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For sale: Down comforters sz. Twin-King $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5-$10; assorted throw pillows $2-$5 each. 708-481-6907 - Visit The Shopper Online!
Wednesday • January 6 • 2016
Financial Advice Column
What to Look For from a Financial Advisor BOB KRYGSHELD
Please Remember To Drink Responsibly
750 ML $32.96
1.75 LT $15.96
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750 ML $7.96
Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes. Before you enter…
Please Remember To Drink Responsibly OPEN: MONDAY – SATURDAY 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS
37 JOLIET DYER, IN • 219-865-8501 WE CARD UNDER 40 (Rt. 30 Across from Hospital)
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There’s a lot to know about investing, so it’s a good idea to get some professional help. But with so many financial advisors out there, how can you choose one that’s right for you? You may have to i nter v iew severa l pr o s p e c t i v e f i n a n c i a l advisors before deciding on one. When you talk to them, see if you can get a sense of how they might work with you. Specifically, try to answer the following questions: Does t h is f i na ncia l advisor … …Un d e r s t a n d y o u ? Perhaps above all else, you want a financial advisor who will take the time to get to know you and your fa mi ly, your goa ls a nd what’s important to you. …Clea rly ex pla i n investing? Once you enter the investment world, you will likely be curious about it. Why is diversification i m p o r t a n t ? W h a t ’s a market correction? How do i nt er e s t r at e movements affect different investments? You will want to work with someone who w ill ma ke the effort to educate you and answer all your questions. … Know your investment st yle? Obv iously, you’ll want someone who will recommend only t hose i n v e s t m e nt s t h a t a r e i n you r be st i ntere st . T herefore, t he per son you choose needs to understa nd you r investment personality – that is, whether you are an aggressive, moderate or conservative investor. …Have a certain investment philosophy? Yo u m a y h a v e y o u r ow n i nve st ment st y le a nd preferences – a nd so do ma ny f i na nc ia l adv isors. In fact, some financial adv isors have an overriding invest ment ph i losophy that governs many of their recom mendat ions. You need to find this out before
you start work ing w ith someone. …C o m m u n i c a t e f r e quent l y ? T he mo s t knowledgeable financial a d v i s or i n t h e w or ld won’t be of much help to you if he or she is not a good communicator. You need someone who will regularly let you know if you’re on track or make s u g g e s t i on s i f y ou’r e not – even if you aren’t scheduled to meet for a while. You’ll want someone who will meet with you when it’s convenient for you, whether it’s in person or over the phone. … Av oi d m a k i n g bi g p r o m i s e s ? Yo u w a n t a f ina ncia l adv isor w it h t he expertise and experience necessary to help you make the right moves. And you’ll want someone committed to your success. But there’s a big difference between someone who promises to do the best possible job for you and someone who promises big results. Be wary of financial advisors who cla im t hey ca n consistently achieve high returns for you – there are very few guarantees in the investment world. … Explain how he or she w i l l be c ompen sate d ? Fi na ncia l adv isors get paid in various ways, often in some combination of fees a nd commissions. Ask all potential financial adv isors how t hey get compensated; any reputable professional will be upfront about his or her charges. By finding the answers to these key questions, you should be able to find a financial advisor who is wel l-su ited to work w it h you. So ta ke t he time you need to gather enough information to feel confident in your choice. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
January 6, 2016 Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free estimates with repairs. Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. Indiana & Chicago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383
In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. — 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Attend the church of your choice.
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
Handyman Services Save on heating, have a ceiling fan installed--$25. Also elec. and plumbing repairs, windows--drs.-trim. Call Rocky at 219-7654067
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, sump pumps, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Movers Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $80/hour minimum of 5 hours. 708-252-6354
From The Publisher
Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
• 10 Minute Oil Change ! • Only Quality Oil Brands!
A Profound Answer ARLO KALLEMEYN The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. O n e m a n , a C E O, decided to ex pla in t he problem with education. He a r g ue d, “ W h at ’s a kid going to learn from someone w ho dec ided his best option in life was to become a teacher?” To stress his point he said to another guest; “You’re a te acher, Bon n ie. Be h on e s t . W h a t d o y ou make?” Bon n ie, w ho had a reputat ion for honest y a nd f ra n k ness repl ied, “You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...) “Well, I make kids work ha rder t ha n t hey ever thought they could. “I ma ke k ids sit t h roug h 40 m i nutes of cla ss t i me w hen t hei r parents can’t make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, G a me C u b e or mov ie rental. “You w a nt to k now what I make? (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table) I make kids wonder. I ma ke t hem quest ion. I ma ke t hem apologize and mean it. I make them have respect a nd ta ke responsibi lit y for t heir actions.
Full Service Oil Change Offer Expires 1/7/16 Limits Apply
The oil you use matters! Unlike others, Grease Monkey only uses oil brands you know & trust. 720 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-4
Call Cheryl Gordon, The Elite Realtor (708) 259-8075
Elite Executives Realtors (708) 259-8075 1010 E. 79th St. Suite 1E, Chicago, Illinois 60619 Email:
“I teach them to write a nd t hen I ma ke t hem write... Keyboarding isn’t everything. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator. “I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity. I make my cla s sroom a plac e where all my students feel safe. “ F i n a l l y, I m a k e t hem u nder st a nd t hat if they use the gifts they were g iven, work ha rd, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life. (Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.) “Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn’t everything, I can hold my head up high a nd pay no at tent ion, because they are ignorant. You want to know what I make? I M AKE A DIFFERENCE. A t r u ly profound answer! Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper publisher a nd big fan of good teachers making a difference.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
Roofing Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Help Wanted Help Wanted: A daycare staff. Must be 18 yrs. or older. Must have high school Diploma. Call Second Home Daycare, Inc. 708-528-2225
Garage Sales in South Holland 16422 University Ct., South Holland January 7, 2016 8:00 am2:00 pm Housewares, dishes, xmas d e c o ra t i o n s, p a i n t i n g s, small appliances. Everything must go!
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart. Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900. Efficiency Apt: full kitch. stove, refrig., microwave, pots/pans, silver ware, dishes. Gas, electric, cable $150/wkly. 708-224-7306 Apt. for rent: One bedroom. Nice area, seniors welcome. Second floor. 352 Yates Ave. Calumet City, IL. 757-2821786
January 6, 2016 1 bedroom upstairs apartment. Deck and off street parking. In South Holland. 312-259-6112
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. Immediate occupancy. 708-243-4118
Rooms For Rent A room in my home. Large and comfortable and furnished, full kitchen & l a u n d r y. C l e a n , n e a r transportation $120/week. 708-224-7306
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Lost & Found
Wanted: Looking to buy winter knit hat, rust color with fake beige fur around it. To match my rust color suede coat w/beige fake fur inside. 708-360-3068 Wanted: Old Government type cell phone. No longer in use or battery for same. (Samsung). 708-753-0021 3/8 steel plate AR15, have F O I D c a rd , 2 . 5 s q u a re tubing, log splitter or parts for one. 708-474-8221 Wanted: person that can rod out my plugged sewer line or tub pipes. 317-348-7895 Wanted: fur coats or fur accessories (not fur trimmed coats) in good condition for an elderly lady. 317-3487895 Wanted: person to fix a big rip (about 14 inches) in a fur coat. 219-865-8361 Small submersible garden hose pump. 708-532-8337 Dial indicator with clamp on arm and a valve spring compressor. 708-532-8337
Speaking Of Seniors
For s ale : 2 0 0 0 Im pala $2200; 1999 Lincoln Towncar $1800; 2003 Chevy Envoy-remote/start $3400; 2003 2dr. Jimmy Blazerremote/start. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Montecarlo $2200; 2003 Windstar Van 4dr, $2600; 2002 Volkswagon Passat $2600; 2006 Dodge Magnum $5200. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 For sale: 1994 Chevy Van, runs good, some rust, dependable $1200 obo. Misc. tires and rims. 708257-6516
Rim/wheel for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic and a rim braker and tire irons to brake tractor/truck tire down. 08532-8337
Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941
For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126
For sale: 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GT. 2dr. good tires, clean interior, runs and drives. $1500 cash + $105 tax. Blue or green, your c h o i c e . w w w . or 1-877-818-4726
For sale: Private owner selling 1977 Cor vette Coupe, b l u e, n i c e c a r, chassis clean, no rust, run only 500mi per year. Asking $9000 or trade for motorcycle. 708-543-4667
For sale: 2002 Buick Park Avenue. Recent i m p r ov e m e n t s , b r a k e s , rebuilt trans. All suspension, serp belt, front alignment, 156K. No rust, $3200. 708597-0130
Wa n t e d : B a c k p a c k i n g equipment. Call. 708-6632078
For sale: 2014 Hyundai Accent 4dr. Htchbk. Looks like station wagon. For 5 adults, women love automatic, in storage since purchase. Almost no miles, 42mpg. Mint, Best offer. 773-939-8999 For sale: 1999 Lexus ES300 gold, PB, PS, sunroof, CD player, new trans, one owner 158K miles, $3,500 obo. 630-926-5443 2011 Chevy Malibu LT. L o a d e d , 6 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Remote start. Great condition, $10,500. 708-9038260 2009 Chevy Cobalt LS. Manual transmission, 34,000 miles. New battery and tires, gray, clean car. $7,500 Rob 708-331-1848
BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE BOOK YOUR PARTY TODAY Hours: Thursday - Sunday Noon - 2 am 708-774-1020
Saved Kouts Client Over $1,700
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726
Lost: Pomeranian mixed with poodle, about 3 yrs. old, very small, female, spins in circles. If found please call. 708-692-5763 Small re w a rd . T h a n k Yo u , i n advance.
XLarge tall garage coveralls. 708-532-8337
WOODROW WILCOX O n N o v e m b e r 17, 2015, I received a copy of a medical bill for a senior citizen client who lives in Kouts, Indiana. The bill was for $1,702.92. I suspected t hat t he bill was false. I phoned t he cl ient a nd made a three way call with her to bot h Med ic a re a nd her insurance company. We requested copies of a l l Medica re Summa r y Notice forms that might relate to t he bill. But, a lso, I questioned both the insurance company representative and the Medicare representative about t he deta i ls t hat s he c ou ld s e e i n he r records about the medical bi l l. Accord ing to t he Medicare representative and the client’s insurance company representative, the balance that our client owed should be ZERO. On that day, I w rote to t he med ica l bi l l i ng f i r m to tel l t hem to correct the bill and send our client a bill w it h a balance of zero. Instead, i n December, t he f i r m sent a bill to our client for a revised balance of $104.84. That was a false bill, too. So, On December 21, I wrote another letter to t he med ica l bi l l i ng f i r m i n wh ich I told them that their medical billing was either sloppy a nd i ncompetent or fraudulent. I told them that the correct balance was still ZERO and that if they did not immediately send a rev i sed bi l l to
2004 Honda Civic Sedan LX. Blue, 79,000 miles, one ow n e r. G a r a g e d , g re a t condition, $5,500. 219-7934098 1991 Cadillac Brougham 4 door with less than 57,000 miles. Asking $9,250. 708672-4692
Jogging Injury?
Call Dr. Paul Stepanczuk Munster | (219) 836-9488
Foot & Ankle Podiatry Services
On site X-Ray, Ultrasound, Orthotics. Shoes, and Sandals
our client t hat showed a ba l a nc e of Z E RO, I would help our client to file a complaint against t he bi l l i n g f i r m w it h the Medicare Inspector G enera l. L ess t ha n a week later, our client got a statement showing that the balance was ZERO. A fe w d ay s l ater, I got a copy of the ZERO BAL ANCE bill from the client with a thank you note. Her note closed w it h t h i s : “Ju s t w a nt you to know I sincerely appreciate what you have done for me. Maybe with the attention you brought to my bi l l, it w i l l help some other senior avoid a medical bill scam.” All the help that I gave this client was FREE OF CHARGE. This insurance agenc y d ist ing u ishes it s e l f f r om ot h e r s b y “going the extra mile” to help ou r cl ient s avoid f i na ncia l ha r m when there is a problem with the Medicare system. Does you r insu ra nce agenc y g ive t h is h ig h level of service to its senior citizen customers? If not, why not? Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill case worker at Senior Care I n su r a nc e S er v ic e s i n Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of that insurance agency over one million dollars by fighting Medicare related medical bill errors and fraud. He wrote the book SOLVING MEDICARE PROBLEM$.
