Aoh chicago civic engagement

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Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

What I say ... purpose of the engagement:

A highly responsive and participatory interface between the caller(s), the stakeholders and the public

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

No really, the purpose of the engagement version 1.0:

To make visible the collective intelligence of a region in such a way that it transforms civic culture and leadership platforms ... ... so that the directionality of society is re-located into the hands of citizens Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Principles of Engagement

Chaos with just enough order

Builds trust

Transparency and authenticity (eg. what can we change? decision making) Share the necessary information to create informed public debate Compelling messaging, invitation and branding People see themselves in the results - proof is in the pudding We seek out and value collective/public opinion individual voice

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Makes visible the full spectrum of opinion and perspective Engages broad and diverse demographic and geography People trust invitation from people like them - core team must reflect who you are seeking to engage Integrates expert input, interactive conversation, arts, social media, tangible experience Builds community and raises civic pride Responsive to what is happening in the community, online, in the media

The Different Roles

“The quality, nature and depth of relationship at the core is reflected in the quality, nature and depth of the engagement process�



Stakeholders Strategist Project Manager Communications

Process Designers Online/new media genius

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Creative Engagement

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Invitation, Messaging & Creative Engagement

Tuesday, 1 October, 13


Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Social/ New Media

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Iterative Harvest

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Questions How can civic engagement transform the current culture of leadership/ governance rather than just help it function better? How can events, online and creative engagements provoke people into their own activities? (build a movement) How can we harvest that activity in such a way that it can feed meaningfully back into the public realm and strategically influence decision making? How can we build decision maker accountability into the process? What are the risks of not activating civic engagement for change? What if the greatest innovation in Nova Scotia is not around what topic or the process we use but who we manage to engage? Now we have created a crack in the society here how do we flood it with capacity building for authentic engagement? Tuesday, 1 October, 13

The Engagement Process May

June/Early July

June - July

Metro Engagement 1) Vision and Principles Gathering July

Provincial Engagement

Foundation Preparation

Stakeholder Gathering Town Hall Meeting Creative Engagement Ongoing platform and messaging

Launch Event(s) Forming the Core Team Process and logistics Prep Platform and Messaging Prep / Launch


Launch Session Final session in the city: the final design public space interaction with neighbourhood and city connections to the rest of the province Final input from public Ongoing platform and messaging

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

6 participatory public events introducing clarity from the Metro Engagement and exploring benefit to other areas of the province around specific issues relevant to the locality: Sydney Truro Valley South West ?? Ongoing platform and messaging (local and in city)

Sept - December

Metro Engagement 2) Look and Feel of Development 3) Design and Function of the Public Space 4) Interaction with street-scape, neighbourhood and city 5) Sustainability Ongoing platform and messaging



Shared clarity


Foundation conversations: 1) Andy, Jennifer & Tim (Jan 24th 9am) 2) Myrgan Inc Team preparation 3) Planning meeting with all the above

Invite, Design, Logistics

Preparation: 1) Invitation - compelling document and personal contact 2) Logistics and Hospitality 3) Process Design 4) Harvest & Outputs Design 5) Strategic framework design

SUP Launch Pad (0.5 days) Senior leaders and decision makers to ascertain level of support for SUP 1) Surface need / desire for SUP 2) Articulate purpose of SUP and leaders role 3) Define participants in SUP 4) Clarify level of commitment to SUP

? !


? Invite, Design, Logistics

Outputs, key messages and invitation




Invite, Design, Logistics

SUP Reception (0.25 days) Senior leaders and SUP participants 1) SUP Participants present outputs 2) Define role of senior leaders Operationalize the SUP (1 Day): 1) Finalize agile governance structure 2) Plan delivery of strategic timeline

Myrgan Inc. -

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Phase 2 ...

Forming the SUP (1.5 days): SUP participants to build the collective clarity to launch the SUP 1) Build a collective constitution 2) Define individual / organizational commitments 3) Develop further strategic time line 4) Motivate and inspire participants

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Tuesday, 1 October, 13

Events: 1 stakeholder event 11 advertised public events (5 across the province and 6 in Halifax) 10 pop up events on Argyle street, in Cole Harbor and Bedford 1 large street engagement as part of Nocturne art festival Over 3500 people engaged Online: Website ... 8,300 visits // 4,700 unique visitors // 24,000 page views // even now over 200 visitors a month. Social Media: Facebook ... participation peaked at 15,000 people on one post // peak number of engaged users was 473 // Facebook page124 likes Twitter ... 362 followers // 500 interactions during the campaign Flickr stream ... over 2700 clicks on images Email list: Over 1000 followers by the end of the campaign Tuesday, 1 October, 13

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