November 1, 2017 Stay Connected!
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Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM &
Ouachita Arts Celebration to Transform Downtown Mena for a Day BY MELANIE WADE • The Ouachita Arts Celebration will hit town this Saturday, November 4th, and North Mena Street will be transformed into a bustling celebration of the arts, right in the heart of Mena’s budding Downtown Arts District.
Rare Plane Makes Pit Stop in Mena A rare 1929 Ford Tri-Motor airplane swoops in above Hampton Aviation at the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. The crew stopped by the Mena Air Center to fuel up and have lunch at a local eatery. For more on their trek, check out page 10 of this edition.
Cossatot River School District Receives School of Innovation Grant BY MELANIE WADE • Cossatot River School District has received a $ 10,000 grant from the Arkansas Public School Resource Center for being a School of Innovation, as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education.
Local Veteran to be Inducted into Ark. Military Veterans Hall of Fame BY MELANIE WADE •
Colonel B illy Ray Wood, a retired veteran who makes his home in Mena, will be inducted into the seventh class of the Arkansas Military Veterans Hall of Fame on Saturday, November 4th, in a ceremony that will be held CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
2017-2018 Cossatot River Eagles See page 15-17 & Lady Eagles
. .November . . . . . . . . . . 1,. .2017 .................................................................................................................. Weekly Publication
Walker Re-Appointed to State Council
egina Walker, retired Mena City Clerk/Treasurer and Life Member of the Arkansas Municipal League, was recently re-appointed to the Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resource Council (ANCRC) for a four-year term, by Gov. Asa utchinson and confirmed by the Arkansas enate. alker will be representing cities and towns on the 11 member council. Walker was originally appointed by Gov. Mike Huckabee and was re-appointed during his tenure, as well. Walker said, “I was humbled and honored to be re-appointed by Gov. Hutchinson.” ther ouncil embers are John Thurston, ommissioner of tate Lands tacy urst, irector of the Arkansas atural eritage ommission obby evis, hair of the Arkansas atural eritage ommission ane ebb, irector of the Arkansas epartment of arks Tourism ash oyal, Arkansas arks, Travel ecreation ommission obbi hepherd, l orado, representing rural areas Tarench anning, Fayetteville, representing urban areas hris illines, Arkansas counties Jason mith, eebe, represents the Arkansas enate, and the representative for the Arkansas ouse position is currently not filled. Walker shared, “The ANCRC has funded many worthwhile projects across the state to preserve state-owned buildings, historic sites, natural areas, and outdoor recreation for future generations. ome local pro ects that have been funded, all or in part, are the istoric Armory on e ueen treet, ueen ilhelmina tate ark improvements ofA ich ountain walking trails and outdoor amphitheater ossatot iver tate ark atural Area development and the olk ounty ourthouse through the ounty ourt ouse rant rogram.
Roberts Receives State CASA Award R
Pictured: (L)Regina Walker (R) District Judge, Danny Thrailkill administering Oath.
ene oberts, an avid A A ourt Appointed pecial Advocate volunteer from ena, was honored last week at the Arkansas tate A A onference in recognition of 11.5 years of dedicated volunteer advocacy for foster children. Local A A irector ynthia artin said, ene is our longest serving A A volunteer and because of her efforts, 1 foster children had a caring advocate by their side as they navigated their way through the foster care system. artin added that one foster child in particular was especially near and dear to oberts heart. he advocated passionately for him until he was adopted into his forever home.” Roberts said that particular child was a teenager before he was adopted and she still keeps in contact with him. “I am honored beyond words to receive this award,” said Roberts. “I have a deep commitment to A A. I feel that it is a way to give these children a voice and to have someone constant in their lives when nothing else is. With the help of God, I have been able to keep my focus on the reason I got into this.” For anyone interested in becoming a A A volunteer, they will be holding a new volunteer training soon. To learn more about A A and how you can help a foster child, call Cynthia Martin or Renee Hen- ene’ o erts l stands with dri at 9 9 . Dire tor ynthia artin r
Please join us for a
Christmas Open House •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fri., November 3 Sat., November 4 9am - 8pm 9am - 3pm
Mena Regional Health System
On November 7, 1967, Richard and Joyce Hansen were joined in marriage in Mena, AR. Please join their friends and family to celebrate their 50th anniversary on Saturday, November 4! An anniversary celebration will be held at First Christian Church, 1010 Port Arthur from 2:00-4:00 PM. All are invited to come share in the celebration. No gifts, please, but cards can be sent to: P.O. Box 506, Mena, AR 71953.
311 North Morrow * Mena
Door Prizes Specials Light Refreshments
Sponsored by Volunteers of Mena Regional Auxiliary
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
TEAM PULSE Donates to Clarice’s HCI Hosts Grand Opening for Community Pharmacy Room of Hope
TEAM PULSE was proud to donate $200 to Teena Brown (center) of lari e’s oo o o e during their annual undraiser on to er 2 th he annual donation is ade ossi le y the generous advertisers o the Pulse’s annual reast an er wareness age u lished ea h to er De ie rost e nn Dil e eena rown ounder o lari e’s ye owell elanie ade and lana ur
Senior Allstars
Jimmy Dilbert
Robert Johnson
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e t to right ront row udy lara auren illis Phar a ist ony alandro hel y wens Phar a ye hni ian Phyllis unningha hris enner De ie rost shley ith e ond row onya ay aveen ansu hani alvador li alde Doreen a ley a ie ahen enni er a ell ret hen annon isa asters hird ow i e allett e it hugh ott awyer Derwood rett
ealthy Connections, Inc., in Mena celebrated the Grand Opening of their new state-of-the-art pharmacy with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, October 24th. HCI’s pharmacy is a community pharmacy that includes the 340B Drug Discount Program, a US federal government program created in 1992 that re uires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs at significantly reduced prices. Their pharmacy partner, ardinal ealth, says that having an in house pharmacy has many benefits. I know the value that having an in-house pharmacy brings. In fact, we see in some of the latest material available that you stand a 95 chance of a patient filling a prescription if they are able to do it while they are in their doctor s office. That usually drops to 65 if they walk out the door without filling it. e are really pleased to partner with ealthy Connections in knowing that having a pharmacy here is going to help them and help their patients be more compliant and are adhering to their medications.” e went on to say that the benefits the non insured received through their pharmacy are a true advantage. e are able to provide meds at a discount to them through Healthy Connections’ connections with the 340B Drug Discount Program.” I irector Tony allandro is proud of the partnership as well. The partnership with Cardinal is such that we are able to bring the pharmacy here to our local patients and I think that s the biggest benefit we can provide for the community. I s new pharmacist, r. Lauren aston illis, originally from den, said she is glad to be back home and serving her community. Also, as an added advantage, the Healthy Connections Pharmacy isn’t just for their patients, but is open to the community as well. To learn more, give them a call at 9 9.
January 6, 2016
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. . November . . . . . . . . . . .1,. 2017 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
UA Rich Mountain Honorees Recognized at State Conference
The 29th Annual Conference for Arkansas Community Colleges was held October 15-17, 2017 at the Marriott and Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. At the conference, each of the 22 community colleges in Arkansas recognize and honor an outstanding staff, faculty, alumnus and Academic All-Star student from each of their respective institutions. The ACC Awards Luncheon was held on Monday, October 16 th to honor outstanding faculty and staff and included the keynote speaker, Dr. Matt Reed. Dr. Reed is the Vice President for Learning at B rookdale Community College and has extensive experience with Early College High School Programs and author of the book, Confessions of a Community College Administrator, which has been taught in educational leadership doctoral programs. At the luncheon, the following staff and faculty from the University of Arkansas Rich Mountain were recognized along with staff and faculty from 21 other Arkansas community colleges: Dr. Gaumani Gyanwali, Chemistry and Physical Science Instructor as 2017 Outstanding Faculty and Audra Titsworth, Registrar’s Assistant as 2017 Outstanding Staff. “I am extremely proud of the work both Gaumani and Audra do each day in providing a great college experience and exceptional learning environment for our students,” stated Chancellor Wilson. The Academic All-Star Awards B runch was held on Tuesday, October 17th to honor outstanding alumni and students named as Academic All-Stars from each respective community college in Dr. Phillip Wilson, UA Rich MounDr. Phillip Wilson, UA Rich MounArkansas. The Honorable Asa Hutchinson was the keynote speaker for the brunch and spoke on tain Chancellor and Dr. Gaumani Gyantain Chancellor and Audra Titsworth, the State’s work and initiatives to promote economic growth through collaborative partnerships. At wali, Chemistry & Physical Science egistrar’s ssistant the brunch, the following alumnae and student from the University of Arkansas Rich Mountain were Instructor. recognized along with alumni and students from 21 other Arkansas community colleges: Damon Miller, Assistant Vice President Commercial Lender at Arvest B ank of Mena named as 2017 Outstanding Alumnus and Danni Smyth named as 2017 Academic All-Star. At the end of the brunch, B ill Stovall, Executive Director of Arkansas Community Colleges announced that representatives from universities around the State were on hand to offer scholarship packages to this year’s Academic All-Stars. “This is one of those moments I am most proud of as a college president. Seeing the fruits of how higher education and particularly how our College has impacted the success of our graduates and how student lives will be impacted by a college education is truly why we do what we do as a college family. It all boils down to one simple truth teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Celebrating the successes of our students and alumni are shining moments in the work we do every day,” stated Chancellor Wilson.
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. . November . . . . . . . . . . 1, . .2017 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Summer and Fall County Road Projects hit Completion
MRHS Annoucnes iCare Star Employee
olk County Judge B randon Ellison said the latest road projects in the county have come to a successful completion and crews will now spend the winter gearing up for projects coming in Spring 2018. After the successful 2017 Spring Project that focused on work in Wickes, Vandervoort and Mena areas, the Polk County Road Department began work on the summer project. This pro ect consisted of roads near atfield, Ink, ocana and herry ill. A small fall project was added near the Nunley and B oard Camp communities to wrap up the hard surfacing operations for 2017. This year’s summer seal and re-seal program focused on several roads including Polk and near atfield, olk oads Ink nack ar , , 1, and herry ill end . The total length of the pro ect was .15 miles. “Final surfacing costs for this project were $ 288,000,” said Ellison. This includes all materials, olk ounty oad epartment s labor and e uipment costs based on F A cost codes , and striping. f course, it should be noted that the surfacing operation is the final phase of any road pro ect and there is always a significant amount of time and money spent preparing for that depending on the condition of the subject road,” he added. The project was a mix, in that regard. About one half of the mileage was completely reconstructed receiving new drainage pipe, elevation work, and road base. The balance of the project consisted of spot reconstruction, limited drainage work, cut and asphalt repair and then a re-surface. uring the fall seal and re seal pro ects, olk oads 56 and 5 were the sub ect and make The Cole were also a mix of total reconstruction, repair and seal. These Please portions of roads are Team Bold & than located in the unley and oard amp areas. Total mileage of this pro ect larger was 1.5 the address & phone miles. The surfacing cost was 61,5 . numbers I urge our citi ens to travel these roads and see the professional ob our road crew below it. is doing. In the past we have contracted our final surfacing. This year we performed the task using our new surfacing equipment and the results were very good. We were Omit the 800 number and able to do 19.9 miles this year, much of it was double sealed. The quality is good, and the e-mail address and we saved around $ 300,000 over previous contracted projects of equal quantities.” substitute art of the cost savings can be attributed to Judge llison adding to the county s fleet of equipment this past Spring. The purchased equipment included a new, 2000-gallon instead. oil distributor truck, new chip spreader, used pneumatic roller and a used sweeper. The e uipment was purchased with funds retained from the In 16the budget and inside web address across the 1 budget and totaled appro imately , . I e pectthe thebottom, return capitalize on investthe ment to be about 2 ½ years, a relatively short time in this business,” Ellison M in Mena, the stated R in at that time. Real & the E in Estate.
