The Shopper 1/14/15

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Wednesday • January 14 • 2015




% 72 X











STK#: 15145 MSRP: $23,290

18,986 $ 235/MO



STK#: 15057 MSRP: $24,550


35 MPG†


STK#: 15493 MSRP: $18,795

16,886 $ 204/MO $



STK#: 15525 MSRP: $21,380


21,986 $ 277/MO





19,886 $ 248/MO




STK#: 14652DT MSRP: $28,240


24,886 $ 322/MO








On December 30, 2014, American Savings, FSB officially became American Community Bank of Indiana. In our community, we have seen a large number of bank mergers and acquisitions in recent years. American Community Bank wants to make it clear that this is NOT a merger, acquisition, or sale of any kind. This name change is an expression of the bank’s shift to a full-service community bank. The bank’s President, Michael Mellon, says “We are excited to announce this news. We feel that this new name more accurately reflects who and what we are.” The bank was established on March 29, 1910 in Hammond as The First Polish Building Loan & Savings Association. The bank changed its name to American Savings and Loan Association in 1937 and remained that way until 1987 when the bank converted to a federally chartered institution and became American Savings, FSB. The bank today has converted to a state chartered bank, becoming American Community Bank. The bank is changing its name as a reflection of its changing identity – as not just a community bank, but as a full-service community bank that offers all of the products and services our community needs. American Community Bank offers a complete suite of modern banking resources that extends far beyond the limits of the savings and loan accounts that many still associate with the bank’s history. American Community Bank operates four full-service offices in Munster, Hammond, Dyer, and Schererville, Indiana. Deposits are insured up to applicable limits by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).










15,886 $ 189/MO $


STK#: 15379 MSRP: $18,380


American Savings Has Become American Community Bank

*New car prices & payments include applicable manufacturer incentives & manufacturer rebates. Plus tax, title, license & doc fee. In lieu of special financing. **Plus tax, title, license & doc fee. Payments based on 72 months at 1.89% APR with $3,000 down. With approved credit. +We’ll beat any advertised deal on invoice cost. Excludes trades. Must be exact make/model. On in stock units only. †EPA's estimated highway MPG's. ^With approved credit. On select models. In lieu of manufacturer rebates & manufacturer incentives. Ex: $13.89 per $1,000 financed with $0 down. ^^With approved credit. On select models. Dealer will not honor any pricing errors in this advertisement. Prices are good 2 days from date of publication. Pictures are for illustration purposes only.

Towle Youth Theater Ensemble Announces Auditions Since 2010, t he Towle Yout h Theater Ensemble, or TYTE, has been wowing N W I audiences w ith product ions such as t he Northwest Indiana Premiere of Ja son Rober t Brow n’s 13, Anne of Green Gables, Laughing Stock & Clue the Musica l. The next T Y TE production w ill be 2 one acts War at Home – a drama and It’s not you, It’s Me - a comedy. The shows will run March 27-19, April 3-4. Auditions are Saturday, January 17 from10am-4pm and Sunday, January 18 from 12pm-4pm (Appointments scheduled every 10 minutes) Please call 219-937-8780 to schedule an appointment. Auditions w ill ta ke place at the Towle Theater; 5205 Hohman Avenue, Hammond IN. Please prepa re a one -m i nut e me mor i z e d monolog ue. Dra mat ic or c om e d i c d e p e nd i n g on which show you are more drawn to. You will be asked to read from the script. The script cuttings for auditions

c a n b e f ou nd a t w w w. Keep in mind, auditioning is similar to inter v iew ing for a job. Please dress nicely, arrive well rested and 15 minutes pr ior to you r schedu led audition. Students from all over NW Indiana and Southern subu rbs of C h ic a go a re strongly encouraged to aud it ion. T hose w ho audition and don’t make the cast or anyone interested i n o f f- s t a g e / b a c k- s t a g e involvement will work on small committees for the show including box office, tech and PR/marketing. T h e To w l e T h e a t e r i s lo c a t e d i n b e a ut i f u l dow ntow n Ha m mond at 5205 Hohman Avenue. Free, wel l-lit, secured pa rk ing is available just off Fayette St r e e t on l y s t e p s a w a y from our alley entrance at the back of the theater. For more information please call 219-937-8780 or visit www.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 2

Lansing Round Ball Classic

Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, clean & check $44.95. A/C, Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281

Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556

The 6th Annual Lansing Round Ball Classic will be held on February 12th, 13th, and 14th, with the championship game and awards ceremony scheduled for Thursday, February 19th. The tournament spotlights several fifth-grade boys’ basketball teams from schools in Lansing. The tournament also features a fifth-grade girls’ Hot Shot Contest conducted dur ing ha lf t ime of each game. The Round Ball Classic was created as a way to bring the community toget her t hrough f riend ly compet it ion a nd cooperat ion bet ween t he schools. The tournament also receives tremendous support from the Village of Lansing and Lansing School District 158. All proceeds

f rom t he tou r na ment a re donated to Lansing-based charities. All games are played at Memorial Junior High School. This year’s tournament will feature Oak Glen, Reavis, Coolidge, Lansing Christian and St. Ann schools, all competing for the coveted traveling trophy. Each school will also conduct a food drive, with all items being donated to the Lansing Food Pantry. We urge any business, individual, or group to help in the raising of funds by donating to the tournament. Again, all proceeds are donated to Lansing-based charities, and all contributions will be tax-deductible. For additional information and tournament schedule, please call (708) 828-1663.

The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623


The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038

— Proverbs 15:28

Attend the church of your choice.

An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Wartime Remembrances

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & c o m m e rc i a l p r o p e r t i e s. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295

Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Discount Handyman Service. Heating, Furnace repair, Home-repair, Drywall, Electrical, Plumbing, Cleanouts, Painting. Also “Gutter Cleaning”. Licensed/Insured. 708-207-0644

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, sump pump, drywall repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345


Slice of Pl. Cheesecake, Cup of Soup, Med. Pop or French Fries with Single Sandwich or Dinner Only

Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Must Present Coupon. Limit 1 Coupon Per Person, Per Visit. Expires 2/4/15

17816 Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 895-1500 (708) 895-4900 Fax Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-2am Fri-Sat 10am-3am / Sun 11am-12am

Dine-In, Carry Out, Drive- Thru, Delivery


*Fire, *Smoke *Windstorm or Hail *Vandalism *Theft *Roof Leaks *Toilet Overflows *Freezing of Plumbing, Heating or A.C., *Busted pipes *Weight of Ice, Snow or Sleet *Accidental Discharge or Overflow of Water or Steam *Water stains *Cracked Tiles *Sewer Backups *Collapse *Accidental Damages To: Carpets, Cabinets, Wallpaper, Siding, Raccoon Damage & Many Others

Come to a community meeting at 17060 South Park Avenue, South Holland, Illinois to find out how we can help you obtain this money Saturdays, January 24, 2015 and February 7, 2015 at 11:00 AM. Call or text 773-425-3003 or email to reserve a seat for you, your family members, and neighbors.


Treasured Letters From The Past MARJORIE ALICE DEVRIES D i d y o u k n o w… A br a ha m L i ncol n w a s bea rd less, unt i l he received a letter from an 11-year-old, Grace Bedell, on October 18, 1860—just before his election? Dear Sir My father has just home from the fair and brought home your picture and Mr. Hamlin’s. I am a little girl only 11 years old, but want you should be President of the United States very much so I hope you wont think me very bold to write to such a great man as you are. Have you any little girls about as large as I am if so give them my love and tell her to write to me if you cannot answer this letter. I have got 4 brother’s and part of them will vote for you any way and if you let your whiskers grow I will try and get the rest of them to vote for you you would look a great deal better for your face is so thin. All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husband’s to vote for you and then you would be President. My father is going to vote for you and if I was a man I would vote for you to but I will try to get every one to vote for you that I can… A f e w d a y s b e f or e Grace’s letter, Benjamin Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328

Miscellaneous Services Moving? Need an estate sale? Call today for a free consultation. Professional Moving/Estate sales. The Ageless Treasure. 219-3847750

Locke wrote to his own f a m i l y, c l o s i n g w i t h : “Hurrah for Lincoln.” So I guess Benjamin Locke didn’t need to be teased by his w ife to vote for Lincoln—he was a Lincoln fan before the beard. Haverhill, Scioto Co., Ohio Oct 14th, 1860 Dear Brother and Sister (continued), If Jefferson is still there you will read this letter to him or let him read it himself if he should be at any expense for attending to my business I wish you would pay him for me, (as he talks of leaving there) and will pay you. I have been tr ying to read my letter its got dry and is no go so I will send it to you to read if you can’t do it why there’s an end of it that’s all~ Your Brother Benjamin Locke Hurrah for Lincoln Marjorie A lice DeVr ies is a f reela nce writer devoted to sharing t he pr ic eless t rea su re of war letters, each one a u n ique w i ndow i nto t he past. Visit: w w w. t r e a s u r e d l e t t e r s f r, or write to: Ma r jor ie DeVr ies, 948 Killarney Drive, Dyer, IN 46311.

Is your kitchen backsplash looking tired and dated? New tile backsplashes installed for as low as $200. Floors, walls, repairs for all your tile needs. Call. 219-577-7703 Transportation Services: O n W h e e l s 4 Yo u Transportation. Before & After school drop-off and pickups from all local schools. So. Holland, Dolton, Calumet City, Lansing. Call. 708-9551514 or 708-932-6726

WOW! Carpet Cleaning






708-429-6200 35+ YEARS EXPERIENCE!




The Shopper - Dec. 2014

A/C & Heating

price $38.99 e. Normal /15 e Oil Chang r offers. Expires 2/15 ic rv Se ll Fu with othe 10 Minute lid va ot N . $26.99 √ Nice people √ NO Pushy with coupon

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Highland, IN • 9615 Indianapolis Boulevard • (219) 924-7840 Hammond, IN • 6747 Indianapolis Boulevard • (219) 844-9919 South Holland, IL • 235 W. 162nd Street (Route 6) • (708) 339-3111 Calumet City, IL • 1700 Sibley Boulevard • (708) 891-2470

lass C t r a t Late S on is in i t a r t s i Reg s! progres w the

ie edu to v chedule . c s s it S Vis te Start ay. a L y r a od Febru rolling t and get

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 3



SALE DATES: WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14th thru TUESDAY, JAN. 20th, 2015


View Our Ad & Current Values at

STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm NEW SUNDAY HOURS ALL STORES: 7 am to 7 pm Sugardale

Hot Dogs

New Crop Fancy

Green Beans


1 Lb. Pkg.


Young N Tender



Blueberries 6 Oz. Pkg.


$ 99

Jumbo Size

Slicing Tomatoes


Bob Evans

Pork Sausage Roll Assorted Varieties 16 Oz.


USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”

Vine Ripened




Dutch Farms

Sliced Bacon 16 Oz. Pkg.


$ 29 $ 29

Super Flavor


$ 79


Green Bell Peppers



$ 99



Idaho Potatoes

Centrella/Prairie Farms

Milk •2% Reduced Fat

$ 99 Ground Chuck Value Pack


$ 79


1 Lb. Pkg.



$ 79

$ 99


With This Coupon and a Separate $10 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 01/14/15 - 01/20/15.


From Our Deli Hut


•Thick & Fluffy Waffles •Waffles •Wafflers •Pancakes •French Toaster Sticks Selected Varieties 8.4 - 16.4 Oz.

2/ 4 $

Walt’s Signature Premium

Grandma Cooper’s Polish Turkey Style Glureteen Breast Ham F Assorted Varieties



$2.49 1/2 Lb.


•Paper Towels 6 Pk. Big Rolls •Bath Tissue 12 Pk. Double Rolls


$ 99


$ 98 $ 98 $3.49 1/2 Lb.


2/ 4 Hills Bros.


•Decaf 23 Oz.

•Fruit on the Bottom •Light & Fit 6 Oz.


8 - 16 Oz.

4 - 6 Pk.

45 Oz.


$ 79



45 Oz.

48 Oz.

22 - 30 Oz.


$ 69


$ 99

Mix or Match

$ 79


Ice Cream

5/ 10 $

Soft Spread


Pasta Sauce

Pizza 14.14 - 15.76 Oz.


Shedd’s Country Crock

Ice Cream Bars

Tony’s Pizzeria Style

$ 99




Coffee •27.8 - 33.9 Oz.

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

$ 79

3/ 5


When You Buy Any 6 and Save $3 Instantly

Soft Spread

Apple Juice 64 Oz.

Orange Juice 1/2 Gallon


Limit 12 Total, Add’l. 49¢

Mix or Match

Indian Summer





$ 99

When You Buy 6 - Must Buy 6. Limit 2 Mix or Match Offers Per Customer.

LU 399

$ 99

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 3 Lb. Pkgs. or More








•Traditional •Rich & Hearty 18.5 - 19 Oz.

8/ 10 $





•1% Lowfat •Skim Fat Free Gallon

Hand Trimmed Government Inspected

Driscoll’s Finest Red Ripe Sweet Ground fresh in store many times daily.



10 Lb. Bag






Boneless New York Strip Steak

US No. 1 “Genuine”

Walt’s “All Natural” Premium 80% Extra Lean






USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”

Extra Large Fresh


Boneless Round Steak Sold As Steak Only

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 4

American Savings, FSB Has Become American Community Bank On December 30, 2014, American Sav i ngs, FSB of f icia l ly beca me American Community Bank of Indiana. In our community, we have seen a large number of bank mergers and acquisitions in recent years. American Com mu n it y Ba n k wa nt s to ma ke it clear that this is NOT a merger, acquisition, or sale of any kind. This na me cha nge is a n ex pression of t he ba n k’s sh i f t to a f u l l-ser v ice community bank. T he ba n k’s President, Michael Mel lon, s ay s “We a re exc ite d to announce this news. We feel that this new name more accurately reflects who

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Complete Interior, s c r a p w a l l p a p e r, r e d o cabinets. Complete interior paintings. Free Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038 Interior/Exterior painting and drywall repair. Will beat any estimate. 10+ years experience. Call or text Marco at 312-912-1100.

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne an d a ll , h ere’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335

and what we are.” T he ba n k w a s e st abl i she d on March 29, 1910 in Hammond as The First Polish Building Loan & Savings Association. The bank changed its name to American Savings and Loan Association in 1937 a nd rema ined that way until 1987 when the bank converted to a federa lly chartered inst itut ion a nd beca me A mer ica n Savings, FSB. The bank today has converted to a state cha r tered ba n k, becoming American Community Bank. The bank is changing its name as a ref lection of its changing identity – as not just a

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693

Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer

community bank, but as a full-service community bank that offers all of the products and services our community needs. American Community Bank of fers a complete suite of modern banking resources that extends far beyond the limits of the savings and loan accounts that many still associate with the bank’s history. A mer ica n Com mu n it y Ba n k operates fou r f u l l-ser v ice of f ices in Munster, Ha mmond, Dyer, a nd Scherer v ille, Indiana. Deposits are insured up to applicable limits by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. We re p a i r k i t c h e n s , b a t h s , basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010

Snow Removal Residential snow removal. Complete service. Reasonable rates. Call Mark. All messages will be returned. 708-841-2328

Help Wanted H e l p Wa n t e d : A g e n c y seeking. Experienced Home Care RN, LPN, CNA. Call. 708-895-9980


He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s : Immediate Linehaul Opening! Great Home-Time, Pay, Benefits! CDL-A w/ Hazmat, Twins. 1yr. Exp. Req. (EOE/AA) Old Dominion Freight Line. Call Brent Smith. 1-800-728-4029 H e l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s $3000.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! $3000.00 Driver Referral Bonus! Great Pay (New hires min. 800.00/ wk guarantee)! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. 1-888-335-1785

Homes For Sale Home for sale: Family home, 4 BR 2 Bath, large addition, patio, 1 car garage, new carpet move in ready, 708-250-5900 or 708-243-9779, $54,900, Park Forest Ho m e f o r s a l e : Fa m i l y H o m e : 4 1 6 W. J o l i e t , Schererville, IN. 3+bdrm., 1+bath. 1 acre. Partially finished basement. 3 car garage. $189,000. 219-6448180

$3.19 16oz $4.19 24oz

Rancho Grande Good Fresh Mexican Food

east chicago chicago highland lansing dyer




Homebuying… To “NOT DO” List MIKE BUDER It is important for you, as a homebuyer, to know that the documentation u s e d to s upp or t y ou r loa n a ppr ov a l c a n b e re-verified by your lender even up to t he day of closing. You may be asked for updated pay stubs and bank statements. Most lenders w i l l ver if y you are still employed within a day of closi ng you r loan. Credit updates are also generally re-pulled just prior to your closing date. A s some loa n approval requirements get tougher, it is important to remember t hese lender r e - c he c k s . Not h i ng i s worse t ha n going f rom an approval to a denial on ly day s before you r loa n closes because of something you could have waited to do and it does happen! So w ith that in m i nd here a re some DO NOTS. DO NOT ma ke ba n k deposits ot her t ha n reg u la r pay income deposits in t he ba n k accounts you a re using to qualify for your purchase. If you need to deposit anything unusual, be sure to discuss w ith y ou r lo a n of f ic e r t he documentation that may be needed. DO NOT bring account balances below the amount used for the loan approval. Your bank accounts will be checked aga i n pr ior to closi ng. The lender may require seeing t he most recent st atement . G ener a l l y t he lender w i l l a sk to verif y that your earnest mone y a nd appra i sa l/ credit report charges have cleared your account. DO

NOT have returned checks or overdraft protection. The lender considers your f i na ncia l ma nagement ability as part of the loan approva l. Even i f you have overdraft protection, take special care to avoid going negative. DO NOT incur additional debt. This is probably t he biggest closing killer. A new car, some new furniture for you r ne w home, etc… a lso ment ion a ny debt that has not shown up on your credit report when you apply. DO NOT open new accounts. Any new account, even if you might not charge anything to it, should wait. The inquiry or the new account itself might impact your credit score. So in summary, if you are in application for a h om e m or t g a g e…. a n y changes to your finances – income, employ ment, bank account deposits, ne w c re d it , e ven ne w credit inquiries – should be discussed w ith your loan officer before they take place. If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com or Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman


We will be happy to size your ring whether it was bought here or somewhere else.



