The Shopper 1/25/17

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#1 Source For FREE Community Info.

Internet Edition

Inside This Week Painting Services: From small paint jobs to major paint jobs. Patching & drywall repairs. Reasonable rates. Ask for Carlos. 708-207-0644 - Visit The Shopper Online!

Wednesday • January 25 • 2017

ELECT APRIL 4th From The Publisher

Here Comes the Sun ARLO KALLEMEYN


YOUR voice in Lansing’s government! From left to right Jerry Zeldenrust, Patty Eidam, Brian Hardy, Megan Roe, Michael Manno


• Emphasize police patrols in our neighborhoods. • Develop neighborhood watch groups in all neighborhoods. • Create Human Relations Commission to engage all resident demographics - work with community churches and pastors to strengthen community ties. Economic Development

• Create a real-time data base of available properties for developers to access. • Restart the economic development committee, and recruit business leaders for appointment. • Create a marketing plan for key sections of Lansing - Ridge Road, Torrence Avenue, Landings Shopping Center. Also

• Build a new Santa House in time for Christmas, 2017. • Keep the ambulance service for village residents based in our Fire Department. • Increase training and skills in the Public Works Department to reduce the amount of sub-contract work. • Update and upgrade the village website and related technology.



VILLAGE VOICE PARTY invites you to a Family Night Out!

JAN 27, 2017 6:00-10:00 PM


Wear your favorite team’s championship gear! Tickets $20, kids under 12 free (includes dinner, beer, wine & soda) Activities and games for kids and adults


Paid for by Village Voice Party. A copy of our report is or will be on file with the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.


Tickets bought in advance qualify for free jersey giveaway

Lansing Village Voice Party


Ad paid for by Village Voice Party. A copy of our report is or will be on file with the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL

For a l l you d ie-ha rd Chicagola nd w inter sur v ivors, I have some go o d ne w s. T he d ay s are getting longer! OK, not by much, but what w it h t he d isma l Bea rs season, we have to get our jollies where we can. Let’s a ll celebrate t hat the shortest day of the year in Chicagoland was way back on December 21. December 21 is the day has been celebrated by people a l l over t he Nor t her n Hem i sphere t h roug hout h istor y a s W i nter Solst ice. T he earth is now tilting back towards the source of all light, heat and sun tans. Since the days are getting longer a nd t he n ig ht s shorter, this day marks the victory of Sun over the darkness. I’m sure one of our talented pastors could even expound on that in a sermon!

For those of you who a re like me, a nd enjoy watching the days getting longer - I’ve found a good sunset website - http:// It helps make winter more tolerable. You can check out that sunset on January 1st was 4:30 pm. Any now get ready for some big fun – the sun will set on January 28 at 5:00! That is a whole 30 m i nutes of ex t ra sunshine ! But wait it gets better – On February 21, the sun will set at 5:30 – a gift of a whole extra hour of light. Of course, most of us will use it to commute home after work, but at least we will be able to enjoy the scenery. Enjoy the extra sunshine – compliments of our blue planet doing the tilt. Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of our amazing planet.

HR Essentials For Small Businesses The South Suburban College Business & Career Institute (BCI) presents a Breakfast with BCI Workshop titled HR Essentials for Small Businesses, on Thursday, February 16, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., with check-in and continental breakfast to begin at 8:45 a.m. This workshop will be held in the South Suburban College Main Campus in the MB Financial Suite on the 1st f loor, and will be facilitated by Attorney Sonia D. Coleman and Alexandra Glumac, SSC Client Solutions Specialist. A functioning and effective Human Resources department is critical to business success. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to ensuring best HR practices. Whether you’re a recently appointed HR manager, are new to HR or have a non-HR job with HR responsibilities, this workshop is worth the investment. In this half-day session, participants will: • Receive updates and gain understanding on issues related to EEO, ADA and FMLA. • Obtain critical guidance on how to create effective policies and procedures. • L e a r n e s s ent i a l c omponent s of h a ndbook s, job descriptions and employee evaluation systems. The cost of the workshop with continental breakfast is $45 per person or $40 per person if 3 or more from the same company attend. Reservations are required by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14. To register, please call (708) 5962000, ext. 3254 or email South Suburban College is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, IL.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, furnaces installed from $1495.00 R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219616-3281

Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556

January 25, 2017 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623

Caregivers Registered Nurse looking to care for geriatric patients at their home. Light cleaning, cooking, companion, medication, etc. Sabina, Merrillville, speaks Polish. 219-308-6904

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192


Righteousness lifts up a nation, but sin is a disgrace in any society



South Suburban College Seeks Star Awards Nominations SSC will be holding its 9th Annual C h i c a g o W o m e n ’s C o n f e r e n c e on Fr iday, Ma rch 17. This w i l l be our second year of presenting t he STAR AWARDS and we are seeking n o m i n a t i o n s . T h e S t a r Aw a r d s r e c o g n i z e t he a c c om pl i s h me nt s of fabulous women and encourage other women to also be STARS. The application deadline is on or before Friday, February 10. There are two different categories: The f irst is a ver y specia l STA R award that will be presented to an outstanding South Suburban College (Thornton Junior College) alumna. This award recognizes the achievements of a South Suburban College female graduate (whether from the past or recent) for her achievements in her profession/career, volunteerism or

2016 Star Award recipient Joan Dorman with SSC’s Nancy Burrows ____________________________

other outstanding life achievement. Through recognition of her accomplishments, we hope to motivate current and f uture women to a lso graduate and achieve! Last year the winner of this award was Joan Dorman, R.N., M.S. The second award w ill recognize

w omen w ho h av e demon s t r at e d outstanding leadership in business, community and/or education. These women a re leaders i n promot i ng and supporting health and wellness or persona l a nd professiona l development. In the nominator’s eyes, the “STAR” is a role model because she is achieving her goals and through her inspiring actions has profoundly motivated others to do the same. We ne e d you r nom i nat ion s on o r b e f o r e F r i d a y, F e b r u a r y 10 . T he l i n k for t he for m i s ht t p :// t star-awards/. Feel free to share the link and deadline with others. Please submit your nomination through the website. If you have any questions, contact Nancy Burrows at nburrows@

Day Care


Daycare: ANNIE’S DAYCARE. Newborn-12yrs. Before/After school care. Days & Evenings Available. Free school transportation. Illinois Action for Children accepted. 708-288-8071

We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038


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The oil you use matters! Unlike others, Grease Monkey only uses oil brands you know & trust. 720 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-4



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The Shopper

An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US % (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $25 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017

Financial Advice Column

Try to Overcome “Roadblocks” to a Comfortable Retirement BOB KRYGSHELD start withdrawing money f r om you r ret i rement accounts. It’s essentia l that you don’t withdraw too much each yea r – obviously, you don’t want to run the risk of outliving your resources. Establish a n a n nua l w it hd rawa l rate t hat’s appropr iate for your situat ion, incorporating variables such a s you r age, t he value of your retirement accounts, your estimated lifest yle expenses, a nd so on. Calculating such a withdrawal rate can be challenging, so you may want to consult w ith a professiona l f i na nc ia l advisor. • Taking Social Security at the wrong time – You can start as early as age 62, but your checks will be bigger if you wait until your full ret i rement age, wh ich will probably be 66 or 67, or when your payments “max out” at 70. You might not be able to afford to wait until then, but by postponing the date you begin taking withdrawals, you could help yourself considerably. • Ig nor i ng i n f lat ion – Yo u ’ l l w a n t y o u r por t fol io to i nclude some investments w ith the potential to outpace i n f lat ion, even du r i ng you r ret irement yea rs. By being aware of these roadblocks, and ta k ing steps to overcome them, you c a n help smoot h you r jou r ney towa rd retirement – and once you get there, you may enjoy it more.

In your life, you w ill wa nt to ta ke ma ny journeys to destinations. Others involve personal growth – like becoming f luent i n t hat foreig n language. But of all the de s t i n at ion s y ou c a n identif y, few w ill be as important as comfortable ret i rement. A nd t hat’s why it’s so important to consider the “roadblocks” y ou m i g ht e nc ou nt e r on you r road to t he retirement lifestyle you’ve envisioned. Here are five of the most common obstacles: • Insufficient investments – A great many people regret that they saved and invested too little for their retirement. Don’t make that mistake. Contribute a s mu c h a s y ou c a n afford to your employers p on s or e d r et i r ement plan, and increase your contributions whenever y ou r s a l a r y g o e s u p. You may also be eligible to f u nd a n IR A, so ta ke adva ntage of t hat oppor t u n it y, too. A nd always look for ways to cut expenses and direct this “found” money towa rd your retirement. • Underestimating your longev it y – Accord i ng to t he Socia l Secu r it y Ad m i n ist rat ion, men reach i ng age 65 today ca n ex pect to l ive, on average, until age 84.3, while women turning age 65 today can anticipate living, on average, until age 86.6. That’s a lot of years – and you’ll need to plan for them when you create long-term saving, investing and spending strategies. • Not e s t a b l i s h i n g a suitable withdrawal rate – Once you are retired, you w ill likely need to

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones F in an c i al A dv i s or, B ob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 6722892.

Garage Doors

Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758

M&R Garage Doors and Openers. Will repair, install and replace garage doors and openers. No job too big or small. 219-314-8823

Turning 65 or Older?

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Discount Home Improvement And Handyman Ser vices. D r y w a l l , c a r p e n t r y, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. $50 off a $500 p u rc h a s e. Ac c e p t i n g credit cards. Call 708207-0644


Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, dryer vent cleaning, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, power washing. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708841-2328


Quality Home Improvements. No job too small. Baths, kitchens. Drywall Repair or Install. Carpentr y Flooring Wood Laminate Ceramic etc. Insured & Bonded. Call. 708-4391258 Free estimates.

Miscellaneous Services Canvas Sewing Repairs. Done reasonable. 708-4397316

Custom Pickup/Delivery Svc: Small moves (furniture, appliances); classified ad items; thrift store; auction; Any day/evening. 8a-9p. Short notice OK. 219-4339457

Painting Painting Services: From small paint jobs to major paint jobs. Patching & drywall repairs. Reasonable rates. Ask for Carlos. 708207-0644

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335


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Park Place of St. John is now open, and our retirement living residents are moving in. (They’re leaving behind their shovels, ladders, and lawnmowers.) This kind of future is open to you, too — while apartments are available:

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017


Leading with Peace


Real Estate Specialists

Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: How long does the home buying process take?

Christ Our Savior School commemorated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a special prayer service on Friday, January 13. The theme was “Leading with Peace.” During the service a student from each class was honored with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. award. This surprise recognition wa s bestowed upon st udent s who exemplified the qualities and characteristics that Dr. King possessed. He was a leader, peacema ker, helper a nd d rea mer. He displayed compassion and care for others.

Award recipients were: K indergarten – Stephaine Okuwobi; Grade 1 – London Atkins; Grade 2 – Onyinyechi Ikenyi; Grade 3 – Minaiya Hubbard; Grade 4 – Kelsey Terry; Grade 5 – Da’Evian Hawkins; Grade 6 – Bria Moseley; Grade 7 – Joseph Smith and Grade 8 – Ariana Whyte. Congratulations to all of our winners…they are most deserving. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t C h r i s t O u r S av ior v i s it w w w. or Christ Our Savior Catholic School on Facebook.

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500

Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693

Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335


B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. All roofing, gutters, soffitt, fascia repairs. Senior discounts. Call John. 708740-0010

Snow Removal R o b’s S n ow R e m ov a l . Snowplowing, Snowblowing, Shoveling. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 25 years experience. 708-877-6860

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Teacher. Must have 2 yrs. college including 6 credit hours of Early Childhood Development. Calumet City. 708-862-1884 Help Wanted: Exp. Plumber for Witvoet Plumbing Inc. Located in So. Holland. Please call or send resume to 16030 Cottage Grove, So. Holland, IL. 60473. 708-3317335

Answer: A common point of confusion for people when they are purchasing a home is how long the home buying process will take. Some think that it all comes together immediately, while others assume that it will take months before they move into their dream home. The truth is that there are a couple of different components which can either expedite the process or prolong it. First and foremost, when you begin to look for a home, you should be prepared to allot however much time you will need to find it. The amount of time it takes to find your chosen home can vary for many reasons. If the inventory is low, it may take you a little more time to find the house that’s just right. Finding a house with any unique features that you want may also take you a little while longer. Your motivation and personal timeline will also impact how quickly the shopping process can take. On average, though, I would say buyers in my market look at 15-30 homes before ratifying a contract. Once your contact has been accepted, your lender takes the ball. The Lender work starts with getting the property appra ised a nd a l l of you r f i na ncia l docu mentat ion i n order for a n

Help Wanted: Drivers-CO & O/Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Driver Newer Equipment! 855-5822265

underwriter to review. Although you were give a prequalification by the lender, the underwriter ultimately decides if you are credit worthy. A 30- to 45-day window from contract to close is a good ballpark for most purchase loans in Indiana. Could be as long as 60-75 days if you are buying in Illinois. Illinois takes longer because….. well it’s Illinois. But, understa nd, it’s not uncommon for underwriters to require additional documents once they begin scrutinizing your loan file. Borrowers can help speed the process along by returning those documents as quickly as possible. You don’t have a ton of control once you’re under contract on a home, but this is one key area where your swift action — or lack thereof — can have a big impact on your homebuying timeline. During the loan process, you can complete the home inspection, so this should have no effect on the time it takes to close. Every home buying experience is different. Each has its own twists and turns. But these are general guidelines as to how long the home buying process works. E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Cat hya h @ Ca l l Cat hy & Ji m Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Ill: 708-828-3304.

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.

2 bdrm. $850/mo. + security. All utilities except for light bill. Nice area in Calumet City. Call. 708-2885358. Ms. Flynn. Leave message.

