b odied’ person coul d. G iovi nazzo l ost her sig ht in 2 0 0 1 due to a diag nosis of m ul tipl e scl erosis. S he previ ousl y serve d as a m edical special ist in the U nited S tates A rm y as w el l as V ice P resident of P rog ram s and S ervi ces at R al eig h Lions C l inic for the B l ind, I nc. in R al eig h, N orth C arol ina, and Leg isl ative A ffairs S pecial ist for the N ational I ndustries for the B l ind. G iovi nazzo receive d her B achel or’ s of S cience deg ree in H um an S ervi ces M anag em ent at S U N Y E m pire S tate C ol l eg e, as w el l as, her M B A and M aster’ s of S ocial Work, both of which she graduated Summa Cum Laude. She is a certified trainer for the N ational D eaf- B l ind E q uipm ent D istrib ution P rog ram , as w el l as, an A ssistive T echnol og y P rofessional . G iovi nazzo is the recipient of m ul tipl e aw ards, incl uding the A m erican Leg ion A w ard for M il itary E xce l l ence, the A m erican Leg ion A w ard for A cadem ic E xce l l ence, and the M arj orie T horpe A w ard for E xce l l ence in R esearch and W riting M V C C , 2 0 0 4 . She told the audience how she first became ac uainted with Lions Club International w hen she w as a yo ung g irl . S he needed g l asses and the Lions assisted w ith the purchase. “ I have had peopl e l ike Lions that have hel ped m e al ong the w ay . ” G iovi nazzo has neve r l et her b l indness stop her from taki ng the next step and l ive s l ife w ith the m otto, “ adapt, ove rcom e, and drive on. ” N ow l ivi ng in Littl e R ock, she w al ks four b l ocks to w ork each day at W S B headq uarters w ith her servi ce dog , W atson. S he q uoted B ooke r T . W ashing ton as sayi ng , “ S uccess is to b e m easured not so m uch b y the position that
January 6, 2016
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
World Services for the Blind
one has reached in l ife as b y the ob stacl es w hich he has ov ercom e. ” S he spends her day s hel ping others to “ adapt, ov ercom e, and driv e on. ” A t W orl d S erv ices of the B l ind, G iov inaz z o and the staff hel p b l ind persons ag es 1 4 and ol der l earn l ife sk il l s and career training . A ccording to their w eb site, “ F rom w ork ing in I T and teaching assistive technology to managing an office or helping consumers with tax and credit issues, our career training programs utili e the latest technology to level the playing field for professionals who are blind or visually impaired.” They also help with community access, helping them find jobs after they have received training. “My first job as a blind person was stuffing 100 gloves into a box,” she laughed. But it gave her a job, with an income, and a sense of pride to be able to support herself. The mission of WSB is to empower people who are blind or visually impaired to achieve sustainable independence. Members of the local community with blind family members were uite interested to hear of the services offered and are excited to see a future for their children through World Services of the Blind, knowing that there are jobs available to help them find independence as an adult. Mika Harry, mother of Vivie Anne explained. “During the past fourteen and a half years since my daughter, Vivie Anne, was born I have attended many conferences seeking information on how to best advocate and support her. She is fully blind however, just like any parent, my hope is for her to experience the world and its fullness, not just “listen” to it. Vivie is so very smart, and I believe in her. But what about her future What happens when she is ready to leave home and go out on her own Will she be safe Will she get to live out her dreams Will I have done enough These scary uestions are commonplace in my mind. et, last Thursday night...several of these uestions were silenced.” Harry’s impression of Giovina o only grew throughout the evening. “Meeting Sharon was an honor. The past fourteen years have trained me to spot blindness from a distance, and I honestly could not tell she could see nothing. Her manner was very con-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 fident and outgoing. This extremely intelligent woman told her story of becoming blind and of adjusting to her new life. Having an example of success and her “no holds back” attitude was inspiring. She does not allow herself to be limited. At one moment she even said “With all the tools I have, am I really even blind ” This statement shocked me at first. But as I pondered her boldness, I reali ed the hope she defined... and I want that same perspective for Vivie Anne.” Harry also expressed her relief in knowing that Vivie has a bright future ahead with the assistance of WSB. “And at fourteen years of age, all these tools are available to my precious daughter through World Services for the Blind and Lions Clubs. Vivie will be able to be independent and successful because of resources and training that is provided. She will have access to training in life skills, career training, and ACT prep. Even better, she can engage with other students her age who are blind.” She thanked the Lioness for their involvement with WSB. “I am so grateful to the Lioness Club for bringing S haron G iovi naz zo to our community. The tools I learned about will help me to provide Vivie with more accessibility to the world and open doors of opportunity for her. However, listening to Sharon as an example of accomplishment was the most beneficial of all. It was incredibly encouraging for my family. I believe with all my heart that some day Vivie will be that same encouragement for those around her... No, I believe she already is, but with these resources our community will soon see her doing so more efficiently and more independently.” David Graff, Chairman of the WSB Foundation Board said, “People that seek World Services for the Blind services don’t live off of the government. They want to live for themselves.” Giovina o said, “People that seek our services come in blind. They leave with the vision of a brighter future.” For more information on WSB, contact them at 501-664- 100 or 00-24 -0 34. ou can al so v isit their w eb site: http: / / w w w . w sb l ind. org / .
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Seussical the Musical Debuts this Week
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
eventeen actors plus fifteen crew members want to invite you to Seussical the Musical which will be performed this coming week at the Mena High School Performing Arts Center. The story is centered around 12 of Seuss’ favorite children’s books. Some of Seuss’ most familiar characters included in this show are Horton the elephant, The Cat in the Hat, Gertrude McFu , the Whos, May ie LaBird, the Sour angaroo, ertle the Turtle, and the Wickersham brothers. The show originally debuted on Broadway in 2000. The music is upbeat, the scenery is colorful, the costumes are full of imagination, and the actors are stunning! This show is appropriate for all ages and teaches lessons of character as you follow the life of JoJo and his “thinks” that seem to keep getting him into trouble. Some interesting facts about this production that you may not know. The young boy is being played by a young fifth grade student from Holly Harshman school. All of the dances being performed during the show have been choreographed by senior high school students. This performance will use professional taped accompaniment. All of the students become animals at some point in the show. Seussical the Musical will be performed this coming week for students at all of Mena Public School campuses as well as public performances on Saturday and Sunday. Any other schools that are interested in attending this show are most welcome and should contact jessica.kropp The public performances will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19 at 30 pm and Nov. 20 at 2 30 pm. The tickets will be 5.00 a person at the door.
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November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
Barnabas Partnership to Hold Fundraiser Prior to Haiti Mission Trip
he B arnab as P artnership is coordinating its annual m ission trip w ith J oy H ouse M inistries in G ressier, H aiti. O ur team of ten w il l trav el to H aiti on D ecem b er 1 7 and rem ain there until D ecem b er 2 3 . F or those w ho are unfam il iar w ith it, J oy H ouse M inistries is a successful , estab l ished m inistry that has supported a conserv ativ e, ev ang el ical H aitian church for m ore than a decade. J oy H ouse M inistries has req uested that our team return to teach P astoral training , E ng l ish as a S econd Lang uag e cl asses, H y g iene cl asses, V acation B ib l e S chool training , and other sim il ar m inistries w hil e in H aiti. T he new l y form ed B arnab as P artnership w ork s in H aiti under the authority of J oy H ouse M inistries. G od’ s K ing dom is adv ancing in H aiti b ecause of strong H aitian churches, and w e are thril l ed to b e enl isted to hel p them ! B ecause O uachita B aptist A ssociation team s hav e consistentl y trav el ed to H aiti in recent y ears, w e hav e estab l ished a partnership w ith a H aitian church m inistry cal l ed D orcas M inistries. O ur H aitian partners estab l ished D orcas M inistries to care for the poorest and widowed members of their local church. The prayers and financial support of churches in the Ouachita Baptist A ssociation and P ol k C ounty pl ay ed a piv otal rol e in the inception of D orcas M inistries. B ut H aiti’ s g reatest chal l eng es are her g reatest streng ths. I t is l am entab l e that there is no social safety net in H aiti, b ut this weakness allows the Haitian church to fulfill its Gospel mission while helping the poor in Haiti. Our churches and community can hav e a rol e in this m ission. F or our 2 0 1 6 cam paig n, w e hav e b een ask ed to suppl y food for 4 0 0 peopl e as a part of a hurricane rel ief effort. W e are hoping to raise $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 to prov ide food pack ag es for these fam il ies during C hristm as and the N ew Y ear. T he food pack ag es contain beans, rice, our, oil, and sugar and cost 20.00 each. As many of you know, hurricane Matthew recently devastated portions of H aiti, and dam ag ed H aiti’ s al ready frag il e infrastructure. B ecause of this crisis, m any H aitians l ost al l of their possessions and many find themselves without ade uate supplies of food and water. JoyHouse Ministries is actively working in the hardest hit areas to prov ide rel ief. P l ease consider partnering w ith T B P as w e partner w ith the H aitian C hurch to m inister to their m any needs this H ol iday S eason. The team will host a Haiti BB Fundraiser on Saturday, November 19th at Hatfield First Baptist Church from 4 00 00 p.m. W e are inv iting the com m unity to j oin us for the com e- and- g o dinner. T ak e- outs w il l b e av ail ab l e. A ndrew B eck w il l b e sm ok ing the m eat and his A unt S ue K esterson w il l b e heading up the m eal for the fundraiser. T here w il l al so b e l iv e entertainm ent from a l ocal church v ocal g roup. A l l donations are tax deductib l e. I f y ou are unab l e to m ak e the dinner and w oul d l ik e to m ak e a donation y ou can send y our g ift to T he B arnab as P artnership and incl ude on the m em o l ine w hat y ou w ant y our g ift desig nated for ( i. e. F ood P ack ag es x 2 ) and m ail it to 2 8 0 5 M idl and D riv e, M ena, A R 7 1 9 5 3 . T eam m em b ers are Lam ar A ustin ( T eam P astor) , A ndy R iner ( T eam Leader) , B arry G odw in, C andace R iner, B reanna Lew is, N g uy en ( F el ix ) D uy D uc, Lara H errl ich, A utum n Lil es, D av id C haney , B l ak e M cC ourtney , and J ack l y nn M inton. W e cov et y our pray ers for our team and the w ork w e w il l do in H aiti. The Barnabas Partnership is a local 501 c 3 non-profit organi ation partnering with the H aitian church to eq uip and encourag e m inistry and discipl eship for the g l ory of G od. T he Board of Directors are Lamar Austin President and Co-Founder, Andy Riner Vice President and C o- F ounder, B eck y A ustin - T reasurer and C andace R iner - S ecretary . F or m ore information about TBP find us on Facebook at The Barnabas Partnership or email thebarnab aspartnership@ g m ail . com . F or inform ation ab out J oy H ouse M inistries v isitw w w . H aitiJ oy H ouse. org .
Union Bank of Mena donated $5,000 to the Humane Society of the Ouachitas on Tuesday, November 1, 2016. Michael Povey, volunteer for HSO, explained that sometime back, an anonymous donor gave $5,000 as a match funding to assist in spay/neuter fees and transportation costs for adoptions. As a result, Povey sought the help of Union Bank who matched the donation. Their portion of the match will be used primarily for assisting low-income families in having their pets spayed or neutered. To find out more about their programs and services, contact Shelter Manager Tina Ball 216-6280 or Michael Povey at 216-7425 or the shelter at 394-5682. Pictured: Michael Myers, CFO of Union Bank of Mena, hands the donation to Michael Povey, HSO volunteer.
