Shopper 02-20-13

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Wednesday • February 20th • 2013





WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20th thru TUESDAY, FEB. 26th, 2013

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

View Our Ad & Current Values at

HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm South Holland Store Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm

Serving The South Suburbs For 75 Years


Walt’s Certificate



a purchase of


The St. John Chamber of Commerce is busy preparing for their annual “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny”, a time honored tradition that has been an annual event since the Chamber’s inception. The event will be held Saturday, March 16th at the St. John VFW Hall located at 10400 W. 93rd in St. John. Doors open at 8:00, breakfast will be served until 9:30 and the Easter Bunny will visit from 8:30 – 9:30. Breakfast, catered by Comforts Catering, includes scrambled eggs, sausage, diced potatoes, french toast sticks, and more. Each child will receive a bag filled with goodies. Tickets are $5.00 per child and $6.00 per adult and must be purchased in advance. Tickets will be available beginning March 1st at Standard Bank and Centier Bank in St. John. For more information, contact the Chamber office at 365-4686 or go to and click on events.

From The Publisher

50 or more.

Tennis Anyone?


Valid at Time of Purchase Only. One Coupon Per Customer Per Visit. Not Valid With Any Other Offer.

Hurry – Coupon Expires 02/26/13.

We Pledge To Bring You… Our Customer, The Highest Quality At Low Prices Everyday!

arlo kallemeyn A few weeks back I wrote about a joint supplement that has helped my tennis elbow (I’m not sure where I got this kind of elbow – I don’t even play tennis). Well my voice mailbox got filled up with people who are asking where they can get it. I apologize if I have not returned your call – we are a little busy here at The Shopper since it is election season. Here are the details of the joint supplement called FruiteX-B. It is made by a company called FutureCeuticals and they are a unit of Van Drunen

Farms in Momence, Illinois. You can call them at 800-862-0438 for more details and even a free sample. That’s a pretty good deal – they will pay for your phone call with an 800 number - and send you a free sample of this healthy joint supplement. I hope it works for you as well as it does for me. Who knows maybe this summer we can all go take tennis lessons together. Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of feeling younger than my age.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

2 February 20, 2013

A/C & Heating

Automotive Services

Winter Special! Furnace or A/C clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. 25 years experience. R & D Heating & Cooling 708-7576154 or 219-616-3281

Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove, Call Al. 708-9851623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-895-5433, 219-865-6044

Buying junk GM/Chevy cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075

Cleaning Services Mulligans Maid to Order. Wi l l c l e a n Re s i d e n t i a l / Commercial and new construction cleaning. Established 27 years. Licensed, bonded, insured. 219-923-6150


These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life…

— 1 John 5:13

Attend the church of your choice.

Internet Edition

South Suburban College Foundation seeks support for “Ruby Anniversary Scholarship Fundraiser” $125 each. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and features an open bar and plated dinner, silent auction, dancing, and the outstanding music of The Connexion Band.

Each year the South Suburban College Foundation (SSCF) hosts an annual gala event from which all proceeds support scholarship opportunities for local students. The SSCF is now seeking support for Ruby Anniversary Scholarship Fundraiser: Our 40-year Past, Present & Future, to be held on Friday, April 26, 2013. With the cost of higher education on the rise and the level of state funding on the decline, students are finding it more and more difficult to afford a full-time college education. Individuals and local businesses can market themselves at this event through sponsorships and auction gifts while contributing tax-deductible scholarship donations. This elegant dinner-dance will feature a silent auction with approximately 250 guests. Tickets are also available for

Sponsorship levels are as follows: ð $2,000 Platinum: Establish Scholarship, Top Sponsor Signage and Announced at event ð $1,000 Gold: Top Sponsor Signage and Announced at event ð $500 Silver: Sponsor Signage ð $300 Bronze: Sponsor Signage Donations for this cause are an investment in the economic development of the south suburban region and a better future for thousands of residents who depend on SSC for their education and training. Checks can be

Concrete Work


Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192

We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Call 708-8771038

S&S Concrete Enterprise LLC. Concrete, basement leaks due to foundation. Cracks, caulking, deck coating. Licensed, insured. Over 25 yrs. experience. 708259-3435

An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Residential Electrical Repairs, replacements, upgrades (switches, outlets, lights, and more)! Small jobs, OK! Senior Discount! Call for information / pricing. 708474-8260

Day Care

Handyman Services

Ms. Paula’s Home Daycare. Offer quality care, licensed provider, 0-12 yrs. 6am-6pm. Accepting childcare Initiatives & DCFS funds. So. Holland Area. 708-893-0177

All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

made payable to “SSC Foundation” at 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, IL 60473. Paypal transfers and credit card charges can also be made through Paypal to The Foundation Staff will pick up donations for auction. For more information, please call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2463 or email The SSC Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors composed of 25 of the south suburban area’s finest business, civic and community leaders. The Foundation has now awarded over $1,300,000 in scholarships. In 2012, over $120,000 in scholarship funds were awarded by the SSCF to help students to begin or continue their college education.

Diversified Home Repair d o n e r i g h t ! Pa i n t i n g , carpentry, drywall, roofing, doors, electrical, plumbing and tree trimming. Very reasonable. Free estimates. Call Doug 219-381-1756

Health & Beauty If You Used The Mirena IUD between 2001-present and s u f f e re d p e r f o ra t i o n o r embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members. 1-800535-5727 If You Used The Blood Thinner Pradaxa and suffered internal bleeding, h e m o r r h a g i n g , re q u i re d hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa between October 2010 and the Present. You may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800-535-5727

Don’t block cholesterolremove it! USDA developed Nutrim makes it easy to get cholesterol lowering oat B-glucans. Qualifies for FDA Heart Health Claim! Call FutureCeuticals Direct now for a free sample! (800)-8620438 Do you have Joint Discomfort? Get what your body has been missing! FruiteX-B is fast-acting joint re l i e f t h a t i s c l i n i c a l l y indicated to support joint c o m f o r t , f l e x i b i l i t y an d healthy inflammatory r e s p o n s e . C a l l FutureCeuticals Direct now for a free sample! (800)-8620438

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, bathroom fixtures, water heaters, toilet repairs, drywall repairs, misc. repairs, senior discount. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

LYNWOOD TIRE CENTER Inc. 2390 Glenwood-Dyer Rd., Lynwood, IL • 708-474-2070


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Seeking Support

rt for our o p p u s g in k SSCF see cholarship S y r a s r e iv Ruby Ann orships, s n o p s h g u thro Fundraiser nd auction items sa ticket sale t a d n u o F Email

Say I saw it in The Shopper



Internet Edition

Rescue Dog Turns Hero The Gomez family of Highland, IN, believes their dog Addie is redefining the term rescue dog. Erica Gomez believes her family did not save Addie; Addie saved her family. “It’s immeasurable how much Addie affected us, she has given us our lives back,” said Erica. Erica and Michael Gomez have two children, both with disabilities. Colin, 9, suffers from attention defect disorder and severe anxiety. Eric, 6, was diagnosed with sensory issues. Colin’s disorder causes him to have restless nights. Erica claims Colin would previously wake up between two and three times per night. “The first week we had Addie Colin slept completely through the night, it was the first full week of sleep we have had in years,” said Erica. Sensory issues cause Eric to engage in very aggressive touch. He is also prone to having emotional outbursts. “The way a two or three year old would throw a tantrum is how he would throw a tantrum at six years old,” said Erica. Erica said there is a lot to uncover still about Eric’s disorder, but Addie has been their most effective resource. Addie has given Eric an outlet for his need for physical interaction and emotional release. “He can pull on her and lay on her, and she does not mind it. I actually think she kind of likes it,” said Erica Erica tried many different remedies for her children’s disabilities. She believes Addie has been the most effective tool. “You name it we have tired it. Therapy, medications, meditation, yoga, and nothing helped. The only thing that works is a dog,” said Erica. Having a dog has made it easier for Eric and Colin to make Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328 Howard’s Rehabs: Windows/ Doors, Floors/Carpet Heating/Cooling, Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall/Taping, Painting, Roofs/Concrete, Kitchen/Bath & more. Great Prices! Licensed/Insured 708-232-3173 Credit Cards Accepted

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025 Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-522-2381

Music Craftsman snowblower 5.0 horsepower, electric start, 21 i n c. s i n g l e s t a g e Au g e r propelled, works great, like new $150. 708-829-2121

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re- gl aze win dows, str ip w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170



3 February 20, 2013

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and all, here’s th e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976

friends. Erica said her children are less afraid of going to other children’s houses. Colin said that he sleeps better now that Addie is a part of their family. “She calms me down because I know that she is watching over us,” said Colin. Since Addie was a rescue dog the Gomez family did not know her birthday. Colin and Eric were responsible for choosing Addie’s birthday. “Her birthday is May the Fourth, like May the Fourth be with you,” said Colin. “We both like Star Wars, but on an ordinary level,” Colin

later clarified. The Gomez family obtained Addie from I Wanna Go Home Rescue. I Wanna Go Home Rescue is a network of animal foster homes that work together to help find loving homes for displaced animals. The Founder of I Wanna Go Home Rescue Sue Hanlon obtained Addie from Hammond Animal Control. Hanlon claimed that Addie had such a good personality; she could not believe no one wanted her. Hanlon’s organization had such a positive effect on Erica and her family; she now volunteers. On Saturdays Erica helps coordinate Adoption Day’s with I Wanna Go Home Rescue, at Petco in Highland, Indiana. “It’s so important to give back to organizations like I Wanna Go Home Rescue because they have changed our lives,” said Erica. Erica once opposed to owning a dog. Addie completely changed her perception and she would like to become one of I Wanna Go Home Rescue’s foster families. “I want to extend the benefit of adopting a rescue animal to other people,” said Erica. Michael supports Erica’s goal. He also wants to share what Addie has given them with the community. “Addie has done so much for our family, it would be nice to see other families affected in a positive way,” said Michael. I Wanna Go Home Rescue has a network of foster homes across North West Indiana and Illinois. Animals available for adoption can be seen at Petco in Highland, IN, every Saturday from 10a.m.-3p.m.

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Looking for L P N ’s a n d R N ’s w i t h experience or no experience w i l l t ra i n f o r Fa i t h Connections Home Health Service. Ask for Trudy. 708201-0255

FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning for RESIDENTS OF LANSING who ARE IN NEED.

Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure

you’re inViteD... to the e g a t i r y e t H r a P y t i n u y l m l Com aign rasupport thety! ar nd P P a t y t u i m un eo Ca Com e Comm g erita H

Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL

SCRIPTS • Free delivery to home or office

Mayor Don De Graff • Clerk Sallie Penman Trustees Larry De Young • Matthew James • Andrew Johnson Jr.

• $4.00 per month on many generics • Free flavoring on liquid medications • We accept most insurances • Old fashion service with a modern touch Come on in and ask for “Dave the Pharmacist.” • Extended consultation services 3330 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL 60438 offered 708-474-9540 or Fax 708-474-9535

thurSDay, march 7 at 5-7 pm



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heritage community party P.O. Box 702 • SOUTH HOLLAND, ILLINOIS 60473

Paid for by the Heritage Community Party. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

Say I saw it in The Shopper Help Wanted: Work from home. Become an online travel agent. Unlimited earning potential. Medical insurance/other benefits. Go to www. or call 219-661-0999 Help Wanted: Adult wanted to deliver early morning newspapers, in Country Club Hills. Must be reliable and have experience. Call Carl. 708-296-1197

Garage Sales in Dyer MOVING SALE!  SAT. FEB 23, 9-12,  165 BUT TERCUP L ANE! DYER  Couches, air hockey table, electronics, desk, exercise equip. Misc.

4 February 20, 2013

Homes For Sale

Centrally located Lansing Ho m e ; 3 b d r m s, 2 b t h s, Hrdwd flrs/tr im. Fnshd walkout Bsmt., 2.5 heated garage, fenced yard, shed $103,200.  OPEN HOUSE: Sat. 3/2, 103pm. 18228 Burnham Ave. 708-474-2000

Internet Edition

Winter Play Production

The Wilbur Wright Theatre Company is pleased to present their annual “Evening of Theatre,” on February 21, 22, and 23, at 7:00pm. Tickets are available for $2 and $3 at the Munster Auditorium box office. This is the 11th year that Director Carol Lynn Brechner is bringing more than one type of theatre to the audience. From year to year this may vary from Reader’s Theatre, Mime Theatre, Monologues, or one and two-act plays. This year WWTC has the pleasure of presenting a Reader’s Theatre production of A Word, By Any Other Name, an introductory monologue by Alex Raycroft, and the two-act murder mystery parody, Gumshoe. Gumshoe is a wild parody of film, radio and TV murder mysteries is full of hilarious off-the-wall characters. Johnny (Alex Ramirez), a down-on-his-luck private eye, takes the case of Lawanda Baboomba (Paige Mecyssine), a golddigging floozy accused of murdering her wealthy husband. She’s a sculptor who creates statues from Spam. Things really get bizarre at her Spam retrospective art opening reception - an event catered by the police chief (Anthony Niemic)

DA (David Green) & Johnny (Alex Ramirez) _____________________________________

who thinks he’s a chef! The sneaky DA (David Green) pretends to fall in love with Lawanda, and when things go awry, the food police get into a fight with the pseudo-intellectual art critics. Lots of laughs, slapstick action along with a silly romance to keep things going to the final

big laugh. Ends with a twist! Other key players are Johnny’s doting secretary, Betsy Heartagold (Kalie Miles), Billy Youngbuck, a cub reporter (Elliott Fus), and Lieutenant Fletcher (Tara Layous).

COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAMS You do not need to have any special skills or abilities. We’ll teach you all the basics you need to know to be prepared and to provide a valuable service to your family, friends and community.

Are you prepared for emergencies and disasters in your community, at home, school or work? Are you interested in learning how to protect yourself, your family, your home and your community before, during and after natural and man-made disasters? Thornton Township is taking applications for individuals from all township communities to join our Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) A $100 stipend is available to students completing the class

Next class Starts Saturday, February 2013 Class meets: February 2, 9, 16, & 23

from 9:00am until 12:00pm

ZAP Center 16910 Westview, South Holland Call Terry Wells Jr. at 708-596-6046 ext. 2010

FRANK M. ZUCCARELLI Supervisor 333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 TTY 708-596-0408 • Fax 708-596-3207

Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135

Income Property Income property for sale: 2 flat has hardwood floors, very clean, Chicago Heights, IL. Call for more info. $49,900 obo. 219-863-0037

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Apt. for Rent: Calumet City 3-bdrm., 2 bath, A/C, heat included. Laundr y area, garage space. $1,100/mo. + security. 708-261-2411 2 Bedroom Mobile Home f o r s a l e i n Burnham. 495/month plus utilities. Laundromat on site. Good Condition. Call 219-742-8505 2 bdrm. apt. 1st floor, pay your own gas and electric. No pets. $570/mo. 109 155th St. Calumet City. 708-474-0945 Burnham, IL. 14234 Manistee Ave., 3-bdrm., 2-bath, central air, new carpet, new ceramic kitchen floor, no utilities included, sec. dep. $900, rent $900/mo. 708-257-7192 Lansing, IL. 3-bdrm., 2-baths, 1st flr. w/patio. Seniors welcome. 17712 School St. Rent $1100/mo. includes free heat, gas, appls., A/C & private parking. 1 - 1 / 2 m o . s e c . Av a i l . March/2013. Call Kevin 708288-8640 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $835/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713

Say I saw it in The Shopper

5 February 20, 2013

Illinois Law Now!

Question: I am about to join a new company in a management position. Should I insist that my employer provide me with a written contract? Answer: An employer is under no obligation to provide a written contract to an employee. Most employment relationships are based on an oral agreement. However, if you do not have a written contract, your employer can fire you at any time for any reason without advance warning. There are exceptions. An employer may not fire or discriminate against you based on race, sex, color, disability, religion, etc. or because you made a complaint about the employer to a government agency. Furthermore, a written contract may put additional limits on the employer’s ability to fire you. Question: My condominium rules prohibit unit owners from keeping pets unless they are service animals or for medical reasons. What constitutes a “medical reason?” Answer: Under the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act, condominium boards must allow a reasonable accommodation for trained service animals or emotional support animals. While emotional support animals don’t have to be trained, an applicant – in order to keep one in his or her unit – typically must show proof of a mental impairment that substantially limits his or her major life activities. Often this requires a written statement from a mental health professional.

Apt. for rent: 17723 Park Avenue, Lansing. 2-bdrm, super deluxe, section 8 welcome $800/mo. 708-8955150 or 219-614-3994 1-bdrm. apt. for rent. $385/ mo. Chicago Heights, IL. Call for more info. 219-863-0037 Apt. for rent: Calumet City 2-bdrm., near Burnham and 155th Place. Appliances included, section 8 welcome $600/mo. + security deposit. 708-474-3980 Lansing 2 bedroom completely decorated apartment, close to schools, 2 n d f l o o r. Ve r y c l e a n , soundproof apartment building. Ready now. Call for appointment. 708-514-4597

Question: Are there laws on the books mandating that schools educate students about sexual assault and abuse? Answer: Under a new state law, schools must now implement an age-appropriate sexual assault and abuse awareness and prevention curriculum for grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Previously, the law applied only to secondary schools. The law also requires teachers to participate in professional development and training classes that cover sexual assault and abuse.

Homes For Rent Newly remodeled. Studios, 1-4 bdr m. Homes/Apts. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8, low income welcome, no security deposit specials. Immediate occupancy. 708-401-8152 Alliedhousing123.comVisa/ MC accepted 2-bdrm. house & 1 bed apt. for rent Calumet City. Clean w/appl. House off street park & shed. Apt. w/base & garage. $875 & $625/mo. 708-4748278 2 Bedroom House in Lansing. 1 1/2 car garage, hardwood floors, central air. $900/month. 219-718-3370 Home for rent: Calumet City. Immediate occupancy. 3-bdrm, 1-1/2 baths. appliances, finished basement, garage $1,225/mo. Leave msg. Call. 708-3656234

Internet Edition Home for rent: Lynwood 2 bed, 1 bath. New carpet, freshly painted. NO PETS. Te n a n t s p a y u t i l i t i e s . Available now. $800 + 1 mo. 219-746-9975 Homewood cozy 3-bdrm. house, near grade school, public transportation, section 8 welcome. $1150 per. mo. Also rent rooms. 708-957-0604

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068 Scherer ville, Rent with options to buy. 880 sq. ft. $900/mo. 550 sq. ft. $600/mo. Ready to move in. Call. 219680-0326 or 219-864-0681

Pets Toy poodles, red color (or apricot) males, first shots, tail cut, $450. 8 wks. old, partially trained. 708-288-3039 2-Dalmatians, for adoption. Moved to apar tment. Looking for good home. One 4 yr. old, other 6 yrs. old. 708890-0097

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941 Wanted: Old fishing lures and tackle any condition. Respectful buyer. Turn that old fishing equipment into cash. CALL 708-8991270






For more information about Illinois law, visit www. If you have a legal question, send it to

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Expires 2 / 09 /13

Say I saw it in The Shopper

6 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Jared Tomich Hopes to be Halo for Children Jared Tomich, former NFL player and founder of Halo for Hope Foundation, will be speaking at an event on Monday, March 4 at Halls of St. George in Schererville, Ind. Munster-Highland Tri Kappa will be sponsoring their annual fashion show event helping to raise money for a variety of charities, including Halo for Hope Foundation. Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc., commonly known as Tri Kappa, is a unique philanthropic organization existing only within the boundaries of the state of Indiana. Each Tri Kappa chapter has special projects in its community for charity, culture, and education. Local chapters also support statewide projects. “We have the privilege of tremendous support for our cause,” Avarie Hansen, chairwomen for the event, said. “It is nights like the annual fashion show that really make that shine.” Halo for Hope Foundation seeks to send children with cancer to various camps, giving them the opportunity to feel like independent, healthy, free-spirited kids. “I’m thrilled for the opportunity to reach so many people at once,” Tomich said. The foundation also helps with local outreach in areas of Northwest Indiana, Omaha and Lincoln, Neb., as well as Chicago and Green Bay areas. Other goals for the foundation include creating resources for cancer stricken families in Tomich’s community, additional funding, counseling and ongoing fundraising events in all the

cities which he sponsors kids. “The financial support is great, but building awareness for Halo of Hope is really important,” Tomich said. “The more people excited about our foundation the more kids we can help.” Tri Kappa has sponsored the fashion show for many years, giving participants Champaign and dinner, with various vendors supplying a range of products to purchase, such as Scentsy candle warmers and Avon cosmetic supplies. “More than 500 people come out to have a good time, but they also give generously and that allows us to help many individual families throughout the year as well as local organizations who know they can depend on Tri Kappa’s support,” Hansen said. Tomich is a native of St. John, Ind., having a successful football career at Lake Central high school. After high school, he attended University of Nebraska and played defensive end for the Cornhuskers, helping the team win two of their three National Championship titles. After college, Tomich was a second-round NFL Draft pick for the New Orleans Saints in 1997. Later, he moved to the Green Bay Packers for the 2001 and 2002 seasons. Ending his career, Tomich was with the Kansas City Chiefs for the 2003 season. Tomich was first introduced to oncology patients during his

Wanted: Cash for gold/silver jewelr y, broken or not, antiques, anything old, entire estates or one item: furniture, jewelry, clocks, watches, toys, dolls, silverware, paintings, m i l i t a r y, l i g h t i n g , m i d century design & chrome furniture, small items, gold & silver jewelry. Trusted house calls. 219-765-6268

Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872#

Wanted: Puppies wanted, must be reasonably priced. 815-671-2428 Wanted: Small truck will fix, body good condition. Donation or small fee. Preferable Stepvan, Ford transit, Sprinter, Ice Cream truck, or mail truck. Please call. 312-485-5495

junior year at University of Nebraska. He and his teammates shaved their heads for a Husker fan with cancer. His foundation was spurred due to the interaction he had with various children stricken with cancer. Other charities and organizations receiving help from this event include Munster and Highland Police and Fire Departments, Haven House of Hammond, Ind., and student scholarships. Tri Kappa offers scholarships in the areas of academics, fine arts, music education, and to non-traditional students. Clothing for the models is donated from the Dress Barn in Schererville with hair and makeup being supplied by Texture Point and Merle Norman, respectively, both located in Highland. Other contributors include Highland Jewelers, Dunhill Tuxedos, and Dawn Guernsey of Pink Bus Productions. Each year, local chapters and state Tri Kappa give over $1.5 million to its endeavors of charity, culture and education. Since 1901, Tri Kappa members have donated untold hours and millions of dollars to projects in the state of Indiana. The fashion show event is from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. and tickets for the event cost $35 and can be ordered by calling 219712-9413. Deadline for ordering is Monday, Feb. 25.