There’s nothing small about small business. It might be called a small business, but it’s a big deal to you. BMO Harris Bank shares that mindset. And our full range of small business services can help your business succeed. Working together, we’ll help keep your small business right where you want it. Call us at 1-888-489-2265, visit your local BMO Harris branch

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Say I saw it in The Shopper Apts. Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Please call after 3pm. 708-932-7499 or 630-709-1289. Walking d i s t a n c e t o SuperWalmart. Dolton: 3bdrm., 1-bath, 2nd flr. quiet neighborhood, $850/mo. 1st & last mo. + $400 sec. deposit. Serious Inquires. 708-738-4401 Fo r R e n t - D o l t o n 2 Bedroom Apt. Heat, Hot water, Stove, Refrig, Laundry fac, and private parking. 815-483-3792 Apt. for rent: Hammond. N e a r Wo o d m a r M a l l , shopping, train. 2bdrms. 2nd. flr. Fr idge, stove, window A/C, gas, water, electric included. $725/mo. + sec. 219-712-4101

January 25, 2017 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1 6 7 t h & We n t w o r t h . 2bdrms. 2nd flr. All electric. Will be showing Feb. 10th. $800/mo. + sec. & credit check. Call only 9am-7pm. Call Marge. 708-868-2590

Homes For Rent Sauk Village House For Rent. 3 bedrooms, 1 car garage. $1,000/month plus security. Section 8 accepted. 219-322-2421


Office Space For Rent


Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068

Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941

Lost & Found

Home for rent: Single family residents. Section 8 welcome. Proven Real Estate Services LOC. Lansing, IL. 708-418-1833 Home for rent: 3bdrm., 1bath, 2-1/2 car garage, $1000/mo + $1000/sec. deposit. Address: 21600 Olivia, Sauk Village, IL. Call. 708-672-0043

Lost/Stolen Cat: Calumet City. Cheyenniee 5 yrs. Calico, white, black, rust, beige, beige heart around mouth. Miss her please return. 708-801-9442

Magazines, encyclopedias, Window curtains, converter box for television, Computer, cd’s, cassettes. 708-251-5471 Magazines; electronics; window curtains; cds’ dvd player; cassettes; reasonable, good cond. 708830-0856 or 708-251-5471

Wanted: Skilled tradesman looking for a small affordable living quarters house or apartment. Nice community. Willing to pay $300/$400 per/mo. Call. 708-491-2444

Wanted: Looking to buy used stainless steel cooking pot. 6 to 8 quarts. Cheap. 708-753-0021 Small garden hose pump. 708-532-8337

Motor News, Readers Digest, National G eographic, Mother Earth News, Crane Business; computer with large flat screen tv, stereo, book shelf, speakers, cds, cassette player. Reasonable, good cond. 708-251-5471l, 708-830-0856

Side handle for a power masonry hammer drill c l a m p o n s i ze i s 1 / 3 4 diameter. 708-532-8337 Looking to buy beanie babies, Barbies, new in box, Hallmark ornaments in box, Vintage holiday and toys. Call Dave 708-846-0439

Skilled RN wants side jobs giving nursing care, companionship to elderly, assisted living. Many duties. Reasonable prices, licensed, transportation. 708-9532556 Looking to buy Beanie Babies, Barbies, new in box. Hallmark ornaments in box. Vintage holiday and toys. Call Dave 708-846-0439 Wanted: Does anyone have any 5 gallon water bottles they no longer want? Thank you. 708-539-0032 Brush style home cleaning wire long brushes. 708-5328337 Long style wire brushes to fit on a power drill. 708-5328337 5 to 6 ft. railings used, out of indoor elevator or stairway, 2 sides painted or stainless steel. 708-532-8337



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Ginger Ale


No Hormones Added

Walt’s “All Natural� 80% Extra Lean Fresh

Grape Tomatoes

$ 99 Walt’s Own Fresh Baked



Red Ripe Sweet

Whole Pork Tenderloin Sold Whole in the Bag

ur Country Bakery From O

Value Pack





Extra Large “Hass�


From Our Deli Hut

Tortilla Chips 8 - 10.5 Oz.

Scott Petersen

Veal Bologna

Popcorn 8 Oz.


2/ 5

$ 98



$1.99 1/2 Lb.


Dutch Farms

Â? Â? Â? Â? Â Â Â 5.3 - 6 Oz.

16 Oz.


Sour Cream Selected Varieties


10/ 5 $


Limit 2 Total, Add’l. $1.39

California Fresh

Broccoli Crowns


$ 69


Del Monte

Â? Â? Â Â?

5/ 5 $


Assorted Flavors

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017

It’s Not Too Late To Register For Spring – Late Start Classes Technolog y, Huma nit ies, Over v iew for Col lege Success ( OCS ), Mat hemat ic s, Manufacturing, Music, Physical Education, Reading, Spanish, Welding and more. Payment is currently due at the time of reg ist rat ion for Late Sta r t classes, but Financial Aid can be utilized for the 12-week credit classes (FAFSA must be completed by the end of January). SSC’s Financial Aid Office encourages all students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible at using institution code 001769. For help filling out FAFSA, please call (708) 596-2000, extension 2242 or stop by the Financial Aid Office (Room 2355) for assistance. As a payment alternative, SSC offers the FACTS interest-free monthly payment plan. There is a $25 non-refundable enrollment fee per semester. Payments may be made from savings, checking, or credit card accounts. For more information about all of SSC’s programs, admissions and registration, please visit w w or contact the Admissions Office at (708) 210-5718. SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois. The Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest, Illinois.

Registration for the 2017 Spring Semester at Sout h Subu rba n Col lege is st i l l i n progress for a wide range of “Late Start” classes. Current and prospective students are encouraged to register soon for these 12-week courses, set to begin February 13 and later. Prospective students should get started with the Online Application at Becoming a student is simple, and there is still time to apply for Financial Aid and speak with Admissions staff and counselors. Once the application process is complete, new students will receive an SSC email account and a “My SSC” Username & Password via email which will allow access to student information and class registration. The “My SSC” portal also allows students 24-hour access during college closed periods. Both interactive and printable Spring Credit Class Schedules are also accessible online from The Late Sta r t classes a re of fered in a v a r iet y of subje c t a re a s i nclud i ng Accounting, Art, Building Construction Technology, Business, Child Development, Computer Infor mat ion Systems, Cour t Reporting, Dra ma, Emergency Medica l Ser v ices, Eng l ish, Hea lt h In for mat ion metal roof gazebo 10 x 10 or 10 x 12 good condition,call 708-895-2565



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A Still Small Voice ANNA M. CAISON W hen ex per ienci ng u n foreseen circumstances in life and/or ministry we often seek advice from our pastor or close friends. We strain to hear God’s voice of direction through a sermon, or a song. We’ll pull out our Topical Bible looking for passages that mirror our situation to explain or make sense out of what we’re going through. And many times God will speak to us through others and through specific examples from the Bible. But there are also times when God will speak through the still quiet moments of a seemingly mundane task. One of the easiest to grow houseplants for me is the philodendra. I like the fact that it can be grown in water or potting soil, and it produces lush green cascading vines. I had notice that for some time one of my plants appeared to be dying. One by one its long lush vines withered, turning yellow and then brown before falling off the main branch. Yet there was new growth shooting up near the base of the

wanted radio/tv tubes ham/ cb radios tube testers, 70 high power stereos &tube type stereos 708-536-8823

YOU LOVE IT. YOU WANT IT. 3651 Ridge Road, Lansing

Family in need of a washer if you are able to donate would appreciate it greatly. Thanks God bless 708-5274529 Small (child’s size) version of old blue Psalter Hymnal. It is about 6” x 4”. Call Roger 708925-2698

plant. In an attempt to save the last of its dying vines I clipped it and placed it in a separate container of water with a few drops of plant food. The next morning, the clipped vine had made a miraculous recover y! The leaves were no longer drooping, they were pointing upward and the green color had returned to its stem. It was here, in this unexpected moment of serene amazement that God spoke peace to the bewildering situation I was going through. There are seasons of growth when it becomes necessary for God to “clip” us, setting us apart from the group in order to prepare us to bear more fruit, either in a different position or in a new location for His purposes. If we cling to where God desires to remove us from, like my vine, we will wither and become unproductive. For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.

Automobiles For sale: 2015 Audi S5 3.0t Quattro Premium Plus AWD, Sepang Blue Pearl Effect, $54,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 3 C a d d y DeVille $3,800; 2004 Pontiac Vibe $2500. Real good cond. No work needed. Call. 708204-0708 2001 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4 door, V8, clean, excellent for snow work, very well maintained, 4 wheel drive, $4,000/obo, Frank 708-2712678

For sale: 2007 Ford F-150 STX Sliver Clearcoat metallic, $8,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2000 GMC Sierra 1 5 0 0 S L 4 W D, Pe w t e r Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Tungsten Metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2012 Ford Escape Limited, White Suede $11,987. Call Bob 855-9496000

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017

Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Toy o t a Highlander Limited AWD, Bluestone Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2011 Silver Dodge Caravan Crew. Power foldout side ramp. 55,632 miles, four newer tires. Excellent condition. Many features. Call. 219-865-2195 For sale: 2014 Jeep Patriot L a t i t u d e, Br i g h t s l i v e r metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, Maximum steel metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2012 Honda Accord L X - P, P o l i s h e d M e t a l metallic, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2012 Honda Accord L X - P, P o l i s h e d M e t a l Metallic, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000


For sale: EZ Credit up to $3000. Mattresses $78, Futons $128, Bunkbeds $178, Dinette sets $168, Bedrm. sets $398, 20 pc. 3room packages $1695. Free L a y a w a y. L i k e u s o n Facebook. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com

F o r s a l e : To t a l g y m s u p r e m e , b r a n d n e w. Already setup, with 5 video tapes $299. Call. 708-7108721

Sure FIt sofa covers, $20; Sure Fit loveseat covers, $10; la rge ch a i r covers, $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows, $2 ea. 708-481-6907

For sale: Over 235 Marie Osmond Dolls. 90% have never been taken out of box. $1800. 708-826-5022 or 708279-7198

Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10$100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 ea; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907

For sale: Champion New portable generator 6.5OHV 3500 watts $200/obo; New 10” compound miter saw $150/obo; used karcher gas pressure washer $100/obo; Mack snowblower $100/ obo. ($600 takes all.) 708465-8544

For sale: 4 bicycles, 2 are Schwinn, in storage for 30 yrs. $80. 708-826-5022 or 708-279-7198

Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets, some quilts handmade, $15-$20 ea; decorative toss pillows, $1$2 ea; duvet covers, asst. sizes, $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907

For sale: Wood ramp with hand rail on one side. 15.5 feet long, 40 inches wide, 12 inch rise. Used in garage $200. 219-865-2195

Original Furbies, $3-$5 ea; Ty Beanie Babies $2-$3 ea; barbie dolls $5 ea. 708-4816907

For sale: Stove $60; Washing machine $50; China cabinet $80. 219-940-1044

Decorative area rugs, 4 large 8x10, 2 runners 22” x 7 ft.. Will separate, 3 yrs. old. Very good cond. 708-439-7736

Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 ea. 708-4816907

Down comforters sz twinking, $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5-$10; assorted throw pillows, $2$5 ea. 708-481-6907 Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pcs for $10; crystal decanters $5$10-$15 ea. 708-481-6907

Collection of porcelain tea pots; assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907 Assorted colors Fiesta dishes ea. pc. $3; Pyrex bowls, $3$5 ea; early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 ea pcs.; casual dishes, white. 708481-6907 Anchor hocking 38 pc set of dishes, white with gold trim, $ 2 0 ; P y r e x b ow l s a n d bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907 3 pcs Fiesta canister set $30 obo; assorted Corningware oven pcs., $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907 Vintage Madame Alexander doll “Degas Girl” #1575 in original box, wrist tag & stand, $45; barbie dolls, $5 ea. 708-481-6907

Wall hanging shelves to d i s p l a y p l a t e s, $ 5 - $ 2 0 ; assortment of wall clocks, $10-$30; decorative wall mirrors, $10-$30. 708-4816907 Large over the dresser mirror $15; ornamental wall mirrors, $20-$30. 708-4816907 Stiffel floor lamp,$100; Ionic breeze quadra air purifier, $20. 708-481-6907 iHome notebook cooling pad with built in fans, $7; new set of 4 chair cushions, $10. 708-481-6907 Folding walker with wheels, $20; 4 prong cane, $10; bath chair, $20. 708-481-6907 2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table, walnut, $75; Ethan Allen sofa, $125 obo. 708-481-6907

Auto Parts


Cadillac Escalade floor mats, Weather Tech, fits 2007 to 2014, black, brand new, $80. 708-841-8884

Motorcycles Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Ho n d a Goldwing Aspencade. 48,000 miles. Excellent condition $9,500. Only serious inquiries please. 219-688-5103

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned Oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Also will sale in block form, and you split it yourself. Call Phil. 219-742-3035

Food & Liquors

For sale: Price reduction! Oldie but Goodie! Drexel Heritage, Solid Wood 9 pc. dining room set $820 firm, paid $5000 at Merchandise Mart Downtown Chicago. 708-360-3068 or cell, 708915-9131 For sale: Genuine leather, burgundy 84” sofa, 60” love seat, 38” chair with ottoman. Very good condition, all $200. Buyer must pick up in Chesterton, IN. Call. 219508-3970

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Grandparents, Married or Single People, you are about to learn a wonderful system for SAVING MONEY. Four things are needed to make this work and you will see results in a matter of days. When you receive this packet, PLEASE follow my instructions and you will SAVE MONEY EFFORTLESSLY. Send a $35 check or money order to: Mr. Hardy, PO Box 1670, South Holland, IL 60473. Your packet will be mailed to you within 10 days and HAVE A WONDERFUL 2017.

