The Shopper 2/15/17

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#1 Source For FREE Community Info.

Internet Edition

Inside This Week Vintage Singer slant-o-matic 500 sewing machine in desk w/three drawers, all accessories including button holer and extra bobbins, $150 obo. 708-337-2131 - Visit The Shopper Online!

Wednesday • February 15 • 2017

Marching Beyond the Mountain Thornton Tow nship presents Marching Beyond the Mountain: A Black History Month event featuring civil rights activists and writer Dick Gregory. The event, which is co-sponsored by the Human Relations Commission and the Youth and Adult Family Services Department, takes place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, February, 17 at the Kindig Performing Arts Center at South Suburban College. Gregory has lived a life far from ordinary. He is listed on Comedy Central’s Top 100 Stand-Up Comedians of All-Time, and in the 1960s helped bridge African-American comedy to Caucasian audiences with much success. After the 1998 birthday commemoration for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., then U.S. President Bill Clinton said, “I love Dick Gregory, he is one of the funniest people on the planet.” Gregory began performing comedy while in the U.S. Army in the mid-1950s. By using irony and satire, he held up a lens to American society and its racial stereotypes, using comedy and social action to address injustice and discrimination in American society.

Financial Advice Column

What’s Smarter – Paying Off Debts or Investing? BOB KRYGSHELD You r dec i sion about what you do w it h disposable income could ma ke a rea l difference in your ability to achieve your important financial goals. W h e t h e r a y e a r end bonu s f rom you r employer, or a si zable ta x refund, or even an i n her it a nc e, don’t let it “s l ip t h roug h you r fingers.” Instead, consider: investing the money or using it to pay off debts. W hich of these choices should you pick? There’s no one “right” answer, as ever yone’s situation i s d i f ferent . But here are a few general considerations: • Dist ing uish bet ween “good” and “bad” debt. Not a l l t y pes of debt are created equal. Your mortgage, for example, is probably a “good” form of debt. You’re using the loan for a valid purpose – i.e., living in your house – and you likely get a hefty tax deduction for the interest you pay. On t he ot her ha nd, nondeduct ible consumer debt that carries a high interest rate might be considered “bad” debt – and this is the debt you might want to reduce or eliminate. By doing so, you can free up money to save and invest for retirement or other goals. • Compare making extra mortgage payments vs. investing. When you do have some extra money, putting it towa rd your house may not be the best move. From an investment standpoint, your home is

somewhat “illiquid” – it’s not a lways easy to get money out of it. If you put your extra money into traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds, you may increase your g row t h potent ia l, a nd you may gain an income stream through interest payments and dividends. • Consider tax advantages of investing. Apart from you r mor tgage, you r other debts likely won’t provide you with any tax benefits. But you can get tax advantages by putting money into certain types of investment vehicles, such as a traditional or Roth IRA. When you invest in a traditional IRA, your cont r ibut ion s may be deduct ible, depend i ng on your income, and your money grows on a ta xdeferred basis. (Keep in mind that taxes will be due upon w ithdrawals, and any withdrawals you make before you reach 59½ may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty.) Roth IR A cont r ibut ions a re not deductible, but your earnings are distributed ta x-f ree, prov ided you don’t take w ithdrawals until you reach 59½ and you’ve had your account at least five years. It’s not always an “eitheror” situation; you may be able to tackle some debts and still invest for the future. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017

Automotive Services Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623 Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556

Bu y i n g j u n k c a r s a n d tr ucks, project m us cl e cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. Save this ad. 708-268-7075

Caregivers Registered Nurse looking to care for geriatric patients at their home. Light cleaning, cooking, companion, medication, etc. Sabina, Merrillville, speaks Polish. 219-308-6904


I will never leave you nor forsake you. — Joshua 1:5

Attend the church of your choice.



South Suburban College Gallery Exhibits January 30 – February 24 Reg iona l High School A r t Student E x h ibit ion – T hei l & Photo Fou r Galleries Reception/Festival Day Feb. 24. February 6-24 Reg iona l Hig h School A r t Facu lt y Exhibition – Dulgar Gallery Reception/Festival Day Feb. 24 February 24 Regional High School Art’s Festival Day Featuring Guest Artist Speaker Jay Strommen March 6-8 National Women’s Month: Margie Sula – Thiel Gallery

SSC’s Dorothea Theil Gallery, Room 4333 ______________________________________

April 3-21 SSC Alumni Exhibition – Thiel Gallery

March 6-8 Kevin Bruinsma – Photo Four Gallery

April 3-21 Michael Coakes – Photo Four Gallery

March 6-April 21 Gregg Hertzleib – Dulgar Gallery

April 27-May 11 Bi-Annual Student Art Exhibition – All Galleries

Chimney Repair R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays

All galleries are located at SSC’s main ca mpus. Dorot hea Thiel Ga ller y – Room 4333, Photo Four Gallery – Room 4338, Lee E. Dulgar Gallery – First floor atrium. For more information or to confirm dates and times, call (708) 5962000, ext. 2316. South Suburban College is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.

Preview Day At Lansing Christian School

Computer Sales/ Repair Computer desk, $30; entertainment center, $30; cocktail table, $10; end table with snack tables, $18 or make offer. 708-889-0350

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192

On Friday, February 24th, parents and their energetic 3, 4 and 5 year olds will fill the halls with excitement as they come to check out what learning is about at Lansing Christian School. Preview Day (Open House for incoming Pre-K 3 & 4 year olds and Kindergarten) provides prospective families with an inside view of the school. While their children participate in fun and educational

activities in the classrooms, the parents gather in the conference room for a special presentation from Principal Postma and the Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers. For more information about Prev iew Day at Lansing Christian School, call 708474-1700. Visit us at our website w w w. Friday, February 24, 2017 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.




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• 10 Minute Oil Change ! • Only Quality Oil Brands!

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Full Service Oil Change Offer Expires 3/8/17 Limits Apply

The oil you use matters! Unlike others, Grease Monkey only uses oil brands you know & trust. 720 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-4

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The Shopper

An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US % (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $25 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

99 al price $38. Change. Norm 3/8/17 ll Service Oil ers. Expires off r he ot 10 Minute Fu th lid wi $28.99. Not va with coupon √ Nice people √ NO Pushy

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Highland, IN • 9615 Indianapolis Boulevard • (219) 924-7840 Hammond, IN • 6747 Indianapolis Boulevard • (219) 844-9919 South Holland, IL • 235 W. 162nd Street (Route 6) • (708) 339-3111 Calumet City, IL • 1700 Sibley Boulevard • (708) 891-2470

o late! o t t o n It’s

! w o N r e Regist 13 ary rt: Febru Late Sta rch 20 eks: Ma e W 8 2n d options.s

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017

Speaking Of Seniors

Saved Munster Woman $206.49


contractors don’t want to admit that. But, it does. That is what happened to our client in this case. Medicare failed to send the claim information to her insurance company. Yo u c a n’t b l a m e a n insurance company for not pay ing a bill when Medicare failed to deliver the claim. For almost 14 years, I have helped t he senior c it i z en c l ient s of t he insurance agency where I work. Helping to protect our clients from financial harm caused by mistakes or fraud in the Medicare system is one way that we give extra value to our clients which ver y few other insurance agencies give.

It took work over a few months, but I finally got a hospital in Illinois to admit that our client who lives in Munster DOES NOT OW E A BAL ANCE. I asked and the hospital agreed to send a statement to the client which shows zero balance owed. About eig ht week s before our phone call to the hospital on February 7, our client got a bill and asked me to check it for her. When I checked with the Medicare supplement insurance company that she uses, it reported that Medicare never sent to it the claims which caused the balance due for our client. I ma iled a nd fa xed a letter to the hospital to explain this and ask the hospital to send certain e s s ent i a l i n f or m at ion about the claims directly to the insurance company. W hen the hospita l rev iewed t he problem bill and did what I asked, t he bill went away. So, my work saved the client $206.49. The Medica re system brea ks dow n hundreds of t i mes per day. T he government bureaucrats and government

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295


Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, dryer vent cleaning, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, power washing. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708841-2328

Glasses Same or Next Day Glasses & Contacts Eye Exams Walk-ins & Outside Rx Welcome

Note : Woodrow Wi lcox w or k s at S en ior C a r e I n su r a nc e Ser v ic es i n Me r r i l l v i l l e , I n d i a n a . He h a s s a v e d s e n i o r citizen clients well over one m i l l ion dol la rs by c atch i ng a nd f ig ht i ng m ista kes or f raud. He wrote the book SOLVING MEDIC A RE PROBLEM$ (w w and posts a r t icles at w w w.

Estate Moving Sale 7104 Hohman, Hammond, IN February 18th (9-3) 19th (10-2) Lots of china figurines including Hutschreuther, Rosenthal, Goebel, Champodimonte, and others. Venetian glass, costume & fine jewelry, recliner, loveseat, sleeper sofa, wing-back chairs, easy chairs, china cabinets, vintage beauty parlor chairs w/hair dryers, fully functional. Lots of kitchen misc., queen size bed linens, Art, kitchen cabinets, misc. garage, much more to be found. or call 312-951-6070.

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured

Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758

*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.



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Save $95 on high index lenses with non-glare coat. Coupon must be present at time of purchase. Packages

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017


COS Welcomes Superintendent, Dr. Jim Rigg

Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins

• Complimentary Market Evaluation • We’ll Provide Answers to all of your Real Estate Questions • We’ll Advise you on what you need to do to get your home ready for sale! • • • •

We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • Put our Experience to work for you!

Quality Home Improvements. No job too small. Baths, kitchens. Drywall Repair or Install. Carpentr y Flooring Wood Laminate Ceramic etc. Insured & Bonded. Call. 708-4391258 Free estimates.

Miscellaneous Services

See what we do at Email: Call: 708-828-3304 We Sold 170 + Homes the Past 2 Years For a Reason!

Canvas Sewing Repairs. Done reasonable. 708-4397316

lifeline to the teams. There was a special category of Religion questions that Dr. Rigg hosted. Dr. Rigg toured the COS building and visited classrooms, the Technology Labs as well as the Science Discovery Lab and Be a Star Theater. The students were thrilled to meet and greet Dr. Rigg. For more information about Christ Our Savior Catholic School located in South Holland, please contact 708-333-8173 or visit or Facebook: Christ Our Savior Catholic School.

