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Internet Edition
Inside This Week Spring is here! Your deck or porch needs regular maintenance. Powerwashing, repairs and refinishing. Call Dave. Free quotes. 219-577-7703 - Visit The Shopper Online!
Wednesday • April 8 • 2015
Spring is the right time to improve your AC system Call now for great Pre-Season prices!
American Standard® high-efficiency Comfort Systems can show a return on investment in energy saving that’s better than a savings account, a CD or even a 401K. And that’s not counting your enhanced property value - or enhanced comfort.
10 OFF 100 OFF
Any Furnace Tune-Up or Repair
American Standard AC Installation
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires 4/30/15 SH
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires 4/30/15 SH
10% OFF 150 OFF $
Combination AC and furnace installs (American Standard)
Duct Cleanings
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires 4/30/15 SH
Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Previous sales excluded. Expires 4/30/15 SH
ASK HOW YOU CAN RECEIVE A NIPSCO REBATE! Christian Owned & Operated Since 1987
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(219) 365-0006 Indiana • (219) 987-2107 Demotte (708) 895-0006 Illinois
Boyd Named 1st Team All-American South Suburban College’s Men’s Basketball player; sophomore guard; Lavell Boyd was rewarded for his efforts this season by being named to the NJCAA Division II AllAmerican 1st Team. Boyd averaged 21.3 points, 5.2 Assists, 4.2 rebounds and 3.2 steals. He is the seventh 1st All-American that Coach John Pigatti has had in his 9 seasons as the head coach at South Suburban College. Boyd led the Bulldogs to at 21-12 record, an appearance in the Regional Championship game.
Lansing Old Timers Scholarships The Lansing Old Timers organization will be awarding three one time scholarships of one $1,000. and two $500. to three high school seniors. You must have participated in a Lansing Old Timers program for a minimum of two years. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors enrolled or accepted by a two or four year college or university with at least a B average on their latest transcript and have participated in a high school athletic program. Scholarships will be awarded by lotter y to all eligible applicants. For more information and an application, which must be completed and returned by May 1st to: Lansing Old Timers, % Frank Kiefor, P.O. Box 133, Lansing, IL 60438 visit LANSINGOLDTIMERS.COM
Geranium Sale Humane Society Calumet Area (HSCA) is accepting preorders of geraniums now through May 1 and orders will be ready for pick-up in time for Mother’s Day. Each 4-1/2-inch pot costs $5 and 10-inch hanging baskets are available for $20 each. The baskets feature vines in addition to geraniums. Colors available include white splash, red, dark pink and salmon. Order forms are available at HSCA, 421 45th St, Munster, Ind.; Moraine Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, 570 N. 450 E., Valparaiso, Ind. and Paws Resale Shoppe, 8149 Kennedy Ave., Highland, Ind. or online at Customers can choose to pick up geranium orders May 8 and 9 at Paws Resale Shoppe or May 9 at Moraine Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Payment is due with the order. All proceeds benefit the animals of HSCA. For more information, v isit w w or contact Ashley Boyer at (219) 513-8911 or aboyer@hscalumet. org.
Emerging Writers Competition Secretar y of State and State Librarian Jesse W hite announced today that entry forms are available for the 11th annual Illinois Emerging Writers Competition Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award. “We created the Illinois Emerging Writers Competition to promote creative writing and provide an outlet for talented w riters,” W hite said. “Great poems have the ability to enrich and enhance our lives, and I am looking forward to discovering talented new poets with this year’s competition.” The competition, co-sponsored by the Illinois Center for the Book and Kevin Stein, the current Illinois Poet Laureate, is named in honor of the late Pulitzer Prize-winning Illinois Poet Laureate Gwendolyn Brooks. The competition is open to Illinois residents age 18 and over. Entries must be postmarked by June 30, 2015. Winning poems will be submitted for possible inclusion in the “Bluestem,” “Ninth Letter,” “Quiddity,” “RHINO” and “Poetic License Press” publications. Winners will read their poems and receive prizes at a ceremony later this year at the Illinois State Library in Springfield. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first- ($500), second- ($300) and third-place ($100) winners. Forms and other information may be found at http:// For more information, contact Bonnie Matheis at 217-558-2065 or bmatheis@ilsos. net.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Business Opportunity
Mr. Fix It Repair Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479
Travel Agents Needed no exp. work from home will train benefits when you join. info. www.listentothisfirst. com 708-400-8061
The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623 Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556
Computer Sales/ Repair
Computer & Commercial laser printer maintenance. Ye a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e . Specializing in laptops. APlus/Networking certified. Refurbish laptops, sold & brought broken. Serving So. Suburbs & Northwest IN. 708-268-7075
VERSE OF THE WEEK Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires — James 1:19-20
Attend the church of your choice.
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Making a Difference One Animal at a Time Imag i ne t hat you r pet had a n EMERGENCY, and you don’t know what to do. So you take your pet to the vet, only to find out that you don’t have the money to pay for the surgery. This is pure heartbreak if you’re one of the people this has happened to. But there is a new organization seeking to help those people. Kathleen Pazanin founded Angel Fund to help animals in need when owners don’t necessarily have enough money to cover vet costs. Kathleen said “the motto of Angel Fund is helping pets in need of emergency medical care.” A recent animal who was helped wa s Stel la . T he dog had to have emergency life saving surgery after she ate something that caused a blockage. Kathleen said “the young owner was faced with a decision to euthanize her pet because she didn’t have money for the surgery.” The young owner did not have enough money to cover the cost of the surgery, luckily Angel Fund was able to lend a helping hand. Kathleen said “Angel Fund seeks to help people finance emergency care if they have no other option.” As they are just starting out they are not able
Angel Fund founder Kathleen Pa zanin holding Scooter, the inspiration behind Angel Fund ____________________________
to help as many animals as they would like, but they help the ones that they can. She said that when deciding if they can help the animal it depends on how much money Angel Fund has at the time and if the owner has exhausted ever other possible avenue. Angel Fund is a last resort for animal owners who don’t have the financial stability to
cover the cost of emergency care. Kathleen said she started Angel Fund because she saw that there was a need. “I hate to see animals euthanized because of a financial reason,” she said. The main inspiration behind Angel Fund was a cat named Scooter, who came into the animal hospital were Kathleen worked. He was a stray 4 week old kitten who had been hit by a car. The kitten was brought in by a kind samaritan who found him laying on the road. Since he was a homeless animal there was nobody to pay for his medical expenses. People were willing to donate money, and he was able to get the care he so desperately needed. While he had to have a leg amputated, he has since made a full recovery and has been living with Kathleen for the past two years. As of right now several vets are work i ng w it h A ngel Fu nd. T hose wanting to help out Angel Fund with a donation can contact Second Chance 4 Pets Network at 219-771-6768. Angel Fund is a program of rescue group Second Chance 4 Pets Network.
Concrete Work
Handyman Services
Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Concrete & Patching. Walks, steps, patios, driveways. Licensed/Bonded. Steps patched correctly. Low spring prices. Free e s t i m a t e s. De n n i s. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Slice of Pl. Cheesecake, Cup of Soup, Med. Pop or French Fries with Single Sandwich or Dinner Only
Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Must Present Coupon. Limit 1 Coupon Per Person, Per Visit. Expires 5/6/15
17816 Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 895-1500 (708) 895-4900 Fax Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-2am Fri-Sat 10am-3am / Sun 11am-12am
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Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758
Fence and deck repairs of all types along with home improvements. Call Chris 219-801-8721 free estimates
Finance Finance Services: Cash loan paid to anyone re c e i v i n g a m o n t h l y pension check of $500/ mo. or more. Contact Maurice. 219-629-4964 or 708-844-7046
Home Improvement/ Repair Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328 A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, f e n c e re p a i r, r o o f - t o p repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Landscaping/ Lawn Care Shelton’s Lawn Ser vice. Clean-ups, power raking & fer tilizer specials! 20% S e n i o r D i s c o u n t . Ne w season customers, 1st cut 1/2 off! Free estimates. Licensed & insured. 708209-6015
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The Shopper - April 2015
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Canadian Club
$15.96 1.75lt
Jack Daniels
Jose Cuervo
Jim Beam White
New Amsterdam..............................$9.96 750ml New Amsterdam.............................$14.96 1.75lt J. Walker Red..................................$27.96 1.75lt Fireball..........................................$12.96 750ml Fireball..........................................$21.96 1.75lt Three Olives.....................................$9.96 750ml Three Olives....................................$18.96 1.75lt Seagram’s Gin.................................$7.96 750ml Seagram’s Gin................................$14.96 1.75lt Makers Mark..................................$24.96 750ml 1800 Tequila...................................$29.96 1.75lt Martell V.S.....................................$19.96 750ml Avon Silver....................................$26.96 750ml Hennessy V.S.................................$26.96 750ml Courvoisier V.S..............................$22.96 750ml Smirnoff Vodka.............................$15.96 1.75lt Svedka Vodka................................$14.96 1.75lt Paul Mason Brandy..........................$8.96 750ml E&J Brandy.......................................$8.96 750ml Ron Rico.........................................$13.96 1.75lt Bobbay Sapphire............................$18.96 750ml Old Smuggler.................................$18.96 750ml
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Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.
Please Remember To Drink Responsibly
37 JOLIET DYER, IN • 219-865-8501
WE CARD UNDER 40 (Rt. 30 Across from Hospital)
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
MTR Lawn Maintenance Service. Spring Cleaning, Planting, Grass cutting, edging, Sod, Fertilizing, Power Raking, Tree & Shrub Trimming. Bank Foreclosure clean out service. Licensed bonded & insured. Free estimates. Mario 708-6682788 or Thomas 708-8254292
Miscellaneous Services Correction Renovation & Repair. Will work with you to get the job done right. Plumbing, electrical, flooring, framing & finishing. Over 30 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call. 219-577-7703
Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025
Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335
Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/flash exterior. Free Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170
J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500
We wrote a book on How to clone your best customers.
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Not valid with any other offers. Prior sales excluded. Exp. 5/30/15 (Illinois) 708-756-2665 • (Indiana) 219-226-1371
CALL FOR DETAILS • (Illinois) 708-756-2665 • (Indiana) 219-226-1371
Community Heating & Cooling
Community Heating & Cooling
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Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652
We install sump pumps, repair and seal foundation walls. Also plumbing and electric. Fast and courteous service. Call Rocky, 219-7654067
Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
BEST ANNUAL PROGRAM Scotts® Lawn Pro® 4-Step Annual Program • Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Fertilizer • Weed Control Plus Lawn Fertilizer • Lawn Fertilizer with 2% Iron • Fall Lawn Fertilizer *Must purchase all 4 steps. 5,000 Sq. Ft.
Sale $79.99
- 20 $
with card
You Pay
15,000 Sq. Ft.
Sale $199.99
- 50 $
You Pay
Limit 2 (7287154)*
with card
Limit 2 (7287162)*
Scotts® Lawn Pro® 4-Step Annual Seeding Program • Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Fertilizer • Weed Control Plus Lawn Fertilizer • Lawn Fertilizer with 2% Iron • Fall Lawn Fertilizer *Must purchase all 4 steps.
5,000 Sq. Ft.
Sale $94.99
You Pay
You Pay
Limit 2 (7287188)*
Sale $15.99
Sale $20.99
with card
-2 $
You Pay Limit 2 at this price
with card
You Pay
Cannot combine Ace 4-Step and individual Ace Fertilizer bag Instant Savings offers or obtain price adjustments for purchases made in separate transactions.
Pump ‘N Go® Weed & Grass Killer Spray Sale $17.99 with card
Naturescapes® Color Enhanced Mulch
red hyot bu
Limit 2 at this price. 1.33 gallon with wand. Ready to use. (7196520)
GUS BOCK’S 3455 Ridge Rd. Lansing, IL
-1 $
You Pay
with card
$ 99
Each. Limit 10 at this price. Brown, black or red. (7394711, 7394703, 7394695)
EZ Seed® Sun and Shade or Tall Fescue
You Pay
with card
-$20 You Pay
with card
30 Gal. Paper Yard Waste Bags
$ 99
Limit 2 at this price. (7206436, 722904) 10 lbs. Covers 225 sq. ft. : 20 lb. Sun & Sahde Covers 445 sq. ft. (7287980)...52.49
(63451, 6065411)
1150 Sheffield Ave. Dyer, IN
Covers 5,000 sq. ft. (7158314) Limit 2 at this price. 15,000 Sq. Ft. (7287279)... SALE PRICE 164.99 INSTANT SAVINGS – 45.00. You Pay 119.99 With Card. Limit 1 at this price.
Sale $64.99
red hyot bu
Sale $26.99
Sale $3.99
red hyot bu
with card
Covers 5,000 sq. ft. (7234248) 15,000 Sq. Ft. (7361868)...SALE PRICE 52.99 INSTANT SAVINGS – 2.00 You Pay 46.99 With Card*
Limit 2 at this price
• Crabgrass Preventer with Fertilizer • Weed & Feed • Lawn Fertilizer • Winterizer.
You Pay
Limit 2 (7287618)*
Sale $24.99
Covers 5,000 sq. ft. (7314263) 15,000Sq Ft (7314271)...39.99
Ace Green Turf® 4-Step Annual Program
Turf Builder® Weed & Feed
Covers 5,000 sq. ft. (7232325) 15,000Sq Ft (7232390)...SALE PRICE 64.99 INSTANT SAVINGS – 6.00 You Pay 58.99 With Card*
with card
Turf Builder® Lawn Food
You Pay
red hyot bu
Sale $244.99
Turf Builder® Halts® Crabgrass Preventer With Lawn Food
-$2 Limit 2 at this price
with card
15,000 Sq. Ft.
1820 - 45th Ave. Munster, IN
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Pressure Washing Spring is here! Your deck or porch needs regular m a i n t e n a n c e . Powerwashing, repairs and refinishing. Get ready for Summer. Call Dave. Free quotes. 219-577-7703
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
April 8, 2015 Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Tuckpointing R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Help Wanted Help Wanted: Willing to train highly motivated individual for rewarding career in financial services. Call. 866-202-6426
Food-grade Liquid Tanker Driver - REGIONAL ClassA C D L D r i v e r s - Ta n k e r Endorsement Rqd Contact Curtis - (773)260-9180 x7003 Send resumes: cstouwie@
Help Wanted: Experienced Auto Mechanic for far South Chicago, family owned 6 Bay shop. Apply in person to 12535 S. Halstad St. Chicago or fax resume to 773-9280077 or Call 773-928-0066 Help Wanted: Experienced Automotive Service Writer for far South Chicago, family owned 6 Bay Shop. Must possess excellent sales & customer service. Apply in person 12535 S. Halsted St. Chicago, or fax resume: 773928-0077 or Call: 773-9280066
Good Fresh Mexican Food
east chicago chicago highland lansing dyer
Speaking Of Seniors
Obamacare Less Affordable For This Young Person! WOODROW WILCOX On March 27, 2015, I had my first experience helping someone under 65 w it h a med ica l bi l l problem under t he “Affordable Care Act”, also known as “Obamacare”. A you ng woma n i n her t went ies boug ht a “ma rket place” pol ic y t h r o u g h t h i s a g e n c y. She brought a bill from an urgent care clinic for $196. She wanted to know why she owed that under Obamacare. She told me t hat when she had no insurance and went to the same urgent care clinic, she never paid more than $130. She was surprised t hat t he bi l l increased under Obamacare. I have hea rd t hat many young people have had similar experiences. But, I never had to work through such a case until now. It took me over an hour of phone ca l ls to find the right people at her insurance company to discuss the problem. I learned that in this c a s e, t he u r gent c a re clinic never sent the claim to our client’s insurance compa ny. To help ou r
client a nd t he clinic, I wrote a letter to the clinic and gave them the correct add ress to wh ich t hey should send the claims information. The help that I gave this client was FREE OF CH A RGE . I’l l bet t hat reg u la r readers of t his column are surprised that t h i s i n su ra nce agenc y helps young people with hea lt h i nsu ra nce, too. After all, our agency name is Senior Care Insurance Ser v ices because we concentrate on helping seniors. But, we’re good at helping people who are not seniors find insurance that is good for them, too. Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill c a se worker at Sen ior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of t hat i nsu ra nce agenc y over one million dollars by cor rec t i ng med ic a l b i l l s . He e v e n w r o t e t h e b o o k S O LV I N G MEDIC A R E PROBLEM $ (w w w.solv
Its not too late to get your feet ready for SUMMER
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Master Jeweler
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
View Our Ad & Current Values at
STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm NEW SUNDAY HOURS ALL STORES: 7 am to 7 pm
Ground Chuck Value Pack
$ 49
Garden Salad
Fresh Berry Sale
•Blueberries •Red Raspberries •Blackberries
6 Oz. Pkgs.
Driscoll’s Finest!
1 Lb. Pkgs.
2/ 5 $
Guaranteed Sweet!
Danish Coffee Cake
$ 49 $ 99
Walt’s Signature Premium
Beef Tenderloin Kabobs With Vegetables
$ 49
$ 99
Fancy Solid Green
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2/ 3
Wants To Earn ¢ Your Business! – Give Us A Try – Tropical Extra Large Sweet We Are Sure Mangos You Will ¢ Be Pleased!
Clementine Sweet “Seedless”
Halos 3 Lb. Bag
$ 99
Hinckley Springs
24 Pk. .5 Ltr. Btls.
2/ 5 $
Walt’s Signature Premium Oven Roasted
Walt’s Signature Premium
Baked Ham
Gluten & MSG Free
Turkey Breast
Prairie Farms
Gluten & MSG Free
$ 98 $ 98 Lb.