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231 For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371
Lansing Junior Woman’s Club Invites You To:
-Mama Rosalie’s3rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner Friday, January 15, 2016 from 4:00-8:00pm
1st United Methodist Church of Lansing 18420 Burnham Ave., Lansing, IL 60438 Adults (12+) $10 Children (5-11) $5 Children 4 and under are free
To-Go orders are available. Please call ahead and place your order and include the pick up time. Call Mama Rosalie at 312-882-2570
Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: All new factory bedding furniture. Fast EZ credit. No credit needed. Mattresses $78; futons $128; bunk-beds, $178; dinette sets, $168; sofa/loveseat, bedroom sets $497. Free layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388
January 6, 2016 For sale: Wedding Dress size 8, white. Purchased 2015. Really sharp! Must see! Very modern, absolutely beautiful, Mermaid style. $600 obo. Call or text. 708969-5203 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071 For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$10. Coffee makers, toasters, juicer. 708481-6907 For sale: Wall hanging shelves to display plates $5$20. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen Solid wood maple, a pair of kitchen chairs $25 each chair. 708-481-6907 For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15l l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows. $2 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7” $25. 708481-6907
For sale: Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-4816907 For sale :Champagne and wine glass crystal 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted rugs, from throw rugs to room size rugs $10; $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs, runners also. 708-481-6907 For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907 For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Down comforters sz . Twi n- K i ng $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows $5$10; assorted throw pillows $2-$5 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40 each. 708481-6907 For sale: Original Furbies $3$5 each; Ty Beanie babies $2-$3 each; Barbie dolls, $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen sofa $125; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907 For sale: 2 Tier occasional table solid cherry $75. 708481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen solid wood maple kitchen chairs $25 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Mt. Fur y roadmaster 15 spd. index shifting 25: bike $30; suitcase and travel bags $7$12 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Solid wood maple full size headboard $40; solid maple full size headboard, footboard and rails $75. 708-481-6907
For sale: Assorted decorative wall mirrors, 2 new Franciscan “Desert Rose” Pattern dinner plates, $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Battery new from Sears. I paid $140 will sell $80; die hard two new spring garage door, $90. 708-4181098 For sale: Craftsman key less 3/8” corded drill $15; Black & Decker jig saw $15; power craft 7” circular saw $25, all good shape. 708-285-1107 For sale: Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Two J-Peterman high back chairs, by Jeffco Furniture $200. 708-285-1107 For sale: Toro electric snow shovel, model S-120. 12 inches wide. Perfect for small area and steps $35. 773-785-7247
For sale: Four burner grill with side burner; Charmglow model 8108532. Sold by home depot. Good condition $25. 773785-7247 Shark steamblaster Europrox $20; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner $20. 708481-6907 “ Wolfgang Puck” bistro collection convection oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.) $75. 708-481-6907 Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats, new, $3 ea. 708-4816907 “Anchor Hocking” 38 pc set of dishes white with gold trim, $20; Pyrex bowls and bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907 Vintage “Singer” stylist 533 sewing machine $50. 708481-6907
Warm Up in Your New Home If you have a scheduled move-in before January 31, 2016, receive a $500 Walmart gift card after your first month of residency.
Shop Online
Mattresses from $88
Pillow Top Mattresses from $118
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Notice of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, according to (770 ILCS 95/) Self-Service Storage Facility Act. I at public sale by competitive bidding on ending on January 22, 2016 at 10:00 am or after for units located at: Compass Self Storage, 2556 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438 The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment.
Unit #
B1140 B1433
Tenants Name
Alere Sams Betty Cobbins
Unit #
B1295 B1301
Tenants Name
REX NEWELL is a professional speaker and appraiser with over 20 years experience. Rex is a noted speaker at libraries, historical societies, banks, YMCAs, church and senior citizen organizations, and has been a guest speaker on FOX TV. Feel free to call with confidence. FIREARMS ART WORK Curios · Relics Bronzes · Oil Paintings Old Shotguns Water Colors · Etchings Modern Weapons Statuary · Pottery · Fine WAR SOUVENIRS Sterling Helmets - Daggers · Medals COINS Wings · Pins - Badges All Silver & Gold Coins Swords - Knives Indian Head Pennies German Uniforms Bullion Pieces ART GLASS GLASSWARE Tiffany · Struben Depression · Fiesta Loetz · Durand Carnival · Fine Crystal FURNITURE Fine Pottery · Crocks Dining Room Sets Stoneware · Hummels Bedroom Sets JEWELRY Hall Trees · Floor Lamps Diamonds · Fine Costume Hoosier Cabinets Sterling · Gold Rings Bookcases · Curio Cabinets Hat Pins · Wrist Watches China Cabinets · Oriental Pocket Watches Rugs Fine Table Lamps
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Affordable Housing at an Affordable Price · Private, one-bedroom apartments · Kitchenette with microwave, refrigerator/freezer & sink · Three restaurant-style meals daily with snacks · 24-hour certified nursing assistants · Medication setup, reminders, assistance · Housekeeping & laundry weekly
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3025 Spring Lake Drive Lansing, Illinois 60438
708-474-6100 Managed by Gardant Management Solutions
Say I saw it in The Shopper Vintage Madame Alexander dolls, 12” in original box, wrist tag & stand. Degas girl #1575, Pinkie #1350. $40 ea. 708-481-6907 Assorted colors fiesta dishes (each piece $3) Pyrex bowls, $3-$5 ea; early pyrex dishes (asst. colors) $3 ea pc., casual dishes, white. 708481-6907 Collection of porcelain tea pots, assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16” between arm rests, like new. 708-891-4798
January 6, 2016 Murray’s 10 speed bike, good cond., needs inner tubes, $25. Brown canvas/ leather coach purse, $35, new. Liz Claiborne shoes (new) sz 10, $20, black 2 1/2” heals. 708-574-8788 Sh o e s / p u r s e s e t , b l a c k patent/clear sz 8 1/2 $20 set. Ladies (white) short coat/ hooded, sz. 14, $25--Nine West, cleaned. 708-574-8788 2 wool blazers, large petite, burgundy camel $50 ea, pd. $160 ea. Oil painting 22x16 mountains and water. Palos Hills. 708-974-1674
Steamer tr unk, vintage record player, 1940s and 1950s railroad calendars, magna band saw with extra blades, small meat slicer. 708-418-0343
4 fish tanks 95, 55, 30 and 10 gallons with stand for 95 gallon tank and equipment. 219-306-2030
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
15% OFF Labor* Expires February 3, 2016
Ap r i l a i re w h o l e h o u s e humidifier model #220, new, mounts on furnace. High quality, easily installs. End dry air $120. Cal City 708891-3432
Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning
FAST FURNACE REPLACEMENTS $500 Furnace and A/C combo Savings
ANNA M. CAISON Sometimes the only way we know God is with us is when we find ourselves walking in the shoes of those who’ve gone before us. The first time I wrote on this subject I told how my daughter developed a personal faith in God when she found herself walking in my shoes, when she made the decision to move to New York to reunite with her estranged husband. I’ve come to realize that “walking in the shoes of those who’ve gone before us” is not confined to just children following pa rent s. It a l so i nclude s sibl i ngs following siblings. On December 28th I received this text from my baby sister. “We really a r e b o ok end s, a r en’t w e…. olde s t g i r l /y ou n ge s t g i r l ; t w o d au g ht e r s most l i ke mom ma ; ident ica l brea st cancer sur v ivors; faced w it h sa me work cha l lenge. T h i n k G od is t r y i ng to tel l us somet h i ng ? ” Yes! God is establishing a pattern of His Presence and His Faithfulness to our family that He is with us! He is preserving Him a present day circle of witnesses to encourage us in our walk
10 boxes of new stuff Best O f f e r. Wo o d e x t e n s i o n ladder $25; jewelry Best Offer. New stuffed animals, $2 ea; laptop bags $5 ea. 708-753-0551
with Him. Just as my grandmother’s and mother’s faith in God nurtured in me a faith in God through their experiences; God is also nurturing faith in my siblings, children, and grandchildren through my experiences with Him. As I write this, I’m reminded of other heroes of faith with shared experiences similar to that of Abraham and Isaac. Elijah and Elisha. Elisha was Elijah’s protégé. God proved He was with Elisha as He was with Elijah through similar experiences. The same with Moses and Joshua. Joshua was Moses’ protégé. God appeared to Joshua as He did to Moses. He appeared to Moses in a burning bush and to Joshua as a warrior. But the call was the same, “Take off your shoes for the place where you stand is holy ground.” W hose shoes have you found yourself walking in? Could it be that God is reaching out to you, to initiate friendship with you? For questions and/or comments, send an email to Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.
55 gallon aquarium tank, bird cages, ferret cages, small animal cages. Pedicure set, baseball card 1 & 2 series, movie projector w/ screen. 708-877-6577 2 lazy susan w/turntable; silver warming casserole cutlery knives; mens long leather coat; set encyclopedias; projectors w / s c re e n ; l a r g e s p i d e r plants. 708-877-6577
Large quad $50; baby quad $30; battery operated Jeff Gordon batter operated car $50. 708-224-8656 2 white armed dining chairs $25 ea; 8’ wood cabinet 18” wide, 4 shelves, $40; 2 chair covers, $35 ea. 708-224-8656 4 boxes tundra floor wall tile $125; brass glass round stand $25; 8’ wood cabinet $40. 708-224-8656
40 Years of Service Preferred Dealer
IN339-6444 THIS MARKET (708)
Clean & Check Special
46 Years of Service – Family Owned – No Gimmicks
Preferred Dealer Licensed – Bonded – Insured FREE QUOTES ON REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT
1440 E. 168TH & VAN DAM ROAD SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473 708-339-6444 A+ Rating
God is with us
Van Drunen Heating
A+ Rating BBB Complaint Free for the last 7 years.
Stand for 30 gal. fish tank $20; folding med. sz. pet crate $20; basketball hoop & net $15; folding fireplace screen $20. 708-758-5923
Call us before 10am and you will have heat that afternoon
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Get started on that New Year’s resolution today! We have everything you need! Get Fit, Get Healthy, Get a Great Deal!!
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Simmer shallow well pump with well point alum stud puncher model ET5, 15 s m a l l p re s i d e n t l i q u o r bottles. 708-418-0343
Kerosene heater Fanco model #9600 portable, very Residential electrician specializing in old homes. good Heating cond., great for garage/ Chicago;Van Drunen Co;A07377;5x8-4c Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. work shop--nice unit, $80 Licensed • Bonded • Insured USA made. 708-439-9301
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
Small military collection, bar lights and signs, sports collectables, posters, cards and more. 50s and 60s decoys and toys. 708-4180343
10,000 lb. hitch. 708-4748221
25-yard Lap Pool Sparkling Whirlpool Toasty Cedar Sauna Sunny Outdoor Tanning Patio
3/15/11 1:32 PM
The numbers...
Lansing Resident Annual Membership $327.00 2nd Person FREE Initiation Fee $25.00 2nd Initiation Fee FREE Total for 2 $352.00
or pay monthly
Non-Resident or pay monthly
$414.00 $35.66
...and we have a fine senior discount!
Say I saw it in The Shopper B l k / w h t l e a t h e r c h a i r, removable cushions, reversible back cushion, $225. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Mini hand crafted/painted houses w/oval glass covers, $15 ea. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Diana Casey collector plate $50. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Official indoor leather NBA basketball $30. Call txt 708953-7127 Lansing pix on phone
January 6, 2016 Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free estimates with repairs. Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. Indiana & Chicago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
5 foot console stereo w/ am/ fm radio $125. 317-348-7895
Sears r ider lawnmower snowblower all steel, $250 firm. 317-348-7895
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Big snowblower blower works when on. 317-3487895
A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623 Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
Handyman Services Save on heating, have a ceiling fan installed--$25. Also elec. and plumbing repairs, windows--drs.-trim. Call Rocky at 219-7654067
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, sump pumps, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Movers Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $80/hour minimum of 5 hours. 708-252-6354
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335
Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976
Help Wanted Help Wanted: A daycare staff. Must be 18 yrs. or older. Must have high school Diploma. Call Second Home Daycare, Inc. 708-528-2225
Garage Sales in South Holland 16422 University Ct., South Holland January 7, 2016 8:00 am2:00 pm Housewares, dishes, xmas d e c o ra t i o n s, p a i n t i n g s, small appliances. Everything must go!
Apartments For Rent
Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Exclusive Hair Design 617 E. 170th Street • South Holland, IL
Specializing in Healthy Hair
• Relaxers $50 • Shampoo/Style $35 • Natural Hair $40 • Quick Weave $50 • Sew In $100 • Braids $40 and up
Trina (Owner) Leslie Michelle (708) 646-3312 (708) 439-8767 (708) 372-5954
Looking for Professional Stylists (Booth Rental Specials)• Call Trina for more details.
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900. Efficiency Apt: full kitch. stove, refrig., microwave, pots/pans, silver ware, dishes. Gas, electric, cable $150/wkly. 708-224-7306 Apt. for rent: One bedroom. Nice area, seniors welcome. Second floor. 352 Yates Ave. Calumet City, IL. 757-2821786 1 bedroom upstairs apartment. Deck and off street parking. In South Holland. 312-259-6112
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. Immediate occupancy. 708-243-4118
Rooms For Rent A room in my home. Large and comfortable and furnished, full kitchen & l a u n d r y. C l e a n , n e a r transportation $120/week. 708-224-7306
THORNWOOD PLAZA Office/Professional Space Available 378 to 756 Sq Ft 625 E. 170th St., South Holland
Mrs. Winter’s Cakes Unmatched Quality Since 1989
w Year!
Happy Ne
“Start the New Year Off Right”
Need Extra Cash? Need a second income without working a second job? Mrs. Winter’s Cakes is seeking individuals/representatives looking for an exceptional opportunity to make money. Selling our lunchroom butter cookies at work, church, to friends and family. Excellent residual income. No inventory to stock. Immediate cash paid. Earn a second income without working a second job! Please call Mrs. Winter’s Cakes and get started making money today.