Taqueria El Ranchito

$3.00 OFF

One Coupon Per Customer With Coupon Only - Exp. 1/30/15 Coupon May Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer.

Rancho Grande

Rancho Grande

One Coupon Per Customer With Coupon Only - Exp. 1/30/15 Coupon May Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer.

Some restrictions may apply. One Coupon Per Customer With Coupon Only - Exp. 1/30/15 Coupon May Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer.









We Serve Imported Beer At Dyer Location Only

Open: 7 Days A Week 10:00 AM To Midnight Gift Certificates Available Your 3rd Generation Jeweler for • Quality • Integrity • Service

3338 Ridge Rd., Lansing | 708-474-9235 Tues., Wed. 9:30-5:00 Thurs., Fri. 9:30-8:00 Sat. 9:30-3:00 Closed Mondays


Master Jeweler

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 5

Plan Ahead For Persons With Dementia To Avoid Wandering Six in 10 people with Alzheimer’s disease will wander. A lzheimer’s disease causes millions of A mericans to lose their ability to recognize familiar places and faces, increasing their risk of wandering and getting lost. In cold temperatures and winter weather conditions, wandering, although common, can be dangerous – even life-threatening – and is a significant safety concern. “As weather becomes dangerous it is vital to keep your loved one with dementia safe by taking simple precautions to prevent wandering, such as motion detectors, window alarms and creating activities in the home that will reduce agitation,” says Linda Altmeyer, Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter Director of Programs. Consider the home environment: • Night-lights: Place throughout the home or facility. • Locks: Place out of sight. Install slide bolts at the top or bottom of doors. • Doors: Camouf lage doors by painting them the same colors as the walls. Cover them with removable curtains or screens. • Door knobs: Cover knobs with cloth the same color as the door. Use childproof knobs. • Monitoring devices: Try devices that signal when a door is opened. Place a pressure-sensitive mat at the door or bedside

to alert of movement. • Labeling: Label all doors. Use signs or symbols to explain the purpose of each room. • Secure trigger items: Some people will not go out without a coat, hat, pocketbook, keys, wallet, etc. Making these items unavailable can prevent wandering. W hen weather temperatures plummet and stay ing indoors is encouraged, planning ahead for your loved one can be crucial for his or her safety. “The Alzheimer’s A s s o c i a t i on c a n h e l p w i t h a c t i v i t y s u g g e s t i on s , communication and how to identify confusion and the triggers that increase the incidence of wandering,” says Altmeyer. Have a plan in place beforehand, so you know what to do in case of an emergency. Planning Ahead: • E n rol l t he person i n Med ic A ler t® + A l z hei mer’s Association Safe Return®. Call 888.572.8566 or enroll online at • Consider having the person carry or wear an electronic tracking GPS device that helps manage location. Comfort Zone® and Comfort Zone Check-In® are two options. Visit for further information. • Keep a list of people for the person with dementia to call when feeling overwhelmed. Have their telephone numbers in

Brrrr, Its Cold Outside - Stay Safe Tips from Calumet City Fire Safety: Home fires are more prevalent in winter. The use of space heaters results in more fires and fire fata l it ies t ha n a ny ot her heat i ng sources, according to Calumet City Fire Chief William Galgan. Another source of concern is the use of stove burners for heating. This is a very dangerous practice and can result in a whole house fire. This practice is strongly discouraged. Using space heaters safely include the following: 1) Keeping heaters at least 3 feet away from drapes, furniture, or other flammable materials or items 2) Put heaters on a level surface away from where residents or pets may knock them over. 3) Plug heaters only into outlets with capacit y suf f icient a nd never into extension cords. 4) Keep electric heaters away from water. 5) Never use them near a sink or in the bathroom. 6) Never use or store f lammable or combustible liquids in or near rooms with heaters.

Mobile Homes For Sale Manufacture home: 2-bdrm. C/A, fireplace, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer. Eat-in kitchen. Walk-in shed. 251 Todd Terrace, Lynwood. Alpine Village. 708-833-8370 Manufacture home: 2-bdrm. Possible 3, family room, fireplace, C/A, stove/ refrigerator, washer/dryer. Walk-in shed. 631 Linda Ln. Lynwood. Alpine Village. $2,500. 708-833-8370

Try Our New 3-Step Show Room Shine.

Only $1.00 With any Wash or Fast Pass per visit. (Regularly $5.00)

Other tips to keep your home safe during extreme cold: 7 ) L e t i ndo or f auc e t s d r ip ; not necessary to have a steady stream of hot water. 8 ) Open cabi net s u nder si n k s i n k itchen/bath to a llow warm air to circulate around the water pipes.

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.

Lansing 2626 Bernice Rd. (Behind Lansing K-Mart)

Schererville 1779 U.S. 41

(south of 30-between Teibel’s & U-Haul)

Highland 9425 Indianapolis Blvd.

BBB Accredited Satisfaction Guaranteed • Open daily 6am–8pm • Not valid with any other offers • Offer good with coupon only



reg. $1000



Calumet City, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, H / W f l o o r s, A/ C , updated kitchen, fenced yard, deck, finished bsmt. $1375/mo. + sec. 708-2677892

Fo r re n t : Ap t . C h i c a g o Heights, 3 b d r m . Fu l l y carpeted, heat/water included. $800/mo. 708-2899052 or 219-746-8518

House 291 Calhoun, Calumet City. 4-bdrm, 3 full baths, finished bsmt. C/A, 2 car garage, $1,500 mo. Call. Mrs. Ellison. If no answer, leave msg. 708-895-5583

Calumet City studio apartment: Full size kitchen and living room. Includes heat, water, cooking gas, $485 mo. Available now. 708895-7855

Easy Clean Car800-287-1701 Wash We do birds, bugs & tar!

Calumet City 2-bdrm. Apartment. Located 1 block from Lansing. $750/mo. + security + credit check. No pets. Seniors welcome. For more info. 708-868-2590

A p t . f o r re n t : D o l t o n , 3-bdrm. apt. has hardwood floors. Heat/Water included. 15214 S. Woodlawn. Call. 708-935-3540

Bur nham 2nd flr. apt ., 3-bdrms, walk-in closets, hrd floors, laundry room, large living room & large bdrms. Section 8 welcome. $900/mo. Appliances included. 708539-3162

Look Great! Feel Great!

one location and easily accessible. • Ask neighbors, friends and family to call if they see the person alone or dressed inappropriately. • Keep a recent, close-up photo and updated medical information on hand to give to police. • Know your neighborhood. Pinpoint dangerous areas near the home, such as bodies of water, open stairwells, dense foliage, tunnels, bus stops and roads with heavy traffic. • Know if the individual is right or left-handed. Wandering generally follows the direction of the dominant hand. • Keep a list of places where the person may wander, like past jobs, former homes, places of worship or a restaurant. If the person does wander, search the immediate area for no more than 15 minutes. Call 911 and report that a person with Alzheimer’s disease — a “vulnerable adult” — is missing. A Missing Report will be filed, and the police will begin to search for the individual. In addition, a report should be filed with MedicAlert+ Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return at 800.625.3780. First responders are trained to check with MedicAlert+ Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return when they locate a missing person with dementia. You do not need to be enrolled in MedicAlert+ Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return in order to file a missing report. For more information, call 800.272.3900 or visit Indiana.

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9) If your pipes burst and floods your home, turn water off at the shut off valve. Call a plumber for help. 10 ) C he ck on elderl y or shut i n neighbors to make sure they are okay. Call 911 if they are not or if you need help yourself.

Lansing 17710 Commercial 2-bdrm. 1-bath, 2nd flr. balcony, newly rehabbed, seniors welcome, $900/mo. Includes free heat gas, appls. private parking. +1-1/2 mo. sec. Call Larry. 312-405-0697

Apt. for rent: Dolton, Large, 1 b d r m . H e a t , w a t e r, refrigerator, stove and free parking included. $745/mo. $35 application free. 708491-9155

Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-8054676. Apt. for rent: 2 bdrm., 1 bath. Heat included, secur ity deposit, no pets, stove/ refrigerator. 4128 Wabash, Hammond. Please, call Chris. 219-670-1847

Homes For Rent Sauk Village, 3-bdrm. 2-car garage w/storage, all appliances, freshly painted, new carpet. laundry. tenant pays utilities, $1100/mo. + sec. Section 8 ok. Avail. now. 708-692-5510





Any Purchase Minimum Sale $10 No Sale items

Fashionette 708-474-0349


The Store With A Little Bit More 3334 Ridge Road Lansing


Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

Burnham, IL - 3, 2, and 1 Bedroom Mobile Homes for sale or rent. Lot rent is $400. Call 219-7428505 for more information. Seller financing is available with good job history.

Rooms For Rent


Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kitc privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544

Pets for sale: Lhasa Apso male, beautiful smart puppy. 8 weeks old. APR registered papers, $475. Call Tammy. 708-891-1669


Office Space For Rent

Extra nice 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath 2 story home in Whiting, IN. Garage, bsmt, and fenced yard. All appliances and washer/dryer included. $ 9 7 5 / m o. V i e w a t 1 3 3 4 Stanton, Whiting or online at Call Bogs Management 708895-1411

Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941

Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708339-8068

Wanted: Will pay cash for diabetic strips. We buy all brands. 708-304-1040

page 6

CASH FOR ANTIQUES NEON CLOCKS GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY SILVER DOLLARS ADVERTISING SIGNS MILITARY ITEMS SHOTGUNS 50’S MID C E N T U RY F U R N I T U R E ANYTHING UNUSUAL 219 765 6268 KINDNESS SPOKEN 50 YEARS EXP. Wa n t e d : 3 - w h e e l e r, 2 6 ’ Granny bike. 219-365-1316 wanted person to plow small Griffith driveway 317-3487895 wanted caregiver 24/7 live in details call 708-687-4776




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by a leading consumer magazine.




300 Large piece JIG SAW puzzles for elderly person call Judy 708-539-1216


offers. Prior sales exclu

Community Heating

Wanted: Readers Digest, National Geographic, Cycle World, Cycle Rider, cassette players, cassettes/pop/rock, good condition, reasonable. 708-420-0110

Wanted: Cubs fans! Need partners to split Cubs season tickets. Too many games for us to attend. Call Dan 708473-1627.

16250 Louis Ave., Suite A South Holland

ded. Exp. 2/28/15

300.00 O&FF

Not valid with any other

Wa n t e d : S e a m s t r e s s . Knowledge of men’s trousers, altering, lengths, and waists, zippers etc. Nothing heavy. South Holland area. 708-3396028

Wa n t e d : S o m e o n e t o purchase 24 clean gallon wine bottles, with caps, reasonable price, make an offer $1 each. Call Phil. 708686-6886

Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.



wanted 300 piece JIG SAW Puzzles for elderly lady Call Judy 708-539-1216


offers. Prior sales exclu

Community Heating


100.00 OFF

Not valid with any other

Not valid with any other

Wanted Houseplants Call Judy 708-539-1216

Wa n t e d : S n o w b l o w e r s , lawnmowers, rototillers, power washers, old gas mini bikes, engines, parts, tools, any and all kind of garage stuff. 219-484-7376

House plants Call Judy 708539-1216



caregiver wanted 24/7 details 708-687-4776

Bunions are a deformity of the big toe joint characterized by a bump on the inside of the big toe joint that is painful, deforms shoes, or both. Bunions are a surgical problem and the latest technology involves use of screws in realigning the big toe. If you have any questions concerning bunions or any other foot problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.


Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 7

Mayor Don A. De Graff, Clerk Sallie D. Penman & the Village of South Holland Board of Trustees PRESENT

Advancing The Dream Elevating Social Justice

January 17, 2015 • 10:00 AM Featuring

Mayor Don A. De Graff Earl James, Reformed Church of America Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Covenant United Church of Christ Rev. Matt Waterstone, First Reformed Church Covenant UCC Youth Choir and Total Praise Dancers McKinley School Choir Prince Reed, Christ Community Church Immediately after program, guests are invited to stay for the reception with music provided by Seton Academy Jazz Ensemble

Covenant United Church of Christ 1130 E. 154th Street South Holland, IL

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 8

Newly-formed GSU Concert Chorale Gala Debut The 130-voice Governors State Universit y Concert Chora le, u nder t he d i rect ion of A lber t M. Jack son, has a nnounced t heir 2014-2015 season Ga la Concert performance to be held in the Center for Performing Arts at Governors State University. The group, which operated for the past 16 seasons under the name South Suburban Chorale, recently moved to GSU. “We are very glad and excited to be at GSU,” said Jackson. “We look forward to continuing and expanding our musical activities through the University, and want to reach out to the entire Chicago Southland area with our singing.” The Chorale has previously performed throughout the Chicago south suburban and Northwest Indiana region, and toured Europe. Marking the “official” debut of the Governors State University Chorale under the direction of Albert M. Jackson, the GSU Center for Performing Arts and the School of Extended Learning present a gala concert on January 18 at 4 p.m. featuring works heard in the fall concerts, new materials prepared for the occasion and works celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Program highlights Wanted: Old man will pay a few dollars for a used hearing aid. 219-365-7245

Wanted: Collector buying military items from WWII American, German, Japanese, for my personal collection. 815-476-9640

Wanted: Old vibraphone D e a g a n I m p e r i o r. A t reasonable price; B-3 Organ and Leslie speakers. 219-8010955



No Hidden Changes Most Furniture Moved Deep Soil Extraction FREE Pre-Spotter FREE Deodorizer Truck Mount Unit All Work Guaranteed Quick Drying Time Insured & Bonded







Reg. $15

Per Room 2 Room Minimum



00 Reg. $75

Any 5 Rooms L-Shaped & Great Room Considered 2




Wanted: Readers Digest, National Geographic, Cycle Wo r l d , C y c l e R i d e r s , cassettes, classical Ronnie Milsap, Elvis Presly, Kenny Roger, Eagles, Billy Joel, Glenn Campbell, classic/ rock. Good condition. Reasonable. 708-418-3275

Ford factor y jack & lug wrench & hold down assembly for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic. 708-532-8337




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include Stomp Your Foot from “The Tender Land”, Sally Gardens, Shenandoah, Lift Every Voice And Sing, The Road Home, Aura Lee, Battle Hymn of the Republic and My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord.

3/4 & 5/8 inch plywood pieces & treated 2 inch wood pieces, also 1-1/4 inch coiled roofing nails. 708-532-8337

Advantage Steam



ROTO BRUSH Unlimited Registers Single Furnace Home

Serving as a fundraiser to benefit future seasons of the Chorale, reserved seating is only $20.00, all of which will be used for the overall support of the Chorale. GSU’s Center for Performing Arts is located on the main campus. Tickets may be pu rcha sed ea rly on l i ne at w w w., by phone at 708.235.2222 or visit the Center for Performing Arts Box Office. The Chorale’s 2014-15 season is funded through a grant from the Retirement Research Foundation, a private, Chicago-based foundation which has awarded more than $200 million in grants since its inception in 1978. The Foundation is devoted exclusively to improving the quality of life for our nation’s older adults, especially those who are vulnerable due to advanced age, economic disadvantage, or disparity related to race and ethnicity. RRF fulfills its mission through grant-making programs which support innovative advocacy, direct ser v ice, professiona l education a nd training, and research projects that benefit older Americans.

Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 Car for sale: 2005 Nissan. One owner. Best offer. Call leave message. 708-638-2122



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a return on investment in energy saving that’s better than a savings account, a CD or even a 401K. And that’s not counting your enhanced property value - or enhanced comfort.

