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Wednesday • April 20 • 2016
Jovan Mooring Player-Of-The-Year Sout h Subu rba n Col lege Men’s Ba sketba l l player, sophomore guard Jovan Mooring (Hillcrest HS) was named NJCAA Division II NATIONAL Player-of-the-Year. This is the second “National” Player of the Year for Head Men’s Basketball Coach John Pigatti in the past four years. It is also the second for the South Suburban College Athletic Department in recent history. Mooring averaged 26.6 points, 6.2 rebounds, 3.8 assist, and 3 steals per game during the 2015-16 season. He will play in the NJCAA National All Star Game Saturday, April 30th, at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, NV. This award puts the cap on all of the accomplishments acquired by Mooring this season. He was named NJCAA National Tournament MVP, Region IV Player-of-the-Year, Region IV-B Tournament MVP, and NJCAA 1st Team All American. Mooring led South Suburban to a 34-3 record this season, which was the best record in school history, and a 3rd place finish at the NJCAA National Tournament.
From The Publisher
It’s Not My Fault – I Live in Illinois!
ARLO KALLEMEYN If you live in Illinois, you are probably aware that the Secretary of State (SOS) is not sending out veh icle st icker renewa l notices. This is saving the SOS about $450,000 per mont h i n pr i nt i ng a nd postage costs. Last week, The Illinois House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill prohibiting the secretary of state from charging fees to vehicle owners who renew their vehicle registration late due to the secretary of state’s suspension of mailed renewa l notices. House Bill 4334 f urt her prov ides t hat a veh icle ow ner w ho r e c ei v e s a ticket for expired license plates within one month of the plates’ expiration does not have to pay the fine if the plates expired during the period in which the secretary of state had suspended mailing vehiclereg i st r at ion-rem i nder notices. This reminds me of a gentleman who died and woke up at the pearly gates. St. Peter welcomed him to the afterlife and said, “Let’s just look at your life on earth for a moment.” After a few moments of silence, St. Peter said, “It looks like you were blessed during your time on earth with many financial gifts. Why didn’t you remember to tithe a portion of your large income back to the church? You do realize that even 10% of your income wou ld have helped t he loca l chu rch ca r r y out its mission to t he loca l community? Why is it that you did not tithe during your life?” The man immediately said, “But St. Peter, I lived in Illinois!”
St. Peter paused and replied, “Tell me more.” The ma n sa id, “Wel l it’s like this. In Illinois, it’s always someone else’s fault. In Illinois, people take a free ride if they can get it. In Illinois, the can is kicked down the road for someone else to deal with. Why, when the Secretary of State ran out of money they didn’t send me the vehicle sticker renewal for my car. Then t he polit icia ns in Illinois passed a law. This law said that if I didn’t get my reminder in the mail, I didn’t have to pay any late fees – or tickets. So I thought the church was the same way. I never got a bill from the church for the tithe that was due, so I never sent it in. If they would have sent me a bill, I certainly would have paid it. Couldn’t you just credit it to my account and call it even?” St. Peter shook his head and replied, “Well that’s the most interesting excuse I’ve heard today. You can come in – however, you must learn an important lesson. For the next 70 years, you will look around you, see what needs to be done – and do it without being asked. Up here we call it personal responsibility – and there are quite a few from Illinois in the same class who need to learn the same lesson.” T h i s stor y a bove i s fiction of course. If you really want to know what happens when you die, please talk to your pastor at the church of your choice this Sunday. Arlo Kallemeyn, Shopper Publisher and big fan of learning personal responsibility in Illinois before it’s too late.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Spring Special! A/C or Furnace, Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219-616-3281
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556
The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623 Mr. Fix It. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-895-5433
Chimney Repair R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness. — 1 Timothy 4:7b
Attend the church of your choice.
