October 30, 2019

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October 30, 2019



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Polk County Senior Center Awarded $159,939 AEDC Community Grant Governor Asa Hutchinson and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission presented grants totaling more than $8.8 million to 78 Arkansas communities and counties at a ceremony on Thursday, October 24th at the Arkansas State Capitol. The grants fall into one of four programs administered by the Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC): Arkansas Community and Economic Development Grant Program, Rural Services Block Grants, Rural Community Grants, and County Fair Building Grants. Polk County received a grant for

$159,939 to be used for the Senior Center from the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Grant funds. These funds originate from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. To be eligible for this program, communities must have a population of less than 50,000, and at least 51 percent of the persons benefitting from the project must be of low-to-moderate income. The next cycle deadline for the Rural Community Grant Program and County Fair Building Grant Program begins March 5, 2020. For more information about grants administered by AEDC, visit www.ArkansasEDC.com or call 1-800-ARKANSAS.

Quorum Court Passes Resolution to Apply for Grant for Cemetery Improvements

Last week the Polk County Quorum Court met for their monthly session. Cherry Hill residents Lawrence Philpot, Nancy Philpot, and Kathy Rusert representing the cemetery therein attended and had information regarding a grant they are seeking for a new storage shed, pavilion and restrooms for the cemetery. The Quorum Court authorized a resolution allowing County Judge Brandon Ellison to apply for a grant on their behalf since the non-matching grant needed a municipal sponsor requiring the county to get involved since the cemetery is not located in a town. Also on the agenda JP’s approved an ordinance allowing the county to seek a grant for the cost of new cabling for computers and phones at the courthouse. Judge Ellison reported the county received $10,200.00 from a class action lawsuit the county joined against drug



companies. Judge Ellison also reported on a matter from last months meeting regarding the high cost of health insurance for county employees. He mentioned he is still looking at options for the Quorum Court to consider concerning the very large cost increase for county employee health insurance. Heady Nezhadpour, a Medicare specialist, presented information to the court about Medicare and its benefits over regular insurance for employees and elected officials over the age of 65. The Quorum Court also recognized County Judge Ellison for having recently been elected President of the County Judge's Association of Arkansas (CJAA). The next Quorum Court meeting will be November 26, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Polk County Quorum Court meetings are open to the public.

New Orleans Suspect Arrested in Mena...

On Tuesday, October 22nd at about 1515 hours, the Mena Police Department arrested 33-year-old Joshua Fernandez on a warrant. At the time of the arrest, Joshua Fernandez was in possession of $46,321.00 dollars in cash. With the assistance of the US Secret Service, and after contacting the New Orleans Police Department, we discovered that Joshua Fernandez was being sought by NOPD for Larceny. We learned that Joshua Fernandez had been involved in a burglary in New Orleans and a warrant had been requested. After receiving a copy of the NOPD offense report, a hold was placed on Joshua Fernandez. He is currently being held in the Polk County Jail pending extradition. Submitted photos.


808 HWY 71 N (Next to the Limetree) ∙ MENA, AR ∙ 479-385-5122 ∙ OFFICE HOURS: MON - FRI 8:00 AM TO 5:30 PM



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October 30, 2019

Out In The Parking Lot

By Jamie Hammack I was sittin' on the fender of someone else's truck Drinking Old Crow Whisky, hot 7-up Out in the parking lot.

Now there's a couple of cowpokes puttin' up their dukes Wasn't much to it after both of em puked Out in the parking lot. Now someone called the police and the police finally came And they wrote a couple of tickets and they took a couple of names Out in the parking lot. Everybody's gone, they've shut out all the lights The dust begins to settle and it's never been so quiet Out in the parking lot. Lyrics from the song, Out In The Parking Lot, by Guy Clark. Lets take a step back in time. The time of cut off jeans and glorious mullets that reached down past the shoulders of dudes wearing mesh muscle shirts. To cassette tapes and stone washed jeans with rips in them. Lets go back to the late 1980’s. Those weekend evenings all began somewhat the same. Usually without a phone call. There was no need for that. It was just habit to do the what we did. Meeting in town and looking for nothing but a good time. Before dark we'd gather in the now "old" Walmart parking lot leaving our vehicles on the front row facing the fourlane. We’d pack into a truck or car for the night ahead. Leaving the parking lot for Cherry Street next to the former Sonic that is now Cruizzer’s. Left from Cherry Street onto the four lane heading southwest towards Main Street. Right on Main (actually Mena Street, but we always called it Main) towards the courthouse. Turn left on Hickory behind the courthouse, but hide your beers first, taking it slow and easy. Make the turns around the courthouse, obey all signs, then right back onto Main and go back towards Sonic. Once at Sonic you had a choice. Turn into Sonic and drive behind it and then back into the Walmart parking lot, or continue down to the last turn in at Pizza Hut. It didn’t matter which because you just ended up right in front of the center of the universe and the beginning of some crazy, crazy nights for young

people in the mid to late 80's in Mena. Shelton's Cone-n-Cue. Wooderson and the cast of the movie Dazed and Confused had the Emporium. Happy Days had Mel’s Diner. We had a place just as cool as those. We had the Cone-n-Cue. A cozy place where we would settle into a booth and order chili cheese kielbasa's, Frito pies, ice cream, and that incredible ham and cheese sandwich. The owner, Shelton, never made you wait long for your food and he always knew what you had been up to. You could walk into the Cone-n-Cue and Shelton would tell you what you had just done on the far side of town, in the woods or at the lake! We would hang out in the Cone-n-Cue for hours it seems. It became our meeting place. Sometimes it was before making runs to the beer joints across the Oklahoma line. Sometimes just as a place to go before cruising town. We dumped quarters in the jukebox, pinball machines and pool tables and exchanged money from lost bets on games. Gave each other a hard time and laughed at numerous jokes and stories. It's too bad there isn't a place like that now in town. Just as on one side of the parking lot was the Cone-n-Cue, on the other was another favorite stop. The former Sonic, and now Cruizzer’s Drive-In. We all had our go to meal served to us on a metal window tray. You likely had a favorite spot to park and a favorite meal to order. Mine was second from the end on the cherry street side near the four-lane. You press the button and make your order (for me, a #2 hamburger, chili cheese tator tots and a medium Dr. Pepper-no cherry) listen for the guy to ask us "izzz there anything else we can getcha?" and then wait for Lois Stone (rest her soul) or one of the other girls to bring our food out. Sometimes we just ordered a cup of ice and filled our cups with beverages of our own purchased from The Beer Depot in Crystal Springs. Of course in retrospect it wasn’t the smart thing to do, but it’s what we did. In between the Cone-n-Cue and Sonic was the now former Walmart parking lot. People came to Mena from all over western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma just to hang out there. On any given summer weekend night not only could there be hunCONTINUED ON PAGE 23

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•KENA 104.1 FM •KQOR 105.3 FM Good News 1450 AM

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Dan & Linda Deramus, Shane Deramus, Stacy Vann, Tim Goodreau, and Jason Sharp The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays with a distribution of 8,000 and estimated readership of 10,000. All rights to contents are reserved by Pulse Multi-Media. MyPulseNews.com currently has an on-line 32,000. POLICY: The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. All property rights, including any copyright interest, in any advertisement produced by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse using art work and/or typography furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse shall be the property of Pulse Multi-Media and/or The Polk County Pulse. No such advertisement or any part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Pulse Multi-Media & The Polk County Pulse. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements of a political nature must be pre-paid and must also include the name of the entity paying for the advertisement. If an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the candidate verifying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.



