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Doric Film Fest

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A unique event which showcases Doric language and culture through the medium of fi lm is encouraging fi lmmakers to submit their ideas by December.

The 2023 Doric Film Festi val will culminate on May 26th next year, but entrants need to get their thinking caps on ready to submit their fi lm proposals by December 15th before bringing their ideas to life in ti me for the May fi nale showcase.


The acclaimed Doric Film Festi val, which is supported by the Scotti sh Government, is the brain-child of award-winning Scots Radio Director Frieda Morrison who created the pla� orm to celebrate the Doric language and its cultural identi ty.

This year’s theme: “Dinna Pit Aff ” is on track to sti mulate another diverse body of creati ve short fi lms by individuals, groups and schools in celebrati on of the richness and diversity of the region.

Frieda said: “The standard and creati vity of entries pushes boundaries every year, and 2023 is set to be no excepti on.

“With more and more people keen to explore cultural identi ty, pla� orms such as the Doric Film Festi val become ever more important and we are pleased with the level of interest which has already been shown in the next Festi val.

“We now encourage prospecti ve parti cipants to get their ideas to us by December 15th.”


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