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US % (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $25 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
National Fitness Week Nat iona l Med ica l Fit ness A ssoc iat ion ( M FA) Week i s Apr i l 20t h t h roug h Apr i l 26t h a nd Franciscan Omni Health & Fitness is challenging everyone to join in and get moving! Omni is reaching out to the communities that they serve and offering Members and non-members a l i k e, t he c h a nc e t o c om e a nd participate. The MOVE150 Challenge focuses on getting participants more active, regardless of their abilities. The American College of Sports Medicine program encourages everyone to be physically active at least 150 minutes per week . To complete t h i s t a sk and make it more fun, the MFA and Franciscan Omni are joining forces and challenging everyone to MOVE150. The purpose of this program would allow participants to reach 150 minutes of activity throughout the Medical Fitness Week, utilizing a variety of programs/ offerings in our facilities. Join the fun by completing your MOV E150 card and begin a healthy start to a regular exercise program. Bi ngo-l i ke ca rds a re ava i lable at Franciscan Omni Health & Fitness locations and also on their website; . Pick up or print a card and start moving! The exercises do not have to be completed in order, as long as the row/column is complete at the end of the week. For this National Medical Fitness A s s oc iat ion We ek , non-member s are able to meet with a Membership Coordinator to obtain a free week pass and join members in the MOV E150
Members Jim Jaracz and John Novosel have a friendly competition with weighted Core Bags in Franciscan Omni’s new Functional Training area. They were also using the MyZone physical activity belts to track their heart rate and make the most of their workouts. ______________________________________________
Challenge. To find out more about MOVE 150 or Franciscan Omni Health & Fitness, stop by or call either location. The Chesterton club is located at 810 Michael Drive, Chesterton (219) 983-
Full Service Oil Change
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Offer Expires 4/28/16 Limits Apply
The oil you use matters! Unlike others, Grease Monkey only uses oil brands you know & trust. 720 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-4
9832 or the Schererville club is at 221 US Hwy 41, Suite A, Schererville and can be reached at (219)865-6969.
Concrete Work
Day Care
Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
Tammy’s licensed Daycare, Lynwood, IL. Caring 6wks to 6yrs. CPR cert., hotmeals, P r i v a t e p a y, a l s o A F C accepted. Ms. Tammy. 708252-2624
Concrete & Patching. Steps, patched correctly. Free estimates on steps, walk, drives, patios. Low spring prices. Licensed. Dennis. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Call Cheryl Gordon, The Elite Realtor (708) 259-8075
Elite Executives Realtors (708) 259-8075 1010 E. 79th St. Suite 1E, Chicago, Illinois 60619 Email:
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April 20, 2016
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Cour s. alegal, our Par tice program t u o b s a u n J r l a u a e d L imin @ssc.e 2579. and Cr cieslik . Email j 6-2000, ext ) 59 8 0 7 ( or call
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
April 20, 2016 Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758
Handyman Services
J-N-G Floors & More. All your flooring and tile needs. Specializing in kitchen. Bathroom remodeling and home improvements. 708612-6802
All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer
Thank You Neighbor MIKE BUDER
The Shopper’s
Trivia Contest for your chance to win a
$100 Grocery Gift Certificate from Walt’s Food Centers * No purchase necessary. Some restrictions apply. One entry per person per week. Winner will be notified by phone or email. Drawing held monthly.
This Week’s Trivia Question
The 1980 Winter Olympics were held at which Lake? Last week’s Trivia: The iron and steel industry were developed in which city by Andrew Carnegie? Answer: Pittsburgh Name _____________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Answer _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473
or EMAIL US NOW at with your name and answer for an instant entry
Great Food at Great Prices
Expires 5/9/16
A re you selling your home or just helping your neig hb or s s el l t hei r s ? There are a couple kinds of people who help their neig hbors sel l t hei r home. The f irst k ind is the neighbor we all want to have. T hei r ya rd is p e r f e c t l y l a nd s c a p e d , the trash cans are never left out by the curb, the ca rs a re t ucked sa fely into the garage instead of parked on the street, t he y don’t h a v e do g s t hat wou ld even t h i n k about ba rk i ng or c at s that consider your garden a l it ter box . T he y a re friendly, courteous and can’t wait to tell anyone they meet what a great neighborhood t hey live in, including the people who a re consider i ng mov i n g t o t he blo c k . They are the cheerleaders f o r t h e c o m m u n i t y, ma ke ever yone feel welcome and are the best advertisement for a new neighbor you could ever hope for. The second t y pe of neig hbor i s ju st a s nice. A lthough they are trying to sell their home too, they still love their neighborhood and they are going to miss t heir friends after they relocate. They also take great care of their lawn and wouldn’t even think about allowing home ma i ntena nc e to g o u nd on e . B e a ut i f u l flowers by the front door, a freshly pressure washed sidewa l k a nd dr iveway and a butterfly garden that would make the greenest