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November 16, 2016
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November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
New Regulations
to hig h q ual ity w orkf orce servi ces and prepare them for com petitive integ rated em pl oym ent. ” A l l facets of the new act w ere im pl em ented on Ju l y 1 , 2 0 1 5 w ith exce ption to one – shel tered w orksh ops. S hel tered w orksh ops are a supervi sed w orkp l ace for physi cal l y disab l ed or m ental l y handicapped adul ts; a pl ace w here trained staff supervi se w orke rs w ith disab il ities and kn ow how to handl e each of their issues. M any adul ts w ith intel l ectual disab il ities w ork in shel tered w orksh ops across the country to earn ext ra cash, b ut m any are paid sub m inim um w ag es. E ve S trother, E m pl oym ent S pecial ist at the P ol k C ounty D eve l opm ental C enter ( P C D C ) , w orks w ith cl ients that use P C D C servi ces to hel p them g ain em pl oym ent, w hether it b e in the com m unity or at the on- site shel tered w orksh op. S trother exp l ained that P C D C ’ s recycl ing center and resal e store are considered shel tered w orksh ops and som e of their cl ients are paid a sub m inim um w ag e. F or exa m pl e, she said, “ W e have cl ients that tear apart b ooks and are paid b y the pound. F or those cl ients, they can w ork faster or sl ow er and g et paid b ased on w hat they fel t l ike doing that day . ” T hat is an option not g ive n in the g eneral w orkf orce. H ow eve r, w ith W I O A ’ s idea of integ ration, indivi dual s w ith intel l ectual disab il ities w il l have to try anyw ay . N orm al l y , w hen an intel l ectual l y disab l ed person g raduates hig h school , they can b eg in to take adva ntag e of serv ices offered b y P C D C , such as the A dul t E ducation and W el l ness C enter and/ or the shel tered w orksh op. W ith the new reg ul ations, those g raduating adul ts can no l ong er appl y for w ork at a shel tered w orksh op at sub m inim um w ag e if they are b etw een the ag es of 1 8 – 2 4 unl ess they have g one throug h a b attery of new req uirem ents. T hose req uirem ents incl ude: career counsel ing , indivi dual ize d pl an for em pl oym ent, vo cational rehab il itation, and m ore. S trother said, “ T hey can attend our day servi ces, b ut they have to try and g o out into the com m unity to w ork. I f they can’ t
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m ake it, there has to b e strict and detail ed docum entation of that b efore they can b e hired here if they are yo ung er than 2 4 . ” P art of W I O A states that it is “ desig ned to hel p j ob seeke rs access em pl oym ent, education, training , and support servi ces to succeed in the l ab or m arke t and to m atch em pl oye rs w ith the ski l l ed w orke rs they need to com pete in the g l ob al econom y . ” B asical l y , the point is to A ) m ake intel l ectual l y disab l e persons w ork in a ‘ norm al ’ w ork envi ronm ent that is integ rated w ith ‘ norm al ’ functioning adul ts and B ) to pay them at l east m inim um wage. But what if a person has a condition that causes them to occasionally have fits or throw thing s? “ I n a reg ul ar w orkp l ace, if som eone threw som ething at a custom er, they may get fired, arrested, or sued, because you can’t do that in a normal’ environment. But under a sheltered workshop, we have trained staff that know how to deal with the fit and kn ow that it is a passing m om ent. T hose indivi dual s need to b e protected and w e have b een ab l e to offer that protection here, until now , ” said S trother. A l thoug h the g ove rnm ental ag ency that passed the act into l aw and advo cates of the chang es b el ieve they are hel ping those indivi dual s b ecom e productive m em b ers of society , the g ap that is created for the 1 8 – 2 4 ag e rang e is a crack in the sidew al k that too m any w il l fal l throug h. A ng ie G rave s, D irector of P C D C said, “ T his l aw w as intended to g et m ore peopl e w ith disab il ities integ rated into the com m unity w orkf orce. S tudents l eavi ng hig h school can no l ong er com e to w ork at P C D C until they have g one throug h a series of b enchm arks w ith A rka nsas R ehab il itation S ervi ces. U nintended conseq uences m ay b e that those sam e peopl e w il l b e sidel ined into stayi ng at hom e w ith no interaction in the com m unity . ” O ne such fam il y that is al ready feel ing the stress of the new reg ul ations is R ichard and Ja net W al ters, w hose 1 8 - ye ar ol d son, A l an, is autistic. T he fam il y had al w ays assum ed he w oul d transition to P C D C fol l ow ing g raduation.
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3690 - This 3/2 brick home in a n eighb o rho o d o f n ice ho m es is ready f o r t he n ew f am il y t o st art en j o yin g. It al so has a garage an d f en ced b ack yard. MLS16033126 $122,500 3562 - Great 2 story log h o m e sit u at ed o n 1 2.7 acres. L arge den , w /ro ck flu e fo r a w o o d s t o v e , k it chen w /u pdat ed appl ian ces, b reak f ast n o o k w it h pict u re w in do w . 1 b edro o m do w n st airs an d a l arge b edro o m u pst airs, w it h ex t ra ro o m f o r st u dy/craf t in g o r po ssib l e 3rd b edro o m . 30* 30 ro u n d w o rk in g pen f o r yo u r ho rses. B arn an d a Po n d! On l y 1 0 m in u t es f ro m M en a. MLS15025341 $169,900
3689 - Looking for a 3 bd /1 ba at an af f o rdab l e price! C heck t his o n e o u t ! The ho m e has a o n e car garage an d ex t ra o u t side st o rage o n a n ice l ev el l o t in M en a. MLS16033116 $64,900
3607 - Country Life can b e al l yo u rs in t his 3b dr/3b at h Spl it L ev el Ho m e t hat ’ s co m pl et e w it h a Ro ck F irepl ace in t he l iv in g ro o m pl u s a w o o d b u rn in g st o v e in t he den , a w rap aro u n d deck an d a su n ro o m . B o rderin g a creek , t he 1 0 acres al so has a sm al l b arn ! Priv at es set t in g yet cl o se t o a sm al l t o w n . MLS16004541 $142,500
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
giving back...
E d ucat ion is for imp rov ing t h e liv es of ot h ers and for leav ing your communit y and w orld b et t er t h an you found it . - - M arian W righ t E d elman
A t the tim e, G odfrey said, “ W hen I decided not to seek a 4 th term , I had ev ery intention of stay ing until the end of m y current term , w hich ends on D ecem b er 3 1 , 2 0 1 6 . W hen the opportunity to w ork for the A rk ansas S heriff’ s A ssociation presented itsel f, I fel t that it w as an opportunity that I coul d not pass up. ” A nd indeed, the opportunity opened y et another door m uch sooner than ex pected. H is predecessor, R onnie B al dw in, had hel d the position of D irector for four y ears and recentl y passed aw ay , l eav ing his seat open, and G odfrey w as appointed. “ H e had b een b attl ing cancer for a w hil e and the idea w as to hire a deputy director to hel p him g et caug ht up and hel p him out. I cam e to w ork on A ug ust 2 2 nd and he passed aw ay a short tim e l ater. T he fol l ow ing w eek , I w as m ade interim director and then the E x ecutiv e B oard v oted to m ak e m e D irector. H e, in his tim e, b roug ht our association a l ong w ay . W e w ere al m ost b rok e w hen R onnie cam e in and w e did not hav e the l eg isl ativ e support that w e hav e now . H e b roug ht our association so far forw ard and I w ant to continue to g row the association l ik e he did. I inherited a v ery , v ery g ood situation. ” I n his new rol e, G odfrey w il l train sheriffs and netw ork the sheriffs w ith v endors. G odfrey ex pl ained that the m ain rol e of the association is drug , al cohol , and b ul l y ing education in school s. H e al so w ork s as a l ob b y ist b etw een the association A rk ansas l eg isl ators to create laws that are beneficial to sheriffs and jails around the state. T he A rk ansas S heriffs’ A ssociation ( A S A ) is com prised of 7 5 sheriffs from across the state. T he A S A hol ds a sum m er and w inter conv ention ev ery y ear to offer sheriffs the opportunity to el ect b oard m em b ers, discuss the status of the A S A , and to assist each other w ith different issues such as – new l aw s, eq uipm ent, procedures, crim e prev ention, and other rel ativ e topics. T he A ssociation al so offers v arious training throug hout the y ear to assist S heriffs and their D eputies in protecting and serv ing the citiz ens of A rk ansas.
Weekly Publication
CRSD students not only receive a top-notch education and the opportunity to participate on state championship teams, but they also learn about the importance of giving back to their local community that not only invests in them, but also protects and serves them.
... and soaring above the rest Cossatot River School District
CRSD Campuses will be CLOSED November 21-25
Mabel Nunn Hankins Ladd, age 91, of Mena, left this world Friday, November 11, 2016 at her home. She was born on Thursday, August 20, 1925 to James Edmond and Ada Florence Cheeves Nunn in Winthrop, Arkansas. Mabel loved life and enjoyed spending time with her children and grandchildren in whom she truly admired and was very proud of. Mabel was an active member of Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Mena for many years. She loved her church family and her pastors. She enjoyed all different types of music, singing, quilting and crocheting. Mabel was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; first husband of 47 years, Eugene Hankins and her second husband, Bobb Ladd; two daughters, Betty Smith and Linda Busch; five brothers, Arthur Nunn, Elbert Nunn, Mack Nunn, J.P. Nunn and Jesse Nunn and six sisters, Lillian Weaver, Beulah Whitehead, Evelyn McCain, Myrtle Palmer, Mildred Harvey, Polly Weemes and a special friend, Lou Flowers. Mabel is survived by her two sons and daughters-in-law, Henry and Donna Hankins and Jim and Debbie Hankins all of Mena; one daughter and son-in-law, Doris and Glen Wells
January 6, 2016
of Mena; one sister, Lorene Eason of Wilder, Idaho; her son-in-law, Glen Busch of Mena; fifteen grandchildren, thirty-eight great-grandchildren; six great-great grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were Monday, November 14, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. at Faith Missionary Baptist Church with Brother Tim Harper and Brother Dardanelle Townsley officiating. Interment followed in the White Oak Cemetery under the direction of Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Visitation was Sunday, November 13, 2016 from 6-8 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena. Pallbearers were Joe Duran, James Hankins, Jefferey Davis, Tom Corbett, Bill Gibson and Rudy Yanez. Honorary Pallbearers will be Glen Busch and John Flowers. Online Guestbook:
LONNIE RAY LAWRENCE Lonnie Ray Lawrence, age 55, of Mena, Arkansas, passed away Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at his home. He was born February 08, 1961 in Lake Charles, Louisiana to Wallace Lawrence and Dena Deramus Lawrence. Lonnie was married to the late Linda Lawrence and worked in the Pipeline Industry by profession. Lonnie enjoyed
. . November . . . . . . . . . . .16, . . .2016 ................................................................................................................ Weekly Publication
spending time outdoors admiring Gods creation. He also enjoyed spending time with family, hunting and exploring nature. Because of his faith in Jesus Christ, he is now breathing peacefully in the presence of God. Lonnie was a loving brother, uncle and friend to all who knew him. He will be dearly missed by all. He is survived by brothers, Cliff Lawrence of Douglas, Georgia and Jimmy Lawrence and wife Mayjal of Lockesburg, Arkansas; sister, Jeanette Kesterson of Nashville, Arkansas; sister-in-law, Sue Lawrence of Mena, Arkansas; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Linda Lawrence; his parents, Wallace and Dena Lawrence; brother, Darrell Lawrence; and a sister, Gloria Jones. Mr. Lawrence will be sent for cremation under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. A Celebration of Life memorial will be planned at a later date. Online obituary at
FRED GROVER BAKER Mr. Fred Grover Baker, age 75, a resident of Wickes, Arkansas, died Thursday, November 10, 2016, in De Queen Medical Center. He was born January 13, 1941, in Haworth, Oklahoma to Ben and Ruby Baker. He was a carpenter, mechanic, and construction supervisor. He was also an active member of the First Baptist Church in Wickes. Mr. Baker was preceded in death by his arents; first wife; three brothers; and one great-grandson. He is survived by his wife, Sara Baker; 2 sons and daughters-in-law, Keith and JoAnn Baker of Grannis, Arkansas and Danny and Jenna Webb of Hurst, Texas; two daughters, Carla Hahn and Fredia Baker both of Texarkana, Texas; ten grandchildren, Brandon, Kyle, Justin, Amanda, Derek, Ashley, Kimberly, Megan, Aaron and Grayson; fourteen great-grandchildren; two brothers and a sister-in-law, Randall Baker of Vandervoort, Arkansas and Jimmy and Terry Baker of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and a number of nieces, nephews, and cousins Funeral services for Mr. Baker were held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, November 14, 2016, in the Wilkerson Funeral Home Chapel in De Queen, rkansas with Bro. Scott ay officiating. Burial followed in the Eagletown Cemetery. The family will be at the Baker home at 417 Hwy 278 E. in Wickes. You may register on-line at