$2.49 1/2 Lb.
$3.49 1/2 Lb.
Premium Ice Cream 1/2 Gallon
2/ 6 $
When You Buy 12 Xtra
Dutch Farms
Kievs 5 Oz.
•Gatorade 32 Oz. •Propel 24 Oz.
Must Buy 12, Single Item Price 99¢ Ea.
When You Buy Any 4.
•Cereals Centrella
•Paper Towels 6 Pk. Regular Rolls •Bath Tissue 12 Pk. Double Rolls
2/ 7 $
10 Oz. Bag
From Our Deli Hut
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Kaiser Rolls 8 Pk. Pre-Packaged
Center Cut Pork Chops Value Pack
ur Country Bakery From O Walt’s Own Fresh Baked
$ 99
Indiana Kitchen “All Natural” Pork
Del Monte Large
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Boneless Round Steak Sold As Steak Only
Ground fresh in store many times daily.
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Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 3 Lb. Pkgs. or More
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USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”
Walt’s Signature Premium
Fresh Government Inspected
Walt’s “All Natural” Premium 80% Extra Lean
Frosted Flakes 15 Oz., Rice Krispies 12 Oz., Frosted Mini Wheats 18 Oz., Corn Flakes 18 Oz., Corn Pops 12.5 Oz., Froot Loops 12.2 Oz., Apple Jacks 12.2 Oz., Smacks 15.3 Oz. or Krave 11 Oz.
•Pop Tarts 21 - 22 Oz.
4/ 10 $
When You Buy Any 4, Must Buy 4. Single Item Price $3 Ea. Limit 2 Offers Per Customer.
Liquid Laundry Detergent
Dutch Farms
Bagels 14 Oz.
75 Oz.
99 10
Centrella/Prairie Farms
Milk •2% Reduced Fat
$ 98 LU 396
•1% Lowfat •Skim Fat Free Gallon
$ 99 With This Coupon and a Separate $10 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 4/8/15 - 4/14/15.
Orange Juice 1/2 Gallon
2/ 4 $
Still a Half Gallon!
cane 641-
mens rage avox cord 877-
elled y by Be s t cord City. 351-
four one one able 341-
that insurer’s costs tied to dog bites surged last year, with the average claim jumping 12 percent or more on medical fees, legal settlements and jury awards. Most homeowner’s and renter’s Say I saw itpolicies in The Shopper insurance usually have a dog liability clause as part of their standard coverage, but that may not be enough to cover He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s In need of full time and part damagesCO-$2500 and liability in a civil suit. If bilingual your dog bites someone CDL-A: Sign-On. time teachers and and you find yourself on the end of a dog bite claim, Excellent Pay Package & receiving teachers assistants with report the incident to yourO/ insurance Outstanding Benefits! e x p company, e r i e n c e .butMrealize u s t you be may also need to hire an to defendas you. Op’s -$4000 Sign-On + attorney 76% qualified well, for daycare of line haul! 855-252-1634 in Calumet City. 708-833708-439-1111 Question: How can I find out if3545, my legal problem is serious Drivers-Company O/ of a lawyer? enough to warrant the & services OP’s: Increase Your Earning Drivers. Dedicated. Answer: It’sDedicated! easy. TheGreat Illinois Lawyer Finder Service Power! Run Regional. Local and (www. OTR., operated Hometime and Benefits. $ 3 , 0by0 0the Illinois o r i e n State t a t i oBar n Association, offers consumers to a qualifying YOU Deserve! Drive Newer a referral completion bonus! lawyer. Great You can search the online directory of hires chargemin. by entering Equipment! 855-971-8527 payfree (new $800/ the field of practice, county and zip An optionCDL-A is to call1 the wkcode. guaranteed)! yr He l p Wa n t e d662-3851 : Dr i ve to r s :receive Exp. Today hotline at (888) theCall name of a 1-855-350lawyer, who C D Lprovide - A 1 yan r initial e x p . 30-minute Earn 5572 will consultation for no more than $1200+per week. $25. You are under no obligation to hire that lawyer. Guaranteed Home time. Restaurant Kitchen, Excellent Benefits & Cashier, Janitorial, Prepper. For more100% information aboutPaIllinois Bonuses. No-Touch. r t t i m, Ba visit c k g rowww. und have a legal question, send it 70% D&H. 855-842-8498 If you check. Must be reliable, to hardworker. Apply in person at JR’s Jerk, 1031 SIbley, Dolton, email: jrsjerk@ 10 inch Radial arm saw, Sears Mirro electrical smoke house, or 708-849-2227 Craftman, $100. 219-365- $35; Crown pallet jack 5000#, 2954 exc. working cond. 708-8916226
PHONE: (708) 333-2117
April 8, 2015
Garage Sales in South Holland April 11th, 9am. 16315 & 16327 S. Kenwood Ave., So. Holland. Clothes, housewares, books, X-Mas items, dishes, pots.
Three New Exhibitions on Display at SSC Galleries
Sat April 11, 7-4 1 7 1 4 8 C o n s t a n c e Ave . South Holland Home office, cubicle/desk, ergo chairs, file cabinets, p r i n t e r s, s u p p l i e s, s m . electronics, clothes, air hockey, roof top carrier
Garage Sales in Lansing April 11th, 8-3. 1 8 9 0 8 E . L o u i s e D r. , Lansing. Estate Sale! Dishes, Holiday items, furniture, clothing, misc. items. April 9-11, 9-5 3443 - 186th Street, Lansing Odds and ends, toys, crib, children’s clothes, adult clothes, come and see.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois April 9-10, 8-3. 9233 Blaine, Crown Point, IN. Off 93rd. Many household items, from A-Z. Everything must go.
Lisa Guzman DNP, FNP-BC. Board certified family practice and palliative care.
Specializing in osteopathic manipulation, palliative care, weight loss, certified medical examiners CDL physicals.
All insurances accepted • Two locations to help serve you better
Illinois:17825 Wentworth Lansing, IL 60438. Phone (708) 889-5834 Indiana: 2714 169th Street Hammond, IN 46323 Phone (219) 803-2246
Homes For Sale Home for sale: Lansing, 3BR, 2Bath, Tri-Level with fireplace in family room. New Roof, Central Air, Windows, Doors, Garage door, Etc. Clean move in condition. By Appointment only $142,000. 708-606-0212
Recent works by Laura Colby ________________________________________________________
T he A r t & D e sig n D epa r t ment of South Suburban College (SSC) is pleased to announce three new exhibitions in the galleries of the college’s Main Campus in South Holland:
Michael Coakes, Illusions of Psyche A n ex hibition of photographs by artist Michael Coakes is on display in the Photo Four Gallery through the closing reception on Wednesday, April 22nd at 12:00 noon.
Laura Colby, Recent Works An exhibition of paintings by artist Laura Colby is on display in the Lee Dulgar Gallery through the closing reception on Thursday, April 16th at 12 noon.
The Lee Dulgar Gallery is located on the first floor near the college Atrium, and the Dorothea Thiel and Photo Four Galleries are located on the 4th floor in the Art & Design hallway. SSC Galleries are open at minimum Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The galleries are closed on weekends and holidays. The public is welcome to visit art exhibitions and receptions at no charge. For more information, call (708) Chicago;Van Drunen Heatingplease Co;A07377;5x8-4c 596-2000, ext. 2445 or visit SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.
Robert Pollard, Brave and Old Fashioned An exhibition of “fine” art by artist Robert Pollard is on display in the Dorothea Thiel Gallery through the closing reception on Tuesday, April 21st at 12:30 p.m.
Office hours: Mon-Sat. • Visit us online at
Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning
RECEIVE UP TO A $1,700 REBATE with the purchase of a qualifying Lennox® home comfort system.
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A+ Rating BBB Complaint Free for the last 6 years.
Licensed – Bonded – Insured
BRAGGS AUTOMOTIVE, INC. 2910 Bernice Rd, Lansing, IL 60438
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Business Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm Sat. By appointment • Sun. Closed
45 Years of Service – Family Owned – No Gimmicks
Preferred Dealer
1440 E. 168TH & VAN DAM ROAD SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473 708-339-6444 A+ Rating
Receive up t
with the purchase of a qua
AND up to $500
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Roofs For Troops
Roofs For Troops Calumet City Home ________________________________________________________
The ‘keys to the kingdom’ is an oft-used phrase usually within a religious context. In last week’s Bank of A merica and the Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund, presentation in Calumet City, Navy Veteran and Calumet City native, John E. Lendabarker was given the keys to his ow n personal kingdom, a debt free home in Calumet City. The ivory brick 3-bedroom 2-bath home has been completely renovated and updated, on a pretty block with lots of pride of ownership in the nearby homes. To say Lendabarker was surprised is an understatement. “I was absolutely overwhelmed- when a day after I filled out all the paperwork, they called me to say I got the house!” Navy Petty Officer Lendabarker, who qualified for the house g iveaway, joined t he Nav y in 2002 a nd served 4 deployments as well as countless 2 and 5 day excursions. After deployment
Apartments For Rent
Lendabarker joined the reserves and is now an active member of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Legion Riders Association. He currently serves as sen ior v ic e-c om ma nder for t he V F W. Joining Pett y Of f icer Lendaba rker were representatives from Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund and Bank of America, the Calumet City Fire Department, and the Lansing Veteran’s Memoria l Ceremonia l Honor Guard who posted colors and gave a rif le salute in honor of the occasion. Jim Holmes and Chaya Grady, of Bank of America and Donny Jones, Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund were in attendance. As part of Bank of America’s efforts to help support the housing needs of those who have served and sacrificed for our nation, the company has donated more than 1,600 homes nat ionw ide to milita r y vetera n-suppor t
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
Burnham 2nd flr. apt., 3-bdrms, walk-in closets, hrd floors, laundry room, large living room & large bdrms. Section 8 welcome. $ 9 0 0 / m o. Ap p l i a n c e s included. 708-539-3162
Lansing Veteran’s Honor Guard ________________________________________________________
charities and other non-profit, community ba sed orga n i zat ions. T h is donat ion is made possible through a partnership with Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund, which works w ith financia l institutions such as Bank of America to support its Roofs for Troops Program. Calumet City Mayor Apts. for rent: 1 bdrm, $780/ mo. & 3 bdrm. $1,125/mo. 1820 State St. Calumet City, IL. Call for appointment. Free parking space and laundry on premises. 708357-4291
invites you to an
30% OFF
1040 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 708-333-8030 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00AM - 7:00PM Sat. 7:00AM-6:00PM
Like Us on Facebook
Calumet City 2-bdrm. All electric $750/mo. + security + credit check. Location borderline Lansing. No pets. Seniors welcome. Will be showing after April 5th. 708868-2590
South Holland Fire Department
Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush supports Calumet City’s Veterans and Veteran’s groups and was especially pleased that Calumet City native, Navy Petty Officer Lendabarker was so delighted with his new home! For more information on the program for veterans, visit
Pancake Breakfast Saturday, April 11 7 to 11 am Fire Station #1 16230 Wausau Avenue
The regular price of any incoming dry cleaning.
PrePay Only Excludes alterations, leathers, furs, carpets & pillows.
Not valid with any other discount. Expires 5/15/15. CARE CLEANERS • 708-333-8030
Per person
Children 4 & under FREE!
“Let Me Show You How My 30 Years Experience Will Help”
708-418-4444 MIKEBuder
A Local Christian Businessman
The Village of
The Village of
South Holland Faith, Family, & Future
Proceeds to Benefit the South Holland Fire Department The Village of
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
2 room studio apartment. Kitchen area, all utilities included, except electric. Payment require, $550/mo. + 1mo. sec. Ready i m m e d i a t e l y. S e r i o u s inquiry only. In Dolton. 708738-4401
Apt. 501-155th St., Calumet City, IL. 1 bdrm. newly remodeled. Heat/gas included. $575/mo. + sec. Credit check. No pets, smoke free. 708-602-8728 Lansing Apt. 3 bdrms., 2 baths. 1st. floor. Seniors welcome. 17712 School St., includes heat, gas, appls, A/C, privacy fence, private parking. 1-1/2 mos. sec. $1200/mo. Apr/2015. Call Kevin. 708-288-8640
1 & 2 bdrm. Apartment on Calumet Ave., Whiting. Store front or Office on Forest Ave., Munster. 708-253-5612 2bdrm., 2bath, Heat/water included. All appliances, just redecorated, no pets. Rent $920. Park Forest, IL. 708-421-2474
Homes For Rent South Holland. Charming, newly decorated throughout, 2 bdrm. with large family room. New appliances, new carpeting, finished basement, washer and dryer, 2 car garage. No pets, Single family home, plus sec. deposit. 708-5963142 S o u t h Ho l l a n d h o u s e , 2 - b d r m s , l i v i n g ro o m , dining room, sun room, 1-1/2 bath, full basement, 1 car garage. Rent $1,200/mo. Available May 1st. Section 8 welcome. 708-596-5536
Look Great! Feel Great!
FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning
Try Our New 3-Step Show Room Shine.
Only $1.00 With any Wash or Fast Pass per visit.
Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure
House: Hammond, nice area, near train station. 2 b d r m . , 1 b a t h . Ho u s e security system, lawn service $900/mo. + 1 mo. sec. No pets. 219-552-5767
Office Space For Rent
Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708474-3941
Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Wanted: Cash for gold/ silver jewelry, broken or not, antiques, anything old, entire estates or one item: furniture, clocks, toys, dolls, silver ware, paintings, m i l i t a r y, m i d - c e n t u r y design, small items, Trusted house calls. 219-765-6268
Wanted: Old beer cans and Old beer can collectibles. Will buy, trade, or sell. 219836-8907
Rooms For Rent Sleeping room utilities/AC, private bath, cable included $500; 2-bdrm. Apt. pay own utilities, transportation, close to Metra bus, quiet, $600. 708-596-7514
BBB Accredited
800-287-1701 (Behind Lansing K-Mart)
Schererville 1779 U.S. 41
(south of 30-between Teibel’s & U-Haul)
Highland 9425 Indianapolis Blvd.
Includes FREE Vacuuming, FREE Towel, and FREE Air Freshener
The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL
Eye Site
Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473
Our Best Unlimited Ultimate Wash Package LY ON
1999 A MONTH
Wash Once a Day , Everyday.
Offers expires 5-15-15
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
15%Expires OFF Labor* May 6, 2015
Please note our two and three bedroom units are occupied. The member-owners will be available during the open house.
Glaucoma Treatment Laser Co-Management Cataract Co-Management Optometry since 1942
from 1-4pm
Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields
One Bedroom Aspen
Two Bedroom Cypress
Three Bedroom Dellwood
5 Locust Ct. 5 Willow Ct. 50 Sycamore Ct.
14 Hawthorne Ct.
17 Hawthorne Ct.
River Oaks Towne Houses Coop-EHO
Call for Details 708-841-5700
1 ______________
2 ______________
3 ______________
4 ______________
5 ______________
6 ______________
7 ______________
8 ______________
9 ______________
10 _____________
11 _____________
12 _____________
13 _____________
14 _____________
15 _____________
16 _____________
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18 _____________
19 _____________
20 _____________
10% discount for 4-12 weeks 15% discount for 13 weeks or more
Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Classified Ad Form
$20/week for 20 words In IL or IN ($25/ week both zones) ($1 each addl. word, 40 word max)
Open House
Business Ads
Wanted: Books (sets or single) Ma g a z i n e s, o l d paper, old photos, manuals, catalogs, art, prints and posters. Call Len. 708-9558112
Open House at the River Oaks Towne Houses Cooperative
Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome
C.B. Snakes baby python, w/ aquarium. Lights, etc. Call. 708-862-7901
We do birds, bugs & tar!
Lansing 2626 Bernice Rd.
reg. $1000
Rooms for rent: Lansing, in my home. Quiet neighborhood, fully furnished. Includes gas, e l e c t r i c , c a b l e. Sh a re d kitchen and common areas. 773-919-8486
Satisfaction Guaranteed • Open daily 6am–8pm • Not valid with any other offers • Offer good with coupon only
Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717
Beautiful 3BR./1-1/2 bath, din. room, kitchen, with appliances, lower level fam. room, 2 car attached garage, with remote, fenced R. yard. Ready now $1775 + sec. 708418-2384
Easy Clean Car Wash
(Regularly $5.00)
Private Party Ads
$10/week IL and IN
Buy 2 weeks Get 1 FREE
Free ads run if space is available.
Household Items under $250 and Pets under $100
We have 100’s of free ads submitted each week. To assure your ad is printed, please select the $10 option above.
Area Code & Phone Number
$25 for 4 weeks, 20 words in IL and IN
Stand Out!
Add a border - $5/week Add a picture - $5/week (can only be applied to paid ads)
708-331-1111 1-800-410-5250
708-333-9630 The Shopper
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Real Estate Specialists
Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: We recently placed an offer on a home that has been on the market for over 6 months. We never got an answer back. Why do you think they did not answer our offer? Answer: You placed an offer on a home that apparently was of no interest to the sellers. In most cases that we have seen, when sellers do not counter a buyer’s offer, it is because they were insulted by the offer & do not feel the buyer is serious about buying their home. Just because a home has been for sale for 6 months, doesn’t mean sellers are going to accept low offers. Higher days on the market in this real estate market are not unusual. Even the nicest of homes may have higher market times.
Also, keep in mind that you may have damaged your negotiations. The seller may not be willing to negotiate to a lower offer with you because of your initial low offer. Although this is a business deal, there are seller emotions involved. Has your Realtor attempted to contact the sellers Realtor? In most cases, that should provide the answer to your question. E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Il l: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Il linois Coldwel l Ba n ker Resident ia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.