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Mena Regional Health System recently awarded Jennifer Youngblood, LPN at Mena Medical Associates, the iCARE Star Employee of the Quarter. Jennifer received several nominations on her behalf. As the Star Employee of the Quarter, Jennifer received a day off, her name on the progressive plaque displayed on the iCARE Hall of Fame, and a personal plaque of her own.
Farrell & Sharon Cole
The Cole Team
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chili and all the fixings Donations appreciated!
Walmart Card will be given away
Tickets 6/$5
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Local Graduate Honored in SAU Hall of Fame T
he Southern Arkansas University Athletic Department has announced this year’s Hall of Fame class, which includes ouston Taylor. Taylor is a graduate of atfield igh chool and the son of athy Taylor and the late on Taylor of atfield. Houston Taylor had a 25-year association with Southern Arkansas that began in 1982. He spent a total of 14 years as the sports information director and also served the last 11 years as assistant athletic director. At the time of his resignation in 2013, he was one of the two longest tenured sports information directors in the Great American Conference and remains the longest-serving full-time sports information director in history at the university. The Hall of Fame class was formally inducted during a ceremony on Friday, October 20th. They were also introduced at halftime of the October 21st game.
Harvey Announced as Elk’s Deputy of the Month P
olk County Sheriff’s Deputy Duane Harvey has been chosen as the Mena Elk’s Lodge’s “Deputy of the Month” for the month of October 2017. Elk’s Exhaulted Ruler, B rian Thompson is shown presenting Deputy Harvey with the award. Deputies chosen for the lk s award receive a ertificate of Appreciation, a gift certificate for themselves and a ‘ plus-one’ to a local eatery. Thompson said they began the program because they “really appreciate what the Deputies do and we would like to honor them.” Deputy Harvey will be entered into the Elk’s Deputy of the Year program, with that honoree to be announced next spring.
January 6, 2016
iCare Star Department at MRHS Mena Regional Health System recently named the Accounts Payable/ Payroll Department as the iCARE Star Department of the Quarter. As Department of the Quarter, the team received a plaque to be displayed on the iCARE Wall of Fame and a pizza party.
. . November . . . . . . . . . . .1,. 2017 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
To qualify for such a designation, district leaders presented a Schools of Innovation plan to the Department of Education that outlined new and creative concepts to the existing instructional and administrative practices. The changes proposed by district leaders are intended to improve academic performance and learning for all students. ossatot s vision is to provide all students personali ed learning opportunities for success and meeting individual needs through a fle ible attendance schedule, self-pacing by students, and teacher mentors who will open up more avenues for student success. r. Lisa Todd, the irector of ducation for A , commended the school for seeking creative and innovative methods to better accommodate the needs of their student populations. The school received the grant as presented by r. Todd at the A s annual fall conference. hile there, ossatot iver school officials were also able to participate in a panel discussion with other Schools of Innovation. ickey Ford, Assistant rincipal at ossatot iver igh chool said the 1 , will help ossatot iver accomplish a student driven school that meets the individual needs of all students. For more information about the chools of Innovation and ossatot iver igh chool s Innovation lan, visit http divisions learning services schools of innovation and then find ossatot iver igh School.
Veteran at the Embassy Suites in Little Rock. U.S. Senator John B oozman will present the awards to each of the 15 inductees with a special medallion marking the occasion. The Arkansas Military Veterans Hall of Fame was introduced in 2011 and since then, organizers have been trying to find a permanent home for the display that honors all inductees. This year, organi ers are pleased to announce the display will be housed in the Arkansas tate Treasurer s office, which is located in the tate apitol. ol. ood is a retired Army eteran with more than 5, helicopter flight hours and a veteran of the ietnam ar. ood retired years ago. e grew up in olk ounty for a time where his father owned a manganese mill in the oard amp area. ood also worked in the entagon for a time where he flew senators and generals. In a 16 presentation to the ena Lions lub, oods said of his time in ietnam, All I did was fly infantry soldiers to and from work everyday. hat he didn t say was that it was no normal commute, taking on gunfire many times while trying to fly from one point to another. e attempted to give democracy to the ietnam people but you cannot give democracy. ou have to be willing to fight for it, not have it handed to you. As for his nomination to the Arkansas ilitary eterans all of Fame, ood said, I am very, very honored. I am so thankful to be alive today and my wife, arolyn, and I are anticipating having family and friends from ietnam and ena that will oin us at the ceremony in Little ock. ood is proud to say that folks that served in the same aviation unit I served with from Te as, Louisiana, ississippi, klahoma, isconsin, are all coming to the ceremony. I am ust honored. These are people that I would stand up for and put my life on the line for wonderful wonderful friends.” ood was nominated by etired . . avy aptain John obert ob oung who was a helicopter pilot in the navy and served in ietnam as well. e are in the American Legion together and we go to men s breakfast together. e have an entire table at Tuesday morning breakfast that are retired military airforce, navy, army. e re just a group of retired military veterans that are very fortunate to be alive today.” ood is also part of the olk ounty onor uard that provides military honors at veterans funerals and memorial services. e served for a total of .5 years. e was inducted into the Field Artillery fficer andidate chool at Fort ill, klahoma in ay 199 . e is proud to say, I have a son that retired from the military. e was in the army as a Lieutenant olonel and flew helicopters and airplanes. I have a daughter that is a private pilot. The ood family is aviation oriented, he smiled. To become an inductee, a veteran must be nominated via their website, Around 50 nominations are received each year before being narrowed down to 15 inductees by a committee. Inductees are chosen for both public service and valor. To attend Saturday’s banquet, tickets are $ 55 per person, or $ 500 for a table of ten. Reservations can be made by calling 1 9 5.
Retired Colonel Billy Ray Wood is shown paying homage to all veterans during the 2016 Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown Mena, Ark.
November 1, 2017
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Mena • Hatfield • Wickes
479.394.4248 104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344
(479) 243-2053 1003 Mena St, Mena
Day-Long Activities Throughout the Event CHRISTMAS SHOW, DEMONSTRATIONS, LIVE MUSIC......................................................................................... Mena Art Gallery CULINARY - CUPCAKE DEMO AND WORKSHOP ......... UA Rich Mountain Tent; 10:30, 12:30, 2:30 OPEN HOUSE .......................................................................... The Mercantile, Progressive Kids Therapy POTTERY PAINTING COMPETITION ................................ Chameleon Arts ROVING CHOIR - MENA HS ................................................. Outside & Inside Downtown Businesses COSTUMED ACTORS ............................................................ Throughout the Event FOOD SERVICE ....................................................................... American Artisans, Skyline Cafe FLINT KNAPPING ................................................................... Booth Area WINDOW DISPLAY - LIVE FASHION SHOW .................. The Fair Lady ART OF FALCONRY ............................................................... Booth Area FACE PAINTING BY E.J. COLVIN ......................................... Booth Area POTTERY DEMONSTRATIONS ........................................... Booth Area
Stage Events 1100 College Drive, Mena • 479.394.7622 •
607 Mena Street, Mena, AR 479-394-3880
501 Mena St. Mena, AR (479) 394-1900
10:00-10:05 10:10-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30
NATIONAL ANTHEM - Mena High School Choir TBD Ouachita Strings Ensemble OLT - Cutting from Hamlet Live Music - Logan Lind Mena HS Drama Dept. - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 12:30-12:45 Dance Performance - Next Generation Dance Academy 1:00-1:30 Live Music/Interviews 1:30-2:00 TBD 2:00-2:30 Martial Arts Demonstration - Southern Impact 2:30-3:00 Ouachita Strings Ensemble 3:00-4:00 Live Music - Logan Lind; Chair Decorating Competition Presentation
. . November . . . . . . . . . . .1,. 2017 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Rare Plane Makes Pit Stop in • Mena BY MELANIE WADE
ena Intermountain Municipal Airport received a visit from a rare airplane on Wednesday, October 25, 2017, when a 1929 Ford Tri-Motor, one of only 199 ever made, landed to fuel up and grab a bite to eat. The plane is part of the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association), an organization that tries to keep the interest of aviation-related activities fresh in the hearts of people of all ages. The trio on the plane that stopped in Mena were on their way to Ada, Oklahoma to do just that, show the plane and keep interest alive. Not only is the plane historical in that there were only 199 made, with even less still actively flying, this particular plane has had many interesting adventures. From 1929 – 1939, it was part of Eastern Air Transport. From 1930 – 1949, it was included in the Cubana Airlines and served as “Airforce One” for the Dominican Republic. In 1949, the plane was returned to the United States for barnstorming before being used for crop dusting and smoke jumping for the next thirteen years, then nine more years for barnstorming. In 1965, the plane starred in the Jerry Lee Lewis film, The Family Jewels. A windstorm severely damaged the plane in 1973, after which the EAA purchased the plane and began restoring it to airworthy conditions. Since 1985, it has been used by the EAA and in 2009, it starred in the Johnny Depp movie, Public Enemies.
Ouachita Arts
More More Info: Info: 479-394-3880 479-394-3880 Follow Follow us us on on Facebook Facebook
An array of artistic talents will line the street and many items will be on display and some will be available for purchase. From paintings and drawings, to woodworking and baskets, to artistic food and crafts. There will be something for everyone to enjoy. The event continues to garner strong community partnerships that help it grow in popularity each year, attracting locals and tourists alike. The event is a huge and eclectic collaboration of those partnerships from businesses to artists to students. Organizers credit many humble volunteers that begin working months in advance behind the scenes to produce the one-day event. New attractions continue to be added each year. This year, one of those new attractions will be the Chair Decorating Competition. Area artists have spent weeks preparing old wooden chairs for display and their creative tastes will vary to create a plethora of repurposed, artistic chairs. Ouachita Little Theatre will include their talents in theatre arts with a cutting from their most recent production, Hamlet. Music, a martial arts demonstration, Tommy Young’s birds of prey, and a flint knapping demonstration are all slated for the community event. American Artisans and the Skyline will once again be serving food. The Mena Art Gallery will also launch their annual Christmas Art Sale as well. Also, don’t forget to check out the antique rides in the Vintage Tin Fall Tour Car Show. Logan Lind, a Norwegian/American, singer/songwriter with his own sound and a style that melds his Southern upbringing and Scandinavian roots, will perform on stage for entertainment as well. Lind is from Mena but has traveled the world with his unique tunes. The 4th Annual Ouachita Arts Celebration will begin in the Downtown Arts District on North Mena Street at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 4th. Don’t miss local talent, art, crafts, and more in this one-of-a-kind event. For a full schedule of events, check out page 9 of this edition.
Fun for ALL Ages!