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Reflections From History & Faith:

A Most Underrated President... CONTRIBUTED BY JEFF OLSON When we think of America’s greatest presidents, typically Washington and Lincoln are the first to come to mind; with Franklin Roosevelt and perhaps a few others also making the list. Though not on the “greatest” list, some of our other presidents have not received enough recognition for their accomplishments and contributions to the America they served and left a legacy to. One such president was James K. Polk. James Knox Polk was born 224 years ago this week, November 2, 1795, on a farm near Pineville, North Carolina. He was the oldest of ten children and, though a small and sickly boy, he grew up helping his father survey and manage their large farms. He attended the University of North Carolina where he graduated in 1818 at the top of his class. He practiced law for several years and was admitted to the bar in 1820. In 1824, Polk married Sarah Childress who strongly encouraged his political career. In 1825, he was elected to seven consecutive terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. Polk was a close friend and follower of Andrew Jackson and in 1835 became Speaker of the House during Jackson’s presidency. With Jackson’s encouragement, Polk made a successful bid for Governor of Tennessee in 1839, but lost re-election efforts in 1841 and 1843. Although a virtual unknown at the national level, circumstances and issues surrounding the annexation of Texas thrust James Polk into the presidential race of 1844 and helped put him in the White House. Polk’s presidency was

one of great accomplishment. During his four years, America achieved its greatest territorial growth, extending the frontiers of American liberty and freedom. The American flag was raised over most of the area now forming nine western states, including Texas which became a state in 1845. James K. Polk carried out every item of his political program. Only one other president, George Washington, had such a clear record of success. When Polk accepted the nomination for President, he declared that he would “enter upon the discharge of the high and solemn duties of the office with the settled purpose of not being a candidate for re-election.” He honored his pledge and was the first President not to seek a second term. After his successor was inaugurated, the 53 year old Polk returned to Nashville and retired. “My... great labor has exceedingly exhausted me” he wrote in his diary. He soon became ill with Cholera, dying on June 15, 1849. George Bancroft, the great historian and Polk’s Secretary of the Navy, said of him; [he was] “prudent, farsighted....one of the very foremost of our public men, and one of the very best and most honest and most successful Presidents the country ever had.” Shortly after James Polk’s election to the presidency in 1844, on November 30th, Polk County, Arkansas was established. For those of us who call this beautiful place in the Ouachitas “home,” we can and should be very proud of the fact that it is named for man who many historians consider to be the most underrated president in American history.

Vandervoort Elementary School Honor Roll

1st 9 Weeks Kindergarten - All A’s; Stiles Alexander, Zechariah Bennett, Grayson Clark, Gunner Clark, Lailah Colbert, Corbin Conatser, Stephen Dau, Ember Davis, Jace Elder, Madison Holbrook, Janye Johnson, Kashlynn Level, Fred Long, Allen Long, Blayze McCoy, Tucker Merlone, Bracyn Richardson, Audrey Sellers, Gwen Sellers, Autumn Smith, Rebekah Vandegrift, Jeremiah Walker, Sophia Williams. Kindergarten - All A’s & B’s; Everlynn Aaron, Melody Ashcraft, D’Lyla Beggs, Jesilyn Brummel, Adalia Kennington, Xavier Rundel. First Grade- All A’s; Averiona Burkett, John Burks, Lynus Campbell, Cara Cumpton, Jazlyn Elder, Katie Gibbons, Kimber Green, Corbyn Long, Layla Sparks, Brody Ward. First Grade - All A’s & B’s; Jace Butler, Brayden Erwin, Jaxon Mullen, Easton Owens, Kylaa Provence, Cedric Rogers, Aiden Romine, Amanda Romine, Natalie Seigrist, Aubree Turner, Joey Wade, Timothy Williams. Second Grade- All A’s; Adelyn Barton, Vivi Brewer, Adalyn Elder, Amelia Espinola, Max Watkins. Second Grade - All A’s & B’s; Alicia


October 30, 2019



Aaron, Alleigh Bennett, Easton Bryce, Christopher Dickens, Shaelynn Manning, Aleigha Perales, Savanna Seigrist, Jeliza Turner, Kenneth Weisinger, Kristina Wilkinson. Third Grade- All A’s; Lely Anglin, Cambree Manning, Matthew Seigrist, Ariana Shaver, Joslyn Watkins. Third Grade - All A’s & B’s; Makenzie Arthur, Aspen Boldrey, Madyson Broach, Gracelee Burk, Aaron Jewell, Drake Jopling, Eli Lawrence, Natalie Rushing, Jace Shouse, Gracie Smith, Saphina Zimmerman. Fourth Grade- All A’s : Tempy Bell, Brody Creel, Charlee Fortner, Beaudy Lile, Trinity Standridge. Fourth Grade - All A’s & B’s; Makayla Arthur, Koda Bailey, Lillyann Bennett, Autumn Dunn, Jacee McGhee, Connor Rogers, Shiloh Taylor. Fifth Grade- All A’s; Tayden Broach, Jade Watkins. Fifth Grade - All A’s & B’s; Ayden Arthur, Cami Burnett, Thomas Chesser, Flint Dickerson, Anthony Johnson, Jamey Johnson, Rylee Manning. Sixth Grade - All A’s & B’s; Jake Barrett, Cali Burnett, Elijah Owens.

The Democratic


Farrell & Sharon Cole The Cole Team

816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000 www.FarrellCole.com www.MenaRealEstate.com

Party of Polk County

filing period for county offices will be held at

606 Pine Street - Mena in the Quorum Courtroom on the following days:

Monday, November 4th Noon - 3pm Tuesday, November 5th 10am - 2pm Wednesday, November 6th 10am - 2pm Thursday, November 7th 10am - 2pm


1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953

Now Open On Fridays Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm

Friday, November 8th 10am - 2pm Tuesday, November 12th 10am - 2pm Political Ad Paid for by the Democratic Party of Polk County



October 30, 2019

The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Polk County Arraignment Report Christina McCauley, age 42, was arraigned on three counts. Count 1, Possession Of A Schedule II Controlled Substance. The count states that on or about October 18th, 2019, the defendant, unlawfully possessed methamphetamine, a schedule II controlled substance, in an amount of less than 2 grams. A Class D Felony. Count 2, Possession Of A Controlled Substance. The count states that on or about October 18th, 2019, the defendant did unlawfully possess a schedule VI controlled substance, namely marijuana with an aggregate weight including an diluents or adulterants, of less than 4 ounces constituting a Class A Misdemeanor. Count 3, Possession Of A Schedule IV or V Controlled Substance. The count states that on or about October 18th, 2019, the defendant did unlawfully possess a schedule IV controlled substance, Alprazolam, with an aggregate weight, including an adulterant or diluent, of less than 2 grams, constituting a Class A Misdemeanor, Michael Trivette, age 28, was arraigned on one count. Count 1, Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia. The count states that on or about October 18th, 2019, the defendant did possess with the purpose to use drug paraphernalia to inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce methamphetamine into the human body, constituting a Class D Felony. Bobby B. Huber, age 27, was arraigned on one count. Count 1, Failure To Comply With Sex And Child Offender Registration And Reporting Requirements. The count states that on or beginning about April 28th, 2019, the said defendant did unlawfully and feloniously fail to report a change of address, or otherwise failed to register or verify registration as required

mypulsenews.com WEEKLY PUBLICATION

by the Sex Offender Registry Act Of 1997, constituting a Class C Felony. A Criminal Information is merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Mena Police Department Report

October 20, 2019 Timothy Robertson, 32, of Mena was charged with criminal trespass and refusal to submit to arrest after officers responded to a call at a local residence. He was also served an outstanding warrant. John Hunter, 18, of Mena was charged with minor in possession of alcohol. The arrest followed a call from a local man. Crystal Glover, 27, of Prairie Grove was charged with theft of property after officers answered a call to a local retail store. October 21, 2019 Garrett R. Bosley, 18, of Mena was charged with criminal trespass after a call from employees at a local retail store. A Mena woman reported that someone had broken a window at her residence. Case is pending further information. October 22, 2019 Joshua Fernandez, 33, of Mena was charged with theft by receiving after officers located the suspect regarding an outstanding warrant. Report was made of a possible telephone scam by a local residence. Case pending. October 23, 2019 Hunter Hogan, 21, of Mena was charged with disorderly conduct and refusal to submit to arrest after officers responded to a disturbance at a local residence. Jonathan Higgins, 24, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant and was charged with no vehicle tags and no insurance. October 24, 2019 A 17-year-old Mena girl was charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle after officers received a call from a Mena woman. Officers received a call regarding a possible scam from a local man. Case is pending. October 25 & 26 2019 Cheryl Fairless, 25, of Mena was charged with careless driving after a traffic stop. Report was made of a possible shoplifter at a local store. Case is pending.