15403 Cottage Grove Avenue, Dolton
Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Closed Sunday & Monday
50% Deposit Required on all orders
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Lost & Found Lost: Pomeranian mixed with poodle, about 3 yrs. old, very small, female, spins in circles. If found please call. 708-692-5763 Small re w a rd . T h a n k Yo u , i n advance.
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941 Wa n t e d : B a c k p a c k i n g equipment. Call. 708-6632078 Wanted: Looking to buy winter knit hat, rust color with fake beige fur around it. To match my rust color suede coat w/beige fake fur inside. 708-360-3068 Wanted: Old Government type cell phone. No longer in use or battery for same. (Samsung). 708-753-0021 3/8 steel plate AR15, have F O I D c a rd , 2 . 5 s q u a re tubing, log splitter or parts for one. 708-474-8221 Wanted: person that can rod out my plugged sewer line or tub pipes. 317-348-7895 Wanted: fur coats or fur accessories (not fur trimmed coats) in good condition for an elderly lady. 317-3487895
January 6, 2016 Wanted: person to fix a big rip (about 14 inches) in a fur coat. 219-865-8361 Small submersible garden hose pump. 708-532-8337
For sale: 1994 Chevy Van, runs good, some rust, dependable $1200 obo. Misc. tires and rims. 708257-6516
Dial indicator with clamp on arm and a valve spring compressor. 708-532-8337 Rim/wheel for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic and a rim braker and tire irons to brake tractor/truck tire down. 08532-8337 XLarge tall garage coveralls. 708-532-8337
Automobiles For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126 For sale: Private owner selling 1977 Cor vette Coupe, b l u e, n i c e c a r, chassis clean, no rust, run only 500mi per year. Asking $9000 or trade for motorcycle. 708-543-4667
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726 For sale : 2 0 0 0 Im pala $2200; 1999 Lincoln Towncar $1800; 2003 Chevy Envoy-remote/start $3400; 2003 2dr. Jimmy Blazerremote/start. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Montecarlo $2200; 2003 Windstar Van 4dr, $2600; 2002 Volkswagon Passat $2600; 2006 Dodge Magnum $5200. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642
For sale: 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GT. 2dr. good tires, clean interior, runs and drives. $1500 cash + $105 tax. Blue or green, your c h o i c e . w w w . or 1-877-818-4726 For sale: 2002 Buick Park Avenue. Recent i m p r ov e m e n t s , b r a k e s , rebuilt trans. All suspension, serp belt, front alignment, 156K. No rust, $3200. 708597-0130 For sale: 2014 Hyundai Accent 4dr. Htchbk. Looks like station wagon. For 5 adults, women love automatic, in storage since purchase. Almost no miles, 42mpg. Mint, Best offer. 773-939-8999 For sale: 1999 Lexus ES300 gold, PB, PS, sunroof, CD player, new trans, one owner 158K miles, $3,500 obo. 630-926-5443 2011 Chevy Malibu LT. L o a d e d , 6 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Remote start. Great condition, $10,500. 708-9038260 2009 Chevy Cobalt LS. Manual transmission, 34,000 miles. New battery and tires, gray, clean car. $7,500 Rob 708-331-1848 2004 Honda Civic Sedan LX. Blue, 79,000 miles, one ow n e r. G a r a g e d , g re a t condition, $5,500. 219-7934098
1991 Cadillac Brougham 4 door with less than 57,000 miles. Asking $9,250. 708672-4692
Recommended Reading For Teens
Random Reads
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231 For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: All new factory bedding furniture. Fast EZ credit. No credit needed. Mattresses $78; futons $128; bunk-beds, $178; dinette sets, $168; sofa/loveseat, bedroom sets $497. Free layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell Simon Snow has a fairly full plate. He is the only Norma l ever to possess any magica l power. In f ac t, he ha s t he most magical power than any wizard in the histor y of magic. However, having the most power doesn’t necessarily mean that he is the best magic user. In fact, most of the time he can’t even cast a simple spel l. For t u nately h is friend Penny is a round t o he lp h i m w it h h i s magic. He didn’t ask to be the Chosen One, but unfortunately that seems to be his destiny. It doesn’t help that the Humdrum, an ev il creature who is s y stemat ica l ly suck i ng magic from the land and leav ing behind magica l dead spot s i s w a l k i ng around with Simon’s face. It is finally Simon’s last year at Watford School of Mag icks. A f ter severa l y e a r s of b a t t l i n g t h e Humdrum and whatever beasts he sends to t he school, Simon is ready to end this constant struggle bet ween good and ev il. Of cou r se t here’s a l so t he con f l ict bet ween Simon and his roommate Baz. Baz and his family, a long w it h ot her pu re mag ic fa milies, believe t hat Si mon is ha r m f u l to mag ic a nd basica l ly want him dead. There’s also the rumor that Baz
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D15144837 on December 14, 2015 under the assumed business name of BLOCK DEVELOPMENT CLEANING SERVICE with the business located at 3510 170TH PLACE, LANSING, IL. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/ partner(s) is BRIONCE DANYALE DUSSARD, 3510 170TH PLACE, LANSING, IL 60438, USA
is rea lly a vampire and will eventually kill Simon w h i le he sleeps. A nd Baz was spotted getting pretty cozy with Simon’s girlfriend Agatha. Simon is slig ht ly concerned at the beginning of the school year when the Mage, the head of the school, wants him to leave school to be safer. He is even more concer ned when Ba z doesn’t show up for several weeks. It is only when Baz’s dead mother appears to Simon as a ghost and asks him to help find her killer that Simon and Baz decide to tea m up a nd solve this mystery. They did not expect to find out the truth about themselves as well. C ar r y On i s a ver y interesting concept for a book. Carry On is actually the fanfiction story written by Cat h, a cha racter f rom Ra inbow Rowel l’s book, Fangirl. Carry On is very reminiscent to the “Harry Potter” series, but it definitely stands on its own. The spells used are merely lines from songs or nursery rhymes. There are a handful of relationships triangles. If you’ve read Fangirl, you’ll know what relationship t w ists a nd turns are coming, however if you haven’t you may find yourself surprised. Highly recommended for readers looking for a more mature companion to the “Harry Potter” series. For sale: Wedding Dress size 8, white. Purchased 2015. Really sharp! Must see! Very modern, absolutely beautiful, Mermaid style. $600 obo. Call or text. 708969-5203 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071 For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$10. Coffee makers, toasters, juicer. 708481-6907
FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.
16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473
Hammer Toes
Hammer toes are actually a curling of the toes. Sometimes these are flexible and can be straightened with manipulation, or fixed which means they are always curled with arthritic changes that don’t allow straightening. Many times corns are found on the tops of these toes. Surgery can be performed to straighten these toes or occasional trimming of the corns can alleviate some of the pain. If you have any questions concerning hammer toes or any other problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.
Any Purchase Minimum Sale $10 No Sale items
Fashionette 708-474-0349
The Store With A Little Bit More 3334 Ridge Road Lansing
Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
For sale: Wall hanging shelves to display plates $5$20. 708-481-6907
For sale: Solid wood maple full size headboard $40; solid maple full size headboard, footboard and rails $75. 708-481-6907
For sale: Ethan Allen Solid wood maple, a pair of kitchen chairs $25 each chair. 708-481-6907
Assorted colors fiesta dishes (each piece $3) Pyrex bowls, $3-$5 ea; early pyrex dishes (asst. colors) $3 ea pc., casual dishes, white. 708481-6907
For sale: Assorted decorative wall mirrors, 2 new Franciscan “Desert Rose” Pattern dinner plates, $5 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15l l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows. $2 each. 708-481-6907
Collection of porcelain tea pots, assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16” between arm rests, like new. 708-891-4798
For sale: Battery new from Sears. I paid $140 will sell $80; die hard two new spring garage door, $90. 708-4181098
For sale: Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7” $25. 708481-6907
Murray’s 10 speed bike, good cond., needs inner tubes, $25. Brown canvas/ leather coach purse, $35, new. Liz Claiborne shoes (new) sz 10, $20, black 2 1/2” heals. 708-574-8788
For sale: Craftsman key less 3/8” corded drill $15; Black & Decker jig saw $15; power craft 7” circular saw $25, all good shape. 708-285-1107
For sale: Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-4816907
Sh o e s / p u r s e s e t , b l a c k patent/clear sz 8 1/2 $20 set. Ladies (white) short coat/ hooded, sz. 14, $25--Nine West, cleaned. 708-574-8788
For sale: Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107
For sale :Champagne and wine glass crystal 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907
Two J-Peterman high back chairs, by Jeffco Furniture $200. 708-285-1107
For sale: Assorted rugs, from throw rugs to room size rugs $10; $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs, runners also. 708-481-6907
2 wool blazers, large petite, burgundy camel $50 ea, pd. $160 ea. Oil painting 22x16 mountains and water. Palos Hills. 708-974-1674
For sale: Toro electric snow shovel, model S-120. 12 inches wide. Perfect for small area and steps $35. 773-785-7247
For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907 For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907
Small military collection, bar lights and signs, sports collectables, posters, cards and more. 50s and 60s decoys and toys. 708-4180343
For sale: Four burner grill with side burner; Charmglow model 8108532. Sold by home depot. Good condition $25. 773785-7247
For sale: Down comforters s z . Tw i n- K ing $ 2 5 - $ 35; feather & down pillows $5$10; assorted throw pillows $2-$5 each. 708-481-6907
Simmer shallow well pump with well point alum stud puncher model ET5, 15 s m a l l p re s i d e n t l i q u o r bottles. 708-418-0343
Shark steamblaster Europrox $20; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner $20. 708481-6907
For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40 each. 708481-6907
Steamer tr unk, vintage record player, 1940s and 1950s railroad calendars, magna band saw with extra blades, small meat slicer. 708-418-0343
“ Wolfgang Puck” bistro collection convection oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.) $75. 708-481-6907
For sale: Original Furbies $3$5 each; Ty Beanie babies $2-$3 each; Barbie dolls, $5 each. 708-481-6907
Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats, new, $3 ea. 708-4816907
For sale: Ethan Allen sofa $125; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907 For sale: 2 Tier occasional table solid cherry $75. 708481-6907
“Anchor Hocking” 38 pc set of dishes white with gold trim, $20; Pyrex bowls and bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907
For sale: Ethan Allen solid wood maple kitchen chairs $25 each. 708-481-6907
Vintage “Singer” stylist 533 sewing machine $50. 708481-6907
For sale: Mt. Fur y roadmaster 15 spd. index shifting 25: bike $30; suitcase and travel bags $7$12 each. 708-481-6907
Vintage Madame Alexander dolls, 12” in original box, wrist tag & stand. Degas girl #1575, Pinkie #1350. $40 ea. 708-481-6907
Stand for 30 gal. fish tank $20; folding med. sz. pet crate $20; basketball hoop & net $15; folding fireplace screen $20. 708-758-5923
A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
55 gallon aquarium tank, bird cages, ferret cages, small animal cages. Pedicure set, baseball card 1 & 2 series, movie projector w/ screen. 708-877-6577
Large quad $50; baby quad $30; battery operated Jeff Gordon batter operated car $50. 708-224-8656 2 white armed dining chairs $25 ea; 8’ wood cabinet 18” wide, 4 shelves, $40; 2 chair covers, $35 ea. 708-224-8656 4 boxes tundra floor wall tile $125; brass glass round stand $25; 8’ wood cabinet $40. 708-224-8656 B l k / w h t l e a t h e r c h a i r, removable cushions, reversible back cushion, $225. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Mini hand crafted/painted houses w/oval glass covers, $15 ea. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone
10,000 lb. hitch. 708-4748221
Diana Casey collector plate $50. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone
4 fish tanks 95, 55, 30 and 10 gallons with stand for 95 gallon tank and equipment. 219-306-2030
Official indoor leather NBA basketball $30. Call txt 708953-7127 Lansing pix on phone
Kerosene heater Fanco model #9600 portable, very good cond., great for garage/ work shop--nice unit, $80 USA made. 708-439-9301
5 foot console stereo w/ am/ fm radio $125. 317-348-7895
Ap r i l a i re w h o l e h o u s e humidifier model #220, new, mounts on furnace. High quality, easily installs. End dry air $120. Cal City 708891-3432
Big snowblower blower works when on. 317-3487895
10 boxes of new stuff Best O f f e r. Wo o d e x t e n s i o n ladder $25; jewelry Best Offer. New stuffed animals, $2 ea; laptop bags $5 ea. 708-753-0551
2 lazy susan w/turntable; silver warming casserole cutlery knives; mens long leather coat; set encyclopedias; projectors w / s c re e n ; l a r g e s p i d e r plants. 708-877-6577
Sears r ider lawnmower snowblower all steel, $250 firm. 317-348-7895
Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
any super 18” pizza
YOU GOTTA HAVE IT. Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 2/3/16
3651 Ridge Road, Lansing
708-895-2630 219-972-2630
! n o s a e S s i h T y Family Coz Keep your
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Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
Handyman Services Save on heating, have a ceiling fan installed--$25. Also elec. and plumbing repairs, windows--drs.-trim. Call Rocky at 219-7654067
Home Improvement/ Repair
Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, sump pumps, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free estimates with repairs. Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. Indiana & Chicago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383
Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Drywall Repair
Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $80/hour minimum of 5 hours. 708-252-6354
Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170
any large 16” pizza OR
1040 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 708-333-8030 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00AM - 7:00PM Sat. 7:00AM-6:00PM
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30% OFF
The regular price of any incoming dry cleaning.