Notice of Public Sale

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, according to (770 ILCS 95/) Self-Service Storage Facility Act. I at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures. com ending on February 10, 2017 at 10:00 am or after for units located at:

Compass Self Storage, 2556 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438

The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. Unit #

Tenants Name

B1158 Jones, Brenda B1088 Celozzi, Mary A1024 Suazo, Esperanza

Unit #

Tenants Name

A1020 Casillias, Juan B1365 Ivy, Toni B1191 Ruffin, Reginald

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Say I saw it in The Shopper 2 pc solid maple “Heywood Wakefield” china cabinet, height 75”, width 54”. 708481-6907 Ethan Allen solid wood (maple) kitchen chairs, $25 ea. 708-481-6907 Si n g e r C M - 1 7 c s e w i n g machine, barely used & book, $75. 708-481-6907 Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen, 22” x 27” x 7”, $25. 708-481-6907 Thomasville 2 drawer night stand, all wood, $40; Sony dvd player, $7. 708-481-6907 2 bar chairs (swivel) $30; suitcases and travel bags $7$12 ea. 708-481-6907 2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75; cherry wood drop leaf table, $75. 708481-6907

January 25, 2017 AB LoungeAbdominal Machine! more effective t h a n c r u n c h . sturdy,supports your body, head, neck, back,rolled steel frame, used. ONLY $75. SHolland,IL 219-789-8496 Desk,Rolltop style, light Oak. ( Wi n n e r s On l y b ra n d ) . Pickup in Dyer.$250. Call Karen 219-322-2127. 12 ShrimpCocktail Bowls. Commercial Quality Stainless Steel Rings Thick Glass Serving Cups. EXC COND.Serve your guests in Style! $200 SH 219-7898496/708-333-3423 Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes B-zc tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new top $100. 708-285-1107

Stiffel brass table lamps, $25-$40 ea; lamp shades, $5$10; headboard (full sz., dark cherry) $35. 708-4816907

Triax boys bike 20: 21 spd re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension, aluminum model 8101-95, like new, $50. 708-285-1107

New Balance shoes, like new, $5; Craftsman level, $5; bocco ball set return $30; red had, ladies scarf, $5 ea. 708-849-6273

2 large stork signs for new arrival babies, 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign, $150 ea. 708-2851107

Yeti PopTop Stash Can & Sticker. New limited edition YETI 12 oz.Can Removable top stash can, sticker(snake head Built for the Wild) $15. SHolland 219-789-8496/708333-3423 Jeweled Ornament Jar & Shimmering Snow Ornament Jar majestic 7”H x 6”W w4”opening, lid FDA approved W/rhinestones. TeleFlora limited ed! S Holland, $20. 219-7898496/708-333-3423 PJ Robe Sacks/Couch Pouch Snuggle up.Brand New!1 Adult size Red,3 Kids Size(2 Blue,1 Yellow) $40. for all 4. SH 219-789-8496

Kenmore dryer, exc. cond., G.E., large drum chrome. $150. 708-692-0794 Workbench, $10; oak door (80” x 24”), $15; cement mixing tool, $5. 708-4606035 Lawnmower, Craftsman self propelled, mulcher, $75; flatscreen tv, 20”, $65; tv stand, $25; dvd player, $15; turntable (Fisher) $25. 708460-6035 Bookcases, (four), solid wood, tall, $25 ea; metal shelf, heavy duty, 6 ft x 3 ft, $25; office chair, $25; coat rack for hallway, $15. 708460-6035

Copy paper, multi purpose, $3 ream; microphone stand, $15; easel & markers, $10; student desk, $10. 708-4606035 AT&T cordless phone, $5; speakers, mouse & pad for computer, $10. 708-4606035 Purse: Coach, $15; womens clothing, purses, shoes, $5; mens dress pants, tops, coats, shoes, $5 ea; scrubbs, $2; ironing board & pad, $5. 708-460-6035


Batter y powered wheel chair, regular wheel chairs. 312-218-0893 White cast iron top mount drop in double sink, 33”, equal sides, center drains, $60. 708-394-3745 Headboard: queen/regular. Looks good with oak or pecan wood, $15. 708-3943745 Assorted golf clubs, 1 wood, several irons, .75 cents ea. 708-394-3745

Coffee table, $15; microwave oven, $25; end table, $15; stool, rattan, $15. 708-4606035

Post operation foot surgery: Breg large boot $15 ea; Darco large shoe $5 ea. 708394-3745

Lamps, set of 2 table lamps, $25; floor lamp, wicker with table, $15; mirror, white wicker, $15. 708-460-6035

Conpro camara sacar peluculas VCR VCR Llamar. 708-418-1098

Drapes, full length, brown, insulating drapes, $15; drapes, lace, short, $5. 708460-6035 T-Fal fryer, new in box, $25; black microwave, $25; 30 pc. china, $25. 708-460-6035 Soda machine, Soda Stream machine, $10; chocolate machine, new, $10; kitchen multi use cart, $15; new handmixer, 3 speed $6. 708460-6035 Vacuum cleaner, Bissell featherweight bagless, sma ll, $ 1 0 ; new st ea m cleaner, $10; jumbo igloo cooler, $10. 708-460-6035 Dazey turbo spa, $10; walking cane, $5; reacher, $3; back support belt, $5; scrubbs, $2. 708-460-6035 Refrigerator, 22 cu. ft., almond, bottom freezer, ice maker, exc. cond. 219-6132130 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16 inches between arm rests, like new. 708-8914798

Computer desk, $30; entertainment center $30; cocktail table $10; end table with snack tables, $18 or make offer. 708-889-0350

Readers Digest Readers Service Bonus Bucks $5.00 value expiring December 2017 sell for $3.00. 708-4188069 Fo r Sa l e : Fi re p l a c e tools(shovel&broom) $7.00, Ad j u s t a b l e we i g h t b e l t $10.00, Record Albums from the 50s. 708-474-9495 For Sale: Antique mantel clock, brand name Ansomia, over 100 years old, New traveling golf bag cover $10.00. 708-474-9495 Triax boys bike 20: 21 spd re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension aluminum model 8101-95, like new, $50. 708-285-1107 Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new top $100. 708-285-1107 2 large stork signs for new arrival babies, 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign, $150 ea. 708-2851107

Beautiful full length coat, mink wiht fox sleeves, fawn color, size 8/10, exc. cond. 708-418-3155

Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107

For sale: Portable Sears Kenmore dishwasher $100. 708-895-8272

Conpro camara vcr para sacar peliculas vcr. Call 708418-1098

For sale: Cadillac Escalade weather tech floor mats, fits 2010 to 2014. Brand new were $200. Asking $80. black front rear. 708-841-8884

Mini jazy electric wheel chair, $6,000 new, only $250 and it’s like new condition. Cedar Lake, IN area 312320-9386, 219-365-5348

Ha n d Ma d e W h i t e Il e t Quilted Photo Album. Ideal for Wedding or Anniversary Photos. Excellent Condition. $5.00 708-895-3195

Nordic Track pro skier with computer model 1001, like new, $100 obo. 708-337-2131

Antique Dining Room Arm Chair. Approximately 80 years old. $3.00 708-8953195 Ba by Boy s C h r i s t e n i n g Outfit. New, never worn. Fits 6-10 lbs. $4.00 708-895-3195 Rival 18 qt roaster oven with 3 piece insert buffet server. $50.00 Call 708-895-6160 Butterball indoor electric turkey fryer. holds a 10-14lb turkey. $50.00. Call 708-8956160 Men’s Work Boots. Size 13, “CAT” Brand. Steel Toe with Metatarsel protection. Worn 4 days. $50.00  708-895-3195

High Sierra duffle bag w/ wheels, many pockets, 27” x 16” x 14” like new, $25 obo. 708-494-4880 Maple twin beds headboards and footboards, $25 ea. Total $50. 708-3372131


5 four line business telephone with intercom GE model #2-9451, $100 obo. 708-494-4880 Batter y powered wheel chair, like new, also regular wheel chairs. 312-218-0893 Golden Opportunity Entertainment Books. NW Indiana and So. Suburban, IL. Hundreds of discount coupons. Fast food, travel, sports, music & services. $25 ea. 708-849-7722 Toddlers Sesame Street playhouse w/Arie & book $10; Toddlers preschool desk, red/green/yellow, $6 708-574-8788 2 pink winter coats (girls) sz. 4, hooded, $8 both; mens dress pants w/belt, sz 42x30, new, $5 ea; large selection girls jeans, sz 12-14, $5 ea, new. 708-574-8788 36 cup electric coffee maker, large pot, $8; new 21 pc knife block set $15; ladies Nine West white jacket, sz 14, cleaned, $10. 708-5748877 Ladies red flat boots, sz 8 1/2, $8; beige Dooney Bourke drawstring bag, $30; medal high back steel swivel, $8, good cond. 708574-8788 Tall legs game or kitchen table, 4 chairs, $10; mens long black leather coat w/ belt, sz. large, $10 708-5748788 Computer desk, $40; entertainment center, $40; cocktail table $10; end table with snack tables, $30 or make offer. 708-889-0350 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16” between arm rests, like new. 708-891-4798

Automatic breadmaker w/ book, $15; waffle maker, Wood student desk with electric, $10; office chair, chair, four side drawers, one $45; electric outdoor middle drawer, 35” x 18”, 30” animated Xmas deer, doe & Chicago;Van Drunen Heating Co;A07377;5x8-4c high, $15. 708-337-2131 buck, $30; garden cart. 219365-8166 Jiffy padded mailer envelopes, 92 size 6 x 10, 25 Craftsman snowblower, 22”, size 10 1/2 x 16, $25 per lot. 5 HP, runs good, $25 firm 708-494-4880 708-600-8938 Antique steel bed, double Nordic Track EXP 1000 size, exposed steel coil treadmill, needs some work, spring frame, attaches to $75. 708-606-8938 header x footer. Burnished black, $100 obo. 708-4944880

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Say I saw it in The Shopper Franklin mint 1930 Duesenberg Tourister metal model car, mint cond., $65. Donald Trump bobble head, $12. 708-333-7432 Dale Earnhardt Jr. custom shirt from racetrack sz. XL $35. 708-333-7432 2 hope chests, nice condition. Call my cell phone to view photos, also other antique furniture. 708916-9930 Washer and dryer, $250. 708-715-2348 Fishing rods and reels, Shakespeare brand tackle box and rod carrying case and lures, $110 obo. 708624-0346 Johnsons Bros. white ironstone english set of dishes (64 pcs) $45. 708-4816907 Villeroy & Boch hotel plates (white): 4 charger plates, $3 ea. plate, 9 dinner plates, $2 ea. plate. 708-481-6907 Fo r s a l e : C l e a n q u e e n boxspring & mattress $75 for both; 3spd. bicycle, $95; Antique couch; floor rugs 3 for $50; sewing wooden cabinet $85. 773-238-0944 or 773-387-9291 Fo r Sa l e : Fi re p l a c e tools(shovel&broom) $7,00, Ad j u s t a b l e we i g h t b e l t $10.00 Record Albums from the 50s . 708-474-9495 For Sale: Antique mantel clock, name Ansomia, over 100 years old, New traveling golf cover $10,00. 708-4749495 For Sale McDonalds 1999 complete Ronald McDonald House Beanie Baby set of 4 new in packages. 219-3222092 For Sale 1990 Fleer All Pro Football card set of 25 stars. Mint condition. 219-3222092

January 25, 2017 For Sale McDonald’s TY Beanie Babies set of 12 from 1999 new unopened $35. 219-322-2092 FOR SALE - Large beige laminate dining room table with six fabric and metal chairs. Very durable and long-lasting. 708-513-8356 FOR SALE - Solid oak .5 drawer dresser chest in beige. 708-513-8356 F O R S A L E - K i n g s i ze mattress, box spring and frame $200. 708-513-8356

For sale: Womens Harley Chaps size medium, $100. 708-889-0579 For sale: Gearwrench 20pc ratcheting wrench set, $55; Cra f t s m a n 1 2 p c. U S A wrench set with tool pouch, $35; 12 pc. HD Bunde cords $10. 708-460-8308 For sale: 6 ft. torch floor lamp, all steel $12 or $24 with dimmer switch, new bicentennial 1976 plate $10. 708-460-8308

Sofa 92”, color Navy. Mfr. Bauhaus, USA made. Comfy, good for family room. $200. Call Karen 219-322-2127

For sale: Old style 3 beer stiens w/lids, 1990’s $25 each pillow proper adjustable bed backrest, $10; new 19” tools box w/ trays, $12. 708-460-8308

A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, furnaces installed from $1495.00 R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219616-3281


Appliance Repair


Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556

Registered Nurse looking to care for geriatric patients at their home. Light cleaning, cooking, companion, medication, etc. Sabina, Merrillville, speaks Polish. 219-308-6904

The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623

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Chair ,large 50” wide, color Navy. Mfr. Bauhaus USA. $75. Call Karen 219-3222127


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017

Day Care

Garage Doors

Daycare: ANNIE’S DAYCARE. Newborn-12yrs. Before/After school care. Days & Evenings Available. Free school transportation. Illinois Action for Children accepted. 708-288-8071

M&R Garage Doors and Openers. Will repair, install and replace garage doors and openers. No job too big or small. 219-314-8823 Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038

Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758

Discount Home Improvement And Handyman Ser vices. D r y w a l l , c a r p e n t r y, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. $50 off a $500 p u rc h a s e. Ac c e p t i n g credit cards. Call 708207-0644

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, dryer vent cleaning, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, power washing. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708841-2328

We’re THAT Good! $25 or more



Dr. Jay Gulotta Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473

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Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693

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708-333-9630 The Shopper


FOOT FACTS Say I saw it in The Shopper

Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.

Personal Trainer to the Real Estate 16250 LouisConsumer Avenue Suite A

So. Holland, IL 60473

Home or Investment?

Hammer Toes

Hammer toes are actually a curling of the toes. Sometimes these are flexible and can be straightened with manipulation, or fixed which means they are MIKE alwaysBUDER curled with arthritic changes straightening. Many assurance that you will I come that acrossdon’t a lot allow of havethe a place the buyers corns who getare so caught times found on topsto live of at these end of your lease term. up in t he mat hematics toes. Surgeryic scan straighten Ow n i ng atohome of fers a nd econom of be t he performed sec u r it y aof nd the peace of these corns home toes pr icor e toccasional h at t he y trimming m i nd, not to ment ion can never really pull the can alleviate some of the apain. If you have any couple of annua l ta x trigger. Questions like: questions concerning hammer toes or Ifany other deduct ions. you a re How much will this place buy ing w it h t he intent be worth in 5 years? What problems, please stop by or call my office during of st ay i ng t here for 2 if the market drops again? office be stuck years, then sure, it could Am I going

339-8900 be dicey. But if you are

with this home for years to come? Or can I make 20% in “X” years, after closi ng cost s ? A n s wer to a l l t hese quest ions, “ I D O N ’ T K N O W ”. Elaborat ion: “NOBODY K NOW S”. D id a ny one who closed on their home pu rchase September 10, 2001 a nt icipate, on that gratif y ing Monday mor n i ng, t hat t hei r home v a lue f a c e d a n uphill battle unseen in our countr y’s histor y? I think not. Could we have p r e d i c t e d t h e “ w or s t economic disaster since the great depression”? No. If you truly want to buy a home, a place to hang your hat a nd live your life, raise your family or w h a t e v e r y ou r n e e d s may be, you si mply cannot allow yourself to tr y to be an economist w ith a cr ystal ball. Yes it would be nice to have your house perform as an appreciating asset, in which you have equit y t hat g rows at a rate benef icia l to you when it comes t i me to sel l. That sa id, you need to decide your goa l when buy ing a home. Is t his an investment, or is this a home ? W h ich t a ke s pr ior it y ? I f y ou r e nt , you cannot control the repairs, the appliances, nor can you control the

looking for a place to call your own, then you need to come to terms with the concept t hat, t h roug h t he pea k s a nd va l leys, as long as you make the pay ments, t his is your home. Call me crazy, but there is no sense in buying a home if you are going to track the value like you t rack you r i nvest ment por t folio. Buy It…Ow n It…L ove It . “T H E R E’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME.” Dorot hy was on to s omet h i ng t here ! You just need to be sure you agree with that statement before you decide to buy a home. If you are worried that you cannot maintain t he pay ments, t hen the answer is obvious – WAIT UNTIL YOU CAN. A master bedroom in a home you own is wasted if you cannot sleep well in it at night. If you a re look ing to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E-ma i l : m i kebuder @ r em a x . ne t , We b s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com or Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a re a l w ay s welcome.

wheelch. no footrest $30.00 shower chair $30.00 bedside commode $30.00 walker w/ January wheels $30.00 lot of women close $1.00 708-687-4776 Roofing

mulcher ever made. Pull cord or electric start. $99. Cal. City. 708-868-6438 cell 708-3519447

25, 2017

power wheel ch. shoprider Chuck’s Discount Roofing for small person Roof repairs, Newneeds Roofs,work Re$250.00 708-687-4776 Roofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Help Wanted: Exp. Plumber for Witvoet Plumbing Inc. Located in So. Holland. Please call or send resume to 16030 Cottage Grove, So. Holland, IL. 60473. 708-3317335

The shop for the whole family.