Public Speaking Symposium The Chicagola nd Spea kers Net work wou ld l i ke to help a rea residents a nd professionals meet their self-improvement goals in 2015 through a Public Speaking Symposium. The Chicagoland Speakers Net work has pla n ned t h is ha l f-day of educational workshops on various topics related to effective professional speaking at South Suburban College’s Oak Forest Center on Thursday, January 22, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Research has shown that the average American greatly fears speaking in public which may hamper growth in one’s career and professional life. The 2nd Annual Public Speaking Symposium topics include: · How to be the Most Organized Presenter

in the Room, by Colleen Klimczak · Spicing up Your Presentat ions w it h Exercises and Icebreakers, Mary Erlain · Communicate for the Win, by Lori Klinka · D a z z l i n g Yo u r A u d i e n c e s w i t h PowerPoint, by Alexandra Glumac · Pa nel Di sc u ssion Q & A , w it h t he presenters Advanced registration is $39 through Januar y 15th, or $49 from Januar y 16th through the day of the Speaking Symposium. To RSVP or for more information, please visit or email Lori Klinka at The Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest, Illinois.

For sale: 1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ, auto, 4 cyl., 119,500 miles, hardtop, AC, new Michelin tires on Mag wheels. 708841-7106 For sale: 2001 Mercury Grand Marquis, premium leather seats, well kept, all power features, $2,978 + $208 tax. 877-818-4726 or www.

For sale: 2001 Honda 4 door. Good condition, black. $1250 well kept. 708-913-7778


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Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires 1/31/15 SH TT


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any Duct Cleaning or Select American Standard High Efficient Christian Owned & Operated Since 1987 Furnaces & Air Conditioners Blown-In AtticIN Insulation Job 11407 Wicker Ave., Cedar Lake, NIPSCO REBATE!

Some restrictions apply. Not valid with Some restrictions apply. Not valid with • (219) 987-2107 Demotte (219) 365-0006 Indiana any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires (708) 1/31/15 TT 895-0006 Illinois

any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires 1/31/15 TT

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For sale: 2002 Honda Civic, extremely reliable, sips gas, 4 door automatic, $50/wk. with good down payment. 877818-4726 or w w w.

The regular price of any incoming dry cleaning.

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Not valid with any other discount. Expires 2/15/15. CARE CLEANERS • 708-333-8030



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Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 2006 Chevy Impala $4000; 2006 PT Cr uiser $$4000; 2000 Nissan Maxima $2000; 2001 Buick Regal $2,700. All run good. 708351-9906 For sale: 1998 Volvo S70. Very good condition. 135 miles, leather seats and more $1995. 708-891-5177 or 708224-6852 Ken For sale: 1998 Ford Contour DSL, 4 door. Very clean, low mileage. 111,000 original miles. $1,595. 708-913-7778 For sale: 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix GT, Red, $4,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Ford Taurus SE, Black $4,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2005 Mazda Mazda 3i, Blue, $6,487. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

January 14, 2015

Antiques/Classics For sale: 1967 Ford Falcon Window Van, rare, automatic, straight 6, low miles. Excellent running condition. Was in the movie. Serious buyer wanted. $4,500. 708267-0723 or 708-636-4350

Auto Parts For sale: Meyers snow plow motor, rebuilt #MKW-4007 , 12 volt never used sluiter rebuilt $90. 708-474-6488 Fo r s a l e : P 2 3 5 / 7 5 R 1 5 Uniroyal white wall, used tire. Good condition $40. 708-474-6488

Brand new in boxes left fender and right door, fits 1983 thru 1988 Ford Ranger and Bronco II. 708-841-7106 For sale: Michelin XW4 W. Wa l l P 2 1 5 / 7 0 R 1 5 , g o o d condition $40. 708-474-6488 For sale: Rachet load binder LeBus USA 3/8-1/2 chain 9,200 load, like new $20. 708474-6488

For sale: 2009 Chr ysler Sebring Touring, Clearwater Blue Pearl Coat, $6,687. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment.

For sale: 2001 BMW 3 Series 325i, Blue, $6,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

Unit #

For sale: 2010 Ford Taurus SEL, Teal, $10,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring, Black clear coat, $14,487. Call Bob. 855-9694000 For sale: 2012 Honda Civic LX, Rallye Red, $15,187. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbo Turbo Int. Ultra Black, $17,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2009 Cadillac CTS DI AWD, Bl a c k C h e r r y, $18,687. Call Bob. 855-9694000

WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI-- Z1-900(1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000(1976-1982), Z1R, KZ1000MK2(1979,80), W1-650, H1-500(1969-72), H2-750(1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI--GS400, GT380, HONDA--CB750K(1969-1976), CBX1000(1979,80)

$$ CASH $$

1-800-772-1142 1-310-721-0726

Unit #

B1369 B1213 B1146 B1189 Unit #



Ring in the new year safely. Don’t drink and drive.

Notice of Public Sale

Tenants Name Unit #

page 9

Set of 4 BFGoodrich truck Tires, Radial Long Trail T/A, 31x10.5R15LT good tread left, $150 OBO, 708-256-3011

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, according to (770 ILCS 95/) Self-Service Storage Facility Act. I at public sale by competitive bidding on ending on January 23, 2015 at 10:00 am or after for units located at: Compass Self Storage, 2556 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438

B1127 Marlene Klemm B1425 Kevin Roberson B1269 Sananquanita Bland B1229 Kathy Sykes-Sanders

Tenants Name Unit #

Don Pitts Klein Rae Everett Harris Leslie Hicks

B1281 B1252 A1006 B1389 Unit #

Tenants Name

Halima Ismael Ira Jackson Kimberly Burgans Lawrence Allen

Call 708.895.0300 or visit

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015


F o r s a l e : G o l d ’s g y m stationary bike assembled, brand new 1 pod compatible, $75 obo. 708-672-9479

Slide-in camper for pickup truck. Stands and tie down straps included. All new marker and tail lights. $500 obo. 708-965-3896

For sale: Office Furniture six desk and chairs, hutch, printer table, deluxe printer/ copier/fax all $900 or best offer. 708-703-1544

Miscellaneous Items For Sale

For sale: NEW Heavy Duty gas generator HDG9000ER on wheels, w/electric start, all manuals. Retails $3950.00. Must sacrifice $2195.00. 708891-0336 M-F 8-5

For sale: All new factory Liquidators. Mattresses $88; Futons, Daybeds $128; Bunkbeds, Dint. sets $178; Sofa, LV sets, Bedrooms sets $399; End of Year Blowout Specials, night-stands, dressers, and boxsprings. Free Layway EZcredit. www. factor ybeddingfurniture. com. 708-371-3737 For sale: 1985 Lund Pike, 25 HP motor, trailmaster, trailor, 16 boat and trailer, small $1000. 708-439-5323


Pro and feet leak

For sale: Gas stove $100, Combo washer/dryer $100 (missing knob, needs water level adj) tall solid wood cabinet $50, ladders, bird cage, and lots of misc. items (cheap) Calumet City, IL, 7 0 8 - 9 5 3 - 1 9 4 3 , Ja n u a r y 17,18,24,25,31,

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478

You can sell your items faster by posting it on our Facebook page and add photos. Scan code above or go to https://www.facebook. com/theshopper

For sale: Chocolate brown sectional w/pillows; 6 piece w/chase; very good condition $350. 219-794-5961

For sale: Assorted Quilts, bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; Duvet covers asst. sizes $3-$5 each. 708-481-6907

We’re THAT Good! $30 or more

All insurances accepted • Two locations to help serve you better Illinois:17825 Wentworth Lansing, IL 60438. Phone (708) 889-5834 Indiana: 2714 169th Street Hammond, IN 46323 Phone (219) 803-2246 Office hours: Mon-Sat. • Visit us online at



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double over stove w/broiler 150.00 wheel ch. w/footrest / arms that come off 35.00 708687-4776 wheel chair with footrest and desk arms that come off 99.00 708-288-2221 wheel chair with footrest and desk arms that come off its not new but all there no rust 35.00 708-687-4776 wheel chair w/footrest /arms that come off 99.00. 708-6872112 new wheel chair with desk arms and footrest that ele. and all come off never been use 299.00 708-687-4776 2 wheel chairs with elev. leg rest and desk arms one old 35.00/120.00 708-687-4776 Music stand; Black, basic orchestral, metal music rest, tubular, metal folding legs. Height: 27.6 to 43.3 in. $25.00 Call; 708-891-5009.

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Private Party Ads

$10/week IL and IN

Buy 2 weeks Get 1 FREE

Free ads run if space is available.

Household Items under $250 and Pets under $100

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Fo r s a l e : L i v i n g r o o m furniture, tables, lamps, French provincial stereo, $100; Colonial style triple dresser & twin bed, like new $100. 708-448-5672



Business Ads

For sale: Misc. garden tools and handyman tools, best offer. 708-448-5672


Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome

For sale: 10” Craftsman radial arm saw, with rollaround stand and saw dust shoot $175. 708-285-1107

Specializing in osteopathic manipulation, palliative care, weight loss, certified medical examiners CDL physicals.


Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473

For sale: Monster high boy d o l l s. “Sl o Mo”, D e u c e Gorgon, Neighthan Rot, $25 each; Invisi Billy $30 each. 708-285-1107

John Heyer DO. Board certified family practice Lisa Guzman DNP, FNP-BC. Board certified family practice and palliative care.

416 Ridge Road, Munster


For sale: Green lee roll around conduit bender, 1/2” +3/4” +1” $200. 708-2851107


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For sale: Golden Opportunities 2015 Chicagoland, South Suburban Edition. Dining, entertainment, sports, retail local coupon book. 28th Anniversary since 1987. $25. 708-670-7071

For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107

For sale: Power chair by Invacare. Pronto M41RB. 6-wheels, 2 power, 4 swivel. Runs good $425. 708-4748278

$25 or more

page 10

For sale: Power wheelchair. Excellent condition, new batteries. $500. 219-365-8212

Fo r s a l e : R e f r i g e r a t o r Kenmore by Sears. Top freezer with ice maker. 22 cu. ft. Good condition, white. $500. 708-895-9292

For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

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the rates of injury and deaths in other risky industries like construction have dropped. Last year, Illinois led the nation in the number of farming Say I saw it in The Shopper workplace accidents which typically occur when working on or near heavy equipment, wheel chair withfarm footrest and A llivestock m o n d attacks, W h i rthrough lpool desk arms all refrigerator, freezer the electrocution andremovable suffocation in feed bins. Your beston bet is 35.99 708-687-4776 22 cu(http://1.usa. ft, best offer to educate your child about bottom, safety issues 773-706-9553 gov/4ANXmq) and talk to his employer about your concerns. Big CB base antenna for If an accident should happen that results in 35.00 injury,708-687consider outdoors $50 or offer 317- wheel chair contacting an attorney to discuss4776 whether you may have a legal 348-7895 case. small air-compressor with For Sale:Pace home portal wheels $200 or offer 317-348Router for a Computer Question: What do I do if my dog902.11 bites someone? 7895 model#11n$50.00, Paper Answer: It’s a timely question. The insurance industry reports backsurged bookslast .50cea. authors that insurer’s costs tied to dog bites year, with the For sale: Oak kitchen table Danill Steels&Nora Roberts. average or more on medical fees, legal w i t h f oclaim u r cjumping a p t . c 12 h apercent i r s, 708-474-9495 settlementsseats, and jury cushioned andawards. backs, Most homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies have aFor dog Sale; liability clause as part of caster wheels $200;usually Beer keg. Poinsettia plate cooler, best offer. 708-889candy dish their standard coverage, but that$5.00,Holiday may not be enough to cover 0350 $2.00 Plaltzraff tea pot $5.00, damages and liability in a civil suit. If your dog bites someone Plaltraff and you find yourself on the receiving endtea of afor dogone bite $5.00. claim, wheel chair 35.00 708-687- 708-474-9495 report the incident to your insurance company, but realize you 4776 may also need to hire an attorney For to defend Sale;you. Xmas ceramic free standing stove 125.00 display $5.00, Assort xmas 708-687-4776 Question: How can I find out ifi my t e mlegal s $ 1problem t o $ 3 is e aserious . , Ne w enough to warrant the services ofexecutive a lawyer? travel golf cover wheel chair 25.00 708-687- $ 1 0 . 0 0 , Pr i n t e r s d ra we r Answer: It’s easy. The Illinois Lawyer Finder Service (www. 4776 $15.00., operated by 708-474-9495 the Illinois State Bar Association, offers consumers to a qualifying double over with broiler a referral For Sale;New fiber lawyer. optic come and try it the outonline I got my You can search directory h a ufree n t eof d charge h o u sby e entering $5.00, new one to be put in 100.00 the field of practice, county and zip code. Anweight optionbelt is to$10.00. call the Adjusted 708-687-4776 hotline at (888) 662-3851 to receive the name of a lawyer, who 708-474-9495 will provide an initial for no more than double over with 30-minute broiler consultation For Sale;New Snow Shovel $25. You aretry under noI obligation hire that lawyer. come and it out got my to $10.00, Fire place tools new one to be put in 100.00 (shovel & broom) $10.00, For more information about Illinois law, visit www. 708-687-4776 Record Albums from the 50s. If you 708-474-9495 have a legal question, send it A l m o n d W h i r l p o o l to refrigerator, 22 cu ft, freezer Fo r s a l e : S i n g l e s t a g e on the bottom, best offer snowblower, starts & runs 10 inch Radial arm Sears Mirro electrical smoke house, 219-712-3291 or saw, 773-706great. $85. 708-856-6381 Craftman, $100. 219-365- $35; Crown pallet jack 5000#, 9553 2954 exc. working cond. 708-8916226

January 14, 2015 CANON T70 35mm Camera with Automatic Exposure a n d ‘ 3 ’ L e n s e s, P l u s a Speedlite Flash, camera strap and bag. $125.00 224-2353021 Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip darts, board and wooden cabinet. Good Condition. $15.00 224235-3021




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For sale: Collectible Wheaties 13 unopened cereal boxes in mint condition. Jordan, Payton, Griffey Jr. Jackie Ro b i n s o n , Su p e r B ow l , reasonable offer. 708-4740359


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For sale: Charming hand crafted play kitchenette. 26” wide by 16” deep by 38” high, $75. 708-308-9057

For sale: Charming hand crafted play kitchenette. 28” wide by 23” deep by 32” high, $75. 708-308-9057

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page 11

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Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Red wooden flexible flyer sled (1960) and silver/ blue graton silver streak sled (1970) $95, for both. 219-8653336 REFRIGERATOR- Kenmore 17cf 33wX68h Runs great. Recently serviced.Great 2nd fridge.$95 obo. Ceiling Fans good condition $25 ea. Dyer 219-322-5189

January 14, 2015 For sale: Leaded Crystal chandelier $100. 708-8417106 Fo r s a l e : Ic e f i s h i n g equipment, poles, lures, etc. with 2 augers $100. S. Chicago Heights, area. 708754-0462 For sale: 8 foot aluminum

Say I saw in The Shopper brake foritbending fascia or window trim. $250 firm. Dyer Sears 6000 BTU Casement air IN. area. 312-320-9386 cond. $200, used 3 times. 708-288-3641


Mulcher lawn mower Briggs Straton 6hp engine runs, starts, looks $85. Also Residential electrician specializing in great, old homes. 225x75x15 Goodyear tire, like Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. new. 708-753-0021

Licensed • Bonded • Insured

foldup type and Senior Discount 10% Tricycles, Free2 Estimates* reqular $15 each. Exc. cond.; South Holland, ILbi-fold • 708-822-7758 doors, new 6 panel

24” white 3 sets $40; concrete *Restrictions Apply float noLicensed handle, $35. 708-895Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. & Insured.