PrePay Only Excludes alterations, leathers, furs, carpets & pillows.
Not valid with any other discount. Expires 2/15/16. CARE CLEANERS • 708-333-8030
Save Money!
Family Owned & Operated Your Local Comfort Specialist
48 12/31/2015
Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Efficiency Apt: full kitch. stove, refrig., microwave, pots/pans, silver ware, dishes. Gas, electric, cable $150/wkly. 708-224-7306
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500
Help Wanted
Apt. for rent: One bedroom. Nice area, seniors welcome. Second floor. 352 Yates Ave. Calumet City, IL. 757-2821786
Help Wanted: A daycare staff. Must be 18 yrs. or older. Must have high school Diploma. Call Second Home Daycare, Inc. 708-528-2225
1 bedroom upstairs apartment. Deck and off street parking. In South Holland. 312-259-6112
Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
16422 University Ct., South Holland January 7, 2016 8:00 am2:00 pm Housewares, dishes, xmas d e c o ra t i o n s, p a i n t i n g s, small appliances. Everything must go!
B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Apartments For Rent
Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652
Rooms For Rent
Wa n t e d : B a c k p a c k i n g equipment. Call. 708-6632078
A room in my home. Large and comfortable and furnished, full kitchen & l a u n d r y. C l e a n , n e a r transportation $120/week. 708-224-7306
Wanted: Looking to buy winter knit hat, rust color with fake beige fur around it. To match my rust color suede coat w/beige fake fur inside. 708-360-3068
For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126 For sale: Private owner selling 1977 Cor vette Coupe, b l u e, n i c e c a r, chassis clean, no rust, run only 500mi per year. Asking $9000 or trade for motorcycle. 708-543-4667
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726
Wanted: person that can rod out my plugged sewer line or tub pipes. 317-348-7895
Try Our New 3-Step Show Room Shine. Only $1.00 With any Wash or Fast Pass per visit. (Regularly $5.00)
Glaucoma Treatment Laser Co-Management Cataract Co-Management Optometry since 1942
Easy Clean Car Wash 800-287-1701
HOURS: 6am-8pm
Schererville 1779 U.S. 41
$ 00 ULTIMATE reg. $1000
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Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Montecarlo $2200; 2003 Windstar Van 4dr, $2600; 2002 Volkswagon Passat $2600; 2006 Dodge Magnum $5200. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 For sale: 1994 Chevy Van, runs good, some rust, dependable $1200 obo. Misc. tires and rims. 708257-6516
Our Best Unlimited Ultimate Wash Package LY ON
1999 A MO
NTH Wash Once a Day , Everyday.
For sale: 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GT. 2dr. good tires, clean interior, runs and drives. $1500 cash + $105 tax. Blue or green, your c h o i c e . w w w . or 1-877-818-4726 For sale: 2002 Buick Park Avenue. Recent i m p r ov e m e n t s , b r a k e s , rebuilt trans. All suspension, serp belt, front alignment, 156K. No rust, $3200. 708597-0130 For sale: 2014 Hyundai Accent 4dr. Htchbk. Looks like station wagon. For 5 adults, women love automatic, in storage since purchase. Almost no miles, 42mpg. Mint, Best offer. 773-939-8999 For sale: 1999 Lexus ES300 gold, PB, PS, sunroof, CD player, new trans, one owner 158K miles, $3,500 obo. 630-926-5443 2011 Chevy Malibu LT. L o a d e d , 6 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Remote start. Great condition, $10,500. 708-9038260 2009 Chevy Cobalt LS. Manual transmission, 34,000 miles. New battery and tires, gray, clean car. $7,500 Rob 708-331-1848 2004 Honda Civic Sedan LX. Blue, 79,000 miles, one ow n e r. G a r a g e d , g re a t condition, $5,500. 219-7934098 1991 Cadillac Brougham 4 door with less than 57,000 miles. Asking $9,250. 708672-4692
Offers expires 1-12-16
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Private Party Ads
We do birds, bugs & tar!
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Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields
Fo r sa l e: 2 0 0 0 Im p a l a $2200; 1999 Lincoln Towncar $1800; 2003 Chevy Envoy-remote/start $3400; 2003 2dr. Jimmy Blazerremote/start. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642
3/8 steel plate AR15, have F O I D c a rd , 2 . 5 s q u a re tubing, log splitter or parts for one. 708-474-8221
Look Great! Feel Great!
XLarge tall garage coveralls. 708-532-8337
Wanted: Old Government type cell phone. No longer in use or battery for same. (Samsung). 708-753-0021
10% discount for 4-12 weeks 15% discount for 13 weeks or more
Rim/wheel for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic and a rim braker and tire irons to brake tractor/truck tire down. 08532-8337
Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941
Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. Immediate occupancy. 708-243-4118
Classified Ad Form
$20/week for 20 words In IL or IN ($25/ week both zones) ($1 each addl. word, 40 word max)
Dial indicator with clamp on arm and a valve spring compressor. 708-532-8337
Business Ads
Small submersible garden hose pump. 708-532-8337
Lost: Pomeranian mixed with poodle, about 3 yrs. old, very small, female, spins in circles. If found please call. 708-692-5763 Small re w a rd . T h a n k Yo u , i n advance.
Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome
Wanted: person to fix a big rip (about 14 inches) in a fur coat. 219-865-8361
Lost & Found
Eye Site
Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473
Wanted: fur coats or fur accessories (not fur trimmed coats) in good condition for an elderly lady. 317-3487895
Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Office Space For Rent
Homes For Rent
Garage Sales in South Holland
Area Code & Phone Number
$25 for 4 weeks, 20 words in IL and IN
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708-331-1111 1-800-410-5250
708-333-9630 The Shopper
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231 For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: All new factory bedding furniture. Fast EZ credit. No credit needed. Mattresses $78; futons $128; bunk-beds, $178; dinette sets, $168; sofa/loveseat, bedroom sets $497. Free layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: Wedding Dress size 8, white. Purchased 2015. Really sharp! Must see! Very modern, absolutely beautiful, Mermaid style. $600 obo. Call or text. 708969-5203
January 6, 2016 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071
For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40 each. 708481-6907
For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$10. Coffee makers, toasters, juicer. 708481-6907
For sale: Ethan Allen sofa $125; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907
For sale: Wall hanging shelves to display plates $5$20. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen Solid wood maple, a pair of kitchen chairs $25 each chair. 708-481-6907 For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15l l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows. $2 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7” $25. 708481-6907 For sale: Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-4816907 For sale :Champagne and wine glass crystal 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted rugs, from throw rugs to room size rugs $10; $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs, runners also. 708-481-6907 For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907 For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Down comforters s z. Tw in-K ing $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5$10; assorted throw pillows $2-$5 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: Original Furbies $3$5 each; Ty Beanie babies $2-$3 each; Barbie dolls, $5 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: 2 Tier occasional table solid cherry $75. 708481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen solid wood maple kitchen chairs $25 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Mt. Fur y roadmaster 15 spd. index shifting 25: bike $30; suitcase and travel bags $7$12 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Solid wood maple full size headboard $40; solid maple full size headboard, footboard and rails $75. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted decorative wall mirrors, 2 new Franciscan “Desert Rose” Pattern dinner plates, $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Battery new from Sears. I paid $140 will sell $80; die hard two new spring garage door, $90. 708-4181098 For sale: Craftsman key less 3/8” corded drill $15; Black & Decker jig saw $15; power craft 7” circular saw $25, all good shape. 708-285-1107 For sale: Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Two J-Peterman high back chairs, by Jeffco Furniture $200. 708-285-1107 For sale: Toro electric snow shovel, model S-120. 12 inches wide. Perfect for small area and steps $35. 773-785-7247
Notice of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Illinois Self Service Storage Facility Act 770 ILCS 95. The undersigned will sell at public sale on January 21, 2016 at 9:00 AM on the premises where said property has been stored and which is located at E-Z Self Storage of Lynwood, 19600 Stony Island Ave., Lynwood, IL 60411 708-895-3337. Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchases in cash only. All purchased items sold as is where is and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Units D37 - Lisandra Carter Unit #
Unit #
$3 OFF $4 OFF $2 OFF your order of your order of your order of OPEN DAILY AT 4PM
$25 or more
$30 or more
416 Ridge Road, Munster
For sale: Four burner grill with side burner; Charmglow model 8108532. Sold by home depot. Good condition $25. 773785-7247 Shark steamblaster Europrox $20; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner $20. 708481-6907 “ Wolfgang Puck” bistro collection convection oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.) $75. 708-481-6907 Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats, new, $3 ea. 708-4816907 “Anchor Hocking” 38 pc set of dishes white with gold trim, $20; Pyrex bowls and bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907 Vintage “Singer” stylist 533 sewing machine $50. 708481-6907 Vintage Madame Alexander dolls, 12” in original box, wrist tag & stand. Degas girl #1575, Pinkie #1350. $40 ea. 708-481-6907 Assorted colors fiesta dishes (each piece $3) Pyrex bowls, $3-$5 ea; early pyrex dishes (asst. colors) $3 ea pc., casual dishes, white. 708481-6907 Collection of porcelain tea pots, assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16” between arm rests, like new. 708-891-4798 Murray’s 10 speed bike, good cond., needs inner tubes, $25. Brown canvas/ leather coach purse, $35, new. Liz Claiborne shoes (new) sz 10, $20, black 2 1/2” heals. 708-574-8788
Sh o e s / p u r s e s e t , b l a c k patent/clear sz 8 1/2 $20 set. Ladies (white) short coat/ hooded, sz. 14, $25--Nine West, cleaned. 708-574-8788 2 wool blazers, large petite, burgundy camel $50 ea, pd. $160 ea. Oil painting 22x16 mountains and water. Palos Hills. 708-974-1674 Small military collection, bar lights and signs, sports collectables, posters, cards and more. 50s and 60s decoys and toys. 708-4180343 Simmer shallow well pump with well point alum stud puncher model ET5, 15 s m a l l p re s i d e n t l i q u o r bottles. 708-418-0343 Steamer tr unk, vintage record player, 1940s and 1950s railroad calendars, magna band saw with extra blades, small meat slicer. 708-418-0343 10,000 lb. hitch. 708-4748221 4 fish tanks 95, 55, 30 and 10 gallons with stand for 95 gallon tank and equipment. 219-306-2030 Kerosene heater Fanco model #9600 portable, very good cond., great for garage/ work shop--nice unit, $80 USA made. 708-439-9301 Ap r i l a i re w h o l e h o u s e humidifier model #220, new, mounts on furnace. High quality, easily installs. End dry air $120. Cal City 708891-3432 Stand for 30 gal. fish tank $20; folding med. sz. pet crate $20; basketball hoop & net $15; folding fireplace screen $20. 708-758-5923 10 boxes of new stuff Best O f f e r. Wo o d e x t e n s i o n ladder $25; jewelry Best Offer. New stuffed animals, $2 ea; laptop bags $5 ea. 708-753-0551
705 E. 162nd St. South Holland 708-225-1200 Adults & Children • New Patients Welcome • Morning/Evening Hours
125 OFF
55 gallon aquarium tank, bird cages, ferret cages, small animal cages. Pedicure set, baseball card 1 & 2 series, movie projector w/ screen. 708-877-6577 2 lazy susan w/turntable; silver warming casserole cutlery knives; mens long leather coat; set encyclopedias; projectors w / s c re e n ; l a r g e s p i d e r plants. 708-877-6577 Large quad $50; baby quad $30; battery operated Jeff Gordon batter operated car $50. 708-224-8656 2 white armed dining chairs $25 ea; 8’ wood cabinet 18” wide, 4 shelves, $40; 2 chair covers, $35 ea. 708-224-8656 4 boxes tundra floor wall tile $125; brass glass round stand $25; 8’ wood cabinet $40. 708-224-8656 B l k / w h t l e a t h e r c h a i r, removable cushions, reversible back cushion, $225. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Mini hand crafted/painted houses w/oval glass covers, $15 ea. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Diana Casey collector plate $50. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Official indoor leather NBA basketball $30. Call txt 708953-7127 Lansing pix on phone 5 foot console stereo w/ am/ fm radio $125. 317-348-7895 Sears r ider lawnmower snowblower all steel, $250 firm. 317-348-7895 Big snowblower blower works when on. 317-3487895
With Coupon Only • Offer Expires in 60 Days
Furnace/AC High Efficiency Combo
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales excluded. Expires 2/10/16 TT
10 OFF
FOR JEWELRY & DENTAL APPLIANCES Some Restrictions Apply • Offer Expires in 60 Days
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales excluded. Expires 2/10/16 TT
10% OFF
Duct Cleaning
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales excluded. Expires 2/10/16 TT
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales excluded. Expires 2/10/16 TT
(REG. $265)
Unit #
We’re THAT Good!