Chameleon Arts • Mena Art Gallery American Artisans Eatery & Gallery Skyline Cafe • The Mercantile Ouachita Little Theatre • The Fair Lady 4 Winds Trading Post Whitley Lind Photography
ReMax • Brodix • Washburn’s Home Furnishings • Union Bank of Mena Sterling Machinery • Aleshire Electric Mena Star • UARM Sanctified Graphics and Design Support for OAC is provided, in part, by the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Himel Receives Realtor Award
he Arkansas REALTORS® Association has announced that one of its members, B obbie Himel, was recently awarded the GRI (Graduate, REALTOR® Institute) designation after successfully completing 6 hour of specific education outlined by the National Association of REALTORS® . Himel joins other top producers in the residential real estate industry who hold the designation across the nation.
resh Start Pregnancy Resource Center will host their 3rd annual fundraising banquet, Life is B eautiful, this Thursday. Tickets will be available at the door and this year’s featured guest will both speak and entertain, and will also hold a free concert on Friday in Mena. Caitlin Jane is a popular singer and has “an amazing testimony of God’s healing and grace in their lives,” said Fresh Start B oard Member Candace Riner. “B oth she and her husband had cancer and were told they could not have children and now they are cancer free and have a little boy.” Caitlin and family will travel to Mena from Virginia, where they make their home. According to her website,, “Caitlin Jane has performed at numerous events honoring and advocating for life, including the National March for Life in Washington D.C., as well as pregnancy center banquets across the country. She has used music as an outreach to inner city rescue missions, and has performed concerts overseas with Made In Hope—a n organization that liberates women and children out of the darkness of human trafficking. er music career has e panded beyond singing, opening doors for ministry in speaking to women’s groups and young people. As the recipient of the 2016 K indred Award for Female Contemporary Artist of the Year, she has been recognized for her talent, yet music isn’t just about performing to Caitlin Jane—r ather, music is an opportunity to worship and give glory to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Fresh Start is committed to providing compassionate mentoring, practical help and accurate information to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies or past abortions; openly sharing the love, hope, and truth of Jesus Christ. Their services include: pregnancy tests; educational information on fetal development; information regarding options, risks, and consequences of abortion; referrals to healthcare facilities, maternity homes, and other community resources; family support mentoring; post-abortion healing; First Time Mom Program; Earn While You Learn Program and Life Skills. Fresh Start is located in the rock house at 1308 Hwy. 71 N, in Mena, next door to Miner’s A & B Tire and across from Sun Country Inn. They can be contacted at 479-394-1186 . For more information about Fresh Start and how to partner with them, visit their website at http: // and on Facebook at http: // freshstartprc to keep up with other special events they are planning as well as other news and updates. Fresh Start’s Life is B eautiful B anquet will be held on Thursday, November 2, at 6 : 30 p.m. at the Ouachita Center on the campus of UA-Rich Mountain. Tickets are $ 30 each or get a table of 8 for $ 210. In addition to the banquet, Caitlin Jane will have a concert at Grace B ible Church on Friday, November 3rd at 6 : 00 PM. There will be a love offering accepted for her ministry.
January 6, 2016
Weekly Publication
Caitlin Jane to Headline Fresh Start Banquet and Free Concert F
................................................................................................................................ at the age of 85. She is survived by her brother, Jes- Flatte, Dustin B lack, Jake Ryan, TERESE Tessie was a native of Montgomery sie B . Ramsey; sister, Mary Del “K aty” Devin Ryan, Nick Ryan, Shayleigh RAMSEY County, Arkansas. She was a wife, moth- Ramsey Franklin McSpadden; 5 children: Ryan, Savanna Ryan Gilbreth; six er and friend who enjoyed gardening and daughters, Angela “Diane” B ishop, Larrita great-grandchildren, and special RYAN PRICE Teresa Ramsey Ryan Price, of Oden, AR, passed peacefully on October 24th, 2017
farm life. She was born in Opal, Arkansas 1932 to the late William Felix “B ill” Ramsey and Mattie Dooley Ramsey who proceeded her in death.
Flatte and husband Jim, Terry B runi and husband Elvio; sons, William Dale “B ill” Ryan and wife Dianne, and Charles Ryan and wife Suzanne; grandchildren, Jesse
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nieces, nephews, and cousins. Tessie was preceded in death by her sister, Dessie Lois “Tolly” B arron, brother, William Felix “Pete” Ramsey, daughter, Rose Anne Ryan, and by husband, B ill Price, and ex-husband, L.D. Ryan. Pall B earers were Jesse Flatte, Dustin B lack, Jacob Ryan, Nicholas Ryan, Rick Foster, and Steve Moore. Funeral services were held Saturday, Oct. 28th, 2017 at 2: 00 p.m. in the B easley Wood Chapel. The interment followed at Hillside Cemetery, Montgomery County. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to Hillside Cemetery Association at Union B ank of Mena, 303 Hwy 71 North, Mena, Arkansas 71953 Online obituary at
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Acorn High School Announces Honor Roll
corn igh chool has announced their first nine weeks honor roll. A l l A ’ s : 7th rade rookelyn oss, aelin arding, Lori ichardson. th rade Abigail ance, aeghan eddle. 9th rade orryn olland, alli olland, arlee odgers, arah allace. 1 th rade akenna oss, acey ead, rady Lyle, Justin ichmond. 1 th rade li abeth achtel, Josey ebb. A ’ s & B ’ s : th rade raylan ohlman, harish ill, estin Johnson, ichael Laing, aylin Lane, livia aechler, eed c ee, achael iller, raven odgers, achael eddle, mily horton, Jayden illborg, Addison ood. th rade amian ohlman, unshine utterfield, ayla urry, iersten Larucci, Jacob Lyle, Abbigail c arroll, Justice eufeld, aylee Tedder. 9th rade ee lan rown, mmylynn oss, Jaden iller, atieAnn ippin, acy yron, Trysten ichey, Tyler medley, imberly trasner, Autumn trother. 1 th rade atthew ance, aley andoval, Jordan ard, rody ebb. 11th rade akayla Anderson, endra ranson, ydney rawford, Tessa esterson, ekin ie yle, achel urr, aley ichardson, Faith alker. 1 th rade ane arr, eather Frady, aken ie oss, Taylor eifner, ross ughes, Ashley ides, Jason ood.
Mena Elks Helped Acorn Elementary Celebrate Red Ribbon Week T he ena lks Lodge helped Acorn lementary celebrate ed ibbon eek with a 16 foot banana split and a visit from lroy the lk. ena lks alted uler rian Thompson and crew shared the day, and the banana split, with 9 students and 1 adults. ed ibbon eek is celebrated by schools each year in a nation wide effort to keep kids drug free.
Insurance with a name you know STATE FARM INSURANCE 624 Sherwood Avenue, Mena, AR
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November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Vandervoort Ele. Release Honor Cossatot River FCS Celebrates National Bring Your Bible to School Roll & Perfect Attendence T Day
ossatot River High School Fellowship of Christian Student (FCS) members celebrated “National B ring your B ible to School Day” on October 5th. FCS gave rewards for those who brought B ibles and also handed out free B ibles to students who wanted one. Area churches added to the event by donating B ibles and candy. Cossatot River High School FCS meets during lunch each Wednesday with guest speakers from Polk County churches.
he following is the honor roll for the first nine weeks K ind e rg arte n - A l l A ’ s : Alicia Aaron, Adelyn arton, Alleigh ennett, ivi rewer, Aiden roach, adence roach, asty ryce, aken ie utler, hristopher ickens, Adalyn lder, Amelia spinola, hristian Fairless, Joshua roce, avanna utson, haelynn anning, Janessa ogers alker, ate Tooker, Jeli a Turner, Jolena Turner, a atkins, ristina ilkinson.K ind e rg arte n - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s : Isabelle enham, yan yde, abriah cott, Timothy illiams. Firs t G rad e - A l l A ’ s : Leliana Anglin, Ana roach, heyenne roach, racelee urk, Jasmine unn, ambree anning, Tristan ollard, Ariana haver, Jace house, racie mith, Joslyn atkins. Firs t G rad e - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s : ailey uff, Aaron Jewell, rake Jopling, atalie ushing, aphina Z immerman. Se c ond G rad e - A l l A ’ s : Temperance ell, Lillyann ennett, Autumn unn, adison Jewell, eaudy Lile, Trinity tandridge. Se c ond G rad e - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s rody reel, Tristan au, heyann dwards, harlee Fortner, Jakub enry, Jacee c hee, onnor ogers. T h ird G rad e - A l l A ’ s : Tayden roach, Flint ickerson, Joe ing, III, ylee anning, Jade Watkins. T h ird G rad e - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s Ayden Arthur, atalie ailey, Jayden roach, Thomas hesser, atthew au, ichael oward, Anthony Johnson, Jamey Johnson, aphira cJunkins, Lyn ie ilkinson. Fou rth G rad e - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s : Jake arrett, Jaylunn stes, Jimmy lenn, olton reen, aleena opkins.Fif th G rad e - A l l A ’ s : iley unn, hawn arris, li ah mith, radley ade. Fif th G rad e - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s : Jennifer Arce, ichelle roach, Landon ase, Laci i on, radley arwood, Jayden Johnson, yler c ee, attie oss, aylee Ward. Six th G rad e - A l l A ’ s & B ’ s : Austin ailey, aylynn urke, Illiana ia , rodie ickerson, Ayla lder, eera enry, adelyn oyle, raylen alls, enia chmidt. P e rf e c t A tte nd e nc e : K ind e rg arte n: ivi rewer, orben eal. Firs t G rad e : adyson roach, Tristan ollard, Jace house, racie mith, Joslyn atkins. Se c ond G rad e : Temperance B ell. T h ird G rad e : ichael oward. Fou rth G rad e : J acob arrett, ylene enton, olton reen. Fif th G rad e : Landon ase, Andrew mith, orban Tolleson.Six th G rad e : Austin ailey, Landon stes, raylen alls, esiree ard.
January 6, 2016
Smokey the Bear Visits Acorn Preschool S
mokey the B ear and Acorn Fire Dept. recently visited Acorn Preschool to discuss the importance of fire safety, stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch on fire, dialing 911 in case of an emergency, etc. This was an e tension of preschool' s current theme " community helpers."
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November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Remax Real Estate Hot Air Balloon Visits Wickes Elementary
tudents of Cossatot River School District’s Wickes campus received a visit last week from Mena ReMax and the ReMax Real Estate Hot Air B alloon. The annual event is alternated between local schools each year. Mena ReMax has been hosting the giant balloon annually for nearly two decades. It is a highlight of both the realtor’s and area students. “Our students thoroughly enjoyed ReMax bringing their hot air balloon,” said Wickes teacher, Linda Lyle.