Dyer Chamber Honors LaBarge

Wa n t e d : Looking for telemarketing work at home. 708-349-0329

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Citizens Financial Bank congratulates Suzette LaBarge, who was honored as President of the Dyer Chamber of Commerce for 2011 and 2012 at the Dyer Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner Dance on January 19, 2013. Suzy was escorted to the stage by Dr. Jethroe Smith and the award was presented by Denise Wiles the 2013 Dyer Chamber President.

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Wanted: small nacho cheese, electric warmer pour or pot; bean bags for a bean bag game. 708-532-8337

Wanted person to paint empty apt under $125 in griffith no furniture 317-3487895

Wanted: 55 gallon blue barrow/drums; demolition hammer/chesil set. 708-5328337

Wanted: 3x3 steel angle, 3x3 steel tubing, 3/8 steel flat stock, Rokon Trail Breaker motorcycle. 708-474-8221

Wanted: 55 gallon blue barrow/drums; demolition hammer/chisel set. 708-5328337

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Michelle Novak, Vice President, Regional Sales Manager, said: “Citizens Financial Bank and its employees have a strong commitment to the communities we serve. This exemplifies what we mean by Personal, personal banking.” She continues, “Suzy demonstrates what our team does in our local markets to serve the community. We are very proud to have her as a member of our management team.”


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

7 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition



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Say I saw it in The Shopper

8 February 20, 2013


2007 PT Cruiser, FWD, 4-cyl gas saver! Spoiler, AC, PW, PL, CD clean and good looking ! Only $7,488. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2011 Suzuki Equator Crew Cab RMZ-4 with 4wd! good miles w/hill descent & hill start assist! pw, pl, cruise, keyless liner wheels & more! Only $20,477. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2011 Dodge Caliber Heat! 2.0 Gas Saver! ABS, PL, PW, CD, Ac, premium wheels, keyless, and Extra Clean! More! only $ 1 3 , 7 8 5 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2006 Audi A2 2.0T Quattro sedan with AWD and a TURBO 2.9! Leather, sunroof, PW, PL, cruise ABS, Multidisc changer, and much more! Only $14,988. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990 2006 Chrysler 300, RWD V-6, AC, PW, PL, cruise, EXTRA clean and sharp! Only $ 1 0 , 7 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990

Internet Edition

2008 Dodge GD Caravan SE, V-6 3.3, ABS, PW, PL cruise MP3, 7 pass seating and MORE! ONly $11,788. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990

2005 Colorado EXT Cab LS, 3.5 5cyl auto trans, ABS, AC, cruise MP3, and more! Very Good miles! ONly $10,288. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708474-4990

2008 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, V-6 3.8 engine, ABS and 4WD plus all the fun built in that makes it a WRANGLER! Only $ 1 8 , 7 7 5 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2008 Impala LT with Low Low miles! 3.5 V-6, FWD, ABS, MP3 Player, AC, AW, PL, cruise, nice wheels and more! Only $12,249. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2012 Impala LTZ with only 9k miles! Sunroof, Leather and LOADED! Wheels, ABS, premium sound and More! Only $19,985. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2011 Avalanche LT with 4WD, Leather with heated seats and the new car smell is in the air! Very clean and too many options to list! Only $ 3 0 , 4 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990

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Winter Clothing Needed for local men, women, & children. Donations accepted at the Catholic Charities-South Regional Services, 16100 Seton Dr., South Holland, IL 60473. MondayFriday 9am-3:30pm. Gently used or new clothing can be dropped off at our office. Thank you for your generosity.


2 0 0 5 Pa c i f i c a To u r i n g minivan, 3.5 V-6 with FWD, Third row seating too! ABS, PW, PL, AC, CD, andmore! Vehicle was driven 8k miles a year and is still a pup! Only $9,985. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2007 Equinox LS with FWD and 3.4 V-6, only driven 7k miles a year! PW, PL, ABS, CD, AC and much more! Only $ 1 0 , 9 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2005 Dodge Caravan SXT with FWD, 3.3 V-6 with rear AC, 7-pass seating, CD, cassette, cruise and much more! Only $6,788. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990

Automobiles 2006 Ford Crown Vic. $1,995 runs and drives. Pictures at 877-818-4726

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As a candidate for trustee of Dolton and running in the 2013 Election with Kiana Belcher, candidate for mayor, one of our community goals is a new look for Dolton.


Another view of Dolton occurs in the winter. It’s amazing how pure and clean a new snow makes everything look. When a fresh blanket is put over a burned out log, it still looks like a fresh blanket. This phenomenon of nature covers the many run down, burned out and destroyed properties that are among us. There is one problem with this winter vision, eventually the snow melts and guess what – that burned out, run down and destroyed property is still there. The momentary look of a well groomed village only lasts for a day or so until the streets are


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plowed, salt is spread and the inevitable thaw occurs. Will this short look into a futuristic Dolton continue? This will happen only if the elected officials we put in office take a proactive position to community development. When this occurs, we do not have to rely on a fresh snow fall to cover up a town lacking in vision. We can actually look at a town that is progressing and be proud to say we live in Dolton. Have we just presented a concept that is beyond our Village’s goals? I don’t think so. But to obtain this we need the right people in decision making positions.

Together We Can. It just takes your vote.

TEAM 2013 NEW FACES, NEW VOICES, NEW VISION Garrett Ghezzi – Candidate for Dolton Trustee Kiana Belcher – Candidate for Dolton Mayor

Paid for by Garrett Ghezzi. Candidate for Dolton village trustee.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

9 February 20, 2013 2005 Lincoln Town CAR Stk#P2684. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400

2000 Chevy Malibu, roomy car with good gas mileage. No credit check. Guaranteed approval. Call Today 877-8184 7 2 6 w w w . 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee, white, runs and drives good. 132,000 miles, $1,250. 708849-3088

2 0 0 5 L i n c o l n Na v i g a t o r Stk#P2644A $10,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400

2003 Ford Taurus $3000; 2001 Buick Regal $3000; 1999 Mercury Sable $2500; 1998 Honda Accord $2500; 1997 Serbing $1800. 708-351-9906 2000 Volkswagon Jetta 5 speed, 6 cyl. 4-dr, silver, looks great, runs good. 194,000 miles. $2,220. Call. 708-3725013

2005 Ford Freestyle SE, Titanium Green Metallic, $8,600. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668

Internet Edition 2 0 0 7 Fo r d F u s i o n S E , Tungsten Silver metallic $8,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668

2004 Ford Taurus Sel, Silver Frost Metallic, $7,495. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-7981668

2006 Mercury Grand Marquis Stk#P2680 $11,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-8915400 2008 Saturn Aura Stk#P2495 $10,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400 2007 Nissan Quest Stk#P2683 $12,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400

2004 Dodge Durango, Beautiful red SUV with leather, 3-row seats, $5,950. Easy finance with no credit check. View our inventory. At 877-818-4726

2007 Ford Focus SES, Kiwi Green Metallic, $8,700. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-7981668

2007 Lincoln Town Ca r Stk#P2681 $16,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-8915400 2 0 1 2 To y o t a C a m r y Stk#P2538A $18,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400 2002 Ford Escape XLT, Black clearcoat, $7,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2004 Ford Escape XLT, Dark S h a d ow G r e y Me t a l l i c , $9,200. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2004 Ford Escape XLT, Dark S h a d ow G r e y Me t a l l i c , $9,200. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668

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2007 Ford Focus SE, InfraRed, $8,700. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668

A Real Bargain! 1998 Ford Explorer $2350 CASH. www. 1-877-818-4726

Thornton Township High School AVID Update

2002 Kia Sportage Automatic trans $3,950. No credit check! 1999 Kia Sportage Manual trans $1950 Cash. www.

Our inaugural AVID classes at Thornton Township HS began the year with a celebration of the students’ commitment to the AVID program at the Back-to-School Night Signing Day event. Students along with their parents joined us for the formal signing of the AVID student contract, light refreshments, and words of encouragement from Mrs. Ebonie Williams, AVID Administrator, Mrs. Andrea January, AVID Coordinator/Teacher, and Mr. Paul Carr, AVID Counselor. During the next few months, the students had the privilege of hearing from several guest speakers: AVID Site Team members, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Joseph Janowiak, and Ms. Deborah Blanusha who also brought her son, Nick, to share his story of individual determination in college, and our principal, Mr. Tony Ratliff.

2007 Ford Taurus. Retired taxi cab-black. Only $2450 CASH. Financing available! www.cheapcarshammond. com 2006 Ford Crown Victorias. White ext or black ext. Retired taxi cabs $2450 C A S H . w w w . 1997 Cavalier 4dr 4cyl, AT, PS, Cruise. Good body. New tires, gas cap & rear struts. Needs brake lines $985. 708474-0109 2005 Cadillac Deille Stk#P2658 $6,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-8915400


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In November, Mr. Carr coordinated our trip to University of Illinois at Chicago for a workshop to promote health careers to middle range students hosted by Area Health Education Center (AHEC). The students were visited by various health care professionals and were given the opportunity to ask questions, thereby practicing both Cornell note-taking and inquiry skills. TT AVID served as host in December for a special event, An AVID Homecoming, that included three distinct segments and allowed a number of our students to sharpen their leadership skills. The first segment, the talk show, brought three former AVID students (now college students) and two of our current AVID college tutors to share their high school and college experiences. While Mrs. January conducted a roundtable interview of these students who discussed the importance of taking good notes and evaluating one’s peer group among other matters, Mr. Carr and a student assistant filmed it and another student served as floor director for the show. During the next segment (the format of which was designed by Mrs. Kulig and Ms. Blanusha), the AVID students considered different aspects of their high school career such as academics and personal power and collaborated with Mrs. Kulig and several student leaders to create an AVID mantra. The guest college students returned during the final segment, the panel discussion, and were incredibly candid in response to the students’ questions. The talk show segment along with portions of the mantra activity will air on the Chicago Access Network Television (CAN-TV) show, LZ Productions Presents, on channel 36 at 1:30PM on March 16 and April 27. Our AVID students participated in another unique activity in January. To commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the students were invited to join high schools across the nation to screen an award-winning film about “the consequences of America’s failed drug war and the injustices of the current criminal justice system” called The House I Live In ( After the viewing and note-taking, the students discussed the implications of those consequences and injustices in small groups. In the months to come, TT AVID is planning to host politicians, physicians, attorneys, other professionals, and current college students, including former AVID students. We also plan to tour two or three local college campuses and take an overnight college tour, designed by our students.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

Stroke and Osteoporosis Screenings

Antiques/Classics 1973 Caddie El Dorado Coupe. In storage, never out in rain or snow. Only 14,000 miles. Interior smells new. Asking $12,000 worth much more. James. 708-267-0723 or 708-636-4350

2004 Chevrolet Suburban, Dary Gray Metallic $7,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708798-1668 2008 Dodge Nitro SXT, bright silver metallic, $8,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-7981668

Auto Parts New 15 inch donut spare tire with rim. Will fit all 15” Cadillacs and most other same size tires. 773-312-9075


God, Abraham & Me Anna M. Caison One way we recognize God’s presence is with us is when we find ourselves walking in the shoes of those who’ve gone before us; and in the heroes of faith we read about in the scriptures. When the thought came to me to leave the church my mother brought me up in and go to a place that would be showed to me, I assumed I had been studying too much. “Okay Anna, pull yourself together,” I said to myself. “That command was to Abraham to leave his father’s house, a place of idolatry. Your mother’s church is not a place of idolatry; it’s a place of worship. You’re active in several areas of ministry, surely God isn’t telling you to pack up and leave.” On Sunday afternoon following service, one of the church mothers approached me. She said, “Baby, God’s got a great work for you to do but you’ve got to leave this place and go where you can be trained.” Where would I go? Is God really telling me to leave? How will I know when I’m at the place where He wants me to be? After several weeks of pondering and prayer I packed up and began my journey of faith. Since Abraham went south, I traveled south listening, looking and trusting God to lead me to the place

Custom steel ladder rack, full size p/u $195. 219-765-4067 6 x 6 x 4 Ro l l i n g p l a t f o r m scaffold A-1 $49; 24 ft. Alum. plank scaffold, heavy duty A-1 $199. 219-765-4067 Air filter for compressor or spray paintings $35. 219-7654067 Ne w s t e e l r a d i a l t i r e s P175/80R13 and 165SR15 $35 each. 708-474-6488 Tow bar Fulton Mfg. 5,000lb. load 2” ball, used once, perfect RV to car $80. 708474-6488

Ford pickup truck tail gate 1980/82, like new $150. 708474-6488 B r a n d n e w t r u c k t i re s LT 2 3 5 / 8 5 R 1 6 , b l a c k w a l l 14/32 tread, two tires $95. 708-474-6488



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Private Party Ads


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2010 Keystone, fully self contained, w/slide out, travel trailer. List $24,000 - Asking $12,000. Mint Condition. Must see, Must sell. 708-4740765

International dump truck with big plow. Looks good and runs great. Call Mark. $3,500 obo. 708-408-7192 2003’ Trailblazer 4x4 SUV for sale. $5,800 or best offer. Must sell, good condition 130,000 miles. 708-895-2748

Fall sPecIal FURnace clean & checK



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Lot of truck for little money. 1998 Dodge Ram, long bed work truck with vinyl floors $ 1 2 0 0 d ow n , $ 2 5 0 p e r. m o n t h . w w w . Must sell 2004 GMC Sierra box truck. 54,000 miles, asking $7,000. Business closed. 708-418-3200

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Business Ads

He wanted me to go. In the process of my travels I’ve learned to discern God’s direction, experience His heart for people, to see and love others as He does, and be a part of His plan in meeting needs and leading many to faith in Him. I have also felt God’s heart for me through personal crisis----breast cancer, family conflicts, long term unemployment, failures, sin, and the need for His forgiveness. It is in my current tour that I came to realize the place God was leading me to. It is the same place He led Abraham to; a place of relationship with Him. Jesus has made it possible (through His death, for our sins, and His resurrection) for each of us to experience a personal relationship with God. What must one do to experience this connection with the Almighty? A-admit your need for a Savior; B-believe that Jesus is the Savior, and C-commit yourself to God asking Him to be the leader of your life. Also, join a Bible Study; it will help you discern His voice and His ways. For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, c/o New Community Church, 14801 Lincoln Ave., Dolton, IL 60419.

we service, sell and Install Furnaces, hot water heaters, Boilers, and air conditioners

Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome

Internet Edition

Screenings identify potential cardiovascular conditions such as blocked arteries and irregular heart rhythm, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. Packages start at $159. All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. For more information regarding the screenings or to schedule an appointment, call 1-877-237-1287 or visit our website at www.lifelinescreening. com. Pre-registration is required.

2006 Volvo XC90 2.5L Turbo, Ruby Red metallic $11,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708798-1668

2009 Chevrolet Malibu LT W 2LT, Summit White $15,495. Call Van Drunen Ford 708798-1668

you avoid a stroke • Screenings are fast, noninvasive, painless, affordable and convenient

Residents living in and around the Harvey, Illinois community can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke or bone fracture. Ingalls Memorial Hospital - Professional Building will host Life Line Screening on 3/26/2013. The site is located at 71 W. 156th St. in Harvey. John Kost from Western Springs, IL, participated in a Life Line Screening event in April of 2008 and learned he had an abdominal aortic aneurysm. He writes, “I want to thank you and your organization for saving my life!” Four key points every person needs to know: • Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of permanent disability • 80% of stroke victims had no apparent warning signs prior to their stroke • Preventive ultrasound screenings can help 2005 Cadillac Deville, Light Platinum, $8,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668

10 February 20, 2013

Household Items under $250 and Pets under $100

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708-333-9630 The Shopper


Say I saw it in The Shopper

Miscellaneous Items For Sale Fa c t o r y O u t l e t Sa l e . Mattresses, $78, $98, $128, bunk beds $158, futons $88, daybeds. Furniture for all rooms. Free layaway, ez credit, no credit check. 7083 7 1 - 3 7 3 7 w w w.

Un i f o r m Nu r s i n g St o re Closed! Now selling nurse made shoes & accessories below wholesale price. From $1 - $20, depending on item. Take advantage. 708-8891049 or 708-574-2459 Dining room set, t a b l e smoke glass, 54x42 oval, 4 fan back, black chairs, $165. 219322-8166 Woodworkers, Hobbiests, Cabinet makers, quality materials for sale: Wood, plywoods, trims: oak, cherr y, walnut, pine, hardware, veneers, others. 708-474-7595

11 February 20, 2013 Electrical motorized wheelchair, tilts, $12,000 obo. 312-802-4270 or 708-2752275 2-Twin beds $200 each; electric motorcycle 14 mi. $150; White lacker dresser w/3 drawers, and side storage area $100. All in exc. cond. 708-418-8414

2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 Royal tank style vacuum c l e a n e r, 4 . 5 H . P. w i t h attachments, ver y good condition $45. 815-463-0345

Cubs tickets, two great seats for various games. Four for select games (face value). Call for dates and price. 708769-4328

Natural mink w/leather on side of the coat and under the arms. Leather matching belt, bought at Fields, size med. $150. 815-280-8051

Collectibles: Old glass milk bottles, $5 each $10 each; Kevin Garnett high school rookie cars, set of three $60. 630-743-9083

Coyote jacket, white fox tuxedo trim, size 10 (have original receipt and cert of appraisal) from D’ion furs $350. 815-280-8051

W i l l i a m s Fi r e p ow e r I I electronic pinball machine. Ju s t s e r v i c e d w i t h n e w rubber bumpers and cushions. $1450. Call 708309-5478

Pro m dress, swee t h ea r t neckline, rhinestone bodice, floor length. Purple, back zipper, size 4. Gorgeous, paid $520 asking $200. Purchased at a boutique. 815-462-6930

Custom built Dale Ernhardt Sr. electric golf cart with diamond plate tool box, $4,000. Call 708-309-5478 F o r s a l e : B r a n d n e w, unopened in box, Weber Summit S470 SS LP Grill in Dyer, IN. Grill retails for $2,150. Selling for $1,880. Grill my be seen at: www. s u m m i t - s e r i e s / summit-s-470. 219-322-9141

Internet Edition

Natural color mink stole, size medium with 2-inside pockets $250. 815-462-6930 Speed queen washer/ Whirlpool dryer, commercial pipe, coin-slide, and coinbox equipped. Landlord make your money back $599 for both. 708-439-7736 Beautiful like new, loveseat (lime/apple green) formal living room not used $250; Antique knee hole desk, exc. cond. $125. 708-448-5672 or 708-917-3599 Croscill (Rainier) light green on white background, queen comforter bedskirt, 3 Valences, 2 pillows, exc. cond. 2 shams, $40. 708-4780282

B oy s c l o t h e s , Ho l l i s t e r hoodies grey-xs, $5; grey hehley $3, med/Am. Eagle cream shirt $3, size small/ Old Navy, zip up $3. size small Aero baseball hat $1. 815-462-6930

Convalescent equipment: Tub/Shower stool $20. Heavy Duty Quad Cane 4 pt large base, height adjustment 3 0 0 l b . W t Capacity.$30.708-333-3423 or 219-789-8496

Grey & black sweater zip $3, size Med-white Champion shirt $1, great cond. $20, takes all. 815-462-6930

Quad Cane lg base, offset handle additional stability & support.Ht adjusts 30”-39”. 300 lb. Wt Capacity.$30. 708333-3423 or 219-789-8496

Pet carrier 12”Wx19”Lx 10”H Latching front door.handle on top. Hard plastic. VGC $15. call 708-333-3423 or 219-789-8496 Swingin Santa $10. 16”in box. battery operated.Also have TricycleSanta & Scooter Santa $25all 3 708-333-3423. or 219-789-8496

Boys shoes, Skechers, brown color, hardly worn. size 10, 2 pair boots, size 7 $5 ea. 815462-6930

TACOS & BURRITOS Good Fresh Mexican Food

east chicago chicago highland lansing dyer

No matter how you SLICE IT, we’re the BEST IN TOWN!

White Shoes David’s Bridal PASSION size 7M Was $65 now $15. Bought for MaggieSottero wedding dress 708-333-3423. or 219-7898496

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Rancho Grande

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Aisle Runner first 37’ Covered with thousands white rose petals. on white100’L x36”W aisle runner. & extra petals. Best Offer 708- 3333423/219-789-8496

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$ 00

South Holland is a wonderful place to live. We need to do everything we can to keep what we have, with just a little tweaking, so as to make things even better than they are now. Change is good in some circumstances, but in others it can create problems we do not need or want. This is a PROVEN community of ‘Faith, Family and Future” so let’s be real and keep our village great!


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Shelia P. Saville 17066 South Park Ave. South Holland (708) 362-5146

Paid for by the Heritage Community Party. A copy of our report is available for purchase at the Cook County Board of Elections, 69 West Washington, Chicago, IL 60601

Say I saw it in The Shopper

12 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Lansing’s 120th Birthday Celebration

In March of 1893 the residents of the Lansing area gathered to vote on the decision of whether to organize as an incorporated village. The voting results of 67 for incorporation and 10 against (with one spoiled vote) were canvassed by a Cook County judge and two Justices of the Peace. That same court proceeding ordered an election to be held on the 18th day of April, 1893 at Busack’s Hall in the Village to elect a Village President, six Trustees, a Village Clerk and one Police Magistrate. Everyone is invited to attend Lansing’s 120th Birthday Celebration Sunday, March 3, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at Park Plaza and the Lansing American Legion – Ridge Road and Henry Street. The celebration will include an opening ceremony with the Lansing Veteran’s Ceremonial Honor Guard,

performance by the Memorial Junior High Choir, and reading of the original document of incorporation from 1893 by Lansing Village Trustee Mikal Stole. Food vendors will be available inside the American Legion as well as beverages, including a cash bar. A slide presentation of photos of early Lansing is being planned by the Historical Society as is an ‘old time’ photo opportunity courtesy of Lansing Association of

Community Events (LACE). An area will be available inside the American Legion for Lansing service organizations to display their membership brochures. An activity is being planned for younger children as is a Time Capsule by the Lan Oak Park District. The Lansing Historical Society is working with our local historian Paul Schultz to plan a History Walking Tour of downtown Lansing for that day and of course there will be birthday cake! Other plans of celebration are underway. Watch for more details on the Village website; www.villageoflansing. org. For more information contact: Patty Eidam at or 708-832-4567.