Polk County Sheriff’s Report October 21, 2019 Report of a disturbance on Highway 375

West near Potter led to the arrest of Tyra N. Cornelius, 34, of Mena, on a Charge of Driving While Intoxicated. Additional information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report of a structure fire on Polk 36 near Hatfield. Deputies responded. Report from complainant on Butler Circle in Hatfield of damage done to a satellite dish and pole. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. October 22, 2019 Report from complainant on Polk 42 near Mena of an unauthorized person on their property. The subject was advised to not return to the property. Report from complainant on Bobby Lane near Board Camp of the fraudulent use of their identity. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 654 near Ink of the fraudulent use of their identity. Investigation continues. October 23, 2019 Report from complainant on School Street in Cove of the theft of an ATV. The ATV was later returned to the owner. October 24, 2019 Report of a vehicle partially in the roadway on Highway 8 East near Nunley. Deputy responded. Arrested was Chelsey R. Edwards, 20, of Mena, on a Warrant for Harassment. October 25, 2019 Arrested was Malcolm R. Wells, 33, of Mena, on Warrants for Furnishing Prohibited Articles, Probation Violation and a Body Attachment Warrant. October 26, 2019 Report from complainant on Highway 71

South in Cove of the break-in to a storage unit and the theft of jewelry, a knife set, dishes and phones. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Council Lane near Mena of the theft of a microwave, two lawn mowers and baby clothes. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway 4 West in Cove of the theft of an ATV, valued at $5,000.00. Investigation continues. October 27, 2019 Report from complainant on Love Lee Lane near Potter of damage done to mailboxes. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway 71 South in Cove of the break-in to a storage unit and the theft of a vehicle. Investigation continues. Traffic stop on Polk 92 near Shady Grove led to the arrest of David M. Fraser, 51, of Mena, on Charges of Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License and Failure to Register a Vehicle. Report from complainant on Highway 71 South near Cove of the theft of tools and supplies, home goods, kitchen wares, furniture, antiques and jewelry, all valued at $2,455.00. Information has been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Stephanie Lane near Grannis of being harassed by an acquaintance. Investigation continues. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked four vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 21 Incarcerated Inmates , with 14 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.Lane near Yocana of the theft of a trailer, va


October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month By Jamie Hammack It’s something nearly all of us have seen, yet is something we rarely discuss. When it is talked about it is usually in whispers. Maybe because its such a difficult subject to talk about. Maybe because you’ve been the victim of it. But lets lay it out there. It’s domestic violence. Spousal abuse. No matter the name, it’s living Hell for the person being abused. And it is something we must confront. According to LiveYourDream.org 4,774,000 women are abused by an intimate partner every year. 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime and it is the 3rd leading cause of homelessness among families in the U.S. The stats get worse from there with 3 women killed every day through domestic violence by a partner. Here at The Pulse our own Office Manager, Beth Goodreau-Jordan, has her story to tell about domestic violence from her past. In her words... “From my perspective it is very difficult to get out of that type of situation. It was

over 20 years for me. You just feel defeated and have been told over and over again that no one will want someone that has been beat down all the time. I finally said to myself, after some years of therapy and going to a group meeting for battered women, "Enough is Enough" and I was able to leave that situation with the help of two very great friends. They were there for support, nothing else. I was showed that I can have a better life without the hurt, the pain, the emotional abuse, the bruises. It was difficult, I won’t lie about that, but there are people wherever you may live that are willing to help in any way they can. To get you out of that situation and help you get on your feet. Like, finding you a job, a place to live that will be safe, and to show you that you are worth more than what this person did to you. A day in the life of my past life: At this time, I had filed my 4th pfa (protection from abuse) order from the man I was married to. He was still calling me and I wasn’t answering because I just didn’t want to hear the same lies he was

telling me-"I’m sorry baby", It wont happen again". I’ll go to counseling to keep you in my life." He was calling so much that I just had to turn my phone off at night to get some sleep. At this time I was living with a friend so he could not find me. Now, anyone will tell you that has been through this type of situation. Staying away doesn’t always work. It didn’t for me. I eventually got tired of the phone calls and the texts that I picked up the phone and talked to him. Still hearing the same lies, but it didn’t matter, all I heard was "I LOVE YOU" and "please take me back, I'm miserable without you". So, what did I do that day, that almost sealed my fate. I went to visit him, and lied to my friend where I was going because I didn’t want to hear any issues from her. As I pulled up to where he was living, I was having second thoughts, but again I just wanted to be with this man, no matter what. I go in the backdoor and this is where it gets tough. I walk in and he comes out of nowhere and pushes me to the other side of the trailer. His hands



October 30, 2019


were around my neck this entire time. He broke my glasses that I had on my face and they fell to the ground. It seemed like a lifetime, I was struggling to breath. He said to me "You are mine and no one will have you but me, because if I have to I'll kill you before that happens." I don’t know what happened, I kept saying to myself, "God, please help me", I need you to release his hands so I can be here for my children and grandchildren". During all of this, I am still fighting to stay on my feet and still trying to breath. At the last moment right before I was going to pass out, he let go. I don’t know why. I fell to the floor, choking on air and trying to catch my breath. I survived that attack. I told him lies to be able to get out of there as quickly as possible. I needed to go to work. I never told anyone about that incident. But, again, I went back to him. Even though I knew it wouldn’t end well for me I went back. It was several years later, when I fiCONTINUED ON PAGE 19

10th Annual

Polk County Births

Mena Regional Health System October 18th - November 1st, 2019 Tasha and Rogelio Salguero, of Mena, Arkansas, are the proud parents of a baby girl born October 19th.

Petting Zoo and Pony Rides Rich Mtn. Blacksmiths will compete on Saturday

Friday, Nov. 1st Saturday, Nov. 2nd


Emily Crawford and Dalton Sanders, of Mena, Arkansas, are the proud parents of a baby boy born October 21st. 3

Ashley Smith, of Mt. Ida, Arkansas, is the proud parent of a baby girl born October 22nd.

--UAMS Family Medical Center-Jodi and Bernard Jacobs III, of Mena, Arkansas, are the proud parents of a baby girl born October 23rd.. .

Come congratulate Bob and Vera Klinger on their

9 am - 6 pm 9 am - 6 pm

Polk County Fairgrounds COMMERCIAL Building Mena, AR

50th Anniversary

Drop by Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 2-4 pm The Daisy Room 800 Janssen Avenue Mena, AR

no gifts please

Applications can be emailed or mailed VENDORS NEEDED

October 30, 2019





Ethel Elizabeth Jurgens, age 74, of Mena, Arkansas, died, Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at the Mena Regional Health System in Mena. She was born on Thursday, May 3, 1945 to Onie Warren and Maudie Barnes Finley in Crumb, Texas. Ethel loved her family and spending time with them. She also enjoyed making candles and collecting owls. Ethel was a Christian and was a member of the First Baptist Church in Mena. Ethel was a loving wife, mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She was preceded in death by her parents; her brothers, John Finley, Onie Finley, and Thurman Finley, and her son, Joseph Michael Bellows. Ethel is survived by her husband, Dennis Jurgens of Mena; her son and daughter in law, Ray and Glynda Bellows of Mena; daughters and sons in law, Cynthia and Robert Via of Lewisville, Texas and Patricia and Thomas Turner of Wyle, Texas; brothers, Milton Finley of Hatfield and Ben Finley of Mena; five grandchildren, Allan Via of Lewisville, Texas, Cody and Brittney Via of Abilene, Texas, Zachary Via of Lewisville, Texas, Logan Turner of Wyle, Texas and Noah Turner of Wyle, Texas; and two great grandsons; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. No services are planned at this time with cremation services entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Online Guestbook: www.bowserffh.com