Area School Choirs Compete for All-Region Honors C
hoir members from Cossatot River and Mena School Districts recently competed in All-Region Choir programs in an effort to earn a chair in regional honors choirs. Several Cossatot River High School students auditioned and received a spot in the South Arkansas Senior High All-Region Choir on Saturday, October 14. Over 850 students from 43 schools in southern Arkansas participated in the auditions. Earning chairs were: K atelyn B aker, 39th chair Soprano 2; Amy Haynes, 54th chair Alto 2; James Stark, alternate B ass 1; Alex Jenkins, 13th chair B ass 1. This is the 4th year for K atelyn, Amy, and James to be in the All-Region Choir and Alex' s 2nd year to be in the prestigious choir. They will be singing in a formal concert on Saturday, November 11, at Lake Hamilton High School in Hot Springs. Thirty Mena High School students traveled to Lakeside High School in Hot Springs on Saturday, October 14, to audition for a spot in the Arkansas Choral Directors Region 3 All Region Honors Choir. The Mena students competed with over eight hundred students from other schools in Region 3. Eleven MHS vocalists earned scores, which placed them in the prestigious honors choir. Students who earned positions in the women' s all region choir were: Sasha Shevchuk, Alto II, 35th chair; Madalyn Turner, Soprano II, 34th chair; Mackenzie McAllister, Alto I, 23rd chair; B rooklyn B eck, Soprano I, 22nd chair; Hannah McDonald, Alto I, 20th chair; Nalu Pruitt, Alto II, 20th chair; Sarah Rose, Soprano I, 5th chair; and Hope Egger, Alto II, 4th chair. Devin Durham earned second chair, B ass II, in the men' s all region choir. Students who earned positions in the mixed all region choir were: Fisher Neufeld, B ass II, 16 th chair, and Joseph B lanton, B ass II, 11th chair. Fisher eufeld and Joseph lanton ualified for Arkansas All tate hoir auditions in February. All tate alternates are evin urham, nd alternate ope gger, th alternate; and Sarah Rose, 5th alternate. Ferroll " Tammy" Taylor is the choir director at Mena High School. On Saturday, October 21, thirty-eight Cossatot River Junior High Choir students competed in the Southwest Arkansas All-Region Junior High Choir Auditions at Arkadelphia High School. Over 6 00 students auditioned from 24 schools. Of the 38 CRHS students, 25 earned a chair along with 2 alternates. The following students earned chairs: Anthony Farias, 16 th chair, Tenor 1; Tyler Graham, 10th chair, Tenor 1; Z ach Taylor, 33rd chair, B ass; Travontae B urnett, 26 th chair, B ass; Cole B rantley, 7th chair, B ass; Clayton Thompson, 20th chair, B ass; McK ayla Caramez, 19th chair, Soprano 2; Ursela House, 15th chair, Soprano 2; B etty Jewell, 16 th chair, Soprano 1; LaB rayla Robb, 4th chair, Soprano 2; Laura Flores, 24th chair, Alto; Shanell B rito, 17th chair, Soprano 2; Rendi Warren, 39th chair, Alto; Shelby B rewster, 32nd chair, Alto; B rynleigh Smith, 46 th chair, Alto; Lexie Graham, 3rd chair, Soprano 2; Ali Austin, 5th chair, Soprano 2; Abby McIntyre, 13th chair, Soprano 2; Harley Loyd, 1st alternate, Alto; B raylee Jewell, 25th chair, Alto; Lily McIntyre, 15th chair, Alto; K imberly Rodriguez, 47th chair, Alto; Jessica Green, 17th chair, Alto; Cora Morgan, 31st chair, Alto; Marissa Hammer, 17th chair, Alto; K ayleigh Williams, 52nd chair, Alto; K adi Dixon, alternate. These students will be singing in a formal concert at Lake Hamilton High School on Friday, November 10 at 4: 30 p.m. The Cossatot River Choir Director is Susan B rewer.
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November 1, 2017
Kaylee Kesterson (Captain) Kimberly Gonzalez (Co-Captain) Haley Warren Rachel Norman
Brandi Frachiseur Madison Hernandez Gaitlynn Brady Amy Haynes
Coached by Janelle Howell
Winnie Smith Elorie Hopper (Captain) Kadi Dixon (Co-Captain) Katelynn Owens Mia Dixon Betty Jewell Reagan Bills Gracie Smith Kyla Ferguson Maggie Haynes Breonna Cecil
November 1, 2017
November 1, 2017
2017-2018 Cossatot River Basketball SR Girls
Harley Dering Jacie Wilkerson Raegan Richardson Lauren Driver Shanna Johnson Rhyen Martin Jade Richardson Ashlen Gonzalez Jordan Bailey Justina Smith Yasmin Medina
#00 #01 #30 #10 #13 #20 #22 #33 #21 #23 #44
JR Girls
Good Luck Polk County Fall Sports! Have a winning season! Haley Davis Savannah White
Kaylin McKee Kayla Richardson Kortlyn McKee Sosha Richardson Jaden Dering Landrie Tadlock Tommie Whitmire Rylee Dering Ingrid Cortes Jasey Holm Labrayla Robb Laura Flores Rendi Warren Josey Johnston Shannell Brito Kelcy Frachiseur Kalli Smith #25 Alyssa Wilson #23 Haley Davis
Good Luck
Cossatot Eagles & Lady Eagles!
12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 #24 #30 #44 #22 #40 #21 #15 #42 #35 #45 #13 #11 #5 #3 #31 #4 #12 #32 #25
Cossatot Basketball Schedule 11/7/17 • 5:30
vs T B A* * ( tba) Cossatot High School T ournament
vs Caddo Hills* ( 7 , J G , SR S) Home G ame
vs Horatio* ( 7 G , J B , SR S) Home G ame
11/14/17 • 5:00 11/17/17 • 5:30
1/9/18 • 5:00
1/12/18 • 6:30
vs DeQ ueen ( SR S) Home G ame
vs P rescott* ( J R S, SR S) Away G ame
vs T B A ( tba) B ooneville Sr. T ournament
vs M ena* ( J B , SR S) Away G ame
11/27/17 -12/2/17 • TBA 12/1/17 • 5:30
vs B levins ( J B , SR S) Home G ame
12/5/17 • 4:00
vs Oden ( J R S, SR S) Away G ame
12/8/17 • 5:00
vs M ena* ( J B , SR S) Home G ame
12/12/17 • 5:30 vs K irby ( J B , SR S) Home G ame
12/15/17 • 5:30
vs F ouke* ( J G , SR S) Away G ame
1/16/18 • 5:00 1/19/18 • 5:00
vs G enoa Central* ( J R S, SR S) Home G ame
1/23/18 • 5:30
vs Nashville* ( J B ,SR S) Home G ame
1/26/18 • 5:30
vs F ouke* ( J B , SR S) Away G ame
1/30/18 • 5:00
vs Horatio* ( 7 B , J G , SR S) Away G ame
2/2/18 • 5:30
vs Ashdown* ( J B ,SR S) Homecoming
2/6/18 • 5:30
12/19/17 • 5:30
vs G enoa Central* ( SR S) Away G ame
1/5/18 • 5:30
vs P rescott* ( J B ,SR S) Home G ame
vs Nashville* ( J G , SR S) Home G ame
vs Ashdown* ( J B , SR S) Away G ame
Bibles & Christian Music
710 4th Street • Mena, AR Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am-6 pm Sat. • 9 am -12:30 pm Sun. • Closed
1/6/18 -1/13/18 • TBA
vs B levins ( J B , SR S) Away G ame
Store Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday • 10 am - 4 pm
2/9/18 • 5:00
Broadcasting Schedule
Pulse Multi-Media Stations
Horatio @ Cossatot 7 : 0 0 K ENA
Cossatot @ Oden 6 : 0 0 K Q OR M ena @
Cossatot 6 : 0 0 K Q OR
Nashville @ Cossatot 6 : 3 0 K Q OR
Cossatot @ Ashdown 6 : 3 0 K Q OR
1/6/18 1/13/18
Cossatot T ournament
M ena @ Cossatot 6 : 0 0 K Q OR
M t. I da @ Acorn 6 : 0 0 K Q OR F ouke @
Cossatot 6 : 3 0 K ENA
Ashdown @ Cossatot 6 : 3 0 K Q OR P rescott @
Cossatot 5 : 3 0 K Q OR
Broadcasting Sponsors
Farm Bureau Freedom Pharmacy Hornet Tire & Automotive Miller Paint & Body UA Rich Mountain Union Bank of Mena Walmart Supercenter Tyson Stevenson Tree Farm
Juan Trinidad Cody Brown Drayvon Brock Gavin Ralls Martin Zarate Timur Shek Josh McCoy Garrett Watkins Kolt Richardson Trenton Rosson Gabe McIntyre Brian Strother Kolby Frachiseur James Stark Brayden Smith Coy Frachiseur
#1 #14 #21 #22 #31 #32 #30 #34 #15 #10 #11 #00 #12 #13 #20 #33
Dalton McKenzie Travontae Murnett Victor Trinidad Dakota Gentry Izaq Luna Lucas Trinidad Hunter Burke Reese Driver Mauricio Medina Pate Taylor Curtis Broach Cody Beck Enrique Loredo Tanner Frachiseur
#00 #01 #03 #04 #05 #12 #13 #14 #20 #22 #23 #24 #30 #31
Blake Willis Miguel Ramirez Justin Frachiseur Jackson Day
#32 #33 #34 #35
Eldon Hibbs Trayton Johnson
#40 #55
T.J.’s Country Store
Good Luck Eagles & Lady Eagles on a winning season! 1 Mile South of Cove, AR 5827 Hwy 71 S • Cove, AR 870-387-3046
12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 Owners: Jim & Jeannie Jordan
Hamburgers, Chicken, Soft Serve Ice Cream, Ice, Milkshakes & Snacks of all kinds 870-389-6245 Corner of 71 S. & Hornbeck, Hatfield
1171 Hwy 71 S, Mena 479-385-2151
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Miss Polk County Awarded UA Rich Mountain Scholarship E
ach year, the University of Arkansas Rich Mountain provides a scholarship to the reigning Miss Polk County. On September 30th, Hannah McDonald was crowned Miss Polk County for the 2017-2018 year and was awarded a scholarship to UA Rich Mountain to be applied toward tuition, fees, & books. Hannah is a junior at Mena High School and plans to pursue a degree in biology and continue toward a professional career as a veterinarian. In her pursuit of higher education, Hannah began taking concurrent courses at the UA Rich Mountain in the fall 2017 semester. “As a concurrent student, Hannah demonstrates a strong work ethic in the rigorous college level coursework. She recognizes the value of being a successful college student while still in high school. I applaud her efforts and celebrate in her accomplishments,” stated Chancellor Wilson.
U of A Rich Mountain’s Meet the Staff T
onya B oydstun joined the UA Rich Mountain family as a faculty member in the fall 2013. In her role as the School of Cosmetology Coordinator and Instructor, she provides hands-on practicum experience and classroom instruction to her students. Tonya is an alumna of arton igh chool, obtained a ertificate of roficiency in osmetology and completed the Instructor of osmetology program from Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas. “Working at UA Rich Mountain is such a rewarding opportunity. Students attending UA Rich Mountain have a whole team willing to help every student succeed. I en oy watching our students grow in their chosen field. In osmetology, we see the results of hard work in action every day. It is great to see students have the A moments when they understand a task or concept. For students that chose the field of cosmetology, the career possibilities are endless. She currently serves as president of the Cosmetology Technical Advisory B oard for the Arkansas Department of Health. She has served on the board for the past two years and has been reappointed to a second two-year term. Her leadership and advocacy for students and businesses are essential to developing best practices and services in the industry. Her philosophy about life and career can be summed up in a quote she shared by Dolly Parton, “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” Tonya and her husband, Morris have been married for 28 years and have lived in Mena since 1991. They raised their children in Mena and she considers her family to be her biggest blessing! “Mena is a great place to raise a family and call home,” states B oydstun. When she travels, the beach is her favorite vacation destination. Come by the School of Cosmetology to meet Tonya B oydstun, Cosmetology Coordinator and Instructor at UA Rich Mountain!
MHS Hosts 2017 Halloween Lab M
ena High School hosted its 2017 Halloween Lab on October 25, in the MHS Science Wing. The free bi-annual event was packed with STEAM-ed activities, spanning the categories of cience, Technology, ngineering, Art, and ath, fit for students and adults of all ages. “We had over 120 people come through and enjoy the special bi-annual event. It was put on by EAST, National Honor Society, and the Sci-Fi club,” said Andy Philpot. Throughout the evening, guests had the opportunity to enjoy demonstrations with robots, slime, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, 3D printing, and other surprises. The Halloween Lab was sponsored by the school’s EAST (Environmental and Spatial Technology) program, the Science Fiction Club, and the MHS National Honor Society.