$20 or more
A Christian Owned & Operated Company Since 1987
N.W. IN (219) 365-0006 • Demotte (219) 987-2107 • Illinois (708) 895-0006
• Free estimates • Financing Available • Emergency Service is Available
Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623 Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free estimates with repairs. Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. Indiana & Chicago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
Handyman Services Save on heating, have a ceiling fan installed--$25. Also elec. and plumbing repairs, windows--drs.-trim. Call Rocky at 219-7654067
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, sump pumps, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Movers Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $80/hour minimum of 5 hours. 708-252-6354
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Roofing Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Help Wanted Help Wanted: A daycare staff. Must be 18 yrs. or older. Must have high school Diploma. Call Second Home Daycare, Inc. 708-528-2225
Garage Sales in South Holland 16422 University Ct., South Holland January 7, 2016 8:00 am2:00 pm Housewares, dishes, xmas d e c o ra t i o n s, p a i n t i n g s, small appliances. Everything must go!
Apartments For Rent
WE BUY HOUSES NOW We Work With: · Little or NO Equity · Behind On Payments · Facing Divorce ·Need Debt Relief Fast · Already in foreclosure What Do You Have To Lose? Let Us Make You an OFFER On Your House Today!
Turning 65 or Older? Get the best in Medicare Supplement
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• Medicare Supplement Plans • Medicare Part D - Prescription Drug Plans • Medicare Disability Plans
219-736-7800 1-800-821-0604
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart. Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900. Efficiency Apt: full kitch. stove, refrig., microwave, pots/pans, silver ware, dishes. Gas, electric, cable $150/wkly. 708-224-7306
Apt. for rent: One bedroom. Nice area, seniors welcome. Second floor. 352 Yates Ave. Calumet City, IL. 757-2821786
Licensed Insurance Agent
My 2016 Full Disclosure
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. Immediate occupancy. 708-243-4118
Rooms For Rent A room in my home. Large and comfortable and furnished, full kitchen & l a u n d r y. C l e a n , n e a r transportation $120/week. 708-224-7306
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Lost & Found Lost: Pomeranian mixed with poodle, about 3 yrs. old, very small, female, spins in circles. If found please call. 708-692-5763 Small re w a rd . T h a n k Yo u , i n advance.
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941 Wa n t e d : B a c k p a c k i n g equipment. Call. 708-6632078 Wanted: Looking to buy winter knit hat, rust color with fake beige fur around it. To match my rust color suede coat w/beige fake fur inside. 708-360-3068 Wanted: Old Government type cell phone. No longer in use or battery for same. (Samsung). 708-753-0021 3/8 steel plate AR15, have F O I D c a rd , 2 . 5 s q u a re tubing, log splitter or parts for one. 708-474-8221 Wanted: person that can rod out my plugged sewer line or tub pipes. 317-348-7895 Wanted: fur coats or fur accessories (not fur trimmed coats) in good condition for an elderly lady. 317-3487895 Wanted: person to fix a big rip (about 14 inches) in a fur coat. 219-865-8361 Small submersible garden hose pump. 708-532-8337 Dial indicator with clamp on arm and a valve spring compressor. 708-532-8337
Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer
1 bedroom upstairs apartment. Deck and off street parking. In South Holland. 312-259-6112
MIKE BUDER You may have noticed over the last 6 years that I sig n of f t h i s week ly column not as Mike Buder Realtor or RE/MAX Agent, but Mike Buder “a local Christian Businessman”. I have been lectured by some that I should not sign off in such a way because it m ig ht of fend s ome people. Lately it has been brought to my attention t hat some fol k s i n my industry have attempted to use my Christia n fa it h aga i nst me when compet ing for list ings. That they have said 1. “He does not work on Sundays” or 2. “He has younger children that he spends t i me w it h” ot her fol k s have said 3. “He will tell you to list your home at a lower price than I will list it for” and 4. “He will have a higher commission rate than I will charge you”. To all of these I say: “Guilty as charged”. You see, when I sign of f t his week ly column a s “a lo c a l C h r i s t i a n Businessman”, this is not some #hashtag or promo title to get business; this is the core of who I am. We live in a culture that year a f ter yea r is becoming more hostile toward the God of t he Bible. Our soc iet y ke eps shov i ng t his kool-aid dow n our t hroats ca lled polit ica l correctness. So, if you have been consider i ng using my ser v ices t hen you should know upfront that I try to live my life and conduct my business
according to God’s word. 1. I strive not to conduct any business on Sundays (Exodus 20: 8-11). 2. I time manage my weekly schedule to allow quality time to teach and enjoy the children that my wife and I have been blessed w it h (Deuteronomy 6: 6-7). 3. I will only be upf ront a nd honest regarding the value and pricing options of your home (Ephesia ns 4:25) and 4. I will also explain to s el ler s how br oker c om p e n s a t i on a f f e c t s the sa le-abilit y of their homes in today’s market ( Roma ns 4 : 4). T he interesting t hing about the folks that criticize the way I conduct my business is that not one of them has more experience, nor sold more homes, nor has more satisfied clients than myself. I don’t point this out to boast…..because any gifts or wisdom that I possess came from God and….to Him be the glory. If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E-ma i l : m i kebuder @, Website:www. Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman
Rim/wheel for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic and a rim braker and tire irons to brake tractor/truck tire down. 08532-8337 XLarge tall garage coveralls. 708-532-8337
Automobiles For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126 For sale: Private owner selling 1977 Cor vette Coupe, b l u e, n i c e c a r, chassis clean, no rust, run only 500mi per year. Asking $9000 or trade for motorcycle. 708-543-4667
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726 Fo r sa l e: 2 0 0 0 Im p a l a $2200; 1999 Lincoln Towncar $1800; 2003 Chevy Envoy-remote/start $3400; 2003 2dr. Jimmy Blazerremote/start. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Montecarlo $2200; 2003 Windstar Van 4dr, $2600; 2002 Volkswagon Passat $2600; 2006 Dodge Magnum $5200. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642
FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning for RESIDENTS OF LANSING who ARE IN NEED.
Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure Fred M. Ulayyet
Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL
Notice of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Illinois Self Service Storage Facility Act 770 ILCS 95. The undersigned will sell at public sale on January 14, 2016 at 9:00 AM on the premises where said property has been stored and which is located at E-Z Self Storage of Lynwood, 19600 Stony Island Ave., Lynwood, IL 60411 708-895-3337. Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchases in cash only. All purchased items sold as is where is and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. UNIT D68 - STEVEN BECK Unit #
Unit #
Unit #
Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 1994 Chevy Van, runs good, some rust, dependable $1200 obo. Misc. tires and rims. 708257-6516
For sale: 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GT. 2dr. good tires, clean interior, runs and drives. $1500 cash + $105 tax. Blue or green, your c h o i c e . w w w . or 1-877-818-4726 For sale: 2002 Buick Park Avenue. Recent i m p r ov e m e n t s , b r a k e s , rebuilt trans. All suspension, serp belt, front alignment, 156K. No rust, $3200. 708597-0130 For sale: 2014 Hyundai Accent 4dr. Htchbk. Looks like station wagon. For 5 adults, women love automatic, in storage since purchase. Almost no miles, 42mpg. Mint, Best offer. 773-939-8999 For sale: 1999 Lexus ES300 gold, PB, PS, sunroof, CD player, new trans, one owner 158K miles, $3,500 obo. 630-926-5443 2011 Chevy Malibu LT. L o a d e d , 6 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Remote start. Great condition, $10,500. 708-9038260 2009 Chevy Cobalt LS. Manual transmission, 34,000 miles. New battery and tires, gray, clean car. $7,500 Rob 708-331-1848 2004 Honda Civic Sedan LX. Blue, 79,000 miles, one ow n e r. G a r a g e d , g re a t condition, $5,500. 219-7934098 1991 Cadillac Brougham 4 door with less than 57,000 miles. Asking $9,250. 708672-4692
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
January 6, 2016 For sale: All new factory bedding furniture. Fast EZ credit. No credit needed. Mattresses $78; futons $128; bunk-beds, $178; dinette sets, $168; sofa/loveseat, bedroom sets $497. Free layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: Wedding Dress size 8, white. Purchased 2015. Really sharp! Must see! Very modern, absolutely beautiful, Mermaid style. $600 obo. Call or text. 708969-5203 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071 For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$10. Coffee makers, toasters, juicer. 708481-6907 For sale: Wall hanging shelves to display plates $5$20. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen Solid wood maple, a pair of kitchen chairs $25 each chair. 708-481-6907 For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15l l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows. $2 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: Down comforters sz . Twi n- K i ng $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows $5$10; assorted throw pillows $2-$5 each. 708-481-6907
“Anchor Hocking” 38 pc set of dishes white with gold trim, $20; Pyrex bowls and bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907
For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40 each. 708481-6907
Vintage “Singer” stylist 533 sewing machine $50. 708481-6907
For sale: Original Furbies $3$5 each; Ty Beanie babies $2-$3 each; Barbie dolls, $5 each. 708-481-6907
Vintage Madame Alexander dolls, 12” in original box, wrist tag & stand. Degas girl #1575, Pinkie #1350. $40 ea. 708-481-6907
For sale: Ethan Allen sofa $125; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907 For sale: 2 Tier occasional table solid cherry $75. 708481-6907
Assorted colors fiesta dishes (each piece $3) Pyrex bowls, $3-$5 ea; early pyrex dishes (asst. colors) $3 ea pc., casual dishes, white. 708481-6907
For sale: Ethan Allen solid wood maple kitchen chairs $25 each. 708-481-6907
Collection of porcelain tea pots, assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907
For sale: Mt. Fur y roadmaster 15 spd. index shifting 25: bike $30; suitcase and travel bags $7$12 each. 708-481-6907
Batter y powered wheel chair, 16” between arm rests, like new. 708-891-4798
For sale: Solid wood maple full size headboard $40; solid maple full size headboard, footboard and rails $75. 708-481-6907
Murray’s 10 speed bike, good cond., needs inner tubes, $25. Brown canvas/ leather coach purse, $35, new. Liz Claiborne shoes (new) sz 10, $20, black 2 1/2” heals. 708-574-8788
For sale: Assorted decorative wall mirrors, 2 new Franciscan “Desert Rose” Pattern dinner plates, $5 each. 708-481-6907
Sh o e s / p u r s e s e t , b l a c k patent/clear sz 8 1/2 $20 set. Ladies (white) short coat/ hooded, sz. 14, $25--Nine West, cleaned. 708-574-8788
For sale: Battery new from Sears. I paid $140 will sell $80; die hard two new spring garage door, $90. 708-4181098
2 wool blazers, large petite, burgundy camel $50 ea, pd. $160 ea. Oil painting 22x16 mountains and water. Palos Hills. 708-974-1674
For sale: Craftsman key less 3/8” corded drill $15; Black & Decker jig saw $15; power craft 7” circular saw $25, all good shape. 708-285-1107
Small military collection, bar lights and signs, sports collectables, posters, cards and more. 50s and 60s decoys and toys. 708-4180343
For sale: Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Two J-Peterman high back chairs, by Jeffco Furniture $200. 708-285-1107 For sale: Toro electric snow shovel, model S-120. 12 inches wide. Perfect for small area and steps $35. 773-785-7247
Miscellaneous Items For Sale
For sale: Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7” $25. 708481-6907
For sale: Four burner grill with side burner; Charmglow model 8108532. Sold by home depot. Good condition $25. 773785-7247
For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035
For sale: Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-4816907
Shark steamblaster Europrox $20; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner $20. 708481-6907
For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231
For sale :Champagne and wine glass crystal 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907
“ Wolfgang Puck” bistro collection convection oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.) $75. 708-481-6907
For sale: Assorted rugs, from throw rugs to room size rugs $10; $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs, runners also. 708-481-6907
Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats, new, $3 ea. 708-4816907
For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371
For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907 For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907
Simmer shallow well pump with well point alum stud puncher model ET5, 15 s m a l l p re s i d e n t l i q u o r bottles. 708-418-0343 Steamer tr unk, vintage record player, 1940s and 1950s railroad calendars, magna band saw with extra blades, small meat slicer. 708-418-0343
Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.
Catholic Charities South Suburban Services
16100 Seton Drive South Holland
10 boxes of new stuff Best O f f e r. Wo o d e x t e n s i o n ladder $25; jewelry Best Offer. New stuffed animals, $2 ea; laptop bags $5 ea. 708-753-0551 55 gallon aquarium tank, bird cages, ferret cages, small animal cages. Pedicure set, baseball card 1 & 2 series, movie projector w/ screen. 708-877-6577 2 lazy susan w/turntable; silver warming casserole cutlery knives; mens long leather coat; set encyclopedias; projectors w / s c re e n ; l a r g e s p i d e r plants. 708-877-6577 Large quad $50; baby quad $30; battery operated Jeff Gordon batter operated car $50. 708-224-8656 2 white armed dining chairs $25 ea; 8’ wood cabinet 18” wide, 4 shelves, $40; 2 chair covers, $35 ea. 708-224-8656 4 boxes tundra floor wall tile $125; brass glass round stand $25; 8’ wood cabinet $40. 708-224-8656 B l k / w h t l e a t h e r c h a i r, removable cushions, reversible back cushion, $225. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Mini hand crafted/painted houses w/oval glass covers, $15 ea. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Diana Casey collector plate $50. Call txt 708-953-7127 Lansing pix on phone Official indoor leather NBA basketball $30. Call txt 708953-7127 Lansing pix on phone 5 foot console stereo w/ am/ fm radio $125. 317-348-7895 Sears r ider lawnmower snowblower all steel, $250 firm. 317-348-7895 Big snowblower blower works when on. 317-3487895
A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623 Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free estimates with repairs. Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. Indiana & Chicago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
10,000 lb. hitch. 708-4748221 4 fish tanks 95, 55, 30 and 10 gallons with stand for 95 gallon tank and equipment. 219-306-2030 Kerosene heater Fanco model #9600 portable, very good cond., great for garage/ work shop--nice unit, $80 USA made. 708-439-9301 Ap r i l a i re w h o l e h o u s e humidifier model #220, new, mounts on furnace. High quality, easily installs. End dry air $120. Cal City 708891-3432 Stand for 30 gal. fish tank $20; folding med. sz. pet crate $20; basketball hoop & net $15; folding fireplace screen $20. 708-758-5923
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
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Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should
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The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/
Call (708) 210-5718
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708-429-6200 35+ YEARS EXPERIENCE!