Q Caring for your family since 1928

Locally owned & operated 479-394-1310

611 Janssen Avenue - Mena, AR



STEWMAN Joann Stewman, age 78, of Mena, Arkansas, died, Friday, October 25, 2019 at Mena Regional Health System in Mena. She was born on Friday, May 23, 1941 to Joseph Daniel “Jodie” and Ruby Lee Looney Little in Mena, Arkansas. Joann loved her Lord, her family and her friends. She was a member of Grace Bible Church in Mena where she served her church in the AWANA program, taught Sunday school, and was on the decorating committee. She also enjoyed floral design and crafts, traveling, bowling and spending time with her grandchildren. Joann and her husband David were involved with the Christian Motorcyclist Association prison ministries. Joann was a loving mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, and friend and will be missed by all who knew her. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, David Stewman; two brothers, Joseph Blake Little and J.D. Little, and one sister, Naomi Fearno. Joann is survived by her daughter and son in law, Leslie and Chris Daniel of Mena; her sister, Mary Little of Sherwood, Arkansas; two grandchildren, Chris Ann and Aaron Grotzinger of Houston, Texas and Mary and Jim Eaton of Eaton of Clayton, North Carolina; four great grandchildren, Harris Grotzinger of Houston, Texas, Evie, Jameson and Max Eaton of Clayton, North Carolina; several nieces and nephews and many other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. at Grace Bible Church in Mena with Dr. Lamar Austin and Brother Russell Threet officiating. Interment will follow at Pine Crest Cemetery in Mena. Visitation will be Friday, November 1, 2019 from 5-7 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Pallbearers will be Danny Thrailkill, Jeff Montgomery, Aaron Grotzinger, Steve Daniel, Steve Schulte and Brian Lang. Honorary Pallbearers will be Mark Barton, Jim Montgomery, Shelton Bohlman, Glen Pearce, Rodney Holland and the elders of Grace Bible Church. In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to Grace Bible Church AWANA Program, P.O. Box 371, Mena, Arkansas 71953 or





Burtis Howard “Burt” Belknap passed away at the age of 95 in Cove, Arkansas on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at his home surrounded by family and friends. He was born on the 21st day of December 1923 in Cove, Arkansas to the late David Belknap and the late Blanch Norton Belknap. Burt was united in marriage to Barbara Clough. He was a logger by profession. He loved farming, riding in his wagon and shopping for trucks. He enjoyed telling stories, whether true or untrue, to whoever was willing to listen. Burt was a true proud family man loving each and all of his rather large clan. He will be dearly missed by all. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Belknap of Waldron, Arkansas; sons: Terry Belknap and wife Jan of Smithville, Oklahoma, David Belknap and wife Regina of Smithville, Oklahoma, Mark Belknap and wife Charlotte of Waldron, Arkansas, and Stephen Belknap and wife Jennifer of Cove, Arkansas; daughters: Lavonna Davis and husband Jim of Victoria, Texas, Lou Hughes of Norman, Arkansas, Deanna Miller and husband Lonnie of Cove, Arkansas, and Robyn Conatser and husband Robert of Cove, Arkansas; grandchildren: C h a d Belknap, the late Dustin Belknap, Devin Belknap, Haley Belknap, Austin Routh, Marshall Hunt, Chance Hunt, Anthony Hutson, BreAnna Hutson, Savanna Hutson, Michelle Lorenzana, Nathan Hughes, Matthew Hughes, Chris Hughes, Joseph Miller, Brooke Sanchez and Corbin Conatser; great grandchildren: Brooke Belknap, Haley Myers, Evan Lorenzana, A.J. Hutson, Jaxon Hughes, Jaydin Hughes, Dixie Hughes, Peyton Sanchez, Malakai Sanchez, Tristan Sanchez, Chloe Belknap, Raegan , Lee, and Quinton Belknap; and sister, Mildred Young of Owensville, Missouri. He was preceded in death by his parents, David and Blanch Belknap; his brothers: Eugene and Leonard Belknap; and sisters: Pauline Saling and Frankie Lou Belknap. Funeral service will be Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. at the Cove First Baptist Church with Brothers Ron Ladd and Jerry Ford officiating. Interment will follow in the Six-Mile Cemetery in Hatfield, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home. Visitation will be

David Scott Brainerd, age 49, of Vandervoort, Arkansas passed away on Monday, October 21, 2019 at the University of Arkansas Medical Center in Little Rock from a massive brain hemorrhage. He was born on Thursday, March 12, 1970 to Philip and Mary Lou Brainerd in Des Moines, Iowa. David was a member of the First Christian Church in Mena when he moved to Vandervoort he regularly attended Vandervoort Baptist Church. David enjoyed deer hunting, playing golf, spending time with friends and family and loved his children and God. David was a loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. David is survived by wife, Shlinda Brainerd of Vandervoort; four sons, Jack Brainerd and Paul Brainerd both of Conway and Brayden Atchley and Corbyn Long both of Vandervoort; three daughters, Brandi McMellon of Mena, Anna Brainerd of Conway and Allie Atchley of Vandervoort; his father and mother, Philip and Mary Lou Brainerd of Mena; two brothers and sisters in law, Richard and Robin Castor of Mena and Brad and Tina Castor of Mena; one grandson, Blaine Davy of Mena; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service was held Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. at the First Christian Church in Mena with Brother Gary Garrett and Brother Aaron Anglin officiating. Arrangements were entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, 1 Children’s Way, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202. Online Guestbook: www.bowserffh.com JOANN STEWMAN obituary contindued Legacy 685 First Baptist Church Houston, Texas. BURT BELKNAP obituary contindued Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the First Baptist Church in Cove. Pallbearers will be Anthony Hutson, Terry Belknap, Matthew Hughes, Chad Belknap, Joseph Miller and Jason Youngblood. Honorary pallbearer Devin Belknap. www.beasleywoodfuneralhome.com

October 30, 2019


October 30, 2019



Twenty-five senior high Cossatot River High choir members traveled to Lakeside High School on Saturday, October 12 to audition for the South Arkansas All-Region Choir. A total of 833 students from 43 different high schools auditioned for spots in the prestigious choir. Cossatot River had a total of 19 singers earn chairs. Basses back row L to R: JT Miller, James Stark, Cole Brantley, Trenton Overton, Ethan Butler, Jose Ortiz, Zaide Morgan, Clayton Thompson. Altos middle row seated: Autumn Crochet, Gracie Smith, Marissa Hammer, Natalie Wilson, Shelby Brewster, Amy Haynes. Sopranos front row on floor: Lexie Graham, Abby McIntyre, Katelyn Baker, Lyla Baker, Ali Austin. Seniors Katelyn Baker, Amy Haynes, and James Stark have earned chairs in the All Region Choir for all 6 years of high school! Abby McIntyre and Cole Brantley will be going on in February to compete for a spot in the Arkansas All-State Choir. Congratulations to all these outstanding singers! Photos courtesy of CRSD l Susan Brewer

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Name Age Date & Location of Kill

(example: Shady Grove)


2019 Youth Hunt to be published in the Polk County Pulse on November 13th & placed online at


SEND PHOTOS TO news@mypulsenews.com




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1168 Hwy 71 S. - Mena


October 30, 2019


On Saturday, October 19 twenty-seven Cossatot River junior high students traveled to Arkadelphia High School and auditioned for the Southwest Arkansas Junior High All-Region Choir. Nineteen students earned chairs in the choir and 2 more are first alternates. These students will sing in a formal concert on Friday, November 8 in Benton. Tyler Graham earned 1st chair in the bass section! Back row l to r: Kody Bailey, Brodie Dickerson, Austin Caramez, David Ramos, Grant Stark, Jesse Dosch, Brody Bailey, Tyler Graham, Anthony Farias, Ismael Medina. Middle row seated: Nathalia Trinidad, Ashley Castro, Desiree Ward, Landrey Richardson, Lily McIntyre, Jessica Green. Front row on floor: Alea Gasca, Jasmine Wilkinson, Bella Smith, Giselle Trejo, Jayden Johnson. Congratulations to these students for singing so beautifully and representing their school and choral program so well. Photo courtesy of CRSD l Susan Brewer

Polk County Housing Authority 509 South Morrow Street, Mena, AR

“Smoke Free” and well maintained. The cooking and heating in most apartments is natural gas which is paid by the housing authority. Water, sewer and garbage pick-up are also paid by the housing authority. You will be responsible for your own electric service. Rent amount is based on income. Lawn mowing service is provided to elderly/disabled residents and available for a fee to all other residents. Apartments have washer and dryer hook-up and are equipped with a range and refrigerator as well as central heat and air conditioning. PCHA also has an income based rental assistance program for housing anywhere in Polk County. or visit our website at www.polkarhousing.com


October 30, 2019

October 30, 2019

App Allows Reports of Bullying to be Anonymous Students, parents, and staff can now report bullying anonymously. The Rave Eyewitness can be used by K-12 public and charter schools in the state. The texting platform will enable people to provide officials with tips concerning bullying in schools. With the ability to remain anonymous, those who do not feel comfortable speaking with an adult will be able to send a

text message using a unique keyword. A school administrator will be notified and then will be able to gain insight into tip categories resulting in possible proactive programs. The reports can be useful in incident management and post-action procedures. Districts across the state will begin implementing the new tool over the next few weeks.