UA Rich Mountain Hosts Calculator Workshops
he University of Arkansas Rich Mountain Math & Science Department and TRiO Student Support Services Program hosted a graphing calculator workshop on October 4th & 6 th for the fall 2017 semester. The winner of the graphing calculator door prize was B reanna Lewis. For more information about the graphing calculator workshops, contact Student Support Services at 479-394-76 22 or follow on Facebook at https: //www.
November 1, 2017
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November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Local XCountry Teams Compete in Tom Stuthard Race O
n Wednesday, October 25th, the local Acorn, Cossatot, and Mena Cross Country teams competed in the Tom Stuthard Race at Acorn High School. In the Junior igh irls 1.5 mile race, oratio came in first overall, ansfield second, and Acorn third, as ossatot, aldron, and ena did not ualify to place. Individually, eira all of ena placed first, and teammate addy arty auk placed eighth. The Acorn Tigers placed first overall in the Junior igh oys 1.5 mile race, while ena came in second, ansfield third, and ossatot fourth, as aldron did not ualify to place. Justice eufield of Acorn placed first individually, as aleb eters of ena came in third, Jacob Lyle of Acorn fourth, Issac Tedder of Acorn fifth, ilas cIntyre of ena seventh, ill avis of ena eighth, alton c en ie of ossatot ninth, and ky armack of Acorn tenth. aldron came in first overall in the enior igh irls 5, meter run, as Acorn placed second, ansfield third, and Jessieville fourth, while ena and oratio did not ualify to place. Three Lady Tigers of Acorn placed in the top ten individually, as Faith ill came in third, Ashlynn issell fourth, and endra ranson si th. In the enior igh oys 5, meter run, the hosting Acorn Tigers placed first overall, while ena came in second, Jessieville third, aldron fourth, and oratio fifth, as ossatot and ansfield did not orn enior oys are shown with their rst la e la ue ualify to place. Logan yers of ena came in third individually, as teammate obert cIntyre placed fourth, Cross Hughes of Acorn fifth, rady Lyle of Acorn si th, and atthew haney of Acorn seventh. Complete Team Results: Acorn Jr. igh irls Alyssa arren 15th, mily lair 19th, allie olland th, orryn olland nd, iersten Larucci rd, Abby ance 5th, aylee Tedder 6th, arah allac th, Faith randon 9th, akayla andoval nd, and lder Jada th. Acorn Jr. igh oys Justice eufield 1st, Jacob Lyle th, Issac Tedder 5th, ky armack 1 th, ole air 15th, akota ullivan 1 th, Trysten ichey 6th, eed c ee 9th, ric owdy nd, and ark an naman rd. Acorn Sr. Mt. Meadow Chapter #22 igh irls Faith Order of the Eastern Star will hold their ill rd, Ashlynn Annual Indian Taco Fundraiser issell th, endra ranson Lunch, Craft & Bake Sale 6th, ophie on Saturday, November 4th Mena Senior Boys are pictured with their runner-up plaque. 5 key facts about Prostate Jackson 1 th, Cancer: at the Hatfield Masonic Hall. imberly trasner 1st, Josey ebb nd, racie ill 1. Affects rd, ercedes 1 in every 6owdy men 6th, 2. Deadlier than breast cancer Amelia till th, akenna oss 1st, and acken ie oss nd. Doors open at 8:00 am with 3. Detectable stages Acorn r. igh oys ross ughes 5th, rady Lyle 6th, atthewin early haney th, had lunch beginning at 10:30 am. 4. NOT an old man’s disease utton 11th, Adam ughes 1 th, Jeremiah wint 1 th, 5. elchiah 1 th, ach Does NOTicks go away if you avoidayo Lunch includes 1 th, rady air th, Jesse c onald th, rian hatesting. 1st, Joshua wint 1st, and you to get Gentlemen: We encourage a taco (with all the trimmings), Jon onal 55th. a PSA blood test. dessert and drink for $5 donation. ossatot Jr. igh irls Laura Flores 1st, Labrayla obb th, and renci arrufo Do your Christmas shopping th. and have lunch with us! ossatot Jr. igh oys alton c en ie 9th, aniel Alarcon 16th, udy Arce th, ictor Trinidad nd, icardo s uivel 5th, duardo aya th, and Ale ere th. ossatot r. igh oys randon arrufo nd, ector ernande rd, and anuel s uivel th. ena Jr. igh irls eira all 1st and addy arty auk th. ena Jr. igh oys aleb eters rd, ilas cIntyre th, ill avis th, Ale ocha 1 th, Trevin lunkett th, and Joshua Ferguson th. ena r. igh irls oe akanishi 19th and adison arnell rd. ena r. igh oys Logan yers rd, obert cIntyre th, Thaddeus ance 15th, enny enley rd, atthew c ravens th, Logan Fairless 5th, ryce Fairless 9th, Alessia tumpf 6th, icah ilson th, urtis urry th, and ack epart 5 th.
Check out all your sports news at
1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
Woods Competes in River Valley Jui-Jitsu Tournament O
November 1, 2017 ................................................................................................................................ Weekly Publication
n September 23, 2017, Cody Woods of Southern Impact Martial Arts in Mena competed in the River Valley Jui-Jitsu Open in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Woods trained to compete in the 150-16 5 pound no-gi (absent of the traditional martial arts uniform) division, but due to a last minute series of events he ended up competing in a conglomerated 150-185 pound no-gi division. On top of that, also a last minute development, Woods competed in a gi (traditional martial arts uniform) division that was open to all weight classes and experience levels. The no gi division was set up in a single elimination format in which oods won his first match via a toe hold submission, but lost his second match on points with a score of . The gi division was set up in a double elimination format and this is where the true story of accomplishment takes place. Woods does not regularly train with a gi, to the point that it had been over a year since the last time he had trained in one and had never competed in one. Despite this fact, coupled with Woods’ late addition to the open weight class gi bracket in which he weighed in at only 16 3 pounds, he was still able to have an impressive showing. oods competed five times in the gi division, winning his first match via a kimura submission, losing his second match via bow and arrow choke, winning his third match by points 4-0, winning his fourth match rather one-sided with a BY EASTON LEONARD • scorecard of 1 , and losing his fifth match by points . This was enough for Woods to claim the bronze medal in a n Tuesday, October 24th, Coach division that he had not trained for nor even had any intenCartwright’s Cossatot Eagles tion of competing in. basketball team hosted the Oden TimberWoods is a trainer at Southern Impact and specializes in wolves for their season opener on Stevensubmission wrestling and encourages anybody interested in son Court at Cossatot River High School. grappling, MMA, self-defense, or just getting into shape to B randon Lewis started the game off contact Southern Impact at 479-216 -06 02 or check out the Southern Impact Facebook page where there is a vast collection of with two straight three-pointers for Oden, videos showing past grappling competitions and fights of the outhern Impact team. to give the Timberwolves an early 6 -0 lead, but the Eagles went on to outscore oach elby s team 11 in the first quarter. Taking an 11-7 lead in the second, Cossatot played very good defense and BY EASTON LEONARD • held the Timberwolves to only four points in the second quarter. Going into halftime, n Friday night, October 27th, the Mena B earcats (3-6 , 0-6 ) senior high football team hosted the Fountain Lake Cobras the Eagles of Cossatot led Oden 28-11. (4-5, 2-4) for Senior Night, under the leadership of head coach Tim Harper. Juan Trinidad, Cody B rown, and After winning the coin toss and selecting to receive, Senior B earcat Jake McCauley returned the opening kickoff to the forB rayden Smith all led the Eagles with 6 ty three yard line, where ena took over for their first possession. ine plays into their drive, the earcats were forced to punt points at the half, as B randon Lewis led from the Fountain Lake forty-nine yard line. B elknap’s punt for Mena went out of bounds at the fourteen yard line, where the Oden with 6 . obras took over for their first offensive possession. Garrett Watkins and Cody B rown even plays into Fountain Lake s first possession, the obra s uarterback, number nine, tephen Turner, completed a fifscored eight points each for the Eagles ty-eight yard touchdown pass to number seven, Parion Johnson. Number eighty-one, Dustin Pitts, nailed the point-after-attempt in the third quarter, to help their team outfor the obras, to make the score with 6 left in the first uarter. score the Timberwolves 17-10, and take a Fountain Lake s kickoff following their score went out of bounds, giving the earcats the ball at the thirty five yard line. After twenty four point, 5 1, lead into the final a lengthy fifteen play drive, arson annon ran in from the obras three yard line for a ena touchdown. amden rodersen quarter of play. In the fourth quarter, thirmade the point after attempt for the earcats, to tie the score at with . seconds left in the first uarter. ty-three total offensive points were scored, Christian Lua’s kickoff for Mena was returned ninety-two yards by Ahman Johnson for another quick Fountain Lake touchas the Timberwolves outscored Cossatot down. After the AT, the obras took the lead 1 with 1 . seconds remaining in the first uarter. 17-16 . However, the Eagles hung on to On Mena’s second offensive possession, which went into the second quarter, the B earcats drove from their thirty yard line to win by twenty-three, 6 1-38. the Fountain Lake six yard line, where Z ane Stephens took the handoff from Cannon and ran in for a B earcat touchdown. Lua’s Aaron B aker led the Timberwolves point after attempt tied the score at 1 1 with 9 6 left in the first half. with 13 points, as Z ach Mayo added on The Cobras turned the ball over on downs on their second offensive possession, but Mena was forced to punt when they 7 points, B randon Lewis 6 points, Majjor received the ball back. On the punt, B elknap fumbled the snap and fell on the ball at the twenty-one yard line, where Fountain White 5 points, Gabriele Comanducci 4 Lake took over. points, and B rian K ha 3 points. Just two plays into their third offensive possession, the obras scored again on a fifteen yard touchdown pass from tephen Cody B rown led the Cossatot Eagles Turner to Parion Johnson. Fountain Lake made the PAT, to take the lead 21-14 with 2: 21 left in the second quarter. with 18 points on the night, while Garrett ena was forced to punt on their fifth possession of the half, and the obras were unable to score again before time e pired, Watkins scored 10 points, Coy Frachiseur to make the official score 1 1 , Fountain Lake, at halftime. 8 points, B rayden Smith 7 points, Juan oth the earcats and Fountain Lake went scoreless on their first offensive possessions of the second half, but after fifteen Trinidad 6 points, K olby Frachiseur 4 plays in on the obras si th possession of the game, number five, Andrew oberson took the handoff and ran in seventeen points, Trenton Rosson and B rian Strother yards for a Fountain Lake touchdown. The Cobras made the point-after-attempt, extending their lead to 28-14, with 5: 36 left in 3 points, and Drayvon B rock 2 points. the third quarter.
Eagles Soar Past Oden In Season Opener O
January 6, 2016
Bearcats Host Fountain Lake For Senior Night
November 1, 2017
UA Rich Mountain Foundation Hosts 6th Annual Bert Hensley Memorial Golf Tournament The 6th Annual Bert Hensley Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at the beautiful Glenwood Country Club in Glenwood, Arkansas. This year’s tournament hosted 26 teams, which included 104 players. Each year, the UA Rich Mountain Foundation hosts the tournament to raise money for scholarships and to further the mission of the College.