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Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer

Everything Will Sell, Eventually mike buder Sellers who have selling experience under their belt, as well as real estate agents who have “been around the block” know everything sells – eventually. What I mean to say is that there are only so many factors that need to be considered in a property sale. If you owe too much and cannot lower your price, you might have to plan to wait a long time. Markets cycle; things change over time. If you wait long enough, the circumstances will eventually change. One example of things changing is interest rates. When I began selling real estate in the early 1980’s any rate under 10% was good for business. It was 14% to 17% for a while. No one would ever have guessed that today it would be 4% for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. On the flip side, PRICE AND CONDITION ARE EVERYTHING. If you have the latitude to make adjustments, that’s exactly what you should do. Sometimes improving the property over what the standards are for homes in your price range will make a big difference. The other factor a seller has control over is price. Believe me. No one likes to “dump a property” or appear desperate. Everybody wants to receive as much as they can on a sale. I’m not talking about slashing your price. I’m talking about reducing below the competition so that your home becomes a value when compared to other

properties on the market with similar attributes. Lenders and banks that end up with property through foreclosure know this. A vacant home is just a “nonperforming” asset. The lender is likely to review the market and lower the price to compete so the property is one of the best priced on the market. The property will sell and the lender will get the home off their books and put that money back to work. Relocation companies know that, too. Homes priced right will sell. A Relo company will require monthly market evaluations to see what sales are happening on homes with similar qualities. They often will get the price right to sell, even though they don’t want to lose money, they also don’t want to sit on the market. If a home is priced right and the condition of the homes is better than the competition, the home will sell. On the flipside, if the home is overpriced there is no amount of advertising, open houses or other activity that will sell the home. If you are looking to buy or sell real estate call Mike Buder at RE/MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E-mail: mikebuder@remax. net, Website: www. Search for properties online at www. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman

We d d i n g d r e s s . l i k e MaggieSottero Annabelle. White.Sz8 custom made. Rhinestone,pearl accent, straps & zipper closure. Best Offer! NEW! 708-333-3423 /219-789-8496

AV/COMPONENT STAND, 6 shelves, 5’ tall black cabinet with glass door, $30 or best offer, was $250 new. Call 708474-4738.


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

13 February 20, 2013

G O L F C LU B S . W I L S O N STAFF Tour Blade. Nine Irons plus PW. Driver, 3 other Woods. Pull car t. Great Condition. $145. 219-6630928. JACK DANIEL’S AUTHENTIC TENNESSEE WHISKEY BARREL. Bought at Jack Daniel Distillery. 195. 219663-0928 CHEST FREEZER. 5’ Wide, 28” Deep, 36” High Currently using freezer. Runs great. $150. 219-663-0928 For Sale: 29 Tall fish tank w/ cabinet base, light, heater, rocks, & plants. $150. 708941-3776 Black & Decker Workmate 225 never used $25.00, Graco baby walker $25.00 219-3088508 Newly built ‘Ana White’ rustic farmhouse table; 8’Lx4’Wx29”H, stained and varnished, great for patio or deck $175 firm. 708-308-9057 MANUAL WHEEL CHAIR W I T H E L E V. P A D D E Y LEGREST $165.00 708-6872112 3WHEEL SCOOTER BULIT IN CHARGER $225.00 NEW POWER CHAIR W/CHARGER ?708-687-4776 Bemis large waterwick humidifier w/2-2.75 gal tanks. $30 (708) 692-0762 Decorative wood shelf unit has 3 heart shaped tiers. 3’ tall x 14” wide x 10” deep. $20 (708) 692-0762 Antique wooden chest w/ hinged lid. Lid has Pledge of Allegiance on it. Wheeled w/2 metal handles. $50 (708) 6920762 Pastel painting of 3 running horses with a wide pink wood frame approx. 2’x3’ $40 (708) 692-0762 Longaberger Baskets for sale. I have 11 baskets, mostly classic color, some proudly american ranging from $2575. (708)692-0762

Warmglow 30,000 btu ventfree gas heater, $76.00. Craftsman router table, w/ router, $18.00. McCulloch 14inch chainsaw, $42.00. B&D Workmate, $12.00. (708)474-0109 New Cory Everson work out bench with attached resistance bands. perfect condition $100. 708-3410358 Pflazgraff White Heritage Dinnerware Plates 12Dinner 8Salad 8Luncheon Bowls 10Soup 7Cereal 8 Cup/ Saucer Sets 6Coffee Mugs $125 or B/O 219-865-6562 MANUAL WHEEL CHAIR W/ R E M O VA B L E L E G R E S T $175.00 NEW POWER CHAIR ? 708-687-4776 P OW E R W H E E L $1OO.00 OTHER WHEEL CH.?? 3 SCOOTER $150.00 2221


JACK DANIEL’S Authentic Tennessee Whiskey Barrel. B o u g h t a t Ja c k D a n i e l Distillery. l75. 219-663-0928. G O L F C LU B S . W I L S O N STAFF Tour Blade. Nine Irons plus PW. Driver, 3 other Woods. Pull car t. Great condition. $145. 219-6630928. CHEST FREEZER. 5’ Wide, 28” Deep, 36” High. Currently using freezer. Runs great. $150. 219-663-0928 Solid wood bathroom cabinet, great shape, like new, asking $80 obo. Sold as is, cash only. Call anytime. 708-932-2486 Black/white beaded prom dress. $85 orig $225. Contact Lauren 219-791-2120 for pictures and/or interest.

Bookcase, plywood, pictures, etc., Public Storage, 18300 Cicero, Country Club Hills, IL, call 312-772-8692 for appt. Beautiful Queen Solid Cherry Wood Sleigh Bed $250.00. My loss is your gain! South Holland Call cell @ 312-8410175 We d d i n g Dre s s e s ! Fo u r Beautiful Dresses for sale! Sizes 10-12, never worn, tags still on them. $100 each OBO. 219-201-7043 Lionel & American Flyer HO Scale Trains from the 50’s & 60’s FOR SALE. 219-512=5545 Lionel 6464 Series boxcars from the 50,s & 60,s Also MTH & Weaver 3rail trains FORSALE. 219-512-5545 CUISINART Cofee Maker Stainless & black, makes 12 cups, programmable, stainess double insulated carafe Hardly used. $100. at Macy’s (currently on-line at JCP). $58. call #708-479-1702 Bookcase, plywood, pictures, etc., Public Storage, 18300 Cicero, Country Club Hills, IL, call 312-772-8692 for appt. Gold and also silver plated flatware. Each is service for eight and in a chest. Must buy all. $100. 708-474-9289

White bathroom vanity, sink, mirror. Never used. Open design w/bottom drawer. Value $150.00 asking $75.00 OBO 708-877-6278

Need Food? Need Clothes?

990 Joliet St. Dyer, IN (219)864-9228 10351 Indianapolis Blvd. #B1 Highland, IN (219)922-1038

9203 Wicker Ave. St. John, IN (219)365-4707

2 electric stoves $150 each, 1 electric dryer, $200 electric wheel chair, brand new, best offer (773) 928-0312

Computer Desk by Sauder. $40.00. 708-243-8207 All weather coat (mans) w/ zip out lining $20; burgundy leather jacket (man size 42L $25; Woman’s coat size 22 $10. 708-895-4771 Cannon camcorder ES976 in case $15; 2-Emerson speakers (3-way system) $15 ea. or $25 for both; tapes for camcorders. 708-895-4771


Circuit Training



7:00 - 8:00PM

7:00 - 8:00PM

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708-474-4043 or go to

Frank M. Zuccarelli

Asks that you vote for the Endorsed Democrat for HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER, THORNTON TOWNSHIP


Mulch Masters, Wood Recyclers, 1985-Present

16100 Seton Drive South Holland

1652 Ridge Rd. Munster, IN (219)923-2024 16145 State St. South Holland, IL (708)339-3653

Darkwood lamp table (25x25) w/matching end table (25x17) w/glass tops, exc. cond. $155. 708-418-3252

For sale: Roof rack for cargo van, came off Ford Econoline E350. It has 3 bars also, $150. 773-663-2081

 Lansing Planning & Zoning Committee, Chairman, 10 years  Lifelong Lansing resident, TF North graduate  Married 18 years, Father of three

South Suburban Services

1070 E. Exchange St. Crete, IL (708)672-5543

For sale: Jacket with hood $25 firm; jacket without hood, $20 firm, both are size 3X, never worn. 708-474-9289

For sale: Brand new electric range, this range is 1/2 the size of average range. Great for studio, small apartment $250. 773-663-2081

Roscoe knee scooter: For People that can’t put weight on their ankle or foot. Brand new never used. $175.00. 708-243-8207

 Union Pipefitter, Stationary Engineer, Boilermaker, 1977-1985  Small Business Owner , Piekarski & Sons Tree Service,

Catholic Charities

(708)474-2459 7 LocATions To service you beTTer

For sale: Seventh Avenue women’s brown leather coat, with zip out lining. Size 3X, never worn. Cost $280 plus S/H $175 firm. 708-474-9289

For sale: 50 lb. bag of Georgia pecans, only $3.25 a pound. Will break into smaller quantities. 773-663-2081

Piekarski will work to improve and maintain clean, safe and hazard -free roadways for unincorporated Thornton Township residents

Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.

LAnsing, iL

Antique office desk, Mahogany $75. 708-331-8821

Internet Edition

Thornton Township Z Team Candidates Trustees Joyce M. Washington, Norbert Cipowski, Marion Beck, Gerald “Jerry” Jones, Clerk Jacqueline E. Davis-Rivera, Assessor Cassandra Holbert and Supervisor/Committeeman

Golden Opportunity Entertainment books only So. Suburb IL. Discount coupons $20 ea. selling for charity. Leave msg. if not in. 708-849-7722

18210 Torrence Ave.

Pun # 31 ch 5

Paid for by Thornton Township Z Team


20% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING Order must be picked up in 30 days or regular prices prevail. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented when order is left for processing.

20% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING Order must be picked up in 30 days or regular prices prevail. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented when order is left for processing.

Say I saw it in The Shopper Many CD, VCR, 78 RPM records available @ various prices; Religious books, music books, & pocket books, back pack $15. 708-895-4771 Fi s c h e r s t e re o c a s s e t t e CR5720 $20; Phillips cassette recorder $20; Hitachi camcorder w/case & battery pack $20; overnight suitcase $5. 708-895-4771

14 February 20, 2013 Cannon AE1 35MM still camera in case w/ instructions $15; Vivatar 2800D and 2600 Flash attachment $5 each. 708895-4771 Corner coffee table (can hold large TV $15; freezer box $150; weights, bar & bench $100. 708-895-4771

Meat grinder stuffer $100; Commercial size meat grinder $250. 219-865-8679 or 708-895-4771

New little pony $6; new potty chair $6; Roman blinds 23 inches wide $10 each; water table $15. 219-365-3501

Tricycle $10, like new Bissell vacuum cleaner $60; Little tykes chalk board $15; new in package Angel blanket $5. 219-365-3501

New in package frame, Life, L ov e, L a u g h h o l d s 4 x 6 pictures $8; new in package Dora Doll $10. 219-365-3501

tHe enD OF WinteR iS neaR... iS yOuR HOme ReaDy?

Internet Edition Sony 36” Wega TV with custom stand and original remote and manual. Perfect condition $40 for all. Must see. 708-769-6678 Frigidaire upright 14 cub ft. freezer, not frost free, runs great, good shape, asking $140 cash only. Call anytime. 708-932-2486 Sears Kenmore 30 inch. gas stove, self cleaning, great shape, works great, asking $ 1 7 5 . C a s h o n l y. C a l l anytime. 708-932-2486 Solidwood dining wood table w i t h f o u r c h a i r s, g re a t condition, asking $175. Cash only. Call anytime. 708-9322486 Panasonic Compact Plain paper fax and copier, model KX-FHD331 $50 firm. Barely used, new in box. 708-8891049 or 708-574-2459




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Sears upright 14cub. ft. frost free freezer, great shape, runs great, asking price $140. Cash only. Call anytime. 708-9322486

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Tony Little Gazelle Edge, paid $300 asking price $130’ Great condition, heavy duty for exercising. Call anytime. 708932-2486

Fo r Sa l e Wa l k l i e Ta l k i e 3channel 3watts w/battery charger $25.00, Adjustable Weight belt $10.00,HP Printer $5.00, Southwestern Vase $5.00. 708-474-6465 For Sale Candallabra Lamp, base lights up H30” excel. cond. $15.00, Fire place tools (shovel& broom).$10.00. 708474-9495 For Sale 2 Xmas lighted houses $5.00ea., Pfaltzgraff musical water globe $5.00, Pfaltzgraff tea for one. $5.00. 708-474-9495

For Sale Wooden recipe box $5.00,Lamp H13” $5.00, Record Albums, Printers Drawer $15.00. 708-474-9495 Full set men’s left handed golf clubs with bag $125.00. GOOD CONDITION. 708243-8207 Rifle cabinets hold 6, dark in color, 2-sliding glass doors, 21-1/2” wide 7” deep, 62” tall, good shape$40 obo, drawer on bottom. 708-2851107 3 old wood plains $15; vanity mixer faucet new $10; 4-fog lights for cars $15; other warning lights, $200. 708285-1107 Reloading equipment, lyman or RCBS, dies, scales, power dumps, bras, and more $250 for all or make offer. 708-2851107 Metal shelving 5 sets each 36” x 36” x 16” $35 all. 708672-3166 Lead crystal dish, over 40 years old. Excellent condition, $25 firm. 708-4749289 For sale: Genuine leather, brown purse, never used $50 firm. 708-474-9289 Gamo semiauto BB pistol, 12 shot adjustable rear sight, double action C02, new in box $50 obo. 708-891-6226 Craftsman 1/2 horse power, industrial rated grinder 3/4” wheel, width dual wheels, like new, used very little $35. 708-474-5711 Sharp half pint microwave, perfect dorm or apt. $25. 708-474-6488 Nibco stop and water valves 3/4 inch pip 10 new valves $40. 708-474-6488

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

15 February 20, 2013

Poetry workshop to be held at Purdue University Calumet “Poetry Pantry: An Open Hand is an Open Heart- A Day of Poetry for Social Change,” will be held on Saturday, Feb. 23, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Student Union & Library Building and is open to those age 8 and older. Hosted by Books Brushes & Bands for Education and the First Friday Wordsmiths of Purdue University Calumet, the pantry will be divided into adult and children’s sessions and will explore topics like bullying, codeswitching in poems, race and gender and discrimination. “The goal is to have people leave with the sense that words matter and can change the world for the better,” said Janine Harrison, faculty sponsor of the First Friday Wordsmiths and professor of English. The annual event began in 2010 as a children’s creative writing workshop but now focuses on poetry. “The sessions are a Convalescent equipment tub shower stool $20; walker $10; hospital bed; potty chair, sofa bed $50; high raised recliner $50; 7-drawer bedrm. dresser. 708-891-3876 Oak kitchen table and capt. chairs, with caster wheels $25; jogger stroller, like new $75; 5 gal. water cooler. 708889-0350 Armstong receding pipe threader with handle. 708271-0387 Nails: 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” roffing 50lbs 1-1/2” drywall 50lbs. 1-1/2” fence staples, 10,000 pop rivets $60. 708271-0387 Color 17” TV, gold gym set with bench electric space heaters, ladders, sentry sale, wheel barrow tire, chrome rims, at good prices. Call. 708-565-0251 Two recliners both plush pink, both for $25, excellent for apartment use, also. Call anytime. 219-801-2605 Microwave oven $30; childs stroller $20; window air conditioner $50. 708-7585923

great bonding experience and really opens up children and adolescents’ eyes to the power of words,” said Harrison. Poems from the children’s sessions will be submitted to Indiana Kid’s Magazine for possible publication. Last year was the first to feature a session for adults and food collection— with a goal of 100 pounds. This year, the collection goal has been raised to 200 pounds and donations will go to the Northwest Family Services food pantry. The cost, which covers materials and lunch, is $20 per participant and $15 for each additional family member. Participants are also asked to bring a non-perishable food item for donation. For registration information, call 219-9323232.

Two generators $500; 1966 Chevy four speed transmission $1000; 5 air compressors $400 and more. Call Bob. 630-708-6800 Artifical Christmas tree unit, very full branches, crystal cut g l a s s b ow l s , m o n o p o l y games, scrabble, x-large suitcase, child John Deere tractor. 708-474-3963

1973 signed super girls s t e r a n k o c a l e n d a r, o l d machinist box alum stud puncher model ets. tropical plants, all sizes. 708-4180343

L i o n e l a n d Ma r x i t e m s vintage wood train set, 35mm camera, 35mm slide projector, 16mm films and box laser discs. 708-418-0343 D e l l d u a l c o re l a p t o p, windows 7 14” LCD, cd burner, dvd player, good battery, wireless $165. 219285-1007 Snow blower MTD 2 stage 7hp 26” width, pull and electric start, old but runs good first, $200. 219-2851007 Bisque GE profile stove, very good condition $100. 708849-5452 1930’s, 1940’s bedroom set, dresser with large round mirror, 7 drawer chest head & footboard bed, waterfall style $250. Munster. 219-923-0917 Golden Opportunity Entertainment 1 book left So. suburban selling for Hadassah 1,000’s discount coupons, food, hair, travel, oil, & more. Call after 2/26. 708-849-7722

Internet Edition Limited statue of porpoises by Christian Lassen $25; 2-Hallmark keepsake Lionel locomotives $12 each; talking teddy bear telephone $30. 708-535-9354 2-tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; squire 24x24 side table $25. 708-481-6907 Solid woo cherry 42” round table, drop leave + 2 leaves to make it oval 12” each $100. 708-481-6907 “Stiffel” 2 pc set of brass lamps $100. 708-481-6907 Queen, full size feather mattress topper $25; twin size feather mattress topper (new) $25. 708-481-6907 Ethan Allen Octagon side table (walnut) $75; drop leaf foyer table (cherry) $75. 708481-6907 Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes $3-$5 each. 708-481-6907

“Sure Fit” sofa cover $20; loveseat covers $15; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907 Ethan Allen Sofa traditional $150 obo; Pennsylvania House upholstered chair $100. 708-481-6907 Bed sheets twin size $2 each; full & queen size $3 each; bed sheets king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 Orek XL upright vacuum cleaner $10; Eureka capture bagless vac. cleaner $50. 708-481-6907 Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5-$15 each. 708481-6907 Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) decorative wall pictures $10$25 each. 708-481-6907 Vintage 12” fans (all metal) GE and Westinghouse $15 each. 708-481-6907 Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) mostly bottoms 2 for $3; VHS tapes 2 for $1; AIWA radio, CD and tape player $20. 708-481-6907

Artificial Christmas tree unit, very full branches, crystal cut g l a s s b ow l s , m o n o p o l y games, scrabble, x-large suitcase, child John Deere tractor. 708-474-3963 Petite 16 ladies outfits mans jacket large sport coats size 42, cut glass bowls, prints Country painting, toddler bike Schwinn. 708-474-3963 Snow globes, new in boxes, to many to list. Priced to sell, come and see. all are musical. 708-891-6226 Elvis collectables Coca-Cola items, Marshall Fields items, old cigar boxes, Lefton plates, horse collar w/horse shoes and tongs. 708-418-0343 Beatles items simmer shallow well pump w/well point 1940’s and 1950’s railroad, calendars old books, and records. 708-418-0343

Our Saviour Lutheran Church FEBRUARY 20th - MARCH 20th

Lenten Supper 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Lenten Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Service 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.


19058 Burnham Avenue, Lansing

I love South Holland because it’s a diverse community that believes in bringing people together to socialize, solve problems, and make the village a better community. The village’s faith base foundation (family, faith, future) aligns with my spiritual beliefs and values. I love that the village has friendly leaders and neighbors, and that it has codes and laws to support a healthy and safe community for everyone.

474-1886 • • Sue Devermann, Pastor

FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.

16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473

Hammer Toes

Hammer toes are actually a curling of the toes. Sometimes these are flexible and can be straightened with manipulation, or fixed which means they are always curled with arthritic changes that don’t allow straightening. Many times corns are found on the tops of these toes. Surgery can be performed to straighten these toes or occasional trimming of the corns can alleviate some of the pain. If you have any questions concerning hammer toes or any other problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.


Endon Anderson 17066 South Park Ave. South Holland (708) 362-5146

Paid for by the Heritage Community Party. A copy of our report is available for purchase at the Cook County Board of Elections, 69 West Washington, Chicago, IL 60601

Say I saw it in The Shopper

16 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Be an Everyday Hero by Giving Blood During Red Cross Month Blood donors are Everyday Heroes who help save lives. During Red Cross Month, the American Red Cross recognizes these lifesavers, thanks them for their generosity and encourages others to join their ranks. “Red Cross Month is an ideal time for people to show support for our mission,” said Sharyn Whitman, CEO of the Indiana-Ohio Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross. “Anyone can become an Everyday Hero by giving blood or platelets, becoming a volunteer, making a financial donation or taking a class.” March was first proclaimed Red Cross Month in 1943 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since that time, every president, including President Barack Obama, has designated March as Red Cross Month. The organization has been helping people for more than 130 years. The need for blood is constant. From cancer patients and accident victims to premature babies and those with blood disorders, someone in the U.S. needs blood every two seconds. In addition to collecting and distributing about 40 percent of the nation’s blood supply, the Red Cross responds to nearly 70,000 disasters a year in the U.S., providing shelter, food, emotional support and other necessities to those affected. The organization also offers 24-hour support to members of the military, veterans and their families – in war zones, military Ironstone complete set of dishes (44pcs.) Microwave and oven save $40; small kitchen appliances $5-$10 each. (toasters, coffee makers, irons). 708-481-6907

M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-895-5433, 219-865-6044

A/C & Heating

Automotive Services

Winter Special! Furnace or A/C clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. 25 years experience. R & D Heating & Cooling 708-7576154 or 219-616-3281

Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove, Call Al. 708-9851623

Buying junk GM/Chevy cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075

Cleaning Services Mulligans Maid to Order. Wi l l c l e a n Re s i d e n t i a l / Commercial and new construction cleaning. Established 27 years. Licensed, bonded, insured. 219-923-6150

hospitals and on military installations around the world and trains more than seven million people in first aid, water safety and other lifesaving skills every year. UPCOMING AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES: • Tuesday, March 5, from 1:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at Highland Parks & Recreation Center in the Classrooms, located at 2450 Lincoln St. in Highland. Come to donate and receive a Red Cross pin! Please go to and enter sponsor code “hprec” to schedule your blood donation appointment. • Thursday, March 7, from 12:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at St. Matthias Church in the Hall, located at 101 Burell Drive in Crown Point. Come to donate and receive a Red Cross pin and a coupon for a free taco courtesy of Taco Bell. Please go to and enter sponsor code “stmattcrp” to schedule your blood donation appointment. • Friday, March 8, from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Culver’s, located at 980 W. Lincoln Highway in Schererville. Come to donate and receive a Red Cross pin and a coupon good for one pint of Culver’s Frozen Custard! Please call 322-2266 or go to and enter sponsor code “culsch” to schedule your blood donation appointment. • Saturday, March 9, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Taco Bell,

located at 8496 Wicker Ave. in Saint John. Come to donate and receive a Red Cross pin and a coupon for a free taco courtesy of Taco Bell. • Wednesday, March 13, from 2:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at Henry S. Evans Elementary School in the Science Lab – Room 100, located at 2915 E. 35th Ave. in Lake Station. Come to this Pint Size Heroes blood drive and receive a Red Cross pin! This blood drive is sponsored by Pint Size Heroes of Henry S. Evans Elementary School and the PTA. • The Merrillville Donor Center, located at 791 E. 83rd Ave. in Merrillville, is open every Monday from 12:30 p.m. until 5 p.m. and the first and third Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. until noon. How to Donate Blood To schedule an appointment to donate please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit for more information. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in Indiana and Ohio), meet weight and height requirements (110 pounds or more, depending on their height) and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. Individuals should bring their Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when they come to donate.