MRHS Emergency Department RNs Recognized...

Jennifer Philpot and Amisha Mosley, Mena Regional Health System Emergency Department RNs, were recently presented AR Saves Awards for Excellence from the UAMS Center for Distance Health. The awards were presented for outstanding performance and lasting contributions to stroke patients in Arkansas. Many lives have been saved through the AR Saves Stroke Program available at Mena Regional Health System. If you or someone you know is showing signs of stroke, call 911 immediately! Remember BE FAST: Balance, Eyes, Face, Arms, Speech, TIME! Time to receive life-saving treatment is limited! Photo submitted by MRHS

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October 30, 2019


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13 October 30, 2019

Marek Anglin - Age 3

Jozulee Smedley - Age 5

MaKenna Lee - Age 9

Kallye Gates - Age 11

We would like to extend an additional THANK YOU to ACCI and NEVER ENOUGH TOYS for their very generous contribution of prizes to the contest winners!


14 October 30, 2019

Bucks Cross Country team hosted Zombie Run 19 – the Buck bites back event Saturday, October 26. The event included a 1K Kids Fun Run and 5K race for adults. Taking the top place in the Women’s Division (top left, top to bottom): Dariana Mendez, Katelyn Foster, and Kendra Tarkinton. For the Men’s Division, (top right, top to bottom): Johnny Sanchez, Martin Peralta, and Ashton Tenorio. Center were this year’s Zombies, aka as the 2019 Bucks Cross-Country teams. Photo submitted by UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS RICH MOUNTAIN l LeAnn Dilbeck

Bearcats Put Dogs On A Leash Friday night the Mena Bearcats football team made a short drive for a big win defeating the Waldron Bulldogs 35-6 in conference play. The Bearcats chose to pound the Bulldogs defense by rushing the ball racking up 392 yards in rushing. Mena opened the scoring in the first quarter on a Jake Wiles 34 yard touchdown run up the middle going nearly untouched all the way to the goal for 6 points. The PAT by Luis Pessoa split the uprights making it 7-0. In the second quarter on 2nd and goal Quarterback Zane Stephens looked right and seen his man was covered then opted for a run to the left side of his offensive line and made a dive into the end zone taking the score to 14-0 after the Pessoa PAT. Easy runs for touchdowns were the theme of the night for the Bearcats. Jake Wiles made a leisurely 13 yard TD run around the Bulldogs D taking the score to 28-0 after the PAT. On defense the Bearcats easily shut down the Bulldogs, holding Waldron to only

229 yards of total offense. Waldron QB Braden Williams felt the wrath of the Mena defense as six different Mena players registered a sack. Williams woes weren’t kept to just his scrambling from Mena’s rush, Chris Bollmeyer and Devon Adams had an interception each while Jayden Castillo caused a Bulldogs fumble. Mena put up 427 all-purpose yards in the win with junior running back, Jake Wiles, having a career night. Wiles ran the ball 15 times for an average of 15.9 yards per carry and contributed a huge 238 yards in rushing alone, scoring three touchdowns. The Bearcats improve to 6-2 overall and 3-2 in conference. This Friday Mena welcomes Subiaco Academy to Bob Carver Mena Bearcats Stadium. The Trojans are 2-6 and come to Mena having suffered a 63-0 loss to Dardanelle. Kickoff is 7pm and you can catch the game on Classic Hits 105.3 with Phillip Wilson and Todd Aynes bringing you all the action.


October 30, 2019

15 15

Mena Cross Country Results

The Mena cross country team competed in the 7-4A District Championship at O.B.U. Monday. Logan Myers won the meet and was first team all conference. Trevin Plunkett got all conference as well. As a team the Sr. Boys finished as runner up in district! Go Bearcats! Photo Submitted By Mena Public Schools

Basscats Reel In 3rd At Degray...

The Mena Basscats were in action last weekend at Degray Lake. Austin Johnson and Cason Cannon, The Arkansas Youth Fishing Association (AYFA) Senior division Anglers of the Year for the 2018-19 season, finished the tournament in 3rd place. Both young men are on track to become back to back anglers of the year. The Basscats travel to Lake Hamilton for the next AYFA tournament on Saturday December 14th. Submitted photo.

Hogs Fall to the Crimson Tide of Alabama

Frustrations continue for Arkansas fans with Saturday’s loss to Alabama. It isn’t so much that Arkansas lost the game. It is Alabama. It’s the way the Razorbacks lost that is most concerning. Mistakes were fast with four turnovers that hurt the Hogs in the first half. Alabama converted them into touchdowns. No team, no matter how good or bad, can easily recover from that many turnovers in a game, much less in a half. Nick Starkel, filling in for Ben Hicks, threw three picks and dropped a snap that Alabama recovered and ran back for 37 yards to the Arkansas 14. Bama went on to score and the Hogs woes kept coming. By the end of the first quarter Arkansas was down 17-0. Fifteen minutes later it was 41-0 going into the half. With Heisman candidate QB Tua Tagovailoa sidelined with an injury, the duties fell to Mac Jones. The backup didn’t

slow the high-powered Tide offense passing for 235 yards and tossing three touchdowns in a 48-7 win. The Razorbacks fell to 2-6 on the season and are yet to win an SEC game under Coach Chad Morris. Murmurs among Hog faithfuls have Morris out at the end of the season. Question is who would replace him? And how soon could he be replaced with a coach that can allay player’s fears and keep them from transferring schools? That is a question to be answered if Morris is out at the end, or even before the end of the season. In the mean time Hog fans keep hopes up as struggling Mississippi State travels to Fayetteville this Saturday. This is a game that Arkansas can win against the 3-5 Bulldogs who are 1-4 in SEC west play. Kick-off is 3pm; catch the game on 104.1 KENA with pre-game beginning at 10:30.

MENA 1ST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Don Hall, Pastor 501 Ninth Street - Mena, AR

Thursday, October 31 4:30 - 5:30 pm Church Parking Lot


October 30, 2019

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October 30, 2019

Defenders Boxing Fighting Hard...

u o Y k n a Th


for helping make this event a S-U-C-C-E-S-S

Support from the community makes this event possible! We would like to extend a ‘Thank You’ to: A & B Tire

Mena Ford

Aleshire Electric

Mena Police Department

Allbaugh's Florist & Gifts

Mena Regional Health System

American Artisans Saturday night in Little Rock the Defenders Boxing Club of Mena took on opponents at The Rock. Little Jack Threet made his ring debut showing much promise until his opponents experience caused the ref to stop the contest. Jesse Self won on a second round stoppage taking his record to 1-1. Levi Self fought a close bout and came up short in a hard fought match. Zack Willis, at 4’ 9 ¾”, had his 3rd fight in an opponent who had 7 fights and came in over a foot taller than Willis, took a loss. With matches comes experience and these fighters are showing Polk County proud with their efforts. Submitted photo.

