Root Canal: Basics & Road to Recovery
Your teeth actually have roots. Do you believe this? That is why this endodontic treatment is named root canal. It refers to cleaning the canal of your teeth roots.
Now, what is endodontic treatment?
A specialized branch of dentistry that involves the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue or dental pulp disease inside teeth. For now, let’s understand the root canal and the steps for a quick recovery after this procedure.
Root Canal
In layman’s language, a root canal basically saves your teeth from permanent removal by extracting the infected or inflamed pulp, followed by a thorough cleaning, tooth filling, and finally sealing.
Your endodontist or dentist at Mysa Dental, the best dental clinic in San Antonio, might recommend a root canal in case of highly-sensitive teeth, cracked teeth, cavities, or tooth decay.
Things to follow for a quick recovery
● Look After Your Mouth
After the procedure is over, use ice packs and pain relievers as prescribed to reduce swelling and pain. It’s important that you carefully plan your meals with a focus on soft foods, soup, and smoothies so that you don’t damage or hurt your newly fixed teeth or tooth. It’s also advisable to use an elevated pillow to keep your head high while sleeping.
● Refrain from Exercising
At times you should keep your love of exercise aside and this is that time. Your endodontists in San Antonio will recommend taking some time off from exercise so that your teeth don’t pain and start bleeding again. However, you can continue walking as basic exercise.
● Take Sufficient Rest
The more you rest, the faster you recover. Oral procedures might make you uncomfortable and tired. Therefore, you should stay at home at least for 2 days after the procedure to quickly get back to your routine.
● Be Cautious
Your endodontist at Mysa Dental will recommend being cautious of any signs and symptoms that indicate infection or issues. In case of rashes, constant swelling or a painful root canal, consult your dentist immediately.
Key takeaway
A root canal is an important dental procedure and you should choose professionals like the endodontists at Mysa Dental for a safe and successful procedure with minimal complications.