The faculty, staff, administration and students of Christ Our Savior School were honored to welcome the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Chicago, Dr. Jim Rigg, to Christ Our Savior during the recent Catholic Schools Week celebration. Dr. Rigg was presented with a performance by the sixth grade bell choir, our praise dance troupe and junior high singing choir. Dr. Rigg pa rticipated in t he Academic Scholastic Showdown Bowl by acting as a



Custom Pickup/Delivery Svc: Small moves (furniture, appliances); classified ad items; thrift store; auction; Any day/evening. 8a-9p. Short notice OK. 219-4339457

Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038

Don’s Dependable Hauling and Moving. w/full housebsmt.-garage cleanouts, other home services & D&D Services who specializes in snow removal, soffit, and facia. Will trim bushes. Call between 8am-4pm. 708522-2381

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017


From 1967 – 2017: Celebrating 50 Years Of Diversity, Inclusion and Integration In District 205

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



Celebrating 50 years of Diversity, Inclusion and Integration Thornton Township High School District 205


Photo: Boyd Batts, Mike Bonczyk and Quinn Buckner

WITH THE GREATEST ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAMS IN HISTORY THORNRIDGE FALCON’S 1970-1971 AND 1971-1972 HONOREE PLAYERS Quinn Buckner, Boyd Batts, Greg Rose, Ernest Dunn, Mike Bonczyk, Michael Henry, Mark McClain, William “Nee” Gatlin, James Loggins, team Captain Tony “Grubbs” Jackson and head coach Ron Ferguson

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Board President Bernadette Lawrence

In 1967, after addressing the board of education and local elected





“The unique strengths of our district - our spirit, our optimism and our work ethic - allow us to celebrate our past while discovering the innovative prosperity of our future.”

Thornridge Gymnasium 15000 Cottage Grove Ave. Dolton, IL 5:30 pm before varsity game vs. Thornton -Retirement of Jerseys -


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had an unrelenting pursuit for freedom, fairness, unity and educational equality. We also share in his quest and aspire to develop students with unquestioned character. This year, we commemorate the 50th anniversary of diversity, inclusion and integration in District 205. In 1967, inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, a group of concerned parents from Phoenix, IL, gathered to create a plan. Much like Dr. Martin Luther King, they had a dream. At the time, their approach was simple, but their demands were radical - all children in District 205 would have the opportunity for an equitable education - regardless of color or zip code. Even in turbulent times, they believed that integrating children of diverse backgrounds and races would enhance learning for all students in District 205, creating a generation of well-educated students. This group of living room architects had the foresight to know that blending corners, communities and classrooms would enhance the way students think, as well as narrow the achievement gap.


officials, it was determined that in the fall, a small group of eighth graders from Coolidge Elementary School would be the first students bused to Thornridge High School in Dolton, IL, integrating the all-white campus. This news came with excitement for some, but cautious reservations for others. In the spirit of Dr. King’s movement for desegregation, the parents knew they were doing what was best for all students in District 205. But the incoming freshmen first to embark on this journey - not completely convinced. As depicted in the movie “Remember The Titans” - the first two years were confrontational and challenging for these freshmen. Many were separated from older siblings attending nearby Thornton High School in Harvey, IL. These brave


1500 Cottage Grove Avenue | Dolton IL 60419 Home of the Falcons


Mrs.Bernadette Bernadette Lawrence, President Ms. Nina Graham, Curriculum Chairperson Mrs. Lawrence, President Mr. Albert Butler, Finance Chairperson Mr. Banks, Vice President Ms. Nina Graham, Curriculum Mr.Ray Ray Banks, Vice President Ms. Kierra Williams,Chairperson Board Member Mrs. Whittington, Secretary Ms. Kierra Board Board Member Mrs.Annette Annette Whittington, Secretary Ms.Williams, Judith Gibbs, Member Mr. Albert Butler, Finance Chairperson

young students endured countless conflicts, while quietly transforming the privilege to learn into a civil right and individual liberty. By 1970, the boys’ varsity basketball team boasted a racially diverse bench of scholar-athletes. For two consecutive years in 1971 and 1972, they defeated every opponent and reigned as back-to-back state champions. The Lord’s plan was at work in both the classroom and on the basketball court. These recurring victories of Thornridge High School can be attributed to drive, resilience and the determination to be a united team during segregated times. On the court, they were different shades, but equally qualified and evenly capable. The adversities they faced strengthened their bond as a team, and developed their character. These

“Let us all learn from the struggles and triumphs of our past – so that we may be well equipped to make wise decisions in the future.” young men used sports to unite communities, erase barriers and blur color lines. To this day, they are considered the greatest high school basketball team in Illinois history. Celebrating the rich history of District 205. Blessings to you. Board President Bernadette Lawrence

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017



Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning Joins Forces With The Women’s Diagnostic Center To Help Fight Breast Cancer Through their business, Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning, owners Tom and Sue Krygsheld have been able to bring comfort to the homes of area residents for more than 29 years. As a way to give back to the community and pay it forward, the couple holds an annual fundraiser during the month of October – Breast Cancer Awareness month. A portion of the proceeds from the business’ service calls has been set aside to help women benefit from early detection of breast cancer. On behalf of their fundraising efforts, St. John’s Illiana Heating and Air Conditioning general manager Kevin Frump and installation manager Dan Krygsheld have presented a $1,770 check to Mary Nicholson, MD, medical director of the Women’s Diagnostic Center in Munster. The funding is earmarked for patients who need diagnostic imaging. “This generous donation will help supplement funding that we have received from physicians and the medical staff for diagnostic mammograms,” said Nicholson. “Early detected breast cancers can be treated successfully and this funding will enable us to serve many more with the care they need. We strive to ease our patients’ minds, alleviate their stress and fear, and replace it with confidence in care that’s close to home,” she said. Each October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, the Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Affordable Home Repairs. All roofing, gutters, soffitt, fascia repairs. Senior discounts. Call John. 708740-0010

Help Wanted Help Wanted: No phone calls please. Medicar Drivers apply online @ Must have good driving records. Only serious applicants apply.

Pictured from left to right are Kevin Frump of Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning, Mary Nicholson, MD, fellowship-trained, dedicated breast radiologist on staff at Community Hospital and regional director of breast imaging services for Community Healthcare System and Dan Krygsheld of Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning. _______________________________________

Garage Sales in South Holland Feb. 17, 9-3p; 18, 9-2p.  1923 E . 172nd St ., So. Holland.  Estate Sale. Vintage furniture, pictures Needle Point & more. Collectibles, tea-pot collections, old trunks, tools, glassware, outdoor statue/fountain & more.

He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s CDL-A: We know ALL our Drivers! Get Home & Get Paid! Great Benefits & Retirement! New Equip. w/ APU’s. Family Owned! 855279-2657 x2

Krygshelds and their business, Illiana Heating and Air Conditioning, hold a fundraiser to help ensure area women are able to access quality care. Proceeds from installs and service calls during the month go to an account set up through Community Hospital to help local women receive diagnostic imaging at the Women’s Diagnostic Center. Breast cancer is a disease that can be diagnosed early through routine mammography. The Women’s Diagnostic Center of Community Hospital offers digital mammography with same day results. With technological advances and coordination between area physicians, women can generally begin treatment for breast cancer within 10 days of diagnosis. Since 2011, the Krygshelds have provided donations to the Women’s Diagnostic Center as a result of their October fundraiser. Diagnostic imaging has been made available to women with that funding and more than one has turned out to be positive for breast cancer – providing care where there wouldn’t have been an opportunity otherwise. For more infor mat ion about Il lia na Heat ing & A ir Cond it ion i ng, Inc., ca l l 219-365-0006 or v isit w w w. i l l ia na heat i L ea r n more about t he Women’s Diagnostic Center and advances in women’s care at www.

Homes For Sale

2 bdrm. $850/mo. + security. All utilities except for light bill. Nice area in Calumet City. No pets. Call. 708-288-5358. Ms. Flynn. Leave message.

Manufacture Home for sale: Weatherstone Lakes. 160 Sparrow, Lynwood 60411. 3bdrm., 2 full/baths, attached 2-1/2 car garage. Cathedral ceilings, skylights. Asking $35,000. Will do $10,000 down, $5,000 for 5 mos. or cash offer. 708-8338370

Apts. Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. 708-932-7499 or 630-709-1289. Walking d i s t a n c e t o SuperWalmart.

Apartments For Rent

Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1 6 7 t h & We n t w o r t h . 2bdrms. 2nd flr. All electric. Will be showing Feb. 10th. $775/mo. + sec. & credit check. Call only 9am-7pm. Call Marge. 708-868-2590

Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.

Apt for rent: 4631 Torrence, Hammond, IN. 2 bdrm. $ 6 5 0 / m o. + $ 6 5 0 s e c . deposit. Stove & fridge. Seniors welcome. Near South shore. 219-629-5357 Riverdale. 3-bdrm. Heat water included, near Metra. No pets, non-smoking, new carpet, new paint. $925/mo. + sec. Many amenities. Call. 708-841-8094

Homes For Rent Home for rent: 3bdrm., 1bath, 2-1/2 car garage, $1000/mo + $1000/sec. deposit. Address: 21600 Olivia, Sauk Village, IL. Call. 708-672-0043 2 total Homes for rent: Calumet City, 2 bdrms., 1 bath w/basement, water included. $800-$900 per month. 708-224-7093

Office Space For Rent


Grandparents, Married or Single People, you are about to learn a wonderful system for SAVING MONEY. Four things are needed to make this work and you will see results in a matter of days. When you receive this packet, PLEASE follow my instructions and you will SAVE MONEY EFFORTLESSLY. Send a $35 check or money order to: Mr. Hardy, PO Box 1670, South Holland, IL 60473.

Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068


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Pets for sale: Capuchine beautiful bird, black and white, 6 mths. old. Mother and Father on premises. Inside family pets, $75. Call. 708-891-1669

Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL

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as a student. Malone will retire from her alma mater at the end of this school February 15, 2017 year concluding a 38 year ALSH LAW KERLIN W teaching career. –Warmth & Competence– Since she has been at Queen of Peace Malone has spearheaded many remarkable initiatives including the 100 Mile Club, the Certified Nursing As11301 South Harlem Avenue, Worth (CNA) program CERTIFIED PUBLICsistant ACCOUNTANTS and Fuel Up to Play 60, a grant funded program focused on encouraging

Say I saw it in The Shopper

hair by




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our youth to be more active and make healthy food choices. “Ms. Malone has taken 708-239-1111 our physical education Eileen Kerlin Walsh 5418 W. 127th Street, Alsip program to new heights by HOURS: Tues. 11-7,Wed. & Thurs. 11-8, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-4 constantly seeking opporMust present this ad for discount. Cannot be combined with any other offer. tunities to get our students excited and engaged. She has a dynamic spirit and a gift for working with peoStuff everywhere, but you can’t get rid of it, we understand—just bring your stuff here and we will find ple. She is respected by all the space you need for CHEAP! You will feel better knowing your stuff is safe with us...Call Now! who know her and will be greatly missed,â€? said Queen • No Deposit • Rent a Truck $1 for Firs • Buy Boxes here • Clean, safe and of Peace High School Print Mo.! Call for D     secure storage etails! cipal Hedi Belkaoui. Malone will be remem7659 S. Linder Avenue Burbank, IL 708.458.7600 Midway Storage bered for the energy and (708) 293-1900 (708) 813-2844 enthusiasm she brings to 2341 W 135th Pl • Blue Island, IL 60406 her classroom. “I’m really 1 Street South of the Bridge sad Mrs. Malone is retirActivities, arts and athletics ing because she is such a great teacher and her class is a lot of fun. PE definitely July 11-July 15 9am-12pm won’t be the same without 5th-8th grade FREE! her,â€? said sophomore Ashley Murphy. A sentiment Holistic Healing & Wellness Center echoed by current and forA Robo Design Experience mer students. Malone is a staple in Chicago having Are you unsure about which Intuitive Healing July 18-July 20 9am-12pm Service is best for your personal growth, health and also taught and coached 7th-8th grade (co-ed) $75 healing? Join us for a weekend of high vibrational at Mother McAuley High energy and fun! School, Brother Rice High School and St. Ignatius • Over 10 Healing Practitioners -Reiki, EFT, Akashic Consultations, Life Coaches College Preparatory High Basketball, softball, soccer, School. track, tennis and volleyball • Healings/Readings: 30 Min -$40; 55 Min-$75 STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm In addition to her ac• Reiki & Chair Massages ($1/min) complishments in the Sunday 7 am to 7 pm June and July Various Times • Door Prizes Daily for the First 10 Visitors classroom, Malone is an 5th-8th grade $75 • Free Mini-Yoga Classes esteemed volleyball coach • Free 60 min Service Raffle USDA Choice Certified Herefordwho “Natural has Beefâ€? amassed countIndiana Kitchen “All Naturalâ€? Pork • Lean 10%&Off All Gift Shop Items Learn the fundamentals of Meaty less awards throughout her 6 Oz. Pkg. different genres of dance career including Illinois Saturday Sunday State Volleyball Coach of ValueJuly Pack 16th Sold As Steak Only July 17th August 1-August 4 9am-11am 1 Lb. Pkg. the Year (1980, 1981 and 11am to 6pm 12pm to 5pm E 5th-8th grade $75 1982), City Volleyball IC O CH Coach of the Year (1980 A D 9501 NewLb.England Ave. Oak Lawn, IL S Lb. U and 1981) and induction All camps include a tee shirt! Indiana Kitchen “All Naturalâ€? Pork into the Girls Catholic Michigan For more information or to register, visit USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Association Beefâ€? Athletic Hall Schedule Your Session Today! 708-634-3664 or call 708.496.4792 of Fame. & friends


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$3.49 1/2 Lb.


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Center Cut Pork Chops


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Navel Eating Oranges


$ 99

4 Lb. Bag

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017



Musical Premiere at Towle Theater


I Know My Name ANNA M. CAISON While reading the biography of “Barack & Michelle” by Christopher Andersen, I was reminded of the one thing President Obama has that I and most Blacks born in America don’t have; he knows his name. And because he knows his name, he knows his place of origin, his ancestors, their village, their language and their culture----his heritage, his identity. I don’t know my name. The surname of my father is not my father’s name, nor is it his father’s name or his father’s, father’s name. My ancestors were ripped from their place of origin and stripped of their language, heritage, culture and their name. They were forced into slavery and given the name of their owner as a form of identification. That name is the name that has been passed down from one generation to the next. Whenever the question would come up, “Why can’t you people forget the past?” I’d reply, “How can we forget the past when our name is an identifying mark of the past? That was the anguish I grew up with in the 60s and early 70s that led me on a quest to know “Who Am I?” This is what I discovered. The day I gave my life to the Lord I became a new creation. The personal stigma of my past was erased and I was

given a new surname: Child of God. Although the world still classifies me by my old slave name, I don’t respond in that name. I live, work and do business in my new name. My new name is connected to my new identity which is secure in Jesus. In His name, I continue to thrive in a society that is marred by injustice, racism and discrimination. Seeing myself through the eyes of God and believing w hat H is Word say s about me ha s changed my life! As a child of God, my list of ancestors has expanded to include the patriarchs of the Old Testament, King David, Abigail, Joseph, Da n iel, Apost le Pau l, Peter, Dorcas, Lydia, and all the other named a nd unna med peoples of t he Bible. Also included are the children of God who’ve nurtured my walk in the Lord-- Rev. Melvin UpChurch, Rev. Arthur Griffin, Shirley Gilbert, Guy Travis, Linda Abrams, Lucille Henry, James Scates, John Downer, Emma Downer and so many others. This is my heritage; this is who I am. And my purpose is to help other know who they can become through Christ. For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.

Mother & Son Superhero Party Friday March 3, 2017 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Sister Robert A nne; Sister Mar y Leo, a novice who is a wannabe ballerina; and the delightfully wacky Sister Mary Amnesia, the nun who lost her memory when a crucifix fell on her head. This show has become an international phenomenon. Performances for Nunsense A-Men! are February 24-26, March 3-5, 9-12. Thursday through Saturdays the production will begin at 8pm and on Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are only $19. Every Friday performance is an Educator Appreciation Night w ith buyone-get-one free tickets to all educators. Thursday, March 10th is Industry Night; anyone who provides proof of their work in a theatrical production will receive a buy-oneget-one free ticket. Reservations required for all promotional discounts. Children under six years of age are not permitted in the theater. The Towle Theater is located in beautiful dow ntow n Hammond at 5205 Hohman Avenue. Parking is available just off Fayette St reet on ly steps away f rom our a l ley entrance at the back of the theater. For more information, please call 219-937-8780 or visit

The Towle Theater opens its 14th Season with the Chicagoland premiere of the hit musical, Nunsense A-Men! by Dan Goggin. ‘We try to find interesting shows to produce at the Towle and this is no exception. There are many incarnations of the Nunsense franchise. This one was especially appealing because it is the original show but all the nuns are played by men. This will give audiences a different take on the classic show” says Jeff Casey, Managing Director. The production is sponsored by Vanis Salon & Day Spa and Yale Business Center-Richard & Carole Barnes. Nunsense A-Men begins when the Little Sisters of Hoboken discover that their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God, has accidentally poisoned 52 of the sisters, and they are in dire need of funds for the burials. The sisters decide that the best way to raise the money is to put on a variety show, so they take over the school auditorium, which is currently set up for the eighth grade production of “South Pacific.” Here we meet Reverend Mother Regina, a former circus performer; Sister Mary Hubert, the Mistress of Novices; a streetwise nun from Brook lyn named

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Lost/Stolen Cat: Calumet City. Cheyenniee 5 yrs. Calico, white, black, rust, beige, beige heart around mouth. Miss her please return. 708-801-9442

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 0 C h e v y Equinox LTZ, Sliver, $11,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2007 Ford F-150 ST X, Sliver clearcoat metallic, $8,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000

Lost cat: Lucy, white brown black spots. Is microchipped and all shots. Left ear clipped. 159th & Drexel. SH Police Dept has pictures. 708-339-1538

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941 Wanted: Don’t throw it away! I am buying old stuff. Toys, signs, advertising, oil cans, and much more. Please call or text Doug. 219616-9342 Wanted: Skilled tradesman looking for a small affordable living quarters house or apartment. Nice community. Willing to pay $300/$400 per/mo. Call. 708-491-2444 Wanted: 5 gallon jugs (the clear plastic containers). Power washer, electric, at least 1700 psi; or any gas 2750 psi+. Call any evening 219-433-9457 18 1/2 HP vertical shaft Briggs tractor engine. 708532-8337 Army olive drab color army winter wrap around head helmet liner in Xlarge. 708532-8337 2-5 lbs dumbbell weights. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Knives, swords, daggers, bowies & honey. All militar y items any war anytime. 708-279-7198 Wanted-person to fix broken garage 219-730-3370 Antique tractor magazines on 1940s, 50s & 60s Deere tractors. 708-532-8337 3-5 lb. dumbbell weights. 708-532-8337 18 1.2 H.P. Briggs vertical shaft tractor motor. 708-5328337

Automobiles Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 3 C a d d y DeVille $3,800; 2004 Pontiac Vibe $2500. Real good cond. No work needed. Call. 708204-0708 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Toy o t a Highlander Limited AWD, Bluestone Metallic, $7,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, Maximum steel metallic, $15,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 1993 Chevy Vin#8984; Semitruck Vin#7486; Semi-truck Vin#2126; Semi-truck Vin#0510; Semi-truck Vin#9135. To claim call. Dee in Harvey. 708-668-5413 For sale: 2015 Audi S5 3.0t Quattro Premium Plus AWD, Sepang Blue Pearl Effect, $54,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2013 Volkswagen Jetta GLI, Candy White, $16,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2000 GMC Sierra 1 5 0 0 S L 4 W D, Pe w t e r Metallic, $6,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2004 Chevy Malibu LT, Silver, $4,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000 Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 3 Fo rd Aerostar. 140,000 miles. Runs good, lots of room. $1000/obo. Good for word van. 708-502-1953

Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 C h e v y Ve n t u r e , $ 1 8 0 0 ; 2 0 0 6 Chrysler Town & Country, $2500; 2006 Chevy Van V3500, $2500; 2000 Toyota Sienna, $2000; 2007 Caliber $3500. 708-351-9906 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 2 D o d g e Durango, 150,000 miles. One owner, garage kept. Needs mechanical/engine work. $1200 as is. Call 708212-6262 For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze 1LT, Auto, Blue ray metallic, $16,987. Call Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2005 Chrysler 300 C, Midnight Blue Pearlcoat, $7,987. Call Bob 855-9496000

Auto Parts Cadillac Escalade floor mats, Weather Tech fits 2007 to 2014, black, brand new, front, rear, $80. 708-8418884 Cadillac Escalade floor mats, Weather Tech, black, fits 2007 to 2014. Brand new, front, rear, $80. 708-8418884



Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017

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Motorcycles Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Ho n d a Goldwing Aspencade. 48,000 miles. Excellent condition $9,500. Only serious inquiries please. 219-688-5103 2004 HONDA GOLDWING T R I K E L OW M I L E AG E , EXCELLENT CONDITION, LOTS OF EXTRAS. $ 25,000.00 708-474-5662 Motorcycle for sale: 2009 Harley 1200 XL Custom. Low miles, a lot of chrome. $7000/obo. Call. 219-2188234




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For sale: 6 pc. living rm. set, leather like couch/sofa and chair, (exc. cond.) 2 glass end table and glass cocktail table. Call Mr. McBride. 708705-8207 Washer, dryer set, $300; pool table, $200. You haul away. Micki 708-953-9629

For sale: Five piece French provincial living room set, s o f a , c h a i r, 3 t a b l e s , excellent condition. Cost $300. Call. 708-880-0013 to see furniture.