Wickes Elementary Honor Roll First Nine-Weeks 1ST GRADE ALL A'S - Jariah Cowart, Kaitlyn Dosch, Natalee Mink, Emilce Moreno, Jase Richardson, Max Rye, and Ellah Davis A's & B's - Jade Bailey, Justin Campusano, Jayden Castro, Brynlee Mayo, Bentley Wise,, Alyssa Coronado, David Cortes, Mikaela Doan, Easton May, Rylee Ollar, Carson Price, Wyatt Roper, Rafael Salgado, Hannah Stark, and Kimberly Stephens 2ND GRADE ALL A'S - Alisson Avila, Aiden Broach, and Beu Hennings A's & B's - Jackson Aguilar, Evan Baxter, Jesse Bailey, Tyrel Hennings, Luke Dinkins, Jake Speight, Smitty Baxter, Sophie Whisenhunt, Aliah Foreman, Chloe Sherrouse, Jayden Munoz, Tamberly Miller, Isaac Gonzalez, and Nataly Gonzalez-Antunez 3RD GRADE ALL A'S - Jenna Trinidad and Areanna

Alameda A's & B’s - Yarel Cortes, Crystal Ruiz, Joseph Dosch, Dominic Farias, Lydnsey Munoz, Alexander Sherrouse, Kason Palmer, Josiah Wilson, Tony Flores, Dalton Wise, Nyla Decasez, Sawyer Davis, Hector Marrufo, Jesus Ruiz, Aiden Foreman, Brylee Frachiseur, and Santana Hernandez 4TH GRADE ALL A'S - Jaylee Brantley and Carter Hexamer A'S & B'S - Aliha Pena, Ethan Richardson, Samuel Cordova, Porter Roper, Isaac Gray, Raeleigh Speight, Billy Verdic, Elianna Villarreal, Lance Thomas, Skylar Velez, Korey Wheeler, Christy Williams, Ethan Ashcraft, and Yeshle Campuzano 5th GRADE ALL A'S - Nicholas Beke, Jonas Hernandez, Adileni Herrera, Alan Munoz, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 18

Beasley Wood Funeral Home

Mena Star

Diamond Bank

Papa's Mexican Café

Mountain Fork Growing Cornerstone Mountain Resort Clovers 4-H Club Nidec Debbie Miller Farm Bureau First Baptist Church Goss, Inc Heath Valley Cabins Irons Fork 4H Club James's SuperSave Foods Janssen Park B & B Jeff's Collision Repair Jimmy & Lisa Rackley Kimie Head Maddox and Maddox SPONSORED BY THE

Polk County Office of Emergency Management Polk County Sheriff's Dept. Pulse Multi-Media/KENA Rich Mountain Electric Southern LP Gas Sterling Machinery SWEPCO Union Bank U of A Rich Mountain Washburn's

Rotary Club of Polk County/Mena



October 30, 2019

AG Rutledge Joins Coalition to Investigate Facebook for Violation of Antitrust Laws

Little Rock - The Attorney General of Arkansas has joined a bipartisan coalition of 47 state AG’s to investigate Facebook. The social media giant is suspected of possible anticompetitive business practices due to their dominance in the industry. “Major tech platforms like Facebook

have thrived on the public’s willingness to share their personal information and preferences,” said Attorney General Rutledge. “This investigation is a deeper dive into the business practices used by Facebook to determine whether it has committed any violations of antitrust laws.”

Umpire Elementary and High School Honor Roll Umpire High School All A’s - Alexandra Efird, Meredith Fahrney, Kelsie Faulkner, Yahir Garcia, and Melissa Salinas-Vasqez AB’s - Titus Eskew, Allie McConnell, Avery Murphy, Benjamin O’Neal, Cindy Salinas-Vasquez, Kiimberly Teodoro Mendez, Selena Zaragoza and Yijie Zhou. Umpire Elementary All A’s - Duane Bell, Keven Coto, Blaze Dickerson 5, Trace Dorse, Colton Eskew 5, Briley Ford, Delaney Ford, Selena Garcia, Tucker McConnell 5, William Mu-

sick, Keeli Partee, Evelyn Salaises, Martin Salaises, Marcos Tavera, Abigail, Tomblin, Roselynn Tomblin, Caroline Trantham, Aiden White, Saedee White and Gabriel Winfield AB’s - Kevin Antonio, Clayton Bell JR, Shantel Christopher, Armon Fahrney, Rilee Faulkner, Alex Golden, Kandyce Hernandez, Adaline Hunter, Barron Kitchens, Tatum McConnell, Alexandra Murphy, Lela Musick, Breezie Roberts, Brayam Salaices, Kendell Turner, Landon White and Aidan Winfield.


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In September, Attorney General Rutledge announced an antitrust investigation into whether Google conducts its business practices in accordance with State and federal antitrust laws. Attorney General Rutledge joins the bipartisan investigation being led by New York Attorney General Letitia James. The investigation now includes the attorneys general of Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachu-

setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia and the territory of Guam, in addition to a number of other states that cannot confirm its participation in pending investigations.

Kaleb Olalde A's & B's - Alex Aguilar, Kaydince Gray, Rynley Richardson, Marvin Brito, Jareli Herrera, Braden Smith, Abby Goethals, Tylynn Robb, Isai Esquivel, Yesenia Vasquez, Mary Crochet, Valeria Munoz, Autumn Frachiseur, Liliana Gasca, Axel Moreno, Nicole Martinez, Noah Saxour, and Kaden Whitmire 6TH GRADE ALL A's - Diego Garcia, Kenya Antunez,

Aspen Johnson, Nathan White, Thomas Goethals, and Raylee Youngblood A's & B's - Dafne Avila, Aiden McKenzie, Mairany Marrufo, Carolina March, Diana Munoz, Sulem Lopez, Eli Stark, Rosibel Delgado, Natanael Trinidad, Jose Ruiz, Brystyn Richardson, Addy Watkins, Garrett Hennings, Sabrina Holt, Connor McCormick, Ulysses Lopez, Jhovani Perez, James Davis, and Vanessa Flores


I finally left for good. During those last years, I dealt with a lot of emotional abuse. Being put down, saying I was fat, no one wants you. You’re not a good mother, your mother should have gotten rid of you because you’re worthless. When you hear those types of comments, you start believing them. I have spoken to a group of workers. Policeman, pastors, group advocates for women and told them, "I would have rather been beaten, than to deal with all the emotional abuse I dealt with over the years. Because bruises go away, emotional scarring does not. It stays with you for a long time, even forever.” No one should ever have to go through what Beth endured. Everyone must be vigilant and on the look out for victims of domestic abuse so they can be helped before it is too late. Don’t be silent. The signs of domestic violence are not always obvious and not always physical. Maybe you as a friend or relative do not see bumps and bruises. Domestic Violence and an abusive relationship comes in the form of having power and control

over someone keeping that person in constant fear of abuse, verbal and physical. TheHotline.org lists other forms of abuse as. Emotional abuse: name calling, forced isolation from others, threats against children, family and friends, humiliation, and accusations of cheating. Sexual coercion: Forcing sex, ignoring your feelings regarding sex, sexual insults. Reproductive coercion: Forcing non use of birth control, sabotaging birth control, forcing abortion, forcing pregnancy. Forcing you to stay pregnant. Financial abuse: Forcing you to hand over your paycheck, giving an allowance, preventing access to bank accounts, stealing money. Digital abuse: Selecting who you can and cannot be friends with on social media, sending you threatening emails, insist on having your passwords, stealing passwords, constant text to keep tabs on you, pressure to send explicit pics and videos. If you are a victim of domestic violence please call local law enforcement. If someone you know needs help please call the

hotline number for The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. There are local agencies which can help as well. • Southwest AR Domestic Violence De Queen, AR · (870) 584-3441 • Crisis Intervention Center 5603 S 14th St, Fort Smith, AR · (479) 782-1821 • Arkansas Crisis Center Fort Smith, AR · (888) 274-7472 • Women's Crisis Service 109 Beard Ave, #110, Poteau, OK · (918) 647-9800



October 30, 2019


Centene Customers To Receive Refunds Centene, one of the insurers that participates in the Arkansas Works Medicaid program had to refund $12.3 million to the federal government, the state, and consumers after the company collected too much in premiums. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported Centene collected $983 million in premiums from Arkansas Works enrollees and other consumers from 2016-18, but only spent $756 million of the money collected

on medical care and other health-related expenses. According to federal law, the percentage of health care expenses must be at 80%. Centene fell short by 3% thus having to send refunds to people. The average refund will be $108. The refund will be the largest of any insurer in the state since the beginning of the requirement. Centene was required to refund $6.8 million in 2015, $784,875 in 2016, and $3.3 million in 2017.

u o Y k Knights of Columbus - Mena n a h T from the

The Knights of Columbus Council 7258 – Mena, are conducting their annual Campaign for persons with Intellectual Disabilities. During the next few weeks we will be visiting local businesses as well as greeting patrons as they shop. Be sure to watch for us and get your tootsie rolls. In the past 15 years, local Mena Council 7258 has raised almost $50,000 for the Polk County Development Center, with another $7,000 going to ARC of Arkansas, thanks entirely to the generosity of our community.