Wanted: I’m a handyman looking for low rent room, or apartment. 708-491-2444 Wanted: Deagan Imperial Vibraphone, Imperial Marimbas and parts. Hammond B-3 organs & Leslie speakers. 1987 to 1990 Toyota Camry Car for senior citizen looks unimportant, all reasonable priced. 219801-0955 Wanted: 2 round pillows for outdoor chairs. Need a beautiful table lamp. Also need a red outdoor runner for balcony. Reasonable. Senior. 708-360-3068
Notice of Public Sale
The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. Unit #
B1004 B1006
Tenants Name
Clifton Batie Rob Smith
Unit #
Wanted: Liquor decanters full or empty one or whole collections. Jim Beam, Ezra Brooks, McCormick, etc. 708-707-1849 Wanted: Analog to digital conversion TV box. 708-5328337 Spring compressor for small bring starter engines. 708532-8337 Wanted: Radio/TV tubes, Ham/CB radios, tube testers, misc. elec. parts. 708-536-8823
Mary Celozzi Darnell Fearence Unit #
Any Purchase Minimum Sale $10 No Sale items
Fashionette 708-474-0349
Wanted: Bean bags for a bean bag game and hand held suction gun. 708-5328337
Wanted: 1-24 Nascar diecast cars-Gordon, Har vice, Stewart Earnhart Jr. or Bush. Recent cars. Leave message. Call. Rich. 219-689-8568
Wanted: In of a factory jack, lug wrench, down assembly for a 2005 Ford Crown Vic. 708-532-8337
Wa n t e d : L a w n m ow e r s , snowblowers, rototillers, power washers, old gas mini bikes, any tools, power and hand. All yard and garage stuff. 219-484-7376
Wanted: Analog to digital TV Conversion box. 708-5328337 Wanted: Scrap 3/4, 5/8’, 1/2’ inch plywood pieces or scrapes. 708-532-8337
Wanted: Tr uck tire bar changing tools(tire irons). 708-532-8337
Wanted: Inexpensive doll furniture for a child. 708532-8337
Wanted: Tr uck tire bar changing tools(tire irons). 708-532-8337
Wa n t e d : Us e d i n t e r i o r doors, 6 ft. 6 inch, paintable. 708-532-8337
Wanted: Books/Manual on 8N Ford tractors & Jublie. 708-532-8337
3 sections of 8ft. high s t o c k e d p r i va c y f e n c e, treated. 708-532-8337
Drama-filled, jaw dropping, page turner!
Natalie and Lewis are married, happily, that is until Natalie starts to suspect that Lewis’ new work partner has more on her mind than work. Lyn is in love with her fiancé Derrick and can’t wait to marry him. Lately Derrick has been acting weird, not answering his phone, staying out late and sometimes not coming home at all. Lyn does some investigating and what she finds, would make any woman lose her mind!!
Available on AMAZON in paperback or for Kindle.
we want you!
Athlete’s Feet
Wanted: Small economy car for senior citizen at reasonable price. 219-2905111
Maya is always on the hunt for Mr. Right. After a string of Mr. Wrongs the man that she thinks is the one, turns out to be anything but!
16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473
Hours: M-F 9:30-4:30; Sat. 9:30-3:00
Check out the latest novel by Author Kenya Moss
Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.
Tenants Name
B1088 B1429
Unit #
The Store With A Little Bit More 3334 Ridge Road Lansing
Unit #
Wanted: Readers Digest, National G eographic, Mother Ear th, Cycle, cassette player, Ronnie Milsap, Kenny Rogers, Glen Campbell, Eddie Rabbit, good condition. Reasonable. 708-418-3275 or 708-4200110
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, according to (770 ILCS 95/) Self-Service Storage Facility Act. I at public sale by competitive bidding on ending on April 17, 2015 at 10:00 am or after for units located at: Compass Self Storage, 2556 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438
Athlete’s feet is caused by a fungus which is commonly found associated with the feet. It is characterized by a burning or itching of the sole of the foot or between two toes. Many times the skin appears very moist but can also appear dry with peeling skin. It usually begins as small brown blisters with clear yellowish liquid inside. These usually turn darker when peeled to reveal red, sometimes raw skin. Prescription medications are many times needed to control the disease. If you have any questions concerning athlete’s feet or any other foot problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.
SELLER: No-nonsense Market Evaluation, Advertised on ALL Real Estate Websites. No Up-front costs and No Processing Fees. BUYERS: NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Hallow Homes wants to be Your BUYER / BROKER At No Cost to the Buyer.
Experienced Brokers Selling Real Estate and winning Awards since 1992. HALLOW HOMES WANTS YOUR REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Call Us Today! Broker / Owner Cathy Hallow
We encourage all schools, churches, businesses, and civic groups to participate in the parade. Start getting your ideas together and enter your group into the parade by filling out and returning the application below before May 1st. For more information, call the Recreational Services office at (708) 331-2940. 2015 MEMORIAL DAY PARADE APPLICATION
Search for Homes on our FaceBook Page Hallow Homes Real Estate
Organization Name: ____________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Day Time Phone: ___________________________ Type of Entry:
( ) Walking Unit
( ) Vehicle
( ) Band
( ) Other: __________________________
Describe Entry: Amount of People:_______ Type of Vehicle(s):______________________ How Many Vehicles:_____ Do you have Music? ( ) Yes ( ) No PARADE MEETING: MAY 14 AT 7 PM Name of person attending_________________________________________ Special Needs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Send Entries To: Jarrell Jackson 501 E. 170th Street South Holland, IL 60473 FAX: 708-331-3202
(This will be read as your entry passes the judge's table. 50 words or less) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Comedy and Dysfunction: The Perfect Cocktail for Theatrical Genius in “Kimberly Akimbo” at GSU A young woman trapped in the body of a 72-year old. And she’s the normal one in the family. While contending with a hypochondriac mother, a rarely sober father, and a criminal aunt, could there be love on the horizon? Patrons will want to find out on April 24 & 25 at 8 p.m. when Governors State University’s Theatre and Performance Studies department stages the Pulitzer prize-winning playwright David Lindsay-Abaire’s dark comedy, “Kimberly Akimbo” in Sherman Hall. Tickets are $15 and $10 for students with valid I.D. Kimberly Akimbo tells the story of a teenage girl who suffers from a rare genetic disorder that causes her 16-year old body to age at four and a half times its normal rate. Despite her condition, Kimberly is the most functional and sane member of her family. When she meets fellow outcast Jeff, an anagram-obsessed geek, she is faced with balancing the emotions of first love, her wild family and her condition. This one-of-a-kind coming of age story is puzzling and unexpectedly heart-warming. The Los Angeles Times calls it “A breezy, foulmouthed, fleet-footed, warmhearted comedy. There have been many dark comedies about dysfunctional families, but this is one
by the Illinois Board of Higher Education as a Bachelor’s Degree; the only such degree combining the two disciplines at a state university in Illinois. Having previously staged works of poetry (Anne Sexton’s “Transformations”), musical theatre (“A…My Name is Alice”), a docudrama (“Still Life”), and classic drama (Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”) T.A.P.S. is excited to present a comedy. The five person cast consists of GSU staff and students, both theatre veterans and newcomers.
of the funniest.” This is the fifth production by the new Theatre & Performance Studies (T.A.P.S.) program, recently approved
Paws in the Park Hu ma ne Societ y Ca lu met A rea (HSC A) inv ites t he com munit y to attend its 23rd annual Paws in the Park, a family- and pet-friendly walk-a-thon and vendor fair. The event takes place on Saturday, June 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Main Square Park in Highland, Ind. Cor porate g roups, com mu n it y organizations, youth groups, families, f r iends a nd more a re encou raged to create a tea m, ra ise f unds a nd participate in HSCA’s annual one-mile walk-a-thon held during the event. Walkers can register individually or as a team to join in the walk-a-thon. Leashed pets with a current rabies vaccine are welcome to participate in the walk and attend the event. Walkers are asked to raise pledges and can earn pledge prizes including a mini button, magnet, t-shirt, tote, hoodie a nd $ 50 g if t cer t if icate at various pledge levels. The walk-a-thon Set of reversible steel drill bitts & a wood splitting maul. 708-532-8337 Computer (Dell) Hewlett Packard stereo speakers, cd’s 70s/80s, Foreigner, Ronnie Milsap, Steely Dan, Chicago, cassettes, walkman. 708418-3275, 708-420-0110
The Natural Alternative
Casey Griffin and Stacy Mosca participate in HSCA’s Paws in the Park 2014. Photograph by ____________________
Wanted: bedroom set, must be in good condition. Kitchen table and chairs, prefer rectangular table. 708-902-6447
Softball leagues now forming!
Spring/Summer Co-Ed and Mens
$500.00 per team. Games begin in May. Call or email for more information!
begins at 10:15 a.m., with registration from 9 to 10 a.m. The walk-a-thon and vendor fair are free and open to the public. The annual fundraiser will feature entertainment, contests, games, treats and more. Additionally, vendors of all types are invited to participate in the event. Vendors will be offered a 10-by-10 ft. space. Sponsorsh ip a nd volu nteer oppor t u n it ies a lso a re ava i lable. Proceeds from the event help provide medical care and basic necessities for the animals of HSCA. Dow n load w a l k-a-t hon pledge packet s, vendor appl icat ions a nd sponsorsh ip in for mat ion at w w w. Contact Ashley Boyer at 219.513.8911 or aboyer@ for more information on how to become a vendor, sponsor or walker.
Automobiles For sale: 2002 Cavalier, four door LS, runs very good, 177K $750. Call between 9am - 9 pm. only. 219-3081869 For sale: 1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ, auto, 4 cyl., 119,500 miles, hardtop, AC, new Mi c h e l i n t i re s o n Ma g wheels. 708-841-7106 For sale: 1996 Cor vette Coupe, black new tires and rims, very good condition. $15,900 obo. 708-333-5494 For sale: 1999 Ford Taurus, 8 6 k $ 2 5 0 0 ; 2 0 0 3 Bu i c k Century $1800; 1999 Dodge Dakota work truck $1800. 708-474-0957
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Ho n d a Odyssey EX-L, 128000 miles, garage kept, hitch, leather, CD player 6 disk, record on all service, one owner, $8900 or best offer. 219-865-3955 For sale: 1999 Ford Winstar, green, no rust, runs good. 180,000 miles, good for second car. Needs emission test. $2,500/obo. Barb. 219228-6182 For sale: 2000 Infini QX4 $2000; 2000 Ford Taurus $2000; 2000 Nissan Maxima $2000; 2001 Nissan Sentra $2000. 708-351-9906
Alternative Migraine and Headache ANNA CONIGLIO, ND No one k now s for certain what cause migraines and headaches. Headaches and migraines, like most cond it ions a re mu lt i f ac tor i a l . I n a ny g iven person a va r iet y of factors will add up to cause the headache. While prescr ipt ion d r ugs ca n offer effective relief from headaches and migraines, for some people they can a l so c au se sig n i f ic a nt side effects. Prescription drugs usua lly just treat one complain. If you have t h ree-fou r compla i nt s, you w i l l ne e d to t a ke 3-4 d i f ferent d r ugs to address those complains. Med ic at ion it is not a solution to the problem. The natural medicine t y pica l ly have no side effect, instead treats the root cause of disease and of ten help ma ny ot her compla ins at t he sa me time. Most of us get headaches ever y now and again. Some of us get headaches all the time. Tr e a t me nt s hou ld not be only physical-but recognize the integrity of the whole person: mental, physica l, spi r it ua l a nd
‘For People Who Really Care About Their Dogs’
For sale: 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix $4000; 2003 Saturn ION $1800; 2000 Toyota Camry $2500; 1998 Toyota Camry $1500. Call. 708-351-9906
For sale: Dodge Neon 2004, 4 door. Very clean, dark blue. $1700 obo. 708-913-7778
By professionals with 35 years experience
BOARDING ALL BREEDS Village of Thornton Recreation 701 Highland Ave Thornton IL 60476 708-877-4454
How to Buy Tickets Online: By Phone: 708.235.2222 In Person at the Box Office: 1 University Parkway, University Park, IL Box Office Hours: Mon-Sat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Download the Center’s APP: This play contains mature themes and language. A portion of GSU’s arts programming is supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.
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emot iona l. By ta k ing a holistic approach suffers can overcome t his disorder by confronting these issues and making necessary adjustments. Nutrition Av oi d f o o d a l l e r g e n s . Some common allergens are alcohol (especially red wine), cheese, chocolate, citrus, cows milk, wheat, eggs, coffee, food additives (preser vatives and coloring)foods containing MSG and nitrates. How We Can Help Naturopat hic approach t r e a t s t he u nde r l y i n g cause of disease and using natural remedies to help people get and stay well. To f i n d o u t w h i c h nat u ra l t reat ments a re appropriate for you, call us today to schedu le an appointment. Nat u ropat h ic Wel l ness is located Nor t h of Schererville Post Office, 1000 Eagle Ridge Drive, S u i t e F, S c h e r e r v i l l e , IN. Phone :219.322.8726 V i sit u s on l i ne w w w. Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy Spring!
2003 Chevy Cavalier, 4 door, no issues. Owned & driven by little old lady. Auto trans, $ 3 , 9 9 5 . w w w . 877-818-4726
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
The Focus
Has this thought ever f lashed through mind ... “I’m absolutely worthless!” Have you ever felt ... “I can’t do anything right!” or “I’m not lovable.” Have you ever been overwhelmed with a sense of hopelessness? Well then, let this fact seep deep into t he crev ices of you r m i nd, hea r t a nd soul - - GOD NEV ER CONSIDERS YOU WORTHLESS!! When He sees you, He sees an individual with potential and great value. To you He says, “As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand.” (Jeremiah 18:6) A cold, shapeless lump of clay may seem useless and not worth much ... but in the hands of a master potter it can become a rare and priceless treasure. But, you may be wondering about the frustration and trials you are experiencing that make you feel hopeless and worthless. Why does life have to be so hard? The Encyclopedia Britannica has this interesting tid-bit ... “Sun-dried pottery does not harden as heat-fired pottery does; and a clay vessel that has only been sun-dried will soften if filled with water. Heat-firing at extremely high temperatures renders the
clay virtually immune to deterioration.” God says, “I have refined you in the furnace of suffering.” (Isaiah 48:10) This is because He is forming your character into something that will last eternally! Just outside of Berea, Kentucky is a little bump in the road called Waco, Kentucky. There was a little pottery business in Waco that existed for over 150 years ... Bybee Pottery. Master potters worked at Bybee Potter y for years perfecting their art ... beautifully shaping and firing ‘worthless’ lumps of clay into precious heirlooms. To them - and to my wife and I - and to thousands of other folks, their worth was priceless. When YOU are in God’s hands - He is making you into something priceless! You have wor t h because you a re His priceless treasure! “Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay and You are the Potter. We are all formed by Your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8) Go and live with confidence this week that your heavenly Father considers you precious and priceless ... and He is holding you in His hands!! ‘ T H E F O C US ’ i s a w e e k l y e m a i l devotional prepared by: Dennis J. Wheeler, Pastor
Auto Parts
2004 Escort Great work car, $1,495. 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix. Needs body work, $ 2 , 9 9 5 . w w w ., 877-818-4726 1998 Honda Civic. New brakes, good cond., $1,800/ obo. 2009 Cadillac SRX, 4 wd, low mileage, great cond., $25,000. 708-5573180 For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Sonic LT, Silver Ice Metallic $11,987. Call Bob. 855-9694000
Brand new tires P235/60 SR14, r.w.l., 2 tires, $55 ea. 708-474-6488
For sale: Brand new in box’s left fender and right door, fits 1983 thru 1988 Ford Ranger and Bronco II. 708841-7106
Like new used tire P235/75R15 w.wall, $40. 708-474-6488
For sale: Four ATV tires 22x11x8, 2 ply, off of a golf cart, very good cond. 708841-7106
Rachet load binder lebus USA 3/8-1/2 chain 9,200 load, like new, $20. 708-4746488
For sale: Good condition, used tire P215/70R15 Michelin XW4 W.W. one tire $40. 708-474-6488
Motorcycles SALE: 2005 Custom built softail by Epic Motorcycles, vin#1AMFS2FR231P70103, owner: Mariusz Gebert. Owed: $4,500.00. There’s intent to enforce a mechanics lien pursuant to Chapter 770 ILCS 45/1 et seq. and 90/1 et seq. and sale of vehicle April 29, 2015 at 1207 E. 170th St. South Holland, IL.