For sale: Beautiful 75 gal. Fish tank with stand and accessories. Including a fluval cleaner. 219-682-5414

For sale: 42 in. Round cherrywood table, w/glass protection included and 4 leather parson chairs, $300. Carla. 708-596-5624

For sale: Hoover steam cleaner, still in box. Brand new paid $250. Asking $125/ obo. 708-841-8094

For sale: Bowflex Treadclimber TC100, 2 years old, still like new, pd. $1400, must sell $400. Call Ben. 708-208-8036


3 ______________

4 ______________

5 ______________

6 ______________

7 ______________

8 ______________

9 ______________

10 _____________

11 _____________

12 _____________

13 _____________

14 _____________

15 _____________

16 _____________

17 _____________

18 _____________

19 _____________

20 _____________

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708-333-9630 The Shopper


Say I saw it in The Shopper For Sale: Ashley Furniture Toletta Power Reclining Sofas, Brown Microfiber, like new condition. $650 each or $1,200 obo for set of 2. Call Kim 708-606-0686 For sale: Large stroller walker potty chair, play saucer, booster chair, all c l e a n $ 8 0 f o r a l l ; s i ze medium long leather coat $25. from Burlington Coat Factory, mint. cond. 708394-3431 For Sale: Kitchenaid 11 cup food processor with additional blades, and bowl. Excellent condition. $150.00 Call 708-895-6160 For Sale: Butterball electric turkey fryer. $50.00. Rival 18qt oven roaster $50.00. Call 708-885-5160

February 15, 2017 Vintage Singer Slant-omatic 500 sewing machine in desk w/three drawers. All accessories including buttonholer and extra bobbins, $150 obo. 708-3372131 Maple twin beds, headboards and footboards, $25 ea, total $50. 708-3372131 Nordic Track pro skier with computer model 1001, like new, $100 obo 708-337-2131 2 pc. solid maple “HeywoodWakefield” china cabinet, height 75”, width 54”. 708481-6907 Ethan Allen solid wood (maple) kitchen chairs, $25 ea. 708-481-6907

2 large stork signs for new arrival babies, 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign, $150 ea. 708-2851107  Random links of seal tight elect tubing and random sizes B-zc tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Last chance to buy Golden Opportunity Entertainment Books. Selling for charity NW Indiana and So. Suburbs I L . 1 0 0 ’s o f d i s c o u n t coupons. Come in & check out or book, $25. 708-9176829 Sealy single mattress and box spring with bed frame. Like new. South Holland area, $100 firm. Call 312320-9386 or 219-365-5378 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16 inches between arm rests, like new. 708-8914798 Antique steel bed, double size, exposed steel coil spring frame, attaches to header x footer. Burnished black, $100 obo. 708-4944880 Wood student desk with chair, 4 side drawers, one middle drawer, 35” x 17”, 30” high, $15. 708-337-2131 Batter y powered wheel chair, like new, also regular wheel chairs. 312-218-0893



SUMMER COLORS Affordable Fashion Sizes 8-3X Hours: M-F 9:30-4:30; Sat. 9:30-3:00


The Store With A Little Bit More 3334 Ridge Road Lansing


2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut, $75; Ethan Allen sofa $125 obo. 708481-6907

“Villeroy & Boch” hotel plates (white): 4 charger plates $3 ea plate, 9 dinner plates, $2 ea. plate. 708-4816907

Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-481-6907

“Johnson’s Bros.” white ironstone English set of dishes, (64 pcs) $45. 708481-6907

iHome notebook cooling pad with build-in fans, $7; new set of 4 chair cushions $10. 708-481-6907 Large over the dresser mirror $15; ornamental wall mirrors, $20-$30. 708-4816907 Wall hanging shelves to d i s p l a y p l a t e s, $ 5 - $ 2 0 ; assortment of wall clocks, $10-$30; decorative wall mirrors, $10-$30. 708-4816907

The Insurance Place

Dell 17 inch computer monitor, keyboard and mouse $25.00. Call 708-8956160

Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new top $100. 708-285-1107


Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen, 22” x 27” x 7”, $25. 708-481-6907

15” Vermont Teddy bear, $15; 18” American Girl Samantha, $35. 708-4816907

Vintage Madame Alexander doll “Degas Girl” #1575 in original box, wrist tag & stand, $45; barbie dolls, $5. ea. 708-481-6907

“Stiffel” brass table lamps $25-$40 ea; lamp shades, $5$10; headboard (full size, dark cherry) $35. 708-4816907


3 pcs Fiesta canister set, $30 obo; assorted Corningware oven pcs. $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907

Overcoming Your Credit Card Crisis The battle with credit card debt can be a constant struggle against high interest rates and monthly payments that never seem to make a dent in what you owe. How is it possible to make monthly credit card payments and never get anywhere? This problem is caused by high interest rates that eats up most of your payments. Even though you make your minimum payment, you don’t make much headway eliminating the debt. Luckily, there’s a way to find debt relief without incurring more debts. Using certified credit counseling like Consolidated Credit, you can get

2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75; cherry wood drop leaf table, $75. 708481-6907 2 bar chairs (swivel) $30; suitcases and travel bags, $7-$12 ea. 708-481-6907 Thomasville 2 drawer night stand, all wood, $40; SOny dvd player, $7. 708-481-6907

professional advice to identify the right solution for your needs. A certified credit counselor can review your options to see which solution is best for you. You can qualify for lower interest rates or even eliminate them, while consolidating your credit card debt into one easy payment to get you out of debt faster. Every financial institution differs, but most people see a reduction of total payments by up to 30-50% as they pay off debt faster. Freedom from debt can become a reality!


(Fees may apply for voluntary participation in debt management - all counseling services are free.)

For Sale Homedics parafin wax bath $20.00 Spa Pro hot rock massage heater $25.00. Call 708-895-6160

Triax boys bike 20: 21 spd re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension, aluminum model 8101-05, like new, $50. 708-285-1107

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Say I saw it in The Shopper Anchor Hocking 38 pc set of dishes, white with gold trim, $ 2 0 ; P y r e x b ow l s a n d bakeware, $3-$5 ea. 708481-6907 Assorted colors Fiesta dishes (each piece $3); Pyrex bowls, $3-$5 ea; Early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 ea. pc.; casual dishes (white). 708481-6907 Collection of porcelain tea pots; assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907 Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pc for $10; crystal decanters, $5,$10,$15 ea. 708-481-6907 Tall drinking glasses, $1 ea; coffee cups, mugs, $1 ea. 708-481-6907 Down comforters, sz. twinking, $25-$35; feather & d ow n p i l l ow s , $ 5 - $ 1 0 ; assorted throw pillows, $2$5 ea. 708-481-6907

February 15, 2017 Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 ea; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 ea; duvet covers, asst. sizes, $3-$5 ea. 708-481-6907

For sale: Ceramic wood burning stove base, fireproof backer, w/ceramic tile top, approx. 5’x5’. Brand new paid $480, asking $240. Info. 708-877-6387

Bed sheets: twin size $2 ea; full size, $3 ea; queen sz $4 ea; king sz $5 ea. 708-4816907

Ceiling Fans (4) Brown 42”-5 blades w/light & Globe attached. $25 each. Perfect condition. In Lansing. 708357-7900. Take one or all.

Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10$100; decorative wall pictures, $10-$25 ea; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907 Sure Fit sofa covers, $20; Sure Fit love seat covers $15; larg e chair covers, $8 ; decorative toss pillows $2 ea. 708-481-6907 Original Furbies, $3-$5 ea; Ty beanie babies, $2-$3 ea; barbie dolls, $5 ea. 708-4816907

playpen, high chair, Cosco car seat - $15ea booster chair, stroller - $5ea 219865-9983 5 gal. Behr Semi-Gloss Interior Enamel Paint, SunKissed Yellow. Opened Aug. 2012, sealed in room temperature storage. $100 new, selling for $60. (708) 646-4903. Leave message. 2 pair timberland steel toe boots. size 9. $150.00 for both or $80.00 for 1 pair 219895-0871

Mini hand crafted/painted houses/beautiful landscaping w/oval glass covers. $5 ea. Diana Casey c o l l e c t o r p l a t e. Na t i v e Harmony. $15.Call/Txt. 708953-7127.Lansing,IL. Roller Blade Skates. 4 Pair. Size 6, 7, 10 & 13-2. $3.00 each. 708-895-3195 Treated used lumber. 2”X6” X 12’8” long. 6 Pieces $4.00 Each. 708-895-3195 Diabetic Test Strips. 50 per box. 3 Boxes $5.00 per box. 708-895-3195 Artist or draftsman table, adjustable tilt or height, solid wood, $100. 773-9016721  Conpro camera sacar peliculas vcr peliculas ples. Call 708-418-1098

Home is where the Heart is!


From The Publisher

Valentines ARLO KALLEMEYN A group of professional people posed this question to a group of young kids, “W hat does love mean?” The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think: “Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.” Chrissy – age 6 “L ove is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure it tastes OK.” Danny – age 7 “ L o v e i s w h a t ’s i n t he room w it h you at Ch r ist ma s i f you stop open i ng present s a nd listen.” Bobby – age 7 “Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.” Tommy – age 6

“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see a nyone else k issi ng me to sleep at night.” Clare – age 6 “L ov e i s w hen y ou r puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.” Mary Ann – age 4 “ W h e n y o u l o v e somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” Karen – age 7 “You rea lly shou ldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.” Jessica – age 8 “I k now my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.” Lauren – age 4 Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher a nd big fan of kids having it all figured out.

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Thank you South Holland for allowing me the privilege of serving you for the last 20 years. Looking forward to another 20! My husband & I had listed our home with 1 realtor & had no luck selling our home. We came across Danny’s ad in The Shopper. He came to our home & impressed us greatly. We decided to list with Danny & now our home is sold! In my opinion you can not do better than Danny Ross. His experience & knowledge are unparalleled. Look no further than Danny Ross! – T. Haven, South Holland resident

If you’re looking to sell in 2017, contact me. I will show you how to get the most money for your home in the shortest amount of time with the least hassle and inconvenience. Take advantage of my 20 years local experience in South Holland, request an no obligation home evaluation and get 2017 off on a good note. Is your house underwater? I handle Short Sales as well.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017


South Suburban College March Musical Performances


Real Estate Specialists

Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: We have decided to sell our home of 40 years. We don’t have the funds to remodel our home. We do have a newer roof and furnace. We are hoping these two updates will add some value to our home. We have many memories here so we don’t want to give it away. Any suggestions?