Our success would not have been possible without the continued support of our area businesses and citizens. Please help us to thank the following supporters: Brodix Hampton Aviation Edward Jones Gilchrist Tractor Polk County Farmer’s Co-op Union Bank Beasley-Wood Funeral Home A&B Tire Mena Ford The Office Store RC Enterprises Mena Title Mike’s Home Specialties Arkansas West Metals Aleshire Electric Curt’s Tire and Muffler James’ Super Save Foods Mena Spine and Rehab The Shop Donut Palace Spurgin’s Southern Auto Janssen Ave Florist Goss Electronics Washburn’s Home Furnishings J&A Truss Southwest EMS Maddox and Maddox Page, Thrailkill, and McDaniel Orvin Foster State Farm Insurance Mena Tire

s k n a h T l cia to all the e p S

generous employees at NIDEC MOTORS



October 30, 2019


Polk County Pulse 10/30/19 Word Search

1 5 9 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 29 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 47 49 52 54 56 58 59 61 62 63 64 65

Slave Old flatboats Nile reptiles Jai ___ Roulette bet Deadly Spiny-finned fish Boiling mad Colorado native Outbuilding Beloved Muse of poetry Protracted Oysters and clams, e.g. Gallery display French monk Christmas seasons Menagerie Defeat soundly Joke Paper purchase In poor health Mountain lions Coffee dispensers ___ Mar Fairgrounds, CA Flesh-eating fish Police team Broker NY college town Assistant Over, poetically Chicago airport Large toothless aquatic gamer Fatigues Gambling game Spanish direction Questions Awareness words

10.30 1




Go Ahead, Exercise Your Brain!






20 22







21 24 26





36 38






45 47














43 46

















51 57

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart

Copyright ©2019 PuzzleJunction.com

Cross Word Puzzle Across













Copyright ©2019 PuzzleJunction.com

Copyright ©2019 PuzzleJunction.com

66 Arizona city Down 1 Elephant Boy of 30’s film 2 Cheer up 3 Less common 4 Cone producer 5 Hors d’oeuvres item 6 Libertine 7 Famous pirate captain 8 Mme., in Madrid 9 Composer Copeland

10 Marine bottomlurker with eyes on top of the head 11 Noggin 12 Coaster 15 Some dog names 17 ___ Spumante 21 Pub potables 23 Assist, in a way 26 Prophesy 27 Andean animal 28 One with a strict diet, possibly 30 Horse color 31 Male turkeys 32 Bone-dry 33 Tree trunk

34 Dangerous marine animal 39 Trick 41 Pocket bread 42 Caviar cousin 45 Strides 46 Ancient 48 Merchandise 50 Clamor 51 Exams 52 Greek letter 53 “Now hear ___!” 54 Dazzles 55 Actress Skye 57 Actress Perlman 59 Hit the slopes 60 Gender (Abbr.)





10.30 E K O C A S E X H C R A E S A L D O







Humane Society of the Ouachitas PET OF THE WEEK

This Panda can be yours to love and treasure! Big blue eyes and gorgeous black and white fur! Truly looks like a Panda Bear! Panda likes kids and dogs. He is housetrained. Panda already knows the sit and stay commands. Get out the birthday party decorations in March (03/02/2016). Could there possibly be a Panda in your future? Panda has a sister, Zanda, who is also a large Husky mix and available as well. ALL ANIMALS AT HSO ARE SPAYED/NEUTERED AND ARE CURRENT ON THEIR VACCINATIONS PRIOR TO ADOPTION. HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE OUACHITAS TUES. THROUGH SAT. 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. 368 POLK 50, MENA, AR (479) 394-5682 WWW.HSOMENA.ORG






• 10:00 a.m. – GriefShare meeting at the First Presbyterian Church, 904 Church Avenue in Mena. Meetings open to anyone in the community who has experienced the recent death of a loved one. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/ Polk County meets at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at (479)2345844 or Linda Rowe at (479)234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Good Vibes Art Day at the Mena Art Gallery. All mediums welcome, from fiber art, painting and crafting. Open to public. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 4:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club, at 1159 Highway 71 South., Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)243-0297. • 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Trunk or Treat at the First United Methodist Church at 9th and Port Arthur. • 5:00 p.m. – Costume Contest to be judged. Contest held outside at the Train Depot on Sherwood St. • 5:30 p.m. – Carved Pumpkin Contest also held outside the Train Depot on Sherwood St. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Education Wing, West End. Call (479)2342297 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Trunk or Treat held at the Mena First Church of the Nazarene – 503 S. Morrow (across from the football field). Come join us for trick or treating fun! • 6:00 p.m. – Mena Jr. High football vs. Broken Bow moved to Bearcat Stadium • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church.

• 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn, next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Hatfield Auditorium Country-Western Dance Admission is $6 and 50/50 drawing. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297. • 9:30 p.m. – Karaoke Contest at Fraternal Order of the Eagles, 3091 Hwy. 71 North. $5 Entry fee. Must be 21 years old.

• 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. – Mena Seventh Day Adventist Church Food Pantry at 149 Polk Road 43, across from Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. Everyone will be served. • 6:00 p.m. – Polk County Fair & Rodeo meets at the Fairgrounds. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church, Mena. Everyone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – Shady Grove RVFD Business and Training meeting. • 6:30 p.m. – Mena Community Choir practice at the First Methodist Church. • 6:30 p.m. – Mountain Meadow Chapter #22 Order of The Eastern Star will meet for refreshments followed by their chapter meeting at 7:30 p.m. at The Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge Hall in Hatfield • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meets at the old bus barn next to The Crossing Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Potter RVFD meeting at the Fire Station. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn RVFD meeting will be at the Fire House.


SATURDAY, NOV. 2ND – • 10:00 a.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Men’s Meeting – ABC Club, across form Chopping Block: 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena – (281)387-0400. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 1:00 p.m. – There will be an M.S.A.A. Support Group meeting in Room 156 at UA-Rich Mountain. • 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Shady Grove Fire & Rescue Annual Chili Super at 113 Polk Rd. 49. Chili and all the fixins’. Donations appreciated. Raffle to be held also. Come support our fireman and 1st responders. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Highway 71 North, Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – The Remnants of Rock Concert at the OLT – 610 Mena Street • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)243-0297 or (479)2164606. SUNDAY, NOV. 3RD – • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South, Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship Service is held at Sulphur Springs Church.


TUESDAY, NOV. 5TH – • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The written portion of the drivers test will be given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority, and as long as road conditions are optimal the driving portion of the test will be given. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch Library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. - T.O.P.S. will meet in

October 30, 2019



the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – Dallas Valley RVFD meets for training at the Fire House. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn Fire & Rescue meets at the Fire Department. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. (479)2342887 or (479)234-3043. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6TH –

• 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Shepherd’s Closet open at First Baptist Church 4802 Highway 71 South. Hatfield, AR (870)389-6412. Accepting and distributing clothing/usable household items/ and nonperishable food items. • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 368 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery Art Group meeting. • 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency Warning Sirens will be tested in Hatfield, Wickes, Grannis, Vandervoort, Cove, and Mena. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library is open. • 5:30 p.m. – Dinner at Christ Community Fellowship followed by services at 6:15 p.m. for Youth, Children’s Activities, Young Adult and Adult Bible studies. • 5:30 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Bible Study Service. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Highway 71 North, Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club, 1159 Highway 71 South., Mena. (479)216-4606 or (479)2430297.






October 30, 2019 Fentanyl Nationwide Problem

The scourge of Fentanyl is being felt nationwide and here in Arkansas. Arkansas law enforcement and prosecutors are taking the fight to drug dealers. Prosecutors arrested 49 people in the state this month for fentanyl trafficking operations. 15 people were arrested statewide Wednesday morning in the third major law enforcement operation this month aimed at drug dealers and Fentanyl. On Wednesday an indictment was unsealed which revealed that 23 people are accused of participating in the drug trafficking organization. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Pharmaceutical grade Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain reliever that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. Most U.S. cases of deaths or overdoses related to Fentanyl are linked to illegally made Fentanyl where it is often mixed with heroin or cocaine to increase its euphoric effects.



Acorn FCCLA: A Look At Tomorrow’s Leaders...

Acorn FCCLA attended the FCCLA District 6 Planning & Election Meeting held at Dardanelle High School on October 23rd. Lulu Quebedeaux was elected the 2020-2021 District 6 Vice President of Parliamentary Law and Kenzie Daniels was elected the 20202021 District 6 Vice President of Community Service. These students have exhibited wonderful leadership qualities and we are proud of their accomplishments.