of thumbs envious. They a re f riend ly, cour teous and “THEIR HOME IS WAY OV ERPRICED FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD”. Now if I were selling my house, I would want both of these types of neighbors. But if I had to choose just one, I would definitely thank my lucky stars for Mr. and Mrs. Overpriced. Why you ask? Because no matter how lovely the landscaping, no matter how shiny the fi xtures, how new the appliances, how cle a n t he f loor s, how u ncluttered t he closets and cabinets and how n ice t he people… OV ER PR ICED IS STIL L OVERPRICED and usually ser ves to ma ke you r neig hbor s homes look like much better dea ls. Buyers are doing a lot of research before making offers on homes and you can bet that if your price is sig n i f ic a nt ly h ig her than the others in your neighborhood, you are at a disadvantage. So, are you priced right or are you just helping your neighbors sell their homes? If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com. Facebook Fr iend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman
AUTO One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5/9/16 SH
One coupon per customer. Valid at Lansing Ridge and Chicago locations only. Must present coupon at time of order. Expires 5/9/16 SH
One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5/9/16 SH
One coupon per customer. Valid at Lansing Ridge and Chicago locations only. Must present coupon at time of order. Expires 5/9/16 SH
Safeco Insurance, with a principal place of business in Boston, Massachusetts. ©2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance
Say I saw it in The Shopper Handyman: Leaf cleanup, grass cutting, residential snow removal. L a n d s c a p e r e p a i r, painting, trim bushes, trees, gutter cleaning, deck staining/painting, moving service. Frank. 708-975-1219 Handyman Ser vices: Experienced pick-up/ delivery assembly: Boxed furniture (Ikea, Officemax etc...); exercise equipment (treadmill, Nautilus...); patio (grill, swing set). Call any day 7am-7pm. 219-433-9457
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, wind damage repair, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
April 20, 2016 Mr. Perfect Painting & Home Improvements. Painting/Drywall specialist also Handyman. Quality is #1. Interior/Exterior. Free estimates. Licensed/ Insured. Chicagoland area. 630-215-6581
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Quality Home Improvements. No job too small. Baths, kitchens. Drywall Repair or Install. Carpentr y Flooring Wood Laminate Ceramic etc. Call. 708439-1258 Free estimates.
Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Pressure Washing Power Washing: Spring Special! 30% Off All power washing services. Homes, driveways, sidewalks, decks, patios, roofs, gutters. Free Estimates. Call Mr. Clean. 219-888-0003 or 708-5823174
Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Live Mus Saturdic ays
Dine in only. Exp. 5/4/16
7840 Wicker Avenue, St. John, IN 219-365-0500
FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning for RESIDENTS OF LANSING who ARE IN NEED.
Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure
Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL
Thornton Township High School District 205
Family Reading Night and Poetry Slam
MR Lawn Maintenance Service. Spring Cleaning, Planting, Grass cutting, edging, Fertilizing, Power Raking, Shrub Trimming. Bank Foreclosure clean out service. Licensed bonded & insured. Free estimates. Mario 708-668-2788 or 219392-9605 Roas Lawn Maintenance: Spring cleaning, planting, grass cutting, edging, sod fertilizing, power raking, tree & shrub trimming. Bank foreclosure clean out service. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Free estimates. 708-825-4292
Thornridge High School 15000 Cottage Grove Avenue Dolton, Illinois
Mikeeya Gresham’s Grass Cutting Service. We cut grass for less. $15 front, $15 back. Call Marvin or Willie. 773-993-6249 or 773-4996758 or marvingresham56@
Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Lawnmower Repair Lawnmower Tune-ups on site, from $60. Also tractors s e r v i c e d . Ye a r s o f experience. Save this ad. Monday - Saturday. 708-2687075
Miscellaneous Services
Enjoy an evening filled with activities for the entire family. Come together to embrace the love for books and reading through food, fun and the spoken word!
Canvas Sewing Repairs. Done reasonable. 708-4397316
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-glaze windows, strip wallpaper, etc. Free estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170
T W -T R -T T P o e t r y S la m Puppet Show R e a d e r ’s T h e a tr e Book Swap Guest Poet and much more . . .
Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Dinner and Day Care will be provided. Funded by “Title I and the Academic Enrichment Foundation”
Rooftop Repair.Missing shingles, vent caulking, chimney repair, antenna removal, gutter repair, gutter cleaning, downspout repair, siding repair, wind damage repair. Free estimates. 219865-2345
5 OFF 25 Food Purchase.
Seventh Annual
Landscaping/ Lawn Care
Easley Painting & Staining. Interior-Exterior, drywall, taping, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, water damage, window glazing, pressure washing, deck refinishing. Q u a l i t y w o r k m a n s h i p, s e n i o r d i s c o u n t s. Fre e estimates. 708-758-3241
Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
LARC Receives Generous Donation From Strack & Van Til Strack & Van Til Corporation presented LARC with a Checkout Challenge donation at their appreciation dinner on April 8. LARC is a non-profit organization that provides services to people with developmental disabilities. During the month of March, Strack & Van Til Corporation partnered up with LARC to do a Pin-Up campaign. The fundraiser helped L ARC raise a massive $6,890 during National Developmental Disabilities Month. “We were astounded by the amount of money raised by Strack & Van Til,” said Garry Buell, Public Relations and Development Director of LARC. On behalf of LARC, Buell expressed how appreciative they were of Strack & Van Til for headlining their organization. The Pin-Up campaign allowed the customers to raise the money. After donating, they signed their name and it was hung in the window for all to see. “It was the first year we decided to have Developmental Disabilities Month, and it went well,” said Ashleigh Marlow, Public Relations and Centralized Orientation Specialist of Strack & Van Til. Ma rlow sha red how much St rack & Va n Ti l loves supporting LARC’s events. As the Strack & Van Til team presented the Checkout Challenge, guests gave a standing ovation. “The checkout challenge was one of the largest donations LARC has received in the last ten years,” said Buell. LARC
Help Wanted Help Wanted: Teacher. Must have 2 yrs. college including 6 credit hours of Early Childhood Development. Calumet City. 708-862-1884
Help Wanted: Glenwood Adult Daycare has need for part-time program aides and food service help. Please call Brenda at. 708-755-2345 of apply at
Auto Warranty
59 a month As low as
Bumper to bumper coverage! Don’t be without car.
Break down protection. Contact Maurice 219-629-4964
Lansing, Ill. LARC provides services to more than 100 developmentally disabled adults through a wide array of programs including development a l t ra i n i ng , job placement, suppor ted employment and community living arrangements. All funds that are raised at this dinner and other LARC fundraisers are used wholly for the continued support of our efforts to serve the developmentally disabled.
looks forward to continuing a relationship with Strack & Van Til for years to come and would like to thank everyone who donated during the month of March. The company wide fundraiser consisted of all Strack & Van Til and Ultra Foods in Illinois. The evening consisted of auctions, awards given to clients, and check donations presented by supporters of LARC. For questions about upcoming events contact Garry Buell at (708) 474-1540. LARC is located at 19043 Wentworth Ave. in
Real Estate Specialists
Help Wanted: Now Hiring for Teachers, Assistants and Sports staff. Full time/Part time positions. Competitive salary. Apply in person at Ha p py D a y s C h i l d c a re Center, 831 E. 162nd St., So. Holland. 708-596-4848 H e l p Wa n t e d : L o c a l Building Material Company: Drivers/CDL, Wa r e h o u s e / F o r k L i f t / Loader, Diesel Mechanic, D i s p a t c h e r, C u s t o m e r Service. Midway Building Supply, 16850 S. State St., South Holland. 708-3339977
Garage Sales in South Holland April 23,10-3. 610 E. 164th Place, So. Holland. Furniture, clothes, toys, household items.
SOUTH HOLLAND MOTOR VEHICLE OWNERS Current vehicle stickers expire June 30
Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: We have a home that we have not kept updated and is in fair to poor condition. Our friend said we need to sell to a company that buys distressed properties. She said she heard this was the way to go. We have found a company that does this. Can you recommend another company that can help us? Answer: Don’t sign anything and stop taking Real estate advice from your friend. Yes, we can recommend a company and it’s not a distressed property company. Chicago;Van Drunen Heating;A07377;5x6.5-4c We would recommend (16Sp-B1) you call a Real estate brokerage company. Yes, a local Realtor. Here’s why. There are 4 types of property conditions: Beautiful & updated, the average range, below average and the distressed property condition homes. Each higher level of condition commands more value. By ca l l i ng a compa ny t hat buys distressed properties, you(16Sp-B1) will be getting Chicago;Van Drunen Heating;A07377;5x6.5-4c a distressed property price for your home. Chicago;Van Drunen Heating;A07377;5x6.5-4c (16Sp-B1)
New vehicle stickers go on sale beginning Monday, May 2, 2016
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E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Il l: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Il linois Coldwel l Ba n ker Resident ia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.