New tires, P195/705R13 rwl, perfect two tires, $45 ea. 708-474-6488 Brand new tires P175/80R13, w.w. steel radial, three tires, $30 ea. 708-474-6488
Afterthoughts ANNA M. CAISON Another Easter (Resurrection) Sunday has come and gone. The props from the plays have been taken down, and the children’s speeches have been filed away till next year’s presentation. But if we look with our spiritual eyes we will see the message of the gospel with all its drama and passion re-played every day of the year. And each of us (both Christian and non-Christian) plays a starring role in the ongoing production. Some w i l l play t he role of Judas Iscariot (the pseudo-disciple), Pilate (the politically correct politician), and the Roman Soldiers (just following orders). Many will play the role of the crowd who waved pa lm bra nches shouting “Hosanna! Hosanna!” one day and a few days later cried “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” These players have no love for the risen Christ. When Christianity supports a cause that they can profit from they shout “Hosanna!” But when it exposes the true intentions of their heart they shout “Crucify Him!” The disciples, a mot ley g roup of men (and women) at various stages of growth will be played by new converts, the immature and the growing saints. Throughout t heir t ra ining t hey w i l l experience fear and courage, failures and successes, doubts and spurts of faith, but never betrayal in their pursuit to follow
Trucks Trucks for sale: 1988 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 $2000 obo; 1989 Chevrolet 3/4 ton $2000 obo. Racks and boxes on both. 708-903-4512
Mattresses from $88
Pillow Top Mattresses from $118
American H Bedding
For sale: 2012 Nissan Altima S, Winter Frost, $14,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000
For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cr use 2LT, Cr ystal Red Tintcoat, $16,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbo Inc. Ultra Black, $17,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ RS, black granite metallic, $17,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2009 Cadillac CTS D I AWD, Bl a c k c h err y, $18,687. Call Bob. 855-9694000
For sale: 1994 GMC Seirra P/U. 305 V-8 Auto Air, P/S, P/B. Runs good $1800 obo. Dyer, IN. 219-510-2004
invites you to an
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu, Atlantis Blue metallic, $15,487. Call Bob. 855-969-4000
For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Impala Limited LT, Summit White $16,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000
Him. Another group will be cast to play the role of the Religious Leaders. They excel in theoretical knowledge of the scriptures but lack an experiential relationship with God. They confine Him to their selfconceived box of traditions and point of view. Anyone not lining up with their way of thinking is a heretic and must be discredited and stopped. And then there’s the role of Jesus. Every true believer who desires to please the Father will walk in His shoes. They’ll give up their evenings to share the gospel with those who’re thirsty for Jesus. They will give up their rights for the sake of the lost who need to see Jesus in them. They will joyfully partake in the sufferings of Christ, t hereby enjoy ing intimate fellowship with Him. God’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness are clearly seen in their life. What’s your role in the ongoing gospel story? Perhaps you’re like Barabbas— scheduled to die, but at the last minute received a stay of execution. Scripture doesn’t say what Barabbas did with his life after being released. What will you do with yours? For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.
South Holland Fire Department
Shop Online
For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Malibu LT, White Diamond Tricoat, $14,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000
For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Impala Limited LT, Black. $16,687. Call Bob. 855-9694000
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Christ Our Savior National Honor Society Induction
The Teachers’ Forum JUDITH PADGETT
Eig ht h g rade st udent, Stephen Ok uwobi, l ig ht s a c a nd le du r i ng t he recent Nat iona l Ju n ior Honor Societ y induction ceremony at Christ Our Savior Catholic School in South Holland. Students ea rn membership into NJHS based on schola rship, cha racter, leadership a nd
ser v ice qua lities. Students must be on t he Honor Rol l for fou r c on se c ut ive quarters. For further information about Christ Our Sav ior Cat holic School,900 E. 154th Street, please contact 708-3338173 or visit the school’s website: w w w.
Miscellaneous Items For Sale
Our Services: • Weekly Maintenance • Lawn Fertilizer • Power Rake • Install New Sod • Gutter Clean Up • Spring & Fall Clean Up • Trimming
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For sale: All new factory Liquidators. Mattresses $88; Fu t o n s, Da y b e d s $ 1 2 8 ; Bunkbeds, Dint. sets $178; Sofa, LV sets, Bedrooms sets $399; OVER STOCK - nightstands, dressers, and boxsprings. Free Layway EZcredit. www. factorybeddingfurniture. com. 708-371-3737 For sale: Hot Tar Kettle with burner, good condition. $1000 obo. 312-343-5903
Now Offering a FREE Power Rake. Call for details.
Corinthians 13: 4-8). When we fall in love with someone we care about what matters to them. When we begin to comprehend God’s love for us, we in turn fall in love with Him. When we fall in love with Him, we want to please Him, what matters to Him matters to us. Yes, we will still love God in our imperfect way, yet we will want to love Him in return, in ways that are tangible. Can we love Him in our strength? No way! Yet, God can and will, give us the desire and the strength to love Him, (Philippians 2:13). The message of the cross is about us falling short, yet through Christ we have the opportunity to be reconciled to our heavenly father, all we have to do is believe and receive His finished work, (John 19:30). Our love is a response to His love. We can never earn it, or try to be good enough; it is a gift, the greatest gift of all… Free Indeed! I always knew what I wanted to be. Yet, in denial, my heart was deceived. Despite good intentions, there was no strength within me. Why was it hard for me to see? To look to the cross was the key. Christ could strengthen me, Christ could set me free.
I believe that we have an intrinsic knowledge of the fact that we fall short. I know that I fall short every day in some area. I believe that generally speaking, we want to be more gentle, loving and patient. We have this inner vision of the person that we want to be, and perhaps to a degree our vision measures up to the reality. Yet, invariably there is a gap between how we see ourselves and how we live our life. The Easter season is an ideal time to take an internal inventory by asking ourselves some hard questions; are we ha rsh or cr it ica l ? Do we embel l ish stories at the expense of others, thereby damaging their reputation? Do we want what is best for them; are we sensitive to their needs? Do we love others as ourselves? Do we love God with everything that is within us? Perhaps, it is a lack of love for ourselves that causes us to be unloving toward others. Perhaps, we are unloving, because we do not grasp how much God loves us. When we begin to understand with our heart, we will be in a position to loveGod’s way. L ove is not sel f-ser v i ng it is not envious, it keeps no record of wrongs, it always protects, always believes the best, always encourages and never fails, (1st For sale: 12x24 Kayak pool with filter motor winter solar covers, ladder, Lshape deck $1000 best offer. You take down, haul away. 219306-3409 Taylor Burner Men’s Golf Clubs. RH reg, 4w, 2-lb cart bag Bag Boy cart, $300; Linx Tigress women’s clubs, RH reg, 3w, 2-8w cart bag, Bag Boy cart, $150. 708-418-0058
For sale: Dining room set, Spanish style, 6 chairs, $325/ obo; Lazyboy recliner $85/ obo; 6 patio aluminum/ mesh chairs, $80/obo; 100 quart cooler $30. 708-4667671 For sale: 54x36 drafting table, 38x60 drafting table, blue print machine, blue print storage cabinet. 219765-7168
For sale: 5 ft. dining room table and 2 extra leafs, plus 6 fabric chairs, leafs are 12 inches $375. 708-474-4921
For sale: Semi automatic hospital bed with mattress, hardly used. Best offer. Linda. 708-539-1970
For sale: Eliptical exerciser, $75; wood dining table with 6 chairs $100. 708-263-8661
For sale: Louis L’Amour complete collection of every book he published, 114 leather bound. Like new condition. 708-895-0749
For sale: Butter lamb mold $10; Dog cage ht. 30” x lgth. 30”x128” like new $60, new traveling golf bag $10. 708474-9495 For sale: Dog cage ht. 21” x lgth. 30” x 18” like new $60. 2 sets of six Citronella candles $1 each pack. 708474-9495 We b P l a t i n u m S e r i e s Charcoal 22” Grill. Propane lit, with cart & cover, built in c h a rc o a l s t o r a g e. W i l l deliver. $120. 708-903-4715
For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478
REX NEWELL is a professional speaker and appraiser with over 20 years experience. Rex is a noted speaker at libraries, historical societies, banks, YMCAs, church and senior citizen organizations, and has been a guest speaker on FOX TV. Feel free to call with confidence. FIREARMS ART WORK Curios · Relics Bronzes · Oil Paintings Old Shotguns Water Colors · Etchings Modern Weapons Statuary · Pottery · Fine WAR SOUVENIRS Sterling Helmets - Daggers · Medals COINS Wings · Pins - Badges All Silver & Gold Coins Swords - Knives Indian Head Pennies German Uniforms Bullion Pieces ART GLASS GLASSWARE Tiffany · Struben Depression · Fiesta Loetz · Durand Carnival · Fine Crystal FURNITURE Fine Pottery · Crocks Dining Room Sets Stoneware · Hummels Bedroom Sets JEWELRY Hall Trees · Floor Lamps Diamonds · Fine Costume Hoosier Cabinets Sterling · Gold Rings Bookcases · Curio Cabinets Hat Pins · Wrist Watches China Cabinets · Oriental Pocket Watches Rugs Fine Table Lamps
South Suburban College
FREE Gravel. All you want, come get it ASAP. Going fast! 5 2 3 4 W. L a r a m i e C t . , Crestwood, IL 60455. 708371-4813
FREE 21 ft. round pool. Includes pump, filters and ladder. Needs liner. You take down and haul away. Dyer, IN 219-308-1869
More Options Mean More Opportunities.
For sale: Brunswick Baby Grand 9’ pool table Mahogany, new felt and custom cover. Pool cues included. 708-895-0749
Herman Miller · Heywood Wakefield · Knoll
TOYS Cars & Trucks Wind-Up Toys Pre-1960 Dolls · Banks Marbles · Slot Cars Robots Pedal Cars · Barbies GI Joes MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Fountain Pens · Postcards Clocks · Old Photos Political Items Guitars & Amps Slot Machines · Jukeboxes Beer Signs · Old Quilts Children’s Items Neon Clocks Old Tapestry Old Shaving Gear Advertising Items
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CALL REX NEWELL 708-868-5428 219-513-0715
For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747
Travel Associates Needed! Information session to be held at South Holland Community Center 501 E. 170th Street South Holland, IL 60473
April 10th 7:00 p.m. Presentation to begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Ask for Ms. Newman
Raffle & Refreshments RSVP (by Noon April 10)
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
From The Publisher
Clean Water – Right or Privilege? ARLO KALLEMEYN In 1948, the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were ratified by all the nations of the world. These 30 articles guarantee a broad sweep of human rights, from Life to Liberty to Freedom of Thought. Now, sixty years later, there is a push to add another article to the declaration. Article 31 reads as follows: Ever yone has t he r ig ht to clea n a nd accessible water, adequate for the health a nd well-being of t he indiv idua l a nd family, and no one shall be deprived of such access or quality of water due to individual economic circumstance. Everyone needs water to live, just as everyone needs a free supply of air. Air is a basic human need and cannot be withheld for non-payment of a bill. Some believe that water and air are in the same category. If water is a basic human right, who should provide it? The government is the only entity who can provide a product or service without getting reimbursed in a timely manner. After all, if we relied on private business to provide traffic lights without getting a reasonable return on investment (roi), we would not enjoy a single traffic light. How would your morning commute look without well timed traffic lights? You better leave a few hours early. The key word here is ‘in a timely manner.’ Even a government such as a village or town ca n not prov ide a product l i ke clea n water indefinitely. Local towns pay for government services like clean water with current tax dollars, or they finance them with a bond. By floating a bond, a town gets immediate cash for a promise. The promise made is that the taxpayers of the future will pay for the expenses of today. If government provides free water to all, it sounds good on paper but eventually a system where things are given for free will collapse under its own weight. Towns need your money to provide clean water
to its residents. Without a steady inf lux of money, the underground water pipes and pumps will not be maintained and the water will stop flowing out of faucets. The City of Chicago is the biggest seller of water to tow ns in Illinois. Chicago enjoys the position of being situated on the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan, where most of our drinking water comes from. Chicago has a big faucet with the City of Harvey on it. Harvey buys water from Chicago but has fallen behind over the years and currently owes Chicago over $20 million dollars. Harvey in turn sells water to several neighboring towns. In an ironic move, Harvey threatened to shut the water off to Dixmoor when that town fell behind on payments in 1999. Even Chicago agrees that they can’t shut off Harvey’s water, but Chicago has won a recent court ruling that Harvey must spend the water money it collects from residents on waterrelated expenses. We’re not sure what the water revenue was spent on in Harvey, but it’s pretty clear that it didn’t go to pay the water bill. I’m not sure how patient Rahm Emmanuel is, but $20 million will soon get anyone’s attention. The court ruling has Chicago hoping that it will start getting paid soon. When the government begins to sue itself, it is a sure sign that there is no such thing as free lunch - or water for that matter. Air does not need money to f low, but water sure does. Without everyone paying their fair share, even the government cannot provide free water as a basic human right for very long. The economically disadvantaged should have government programs in place to help them pay their share, but deciding to not pay the water bill because I can’t afford it just won’t work – in the City of Harvey, or my house. Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of keeping clean water flowing.
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Creative crafts, delicious baked goods, home fashion and more!
SATURDAY, APRIL 11 FROM 10AM-3PM A great day for the whole family! Calvary Community Church 16341 South Park Ave., South Holland, IL 60473 (708) 339-1133. Are you a Vendor? Visit us online at or email us at Calvary to secure your space!
New Hope To Host Annual Dinner Dance New Hope Center is hosting its Annual Dinner Dance on Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 11:30 PM at the Serbian Socia l Center in La nsing. Friends a nd families will gather for an evening of fun to help them raise money for their programs and services. The event is one of New Hope’s largest fundraising events featuring great food, beverages, music, dancing, raff les and a silent auction. You can help them in t h is f u nd-ra isi ng endeavor by joi n i ng them for an evening of fun, by donating in-kind donations for their raffle or silent auction, or by sponsoring an ad in their commemorative ad book to be distributed at the event. Tickets are $75 per person and can be made payable in advance to New Hope Center, 1624 E. 154th Street, Dolton, IL 60419. Payments can also be made in person at their Crete and Dolton Campuses, or at the door. Those interested in paying at the door should make their reservations in advance by calling (708) 841-1071 x227.
Ad Book Sponsorship Forms are available for dow n load at t hei r website : w w w. Ad sizes vary from 1/8 of a page to a full page and range in price from $50 to $300. Ads can be personal, wishing success to New Hope Center, or they can be more advertising oriented and offer consumer discounts or coupons. Auction items t y pica lly include gif t ba sket s, a r t s & cra f t s, jewel r y, t ravel vouchers & vacations, family entertainment activities, autographed sports & celebrity memorabilia, tickets to concerts, theatrical events & sporting events, complimentary g reens fees to a rea gol f cou rses, g i f t certificates for local hotels, resorts, salons, spas & restaurants, as well as a wide variety of items ranging in value from $50 - $150. Ad book sponsorsh ips a nd i n-k i nd donations should be received at New Hope Center no later than Monday, May 4, 2015. For more information about New Hope Center’s Dinner Dance, please contact Jeff Gajewski at (708) 841-1071 x 227 or visit their website:
For sale: Golden Opportunities 2015 Chicagoland, South Suburban Edition. Dining, entertainment, sports, retail local coupon book. 28th Anniversary since 1987. $25. 708-670-7071
For sale: Power wheelchair. Excellent condition, new batteries. $500. 219-3658212
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Residential cleaning rates also available
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Free Adult Education Registration Days Coming Soon at SSC South Suburban College’s Division of Adult Education is offering a wide range of opportunities for adults to build the basic skills required for success. Adult Basic Education (ABE) helps men and women whose skill levels are below the ninth grade. ABE students improve their skills in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Many adults choose to further build on these skills and pursue a high school education through the High School Equivalency (HSE) program. The HSE program will develop the skills required to pass the GED exams. Studies will include Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and the US and Illinois Constitutions. Additionally, English as a Second Language (ESL) allows non-native students to improve their English skills from beginning to advanced levels. Most of the Adult Education programs are offered both full and part-time at the Main Campus in South Holland or the Oak Forest Center. At the time of registration, all students will take a Placement Test. The registration and testing days are starting up the second week of April. The complete schedule of registrations and classes at the Main Campus are as follows: Part Time ABE/ASE/HSE, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 13 – June 17 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7 or Wednesday, April 8 in Lecture Hall A at 6:00 pm Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm in Room L233
Online High School Equivalency Preparation i-Pathways, April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 in Lecture Hall A at 9:00 am or 6:00 pm Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 High School Equivalency (GED) for ESL Students Full Time ABE/ASE/HSE, Monday through Friday, April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 in Room 2452 at 9:00 am Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm in Room 2452 Full Time ESL, Monday through Friday, April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 in Room L233 at 9:00 am Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm in Room L233 Part Time ESL, Monday through Friday, April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 in Room L233 at 9:00 am Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in Room L233 The complete schedule of registrations and classes at the Oak Forest Center, Shekinah Chapel and Sandridge Community Center are as follows:
Part Time ABE/ASE/HSE, Monday through Friday, April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 in Room 1243 at 9:00 am Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon in Room 1243B
Oak Forest ESL: Part Time ESL, Monday through Friday, April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 in Room 5320 at 9:00 am Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in Room 5320
For sale: Oak kitchen table with four capt. chairs, cushioned seats, and backs, caster wheels $200. 708-8890350
For sale: Monster high boy dolls. “Slo Mo”, Deuce Gorgon, Neighthan Rot, $25 each; Invisi Billy $30 each. 708-285-1107
For sale: PlayStation 2 games, Starsky & Hutch or Trivia Pursuit $7 obo. 708596-5359
For sale: Formal cherry wood dining room set with matching china cabinet, $1500 or best offer. Gold sofa and 2 gold living room chairs, $200 or best offer. Excellent condition. Call. 708-400-4160
For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107
For sale: Phone cover, black Otter Box for LGG2 phone. $25 or best offer. 708-2591399
For sale: Green lee roll around conduit bender, 1/2” +3/4” +1” $200. 708-2851107 For sale: OneTouch glucose meter with some needles, $20 obo. 708-596-5359
Need Food? Need Clothes?
Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.