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Christ Community Church, COGIC
Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. *******
King’s Community Church
SUNDAY Church School........8:45 a.m. Worship Services..10:30 a.m. MONDAY Prayer…… ..............6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Morning Manna ....11:30 a.m. THURSDAY Prayer…..................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…… ......7:00 p.m. *******
Dyer Town Hall 1 Town Square Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Kennan Liquors 37 Joliet Street
Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2636 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Miles Books 2817-2819 Jewett Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church
166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391
Schererville Chamber Office 13 W. Joliet St. Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41
Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave. Olive Cafe 11220 Ventura Drive
Peace Christian Reformed Church
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
with Us Bethel Christian Reformed Church
3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt
Redeemer Lutheran Church
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor
Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******
Spirit of God Fellowship
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
First Church (PCA) 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor
16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
Morning Worship ....... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ...........11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........5:30 p.m. *******
Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Nick Alons Pastor
Church Directory Protestant Reformed Church 1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ......9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
obituaries Cortilet
Funeral service for Ann C. Cortilet was held on Sunday, January 3, 2016 at Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home in South Holland, IL with Deacon Jim Renwick officiating. Ms. Cortilet was born July 26, 1933 and passed away December 29, 2015. She was the sister of Frank Cortilet, Margaret (late Joseph) Stevens, Mary Helen (late James) Cahill, late George (late June) Cortilet, late Barbara (late William) Malloney, late Peter Cortilet, and the late Michael Cortilet. Interment was at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Worth, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home, South Holland, IL.
First Reformed Church
Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. 15924 South Park Avenue Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. 333-0622 Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. ******* Rev. Dr. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor St. Jude the Apostle Pastor Corey Buchanan, Director Church of Mercy & Justice Ministries 880 East 154th Street Anthony Bolkema, Director of 333-3550 Worship & Student Life Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor Rev. Dr. Rich Grevengoed, Director of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $80/hour minimum of 5 hours. 708-252-6354
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Rev. Kwame Pitts, Pastor
First Christian Reformed Church
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Glen McCarthy, Pastor
Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******
Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & ...........................................5:00 p.m. Church School ............. 9:45 a.m.
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road
Weekly Jummah Prayer Fri...12:30 p.m. Quranic Arabic Class Sun. ..11:00 a.m. Taleem Serv. Sun. ..12:30 p.m. Monthly First Sunday Program & New Africa Marketplace .. 1-4 p.m. *******
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, sump pumps, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
1151 E. 170th Street 331-8389 FAX 708.331.8374 Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Dr. Carl E. King, Sr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. ******* 929 W. 171st Street East Hazel Crest, IL Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed
Save on heating, have a ceiling fan installed--$25. Also elec. and plumbing repairs, windows--drs.-trim. Call Rocky at 219-7654067
600 West Route 6 333-5444
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16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor - Visit The Shopper Online!
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to South Holland Store 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm
Inside This Week
Memorial Day Information
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church
A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
Worship Service ........10:00 a.m. *******
Funeral Service for Frances A. Sudaz (nee Stepanian) was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on December 31, 2015. Mrs. Sudaz was born December 23, 1927 and died December 28, 2015. She was the wife of the late Matthew E. Sudaz, Jr. Mother of Pamela (late Ronald) Russell, Paula, Matt (Kathy) and the late Sandra. Gramma of 5. Great-grandma of 3. Interment was at Oakland Memory Lanes, Dolton, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
At Your Service Business Directory CONCRETE
Brian Caputo’s
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Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335
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J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
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Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
708-672-0043 Credit Cards Accepted
Roofing Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Help Wanted Help Wanted: A daycare staff. Must be 18 yrs. or older. Must have high school Diploma. Call Second Home Daycare, Inc. 708-528-2225
Furniture & Cabinet Refinishing, Refacing & Repair FREE ESTIMATES 15 Years Experience
Garage Sales in South Holland
Apartments For Rent
16422 University Ct., South Holland January 7, 2016 8:00 am2:00 pm Housewares, dishes, xmas d e c o ra t i o n s, p a i n t i n g s, small appliances. Everything must go!
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart. Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper Efficiency Apt: full kitch. stove, refrig., microwave, pots/pans, silver ware, dishes. Gas, electric, cable $150/wkly. 708-224-7306 Apt. for rent: One bedroom. Nice area, seniors welcome. Second floor. 352 Yates Ave. Calumet City, IL. 757-2821786 1 bedroom upstairs apartment. Deck and off street parking. In South Holland. 312-259-6112
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. Immediate occupancy. 708-243-4118
January 6, 2016
Rooms For Rent
Lost & Found
A room in my home. Large and comfortable and furnished, full kitchen & l a u n d r y. C l e a n , n e a r transportation $120/week. 708-224-7306
Lost: Pomeranian mixed with poodle, about 3 yrs. old, very small, female, spins in circles. If found please call. 708-692-5763 Small re w a rd . T h a n k Yo u , i n advance.
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941 Wa n t e d : B a c k p a c k i n g equipment. Call. 708-6632078
Wanted: Looking to buy winter knit hat, rust color with fake beige fur around it. To match my rust color suede coat w/beige fake fur inside. 708-360-3068 Wanted: Old Government type cell phone. No longer in use or battery for same. (Samsung). 708-753-0021 3/8 steel plate AR15, have F O I D c a rd , 2 . 5 s q u a re tubing, log splitter or parts for one. 708-474-8221 Wanted: person that can rod out my plugged sewer line or tub pipes. 317-348-7895 Wanted: fur coats or fur accessories (not fur trimmed coats) in good condition for an elderly lady. 317-3487895 Wanted: person to fix a big rip (about 14 inches) in a fur coat. 219-865-8361 Small submersible garden hose pump. 708-532-8337 Dial indicator with clamp on arm and a valve spring compressor. 708-532-8337
2009 Chevy Cobalt LS. Manual transmission, 34,000 miles. New battery and tires, gray, clean car. $7,500 Rob 708-331-1848 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726 Fo r sa l e: 2 0 0 0 Im p a l a $2200; 1999 Lincoln Towncar $1800; 2003 Chevy Envoy-remote/start $3400; 2003 2dr. Jimmy Blazerremote/start. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Montecarlo $2200; 2003 Windstar Van 4dr, $2600; 2002 Volkswagon Passat $2600; 2006 Dodge Magnum $5200. All clean, runs, must see. 708-743-9642 For sale: 1994 Chevy Van, runs good, some rust, dependable $1200 obo. Misc. tires and rims. 708257-6516
Rim/wheel for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic and a rim braker and tire irons to brake tractor/truck tire down. 08532-8337
Reach Over 30,000 Shopper Readers 20 word classified ad in all zones Add a for 4 weeks. Only $25.
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For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126
For sale: 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GT. 2dr. good tires, clean interior, runs and drives. $1500 cash + $105 tax. Blue or green, your c h o i c e . w w w . or 1-877-818-4726
For sale: Private owner selling 1977 Cor vette Coupe, b l u e, n i c e c a r, chassis clean, no rust, run only 500mi per year. Asking $9000 or trade for motorcycle. 708-543-4667
For sale: 2002 Buick Park Avenue. Recent i m p r ov e m e n t s , b r a k e s , rebuilt trans. All suspension, serp belt, front alignment, 156K. No rust, $3200. 708597-0130
XLarge tall garage coveralls. 708-532-8337
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DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!
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Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________ Location __________________________________________________________________ Description of Event ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
For sale: 2014 Hyundai Accent 4dr. Htchbk. Looks like station wagon. For 5 adults, women love automatic, in storage since purchase. Almost no miles, 42mpg. Mint, Best offer. 773-939-8999 For sale: 1999 Lexus ES300 gold, PB, PS, sunroof, CD player, new trans, one owner 158K miles, $3,500 obo. 630-926-5443 2011 Chevy Malibu LT. L o a d e d , 6 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Remote start. Great condition, $10,500. 708-9038260
1991 Cadillac Brougham 4 door with less than 57,000 miles. Asking $9,250. 708672-4692
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231 For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: All new factory bedding furniture. Fast EZ credit. No credit needed. Mattresses $78; futons $128; bunk-beds, $178; dinette sets, $168; sofa/loveseat, bedroom sets $497. Free layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388
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2004 Honda Civic Sedan LX. Blue, 79,000 miles, one ow n e r. G a r a g e d , g re a t condition, $5,500. 219-7934098
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
C A l e nD A R
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Thursday, January 7
l Mystery Bag Challenge Take part in our Mystery Bag Challenge! You will be give a bag of supplies and a task. Can you complete the challenge? No signup required. For grades K-5. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Jan 7th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL.
Friday, January 8
l After Hours Concert Series Second in our After Hours Concert Series is Frank Paul with a look reminiscent of the matinee idols, Frank Paul performs modern country, pop/rock and inspirational formats. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Jan 8th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL
Saturday, January 9
l Hammond Historical Society Annual Show & Tell meeting will be held January 9, 2015 at the Hammond Public Library, 564 State St., in Hammond beginning at 10 a.m. Bring your memories, stories, photos, and artifacts to share. The program is free and the public is invited. Light refreshments will be served. For more information contact Richard Lytle, 219-9315100, x307 or 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Jan 9th. Hammond Public Library 564 State St. Hammond IN. l Birthing Center Tours Expectant moms planning to deliver at St. Catherine Hospital can view the newly remodeled labor and delivery suites, meet the staff and ask questions regarding their stay. Call 219-392-7900 to schedule your tours. Tours are available Sat., January 9 & 30 at 10 a.m. at the St. Catherine Hospital Family Birthing Center. Tours are free.
Sunday, January 10
l Auditions Auditions for Beatniks’ Benefit Performance of the Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler will be held on Sunday January 10th 2016 from 3:30 to 5:00pm. Anyone wishing to help or perform should come to the audition. Be prepared to cold read from the script. The shows are Saturday February 27th at 8:00 PM and Sunday the 28th at 2:00 PM, with the chance of a second show Sunday February 28th at 5:30 PM. Beatniks is located at 418/420 Conkey Street, Hammond, Indiana. For more info call 219-852-0848 or go to
Monday, January 11
l Latino American: 500 Years of History -Pride & Prejudice Join us for a viewing of Episode 5 of the PBS documentary followed by a discussion led by Dr. Ellen Walsh of Governor’s State University. 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Jan 11th. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL
Tuesday, January 12
l Polar Penguin Pal Ages: 4 & older. Join the fun with stories and a penguin magnet craft. Registration begins Monday, January 4. 5:15 pm to 6:00 pm on Jan 12th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Financial Literacy: Fraud Protection Learn the warning signs and get the information you need to prevent credit fraud and identity theft. This program will be hosted by a representative from 1st Merchant Bank. 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Jan 12th. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL l Presentation for Calumet Region Area photo enthusiasts, from beginners to advanced, living in Northwest Indiana and the South Chicago suburbs are invited to attend the January 12 meeting. No registration is required. Guests and non-members are welcome to attend two meetings. Program
time is 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Munster Community Park Social Center, 8751 Lions Club Drive, Munster. For more information 219-742-2511. l Navigating the Healthcare Marketplace Our certified navigators will discuss options and help set up an appointment to complete your application. Join us for a free seminar from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Jan. 12 at Community Hospital’s Fitness Pointe, 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This seminar is FREE, but registration is required. Call 219-836-3477 l Computer Class Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013Class is limited to 10 Lansing Library cardholders. Please register. 10:00 am to 11:30 am on Jan 12th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL
Wednesday, January 13
l Smoking Cessation Class Community Hospital offers I Quit! Smoking Cessation classes to those struggling to quit smoking. This eight-week program (9 classes) provides low-cost education led by an experienced smoking cessation instructor and respiratory therapist. Classes will be held from Jan 13 to March 9 at the Community Hospital Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. Cost for this program is $50.00, registration is required. Call 219-836-3477. l Free Stroke Support Group The next group will meet on Jan. 13 from 3:154:15 p.m. at Community Hospital, located at 901 MacArthur Blvd., in Munster, Ind. This group is FREE, but registration is required by calling call 219-836-6753. l Free Alheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Jan. 13 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. The group meets at Hartsfield Village, located at 10000 Columbia Ave., Munster, Ind. This support group is free. Call (219) 934-0750 to register. l Keeping Baby Safe and Healthy Pediatrician Rajaraman Iyer, MD addresses topics such as when to call the doctor, how to child-proof the house, what to do in an emergency and the nutritional needs of babies. Information on child seat safety will be available. Talk will be held on Wed., January 13 at 5:30-7p.m. at the St. Catherine Hospital Cafeteria Conference Room. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477.