Concrete Work


Health & Beauty

Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192

We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Call 708-8771038

If You Used The Mirena IUD between 2001-present and s u f f e re d p e r f o ra t i o n o r embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members. 1-800535-5727

S&S Concrete Enterprise LLC. Concrete, basement leaks due to foundation. Cracks, caulking, deck coating. Licensed, insured. Over 25 yrs. experience. 708259-3435

Day Care Ms. Paula’s Home Daycare. Offer quality care, licensed provider, 0-12 yrs. 6am-6pm. Accepting childcare Initiatives & DCFS funds. So. Holland Area. 708-893-0177

Residential Electrical Repairs, replacements, upgrades (switches, outlets, lights, and more)! Small jobs, OK! Senior Discount! Call for information / pricing. 708474-8260

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Diversified Home Repair d o n e r i g h t ! Pa i n t i n g , carpentry, drywall, roofing, doors, electrical, plumbing and tree trimming. Very reasonable. Free estimates. Call Doug 219-381-1756

If You Used The Blood Thinner Pradaxa and suffered internal bleeding, h e m o r r h a g i n g , re q u i re d hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa between October 2010 and the Present. You may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800-535-5727 Don’t block cholesterolremove it! USDA developed Nutrim makes it easy to get cholesterol lowering oat B-glucans. Qualifies for FDA Heart Health Claim! Call FutureCeuticals Direct now for a free sample! (800)-8620438

Do you have Joint Discomfort? Get what your body has been missing! FruiteX-B is fast-acting joint re l i e f t h a t i s c l i n i c a l l y indicated to support joint c o m f o r t , f l e x i b i l i t y an d healthy inflammatory r e s p o n s e . C a l l FutureCeuticals Direct now for a free sample! (800)-8620438

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, bathroom fixtures, water heaters, toilet repairs, drywall repairs, misc. repairs, senior discount. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

17 February 20, 2013

Town Of Griffith One Step Closer To A New Township State Rep. Hal Slager (R-Schererville) is pleased that House Bill 1585 passed out of the House today with a vote of 66-32. HB 1585 will allow the town of Griffith to vote by referendum to opt out of Calumet Township in Lake County. “Griffith is paying a large amount of taxes to a township government, without receiving very much in return,” said Rep. Slager. “This legislation will allow Griffith to move to join a township that allows for a more balanced tax to benefit exchange.” Current law prohibits a town or city to remove itself from a township or apply to join a new township by referendum. The city of Griffith in Lake County is partially included in Calumet Township. Calumet Township’s assistance tax rate is 20.5 times higher than the state average township assistance tax rate. HB1585 will result in lower bills for Griffith property owners and increased revenue for other government units. According to the fiscal analysis Griffith would gain $310,000 to their general fund and Griffith Public Schools Corporation $134,000. In order for Griffith to remove itself from Calumet Township and apply to join a new Howard’s Rehabs: Windows/ Doors, Floors/Carpet Heating/Cooling, Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall/Taping, Painting, Roofs/Concrete, Kitchen/Bath & more. Great Prices! Licensed/Insured 708-232-3173 Credit Cards Accepted

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025 Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-522-2381


township, residents must petition for a referendum, and the referendum must pass by a two-thirds margin. If the referendum passes, the town will apply to join an adjacent township. “This bill creates the opportunity – with the necessary provisions and safeguards in place – for a municipality to relocate to another township,” said Rep. Slager. “As a former town council member, I know the difference HB 1585 will create in providing Griffith with the tools to continue to create a prosperous and thriving community.” Without this legislation, Griffith’s township taxes will continue to go to other areas in Calumet Township outside the town limits. HB1585 would allow the town of Griffith to join a different township with a lower tax rate and one that would return more funds to the town of Griffith. HB1585 will only allow a town to opt out of a township if the township assistance tax rate meets the minimum tax threshold of 15 times the statewide average. HB1585 is coauthored by Rep. Jerry Torr (R-Carmel) and Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon (D-Hammond).

Music Craftsman snowblower 5.0 horsepower, electric start, 21 i n c. s i n g l e s t a g e Au g e r propelled, works great, like new $150. 708-829-2121

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-g laze w indow s, s tr i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and all, here’s th e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335

Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335


Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Looking for L P N ’s a n d R N ’s w i t h experience or no experience w i l l t ra i n f o r Fa i t h Connections Home Health Service. Ask for Trudy. 708201-0255 Help Wanted: Work from home. Become an online travel agent. Unlimited earning potential. Medical insurance/other benefits. Go to www. or call 219-661-0999 Help Wanted: Adult wanted to deliver early morning newspapers, in Country Club Hills. Must be reliable and have experience. Call Carl. 708-296-1197

Garage Sales in Dyer MOVING SALE!  SAT. FEB 23, 9-12,  165 BUT TERCUP L ANE! DYER  Couches, air hockey table, electronics, desk, exercise equip. Misc.

$15 or more

Homes For Sale

Apt. for Rent: Calumet City 3-bdrm., 2 bath, A/C, heat included. Laundr y area, garage space. $1,100/mo. + security. 708-261-2411

Centrally located Lansing Ho m e ; 3 b d r m s, 2 b t h s, Hrdwd flrs/tr im. Fnshd walkout Bsmt., 2.5 heated garage, fenced yard, shed $103,200.  OPEN HOUSE: Sat. 3/2, 103pm. 18228 Burnham Ave. 708-474-2000

Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135

Income Property Income property for sale: 2 flat has hardwood floors, very clean, Chicago Heights, IL. Call for more info. $49,900 obo. 219-863-0037

Apartments For Rent

2 Bedroom Mobile Home f o r s a l e i n Burnham. 495/month plus utilities. Laundromat on site. Good Condition. Call 219-742-8505 2 bdrm. apt. 1st floor, pay your own gas and electric. No pets. $570/mo. 109 155th St. Calumet City. 708-474-0945 Burnham, IL. 14234 Manistee Ave., 3-bdrm., 2-bath, central air, new carpet, new ceramic kitchen floor, no utilities included, sec. dep. $900, rent $900/mo. 708-257-7192 Lansing, IL. 3-bdrm., 2-baths, 1st flr. w/patio. Seniors welcome. 17712 School St. Rent $1100/mo. includes free heat, gas, appls., A/C & private parking. 1 - 1 / 2 m o . s e c . Av a i l . March/2013. Call Kevin 708288-8640 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $835/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt. for rent: 17723 Park Avenue, Lansing. 2-bdrm, super deluxe, section 8 welcome $800/mo. 708-8955150 or 219-614-3994

Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity

1-bdrm. apt. for rent. $385/ mo. Chicago Heights, IL. Call for more info. 219-863-0037

Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500

$3 OFF $2 OFF your order of $4 OFF your order of your order of

Internet Edition

Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976

We’re THAT Good! $12 or more

Apt. for rent: Calumet City 2-bdrm., near Burnham and 155th Place. Appliances included, section 8 welcome $600/mo. + security deposit. 708-474-3980

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or visit

mleSun.-1pm ADULTS $6 Garden-tips, techniques FREE PARKING ity of Illinois- Horticulture SENIORS (62+) $5 ADMISSION

Monique Caradine South Suburban College proudly announces Monique Caradine as the Keynote Speaker for the 2013 Chicago Women’s Conference on Friday, March 15, 2013, located at the college’s Main Campus in South Holland, Illinois. Dedicated exclusively to women of all backgrounds, ages 18 and up, this dynamic event features breakout sessions focusing on Health & Wellness, Business & Finance and Personal Empowerment topics. The cost of admission is just $15 per person with advance registration by March 14th, or $25 at the door. The conference fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and admission to all of the break-out sessions. There will also be over 50 vendors providing shopping opportunities with a wide range of products and services.

Diamond Sponsors:

Thornton Township, Frank Zuccarelli, Supervisor Illinois House of Representatives: Thaddeus Jones, Al Riley, Anthony DeLuca, Will Davis

Ruby Sponsors: Ed Miniat

Pearl Sponsors:

Comcast Jimmy John’s Ingalls Memorial Hospital MetroSouth Hospital Clarion Inn

Bag Sponsor:

MB Financial Bank

South Suburban College Business & Career Institute (708) 596-2000 ext.2455

Say I saw it in The Shopper

18 February 20, 2013

Lansing 2 bedroom completely decorated apartment, close to schools, 2 n d f l o o r. Ve r y c l e a n , soundproof apartment building. Ready now. Call for appointment. 708-514-4597

Homes For Rent Newly remodeled. Studios, 1-4 bdr m. Homes/Apts. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8, low income welcome, no security deposit specials. Immediate occupancy. 708-401-8152 Alliedhousing123.comVisa/ MC accepted 2-bdrm. house & 1 bed apt. for rent Calumet City. Clean w/appl. House off street park & shed. Apt. w/base & garage. $875 & $625/mo. 708-4748278 2 Bedroom House in Lansing. 1 1/2 car garage, hardwood floors, central air. $900/month. 219-718-3370 Home for rent: Calumet City. Immediate occupancy. 3-bdrm, 1-1/2 baths. appliances, finished basement, garage $1,225/mo. Leave msg. Call. 708-3656234 Home for rent: Lynwood 2 bed, 1 bath. New carpet, freshly painted. NO PETS. Te n a n t s p a y u t i l i t i e s . Available now. $800 + 1 mo. 219-746-9975

Homewood cozy 3-bdrm. house, near grade school, public transportation, section 8 welcome. $1150 per. mo. Also rent rooms. 708-957-0604

Wanted: Old fishing lures and tackle any condition. Respectful buyer. Turn that old fishing equipment into cash. CALL 708-8991270

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068

Toy poodles, red color (or apricot) males, first shots, tail cut, $450. 8 wks. old, partially trained. 708-288-3039

Wanted: Small truck will fix, body good condition. Donation or small fee. Preferable Stepvan, Ford transit, Sprinter, Ice Cream truck, or mail truck. Please call. 312-485-5495

2-Dalmatians, for adoption. Moved to apar tment. Looking for good home. One 4 yr. old, other 6 yrs. old. 708890-0097

Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872#

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941


Wa n t e d : Looking for telemarketing work at home. 708-349-0329



any super 18” pizza

YOu lOve it. YOu want it.

YOu gOtta have it. Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 03/06/2013

3651 Ridge Road, Lansing

First Lady Works Out Early and Often

Wanted: Puppies wanted, must be reasonably priced. 815-671-2428


any large 16” pizza OR

Internet Edition

Wanted: Cash for gold/silver jewelr y, broken or not, antiques, anything old, entire estates or one item: furniture, jewelry, clocks, watches, toys, dolls, silverware, paintings, m i l i t a r y, l i g h t i n g , m i d century design & chrome furniture, small items, gold & silver jewelry. Trusted house calls. 219-765-6268

Scherer ville, Rent with options to buy. 880 sq. ft. $900/mo. 550 sq. ft. $600/mo. Ready to move in. Call. 219680-0326 or 219-864-0681


708-895-2630 219-972-2630

Especially during the school year, the first lady gets up at 4:30 a.m. or 5 a.m. to work out before her kids wake up. “Barack and I work out every day,” the first lady told a news site in an interview. “I usually get to the gym before he does. But he is usually there either in the middle of my workout or right at the end. And we’re watching `SportsCenter’ and we’re catching up. That’s why I know so much about sports … and you start having an opinion about local sports teams and the national sports scene.” The foundation of the first lady’s workout plan is a weight- training routine made up of compound movements that work multiple muscle groups. In one workout, Mrs. Obama might do one set of 15 to 20 reps each of lunges, bench presses, hip raises, and rows, all without resting—and with short bouts of

intense cardio mixed in. For an even greater total-body challenge, the workouts also feature rope-jumping, kickboxing, and bodyweight calisthenics, all done at a fast pace that raises fitness levels and burns tons of calories. If she’s on the road, Mrs. Obama often brings a jump rope, she adds. “If I don’t have a rope or space, I might do a 30-minute routine that includes a minute of jumping jacks alternating with a minute of push-ups, then some sit-ups. You take a 30-second break and do it again.” If you are thinking about getting in shape, stop in to see the good people at Melanie Fitness Center at 14900 Greenwood Rd, Dolton. Phone 708-849-2400. You can also visit their website at www.melaniefitnesscenter. com. They will help you get started on the road to feeling good and looking great!

Im looking for a tall ( 5 to 7 foot) Bronze or clay Medieval soldier(or Gladiator) type warrior statue 219-865-8361

Wanted: 3x3 steel angle, 3x3 steel tubing, 3/8 steel flat stock, Rokon Trail Breaker motorcycle. 708-474-8221

Wanted: small nacho cheese, electric warmer pour or pot; bean bags for a bean bag game. 708-532-8337

Wanted person to paint empty apt under $125 in griffith no furniture 317-3487895

Wanted: Adult baseball glove for a left handed player. 708527-4529

Wanted: 55 gallon blue barrow/drums; demolition hammer/chesil set. 708-5328337

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Door Price

Vip Tickets - $15 Adult Tickets - $10 Youth Tickets - $5

VIP Tickets - $20 Adult Tickets - $15 Youth Tickets - $5 Scan to purchase tickets online. or visit


... tell us what’s on your mind!

Readers voicing their opinions, thoughts and concerns


Let us start reading our bibles. The bible has all of the answers. In reading, ask for guidance, wisdom and understanding. Our country is heading for a country of Sodom and Gomorah. Don’t follow the many. Heed the few. Don’t let nobody steal your everlasting life. Read, search, believe, work and enjoy your Eternal Life. Speak Out is your chance to express your opinion, anonymously. You can e-mail us at Please keep your comments as short as possible. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the author.

If you like reading Speak Out, check out Speak Out Online for many more postings.

Wanted: 55 gallon blue barrow/drums; demolition hammer/chisel set. 708-5328337


2011 Suzuki Equator Crew Cab RMZ-4 with 4wd! good miles w/hill descent & hill start assist! pw, pl, cruise, keyless liner wheels & more! Only $20,477. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2011 Dodge Caliber Heat! 2.0 Gas Saver! ABS, PL, PW, CD, Ac, premium wheels, keyless, and Extra Clean! More! only $ 1 3 , 7 8 5 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2007 PT Cruiser, FWD, 4-cyl gas saver! Spoiler, AC, PW, PL, CD clean and good looking ! Only $7,488. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2006 Audi A2 2.0T Quattro sedan with AWD and a TURBO 2.9! Leather, sunroof, PW, PL, cruise ABS, Multidisc changer, and much more! Only $14,988. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990 2006 Chrysler 300, RWD V-6, AC, PW, PL, cruise, EXTRA clean and sharp! Only $ 1 0 , 7 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2008 Dodge GD Caravan SE, V-6 3.3, ABS, PW, PL cruise MP3, 7 pass seating and MORE! ONly $11,788. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990 2008 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, V-6 3.8 engine, ABS and 4WD plus all the fun built in that makes it a WRANGLER! Only $ 1 8 , 7 7 5 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990

Say I saw it in The Shopper

19 February 20, 2013

2013 Chicago Women’s Conference & Expo coming to SSC South Suburban College (SSC) proudly announces Monique Caradine as the Keynote Speaker for the 2013 Chicago Women’s Conference on Friday, March 15th located at the college’s Main Campus in South Holland, Illinois. This year marks the 5th annual event that the college’s Business and Career Institute (BCI) is planning for women of all backgrounds ages 18 and up to come together for one day dedicated exclusively to women. Monique Caradine has been on the Chicago media scene for nearly 20 years. Most notably, she worked at WVON radio, where she hosted the award-winning Monique Caradine Show. Monique is also the former host of the television show Perspective. For four years she wrote and produced what became known as one of Chicago’s most important and progressive public affairs programs. Currently she hosts The Bold Zone with Monique Caradine which can be heard at In addition to being a TV/radio personality, Monique is also an entrepreneur. She owns Momentum Media Group, where she independently produces TV & radio programs designed to help women entrepreneurs be seen, 2012 Impala LTZ with only 9k miles! Sunroof, Leather and LOADED! Wheels, ABS, premium sound and More! Only $19,985. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2005 Colorado EXT Cab LS, 3.5 5cyl auto trans, ABS, AC, cruise MP3, and more! Very Good miles! ONly $10,288. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708474-4990 2008 Impala LT with Low Low miles! 3.5 V-6, FWD, ABS, MP3 Player, AC, AW, PL, cruise, nice wheels and more! Only $12,249. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2011 Avalanche LT with 4WD, Leather with heated seats and the new car smell is in the air! Very clean and too many options to list! Only $ 3 0 , 4 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2007 Equinox LS with FWD and 3.4 V-6, only driven 7k miles a year! PW, PL, ABS, CD, AC and much more! Only $ 1 0 , 9 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2005 Dodge Caravan SXT with FWD, 3.3 V-6 with rear AC, 7-pass seating, CD, cassette, cruise and much more! Only $6,788. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990 2012 Ford E350 Super Duty Passenger XLT Van, 5.4 V-8 with handling package, rear AC, PW, PL, cruise ABS, traction and much more! Only $19,988. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2 0 0 5 Pa c i f i c a To u r i n g minivan, 3.5 V-6 with FWD, Third row seating too! ABS, PW, PL, AC, CD, andmore! Vehicle was driven 8k miles a year and is still a pup! Only $9,985. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

Automobiles 2006 Ford Crown Vic. $1,995 runs and drives. Pictures at 877-818-4726 1997 GMC Savana 7 passenger van with TV/VCR, new transmission, new fuel p u m p a n d n e w s t a r t e r, 1-owner $3,000/obo. Lee. 219-308-9411

Monique Caradine will deliver the keynote address. _________________________________

make impact and make money. A native of Chicago’s south side, Monique is a long-time advocate for women and girls. She is the creator of Monique Caradine’s Marketing Visibility & Profits (MVP) Academy, the Bold, Fearless & Fabulous

Mastermind and in 2012 she wrote the Black Woman’s Manifesto. The positive feedback and participation has grown tremendously since the event’s inception. Last year over 350 participants and 60 vendors participated in this truly unique opportunity. SSC invites all women to join in the experience and connect with hundreds of other women this March. In addition to an exciting Keynote from Ms. Caradine, this year’s event will again include networking, shopping, and will feature over 15 speakers on topics including Personal Empowerment, Health & Wellness, and Business & Finance, along with a panel discussion of local experts on stress and health. The cost of admission is just $15 per person with advance registration, or $25 at the door. The conference fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and admission to all of the break-out sessions. For more information, or to register for the 2013 Chicago Women’s Conference, please call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2455 or visit www. SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.

Internet Edition 2 0 0 7 L i n c o l n Tow n Car Stk#P2681 $16,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-8915400

2002 Kia Sportage Automatic trans $3,950. No credit check! 1999 Kia Sportage Manual trans $1950 Cash. www.

1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee, white, runs and drives good. 132,000 miles, $1,250. 708849-3088

2004 Dodge Durango, Beautiful red SUV with leather, 3-row seats, $5,950. Easy finance with no credit check. View our inventory. At 877-818-4726 2003 Ford Taurus $3000; 2001 Buick Regal $3000; 1999 Mercury Sable $2500; 1998 Honda Accord $2500; 1997 Serbing $1800. 708-351-9906 2000 Volkswagon Jetta 5 speed, 6 cyl. 4-dr, silver, looks great, runs good. 194,000 miles. $2,220. Call. 708-3725013

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was filed by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. File No. D13133118 on Jan. 25, 2013. Under the assumed name of Diaz Tire Services with the business located at 15460 S. Wentworth Ave. South Holland, IL 60473. The true name and residence of the owner is J. Jesus Diaz, 16235 Woodbridge, Harvey, IL 60426.

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924 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL 708.333.0773

A Real Bargain! 1998 Ford Explorer $2350 CASH. www. 1-877-818-4726

2002 Ford Escape XLT, Black clearcoat, $7,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2004 Ford Escape XLT, Dark S h a d ow G r e y Me t a l l i c , $9,200. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668

2007 Ford Taurus. Retired taxi cab-black. Only $2450 CASH. Financing available! www.cheapcarshammond. com 2006 Ford Crown Victorias. White ext or black ext. Retired taxi cabs $2450 C A S H . w w w . 1997 Cavalier 4dr 4cyl, AT, PS, Cruise. Good body. New tires, gas cap & rear struts. Needs brake lines $985. 708474-0109 2005 Cadillac Deille Stk#P2658 $6,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-8915400 2005 Lincoln Town CAR Stk#P2684. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400 2 0 0 5 L i n c o l n Na v i g a t o r Stk#P2644A $10,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400

2000 Chevy Malibu, roomy car with good gas mileage. No credit check. Guaranteed approval. Call Today 877-8184 7 2 6 w w w .

2 0 1 2 To y o t a C a m r y Stk#P2538A $18,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400

2006 Mercury Grand Marquis Stk#P2680 $11,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-8915400 2008 Saturn Aura Stk#P2495 $10,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400 2007 Nissan Quest Stk#P2683 $12,992. Napleton River Oaks Lincoln 708-891-5400

2004 Ford Escape XLT, Dark S h a d ow G r e y Me t a l l i c , $9,200. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2007 Ford Focus SE, InfraRed, $8,700. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2007 Ford Focus SES, Kiwi Green Metallic, $8,700. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-7981668 2005 Ford Freestyle SE, Titanium Green Metallic, $8,600. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2 0 0 7 Fo r d F u s i o n S E , Tungsten Silver metallic $8,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2004 Ford Taurus Sel, Silver Frost Metallic, $7,495. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-7981668 2005 Cadillac Deville, Light Platinum, $8,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-798-1668 2009 Chevrolet Malibu LT W 2LT, Summit White $15,495. Call Van Drunen Ford 708798-1668 2004 Chevrolet Suburban, Dary Gray Metallic $7,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708798-1668 2008 Dodge Nitro SXT, bright silver metallic, $8,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708-7981668

Say I saw it in The Shopper

20 February 20, 2013

Benefit for Joshua Schutte

Redeemer Lutheran Church in Highland is gathering the community to assist Joshua Schutte, a twenty-yearold member diagnosed with Malignant Brain Cancer, by hosting an Italian Style Luncheon Benefit Sunday, April 7th beginning at 12:30 p.m. The luncheon benefit is co-sponsored with the North Lake County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. The community is invited to attend. Tickets are $10 per adult or $20 per family and can be purchased at the church office, 9009 Kennedy Avenue, Highland, IN 47322. Monetary donations are also welcome. Please make your check payable to Redeemer Lutheran Church with Joshua Schutte on the memo line. One hundred percent of the proceeds will directly help Josh and his family with expenses associated with his treatment. Before November 2012, Josh who lives in Schererville was a healthy normal 2006 Volvo XC90 2.5L Turbo, Ruby Red metallic $11,900. Call Van Drunen Ford 708798-1668

Antiques/Classics 1973 Caddie El Dorado Coupe. In storage, never out in rain or snow. Only 14,000 miles. Interior smells new. Asking $12,000 worth much more. James. 708-267-0723 or 708-636-4350

teenager attending Purdue University Calumet full-time while working parttime at AMC Theatres in Schererville. The weekend after Thanksgiving he started

Auto Parts New 15 inch donut spare tire with rim. Will fit all 15” Cadillacs and most other same size tires. 773-312-9075 Custom steel ladder rack, full size p/u $195. 219-765-4067 6 x 6 x 4 Ro l l i n g p l a t f o r m scaffold A-1 $49; 24 ft. Alum. plank scaffold, heavy duty A-1 $199. 219-765-4067 Air filter for compressor or spray paintings $35. 219-7654067

The Reviewer experiencing severe headaches. On the 22nd of December, while at work, Josh passed out. The paramedics were called and Josh was rushed to the hospital. A CAT scan discovered a mass in Josh’s brain. An emergency surgery was performed to relieve the pressure inside Josh’s brain. On Christmas night, he was moved to University of Illinois Chicago Medical Center. Two days later, he had intensive brain surgery which was a general success as 90% of the tumor was removed. He and his family face a year of radiation and chemotherapy at Lurie’s Children’s Hospital in Chicago. Josh’s family is confident and determined that with this medical expertise, faith, and prayer Josh will beat his cancer. For additional information please contact the church office at 219-8384898.

