Myriam Borg, Create Australia Founder
Myriam Borg was is the Industry founder of the Lost & Unclaimed money recovery industry in Australia and New Zealand, she is the CEO of Create Australia a business dedicated to helping people get out of the rat race and into their own start up business. Myriam is the author of the highly regarded business program The Refund Consulting Program a business system that was created 15 years ago, and currently upgraded to what is cutting edge business in a box training. In her spare time Myriam is an avid world traveler, she is passionate about history and culture, and loves traveling with her family across Europe, Asia and her favorite region the south pacific. To find out more about Myriam’s views please visit her blog.
What are you doing now? I am leading an amazing company called Create Australia, we help people get out of being wage slaves by helping them set up their own business on a shoe string budget! What’s your favorite film and why? I love The Thomas Crown Affair. It’s well written, a very sexy story & my favorite actors! I know it off by heart☺
What do you do in your spare time? I love working out, I enjoy doing Pilates. I also enjoy traveling and am always planning a trip overseas!
What can you look forward to in the future? I have gone through an amazing period in my life where I experienced a lot of growth, my future will have more of that. I intend on ticking my bigger goals now that my kids are a little older. Living on a small deserted island, taking a super yacht & cruising the entire Mediterranean and European coastline over a year or two are on that list. Running a business while living these adventure that is what makes it perfect!
What’s your biggest pet peeve? Slow people! I think speed is a form of intelligence. We all have 24 hours, only fast people get more done & live a bigger life. Anything slow kills meâ˜ş! Source: