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Those of you that graduated in 2019 or earlier and have been back to campus might have noticed the brand-new (opened in January 2020) Richard Bready Applied Learning Laboratories (or SECCM Labs Building -SELB). One of the gems of campus, SELB houses teaching and research facilities for all of our programs. In case you have been unable to visit in person, we would like to give you some insight into some specific aspects of the building.

The ~3400-sf Construction Management High Bay – generously supported by Shawmut – is a two-story space dedicated to the CM program laboratory sequence. This is central to the curricula for all CM majors –especially in the first and second years during Methods and Materials classes. It is an open space, has been fully equipped with both metal and wood working tools, and facilitates small group construction activities. In the high-bay section of the laboratory, an overhead crane allows students to learn and practice crane use. If you have been on campus during fall, this laboratory is where the CM students build the house as part of their learning – a highlight of admissions office tours of RWU. If you haven’t been to visit our new space, please come by for a personal tour!

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