The winning teams in two flights were awarded prizes for first, second and third places. Flight and contest winners at this year’s tournament included the following:
1st Place - Glenwood Guys Jerry Fox, RL Adcock, Eddie Bright, Tim Robbins
2nd Place - Roberts, Young & Piearcy Doug Roberts, Betty Roberts, David Young, Denise Piearcy
3rd Place - M’Doc Team Danny Miller, Orvin Foster, Mike Lewis, Anthony Lewis
1st Place - Mena Regional Health System II Davy Ashcraft, Don Dennis, Ike DePriest, Karlene Hooker
2nd Place - Thrailkill & Young Krystal Thrailkill, Christopher Thrailkill, Travis Thrailkill, Richard Young
3rd Place - Union Bank I Kevin Sweeney, John Maddox, Johnny Vacca, Nathan Fowler
Hole #2 – Longest Putt Daniel Davis Hole #3 – Longest Drive Chris Thrailkill Hole #4 – Straightest Drive Steve Mosley Hole #7 – Closest to the Pin Kevin Alexander Hole #11 – Longest Drive Bob Sanders Hole #16 – Longest Putt Travis Thrailkill Hole #17 – Closest to the Pin Jack Hunter Hole #18 - Closest to the Wavy Line Tim Bowen Pitch It In The Pool Contest: Winner – Orvin Foster Top Putting Qualifiers Contest: 1st Place – Dwight DePriest 2nd Place – Aaron Exley 3rd Place – Chris Midolo 4th Place – Jeff McCormack
The Foundation Board of Directors would like to give a HUGE thank you to the Glenwood Country Club for their hospitality and to our generous sponsors and supporters: SILVER LEVEL SPONSORS: The Hensley Family Union Bank of Mena Nabholz Construction Services
RED LEVEL SPONSORS: Tony & Karen Mosier Dr. Hector Costamagna & Maureen Keese Diamond Bank Washburn’s Inc. Crews & Associates Mena Ford Arkansas Catfish FarmersThe Catfish Institute NIDEC Motor Corporation
Sterling Machinery, Inc. – Putting Qualifiers Contest Sponsor ARVEST Bank – Pitch It In The Pool Contest Sponsor Crass & Smith Buckeye Transportation Glenwood Country Club Wal-Mart #67 UA Rich Mountain School of Cosmetology Coast to Coast of Mena Country Express Mena Tire Company Pulse Multi-Media
Miner’s A & B Tire Kevin & Janee Sweeney Closet 821 Ari’s Little Italy Wight’s Office Machines Branding Iron Ben & Ethel Finley Fields Promos – Shawn Fields Joanne Coogan Papa’s Mexican Café UA Rich Mountain Bookstore CINTAS Stonehill Cottages – Michael & Jessica Myers
November 1, 2017 ................................................................................................................................ Weekly Publication
Acorn & Cossatot Matchup for Basketball Action
PICTURED ABOVE: The Acorn Cheerleaders recently held a mini-cheer camp and featured all of their participants during the Monday match-up with Cossatot.
n Monday night, October 30th, Acorn basketball hosted Cossatot River for some good basketball action on the campus of Acorn High School. To tipoff the action, the Jr. High Lady Eagles and Lady Tigers took the court. The Lady Tigers took an early lead and did not let go, as Acorn went on to win by seven, 40-33. For the first r. igh game of the night, the Lady Tigers and Lady agles faced off. Cossatot took the court in their away black uniforms, as the Lady Tigers sported their white erseys. oth teams went back and forth in the first uarter, and ended the first eight minutes with a 1 1 tie. In the second uarter, the Lady agles outscored Acorn 1 , and took a ten point, 1 , lead into halftime. Acorn came out of the locker room in the second half playing great basketball, and thanks to a ophie Jackson three pointer right before the third uarter came to an end, the Lady Tigers took a one point, , lead into the final uarter of play. Just as the game started in the first uarter, both teams stayed neck and neck in the fourth uarter as well. Tied up at , with . seconds left in the game, Rhyen Martin of Cossatot was fouled and sent to the free throw line. Martin made both free throws for the Lady agles, to give ossatot a two point, 9 , lead. The Lady Tigers were unable to come back in the remaining seconds, to make the final score 9 ossatot. aegan ichardson led the ossatot Lady agles with points on the night, as ophie Jackson led the Acorn Lady Tigers with 15 points. In the finale game of the night, the r. igh boys teams for ossatot and Acorn took the court. After a 3-0 start for the Eagles, Acorn went on to outscore Cossatot FRIDAY: 1 1 in opening uarter. The Tigers were able to keep their distance in the second Acorn Lady Tigers 63 uarter as well, e tending their lead to eight, , going into halftime. Bergman Lady Panody rown led the agles with points at the half, while ross ughes led Acorn thers 60 with 1 points. The Tigers continued to keep an upbeat pace in the second half, and keep their Acorn Tigers 77 lead, as Acorn outscored the agles 1 16 Bergman Panthers 80 in the third, to take a lead into the final SATURDAY: uarter of play. ossatot pulled within si Cossatot Lady Eagles points in the fourth uarter, but weren t able to 42 catch much ground, as the Tigers held on to Bergman Lady Pandefeated the agles by eight, 6 5 . thers 32 Juan Trinidad led the Cossatot Eagles with 1 points in the game, as ody rown addCossatot Eagles 50 ed on 9 points of his own, B rayden Smith 8 Bergman Panthers 75 points, oy Frachiseur 6 points, rian trother 5 points, and arrett atkins and Trenton Acorn Lady Tigers 62 Rosson 3 points. Caddo Hills Lady ross ughes led the Acorn Tigers with 1 Indians 51 points on the night, as Jeremiah Saint scored 1 points, Leo Jacinto 9 points, atthew Acorn Tigers 82 haney points, and rady Lyle points. Caddo Hills Indians 54
January 6, 2016
Results of Locals in Acorn Classic
. .November . . . . . . . . . . 1,. .2017 ..................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Shelly Harvey – Leading Relay with a Heart to Find a Cure C
ancer is a leading cause of death around the world and its incidence continues to rise. Each year 12.7 million people discover they have cancer and 7.6 million people die from the disease. However, evidence shows that 30 - 40 percent of these deaths can be prevented, and one-third can be cured through early diagnosis and treatment. B illions of dollars have been pumped into research and today, we know much more about this disease and treatments and most of that is made possible by individuals who passionately work to fund finding a cure. One of those such individuals is Shelly Harvey. Shelly was born in Houston and lived there until she was 9. “We moved to Hope, Ar. when I was 9. I lived there until I was 16 and have been in Mena for 23 years. I moved away from Mena a few times but something always brought me back here.” Today, helly is married to uane arvey, who is a school resource officer for the uachita iver chool istrict Acorn Campus and has two grown children, Dakota Price, 23, and Mason Price, 19. She enjoys her work at Union B ank, where she has worked for eight years. “I started in data processing and worked in that department for two years. I then moved to account services for two years. I worked some Saturdays as a teller and then I moved to the front teller line for a couple years. Then I moved to the outside drive thru and I am currently still there. In fact, it was through nion ank where helly first became involved with olk ounty elay for Life. helly began volunteering with the olk ounty elay for Life si years ago. Like so many others, it s personal. “I have had several family members who have had cancer and some who have lost their battle. I really got more involved when a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. I became the team captain for the Purple Onions for Union B ank and I wanted to become more involved, so I joined the committee for Polk County as a co chair. It ust became a passion I had, to see that more families didn t have to suffer from cancer. o many more could have one more birthday.” helly wears multiple hats for the local elay efforts. This is my second year as event chair for olk ounty and my 1st year as the on-line chair. I have been team captain for the Purple Onions for four years.” hat may seem like a lot of e tra work for some is actually inspiring for helly, I work with a great group of people who have a passion for the elay. nowing that one day there will be a cure for such a horrible disease and knowing that so many people in our loving and caring community helped make that happen… knowing that, together, we can all make a difference in the fight for a cure. utside of work and elay, helly loves to go Jeeping and trying to find a trail we haven t ever been on. I en oy going out to take pictures of different places and traveling.” And, living in the middle of the Ouachita Mountains certainly lends many opportunities! “I love living in Mena. The best part about this town is the caring and friendly people, who always are ready to lend a helping hand, who love to help the town and the citizens here. No matter what happens here in Mena the citizens always step up and are willing to help. ou don t get that in a bigger city.
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PCDC’s (Resale Store) CHRISTMAS BLITZ Friday, November 3, 2017 • 9am - 5:30pm
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Live Music Entertainment: 1pm on November 2nd to prepare for this Children’s Ouachita Strings beginning at 9am annual event. PCDC Carolers will perform at 1:15pm
Hourly Door Prizes from 10-4
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Come and enjoy some music, shop for some home decor, Christmas goodies and get signed up for your chance to win a door prize.
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
First Care Family Health and Walk-In Clinic – Quality and Convenience BY LEANN DILBECK •
ena has welcomed a new healthcare clinic to the community that offers a plethora of services and extended hours. First Care Family Health and Walk-In Clinic may be new to the community but its 13 healthcare professionals are familiar faces to many! First Care Family Health and Walk-In Clinic is located at 1706 Hwy 71 North, in the former VA Clinic. First Care is a member of the HealthStar Physicians network based out of Hot Springs and is just one of 11 clinics located throughout west-central Arkansas. Convenience is the name of the game in most industries these days and healthcare is no exception. One of First Care’s providers, Jim McWilliams, APRN, explained, “Common themes that you hear people voice discontent about is having to wait months for an appointment, or trying to squeeze in a visit on their lunch hour and having to wait an hour and a half in the waiting room. We have a busy society. People are on the move. They have jobs… and so we are really cognizant of those pressures in people’s lives. We aim to provide as much convenience in care as we possibly can, in a timely manner.” The Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce welcomed First Care First Care is under the direction of K im Nance, APRN (Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner). Jim and K im Family Health and Walk-In Clinic into the membership during their jointly hold over 6 3 years in nursing experience in a variety of settings. Grand-Opening Celebration held Friday, October 27. The staff expressed Following a national trend that utilizes care provided by nurse practitioners, First Care’s K im Nance extheir sincere gratitude to the community for their overwhelming support plained, “Even though we don’t have a physician present, historically, it’s the same type of thing nurse pracin opening their newest facility. titioners do as a whole. We manage care for chronic illness and some acute situations; however, we learned through utilizing our scope of practice, when it is appropriate to have that referral base to physicians. This is becoming the national trend in private care. urse practitioners fill a gap. e had a problem with gaps of care in the last years. The inception of the nurse practitioner role was to fill that gap of care because we didn’t have enough people going into family practice anymore. They were outwardly migrating to specialty areas so we found in the rural areas, we just simply didn’t have enough physicians in family practice… and the ones we did have were aging out, plus, less people were enrolling in family practice, so this was a way for nurses to step up to the plate.” At First Care, there are nurse practitioners available 24/7 for members of the clinic and K im and Jim work with a network of 15 physicians who are incredibly supportive, K im said. First are also has a full time pharmacist on staff, which Jim e plained, is not to fill prescriptions, but rather to review patient records for possible interactions or side effects, etc. They are not a pharmacy. As Jim explained, there’s more than 80,000 medicines available now. “If you talk to a lot of prescribers, they’ll tell you that a lot of the symptoms that patients have are interaction between the medicines they are taking. Having an extra layer of a pharmacist’s review, you’re just doing greater due diligence to ensure that you’re not having adverse outcomes.” At First are s clinic in ena, they provide the following services identification and management of acute and chronic illness; urgent care walk-in; health prevention and maintenance for adults and children; health and wellness exam for adults and children, including Medicare Initial Preventive Physical Exams (IPPE) and Medicare Annual Wellness Visits (MAWV); DOT and school physicals; hormone therapy for men and women; weight management; immunizations; spirometry; holter monitoring; on-site digital radiology; laboratory services; ECG testing; and allergy injection management. There are additional services available at other HealthStar locations that help reduce cost to HealthStar members, which include: laboratory services, digital x-ray, care coordination, patient portal access, allergy testing, medication management, ultra sound, echocardiograms, behavioral health services, women’s services, pediatric services, fundus photography read by a licensed Ophthalmologist, wellness exams, transition of care for in-patient services to home, diabetic education, advanced directive discussions and VNG fall testing. First Care is able to care for patients from 6 mos. and older. However, K im said she always recommended speciali ed pediatric care for their first months of life. First Care is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
January 6, 2016
Elks Members and Guests
Elks Toys for Tots Dance Performing Live RVO3
M erle Norman Cosmetic Studios have been independently owned and operated since 1 9 3 1 .
410 Sherwood Ave., Suite 4 Mena, AR 71953 • 479-394-3777 Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 5:30pm • Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm
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. . November . . . . . . . . . . .1,. 2017 ..................................................................................................................
Thursday, 11/2 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County meets at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at 234-5844 or Linda Rowe at 234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous wo en’s eeting at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 6:00 p.m. – Disabled American Veterans & Auxiliary meeting and potluck. Meeting follows dinner, American Legion at Veteran’s Park at Acorn. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist. • 7:00 p.m. – Big Fork RVFD Business Meeting & Training will be at the Fire Station. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – The Ink RVFD Business Meeting & Training will be at the community building. • 7:30 p.m. – Dallas Masonic Lodge #128 meets at the Mena Lodge located in the Old Post Office by Janssen Park. Friday, 11/3 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Leon Page Band will be playing at the American Legion in Acorn. $6.00 admission.
• 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. Saturday, 11/4 • 7:00 a.m. until sold out – The Polk ounty ar er’s ar et is open next to the Mena Depot. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at Mena Art Gallery. • 1:00 p.m. – There will be an M.S.A.A. Support Group meeting in Room 156 at RMCC. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Gator & Friends will perform at the Hatfield Auditorium. $6 admission, 50/50, potluck, door prizes. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 479-243-0297 or 479-216-4606. Sunday, 11/5 • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship service is held at Sulpher Springs Church. • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. Monday, 11/6 • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. – Mena Seventh Day Adventist Church Food Pantry at 149 Polk Road 43, across from Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. Everyone will be served. • 6:00 p.m. – Polk County Fair & Rodeo meets at the Fairgrounds. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – Shady Grove RVFD business and training meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Potter RVFD meeting at the Fire Station. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn RVFD meeting will be at the Fire House. • 7:00 p.m. – Mena Emblem Club meets at the Elks Lodge. Tuesday, 11/7 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner Comunity en’s rea ast at the First United
Methodist Church in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and work with other artists. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. 12 00 00 he at eld Branch Library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. - T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. • 6:00 p.m. – Country and Gospel music is played at the Polk County Housing Authority Community Room. • 6:00 p.m. – Sons of Confederate Veterans meet at the Limetree Restaurant for their monthly meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for the families of addicts and alcoholics will meet at the ABC Club. • 7:00 p.m. – Dallas Valley RVFD meets for training at the Fire House. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn Fire & Rescue meets at the Fire Department. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479-2343043. Wednesday, 11/8 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. 11 0 a he lass o ’ will meet at Pizza Hut. • 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 12:00 p.m. – Quality of Life Outreach meeting at Lavilla Restaurant. • 5:45 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – The Southside Church of God Warriors for Christ will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries at Mena Church of God Hwy 88 East. • 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church hosts Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru 5th Grade; Collide Youth Ministry – 6th Thru 12th Grades; and Adult Bible Study. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome.
• 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Inquiry Classes into the Catholic Faith will be held in the St. Thomas House at St. Agnes Catholic Church, 203 8th Street, and continue through Easter 2018. No cost or obligation, anyone interested is invited. Call 479-394-1017 for more information.
• INDIAN TACO LUNCH, CRAFT & BAKE SALE will be hosted by the Mountain Meadow Chapter 22, Order of the Eastern Star, on Saturday, November 4 at the Hatfield Masonic Hall. Doors open at 8 a.m. with lunch beginning at 10:30 a.m. • FUNDRAISERS FOR THREE FAMILIES will be held on Saturday, November 4. Proceeds from all three fundraisers will benefit the Olade, Flournoy, and Provence families who recently lost their homes to fire. A Colorful Run will be held at 8 a.m. at The Remodeled Church in Grannis. A 4D Barrell Race will be held at 11 a.m. at the Grannis Trailriders Arena. A benefit dinner and auction will be held at the Wickes Elementary Cafeteria at 4 p.m. • SHADY GROVE FIRE & RESCUE will host their Annual Chili Supper on Saturday, November 4, from 5 – 7 p.m. • CHILI COOKOFF, BAKE SALE, & AUCTION will be held by the Christian Motorcyclists Association on Saturday, November 4, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Grace Bible Church in Mena. V ’ P will be hosted by Mena Middle School EAST on Friday, November 3, at 1:30 p.m. in the Mena High School Performing Arts Center. All veterans are invited. MMS EAST students will present their video of veteran interviews. Representatives from Senator Tom Cotton and Senator John Boozman’s offices will be in attendance. V ’ P will be hosted at Wickes Elementary School on Wednesday, November 8. Breakfast begins at 8 p.m., the program at 9 a.m. Wickes Elem. music, CRHS Band, and CRHS EAST will present tribute.
Weekly Publication
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Kayla and John Davis, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on October 22nd. Samantha and Stephen Trammel, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on October 23rd. Rachel and Brent Campbell, of DeQueen, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on October 25th. Brittany and Devin Wheless, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on October 25th. Asheley Rothenberger and Cody Becwith, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on October 26th.
There were 3 sisters living together 92, 94 and 95 yrs. old. The oldest went upstairs one evening to take a bath. As she was getting in the tub with one foot in and one foot out, she called down to her sisters, “Am I getting in the tub or am I getting out of the tub?” The 94 yr. old decided to go upstairs to see if she could help figure out the situation. She got to the 3rd step and stopped - then called out, “Was I going up the stairs or was I coming down the stairs?” The 92 yr. old, sitting at the kitchen table, thought she better knock on wood and as she knocked on the kitchen table she said, “I hope I never get as bad as my sisters. Now was that the front door or the back door?”
Pennington & Rice to Wed
Jordan Pennington and Robert & Ryan Rice wish to announce their engagement and approaching marriage on November 18, 2017 at 5 pm at The Pavilion in Ft. Smith, AR. They are both employed by the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department and have a home in Van Buren, AR. Jordan is the granddaughter of Vickie and Steve Robbins and is a 2015 Acorn High School graduate. They are registered at Walmart, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Coast to Coast in Mena.
January 6, 2016
Friday, November 17th 7 am - 12 pm
n o h t o i d a R For many local students, the ONLY meals they are prepared are the school breakfasts and lunches, making evenings, weekends, and school breaks a stressful time as these students battle hunger. THE BACKPACK PROGRAM puts kid-friendly, easy to prepare, nutritional foods directly into the hands of local students.
We’ll be broadcasting LIVE from the Pulse Multi-Media studios and from our community partners from 9 am - 12 pm
in partnership with The Mena Lioness Club
Moments from America’s History: The Ninety-Five Theses W
hen we think of America s beginnings, the first places which come to mind are probably Jamestown, lymouth or perhaps even the era of our war for independence and drafting of our founding documents. However, how our nation arrived at those places and moments is also worthy of our knowledge and appreciation. This week we will take a closer look. In early 16 th-century Europe, the teachings of the Catholic Church were becoming more scrutini ed and uestioned by scholars and theologians. It was also during this time that translations of original texts of the B ible and the writings of the early church philosopher Augustine became more available. Augustine wrote of the primacy of the ible over hurch officials as the ultimate religious authority. He also understood the Scriptures to teach that humans could not reach salvation by their own acts, but only through od and his divine grace could salvation be attained. It was these two foundational tenets which a little known monk and scholar not only believed but would boldly carry forward to change the world. artin Luther was born on ovember 6, 1 in isleben, a ony now ermany , part of the oly oman mpire. At age five, Luther began his education at a local school where he learned reading, writing and Latin. At 1 , he started attending a school run by the rethren of the ommon Life in agdeburg. The rethren s teachings focused on personal piety, and while there Luther developed an early interest in monastic life. However, his father had other plans for his son to become a lawyer. Martin Luther off to a law school in Eisenach. Then, in 1501, Luther enrolled at the University of Erfurt, the premiere university in ermany at the time. There, he attained a aster s degree from the school in 15 5. In July of that year, Luther got caught in a violent thunderstorm in which a bolt of lightning nearly killed him. e considered the incident a sign from od and vowed to become a monk if he survived the storm. nscathed from the storm, Luther kept his promise. He ceased his study of the law and soon entered an Augustinian monastery. uring his early years as a monk, he continued to study and learn, attending the niversity of rfurt and at a university in ittenberg. In 151 , Luther received his doctorate and became a professor of biblical studies. ver the ne t five years Luther s continuing theological studies would lead him to insights that would have implications for Christian thought for centuries to come. These insights would include what he saw as a conflict between the practices of the Catholic church and the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Among the practices of the Catholic Church which Luther objected to was that of selling indulgences. An indulgence was a payment to the Catholic Church that purchased an e emption from punishment from some types of sins. In response to this corrupWeekly penance Publication
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tion, Luther wrote the isputation on the ower and fficacy of Indulgences. This also became known as The 95 Theses, a list of uestions and propositions. Five hundred years ago, ctober 1, 151 , artin Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. The 95 Theses included ideas and truths which had been previously advanced, but Luther codified them in a way and in a time in which they could take root among more people. iven the invention of the printing press less than a century earlier, the Theses could be printed in volume which made its distribution throughout ermany and eventually to ome more thorough and e pedient. Luther was summoned to Augsburg, ermany to defend his opinions before an imperial assembly. After a three-day debate, no agreement could be reached. ardinal Thomas a atan defended the church s use of indulgences, but Luther refused to back down and returned to ittenberg. hurch leaders officially declared Luther s writings as heretical and scandalous and offensive to pious ears. e was eventually e communicated from the atholic church in January 15 1. This, however, wasn t the end for him. The reform movement grew beyond ermany and Luther s influence. The wiss eformation began in 1519 with the teachings of lrich wingli and in 15 1, John alvin, a French rotestant who had written Institutes of the hristian eligion, settled in eneva and put his doctrine into practice. is doctrine spread and made Dutch Calvinism a strong religious and economic force for centuries to come. In England, eformation began with enry II and his dissolution of ngland s controlling monasteries. e worked to place the ible in the hands of the people and eventually re uired every parish to have a copy. There s so much more history associated with the eformation than can be addressed here. In essence, the 95 Theses sparked a period of theological discourse and debate which inspired and fueled the Reformation and would result in the birth of Protestantism and the Lutheran, Reformed, and Anabaptist traditions within Christianity. With the B ible being translated into the language of the people, no longer would they be subject to tyranny associated with ignorance and illiteracy e cept by choice . This helped open the door to subse uent cultural changes as well as religious, political and economic freedoms that came to be in urope and ngland and which would eventually make their way across the Atlantic cean to take on new and vibrant forms that would become the first in human history. erhaps then it can be fairly stated, or at least argued, that ctober 1, 151 was indeed a moment from America s history.