LORNA DERAMUS Lorna Deramus, age 64, of Mena, Arkansas, passed away Wednesday, November 9, 2016 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. She was born in Hawthorne, California on May 22, 1952 to the late Marvel Cordell Bullock and Rosemary Bohlman. She was married to Doyle Deramus and was a loving homemaker. She is survived by husband, Doyle Deramus; sons, Chris Deramus and wife Jennifer and Josh Deramus; daughter, Christina Chambers and husband Laron Chambers; grandchildren, Caitlyn Chambers, Kaylee Chambers, and Alexis Deramus; brothers, Shelton Bohlman, Kent Bullock, Donald Bohlman, Fred Bohlman, and Roy Joe Bradley, Jr.; sisters, Debbie Roza, Row Stallings, and Patty Parker. Funeral services were Saturday, November 12, 2016, 2:00 p.m. at Hillcrest Baptist Church in corn with Brother loyd olsom officiating. Interment followed in the Cherry Hill Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. amily and friend s visitation was riday, November 11, 2016, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Beasley Wood. Pallbearers were Donald Bohlman, Roy Joe Bradley, Jr., Kent Bullock, Shelton Bohlman, Laron Chambers, and Derek Foxworthy. Honorary pallbearers were David Willie, Dan Deramus, Andy Whorton, Daniel Bullock, Dana Roza, Scott Bohlman, Johnathan Hunter, and Tim Ibarra. Online obituary at
J.R. (“Jake”) Liles was born July 7, 1923, in Pine Ridge, Arkansas to Chester and Ollie Belle Liles. He passed from this life surrounded by his loving family on November 12, 2016, at Russellville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Russellville, Arkansas. J.R. was an Army veteran of World War II where he served his country in the 124th Calvary from 1943-1946. While in service he received many awards and then received an Honorable Discharge. J.R. married the love of his life, Della Faye Deramus, on April 14, 1951, and they settled and raised a family in Waldron, Arkansas where they lived for over forty years. J.R. was a member of the First Church of the Nazarene, Russellville, Arkansas and a former member of the Waldron First Church of the Nazarene. J.R. was a family man who loved spending time with his family and friends. Few things brought him more joy or smiles over the years than his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Over the years J.R. had many occupations that included everything from hauling milk in Mena,
Arkansas to a variety of auto sales in Waldron, Arkansas for many years and ended his careers as Deputy Sheriff for Scott County. All his life he loved cattle and horses whether it was working with them on his farm in Waldron, riding his horses, going to livestock auctions, or watching rodeos. He is survived by his wife of si ty five years Della Faye Liles; his children, Karen and Thomas Akin of Russellville, Arkansas, J. Robin and Catherine Liles of Painted Post, New York, Michelle and Josh Herron of Russellville, Arkansas, Corey and Misty Liles of Dardanelle, Arkansas; grandchildren, Kendra and Ben Jones of Little Rock, Arkansas, Jordan Liles and fianc e ori oung, of Baltimore, Maryland, Andrew Liles of Painted Post, New York, Shane Oswald of Waldron, Arkansas, Hannah Fore of Russellville, Arkansas, Ruger Day and Corbin Liles of Dardanelle, Arkansas; and great-grandchildren, Lauren and Madeline Jones of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Allie Oswald; sister-inlaw, Mae Dell Sikes of Cherry Hill, Arkansas; brother-in-law, Alan and Elaine Deramus of Lafayette, Louisiana; and many nieces, nephews, family, and friends who loved him. J.R. was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Watie Garmon, Inez Garmon; one brother, Ellis (Buck) Liles; and one daughter, Sandra Liles. Pallbearers will be: David Sikes, Ben Jones, Jordan Liles, Andrew Liles, Shane Oswald, and Josh Herron. Visitation and the family will receive friends from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 16, 2016, at Heritage Memorial Funeral Home in Waldron, Arkansas. Funeral services will be at 11:00 on Thursday, November 17, 2016, at the Waldron First Church of the Nazarene with Pastor Wally Beckman officiating. nterment will follow at 2:30 in Cherry Hill Cemetery, Cherry Hill, Arkansas. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cherry Hill Cemetery or the charity of your choice. Arrangements are being entrusted to the Heritage Memorial Funeral Home in Waldron, Arkansas. The Liles family wishes to express their sincere and deepest gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful staff of Russellville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for the loving and dedicated care they provided to J.R. and the family over the last few years. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 You may leave words of comfort and remembrance for . . s family by visiting: www.
SHIRLEY KAY OGDEN Shirley Kay Ogden, age 81, of Mena, died Sunday, November 13, 2016 at the Montgomery County Nursing Home in Mount Ida. She was born on Friday, May 10, 1035 to Arthur Fredrick and
Ruth Lorene Warren Struve in Olton, Texas. Shirley was a person of integrity and a respecter of others in dealings with other people. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Mena where she was very active in the church; also in the P.E.O. and a Board Member of the Son-Light Center. Shirley loved life and her perfect day consisted of spending time with her family, playing Bridge, and ending the day on the golf course. Shirley loved her family and her children gave her great joy and pride in her life. She enjoyed sewing, putting puzzles together, knitting and cooking for her family; she was known for her Christmas goodies she would make during that time. Madge was a loving mother, grandmother, aunt and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; one brother, Arthur Struve. Shirley is survived by her husband of 61 Years, Forrest Ogden of Mena; two sons and daughter in law, Steve Ogden of Gunnison, Colorado and Fred and Delilah Ogden of Mena; two daughters and sons in law, Ginger and Audrey Sterner of Mena and Janet and Jerry Gorden of Kansas City, Missouri; one sister, Marvelle Thorp of Tularosa, New Mexico; six grandchildren, Charmian Eigenman of Cheyenne, Wyoming, Stephen Ogden of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Matt Bingham of Dallas, Texas, Barbara Ramsey of Mena, Mandy Gorden and Ben Gorden of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; six great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A Celebration of Life will be Saturday, November 19, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. at the First United Methodist Church in Mena with everend nn erris officiating. isitation will be Friday, November 18, 2016 from 6-8 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena. A private family burial will take place at the Pinecrest Cemetery under the direction of Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena. Honorary Pallbearers will be her Bridge Ladies, Mary Jo Abernathy, Helen Dellinger, Isle Billingsley, Ida Pitchford, Paula Brotherton, Flora McChristian and Ruth Campbell. n lieu of owers memorials can be to the church or charity of your choice. Online Guestbook:
Caring for your family since 1928 479-394-1310 611 Janssen Ave. Mena, AR 71953
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Cossatot River School District Honors Veterans
Weekly Publication
C ossatot R ive r S chool D istrict w ent al l out honoring ve terans l ast w eek. W icke s E l em entary presented b reakf ast and a prog ram on W ednesday and V andervo ort E l em entary presented a prog ram on T hursday . O n F riday , V eteran’ s D ay , C ossatot R ive r H ig h S chool F F A serve d b reak fast. O n F riday nig ht, ve terans w ere invi ted to attend the E ag l es’ b aske tb al l g am es for free and enj oye d a prog ram during hal ftim e. PHOTOS BY SAMANTHA MAECHLER & SUBMITTED BY WICKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
January 6, 201
Mennonite Bake Sale at the Train Depot on Sherwood Ave. Wednesday,
November 23 • 8 am - ? Pies, Bread, Cinnamon Rolls, Maple Nut Twist, Pumpkin Logs & more!
Get here early before it’s gone!
B A R G • M L•
G E • C A T Q U
B A N B • M K •
T E • Y • R
• B C O • M Y E
A • B E E E • C R U • P A N E N E • S O B A C K
R • B M P E T T O D A
IS T • N E • V
C U H A • P IE N
IT • B O R D T A C IT A • P N A • W
U LE K • O T A H E A
• IT T T
B R IO A LI A O • P • W H N
C H E • U M IT E •
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. .November . . . . . . . . . . 16, . . . 2016 .................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Acorn Elementary Holds Book Character Parade
Acorn Elementary recently held a Book Character Parade where students dressed up as their favorite book characters. Tatelyn Wood (bottom right) dressed as The Rainbow Fish and Regan Larucci (top right) came as Jack and the Beanstalk. Some of the teachers came together in a group effort and dressed as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
Acorn’s 2nd Grade Class Visits Board Camp Crystal Mine
Second grade students from Acorn Elementary recently visited the Board Camp Crystal Mine and learned about Arkansas natural uart Crystal stones. The students were able to search and find crystals at the mine to take home with them.
ACORN SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 11/21 Cereal & toast, oatmeal & cranberries, yogurt & sausage link, banana, juice, milk TUESDAY 11/22 Cereal & Toast, scrambled egg, apricot halv es, banana, yogurt & graham cracker, juice, milk WEDNESDAY 11/23 NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 11/24 HAPPY THANKSGIVING - NO SCHOOL FRIDAY 11/25 NO SCHOOL
MONDAY 11/21 Pizza, orange chicken, chicken teriyaki stir fry, steamed broccoli, orange, fresh salad bar TUESDAY 11/22 Popcorn chicken, Salisbury steak, pizza, blackeyed peas, wheat roll, orange, fresh salad bar WEDNESDAY 11/23 NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 11/24 HAPPY THANKSGIVING - NO SCHOOL FRIDAY 11/25 NO SCHOOL
Acorn Menus Sponsored by:
November 16, 2016
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. .November . . . . . . . . . . 16, . . . 2016 .................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Louise Durham Welcomes Molly the Fire Safety Dog T
he students at Louise Durham Elementary won a visit from Firefighter Dayna and Molly the Fire Safety Dog after Skyping with her last year. Molly is a fire service dog for Johnson County, Arkansas, an Honorary Fire Marshal for the Little Rock Fire Department, and the mascot for the eep ids Fire Safe Foun-
dation. Two of Molly’s most favorite things are traveling the United States and Skyping throughout the world teaching children fire safety. Molly impressed the students with several of her tricks, including balancing a smoke alarm on her nose, demonstrating for students how to “get low and go” and turning the pages of Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog, written by Dayna Hilton, with her nose. Firefighter Dayna read her book to the students, talked to them about fire safety and taught them a fire safety song as she played the ukulele. Students even got to pet Molly on their way out after the program. “A big thank you to Matt Thomas and Jeff Davis with State Farm and Firefighter Dayna Hilton with the eep ids Fire Safe Foundation for making Molly’s visit possible,” said Leah Roberts. To learn more about Molly, go to mollythefiresafetydog.
MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 11/21 Cinnamon roll, Cheerio’s, Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, string cheese, diced pears, grape juice, milk TUESDAY 11/22 Cherry frudel, Cocoa Puff Cereal Bar, Scooby Doo grahams, mixed fruit, fruit blend juice, milk WEDNESDAY 11/23 NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 11/24 HAPPY THANKSGIVING - NO SCHOOL FRIDAY 11/25 NO SCHOOL
Mos Inducted into AR Purple Circle Club T ravi s Mos of
Mena was inducted Oct. 29 into the Arkansas Purple Circle Club. Mos had the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the Arkansas State Fair and Livestock Show. Arkansas Farm B ureau V ice P resident Rich Hillman left presented the award. The Purple Circle Club is an awards program recogni ing junior livestock exhibitors who earned championship honors at the Arkansas State Fair. It is sponsored by Arkansas Farm Bureau a nonprofit, private farm and rural advocacy organi ation of more than 190,000 families throughout the state working to improve farm and rural life.
MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S LUNCH MONDAY 11/21 ElEmEntary: Chicken sandwich, tater tots, fresh broccoli, mixed fruit, fruit juice blend. middlE School: Chicken sandwich, parmesan chicken pizza, pepperoni or cheese pizza, tater tots, broccoli. high School: Spaghetti w/ meatballs, beef or chicken nachos, beef or chicken tacos, pepperoni Stromboli, chicken ranch club, other sandwiches & pizzas TUESDAY 11/22 ElEmEntary: Fish sticks, mac & cheese, hamburger, green beans, red pepper strips, diced peaches, apple juice. middlE School: Fish sticks, mac & cheese, bean burrito, turkey chef salad, green beans, red pepper strips. high School: Fish sticks w/ mac & cheese, srinacha cheeseburger, beef taco pizza, chicken & bean burrito, beef or chicken nachos, beef or chicken tacos, other sandwiches and pizzas. WEDNESDAY 11/23 NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 11/24 HAPPY THANKSGIVING - NO SCHOOL FRIDAY 11/25 NO SCHOOL This weekly info proudly sponsored by:
Insurance with a name you know STATE FARM INSURANCE 624 Sherwood Avenue, Mena, AR
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November 16, 2016
Jacie Tinkes Karli Underwood Lara Herrlich Gabbi Pritchett Kimberly Gonzales Haley Warren Kaylee Kesterson Caitlin Pollard Madison Hernandez Gaitlynn Smith
Shayla Reel (Captain) Ali Austin (Co-Captain) Kadi Dixon Betty Jewell Kensley Zanzeberg Kiersten Smith Winnie Smith Elorie Hooper Gracie Smith
2016-2017 Cossatot River Basketball on next page
November 16, 2016
November 16, 2016
2016-2017 Cossatot River Basketball
SR Girls
Megan Andrews #22 Caylee Stuart #24 Harley Dering #00 Jacie Wilkerson #01 Raegan Richardson #30
11/17/16 • TBA
Lauren Driver #10 Shanna Johnson #13 Rhyen Martin #20 Jade Richardson #21 Ashlen Gonzalez #33
Wal dro n J r. To u rn am en t
11/18/16 • 5:00
v s M en a* ( J B , SRS) Ho m e Gam e
11/28/16 - 12/3/16 • TBA
v s Gen o a* ( J G, J B , SRS) Aw ay Gam e
v s DeQ u een ( J B , SRS) Aw ay Gam e
B o o n ev il l e Sen io r To u rn am en t
12/5/16 - 12/10/16 • TBA M en a J u n io r To u rn am en t
JR Girls Jorden Bailey #13 Amy Williams #5 Katelyn Baker #11 Makaya Floyd #32 Kayla Richardson #30 Kaylin McKee #24 Landrie Tadlock #21 Sosha Richardson #22
12/6/16 • TBA 12/9/16 • 5:30 v s M en a ( J G, SRS) Aw ay Gam e
Rylee Dering #42 Kortlyn McKee #44 Kalie Smith #25 Jaden Dering #40 Abby McIntyre #31 Ingrid Cortes #35 Tommie Whitmire #15 Savannah White #23
Girls e d a r G h 7t Kelcy Frachiseur #4 Josey Johnston #33 Rendi Warren #22 Shanell Brito #21 Winnie Smith #35 Kalli Smith #00
12/13/16 • 5:30 v s Kirb y ( J B , SRS) Ho m e Gam e
12/16/16 • 5:30 v s F o u k e* ( J G, SRS) Ho m e Gam e
12/20/16 • 5:30
v s Nashv il l e* ( J G, SRS) Aw ay Ho m e
12/31/16 - 1/7/17 • TBA Alyssa Wilson #30 Laura Flores #11 Hayle Davis #32 Katelyn Owens #23 LaBrayla Robb #1
1/17/17 • 5:30
1/20/17 • 5:00 1/24/17 • 5:30
v s Nashv il l e* ( J B , SRS) Ho m e Gam e
1/26/17 • 5:30
v s F o u k e* ( J B , SRS) Aw ay Gam e
1/31/17 • 5:00
v s Ho rat io * ( 7 G, J G, SRS) Ho m e Gam e
2/3/17 • 5:30
v s Ashdo w n * ( J G, SRS) Aw ay Gam e
2/6/17 - 2/11/17 • TBA J r Dist rict To u rn am en t Gam e in F o u k e
2/7/17 • 5:30
C o ssat o t Riv er Sr. To u rn am en t
v s Gen ia* ( SRS On l y) Ho m e Gam e
v s Ashdo w n * ( J B , SRS) Ho m e Gam e
v s Presco t t * ( SRS On l y) Aw ay Gam e
1/6/17 • 5:30
1/10/17 • 5:00
v s Ho rat io * ( 7 B , J G, SRS) Aw ay Gam e
1/13/17 • 5:30
2/10/17 • 5:30
2/13/17 -2/18/17 • TBA Sr. Dist rict To u rn am en t
2/22/17 - 2/25/17 • TBA Sr. Regio n al To u rn am en t
v s Presco t t * ( J G, J B , SRS) Ho m e Gam e
2/28/17 - 3/4/17 • TBA
U m pire J r. To u rn am en t
* C o n f eren ce Gam es
1/16/17 - 1/21/17 • TBA
Trevon Broach #00 Cody Baker #12 Marco Ramirez #13 Keelan Youngblood #24 Juan Trinidad #1 Cody Brown #14 Brayden Smith #20 Drayvon Brock #21 Martin Zarate #31 Ethan Griffin #32
SR Boys
Brandon Williams #3 Andrew Tallant #4 Trenton Rosson #10 Gabe McIntyre #11 Kolt Richardson #15 Josh McCoy #30 Garret Watkins #34
JR Boys
Tanner Frachiseur #30 Cooper Johnston #23 Enrique Loredo #5 Koty Martin #4 Dalton McKenzie #12 Miguel Ramirez #3 Dalton Turnbough #40 Trayton Johnson #55 Pate Taylor #2 Victor Trinidad #00
Coy Frachiseur #33 Kolby Frachiseur #20 Colton Hammer #13 Gavin Hicks #31 Melchiah Hicks #32 Jeremiah Sanchez #22 James Starks #35 Brian Strother #1 Garet Wilson #14 Justin Frachiseur #34
7th grade boys Trayton Johnson #55 Pate Taylor #2 Victor Trinidad #0 Izaq Luna #12 Cody Beck #20 Ashton Hicks #21
Landon Casey #22 Sergio Aguirre #23 Curtis Broach #25 Travontae Burnett #30 Dakota Swift #34 Jackson Day #35
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November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
Jessica Kropp – A Passion for Theatre and her Students BY MELANIE BUCK •
essica K ropp has had theatre running throug h her ve ins since chil dhood and has receive d a hig h accol ade as a result of her years of dedication to the art, specifically in the teaching of the art. For her hard work, ropp was the VIP at a recent ceremony where she received recognition for her talents, her drive, and her passion for theatre. She was selected among a group of her peers with a prestigious honor of being named as the 2016 Arkansas Arts Educator of the ear, presented by TheatreS uared, Northwest Arkansas’s only year-round professional theater. The Gala was attended by over 300 of their biggest donors from the Northwest Arkansas area. Even better, atie O’Rear, a former student who is now pursuing her Theater degree at the University of Arkansas, introduced her. “It was really encouraging to win the award. These people that didn’t know me at all and so many of them told me how inspiring my story was. As a teacher, it’s sometimes discouraging and disheartening, so this was a big boost to my spirit.” ropp moved to Mena in 1992 when she was in 5th grade and began her theatre career soon after. “I had my first small role in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. I began doing two to three shows each year until I graduated. It was here, at the community theatre in town, that I learned what it meant to do all kinds of roles in the theatre from the lead to painting sets. The Ouachita Little Theatre was a safe and wonderfully creative place for me. One of my fondest memories was being able to co-write a play, Fractured Fairy Tales, with the Junior Ouachita Little Theatre, which they then performed in the summer.” She would go on to graduate from Mena High School in 2000 and John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in outh Ministry, Summa Cum Laude. After a couple of jobs fell through, ropp began substitute teaching at Mena High School. “I knew through youth ministry that I wanted to teach teenagers. While subbing, I felt God was pushing me to become a teacher so I got a non-traditional teaching license,” she explained. It is worthy to say that ropp was born to two lifetime educators, Larry and Judy ropp, who both retired from decades of teaching this past spring. In fact, she says her mother has been her biggest in uence when it comes to teaching. “My mom is so energetic and has always been so in touch with students. I’ve learned so much from her.” She spent her first year as a teacher at J.A. Fair High School in Little Rock. “After that, a position came open at Mena and this is my twelfth year,” she smiled. She teaches Drama, Oral Communications, Theatre Arts I, II, and III at Mena High School and holds at least two major productions each school year with smaller productions in between. ropp and her cast are currently in rehearsals for Seussical the Musical, set to premier this weekend see story on page 5 for show times . “My favorite part of each day is when I am working on the play either at the high school or the community theatre in town, which is still thriving. The paramount reward of teaching is seeing students expand their worldview, own their own creativity, work together, and become more confident and empathetic human beings. I truly believe that what they learn in the theatre will benefit them their entire lives.” ropp said that she believes empathy is one of the greatest lessons learned through theatre. “People need to know what it’s like to be in another person’s shoes. It was in the theater that I found a home and a place to practice being creative, cra y and loud. And the thing is, theater creates a home for my kids just like it created a home for me. Some of my kids are involved in choir and band and sports, but for some of my kids this is their thing,’ their only thing.’ This is what they have. They found they’re funny and they can make other people laugh. Where they found out that they can write scripts and write them so well that they get chosen in the top five plays in Arkansas. Where they find acceptance, where everywhere else in the school they find rejection and they find confidence.” And, it takes a teacher with the heart the si e of Ms. ropp’s to help each student find themself.
Santas 4 Seniors – A Hands for Larger Service Project A
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
s the hol idays approach, m any org aniza tions across the county are g earing up to serve others, b y w ay of food, g ifts, and fel l ow ship. O ne such proj ect is org anize d b y county 4 H cl ub s and is j ust as rew arding for the g ive rs, as it is for those that receive the b l essing s. S antas 4 S eniors is in its fourth ye ar of provi ding needs to the county’ s senior citize ns during C hristm as tim e. T he proj ect is sponsored b y ten com m unity cl ub s and tw o cl assroom cl ub s of P ol k C ounty 4 H and is m eant to hel p seniors ove r 6 5 that have ve ry l ow resources and don’ t have others supporting them , b uyi ng them g ifts, or m ay b e hom e al one on the hol idays. C arl a V aug ht, C ounty E xt ension A g ent and 4 H C oordinator said S antas 4 S eniors w as started a few ye ars ag o b y K athy B eck w hen she w as the 4 H prog ram assistant. “ S he had seen som ething sim il ar in another part of the state and b roug ht the idea b ack here, ” said V aug ht. “ I t’ s one of the m ost rew arding thing s w e do. ” S antas 4 S eniors accepts appl ications for senior citize ns, ag es 6 5 and ol der, w ho are in need of l ife’ s necessities – food, warmth, comfort. When the application is submitted through the Polk County Extension Office, 211 De ueen Street in Mena, the appl icant is pl aced on their S enior A ng el T ree, and b ecom e ava il ab l e for adoption. “ T he appl ication process happens throug h the office. Some of the kids nominate neighbors and such. Sometimes people nominate themselves. We do the administrating and the ki ds do the w ork, ” she exp l ained. A ppl icants can pl ace needed item s on their l ist that w il l al so b e l isted on their ang el . T hat’ s w hen com m unity invo l ve m ent is ke y . Vaught said monetary donations are accepted, as well as gifts. Monetary donations are used to purchase needed items that were not purchased by adopters of angels. Angels can begin being adopted by November 1 th. Gifts are due back at the Extension Office by December 16th. A fter g ifts are receive d, 4 H m em b ers b eg in their part. “ T hey w il l have a b aki ng day w here the ki ds g et tog ether and m ake hom em ade g oodies to incl ude in the packa g es, ” said V aug ht. “ W e l ook at the appl ications and for those w ho are diab etic or have dietary restrictions, w e accom m odate for that. ” T he ol der m em b ers w il l b ake w hil e the yo ung er m em b ers packa g e and m ake g ift b ag s. County 4H members are shown in 2014 with a mound O nce al l b ag s are prepared, 4 H m em b ers, their parents, and other vo l unteers del ive r them . “ I t is so rew arding and g ood for the of gifts received for their annual Santas 4 Seniors ki ds. I t reinforces l essons w e teach them ab out hel ping . ” program, just before delivery. I n fact, one of the “ H ’ s” in “ 4 H ” m eans ‘ H ands to Larg er S ervi ce. ’ “ W e see this as one of those proj ects, ” V aug ht said. T here are ten 4 H cl ub s and com m unity cl ub s across the county that sponsor the proj ect. T here are al so tw o in- school cl ub s ( a 4 th g rade cl ub & 5 th g rade cl ub at A corn school ) and they m ay adopt one of the seniors as their part in the proj ect. “ T he in- school cl ub s don’ t have the parent contact, it’ s teachers, so w e have to b e m ore creative w ith them b ecause the parents aren’ t invo l ve d. T here are som e aw esom e exp eriences happening in the cl assroom cl ub s. T hey w il l b e invo l ve d in the proj ect, b ut it’ s new territory for us, ” V aug ht exp l ained. S he al so tol d of how the proj ect not onl y im pacts the ang el s they prepare g ifts for, b ut al so im pacts the ki ds. V aug ht said, “ P arents and ki ds that com e b ack from del ive ries, it’ s l ife chang ing for them . T he fol ks in this l eve l of need are not al w ays as open w ith their em otions. T hey are so in need that they have a hard tim e show ing appreciation, som e of the peopl e are For the people in our 479-394-6763 or 479-394-1126 not real l y nice… it’ s a survi va l thing , not j ust w ants b ut needs. B ut, w e del ive r to them anyw ay community that may not Covenant of Life Family Church and have noticed som e of them ‘ soften up’ after w e’ ve b een there a few tim es. S o it’ s l ife have family locally or Don t ing for eve ryo ne. ” 1101 Pine Avenue, Mena chang Want to Eat Home Alone” S antas 4 S eniors have del ive red g ifts of al l shapes and size s to those in need. “ E ve ryt hing Come join us Thanksgiving from ricks of w ood to socks to food, heaters, b l anke ts, b ooks, cal endars, A g ain, needs, not day for a delicious lunch at j ust w ants, ” she said. W ith the m onetary donations that are sub m itted, they suppl em ent the 12 noon and great fellowship. packa g es. “ W e aren’ t b uyi ng ext rava g ant thing s… cove ral l s, coats, underw ear, l oung ew ear, Deliveries are limited to the etc. W e hunt it dow n. I f w e notice som eone that is g oing to b e hard to b uy for, w e som etim es shut-ins only please! If you have to g o out of tow n, b ut w e do it b ecause that’ s w here w e can g et w hat they need the need a ride or want to make m ost. ” T here are seve ral w ays to hel p. Y ou can nom inate peopl e in need, adopt an ang el , provi de your reservation please donations for food and putting baskets together, help deliver, and more. To find out more call by November 23rd. about the program or how you can help, contact Vaught at the Polk County Extension Office at 4 9-394-601 .