Catholic Charities South Suburban Services
16100 Seton Drive South Holland
Now you can search our classified ads right from your smart phone! Check o u t t h e a l l n e w w w w. For sale: 4 reception chairs, $50 each; large wig hairdryer $89; each; 4 drawer file cabinets, $30 each. Lansing. 630-542-2278 Random links of seal tight elec tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 Chest of 6 drawers white/ decorative pulls, middle drawer has divider compartments $75; dishwasher Maytag portable w/conertop $100. 708-7560708, call 708-513-8338
Kitchen table rectangle w/ leaf & 6 chairs $100; Round table kitchen no chairs, $25. 708-756-0708, cell 708-5138338 Couch flexisteel construction w/lazy boy, qu. size bed. db never used. $200; 9-pc. dining room set, complete, good cond. $250. 708-756-0708, cell 708-5138338 2-End tables w/lamps, $50. 708-756-0708, cell 708-5138338 For sale: Butter lamb mold $10; Double folding dog cage ht. 21” x lgth. 30”xW18” $60, new traveling golf bag $10. 708-474-9495 For sale: Adjusted weight belt $10; fire place tools 9 (sh ove l & bro o m) $ 1 0 ; record albums from the 50’s. 708-474-9495
WE BUY HOUSES NOW We Work With: · Little or NO Equity · Behind On Payments · Facing Divorce ·Need Debt Relief Fast · Already in foreclosure What Do You Have To Lose? Let Us Make You an OFFER On Your House Today!
Oak Forest ABE/ASE/GED Program: Full Time ABE/ASE/HSE, April 13 – June 18 Monday through Friday Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7, or Wednesday, April 8 at 10:00 am in Room 5240 Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Shekinah Chapel ABE/ASE/GED/HSE Program: Part Time ABE/ASE/HSE, Monday thru Thursday April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7 or Wednesday, April 8 at Shekinah Chapel 13800 Wabash, Riverdale, IL 60827 Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Sandridge Community Center ABE/ASE/GED/HSE Program: Part Time ABE/ASE/HSE, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday April 13 – June 18 Register: Monday, April 6, Tuesday, April 7 or Wednesday, April 8 at Sandridge Community Center, 600 Oglesby Ave, Calumet City, IL 60409 Classes Begin: Monday, April 13 from 5:45 pm - 8:45 pm All courses are offered free of charge. For the purpose of compliance with Section 511 of Public Law 101-166 (the Stevens Amendment) Federal funds of $307,398 provides approximately 36% of the support of these programs. For enrollment and class information, please call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2385 or ext. 2240, or visit under “Non-Credit Offerings, Adult Education.” The Main Campus is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois. The Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest, Illinois.
For sale: Paper back books. .50 cent ea. Authors Danielle Steel & Nora Roberts. 708474-9495 Mini hand crafted/painted cottages w/oval glass covers. $15 ea. Diana Casey c o l l e c t o r p l a t e. Na t i v e Harmony $50. Lansing. 708953-7127 Dart Cabinet “Smyth and Townley” deluxe limited edition. 6’ steel tip darts, board and wooden cabinet. Good condition. $15. 708394-3465 2’ Vintage “7-UP” The uncola Upside Down, 16 oz. glasses. Never used. Excellent condition $15. Call. 708-394-3465 Vintage “ Marlboro” Musg set. 4 different black and red Cowboy and Horse Mugs. Never used. Nice collectors item. $20. 708-394-3465
Dual Core laptop windows 7 15” lcd Wi $165 Murray 3HP snowblower 2c cycle pull start works $85. 219-2851007 Batter y powered wheel chair. 3 wheel walker, bath shower chair, all like new. 708-891-4798 For sale: Honda 14-spd. Mountain bike, in excellent condition $75; Tail lites for 2001-2004 Ford pickup truck $25 pair. 708-333-7432 For sale: Baseball/softball equipment. Bats $7-$10, gloves $10-$25; bicycle helmets $7 each. 708-3337432 TV Remotes, 3 new dish secondary remotes, with manual, all 3 $20. 708-2039426
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was filed by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. File No D15141414 on March 20, 2015. Under the assumed name of MEX CLEANERS with the business located at 1815 SIBLEY BLVD, CALUMET CITY, IL 60409. The true and real name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is; Owner/Partner Full Name
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Financial Advice Column
Time for Some Financial “Spring Cleaning” BOB KRYGSHELD Spring is here — time to t idy up you r house and yard. But this year, why not a lso do some “spring cleaning” on your financial environment? Here a re a few suggestions for doing just that: • Reduce duplicat ion. If you’ve ever worked to “de-clutter” your home, you may have discovered a lot of extraneous items. Did you really need three blenders ? A s you look through your investment portfolio, you might also f ind some duplicat ion, perhaps i n t he for m of mu lt iple s t o c k s of companies in the same industry. You might want to consider whether you’d be better off by reducing t his concentration a nd usi ng t he proceeds to broaden your investment Hayward one horse power mix filter to create neweasy potential sand $250; entry for growth, income or a saris with hand rails, $175; combination of both. deck ladder, $75. Call Joe. • Repa i r you r “roof.” 216-365-9838 As part of your exterior XM tuner with car kit house spring-cleaning efforts, kityou and boom box, lots of might examine your extra stuff. Call for complete roof to 219-865-0729 determine if you list, $200. need to repair or replace y t o r n$10; o r weight m i s s i set, ng ABa nLounger $50; s h idouble n g le s . jogging A f t e r stroller, a l l, a $125 firm;roof infant walker , $10; strong is essential to little Tikes rid-on $35. And 219protecting your home. 750-9195 your financial foundation ne e d s double prote c tbike ion, rack, too Schwinn — pet so, carrier rev iew 17x24 your $10; life $20; and disability Tan umbrella bas,insurance $5; folding table 2 x 4 $10.they 708-895-6160 to ensure are still adequate to meet your Graco infant carseat, like family’s needs. You also new, $25. Snoogle body might want to consult pregnancy pillow, Origwith $65, a financial professional for $20.00. 3-6 month baby girl ways of dealing with the clothes new. $4ea.708-790potentia lly devastating 1569 c o s t s of a n e x t ende d 84” nu rdual si ng reclining home st aysofa, or green, exc.type cond. small another of$150; long-term walnut curio cabinet, exc. care.$75. 219-865-1520 cond. • Pla nt some “seeds.” Once you’ve Tappan stove,planted 5 burthe ner bisquit black, goodyou’ll cond. seeds,& of course, $75; Above stoveand convection need to water fertilize microwave, black, exc. cond. them to encourage growth. $85; kitchen washer, A s you lookaid over you r dryer, $100 both. 219-9336467
Tool luggage, Girls boxes, clothes,VCR, size 10-18 $2 electric sander, cable boxes, up; preteen girls, makeup pet food cd case. 708table 15; bowl, large black Coach 889-0414 purse, $75; 10-spd. bike $30; Elnita sewing machine $60; Schwinn Airdyne exercise 6ft. silk plant $5. 708-574bike 8788in exc. cond. asking $185 or best offer. 708-214-8559 16’ Extended wood ladder, best offer. Poolanpro gas blower gas & oil mix $75. 708-339-3925
Eye Site
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month Sexual assault is a major public hea lt h, hu ma n r ig ht s a nd soc ia l justice issue. It ranges from verbal sexual harassment to unwanted sexual contact. Every 107 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted. There is an average of 293,000 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year. T h e i m p a c t i s w i d e -r a n g i n g a nd long-ter m. Its t rauma a f fects individuals, families, friends, partners and children. It has an impact on schools, workplaces, neighborhoods and religious communities. We know it must stop. But can one or two people do it? The answer is a resounding yes. The Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence says one way to do it is simple ... we need to talk about it.
The conversations we have can keep sexual violence from happening in the first place. Conversations shape those relationships and eventually impact our culture. If we have conversations about consent, hea lt hy sex ua l it y, ge nde r nor m s a nd r e s p e c t , ou r relationships and the environments in which we live, work, learn and play w ill be safer and more supportive, protecting us from sexual violence risk factors. • Let’s talk about consent. When sex is consensual, it means everyone involved has communicated their desires, needs, and level of comfort with different sexual interactions. • Let’s talk about healthy sexuality. It means being comfortable with ou r bod ies, hav ing respect f u l
relationships and respecting the rights of others. • Talk about gender norms. Respect others. Be aware of the impact of family, cultura l, media and societal messages. Interact with a l l genders i n respect f u l a nd appropriate ways. • Ta l k about respect. Respect f u l relat ionsh ips a re ba sed on affection, friendship, trust, good communication and equality for everyone in them.
financial landscape, you may also find areas that a re somew hat ba r ren. For example, you might be adequately f u nd ing We need ever yone’s help to end you r ow n ret i rement sexual assault. In the words of the goa ls t hroug h your late Robin Williams, “No matter what e m p l o y e r- s p o n s o r e d people tell you, words and ideas can retirement plan and other change the world.” investments, but are you put t i n g a w a y e nou g h money for your children’s college education? If not, Assorted quilt, bedspreads Chainsaw older $50; older you might need to “plant Recommended Reading For Teens and coverlets, some quilts baseball cards $75; fishing some seeds” for potential handmade) $15-$20 each; reels $5 and up; 26” boys growth by investing in a Decorative toss pillows $1bike $50; gas edger $50. 219$2 each; Duvet covers asst. 776-7399 college savings account, size $3-$5 each. 708-481such as a 529 plan. And you I have an auto wheel chair 6907 may need to continually for sale, like new need to “nourish” your plan by Vintage Madame Alexander batteries $175 obo. Sarah. contributing money each dolls 12” in original box, 708-339-0844 year. wrist tag & stand “Degas For sale: 3/8: Dewalt 9” volt • U p d a t e you r girls #1575; Pinkie #1350. battery drill & accessories $40 each. 708-481-6907 “furnishings.” When you $20. 708-596-7574 bought and arranged your BRANDI SMITS Anchor Hocking 38 pc. set of home’s furnishings, they For sale: Bunk bed barely dishes white with gold trim unstable bomb about to Half 20,Bad 2012 South Holland/Thornton might have been perfectly10 June used. Paid $300 asking $150, $ 2 0 ; P y r e x b ow l s a n d explode. By Sally Green suited for your needs. But complete with sheets and bakeware $3-$5 each. 708Whirlpool gas dryer (basic The ruling council of now, nynew yeasuper rs later, pillows. 708-862-2332 481-6907 GOD WITH US model)ma like clean, W hite w itches captures From the day he was you r sit uat ion may be white color, new $585 sacrf. Childs booster seat with Na t h a n a nd k e e p h i s born, Nathan was different Small kitchen appliances $5quite And message. maybe $250. different. Please leave removable food tray $15; location hidden in case from the others. It wasn’t $ 2 0 . ( c o f f e e m a k e r s , your old708-895-4671 “stuff” just isn’t Thanks, new umbrella stroller $10; toasters, juicer) 708-481Marcus tries to find him. t h e f a c t t h a t Na t h a n as comfortable as it was buy both for $20. 708-8776907 In Nathan’s world, every was a witch that set him 7 piece Cherry oak wood before, or the layout of 6088 bedroom set. $250. 312-477w itch receives g if ts on apart. His grandmother, your f ur niture isn’t as Sure-fit sofa cover $20; 9871 their seventeenth birthday m o t h e r, a n d s i b l i n g s Rigid pipe wrenches 24” $24; ef f icient. W hatever t he loveseat covers, $15; large from a fa mily member. were witches. What made 18” $18; 14” $14 or all for chair covers $8; decorative case, it may well be time to Lingerie chest 7-drawer, $50. $50; Craftsman wood W it h no g ua rd ia n lef t Nat ha n specia l wa s toss pillows $1 each. 708update Calumetyour City.environment. 708-862-0970 workers vise $15. 708-596ot her t ha nM.h CAISON i s fat her, more because of who his ANNA 481-6907 And the same thing can 7574 Bedroom furniture triple Nathan is not sure what father is. There are two Peter, the focus of inspiration for this when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. happen with your financial Assorted rugs (from throw dresser 70” long, matching w i l l of happen f g i f t ithe ng prescribed different of witches. writing, kinds experienced many walks faith iWhen treatment failed, “ h o u s e .” To r e f l e c t For sale: Weber peformer rugs to room size rugs) $10mirror chest (Armoire) 38” erem y do e s n o t the risk of survival, my only Tfollowing he W h itehiswinitial itcheswalk a rewithcJesus platinum charcoal grill with ono n the increasing changes your family $100; decorative wall wide pecaninimmaculate clean happen. walk It is up alternative to Nathan was surgery. kind andSea able to fit into cart and cover LP lit. 22 inch stormy of Galilee. One particular if they make situation, ment, pictures What $10-$25 each; rugs traditional employ wood from. Bay try to break from What t he non-mag l prayer world thattoincluded $100. 708-903-4715 (runners of faith began ica after an afree mistake? if I die also). on the708-481-6907 operation economic circumstances, Furniture $250. 708-862-0970 h i s to c aenter p t or s atable? n d s eHow e k come God won’t just make the without unusualissue. visionThey and have a command retirement goals and other Scotts drop seed fertilizer; Down comforters size twint hrough a few specialized that Like newyou Whirlpool window the house ofpowers a Gentile soldierout andhelp explain cancer disappear? Why does He choose to factors, will need to aluminum extension step king $25-$35; feather & different(Acts channels. Nathan air conditioner, 26” wide, determined their periodically review your22” the gospel to himposition and his household heal me throughdown the scalpel of $5-$10. a surgeon? ladder 25-75ft, very old, pillows 708long. 8000 BTU can cool 1 begins to travel through a in society such as Healer f i na ncia l st rateg y a nd 10). Homes of non-Jewish people were As the scheduled date for the surgery Hoover vacuum cleaner 481-6907 level in home $125 obo. 708network of underground orbelieved Hu nt eto r. be T he Bl a c kand any 1940 Vintage. 708-474-6924 your investment portfolio, unclean, Jew who neared I became increasingly distressed 285-1815 safe become houses andand meet up until wentered itches atheir re brhome uta l awould nd Assorted books and make adjustments as also worried the Lord spoke$1to each; me For sale: Keyboard, “Radio w it h call p e ople w ho 1wJohn i l l 4:17.DVD dangerous. Their power $14each; VHS needed. unclean. But Peter obeyed Jesus’ to from Nextmovies week part Men’s Wilson golf clubs, irons, shack” music bank, keys help him on his journey. movies 2 for $1. 708-481comes from a dark place putter A fwoods, i n a n c bag i a l shoes, s pr i nrain g walk with Him into the house of Cornelius. This summer I’ll be leading a Women’s light, asking $60, paid $150. 6907 Walking with Jesus” Natof h apeople n mu st Bible st r add le “Water and a trailno race cgear; l e a nweber i n g grill m a y 22hinches elp On usually that day leaves Peter learned Study Highland. 219-923-0458 two destinies. Can he find of death and destruction round, $50. 708-849-6273 brighten your future — were excluded from Salvation in Christ as in my home onAmish Tuesday evenings from desk with drawer where he belongs? wherever go. Black For sale: 16” boat 65HP and you won’t$100; even plant need a he witnessthey the baptism of the Holy Spirit on 7:00pm – 8:30pm beginning June31” 26W, – July med. color oak 31”H Hosta plants, flox Half Bad is a31. familiar wCornelius’ i t c h e s ahousehold. re ba sica l ly Merk moter on trailer trade mop. If you’d like to attend send2 me 24”D, exc. cond. yrs. an old. 50 each plant. 708-474-2541 story in a fresh “kill Throughout on sight” in our the life eyeswe will for motor bike or scooter; $150. be told called email way. (or letter) for the708-256-0197 address. We will be drill press $100. Bob. 630Good i l is a nJesus’ call to Peter to “Come,” and oftoWtake hitenumerous witch Hunters. Rhinoarticle 24” mountain bikeby $45; This was written walks on the waterversus with ev exploring Oleg Cassini 2 pc. Gown 667-8456 ta le, but Nathan a part of both of toage-old Magna Jones 26” mountain bike, Edward for use by your Jesus. is Each walk will lead an increase walkGreen on the water with Him and how this jacket, beaded silvers with $52. 708-333-7432 also tackles the question these worlds. His mother local Edward Jones Financial of our faith in Him. Samuel did, Peter did, passage of scripture our skirt, walk with For sale: Two new in box satinimpacts full length never Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W ofdid, inherent learned was W hite w itch nd the atown people of aSamaria many andthe Lord. There is no charge to $300. attend. 10,000 Btu air condition worn original Sacrifice Baseball gloves and bats. Exchange St Crete, IL 60417 behavior. Nathan all his father, is the $200 each. Ask for James. others did,Marcus, and so will we. Each of us will Forhas questions and/or comments, send an $20. 708-862-5323 Rawlings, Easton, Wilson kids (708) 672-2892. k ings being most powerful and feared Cell. 708-925-1462 or 708be challenged to step out oft he ourma boat of ofemail to a . Or you gloves or bats, $5 ea. Adults evil witch like me at: Black witch alive. Nathan, BigAnna screen television 42” 841-9886 gloves, $25; bats, $10 ea. 708comfort and cross seeminglypowerful treacherous can write Caison, c/o New Needs14801 work for pickup. Call. his father, but heCommunity can also Church, rawaters ised by his fa mi ly of 333-7432 to know Jesus more. Lincoln Ave., Keebler mini pie maker, Handicap walker $15; raised beforan powerfIL ul60419.708-862-5323 W h iOne t e wofi tmany c h e s walks a s aofn faith meequa was lly Dolton, m a k e s 4 p i e s, Ho s t e s s toilet seat with handles $20; Sauder computer desk with White witch. Green tries outcast, is curious about Twinkies bake set, pastry Craftsman gas edger 3-1/2 portable commode $20; desk chair, medium oak color some interesting writing his infamous father, but bag and recipes included HP, exc. cond. $125; Honda adult diapers med & large, real carts, upright size Very large Glazbo umbrella, shelf, little cabinet can text Hose A/C & Heating styles by writing sections in no way wants to follow $15 each; $25 for both. New! generator E-B 5000 240V movie screen 36” in. roll w/ picture, $50 firm for both. made by Ames or Suncast, white canvas dark strips $50 219-680-6007 of t he book n second in his footsteps. and 120V 10-HP, exc. cond. stand $15. 219-776-5220 very good cond. asHowever, low as $9 obo. Alien 5hp isnowblower, 708-263-7956 person, start, putting you708-560right the magical world is not 219-931-6473 ea. 773-785-7247 electric $200. Air Conditioning TuneLivingroom end tables, two in Nathan’s mind. Half Bad willing to take a chance on 0780 up $59.95. Repair & oval, one rectangle w/ Dutch boy and Dutch girl, is the first book in a series. Nathan and goes out of its replace air conditioning drawer, cherry wood finish kissing ceramic inches. 8HP Troybilt Rototiller, runs way to isolate22 him like tall an units. Licensed, insured $100 for all. Three tables. $50 pair, 25 in. Magnavox good, $85; Craftsman garage & bonded. 25 Yrs. 219-680-6007 tube TV with stand, $20. 708- door opener 2 remotes, $25. Experience. PG 754-0462 708-441-9493 Mechanical, Inc. 708Wo l f g a n p u c k b i s t r o Get the best in Medicare Supplement 703-8385, 219-680-0944 collection, convention oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.). $75. 708-481-6907 Appliance Repair
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Say I saw it in The Shopper Snowblowers, mower, fancy pet house w/deck & steps, jewelry Armoire cabinet oak $60; 10” table saw $45; childs stroller $20; tape recorder. 219-776-5220 For sale: Shower transfer bench $40; walker (rollator), $60; regular walker $30 both; bath bench with back $35; bedside commode $60. 708790-1569 For sale: Orange low seat beach $10 each; Wedding cake made of towels, blue trim $20. 708-843-6273 New travel mug set fits in lighter, 2pc. $7; men’s Stall & Dean jacket, size XL $40; girls makeup table $20. 708574-8788 Murry 10spd. bike $25; large black Coach bag $70; small dog carrier case $7; glasstop cocktail table $15. 708574-8788
April 8, 2015
PSC to Host Job Fair Prairie State College (PSC) invites job seekers to attend the 2015 Spring Job Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, April 14, in the Conference Center of the college, located at 202 S. Halsted St. in Chicago Heights. The fair is co-sponsored with UPS and The Chicagoland Regional College Program. The job fair is free and open to the public, and will feature employers from various industries looking for employees with a range of education and experience levels. Company representatives will recruit for both full- and part-time positions, as well as internship opportunities. Several companies a l ready a re schedu led to pa r t icipate, including SPEED S.E.J.A. 802 School District, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Comcast, Horseshoe Casino, ABF Freight, Morrison Conta i ner Ha nd l i ng Solut ions, Br ig ht Start Child Care & Pre-School, Walgreens,
WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI-- Z1-900(1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000(1976-1982), Z1R, KZ1000MK2(1979,80), W1-650, H1-500(1969-72), H2-750(1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI--GS400, GT380, HONDA--CB750K(1969-1976), CBX1000(1979,80)
For sale: Four matching wood dining room chairs, upholstered seat back, arm rest $100obo. 708-248-7674 Bed rails with casters, mint $35; small folding steel table $8; new alum shovel $19; benthandle snow shovel $19. 708-460-8308 Fi ve w o o d c h a i r s p l u s expandable table, $70; wood elongated toilet seat, $28; twin size air mattress with pump $25. 708-460-8308 GE portable dishwasher $50; Kenmore electric dryer $125 220v, Chrome dinette set $35. Good condition. 708896-7335
$$ CASH $$
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ManorCare Health Services, Landauer, Inc., Indian Oaks Academy and Phillips Chevrolet. Employer registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and as space permits. New employers regularly are added. A complete, up-to-date listing of companies and the positions they are hiring for is available at At tendees a re requ i red to d ress i n professional business attire and encouraged to bring plenty of résumés. “Job fairs are a wonderful opportunity for job seekers to speak directly to employers who are eager to fill their open positions,” said Tanya Norf leet, coordinator, student career development center. For more information about the job fair, contact Norfleet at (708) 709-3755 or email the Student Career Development Center at
Small coach hand bag $20; girls pants, tops, shoes size 10-18 $2 and up, nice selection. 708-574-8788
Rawhide. entire series 25 VHS tapes. 50 episodes collections edition from Columbia House. Like new 708-895-0749 have Gun Will Travel. entire series 39 VHS tape, 156 episodes. Collectors edition from Columbia House. Like new condition. 708-8950749 Cannon T70 35mm Camera with automatic exposure and 3’ lenses, plus a Speedlite flash camera strap and bag, $125. 708-394-3465 FREE: 4ft by 4ft Double reinforced pallet. Call 708448-5672 Camping equipment: Tent, small grill, chairs, fishing pole. Call Deborah. 708515-0568
Zep 5 gal. high traffic floor polish. Brand new sealed. $20. 708-543-6379
Misc. Garden & handyman tools. Best offer. Call. 708448-5672
Zep 5 gal. Heavy duty floor stripper. Brand new sealed. $15. 708-543-6379
1 2 Vo l t s t a r t e r $ 3 0 ; Alternator $30; Distributor $30; two stainless steel magna flow mufflers $90, all form Chevelle in excellent condition. 708-339-9420 1960 Vintage four and eight track tape player, all chrome. Exc. condition. Works good. $100. 219-931-6473 14” Pont alum wheels and tires, $100; lawn tractor not running $100; 12.5 Murray boys 26” bike $30. 219-7767399 Lawnmowers bags Craftsman and Toro $20 each; gas generator 2500 watts. $ 1 5 0 ; To r o snowblower 5 HP $150; fishing equipment. 219-7767399 For sale: Allen Theater organ full pedal & keyboard & Internal speakers; Pamphlet racks for tracts, magazines $50 obo; Office desks $35. 708-339-0556
Purchasing “By Committee” MIKE BUDER One of t he common mistakes I see first time homebuyers ma ke is involv ing too ma ny people in their decision ma k i ng. Wel l mea n i ng f a m i l y, f r i e n d s , a n d c o -w orker s c a n g i ve ad v ic e t h at i nter fere s w it h t he home buy i ng process. I found a young couple the perfect home that met all their criteria and more. This particular home was unique because of its location, size, and p r i c e . Un f o r t u n a t e l y, the “buying committee” all had differing points of v ie w. S ome of t he committee members felt the home needed to much repa i r, ot hers t houg ht that the buyers needed to look at more homes and still others wanted them to continue to hunt for the best “deal”. Of course, it’s easy to shop and shop for a home, when you have a home to go back to at the end of the day. As such, this committee was essentially a pool of very unmotivated buyers. A nd any seasoned Rea ltor k nows t hat a n unmotivated buyer is a terrible decision maker. Fu r t her, i f you a sk 10 different people, you are going to get 10 different answers. Tu r n i ng you r home purchase into the equivalent of an “act of congress” is not really a g reat idea. T he buyers clearly wanted this first Bakers rack 5 shelf. Ivory and gold. Beautiful original $150 for $60. Also new in box sewing craft table. 708474-2108 Por table gas gr ill with pedestal $15; tripod with hanging grill $10; Wooden end tables with matching coffee table $15. 708-8953965 For sale: Bar ware glasses .50 cent each; oak & glass show case $175; new purses & totes $2 each; Children toys & books best offer. 708-7530551
home, however, pleasing the committee predictably proved to be an impossible task. I tried to point out the unique nature of the home, but I’m sure my advice sounded like the scream of a teenage girl at a Just Bieber concert – indiscernible. The end result? They m issed out on a g reat house (which time proved was in fact a tremendous de a l ! ), a nd w e ende d up looking for homes off a nd on for a not her si x months. Eventua lly the com m ittee members tired of reviewing homes w it h t he buyers, a f ter a ll, t hey couldn’t seem to make a decision. The bu yer s d id e vent u a l l y make a decision (without com m it tee i nput), but later confided that they still drove by t hat f irst house t hat got away… ”t he one t hat d ie d i n committee”. If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E-ma i l : m i kebuder @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com. Facebook Fr iend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman
Beige American Standard toilet, all new guts $20. 219290-4604 White vanity top fits 36” base $20; white fiberglass, double sink with faucet $20. 219-290-4604 7 cabinets: perfect for your garage, 1-base, 42” W 1-3 drawer, 18” W 5 overhead, 2-26” W; 1-38” W, 1-27”W, 1-24” $20 takes all. 219-2904604 Keyboard keys light, music bank bought at Radio Shack. paid $150, asking $50. Best. Highland. 219-923-0458
Reach Over 30,000 Shopper Readers 20 word classified ad in all zones Add a for 4 weeks. Only $25.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper Lawnmowers, self-propelled Toro, runs, looks and starts good. $120. 708-753-0021 For sale: Adjuster weight belt $10; fireplace tools, shovel & broom $10; Record albums, form the 50’s. 708474-9495 For sale: Paper back books .50 cents each; Authors D a n i e l l e St e e l & No ra Roberts, large back back pack, like new $10. 708-4749495
April 8, 2015 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ $6 children at the door on Sunday. The menu includes pancakes, s a u s a g e, b re a k f a s t c a s s e r o l e, chicken, meatballs, ham, salads and beverages. There will also be raffles, a bake sale and some fun surprises! Call 773-646-4877 for more information. Handicap accessible and free parking. ***
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Batter y powered wheel chair, 3 wheel walker, bath shower chair, all like new. 708-891-4798
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Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins
One shore power cord for a boat, 50 feet long, like new, $60. 708-347-2602
Mr. Fix It Repair Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479
Travel Agents Needed no exp. work from home will train benefits when you join. info. www.listentothisfirst. com 708-400-8061
Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556
For sale: White sleeveless size 12 wedding gown, beautiful $50; new Coach Michael Kors purses, exc. busy. Three framed Tiger pictures, $125 all. 708-9904586
Appliance Repair
Business Opportunity
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We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • Put our Experience to work for you!
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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.
FINALLY SPRING HAS SPRUNG... As of Thursday April 2, 2015, a variety of locals visited Radar Park in Schererville to enjoy the balmy breezes of early spring. In one photo we have Sarah and Aiden, 4 enjoying a lunch at the new pavilion. In another Kayla, 14, and her puppy Teddy, take to a Redar park bench for puppy training. Kayla is hoping to acquaint her 9 month old Pom/ Poodle mix to a variety of sights and sounds and make him more comfortable in society. It was a treat to see everyone out in the sunshine enjoying the park on the first real day of spring like weather. Hope it lasts! ***
WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD ELIZ ABETH FLORES: Buying one’s first home is an exciting adventure. Pictured here is new homeowner, Elizabeth Flores, surrounded by her team: Selling agent, Stephne-Peitit-Gaines, her attorney Lisa Raimondi, the Seller’s attorney John Wrona of South Holland and the Listing agent of the home, yours truly, Janice MintonKutz, Broker in Illinois and Indiana with Coldwell Banker Schererville. The market is really heating up now in both states as more and more residents decide to purchase a new home and/or sell their existing home. For information on either, call me at 708-302-8585. *** ST. FLORIAN PARISH ANNUAL SPRING BRUNCH: Set for Sunday April 19, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Florian Gym, 13100 Houston Avenue in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago. Tab is $12 for adults, $5 for children age 4-10 in advance and $15 adults and
CONGRATULATIONS TO PETTY OFFICER JOHN E. LENDABARKER ON HIS NEW HOME IN CALUMET CITY: The recipient of a Bank of America Nehemiah Community Re i n v e s t m e n t Fu n d h o m e i n Calumet City, the mortgage free home was given to the Calumet City native on Tuesday March 31st, 2015 in a ceremony which drew family, friends, and veterans to help him celebrate. The program is called Roofs for Troops and has d o n a t e d 1 , 6 0 0 m o r t g a g e f re e homes throughout the United States. For more infor mation contact wwwbankofamerica. com/militarysupport. For more information on the Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) a nonproifit federally certified, community development financial institution dedicated to providing capital and technical assistnace to organizations working to provide hosing, services and jobs throughout the United States. Visit them at www. *** CALUMET CITY MIDAS TO HOST BLOOD DRIVE APRIL 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ted and Brad and Company at the Calumet City Midas on River Oaks Drive nvote us to come out a give blood that day. In exchange for the donation of blood donros will receive a free oil change coupon worth $29.99; $5 coupon for a free car wash at Zoom Clean on Torrence Avenue/Michigan City Road in Calumet City courtesy of Cindi Hall, PR dynamo of Zoom Clean, plus an opp;lortunt iy to learn about what Zoom Clean can do for your car a a free backpack from Heartland. Plus a BBQ hosted by NJapa Auto Parts with music for anyone up to 1 p.m. and of course, free, fresh popcorn. For more information call Ted Obis at Midas Calumet City at 708-891-5700. *** Fo r i n c l u s i o n i n Ne i g h b o r 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
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Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 Concrete & Patching. Walks, steps, patios, driveways. Licensed/Bonded. Steps patched correctly. Low spring prices. Free e s t i m a t e s. De n n i s. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
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Calvary Community Church
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!
Dyer Town Hall 1 Town Square Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Kennan Liquors 37 Joliet Street
Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2636 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Miles Books 2817-2819 Jewett Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road
Schererville Chamber Office 13 W. Joliet St. Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41
Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave. Olive Cafe 11220 Ventura Drive
King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444
Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******
Peace Christian Reformed Church
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******
Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******
166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor
Concrete Work
sessions Summer class 2nd & June Mondays, June Campus 9th at the Main Center. & Oak Forest
16 Oz.
Savings With Service
The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/
Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should
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Inside This Week
Memorial Day Information
Computer & Commercial laser printer maintenance. Ye a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e . Specializing in laptops. APlus/Networking certified. Refurbish laptops, sold & brought broken. Serving So. Suburbs & Northwest IN. 708-268-7075
Covenant United Church of Christ
Redeemer Lutheran Church
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor
Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******
First Christian Reformed Church
Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
First Reformed Church
15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor
Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. *******
Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******
St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor
Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******
The Leading Edge
Reconsider Decision Making RENEE N. HALE, DSL Good leaders reconsider their decision making process frequently t o m a k e s u r e t he y ’r e on the right track. Some decisions are practically instinctual, while others a re intentiona l. Aut hor Suzanne Eller says, “Some of our ever yday choices a re ra ndom, ot hers w eig ht y, but m a ny of our decisions are choice points…they lead us in one direction or another.” She points out that the d i rec t ion we t a ke c a n determine the eventual outcome. In other words, our reactions to people and circumstances can mea n t he dif ference bet ween success a nd fa i lu re. Consider t he following components of every decision. Personal values: they inf luence a ll decisions. W hat a re you r nonnegotiable principles? You live by these standards. Your own values narrow the choices in decisionm a k i ng. For e x a mple, if one of your persona l values were honesty, then a decision to avoid t he truth in a situation would be out of the question. Roy Disney went so far as to say, “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” Relationships: involve the right people. If this is a work environment, who m ig ht you col laborate with to address the issue a ppr opr i at el y ? A s k i n g for i nput f rom ot hers, becoming well informed of per t inent facts, a nd consider i ng d i f ferent poi nt s of v iew a re a l l
ways of expanding your capacit y to a r r ive at a sound decision on a ny m at ter. Rememb er, too, t hat you r choices a f fe c t ot her s. Ac t ion s and attitudes in decision making can impact the direction of people who, in turn, may influence final results. S c e n a r io s : t h i n k a decision t hrough to its outcome and implications. Na m e t h e s t e p s i n a dec i sion a nd desc r ibe t he consequences of each step. Form “If-Then” statements: “If I do this, then that w ill happen.” The emerging details of the “If-Then” statements clarify the results of the decision. Thinking about what a decision ultimately means for you and others w ill help you ma ke the best decision. Author John Maxwell encourages, “Successful leaders have the courage to take action while others hesitate.” Reflect on your values, your relationships, and the consequences of your decisions. Then you ca n approach decision making with confidence t hat you’re doi ng you r best, and you can make wise, timely decisions. W e l l S p i r i t Management Consulting helps clients lea rn effective decision making strategies. Located on the 84th f loor of the Willis Tower, Chicago. Call (312) 2 8 3 - 8 02 0 t o s c h e d u le a n appoint ment today. Sig n up for Wel lSpi r it community’s newsletter at www.wellspiritconsulting. com ©2015 Renée N. Hale
Drywall Repair
Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Church Directory Protestant Reformed Church 1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ......9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
$250 OFF New Dentures Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 5/31/15
3678 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL 60438
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
Avoid Distracted Driving Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is reminding people to travel safely and avoid driving while distracted. April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. “As travel increases with the warming weather, I encourage everyone to put away their cell phones while they are behind the wheel and focus on the task at hand: driving safely,” said W hite. “Studies show t hat distracted driving contributes significantly to otherwise preventable fatal crashes.” A recent st udy f u nded by t he A A A Foundation for Traffic Safety and conducted by t he Universit y of Iowa showed t hat distractions played a role in nea rly 60 p e r c e nt of c r a s he s i nv ol v i n g t e e n s . Distracted driving contributes to more than 5,000 traffic fatalities each year, according to the foundation. Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Fences/Decks Fence and deck repairs of all types along with home improvements. Call Chris 219-801-8721 free estimates
Finance Finance Services: Cash loan paid to anyone re c e i v i n g a m o n t h l y pension check of $500/ mo. or more. Contact Maurice. 219-629-4964 or 708-844-7046
Texting while driv ing is perhaps the most dangerous form of distracted driving. According to NHTSA, driving while texting is six times more dangerous than drunk driving. And texting drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash than drivers not texting. Illinois has been a national leader in efforts to combat distracted driving. White chaired the state’s Distracted Driving Task Force, which led to the state’s ban on texting while driving in 2010. Over 5,000 people were convicted of texting while driving after that law took effect Jan 1. 2010. On Jan. 1, 2014, the new state law banning handheld cell phones while driving took effect. In the law’s first year, more than 37,000 drivers were convicted for texting, talking or dialing on a handheld cell phone.
