8 Alerts You Must Initiate In Your School ERP Immediately If your school management software supports alerts, at that moment you have the facility to send notices to teachers, students, and parents about essential events, transactions, emergency conditions, etc. It's a really influential tool to send information about anything recent and that is important as well. This will encourage good communication between teachers, parents, school administrators, and students. If you're not using it already, here are a few tips to get started with it. 1. Payment due date alert
This alert is to notify parents about their kid's fee payment date. Send this a few days in advance so that parents have sufficient time to make the payment on time. Setting this alert will suggestively develop your school's finances as well. 2. Exam and results alert
No more memorizing of dates and no need to check the website more often. All the exam alerts about the availability of the admit card and the declaration of the result would be made accessible on parent's mobile phones. To make use of this feature, connect with your school ERP provider and get it started today. 5 Apps for teachers to stay productive: https://www.myschoolr.com/top-5-appsfor-teachers-and-educators-to-stay-productive-in-2019.html 3. Meetings alert
Parents sometimes fail to recollect School PTA meetings, which are held commonly in each academic year. A proper parent-teacher interaction should be maintained for better behavioral and help in the academic improvement of the student. Setting PTA meeting alerts will support parents to know about the dates in advance and then they do not forget the meetings. 4. Absent details Most drop-out case in school arises due to the tripling of absent record in an academic year. Taking leaves without any proper validation leads to a lack of interest in academics and low achievement results. Absent alert notify parents with an SMS or call about the absence of their child so they can confirm occurred absence is with their knowledge. 5. Announcements and emergency alerts
An important announcement alert in the school management system is really a great advantage for a school because it saves time and reduces manual work. The dates of several events fluctuate every year so it is impossible to set this alert well in advance like the other alerts. Emergency closure of schools or colleges in cases like fire, earthquakes, etc should also be notified to parents because by doing so
they are aware that the institution has taken essential steps concerning the situation and can guarantee their children are safe. 6. Birthday alerts
If your school management software contains a student portal, he/she must be able to get greetings on his/her birthday. However, the details accessible in the student information should be accurate and up to date before setting this alert. 7. Library book alerts
Always late returning books? Enable book return alert for your student's library account to help you avoid fines and get your materials on time. 8. SMS invoicing SMS invoice is a payment notification sent via SMS to a parent. Your school accounts department can identify the amount of payment, the name and mobile number of parent, explanation and transaction id for your orientation. The parent gets an SMS with the above essentials through the payment app where he/she can click to mark the payment. To know more about the different types of alerts and how to implement them, contact us. We are glad to help! Read more: https://www.myschoolr.com/blog/8-alerts-you-must-initiate-in-your-school-erpimmediately.html