January 6, 2016
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. .November . . . . . . . . . . 16, . . . 2016 .................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
he M ena B earcats trave l ed to C entral A rka nsas C hristian, on F riday , N ove m b er 1 1 , for round one in the 4 A S tate F ootb al l P l ayo ffs. M ena w as defeated b y the M ustang s, 4 2 - 2 1 . C A C w on the coin toss and chose to ki cko ff to start the g am e. T he M ustang s onside ki cke d the b al l out of b ounds, g ivi ng M ena the b al l on their ow n 3 7 ya rd l ine. M ena drove al l the w ay to the C A C 2 ya rd l ine, and w as fol l ow ed b y the B earcats’ first touchdown of the night. Camden Brodersen’s PAT attempt was good, making the score -0 Mena, with 5 53 left in the first uarter. W asting no tim e after the ki ck off, the M ustang s handed off to their running b ack who ran 1 yards up the middle for a CAC touchdown on second down. The Mustangs’ point after attempt was good, tying the game at - with 5 09 left in the first uarter. On Mena’s second possession of the game, the Bearcats were forced to punt the ball on fourth down. The Bearcats’ punt was not returned, and rolled into the end one for a touchb ack, g ivi ng C A C the b al l on their ow n 2 0 ya rd l ine. The Mustangs advanced the ball to the Mena 9 yard line before a false start penalty was called on first and goal. On second and goal from the Bearcats 14 yard line, CAC connected for a 14 yard touchdown pass. The Mustangs’ point after attempt split the uprights, making the score 14- CAC, with 1 43 left in the first uarter. On third down, Mena’s Carson Cannon completed a pass to Justin Dean who ran a few yards before fumbling. The Mustangs recovered the fumble and took over possession on their own 4 yard line. After the first uarter came to an end, CAC was able to drive to the Bearcat 11 yard line. On fourth down, the Mustangs completed an 11 yard touchdown pass. CAC made the point after attempt, making the score 21- with 9 39 left in the second uarter. Mena went three and out on their next possession, being forced to punt on fourth down. The Mustangs fair caught the punt on their own 22 yard line. C A C adva nced the b al l to the M ena 4 7 ya rd l ine, b efore their fourth fal se start of the g am e w as cal l ed, m ovi ng the b al l b ack to the M ustang s’ 4 8 ya rd l ine. O n the third dow n, the Mustangs threw a 52 yard touchdown pass. The Bearcats blocked the point after attempt, making the score 2 - with 4 22 left in the first half. On Mena’s next possession, they were forced to punt again. CAC fair caught the punt on the 21 yard line, with 2 45 left in the second uarter. The Mustangs completed two long passes, to uickly advance the ball to the Mena 12 yard line. On first down, CAC’s uarterback ran 12 yards up the middle for a touchdown. CAC completed the 2-point conversion, making the score 35- with 2 0 left in the second uarter. On third and ten from the Mustangs’ 3 yard line, Cannon completed a screen pass to Justin Dean who broke a few tackles for another Bearcat touchdown. Brodersen’s point after attempt was good, making the score 35-14 with 56 seconds left in the first half. CAC was unable to score again before the second uarter came to an end, making
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. .November . . . . . . . . . . 16, . . . 2016 .................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Bearcats End Season
the score 3 5 - 1 4 at hal ftim e. M ena ki cke d off to the M ustang s to start the second hal f. C hristian Lua’ s ki cko ff rol l ed into the end zo ne for a touchb ack, g ivi ng C A C the b al l on their ow n 2 0 ya rd l ine. O n second and ten, C A C ’ s pass w as intercepted b y Ju stin D ean and returned to the M ustang s 1 9 ya rd l ine. T he B earcats w ere ab l e to m ove the b al l to the M ustang s 1 ya rd l ine, b efore C annon fum b l ed in the end zo ne. C A C recove red the fum b l e in the end zo ne, g ivi ng the M ustang s possession once ag ain on their ow n 2 0 ya rd l ine. T he M ustang s w ent three and out on their second possession of the third q uarter, and w ere forced to punt. T he punt rol l ed a few ya rds, and w as m arke d dow n at the M ena 1 8 ya rd l ine. B oth M ena and C A C w ere forced to punt on their next possessions, ke eping the score at 3 5 - 1 4 . O n M ena’ s ninth possession of the g am e, C annon com pl eted a 1 5 ya rd touchdow n pass to T y C ol e. B rodersen’ s point after attem pt spl it the uprig hts, m aki ng the score 3 5 - 2 1 w ith 1 : 1 2 l eft in the third q uarter. A fter M ena’ s onside ki ck, the M ustang s w ere ab l e to adva nce to the B earcats’ 5 ya rd line. On fourth down, CAC’s field goal attempt was blocked, giving Mena the ball back. M ena drove to the M ustang s’ 3 5 ya rd l ine, b efore turning the b al l ove r on dow ns. G ivi ng C A C the b al l on their ow n 3 5 ya rd l ine. C A C w as unab l e to score on their el eve nth possession, b eing forced to punt. T he M ustang s’ punt w as m arke d on the M ena 2 9 ya rd l ine. O n fourth and six, M ena’ s pass w as intercepted and returned 3 4 ya rds for another M ustang s touchdow n. T he point after attem pt w as g ood, m aki ng the score 4 2 - 2 1 w ith 5 : 1 3 l eft in the fourth q uarter. T he M ustang s and the B earcats w ere b oth forced to punt on their tw el fth possessions. O n M ena’ s l ast possession of the g am e, the B earcats fourth dow n pass w as intercepted at the 3 5 ya rd l ine, g ivi ng the M ustang s the b al l b ack. A fter tw o q uarterb ack kn eel s b y C A C , the cl ock exp ired. E nding the g am e w ith a score of 4 2 - 2 1 , in favo r of the M ustang s. T his l oss, puts another g reat season in the b ooks for the B earcats.
Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing Tires • Brakes • Custom Exhaust • Shocks & Struts Hours: Mon.-Fri. • 8am-5:30pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena
•394-1938• Owner : Stacy & Julie Nash
Cossatot River Takes Second at District
The District 7-3A Cross Country Meet was hosted by Genoa Central High School on Saturday, November 5th. Cossatot River placed second and won the runner-up trophy for the Sr. Boys division. Cossatot Sr. Boys Runners had Keelan Youngblood finished in 5th place with a time of 19:41. Cody Baker finished in 6th place with a time of 19:48. Daniel Zuniga finished in 12th place with a time of 21:12. Ruben Trinidad finished in 15th place with a time of 22:10. Brandon Marrufo finished in 20th place with a time 22:54. Sixto Aguilar finished in 27th place with a time of 24:12. Manuel Esquivel finished 32nd with a time of 25:33. Jordy Roldan finished 33rd with a time of 26:08. Keelan Youngblood and Cody Baker both received medals for finishing in the top ten. Pictured: Back row (l to r): Coach Blake Alexander, Sixto Aguilar, Ruben Trinidad, Jordy Roldan, Miguel Esquivel, Daniel Zuniga, Brandon Marrufo; front row: Keelan Youngblood, Cody Baker.
. .November . . . . . . . . . . 16, . . . 2016 .................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Bearcats End Season
the score 3 5 - 1 4 at hal ftim e. M ena ki cke d off to the M ustang s to start the second hal f. C hristian Lua’ s ki cko ff rol l ed into the end zo ne for a touchb ack, g ivi ng C A C the b al l on their ow n 2 0 ya rd l ine. O n second and ten, C A C ’ s pass w as intercepted b y Ju stin D ean and returned to the M ustang s 1 9 ya rd l ine. T he B earcats w ere ab l e to m ove the b al l to the M ustang s 1 ya rd l ine, b efore C annon fum b l ed in the end zo ne. C A C recove red the fum b l e in the end zo ne, g ivi ng the M ustang s possession once ag ain on their ow n 2 0 ya rd l ine. T he M ustang s w ent three and out on their second possession of the third q uarter, and w ere forced to punt. T he punt rol l ed a few ya rds, and w as m arke d dow n at the M ena 1 8 ya rd l ine. B oth M ena and C A C w ere forced to punt on their next possessions, ke eping the score at 3 5 - 1 4 . O n M ena’ s ninth possession of the g am e, C annon com pl eted a 1 5 ya rd touchdow n pass to T y C ol e. B rodersen’ s point after attem pt spl it the uprig hts, m aki ng the score 3 5 - 2 1 w ith 1 : 1 2 l eft in the third q uarter. A fter M ena’ s onside ki ck, the M ustang s w ere ab l e to adva nce to the B earcats’ 5 ya rd line. On fourth down, CAC’s field goal attempt was blocked, giving Mena the ball back. M ena drove to the M ustang s’ 3 5 ya rd l ine, b efore turning the b al l ove r on dow ns. G ivi ng C A C the b al l on their ow n 3 5 ya rd l ine. C A C w as unab l e to score on their el eve nth possession, b eing forced to punt. T he M ustang s’ punt w as m arke d on the M ena 2 9 ya rd l ine. O n fourth and six, M ena’ s pass w as intercepted and returned 3 4 ya rds for another M ustang s touchdow n. T he point after attem pt w as g ood, m aki ng the score 4 2 - 2 1 w ith 5 : 1 3 l eft in the fourth q uarter. T he M ustang s and the B earcats w ere b oth forced to punt on their tw el fth possessions. O n M ena’ s l ast possession of the g am e, the B earcats fourth dow n pass w as intercepted at the 3 5 ya rd l ine, g ivi ng the M ustang s the b al l b ack. A fter tw o q uarterb ack kn eel s b y C A C , the cl ock exp ired. E nding the g am e w ith a score of 4 2 - 2 1 , in favo r of the M ustang s. T his l oss, puts another g reat season in the b ooks for the B earcats.
Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing Tires • Brakes • Custom Exhaust • Shocks & Struts Hours: Mon.-Fri. • 8am-5:30pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena
•394-1938• Owner : Stacy & Julie Nash
Cossatot River Places at District XC Meet
The District 7-3A Cross Country Meet was hosted by Genoa Central High School on Saturday, November 5th. Cossatot River placed second and won the runner-up trophy for the Sr. Boys division. Cossatot Sr. Boys Runners had Keelan Youngblood finished in 5th place with a time of 19:41. Cody Baker finished in 6th place with a time of 19:48. Daniel Zuniga finished in 12th place with a time of 21:12. Ruben Trinidad finished in 15th place with a time of 22:10. Brandon Marrufo finished in 20th place with a time 22:54. Sixto Aguilar finished in 27th place with a time of 24:12. Manuel Esquivel finished 32nd with a time of 25:33. Jordy Roldan finished 33rd with a time of 26:08. Keelan Youngblood and Cody Baker both received medals for finishing in the top ten. Pictured: Back row (l to r): Coach Blake Alexander, Sixto Aguilar, Ruben Trinidad, Jordy Roldan, Miguel Esquivel, Daniel Zuniga, Brandon Marrufo; front row: Keelan Youngblood, Cody Baker.