Affordable Home Repairs. All roofing, gutters, soffitt, fascia repairs. Senior discounts. Call John. 708740-0010

Snow Removal R o b’s S n ow R e m ov a l . Snowplowing, Snowblowing, Shoveling. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 25 years experience. 708-877-6860

Help Wanted: Drivers-CO & O/Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Driver Newer Equipment! 855-5822265

Public • Active • Private • Retired I represent an insurance company with 10 billion dollars in assets. Our company wants to insure teachers.


the teachers discretion. CALL NOW FOR A QUOTE.

Stafford Insurance








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Left to right: Stylists Carol, Bonni, Marti, Karen, Rita. Not shown stylist Sharon and Receptionist Jessica.

Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman


Used w/w-blk, w/tires four Helpalso Wanted 215x70x15 others one each. 15 in., 15 in. aslo one Help195x70x15, Wanted: Teacher. Must new reasonable have 2 yrs. prices. Callcollege Rich. including 708-3416 credit hours of Early 1049 Childhood Development. Calumet City. 708-862-1884, operated by the Illinois State Bar Association, offers consumers a referral to a qualifying lawyer. You can search the online directory free of charge by entering page the 11 the field of practice, county and zip code. An option is to call hotline at (888) 662-3851 to receive the name of a lawyer, who 2 bdrm. $850/mo. + Apartments For 30-minute Rent consultation will provide an initial no more than security. Allfor utilities except $25. You are under no obligation to hire that lawyer. for light bill. Nice area in Apts. For Rent: Riverdale Calumet City. Call. 708-288and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. For more information about5358. Illinois visit Leave www., Flynn. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat message. If you have a legal question, send it included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708to 699-5900.

New Everyday Prices! • Full price • 1/2 price • 75% off • 25¢

RESTORATION MINISTRIES THRIFT STORES Like Us on Facebook! Be the first to know about sales, special events and new items.

SOUTH HOLLAND 351 W. 162nd (159th) St. 708-333-6822 3 blocks east of Halsted at railroad tracks 10-6 Mon-Fri • 10-5 Saturday Closed Sunday

Se Habla Espanol

HARVEY 14950 S. Dixie Hwy. 708-333-8530 3 blocks south of 147th St. (Sibley Blvd.) 10-6 Mon-Fri • 10-5 Saturday Closed Sunday

All proceeds from our Thrift Stores support our youth programs, food pantry and our two free Christian-based residential drug recovery programs. For more information on our programs, call 708-333-3370 or email at

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1 6 7 t h & We n t w o r t h . 2bdrms. 2nd flr. All electric. Will be showing Feb. 10th. $800/mo. + sec. & credit check. Call only 9am-7pm. Call Marge. 708-868-2590

Apts. Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Please call after 3pm. 708-932-7499 or 630-709-1289. Walking d i s t a n c e t o SuperWalmart.

Homes For Rent

Dolton: 3bdrm., 1-bath, 2nd flr. quiet neighborhood, $850/mo. 1st & last mo. + $400 sec. deposit. Serious Inquires. 708-738-4401 Fo r R e n t - D o l t o n 2 Bedroom Apt. Heat, Hot water, Stove, Refrig, Laundry fac, and private parking. 815-483-3792 Apt. for rent: Hammond. N e a r Wo o d m a r M a l l , shopping, train. 2bdrms. 2nd. flr. Fr idge, stove, window A/C, gas, water, electric included. $725/mo. + sec. 219-712-4101

Sauk Village House For Rent. 3 bedrooms, 1 car garage. $1,000/month plus security. Section 8 accepted. 219-322-2421

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068

Lost & Found

Home for rent: Single family residents. Section 8 welcome. Proven Real Estate Services LOC. Lansing, IL. 708-418-1833 Home for rent: 3bdrm., 1bath, 2-1/2 car garage, $1000/mo + $1000/sec. deposit. Address: 21600 Olivia, Sauk Village, IL. Call. 708-672-0043

Lost/Stolen Cat: Calumet City. Cheyenniee 5 yrs. Calico, white, black, rust, beige, beige heart around mouth. Miss her please return. 708-801-9442


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Clean & Check Community Heating & Cooling, Inc. Expires 2/15/17

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Looking to buy beanie babies, Barbies, new in box, Hallmark ornaments in box, Vintage holiday and toys. Call Dave 708-846-0439

Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941

Skilled RN wants side jobs giving nursing care, companionship to elderly, assisted living. Many duties. Wanted: Skilled tradesman Village View Publications, Inc.,Reasonable July 5, 2016, pagelicensed, 8 prices, looking for a small transportation. 708-953affordable living quarters 2556 house or apartment. Nice community. Willing to pay Looking to buy Beanie $300/$400 per/mo. Call. Babies, Barbies, new in box. 708-491-2444 Hallmark ornaments in box. Vintage holiday and toys. Motor News, Readers Digest, Call Dave 708-846-0439 National G eographic, Mother Earth News, Crane Moraine computer Valley Comdress Does as their Wanted: anyonefavorhave Business; with to any“Star 5 gallon water bottles munity College Wars” character. large flat screenannounces tv, stereo, ite they no longer want? Thank book2016 shelf,summer speakers, cds, “Zootopia” the lineup will be shown you. 708-539-0032 cassette player. Reasonable, for its popular Movie in on Saturday, July 9, at 8:30 good cond. 708-251-5471l, BrushThe style homecontinues cleaning the Moonlight series. The p.m. series 708-830-0856 wire long brushes. 708-532college will show three new in September with “Find8337 Magazines, encyclopedias, release movies on a 16-foot ing Dory” on Saturday, Window curtains, converter Long style wire brushes to fit b o x f o r screen t e l e v at i s i othe n , Sept. 10, at 7:30 p.m. inflatable on a power drill. 708-532Computer,between cd’s, cassettes. Gateway, BuildFamilies should bring 8337 708-251-5471 ings F and M, on campus, their own blankets or chairs 5 to 6 ft. railings used, out of Magazines; electronics; 9000 W. College Pkwy., to sit onelevator as well or as stairway, food or indoor window curtains; cds’ dvd 2 sides A painted or stainless Palos Hills. Admission is snacks. small concession player; cassettes; steel. 708-532-8337 free. reasonable, good cond. 708- stand will sell candy and 830-0856 708-251-5471 Guests orare encouraged drinks. Popcorn metal roof gazebo is 10 always x 10 or 10 x 12 good condition,call Wanted: Looking to buy 708-895-2565 used stainless steel cooking pot. 6 to 8 quarts. Cheap. wanted radio/tv tubes ham/ 708-753-0021 cb radios tube testers, 70 hair by FIRST high power TIME stereos2015&tube Small garden hose pump. C type stereos LIEN 708-536-8823 708-532-8337 ONLYTS & friendsFamily in need of a washer if Side handle for a power you are able to donate masonry hammer drill would appreciate it greatly. c l a m p o n s i ze i s 1 / 3 4 Thanks God bless 708-527diameter. 708-532-8337 4529

Star Wars’ kicks off Moraine Valley’s Movie in the Moonlight

free low cam clem ies Mor ing to c F abo ligh Com fice

C Priv Sc




$200 OFF


SSC-South Suburban College BCI/SSC-Business and Career Institute at SSC SSSBA-Sout h Suburban Sma ll Business Association SouthWorks Maker Lab Network SM H EC ( S out h Met r op ol it a n H ig her Education Consortium) CSEDC-C h ic ago Sout h la nd Econom ic Development Corporation CBDC-Christian Business Development Company W BDC-Women’s Business Development Center SCORE For more information please contact SSC’s Business Department at (708) 596-2000, ext. 2664. The SSC Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 Kilbourn Avenue, Oak Forest, IL.

South Suburban College is presenting a free workshop titled So You Want to Start Your Own Business on Tuesday, January 31 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., at South Suburban College’s Oak Forest Center in Room 5190. We are hosting a panel discussion to highlight the following topics: • What to consider before starting your own business • How to get a small business up and running • How to sustain a small business, including local and regional resources available • How can Etsy help your business • Lean Startup • How to develop a protot y pe for your business idea • Tour of SouthWorks MakerLab at SSC T he Work shop i s pre sente d by t he following partners:

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Say I saw it in The Shopper Small (child’s size) version of old blue Psalter Hymnal. It is about 6” x 4”. Call Roger 708925-2698

Automobiles For sale: 2015 Audi S5 3.0t Quattro Premium Plus AWD, Sepang Blue Pearl Effect, $54,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 3 C a d d y DeVille $3,800; 2004 Pontiac Vibe $2500. Real good cond. No work needed. Call. 708204-0708 2001 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4 door, V8, clean, excellent for snow work, very well maintained, 4 wheel drive, $4,000/obo, Frank 708-2712678 For sale: 2007 Ford F-150 STX Sliver Clearcoat metallic, $8,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2000 GMC Sierra 1 5 0 0 S L 4 W D, Pe w t e r Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Tungsten Metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2012 Ford Escape Limited, White Suede $11,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Toy o t a Highlander Limited AWD, Bluestone Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2011 Silver Dodge Caravan Crew. Power foldout side ramp. 55,632 miles, four newer tires. Excellent condition. Many features. Call. 219-865-2195 For sale: 2014 Jeep Patriot L a t i t u d e, Br i g h t s l i v e r metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, Maximum steel metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2012 Honda Accord L X - P, P o l i s h e d M e t a l metallic, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2012 Honda Accord L X - P, P o l i s h e d M e t a l Metallic, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000

Auto Parts Cadillac Escalade floor mats, Weather Tech, fits 2007 to 2014, black, brand new, $80. 708-841-8884

January 25, 2017

Motorcycles Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Ho n d a Goldwing Aspencade. 48,000 miles. Excellent condition $9,500. Only serious inquiries please. 219-688-5103

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned Oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Also will sale in block form, and you split it yourself. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: EZ Credit up to $3000. Mattresses $78, Futons $128, Bunkbeds $178, Dinette sets $168, Bedrm. sets $398, 20 pc. 3room packages $1695. Free L a y a w a y. L i k e u s o n Facebook. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com

For sale: Over 235 Marie Osmond Dolls. 90% have never been taken out of box. $1800. 708-826-5022 or 708279-7198

Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10$100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 ea; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907

For sale: 4 bicycles, 2 are Schwinn, in storage for 30 yrs. $80. 708-826-5022 or 708-279-7198

Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets, some quilts handmade, $15-$20 ea; decorative toss pillows, $1$2 ea; duvet covers, asst. sizes, $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907

Decorative area rugs, 4 large 8x10, 2 runners 22” x 7 ft.. Will separate, 3 yrs. old. Very good cond. 708-439-7736 Original Furbies, $3-$5 ea; Ty Beanie Babies $2-$3 ea; barbie dolls $5 ea. 708-4816907 Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 ea. 708-4816907 Sure FIt sofa covers, $20; Sure Fit loveseat covers, $10; la rge ch a i r cove rs, $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows, $2 ea. 708-481-6907

Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pcs for $10; crystal decanters $5$10-$15 ea. 708-481-6907 Collection of porcelain tea pots; assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907

Assorted colors Fiesta dishes ea. pc. $3; Pyrex bowls, $3$5 ea; early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 ea pcs.; casual dishes, white. 708481-6907 Anchor hocking 38 pc set of dishes, white with gold trim, $ 2 0 ; P y r e x b ow l s a n d bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907 3 pcs Fiesta canister set $30 obo; assorted Corningware oven pcs., $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907

Stiffel floor lamp,$100; Ionic breeze quadra air purifier, $20. 708-481-6907 iHome notebook cooling pad with built in fans, $7; new set of 4 chair cushions, $10. 708-481-6907 Folding walker with wheels, $20; 4 prong cane, $10; bath chair, $20. 708-481-6907

Vintage Madame Alexander doll “Degas Girl” #1575 in original box, wrist tag & stand, $45; barbie dolls, $5 ea. 708-481-6907

2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table, walnut, $75; Ethan Allen sofa, $125 obo. 708-481-6907

Wall hanging shelves to d i s p l a y p l a t e s, $ 5 - $ 2 0 ; assortment of wall clocks, $10-$30; decorative wall mirrors, $10-$30. 708-4816907

2 pc solid maple “Heywood Wakefield” china cabinet, height 75”, width 54”. 708481-6907 Ethan Allen solid wood (maple) kitchen chairs, $25 ea. 708-481-6907

For sale: Stove $60; Washing machine $50; China cabinet $80. 219-940-1044

We welcome you to tour Christ Our Savior Catholic School! For sale: Price reduction! Oldie but Goodie! Drexel Heritage, Solid Wood 9 pc. dining room set $820 firm, paid $5000 at Merchandise Mart Downtown Chicago. 708-360-3068 or cell, 708915-9131 For sale: Genuine leather, burgundy 84” sofa, 60” love seat, 38” chair with ottoman. Very good condition, all $200. Buyer must pick up in Chesterton, IN. Call. 219508-3970 F o r s a l e : To t a l g y m s u p r e m e , b r a n d n e w. Already setup, with 5 video tapes $299. Call. 708-7108721

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Large over the dresser mirror $15; ornamental wall mirrors, $20-$30. 708-4816907

For sale: Wood ramp with hand rail on one side. 15.5 feet long, 40 inches wide, 12 inch rise. Used in garage $200. 219-865-2195


Down comforters sz twinking, $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5-$10; assorted throw pillows, $2$5 ea. 708-481-6907


For sale: Champion New portable generator 6.5OHV 3500 watts $200/obo; New 10” compound miter saw $150/obo; used karcher gas pressure washer $100/obo; Mack snowblower $100/ obo. ($600 takes all.) 708465-8544


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017



Dr. King Celebration Focuses Love And Unity

Thornton Township High School New Generation of Men conveyed a message of empowerment through their words and stepping.