Photos submitted by ORSD l Mindy Lyle. Lulu Quebedeaux & Kenzie Daniels.



Dining Table and 6 chairs: table - 48” round with leaf extends to 72” oval - $100. Call 479-243-0405. All wood, California King headboard and metal bed T103019

INDOOR SALE! November 1st - 2nd 7:00 am - 4:00 pm, 138 Deer Park Lane, off Ransom Road. Holdiay stuff, gift ideas, and more! T103019

Advertise Here - Place your items in the Classifieds. You’re reading it now so you know it works! TFN

Yard Sale - Friday - Sat : Nov. 1st & 2nd 9a-4p Something for everyone. All items clean and ready to use, some vintage. Follow signs Hwy 8 east in Board Camp. Only 11 miles from Mena. Cash only. Will cancel if inclement weather. T103019


GIFTS! Handmade by local artisans - an entire store full. MENA ART GALLERY, 607 Mena St. 479-394-3880 Tues 11-2 Wed-Sat 10-3 T121819

Mobile Dog Grooming, bath, dry, nails, ears, brushing and clipping. Call Deanna Boyd 479-234-1866. Check out scmobiledogwash.com or email: squekycleanmobiledogwash@gmail. com. T121119

Photo submitted by ORSD l Mindy Lyle. Makenna Goss, Lulu Quebedeaux, & Sunshine Butterfield

Large Four Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday - Nov. 1st & 2nd 8a - 4p. 1812 Oakland Drive, Rogers Addiiton. Wide assortment; too much to mention. T103019


Turkey Shoot WE’RE BRINGING IT BACK! Ross-Tunnel American Legion Post #249 Wickes, AR - Save the Date: Saturday, November 16, 2019 10am3pm. Go East at the causion light in Cove. Call David 479-216-0712. T110619 Advertise Here - Buy a classified ad for $4 for your first 20 words. You could reach an audience of 8,000 with each weeks publication. Make your ad stand out with the purchase of a border for only $1 extra. Headings to fit your purchase. Let us help you. TFN Your ad deserves attention!


Lawn Mower Repair on riders or push

mowers, weed-eaters, chain sawa, generators. $20.00 for service call. Call Bill Duff 479-216-5204. T103019

Housekeeping and more! Lewis at 479-234-3418.

Call Iina T111319

Complete Yard Care, Odd Jobs and more! When you need an extra hand, call me! Mena, Arkansas and Polk County area479-234-0509. T110619 Advertise Here - Place your items in the Classifieds. You’re reading it now so you know it works! TFN

- SERVICES Need your land cleared? Let me Mulch it for you! RC Customz Land Clearing, Mulching and More. Some services but not all include: fence lines, clearing of lots, bush-hogging, and fencing. This is a great solution for clearing overgrowth while leaving desirable trees. We service both residential and commercial customers. Military discount available. For more information and estimates contact Russell Lane at 479-216-2976. T103019

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dreds of people gathered in the parking lot, but there could be a line of cars waiting to enter from the Pizza Hut down the four-lane past KFC and beyond. Pulling in you’d turn up the radio to a favorite tune and jam out. Sometimes you were there for a few minutes, hours or at times you was up all night watching sun rise from the parking lot. It’s hard to recall all of the crazy things that went on in that parking lot. We've all seen the fights. Fights that couldn't wait till gathering at Mena Lake. Some between men. Some between women. Some from couples breaking up. And we've all seen the weekend afterwards when those who fought each other were now riding around town together as if nothing had ever happened. Some of the crazy wasn’t from having a wild side. It just plain stupidity, and I contributed mightily to the stupidity several times. I slammed a curb one night near the Cherry Street entrance in my truck while acting a fool and doing donuts. My passengers shall remain nameless. Some did worse. Some didn’t. And the cars and trucks we had here!

I’m not sure anywhere in western Arkansas had as many cool cars and trucks as we had here back in the day. “The Red Baron” and “The Red Baron 2”. The once orange and then yellow early 50’s Studebaker truck. A fellow named Red Meadows had a patchwork yellow Chevy truck that would scream. There were more than I can mention, but nothing held a candle to the legendary “Back In Black”, a 1971 Chevy truck that was black, beautiful and fast. I miss all of those old rides and often wonder what happened to them. Those Hot rods, hooptys, beaters, family sedans and farm trucks. We drove them spending many hot summer nights in the parking lot. We sat out there until we got bored and then we went to make that cruise up to the courthouse and back again. How many times did we drive those roads over and over, then going round and round the parking lot? Music blaring from $40 Walmart Sparkomatic speakers. From George Strait and AC-DC to Hank Jr and ZZ Top. We cruised Main Street, the sounds of dual exhaust pipes and music reverberating off the walls of the buildings. How many races down the four lane have

there been? All of the wildness on the road just to make it back to the parking lot. The Walmart parking lot. It was our town square. Our home sweet home. So sad that nowadays the kids don't congregate there. I know there are rules now against that, but even if there wasn't, would they? I doubt it. Kids now have so many distractions. Internet on their phones, cable tv and the like. We were lucky to have cable. Usually we only three channels picked up from Tulsa, Little Rock or Fort Smith. We'd make our phone calls from the pay phone at the Cone-n-Cue, The North Side Super Stop or the "phone

Live Music Entertainment: Children’s Ouachita Strings beginning at 9am PCDC Carolers will perform at 1:15pm

Hourly Door Prizes from 10-4

201 S. Morrow, Mena, AR

The store will close at Noon on October 31st to prepare for this annual event. Come and enjoy some music, shop for some home decor, Christmas goodies and get signed up for your chance to win a door prize.

Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing TIRES BRAKES CUSTOM EXHUAST SHOCKS & STRUTS Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 am - 5:30 pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena

Owner: Stacy & Julie Nash


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 company" at ten cents a call. Calling to set up a date and making sure we had plenty of beer for us guys, and Boones Farm Strawberry Hill or Bartles and James for the girls. Cruising the four lane was what we lived for on Friday and Saturday nights. It was a sight to see. Maybe someday at a multi class/school reunion we can get together and cruise the four-lane again. Windows down. Def Leppard or Hank Jr blaring from Sparkomatic and Pioneer stereos. That would be a blast to do. And maybe hang out, out in the parking lot.

Little Aurora Needs Your Help

PCDC’s (Resale Store) CHRISTMAS BLITZ Friday, Friday, November November 1,1, 2019 2019 •• 9am 9am -- 5:30pm 5:30pm


October 30, 2019

It’s not always the guy with muscles you see on TV or the star football player that has real strength. Some people have a strength you can only see when you come to understand their situation in life. Neva Pitman and her daughter Aurora have that strength. Aurora is a six year old local child that is in hospice care, and she is going through a fight that most of us will never endure. Aurora has Cerebral Palsy (CP), a condition that has no

cure, and that is but one of 16 different conditions she has that began when she had a stroke while still in the womb. CP is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to balance themselves, their posture and to move. According to the Centers for Disease Control, CP can cause stiff muscles, and uncontrollable movements. With the many conditions young Aurora fights she obviously has many doctors and many visits to see them. Neva told The Pulse she travels twice a week to Fort Smith for Aurora to have therapy and in Little Rock Aurora has 14 doctors. These visits add up and this family needs your help. The Polk County Pulse and 104.1 KENA ask you to help with travel, care and expenses. To bring even more attention to the plight of this family, on Wednesday the 30th on 104.1 KENA we will ask you to give what you can to help. Checks can be dropped off at Union Bank of Mena for the “Aurora Pitman Benefit Fund”. Being that Aurora is a child we ask that checks be made out to her mother, Neva Pitman or hospice nurse Ashley Sharp. On November 6th at 5:30 in the Acorn Gymnasium Aurora will join the Acorn Cheerleaders at the games against Caddo Hills during a half time show. There will be #Team Aurora t-shirts for sale and orders will be taken for cinnamon rolls. All proceeds go to benefit Aurora and her medical expenses. Elite Hospice and Mena Church of God are sponsoring the event. We invite everyone out to see this remarkable little girl and help support her. Please do what you can to help.



October 30, 2019

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