SSC’s Symphonic Band _____________________________________________

This calendar is correct at the time of publication and is subject to change. Unless otherwise stated, all events are held in the Kindig Performing Arts Center (PAC) on SSC’s Main Campus and admission is FREE for these events. (Donations are appreciated to benefit the Music Scholarship Fund.) March 8, 2017 at 7:00 pm Jazz Combo and SSC Voices Hot jazz for a cold night. The musicians of SSC’s Jazz Combo will thrill you with tunes by jazz legends. March 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm Symphonic Band and String Orchestra Womans medical scrubs, approx. 40 tops and bottoms, sz. small, ex. cond, assorted colors and styles, $2.50 ea. 20 gallon aquarium, no leaks, $20 obo. 708-790-5684 Conpro camera vcr gue trajonje para sacar pelicular mudl cc540. Please contact 708-418-2098 Aquarium, 30 gal. with solid w o o d b a s e, e ve r y t h i n g included, just add water and fish, $50. Delivery possible. 708-758-1985 Army dress uniform with hat, Vietnam era, $40 obo 708-754-0462

March 20, 2017 at 7:00 pm Band of Brothers Pipes and Drums Comprised solely of active and retired firefighters from Fire Departments within the states of Illinois and Indiana. March 22, 2017 at 12:00 pm Lecture Recital By David Howard, SSC Professor of violin. For more information regarding concert performances, and to confirm performance dates, call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2316. South Suburban College is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.

Fishing rod/ski rack for car roof, Thule brand, new cond., paid $400, sell for $200. 708-418-0725 Trailer hitch for late 1990s Dodge van, never used, still in box. 708-748-8151

Speakers, JBL Sat-2 120 watt five total, $50 obo. Cassette player, vintage Technics model RS-M-11, $35 obo. 708-837-9814

Triax boys bike 20: 21 spd re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension, aluminum Thompson water seal, new 5 model 8101-95 like new, $50. gal can, $25 obo. Books on Drunen 708-285-1107 Chicago;Van Heating Co;A07377;5x8-4c welding, $5 ea. 708-8379814 Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new Sony 70” rear projector tv, top $100. 708-285-1107 1080p. It shows a yellowish picture because it needs an 2 large stork signs for new optical block, $300 obo. 708arrival babies, 1 boy sign, 1 537-0327 girl sign, $150 ea. 708-2851107







Pre-lit 4 1/2 ft. Christmas tree, only used twice, $75. 708-895-8272

Computer desk, $30; entertainment center, $30; cocktail table, $10; end table with snack tables, $18 or make offer. 708-889-0350 Wood student desk w/chair, four side drawers, one middle drawer, 35” x 18” x 30” high, $15. 708-337-2131

Antique steel bed, double size, exposed steel coil spring frame attaches to header x footer, burnished black, $100 obo. 708-4944880

It might be called a small business, but it’s a big deal to you. BMO Harris Bank shares that mindset. And our full range of small business services can help your business succeed. Working together, we’ll help keep your small business right

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Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes B-zc tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107

E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Cat hya h @ Ca l l Cat hy & Ji m Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind : 219-865-4361 Il l : 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Rea ltors in India na & Illinois Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Website: w w w.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.

There’s nothing small about small business.

Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning

$500 Furnace and A/C combo Savings

A nswer: You have made you r house a home by raising your family here and creating priceless memories. That will never change. But, if you haven’t updated in 40 years, your home will not be priceless to potential buyers because you cannot compete w it h homes t hat have been updated, and you can be assured that the appraiser will agree! A newer furnace and roof are home essentials & are assumed to be in excellent condition. These will not add value, but will give you an advantage over a home with OLDER essentials. Here are a few things you can do to add value at a minimum expense. The exterior is your home’s first impression. Get a bucket of soap & water. Have some fun while cleaning. Throw on your Bermuda shorts, rent a power washer & hit the deck, stairs & gutters. Make your walkways sparkle- Wizard of Oz style. Add curb appeal by cutting & edging your lawn for a very clean look. Add color to your exterior with flowers and bushes. Can’t afford to

paint the exterior? Paint shutters, doors & trim. Tack on some new address digits to keep things classy. In terms of selling, the kitchen is the most important room. Add new hardware to cabinet doors. Make the kitchen look sparkling clean. Bathrooms can help sell a home. How about adding a new toilet seat, shower curtains and rugs? A lso, remember these 2 important words again: “Sparkling Clean.” How about some new switch covers? Dump the orange carpet and expose those nice hardwood floors. A l l t hese i nex pensive touches ca n ma ke your home stand out from t he competition. Sharp homes sell faster and for more money than average homes. Don’t forget about painting the interior too. Bold colors do not mean beautiful. In fact, they devalue a home. Stick to neutral colors and be sure to stay away from white walls! It’s a home, not a laboratory!

Van Drunen Heating where you want it.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper Vintage Singer slant-o-matic 500 sewing machine in desk w/three drawers, all accessories including button holer and extra bobbins, $150 obo. 708-3372131 Battery powered chair, like new, also regular wheel chairs. 312-218-0893 Maple twin beds, headboard & footboards, $25 ea., total $50. 708-337-2131 Aquarium 30 gal. with solid w o o d b a s e, e ve r y t h i n g included just add water and fish, $50. Delivery possible. 708-758-1985 Craftsman 3 drawer intermediate tool chest, 26” w x 10 1/4”h x 12”d; Steel case 5 drawer roll-a-round tool cabinet, 24”w x 22”d x 30”h, $75 ea. 708-418-3898 Regulation basketball hoop and backboard, must remove. 2 banquet style folding tables, ft l, 30”w, $20 ea. 2 new matching buffet lamps, 30” high, $30 ea. 708448-5672 Antique refinished wood school desk, $40; indoor 42” angel with porcelain face, $30; handicap walker, $20; doll & plate collection. 219365-8166

February 15, 2017


SSC And Thornton Township Partner To Provide Education And Training South Suburban College and Thornton Township have pooled resources to help residents with training and job opportunities. T h is col laborat ion has saved ta x payer dollars by helping clients get off of General Assistance and into gainful employment. For the past 18 months, residents have received almost 7,000 hours of training, resulting in at least 150 job placement opportunities. Resident s have received t ra i n i ng a nd education in OSHA, Forklift certification, Food Safety and Sanitation, various computer skills and many others. A d d i t i o n a l l y, G e n e r a l A s s i s t a n c e participants have received Adult Education t ra ining in order to receive t heir GED diploma, with 57 participants between the Pet wire cage, 36x24x28”, $30; bread maker $10; wood rocker on wheels, $30; office chair, $45; bistro patio table, 4 chairs & arm rest, $45. 219776-5222

food pa nt r y a nd Riverda le Communit y Center. “I am grateful to Thornton Township and South Suburban College for providing me with a chance to better myself,” said resident Vincent Love. Love added, “Because of this program, I was able to get training and find a job. I don’t have to rely on General Assistance, anymore.” Mo r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n T h o r n t o n Township programs is available at w w w. South Suburban College GED information is available at (708) 596-2000, ext. 2227. For more information about all of SSC’s programs, admissions and registration, please visit w w or contact the Admissions Office at (708) 2105718.

L/N Bissell heavy duty powerful carpet cleaner, $50; vacuum, Bissell bagless, feather weight floor vac, $7. 708-460-6035 TV flat screen, 20”; Polaroid tv, $50; tv stand, black, $25; dvd player, $15; turntable, Fi s h e r w / d u a l c a s s e t t e recorder, $15. 708-460-6035 Bookcases, tall, metal, $15; cookware pasta 2 pc red, $7; 30 pc classic white china, $25; new Vicks vaporizer, $7. 708-460-6035

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17149580 on February 7, 2017 under the assumed business name of KAMCO TAX SERVICE with the business located at 1498 GORDON AVE, CALUMET CITY, IL 60409. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is KATANJA COWSEN, 1498 GORDON AVE, CALUMET CITY, IL 60409, USA.

Chair pads, set of 5, $15; jumbo T-Fal fryer, new $20; weight scale, $5; Dazey spa turbo, $10; pillows, $2 ea; area rubs, oval, $5. 708-4606035 Lamps, set of 2, etched glass, $20; oval mirror, $20; end tables, $15; drapes; floor lamp, tall, $15. 708-460-6035

Office chair, $25; computer desk, $25; coat rack, $15; desk, small student, $7; copy paper, $3 ea. ream; carafe, asst. coffee/soup, $3. 708460-6035 Purses, shoes, adult, children, mens, ladies, $3 ea; gravy boat warmer, electric, new, $5; tools, assorted, new, $3 ea; oak door, 80” x 24” $10. 708-460-6035 Work bench, $10; head lamp w/swivel, $3; fireplace w/log carrrier, $5; tarp, new, 15 ft x 7 ft, $3; Craftsman self p r o p e l l e d l a w n m ow e r, mulcher, $75. 708-460-6035 2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table, walnut, $75; Ethan Allen sofa, $125 obo. 708-481-6907

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17149586 on February 7, 2017 under the assumed business name of PYRAMID HEALTHY LIVING with the business located at 430 E. 162ND STREET SUITE 251, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is MARION J WILLIAMS, 2118 E. 171ST PLACE, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473 USA.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, and glorified throughout the whole world now and forever. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in You. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, pray for me. Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless Cases, pray for me and grant the favor I ask. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days and publish. VB


The Shopper’s


Trivia Contest Winner

Inez Marshall

Trivia Contest for your chance to win a

$100 Grocery Gift Certificate from Walt’s Food Centers and

$50 Gift Certificate from Sheffield’s Restaurant

* No purchase necessary. Some restrictions apply. One entry per person per week. Winner will be notified by phone or email. Drawing held monthly.