Home Improvement/ Repair Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328 A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, f e n c e re p a i r, r o o f - t o p repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Landscaping/ Lawn Care Shelton’s Lawn Ser vice. Clean-ups, power raking & fer tilizer specials! 20% S e n i o r D i s c o u n t . Ne w season customers, 1st cut 1/2 off! Free estimates. Licensed & insured. 708209-6015 MTR Lawn Maintenance Service. Spring Cleaning, Planting, Grass cutting, edging, Sod, Fertilizing, Power Raking, Tree & Shrub Trimming. Bank Foreclosure clean out service. Licensed bonded & insured. Free estimates. Mario 708-6682788 or Thomas 708-8254292
You Are Invited to
Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt
First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144 Pastor Reverend Paul Nolden
Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. ******* Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m. *******
First Church (PCA)
Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor
3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor
Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. ******* Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******
Miscellaneous Services
Correction Renovation & Repair. Will work with you to get the job done right. Plumbing, electrical, flooring, framing & finishing. Over 30 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call. 219-577-7703
C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025
Painting Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
obituaries Bulthuis
Visitation for John D. Bulthuis will be held from Smits Funeral Home in South Holland, IL on Friday, April 10, 2015. Mr. Bulthuis was born November 19, 1963 and died April 3, 2015. He was the father of Kristina (David) Steele, Kathryn (Justin) Woods and Karolyn (David) Capodagli. Grandfather of 4. Brother of Douglas, James (Luann), Patricia Dal Santo and Keith (Debra) Bulthuis. Preceded in death by his parents John and Nellie Bulthuis. Private interment. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home – South Holland.
Funeral Mass for Evelynne M. Miller (nee Tyszkiewicz) was offered from St. Michael Church on April 7, 2015 with Reverend Jack Jura officiating. Mrs. Miller was born October 26, 1925 and died April 2, 2015. She was the wife of the late Chester Miller. Mother of Linda Miller and Karen (Lawrence) Wojcik. Sister of Stella Jakubowski. Entombment was at Holy Cross Mausoleum, Calumet City, IL. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
Funeral Mass for Frank Ochoa Sr. will be held from St. Florian Catholic Church in Chicago, IL on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Mr. Ochoa was born June 4, 1928 and died April 2, 2015. He was the husband of the late Julia Ochoa. Father of Frank Ochoa Jr., Mario Ochoa, Debbie (Rick) Chandler, and Augustine Ochoa. Grandfather of 10; great-grandfather of 5. Brother of the late Beatrice Guerrero and late Tomasa Ruiz. Preceded in death by his parents Salvadore and Fidencia Ochoa. Interment was at Holy Cross Cemetery – Calumet City, IL. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home – South Holland.
Funeral Service for Henry W. Rosenbaum was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on April 2, 2015. Mr. Rosenbaum was born April 1, 1919 and died March 29, 2015. He was the husband of Betty (nee Thick) and the late Earlene (nee Potts). Father of Judy (John) Dolega and the late Jane Mendez; step-father of Fred and Barry Blackmore. Grandfather of 3 and great-grandfather of 6. Brother of Laurel Chadwick and the late Adel Nagel. Entombment was at Memorial Park Mausoleum, St. Petersburg, FL. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
obituaries Ochoa
Funeral service for Gladys M. Curatolo (nee Guzzo)was held on Saturday, April 4, 2015 at Smits Funeral Home in Dyer, IN with Rev. Frank Guzzo officiating. Mrs. Curatolo was born November 12, 1929 and passed away March 30, 2015. Wife of the late Joseph F. Curatolo. Mother of Stephen (Pamela), David (late Mary K.), and Thomas (Dawn) Curatolo. Grandmother of 5; Great-grandmother of 5. Sister of James (Lea), Donald (Maryann), and the late Samuel (late Constance) Curatolo, late Lena (late Emil) Cicero, late Eva (late Samuel) Curatolo, late Frank (late Rosemarie), late Joseph Carl (late Helen), and the late Frederick Guzzo. Private inurnment was at Holy Cross Cemetery – Calumet City, IL. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home - Dyer.
Funeral service for Shirley M. Kooyenga (nee Zylstra) was held from Calvary Community Church in South Holland, IL on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 with Rev. Alfonzo Surrett officiating. Mrs. Kooyenga was born September 12, 1924 and died April 4, 2015. She was the wife of the late Robert Kooyenga. Mother of Keith (Donna) Kooyenga, and Nancy (Elbert) Baker. Grandmother of 5, Greatgrandmother of 11. Preceded in death by her parents Jacob and Mildred Zylstra. Interment was at Fairmount-Willow Hills Cemetery – Willow Springs, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home in South Holland.
Funeral Service for Helen Popovich (nee Drobac) was offered from St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church on April 2, 2015 with the Very Rev. Dr. Milos Vesin officiating. Mrs. Popovich was born August 19, 1917 and died March 28, 2015. She was the wife of the late Marko (Mike) Popovich. Mother of Vietta (Robert) Fuller and Diane (Dan). Grandmother of 5 and great-grandmother of 9. Interment was at Cedar Park Cemetery. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
A private funeral service for Don Voss was held at the Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home in South Holland, IL. Mr. Voss was born on March 31, 1943 and died on March 28, 2015. He was the father of Tracy Voss and David (Stephanie) Voss. Grandfather of 2. Brother of Cornelius (Adelia) Voss Jr. and the late Harold Voss. Private interment. Arrangement entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home – South Holland.
Memorial service for Anna Zandstra (nee Holleman) was held at Crete Protestant Reformed Church on Saturday, April 4, 2015 with Rev. Nathan Langerak officiating. Mrs. Zandstra was born April 8, 1923 and passed away April 1, 2015. She was the wife of the late John Zandstra Sr. Mother of Joyce (Jack) Lenting, Darlene (John) Boersma, and John Zandstra Jr. Grandmother of 10; Great-grandmother of 31. Sister of Bertha (late Nelson) VanMilligan, Gertrude (late Laurence) Scheerenga, Ed Holleman, John (Chris) Holleman, late Gerrit (Elaine) Holleman, late Viola Holleman, late Wilma (Raymond) Veenstra, and the late Egbert (Carolle) Holleman. Preceded in death by her parents Egbert and Jennie Holleman. Interment was at Skyline Memorial Park Cemetery – Monee, IL. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home – Dyer.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
At Your Service Business Directory CONCRETE
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708-941-5808 We Now Accept Credit Cards
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Genous Plumbing & Rodding
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Tuckpointing, Chimney Repair, Brick Replacement, Gutters, Carpentry & Other Small Home Improvements Full Insured All Work Guaranteed
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Ask For Doug
We Make House Calls
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
It’s A Grand Slam! Imagine stepping up to the plate with the bases loaded and hitting one out of the park? What a thrill, right? Well, that is exactly what sometimes happens in the sport of baseball.
Happy 9th Birthday Kamari Sterling Carter on April 15. Love, Your Grandma
Hitting a home run while the bases are loaded is called a “grand slam.” Many players dream of making a grand slam and see it come true.
Fact or Fiction?
Team Challenge
The term “grand slam” is also used in many other sports. One of the most common uses is in tennis. A grand slam in tennis refers to winning the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and U.S. Open all in one year.
There are 30 professional baseball teams. Here are some questions about the names of those teams. How many can you answer correctly?
Easter Candy Challenge
Answers: 1) Fiction, the Mets are based in New York; the Phillies are based in Philadelphia, 2) Fact, 3) Fact, 4) Fiction, the Padres are based in San Diego, while the Giants are based in San Francisco, 5) Fact, 6) Fiction, the Braves are based in Atlanta, the Cubs are based in Chicago and the Red Sox are based in Boston, 7) Fiction, the Twins are based in Minneapolis; the Tigers are based in Detroit, 8) Fact, 9) Fiction, the Rockies are based in Denver; the Pirates are based in Pittsburgh, 10) Fiction, the Royals are ba sed in Kansas City, while the Cardinals are based in St. Louis
Answers: 1) Fiction. Christmas comes in third on the list of top-selling candy holidays. Halloween ranks firs t, followed by Easter. 2) Fiction. Most Americans prefer milk to dark chocolate. 3) Fact. First created in Europe in the early 1800s, chocolate eggs are the most popular Easter cand y. 4) Fiction. Americans buy way more bunnies than that, 90 million to be exact. 5) Fiction. Most Americans start with the ears. 6) Fact. Americans eat 16 billion jellybeans at Easter. 7) Fiction. Americans favor cherry and strawberry jellybeans and then grape. 8) Fact. Marshmallow Peeps are the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy. It takes just six minutes today to make a Peep, compared to 27 hours in 1953. 9) Fiction. Americans prefer yellow Peeps, followed by pink, lavender, blue and white. 10) Fact. Although candy is a big part of most Easter baskets, many Americans add other items to the m like art supplies, books, toys and videos to prevent children from eating too much candy and getting a stomac hache.
Jokes & Riddles Q: Why did the Easter egg hide? A: He was a little chicken.
Knock knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Don’t cry. The Easter bunny will be back next year!
Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
List 10 words that rhyme with “run.”
Jokes and Riddles Q: Why was Cinderella kicked off the baseball team? A: Because she ran away from the ball!
Q: Why does it take longer to run from second to third base? A: Because you have to go through a shortstop.
name that player Each of the following is an important player in the history of baseball. Fill in the blanks to name that player.
B A __ E __ U __ H
A __ E X R O __ __ I G __ E Z
B A __ __ Y B __ N __ S
T __ C O __ __
K __ N G __ I __ __ E Y J __.
M __ C K __ Y M A __ __ L E
H A __ __ A A __ O __
Answers: 1) Babe Ruth, 2) Alex Rodriguez, 3) Barry Bonds, 4) Ty Cobb, 5) Ken Griffey Jr., 6) Mickey Mantle, 7) Hank Aaron
3) Americans give more chocolate eggs at Easter than any other type of chocolate candy. Fact or Fiction? 4) Americans buy 10 million chocolate Easter bunnies each year. Fact or Fiction? 5) Americans tend to eat the tails of their chocolate bunnies first. Fact or Fiction? 6) Americans eat so many jellybeans at Easter that if they were all lined up, they would circle the world three times. Fact or Fiction? 7) Americans favor grape jellybeans above all other flavors. Fact or Fiction? 8) Americans buy over 700 million Marshmallow Peeps every Easter. Fact or Fiction? 9) Americans favor white Peeps above all others. Fact or Fiction? 10) Americans often add items to their Easter baskets besides candy. Fact or Fiction?
What Rhyme s with Run?
Some answers: bun, done, fun, gun, none, pun, sun, shun, stun, ton
1) The Mets are based in Philadelphia. Fact or Fiction? 2) The Astros are based in Houston. Fact or Fiction? 3) The Reds are based in Cincinnati. Fact or Fiction? 4) The Padres are based in second San Francisco and the Giants in San Did you know that Easter is the top-selling candy holiday of Diego. the Fact or Fiction? year in the United States? According to the National Confectioner’s 5) The Mariners are based in Seattle. Fact or Fiction? Association, Americans buy billions of pounds candy every Easter. Here 6) The Braves are based in Chicago and theofCubs in Boston. Fact or Fiction? are some questions about Easter candy. How many can you answer 7) The Twins are based in Detroit. Fact or Fiction? correctly? 8) The Blue Jays are based in Toronto. Fact or Fiction? 9) The Rockies are based in Pittsburgh. Fact or Fiction? 1) Americans more are candy at Christmas than and they the do atCardinals Easter. Fact Fiction?City. 10) Thebuy Royals based in St. Louis in or Kansas 2) Americans favor dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Fact or Fiction? Fact or Fiction?
Say I saw it in The Shopper Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/flash exterior. Free Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170
April 8, 2015
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335
J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976
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addl’ $5
DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!
Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693 We install sump pumps, repair and seal foundation walls. Also plumbing and electric. Fast and courteous service. Call Rocky, 219-7654067
Pressure Washing Spring is here! Your deck or porch needs regular m a i n t e n a n c e . Powerwashing, repairs and refinishing. Get ready for Summer. Call Dave. Free quotes. 219-577-7703
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Tuckpointing R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Help Wanted Help Wanted: Willing to train highly motivated individual for rewarding career in financial services. Call. 866-202-6426
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Midwest Free Community Papers TRAILER SALE! Dump trailers from $3,341.00 and up. Close-out on Gooseneck trailers 28’,30’ & 32’. 6x12 V-nose cargo, ramp door $2,750.00. 7’x10’ trike hauler cargo v-nose $2,990.00. 515972-4554 (MCN) HUNTING LAND WANTED! Earn thousands on your land by leasing the hunting rights. Free evaluation & info packet. Liability coverage included. The experts at Base Camp Leasing have been bringing landowners & hunters together since 1999. Email: info@ Call: 866-309-1507 (MCN) AG EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTATION. Need your large equipment transported? Give us a call. Dealer transfers, auction purchases, tractors, combines, hay/straw, oversize/ overweight, etc. Fully insured PARKER SPECIALIZED, Long Prairie, MN Jason/Josh 320-815-8484 (MCN) RV, SPORT, REC & GUN CONSIGNMENT SALE. SAT., MAY 2, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. Please get gun permits to buy, prior to sale. Consign early by Apr. 17, 2015 for complete advertising. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA on Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. (MCN) GUN SHOW. April 17th, 18th and 19th. Event Center, Mason City Iowa. Over 200 Tables! Friday 4pm-9pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. Sunday 9am-3pm. Information: 563-608-4401 (MCN) HOTELS FOR HEROS - To Find Out More About How You Can Help Our Service Members, Veterans and Their Families in Their Time of Need, Visit the Fisher House Website at www. (MCN)
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This publication does not knowingly accept advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. (MCN)
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
C A l e nD A R
of events
also, post & view events at
Friday, April 10
l Lego Robotics (Ages 10-12 yrs) Looking for fun, educational activities to inspire your child? In our LEGO Robotics Courses, kids build and animate LEGO robots - all while making friends, developing new skills, and having fun with STEM. This class takes place on Fridays from 5:45-6:45pm at Sylvan Learning Center in Schererville beginning April 10th and running through May 15th. Prior registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this class is $140 per person. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. Sylvan Learning Center (958 W. U.S. Hwy 30 in Schererville, IN) l Knitting Class Dyer Parks & Recreation is having a Knitting Class for children and adults on Fridays from 5-6pm beginning April 10th and running through May 1st at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room A. Participants are required to bring 2 (size 8) knitting needles and 1-skein of knitting worsted yarn (no variegated or dark colors please). Items can be purchased at any craft store. Prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Rec. Dept. The fee for this class is $20 for Dyer Residents (ages 17 & younger) $25 for Residents (ages 18 & older) $22 for Non-Residents (ages 17 & younger) $27 for Non-Residents (ages 18 & older). For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l “Months on End” The Genesius Guild presents “Months on End”. April 10, 11, 17, 18 at 8pm and April 12 & 19 at 3:00pm. Held at 6635 Hohman Ave., Hammond, IN. For more information, call 877-724-7715.
Saturday, April 11
l Arts and Crafts Expo April 11 from 10am-3pm. Creative Crafts, Delicious Baked Goods, Home Fashion, Food, Fun, Door Prizes, Face Painting, and more! Don’t miss this Free Event! Calvary Community Church at 16341 South Park Ave., South Holland, IL. For more information, call 708-339-1133. l Las Vegas Night “Casino Royale” April 11 from 6:10pm-12am. Real casino action featuring: BlackJack Roulette, Dice, Caribbean Stud, 3-Card Stud, Let-It-Ride, Money Wheel, Chuck-A-Luck, and live Poker. $10 Admission. Free food, desserts & beverages. Proceeds for needy. 21+yrs. For more information, call 219-718-3787. St. James Hall, 45th and Kennedy, Highland, IN. l Adopt a Pet Habitat for Humanity will be hosting thier 10th Anniversary Adopt A Pet Event on Saturday, April 11. Come for prizes, treats, information and 50% Off one item (exclusions apply). 3777 Colfax, Gary, IN 46408. l ”Twisted Melodies” Congo Square Theatre brings the Donny Hathaway story to life on stage at Governors State University. For one night only Saturday, April 11 at 8 p.m., Congo Square Theatre makes its debut in the south suburbs at GSU’s Center for Performing Arts performing Twisted Melodies. 1 University Parkway, University Park, IL. Box Office Hours: Mon-Sat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. l “Hidden Treasures at Ancestry” The South Suburban Genealogical & Historical Society would love to have you join them on April 11, 2015 at 10 a.m. in the Hazel Crest Village Boardroom, 3ooo West 170th Place, Hazel Crest, IL. Lou Szucs will present a program on the “Hidden Treasures at Ancestry”. Non-members fee is $3.00. Visit our Research Library on the west side of the building for refreshment and to socialize. For additional information call 708-333-3340 or visit our web site at
l ACME Pawn Pushers Sat., April 11 from 1 to 4 p.m.: ACME Pawn Pushers chess meets at the Hammond Public Library, 564 State St. l Come Debate Topics Saturday, April 11 at 1 p.m.: Maybe it’s Doctor Who. Or Sherlock. Divergent? Maybe you are more of a Potterhead, a Brony or a gamer. Is Naruto or Pokemon more your speed? If there is any TV show, movie, game or book you are passionate about, Fandom Fanatics is the club for you. Come debate topics, as diverse as Marvel vs DC comics, the best Doctor or favorite video game system. Make 8-bit art creations to celebrate your fandom or simply meet likeminded people. Lansing Public Library is located at 2750 Indiana Avenue in Lansing. l Pancake Breakfast Fund-raiser Boy Scouts of America Troop 276 of Lansing Illinois will hold a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM on Saturday April 11 at the Edward Schultz American Legion Post 697 at 18255 Grant Street, Lansing, Illinois 60438. The cost is $5.00 per ticket. FYI: Contact (708) 227-5052. l Annual Literary Tea The Lake County Public Library Foundation will be host their 15th annual Literary Tea this year on Saturday, April 11. The guest speaker will be playwright, screenwriter, and actor, Jim Henry. The event is open to anyone who would like to attend and will be held at the Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza, 800 East 81st Avenue (US 30), Merrillville. The afternoon includes a full tea with dessert starting at 1 p.m. The cost is $25 per person and reservations are required. For information or to make a reservation, call 219-769-3541, ext. 315.