Weekly Publication
Acorn’s State Cross-Country Legacy Continues!
Beckwith FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th ~ 11 am 150 McCarty Tr. Glenwood AR NO BUYER PREMIUM this sale
DIRECTIONS: Tak e Hw y. 8E t o Tw in B ridges Rd. Tak e a right t o M cC art y Tr. We w il l b e sel l in g a su per cl ean 5 5 1 0 J D 4x 4, 89 HP t ract o r w / l o ader 207 0 hrs. * M cC o rm ick GX 40 4x 4 w /l o ader o n l y 1 093 hrs. 40 HP * Al l 3 Pn t . Eq u ipm en t * 480C B ack ho e * Pick u ps * 6x 8 Hydrau l ic Du m p Trail er * 32’ Tan dem Du al GN Trail er * 1 4’ ATV Trail er w / Ram p Gat e * 1 6’ GN St o ck Trail er * 2 U t il it y Trail ers * 4- Wheel ers * 8000 Wat t Gen erat o r an d M o re LIVESTOCK: 2 1 /2 Y r. Ol d B l ack An gu s B u l l So u n d * ( 9) C o w s ( 1 ) B ran gu s C al f , al l cat t l e hav e b een aged an d preg t est ed, in f o o n o u r w eb sit e, ( 5 ) Wet her Go at s * 1 00+ Ro u n d B al es an d 300+ Sq u are B al es o f Hay * L u m b er * F en cin g Su ppl ies & m o re.
unners from around the county com peted in the A rk ansas S tate C ross C ountry C ham pionships on S aturday at O ak l aw n R acetrack in H ot S pring s. E ach of the county ’ s three districts had runners pl ace in the top 2 0 , w ith one school b ring ing hom e a team trophy . I n the C l ass 1 A / 2 A D iv ision, A corn H ig h S chool g irl s b roug ht hom e the runner- up trophy as a team, giving the Lady Tigers five S tate R unner – U p and four S tate T itl es in the l ast nine y ears. F aith H il l l ed the Lady T ig ers, com ing in 7 th, out of 9 8 runners w ith a tim e of 2 1 : 2 6 , fol l ow ed b y M org an F ag an in 8 th and K endra B ranson in 1 3 th. F aith H il l and M org an F ag an b oth w ere nam ed to the A l l S tate T eam . O ther runners representing A corn and their pl acing s w ere: B rittany W il hite, 2 3 rd pl ace; S ophie J ack son, 3 1 st pl ace; J osey W eb b , 4 4 th; A l l ie S trothers, 5 0 th; H arl y D earing , 5 4 th; and M ack enz ie G oss, 5 8 th. I n the b oy ’ s C l ass 1 A / 2 A div ision, K enny D enl ey w as A corn’ s top runner, com ing in 2 2 nd out of 1 5 9 runners w ith a tim e of 1 9 : 0 3 . A corn b oy s cam e in 6 th out of 2 0 team s. O ther A corn runners and their pl acing s w ere: M atthew C haney , 3 7 th; A aron B ak er, 3 9 th; B rady Ly l e, 4 7 th; J eff Lew is, 5 2 nd; A dam H ug hes, 7 8 th; C urtis S hort, 9 6 th; and M ason S tout, 1 4 5 th. I n the C l ass 3 A cham pionships, K eenl an Y oung b l ood w as C ossatot R iv er’ s fastest runner com ing in 2 0 th out of 1 2 4 runners w ith a tim e of 1 9 : 0 5 . C ody B ak er pl aced 4 0 th; R ub en T rinidad, 7 1 st; D aniel Z unig a, 7 3 rd; V ictor E nriq uez , 9 4 th; S ix to A g il ar, 9 6 th; G il b erto C erv antes, 1 0 2 nd; M anuel E sq uiv el , 1 9 0 th; and B randon Lopez , 1 0 0 th. I n the C l ass 4 A H ig h S chool G irl s D iv ision, M ena’ s E v ie S m ith w as the onl y com petitor com ing in 6 8 th in a tim e of 2 6 : 0 1 . I n the C l ass 4 A H ig h S chool B oy s D iv ision, M ena B earcat C l int B uck cam e in 1 3 th out of 1 5 5 runners, in a tim e of 1 7 : 5 1 . B uck w as fol l ow ed b y team m ates, J oe Looney in 4 7 th; W il l iam S haner, 1 1 4 th; D ennis K irsch, 1 2 6 th; and A l ex B uidim , 1 4 4 th. B uck w as al so nam ed to the A l l - S tate T eam and the R iv er V al l ey R eg ional A l l - S tar T eam and w il l com pete this S aturday , N ov em b er 1 9 th in the A l l - S tar m eet in M ag az ine, A rk ansas.
January 6, 201
~ C o m pl et e In f o , L ist & Pics o n NOTE later Start Time of 11AM for Deer Season Holiday TERMS: Full payment day of auction Cash or Good Check
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Weekly Publication
Brooks Signs with OBU L
exi Brooks, a senior at Mena High School, held an official signing Wednesday, November 9th, as she accepted a double scholarship from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Lexi will receive athletic and academic scholarships to further her education and her athletic career. Lexi is the daughter of Bobby and Staci Brooks. She has been a three-sport athlete during her high school career, which includes volleyball, basketball and softball. Lexi was a member of the 2014 Volleyball State Championship team, 2015 Volleyball State Runner-up team, 2014 Softball State Runner-up team, and the 2015 and 2016 Softball State Championship Team. She has received several individual awards in volleyball and softball including Volleyball All-Conference and 1st Team All-Conference. Her softball awards are Honorable Mention as a Freshman and ranked 5th in the Arkansas Democrat among all Arkansas high school pitchers. As a Sophomore, she received All-District and ranked 4th in the Arkansas Democrat among all Arkansas High School Pitchers. Her Junior year, she was awarded All-Conference and 4A State Tournament Team, ranked 3rd among Arkansas High School Pitchers and was Wendy’s High School Heisman School Award. Lexi ended her junior year with a .400 batting average and a 1.096 pitching ERA. Lexi is still in the midst of her senior year but has already been named as an All-State Volleyball player Lexi has participated on a summer travel-ball softball Gold team as a pitcher and has a USFA World Series Championship in Orlando, Florida, USSSA World Series Runner-Up Championship in Panama City, Florida, Pikes Peak Colorado Sparkler Championship in Denver, Colorado, and three Texas State Titles. Although Lexi has had offers from other colleges, she chose to play softball at Ouachita Baptist University. “I am very excited to become a Lady Tiger at Ouachita Baptist University. OBU has a beautiful campus, a reputable nursing program, which is my career choice, and Coach McGee believes in me! Everything about OBU is a win-win situation for me and I can’t wait to Find us on Facebook start this next chap479-394-4535 • 908 Mena St., Mena ter in my life. I want to thank my family, friends and coaches for their support and ON THE PAIR a special thank you to Larry Wood and Shane EA. Medlin, my trainers at 3.8 cu. ft. capacity top load Ouachita Fitness Cenwasher 02624382/ ter for pushing me to GTW330ASKWW be the best! But above Reg. 499.99 ea. all I give all the credit 7.2 cu. ft. capacity electric dryer 02664382/ to my success to my GTD33EASKWW Lord and Savior Jesus Gas dryer priced higher. Christ.”
SAVE $281
Ladycats Earn Top Volleyball Honors
All State Award & All State Tournament Team 1st Team All Conference
All State Award
1st Team All Conference
All State Tournament Team & 1st Team All Conference
2nd Team All Conference
1st Team All Conference
2nd Team All Conference
1st Team All Conference
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
Ruby Lynn Willis Harrison & Lee to Wed
K a yla H a r r i son a nd Chr i stop her L ee would li ke to a nnounce thei r up comi ng wed d i ng cer emony. I t wi ll ta ke p la ce on Nov emb er 1 9 , 2 0 1 6 a t 2 p m a t Cov e R ev i v a l Center ( 2 9 9 Polk R oa d 2 8 8 ) . F a mi ly a nd f r i end s a r e i nv i ted .
H ea ther a nd Mi cha el H end er son, of Mena , a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on Nov emb er 8 th. Mi sty a nd L a r r y S ta r k, of W a ld r on, a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on Nov emb er 8 th. L i nd sey a of W a ld r p a r ents of a Nov
nd Tyler S ha d d on, on, a r e the p r oud b a b y b oy, b or n on emb er 9 th.
Ma r y Z a mor a a nd R i cky Mor r i s, of Mena , a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on Nov emb er 1 0 th.
R ub y L ynn W i lli s j ust tur ned one yea r old . H er b i r thd a y i s Nov emb er 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 . Pa r ents a r e D usti n a nd Molly W i lli s. G r a nd p a r ents a r e W a yne a nd L i sa W i lli s. G r ea t- G r a nd mother i s S a nd r a W a g ner .
January 6, 2016
Early Deadline... The Deadline for November 23rd issue of The Polk County Pulse will be Friday, November 18th at Noon!
MULTI-MEDIA The Heartbeat of Our Community
No Thrifty Thursday on Nov. 24
Tom Turkey is outta here!
There will be November 24 & 25!
November 16, 2016
Young Inducted into Arkansas Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame
BY LEANN DILBECK • . S . N avy ( R et. ) C aptain B ob Y oung w as inducted into the A rka nsas M il itary V eterans’ H al l of F am e on N ove m b er 5 during their sixt h annual b anq uet. H e, al ong w ith 1 4 other ve terans, w ere honored for their acts of b rave ry and com m itm ent to protecting their fel l ow U . S . sol diers and citize ns. Y oung w as aw arded the D efense S uperior S ervi ce m edal , three aw ards of the N avy C om m endation m edal for va l or and tw o aw ards of the M eritorious S ervi ce m edal . Local l y , he com m anded the A m erican Leg ion P ost N o. 1 8 for 1 2 ye ars and w as nam ed the M ena- P ol k C ounty C ham b er of C om m erce “ C itize n of the Y ear, ” and founded H eal thy C onnections, I nc. Ju st ove r 4 5 0 peopl e attended the al l - ag es b anq uet that paid trib ute to b oth the l ivi ng ve terans and the fam il ies of deceased inductees. E ach ve teran or fam il y w as presented the A rka nsas M il itary V eterans’ H al l of F am e m edal l ion b y U . S . S en. Jo hn B oozm an.
A Thank You Salute F rom the P olk C ount y Veterans Service Office
T o al l w ho participated in the third A nnual V eteran’ s D ay P arade l ast F riday: to our l ocal V eterans, to al l w ho cam e to w atch and cheer on the parade incl uding the M ena F ootb al l T eam and the yo ung sters from Louise D urham school , to our V eterans O rg aniza tion S ponsors, to M aj or ( R etired) F orrest O dg en for b eing our G rand M arshal l , to our j udg es – W ayn e Jo hnson, R udy T im m erm an and R on T il l ey , and to Linda Jo hnson for her hard w ork coordinating the parade. T he T rophy w inners w ere: F irst P l ace – A corn B and, S econd P l ace – D A R F l oat, T hird P l ace – 1 9 4 0 ’ s C ar sponsored/ D rive n b y M r. & M rs. D avi d G il b ert.