Top Teens of America South Suburban Chicago Chapter collected food for the Thornton Township Food Pantry and presented it to the township at the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration which is also recognized as a National Day of Service. Representatives of Top Teens of America and their sponsoring group Top Ladies of Distinction are shown with Event Chair Loretta Wells and Thornton Township Supervisor Frank Zuccarelli. ___________________________________

It was a day of remembrance, celebration, unity and a call to action at the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day program. Presented by the Thornton Township Human Relations Commission (HRC), South Suburban College and Thornton Township High School District 205, this year’s program was titled Love and Unity Conquers Hatred and Violence. Program event chair and HRC member Loretta Wells said the annual celebration is important because it is a reminder of Dr. King’s legacy and the contributions of those that helped to make his dream a reality. This year’s theme was chosen to remind everyone of what Dr. King was able to overcome by teaching love and unity. The program showcased the talent of District 205 students through performances by the MLK Combined Honor Choir, MLK Combined Honor Band, Thornton Township High School New Generation of Men and student presentations. Keynote speaker Congresswoman Robin Kelly stressed the importance of making our voices heard because “the change agents and the voices of the righteous will always prevail. In diversity there is strength. We must stand for inclusion and equality for all,” she said. Kelly also challenged those in attendance to stand together and make their voices heard. “We have to make the effort to be the change we want to see,” she said. Don Manning, president of South Suburban College, said he was impressed with the talent, strength and profound words coming from the students. “When I look at everything these students can accomplish, I am really optimistic about the future,” said Manning. District 205 Board of Education President Bernadette Lawrence the district has and will continue to put children first. The district is on track to surpass the 37 million dollars in scholarships and grants its students received last year by 25% this year. Last year the district launched Outlook Academy, a second chance program allowing students up to age 22 to recover credits and graduate from high school. The program is provided at no cost to the district through special state funding. On this National Day of Service the township accepted a donation to their food pantry from the Top Teens of America, Si n g e r C M - 1 7 c s e w i n g machine, barely used & book, $75. 708-481-6907

Stiffel brass table lamps, $25-$40 ea; lamp shades, $5$10; headboard (full sz., dark cherry) $35. 708-4816907

Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen, 22” x 27” x 7”, $25. 708-481-6907

New Balance shoes, like new, $5; Craftsman level, $5; bocco ball set return $30; red had, ladies scarf, $5 ea. 708-849-6273

Thomasville 2 drawer night stand, all wood, $40; Sony dvd player, $7. 708-481-6907 2 bar chairs (swivel) $30; suitcases and travel bags $7$12 ea. 708-481-6907

Yeti PopTop Stash Can & Sticker. New limited edition YETI 12 oz.Can Removable top stash can, sticker(snake head Built for the Wild) $15. SHolland 219-789-8496/708333-3423

2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75; cherry wood drop leaf table, $75. 708481-6907

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The District 205 MLK Day Combined Honor Band performed at the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration. _________________________________________________________________

South Suburban Chicago Chapter sponsored by the Top Ladies of Distinction and a donation of scarves, gloves and hats from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Theta Rho Omega. Both groups pledged their ongoing commitment to help the township. Thornton Township Supervisor Frank Zuccarelli closed the event calling for people to come together and unite instead of Jeweled Ornament Jar & Shimmering Snow Ornament Jar majestic 7”H x 6”W w4”opening, lid FDA approved W/rhinestones. TeleFlora limited ed! S Holland, $20. 219-7898496/708-333-3423 PJ Robe Sacks/Couch Pouch Snuggle up.Brand New!1 Adult size Red,3 Kids Size(2 Blue,1 Yellow) $40. for all 4. SH 219-789-8496 AB LoungeAbdominal Machine! more effective t h a n c r u n c h . sturdy,supports your body, head, neck, back,rolled steel frame, used. ONLY $75. SHolland,IL 219-789-8496 Desk,Rolltop style, light Oak. ( Wi n n e r s On l y b ra n d ) . Pickup in Dyer.$250. Call Karen 219-322-2127.

12 ShrimpCocktail Bowls. Commercial Quality Stainless Steel Rings Thick Glass Serving Cups. EXC COND.Serve your guests in Style! $200 SH 219-7898496/708-333-3423 Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes B-zc tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new top $100. 708-285-1107 Triax boys bike 20: 21 spd re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension, aluminum model 8101-95, like new, $50. 708-285-1107 2 large stork signs for new arrival babies, 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign, $150 ea. 708-2851107

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The District 205 MLK Day Combined Honor Choir lifted their voices in song at the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration.



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Loretta Wells, event chair for the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration, and Thornton Township Supervisor Frank Zuccarelli join keynote speaker Congresswoman Robin Kelly for a photo following the program.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17149244 on January 10, 2017 under the assumed business name of FUNDAMENTALS OF LEARNING CHILDREN’S ACADEMY with the business located at 1835 YALE RD, FLOSSMOOR, IL 60422. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is LISA R HAVARD, 1835 YALE RD, FLOSSMOOR, IL 60422 USA.

tearing each other apart. “If we are truly going to be great we cannot be our worst enemies. Love and unity conquers hate every time. We can’t forget it. We can’t unite with only people who agree with us, he said. “We can’t use violence to get our point across or use hatred to justify our actions. We must learn to live together, love together, unite together and work together. It is the only way to defeat hatred and violence.” Kenmore dryer, exc. cond., G.E., large drum chrome. $150. 708-692-0794 Workbench, $10; oak door (80” x 24”), $15; cement mixing tool, $5. 708-4606035 Lawnmower, Craftsman self propelled, mulcher, $75; flatscreen tv, 20”, $65; tv stand, $25; dvd player, $15; turntable (Fisher) $25. 708460-6035 Bookcases, (four), solid wood, tall, $25 ea; metal shelf, heavy duty, 6 ft x 3 ft, $25; office chair, $25; coat rack for hallway, $15. 708460-6035 Copy paper, multi purpose, $3 ream; microphone stand, $15; easel & markers, $10; student desk, $10. 708-4606035

AT&T cordless phone, $5; speakers, mouse & pad for computer, $10. 708-4606035 Purse: Coach, $15; womens clothing, purses, shoes, $5; mens dress pants, tops, coats, shoes, $5 ea; scrubbs, $2; ironing board & pad, $5. 708-460-6035 Coffee table, $15; microwave oven, $25; end table, $15; stool, rattan, $15. 708-4606035 Lamps, set of 2 table lamps, $25; floor lamp, wicker with table, $15; mirror, white wicker, $15. 708-460-6035 Drapes, full length, brown, insulating drapes, $15; drapes, lace, short, $5. 708460-6035

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Say I saw it in The Shopper T-Fal fryer, new in box, $25; black microwave, $25; 30 pc. china, $25. 708-460-6035 Soda machine, Soda Stream machine, $10; chocolate machine, new, $10; kitchen multi use cart, $15; new handmixer, 3 speed $6. 708460-6035 Vacuum cleaner, Bissell featherweight bagless, s m al l , $1 0 ; new steam cleaner, $10; jumbo igloo cooler, $10. 708-460-6035 Dazey turbo spa, $10; walking cane, $5; reacher, $3; back support belt, $5; scrubbs, $2. 708-460-6035 Refrigerator, 22 cu. ft., almond, bottom freezer, ice maker, exc. cond. 219-6132130 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16 inches between arm rests, like new. 708-8914798 Batter y powered wheel chair, regular wheel chairs. 312-218-0893 White cast iron top mount drop in double sink, 33”, equal sides, center drains, $60. 708-394-3745 Headboard: queen/regular. Looks good with oak or pecan wood, $15. 708-3943745 Assorted golf clubs, 1 wood, several irons, .75 cents ea. 708-394-3745 Post operation foot surgery: Breg large boot $15 ea; Darco large shoe $5 ea. 708394-3745 Conpro camara sacar peluculas VCR VCR Llamar. 708-418-1098 Computer desk, $30; entertainment center $30; cocktail table $10; end table with snack tables, $18 or make offer. 708-889-0350 Beautiful full length coat, mink wiht fox sleeves, fawn color, size 8/10, exc. cond. 708-418-3155 For sale: Portable Sears Kenmore dishwasher $100. 708-895-8272 For sale: Cadillac Escalade weather tech floor mats, fits 2010 to 2014. Brand new were $200. Asking $80. black front rear. 708-841-8884

January 25, 2017 Ha n d Ma d e W h i t e Il e t Quilted Photo Album. Ideal for Wedding or Anniversary Photos. Excellent Condition. $5.00 708-895-3195 Antique Dining Room Arm Chair. Approximately 80 years old. $3.00 708-8953195 Ba by Boy s C h r i s t e n i n g Outfit. New, never worn. Fits 6-10 lbs. $4.00 708-895-3195 Rival 18 qt roaster oven with 3 piece insert buffet server. $50.00 Call 708-895-6160 Butterball indoor electric turkey fryer. holds a 10-14lb turkey. $50.00. Call 708-8956160 Men’s Work Boots. Size 13, “CAT” Brand. Steel Toe with Metatarsel protection. Worn 4 days. $50.00  708-895-3195 Readers Digest Readers Service Bonus Bucks $5.00 value expiring December 2017 sell for $3.00. 708-4188069 Fo r Sa l e : Fi re p l a c e tools(shovel&broom) $7.00, Ad j u s t a b l e we i g h t b e l t $10.00, Record Albums from the 50s. 708-474-9495 For Sale: Antique mantel clock, brand name Ansomia, over 100 years old, New traveling golf bag cover $10.00. 708-474-9495 Triax boys bike 20: 21 spd re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension aluminum model 8101-95, like new, $50. 708-285-1107 Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new top $100. 708-285-1107 2 large stork signs for new arrival babies, 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign, $150 ea. 708-2851107 Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107

High Sierra duffle bag w/ wheels, many pockets, 27” x 16” x 14” like new, $25 obo. 708-494-4880 Maple twin beds headboards and footboards, $25 ea. Total $50. 708-3372131 Wood student desk with chair, four side drawers, one middle drawer, 35” x 18”, 30” high, $15. 708-337-2131 Jiffy padded mailer envelopes, 92 size 6 x 10, 25 size 10 1/2 x 16, $25 per lot. 708-494-4880

Computer desk, $40; entertainment center, $40; cocktail table $10; end table with snack tables, $30 or make offer. 708-889-0350

For Sale McDonalds 1999 complete Ronald McDonald House Beanie Baby set of 4 new in packages. 219-3222092

Batter y powered wheel chair, 16” between arm rests, like new. 708-891-4798

For Sale 1990 Fleer All Pro Football card set of 25 stars. Mint condition. 219-3222092

Automatic breadmaker w/ book, $15; waffle maker, electric, $10; office chair, $45; electric outdoor animated Xmas deer, doe & buck, $30; garden cart. 219365-8166

Nordic Track EXP 1000 treadmill, needs some work, $75. 708-606-8938

FOR SALE - Solid oak .5 drawer dresser chest in beige. 708-513-8356

5 four line business telephone with intercom GE model #2-9451, $100 obo. 708-494-4880

Franklin mint 1930 Duesenberg Tourister metal model car, mint cond., $65. Donald Trump bobble head, $12. 708-333-7432

F O R S A L E - K i n g s i ze mattress, box spring and frame $200. 708-513-8356

Batter y powered wheel chair, like new, also regular wheel chairs. 312-218-0893

Dale Earnhardt Jr. custom shirt from racetrack sz. XL $35. 708-333-7432

Golden Opportunity Entertainment Books. NW Indiana and So. Suburban, IL. Hundreds of discount coupons. Fast food, travel, sports, music & services. $25 ea. 708-849-7722

2 hope chests, nice condition. Call my cell phone to view photos, also other antique furniture. 708916-9930

Antique steel bed, double size, exposed steel coil spring frame, attaches to header x footer. Burnished black, $100 obo. 708-4944880

Toddlers Sesame Street playhouse w/Arie & book $10; Toddlers preschool desk, red/green/yellow, $6 708-574-8788 2 pink winter coats (girls) sz. 4, hooded, $8 both; mens dress pants w/belt, sz 42x30, new, $5 ea; large selection girls jeans, sz 12-14, $5 ea, new. 708-574-8788 36 cup electric coffee maker, large pot, $8; new 21 pc knife block set $15; ladies Nine West white jacket, sz 14, cleaned, $10. 708-5748877

Mini jazy electric wheel chair, $6,000 new, only $250 and it’s like new condition. Cedar Lake, IN area 312320-9386, 219-365-5348

Tall legs game or kitchen table, 4 chairs, $10; mens long black leather coat w/ belt, sz. large, $10 708-5748788



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Sofa 92”, color Navy. Mfr. Bauhaus, USA made. Comfy, good for family room. $200. Call Karen 219-322-2127 Chair ,large 50” wide, color Navy. Mfr. Bauhaus USA. $75. Call Karen 219-3222127 For sale: Womens Harley Chaps size medium, $100. 708-889-0579

Washer and dryer, $250. 708-715-2348

For sale: Gearwrench 20pc ratcheting wrench set, $55; Cra f t s m a n 1 2 p c. U S A wrench set with tool pouch, $35; 12 pc. HD Bunde cords $10. 708-460-8308

Fishing rods and reels, Shakespeare brand tackle box and rod carrying case and lures, $110 obo. 708624-0346 Johnsons Bros. white ironstone english set of dishes (64 pcs) $45. 708-4816907

For sale: 6 ft. torch floor lamp, all steel $12 or $24 with dimmer switch, new bicentennial 1976 plate $10. 708-460-8308

Villeroy & Boch hotel plates (white): 4 charger plates, $3 ea. plate, 9 dinner plates, $2 ea. plate. 708-481-6907

A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, furnaces installed from $1495.00 R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219616-3281

Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623

Caregivers Registered Nurse looking to care for geriatric patients at their home. Light cleaning, cooking, companion, medication, etc. Sabina, Merrillville, speaks Polish. 219-308-6904

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17149160 on January 3, 2017 under the assumed business name of ELAM JALEEL CONSULTS with the business located at 5140 ARQUILLA DR., RICHTON PARK, IL 60471. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is ELAM MUHAMMAD, 5140 ARQUILLA DR., RICHTON PARK, IL 60471 USA.