15% OFF Labor* Tarp heavy duty green canvas Expires February 4, 2015

26’x34’ new cond. $100 obo. leave message. 708-837-9814 Chest freezer 5.4 c ft. white, like new used 1-year; Five drawer dresser, walnut 48” high 31” wide. 708-672-4999 Four tan padded chairs, $20; multiple wooden kitcehn chairs, $5 @ set of six, $25. 708-672-4999 Remodeling bath: Beautiful etched glass shower doors, standard width used on year form Loves, orginally $170. For sale, $60. 219-669-3151 Two end tables, one coffe table with glass top inserted Wicker bottoms, medium stain, exc. cond. $60. 219365-9256 Two double strollers, $20; Sleigh crib w/mat $50; high chair $10; AB mach. $20; baby walker, $10; car seats. 708439-8788

For Sale: Poinsettia plate $5.00,Holiday candy dish $2.00, Plaltzraff tea pot $5.00, Plaltzraff tea for one $5.00. 708-474-9495

page 12

For Sale: New fiber optic haunted house $5.00, Adjusted weight belt $10.00 708-474-9495

For Sale: Pace home portal 802.11n Router for a computer model#4111n $50.00, Paper back books, .50cea. authors Daniell Steel & Nora Roberts. 708-4749495

For sale: Handicap supplies: Walker, portable commode, over tub grab bar, adult diapers, & pads, toilet riser $20 ea.; fireplace screen & tools, bagless vacuum $25. 219-776-5222

For Sale: new Snow shovel For Sale: Xmas ceramic $ 1 0 . 0 0 , F i r e place display $5.00,Assorted xmas tools(shovel&broom) $10.00, i t e m s $ 1 t o $ 3 e a . , Ne w Record Albums from the 50s. Smartphone-Optimus LG For sale: Playstation 2 w/ t r a v e l i n g g o l f b a g 708-474-9495 Very New $30 312-520-4698 games, $45; Atari game w/ $10.00,Printers drawer cell 20, Lansing cartridges $40; Tickle Me 10 June 2012area $15.00. 708-474-9495 Elmo new in original box; Hayward one horse power Whirlpool gas dryer (basic Wa l n u t Wo o d e n D i n i n g Xmas animated figures 18’ x GODsets WITH USlights. Xmas sand filter $250; easy entry model) like new super clean, Table. 48” plus 2 16” leafs. 24”, twenty 219-365-8166 saris with hand rails, $175; white color, new $585 sacrf. $10.00 708-895-3195 deck ladder, $75. Shop Call Joe. Online $250. Please leave message. Men’s work boots. Caterpillar For sale: Delta planner 12216-365-9838 Thanks, 708-895-4671 Steel Toe with Metatarsel 1/2 inch used one time $180; Mattresses from $88 Pillow Topcar Mattresses from $118 XM tuner with kit house 7 piece Cherry oak wood protection. Size 13. Worn 4 pair of pioneer TS-W309D4 American Bedding speakers 1400 watts, kit and boom box, H lots of bedroom set. $250. 312-477- days. $75.00 708-895-3195 excellent condition $120. extra stuff. Call for complete 9871 Anamated, sleeping, snoring 219-931-6473 list, $200. 219-865-0729 Lingerie chest 7-drawer, $50. Santa in 24” brass bed. Excellent Condition. Only For sale: Craftsman 5 HP 22” AB Lounger $10; weight set, Calumet City. 708-862-0970 $5.00. Wooden Play Pen. wideANNA M. CAISON snowblower, excellent $50; double jogging stroller, Condition $4.00. condition $175. 219-801$125 firm; infant walker , $10; Bedroom furniture triple Excellent Peter, the focus of inspiration for this when I was diagnos 5986 of faith little Tikes rid-on $35. 219- dresser 70” long, matching 708-895-3195 writing, experienced many walks When the prescrib mirror chest (Armoire) 38” 750-9195 following his initial Jesus on the increasing furniture for walk sale with - For sale: Kenmore Antiquethe risk wide pecan immaculate clean Bedroom set (brown). Best offer. stormy Sea of Galilee. One particular walk alternative was surg sewing machine in cabinet, Schwinn double bike rack, traditional wood from. Bay 6 pc. text began (708) 502-3620. after prayer thatworks included a mistake? goodan $65; Antique wallWhat if $20; pet carrier 17x24 $10; Furniture $250. 708-862-0970 Calloforfaith tableto$150. St. come G unusual vision and a command enter Located table? inHow Tan umbrella bas, $5; folding sale: Oak kitchen table John, IN. 708-877-6157 Like new Whirlpool window Forthe table 2 x 4 $10. 708-895-6160 house ofa pa tGentile soldier and explain cancer disappear? W w i t h f o u r c . c h a i r s, air conditioner, 26” wide, 22” the gospel to him his household (Acts heal me through th seats, andand backs, For sale: Raised toilet seat w/ Graco infant carseat, like long. 8000 BTU can cool 1 cushioned 10).wheels Homes of non-Jewish peoplebars, werepaidAs the scheduled caster $200. 708-889safety $80, asking new, $25. Snoogle body level in home $125 obo. 708believed to be unclean, and $40. any 708-877-6157 Jew who neared I became i 0350 pregnancy pillow, Orig $65, 285-1815 entered their home would also become and worried until $20.00. 3-6 month baby girl Forunclean. sale: Variety parts obeyed from For Leaded ystal4:17. Ne ButofPeter Jesus’sale: call to fromcr 1 John clothes new. $4ea.708-790- Men’s Wilson golf clubs, irons, 1966 Plymouth Satellite all putter woods, bag shoes, rain walk with Him into the housechandelier of Cornelius.$100. 708-841This summer I’ll 1569 under $200 or single. For 7106 gear; weber grill 22 inches for On that day Peter219-365learned no race of people Bible Study “Wate reasonable prices. 84” dual reclining sofa, round, $50. 708-849-6273 were excluded from Salvation in Christ as in my home on Tu 8458 green, exc. cond. $150; small he witness the baptism of the Holy Spirit on 7:00pm – 8:30pm b walnut curio cabinet, exc. Hosta plants, $100; plant flox Cornelius’ household. 31. If you’d like t 50 each plant. 708-474-2541 cond. $75. 219-865-1520 Throughout our life we will be called email (or letter) for to take numerous walks on the water with exploring Jesus’ call Tappan stove, 5 bur ner Rhino 24” mountain bike $45; bisquit & black, good cond. Magna 26” mountain bike, Jesus. Each walk will lead to an increase walk on the water w $75; Above stove convection $52. 708-333-7432 of our faith in Him. Samuel did, Peter did, passage of scripture microwave, black, exc. cond. the town people of Samaria did, many the Lord. There is no Baseball gloves and bats. $85; kitchen aid washer, others did, and so will we. Each of us will For questions and/ Rawlings, Easton, Wilson kids dryer, $100 both. 219-933be challenged to step out of our boat of email to acaison@s gloves or bats, $5 ea. Adults 6467 gloves, $25; bats, $10 ea. 708comfort and cross seemingly treacherous can write me at: A waters to know Jesus more. Community Churc Tool boxes, VCR, luggage, 333-7432 Stop Tuesday, electric sander, cable boxes, One of many walks of faith for me wasby any Dolton, IL 60419. pet food bowl, cd case. 708- Sauder computer desk with Wednesday & desk chair, medium oak color 889-0414 Thursday Glazbobetween umbrella, shelf, little cabinet can text Hose real carts, upright size Very large dark1:00p.m. strips $50 9:00a.m.& Schwinn Airdyne exercise picture, $50 firm for both. made by Ames or Suncast, white canvas very good cond. as low as $9 obo. Alien 5hp snowblower, bike in exc. cond. asking $185 708-263-7956 ea. 773-785-7247 electric start, $200. 708-560Ai or best offer. 708-214-8559 0780 u Dutch boy and Dutch girl, re kissing ceramic 22 inches. tall 8HP Troybilt Rototiller, runs un $50 pair, 25 in. Magnavox good, $85; Craftsman garage & tube TV with stand, $20. 708- door opener 2 remotes, $25. the TM E 754-0462 708-441-9493 M South Suburban Services 70 16100 Seton Drive

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

2015 NWI Comic-Con Guest Spotlight: Jessica Cwik

Becoming the Fantasy By Kevin Bradley Freshman year of high school, when she dressed up for her first cosplay experience at t he urging of a friend, Jessica Cw ik knew she had discovered her life’s passion. Playing Elk from the .hack anime series and game, she fell in love with cosplaying. “I think what really got me head over heels into cosplay was the ability to express your love of something by creating art of it and then engaging in a community of people who appreciated t hat a r t. It’s a rea l ly heartwarming experience to be recognized and complimented on your representation or interpretation of a character as popular or obscure as they might be.” Peer group validation brings satisfaction. Growing up in Chicago’s western suburbs, Jess first wanted to be a ballerina, and then a Pokeman Master. Neither of which panned out. She always harbored a fascination of fantasy characters, citing Batman, The X-Men, and Sailor Moon as her early favorite heroes. However, “I’ve always had a fondness of The Joker, Magneto, and Queen Beryl. At my core I’m a villain lover. They are so much more complex and layered. Why a villain is a villain is more interesting to me then why a hero is a hero.” In the world of fantasy, it’s okay to indulge your inner love of villainy. After graduating from Bradley University in Peoria with a degree in Graphic Design in 2011, Jess experienced a few career choices, eventua l ly la nding dow ntow n Chicago designing online content and graphics for an E-commerce website that sells craft supplies. She calls her job a perfect blend of her hobby and professional training. This harmony of hobby and employment brings Jess happiness. Last few Golden Opportunity books, So. Suburbs, IL. NW Indiana. Hundreds of discount coupons, food, sports, cleaners, mall discounts & more. Money for hospital charity. Call Carol. 708-917-6829 For sale: Battery powered chair, 3-wheel walker. Smallwheel chair, 4 leg cane. Power seat, bath chair. All like new. 708-891-4798 For sale: Maroon flowered comforter set, queen size, nearly new $30. 708-3339225 For sale: Sears woman 3 spd. bike $15. 708-333-9225 Fo r s a l e : Ho l i d a y i c e sculpture Noel Santa, with color changing effect, 2 feet high, Heritage Mint Ltd. edition. $5. 708-333-9225

Future goals include world traveling and engaging more in the Chicagoland cosplay charity community. “Both professionally and personally, I like to do what makes me feel happy. Cosplay makes me feel happy, and the people I’ve met through cosplay make me feel happy.” Lulu, from Final Fantasy X, has been both Jess’s favorite and most challenging cosplay character to date. “I fell in love with her when the game first came out and every year since then I told myself I was going to make that dress. A year ago I finally did it! I was really proud of the representation I was able to give.” Having done so has inspired Jess with the courage to take on more difficult projects in the future. A successful accomplishment will often lead to more successful accomplishments. When one hurdle is crossed, the fear of conquering the next one is lessened. Jess will be in cosplay attire and one of the cosplay contest judges at the NWI Comic-con coming to Schererville, Indiana on Saturday, February 21st from 10:00 A.M. until 6:00 P.M. She believes everybody should give cosplay a try. Jess hadn’t an inkling of her cosplay passion until she tried it. Others may still be in that boat of uncertainty. Everything we do was once new. Never stop exploring. Be sure to come out and visit Jess and the other VIP guests at the 2015 NWI Comic-Con on Saturday February 21, 2105 at the Halls of St. George located at 905 East Joliet Street, Schererville, IN 46375. For more information visit the official website at Also be sure to ‘like’ them on Facebook: facebook. com/nwicomiccon and ‘follow’ them on Twitter:

For sale: Weslo Pro Pursuit 5.9 heavy duty recumbent exercise bike, in excellent condition. $100 and beautiful crystal chandelier $60. Call Jan. 708-250-2631 For sale: Collectible Wheaties unopened cereal boxes in mint condition. Jordan, Payton, Superbowl $3 each $35 for entire collection. 708474-0359 For sale: Steel bedrails for full/queen with casters $35; folding 5 ft. table, $8, bent handle snow shovel, $18; 18” wear strip $6. 708-460-8308 For sale: Ladies hooded jacket, XL, nice $15; 15 young ladies sweaters, new/used, $4 each; 2015 muscle car calendar, $4. 708-460-8308 For sale: Full length mink coat, extra large dark brown with light tan trim. Great condition $240. Palos Hills area. 708-974-1674

FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning


God is with us ANNA M. CAISON Sometimes the only way we know God is with us is when we find ourselves walking in the shoes of those who’ve gone before us. W hen my daug hter (4 yea rs ago) announced she and the kids were moving to New York to be with her estranged husband, I was devastated. The harder I tried to dissuade her, the more determine she was to go. So with tears in my eyes, I kissed my grandchildren good-bye, and made my daughter promise me that if things didn’t turn out right, she’d call me, and her uncle and I would come and get them. That follow ing summer I spent a week vacationing with my daughter and grandchildren. While there, I got up early one morning and went outdoors to pray. As I sat in the backyard surrounded by towering trees, melodious sounds of blue jays and cardinals, and a lone squirrel jumping from one tree to another; I was reminded of a time long ago when my children were young. I had packed up and moved to Louisiana to be with my husba nd. My mot her had t r ied to dissuade me, but I too had been determined to go. My brother had made me promise that if things didn’t go right, For sale: White dome ceiling light $10; beautiful cut glass hanging lamp, fruit design $50; old Jenny Lin high chair $20. 708-889-6699 For sale: Child development college books, very reasonable. 708-889-6699 For sale: Dining room set w/ table, w/leaves, chairs and china cabinet. 708-370-9878 For sale: 6 ft. step ladder $10; child’s golf clubs, 2 bag $75; 30 children movies $75; water cooler $75. 708-753-0551

Fo r s a l e : O i l p a i n t i n g s collectable plates, birds of America Wood plate shelf. 708-474-3963

page 13

For sale: 10ft. wood ladders $10 ea.; 10 new tote bags $2 each; 10 rakes & shovels $5 ea. Round glass coffee table $75. 708-753-0051

For sale: Yamaha keyboard quadtrax tarantula. Batman lithograph swiss train, vintage beer trays, Jesus c l o c k , b i k e s, Po k e m o n , toaster, brass bed. Steins. 708-891-6138

Buy Comic Books for Sale Online Lowest Pr ices Anywhere Save 15% to 25% today Use code: new4 http:// w w w. n e w k a d i a . c o m / idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate. php?id=436

For sale: Western prints in oak frames/matte 22-1/4 x 28-1/2. The smoke signal Fredrick Remington, The Broken Rope C.M.R. $75 each. 2/$125. 708-877-6157

CANON ‘T70’ 35mm Camera with Automatic Exposure a n d ‘ 3 ’ L e n s e s, P l u s a Speedlite Flash, camera strap and bag. $125.00 224-2353021

For sale: Electric Typewriter Smith Corna electra model #120 with extra ink cartridge typewriter & cartridge $25. 708-877-6157

Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip darts, board and wooden cabinet Good Condition $15.00 224235-3021

For sale: LFour ATV Tires 22x11x8,2 ply, taken off a golf cart, very good condition. 708-841-7106

OPEN MODEL CALL We are looking for runway models, ages 10 and up, for our upcoming fashion show. Experience is recommended. Attire: White Shirt ~ Blue Jeans ~ Heels


Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure

Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL

call him and he’d come and get us. Just as God was w ith me and my children, I began to see Him with my daughter and her children. Two days after arriving in New York, she found a place to live. The schools my grandchildren at tend fa r exc e e d t he e duc at iona l oppor t u n it ies t hey had i n Ch icago. And they are being exposed to different cultures and peoples living together in community. My daughter is learning to trust God for herself, and to lean on Him in crisis instead of leaning on me. The Bible spea ks of a son, Isaac, who walked in his father’s (Abraham) footsteps and discovered that the same God who was with his father, is now with him. He had traveled to the same place, told the same lie, experienced God’s forgiveness, friendship, divine protection, guidance, and material blessings (Genesis 20:1-17; 26:1-11). Whose shoes have you found yourself walking in? Could it be that God is reaching out to you, to initiate friendship with you? For questions and/or comments, send an email to Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.

2.7.15 / 12 PM Auditions will be held at the South Holland Community Center 501 E. 170th St. / 708.331.2940

‘2’ Vintage “7-UP” The Uncola ‘Upside Down’ 16 ounce Glasses. Never Used. Excellent Condition. $15.00 Call 224-235-3021

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

Real Estate Specialists

Real Estate Questions & Answers

page 14

Community Glove Drive

CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: We recently put a bid on a home. Our Real estate agent told us that we had to sign a multiple offer form and that we should increase our offer if we have any chance of getting this home. We did not increase our offer and we did not get the home. I am still confused about this. Could you explain? Answer: It is normal practice for a Realtor to inform all buyers in writing, that this is a multiple offer situation. It notifies the buyers that they are up against other offers. This notice usually has a final date & time by which any buyer may change their offer and let the seller know their intentions. In other words, a buyer who really wants this home may increase their initial offer in hopes that this higher offer will be chosen by the seller. Keep in mind that sellers look at more than just the price. Financing terms, possession, etc, may also be important to them. Example: a seller may want to take a cash offer that is lower in price, rather than take a higher offer from a buyer who must obtain financing. The Realtor goes over with the seller, the positives and negatives of each offer.

The seller then chooses to accept or negotiate with one of these offers. A buyer does NOT have to change an offer just because of a multiple offer situation. They may let the seller know that the original offer stands. T hat bei ng sa id, ex per ience ha s shown us that in most cases, buyers will increase the initial offer for that home if the increase is still acceptable to their budget and loan qualification status. This increases the chances of their offer being accepted by the seller. Multiple offers are a big benefit to sellers for obvious reasons. Your Realtor felt that if you wanted this home, you needed to increase your offer. The Realtor was your consultant. The final decision was yours to make. E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Ill: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Il linois Coldwel l Ba n ker Resident ia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.