Ne w s t e e l r a d i a l t i r e s P175/80R13 and 165SR15 $35 each. 708-474-6488 Tow bar Fulton Mfg. 5,000lb. load 2” ball, used once, perfect RV to car $80. 708474-6488 Ford pickup truck tail gate 1980/82, like new $150. 708474-6488 B r a n d n e w t r u c k t i re s LT 2 3 5 / 8 5 R 1 6 , b l a c k w a l l 14/32 tread, two tires $95. 708-474-6488

Campers/Motorhomes 2010 Keystone, fully self contained, w/slide out, travel trailer. List $24,000 - Asking $12,000. Mint Condition. Must see, Must sell. 708-4740765

Trucks International dump truck with big plow. Looks good and runs great. Call Mark. $3,500 obo. 708-408-7192 2003’ Trailblazer 4x4 SUV for sale. $5,800 or best offer. Must sell, good condition 130,000 miles. 708-895-2748

You Are Invited to

Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church

3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Dr. Calvin Aardsma

Worship Services .......... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ................................. 9:45 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor

Lynwood United Reformed Church

1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor

Worship Services .......... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

New Hope Church

Lot of truck for little money. 1998 Dodge Ram, long bed work truck with vinyl floors $ 1 2 0 0 d ow n , $ 2 5 0 p e r. m o n t h . w w w . Must sell 2004 GMC Sierra box truck. 54,000 miles, asking $7,000. Business closed. 708-418-3200

Miscellaneous Items For Sale Fa c t o r y O u t l e t Sa l e . Mattresses, $78, $98, $128, bunk beds $158, futons $88, daybeds. Furniture for all rooms. Free layaway, ez credit, no credit check. 7083 7 1 - 3 7 3 7 w w w.


The Last Stand (2013) R - 107 min - Action | Crime | Thriller - 18 January 2013 (USA) SYNOPSIS: The leader of a drug cartel busts out of a courthouse and speeds to the Mexican border, where the only thing in his path is a sheriff and his inexperienced staff. REVIEW: Nowadays, audiences can’t settle for one guy taking on a dozen terrorists, they flock to see superheroes avert nuclear annihilation. The comic book genre has taken the place of action movies as the purest source of refined, uncut, popcornentertainmen. In this film, Schwarzenegger plays Ray Owens, a once legendary L.A. cop relaxing through his golden years as the sheriff of a sleepy little border town. Trouble starts brewing though when cartel heavy Gabriel Cortez (Eduardo Noreiga) makes a run for Mexico in a supped-up Corvette ZR1, having engineered his escape from FBI custody through planning and resource management that would make The Joker smile (more than usual). The incompetent feds (led by Forest Whitaker) botch every attempt to apprehend Cortez -the car

19058 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1886 Sue Devermann, Pastor

First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144

Worship Service.......... 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School ................................. 9:15 a.m. *******

Protestant Reformed Church

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ............ 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

chases add up to what’s probably the closest thing to a Spyhunter movie as we’ll ever get-, so it’s up to Schwarzenegger to reawaken his innerTerminator, and lead his ragtag handful of deputies against Cortez, and his band of mercenaries. Sure, there’s a Western flavor brought out by the small-town setting, and Luis Guzman’s pristine cowboy hat, but The Last Stand plays exactly like the spec-script of an Schwarzenegger comeback movie everyone thought of at one point or another during his ten year absence from the spotlight. The trademarks of his catalogue are all here: fast cars, beautiful ladies, lasciviously shot gun collections (with the violence that follows), and most importantly, grade-A Austrian beef. And sure enough, the film treats Arnold with a reverence somewhere between Jordan retaking the basketball court, and the Second Coming. It’s as much a tribute to the man himself, as it is to the idea of a heavily accented slab of muscle and bone once representing the pinnacle of Hollywood star power. This is Arnold starring in movie that owes as much to his own action movie resume, as it does the films that took their place, your The Dark Knight‘s, your Bournes, and your Fasts, both Five, and Furious. On a scale of 1-10, I give this one a 8.5 My 2¢ -B You can read more of my reviews online at: www. themotionpicturereviewer.

Woodworkers, Hobbiests, Cabinet makers, quality materials for sale: Wood, plywoods, trims: oak, cherr y, walnut, pine, hardware, veneers, others. 708-474-7595

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Ildefonso Torres

Un i f o r m Nu r s i n g St o re Closed! Now selling nurse made shoes & accessories below wholesale price. From $1 - $20, depending on item. Take advantage. 708-8891049 or 708-574-2459 Dining room set, t a b l e smoke glass, 54x42 oval, 4 fan back, black chairs, $165. 219322-8166

Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Worship in Chapel ................................ 8:00 a.m. Sunday School ...................................... 9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary..........................10:30 a.m. *******

This film treats Arnold with a reverence somewhere between Jordan retaking the basketball court, and the Second Coming...

A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America

Worship Service............................. 10:00 a.m. *******

Morning Worship............................. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship.............................. 5:30 p.m. *******

Internet Edition

Church Directory Redeemer United Reformed Church 2501 Hart Street, Dyer Sunday Worship .. 8:45 a.m. .......................... 4:30 p.m. Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Youth Group (2x/mo.) Sunday ............. 6:00 p.m. Kingdom Seekers Monday (girls 2-8 gr.) ..... 7:00 p.m. Cadets Wednesday (boys 2-8 gr.) .... 7:00 p.m. Phone: (219) 390-7280

Church Directory St. John-Grace Lutheran Church LCMS 16500 Woodlawn East, S. H. Pastor Warren G. Mandel Sunday Worship....9:30 a.m. Bible Class............ 8:15 a.m. (708) 331-7706

Electrical motorized wheelchair, tilts, $12,000 obo. 312-802-4270 or 708-2752275 2-Twin beds $200 each; electric motorcycle 14 mi. $150; White lacker dresser w/3 drawers, and side storage area $100. All in exc. cond. 708-418-8414 Cubs tickets, two great seats for various games. Four for select games (face value). Call for dates and price. 708769-4328 Collectibles: Old glass milk bottles, $5 each $10 each; Kevin Garnett high school rookie cars, set of three $60. 630-743-9083 W i l l i a m s Fi r e p ow e r I I electronic pinball machine. Ju s t s e r v i c e d w i t h n e w rubber bumpers and cushions. $1450. Call 708309-5478 Custom built Dale Ernhardt Sr. electric golf cart with diamond plate tool box, $4,000. Call 708-309-5478

Say I saw it in The Shopper

21 February 20, 2013

Become An Entrepreneur

What’s Your Big Idea? KEVIN BRADLEY Author Meggie Tolkland, who recently had her third novel published by Asteria Books…”The Mayhem: Roan’s Story”, the first in her Urban Fantasy Romance series, has advice for those who want to become Writers. 1. Identify your goals. What do you hope to accomplish with your writing? 2. Study…Hone your P.R. skills and polish your craft. 3. Read (anything) 4. Find a critique partner or group. www. indianawritersconsortium/groups for info. 5. Find a mentor who understands your genre or project. 6. Develop positive habits. 7. Write every day. Meggie writes two hours every day, 365 days a year, if she goes over…she “banks” the minutes, and can subtract them if another day is too busy, however she says, “The escape (of writing) keeps me sane. If I don’t write, stress starts to build. “ 8. Maintain a running list of your writing goals. 9. Develop a portfolio (even if you write for free) 10. Realize that you are already a writer. Write E-mails, Facebook posts, Tweets, or texts as if they are going to be published. 11. P r e p a r e y o u r s e l f emotionally. (Most writers, even the most famous ones experience many rejections.) 12. Start now. Becoming a published novelist F o r s a l e : B r a n d n e w, unopened in box, Weber Summit S470 SS LP Grill in Dyer, IN. Grill retails for $2,150. Selling for $1,880. Grill my be seen at: www. s u m m i t - s e r i e s / summit-s-470. 219-322-9141 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 Royal tank style vacuum c l e a n e r, 4 . 5 H . P. w i t h attachments, ver y good condition $45. 815-463-0345 Natural mink w/leather on side of the coat and under the arms. Leather matching belt, bought at Fields, size med. $150. 815-280-8051 Coyote jacket, white fox tuxedo trim, size 10 (have original receipt and cert of appraisal) from D’ion furs $350. 815-280-8051 Pro m d ress, sweeth ear t neckline, rhinestone bodice, floor length. Purple, back zipper, size 4. Gorgeous, paid $520 asking $200. Purchased at a boutique. 815-462-6930 Natural color mink stole, size medium with 2-inside pockets $250. 815-462-6930

takes much time. It may take a year to write your first novel, and it may be repeatedly rejected by agents and publishers. (It may never sell) 13. Be the bright side. Maintain a positive attitude through it all. Mistakes are learning experiences, everyone makes them. Meggie will be signing copies of The Mayhem: Roan’s Story on Saturday, March 9th at The Cat’s Tale 1114C West U.S. 30, Schererville Indiana from 11:00 until at least 1:00 (Longer if people keep coming in). Plan to visit Meggie at The Cats Tale, and support a local author. The story is largely based in Crown Point, Valparaiso, and St. John, giving local readers a sense of familiarity within this fictional world. Urban Fantasy Romance is similar to Paranormal Romance, but with no guarantee of a happily ever after and the supernatural is based within a modern contemporary setting. If becoming a writer is your dream, following Meggie’s advice is a great way to get started. It may be a long and difficult road, but you don’t have to quit your day job, in fact most writers have other sources of income as well… But everyone has dreams and following yours will bring you satisfaction and happiness. Good Luck, K.B. Questions or comments may be sent to kevinbradley@columnist. com.

Speed queen washer/ Whirlpool dryer, commercial pipe, coin-slide, and coinbox equipped. Landlord make your money back $599 for both. 708-439-7736 Beautiful like new, loveseat (lime/apple green) formal living room not used $250; Antique knee hole desk, exc. cond. $125. 708-448-5672 or 708-917-3599 Croscill (Rainier) light green on white background, queen comforter bedskirt, 3 Valences, 2 pillows, exc. cond. 2 shams, $40. 708-4780282 Boys shoes, Skechers, brown color, hardly worn. size 10, 2 pair boots, size 7 $5 ea. 815462-6930 B oy s c l o t h e s , Ho l l i s t e r hoodies grey-xs, $5; grey hehley $3, med/Am. Eagle cream shirt $3, size small/ Old Navy, zip up $3. size small Aero baseball hat $1. 815-462-6930 Grey & black sweater zip $3, size Med-white Champion shirt $1, great cond. $20, takes all. 815-462-6930 Pet carrier 12”Wx19”Lx 10”H Latching front door.handle on top. Hard plastic. VGC $15. call 708-333-3423 or 219-789-8496 Swingin Santa $10. 16”in box. battery operated.Also have TricycleSanta & Scooter Santa $25all 3 708-333-3423. or 219-789-8496

Convalescent equipment: Tub/Shower stool $20. Heavy Duty Quad Cane 4 pt large base, height adjustment 3 0 0 l b . W t Capacity.$30.708-333-3423 or 219-789-8496 Quad Cane lg base, offset handle additional stability & support.Ht adjusts 30”-39”. 300 lb. Wt Capacity.$30. 708333-3423 or 219-789-8496 Aisle Runner first 37’ Covered with thousands white rose petals. on white100’L x36”W aisle runner. & extra petals. Best Offer 708- 3333423/219-789-8496 White Shoes David’s Bridal PASSION size 7M Was $65 now $15. Bought for MaggieSottero wedding dress 708-333-3423. or 219-7898496 We d d i n g d r e s s . l i k e MaggieSottero Annabelle. White.Sz8 custom made. Rhinestone,pearl accent, straps & zipper closure. Best Offer! NEW! 708-333-3423 /219-789-8496

AV/COMPONENT STAND, 6 shelves, 5’ tall black cabinet with glass door, $30 or best offer, was $250 new. Call 708474-4738.


JACK DANIEL’S AUTHENTIC TENNESSEE WHISKEY BARREL. Bought at Jack Daniel Distillery. 195. 219663-0928


CHEST FREEZER. 5’ Wide, 28” Deep, 36” High Currently using freezer. Runs great. $150. 219-663-0928 For Sale: 29 Tall fish tank w/ cabinet base, light, heater, rocks, & plants. $150. 708941-3776 Black & Decker Workmate 225 never used $25.00, Graco baby walker $25.00 219-3088508


Funeral service for Adrianne Lund (nee Slager) was offered from First Reformed Church on Friday, February 15 with Rev. Matt Waterstone officiating. Mrs. Lund was born September 4, 1926 and died February 12, 2013. She was the wife of the late Richard Lund Jr.. Mother of Steven (Roberta) Lund, Richard (Diane) Lund III, and Linda (Larry) Welch. Grandmother of 8 and great-grandmother of 2. Sister of the late Bill (Helen) Slager, Ann (late Dave) Drinnan, Jeanette (late Chuck) Linden, Carol (late Donald) Housman, and John (Joanne) Slager. Interment was at Homewood Memorial Gardens. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

obituaries Carter


Mass of Christian burial for Richard C. “Dick” Dudley Jr. was offered from Holy Ghost Church on Tuesday, February 19 with Rev. Anthony Talarico officiating. Mr. Dudley was born September 4, 1924 and died February 14, 2013. He was the husband of Antoniette “Toni” Dudley (nee Gentile). Father of Patricia (James) Rupcich, Sandra (Mark) Phalen, Richard C. (Paige) Dudley III and James (Leslie) Dudley. Grandfather of 4 and greatgrandfather of 9. Entombment was at Holy Cross Mausoleum. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).

MANUAL WHEEL CHAIR W I T H E L E V. P A D D E Y LEGREST $165.00 708-6872112

A Community of Churches


Funeral service for Deborah Carter was offered from Spirit of God Fellowship on Saturday, February 16 with Dr. John Sullivan officiating. Ms. Carter was born October 30, 1948 and died February 10, 2013. She was the Mother of Heather Wilson. Daughter of Beatrice and the late Walker Carter; Sister of Janine Madkins, Steven Carter and Keith Carter. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.

Newly built ‘Ana White’ rustic farmhouse table; 8’Lx4’Wx29”H, stained and varnished, great for patio or deck $175 firm. 708-308-9057

G O L F C LU B S . W I L S O N STAFF Tour Blade. Nine Irons plus PW. Driver, 3 other Woods. Pull car t. Great Condition. $145. 219-6630928.

obituaries Funeral service for Jean M. Bolhuis (nee Reisler) was offered from Smits DeYoungVroegh Funeral Home on Monday, Feburary 18 with Rev. Jay McKinley officiating. Mrs. Bolhuis was born August 7, 1928 and died February 14, 2013. She was the wife of Egbert “Red” Bolhuis. Mother of William (Janice) Bolhuis and David (partner, Ruben Hernandez) Bolhuis. Grandmother of 4 and great-grandmother of 2. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.

Internet Edition


Funeral service for Genevieve Pawlick (nee Wiersma) was offered from Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home on Friday, February 15. Mrs. Pawlick was born February 18, 1923 and died February 13, 2013. She was the wife of the late Alex Pawlick. Mother of Katherine (Kenneth) Rasmussen, Linda (Robert) Picardo, and Dennis Pawlick. Grandmother and great grandmother to several. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.


Memorial service for Mark Allen Ravesloot was offered from St. Luke’s Missionary Baptist Church on Saturday, February 16. Mr. Ravesloot was born October 25, 1960 and died February 3, 2013. He was the husband of Wanda (nee Burgie). Son of Marjorie and the late Henry P. Ravesloot. Brother of Charles, Bryan and Cheryl (Jim) DeYoung. Interment was private.

South Holland...

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church

315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor

Worship Services .....9:30 a.m. ...................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .......11:00 a.m. *******

Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church

166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor

Worship Services .....9:30 a.m. ...................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .......10:45 a.m. *******

Covenant United Church of Christ

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .........9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship ......7:30 a.m. ................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study .......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******

First Christian Reformed Church

163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor

Worship Services .....9:30 a.m. ...................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .......11:00 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life

Sunday Worship ......9:30 a.m. Sunday School .......11:00 a.m. *******

King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444

Worship Services ...10:00 a.m. Sunday School .........9:00 a.m. Wednesday .............7:30 p.m. *******

Peace Christian Reformed Church

833 East 168th Street 331-6577 Rev. Heino Blaauw, Pastor

Sunday Worship ....10:30 a.m. Education Hour ........9:00 a.m. *******

Tues. Bible Class ....11:00 a.m. Fri. Prayer & Bible Cl ..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ........8:00 a.m. Sunday School .......10:00 a.m. *******

Protestant Reformed Church

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak, Pastor Worship Services .....9:30 a.m. ...................... & 5:00 p.m. *******

Redeemer Lutheran Church 651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor

Worship Service.......9:30 a.m. Sunday School .......10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. .....10:00 a.m. *******

River Oaks Community Church

16931 South Park 331-8881 Rev. Troy O’ Quin, Pastor Sun. Traditional Worship ...............8:00 a.m. Sunday School .........9:00 a.m. Sun. Cont. Service ..10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/ Youth ...................7:00 p.m. *******

Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor

Sunday School .........9:30 a.m. Kids Church ...........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

St. John-Grace Lutheran Church LCMS 16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Warren G. Mandel, Pastor

Sunday Worship ......9:30 a.m. Bible Class ...............8:15 a.m. *******

St. Jude the Apostle Church

880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor

Weekday Mass ........8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .........5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ........8:00 a.m. ...10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat. ....4:15 p.m. *******

Say I saw it in The Shopper

22 February 20, 2013

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Neighbor 2 Neighbor

Internet Edition

The Ymca Offers Winter Sports Program For Children


L ANSING LIONS CLUB DONATION HELPS ‘MEALS ON WHEELS:” The Lansing Lion’s Club donated $3,000 to the “Meals on Wheels” in Lansing toward their purchase of a second commercial stove to be able to feed more people in need, faster. Pictured here are, left to right:Lion Mike Winters-- Meals on Wheels Staff: Anna Mae Brandsma; Betty Crisp; Elaine Siersema; Joan Voll; James Cassoday and Cathy Stone. *** FRIENDS OF FRANK ZUCCARELLI RALLY--VENUE CHANGED TO A NEW LOCATION: Due to the recent unfortunate flooding of American Legion Post 330 in Calumet City, the Friends of Frank Zuccarelli Election Rally, set for Sunday February 24th, 2013 (3 to 6 p.m.) has been changed to the Lansing Knights of Columbus Hall, 17800 Lorenz Avenue (Burnham Avenue to 178th Street, west to hall) Lansing, Il. Call 708-8284018 for information or questions. Tickets are $25 each and include buffet style dinner, beer, wine and pop. For more information on the rally call Friends of Frank Voice Mail, 708-596-4027. *** WHAT HAPPENED AT POST 330? The popular American Legion Post 330 located at 950 Legion Drive Calumet City suffered flooding from a burst pipe on Super Bowl Sunday and again last weekend, water flooded the banquet area. The management is dumbfounded as to what happened. The post is almost new (16 years) and was built from scratch when the former structure burned down in 1997. All the materials in it are fireproof, but that did not help with the water damage. The sad part of this is many special events have had to be relocated. Keep the Faith guys-- it will get better. *** ST. FLORIAN SCHOOL AND PA R I S H TO H O S T L E N T E N SUPPER: Sa t u rd a y Fe b r u a r y 23rd, 2013 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the gymnasium located at 131st and Houston Avenue in Chicago( Hegewisch). Dinner includes 3 potatoe pancakes, apple sauce, sour cream, choice of soup and one drink. Adults, $8, children age 6-12, $4 and age 5 and under, free. For more information contact 773646-2868 or 773-646-4877. *** ST. THOMAS MORE LENTEN FISH FRY AND RAFFLE: Sponsored by the Holy Name Society, set for Friday March 1st, 2013 at the St.

Thomas More Social Center, (south of Ridge on Calumet in Munster) from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Featured fish will be North Atlantic cod, shrimp, fries, cole slaw, beets, bread, butter and beverages. Tab is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 13. Beer and wine available. Tickets available at the door as are carry outs. Proceeds from the fish fry benefit the parish Cub and Boy Scout Troops, the St. Vincent dePaul Society, St. Joseph Soup Kitchen, Pastoral Care Ministry and the Share Foundation. *** L ANSING LIONS CLUB CELEBRATES 75TH A N N I V E R S A RY D I N N E R AT L A N S I N G C O U N T RY C LU B : Members and guests gathered at the beautiful Lansing Country Club, Tuesday January 22nd, 2013 to observe the silver anniversary of the respected service organization. Lions Club International Director, Lion Brian E. Sheean was guest speaker and Past District 1-A Governor Lion Ken Straka, served as emcee. Calumet City Lion Inductee Chuck Eggelbrecht and Lansing Lion Inductee, Steve Zitek, were installed as new members. Pictured here are: Calumet City Inductee Chuck Eggelbrecht, his sponsor, Past District Governor, Calumet City Lion Lou Torres; Lions Club International Director, Lion Brian E. Sheehan; Lansing Lion Inductee, Steve Zitek; and his sponsor, Past Lansing Lion President Ed Follmar.