Fo r Sa l e : Fi re p l a c e tools(shovel&broom) $7,00, Ad j u s t a b l e we i g h t b e l t $10.00 Record Albums from the 50s . 708-474-9495 For Sale: Antique mantel clock, name Ansomia, over 100 years old, New traveling golf cover $10,00. 708-4749495


The Shopper’s


Trivia Contest Winner

Pete Matrenec


For sale: Old style 3 beer stiens w/lids, 1990’s $25 each pillow proper adjustable bed backrest, $10; new 19” tools box w/ trays, $12. 708-460-8308

Fo r s a l e : C l e a n q u e e n boxspring & mattress $75 for both; 3spd. bicycle, $95; Antique couch; floor rugs 3 for $50; sewing wooden cabinet $85. 773-238-0944 or 773-387-9291



For Sale McDonald’s TY Beanie Babies set of 12 from 1999 new unopened $35. 219-322-2092

Craftsman snowblower, 22”, 5 HP, runs good, $25 firm 708-600-8938

Conpro camara vcr para sacar peliculas vcr. Call 708418-1098



FOR SALE - Large beige laminate dining room table with six fabric and metal chairs. Very durable and long-lasting. 708-513-8356

Ladies red flat boots, sz 8 1/2, $8; beige Dooney Bourke drawstring bag, $30; medal high back steel swivel, $8, good cond. 708574-8788

Nordic Track pro skier with computer model 1001, like new, $100 obo. 708-337-2131

Trivia Contest for your chance to win a

$100 Grocery Gift Certificate from Walt’s Food Centers and

$50 Gift Certificate from Sheffield’s Restaurant

* No purchase necessary. Some restrictions apply. One entry per person per week. Winner will be notified by phone or email. Drawing held monthly.

This Week’s Trivia Question

Which Sinatra song manages to rhyme a line with “shy way”? Last week’s Trivia: The disastrous poison gas leak at Bhopal took place in which country? Answer: India. Name _____________________________________________

Phone ________________________________________

Answer _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473

or EMAIL US NOW at with your name and answer for an instant entry

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017



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The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/

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Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should

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Community Info.

for information.

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Directory South Holland...

A Community of Churches

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Christ Community Church, COGIC

We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!

1151 E. 170th Street 331-8389 FAX 708.331.8374 Dr. Carl E. King, Sr., Pastor


Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Nick’s Tobacco 262 Joliet Street

Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis

Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.

Michael’s Resale and Con. 2631 Hwy Ave.


Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road

Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road

Munster Donut 8314 Calumet Avenue Strack & Van Til 12 Ridge Road

Cheap Tobacco 15 Ridge Road


Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Worship with Us Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt

King’s Community Church

Covenant United Church of Christ

Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******

Redeemer Lutheran Church

651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Rev. Kwame Pitts, Pastor

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. ******* Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. First Christian Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. Reformed Church ******* 163rd & South Park Avenue Spirit of God 333-8211 Fellowship 16350 S. State Street Rev. Daniel Svendsen 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor

Providence Bank 950 US 30

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

Quality Home Improvements. No job too small. Baths, kitchens. Drywall Repair or Install. Carpentr y Flooring Wood Laminate Ceramic etc. Insured & Bonded. Call. 708-4391258 Free estimates.

Miscellaneous Services Canvas Sewing Repairs. Done reasonable. 708-4397316




First Church (PCA) 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor

Painting Services: From small paint jobs to major paint jobs. Patching & drywall repairs. Reasonable rates. Ask for Carlos. 708207-0644

obituary obituaries Morning Worship ....... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ...........11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........5:30 p.m. *******

Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Nick Alons Pastor

Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

New Hope Church Bible Based * Celebrating Diversity

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels

Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41

A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, dryer vent cleaning, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & ...........................................5:00 p.m. Church School ............. 9:45 a.m.

833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Glen McCarthy, Pastor SUNDAY Church School........8:45 a.m. Worship Services..10:30 a.m. MONDAY Prayer…… ..............6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Morning Manna ....11:30 a.m. THURSDAY Prayer…..................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…… ......7:00 p.m. *******

Home Improvement/ Repair

Custom Pickup/Delivery Svc: Small moves (furniture, appliances); classified ad items; thrift store; auction; Any day/evening. 8a-9p. Short notice OK. 219-4339457

600 West Route 6 333-5444

Peace Christian Reformed Church

Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St.

Circle Buick 2440 45th Street

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Dr. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Pastor Corey Buchanan, Director of Mercy & Justice Ministries Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Student Life Rev. Dr. Rich Grevengoed, Director of Pastoral Care & Counseling

Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******

Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr.


First Reformed Church

Discount Home Improvement And Handyman Ser vices. D r y w a l l , c a r p e n t r y, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. $50 off a $500 p u rc h a s e. Ac c e p t i n g credit cards. Call 708207-0644

Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, power washing. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708841-2328

WOW! Carpet Cleaning



Worship Service ........10:00 a.m. *******



Funeral service for Ronald Klomp will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at First Church (PCA) in Lansing, IL with Rev. Ben Kappers officiating. Mr. Klomp was born December 24, 1942 and passed away January 21, 2017. He was the husband of Henrietta Klomp (nee Bouwman). Father of Jennifer (William) Boyd, Kevin (Cherilyn) Klomp, and the late Elizabeth Klomp. Grandfather of two. Brother of Wayne (Joyce) Klomp, Terry Klomp, Linda (Stan) Sokolowski, Cheryl (late Ed) Adams, and Jeffery (Sharon) Klomp. Preceded in death by his parents Jacob and Lorraine Klomp. Interment Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lansing, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, Dyer, IN.


Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017


Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to National Chocolate Covered Nut Day.








Ferrero Rocher

Submit announcements online at

On This Date - January 25

1802 Napoleon Bonaparte elected president of Italian (Cisalpine) Republic 1858 Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” first played 1877 Congress determines president between Rutherford B. Hayes & Samuel J. Tilden 1881 Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form Oriental Telephone Company 1940 Nazi decrees establishment of Jewish ghetto in Lodz Poland 1955 US & Panama sign canal treaty 1961 Louise Suggs wins LPGA Naples Pro-Am Golf Tournament



Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.



ACROSS 1. Bars on guitars 6. Olden-day aerosol can propellant 9. Invitation request 13. Chinese fruit 14. “Say what?” 15. Kind of space 16. *8-time Grammy winner and “Climax” (2012) performer 17. Victorian time, e.g. 18. Mickey Mouse’s pet 19. *2017 Grammy host 21. *BeyoncÈ’s nominated rap song 23. Listening device 24. British comedy’s Mr. ____ 25. Baryshnikov’s step 28. Red gemstone 30. Good guy 35. Amy Winehouse’s voice, e.g. 37. Same as pleaded 39. Chinese silk plant 40. Film ____ 41. Rode in a tube 43. Insolence 44. Dished out 46. Observer 47. Seed cover 48. Like flotsam 50. Red-encased cheese 52. Chinese “way” 53. *Prince’s 1986 Grammy winner 55. Spanish sea 57. *Justin Bieber’s Grammy nominated album 61. *Best Rap Song nominee (2017) 64. Apathetic 65. Ante up

67. Reflective thinker 69. Ringworm 70. Rub the wrong way 71. Open-mouthed 72. Perching place 73. *1995 Grammy nominee, ____ of Base 74. ____ and rights DOWN 1. Work stopper? 2. Reduced Instruction Set Computer 3. Amazon’s smart speaker 4. Not here 5. India VIP 6. ____ Zhen, played by Bruce Lee and Jet Li 7. Hudson’s Bay Company’s original ware 8. Irritate by rubbing 9. *4-time Grammy nominated Ja ____ 10. Part of house frame 11. U.S. President’s special power 12. “Pretty in Pink” formal 15. “Once upon a time...,” e.g. 20. Do like a volcano 22. Popular pickup 24. Sayonaras 25. *Desiigner’s nominated hit 26. Cool & distant 27. Motionless 29. *”____ Aint Your Color” 31. Hindu serpent deity 32. Like TV with browsing capabilities 33. Locomotive hair 34. *Adele’s multi-nominated hit 36. Dunking treat 38. Ownership document 42. Golden Globes’ category 45. One of Fanning sisters 49. “____ the season ...” 51. Hairy vertebrate 54. Photo tint 56. Moulin ____, Paris 57. Bread pocket 58. Inch, e.g. 59. Late Attorney General Janet 60. A secondary school 61. Type of fish net 62. Sky defender 63. Autumn mo. 66. Parabola, e.g. 68. Hi-____



Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017

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Garage Sales cost $15 for all zones

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Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335

DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!

To promote your organization or event in The Shopper use this

Calendar of Events Form

Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________

CRETE • Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange

• Fairway Finer Foods

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ For more information, call ___________________________________________________ Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.

Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. All roofing, gutters, soffitt, fascia repairs. Senior discounts. Call John. 708740-0010

is available at the following locations:

Description of Event ________________________________________________________


(708) 672-6111




2681 Route 394 Crete, IL 60417

For your convenience,

Location __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


15425 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th

• Harold’s Chicken 15411 Cottage Grove Ave.

SOUTH HOLLAND • Community Center 501 E. 170th Street

• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store 351 W. 162nd Street

• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street

• Walt’s Food Center 16145 State Street

LANSING • Ace Hardware 3455 Ridge Road

• Calumet Bakery 18349 Torrence Avenue

• E Z Stop 191st & Burnham Avenue

• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road

• News Box 178th & Burnham Avenue

• Ultra Foods 16831 Torrence Avenue

• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017



C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Thursday, January 26

l Business Communication Symposium Offered The Business and Career Institute of South Suburban College, the Chicagoland Speakers Network and Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce are partnering to provide to provide you with a Business Communication Symposium on Thursday, January 26, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30pm. Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce. 18230 Orland Parkway (on St. Xavier campus) Orland Park, IL 60467. Cost: $49–Early bird; $59 at the door ($5 of each ticket will be donated to the Chicago Southland Chamber Scholarship Fund). Contact or call (708) 596-2000 x3254. l PNW Faculty And Staff Step Into The Art Scene The communication and creative arts department of Purdue University Northwest Calumet campus will be opening the new year of gallery showings with a faculty show on January 26 from 6-8 p.m. at the CHESS Art Gallery located at 6725 Kennedy Ave., Hammond, Ind. The show will feature faculty who are established artists along with new gallery submitters that will present their works for the first time. l Acoustic Jam/Open Table Potluck 3 January 26, 7pm. 19th Acoustic Jam/Open Table Potluck. $5 cover charge or $2 off if you perform or contribute to the Potluck table. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN.

Friday, January 27

l CD Recording Party January 27, 7pm. The Calumet Ridge Jazz Quartet hosts a CD recording party. We welcome you to join the fun with this project. The show is expected to run at least three hours. Refreshments will be provided. You are invited to contribute light refreshments (desserts, finger food) and you will be given the same discount as a Thursday night JAM, $2. Cover is $6. You may pay in advance at the gallery(cash only). This will guarantee your seat. Advance tickets are $4. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN. l FREE Caretaker Classes January 27th. 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 11:30 a.m. to Noon: Complimentary lunch provided by Residences at Deer Creek, Noon to 1:30 p.m.: Dealing with Difficult Dementia Behavior Through Better Communication. RSVP: Leona at 219-789-2470. Lake County Merrillville Public Library, 1919 W. 81st Avenue (US 30), Merrillville, Indiana, Downstairs Conference Room.

Saturday, January 28

l Family STEAM Saturdays: Amazing Science Try out easy, fun science tricks that you can use to amaze your family and entertain your friends! Children must be accompanied by an adult. No sign-up required. For all ages, 18 and under. 10:30 am to 4:00 pm on Jan 28th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Food Pantry Lighthouse community church, 2200 176th pl Lansing IL. Every second and fourth , Saturday 10-11; January 28, February 11, February 25. l KIds First Baby STEPS Tumbling Registration through Dyer Parks & Recreation only! Ages 18mo - 35mo (with parent) (630)257-5438 Saturdays until March 11. Plum Creek Center 2138 Moeller St Dyer IN l Towle Theater Auditions Auditions are January 28 at 10am. If you interested in auditioning or have any questions, please email jcasey@towletheater. org or call the theater at 219-937-8780. Auditions are open to anyone and everyone ages 12-18 grades 6-12 from Indiana or Illinois, public, private or home schooled. All are welcomed. If you’d like to audition, please prepare a 1 minute monologue that provides you the opportunity to show a very

interesting character choice - maybe with a different voice?. You will also be asked to read from the script. Towle Theater, 5205 Hohman Avenue, Hammond IN. l The Next Generation of Blues “Sweet Home Chicago Blues” was the song that brought the house down last March at GSU alongside Billy Branch, and the man behind the guitar was blues prodigy Jamiah Rogers. The standing ovation can be seen on YouTube, but true blues fans will want to witness Jamiah’s brand of blues in person. January 28 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $28, Seniors 65+ $23, Students $10. In Person at the Box Office: 1 University Parkway, University Park, IL. Box Office Hours: Monday- Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (open to 6 p.m. on Thursdays) and 2 hours prior to all performances. Parking is free.

Monday, January 30

l Music Therapy Program The program will be led by Rich Boban, a music therapist who specializes in working with people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. “People in music therapy programs show improvements in memory, motor skills and speaking ability,” said Boban. “A program like this is unique, for it benefits longtime library supporters as well as their caregivers.” Starts Jan. 30th. The program takes place on the last Monday of the month at 10 a.m. at the Hammond Public Library, 564 State St., at the intersection of Sibley and Sohl streets. The program is free. Call (219) 931-5100, Ext. 327 with questions. l Bowling Bowling - Ages 6-13 yrs. We’ll have no more than three kids per lane to ensure more bowling time. Fee includes games and shoe rental for entire session. Time: 4:15 - 5:30pm, Stardust Bowl III (1331 Sheffield Ave.) Fee: $35.00. Mondays until February 13th.

Tuesday, January 31

l Abraham Lincoln Nominees Book Club Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli. No sign-up required. Book is available for checkout at the library. For grades 9-12. 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm on Jan 31st. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Small Business Workshop South Suburban College is presenting a free workshop titled So You Want to Start Your Own Business on Tuesday, January 31 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., at South Suburban College’s Oak Forest Center in Room 5190. For more information please contact SSC’s Business Department at (708) 596-2000, ext. 2664. The SSC Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 Kilbourn Avenue, Oak Forest, IL. l Free Support Group for Dementia Caregivers First Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Franciscan Communities Adult Day Center 205 Franciscan Drive in Crown Point, Indiana Facilitated by Jill Barr/ Free day care service is available for older adults while caregiver attends the support group, however, ONE WEEK NOTICE AND ALL ADULT DAY REQUISTES must be arranged by calling the day center at (219) 661-5302.


l Avid Read Book Discussion This book discussion is open to anyone 18 years of age or older and is held in the Brick Room of the lower level. February’s book is “My Brilliant Friend” by Elena Ferrante. Copies are available at the upstairs Circulation desk. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Feb 2nd. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL l Tween Time Ages: 8 and older. Decorate a cupcake and enjoy eating it during our brief meeting. Let us know what materials and programs you would like to see offered at the library. Then choose from a variety of Valentine crafts to make and spread the joy of love and friendship! Registration begins January 23.