Weekly Publication
High Voter Turnout in Polk County General Election
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November . . . . . . . . . . .16, . . .2016 ....
he cl aim ed 8 0 % of the vo te, w ith 6 , 6 0 6 vo tes cast in his favo r. H is cl osest com petitor w as D em ocrat nom inee H il l ary C l inton w ho receive d 1 , 2 1 0 vo tes in P ol k C ounty , attrib uting to l ess than 1 5 % . In local races, John Gordon won seat 4 of the Hatfield Town Council with 5 of the vote, or 92 votes. His opposing candidate, Roger Marney received 30 votes, for 25 . In the Acorn Constable race, Frank Moore and ristopher Lyle will face each other in a run-off. Moore received 4 of the vote, or 294 votes, and Lyle received 36 , or 226 votes. There were two more candidates in the running, John Boren received 55 votes and John Paul Jones received 4 votes. The run-off between Moore and Lyle will be held on Tuesday, November 29th. Voters in that district will need to vote at the Acorn polling station from 30 a.m. - 30 p.m. that day. Early voting for the run-off will be held in the Polk County Clerk’s Office, located inside the Courthouse beginning Tuesday, November 22 during the hours of a.m. 4 30 p.m. They will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 24th and 25th for Thanksgiving. They will reopen on Monday, November 2 th. John Maddox won State Representative of District 20 with 4 of the vote. His competitor, Henry Nielson garnered 16 of the vote. Maddox will serve Polk County, as well as parts of Montgomery and Sevier Counties. In Polk County, Maddox received 6 CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE of the vote, or 6,011 votes to Nielson’s 14 . en and dressing m eal can b e purchased On the Arkansas ballot, Republican John Boo man was re-elected as U.S. Senator with 60 of the vote statewide. In Polk for 6 per plate. Proceeds benefit the ParCounty, Boo man took 5 of the vote with 6,049 votes cast in his favor. Republican Bruce Westerman was re-elected for U.S. ent-Teacher Organi ation PTO . Congressman with 5 of Arkansas’ vote, e ualing 1 2,201 votes. In Polk County, he took 3 with 6,42 votes. The annual Community Thanksgiving CelIssues 1, 2, and 3 passed on both the state and local ballots, overwhelmingly. Issue 6, the controversial medical marijuana ebration will be held on Sunday, November I ssue, w as spoke n on l oudl y w ith P ol k C ounty vo ters casting 5 4 % of the b al l ots ag ainst the issue and 4 6 % for the issue; how ev 20th from 5 p.m. at the National Guard er, it won across the state with 53 of the Armory at 504 North Morrow Street in Mena. vo te and w il l b ecom e a new am endm ent in There will be Thanksgiving music, a short the state. m ovi e, and a fam il y fel l ow ship m eal . E ve ry Republican Marcus Richmond was one is invited. Bring plenty of food to share re-elected to his position of State Represenas Thanksgiving is celebrated together. The tative of D istrict 2 1 as an unopposed candievent is sponsored by the Mena Ministerial date. A l l iance. P l ease note that the eve nt is at the There were several local candidates in the new Armory, which is close to Rich Mountain unopposed categ ory for P ol k C ounty , each C om m unity C ol l eg e. candidate will take office on January 1, 201 . The Covenant of Life Family Church in F or a ful l l ist of those candidates and their Mena will host the 23rd annual Don’t Eat offices, see this story at Home Alone This Thanksgiving Day, NoF or the 2 0 1 6 E l ection, there w ere a total vember 24th. The event is held each year for of 12,469 registered voters in Polk County. peopl e that m ay not have fam il y l ocal l y and O f reg istered vo ters in the county , a total of don’ t w ant to eat hom e al one during the hol i,306 cast their ballots. Record numbers of ncer: day. Everyone is invited to enjoy a traditional earl y vo tes w ere sub m itted total ing al m ost Thanksgiving meal at 12 noon on Thanksgiv4,500, from October 24th through November ing Day at Covenant Life Family Church at th. 1101 Pine Avenue in Mena. Not only will you County Clerk Terri Harrison said she and receive a g reat m eal , yo u w il l al so b e ab l e to the E l ection C om m ission are pl eased w ith toenjoy get great fellowship. how sm oothl y the process w as this cycl e and D el ive ries are ava il ab l e to shut- ins onl y . were excited to see a 6 voter turnout this For a ride, or to make a reservation, call 4 9Newly elected state representative for District 20 John Maddox enjoyed the Veterel ection. ans Day parade with his wife, Mandy, and ouise Durham Kindergartners 394-6 63 or 4 9-394-1126.
Community Thanksgiving Festivities
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1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
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January 6, 2016
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The Cole Team
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November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
Thursday, 11/17 • 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. – The Board Camp Baptist Church at 107 County Road 63 will distribute food. • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Pa a s Me ican af . Call Lisa Martin 216-3383 or Charles Pitman 216-4882 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – Polk County Library Board will meet in the Susanna Mosley Community Room at the Library. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise
6:00 p.m. Christ s Church at Mountain Fork will have a Dessert uction. or uestions, call 47 2 4 7 7 . • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at merican Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., corn. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 47 24 02 7 or 479-216-4606. Sunday, 11/20 • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 47 216 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the irst nited Methodist hurch in Mena. • 6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Saint gnes hurch Parish Hall. Monday, 11/21 • 11:00 a.m. – Cossatot Senior Center will have a Drums Alive presentation. • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 12:30 p.m. – Cossatot Senior Center will have a Board Meeting. • 5:30 p.m. – Republican Party meets at Polk County Library, North Room. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at merican Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., corn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at irst nited Methodist hurch. Everyone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – The Lady Ouachitas will meet at the Bear State Bank Main Branch. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 47 216 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at nion Bank. Tuesday, 11/22 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community Men s Breakfast at the irst nited Methodist hurch in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current ro ect and work with other artists. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Free lunch at Vegetarian Soup Kitchen at Mena Seventh Day dventist hurch, 14 Polk 4 airground oad , Mena. 47 4 7404. Take Out available. ll are welcome. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. The atfield Branch library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the nion Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, fol-
lowed by a meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – The Marine Corps League Detachment will meet at Lighthouse itness. • 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music at Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room. • 7:30 p.m. – Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge #218 will meet at the Hatfield Lodge. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at irst nited Methodist hurch, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479-2343043. Wednesday, 11/23 • The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena at noon. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 5:45 p.m. - The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside hurch of God. • 6:00 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries “Regenerating this Generation” at Mena hurch of God Hwy East. • 6:15 p.m. – Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru th Grade; ollide outh Ministry 6th Thru 12th Grades; and dult Bible Study at Dallas venue Ba tist hurch. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible hurch, 1 11 Hwy 71 N. Mena. ll rea Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 47 216 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the atholic aith begins in the Parish Hall of St. gnes atholic hurch at 20 th St. No cost or obligation. Everyone is invited. all 4 1017 or 4 6 for more info.
• COVE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH will be a Relay Station for Samaritan s Purse Operation Christmas Child until Monday, November 21. Donations can be dro ed off ednesday thru riday from a.m. 12 .m. and 4 .m. 6 .m.; Saturday thru Monday from 9 a.m. – 12 .m. or more information, contact the church at 70 7 66 1.
Durham. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Cancer Support Group meeting at the Polk County Library, 410 8th St. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas venue Ba tist hurch amily Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. - We The People Tea Party will meet at the Polk County Library in the North Room. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous omen s Meeting at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 6:00 p.m. – Acorn Water monthly meeting at the ater Office. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy oom at anssen ve lorist. • 6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Saint gnes hurch Parish Hall. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 47 216 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:30 p.m. – Dallas Masonic Lodge #128 meets at the Mena Lodge located in the Old Post Office by anssen Park. Friday, 11/18 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. • 12:00 p.m. – PCDC Board of Directors meeting at M HS onference oom . • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at ickes irst Ba tist hurch. 107 N 2nd Street, ickes . • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Leon Page Band will be laying at the merican Legion in corn. 6.00 admission. • 7:30 p.m. – Christian Brotherhood Men s meeting at annanland hurch, 2 07 Sutherland Hwy est. ll men invited. 1 and older. or more information, call Brother Allen 479-216-4282. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the B lub across from ho ing Block, 11 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 47 216 4606 or 479-243-0297. Saturday, 11/19 4:00 p.m. John rachiseur Benefit Chicken Dinner/Auction at ickes afeteria. • 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – 67th Annual Thanksgiving Supper at Vandervoort Elementary. 6 er late, take outs available.
Weekly Publication
Southern Hospitality Auditions Approach as Soup and Bread Dinner at Eb Scrooge Prepares to Open at OLT American Artisans CONTRIBUTED BY BARBARA M. TOBIAS • T T
he O uachita Littl e T heatre season is l oaded w ith activi ty for the next tw o m onths. N ot onl y do they have the w onderful C hristm as show “ E b S croog e” opening D ecem b er 2 , b ut auditions for the next show , “ S outhern H ospital ity , ” w il l b e happening b etw een the tw o w eeke nds of “ E b S croog e. ” “ S outhern H ospital ity” director, S cotty Je nki ns, announced that auditions w il l b e on D ecem b er 5 and 6 , 2 0 1 6 from 6 : 0 0 p. m . to 8 : 0 0 p. m . T he cast is 8 w om en and 5 m en. O ne m an and one w om an need to b e in their 2 0 ’ s. T he rest of the cast rang es in ag e from the 3 0 ’ s to 7 0 ’ s. C ast sel ection w il l b e D ecem b er 7 , w ith a m eeting at 7 : 0 0 p. m . to pick up scripts and a short inform ational meeting. The first read-thru will be Jan 2, 201 with rehearsal. Following rehearsals will be eve ry M onday , T uesday , and T hursday w ith any additional needed rehearsal s b eing on F ridays. P roduction dates w il l b e the w eek ends of F eb ruary 1 0 , 1 1 , and 1 2 and the fol l ow ing w eeke nd the 1 7 , 1 8 , and 1 9 . T H E S T O R Y : T he F utrel l e S isters—F ranki e, T w ink, H oney R aye and R honda Lyn n—a re in troub l e ag ain. T his tim e, the prob l em is b ig g er than eve r. T heir b el ov ed hom etow n, F ayr o, T exa s, is in dang er of disappearing , and it’ s up to the sisters to save it from ext inction. E ve r since the S uper S m artM art and the rendering pl ant cl osed, fol ks have b een l eavi ng F ayr o in drove s, b ut H oney R aye , w ith a m aj or assist from her form er nem esis, G eneva M usg rave , has com e up w ith a possib l e sol ution. I t seem s a sal sa m anufacturing factory is l ooki ng to rel ocate, and a com pany representative is headed to F ayr o on a scouting m ission. H oney R aye , as the president of the C ham b er of C om m erce, m ake s prom ises that are not to b e b el ieve d in order to w oo the rep to choose F ayr o. B ut how the F utrel l e sisters and the other citize ns of F ayr o, incl uding sw eet, sim pl e R ayn erd C hisum , pul l tog ether and save their tow n is a testam ent to S outhern streng th and ing enuity—a nd a recipe for total hil arity .
BU S I N E S S &
his “ T hird T hursday” from 6 to 8 pm on N ove m b er 1 7 , A m erican A rtisans is hosting a fundraiser to benefit Mena Art Gallery. Many of you attended the last one and this will be just as delicious. There will be five of Donna Chrisman’s wonderful soups for you to choose from Cheddar Ale, Caulini Cauli ower uccinni , Tomato B isq ue, C hicke n E nchil ada, and P otato C orn C how der. T o g o w ith it, yo u can choose from these homemade breads Pumpkin Walnut Cranberry Whole Wheat, Walnut Cranb erry W hol e W heat, W hol e W heat F rench, C l assic F rench B ag uettes, and B uttery R ol l s. T o g o w ith the b reads, there w il l b e w hipped b utter w ith b asil ; if yo u prefer yo ur b utter w ithout b its of b asil in it, there w il l b e som e pl ain b utter ava il ab l e too. T o top it al l off, there w il l b e som e of M aryA nn’ s cupcake s. I nstead of a set price, w e are req uesting a donation to M ena A rt G al l ery . T his is a g reat opportunity to support yo ur l ocal art g al l ery so that w e can continue b ring ing yo u a va riety of exh ib its such as the annual O uachita E xp ressions reg ional art com petition, the P hotog raphy show w ith entries from al l ove r the state, the annual chil dren’ s and yo ung artists exh ib it, and the A rt of the H eartl and national painting com petition w hich w as on displ ay during O ctob er, the C hristm as S how and S al e w hich is up now , and a va riety of exh ib its of the w ork of l ocal artists as w el l as chil dren’ s art cl asses and m uch m ore. W here el se can yo u have a fab ul ous dinner and support the arts at the sam e tim e? S o next T hursday , N ove m b er 1 7 , pl an to stop in b etw een 6 and 8 pm at A m erican A rtisans. A fter dinner ( or b efore if that w orks for yo u) , pl an to see w hat M ena A rt G al l ery has on displ ay for C hristm as g ifts and do som e shopping at the other dow ntow n m erchants, m ost of w hom are stayi ng open until 8 pm for yo ur conve nience once a m onth.