The Crossroads YMCA Hammond Branch will continue its indoor soccer programs, the youth coed program and the toddler coed program, until March 2. Dave Mays, the branch’s senior program director, said the indoor soccer programs are the organization’s most popular programs for children. Mays said the toddler coed program teaches the fundamentals of the sport at an earlier age than do other local programs. Children may start as young as age 2. The programs’ inclusion of both boys and girls is another distinctive feature, Mays said. The youth coed program’s games are on Saturdays afternoons for children in three

respective groups: kindergarten and first grade, second and third grade and fourth and fifth grade. The program has practice on Thursday evenings. The toddler coed program has practice and games on Saturday mornings. The program has two groups, children ages 2 to 3 and children ages 4 to 5. All children in kindergarten must join the youth coed program. Michelle Medrano’s 8-year-old son has been in the indoor soccer program for two years. She said she likes that the sport does not cause parents to become competitive with each other or scream at the children.


Decorative wood shelf unit has 3 heart shaped tiers. 3’ tall x 14” wide x 10” deep. $20 (708) 692-0762

Pastel painting of 3 running horses with a wide pink wood frame approx. 2’x3’ $40 (708) 692-0762

Bemis large waterwick humidifier w/2-2.75 gal tanks. $30 (708) 692-0762

Antique wooden chest w/ hinged lid. Lid has Pledge of Allegiance on it. Wheeled w/2 metal handles. $50 (708) 6920762

Longaberger Baskets for sale. I have 11 baskets, mostly classic color, some proudly american ranging from $2575. (708)692-0762 Warmglow 30,000 btu ventfree gas heater, $76.00. Craftsman router table, w/ router, $18.00. McCulloch 14inch chainsaw, $42.00. B&D Workmate, $12.00. (708)474-0109


New Cory Everson work out bench with attached resistance bands. perfect condition $100. 708-3410358

Community PAPers of illinois & indiAnA Experienced OTR Drivers van division: Runs 48 states, heavy from WI to Philadelphia/Baltimore/MD area. Flex home time. 99% No-Touch. Top pay! Vacation/401K/Vision/Dental/ Disability/Health. Require Class A CDL, 2yrs OTR exp. good MVR, references. Call Ruth/Mike TTI, Inc. 1-800-558-2664

Pflazgraff White Heritage Dinnerware Plates 12Dinner 8Salad 8Luncheon Bowls 10Soup 7Cereal 8 Cup/ Saucer Sets 6Coffee Mugs $125 or B/O 219-865-6562

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*** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.mintonkutz@cbexchange. com

BLOWN HEADGASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. 1-866-780-9038 www. TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/ Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951 Direct To Home Satellite TV $19.99/ mo. Free Installation FREE HD/ DVR Upgrade Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-795-3579 Need 18-24 fun, energetic people to travel with young successful business group. Paid travel expenses. No experience necessary. 1-877-646-5050 HIRING: Workers Needed to Assemble Products at Home. No selling, $500 weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. CAD-4085





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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

23 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Teens for Jeans Drive

Pictured from left to right: Kierra Harris, Ernest Baker, Michael Cross Jr., Terrence Ellis, and Jayla Hill. _________________________________________________________________

Seton Academy’s Environmental Club participated in Aeropostale’s Teens for Jeans Drive again this year. The donated jeans will go to homeless teens across America. Environmental Club promoted the event MANUAL WHEEL CHAIR W/ R E M O VA B L E L E G R E S T $175.00 NEW POWER CHAIR ? 708-687-4776 P OW E R W H E E L $1OO.00 OTHER WHEEL CH.?? 3 SCOOTER $150.00 2221


JACK DANIEL’S Authentic Tennessee Whiskey Barrel. B o u g h t a t Ja c k D a n i e l Distillery. l75. 219-663-0928.

among Seton students for over a month and on February 8th they collected, counted, and bagged the jeans. Seton collected a grand total of 216 pairs of jeans. Good job Seton Environmental Club!

G O L F C LU B S . W I L S O N STAFF Tour Blade. Nine Irons plus PW. Driver, 3 other Woods. Pull car t. Great condition. $145. 219-6630928.

Black/white beaded prom dress. $85 orig $225. Contact Lauren 219-791-2120 for pictures and/or interest.

CHEST FREEZER. 5’ Wide, 28” Deep, 36” High. Currently using freezer. Runs great. $150. 219-663-0928

Golden Opportunity Entertainment books only So. Suburb IL. Discount coupons $20 ea. selling for charity. Leave msg. if not in. 708-849-7722

Solid wood bathroom cabinet, great shape, like new, asking $80 obo. Sold as is, cash only. Call anytime. 708-932-2486

White bathroom vanity, sink, mirror. Never used. Open design w/bottom drawer. Value $150.00 asking $75.00 OBO 708-877-6278

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We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper every week. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!


Circle Buick 2440 45th Street Citizens Financial Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2636 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Highland Library 2841 Jewett Street Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave. Ultra 8401 Indianapolis Blvd.


Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Rd. Citizens Financial Bank 707 Ridge Rd. Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Rd. Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Road Phillips 66 323 Ridge Road


Altered Images 100 Eagle Ridge Drive American Family Insurance 133 East Joliet Street Citizens Financial Bank 7650 Harvest Drive Coldwell Banker 20 E. U.S. Highway 30 Schererville Chamber Office 13 west Joliet Street Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet Street Sears Hardware 1150 U.S. Highway 30 Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41

Say I saw it in The Shopper

24 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Collectibles crafts Arts and Crafts Expo Free Admission

Artwork, Crafts & Gifts For The Entire Family Vendors W Raffle Prizes Every Hour elcome $40/Space Bake Sale • Lunch Served

Sat., April 6th 10:00 a.m.- 3 p.m.

Calvary Community Church

For More Information Email or Call (708) 339-1133 16341 South Park Avenue South Holland, IL 60473 Bookcase, plywood, pictures, etc., Public Storage, 18300 Cicero, Country Club Hills, IL, call 312-772-8692 for appt.

All weather coat (mans) w/ zip out lining $20; burgundy leather jacket (man size 42L $25; Woman’s coat size 22 $10. 708-895-4771

Beautiful Queen Solid Cherry Wood Sleigh Bed $250.00. My loss is your gain! South Holland Call cell @ 312-8410175

Cannon camcorder ES976 in case $15; 2-Emerson speakers (3-way system) $15 ea. or $25 for both; tapes for camcorders. 708-895-4771

We d d i n g Dre s s e s ! Fo u r Beautiful Dresses for sale! Sizes 10-12, never worn, tags still on them. $100 each OBO. 219-201-7043

Many CD, VCR, 78 RPM records available @ various prices; Religious books, music books, & pocket books, back pack $15. 708-895-4771

Lionel & American Flyer HO Scale Trains from the 50’s & 60’s FOR SALE. 219-512=5545

Fi s c h e r s t e re o c a s s e t t e CR5720 $20; Phillips cassette recorder $20; Hitachi camcorder w/case & battery pack $20; overnight suitcase $5. 708-895-4771

Lionel 6464 Series boxcars from the 50,s & 60,s Also MTH & Weaver 3rail trains FORSALE. 219-512-5545 CUISINART Cofee Maker Stainless & black, makes 12 cups, programmable, stainess double insulated carafe Hardly used. $100. at Macy’s (currently on-line at JCP). $58. call #708-479-1702 Bookcase, plywood, pictures, etc., Public Storage, 18300 Cicero, Country Club Hills, IL, call 312-772-8692 for appt. Gold and also silver plated flatware. Each is service for eight and in a chest. Must buy all. $100. 708-474-9289 Antique office desk, Mahogany $75. 708-331-8821 For sale: Seventh Avenue women’s brown leather coat, with zip out lining. Size 3X, never worn. Cost $280 plus S/H $175 firm. 708-474-9289 For sale: Jacket with hood $25 firm; jacket without hood, $20 firm, both are size 3X, never worn. 708-474-9289 Darkwood lamp table (25x25) w/matching end table (25x17) w/glass tops, exc. cond. $155. 708-418-3252

Cannon AE1 35MM still camera in case w/ instructions $15; Vivatar 2800D and 2600 Flash attachment $5 each. 708895-4771 Corner coffee table (can hold large TV $15; freezer box $150; weights, bar & bench $100. 708-895-4771 Meat grinder stuffer $100; Commercial size meat grinder $250. 219-865-8679 or 708-895-4771 Tricycle $10, like new Bissell vacuum cleaner $60; Little tykes chalk board $15; new in package Angel blanket $5. 219-365-3501 New little pony $6; new potty chair $6; Roman blinds 23 inches wide $10 each; water table $15. 219-365-3501 New in package frame, Life, L ov e, L a u g h h o l d s 4 x 6 pictures $8; new in package Dora Doll $10. 219-365-3501 Sony 36” Wega TV with custom stand and original remote and manual. Perfect condition $40 for all. Must see. 708-769-6678

For sale: 50 lb. bag of Georgia pecans, only $3.25 a pound. Will break into smaller quantities. 773-663-2081

Frigidaire upright 14 cub ft. freezer, not frost free, runs great, good shape, asking $140 cash only. Call anytime. 708-932-2486

For sale: Brand new electric range, this range is 1/2 the size of average range. Great for studio, small apartment $250. 773-663-2081

Sears Kenmore 30 inch. gas stove, self cleaning, great shape, works great, asking $ 1 7 5 . C a s h o n l y. C a l l anytime. 708-932-2486

For sale: Roof rack for cargo van, came off Ford Econoline E350. It has 3 bars also, $150. 773-663-2081

Solidwood dining wood table w i t h f o u r c h a i r s, g re a t condition, asking $175. Cash only. Call anytime. 708-9322486

2 electric stoves $150 each, 1 electric dryer, $200 electric wheel chair, brand new, best offer (773) 928-0312 Roscoe knee scooter: For People that can’t put weight on their ankle or foot. Brand new never used. $175.00. 708-243-8207 Computer Desk by Sauder. $40.00. 708-243-8207

Panasonic Compact Plain paper fax and copier, model KX-FHD331 $50 firm. Barely used, new in box. 708-8891049 or 708-574-2459 Tony Little Gazelle Edge, paid $300 asking price $130’ Great condition, heavy duty for exercising. Call anytime. 708932-2486 Sears upright 14cub. ft. frost free freezer, great shape, runs great, asking price $140. Cash only. Call anytime. 708-9322486

Fo r Sa l e Wa l k l i e Ta l k i e 3channel 3watts w/battery charger $25.00, Adjustable Weight belt $10.00,HP Printer $5.00, Southwestern Vase $5.00. 708-474-6465 For Sale Candallabra Lamp, base lights up H30” excel. cond. $15.00, Fire place tools (shovel& broom).$10.00. 708474-9495 For Sale 2 Xmas lighted houses $5.00ea., Pfaltzgraff musical water globe $5.00, Pfaltzgraff tea for one. $5.00. 708-474-9495 For Sale Wooden recipe box $5.00,Lamp H13” $5.00, Record Albums, Printers Drawer $15.00. 708-474-9495 Full set men’s left handed golf clubs with bag $125.00. GOOD CONDITION. 708243-8207 Rifle cabinets hold 6, dark in color, 2-sliding glass doors, 21-1/2” wide 7” deep, 62” tall, good shape$40 obo, drawer on bottom. 708-2851107

Microwave oven $30; childs stroller $20; window air conditioner $50. 708-7585923

Ethan Allen Octagon side table (walnut) $75; drop leaf foyer table (cherry) $75. 708481-6907

Two generators $500; 1966 Chevy four speed transmission $1000; 5 air compressors $400 and more. Call Bob. 630-708-6800

Assorted quilts, bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes $3-$5 each. 708-481-6907

Artifical Christmas tree unit, very full branches, crystal cut g l a s s b ow l s , m o n o p o l y games, scrabble, x-large suitcase, child John Deere tractor. 708-474-3963 Artificial Christmas tree unit, very full branches, crystal cut g l a s s b ow l s , m o n o p o l y games, scrabble, x-large suitcase, child John Deere tractor. 708-474-3963 Petite 16 ladies outfits mans jacket large sport coats size 42, cut glass bowls, prints Country painting, toddler bike Schwinn. 708-474-3963 Snow globes, new in boxes, to many to list. Priced to sell, come and see. all are musical. 708-891-6226

3 old wood plains $15; vanity mixer faucet new $10; 4-fog lights for cars $15; other warning lights, $200. 708285-1107

Elvis collectables Coca-Cola items, Marshall Fields items, old cigar boxes, Lefton plates, horse collar w/horse shoes and tongs. 708-418-0343

Reloading equipment, lyman or RCBS, dies, scales, power dumps, bras, and more $250 for all or make offer. 708-2851107

Beatles items simmer shallow well pump w/well point 1940’s and 1950’s railroad, calendars old books, and records. 708-418-0343

Metal shelving 5 sets each 36” x 36” x 16” $35 all. 708672-3166

1973 signed super girls s t e r a n k o c a l e n d a r, o l d machinist box alum stud puncher model ets. tropical plants, all sizes. 708-4180343

Lead crystal dish, over 40 years old. Excellent condition, $25 firm. 708-4749289 For sale: Genuine leather, brown purse, never used $50 firm. 708-474-9289 Gamo semiauto BB pistol, 12 shot adjustable rear sight, double action C02, new in box $50 obo. 708-891-6226 Craftsman 1/2 horse power, industrial rated grinder 3/4” wheel, width dual wheels, like new, used very little $35. 708-474-5711 Sharp half pint microwave, perfect dorm or apt. $25. 708-474-6488 Nibco stop and water valves 3/4 inch pip 10 new valves $40. 708-474-6488 Convalescent equipment tub shower stool $20; walker $10; hospital bed; potty chair, sofa bed $50; high raised recliner $50; 7-drawer bedrm. dresser. 708-891-3876 Oak kitchen table and capt. chairs, with caster wheels $25; jogger stroller, like new $75; 5 gal. water cooler. 708889-0350 Armstong receding pipe threader with handle. 708271-0387 Nails: 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” roffing 50lbs 1-1/2” drywall 50lbs. 1-1/2” fence staples, 10,000 pop rivets $60. 708271-0387 Color 17” TV, gold gym set with bench electric space heaters, ladders, sentry sale, wheel barrow tire, chrome rims, at good prices. Call. 708-565-0251 Two recliners both plush pink, both for $25, excellent for apartment use, also. Call anytime. 219-801-2605

L i o n e l a n d Ma r x i t e m s vintage wood train set, 35mm camera, 35mm slide projector, 16mm films and box laser discs. 708-418-0343 D e l l d u a l c o re l a p t o p, windows 7 14” LCD, cd burner, dvd player, good battery, wireless $165. 219285-1007 Snow blower MTD 2 stage 7hp 26” width, pull and electric start, old but runs good first, $200. 219-2851007 Bisque GE profile stove, very good condition $100. 708849-5452 1930’s, 1940’s bedroom set, dresser with large round mirror, 7 drawer chest head & footboard bed, waterfall style $250. Munster. 219-923-0917 Golden Opportunity Entertainment 1 book left So. suburban selling for Hadassah 1,000’s discount coupons, food, hair, travel, oil, & more. Call after 2/26. 708-849-7722 Limited statue of porpoises by Christian Lassen $25; 2-Hallmark keepsake Lionel locomotives $12 each; talking teddy bear telephone $30. 708-535-9354 2-tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; squire 24x24 side table $25. 708-481-6907 Solid woo cherry 42” round table, drop leave + 2 leaves to make it oval 12” each $100. 708-481-6907 “Stiffel” 2 pc set of brass lamps $100. 708-481-6907 Queen, full size feather mattress topper $25; twin size feather mattress topper (new) $25. 708-481-6907

“Sure Fit” sofa cover $20; loveseat covers $15; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907 Ethan Allen Sofa traditional $150 obo; Pennsylvania House upholstered chair $100. 708-481-6907 Bed sheets twin size $2 each; full & queen size $3 each; bed sheets king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 Orek XL upright vacuum cleaner $10; Eureka capture bagless vac. cleaner $50. 708-481-6907 Champagne and wine glasses (crystal) 6 pc. for $10; crystal decanters $5-$15 each. 708481-6907 Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) decorative wall pictures $10$25 each. 708-481-6907 Vintage 12” fans (all metal) GE and Westinghouse $15 each. 708-481-6907 Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) mostly bottoms 2 for $3; VHS tapes 2 for $1; AIWA radio, CD and tape player $20. 708-481-6907 Ironstone complete set of dishes (44pcs.) Microwave and oven save $40; small kitchen appliances $5-$10 each. (toasters, coffee makers, irons). 708-481-6907

A/C & Heating Winter Special! Furnace or A/C clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. 25 years experience. R & D Heating & Cooling 708-7576154 or 219-616-3281

Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove, Call Al. 708-9851623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-895-5433, 219-865-6044

Automotive Services

Buying junk GM/Chevy cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075

Cleaning Services Mulligans Maid to Order. Wi l l c l e a n Re s i d e n t i a l / Commercial and new construction cleaning. Established 27 years. Licensed, bonded, insured. 219-923-6150

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 S&S Concrete Enterprise LLC. Concrete, basement leaks due to foundation. Cracks, caulking, deck coating. Licensed, insured. Over 25 yrs. experience. 708259-3435

Day Care Ms. Paula’s Home Daycare. Offer quality care, licensed provider, 0-12 yrs. 6am-6pm. Accepting childcare Initiatives & DCFS funds. So. Holland Area. 708-893-0177

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Call 708-8771038 Residential Electrical Repairs, replacements, upgrades (switches, outlets, lights, and more)! Small jobs, OK! Senior Discount! Call for information / pricing. 708474-8260

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Diversified Home Repair d o n e r i g h t ! Pa i n t i n g , carpentry, drywall, roofing, doors, electrical, plumbing and tree trimming. Very reasonable. Free estimates. Call Doug 219-381-1756

Health & Beauty If You Used The Mirena IUD between 2001-present and s u f f e re d p e r f o ra t i o n o r embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members. 1-800535-5727 If You Used The Blood Thinner Pradaxa and suffered internal bleeding, h e m o r r h a g i n g , re q u i re d hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa between October 2010 and the Present. You may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800-535-5727 Don’t block cholesterolremove it! USDA developed Nutrim makes it easy to get cholesterol lowering oat B-glucans. Qualifies for FDA Heart Health Claim! Call FutureCeuticals Direct now for a free sample! (800)-8620438 Do you have Joint Discomfort? Get what your body has been missing! FruiteX-B is fast-acting joint re l i e f t h a t i s c l i n i c a l l y indicated to support joint c o m f o r t , f l e x i b i l i t y an d healthy inflammatory r e s p o n s e . C a l l FutureCeuticals Direct now for a free sample! (800)-8620438

Say I saw it in The Shopper

25 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition


Birthday Happy 2nd Birthday! Makayla Denise Dixon our PRINCESS. Love Mommy, Daddy, Justin and Quentin

WORD SCRAMBLE Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to President’s Day.


On This Date - February 20th

1792 US postal service created; postage 6¢-12½¢, depending on distance 1865 M I T establishes 1st US collegiate architectural school


Engaged? Married? Have you recently been...

Birthday? Anniversary? Are you having a...



Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by email at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.

THEME: OSCARS ACROSS 1. *The knight on the Oscar statuette holds one 6. *Possible best director 9. Sound of passing bullet? 13. Taekwondo country 14. ___ of Good Feelings 15. Twofold 16. Relating to Quechuan people 17. Energy unit 18. To set someone free 19. Bruce Wayne’s Batman, e.g. 21. *Historical drama and Oscar nominee 23. Feline cry 24. Secretary, e.g. 25. a.k.a. American Gas Association 28. Cleanse 30. Gather, as in courage, e.g. 35. Make fun of 37. Lord’s worker 39. *Controversial speech-making director (2003) 40. Aware of 41. They itch 43. *Singing nominee 44. Apartments, e.g. 46. Bank claim 47. “____ in full” 48. Petered out 50. Put in the hold 52. Grazing land 53. *Vanity Fair holds a big one on Oscar night 55. ___ sheet 57. *Western director nominee 61. *”Cloud _____,” snubbed by the Academy 63. Justin Timberlake’s “_____ the End of Time” 64. Under the weather 66. 1.75 pints


Well, why don’t you announce it in The Shopper and in return we will publish it on The Shopper website

69. “Time is money,” e.g. 70. Adam and Eve used its leaves for covering 71. Silly and insignificant 72. Comedy Central’s “____.O” 73. Drug approver 74. Throat infection DOWN 1. Often used with “bum” 2. *Got an Oscar 3. Shamu, e.g. 4. King’s domain 5. *President portrayer 6. *Ang and Spike, e.g. 7. Get it wrong 8. Bald symbol 9. Dietary mineral 10. Division word 11. Nervous biter’s victim 12. Hidden valley 15. Hogwash 20. Flooded 22. Any doctrine 24. Ascetic Muslim monk 25. *Love 26. Going to 27. *Cooper and Lawrence ___ __ “Silver Linings Playbook” 29. Wedding cover 31. Daytime TV offering 32. Relating to tone 33. Bert’s roommate 34. High-pitched 36. Japanese string instrument 38. Three of these in a yard 42. Horse or pig sound 45. Difficult to detect by the mind 49. ___ chi 51. *Youngest ever nominee 54. Sense an odor 56. Colorful spread 57. African tea 58. Backward arrow command 59. Greek H’s 60. Not far distant in time, space or degree 61. Aquatic plant 62. *Like most in attendance at the Oscars 65. Manhole cover 67. WSW opposite 68. One in a set

Say I saw it in The Shopper

26 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here!

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Call us to find out about our complete line of Energy Efficient Trane Gas Furnaces and Air Conditioning Systems.

Specializing in Energy Efficient Custom New Homes Jerry Olthoff

It’s Hard To Stop A Trane




Furnaces Air Conditioning Humidifiers

Home Improvement/ Repair


A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, bathroom fixtures, water heaters, toilet repairs, drywall repairs, misc. repairs, senior discount. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025

Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328 Howard’s Rehabs: Windows/ Doors, Floors/Carpet Heating/Cooling, Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall/Taping, Painting, Roofs/Concrete, Kitchen/Bath & more. Great Prices! Licensed/Insured 708-232-3173 Credit Cards Accepted

Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-522-2381

Music Craftsman snowblower 5.0 horsepower, electric start, 21 i n c. s i n g l e s t a g e Au g e r propelled, works great, like new $150. 708-829-2121

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-g laze w indow s, s tr i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170

The “Real Life” Real Estate Column

Here comes spring, time to sell that home!

arthur v. veal iv The temperatures are steadily increasing and the snow is slowly melting. It means that it is that time of year again. The best time to try to sell your home. Why? Because now is the time when the average family decides they want to move and that they should start looking. Most people start to look at the beginning of spring because they know that if they find something, they will probably close and be ready to move in the summer when the kids are out of school. Therefore, as a seller you may want to start prepping your home for sale right now. Here are a few tips to get started. Freshen up that curb appeal: The first thing p e o p l e wil l see wh en looking at a home is the outside and your yard. So make sure they see a good first look. Get the yard cleaned up. Get all the dead leaves up and clean the gutters. If necessary, paint your home when weather permits. Finally, make sure your front door is in good shape and of good quality. Many people do not know this but a front door sets the mood for the rest of the house. Paint everything: If you are selling your house that you live in then the house

is used. When a used car is about to be sold, the first thing that the dealership does is to clean the car inside and outside so it shows well. Painting is your form of cleaning the car. When you paint a house, you are making the walls clean and it shows so much better. Price it right: The prices from 2007 are long gone. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your house did not lose any value from 2007. Your house has lost value, even if it was perceived value. The mindset of today’s buyer is to find a deal. So you need to price at a reasonable number. If you can’t be flexible on the price, then the next best thing is to look at the amenities being offered for similar priced homes in your area, then add additional amenities to persuade buyers your way. Follow these simple steps and you will put yourself in a much better position for a quick sale in a slow market. Until next week, Good luck and God Bless and remember… If you want to sell your house within 7 days regardless of if you have equity… check out our informative website at for more information.

Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured

Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758 *Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.


15%Expires OFF labor* March 6, 2013

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and a ll, h ere’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Looking for L P N ’s a n d R N ’s w i t h experience or no experience w i l l t ra i n f o r Fa i t h Connections Home Health Service. Ask for Trudy. 708201-0255




• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates

South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~

Help Wanted: Work from home. Become an online travel agent. Unlimited earning potential. Medical insurance/other benefits. Go to www. or call 219-661-0999 Help Wanted: Adult wanted to deliver early morning newspapers, in Country Club Hills. Must be reliable and have experience. Call Carl. 708-296-1197

Garage Sales in Dyer

The Leading Edge

Choose the Best

Wartime Remembrances

MARJORIE alice DEVRIES My kids had a day off school a while back, and so my husband and I took them on a day trip to downtown Chicago. We took the train in an effort to be money savvy. What we didn’t figure on, were whining kids forced to walk in the rain. Note to self: When going downtown on a rainy day, do not depend on a cab. They are all taken. Sgt. Buetow reminded his wife, Lu, about their cabless trip to Chicago in the early forties. He served with the 703rd Tank Battalion and also the 54th Armored Field Artillery Battalion during WWII. Monday, January 29, 1945 Lu darling, No mail from you today, but yesterday I got two one-page V-mails— one from the thirty-first and one from the eighth of this month. Last night I didn’t write to you ‘cause I went to the movies and it was sort of late when I got back. The picture was “Secret Command” with Pat O’Brien and Carole Landis, and it was pretty good. Remember the picture of Carole Landis and me that I sent you while I was in the desert? My cold and laryngitis are both clearing up pretty well now, although I still

sound like a foghorn when I talk. I owe practically everybody a letter but I just don’t seem to be able to get around to writing them. I should write to Lynne, Shirl, Helen, June and La Verne. Maybe I’ll find time in the next few days. These cold winter nights always remind me both of Roanoke and the time I came to Chicago on a three-day pass. Remember how we had to wait so long for a street-car because we couldn’t get a cab? Oh darling, I’m so lonesome for you that it usually hurts! My trip to Paris only made me more lonesome for you and more eager to have you in my arms again and to go to sleep with your head on my shoulder. We will continue this letter next week. More priceless letters and pictures are on the ‘Treasured Letters from the Past’ Facebook page. Marjorie Alice DeVries is a freelance writer, devoted to sharing the priceless treasure of war letters, each one a unique window into a life that once was. Visit: www., or write to: Marjorie DeVries, 948 Killarney Drive, Dyer, IN 46311.

Centrally located Lansing Ho m e ; 3 b d r m s, 2 b t h s, Hrdwd flrs/tr im. Fnshd walkout Bsmt., 2.5 heated garage, fenced yard, shed $103,200.  OPEN HOUSE: Sat. 3/2, 103pm. 18228 Burnham Ave. 708-474-2000

MOVING SALE!  SAT. FEB 23, 9-12,  165 BUT TERCUP L ANE! DYER  Couches, air hockey table, electronics, desk, exercise equip. Misc.

Treasured Letters From The Past

Homes For Sale

Renee N. Hale, DSL Choose the “best” response you can when you’re under pressure. Intentionally respond with the “best” in character. It pays off! General Robert E. Lee said, “You have only always to do what is right. It will become easier by practice, and you enjoy in the midst of your trials the pleasure of an approving conscience.” How do you know what’s best? There are three types of responses that always fall in the “best” category. So you can count on these as “best” responses at all times. First—integrity. Maybe in your leadership experience there’s an ethical issue, a moral temptation, or emotional abuse. Your steady determination to do what’s right no matter what is going on around you is like a shining star. This value of integrity may not call attention to itself, but it stands out anyway! Doing what you know is right, even when it isn’t easy, is always a good investment of your effort. Next—excellence. Demonstrating high skill in one’s profession is uplifting, confirms your credibility, and keeps you reaching for your potential. Staying on the cutting edge and offering the highest quality products and services forges a reputation that travels almost the speed of light. This good reputation draws clients

and keeps your business viable. Finally—genuine care for others. There are many positive, othersfocused character qualities and actions that you or someone you know may practice on a regular basis. These illustrate the incredible ways good leaders take the opportunity to serve others. Some of them are: intentional care for the wellbeing of colleagues, competence and excellence in professional relationships, going the extra mile to make things right for a customer, and helping a student succeed with a little extra time given in tutoring. Think of the positive momentum that “choosing the best” can bring to your own business or organization, as well as to others. Identify areas for demonstrating the “best” in integrity, excellence and care for others, and then focus on them. As George Bernard Shaw said, “The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” Take action for the best. Dr. Renée N. Hale is co-founder and president of WellSpirit Consulting Group, Inc.— engaging businesses and organizations to make business worth living. Visit www.wellspiritconsulting. com today. © 2013 Renée N. Hale

Say I saw it in The Shopper

27 February 20, 2013




Brian Caputo’s

HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING & APPLIANCE REPAIRS • furnace & Boiler Installation. • Refrigerator, Stove, Washer & Dryer Services.

Commercial & Domestic Excellent Service At Reasonable Prices!

708-692-3738 MR. fIx-IT APPLIANCE REPAIR

Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Furnaces

MOST MAKES AND MODELS Quality Service at Competitive Prices *$20.00 OFF WITH THIS AD*


SouthWest Concrete

2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing

Commercial & Residential Concrete Specialist of


• Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay FINANCING AVAILABLE In-House Financing Up To $5000. No Credit Check!


Commercial Snow Plowing Removal • Ice Control

Have Tools Will Travel!



BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS

GUS BOCK ACE HARDWARE 3455 Ridge Rd., Lansing


Free Estimates CHEAP RATES SENIOR DISCOUNTS • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Demolition • Roofing Repairs • Gutters Cleaned • Hauling • Small- Tree Removal • Basement Clean-Outs • Fence Repairs • Storm Damage Repairs NO CHECKS Call Anytime. No Job Too Small

708-220-7576 Licensed. Bonded. Insured

Income Property Income property for sale: 2 flat has hardwood floors, very clean, Chicago Heights, IL. Call for more info. $49,900 obo. 219-863-0037





HEATING & AC All Seasons Heating & Air Conditioning

(Furnaces & Air Conditioners Starting at $3800 Reg. Price $4600)

773-413-0096 Free Estimates

Chicago / NW Indiana


Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Apt. for Rent: Calumet City 3-bdrm., 2 bath, A/C, heat included. Laundr y area, garage space. $1,100/mo. + security. 708-261-2411


• Repair Broken Water Pipes • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Gas & Water Leaks • Low Water Pressure Corrected • Sink, Bath Tub & Toilet Drains Opened • Sewer Power Rodding • Faucet Installed & Repaired • Sump/Ejector Pumps • Toilet Repair & Installation • Flooded Basements



Genous Plumbing & Rodding

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

Licensed & Bonded Lic# 305522


708-768-1101 • Licensed • Bonded • Insured Decks, Siding, Concrete, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Sump Pump Replacement & More! References Available


Special Combo

Electrical Rodding As Low As $15



1820 45th Ave., Munster

Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.


708-481-9714 708-333-9132 773-779-5696 NO SERVICE CHARGE OR CHARGE fOR SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS • fREE ESTIMATES



Apartments For Rent

Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135


Over 20 Years Serving the South Suburbs

1150 Sheffield Ave., Dyer



219-365-0006 708-895-0006


1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640


11407 Wicker Ave., Cedar Lake




•High Efficiency Equip. •Duct Cleaning •Blow In AtticInsulation

NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Tile, Drywall, Doors, Kitchens & Bathrooms Call Bob

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Internet Edition


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Windows • Windows • Doors Doors •Plumbing Plumbing Heating • Heating • Cooling Cooling Electrical • Electrical • Carpet Carpet • Painting • Drywall Painting Drywall • Roofs • Concrete Roofs Concrete • Kitchen • Bath Kitchen AndBath More!

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PLUMBING & SEWER RODDING J.E.M. Plumbing and Sewer Rooter Same Day Service Call For An Estimate

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• Sewer Rodding - Repair and replacement of: • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Water and Gas-Leaks • Toilets, Sinks & Tubs • Drains Opened • Ejector / Sump Pumps • Flooded Basements • Low Water Pressure • Faucets & Garbage Disposals

25 Years Experience

We do it all at a great price! 708.232.3173


We do it all at a great price!

Free Estimates — All Major Credit Cards Accepted —

2 Bedroom Mobile Home f o r s a l e i n Burnham. 495/month plus utilities. Laundromat on site. Good Condition. Call 219-742-8505 2 bdrm. apt. 1st floor, pay your own gas and electric. No pets. $570/mo. 109 155th St. Calumet City. 708-474-0945 Burnham, IL. 14234 Manistee Ave., 3-bdrm., 2-bath, central air, new carpet, new ceramic kitchen floor, no utilities included, sec. dep. $900, rent $900/mo. 708-257-7192 Lansing, IL. 3-bdrm., 2-baths, 1st flr. w/patio. Seniors welcome. 17712 School St. Rent $1100/mo. includes free heat, gas, appls., A/C & private parking. 1 - 1 / 2 m o . s e c . Av a i l . March/2013. Call Kevin 708288-8640

Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $835/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt. for rent: 17723 Park Avenue, Lansing. 2-bdrm, super deluxe, section 8 welcome $800/mo. 708-8955150 or 219-614-3994 1-bdrm. apt. for rent. $385/ mo. Chicago Heights, IL. Call for more info. 219-863-0037 Apt. for rent: Calumet City 2-bdrm., near Burnham and 155th Place. Appliances included, section 8 welcome $600/mo. + security deposit. 708-474-3980 Lansing 2 bedroom completely decorated apartment, close to schools, 2 n d f l o o r. Ve r y c l e a n , soundproof apartment building. Ready now. Call for appointment. 708-514-4597

Genous Plumbing & Rodding

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

Genous Plumbing & Rodding

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

Quality Work at a Fair Price Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Sidewalk & Decorative Concrete Work • Installs Fences Hector (cell phone)


Over ten years experience in South Suburbs References Available www.coronadoremodeling


Family Owned - 40 years -All types of Roofing -Siding & Gutters -Sofit & Fascia -Insurance Work Residential -Commercial IL & IN Licensed & Insured free Estimates


Dan M. Matejko 16300 16300 Louis Louis Avenue Avenue South South Holland, Holland, IL IL


2681 2681 Route Route 394 394 Crete, Crete, IL IL


Home Home Based Based Services Services 16300 16300 Louis Louis Avenue Avenue South Holland, South Holland, IL IL


PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 16300 16300 Wausau Wausau Avenue Avenue South South Holland, Holland, IL IL


Property Management & Real Estate Sales Licensed in Illinois & Indiana Robert & Les Bogs

16300 Louis Avenue South Holland, IL


708.895.1411 Let Us Help You Manage Your Property

Homes For Rent Newly remodeled. Studios, 1-4 bdr m. Homes/Apts. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8, low income welcome, no security deposit specials. Immediate occupancy. 708-401-8152 Alliedhousing123.comVisa/ MC accepted 2-bdrm. house & 1 bed apt. for rent Calumet City. Clean w/appl. House off street park & shed. Apt. w/base & garage. $875 & $625/mo. 708-4748278 2 Bedroom House in Lansing. 1 1/2 car garage, hardwood floors, central air. $900/month. 219-718-3370 Home for rent: Calumet City. Immediate occupancy. 3-bdrm, 1-1/2 baths. appliances, finished basement, garage $1,225/mo. Leave msg. Call. 708-3656234

2681 Route 394 Crete, IL

708.672.6111 Home for rent: Lynwood 2 bed, 1 bath. New carpet, freshly painted. NO PETS. Home Based Services Te n a n16300 t s pLouis a y Avenue utilities. Available now. $800 + 1 mo. South Holland, IL 219-746-9975


Homewood cozy 3-bdrm. house, near grade school, public transportation, section 8 welcome. $1150 per. mo. Also rent rooms. 708-957-0604 16300 Wausau Avenue South Holland, IL

Office708.596.5500 Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068 Scherer ville, Rent with options to buy. 880 sq. ft. $900/mo. 550 sq. ft. $600/mo. Ready to move in. Call. 219680-0326 or 219-864-0681

Say I saw it in The Shopper

28 February 20, 2013



Toy poodles, red color (or apricot) males, first shots, tail cut, $450. 8 wks. old, partially trained. 708-288-3039

Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941

2-Dalmatians, for adoption. Moved to apar tment. Looking for good home. One 4 yr. old, other 6 yrs. old. 708890-0097



Wanted: Old fishing lures and tackle any condition. Respectful buyer. Turn that old fishing equipment into cash. CALL 708-8991270

Wanted: Cash for gold/silver jewelr y, broken or not, antiques, anything old, entire estates or one item: furniture, jewelry, clocks, watches, toys, dolls, silverware, paintings, m i l i t a r y, l i g h t i n g , m i d century design & chrome furniture, small items, gold & silver jewelry. Trusted house calls. 219-765-6268 Wanted: Puppies wanted, must be reasonably priced. 815-671-2428

Internet Edition

Wanted: Small truck will fix, body good condition. Donation or small fee. Preferable Stepvan, Ford transit, Sprinter, Ice Cream truck, or mail truck. Please call. 312-485-5495 Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wa n t e d : Looking for telemarketing work at home. 708-349-0329


Invite 30,000 people to your next

Garage Sale!


Items for Sale or Directions (Only 12 words)

addl’ $5

Wanted: 3x3 steel angle, 3x3 steel tubing, 3/8 steel flat stock, Rokon Trail Breaker motorcycle. 708-474-8221 Wanted: Adult baseball glove for a left handed player. 708527-4529 Wanted: small nacho cheese, electric warmer pour or pot; bean bags for a bean bag game. 708-532-8337

Wanted: 55 gallon blue barrow/drums; demolition hammer/chisel set. 708-5328337

Address ___________________________________________ Town __________________________ Not For Print

Wanted person to paint empty apt under $125 in griffith no furniture 317-3487895

Wanted: 55 gallon blue barrow/drums; demolition hammer/chesil set. 708-5328337

Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone and an additional $5 for the Indiana zone

Date __________________ Time _______________ Phone ___________________ Paper: Both

Im looking for a tall ( 5 to 7 foot) Bronze or clay Medieval soldier(or Gladiator) type warrior statue 219-865-8361















DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 12 Noon It’s a pleasure serving you!


2011 Suzuki Equator Crew Cab RMZ-4 with 4wd! good miles w/hill descent & hill start assist! pw, pl, cruise, keyless liner wheels & more! Only $20,477. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2011 Dodge Caliber Heat! 2.0 Gas Saver! ABS, PL, PW, CD, Ac, premium wheels, keyless, and Extra Clean! More! only $ 1 3 , 7 8 5 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2007 PT Cruiser, FWD, 4-cyl gas saver! Spoiler, AC, PW, PL, CD clean and good looking ! Only $7,488. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2006 Audi A2 2.0T Quattro sedan with AWD and a TURBO 2.9! Leather, sunroof, PW, PL, cruise ABS, Multidisc changer, and much more! Only $14,988. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990

For your convenience,


To promote your organization or event in The Shopper use this

“What’s Happening This Week” Form Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________ Location __________________________________________________________________ Description of Event ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

is available at the following locations:

CALUMET CITY • Harvest Thrift Store Wentworth & River Oaks Dr.

CRETE • Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange

• Chamber of Commerce 3404 Lake Street

• E Z Stop

DOLTON • Fairway Finer Foods 15441 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th




• Community Center


• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store

Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.

• Calumet Bakery 18349 Torrence Avenue


For more information, call ___________________________________________________


170th Street

351 W. 162nd Street

• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street

191st & Burnham Avenue

• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road

• Mitchell’s Convenience Torrence Ave. & Ridge Road

• Quik Scripts Ridge Road

• News Box 178th & Burnham Avenue

• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road

• Walt’s Food Center 16145 State Street

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

29 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Thursday, February 21

l Dinner Meeting February 21 at Steve’s Lounge, 13200 Baltimore Ave., Chicago (Hegewisch), IL. Come out and enjoy an evening with your former fellow employees.......Bring your spouse; bring your friends. Social hour - 5:30pm...........Dinner - 6:30pm. Members $15.00 - Guests $18.00 l Free Archaeological Lecture The (SSAS) South Suburban Archaeological Society will present an illustrated lecture by Lauren Zych titled "Colonialism, Creolization and Achaeological Chemistry: The Founding and Development of New Orleans, Louisiana. Held at Marie Irwin Center, 18120 Highland Ave. (Highland and Ridge Road) Homewood, IL. Free and open to public. Begins at 7:30pm on Thursday, Feb. 21. For more infomation, call 708-235-0295 and 708-403-1597. l Education Job and Internship Fair The Office of Career Services at Governors State University is sponsoring a career fair for people interested in employment and internship opportunities in education and related fields on Thursday, February 21. The career fair will be open from 2 to 5 p.m., in the Hall of Governors. Governors State University is located at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois. For more information, please call (708) 235-3974.

Friday, February 22

l Hessville Stars Benefit Concert On The Square Sports Academy, 105 N Court St., Crown Point, In. Friday,February 22nd 6:45 p.m. Hessville Stars featuring Billy Ozzello (from Survivor), Chris Grove (from Eddie Money), Chris Karp (from Crawpuppies), Bravo Johnny and Zeke Rodgers will be playing a benefit concert for The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Team “Destination Cure”! Tickets are $20 and include concert, door prize and a drink ticket. Lots of great raffles. All proceeds will go to the charity. For more information, call 708-769-3444. l “October Baby” Friday, February 22. 7:00 p.m.,. Admission is free. Free ice creams sundaes to follow. First Reformed Church on 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing, Illinois 60438. For more information, call 708-474-9610

Saturday, February 23

l Fashion Show 2013 Come out and see the latest fashion in prom attire and much more fashion on Saturday, Feb. 23 from 4-6pm. The Fashion Show 2013 will be held at the Thornridge High School Auditorium, 15000 Cottage Grove Ave., Dolton. Cost is $5 in advance and $7 at door; VIP $10 (Includes Refreshments and special seating). Sponsored by the TR High School Band. Enjoy Fashion, Food and Fun, plus an awesome DJ. For more information, call 708-271-4425. l Benefitting the Fight Against Domestic Violence Come Saturday, Feb. 23 from 6pm to Midnight at the Lansing Knights of Columbus, 17800 Lorenz (178th and Burnham) for a benefit in Memory of Gena Chiodo. Tickets are $25 in advance; $30 at the door. Tickets available at Lansing KCs. Includes food, music by “The Relics” and prizes. Cash Bar available. Raffles, Silent Auction, 50/50’s. For more information, call 708-895-7720. All proceeds from this benefit will be donated to local organizations to help fight domestic violence. l Health Fair 2013 Free teeth cleaning, discounted

immunizations and more are on the offer February 23 and 24 when River Oaks Center hosts a Health Fair in conjunction with Chiro One Wellness. More than 15 health-related vendors will be on hand in the Macy’s Court from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer shoppers’ questions, and offer tips and tricks to help them make 2013 their healthiest year yet. l Soup Kitchen **Free to the community** February 23 from 12:00-1:30. HOPE kitchen Serving nutritious meals to the public in a welcoming environment. Lighthouse Community Church, 17500 Lighthouse Lane, Lansing IL. (two blocks west of Torrence on 176th st) 708-474-9045.

Monday, February 25

l The Tuskegee Airmen February 25th from 6:00pm To 8:00pm. The Lansing Historical Society and the TF South History Club are proud to host the Dodo Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. The presentation will give an overview of the role of the first African American pilots to serve in the Armed Forces during World War II. Following the program, TFS History Club members will be on hand to offer tours to interested persons around the newest additions to the school. TF South High School, Grand Lobby, 18500 Burnham Ave., Lansing, Il 60438. l Lansing Women’s Club Join us at one of our monthly meetings on February 25th to meet the ladies of the Lansing Women’s Club If you have an interest in your community and enjoy having lunch and interaction with other women, please feel free to join us. It is not necessary to be a Lansing resident to join our group. We meet at noon on the fourth Monday of each month, September through May. This month we are meeting at J.J. Kelly’s. Please contact Barb Raczak at (708)895-3195 or Mary Alice Sylvester at (708) 895-4558 for more information. l Columbian Ladies of Lansing Meeting The Columbian Ladies of Lansing Council 3540 will gather on February 25, at 6:30 pm, at the K of C Hall, 17800 Lorenz in Lansing. After a short business meeting ,Tom Knetl, a Deacon at Our Lady of Knock Church will present a program on “Lent-easy steps”. Ladies are invited to bring a friend. Refreshment will be served. For additional information call 708-474-8680.

Tuesday, February 26

l Graduate Business Programs Information Session The College of Business and Public Administration at Governors State University is hosting a graduate programs information session on February 26, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., in the Cafeteria Annex. Governors State University is located at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois. For more information or to RSVP by February 20, call (708) 534-4391. l Preview Illiana! Discover what Illiana Christian High School has to offer at our Preview on February 26. The opening meeting will be at 7:00 pm, with organized tours to follow. Parents and students interested in learning more about Illiana are welcome. Meet with faculty and administration, tour the campus, observe classes in session and have all of your Illiana-related questions answered. No preregistration is necessary. For more information, call 708.474.0515 or visit Located at 2261 Indiana Avenue, Lansing, IL 60438.

l Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art form from Northern India that spread to Japan by Buddhist monks, and was further refined in South America. It is a ground fighting style that teaches practitioners to fight/defend from their backs, utilizing their legs to subdue and limit the movement of an attacker. This program from the Calumet Memorial Park District has a special emphasis on self-discipline, self-defense, conditioning and motivation. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 until 1:00 PM. The next session will be February 26 to April 4. Ages 18 and older. Registration is now being taken at the Sandridge Fitness Center, 600 Oglesby Ave. in Calumet City. For more information, please call 708-862-0880.

Wednesday, February 27

l Murder and Mayhem Adult Book Discussion The Successful Disability Opportunities Program provides persons with disabilities a greater access to employment opportunities with the state. This webinar is for people with disabilities and provides information on how they may qualify for a state job. February 27th from 10:00am To 11:30am Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave., Lansing IL, 60438.