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Feb 2nd. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Low Cost Pet Vaccine Clinic Spay Illinois is hosting a low-cost pet vaccine clinic at Ted’s Pet Feed located at 2112 Indianapolis Boulevard in Schererville, Indiana. February 3rd from 1:00PM-6:00PM. Please call (630) 961-8000 to schedule your appointment today. l Winter Wonderland Dinner Dance and Raffle Our entertainment for the evening will be the band Together. The $25 entrance fee will include a Greek Chicken buffet dinner with dessert and coffee. Cash bar will be available. Doors open at 7:00pm with dinner served until 10:30pm. For reservations, call 219-3226165. Children 12 and under not permitted. 7:00 pm to 12:30 am on Feb 4th. St. George Greek Orthodox Church 528 W. 77th Ave (77th & Lincolnwood) Schererville IN. l Youth Rally A Youth Rally will be held on Saturday, February 4th, for all students age 12-18 and YOUTH GROUPS ARE INVITED! Come to have fun, enjoy exhilarating worship, meet with God, and make new friends. Pastors and others in ministry across the area are also encouraged to attend. Our special speaker will be Brad Keller, a Youth Alive missionary, Assembly of God. This life-changing event will be at 6:00 pm at the Calvary Assembly of God Ministry Center. Brad will also minister on Sunday, February 5th in the 10:45 am worship service. We hope to meet you! The address is 18620 Governors Highway, Flossmoor. For more information please call 708 957-0986 or go to www.calvaryflossmoor. com. l Lansing Old Timers 2017 Sports Registration Registration for the 2017 Lansing Old Timers Baseball, Softball, and Volleyball seasons will take place on February 4th and 18th at Nathan Hale Elementary School, 19055 Burnham Ave, Lansing, IL. Please be sure to bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate. l Happy Hearts Day! Ages: 7 and older Need a Valentine’s Day gift? Join us and make a Valentine’s Day craft for someone special. Registration begins January 23. 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm on Feb 4th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Hammond Historical Society Please bring your stories, pictures, and artifacts to share with the group. Refreshments will be served. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Feb 4th. Hammond Public Library Community Room, 564 State St. Hammond IN l SSC Alumni Retiree Network Event The South Suburban College Foundation (SSCF) is calling all college alumni and retirees out for Our Lifelong Connections—a free cocktail reception and networking event on February 9th from 6-8 p.m. in the Kindig Performing Arts Center. All attendees must RSVP to this free event at foundation@ssc. edu or (708) 596-2000, ext. 2463. l Preview Day for LCS PreK February 10, 9:30-11:30 am, Lansing Christian School is holding an Early Education Preview Day for students entering PreK-3 and Prek4. If your child will be between the ages of 3 or 4 by September 1st, we invite you to come! We offer half or full day and 3 or 5 day classes. Please call the school office for more information. 708-474-1700. l Make It! Craft Project This program will be held in the Community room, lower level. February’s project is Hugs & Kisses Valentine pillow boxes. This class is open to anyone 18 years of age or older and is limited to 12. Registration is required. 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Feb 10th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL l Dance & Romance- A Valentine’s Journey Join the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra and Music Director/Conductor Kirk Muspratt on February 10 at 7:30pm at The Auditorium at Bethel Church (10202

Broadway, Crown Point.) The concert will feature Yana Reznik, piano. Tickets are $29$69 with student tickets at just $10. All ticket holders are invited to join the Maestro before the show at 6:15 for a pre-concert lecture about the evening’s concert. (219) 836-0525. l Snowshoe Under the Stars Come out with your sweetheart for a night full of romance, fun and snow! Hike our trail under the stars then warm up by the fire with wine, fruit and beverages. Participants may bring their own beer or wine to enjoy. $12pp. Ages 21 and older. Registration is requires 708.946.2216. February 11th from 6-9p.m., Plum Creek Nature Center, Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve, 27064 Dutton Rd, Beecher. 708.946.2216. l Friends of the Library Book Sale Book sale room is open from 10 – 1. 2nd Saturday of every month until March 11th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL l SSC Jazz Fest 6:00 p.m. on February 11th, in the Kindig Performing Arts Center of South Suburban College. There is no charge for admission although donations are appreciated to benefit the Music Scholarship Fund. 708596-2000, ext. 2299. South Suburban College, 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, IL. l Author Spotlight-Kimberla Lawson Roby Join us for an afternoon with Kimlerla Lawson Roby. She will be on hand to talk about her new book Copycat. Space is limited so call 335-5262 to RSVP. 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Feb 11th. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland Il l Daddy & Daughter Dance Presented by the Calumet Memorial Park District for girls ages 3 to 16 will be held on February 11th from 6:00 until 8:00 PM. The fee is $15 per couple, and $5 for each additional daughter. Availability is limited, and advance registration is required. Sign up now at Memorial Park, 612 Wentworth Ave. in Calumet City. For more information please call 708-868-2530 x121. l Dyer Knights of Columbus 7th Paczki Ball Pre-Lenten dinner/dance and fund raiser. A Polish, family style dinner with music by Jimmy Killian. Cash bar and raffle tickets available. Tickets are pre sale only at $25 per person. February 11th. Cocktails at 6p.m., Dinner at 6:30p.m., followed by dancing. Casa Maria Hall on the grounds of St. Maria Goretti Parish, 500 Northgate Dr., Dyer, Indiana. 219-864-9111. l Food Pantry Lighthouse community church, 2200 176th pl. Lansing IL. Every second and fourth , Saturday 10-11; February 11, February 25.


l Well Walker’s Club This walking club is for adults over the age of 18. Receive a FREE pedometer when you join. Monthly meetings feature guest speakers discussing a wide range of healthcare topics. For info call 219-392-7104. l Cutting Coupons for the Military The Lansing Business Women’s Association is cutting and sorting coupons for our military families overseas. The coupons can be used 6 months past the expiration date at their commissary. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the Lansing Public Library in the Community Room. We meet 9:30 a.m. – Noon and 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Bring you scissors and any coupons you may have. Questions call Pat Leck 708-323-5232. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Silver Sneakers Program Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing awardwinning fitness program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. For adults 65 and older. St. Catherine Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation - Call 219-392-7086 for dates, registration or more information.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017

Snow Removal

Apartments For Rent

R o b’s S n ow R e m ov a l . Snowplowing, Snowblowing, Shoveling. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 25 years experience. 708-877-6860

Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Teacher. Must have 2 yrs. college including 6 credit hours of Early Childhood Development. Calumet City. 708-862-1884 Help Wanted: Exp. Plumber for Witvoet Plumbing Inc. Located in So. Holland. Please call or send resume to 16030 Cottage Grove, So. Holland, IL. 60473. 708-3317335 Help Wanted: Drivers-CO & O/Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Driver Newer Equipment! 855-5822265

2 bdrm. $850/mo. + security. All utilities except for light bill. Nice area in Calumet City. Call. 708-2885358. Ms. Flynn. Leave message. Apts. Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Please call after 3pm. 708-932-7499 or 630-709-1289. Walking d i s t a n c e t o SuperWalmart.

Dolton: 3bdrm., 1-bath, 2nd flr. quiet neighborhood, $850/mo. 1st & last mo. + $400 sec. deposit. Serious Inquires. 708-738-4401 Fo r R e n t - D o l t o n 2 Bedroom Apt. Heat, Hot water, Stove, Refrig, Laundry fac, and private parking. 815-483-3792 Apt. for rent: Hammond. N e a r Wo o d m a r M a l l , shopping, train. 2bdrms. 2nd. flr. Fr idge, stove, window A/C, gas, water, electric included. $725/mo. + sec. 219-712-4101 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1 6 7 t h & We n t w o r t h . 2bdrms. 2nd flr. All electric. Will be showing Feb. 10th. $800/mo. + sec. & credit check. Call only 9am-7pm. Call Marge. 708-868-2590


Homes For Rent

Office Space For Rent

Sauk Village House For Rent. 3 bedrooms, 1 car garage. $1,000/month plus security. Section 8 accepted. 219-322-2421

Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068

Home for rent: Single family residents. Section 8 welcome. Proven Real Estate Services LOC. Lansing, IL. 708-418-1833

Lost & Found

Home for rent: 3bdrm., 1bath, 2-1/2 car garage, $1000/mo + $1000/sec. deposit. Address: 21600 Olivia, Sauk Village, IL. Call. 708-672-0043

Lost/Stolen Cat: Calumet City. Cheyenniee 5 yrs. Calico, white, black, rust, beige, beige heart around mouth. Miss her please return. 708-801-9442

Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941 Wanted: Skilled tradesman looking for a small affordable living quarters house or apartment. Nice community. Willing to pay $300/$400 per/mo. Call. 708-491-2444

Lansing $244,900 4 br, 3.5 ba 2,877 sq ft home. Oak eat-in kit w/appl. Din rm, master ba w/whirlpool & shower. Fam rm. Loft. Refin hdwd flrs. Vaul great rm. Bryan Knudsen 708-424-4000

South Holland $144,900 All brick 4 br, 2 ba ranch w/2-car gar & large yard. All new windows. Granite counters. Ss appl. Fin bsmt. hdwd flrs. Newer furn, c/a & hwh. Cookie Zeleznik 708-889-2637

Lansing $200,000 This 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath home is beautiful inside and out. Perfect roomy home for entertaining. Dwain Montgomery


Dolton $139,900 Refurb 4 br, 2 ba home on tree-lined street. Smarthome technology. Eat-in chef kit w/ss appl, quartz counters & more. Fin bsmt. 2.5-car gar. Karla Mina 312-943-1959

Riverdale $149,000 Brick 3 br bungalow. Liv rm, din rm, brs & kit w/new hdwd flrs. New granite kit w/42” cabs & ss appl. New ba. Part-fin bsmt. 2-car gar. Norma Lawson 773-451-1200

Lansing $139,900 3 br, 1.5 ba ranch w/all newer thermopane windows, siding, c/a & furnace. All kit appl, hdwd br flrs, full bsmt w/partial ba & 2-car gar. Tom Gregory 708-889-2726

Motor News, Readers Digest, National G eographic, Mother Earth News, Crane Business; computer with large flat screen tv, stereo, book shelf, speakers, cds, cassette player. Reasonable, good cond. 708-251-5471l, 708-830-0856 Magazines, encyclopedias, Window curtains, converter box for television, Computer, cd’s, cassettes. 708-251-5471 Magazines; electronics; window curtains; cds’ dvd player; cassettes; reasonable, good cond. 708830-0856 or 708-251-5471 Wanted: Looking to buy used stainless steel cooking pot. 6 to 8 quarts. Cheap. 708-753-0021

Lansing $129,800 3 br, 2 ba ranch w/1700+ fin sq ft. Fam rm w/fplc. Updated cherry kit w/appl. Whrlpl ba. Newer carpet & windows. Din rm. Part-fin bsmt. Gar. Catherine Higgins 708-889-2728

Lansing $120,000 3 br, 2 ba split-level w/updated kit w/dining area. Din rm. Liv rm w/bay window. Ba w/skylight. Fam rm w/ wet bar. Walkout bsmt. 2-car gar. Zivile Pitkiene 847-217-3222

Calumet City $110,000 Solid 4 br, 3 ba bungalow w/3 main level brs. Plaster walls. Liv rm & br’s w/new carpet over hdwd. Full fin bsmt w/bath. 2-car gar & more. Daniel Cacich 708-889-2719

Small garden hose pump. 708-532-8337 Side handle for a power masonry hammer drill c l a m p o n s i ze i s 1 / 3 4 diameter. 708-532-8337 Looking to buy beanie babies, Barbies, new in box, Hallmark ornaments in box, Vintage holiday and toys. Call Dave 708-846-0439

South Holland $94,900 Welcome to “The Farm”. 2 br ranch on very fertile 2.5-acres. 2-car det garage. Insulated shed. Newer roof, siding, furnace & redone kit. Robert Conway 630-964-9696

Lansing $84,900 3 bedroom 2 bath single-family home in a nice location. Don’t miss this opportunity! Tom Gregory


Lansing $84,900 Cute 3 bedroom Cape Cod. Fireplace in living rm. Large country kit w/vaul eating area. Full basement. Large lot. Walking path across street. Daniel Cacich 708-889-2719

Skilled RN wants side jobs giving nursing care, companionship to elderly, assisted living. Many duties. Reasonable prices, licensed, transportation. 708-9532556 Looking to buy Beanie Babies, Barbies, new in box. Hallmark ornaments in box. Vintage holiday and toys. Call Dave 708-846-0439

Dolton $79,900 Redone 3 br, 2 ba brick bungalow. Granite counters & ss appl. Hdwd flrs. Din rm. Liv rm. Fin bsmt. 2-Car gar, side drive & fenced yard. Cookie Zeleznik 708-889-2637

Lansing $79,900 S of Ridge Road. All brick 3 br, 1.75 ba ranch. Full bsmt w/.75 ba. 100 x 135 ft lot. Lots of closets. Alum eaves & soffits. Nice location. Michael Kosich 708-889-2600

Lansing $75,000 2 br, 2 ba condo in flexicore bldg. Galley kit w/new cer tile, back splash & ref. Master w/ba & 2 closets. In-unit w/d. New hwh. 1-car gar. Danielle Moy 708-460-4900

Wanted: Does anyone have any 5 gallon water bottles they no longer want? Thank you. 708-539-0032 Brush style home cleaning wire long brushes. 708-5328337 Long style wire brushes to fit on a power drill. 708-5328337

Lansing $74,900 Updated 2 br, 2 ba unit. Updated baths. Large master w/ba. Updated eat-in kit w/appl. Large liv rm. Priv balcony. In-unit w/d. Udrgrnd gar. Catherine Higgins 708-889-2728

Calumet City $65,000 Spacious 3 br, 2 ba unit. All appl stay, including laundry. Inviting master w/full ba & walk-in closet. Balcony overlooking golf course. Roshaunta Lewis 708-957-0600

Calumet City $47,900 Open-concept 2 br, 2 ba condo w/nice size liv rm w/ fplc. Patio. Eat-in kit w/ss appl. Master ba. 2 parking. Storage units. Mins-to-all loc. Georgeann Weisman 708-957-0600

©2017 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.