Sunday, April 12
l Beatniks Auditions Auditions for the Beatniks Entertainment productions of “Lovers and Other Strangers” a comedy by Renee Taylor and Joseph Bologna, will be Sunday at 5pm and Monday at 7pm, April 12 and 13. Directors are Bonnie and Rip Johnson (who are very fun to work with) Performances Fridays and Saturdays June 12, 13, 19, and 20 at 8PM and Sundays June 14 and 21 at 2PM. Cast requirements: Flexible from a minimum of 6 to 10 actors (ages flexible) women and men( 20 - 40) 1 woman and 1 man (50 to 60). Beatniks On Conkey, 418 Conkey Street, Hammond, IN. l Puzzle Day Occurs from 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm on Apr 12th 2015. Ages: 3 and olderCome to the library for some fun playing with a variety of puzzles. Join in with other children and try making one of the larger floor puzzles! Registration begins Monday, April 6. Calumet City 660 Manistee Calumet City IL 60409. Call 708862-6220 for more information.
Monday, April 13
l Bricks 4 Kidz/ Pre-School Class Watch your preschooler’s eyes light up at they dig into a pile of brightly colored DUPLO bricks during this class that takes place on Mondays from 11-11:45am at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room B beginning April 13th and running through May 11th. Prior registration for this class is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this class is $55 for Dyer Residents and $60 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. l St. John Garden Club Meeting St. John Garden Club will host a meeting at Alsip Nursery and Garden, 10255 Wicker Avenue, St. John, IN 46373 • 219-365-0882, April 13 at 6pm. Nursery Manager, Bryon Angerman will be there to introduce the new plants for the 2015 season. He will also speak on proper planting techniques and trees for the future. Included will be information on Garden to the Table. Public is always welcome and attendees do not
have to live in St. John or have a garden. l Free Grandparent Class New grandparents review basic baby care. Learn new practices and recommendations for infant care at the Grandparents Class on April 13 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Community Hospital Outpatient Centre, located at 9660 Wicker Ave, St. John, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit our website at
Tuesday, April 14
l Internet Basics Tues., April 14 at 2 p.m.: The Hammond Public Library offers a free computer class on Internet Basics. Participants should be familiar with a computer mouse, and have beginning keyboarding skills. Please register by calling (219) 931-5100, Ext. 345. 6 to 8 p.m. Hammond Public Library, 564 State Street. l Job Fair Prairie State College (PSC) invites job seekers to attend the 2015 Spring Job Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, April 14, in the Conference Center of the college, located at 202 S. Halsted St. in Chicago Heights. The fair is co-sponsored with UPS and The Chicagoland Regional College Program. The job fair is free and open to the public, and will feature employers from various industries looking for employees with a range of education and experience levels. For more information about the job fair, contact Norfleet at (708) 709-3755 or email the Student Career Development Center at l Teen Anime Club Tuesday, April 14 at 4:30 p.m.: Come to the library for Teen Anime Club and talk about your favorite anime, draw a picture of your favorite characters, let us know what kinds of anime books and movies you’d like to see at the library, or anything else related to anime. The Lansing Public Library is located at 2750 Indiana Avenue in Lansing. l Stamp Class Tuesday, April 14 at 6:30 p.m. Participants will work on projects created with rubber stamps. There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials provided due at the time of class. Bring a glue stick. The Dyer-Schererville Branch Library, 1001 Lincoln Highway (US 30). Registration required for all programs. Call 322-4731. l Redeemer Seniors Meeting April 14 at 1:00 p.m. Redeemer Seniors will be meeting at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 651 E. 166th Street, South Holland. Refreshments will be served. For more info., call 708-225-6351.
Wednesday, April 15
l Watercolor Wednesday Participants will be able to relax and enjoy themselves as they create a one of a kind drawing using watercolors during this class that takes place on Wednesday, April 15th from 10am-1pm at Art Spot (2155 Wicker Ave., Schererville). Prior registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this class is $33 for Dyer Residents and $35 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. l Free Baby Class Therapists from Community Hospital’s Pediatric Therapy Department will provide an introduction to Infant Massage and Baby’s Development in the first year of life. Infant Massage and Baby’s Development will be held on April 15 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit our website at
l Fitness Class The Calumet Memorial Park District’s Easy Does It: Abs Stability Ball Workout helps you shred those abs and stimulate growth in your core, targeting your balance, stability and overall coordination. Classes will be held on Wednesdays at 7:30 until 8:30 AM from April 15 to May 20. The fee is $8. For ages 18 and older. Advance registration is required, and is being taken at the Sandridge Fitness Center, 600 Oglesby Ave. in Calumet City. For more information, please call (708) 862-0880. l Seniors Masterpiece Drawing Class This class is a fun and innovative-guided instruction, with topics that everyone loves and relates to. It takes place on Wednesdays from 11am - Noon at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room B beginning April 15th and running through May 13th. We will take you from thinking you are not an artist to knowing you can achieve this, and truly inspiring you. We will use a step by step method utilizing pencils, color pencils, markers and pastels. This class is designed for men and women. No experience necessary! Prior registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this class is $50 for Dyer Residents and $55 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505.
Upcoming Events
l Look 10 Years Younger Join us for An Evening of Beauty-Look 10 Years Younger in One Hour! Program will be held on April 16 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Community Hospital, 901 MacArthur Blvd., Munster, Ind. Sreekant Cherukuri, M.D., facial plastic surgeon, will discuss how you can look younger! This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit our website at l GSU Sponsors Career/Internship Fair The Spring Career and Internship Fair at Governors State University is a chance for job seekers to meet with potential employers and discover job and internship opportunities. The Fair will be Thursday, April 16, from 2-5 p.m., in Center for Performing Arts Lobby, Hall of Governors and Engbretson Hall on the university’s main campus. This event is free and open to the public. Governors State University is located at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois. For more information, call (708) 235-3974. l FREE Seminar for Will and Estate Planning Don’t be blindsided by the future! Learn to plan effectively for yourself, your family and the causes that are important in your life!!! The Salvation Army of Lake County will be hosting a Will and Estate Planning Seminar on Thursday, April 16, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. The event, which will be held at 8225 Columbia Ave. Munster, IN. will be free, and open to the public. Estate Planning Attorney, Gary Bonk, will answer questions regarding, will/trusts, guardianship and preserving assets for loved ones. Reservations are not required, but are appreciated. To make a reservation, contact at (219) 838-1328 or visit to register.
l Cutting Coupons for the Military The Lansing Business Women’s Association is cutting and sorting coupons for our military families overseas. The coupons can be used 6 months past the expiration date at their commissary. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the Lansing Public Library in the Community Room. We meet 9:30 a.m. – Noon and 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Bring you scissors and any coupons you may have.Questions call Pat Leck 708-3235232. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 8, 2015
April ShowerS bring EXPERIENCE
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2015 BuiCk
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Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio and more!
19,179/ 169 mo. $
MSRP .....................................$44,375 Discount...................................$3,076 Rebate......................................$1,000 Bonus Cash .................................$500 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty or Non-GM Lease..........................$1,500 3 Rows, Leather, Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio and more!
22,979/ 199 mo.
2015 GMC
MSRP ..........................................................................................$42,530 Discount........................................................................................$3,831 Rebate...........................................................................................$1,500 Bonus Cash ......................................................................................$500 Additional Bonus Cash......................................................................$750 Select Vehicle Bonus Cash.............................................................$1,750 Buick/GMC Lease (Non-GM Lease $500)........................................$1,500
Z-71, Wheels, Touch Radio, Well Equipped! $
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2.0 Liter Turbo! Bluetooth streaming, 18” wheels, Full Power, Heated Seats, Beautiful!
2015 BuiCk LACROSSE CXL MSRP .................................... $36,650 Circle Discount ........................ $2,201 Rebate........................................ $750 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty or Non-GM Lease......................... $1,500 Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio, Leather, and more!
32,199/$299 mo.
26,749/$279 mo.
60 in SToCK!
2015 GMC
MSRP ................................... $34,990 Discount................................. $2,491 Rebate.................................... $1,500 Bonus Cash ............................... $500 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty or Non-GM Lease........................ $1,500
3 Rows, Keyless, Wheels, Touch Screen Radio and more! $
32,699/$329 mo.
MSRP .................................... $30,915 Circle Discount ........................ $1,916 Rebate........................................ $750 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty or Non-GM Lease......................... $1,500
36,249/$369 mo.
‘06 Pontiac Grand Prix Wheels, Keyless, X-Clean, Only 70K #TI6824A ......................................$7,999/$106 Mo. ‘09 Chevrolet Impala LT Wheels, Sunroof, Spoiler, X-Clean, 80k #T16470A ...................................$11,899/$169 Mo. ‘11 Chevrolet Impala LT 1 Owner, Full power, CD, 60K, CERTIFIED! #B2314A .....................................$11,899/$169 Mo. ‘13 Chevrolet Sonic LS, Auto, A/C, 1 Owner, 20,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #TI6381B ....................................$11,899/$169 Mo. ‘10 Dodge Charger SXT, Full power, 1 Owner, 70K #B2049B .....................................$12,899/$179 Mo. ‘12 Chevrolet Cruze LT Full power, 1 Owner, CD, Keyless, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2304A .....................................$13,899/$189 Mo. ‘12 Buick Verano Leather, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2376A .....................................$13,998/$195 Mo. ‘12 Buick Verano Leather, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2346A .....................................$15,899/$236 Mo. ‘08 Dodge Ram Reg Cab Hemi, 4x4, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 50K #TI6667A ....................................$15,899/$236 Mo.
Z-71, Wheels, Touch Radio, Well Equipped!
2015 GMC
Discount.........................................................................................$4,166 Rebate............................................................................................$1,500 Bonus Cash .......................................................................................$500 Additional Bonus Cash.......................................................................$750 Select Bonus Cash..........................................................................$1,750 Buick/GMC Lease (Non-GM Lease $500).........................................$1,500
21,249/ 169 mo.
MSRP ......................................$27,485 Discount....................................$2,006 Rebate.......................................$1,000 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty or Non-GM Lease...........................$1,500 Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio and more!
38,299/ 379 mo.
SIERRA CRew CAB z-71 MSRP ...........................................................................................$46,415 2015 GMC
100 TERRainS in SToCK
2015 BuiCk
MSRP .................................... $24,305 Discount.................................. $1,626 Rebate..................................... $1,250 Bonus Cash ................................ $750 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty or Non-GM Lease......................... $1,500
2015 GMC CANYON MSRP ......................................$28,345 Discount....................................$1,696 Buick/GMC Lease (Non-GM Lease $500)................$1,500 Ext. Cab, Full Power, Touch Radio, Keyless.
25,149/$269 mo.
28,999/$269 mo.
2-Year/24,000 Miles
Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals maintenance included!!
‘10 Buick Lucerne CXL Special Edition, Leather, Chrome Wheels, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2076A..........$15,999/$239 Mo. ‘12 GMC Terrain SLE 1 Owner, Wheels, Keyless, CD, Mocha Steel, 40K, CERTIFIED! ................................$17,999/$264 Mo. ‘13 GMC Terrain SLE SLE, Keyless, power, Wheels, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16654A ...................................$17,999/$264 Mo. ‘10 GMC Terrain SLT AWD Leather, Heated Seats, Wheels, All Wheel Drive, 50K, CERTIFIED! #T16558B................$18,999/$284 Mo. ‘13 Buick Verano Leather, Wheels, Touch Radio, Wht. Diamond, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2269A...................................$15,899 ‘10 Cadillac CTS Luxury, X-Clean, only 60K #B2217B ......................................................$16,899 ‘11 Buick Lacrosse AWD CXL, Leather, Wheels, All Wheel Drive, 60K, CERTIFIED! #B2068A...................................$17,899 ‘11 Buick Lacrosse CXS Luxury, Wheels, Top of the Line! 60K, CERTIFIED! #B2096A ......................................................$17,998 ‘13 Chevrolet Malibu 3LT White Diamond, Wheels, Leather, Loaded! 12K, CERTIFIED! ..................................................$18,999
‘14 Chevrolet Equinox 1 Owner, Full power, Wheels, 20K, Save $$, CERTIFIED! #TI6854A..................................$18,999 ‘13 Buick Encore Wheels, Keyless, Touch Radio, 1 Owner, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T16661A.................................$19,499 ‘11 GMC Acadia 3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, 50K, CERTIFIED! #TI625BA.....................................................$19,899 ‘13 Buick Encore Wheels, Keyless, Touch Radio, Sunroof, 20K CERTIFIED! #B2350A...................................$19,899 ‘12 Buick Lacrosse CXL Wheels, Sunroof, Spoiler, Leather, 1 Owner, 28K, CERTIFIED! #B2141A...................................$19,899 ‘12 Chevrolet Traverse LT All-Wheel-Drive, Wheels, 3 Rows, X-Clean, CERTIFIED! #TI6736A..................................$20,899 ‘13 GMC Terrain SLE-2 2 Trim, Wheels, Keyless, Roof Rack, 1 Owner, 20K, CERTIFIED! #B2233A...................................$20,999 ‘14 GMC Terrain SLE, 1 Owner, Like New, 11,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #B2124A...................................$21,899
‘14 GMC Sierra Reg Cab Reg Cab, Chrome Wheels, CD, Auto, 20K, CERTIFIED! #B2218A...................................$21,998 ‘11 GMC Acadia SLT 3 Rows, Leather, 1 Owner/Heated Seats, 60K, CERTIFIED #TI6545A ...................................$21,999 ‘14 GMC Terrain SLE-2 Uplevel trim, Touch Radio, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 12K, CERTIFIED! #TI6458A..........................$22,899 ‘14 GMC Terrain Keyless, Wheels, Touch Screen, 1 Owner, 11,000 miles! #B2124A ......................................................$22,899 ‘13 GMC Acadia 3 Rows, 1 Owner, Wheels, Touch Radio, 30K, CERTIFIED! #TI6787A..................................$23,899 ‘12 Chevy Camaro Convertible 26T, 45th Anniversary w/ 55 Gauges, Loaded, Auto, 40K #B2084A...............................................$25,899 ‘14 Buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, Wheels, 1 Owner, Touch Radio, 15K, CERTIFIED! #B2142A...................................$25,899 ‘12 Dodge Ram Crew 4x4, Chrome Wheels, HEMI, X-Clean, 40K #T16883A ....................................................$25,998
‘12 GMC Sierra Crew Cab 4x4, 20” Chrome Wheels, Step Tubes, Sharp, 50K, CERTIFIED! #TI6806A......................................$27,899 ‘14 GMC Acadia 3 Rows, 1 Owner, Wheels, Touch Radio, Keyless, 8,000 miles! CERTIFIED! #B2234A ........................................$27,899 ‘13 GMC Sierra Ext Cab Chrome Wheels, Are Full Cap, Z-71, 30K, CERTIFIED! #TI6684A......................................$28,899 ‘14 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Full 4 Doors, 4x4, Wheels, 1 Owner, 30K, CERTIFIED! #TI6420A .........................................................$28,998 ‘13 GMC Sierra Crew Z-71 Full 4 doors, Z-71, Chrome Wheels, Loaded, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T16430A.....................................$30,599 ‘14 GMC Sierra Double Cab Z-71, Wheels, SLE, 1 Owner, 7,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #TI6586A .........................................................$31,699 ‘13 GMC Sierra Crew Cab Z-71 Full, 4 Doors, 1 Owner, Wheels, SLE, Keyless 18K, CERTIFIED! #TI6410A..............................$31,998 ‘13 GMC Acadia Denali AWD, NAV, Wheels, Loaded, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16655A ........................................................$40,899
Payments 2,000 due plus taxes, with approved credit. * 00-04 60 months @ 6.9% * 05-12 75 months @ 6.9. New car payments 39 month/10K mile per year lease 2500 Ave plus 1st/sec + taxes.0% in lieu of most Rebate.
2440 45th St. highlANd, iN 219-865-4400 ill: 773-221-8124