This Week’s Trivia Question

What type of cargo was carried by the stricken vessel the Torrey Canyon? Last week’s Trivia: What sort of Nest was the subject of over 150 sitcoms? Answer: Empty. Name _____________________________________________

Phone ________________________________________

Answer _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473

or EMAIL US NOW at with your name and answer for an instant entry


Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer

Character MIKE BUDER I m a y l o s e s o m e business, but when my head hits the pillow – I go to sleep. “Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking” H. Jack son Brow n, Jr. Real estate is a business that seems like someone is a lways look i ng. But there are times no one is looking, or they don’t have the experience to know what they’re seeing. I have seen people compromise because their character wasn’t a concern. Some decisions are easy (or at least they should be). T he s el ler w a nt s t o c a l l t hat room i n t he basement w ith the 1’ x 2’ window 6’ up the wall a “bedroom”. I know it’s done, but it shouldn’t be. BOCA, municipal codes, safety, etc. Yet I see many homes where this test has been failed and once I’ve seen this, I’ll question the character of the listing agent a nd sel lers. T he deal may still happen, but it’s biased from the start. What if a seller knows of a problem that should be disclosed but doesn’t want to put it out there for fear it will scare off the buyers? Sor r y, onc e I a s you r Realtor know it, I’m liable too. You as the seller need to correct the problem or at a minimum disclose it. I will do everything I can to make it still work if you

Stiffel brass table lamps,$25-$40 ea; lamp shades, $5-$10; headboard, full size, dark cherry, $35. 708-481-6907

do that. But if you’re going to hide it, pretend that radon test didn’t fail, then I can not work for you. Yes, I could hope no one ever found out, and collect that paycheck for selling your home. But is sacrificing my character worth it? No. A s l ist i ng agents, we cou ld tel l a sel ler t hat their home is worth much more than we know the market will bear just to get a listing (maybe we can get them to drop the price later, wink wink). But for me, that’s not character. Character is being honest about market conditions, the truth about what the ma rket w i l l y ield a nd sometimes that truth is telling them not to sell their home right now if they don’t absolutely have to. So if I risk losing some business for being honest, so be it. I sleep well… except if I eat something to late! If you a re look ing to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E-ma i l : m i kebuder @ r em a x . ne t , We b s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com or Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a re a l w ay s welcome. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman

Thomasville 2 drawer night stand, all wood, $40; SOny dvd player, $7. 708-481-6907 2 bar chairs, swivel, $30; suitcases and travel bags, $7-$12 ea. 708-481-6907




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Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen, 22” x 27” x 7”, $25. 708-481-6907 Villeroy & Boch hotel plates, white: 4 charger plates, $3 ea. plate; 9 dinner plates, $2 ea. 708-481-6907 Johnsons Bros. white ironstone English set of dishes (64 pcs) $45. 708-4816907 2 [pc solid maple HeywoodWakefield china cabinet, height 75”, width 54”. 708481-6907 Ethan Allen solid wood (maple) kitchen chairs, $25 ea. 708-481-6907 Fo l d i n d g w a l k e r w i t h wheels, $20; 4 prong cane, $10; bath chair, $20. 708481-6907 iHome notebook cooling pad with built in fans, $7; new set of 4 chair cushions, $10. 708-481-6907

February 15, 2017 Down comforters, sz twinking, $25-$35; feather & d ow n p i l l ow s , $ 5 - $ 1 0 ; assorted throw pillows, $2$5 ea. 708-481-6907 Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 ea; decorative toss pillows $1-42 ea; duvet covers, asst. sizes, $3-$5 ea. 708-481-6907 Bed sheets: twin size $2 ea. sheet, full size $3 ea. sheet, queen size $4 ea. king size, $5 ea. sheet. 708-481-6907 Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10$100; decorative wall pictures, $10-$25 ea; rugs (runners also) 708-481-6907 “Sure Fit” sofa covers, $20; “Sure Fit” loveseat covers, $15; large chair covers, $8; decorative toss pillows, $2 ea. 708-481-6907

Vintage Madame Alexander doll “Degas Girl” #1575 in original box, wrist tag & stand, $45; barbie dolls, $5 ea. 708-481-6907 15” Vermont teddy bear, $15; 18” American Girl Samantha, $35. 708-4816907 3 pcs Fiesta canister set $30 obo; assorted Corningware oven pcs., $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907 Assorted colors Fiesta dishes (ea. pc. $3); Pyrex bowls, $3$5 ea; early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 ea. pc.; casual dishes, white. 708481-6907

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The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/

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Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should

LU 377

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Inside This Week

Memorial Day Information - Visit The Shopper Online!

Meet Dr. Hector Cummings, Jr.

Efforts Is Appreciated !


(Coupons Not Availabl A $40.00 e In Store)

Oscar Mayer

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Christ Community Church, COGIC

1151 E. 170th Street 331-8389 FAX 708.331.8374 Dr. Carl E. King, Sr., Pastor


Call (708) 210-5718

LU 383

6 - 8 Quart


for information.

WOW! Carpet Cleaning





. www.majestics

708-429-6200 35+ YEARS

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Dr. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Pastor Corey Buchanan, Director of Mercy & Justice Ministries Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Student Life Rev. Dr. Rich Grevengoed, Director of Pastoral Care & Counseling

Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444

Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******

3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor

Peace Christian Reformed Church

833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Glen McCarthy, Pastor

Glass computer desk on wheels, storage shelf. Can be used for microwave, side table, $10. Emerson 110 channel video/dvd recorder, $30. 708-474-9568 Craftsman 3/8 electric drill, b e s t o f f e r, w i t h c a s e . Spalding tennis racket with w h i t e c ove r, $ 1 0 . Ne w Balance shoes, like new. 708-849-6273

Morning Worship ....... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ...........11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........5:30 p.m. *******

Gas dryer $100, guaranteed to work. Wheel chair, $100 with footrest. 708-715-2348

1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Nick Alons Pastor

Lynwood United Reformed Church

Snow thrower, Craftsman 22 in. auger 5.0 HP, gas, runs good, $50. 708-606-8938 Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

New Hope Church Bible Based * Celebrating Diversity

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels

Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pc for $10; crystal decanters, $5,$10,$15 ea. 708-481-6907 Tall drinking glasses, $1 ea; coffee cups, mugs, $1 ea. 708-481-6907

Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556


First Church (PCA)

Cubs caps, new, $6 ea. Todd Frazier shirt size XL, $10; Dale Earnhardt or Dale Jr. diecast car, $10. 708-3337432

The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623

South Holland...

Collection of porcelain tea pots; assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907

Paul Konerko bobble head, $10; White Sox jersey, size large, $10. Cadillac Escalade 2006 owners manual, $10. 708-333-7432

Hi back wood chair with cushioned seat. Works great for supporting a back massager. $30 708-672-4248

Appliance Repair

A Community of Churches

Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & ...........................................5:00 p.m. Church School ............. 9:45 a.m.

Treadmill, Nordic Track Exp 1000, needs minor repair, $50. 708-606-8938

For Sale: Antique walnut mantel clock, name Ansonia over 100 years old, New traveling golf bag cover $10.00. 708-474-9495



Anchor Hocking 38 pc set of dishes, white with gold trim, $20; Pyrex bowls and bake ware, $3-$5 ea. 708-4816907

Golden Opportunities entertainment books, NW Indiana & So. Suburbs Illinois. 100’s discount coupons. Fast food, fine dining, shows, services & more, $22. 708-849-7722

For Sale: Fire place tools (shovel & broom) $7,00, Adjustable weight belt $7.00, Record Albums from the 50s. 708-474-9495


With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Limit One Coupon Per Per Coupon. Family Per Visit. Coupon Good 05/21/14 Limit One Per Coupon. - 05/27/14

Large over the dresser mirror, $15; ornamental wall mirrors, $20-$30. 708-4816907 Wall hanging shelves to d i s p l a y p l a t e s, $ 5 - $ 2 0 ; assortment of wall clocks, $10-$30; decorative wall mirrors, $10-$30. 708-4816907

Original Furbies, $3-$5 ea; Ty beanie babies, $2-$3 ea; barbie dolls,$5 ea. 708-4816907


Say I saw it in The Shopper

SUNDAY Church School........8:45 a.m. Worship Services..10:30 a.m. MONDAY Prayer…… ..............6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Morning Manna ....11:30 a.m. THURSDAY Prayer…..................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…… ......7:00 p.m. *******

Covenant United Church of Christ

We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!


Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave.

Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Nick’s Tobacco 262 Joliet Street


Circle Buick 2440 45th Street Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******

Redeemer Lutheran Church

651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Rev. Kwame Pitts, Pastor

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. ******* Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. First Christian Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. Reformed Church ******* 163rd & South Park Avenue Spirit of God 333-8211 Fellowship 16350 S. State Street Rev. Daniel Svendsen 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor

Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis

Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.

Michael’s Resale and Con. 2631 Hwy Ave.


Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road

Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road

Munster Donut 8314 Calumet Avenue Strack & Van Til 12 Ridge Road

Cheap Tobacco 15 Ridge Road


Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St.

Worship Service ........10:00 a.m. *******

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Providence Bank 950 US 30

Say I saw it in The Shopper

Automotive Services

Bu y i n g j u n k c a r s a n d tr ucks, p roj ec t mu scle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. Save this ad. 708-268-7075

February 15, 2017

Grace Church, Lansing Will Host Moody Bible Institute’s Men’s Collegiate Choir

Registered Nurse looking to care for geriatric patients at their home. Light cleaning, cooking, companion, medication, etc. Sabina, Merrillville, speaks Polish. 219-308-6904

Chimney Repair R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays

Computer desk, $30; entertainment center, $30; cocktail table, $10; end table with snack tables, $18 or make offer. 708-889-0350

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192


Recommended Reading For Teens

Random Reads Still Life with Tornado by A.S. King

Computer Sales/ Repair






The Men’s Collegiate Choir of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago will perform on Sunday, February 19, 2017, at 5:00PM at Grace Church, 2740 Indiana Avenue, Lansing, IL. “It’s an honor for us to sing in churches,” said Dr. H. E. Singley III, professor of music and director of the Men’s Collegiate Choir. “As conductor, it’s a privilege to be able to work with young men who enjoy proclaiming

their faith through the music we perform.” Founded in 1957, the Men’s Collegiate Choir comprises both undergraduate and seminary students. Their repertoire includes anthems, arrangements of familiar hymns and a variety of other styles of music. The choir tours in North America twice annually, ministering in churches, schools and other venues. The choir also tours internationally.

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038

Invite 30,000 people to your next

Garage Sale!

Sixteen-year-old Sarah is done with high school. She’s done w ith her art projects. She’s basically done w it h e v er y t h i ng that isn’t original, which do e s n’t le a v e muc h . Instead of goi ng to school, Sa ra h wa nders the streets contemplating what it means to have an original idea or action. She attends her own version of school at a boardedup, closed-dow n school a few neig hborhoods over. She spends a couple days fol low i ng a rou nd a hom e le s s m a n w ho s he de t e r m i ne s i s a n incredibly original person. While walking the streets and taking random bus routes, she encou nters both older and younger versions of herself. At first she believes that she’s just ha l luci nat i ng , but she sees 10-yea r-old Sa ra h, 23-yea r-old Sa ra h, a nd 40-year-old Sarah interact with the strangers around them. The Sarahs engage her in conversations, the older ones knowing what she’s going through and the younger trying to get her to remember pa st experiences. S o o n S a r a h m u s t confront severa l t hings



Garage Sales cost $15 for all zones

Address ________________________________________________ Town _______________________________ Date(s) _________________________________ Time _________________ Phone _______________________ Items for Sale, Directions or Rain Date (Only 12 words)

Not For Print













Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295

DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!