l Visclosky Announces 2016 Town Forum Schedule Congressman Pete Visclosky announced the following 2016 schedule for Town Forums that will be held throughout Indiana’s First Congressional District. Thursday – January 14, 2016; 12:00 p.m. Dyer Town Hall, One Town Square, Dyer, Indiana 46311. 6:00 p.m. Purdue University Calumet – Student Union Library Building – Room with a View, 2200 169th Street, Hammond, Indiana 46323. Please note that all times listed are Central Standard Time l Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking Toastmasters teaches public speaking and leadership skills. The Calumet Toastmasters Club meets at the Family Christian Center located at 340 45th St., Munster, IN at 7:00 PM twice each month. The next meeting will be held on Jan 14. For more information, please call 219-218-3174. l Creative Coloring for Adults Please register for this class. 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Jan 15th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL l Spaghetti Dinner 4-8p.m. on January 15th. Lansing Junior Woman’s Club. 1st United Methodist Church of Lansing. 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing, Illinois. l National Readathon Day Ages: Readers through 12 years old National Readathon Day is January 16, 2016. Help us celebrate by reading a book of your choice silently for 30 minutes. Prizes will be given
for first, second and third place. Registration begins Monday, January 4. 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Jan 14th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Beatniks On Conkey 8th Anniversary We are about to celebrate our 8th Anniversary, January 16th, 2016. Come out and see what is coming up and what is new at Beatniks. We have a surprise for you so come out on the 16th at 8:PM, doors open 1/2 hour early, open seating and the cost is your very generous donation to the cause of Beatniks. Beatniks is located at 418/420 Conkey Street (notice the change?) in beautiful downtown Hammond, Indiana. For more info you can call 219-8520848 or go to l Puzzle Day Ages: 3 & older Come to the library for some fun playing with a variety of puzzles. Registration begins Monday, January 4. 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm on Jan 16th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Snowman Craft The best part of winter is snow, so come celebrate winter by making a personalized snowman, complete with ear muffs. No signup required. For grades 4-8. 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Jan 19th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL l Football Fever Ages: 8 & older. Pregame Super Bowl party! Play a game and score a touchdown with a soft pillow craft you will create. Registration begins Tuesday, January 19. 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm on Jan 26th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Wii Wednesday Ages: 6-12 Play fun Wii games against your friends! Registration begins Monday, January 11. 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Jan 20th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL. l Caregiver Support Groups Alzheimer’s Association Office, 8679 Connecticut St., Ste. D. Third Wednesday of the Month at 6 p.m. Next Meetings: January 20, February 17, March 16; Franciscan Hammond Clinic, 3rd Floor, 7905 Calumet Ave.. Fourth Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. (Meeting discontinuing after Feb. 2016) Next Meetings: January 28, February 25. l Bone Density Screening Determine risk related to osteoporosis (bone strength). The screening is performed using the heel of the foot and results are available the same day. Screening is available on Wed., January 20 from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., at St. Catherine Hospital Radiology Department at 4321 Fir St., East Chicago, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477. l South Holland Library’s Book Club The Marriage of Opposites by Alice. 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Jan 21st. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL l Animal Masks Choose your favorite animal and create a cute animal mask! No sign-up required. For grades K-5. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Jan 21st. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Make it! Memory Jar This class is limited to 12. Registration is required. Please bring a jar to class with you. 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Jan 22nd. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL
l Silver Sneakers Program Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing awardwinning fitness program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. For adults 65 and older. St. Catherine Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation Call 219-392-7086 for dates, registration or more information. l Well Walker’s Club This walking club is for adults over the age
of 18. Receive a FREE pedometer when you join. Monthly meetings feature guest speakers discussing a wide range of healthcare topics. For info call 219-392-7104. l Cutting Coupons for the Military The LBWA is cutting and sorting coupons for our military families overseas. The coupons can be used 6 months past the expiration date at their commissary. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the Lansing Public Library in the Community Room. We meet 9:30 a.m. – Noon and 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Bring you scissors and any coupons you may have.Questions call Pat Leck 708-3235232. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l New Faith Toastmasters Club Learn how to improve your speaking, listening and leadership skills. Visit the New Faith Toastmasters club every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:15pm, at the New Faith Baptist Church (25 S Central, Room 101, Matteson, IL, old church building known as Genesis). Visiting is free of charge. Contact Terri at with questions. l MOPS MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) is for all mothers of children ages infant to Kindergarten. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from September April, 9-11am. We enjoy good food, inspiring speakers, creative activities and just some time with other mothers who up to their eyeballs in diapers, potty training, Elmo and naptimes. Bring your little ones along as they attend their own fun program called Moppets. Hope to see you there. Peace Church 833 E. 168th St. South Holland. l Volunteers Needed We are looking for friendly, dedicated volunteers to be cashiers, sorters, pricers, etc. for the Bibles for Missions Thrift Store. We are looking for people willing to make a half day or full day commitment one day a week, Monday through Saturday. Training is available for each position. 100% of all Thrift Shop proceeds go to purchase Bibles and study materials for missionary endeavors through The Bible League. This is a perfect opportunity for the newly retired or anyone interested in participating in the spread of the Gospel. If interested, just stop by and ask for the day manager, we would love to have your help! We are located at 2821 Highway Ave, Highland Indiana. 219 923-6436. l Community Empowerment and Engagement Learning Series Every 4th Tuesday of Each Month at 6:30pm. Free non-traditional courses for teens and adults about communication, entrepreneurship, finance, nutrition, marriage, relationships, wellness and community activism. Faith UMC is located at 15015 Grant St., Dolton, IL. For more information, call 708-841-3939 or visit l Women’s Bible Study Attention all Women! Munster Church will be starting a Summer Women’s Bible Study on Tuesday mornings beginning May 12 and continuing through July 28. It will consist of 6 studies meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 9:30 am – 10:30 am. The name of the study is “You’ll Get Through This” by Max Lucado. Max Lucado reminds participants that God will use their “mess” for good. This study is also a message of hope for people who are passing through tough times. Childcare will be provided. If you are interested in signing up, please contact Claudia Derrico at mimiof8@live. com or 708-502-7838. Munster Church is located at 214 Ridge Rd., (Corner of Ridge and Hohman) Munster. l T.O.P.S. Meeting Learn to take off pounds sensibly. No charge to sit in on a meeting. All women, men, teens, & children over 7 are welcome. 6PM every Thursday. 708-895-4771. Lansing Presbyterian Church, 2625 Ridge Rd., Lansing.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to Winter.
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On This Date - January 6
1681 1st recorded boxing match (Duke of Albemarle’s butler vs his butcher) 1838 Samuel Morse made 1st public demonstration of telegraph 1898 1st telephone message from a submerged submarine, by Simon Lake 1930 1st diesel engine automobile trip (in a Packard sedan) completed 1942 1st around world flight (Pan Am “Pacific Clipper”) 1951 Indianapolis beats Rochester 75-73 in NBA-record 6 overtimes 1978 1st postage stamp copyrighted by US (Carl Sandburg stamp)
Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
ACROSS 1. Buzz off 6. Dunce 9. Back of the neck 13. Big Dipper shape 14. Rejuvenating spot 15. Succeed 16. Helped 17. Waikiki garb 18. *Like characters played by Lon Chaney 19. *Marx brother 21. *Famously played title role in “Cleopatra” 23. *1950s teen idol, ___ Hunter 24. Not that 25. Thrilla in Manila boxer 28. Friendly jab on Facebook 30. Set aside as inferior 35. Marijuana user’s hookah 37. Stole material 39. Cowboy sport 40. Christmas season 41. Boston hockey player 43. Petri dish filler 44. Holiday activity? 46. Caffeine tree 47. Egg holder 48. *1979 Sean Connery and Natalie Wood clunker 50. Newton, e.g. 52. “____ no evil,...” 53. Spew profanities 55. Roman road 57. *Scarlett O’Hara or Blanche DuBois 60. *Katharine or Audrey 64. Asian chew 65. Springsteen’s “Born in the ____”
67. Make baby food? 68. Mountain ridge 69. #37 Across, e.g. 70. English county 71. Training spots 72. ATM extra 73. Doled out cards DOWN 1. Smeltery refuse 2. Age of Aquarius flick 3. Edible root of taro plants 4. Alaska native 5. Train station porter’s head gear 6. Northern European capital 7. *Kong, e.g. 8. Country singer ____ Hill 9. Season to be jolly 10. 1970s hairdo 11. *Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello 12. Old-fashioned “before” 15. Old Faithful 20. Edward Teller’s creation 22. Lung necessity 24. Lacking substance 25. Deep cavity 26. Jeweler’s glass 27. Coastal feature 29. *”Spartacus” star 31. *”Mommie Dearest” 32. Ruler sides, e.g. 33. This and desist 34. Type of dessert 36. *”An American in Paris” 38. Potter’s oven 42. Lacking guile 45. Easily handled 49. Poe’s “The Murders in the ___ Morgue” 51. Left gratuity 54. Pinch in the nose 56. Bullying, e.g. 57. Extremely 58. Any thing 59. Docs for dachshunds 60. Aesop’s race competitor 61. Celestial bear 62. *Where all Hollywood legends’ work winds up 63. Sales clerk’s call 64. Paper or plastic? 66. Seek damages
Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 80 inch Sharp Aquos model#LC80LE857U, 1080p LCD 3D, mint condition, $1700; Pool table, 8 ft., dark oak java, mint condition $700. 708474-7388 For sale: Wedding Dress size 8, white. Purchased 2015. Really sharp! Must see! Very modern, absolutely beautiful, Mermaid style. $600 obo. Call or text. 708969-5203
******** For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071
January 6, 2016 For sale: Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-4816907 For sale :Champagne and wine glass crystal 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted rugs, from throw rugs to room size rugs $10; $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs, runners also. 708-481-6907 For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907 For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$10. Coffee makers, toasters, juicer. 708481-6907
For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15l l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows. $2 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7” $25. 708481-6907
For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40 each. 708481-6907 For sale: Original Furbies $3$5 each; Ty Beanie babies $2-$3 each; Barbie dolls, $5 each. 708-481-6907
• • • •
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Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ now two new Associate Members Claudia Paolone and Patty Partyka. Also pictured is Paul Balcerak, special friend of Claudia Paolone.