708-704-0593 BILL TRINIDAD

Realty Associates

Vintage ‘MARLBORO’ Mug Set. ‘4’ different black and red Cowboy and Horse Mugs. Never Used. Nice collectors item. $20.00 224-235-3021 For sale: Formal cherry wood dining room set with matching china cabinet, $1500 or best offer. Gold sofa and 2 gold living room chairs, $200 or best offer. Excellent condition. Call. 708-400-4160

At the sight of the recent snowfall, most children are filled with excitement. Armed with mittens and a sled, they eagerly head to Erfert Park, Oa k Ridge Prairie Park, or their local hill to go sledding. However, glistening snow does not elicit joy from everyone. In fact, most homeless individuals in our country fear winter since the season’s plummeting temperatures bring threats of frostbite and hypothermia. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, nearly 700 hundred homeless Americans die each year from hypothermia. Even more lose fingers, toes, and limbs from frostbite. T he needy who receive lu nch f rom Saint Joseph’s Soup Kitchen in Hammond, Indiana, know all too well about frostbite. Mo s t o f t h e s e i n d i v i d u a l s — l o c a t e d just minutes from our ow n tow ns—are fighting the cold each day because they are homeless. To provide warmth to these For sale: Showtime rotisserie, electric, like new only $65; mens hockey ice skates, size 12 EE $45. 219-374-0549

homeless children and adults, a community glove drive is being held from January 14th to February 4th. All are invited to drop off new or gently-used gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, or coats at collection bins stationed across Lansing and Munster. Lansing’s donation collection bins are located in the Lansing Clerks Office, Lansing Public Library, Julie A. Butler & Associates Tax Firm, Jansma Farmstand, Quik Scripts, Beggars Pizza, and Calumet Baker y. Meanwhile, Munster’s collection bin resides within the Avia Restaurant. Any donation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this campaign, feel free to e-mail me, Lansing resident Br itta ny, at communit y.g love. For questions regarding Saint Joseph’s Soup Kitchen, you may contact Susa n Her ma n n i n t he soup k itchen’s Administrator’s Office at (219) 932-0702.

For sale: Battery powered chair. 3-wheel walker. Smallwheel chair, 4 leg cane; power seat; bath chair, all like new. 708-891-4798

For sale: Playstation 2, Trivial Persuit game, never played $8 obo. 708-596-5359

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

Moving sale: Mini refrigerator, $60; padded 4 card table chairs, $100; 4 recline back lawn chairs, $100; white dining table 4850 inch, $75, all exc. cond. 708-566-1216

Moving sale: 36 inch TV old model, it works, $20; 42 inch ladder $5; push mower $40; plastic runners, $5; long water hose $5. 708-566-1216

Moving sale: Lighted Christmas tree, $45, with ornaments $55; black Laque table, exc. cond. $45. 708566-1216 For sale: 5 HP 2-stage snow blower $130.

Call us before 10am and you will have heat that afternoon from 40

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Et h a n A l l e n s o f a $ 1 2 5 ; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907 Vintage Madame Alexander dolls 12” in original box, wrist tag and stand. Degas Girl #1575, Pinikie #1350, $40 each. 708-481-6907 Over the toilet wall cabinet (maple) 2 doors, 3 shelves 28” x 24” $30; matching medicine cabinet $10. 708481-6907 Shark steamblaster europrox $30 obo; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner with tools. $25. 708-481-6907


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1440 E. 168TH & VAN DAM ROAD SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473 708-339-6444 A+ Rating

For sale: Glass coffee table w/2 end tables, $60.; Ford collectors series, hard covered - 9 volumes. 708877-1231

For sale: Delta Ban saw $200 or best offer; queen size bedroom set, 2 dressers, 2 night stands, & mattress. 708877-1231

40 Years of Service Preferred Dealer

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For sale: Childs booster chair with removable food tray $15; umbrella stroller $10. 708-877-6088

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Free: Entertainment/ Computer center, wood light doors, 60” x 41” D, 34” W. Carol. 708-487-9324

page 15




For sale: Gas dryer $150; Electric dryer $150, like new. 708-715-2348

For sale: hydraulic person lift from wheel chair to bed $300. 708-758-5923

Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning


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3/15/11 1:32 PM

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

A/C & Heating

Sure-Fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15; large chair covers $8; decorative toss pillows $1 ea. 708-4816907

Stiffel brass table lamps $25$40 each. 708-481-6907 Ethan Allen solid wood, maple kitchen chairs $25 each. 708-481-6907 American Girl collection from 1991 18” Kirsten in original box, new & hard cover book, papers and stand. $250. 708-481-6907 Anchor hocking 38 pc. set of dishes, white with gold trim $20; Pyrex bowls and bakeware $3-$5 each. 708481-6907

The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623

Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, clean & check $44.95. A/C, Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281

Down comforters size twinking $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5-$10. 708-481-6907

Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556

We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038


Funeral service for Elmer Ray Becktold will be held from Smits Funeral Home in Dyer, IN on Thursday, January 15, 2015 with Mr. Timothy G. Smits officiating. Mr. Becktold was born September 16, 1949 and died January 10, 2015. Brother of Jack Phillips, the late Charles Becktold and the late Elizabeth Becktold. Interment will be at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.




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Church Directory

$250 OFF New Dentures

Protestant Reformed Church 1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ......9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

obituaries Becktold



Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 2/28/15

3678 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL 60438

You Are Invited to

Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt

First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144

Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. ******* Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church

Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor

3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor

Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

New Hope Church A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. *******

Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******

page 16

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & c o m m e rc i a l p r o p e r t i e s. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295


Appliance Repair

Brass flour lamp $20; flour lamp 64” tall $30. 708-4816907

Funeral service for Craig H. Doorn will be held from Smits Funeral Home in Dyer, IN on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 with Rev. Gordon Broadbent officiating. Mr. Doorn was born September 26, 1959 and died January 10, 2015. He was the husband of Patricia Doorn, (nee Smith). Father of Wesley Craig Doorn and April Erin Doorn. Son of Herman and the late Joan Doorn. Brother of Glenda (Kurt) Specht, John (Lisa) Doorn, Mary (John) Kuhar, and Karl (Carli) Doorn. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.


Visitation for Johnny V. Holmes was held at Smits Funeral Home on Saturday, January 10, 2015. Mr. Homes was born May 21, 1934 and died January 3, 2015. He was the husband of Marla Holmes, (nee Deschand). Father of Virgil (Jennifer) Holmes and Valerie (Donald) Hartkoorn. Grandfather of 2. Brother of Margie Beard, Julie Elliot, Ray (Wynette) Holmes, Pat Pritchard, and Linda (Jack) Cheline. Preceded in death by his parents: Ivan and Anna Holmes, his daughter Vickie Sue, and brother Harold (Marilyn) Holmes. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery Chapel. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758

Directory South Holland...

A Community of Churches

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444

Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. ******* Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church

Peace Christian Reformed Church

833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor

166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. ******* Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******

Covenant United Church of Christ

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******

First Christian Reformed Church

163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life

Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church

315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor

Tues. Bible Class ..11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Cl..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ......8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....10:00 a.m. *******

Redeemer Lutheran Church

651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor

Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******

Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor


Mass of Christian Burial for Nicla Luebke (nee Carli) was held from St. Jude the Apostle Church on Saturday, January 10, 2015 with Rev. John J. Powers officiating. Mrs. Luebke was born September 7, 1931 and died January 7, 2015. She was the wife of Henry Luebke. Mother of Jan (Dirk) Swiderek, Mark (Pam) Luebke, the late Steven Luebke, and Karyn (Harry) Madorin. Grandmother of 5. Sister of Sonia Carli and the late Wanda Kostoff. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.

Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor

Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. *******

Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor

Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192



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Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should

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Be Part Of The Art Community

The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/

Call (708) 210-5718

LU 383

page 17

Home Improvement/ Repair

From The Publisher

A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, sump pump, drywall repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

Reality Shows

Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328

ARLO KALLEMEYN It looks like the farmers that publish their famous ‘Farmers Almanac’ were right on the money again this year. They predicted, “winter will be colder than normal, with the coldest periods in late December, t h r o u g h o u t J a n u a r y, a nd i n ea rly Febr ua r y. Snow fa l l w i l l be above nor ma l i n most of t he region, with the snowiest periods in mid-December, ea rly a nd mid-Ja nua r y, and early February.” With t he C h icago w i nter i n full swing, there is a lot of TV watching going on. A couple of my favorite shows are in the reality TV category. Some reality TV shows include stories about the Jersey Shore, Kim and the Kardashian sisters, and The Biggest Loser. Those don’t interest me too much, after all a show about losing weight w i l l just remind me of the exercise bike in my basement that has now been turned into a very

Meet Dr. Hector Cummings, Jr.

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Memorial Day Information - Visit The Shopper Online!


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Inside This Week

Discount Handyman Service. Heating, Furnace repair, Home-repair, Drywall, Electrical, Plumbing, Cleanouts, Painting. Also “Gutter Cleaning”. Licensed/Insured. 708-207-0644

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Miscellaneous Services

We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!


Dyer Town Hall 1 Town Square Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Kennan Liquors 37 Joliet Street


Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2636 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Miles Books 2817-2819 Jewett Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.

Moving? Need an estate sale? Call today for a free consultation. Professional Moving/Estate sales. The Ageless Treasure. 219-3847750

924 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL 708.333.0773

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Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave.

Is your kitchen backsplash looking tired and dated? New tile backsplashes installed for as low as $200. Floors, walls, repairs for all your tile needs. Call. 219-577-7703 Transportation Services: O n W h e e l s 4 Yo u Transportation. Before & After school drop-off and pickups from all local schools. So. Holland, Dolton, Calumet City, Lansing. Call. 708-9551514 or 708-932-6726

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Complete Interior, s c r a p w a l l p a p e r, r e d o cabinets. Complete interior paintings. Free Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038 Interior/Exterior painting and drywall repair. Will beat any estimate. 10+ years experience. Call or text Marco at 312-912-1100.

Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne an d all , h e re’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335

Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road Schererville Chamber Office 13 W. Joliet St. Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41

Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of snow melting in the spring.




functional coat rack. The T V shows about mining gold in A laska, c atch i ng c r a bs i n t he Bering Sea and rehabbing old houses are the shows that help me get through the winter. I’d much rather watch the Kiltcher family herding their cows from the ‘head of the bay’ than shovel my own driveway. I know from experience t hat shovel i ng snow is quite a ha za rd to your health. Slipping on the ice, throwing your back out and especially the strain on your heart. My advice is to do some reality TV w at c h i ng t h i s w i nt er. Gold Rush is on Friday n ig hts a nd ‘A laska t he Last Frontier’ is on Sunday evenings. You’ll enjoy it more than shoveling snow on your own ‘homestead’.

Reach Over 30,000 Shopper Readers 20 word classified ad in all zones Add a for 4 weeks. Only $25.

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J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 18

Collectibles crafts Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. We re p a i r k i t c h e n s , b a t h s , basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010

Snow Removal Residential snow removal. Complete service. Reasonable rates. Call Mark. All messages will be returned. 708-841-2328

H e l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s $3000.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! $3000.00 Driver Referral Bonus! Great Pay (New hires min. 800.00/ wk guarantee)! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. 1-888-335-1785

Manufacture home: 2-bdrm. Possible 3, family room, fireplace, C/A, stove/ refrigerator, washer/dryer. Walk-in shed. 631 Linda Ln. Lynwood. Alpine Village. $2,500. 708-833-8370

Help Wanted

Homes For Sale

Apartments For Rent

H e l p Wa n t e d : A g e n c y seeking. Experienced Home Care RN, LPN, CNA. Call. 708-895-9980 He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s : Immediate Linehaul Opening! Great Home-Time, Pay, Benefits! CDL-A w/ Hazmat, Twins. 1yr. Exp. Req. (EOE/AA) Old Dominion Freight Line. Call Brent Smith. 1-800-728-4029

Home for sale: Family home, 4 BR 2 Bath, large addition, patio, 1 car garage, new carpet move in ready, 708-250-5900 or 708-243-9779, $54,900, Park Forest Ho m e f o r s a l e : Fa m i l y H o m e : 4 1 6 W. J o l i e t , Schererville, IN. 3+bdrm., 1+bath. 1 acre. Partially finished basement. 3 car garage. $189,000. 219-6448180

Mobile Homes For Sale The Natural Alternative

What is Detoxification? ANNA CONIGLIO, ND Detox if ication is a n ongoing process for achieving and maintain health in the human body. After the Holidays, people go on va r ious t y pes of detox program; and one of t he goa ls of “detox” is to cleanse the organs of elimination, because ou r body is consta nt ly produci ng some wa ste i nside. Detox i f icat ion becomes necessar y when the body’s natural detox i f ic at ion s y stem s be c ome over w hel me d . Many times this is due to unhea lt hy lifest yle a nd living a stressful life. All healthy cells automatically detox if y t hemselves everyday. As we live in an env ironment of impure a ir, water, t he food we eat, our denta l f illings, v ac c i ne s, pre s c r ipt ion d r u g s , e t c . To x i n s a r e f o u n d j u s t a b ou t ever y where. One would be wise to use additional detoxification methods for the removal of waste and toxins to obtain optimal hea lt h i n ou r pol luted world. W hy “Detox if ication is important”? W hen t he body is unable to eliminate a n overload of tox ins, they bu i ld up in t he t issue, typically in fat cells. Detox ification is the process of cleansing the b o d y o f a c c u mu l a t e d tox ins. The pr ima r y organs of general detox ification and cleansing are the liver, the intestines and the kidneys. Detox i f ic at ion c a n be used as a benef icia l preventat ive tool to increase overall health, v ita l it y a nd resista nce to disease. This is why it is good to have to do a detox at least two times a year. The ideal times

would be after Holidays a nd Spr i ng t i me. Each p e r s o n d e t o x i f i c a t i on requirements are different, but the goal is to feel your best! What you should eat and drink. *Fresh fruit and vegetables. *Legumes, beans. *Nuts and seeds (raw and unsalted). *Chicken. *Fish. *Cold pressed olive oilcoconut oil. *Fruit and veggie juice. *Water. *Herbal Teas. Educat i ng ou rselves about detox i f icat ion ca n help minimize our accumulation of toxins. A Na t u r o p a t h m a y recommend a detox prog ra m for a speci f ic i l l ness or a s a genera l health aid. The length and complex it y depend on your health concerns, and toxic load. W herever you a re, si mply wa it i ng to stay healthy or if you’ve been suffering from a chronic condition, we offer many d if ferent nat u ra l detox pr og r a m, i nd i v idu a l l y created to your needs. If you are interested in a detox program, give us a call today! “Naturopathic We l l ne s s i s a pl a c e of Healing and Rejuvenation.” We a r e l o c a t e d i n Schererville, north of Post Office, 1000 Eagle Ridge Drive, Suite F, Schererville, IN Phone : 219.322-8726 or v isit us on line http:// w w w. a n n a c o n i g l i o n d . com/ http://w w w.healthprofs. com/ Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year 2015!

Manufacture home: 2-bdrm. C/A, fireplace, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer. Eat-in kitchen. Walk-in shed. 251 Todd Terrace, Lynwood. Alpine Village. 708-833-8370

Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Bur nham 2nd flr. apt ., 3-bdrms, walk-in closets, hrd floors, laundry room, large living room & large bdrms. Section 8 welcome. $900/mo. Appliances included. 708539-3162 Lansing 17710 Commercial 2-bdrm. 1-bath, 2nd flr. balcony, newly rehabbed, seniors welcome, $900/mo. Includes free heat gas, appls. private parking. +1-1/2 mo. sec. Call Larry. 312-405-0697






REX NEWELL is a professional speaker and appraiser with over 20 years experience. Rex is a noted speaker at libraries, historical societies, banks, YMCAs, church and senior citizen organizations, and has been a guest speaker on FOX TV. Feel free to call with confidence. FIREARMS ART WORK Curios · Relics Bronzes · Oil Paintings Old Shotguns Water Colors · Etchings Modern Weapons Statuary · Pottery · Fine WAR SOUVENIRS Sterling Helmets - Daggers · Medals COINS Wings · Pins - Badges All Silver & Gold Coins Swords - Knives Indian Head Pennies German Uniforms Bullion Pieces ART GLASS GLASSWARE Tiffany · Struben Depression · Fiesta Loetz · Durand Carnival · Fine Crystal FURNITURE Fine Pottery · Crocks Dining Room Sets Stoneware · Hummels Bedroom Sets JEWELRY Hall Trees · Floor Lamps Diamonds · Fine Costume Hoosier Cabinets Sterling · Gold Rings Bookcases · Curio Cabinets Hat Pins · Wrist Watches China Cabinets · Oriental Pocket Watches Rugs Fine Table Lamps


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Recommended Reading For Teens

Random Reads BRANDI SMITS The Universe versus Alex Woods By Gavin Extence A lex Wood s c a n pinpoint t he exact moment in his life that determined the course of his future. I mean, it’s a fairly obvious when that moment involves a meteor falling through the roof of you r bat h room a nd hits you in the head. For a while, Alex was known by everyone, particularly in his small British town. It’s not ever y day when someone is struck by a meteor and lives. In fact, it almost never happens. Lucky Alex. Sure, t here were some bonuses. Alex got to keep the meteor that plummeted into his house. Keepi ng a meteor a lso meant he got to chat with some prett y intel ligent astronomers and discover u n k now n t h i ngs about space. He also got to learn quite a bit about neurology f rom h is bra i n doctor. Un for t u nately w it h a l l the good things, there are usually a few bad things hidden away. First, Alex started hav ing seizures as a result of the injury. The seizures made it less likely for Alex to leave the house. Soon Alex would have seizures brought on by the anxiety of leaving the house. That meant that Alex was stuck inside with his psychic mom, helping her w it h her store a nd sitting in on her tarot card

readings. Eventually Alex managed to control his sei z u res a nd he wa s allowed to go to school. He w a s n’t t he mo s t popu la r k id i n school. One day i n pa r t icu la r, Alex was running from a group of bullies and hid in a shed. Little did he know that this incident would be another of those lifedeciding moments in time. While he hid, the bullies destroyed the shed, which b elon ge d to a c r a n k y A m e r i c a n n a m e d M r. Peterson. Alex’s mother demanded that Alex visit w it h Mr. Peterson a nd help him in any way he could. The two developed a n u n l i kely f r iendsh ip that originated through a shared love of books by Kurt Vonnegut. In fact, Alex created a book club which on ly read book s by Vonneg ut. A s t heir f r ie nd s h ip g r e w, A le x soon lea rned t he t r ut h about Mr. Peterson and was forced to realize that sometimes merely being alive can actually be worse than death. T he Universe versu s Alex Wood s i s a n emot iona l ly-cha rged coming of age story told t h roug h t he e yes of a h ig h l y i ntel l igent , yet na ïve boy. A lex f i nds his fat her-f ig ure in Mr. Pet er s on w ho t e ac he s h i m le s s on s he ne v er would have been able to understand which him. An extraordinary story.

TOYS Cars & Trucks Wind-Up Toys Pre-1960 Dolls · Banks Marbles · Slot Cars Robots Pedal Cars · Barbies GI Joes MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Fountain Pens · Postcards Clocks · Old Photos Political Items Guitars & Amps Slot Machines · Jukeboxes Beer Signs · Old Quilts Children’s Items Neon Clocks Old Tapestry Old Shaving Gear Advertising Items


CALL REX NEWELL 708-868-5428 219-513-0715 Apt. for rent: Dolton, Large, 1 b d r m . H e a t , w a t e r, refrigerator, stove and free parking included. $745/mo. $35 application free. 708491-9155

Calumet City, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, H / W f l o o r s, A/ C , updated kitchen, fenced yard, deck, finished bsmt. $1375/mo. + sec. 708-2677892

Calumet City 2-bdrm. Apartment. Located 1 block from Lansing. $750/mo. + security + credit check. No pets. Seniors welcome. For more info. 708-868-2590

House 291 Calhoun, Calumet City. 4-bdrm, 3 full baths, finished bsmt. C/A, 2 car garage, $1,500 mo. Call. Mrs. Ellison. If no answer, leave msg. 708-895-5583

Fo r re n t : Ap t . C h i c a g o Heights, 3 b d r m . Fu l l y carpeted, heat/water included. $800/mo. 708-2899052 or 219-746-8518 A p t . f o r re n t : D o l t o n , 3-bdrm. apt. has hardwood floors. Heat/Water included. 15214 S. Woodlawn. Call. 708-935-3540 Calumet City studio apartment: Full size kitchen and living room. Includes heat, water, cooking gas, $485 mo. Available now. 708895-7855 Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-8054676. Apt. for rent: 2 bdrm., 1 bath. Heat included, secur ity deposit, no pets, stove/ refrigerator. 4128 Wabash, Hammond. Please, call Chris. 219-670-1847

Homes For Rent Sauk Village, 3-bdrm. 2-car garage w/storage, all appliances, freshly painted, new carpet. laundry. tenant pays utilities, $1100/mo. + sec. Section 8 ok. Avail. now. 708-692-5510

Burnham, IL - 3, 2, and 1 Bedroom Mobile Homes for sale or rent. Lot rent is $400. Call 219-7428505 for more information. Seller financing is available with good job history. Extra nice 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath 2 story home in Whiting, IN. Garage, bsmt, and fenced yard. All appliances and washer/dryer included. $ 9 7 5 / m o. V i e w a t 1 3 3 4 Stanton, Whiting or online at Call Bogs Management 708895-1411

Rooms For Rent Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kitc privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708339-8068

Pets Pets for sale: Lhasa Apso male, beautiful smart puppy. 8 weeks old. APR registered papers, $475. Call Tammy. 708-891-1669

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 19

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here! SIDING & GUTTER ICAN


• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates

South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941 Wanted: Will pay cash for diabetic strips. We buy all brands. 708-304-1040

CASH FOR ANTIQUES NEON CLOCKS GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY SILVER DOLLARS ADVERTISING SIGNS MILITARY ITEMS SHOTGUNS 50’S MID C E N T U RY F U R N I T U R E ANYTHING UNUSUAL 219 765 6268 KINDNESS SPOKEN 50 YEARS EXP. Wa n t e d : 3 - w h e e l e r, 2 6 ’ Granny bike. 219-365-1316 wanted person to plow small Griffith driveway 317-3487895 wanted caregiver 24/7 live in details call 708-687-4776

The Leading Edge

Let Them Know You Care RENEE N. HALE, DSL Good leaders ca re for others. We may think it’s a “given” that those we lead know our good intentions and perceive that we care about them. And, we may also assume that they, as employees or d i rect repor ts, ca re for colleag ues a nd c ustomers a s wel l. No matter how strongly we believe that we are caring leaders or how well we t hink we communicate t hat idea—t he message cha nges i n sig n i f ica nt ways as it jou r neys f rom ou r i ntent ions to t he recipient s. It is t ra nsfor med t h roug h the perceptions of each person to t he poi nt t hat in some cases our com mu n icat ion may not seem to relay care at a l l. As George Berna rd Shaw obser ved, “T he si ng le biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Therefore, don’t take for granted that your good intentions are clear! One may send written, voice, or human cont ac t messages t hat a re conf using. Leaders need to assure t he clarit y and accuracy of messages that they send or are directly responsible for communicating through their colleagues, w it h i nt e nt ion s w e l larticulated. Double check a l l com mu n icat ion for cla r it y. A re you say ing what you really mean, or using words and phrases with multiple meanings that could be interpreted i n v a r iou s w ay s ? How

ma ny t i mes do you say, “That’s not what I meant!”? Remember that c o m m u n i c a t i o n i s n’t e f f e c t i v e u n le s s b ot h the sender and receiver u nd e r s t a nd t h e s a m e information. Ask for clarification. If you don’t understand what someone is writing, say i ng, or i mply i ng to you—t hen pol itely a sk for more input to clear things up. If you assume you k now what t he sender is communicating a nd you a re m ista ken, t hen your response will not be appropriate. T hat i s t he beg i n n i ng of communication brea kdow n wh ich may lead to difficulties. Remember that both the sender and receiver of com mu n icat ion a re responsible to assure that good com mu n icat ion has taken place. Refrain from placing blame—“… he never listens…” or, “… she doesn’t say what she really means…” Instead, in this New Year, let those a rou nd you k now you c a r e — u nque s t ion a bl y. Listen, read email, text, or interact personally more carefully so that you can send and/or receive more ca r i ng com mu n icat ion than ever before. D r. Re né e N. H a le i s le a d c on s u lt a nt a t We l l Spi r it C on s u lt i n g Group, Inc. located on the 84th f loor of the Willis To w e r, C h ic a g o. V i s it www.wellspiritconsulting. com today. © 2015 Renée N. Hale

caregiver wanted 24/7 details 708-687-4776 Wanted Houseplants Call Judy 708-539-1216 wanted 300 piece JIG SAW Puzzles for elderly lady Call Judy 708-539-1216 Wa n t e d : S e a m s t r e s s . Knowledge of men’s trousers, altering, lengths, and waists, zippers etc. Nothing heavy. South Holland area. 708-3396028

Wa n t e d : S o m e o n e t o purchase 24 clean gallon wine bottles, with caps, reasonable price, make an offer $1 each. Call Phil. 708686-6886 Wanted: Cubs fans! Need partners to split Cubs season tickets. Too many games for us to attend. Call Dan 708473-1627. 300 Large piece JIG SAW puzzles for elderly person call Judy 708-539-1216

Wanted: Readers Digest, National Geographic, Cycle World, Cycle Rider, cassette players, cassettes/pop/rock, good condition, reasonable. 708-420-0110

House plants Call Judy 708539-1216

Wa n t e d : S n o w b l o w e r s , lawnmowers, rototillers, power washers, old gas mini bikes, engines, parts, tools, any and all kind of garage stuff. 219-484-7376

Wanted: Old vibraphone D e a g a n I m p e r i o r. A t reasonable price; B-3 Organ and Leslie speakers. 219-8010955

Wanted: Old man will pay a few dollars for a used hearing aid. 219-365-7245

Speaking Of Seniors

Payment Not Credited WOODROW WILCOX On January 5, 2015, a couple came to my office for help. They were from DeMotte, Indiana. The woma n was ver y upset because she just got a letter that day that her Me d i c a r e s u pp le m e nt i n s u r a nc e p ol ic y w a s ca ncelled for nonpayment when she knew t hat she had pa id t he policy premium. I was busy with other c l i e nt s a l r e a d y. T h e couple could not wait for me to finish with the other clients. So, I copied the papers that the woman brought so that I could w or k on her pr oblem later. When I reviewed the papers, I saw the problem and phoned the client to ease her mind and let her know that I believed that I could solve her problem. I stayed past 5 p.m. to rev iew her papers a nd phone her. The next day, I made a three way call with the client and the insurance compa ny. I ex pla i ned precisely what I believed the insurance company h a d done b y m i s t a k e which caused the problem. Then, I fa xed and mailed documents to the insurance company to show them what error I believed their staff had made. Then, I coached our client on what to do to av oid t he pr oblem i n t he f ut u re. W hat wa s the problem? What was t he m ista ke t hat t he insura nce compa ny made? It was huma n error. W hen someone who i s w or k i ng i s r u s he d, or t ired, or dist racted, a mista ke ca n easi ly happen. In this case, our client sent one check to pay premiums for bot h her husba nd’s a nd her own Medicare supplement

i nsu ra nce pol ic y. She clea rly ma rked on t he check that the purpose wa s to pay for bot h policies and she wrote the policy numbers. The mista ke was that the company clerk credited her husba nd’s pol ic y for t he ent i re amount of the check and did not credit the wife’s policy for payment. To avoid this problem in the future, I asked our client to send two separate checks – one for each policy. Our client did nothing w rong. The insura nce company clerk made an innocent mistake. Still, the mistake shocked and upset our client. I worked as quickly as I could to fix the problem because I wa nted ou r cl ient to relax and know that the problem could be fixed. All the help that I gave to this client was FREE OF CH A RGE. The ow ners, managers, and staff of this insurance agency really do care about our senior citizen clients. We “go the extra mile” to protect them from financial harm when mistakes are made in the Medicare system. Does you r i nsu ra nce a genc y g ive t h i s h ig h standard of service to its senior citizen clients? If not, why not? Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill case worker at Senior Care I n su r a nc e S er v ic e s i n Merrillville, Indiana. He has helped clients of that i nsu ra nce agenc y save more t ha n one mi l lion d ol l a r s b y c or r e c t i n g bills that are caused by mistakes in the Medicare system. He even wrote t h e b o o k S O LV I N G MEDIC A R E PROBLEM $ (w w w.solv

Wanted: Collector buying military items from WWII American, German, Japanese, for my personal collection. 815-476-9640 Wanted: Readers Digest, National Geographic, Cycle Wo r l d , C y c l e R i d e r s , cassettes, classical Ronnie Milsap, Elvis Presly, Kenny Roger, Eagles, Billy Joel, Glenn Campbell, classic/ rock. Good condition. Reasonable. 708-418-3275 3/4 & 5/8 inch plywood pieces & treated 2 inch wood pieces, also 1-1/4 inch coiled roofing nails. 708-532-8337

Ford factor y jack & lug wrench & hold down assembly for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic. 708-532-8337

Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 Car for sale: 2005 Nissan. One owner. Best offer. Call leave message. 708-638-2122

Financial Advice Column

What Does 2015 Hold in Store for Investors? BOB KRYGSHELD If you’re an investor, you probably had a pretty good yea r in 2014. But what’s in store for 2015? It ’s e s s e n t i a l l y impossible to ma ke precise predictions about the performance of the financial markets — but it is possible to identify those economic conditions and market forces that may help shape the outcomes in the investment world for 2015. And by paying close attention to these conditions and forces, you can gain some valuable i nsig hts as to what investment moves might make sense for you. Here are a few of these moves to consider: • Consider adding stocks. With stock prices having climbed higher and higher for more than five years, you might be wondering if it’s time to scale back on you r ow ner sh ip of equ it ies. A f ter a l l, no “bull” market lasts forever. Still, some factors point to continued strength for stocks over the long term. First, we are seeing signs of improv ing economic g row t h; employ ment gains and low oil prices are giving consumers more confidence, leading to a boost in spending. Second, corporate ea rnings —a key driver of stock prices — were quite strong in the second half of 2014, a nd compa nies appea r poised to show more good results in 2015. And third, stocks — at least, largecompa ny stocks — a re still reasonably valued, a s me a su re d by t hei r price-to-earnings ratios (P/E). Given these factors, you might want to think a b out a dd i n g q u a l it y stocks to your holdings — assuming, of course, that these stocks can help meet you r needs for a balanced portfolio. And be aware that even the most favorable conditions can’t assure a continued run-up in stock prices. • Prepa re for r isi ng interest rates. For several yea rs, i nterest rates

have been at, or nea r, historical lows. Given the strengthening economy, and the decreased need for stimulus, the Federal Reser ve may well raise s hor t-t er m i nt er e s t rates i n 2015, perhaps as early as this summer. But long-term rates may start rising even before then, so you may want to take a close look at your bonds and other fixedrate investments. As you pr oba bl y k now, w hen interest rates rise, the value of existing bonds typically falls, because investors won’t pay full price for your bonds when t hey can get newly issued ones that pay higher rates. One way to combat the effects of rising rates is to build a “ladder” consisting of short-, intermediate- and long-term bonds. • L ook for i nvest ment oppor t u n it ie s a broad . A lt hough economic g row t h ha s been slow i n pa r t s of t he world, especially China, many cou nt r ies have now i n it iated pol icies to spur economic grow th. These actions can create oppor t u n it ies for international equity investments. The world of globa l investing can be complex, though, so before taking action, you may want to consult with a financial professional. There are no g ua ra ntees, but by fol low ing t he above suggestions, you may be able to take advantage of what looks to be a fairly favorable i nvest ment env i ron ment for 2015. W hile you should make most of your investment decisions based on longter m considerat ions, it’s a lways a good idea to be attuned to what’s happening in the world a rou nd you — a nd to respond appropriately. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St, Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.


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page 20


For sale: 1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ, auto, 4 cyl., 119,500 miles, hardtop, AC, new Michelin tires on Mag wheels. 708841-7106 For sale: 2001 Honda 4 door. Good condition, black. $1250 well kept. 708-913-7778






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For sale: 2002 Honda Civic, extremely reliable, sips gas, 4 door automatic, $50/wk. with good down payment. 877818-4726 or w w w.

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For sale: 1998 Volvo S70. Very good condition. 135 miles, leather seats and more $1995. 708-891-5177 or 708224-6852 Ken For sale: 1998 Ford Contour DSL, 4 door. Very clean, low mileage. 111,000 original miles. $1,595. 708-913-7778



January 14, 2015


Say I saw it in The Shopper



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For sale: 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix GT, Red, $4,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Ford Taurus SE, Black $4,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2005 Mazda Mazda 3i, Blue, $6,487. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

Awaken Sleeping Beauty at South Suburban College The Children’s Theatre Company of South Suburban College is producing a play geared for young audiences in January. Sleeping Beauty will run on Saturdays, January 10 and 17, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and Monday through Friday, January 12th through January 16th at 9:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Award-winning playwright Michele L. Vacca’s adaptation of the classic children’s tale of Sleeping Beauty, is an amusing version of the Perrault romance, with just the right balance of comedy and suspense. King Philip (Pat Nevins of Homewood) and Queen Eleanor (Sandra Wagner of Lansing), rulers of Pharoffland, grieve because they have no child. Overhearing this, the three good fairies, Rose Petal (Angela Martin of Midlothian), Moon Beam (Catherine Hundt of Thornton) and Twinkletoes (Jamel Williams of Chicago Heights) combine their powers and the following spring a little princess is born. The celebration is ruined by the dramatic arrival of Belladonna (Ashley Orendorff of Thornton), the evil fairy of Pharoff land. Bella is so angry at not being invited to the party, that she puts a terrible curse on baby Rosalind. The three good fairies have enough power to lighten the curse. Now the princess will only fall asleep for 100 years. The fairies place a magical rose hedge around the sleeping princess and vow to protect her. As the years pass, Princes arrive, hoping to rescue Rosalind (Laura Tiemes of South Holland). First on the scene is Prince Albert Egbert (Kevin Hathaway of Park Forest) who only wants material for his book of the most famous and unusual magic spells of the

Cast pictured Top Row, from left to right: Jamel Williams, Ashley Orendorff, Angela Martin, Catherine Hundt. Middle Row: Kevin Hathaway, Paul Braun, Laura Tiemens, Eric Pradelski. Seated: Pat Nevins, Sandra Wagner. _______________________________________

last century. The next attempt is made by Prince Orlando Leonardo Malvolio Smith (Eric Pradelski of South Holland), but he is more concerned with the hedge of thorns ruining

his brand new suit. When the 100 years are almost over, Prince Stephen of Stratford (Paul Braun of Lansing) arrives. Bella tries to interfere, but Twinkletoes suggests that Prince Stephen kiss Rosalind. He does so and she awakens, since he is the “right” prince. Belladonna disappears from Pharoffland and Princess Rosalind and Prince Stephen live happily ever after, just as you might expect. Rounding out the cast are Heather Young of Chicago as the Narrator and Paul Braun of Lansing as Count Frederick. The play is directed by Lansing resident and Kindig Performing Arts Center manager Ellie Shunko. Set design is by Dean Scalzitti of Hegewisch. Lighting design is by Jon Jenkins of Chicago. The costume designer is Joanna Tassin of Park Forest, with stage management by June Wagner of Lansing. Anne Begora of Hegwisch is designing the props for the production. Sleeping Beauty is suitable for young and old alike. Tickets are $5 each. Group rates are available. For more information or to reserve tickets, call the 24/7 box office voicemail line at (708) 210-5741. You may also reserve tickets by e-mail at Reservations for weekday performances are required as many shows are already sold out. South Suburban College is located at 15800 S. State Street in South Holland, Illinois, between Sibley Boulevard and 159th Street. The campus is convenient to Routes 94, 80, 57, and 294. Free, ample parking is available.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

For sale: 2009 Chr ysler Sebring Touring, Clearwater Blue Pearl Coat, $6,687. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

For sale: 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring, Black clear coat, $14,487. Call Bob. 855-9694000

For sale: 2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbo Turbo Int. Ultra Black, $17,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

For sale: 2001 BMW 3 Series 325i, Blue, $6,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

For sale: 2012 Honda Civic LX, Rallye Red, $15,187. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

For sale: 2009 Cadillac CTS DI AWD, Bl a c k C h e r r y, $18,687. Call Bob. 855-9694000

For sale: 2010 Ford Taurus SEL, Teal, $10,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000



page 21


Auto Parts


For sale: 1967 Ford Falcon Window Van, rare, automatic, straight 6, low miles. Excellent running condition. Was in the movie. Serious buyer wanted. $4,500. 708267-0723 or 708-636-4350

For sale: Meyers snow plow motor, rebuilt #MKW-4007 , 12 volt never used sluiter rebuilt $90. 708-474-6488

Slide-in camper for pickup truck. Stands and tie down straps included. All new marker and tail lights. $500 obo. 708-965-3896

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Garage Sale!



Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone or Indiana zone and additional $5 for both

Items for Sale, Directions or Rain Date (Only 12 words)

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addl’ $5

Set of 4 BFGoodrich truck Tires, Radial Long Trail T/A, 31x10.5R15LT good tread left, $150 OBO, 708-256-3011 Brand new in boxes left fender and right door, fits 1983 thru 1988 Ford Ranger and Bronco II. 708-841-7106 For sale: Michelin XW4 W. Wa l l P 2 1 5 / 7 0 R 1 5 , g o o d condition $40. 708-474-6488

Address ___________________________________________ Town __________________________ Date __________________ Time _______________ Phone ___________________ Paper: Both

Fo r s a l e : P 2 3 5 / 7 5 R 1 5 Uniroyal white wall, used tire. Good condition $40. 708-474-6488















DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!

For sale: Rachet load binder LeBus USA 3/8-1/2 chain 9,200 load, like new $20. 708474-6488

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: All new factory Liquidators. Mattresses $88; Futons, Daybeds $128; Bunkbeds, Dint. sets $178; Sofa, LV sets, Bedrooms sets $399; End of Year Blowout Specials, night-stands, dressers, and boxsprings. Free Layway EZcredit. www. factor ybeddingfurniture. com. 708-371-3737 For sale: 1985 Lund Pike, 25 HP motor, trailmaster, trailor, 16 boat and trailer, small $1000. 708-439-5323

Pro and feet leak

F o r s a l e : G o l d ’s g y m stationary bike assembled, brand new 1 pod compatible, $75 obo. 708-672-9479

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is available at the following locations:

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Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.

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170th Street

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Midwest Free Community Papers Cliff Viessman Inc. is accepting applications for Regional Tanker Drivers for the Cedar Rapids terminal. $500 Sign On Bonus. $50 K+ per year. Health, Dental, 401K. Profit Sharing. Quarterly safe driving bonus. CDL with tanker endorsement required. Two years experience required or driving school graduate with six months experience. Some weekend work required. Contact Bruce at 800-353-0344. Option 5. “A Driver Friendly Company” (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-871-9134 (MCN) MOTORCYCLES WANTED: 60’s and 70’s Motorcycles. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) AKC Red & Blonde Golden Retriever Puppies. MIni Goldens Too! $700 WI Licensed Breeder # 268712. Shell Lake, WI. 715-645-2231 www. (MCN) $25,000 REWARD for older FENDER, GIBSON, GRETSCH, MARTIN, MOSRITE, NATIONAL guitars. Paying from $500 to $25,000 or more. Please call Crawford White in Nashville, TN at 1-800-477-1233 or email NashvilleGuitars@ (MCN) TRAILER SALE! 76”x10’ Aluminum utility 4’ rampgate $1,699.00 (17 models in-stock); Dump trailers 10’ tandem axle $3,863.00 (12 models in-stock); 6’x12’x72” v-nose ramp door $2,750.00 (5 models in-stock); Skidloader trailers $3,681.00 (19 models in-stock). For Info & pricing: www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld. com 515-972-4554 Trailer REPAIRS & PARTS! (MCN) *CASH TODAY* We’ll Buy Any Car (Any Condition) + Free Same-Day Pick-up. Best Cash Offer Guaranteed! Call for FREE Quote: 1-888-654-4994 (MCN)

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This publication does not knowingly accept advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. (MCN)

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 22

C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Thursday, January 15

l Men’s Basketball League Griffith Family YMCA. Sign your team up for this 5 on 5 officiated basketball league, featuring games played with two 20 minute halves. Must be at least 18 years of age. Play is on Thursday nights beginning January 15th – February 19th. A tournament will finish off the season with single elimination. Cost is $400/team with up to 10 players on a roster. Registration begins December 1st –January 12th. Make your Thursday nights basketball night! For more information contact 219-7501082. l H&R Block Tax Talk Did you know that there are 46 changes to this year’s tax code? Many of the changes have to do with the Affordable Care Act. Come to the South Holland Public Library on Thursday, January 15th at 6:00 in the evening as David Whitaker, EA and Barb Nevins, EA of H&R Block will discuss some of the changes that will take place this tax season. There will be a short question and answer session after the presentation so come prepared with your tax questions. The South Holland Public Library is located at 16250 Wausau Avenue. For more information or to register call 708 331-5262.

Friday, January 16

l Knitting Class Dyer Parks & Recreation is having a Knitting Class for children and adults on Fridays from 5-6pm beginning Jan. 9th and running through Jan. 30th at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room A. Participants are required to bring 2 (size 8) knitting needles and 1-skein of knitting worsted yarn (no variegated or dark colors please). Items can be purchased at any craft store. Prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Rec. Dept. The fee is $20 for Dyer Residents (ages 17 & younger) $25 for Residents (ages 18 & older) $22 for Non-Residents (ages 17 & younger) $27 for Non-Residents (ages 18 & older). For more information, please call 219-865-2505.

Saturday, January 17

l Perky Penguin Picture Pal January 17th From 1:30pm To 2:15pm. Ages: 4 and older. Join us for a few stories, a game and then make your own penguin picture frame. Registration begins Monday, January 5 (space is limited). Calumet City Public Library, 660 South Manistee Avenue, Calumet City, IL 60409 l Free Yoga Class Learn how movement, stretching and strengthening can resolve discomfort with Yoga and Pain Management on Jan. 17 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. at Community Hospital Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required. Call 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other health-related programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit our website at

Monday, January 19

l Computer Class: Email Basics Monday, January 19 at 2 p.m. Participants will learn the basics of using email, sending and receiving mail, and using attachments. Cedar Lake Branch Library, 10010 W. 133rd Avenue. l Dyer Girls Softball Registration Online registration for the Dyer Girls 2015 softball season is now open. In-person registration will also be held Monday January 19th and Thursday January 29 at the Dyer Public Library from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Dyer Girls Softball is dedicated to providing a wholesome sports activity and fellowship for all girls ages 5 through 26. Our goal is to teach our girls to love the sport of softball and to instill ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty and family interaction. For more information go to

Tuesday, January 20

l Picture Bingo January 20th From 6:00pm To 6:45pm. Ages: 4 and 5. Winners choose their own prizes! Registration begins Monday, January 12 (space is limited). Calumet City Public Library, 660 South Manistee Avenue, Calumet City, IL 60409 l Stuffed Animal Sleepover The Hammond Public Library invites children ages 4 to 8 to bring their stuffed animal to the library on Tues., Jan. 20 at 5:30 p.m. to share stories, sing a lullaby, and make a nametag. The stuffed animals will spend the night, and on Wed., Jan. 21 at 4 p.m. the children will return to pick up their stuffed animals and see what the animals did at the library. Parents should bring a camera if they want to take a picture of their child with their stuffed animal and friends. Details are with Youth Services at the library, 564 State St.; (219) 931-5100, Ext. 336. l Vegetarian and Mediterranean Eating Join registered dietitian Eileen McCarthy at the South Holland Public Library and learn how you can join two very popular eating plans, vegetarian and Mediterranean, into one for a healthy and delicious dining experience! This very informative program will take place Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00 in the evening. The South Holland Public Library is located at 16250 Wausau Avenue. For more information or to register call 708 331-5262.

Wednesday, January 21

l Adult Mystery Book Discussion Murder and Mayhem adult book discussion will meet on January 21, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lansing Public Library. The book discussed will be “The Lincoln Lawyer” by Michael Connelly. Copies are available at the upstairs circulation desk. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l 15th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance The 15th Annual Daddy-Daughter Dance (for girls ages 12 & under & their dad/ special person) will be held on Saturday, February 21st from 6-8pm at Casa Maria Banquet Hall in Dyer. Tickets are only sold in advance at the Dyer Parks & Recreation office at Dyer Town Hall. Each daughter will receive one picture with their dad, refreshments and a Teddy Bear. The fee is $11 per person for Dyer Residents and $13 per person for NonResidents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. Casa Maria Banquet Hall at St. Maria Goretti Church in Dyer, IN. l Soup Dinner Thornton United Methodist Church will be hosting a Soup Dinner on January 21 from 5-7pm. Soup salad and dessert will be served. Located at 712 Chicago Road. For more information 877-5541. l Pilates Class Sign up now for Pilates. It takes place on Wednesdays from 7-7:55pm at the Plum Creek Center in Dyer beginning Jan. 14th and running through Feb. 18th. Participants should bring their own mat to class. Prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Rec. The fee for this class is $45 for Dyer Residents and $49 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. l Virtual Tourist Wednesday, January 21 at 7 p.m. Journey to the islands of Hawaii as we seek tropical relief from the cold of winter. Registration not required. The Dyer-Schererville Branch Library, 1001 Lincoln Highway (US 30).

Upcoming Events

l Travel Tips with David Rowe What should you know before you go? David Rowe from Comfort Travel will share with you timely information and suggestions on topics such as tipping etiquette, dealing with jet lag and how much to pack when traveling for an extended period of time. Come prepared with all of your travel questions Thursday, January 22nd at 7:00 in the evening. The

South Holland Public Library is located at 16250 Wausau Avenue. For more information or to register call 708 331-5262. l Classic Film Series Thursday, January 22 at 2 p.m. Enjoy a snack and view this classic World War II love story of lonely cafe owner Rick who meets up with his former love in Casablanca, featuring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Running time: 102 minutes. St. John branch of the Lake County Public Library, 9540 Wicker Avenue. l Teen Sweet Treats Teens may attend a Sweet Treats Program at the Hammond Public Library on Thurs., Jan. 22 at 4 p.m. Those in grades 7-12 will make easy and delicious treats. All supplies are included. The library is at 564 State St., Hammond, IN. For details, please ask at the second floor Information Desk or call the teen librarian at (219) 931-5100, ext. 351. l Computer Class: Pinterest Basics Friday, January 23 at 1 p.m. Learn about Pinterest, make your own account, and start pinning from this great site that helps keep and organize the things you find and love. Cedar Lake Branch Library, 10010 W. 133rd Avenue l Sibling Class Our Sibling Class prepares children ages 3 to 10 and their parents for the arrival of a new sibling. It will be held on Jan. 24 from 10:0011:00 a.m. at Community Hospital Fitness Pointe located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit our website at l Money for Property Damage? Do You Need Money To Pay For Damages To Your Home Or Business Property? *Fire, *Smoke *Windstorm or Hail *Vandalism *Theft *Roof Leaks *Toilet Overflows *Freezing of Plumbing, Heating or A.C., *Busted pipes *Weight of Ice, Snow or Sleet *Accidental Discharge or Overflow of Water or Steam *Water stains *Cracked Tiles *Sewer Backups *Collapse *Accidental Damages To: Carpets, Cabinets, Wallpaper, Siding, Raccoon Damage & Many Others. Come to a community meeting at 17060 South Park Avenue, South Holland, Illinois to find out how we can help you obtain this money Saturday, January 24th at 11:00 AM. Call or text 773-425-3003 or email debsmit5@msn. com to reserve a seat for you, your family members, and neighbors. l Kids Can 2 The Hammond Public Library’s Kids Can 2! Program is for ages 6-9. Tie up your tongue with wild tongue twisters when Kids Can 2 meets Mon., Jan. 26 at 4 p.m. Details are with Youth Services at the library, 564 State St. Hammond, IN; (219) 931-5100, Ext. 336. l Secret Agent Spy Club Tuesday, January 27 at 4:30 p.m. School age children (kindergarten to grade 5) will learn how to make invisible ink and enjoy other spy-related activities. St. John branch of the Lake County Public Library, 9540 Wicker Avenue l Health Insurance Marketplace Seminar Need help navigating the new Health Insurance Marketplace? Our certified navigators will discuss options and help set up an appointment to complete your application. Join us for a free seminar from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Jan. 27 at St. Mary Medical Center, 1500 S. Lake Park Rd., Hobart, Ind.; Jan. 28 at Community Hospital Fitness Pointe, 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind.; or Feb. 5 at St. Catherine Hospital, 4321 Fir St., East Chicago, Ind. These seminars are FREE, but registration is required. Call 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other health-related programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit our website at l Between The Lines Wednesday, January 28 at 7 p.m. and or

Thursday, January 29 at 10:15 a.m. Five women worked in a Phillips 66 gas station during World War II and now Sookie Poole and her mother, the formidable Lenore Simmons Krackenberry, may be forced to re-imagine who they are. Join int his discussion of The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg. Registration not required. The Dyer-Schererville Branch Library, 1001 Lincoln Highway (US 30). l After School Adventure January 29th, 4:00pm To 5:00pm. Ages: 5 and older. Winter stories, a game and craft for the school age child. Registration begins Tuesday, January 20. Calumet City Public Library, 660 South Manistee Avenue, Calumet City, IL 60409 l Homeschooling Program The Hammond Public Library, 564 State St., presents “Homeschooling and the Library” on Fri., Jan. 30 at 11 a.m. Learn how the library can help parents and their homeschoolers, and participate in a scavenger hunt. All ages are welcome, but much of the program is geared toward ages 6 – 13. Information is with Youth Services at (219) 931-5100, Ext. 336. l Valentine’s Day Craft Class Let your budding artist create a Valentine’s Day themed painting on an 8x10 wrapped canvas board during this class that takes place on Friday, February 6th from 5:30-6:15pm at the Dyer Town Hall Main Meeting Room. Children will enjoy working with paints, jewels, ribbon and stickers as they work on this special project. Don’t miss out on a chance to let your child’s imagination run wild! Great to frame too! The fee for this class is $10 for Dyer Residents and $11 for NonResidents. Prior registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. l Lansing Old Timers Youth Sports League Registration The 2015 Lansing Old Timers Youth Sports League registration will be held at Nathan Hale Elementary School located at 19055 S. Burnham Ave. Lansing, IL from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday, February 7th and 21st. Programs include: Lansing Girls Softball, Lansing Little League, Lansing Babe Ruth League, Lansing Volleyball.


l MOPS MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) is for all mothers of children ages infant to Kindergarten. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from September April, 9-11am. We enjoy good food, inspiring speakers, creative activities and just some time with other mothers who up to their eyeballs in diapers, potty training, Elmo and naptimes. Bring your little ones along as they attend their own fun program called Moppets. Hope to see you there. Peace Church 833 E. 168th St. South Holland l Community Empowerment and Engagement Learning Series Every 4th Tuesday of Each Month at 6:30pm. Free non-traditional courses for teens and adults about communication, entrepreneurship, finance, nutrition, marriage, relationships, wellness and community activism. Faith UMC is located at 15015 Grant St., Dolton, IL. For more information, call 708-841-3939 or visit l Purple and Goldtimers Monthly Breakfast Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at Tom’s Restaurant at 9am. Anyone who has retired from the T.F. North is invited to come and socialize with your former friends. For more information, call 708-868-3131. l T.O.P.S. Meeting TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) invites you to take a road trip to success! You are invited to a free meeting held on Wednesdays at 9:30am at Immanuel Bethel UCC, 14540 Lincoln Ave., Dolton, IL. Dues $5/month and chapter dues $28/year. For more information, call 773-383-6110 or 708-849-3386.