To promote your organization or event in The Shopper use this

Calendar of Events Form

Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________

CRETE • Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange

• Fairway Finer Foods

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ For more information, call ___________________________________________________ Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.

All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

is available at the following locations:

Description of Event ________________________________________________________


Handyman Services




Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758

For your convenience,

Location __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

that she’s been avoiding. What did happen on that Mexico trip when she was ten that caused her older brother Bruce to become estranged from the family for t he pa st si x yea rs ? What’s going on with her parents? Why is her father so angry all the time? Did she do the right thing in response to an incident at school which caused her intense determination to drop out? Should she see a therapist? Is she crazy? K i ng present s what cou ld have been a n average com i ng of age YA novel in a much more ps ycholog ic a l fa sh ion. Instead of merely learning about what happened with Sarah and the art club and watching Sarah’s parents’ relationship consistently deteriorate, King forces us to trudge through the memories with the help of the past and future Sarahs. K i ng demonst rates t he struggles of remembering things the way you wanted them to have happened versus what actua l ly o c c u r r e d . A s id e f r om Sarah’s narrative, Still Life w it h Tor nado i ncludes chapters narrated by her mom Helen and a daily account of the Mexico trip and how it went from good to horrible. A compelling read.

15425 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th

• Harold’s Chicken 15411 Cottage Grove Ave.

SOUTH HOLLAND • Community Center 501 E. 170th Street

• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store 351 W. 162nd Street

• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street

• Walt’s Food Center 16145 State Street

LANSING • Ace Hardware 3455 Ridge Road

• Calumet Bakery 18349 Torrence Avenue

• E Z Stop 191st & Burnham Avenue

• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road

• News Box 178th & Burnham Avenue

• Ultra Foods 16831 Torrence Avenue

• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017



C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Thursday, February 16

l Soul Food and Healthy Easting African American cuisine is not only soul food, but country food. Join us as we discuss its history and the healthier side of Soul Food. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Feb 16th. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland Il . l Mystery Book Discussion This book discussion is open to anyone 18 years of age or older and is held in the Brick Room of the lower level. February’s book is “Triptych” by Karen Slaughter. Copies are available at the upstairs Circulation desk. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Feb 16th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL

Saturday, February 18

l Daddy-Daughter Dance Our 17th Annual Daddy-Daughter Dance will be held on February 18th from 6-8 PM. (219) 865-2505. Casa Maria Banquet Hall at St. Marie Goretti Church 500 Norhtgate Drive Dyer IN. l Southtowne Stallions Youth Football & Cheer 2017 Season Registration on February 18 & 25 2017. In The Upper Room Ministries 17601 Wentworth Ave. Lansing, IL 60438. Space Available For Ages 5-14. Open Registration. For more information, call 708.365.9964. l Region Photography Clinic Photography enthusiasts are invited to attend the 8th Annual Photography Clinic, an all-day event hosted by the Calumet Region Photo Club on February 18th, at the Center for Visual and Performing Arts, Munster, Indiana. Mail-in registration deadline is February 11. A $75 fee includes all presentations for the event, continental breakfast and a luncheon.

Sunday, February 19

l Men’s Collegiate Choir Grace Church, Lansing Will Host Moody Bible Institute’smen’s Collegiate Choir On Sunday February 19, 5PM Performance to take place from 5:00PM TO 6:30PM at Grace Church 2740 Indiana Avenue in Lansing, IL Lansing, IL, February 8, 2016— The Men’sCollegiate Choir of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago will perform on Sunday, February 19, 2017, at 5:00PM at Grace Church, 2740 Indiana Avenue, Lansing, IL.

Wednesday, February 22

l Recreational Massage Workshop Participants will learn how to give nurturing and relaxing massage of the head, neck, and shoulders without becoming fatigued. Learn medical reasons why not to massage, how to work without hurting, and how to be a giver as well as a receiver. Please wear comfortable clothing. Ladies, no heels please. Please contact Dyer Parks and Recreation for further information at 219865-2505. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Feb 22nd. Dyer Town Hall 1 Town Square Dyer IN.


l LOVE your pets party For the love of pets, join us as we celebrate “LOVE YOUR PETS WEEK”. We will be creating great “make and take” items to pamper your pets. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Feb 23rd. South Holland Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL l Preview Day for Kindergarten February 24, 9:30-1130 am, Lansing Christian School is holding an Early Education Preview Day for students entering Kindergarten. If your child will be 5 by September 1st, you are invited to come! We will have information on both our English track and Spanish Immersion track. Call the school office for more information. 708474-1700. l Black History Month: Underground Railroad Join us to learn about Black History Month with an educational display and interactive history hike. An imaginary journey follows

an Underground Railroad route used in Illinois in the mid-1800s. 11:10 am to 3:00 pm on Feb 25th. Sand Ridge Nature Center 15891 Paxton Avenue South Holland IL. l Cholesterol, Diabetes Screening Learn your risk for heart disease. Have a Coronary Health Appraisal on Feb 25 from 8:00-11:30 a.m., at Community Hospital located at 901 MacArthur Blvd, Munster, IN. The fee is $30 and registration is required by calling (219) 836-3477. l Graduate Open House at Governors State University GRE test-taking strategies, choosing the right graduate program, and financing your education are all topics that will be discussed at the Graduate Program Open House at Governors State University on Saturday, February 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in E-Lounge. For more information, call (708) 534-4086 or Governors State University, 1 University Parkway, University Park. l Family STEAM Saturdays; Sounds Interesting! Learn how sound travels, what can make it louder or softer and see how different creatures rely on it. Create and take home your own ear trumpet! Children must be accompanied by an adult. No sign-up required. For all ages, 18 and under. 10:30 am to 4:00 pm on Feb 25th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL l Trivia Night Presented by Circle of Serbian SistersPrincess Zorka. Trivia fun- $10 admission includes games & appetizers. Cash bar. February 25th at 5:30p.m. Serbian Social Center, 18550 Stony Island Ave, Lansing. Deb Keen 708-474-3811 l Food Pantry Lighthouse community church, 2200 176th pl. Lansing IL. Every second and fourth , Saturday 10-11; February 25. l St. Jude Women’s Club Salad Buffet February 28th, in the school gym, 900 East 154th Street, South Holland. 6:00pm, and dinner will be served at 6:45pm. Ticket prices are $13 in advance and $15 at the door. Ticket price includes a catered dinner of chicken, beef, mostaccioli, potatoes and rolls, salads and desserts and raffles. 708333-3550. l Free Baby & Me Exercise Class This postpartum class enables new parents to share their fitness with baby ages six weeks through crawling. March 1 from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Community Hospital Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required. Call 219-836-3477. l Lake Calumet Then & Now- Part III Historian Paul Petraitis joined by Tom Shepherd of the Lake Calumet Vision Committee. March 2nd 7 til 8:30p.m. Chicago Police 5th District Station Community Room, 727 E 111th St, Chicago. l BLAST! (Babysitter Lessons & Safety Training) This class is a 4 hour course which includes a course completion certificate, programs materials (including a student manual), training in pediatric first aid, household safety and fundamentals of childcare (and it will also help to secure babysitting jobs). Please bring a snack and drink. Ages: 11-15 Fee: $35.00. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Mar 4th. Dyer Town Hall (Activity Room B) 1 Town Square Dyer IN l Munster Lions 61st Annual Pancake Breakfast March 5th from 7a.m.-1p.m. Adult $8.00 and Child $5.00. Munster High School Cafeteria, 8808 Columbia Avenue, Munster, IN. l Preview Illiana March 7. 7:00 P.M. Discover Illiana Christian High School on March 7th. Parents and students are all welcome! Meet with faculty and administration, tour the campus, observe live teaching, check out club and activity options, and have your questions answered. No pre-registration necessary. The first 100 students to arrive will receive a pair of Illiana Christian sunglasses. Any

questions can be directed to Admissions Counselor, Elly Makowski, at 708-474-0515, Ext. 49 or elly.makowski@illianachristian. org. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Mar 7th. Illiana Christian High School 2261 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Dr. Seuss Party Play games involving your favorite Seuss characters. Vote for your favorite Seuss book. Hear fantastic Seuss stories. Eat delicious Seuss snacks. No sign-up required. For grades 3 and under. 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on Mar 7th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Pajama Storytime Put on your coziest pajamas and join us for a half hour of stories, a craft and a quick bedtime snack! No sign-up required. For all ages, 18 and under. 2nd Wednesday every month until March 8. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l TF South NYC Trivia Night Come and get your Trivia on! Lots of fun with a trivia game and some side games to support Thornton Fractional South Band and Choir. Awards for best dressed and best decorated tables. Cost: $10. Occurs from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm on Mar 10th 2017. Thornton Fractional South 18500 Burnham Avenue Lansing IL 60438. l Spay Illinois Spay Illinois offers discount preventative veterinary services at Ted’s Feed Store located at 17950 Burnham Ave in Lansing Saturday, March 11th, between the hours of 9:00AM and 2:00PM. Please call (630) 9618000 to schedule your appointment today. l Royal Princess Ball Invitees will come dressed in their favorite princess dress and enjoy an afternoon of pampering. Please contact Dyer Parks and Recreation for further details. 219-865-2505 Ages: Girls 3-9. 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Mar 12th. Plum Creek Center 2138 Moller St. Dyer IN . l Family Movie Night Don’t forget to wear your favorite pajamas and bring your blanket and pillow! Contact the library for movie titles. No sign-up required. For all ages, 18 and under with their families. 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on Mar 15th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Group Gutiar Lessons (ages 10 & up) During this 10 week class, participants will learn how to play the guitar, how to take care of and re-string, a guitar; music history and theory. Please contact Dyer Parks and Recreation for further information at 219865-2505. Every Wednesday until March 15. Dyer Town Hall 1 Town Square Dyer IN. l Screw It: Doin’ Time on the Line Saturday March 18 at 8p.m. Tim Campos, Lansing, IL actor and play write will perform his new one-person show. Tickets are $15. 219-852-0848. Following the performance, Kelly Campos (Lansing, IL), lead singer of the Kelly Campos Band will perform an acoustic set with contributing musician Ryan Bentley. Beatniks on Conkey is located at 418 Conkey St, Hammond, IN.