Upcoming Events

l Model Railroad Assoc. Meeting Lake Shore Model Railroad Assoc. will be having a meeting on March 8 at 7pm. Located at the Calumet Park Field House at 9801 S. Ave. G, Chicago, IL. For more information, call 877-6429. l Low Cost Pet Vaccine Clinic Spay Illinois is hosting a low cost pet vaccine clinic on Saturday March 9th, from 9:00-2:00 P.M. at Ted’s Feedstore located at 17950 Burnham Ave Lansing, IL The clinic is by appointment only, and you can make your appointment by calling us at 877-475-7729. Cash or credit is accepted no personal checks please. The Clinic is open to everyone no residency or income restrictions apply. If you do qualify for food stamps or SSDI please bring proof with and you will qualify for additional discounts. l Kindergarten Registration The Hanover Community School Coorporation will hold kindergartedn registration at Licoln Elementary School on March 14-15 for the 2013-14 year. Children eligible must be 5 yrs old before Aug. 1. By appointment only. To schedule, call 374-3600, ext. 3601. l VFW “All Gauge” Model Train Swap Meet Sunday, April 28th, 10am to 2pm at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Ehinger Bros. Post 8141. 664 Hirsch Avenue, Calumet City, IL 60409. General Admission $3; Children 12 & under FREE. Food & refreshments will be available.Vendor 8ft. tables $15; Vendor cut-off date is April 24th. Contact Diane at 1-219-3223725/email


l T.O.P.S. Meeting Meeting every Thursday at 5:30pm weigh-in and 6pm meeting. Men, women, teens and children 7 yrs and up. Bring a friend or relative. No charge to sit in. Call 708-895-4771. Trinity Lutheran School 18144 Glen Terrace, Lansing ( 1 block east of Torrence and half block north of Ridge). l South Suburban Toastmasters Club The public is invited to attend an upcoming meeting of the South Suburban Toastmasters club. Toastmasters International is a worldwide organization

that helps individuals improve their speaking, leadership, and listening skills using an educational format, and this particular south suburban club under the international organization meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month promptly at 7:30pm The meeting location is the South Holland Community Center, 501 E 170th Street, South Holland, Il Visitors may attend free of charge and contact Ruby Jackson at 773-216-4470 or rubyjackson492@aol. com with questions. l Women Discover Your Bible with Us Join us at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, 166th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue (by the roundabout) in South Holland, Tuesday mornings from 9:45 – 11:00 a.m. We will continue our study of the book of Matthew. A Story Hour for 3 – 5 year olds will be taught by Miss Elaine. A Nursery is provided. For information call the church at 331-0391 or Carol at 339-6793. We would love to have you join us! l MOPS MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) is for all mothers of children ages infant to Kindergarten. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from September - April, 9-11am. We enjoy good food, inspiring speakers, creative activities and just some time with other mothers who up to their eyeballs in diapers, potty training, Elmo and naptimes. Bring your little ones along as they attend their own fun program called Moppets. Hope to see you there. Peace Church 833 E. 168th St. South Holland l Sears Retirees Group Meeting Sears “Best” Retirees Group Meeting at Tom’s Restaurant, 894 Burnham Ave., Calumet City , IL. Meets on the first Monday of the month except when a holiday fall on that date, then it is the second Monday. July is annual picnic. No meetings in December. l Coffee Break Women of all ages are invited to Coffee Break, an informal Bible Study. We meet Thursday mornings (September - April) from 9:30 - 11:00 at Grace Reformed Church, 2740 Indiana Ave., Lansing, IL. We will be studying the Book of Romans and the Book of Ruth. For children, storyhour and nursery are provided. For more information call 474-0180. l Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis Our Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis Club is seeking new senior members to join our club. We contribute to about 15 different charitable organizations and 3 high schools all the money we collect from our Annual Peanut Days and Tag Days, which is once every year. Our members go to elementary schools to present certificates to students who bring up their grades and we read books to Preschool and Kindergarten students. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. at the Eisenhower Center. Call Ray for more information at 708-474-1882. l Cutting Coupons for the Military The Lansing Business Women’s Association is cutting and sorting coupons for our military families overseas. The coupons can be used 6 months past the expiration date at their commissary. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the Lansing Public Library in the Community Room. We meet 9:30 a.m. – Noon and 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Bring you scissors and any coupons you may have.Questions call Pat Leck 708-323-5232. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438.

Say I saw it in The Shopper 2006 Chrysler 300, RWD V-6, AC, PW, PL, cruise, EXTRA clean and sharp! Only $ 1 0 , 7 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2008 Dodge GD Caravan SE, V-6 3.3, ABS, PW, PL cruise MP3, 7 pass seating and MORE! ONly $11,788. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990 2008 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, V-6 3.8 engine, ABS and 4WD plus all the fun built in that makes it a WRANGLER! Only $ 1 8 , 7 7 5 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2012 Impala LTZ with only 9k miles! Sunroof, Leather and LOADED! Wheels, ABS, premium sound and More! Only $19,985. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

30 February 20, 2013 2005 Colorado EXT Cab LS, 3.5 5cyl auto trans, ABS, AC, cruise MP3, and more! Very Good miles! ONly $10,288. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708474-4990 2008 Impala LT with Low Low miles! 3.5 V-6, FWD, ABS, MP3 Player, AC, AW, PL, cruise, nice wheels and more! Only $12,249. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2011 Avalanche LT with 4WD, Leather with heated seats and the new car smell is in the air! Very clean and too many options to list! Only $ 3 0 , 4 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2007 Equinox LS with FWD and 3.4 V-6, only driven 7k miles a year! PW, PL, ABS, CD, AC and much more! Only $ 1 0 , 9 8 8 . Ca l l R i d g e w a y Chevrolet 708-474-4990

2005 Dodge Caravan SXT with FWD, 3.3 V-6 with rear AC, 7-pass seating, CD, cassette, cruise and much more! Only $6,788. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-4744990 2012 Ford E350 Super Duty Passenger XLT Van, 5.4 V-8 with handling package, rear AC, PW, PL, cruise ABS, traction and much more! Only $19,988. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990 2 0 0 5 Pa c i f i c a To u r i n g minivan, 3.5 V-6 with FWD, Third row seating too! ABS, PW, PL, AC, CD, andmore! Vehicle was driven 8k miles a year and is still a pup! Only $9,985. Call Ridgeway Chevrolet 708-474-4990

Automobiles 2006 Ford Crown Vic. $1,995 runs and drives. Pictures at 877-818-4726

Internet Edition

Clark And Kensington Paint Wins Consumer Top Honors Clark and Kensington Paint, a newcomer outperforms Benjamin Moore, Behr and Other Big Name Brands. In Consumer Reports’ latest tests of interior paints, newcomer Clark+Kensington earned the highest scores of 65 products evaluated for overall finish, ability to hide, and more. The full report on interior paints, which includes information on the best painter’s tape and the best interior colors to help sell houses, is available in the March 2013 issue of the magazine and online at www. “When choosing paint, don’t assume a leading brand you swore by last time will do just as well this time around,” said Bob Markovich, home and yard editor for Consumer Reports. “Our tests found paints 1997 GMC Savana 7 passenger van with TV/VCR, new transmission, new fuel

can vary year to year — and a bigger name does not always equal a better product.” Consumer Reports found Clark+Kensington paint to be tops in satin and semigloss finishes, and among the best for flat paints. It was also impressive at hiding, leaving a smooth finish that resisted stains, and scrubbing. Its volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are low enough to meet the toughest, regional California standards. Clark+Kensington is available only at Ace stores. You can find more information and color samples of Clark and Kensington paint at any of the three local Gus Bock Ace Hardware locations in Lansing, Munster or Dyer, where their knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist in any questions you may have.

p u m p a n d n e w s t a r t e r, 1-owner $3,000/obo. Lee. 219-308-9411

Southeast • 20 E. U.S. 30, Schererville, In 46375 • (219) 865-9911

2000 Chevy Malibu, roomy car with good gas mileage. No credit check. Guaranteed approval. Call Today 877-8184 7 2 6 w w w .

For detailed information on these and other fine properties Visit Any house. Anytime. Anywhere.

SOUTH HOLLAND THORNWOOD PLAZA Lansing $189,900 Lovingly cared-for 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home.

Lansing $178,900 Great 3 br 1+3 ba home w/excellent flr plan. 1000 sq ft fin bsmt. Newer furnace, tear-off roof, hot water tank, gutters eaves & downspouts.

Lansing $149,900 3 br, 2 bath quad-level w/frml din, country-size kit w/ skylight, spacious fam rm w/wet bar & fplc. Fin subbsmt man-cave & 2.5-car garage.

Roberta Thomas

Michael Kosich

James McCabe



Office/Dental/Retail Space Available

378 to 1,000 SF 625 E. 170th St., South Holland



Lansing $148,000 3 br, 2.5 ba home w/lrg addtn. hdwd flrs thruout. Open concept, cath ceil fam rm w/fplc. Updated eat-in kit & baths. Master ba. Fin bsmt.

Calumet City $134,900 Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath total rehab ranch. Everything new!

Lansing $134,900 Nice 3 br, 2 ba home w/liv & frml din rms, eat-in oak kit w/appl. Covered deck & lrg yard. Fam rm, hdwd flrs, w/d, 2-car gar. Newer windows.

Catherine Higgins

Laura Slappey

Catherine Higgins





Lansing 2 Bedroom completely decorated apartment, close to schools, 2nd floor. Very clean and nice apartment building. Ready now. Call for appointment:


Lansing $125,000 4 br, 2 ba Cape Cod w/liv & din rms w/hdwd flrs. Kit w/beaut oak cabs & pantry. Partially-fin basement for extra entertainment. Park view.

Calumet City $119,900 Updated 3 br, 2 ba tri-level w/newer roof, air, furn, hwh, drs, windows, lighting, paint, kit cabs/counters & hdwd flrs thruout. Lrg gar.

Lansing $112,500 Totally redone 3 br home w/all newer windows, kit & ba. New carpet, cer tile, etc. Full bsmt, 3-car gar & side drive. Main-flr mstr & more.

Tami Malloy

Brian Oster

Tom Gregory




Dolton $109,900 Rehabbed 3 br, 1.5 ba tri-level w/2-car gar. New hdwd flrs, new cherry kit w/granite cntrs & ss appl. Fin bsmt, Jacuzzi. New windows & more.

Riverdale $97,000 Solid 1-story bungalow with 2 bedrooms upstairs & 2 bedrooms in basement. Close to Metra, Pace, I-57 and I-94, shopping mall & restaurants.

South Holland $89,900 3 br home w/new roof, siding & more. Liv rm w/fplc. Updated kit w/oak cabs & updated ba. Newer trim/dr, windows, laminate flrs & crpt. Bsmt.

Frankie Lovett

Helen Harrison

Laurie Ward-Webster




Gorgeous lake view with these 3 and 2 bed, Condos. Custom eat-in kit. Din area, laundry room in unit. Walk path, gazebo, & clubhouse. Heated garage, flexicore BUILDERS REAL ESTATE, INC. construction.



Lansing $89,900 Updated 2 br brick home w/hdwd flrs, updated kit & ba, newer windows, ext doors, furn, air & more. Part fin bsmt. Nice yd, big gar. Grt loc.

Lansing $75,000 Spacious all brick 2 bedroom home w/full bsmt & 2-car gar w/newer roof. New kit cabs & newer hdwd flrs. Great-size brs & ample closets.

Lansing $65,000 3 br Cape Cod home w/stunning remod kit. Full bsmt, hdwd flrs & large bkyd. Some new windows, large 2ndfloor bedroom, newer furnace & air.

Nancy Echterling

Pattie Doggett

Marta Hall- McCabe



South Holland $54,900 Lrg 3 br ranch w/lrg eat-in kit w/wd laminate flr. Goodsize liv rm w/fplc & hdwd flrs. Fenced yard. 1.5-car gar. Near schools, shops, hwys.

Calumet City $47,900 Fab 2 br brick bung w/org oak trim thruout. Liv rm w/ French drs, fplc. Cust kit cabs + pantry! Remod ba. Full bsmt. Newer roof, stove & ref.

Kent Magnuson

Catherine Higgins

Sandra Black

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

31 February 20, 2013

Riley’s Corner

8 More Things A Burglar Won’t Tell You: riley rogers for flat screen TVs or gaming systems I’d like. I’ll drive or walk through your neighborhood at night, before you close the blinds, just to pick my targets. 6. Avoid announcing your vacation on your Facebook page. It’s easier than you think to look up your address. Parents: caution your kids about this. You see this every day. 7. To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it’s an invitation. 8. If you don’t answer when I knock, I try the door. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in. I have spent my life in law enforcement and working to keep neighborhoods and family’s safe. Working together we can make a difference in our communities. Riley Rogers, Dolton Village Trustee

Please read all the way to the end. You just might learn something that will save your home from being burglarized. 1. Sometimes, I carry a clipboard. Sometimes, I dress like a lawn guy and carry a rake. I do my best to never, ever look like a crook. 2. The two things I hate most: loud dogs and nosy neighbors. 3. I’ll break a window to get in, even if it makes a little noise. If your neighbor hears one loud sound, he’ll stop what he’s doing and wait to hear it again. If he doesn’t hear it again, he’ll just go back to what he was doing. It’s human nature. 4. I’m not complaining, but why would you pay all that money for a fancy alarm system and leave your house without setting it? 5. I love looking in your windows. I’m looking for signs that you’re home, and

Internet Edition

Who’s in your Backyard?

1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee, white, runs and drives good. 132,000 miles, $1,250. 708849-3088

Dolton Park District Welcomes New Executive Director Jerome Jones graduated from DePaul University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts. Mr. Jones then went on to attend Chicago Kent College of Law. After law school, Mr. Jones furthered his education where he attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated with his Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Mr. Jones joined the Dolton Park District as Executive Director on January 7, 2013. Before joining the Dolton Park District, Mr. Jones worked for All Pro Sports and Entertainment,

of $15 per person for the bus tour and an additional $2.50 per person if you would like to enjoy the country lunch following the tour. Please include the names of all those attending. This trip is limited to space availability, so the deadline to reserve your space is April 22nd, or until the bus fills, whichever occurs first. Please make sure to include a phone number with your reservation in case the SHHS needs to get a hold of you. Get to know your community, you might be surprised just how interesting history can be! This is an all ages trip, pricing is the same for both adults and children. For any questions regarding the days events, please contact Marti, (708)333-3238.

Are you wishing you knew more about “ Who’s in your Backyard?” The South Holland Historical Society would like to offer you an opportunity learn more about the community in which you live. Please join us for an afternoon on a comfortable bus and tour some of the historical sites and museums in South Holland, Thornton, and Lansing. Space is limited so reserve your spot today. The bus tour will leave from Paarlberg Park, 172nd and Paxton Ave., in South Holland on Saturday April 27, 2013, at promptly 9:30am and should return around 1:30pm. Upon returning we will enjoy a country lunch. If you would like to learn more about the history behind these three communities, please send a check to SHHS, PO Box 48, South Holland, IL, 60473, in the amount

Reach Over 30,000 Shopper Readers

Inc. In this position, Mr. Jones recruited the best athletes for APSE to represent and to make sure all present and future clients personal, professional and business matters are handled in a quick and professional manner. Mr. Jones has over twenty (20) years of experience in various areas of commercial real estate, finance, contract negotiations and contract law. Besides working for APSE Mr. Jones has a successful marketing, graphic arts and design business as well. Mr. Jones believes in client service for all Dolton Park District Participants. Welcome, Executive Director Jones!

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

32 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition




AuTo SHoW REBATE starts now - select vehicles

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2-Year/30,000 Miles



WARRAnTy! ’06 Saturn Vue AWD ’08 Buick Lucerne CXL V6, Full power, only 70k, #T15207A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,899/$169 mo. Leather, wheels, 1-owner, only 40k CERTIFIEd! #B973A . . .$16,899/$253 mo. ’09 Chevy HHR LT ’11 GMC Terrain SLE-2 $ Full power, gas saver, only 60k, CERTIFIEd!, #B1056A . . . . . . . $11,899/ 169 mo. Wheels, roof, SHARp, only 60k, CERTIFIEd! #B1260A. . $16,899/ $253 mo. ’08 Pontiac G6 ’04 GMC Ext Cab Z71 4x4 $ Full power, 1-owner, only 50k! Certified! #B1153A . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,998/ 169 mo. X-clean, 1-owner, 80k, CERTIFIEd! #T14657A . . . . . . . . . $14,998/ $259 mo. ’05 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4 ’06 Ford Expedition Limited $ V8, x-clean, 70k, #T14940A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,998/ 178 mo. NAVIGATION, 3rd row, roof, wheels, lthr, 60k, #T14917A. . . $17,998/$268 mo. ’08 Pontiac G6 ’05 Dodge Ram Crew Cab 4x4 $ 6 cyl, full power, wheels, 60k, #B1052A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,899/ 189 mo. v8, full power, only 60k miles! #T14943A . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,899/ $279 mo. ’10 Dodge Caliber SXT ’11 Chevy Equinox LT $ Full power, x-clean, gas saver!! #T14964B. . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,998/ 196 mo. Wheels, full power, NEW BOdY STYLE! CERTIFIEd! . . . . . . . . . $18,998/$296 mo. ’11 Ford Focus SE ’09 Cadillac CTS $ Full power, 1-owner, 40k, gas saver! #B1132A . . . . . . . . $14,899/ 226 mo. LUXURY!, wheels, leather, x-clean! #T15204B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,899 ‘09 Ford Escape XLT ’12 Buick Verano $ V6, full power, wheels, 50k, #T14816A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,899/ 239 mo. 3,000 miles, like new, $AVE $$$!!!! CERTIFIEd! #T15198A.. . . . . . . . . . $20,899 ’10 Chrysler Town & Country ’10 Buick LaCrosse CXL $ 3 rows, full power, x-clean, family fun! #T15127A.. . . . . . . . . . $15,899/ 239 mo. Wheels, leather, heated seats and many more, $ only 40k CERTIFIEd! #B1177B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,998 ’10 Chevy Impala LT $ Wheels, full power, x-clean, 50k, CERTIFIEd!, #B1048A . . . $15,899/ 239 mo. ’08 Chevy Silverado Crew 4-Dr LT 4x4 20” wheels, x-clean, 80k, CERTIFIEd!, #T15013A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,998 ’06 Chevy Impala SS $ Wheels, roof, leather, 50,000 miles! CERTIFIEd! #T14614A$15,899/ 239 mo. ’07 GMC Sierrra Ext. Cab 4x4 1-owner, leather, wheels, x-clean, 65k CERTIFIEd!, #B1153A. . . . . . . .$20,998

’10 GMC Sierra Crew Cab Z71 SLE ’09 GMC Sierra Reg. Cab 4x4 $ Full power, wheels , 40k, CERTIFIEd! #T15109A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,998 5.3 motor, 4 doors, x-clean, CERTIFIEd! #T15024A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,998 ’11 Chevy Equinox LTZ FWD ’12 Ford Escape XLT 4x4 $ 1-owner, only 7,000 miles! #T15220B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$21,899 Leather, wheels, roof, 19,000 miles CERTIFIEd! #B1257A.. . . . . . . . . . 26,899 ’11 Chevy Silverado Crew Z71 LT ’10 GMC Terrain AWD $ SLE, wheels, keyless, 50k CERTIFIEd! #T14946A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$21,899 Chrome wheels, 4-doors, 50k, CERTIFIEd! #T1461A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,899 ’10 GMC Acadia 3rd row, 1-owner, wheels, remote, 40k, CERTIFIEd! #B1078A. . . . . . . . $21,998 ’12 Buick Regal Leather, wheels, x-clean, only 11,000 miles! CERTIFIEd! #B1144A . $22,899 ’11 GMC Terrain SLE-2 Wheels, roof, remotes, 30k, 1-owner, CERTIFIEd! #B1279A . . . . . . . . . $22,998 ’10 GMC Sierra Ext. Z-71 1-owner, SLE, remotes, 20k, Certified! #T15122A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23,899 ’10 GMC Sierra Ext. Cab SLE 4x4 wheels, full power, 1-owner, 40k, CERTIFIEd! #T14990A. . . . . . . . . . . . $23,998

’10 GMC Sierra Crew Cab SLE Z71 Wheels, keyless, 1-owner, 30k CERTIFIEd! #T14890A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,998 ’09 Chevy Tahoe Hybird LT 4x4 1-owner, 70k, CERTIFIEd! #T15208A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,899 ’13 Buick Regal CXL Only 48 miles! SAVE $$$, CERTIFIEd! #B951A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27,899 ’11 Buick Regal Leather, sunroof, wheels, keyless, 17k miles CERTIFIEd! #B1203A. .$27,899 ’11 GMC Acadia SLE 3rd row, keyless, x-clean, 13,000 miles! CERTIFIEd! #T15205A . . . . $28,998

’08 GMC Acadia AWD SLT2 Leather, roofs, loaded! 60k, CERTIFIEd! #B1146A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,898 ’12 Buick Lacrosse CXS Touring Edition Sunroof, Navigation, 9,000 miles! CERTIFIEd! #T14983A . . . . . . . . . . .$32,899 ’11 GMC Terrain SLT Leather, wheels, sunroof, loaded, 40k! CERTIFIEd! #T15030A. . . . . $24,899 ’11 Buick Enclave CXL Chrome wheels, dual sunroofs, leather, 19k, CERTIFIEd! #T15233A$33,899 ’11 GMC Sierra Ext 4x4 Auto, ac, Cd, 30,000 miles, CERTIFIEd! #T15173A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,899 ’12 Buick Enclave CXL Leather, roofs, chrome wheels, loaded, CERTIFIEd! #B1154A. . . . . . .$34,899

*All New 1500 & Ext. Crew Cabs. Payments shown are 48 month leases/10k per year. Tier 1 Credit. Terrain, Verano, Lacrosse, Regal, Enclave, Acadia all Sierras $2,000 down plus 1st payment and taxes. Must qualify. Pre-driven vehicles 01-05 60 months @ 6.9 tier one credit. 06-12 75 months @ 5.9 tier one credit 2,000 down plus applicable taxes. Pictures for illustration purposes only.

2440 45th St. highland, in 219-865-4400 • ILL: 773-221-8124



Say I saw it in The Shopper

33 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition




Bruce Hemminger New Car Manager

Kevin Coyle Sales Consultant

Tom Preusser Sales Consultant

Tom Schultz Sales Consultant

Tom Schlesinger Sales/Internet Consultant

Tom Coyle Sales Consultant

Barb Harvey Finance Manager

Ken Crowe Used Car Manager

Dave Embs Sales Consultant

Redd Walker Sales/Internet Consultant

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34 February 20, 2013

Internet Edition

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All factory rebates and incentives applied. Plus tax, title, licence and doc fees. Special financing may be in lieu of factory rebates on select models. *See dealer for details. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Dealer will not honor errors in this advertisement.

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