For sale: Ethan Allen solid wood maple kitchen chairs $25 each. 708-481-6907
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For sale: 2 Tier occasional table solid cherry $75. 708481-6907
Classified Advertising Network VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 50 tabs $90 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. New Year, New Career AVIATION Grads work with American, Boeing, Southwest and others- Get hands on maintenance training. Financial aid if qualified. Call AIM 866-453-6204
For sale: Ethan Allen sofa $125; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907
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For sale: Wall hanging shelves to display plates $5$20. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen Solid wood maple, a pair of kitchen chairs $25 each chair. 708-481-6907
For sale: Down comforters sz . Twi n- K i ng $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows $5$10; assorted throw pillows $2-$5 each. 708-481-6907
L A NSING CER EMONI A L HONOR GUARD NAMES ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: T he d i s t a f f s ide w a s r e pr e s e nt e d during t he yea r end meeting of t he Lansing Memorial Ceremonial Honor Gua rd ( HG ) v ia bei ng honore d a s “Associate Members” of the prestigious orga ni zat ion composed of past a nd present m i l it a r y men a nd women. Claudia Paolone and Patty Partyka were both presented with plaques designating their new status within the organization during the Tuesday December 29th, 2015 year end HG meeting and Christmas party held at the American Legion Post 330 in Calumet City. Claudia is the widow of the late Sp4 Ernie Paolone who was a co-founder of the Honor Guard. Claudia is an instructor at George Washington High School on Chicago’s East Side and shows champion sheltie dogs as well as is a seasoned trainer and travels the Midwest rescuing shelties. Patt y is a registered nurse and is the former fiancée of the late Frank Opiola, an HG member and a past Commander of Post 330. Patty is a Calumet City resident and both women regularly support the efforts of the HG all year long. Bravo Claudia and Patty! ***
MEMBERS OF THE L A NSING CEREMONIAL HONOR GUARD MEET F OR A Y E A R ’ S E N D PA R T Y : T h e gentlemen met on Tuesday December 29th, 2015 at the American Legion Post 330 in Calumet Cit y for a year’s end review of their activity and to enjoy a holiday party and reminisce over the past 12 months. In all they were front and center for 30 separate events in Illinois and Indiana during 2015 and member Jeff Schoettle created a slide show accompanied to classical music of the whole year. From Grand Openings such as the new Wal-Mart in Lansing on to national holidays like Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, the Opening days of local girls and boys Little League ga mes, Inter nat iona l L it t le L eag ue ga mes i n Sout h Hol la nd a nd on to special events such as the much heralded L ACE Fall Festival, the HG stood tall and presented the National colors, did a rifle salute and played taps when the occasion called. All are volunteers and most all retired, the almost 25 year old organization has gained renown around the countr y even to having a similar ‘band of brothers’ fashioned after the HG turn up in sunny Florida this past year. The membership is composed of Debbie Altgilbers; David Conlee; Co-Founder R ich Dom i n ia k; Jesse Gomez ; Joh n Nicholson; Bob Graham; Co-Founder Larry Grzy winski; Chuck Mabry; Pete Matrenec; Lou Novakovich; Mike Sanow; Jeff Schoettle; Ray Sellers; John Ulaszek; Neil VenHuizen and Larry Kutz. And,
SPOUSES AND SIGNIFICANT OTHERS OF T HE L A NSI NG ME MOR I A L HG CON T R IBU T E TO LOC A L FOOD PANTRY: A highlight of the year end Christmas Party held at the American Legion Post 330 in Calumet City is the contribution to the local Food Pantry. The women, all pictured here behind the tableful of bounty include: Carol A nn Schr um; Ginny Ulaszek, JoA nn Ve n Hu i z e n ; D e b b i e S e l l e r s ; Ju d y Dom i n ia k; Kat hy Grz y w i nsk i ; Fra n Mabry; Patty Partyka; Claudia Paolone; Janice M Kutz. At each of the HG events, some kind of charitable donation is given out. ***
‘GRAZING’ AT STRACKS IN MUNSTER: It’s always fun to visit the large grocery stores in and around our towns as they debut some of their most popular items. Pictured here is Lonnie Jamicich of the Hegew isch neighborhood of Chicago along with Kim Hall, Lansing and Rick Barlage, Lansing and Charles Elrod now of Alabama and formerly of Hammond. T he shoppers stopped by L on n ie’s fragrant pizza oven and sampled some of the delicious Italian fare. Other groceries such as the very popular Walt’s also host ‘tastings’ most of the time on Saturdays and around the holidays. Last week was the time to meet and greet running into friends and colleagues alike! Whenever N 2 N is in one of these fine stores we mar vel at how luck y we are to have them nearby, sometimes within walking distance of our homes and offices. As we leave 2015 and enter 2016 this is one of the things I am thankful for. If you have a favorite store or grocery, please do let me know and I’ll share with Shopper readers. ***
I NSI DE K R E AT I V E K U T S S A L ON-GR A N D OPEN ING PA RT Y ! Ma ster colorist and st ylist Char Coglianese has yet another enterprise--Studio by Char inside Kreative Kuts Salon, 51111 E . 81st St reet, Mer r i l lv i l le ju st of f US 30 and east of the Southlake Mall. Char will be hosting a Grand Opening Pa r t y, T hu r sday Ja nua r y 7t h, 2016 from 4 to 8 p.m. with desserts, raff les, giveaways and a special guest. Char is a salon broker of sorts and has bought and sold salons in the course of her long and storied career. She has a large and loyal following of clientele who welcome each new adventure. Char also most recently co-sponsored the Beauty and Hair Make Over benefiting Fair Haven and Restoration House Ministries in Hammond and Gary with the Embassy of C h r i st C hu rc h . Most of C h a r ’s philanthropies are associated in some way with beauty. For information on the Grand Opening arty, call Char at 219663-6033.
For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
January 6, 2016
Final sale oF 2015. open new year’s eve 9-5 & new year’s Day! EXPERIENCE
BUICK Fully loAdEd!
SAVE 17%
60 montHS 15/16 yukon/Xl
SAVE 16%
We’ll beat any deal by
SAVE 15%
lASt 2015
2016 BUICK
MSRP ................................................................. $43,340 Rebate.................................................................. $1,500 December Cash.................................................... $1,000 Bonus Cash ............................................................. $500 Competitive Lease or GM Lease............................... $500 Circle Exclusive Discount ...................................... $3,841
MSRP ................................................................. $73,110 Rebate.................................................................. $1,000 Bonus Cash ............................................................. $750 Competitive Lease or GM Lease............................... $500 Circle Exclusive Discount ...................................... $7,111
Z-71, Wheels, touch Radio, Well equipped!
navigation, Wheels, Heated Seats, Sunroof, Fully loaded
35,999/$359 mo.
SAVE $9,361!
MSRP ..........................................................$47,375
Bonus Cash ......................................................$500
Select Model Bonus......................................$3,000
Competitive Lease (GM Lease $500) ............$1,500 Circle Exclusive Discount .............................. $1,801
Circle Exclusive Discount ...............................$1,291
Wheels, Keyless, Remote Start, touch Screen Radio and more!
Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio and more!
19,999/$179 mo.
Circle Exclusive Discount ...............................$2,416
Circle Exclusive Discount ...............................$2,894
Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio, leather and more!
3 Rows, leather, Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio and more!
Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio and more!
37,375/$379 mo.
‘06 Mercury Mariner Auto, A/C, Full power, 1 Owner, 60K #B2684A......................................................$7,998/$109 Mo. ‘06 Mini Cooper Conv. Convertible, Wheels, Man. Full power, 1 Owner, 80K #T17276AA..................................................$7,998/$109 Mo. ‘07 Kia Optima EX V6, Leather, Sunroof, 1 Owner, 69K #B2698A......................................................$7,998/$109 Mo. ‘09 Dodge Journey Auto, A/C, Full power, 1 Owner, 70K #B2646A......................................................$8,999/$119 Mo. ‘07 Cadillac DTS Luxury II Level, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 70K #B2784A....................................................$10,899/$155 Mo. ‘10 Nissan Rogue AWD All Wheel Drive, Auto, A/C, Full power, 80K #T17197A ..................................................$10,899/$155 Mo. ‘14 Chevrolet Sonic LT Auto, A/C, Full power, Save! Only 14,000 miles! CERTIFIED! #T17313A...............................$10,998/$163 Mo. ‘06 GMC Envoy XL 3 rows, captains chairs, X-Clean, 90K #T17167A ..................................................$10,999/$163 Mo. ‘11 Chevy Malibu LS, Full power, Keyless, 1 Owner, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2637A.................................$11,899/$162 Mo.
SAVE 15%
Select Model Bonus.......................................$7,106
29,999/$369 mo.
2.0 liter turbo! bluetooth Streaming, 18” Wheels, Full Power, Heated Seats. beautiful!
21,699/$169 mo.
2016 GMC
Circle Exclusive Discount ..............................$1,906
Select Model Bonus.................................... $6,000
Select Model Bonus...................................... $3,000
MSRP .....................................................$27,725 Rebate.........................................................$750 Competitive Lease (GM Lease $500).........$1,500 Circle Exclusive Discount ..........................$1,876
MSRP ....................................................... $38,415
2016 BUICK
MSRP .........................................................$30,805
MSRP ..........................................................$24,990
SAVE 15%
2016 BUICK
2015 BUICK
MSRP ......................................................... $24,800
SAVE $10,000
SAVE 22%
SAVE 22%
2016 GMC
MSRP .................................................... $35,495 Rebate........................................................ $750 Bonus Cash ................................................ $500 Competitive Lease (GM Lease $500)........ $1,500 Circle Exclusive Bonus ............................. $2,346
MSRP ..................................................... $48,000
3 Rows, Keyless, Wheels, touch Screen Radio and more!
Z-71, Wheels, touch Radio, Well equipped!
Select Model Cash.................................... $6,332 Circle Exclusive Discount .......................... $4,200
30,399/$279 mo.
23,599/$189 mo.
25,899/$249 mo.
37,468/$389 mo.
2-Year/24,000 Miles
Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals maintenance included!!
‘11 Chevy Malibu LT 2LT, Wheels, Full power, 1 Owner, 60K, CERTIFIED! #B2717A.................................$11,899/$162 Mo. ‘12 Chevrolet Cruze LT 2LT, Wheels, Full power, Man. 1 Owner, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T17171B...............................$11,998/$168 Mo. ‘05 Acura MDX AWD Touring Edition, All Wheel Drive, 1 Owner, 70K, #B2895A....................................................$12,899/$179 Mo. ‘11 Buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, Loaded Up, 1 Owner, Only 60K, CERTIFIED! #B2821A.................................$12,899/$179 Mo. ‘10 Chevrolet Traverse LT Full power, 3 Rows, X-Clean, 1 Owner, 70K #B2758A ...................................................$13,899/$184 Mo. ‘13 GMC Terrain Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 80K #T17178B ..................................................$14,899/$215 Mo. ‘09 Chevrolet Silverado EXT LT, Wheels, Full power, 5.3, 1 owner, 90K, #T17062A .................................................$14,899/$215 Mo. ‘08 BMW 135I Convertible Wow, X-Clean, 1 Owner, BMW Serviced, 60K #T17354A ..................................................$15,899/$236 Mo. ‘10 Buick Enclave CXL-2 White Diamond, Loaded, Leather, Wheels, 90K #B2912A....................................................$15,899/$236 Mo.
‘12 Dodge Ram Quad Cab Auto, A/C, Full power, 20” Wheels, Sharp, 70K #T17199B ..................................................$15,998/$239 Mo. ‘12 GMC Terrain SLE, Wheels, Full power, Keyless, 40K, CERTIFIED! #T17444A...............................$16,899/$249 Mo. ‘13 GMC Terrain SLE, Wheels, Upgrade Radio, Keyless, 40K CERTIFIED! #B2641A.................................. $17,899/$259 Mo ‘13 GMC Terrain SCT AWD All Wheel Drive, Wheels, Roof, 1 Owner, 80K #T17499A ...................................................................$17,899 ‘12 GMC Acadia 3 Rows, Wheels, Full power, 1 Owner, 60K CERTIFIED! #T17276A................................................$18,899 ‘06 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 4X4, Rubicon, 1 Owner, Only 29,000 miles! #T17326A ...................................................................$19,899 ‘14 Buick Regal Premium Leather, Wheels, Loaded, 1 Owner, 20K, CERTIFIED! #B2937A..................................................$19,899 ‘14 Buick Lacrosse CXL White Diamond, Leather, Wheels, Touch Radio, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T17453A................................................$20,998 ‘15 GMC Terrain SLE, Touch Radio, Wheels, Keyless, 8,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #T17018A ...................................................................$20,998
‘14 GMC Sierra Reg. Reg Cab, Auto, A/C, power, 1 Owner, 15K, CERTIFIED! #T17311A................................................$21,899 ‘14 Buick Lacrosse CXL 1 Owner, Leather, Wheels, X-Clean, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2566A..................................................$21,998 ‘08 GMC Yukon SLT Leather, Wheels, Chrome Access., 4X4, Only 70K, #T17391A ...................................................................$22,899 ‘13 Chevrolet Ext Cab LT, Full power, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 40K, CERTIFIED! #T17060B................................................$22,899 ‘13 Ford Focus ST BOOMBA Built by Boomba Racing, Too much to list... If You Know, It’s a Steal! #B2816A...........................................................$23,899 ‘13 GMC Sierra Ext Cab 5.3 motor, Wheels, Hard Tonneau, Leather, 17K CERTIFIED! #B2745A..................................................$24,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra Crew Z-71 Full 4 Doors, Z-71, Wheels, Extras,1 Owner, 35K CERTIFIED! #T17241A................................................$25,998 ‘12 Chevrolet Avalanche LS Full Crew, LS, Wheels, 1 Owner, Only 30K CERTIFIED! #T17389A................................................$26,899 ‘15 GMC Acadia SLE-2 3 Rows, Captains Chairs, Uplevel Equip, 16K, CERTIFIED! #B2757A ....................................................................$27,998
‘14 GMC Sierra Dbl Cab Z-71, Wheels, SLE, Remote, 39K, CERTIFIED! #T17093A.................................................... $29,899 ‘14 GMC Sierra Double Cab SLE Z-71, 4 Doors, Wheels, Touch Radio, Only 20K, CERTIFIED! #T17340A.................................................... $29,899 ‘14 Buick Enclave CXL Wheels, Roof, Leather, Buckets, 30K CERTIFIED! #B2747A...................................................... $29,998 ‘14 Buick Enclave CXL Leather, 3 Rows, Captain Chairs, Wheels, 1 Owner, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2772A ..................................................... $30,899 ‘13 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Crew LT, Leather, Z-71, 2500, 1 Owner, 39K, CERTIFIED! #T17383A ....................................................................... $33,998 ‘15 GMC Sierra Crew SLT Fully Loaded, Leather, NAV, Wheels, 5,000 miles!, CERTIFIED! #B2505A...................................................... $40,998 ‘13 GMC Sierra Crew 2500 Denali!! trim, Diesel!!, Loaded! Only 60K! CERTIFIED! #T17479A.................................................... $44,899 ‘13 GMC Yukon Denali 1 Owner, Off Lease, 20” Wheels, Nav, power Boards Landed, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T17341A.................................................... $45,899 ‘14 GMC Yukon Denali Fully Loaded, Roof, NAV, Wheels, 1 Owner, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T17488A.................................................... $48,899
*Payments 2,000 due plus taxes, with approved credit. * 00-04 60 months@6.9% * 05-12 75 months@6.9. New car payments 39 month/10K mile per year lease 2500Ave plus 1st/sec + taxes.0% in lieu of most Rebate. *Encore andTerrain lease 24 months/10K per year lease. $2,000 due plus 1st payment/security & taxes. *Verano lease is 24 months/10K, $3,000 due plus tax and 1st payment. *Lease payments associated with select model units are for base leather units.
2440 45Th ST. highLANd, iN 219-865-4400 iLL: 773-221-8124