January 6, 2016
“North by Northwest” Chosen for OLT’s November Free Movie SUBMITTED
uachita Little Theatre continues to offer classic films to our LT patrons, friends, and movie lovers. The thriller orth by orthwest is directed by Alfred itchcock, and is thought to be one of his best films. It stars ary rant, va arie aint, and James ason, along with a cast of recogni able faces and talents. The American Film Institute has ranked this film in their list of all time greatest American movies. It is a story of mistaken identity and deception taking place during the old ar era, and it reflects the times in style and intrigue, including spies and a bit of romance. There are several memorable scenes, such as a chase with a crop duster plane and a climactic scene taken place on t. ushmore. This is a film that is a must see for movie lovers of all ages. LT invites you to come ednesday, ovember at 6 at the theater. The popcorn will be hot and fresh, along with candy and soft drinks available for $ 1 per item in the concession stand. Admission, as always, is free; donations are appreciated so we can keep bringing these wonderful movies to the community. The audiences have been enjoying this event and you don t want to miss out. ome and see if you can spot Alfred itchcock as he makes his cameo appearance. ee you at the LT
Ouachita Arts Celebration S
aturday, November 4, from 10 am to 4 pm, the businesses in the Mena Downtown Arts District will again host the Ouachita Arts Celebration—a time to stroll through the Arts District and join the fun. ena treet will be free of traffic for several blocks so you can wander among the artists booths where they will be showing everything from paintings to pottery. There will be a fashion show, live music, flint knapping, culinary arts and Tommy oung will be there with some of his birds of prey and available to tell you all about them. There will be martial arts demonstrations and Vintage Tin will again have cars from its Fall Tour car show. For children, there will be kids craft pro ects and face painting. In addition to all of this going on most of the day, there will be a number of scheduled events. These include: Mena High School Choir will perform the National Anthem, Chair Decorating Presentation, Ouachita Strings nsemble, cerpt from uachita Little Theatre s amlet , Live usic Logan Lind, ena rama ept. presenting Joseph and the Ama ing Technicolor reamcoat , ance erformance with e t, eneration ance Academy, Live Music buy Acorn Choir, Martial Arts Demonstration with Southern Impact and Live Music by Logan Lind hen you get to the uachita Arts elebration, you will be able to pick up a schedule showing e actly what is going on when and where you can find it. If you get weary with walking and standing, come into the ena Art allery. The 1 hristmas how and ale will be on display the Fiber Arts roup will be there doing all sorts of things from spinning yarn to knitting, embroidery, and almost anything else creative than can be done with fiber of one kind or another. The gallery will also have a bake sale going on that includes cookies, cupcakes, and whatever else the talented cooks sure didn t you reali e cooking is an art too can come up with. ot to mention coffee if the weather is cool. There also may be some artists present working on pro ects, so you can have a chance to see how some of the art work in the gallery comes to be. If you need more information, the businesses in the owntown Arts istrict can tell you more. on t miss it
November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
Say What? Not Frost!
ell, we ust had our first free e of the year this past weekend. I
hope everyone brought in their plants from the cold to help pro tect them. ot only is it important to remember your household plants, but we need to remember our cattle producers. ur forage e pert r. John Jennings sent us a notification to be sure and watch for to ic weeds such as frosted ohnsongrass. Johnsongrass is very attractive at any stage. russic acid poisoning potential is very high for short ohnsongrass forage those plants less than 1 inches tall wilted forage, or a new flush of growth soon after a rainfall, and frosted forage. e sure to pull your cattle from forage areas that contain ohnsongrsss. Johnson grass creates a risk of loss of animals. russic acid can be formed in this plant after a free e until the leaves completely dry out. According to our fact sheet on the topic, symptoms of prussic acid poisoning include an iety, progressive weakness and labored breathing, and death may follow when lethal amounts of are consumed. owever, the dead animals may be found without visible symptoms of poisoning. Animals may also show increased rate of respiration, increased pulse rate, gasping, muscular twitching and convulsions. eath often occurs rapidly in affected animals. If you have any uestions on this topic, please contact me anytime and I would be happy to help you. A couple of weeks ago I put out word to the community that I would be trying to get out in the communities and offer an informal program called offee with the Ag Agent . I am still looking for a business to host us. e would like to do this program in all areas of olk ounty and offer it twice a month. lease contact me or our office staff if you or your business are interested in hosting this program. asically, it s ust as it sounds, we will discuss all areas and concerns of agriculture and do6, it in an January 2016 informal way that makes it comfortable for you and I over coffee. As always, contact me anytime at 9 9 6 1 or by email at yates uae .edu if you have any uestions or would like to contact me for an agriculture issue. The Arkansas ooperative tension ervice offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action ual pportunity mployer.
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November 1, 2017
Weekly Publication
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.
Mena Police Department October 22, 2017 Report was made of a dispute between divorced parents over who should have the children. Complainant was advised to seek an attorney. October 23, 2017 No criminal reports were filed. October 24, 2017 Report was taken of the theft of several items from a local residence. Case is pending further investigation and location of suspect. October 25, 2017 A local man reported that he had been assaulted by his girlfriend’s former boyfriend. Case is pending further investigation. October 26, 2017 Chance Wherley, 20, of Mena was arrested on two felony warrants and one misdemeanor warrant. He was also charged with resisting arrest and possession of a controlled substance. The arrest followed an investigation by Mena police. Stephanie Thomas, 41, of Mena was charged with disorderly conduct after officers responded to several calls regarding an out of control woman. Report was made of someone passing a counterfeit bill at a local fast food restaurant. Case is pending. A local woman reported that someone had broken the windshield on her vehicle and had stolen several items including cash, prescription medication, and several credit cards. The incident happened at her place of business. Case is pending review of surveillance tapes. October 27, 2017 A local man reported that his former wife would not let him have his children for visitation. He was advised to see his attorney. Report was taken of a man shoplifting from a local retail store. Case is pending further review of surveillance tapes and location of subject. Report was made of the theft of a portable generator from a local retail store.
Case is pending identification and location of suspect seen in a surveillance video. October 28, 2017 Charles Phillips, 43, of Mena, was charged with disorderly conduct after a call to a physical altercation at a local residence. A local couple reported that they are being harassed by a Mena man. Report is pending further investigation
Pol ounty heri ’s De art ent October 23, 2017 Arrested was Charles B. Arnold, 28, of Mena, on a Charge of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and a Warrant for Probation Violation. Report from complainant on Polk 121 near Mena of an unauthorized person removing property from a residence. Deputies responded. October 24, 2017 Report from Mena Regional Health System of a battery victim. Deputies responded. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was Curtis R. Parnell, 33, of Mena, on a Warrant for Violation of Suspended Imposition of Sentence. Also arrested was Tammy D. Tomblin, 36, of Hatfield, on a Scott County Warrant. Additional information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. October 25, 2017 Report of a disturbance on Polk 419 near Potter. Deputies responded. Report from a church on Highway 8 West near Rocky of the break-in and theft of electronics, valued at $3,225.00. Investigation continues. Report of disruptive behavior led to a 15-year-old female being issued a Juvenile Citation for Disorderly Conduct. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Report on Polk 178 near Mena of horses that appeared to be neglected. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Highway 71 North near Acorn of the theft of $350.00 through a scam. The case will be forwarded to the Attorney General’s Office. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Christopher Ortega, 18, of Mena, on a Warrant for Theft of Property. October 26, 2017 Report of a domestic disturbance on Polk 76 East near Mena. Deputies re-
sponded. One of the suspects was told to leave the property and to not return. October 27, 2017 Arrested was Veronica M. Maddox, 20, of Cove, on a Scott County Warrant. Arrested was Jeffery D. Dollarhyde, 29, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. Report from complainant on Post Oak Lane near Big Fork of the break-in and theft of a firearm and hunting accessories, valued at $650.00. Investigation continues. October 28, 2017 Arrested was Jody L. Carter, 33, of Mena, on a Charge of Fleeing. Report from a Mena woman of a disturbance involving a juvenile. Deputies responded. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. October 29, 2017 Report from complainant on Mangus
Lane near Grannis of the theft of two ATVs, valued at $17,000.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant in Texas that while driving on Highway 4 near Cove they sustained damage to a vehicle mirror caused by another vehicle. Arrested by an officer with the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission was Colby A. Miles, 28, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Lawrence E. Houser, 31, of Wickes, on a Warrant from Rio Blanco County, Colorado. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked two vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 21 Incarcerated Inmates, with 6 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
Weekly Publication
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The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays with a distribution of 8,000 and estimated readership of 10,000. All rights to contents are reserved by Pulse Multi-Media. currently has an on-line audience of 24,000 giving us a combined readership of 32,000. POLICY: The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. All property rights, including any copyright interest, in any advertisement produced by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse using art work and/or typography furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse shall be the property of Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse. No such advertisement or any part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Pulse Multi-Media & The Polk County Pulse. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements of a political nature must be pre-paid and must also include the name of the entity paying for the advertisement. If an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the candidate verifying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.
Ad deadline is 12 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly. Cook Needed at the Cossatot Senior Center. Apply in person at the Center at 7366 Hwy 71 South, Wickes. 11/8 House Cleaning and more. Call Winnie Cotter at 234-3418 or Ina Lewis at 234-5396. 11/22 Books & Stuf. Sun-Thurs, 10-6. Fri, 10-5. 410 Sherwood Ave. Mena, AR. 11/1 Dugan Lawn Care Fall and Winter services. Shrub and hedged trimming, ower bed cleanup, leaf clean up gutter clean out, brush hogging, light driveway repair, property cleanup, and light tree removal. Residential and commercial services. 479-3942699. TFN Daniel’s ar entry and Painting, home repair, decks, privacy fences, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 479-216-1101 or 479-216-2299. 11/15 arage ale Ammunition, house plant sale & other items. Sunday, Nov 5 at 2005 Andrys, Mena AR. 11/1 oving Purging arage Sale – Rain or shine. Furniture, collectibles, dishes, microwave, ping pong table, dishes, 100 lb. propane tank & wall heater, automotive parts, 454 big block ready to build. 224 Deer Run Lane, go to Mena Lake and look for signs. Friday & Saturday. 11/1
J&L Café – Sherwood Ave. Next to book store. Breakfast lunch. Specials – sandwiches. Mon-Wed 8am-3pm. Fri-Sat-Sun 8am-3pm. Closed Thurs. Soon Salad Bar & Soup. 11/15
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ov th Storage Sale. ULockIt by Bowling Alley. Washer/Dryer, desk, table/chairs, recliner, household items & décor. #114 Saturday Only. 11/1 Clean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479-216-3085 TFN
or ent 406 7th Street. 2 bd/2 bath wood oors, microwave, dishwasher, stove, refrig all elec. $600 rent. $500 deposit. 479234-1385. 11/8 or ale 1995 Red. 4x4 Tahoe LT. 5.7 Liter 8 Cyd engine. 2nd owner non smoker. Runs good. Good leather. Clean vehicle. Good Tires. $5,300 OBO. Call 479-234-1357. 10/25 Do er Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 years’ experience. We appreciate your Business! Call 479-234-1357 TFN
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