Ask Create Australia Founder: 9 Ways to Master Your Work-Life Balance As an Entrepreneur

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Ask Create Australia Founder: 9 Ways to Master Your Work-Life Balance As an Entrepreneur

Work-life balance are key factors for every entrepreneur to have a successful business career. But, if they continue to work late or indulged in night-shift from their home, their work-life balance is at stake, and with that their business AND personal success also. Busy workdays seem to be a marathon when you know the finish line is miles away. You step in the office finding a bulk of work waiting for you - inbox filled with work, and a calendar occupied with meetings. This makes you to "put in late hours" at work- if not managed properly. Overtime at work makes you lose focus & effectiveness at your regular working hours. Every day becomes the same as the one before... Myriam Borg - Create Australia Founder strongly believe in chunking your work to 4 hours a day and advocates avoid the traditional of “9-to-5,” time clock all together - to achieve business success. Doing the really important work within business hours isn’t just important, it’s also valuable for a successful outcome. Often business owners do busy work, rather than work that will directly affect their bottom line. Here’re some tips from Create Australia Refund Consultant to master your work-life balance as an entrepreneur:

Create a Schedule Don’t just put together a half-hearted to - do list, go a step further and create a schedule for your workday. For example, if you’re planning to work for eight hours, allocate an estimated time for each project or task. Being an entrepreneur, you might be occupied by emails and phone calls. Allocate 30 minutes a day to take care of all of your follow-ups instead of initiating with phone and inbox.

Time Management If you’re working a 20 hour week be firm, work on critical task, learn to allocate time for set task, and delegate time wasting tasks to others. In case, you find yourself spending a majority of time managing your inbox or meetings, you perhaps need to restructure it and get a virtual assistant to take wasteful tasks from you.

Avoid Distractions Become militant about creating a distraction - free workspace. Close out all unnecessary tabs on your browser, silence your phone, and put your headphones in if it’ll help you in your work. Social media other distractions are off limit during work hours. Be accountable to YOURSELF!

Take Breaks At times, when you are aiming to finish important tasks, you may prefer to work continuously until the work gets completed BUT that turn affects your work productivity. To work more efficiently and effectively consider taking breaks. As soon as you completed task, get up to stretch, grab something to drink, and just refresh your brain before moving onto the next thing.

Learn the Power of Saying “No” For perfect work-life balance, it is important to avoid things or say “no” when you’re busy. If you have a busy day schedule, avoid accepting a conference-call invitation. Sometimes, it isn’t possible to turn down every meeting invitation, therefore try to reschedule it.

Perspective Avoid exaggerating small stuff and end up turning your to-do list into far more than it really is. Simply manage your work according to the deadlines. If you find yourself anxious about your schedule for the next day or week ahead of you – create a schedule to have a better perspective of the timeframe in order to successfully complete your work on time.

Add a Reminder Being an entrepreneur, you might stay occupied all the day, but its important include regular work out in your day schedule to stay healthy. Add a calendar invite reminding for - gym, run or other practices you prefer. If not, you’ll most likely regret it - when you get negative outcomes.

Avoid Reworking Things Stop spending your evenings in the office reworking things until they’re perfect. Establish a clear definition of the end result — when you’ve reached it, check out for the day. Remember, there is no such thing as perfect.

Put Yourself First If you’re an entrepreneur, business relies heavily on YOU- your sleep, mood and sanity must come first – says,” Create Australia’s Founder Myriam Borg”. Ensure that you are putting yourself first by eating right, sleeping well and exercising. These things are critical for proper thinking, creating and performing at your workplace. More Information:

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