l National Alliance On Mental Illness Monthly Support Group Our family support group meetings provide an opportunity to meet with others who have relatives and friends of individuals living with a mental illness. Feelings can be shared and issues discussed under the guidance of a trained facilitator. These meetings are free. We meet at Advocate South Suburban Hospital, located at 17800 S. Kedzie Ave., Hazel Crest, IL., LL Dining Rm #1, and we meet the 2nd Saturday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Hope to see you there! Please call Ms. Tovar at 708-785-2316 for any additional information. l Purple and Goldtimers Monthly Breakfast Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at Tom’s Restaurant at 9am. Anyone who has retired

from the T.F. North is invited to come and socialize with your former friends. For more information, call 708-868-3131. l National Alliance On Mental Illness Our family support group meetings provide an opportunity to meet with others who have relatives and friends of individuals living with a mental illness. Feelings can be shared and issues discussed under the guidance of a trained facilitator. These meetings are free. We meet at Advocate South Suburban Hospital, located at 17800 S. Kedzie Ave., Hazel Crest, IL., LL Dining Rm #1, and we meet the 2nd Saturday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Hope to see you there! Please call Ofelia at 708-785-2316 for any additional information. l Women’s Bible Study Discover Your Bible with us at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, 166th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue (by the roundabout) in South Holland, Tuesday mornings from 9:45 – 11:00 a.m. We are studying Isaiah 1 – 12. We provide a Story Hour for 3 – 5 year olds and a Nursery for younger children. For information call the church at 331-0391 or Carol at 339-6793. We would love to have you join us! l Men’s Bible Study Discover Your Bible with us at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, 166th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue (by the roundabout) in South Holland, Tuesday mornings from 9:45 – 11:00 a.m. We are studying The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. For information call the church at 331-0391 or Carol at 339-6793. We would love to have you join us! l Well Walker’s Club This walking club is for adults over the age of 18. Receive a FREE pedometer when you join. Monthly meetings feature guest speakers discussing a wide range of healthcare topics. For info call 219-392-7104. l Cutting Coupons for the Military The Lansing Business Women’s Association is cutting and sorting coupons for our military families overseas. The coupons can be used 6 months past the expiration date at their commissary. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the Lansing Public Library in the Community Room. We meet 9:30 a.m. – Noon and 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Bring you scissors and any coupons you may have.Questions call Pat Leck 708-3235232. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis The friendly Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis Club Meets every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm in the Eisenhower Center. All senior men and women are welcome. For more information, call 708-474-1882. l Serenity Seekers II Meetings For those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. Offering support for friends and family of addicts. Nat-Anon Family Groups. Sundays at 7p.m., Cloister in the Woods, St. Paul’s Church. 1101 Park Drive, Munster, Indiana. 800-477-6291 l Church Food Pantry Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 10-11 am. The Lighthouse Community Church 17500 Lighthouse Lane, Lansing, IL 708-474-9045. l South Suburban Toastmasters Club The public is invited to attend an upcoming meeting of the South Suburban Toastmasters club. Toastmasters International is a worldwide organization that helps individuals improve their speaking, leadership, and listening skills using an educational format, and this particular south suburban club under the international organization meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month promptly at 7:30pm The meeting location is the South Suburban College, Room Mi Jack Room, South Holland, Il Visitors may attend free of charge and contact 708-595-3684 with questions.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017


Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to Black History Month.


J O C K Jack Johnson







Thurgood Marshall

Submit announcements online at

On This Date - February 15

399 BC Philosopher Socrates is sentenced to death by the city of Athens for corrupting the minds of the youth of the city and for impiety 1768 1st mustard manufactured in America advertised, Philadelphia 1799 1st US printed ballots authorized, Pennsylvania 1903 1st Teddy Bear introduced in America, made by Morris & Rose Michtom 1922 Marconi begins regular broadcasting transmissions from Essex



Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.



ACROSS 1. Flat-bottom hauler 6. Ewe’s cry 9. 32-card game 13. *”The ____ Suspects,” winner of two Oscars in ‘96 14. Not in good health 15. O.J.’s nickname 16. Forearm bones 17. 18-wheeler 18. Change the Constitution, e.g. 19. *”Hidden Figures” nominee 21. Recessed space 23. Half a dozen 24. Bird’s groomer 25. Male 28. Western Samoan money 30. *#15 Down, e.g. 35. Geishas’ sashes 37. Poet Angelou 39. Swelling 40. Quite a stretch 41. Deadly sin 43. Arrival times 44. Bigwig in the Orient 46. Dwarf buffalo 47. Solomon, e.g. 48. Freshwater protozoans 50. Arab ruler 52. Grazing land 53. “____ we forget” 55. Sheep not yet sheared 57. *”Manchester by ____ ____” 60. *Hidden what? 64. *”Moonlight,” e.g. 65. Golfer’s goal

67. Saudi Arabian money 68. Levi’s fabric 69. Prefix for prior 70. Use the blunt pencil tip 71. Midterm or final 72. Hitherto 73. Like a well-defined muscle DOWN 1. Plant prickles 2. “Hurry!” 3. Like unpleasant awakening 4. Capital increases 5. Provoke 6. Ethiopian currency 7. *Will Smith’s 2002 nominated role 8. Lake scum 9. Japanese wrestling 10. Capital on the Dnieper 11. High school breakout 12. “Ideas worth spreading” online talk 15. *Portman’s role 20. MCAT and LSAT 22. Research location 24. Infantryman’s knife 25. *Animated nominee 26. Perpendicular to the keel 27. She turned to stone, Greek mythology 29. *”____ ____ Land” 31. Lyric poems 32. Flower part 33. Candidate’s concern? 34. *Ben’s younger brother and best actor nominee 36. Nose-in-the-air type 38. Tiny piece of anything 42. Site of 2010 cholera outbreak 45. ____ fir 49. To witness 51. Sadness about past 54. Like foolish or romantic movie 56. Gourd musical instrument 57. Genealogical plant 58. *Academy Award winning composer Zimmer 59. What exhaust pipes do 60. Worry 61. *Oscar nominee and 2017 Golden Globe winner 62. Comfort 63. Iditarod ride 64. Banned insecticide 66. 1/100 of a hectare


Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017

Home Improvement/ Repair

Miscellaneous Services

A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, dryer vent cleaning, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

Canvas Sewing Repairs. Done reasonable. 708-4397316

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Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ OR AL CA NCER AWARENESS WALK TO HONOR MEMORY OF SUSAN CHANG: The first annual Oral Cancer Foundation Walk/ Run for Awareness in Memor y of Susan Chang, will take place on Saturday May 13, 2017, in Lansing, Illinois at Thornton Fract iona l Hig h School. In 2017, over 48,250 people in the United States alone will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer which includes mouth, tongue and throat ca ncer. The Ora l Ca ncer Wa lk/Run for Awa reness Com m it tee a nd volu nteers will strive to save lives and reduce these alarming statistics by providing free oral cancer screenings and education at the 1st annual Oral Cancer Foundation Walk/Run in Memory of Susan Chang. Mrs. Chang was the mother of Dr. Josephine Chang Pallotto, the wife of Dr. Anthony Pallotto who with his Dad, Dr. Nick Pallotto and Mom, Jan Pallotto all work at the Pallotto Dental Center in Lansing, Il. Mrs. Chang was only 59 when she succumbed to oral cancer in May of 2016. “Our goal is to send the critically important message of early detection and prevention not only to the genera l public, but a lso to hea lt h care providers who are the front line specialists in detecting this disease at its earliest and most curable stages. My mot her Susan Cha ng, was a rema rkable woma n. She was a brave and selfless woman who gave everything for everyone else; a person that words just cannot describe. She lost her life too soon at the age of 59 to nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a rare form of head and neck cancer. This walk is a labor of love to my dear mother. This 1st annual walk will mark the one year anniversary of her passing, however her legacy w ill live on in our efforts to save others.” Dr. Josephine Chang Pallotto encourages any one who would like to become a corporate sponsor, “to provide the much needed financial support needed to ma ke t his event a success.” The Walk/Run is open to members of the surrounding communities and Northwest Indiana. For more information contact Dr. Josephine Chang Pallotto, Lansing OCW Event Coordinator at 708-895-0778, or email her at Visit their website at http://donate.oralcancer. org/event/lansing2017 Editor’s note--this is indeed a fast growing and deadly disease. Our St. Columba Parish Family lost one of our beloved members to oral cancer last year. Let’s remember to wa lk in Susan Chang’s memory and raise awareness and funds to fight oral cancer. *** L A NSING HISTORIC A L SOCIET Y PRESENTS-”What’s Up With History in Our Schools?” If you would like the answer to this question, on Monday February 27th, 2017, come a nd lea r n how i n novat ive teachers in both Lansing District 158 and Su n nybrook Dist r ict 171 a re spa rk i ng students’ interest in history. Drop by the Lansing Public Library, Community Room, 2750 Indiana Avenue, Lansing. For more information call Barb Dust, 708-474-7497. *** JOIN CONGRESSWOMAN ROBIN KELLY FOR A HOUSING E X PO M A RCH 4TH, L A NSING, IL . We a re i nv ited to joi n Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-2nd) for her 4th Annual Housing Expo on Saturday March 4th, 2017, starting at 9 a.m. and running through 1 p.m. at the Lan-Oak Park District, 2550 178th Street, Lansing, Il On hand will be experts on a range of topics from 1st time home buyer programs and estate planning to loan modification, foreclosure prevention and property tax appea ls. For registration, go to http:// ***

S T. C OL U M B A C H U R C H HO S T S VA L E N T I N E HOSPI TA L I T Y SU N DAY: Once a month, usually on the 1st Sunday, the Hospitality Committee of the Chicago (Hegew isch) pa r ish hosts a brea k fast/ brunch after the 8 a.m. and 10 :30 a.m. Masses. Pictured here a re some of t he Hospita l it y Com m it tee a long w it h Fr. Charles Watkins, Dean of Vicariate VI and pastor of both St. Columba Church and Mother of God Church in Burnham, Il. The two churches are part of a ‘cluster’ of three churches which also includes St. Florian Chu rch, a lso i n Ch icago (Hegew isch). Also pictured are Marge Mitchell; Dorothy Now a kow sk i ; C la ra Gad z i n sk i ; Pat Tomczak; Carolyn Malenicki, Mike Jones and yours truly, Janice Minton-Kutz. ***

JANEY ROWLAND IS BACK....After a two month stay in the hospital and a little rehab, the redheaded dynamo is back in business as President of the Calumet City Public Library and President of the Calumet City Chamber of Commerce. Jane is pictured here as she presided over the February 9th 2017 meeting of the Calumet City Chamber of Commerce and pronounced the coming year “full of exciting events!” When you are in the mood for a good book, drop into the Calumet City Public Library and say hello to Jane Rowland who will give you a rundown of the newest best sellers! Bravo Jane! ***

AIN’T IT THE TRUTH DEPARTMENT-HOW ABOUT THIS FROM THE MUNSTER CHURCH-Ministry of Christian Reformed Church, Ridge Road and Hohman--”Get Rich Quick--Count Your Blessings!” Amen!

For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

February 15, 2017







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Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.


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