January 6, 201
Tips to Prepare a Holiday Budget ( S tateP oint) I t’ s the hol iday season and yo u kn ow al l that it entail s, so don’ t l et the exp enses catch yo u off- g uard - - from trave l ing to see fam il y to throw ing yo ur m assive annual party to sim pl y com pl eting yo ur hol iday shopping . E ve n thoug h retail ers cut prices l ast ye ar, according to the N ational R etail F ederation, hol iday sal es increased 3 percent from the previ ous ye ar. Early planning and smart strategies can help you end the year on a positive financial note. P l an A head: I n the run up to the hol idays, put som e ext ra m oney aside from each paych eck and earm ark it for hol iday spending . A b it of padding in yo ur purse w on’ t hurt and can onl y serve to m ake yo u feel m ore secure al l season. M aki ng this happen m ay req uire pinching a few pennies on dail y exp enses - - w hether it’ s b ring ing l unch from hom e rather than eating out or ski pping the desig ner l atte for a cup of coffee at w ork. C reate a B udg et: A com prehensive b udg et that accounts for al l yo ur hol iday exp enditures w il l hel p yo u determ ine w hether yo ur hol iday needs and wants are realistic. Do some research to find out exactly how much particular items will cost so you can draw up a plan that includes specifics. T o ke ep yo ur accounts in order, take a cue from sm al l b usinesses. T raditional b udg eting tool s l ike a deskt op cal cul ator can hel p. E nhanced features l ike an ex tra- l arg e displ ay and col or printing can hel p yo u sort additions and deductions q uickl y . T hose from C asio, such as the H R - 1 0 0 T M P l us, offer special ke ys for tax cal cul ations and can print tw o l ines per second. P rinting out yo ur up- to- date b udg et and ke eping this inform ation in a handy pl ace can m otiva te yo u to m ake w ise spending choices. C om parison S hop: T hese days, it’ s easier than eve r to stretch yo ur b udg et. O nl ine com parison shopping tools can help you find the best deals on all your holiday gifts. If a tough deal is hard to score on a particul ar item , b e w il l ing to m ake adj ustm ents to yo ur shopping l ist in order to stick to y our b udg et. R em em b er, yo u don’ t need to cl ip coupons the ol d- fashioned w ay to g et deep discounts on w anted item s. M any retail ers offer apps that send prom otions and coupons reg ul arl y to their users. R ethink G ifts: T he thoug htful ness of a g ift does not need to correspond to its cost. T here are pl enty of w ays to show yo u care this hol iday season that w on’ t b reak the b ank. C onsider yo ur tal ents and ski l l s. F or exa m pl e, a hom em ade kn itted sw eater, a m eticul ousl y crafted scrapb ook or eve n an orig inal song can have m ore m eaning for yo ur recipient than a pricey present. D on’ t l et the hol idays l eav e yo u in deb t. W ith a few sm art strateg ies, yo u can g ive yo ursel f the gift of a healthy financial new year. Member SIPC
MENA | HATFIELD & WICKES 479-394-2211
Ginger Sterner Financial Advisor 501c Hwy 71 North Mena, AR 71953 479-394-7940
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
Mena Police Department November 6, 2016 Report was made of someone stealing a purse from an unlocked car while it was parked at a local park. Case pending. November 7, 2016 Jeremy Haden, 28, of Mena was charged with public intoxication following several complaints from various locations in Mena. Laine Barber, 21, of Mena was charged with disorderly conduct after a call and investigation regarding someone setting off fireworks. A Mena woman reported that someone had stolen her sister s dog from the yard of a local residence. Case pending. November 8, 2016 Jeremy Haden, 28, of Mena was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, third degree assault, criminal trespass, and third degree assault after an incident at a local motel. He was later charged with third degree battery. Chris Brinlee, Sr., 53, of Mena was charged with felony counts of possession of schedule VI controlled substance, possession of schedule VI controlled substance with intent to deliver, simultaneous possession of controlled substance and firearms, manufacture of schedule VI controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession with intent to manufacture, and possession of schedule I or II controlled substance. A 17-year-old youth was charged in the incident as well. A 75-year-old Mena man reported that a gun had been stolen from his vehicle while it was being worked on at a Fort Smith car dealership. Information was forwarded to Fort Smith authorities. A Mena woman reported that someone had stolen a television from her house. Case is pending location and interview of suspect. November 9, 2016 No com leted re orts filed. November 10, 2016 A local man reported that several tools that had been stolen from him were located at a pawnshop. Case is pending. November 11, 2016 Jeremy Dean Dover, 40, of Independence, Oregon was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after a call to a local retail store. Further investigation resulted in Dover being charged with an additional count of theft of property (shoplifting.) Report was made of cash being taken from a misplaced wallet, then being turned in to employees at a local retail store. Case is
pending. November 12, 2106 Joshua Andrew Harry, 36, of Mena was served a warrant for failure to appear in district court.
Polk County Sheriff s Department November 7, 2016 Report from complainant on Polk 57 near the Nunley community of being harassed by an unknown individual. Investigation continues. Arrested was Jennifer M. Bill, 35, of Grannis, on a Warrant for Violation of the Arkansas Hot Check Law. Report from a local medical clinic of a cat bite victim. November 8, 2016 Report of a domestic disturbance on Polk 24 near Cove. Deputies responded. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney s Office for further consideration. Report of trash being dumped on Polk 647 near Mena led to a Citation for Littering being issued to andy L. ranfield, 1 , of Mena. Arrested was Jason E. Tomblin, 38, of Mena, on a Body Attachment Warrant. November 9, 2016 Report of a domestic disturbance on Old Cove Road in Cove. Deputies responded. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting ttorney s Office for further consideration. Report from a Wickes woman of a missing individual. The subject was located and returned to family members. Report from complainant on Polk 38 near Hatfield of unauthori ed ersons on their ro erty. Deputy responded. Report of a disturbance led to a 16-year-old male being issued a Juvenile Citation for Disorderly Conduct. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Report from complainant on Royster Lane near Potter of the theft of a road sign and $50.00 in damages to a mailbox. Investigation continues. Report of an accident on Dallas Avenue in Mena led to the arrest of Brandon W. Rose, 18, of Mena, on Charges of DWI, Driving with a Sus ended Driver s License, areless Driving and Possession of an Instrument of Crime. Also arrested was Shawn R. Romele, 18, of Mena, on Charges of Public Intoxication, Possession of Alcohol by a Minor, and Disorderly Conduct. November 10, 2016 Report of a domestic disturbance led to a 16-year-old female being issued Juvenile Citations for Domestic Battery 3rd Degree and Disorderly Conduct. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. rrested was oshua D. Lacefield, 2 , of Texarkana, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. Report from a Mena man of suspicions concerning a recent firearm urchase. nvestigation continues.
Report from a Mena woman of being scammed with fictitious checks by an unknown individual. Report of suspicious material led to a 14-year-old male and a 15-year-old female each being issued a Juvenile Citation for Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance. The juveniles were released to the custody of parents/guardians. Report of illegal contraband led to a 14-year-old female being issued a Juvenile Citation for Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Jason T. Hoyle, 46, of Cove, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. November 11, 2016 Traffic sto on Highway 71 South near Mena led to the arrest of Jesse J. Saxour, 28, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. Report of a disturbance on Polk 73 near Ink led to the arrest of Michael T. Higgins, 30, of Hatfield, on a arrant for Domestic Battery 3rd Degree. Report from complainant on Polk 28 near Hatfield of unauthori ed ersons on their ro -
erty. Investigation continues. November 12, 2016 Arrested was Brian K. Whisenhunt, 35, of Umpire, on a Warrant for Forgery. November 13, 2016 Report from complainant on Anders Street in Hatfield of vandalism done to a vehicle. nformation has been provided to the Prosecuting ttorney s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Highway 71 South near Wickes of the theft of a pressure washer, valued at $1,000.00. Investigation continues. Report of a disturbance on Emerald Lane near Acorn led to the arrest of Gerald R. Martin, 55, of Mena, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. Report of a disturbance in the Polk County Detention Center led to a Citation for Battery 3rd Degree being issued to Rocky R. Rhinehart, 7, of Hatfield. Arrested was Charles L. Dees, 67, of Mena, on a Charge of Disorderly Conduct. Polk ounty Sheriff s Office worked two vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 18 Incarcerated Inmates, with 2 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
November 16, 2016
Weekly Publication
................................................................................................................................ UP TO 20 WORDS - $4 PER WEEK, $0.25 EACH ADDITIONAL WORD • BORDER $1 • ALL CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE PREPAID.
Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly. Clean and comfortable housing since 1 6 , . ay Maria s MH Park and entals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, . T N 47 216 0 J Do er Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dum Truck, Ponds, Pads, learing, oads, Hauling, ich To Soil, ill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Do er o erator andy Egger, over 0 years e erience. e a reciate your Business all T N 47 2 4 1 7 Hand dry, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, brushing, cli ing. Deanna Boyd 47 2 4 1 66. 11 2 I will come to you! Like Facebook. ouse Cleaning and more. 41 .
otter at 2 4 11 2
Christian Singles, men women young old and in between. oin us for hristian fellowshi and activities. all 11 0 or te t 47 2 4 0 6 for information. As of December 1, 2016, the Potter Transfer Station will be site ick u only. or info call Otis Bissell 47 24 11 2 7 7 .
Notice is hereby given that D , D S ON B LD NG THO T on behalf of NS S DEP TMENT O H M N SE ES is soliciting lease ro osals for otential office s ace in the ity of Mena, Polk ounty, . Pro osals for e isting structures consisting of a ro imately ,000 s .ft., w 40 arking s aces will be considered. nterested arties should contact harles Thomas, Division Building uthority, 01 6 2 4 44 or charles. thomas for an P ackage. The deadline for ro osals is 2 .m. .S.T. on Tuesday, De11 16 cember 20th, 2016. On Oct. 14th a good man, friend, husband and father, left us to kill cancer and be with the Lord. E , very uickly a tremendous, almost breath taking out ouring of love ooded our lives. e were overwhelmed be generosity, care and concern. e were and are so blessed by all these wonderful family and friends. sn t it strange how such a H GE loss brings into focus how rich you really are. Thank you harley for bringing us into your life, so that we would know these wonderful eo le. e thought you were a blessing and you are, however want to thank everyone, but it s not something that feel can be ade uately done. There are sim ly no words. Please know that you are so a reciated and treasured. f the Lord rewards you with half of what you gave us, you will be staggered by it. ray for this for each of you. To feel this kind of love is truly awesome. Thank you, Michael and 11 16 Teri Edwards
Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK Abby has that classy black with white fur coat. She will fit into any color scheme home! Abby is a year old. Give her a soft spot for na ing, a few toys, kitty food and love... and this affectionate girl will become your best friend ho could ask for more than that ...spayed...shots...litter box trained
ive us a call. You ll be glad you did CE P E MBER: (479) 394 5682 EB S TE: is a K Shelter. S is not affiliated with any other local, state or national animal rescue organi ation. S is a 501(c)(3) organi ation. Please consult your tax advisor to see if your donation is tax deductible.
The Polk ounty udge is soliciting bids for the construction of a concrete bridge located on Polk ounty oad 4, near Grannis. co y of bid documents and s ecifications may be obtained at the Polk ounty udge s Office at 07 hurch venue in Mena, rkansas. Bids are due and will be o ened at :00 M on November 2 th, 2016 in the basement of the Polk ounty ourthouse. Each bid must be accom anied by a surety or cashier s check drawn u on a bank or trust doing business in the state of rkansas. Polk ounty reserves the right to re ect any or all bids or waive any formalities. Polk ounty encourages the artici ation of small, minority, and woman s business enter rises. uestions can be directed to Polk ounty udge, Brandon Ellison, at 47 11 16 4 1 .
Dugan awn are and Landsca ing now is the time to get ower beds in order. e offer an array of services to hel you re are for the change in seasons. January 6, 2016 Mulch work, ower bed maintenance, lawn winteri ation, ro erty clean u , lanting annual fall owers, ressure washing, and more. or more information and free estimate call us at 47 4 26 Dugan Lawn are and Landsca ing, we are lawn care done right
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