Say I saw it in The Shopper


January 14, 2015


page 23

Happy 7th Birthday Jada Lauren Clark January 13, 2015 From your loving Granny Francis

Submit announcements online at

On This Date - January 14 1690 Clarinet is invented, in Nüremberg, Germany

1784 Revolutionary War ends; Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris 1914 Henry Ford introduces assembly line, for T-Fords

1952 “Today Show” premieres with Dave Garroway & Jack Lescoulie on NBC-TV 1960 US Army promoted Elvis Presley to Sergeant

1972 “Sanford & Son” starring Redd Foxx premieres on NBC TV


Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.



ACROSS 1. Supporting workers 6. Military activities 9. Self-satisfaction 13. *Mike Ditka has his own brand of this smoke 14. One who is not Jewish, Yiddish 15. Done for dramatic affect? 16. Often done for one’s sins 17. Unagi 18. Garment enlarger 19. *The ___ ____ 21. *Winners of first two Super Bowls 23. AprËs-____ 24. Keep it up? 25. State V.I.P. 28. Starch used in Asian food 30. Extremely tiny 34. Top of Kilimanjaro, e.g. 36. Texting button 38. Result of too much pressure 40. Pharrell Williams’ 2014 album 41. Last European colony in China 43. Muslim honorific 44. Tax evader’s fear 46. *Something to play for 47. Track ____ 48. Confusion 50. Feudal laborer 52. Like humor or martini 53. Charades action 55. 401(k) alternative 57. *Super Bowl host state 61. Fracas 65. Precedes birth 66. Former measure of U.S. economy 68. Made cow noise

69. Mixtures 70. Earned at Wharton or Kellogg 71. “_____ it!” said the accused 72. *Hendricks and Ginn Jr. 73. Make a scene 74. Type of car DOWN 1. Wound, eventually 2. South American monkey 3. All excited 4. Vampire’s feature, pl. 5. One who ______ out at the site of a snake 6. Curved molding 7. “The Raven” writer 8. Airy spirit 9. Dropped or fell 10. Source of artist’s inspiration 11. ____-friendly 12. Understands 15. Alfresco meal 20. Unhealthy vapors 22. *Teams rely on this kicker sense 24. To the point 25. Lady of “Applause” 26. Poppy product 27. Opera composer Giuseppe _____ 29. *Cleats, helmet, pads 31. Pack like sardines 32. Was violently angry 33. Shade of yellow 35. *49 37. Copenhagen native 39. *Super Bowl halftime performer 42. Finno-_____ language 45. Malignant or benign ones 49. Bowling target 51. Drab and unattractive people 54. Molten rock 56. Before, in the olden days 57. Sir Mix-_-___ 58. Rapid series of short loud sounds 59. Footnote acronym 60. Menageries 61. A quarrel 62. *Not a Super Bowl party without it? 63. Bulgarian money 64. Place of forbidden fruit 67. *Where to watch

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

For sale: Office Furniture six desk and chairs, hutch, printer table, deluxe printer/ copier/fax all $900 or best offer. 708-703-1544

For sale: Assorted Quilts, bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; Duvet covers asst. sizes $3-$5 each. 708-481-6907

For sale: NEW Heavy Duty gas generator HDG9000ER on wheels, w/electric start, all manuals. Retails $3950.00. Must sacrifice $2195.00. 708891-0336 M-F 8-5 S E A LY P O S T U R E P E D I C QUEEN SET MATTRESS FOR $250.00 IN GOOD CONDITION 312-623-0330 For sale: Gas stove $100, Combo washer/dryer $100 (missing knob, needs water level adj) tall solid wood cabinet $50, ladders, bird cage, and lots of misc. items (cheap) Calumet City, IL, 7 0 8 - 9 5 3 - 1 9 4 3 , Ja n u a r y 17,18,24,25,31,

You can sell your items faster by posting it on our Facebook page and add photos. Scan code above or go to https://www.facebook. com/theshopper

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478

View this column online at

Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ

For sale: Power wheelchair. Excellent condition, new batteries. $500. 219-365-8212

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For sale: Power chair by Invacare. Pronto M41RB. 6-wheels, 2 power, 4 swivel. Runs good $425. 708-4748278

For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

page 24

For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107

Fo r s a l e : R e f r i g e r a t o r Kenmore by Sears. Top freezer with ice maker. 22 cu. ft. Good condition, white. $500. 708-895-9292

For sale: Chocolate brown sectional w/pillows; 6 piece w/chase; very good condition $350. 219-794-5961

For sale: Golden Opportunities 2015 Chicagoland, South Suburban Edition. Dining, entertainment, sports, retail local coupon book. 28th Anniversary since 1987. $25. 708-670-7071

• • • •

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Classified Advertising Network

SNAP ON GUY DREAMS OF WARMER WEATHER: So he can take his prize winning 1949 Oldsmobile out for a spin. Or rather, his wife Dorrie’s 49 Olds out for a spin. Tom Scartozzi of Crete, Il gifted wife Dorrie with the car for their 20th Wedding Anniversary and summers they show it in car shows all around the Region. Winters it sits in a heated garage under a cozy chamois blanket protected from the frosty and frigid elements. Tom is a longtime Snap on Tools distributor who travels from car shop to car shop filling orders and admits during the long cold winters of Chicago land his business is brisk as our cars tend to break down and require new parts. And, is an expert on restoring antique cars. For information call him at 312401-9109. ***

LANSING GIRLS SOFTBALL SIGNUP: The 2015 Lansing Girls Softball registration will be held at Nathan Hale Elementary School located at 19055 S. Burnham Avenue, Lansing, Il from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday February 7th, 2015, and Saturday Fe b r u a r y 2 1 s t . O t h e r L a n s i n g Old Timers programs that will be registering that day include the Lansing Little League, Lansing Babe Ruth League and Lansing Volleyball. For more information pleae visit ***

INDEPENDENT FREE PAPERS OF AMERICA TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/ Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061 VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 tabs +10 FREE, $99 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $32.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-4779659 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-615-4064

AIRLINE CAREERS. Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call AIM 866453-6204 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. DirecTV! Act Now- $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, Starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX FREE GENIE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket included with Select Packages. New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings LLC- An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Call 1-800-354-1203 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $32.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-6480096


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Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information.

Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

H O S P I TA L I T Y S U N D AY AT S T. C O L U M B A C H U R C H I N HEGEWISCH: Immediately after the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses at St. Columba, 134th and Avenue O in Chicago (Hegewisch) the hospitality committee invites all who attended back to the Gathering Room for coffee, pastries and fellowship. Pictured here surrounding Fr. Pastor Charles Watkins are Janet and Bill Rokita, Clara Gadzinski, Robert Burnett and seated, Ron Segvich. Fr. Watkins and Company have an open invitation to any and all who would like to join the church and participate in the many and varied activities. Call the Rectory for more information at 773-646-2660. ***

SUGAR IS SWEET AND CANDY IS DANDY: If you have not heard of the Albanese Confectionery Group, I am sure you soon will. The iconic candy factory and outlet is located on US 30 in Merrillville just west of the Star Plaza campus and has been creating and producing the wonderful Gummi Bear candy and other sweet treats for more than a decade. The Albanese family still lives in Crown Point and on any given day is behind the counter offering the delightful little bears in a rainbow of fruit flavors. If you would like to see how they are created, you can watch thru picture windows on the factory floor, making for a great field trip for students of all ages. *** ST. FLORIAN PARISH TO HOST 2ND POLISH DINNER ON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14TH, 2015: All the delicious Polish delicacies will be available at the 2nd Polish Dinner-Pierogi, Polish Sausage and Kraut, Mashed Potatoes, Polish Rye Bread and dessert. Coffee, water and pop included. We may BYOB if we desire a little libation with our Polish food. Tickets available via Holy Name members. Price is $10 adults, $5 children 12 and under. The Society is requesting a donation of baked goods for their dessert table. If possible please bring the sweets between Noon and 4 p.m. that day, Valentine’s Day! Dinner is from 5 to 7 p.m. Thanks to Vince Maccagnano, President of the St. Florian Holy Name Society. Email him at ***

WEDDING BELLS RING OUT FOR ANNA MCCAFFERTY AND JAMES PATTON: The couple were married on November 22nd 2014 at Our Lady of Loretto Church in Hometown, Il with a reception at Silver Lakes Country Club in Orland Park. The groom is the Assistant to Calumet City Mayor Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush. The bride is a nurse at Hope Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn. Parents of the bride are Maureen and Daniel McCafferty. Parents of the Groom are James and Rosemarie Patton and Kathleen and David Porreca. The Bride’s attendants included: Ali McCafferty, Corinne Hoffman, Caitlin Valente, Melissa Sweatt and Samantha Wells. Groomsmen included: Kyle LaPorta, Ian McCafferty, Andrew Bernier, Ryan Byrne, John Patton, Joe Patton and Brian McNicholas. Following a 10day wedding trip to Greneda, the couple make their home in Calumet City. Congratulations and Blessings to newlyweds Anna and James Patton! *** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.mintonkutz@

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 14, 2015

page 25


GM LoyaLty Month


Don’t Pay SuPPLier Price. aLL VehicLeS BeLow SuPPLier!







2015 BUICK

MSRP ...............................$24,605

2015 BUICK

2015 BUICK

2.0 Liter Turbo! Bluetooth streaming, 18” wheels, Discount.............................. $2,011 Full Power, Heated GM Loyalty ............................. $500 Seats, Beautiful!

Radio and more!

21,649/$199 mo.






MSRP .....................................$24,998 Discount...................................$1,591 Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Rebate.........................................$250 Radio and more! GM Loyalty ..................................$500

28,899/$269 mo.





MSRP ................................ $31,910

Wheels, Keyless,

Discount...................................$1,606 Remote Start, Rebate.........................................$250 Touch Screen GM Loyalty ..................................$500



2015 BUICK

22,649/$219 mo.



2015 BUICK

MSRP ..............................$36,650 Discount............................$2,151 Wheels, Keyless, Rebate..................................$500 Touch Screen Radio and more! GM Loyalty ........................$1,000 $


MSRP ....................................$44,375 Discount..................................$3,026 Rebate........................................$750 GM Loyalty ..............................$1,000

32,999/$289 mo.

3 Rows, Leather, Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio and more!

39,599/$379 mo.



#TI6682 90 SIERRAS In STocK!

2015 GMC


2015 GMC

MSRP .....................................$27,485

Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Rebate.........................................$250 Radio and more! Discount...................................$2,006 GM Loyalty ...............................$1,000


2015 GMC

MSRP ...............................$34,900 3 Rows, Keyless, Discount.............................$1,901 Wheels, Touch Rebate...................................$750 Screen Radio GM Loyalty .........................$1,000 and more! $


MSRP ...............................$32,570

4x4, SLE, Full Power, Touch Discount.............................$2,072 Radio, Wheels, and more! GM Loyalty ............................$500 $

31,249/$269 mo.

24,229/$199 mo.



29,998/$298 mo.

2015 GMC


2015 GMC

MSRP ...............................$47,165 Discount.............................$4,296 Z-71, Wheels, Rebate...................................$750 Touch Radio, Package Bonus......................$750 Well Equiped! Bonus Cash ........................$1,000 GM Loyalty .........................$1,000


MSRP .....................................$43,625 Discount...................................$4,127 Rebate.........................................$750 Package Bonus............................$750 Bonus Cash ..............................$1,000 GM Loyalty ...............................$1,000 $ $

39,369/$369 mo.

Z-71, Wheels, Touch Radio, Well Equiped!

35,998/ 329 mo.


2-Year/24,000 Miles

Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals maintenance included!!

‘06 Chrysler Pt. Cruiser

‘11 Chevy Malibu LTZ

‘12 GMC Terrain SLT

‘13 GMC Terrain SLE-2

‘11 Chevrolet Silverado Crew

Auto, Touring, A/C, Power, 50,000 miles! #B2033A..............................................$6,899/$97 Mo.

Wheels, Sunroof, Leather, Loaded, 17,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #B2131A....................$15,899/$239 Mo.

Leather, Wheels, Roof, 1 Owner, 50K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #TI6328A............................ $18,599

Wheels, Keyless, Roof Rack, Conversion Pkg, 20K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #TI6381A............. $21,899

4x4, Hard Lid Tubes, Chrome Wheels, Many Extras, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16312A.................................... $29,998

‘07 Chevy Impala LT Wheels, Leather, Like New, 80K #T16223A ........................................$7,998 /$109 Mo.

‘12 Buick Regal CXL

‘12 GMC Terrain SLE-2

‘13 GMC Terrain SLE

‘14 Chevy Silverado LT Crew

Leather, Wheels, 1-Owner, CERTIFIED! #B2222A.........................................$15,899/ 239 Mo.

Roof Rack, Wheels, Conversion Pkg, Keyless, 36,000 miles, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #TI6467A.. $19,499

4 Full Doors, Z-71, Wheels, Loaded Up, 20k, SAVE! CERTIFIED! #TI6529A..................................... $30,899

‘07 Buick Terraza CXL

‘11 Chevy Equinox LT

‘11 GMC Acadia

Keyless, Wheels, 1 Owner, 20K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #TI6520A................................ $21,899

Keyless, Wheels, 1 Owner, Only 20K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #B2127A.................$16,599/$249 Mo.

3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, 50K, CERTIFIED! #T1625BA....................................................... 19,899

3 Rows, Leather, 1 Owner/Heated Seats, 60K, CERTIFIED #T16545A ................................... $21,999

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‘10 Chevy Traverse LT

‘12 Buick Lacrosse Premium II

‘13 GMC Sierra Crew Cab

Wheels, Full Power, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 50K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #TI6352A................$13,899/$199 Mo.

3rd Row, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 50K, CERTIFIED! #TI6542A ........................................$16,599/$249 Mo.

Fully Loaded, Wheels, Navigator, Roof, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #B2049A.............. $19,899

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‘12 Chevrolet Impala LTZ

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1 XXX, “SS” Badges, X-Clean, 60K

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1 Owner, X-Clean, Leather, Wheels, 20K

#T16324A .......................................$14,899/$216 Mo. ‘12 Buick Verano

‘12 Buick Lacrosse CXL

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1 Owner, Wheels, Keyless, 11,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available.............$14,899/$216 Mo.

Leather, Wheels, Loaded, 40K, CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #B2053A.....................$16,899/$20 Mo.

3 Rows, Keyless, Wheels, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! #TI6653A ........................................................ $20,899

‘12 GMC Sierra Reg.

‘10 Buick Lacrosse CXL

4.8, Wheels, Power, 1 Owner, 60K, CERTIFIED! #TI6524A ........................................$14,899/$216 Mo.

Leather, Wheels, Heated Seats, 20,000 Miles! CERTIFIED! 1.9% Available #B1995A...................$16,999/$255 Mo.

Rare, Leather, Wheels, 1 Owner, 50,000 Miles! #B2130A.........................................$10,899/$159 Mo.



#B2015A......................................................... $19,999

‘11 GMC Acadia SLT

‘13 GMC Acadia SLE, 3rd Row, Wheels, Keyless, New Body Style! CERTIFIED! #T16247A................................ $22,998 ‘14 Chevrolet Traverse LT

‘14 Chevrolet Silverado LT Reg Cab, Many Options, Full Power, 4x4, 1,000 Miles!, CERTIFIED! #T16482A.................................... $31,998 Z-71 Full, 4 doors, 1 owner, Wheels, SLE, Keyless 18K ‘12 Dodge Durango Citadel Ed. Fully Loaded! Navigation, Wheels, Leather, #TI6330A ........................................................ $32,899 ‘13 Buick Enclave AWD

Wheels, 2nd Row Captains Chairs, Wow! 16,000 Miles!, CERTIFIED! #T16398A.........................................$28,998

Fully Loaded, PREMIUM, 2d Wheels, NAV, 30K, CERTIFIED! #TI6541A..................................... $33,899

‘11 GMC Sierra Ext

‘12 GMC Sierra Crew

‘14 GMC Sierra SLE Crew

5.3, Full Power, SLE, 1 Owner, 11,000 Miles! CERTIFIED! #TI6565A..................................... $20,899

4x4, Z-71, 1 Owner, Wheels, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16095A ....................................................... $28,998

Z-71, Full 4 Doors, Tubes, Loaded Up, 15,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #B1976A...................................... $34,899

Payments 2,000 due plus taxes, with approved credit. * 00-04 60 months @ 6.9% * 05-12 75 months @ 6.9. New car payments 39 month/10K mile per year lease 2500 Ave plus 1st/sec + taxes. 0% in lieu of most Rebate. *Disclosure 1.9% 36 monthsWAC

2440 45th St. highlAND, iN 219-865-4400 ill: 773-221-8124



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