20 E. U.S. 30


Schererville, IN 46375




Family in need of a washer if you are able to donate would appreciate it greatly. Thanks God bless 708-5274529 Small (child’s size) version of old blue Psalter Hymnal. It is about 6” x 4”. Call Roger 708925-2698

Automobiles For sale: 2015 Audi S5 3.0t Quattro Premium Plus AWD, Sepang Blue Pearl Effect, $54,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 3 C a d d y DeVille $3,800; 2004 Pontiac Vibe $2500. Real good cond. No work needed. Call. 708204-0708




5 to 6 ft. railings used, out of indoor elevator or stairway, 2 sides painted or stainless steel. 708-532-8337 metal roof gazebo 10 x 10 or 10 x 12 good condition,call 708-895-2565 wanted radio/tv tubes ham/ cb radios tube testers, 70 high power stereos &tube type stereos 708-536-8823

2001 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4 door, V8, clean, excellent for snow work, very well maintained, 4 wheel drive, $4,000/obo, Frank 708-2712678 For sale: 2007 Ford F-150 STX Sliver Clearcoat metallic, $8,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2000 GMC Sierra 1 5 0 0 S L 4 W D, Pe w t e r Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Tungsten Metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2012 Ford Escape Limited, White Suede $11,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Toy o t a Highlander Limited AWD, Bluestone Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2011 Silver Dodge Caravan Crew. Power foldout side ramp. 55,632 miles, four newer tires. Excellent condition. Many features. Call. 219-865-2195 For sale: 2014 Jeep Patriot L a t i t u d e, Br i g h t s l i v e r metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, Maximum steel metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2012 Honda Accord L X - P, P o l i s h e d M e t a l metallic, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2012 Honda Accord L X - P, P o l i s h e d M e t a l Metallic, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000

Auto Parts Cadillac Escalade floor mats, Weather Tech, fits 2007 to 2014, black, brand new, $80. 708-841-8884

Motorcycles Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Ho n d a Goldwing Aspencade. 48,000 miles. Excellent condition $9,500. Only serious inquiries please. 219-688-5103

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Seasoned Oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Also will sale in block form, and you split it yourself. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: EZ Credit up to $3000. Mattresses $78, Futons $128, Bunkbeds $178, Dinette sets $168, Bedrm. sets $398, 20 pc. 3room packages $1695. Free L a y a w a y. L i k e u s o n Facebook. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: Champion New portable generator 6.5OHV 3500 watts $200/obo; New 10” compound miter saw $150/obo; used karcher gas pressure washer $100/obo; Mack snowblower $100/ obo. ($600 takes all.) 708465-8544

Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Wood ramp with hand rail on one side. 15.5 feet long, 40 inches wide, 12 inch rise. Used in garage $200. 219-865-2195 For sale: Stove $60; Washing machine $50; China cabinet $80. 219-940-1044

January 25, 2017

For sale: Genuine leather, burgundy 84” sofa, 60” love seat, 38” chair with ottoman. Very good condition, all $200. Buyer must pick up in Chesterton, IN. Call. 219508-3970 F o r s a l e : To t a l g y m s u p r e m e , b r a n d n e w. Already setup, with 5 video tapes $299. Call. 708-7108721 For sale: Over 235 Marie Osmond Dolls. 90% have never been taken out of box. $1800. 708-826-5022 or 708279-7198 For sale: 4 bicycles, 2 are Schwinn, in storage for 30 yrs. $80. 708-826-5022 or 708-279-7198 Decorative area rugs, 4 large 8x10, 2 runners 22” x 7 ft.. Will separate, 3 yrs. old. Very good cond. 708-439-7736


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Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 ea. 708-4816907

Vintage Madame Alexander doll “Degas Girl” #1575 in original box, wrist tag & stand, $45; barbie dolls, $5 ea. 708-481-6907

Neighbor 2 Neighbor

Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10$100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 ea; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907 Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets, some quilts handmade, $15-$20 ea; decorative toss pillows, $1$2 ea; duvet covers, asst. sizes, $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907 Down comforters sz twinking, $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5-$10; assorted throw pillows, $2$5 ea. 708-481-6907 Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pcs for $10; crystal decanters $5$10-$15 ea. 708-481-6907 Collection of porcelain tea pots; assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907 Assorted colors Fiesta dishes ea. pc. $3; Pyrex bowls, $3$5 ea; early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 ea pcs.; casual dishes, white. 708481-6907 Anchor hocking 38 pc set of dishes, white with gold trim, $ 2 0 ; P y r e x b ow l s a n d bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907

Wall hanging shelves to d i s p l a y p l a t e s, $ 5 - $ 2 0 ; assortment of wall clocks, $10-$30; decorative wall mirrors, $10-$30. 708-4816907

Stiffel floor lamp,$100; Ionic breeze quadra air purifier, $20. 708-481-6907 iHome notebook cooling pad with built in fans, $7; new set of 4 chair cushions, $10. 708-481-6907 Folding walker with wheels, $20; 4 prong cane, $10; bath chair, $20. 708-481-6907 2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table, walnut, $75; Ethan Allen sofa, $125 obo. 708-481-6907 2 pc solid maple “Heywood Wakefield” china cabinet, height 75”, width 54”. 708481-6907 Ethan Allen solid wood (maple) kitchen chairs, $25 ea. 708-481-6907

WELCOME TO OUR WORLD--Eadie Opal Kay, born December 21, 2016 to Erin and Joe Beaulieu. Baby Eadie weighed in at 7 pounds, eight ounces and was 20 inches long at birth. She goes home to Big Sister Tessa Beaulieu, age 4 and Big Brother Wyatt Beaulieu, age 2. Brother and sister are both very happy about Eadie’s arrival! Erin is the office administrator for Park Press of South Holland and Joe is the fabulous IT support, h ig h tech g u r u, for Coldwel l Ba n ker! Blessings to the Beaulieu family! ***

Si n g e r C M - 1 7 c s e w i n g machine, barely used & book, $75. 708-481-6907 Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen, 22” x 27” x 7”, $25. 708-481-6907

Classified Advertising Network

National Classified Ads [AFCP] MAKE MONEY MAILING POSTCARDS! Easy Work, Great Pay! FREE Info: Call 1-619-6490708. 24/Hours Guaranteed Legitimate Opportunity! Register Online Today! www. VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL: 1-888-2238818 Hablamos Espanol. **SPECIAL** Generic VIAGRA 60x (100 mg) +24 “Bonus” PILLS for ONLY $138.00 plus shipping. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Other Meds Available. 1-877-328-4627 Hablamos Espanol. VIAGRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419 OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 844-558-7482 Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lung Cancer? If so, you and your family may be entitled to a substantial financial award. We can help you get cash quick! Call 24/7: 844-865-4336 CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nation’s Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1- 800-864-5960.


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3 pcs Fiesta canister set $30 obo; assorted Corningware oven pcs., $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907

Wants to purchase minerals Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles and other oil and gas interests. right now! Call LiveLinks. Try Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Any Condition. Running or it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909Denver, Co. 80201 9905 18+. Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! ADVERTISE to 10 Million Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? Homes across the USA! Place We’re Nationwide! Call Now: You And Your Family May Be your ad in over 140 community Entitled To Significant Cash 1-888-985-1806 newspapers, with circulation Award. Call 866-428-1639 for VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS totaling over 10 million homes. Information. No Risk. No Contact Independent Free 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Money Out Of Pocket. Papers of America IFPA at CASH PAID- up to $25/ Shipping! 100% guaranteed. Box for unexpired, sealed CALL NOW! 1 -866-312-6061 or visit our website cadnetads. DI ABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136 com for more information Hablamos Espanol Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. CARS/TRUCKS


Original Furbies, $3-$5 ea; Ty Beanie Babies $2-$3 ea; barbie dolls $5 ea. 708-4816907

Sure FIt sofa covers, $20; Sure Fit loveseat covers, $10; larg e chair covers, $8 ; decorative toss pillows, $2 ea. 708-481-6907

For sale: Price reduction! Oldie but Goodie! Drexel Heritage, Solid Wood 9 pc. dining room set $820 firm, paid $5000 at Merchandise Mart Downtown Chicago. 708-360-3068 or cell, 708915-9131

CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776-7771. www. DIGITAL HEARING AIDS - Now offering a 45-Day Risk Free Offer! FREE BATTERIES for Life! Call to start your free trial! 888-675-5116 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-7379447 18+ SWITCH TO DIRECTV. From $50/Month, includes FREE Genie HD/DVR & 3 months HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, STARZ. Get a $50 Gift Card. Call 888-6721159 WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 (1979,80), W1-650, H1-500 (1969-72), H2-750 (1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI-GS400, GT380, HONDA-CB750K (1969-1976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!! 1-800772-1142 1-310-721-0726 usa@ SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.

BUSINESS NET WORK ING W ITH CALUMET CITY CHAMBER AND SOUTH SUBUR BA N COL L EGE : A bu si ne s s net work ing meeting was held at South Suburban College on Wednesday January 18, 2017 in the Conference Center of the sprawling South Holland campus. Pictured here are some of the participants: Calumet City Chamber Secretary Cindi Hall; SSC Senior Recruiter Karen Diprizio; Chamber Prog ra m Cha irma n Chris Ma r t in; SSC Test ing a nd Operat ions Ma nager, Oa k Forest SSC Business and Career Institute; Chamber Member Kathleen Dujsik, CSI Cleaning Specialist; Alexandra Glumack, SCC Business and Career Institute, Oak Forest Ca mpu s, SSC C l ient Solut ion s Specialist; Michael Schoettle, SSC Business and Career Institute Oak Forest Campus, Client Solutions Specialist and Chamber Director Ella Grays. Not pictured is Patrick Rush, now with John Kasperek, and myself who was taking the photo! Karen gave us a delightful overview of the college campus life and the many ways one can earn an associate degree there. There are SS college programs to suit most any student from just out of high school to senior citizens who wish to return to school or even Veteran’s who just need to present their DD214 papers to register. There are many options for paying for the education at SSC and some options are even free! There are part time, full time and online options and many and varied extracurricular activities one can enjoy. SSC is a ‘feeder’ school for Governor State and Purdue and is affiliated with SD 152 and serves South Holland, Lansing, Lynwood, Dolton, Harvey, Calumet City, Thornridge and Thornwood High Schools. ***

W HITING POST 80 DISHES UP SOME DELICIOUS POLISH FOOD ! The iconic and popular Post 80, 2003 Indianapolis Blvd, Whiting, Indiana hosted a delicious Pol ish fea st Su nday Ja nua r y 15, 2017.

Pictured here are some of the people who made the dinner possible: Front row, left, Bill Palmer and Harry Ne. Second row, left, is Commander Harr y Triplett and Mike Wooden. Not Pict u red was Chef Mi ke Wisnewski who was behind the scenes all weekend long creating the polish, pierogi, stuffed cabbage and sauerkraut for us to feast upon. Next up, Whiting Post 80 will be a hosting Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, January 29th, 2017, at 2003 Indianapolis Blvd, W hiting from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $7 for adults and $5 for children. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, eggs, milk, juice and coffee. This is one way to support our Veterans! See you there! *** WHITING POST 80 AND THE AMERICAN LEGION A ND WA LTER K LEIBER V F W POST 2724 TO HOST 5TH ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF FUNDR AISER! A ll proceeds to benefit Rehabilitation and The Indiana Veteran’s Home. The Great Chili Cook Off takes place on Saturday February 11, 2017, at Whiting Post 80 in Whiting from 2 to 5 p.m. Cost is $5 per person and there will be 2 prizes awarded--1st place and Runner up. All chili entries must be in by 12:30 p.m. hot and ready to serve! There will be no fee to enter your chili and the contest starts at 2 p.m and ends at 5 p.m. Winners will be announced. For i n for mat ion ca l l 219-0659-0215. Come on out and show your support for our Veteran’s! ***

W ELCOME TO THE NEIGHBOR HOOD C I N DI G E E Z E A N D T E R R Y W I L E Y : Pictured after the closing on her new house in Merrillville, Indiana are new owner Cindi Geeze, Terry Wiley, Master Closer Kevin Zaremba of Chicago Title in Highland, Ma r y Powers, R EMa x i n Mu nster a nd yours truly Janice Minton-Kutz, Coldwell Banker, Schererville, In. Not pictured is the seller of the house in Merrillville, Nathan Reigle. Mary represented the buyer Cindi and I represented the seller Nathan. Lots of real estate activity and movement in the southland and Northwest Indiana! *** CON DOL ENCES TO T HE FA MILY OF ARCHIE (REV.) GR AHAM OF CALUMET CITY: Archie was co-pastor with wife Rev. Eileen Graham at God’s Word Christian Center on Wentworth in Calumet City. He was a longtime member of the Calumet City Chamber of Commerce and a Director for some of the time of his membership. He was in law enforcement most of his adult life from when he left the military service to when he founded his own detective agency. He had a long and storied career with the FBI and Marshall Services and helped many people in those capacities. Our deepest sympathy to Rev. Elaine Graham and their children. Archie’s visitation was at Leak and Sons Funeral Home in Country Club Hills on Friday January 20, 2017 and services were held at Christ Community Church, 1151 E. 170th Street, in South Holland on Saturday January 21, 2017. He was interred in Abraham Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Elwood, Il on Monday January 23, 2017. May Archie Graham Rest in Peace! *** ENJOY LIFELONG CONNECTIONS WITH AN ALUMNI AND RETIREE COCKTAIL RECEPTION : For a l l for mer st udents, teachers and others who had to do with South Suburban College, in South Holland. The event is free and being sponsored by the College Foundation, Friends and Alumni and is set for Thursday February 9th, 2017, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. RSVP to This goes all the way back to when we called the school Thornton Community College or TCC! B there or B square!

For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

January 25, 2017







1.75 LT












1.75 LT











1.75 LT


750 ML

14.96 1.75 LT






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1.75 LT






1.75 LT

20.96 1.75 LT








750 ML


750 ML











750 ML


750 ML


750 ML









750 ML



750 ML



750 ML



Please Remember To Drink Responsibly OPEN: MONDAY – SATURDAY 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS


37 JOLIET, DYER 219-865-8501

1.75 LT







750 ML

750 ML




1.75 LT



750 ML

1.75 LT

1.75 LT




750 ML

750 ML












1.75 LT

19.96 1.75 LT

750 ML








750 ML






1.5 LT







Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.


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