lowers energy bills
Cars $40.00 ($20.00 Seniors) Trucks $55.00 ($27.50 Seniors) Trucks C & higher $95.00 Motorcycles & Mopeds $30.00 MAIL IN your payment and invoice to receive your sticker by mail or PICK UP your sticker in person at the Municipal Building
Since you know little about real estate values, why not call a local Realtor to establish a likely market sales price based on the condition of your home? The Realtor may recommend a few inexpensive improvements t hat you, a fa mily member or even t hat k now it a l l f r iend cou ld do, wh ich wou ld escalate your homes’ value to a different condit ion categor y. A few hundred dollars of investment could possibly yield you thousands more in sale price. You won’t know until you do this little bit of research.
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Offer expires 6/10/2016. *On a qualifying system purchase. Lennox system rebate offers range from $250 to $1,700. Some restrictions apply. One offer available per qualifying purchase. See your local Lennox Dealer or for details. **See Dealer for details. Some restrictions may apply. ©2016 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox Dealers include independently owned and operated businesses. Offer expires 6/10/2016. *On a qualifying system purchase. Lennox system rebate offers range from $250 to $1,700. Some restrictions apply. One offer available per qualifying purchase. See your local Lennox Dealer or for details. **See Dealer for details. Some restrictions may apply. ©2016 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox Dealers include independently owned and operated businesses.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
What is Pickleball? Pickleball is part badminton, part tennis, part ping pong and all fun! Low impact and easier on the joints than tennis, Pickleball is played on a court that is 1/3 the size of a tennis court yet gives you the benefits of an aerobic workout, handeye coordination, potential weight loss and camaraderie. And Pickleball is coming to Franciscan Omni in Schererville. Pickleball, named after the dog of one of the game’s inventors, is one of the fastest growing sports in America. According to the USA Pickleball Association, there are over 400,000 active players in all 50 states and their membership has doubled in the last 3 years. Two, three, or four players use solid paddles made of wood to hit a wiffle ball, over a net. The sport shares features of other racquet sports, the dimensions and layout of a badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis, with a few modifications. Pickleball was invented in the mid 1960’s as a children’s backyard pastime but quickly became popular among adults as a fun game for players of all levels and all ages. Omni Schererville’s free introductory Pickleball Clinics will be Thur., April 21st 8-9am, and Tues., April 26th, 7-8pm. Non-members are welcome with a state issued ID and must sign a waiver. To register for a clinic, find out more about Pickleball or take a tour of Franciscan Omni Health & Fitness, stop by or call the Schererville club at 221 US Hwy 41, Suite A, Schererville, (219)865-6969. April 23, 9-2. 533 E. 161st Place, So. Holland. Houseware, $1 clothing, knick-knacks, Prom dresses, outdoor decor. Something for everyone. No Early Birds!
April 21-22, 8-? 17936 Commercial, Lansing. Schwinn bikes, motorcycles, t o o l s, C h r i s t m a s, t oy s, household items.
April 23rd, 11-5pm. May 7th, 11-5pm. 1 5 4 2 6 Pa r k L a n e , S o . Holland. HUGE Indoor Mother’s Day Sale. Ladies, dress suits, shoes, kids, clothes & lots more.
Garage Sales in Calumet City April 23, 7-3. 500 Escanaba, Calumet City. Multi-family sale. Cocktail table, end tables, home decor items, bathroom items, miscellaneous. April 22-23, 9-5. 139-155 Place, Calumet City. Shoes, purses, crystal lamps, jewelry, glassware, dishes, Avon collectibles, lrg. lady clothes, (2) brown wood chain glass cabinet, brass, small statues.
Garage Sales in Lansing One Day Moving Sale! Sat., 4-23, 8am-3pm. 18445 Oak Ave., Lansing. Co u c h , c h a i r / o t t o m a n , tables, lamps, bed frames, dressers, treadmill, household items, pictures, frames, silk flowers, toys, & much much more.
June 13th –
9 – 13 yrs. old
August 4th
CALL (708) 596-6040 ext. 2015
Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm
to make an appointment
Basement Sale! Saturday 4-23, 8am-3. 17931 Community Street, Lansing. V i nt age k itch en , tools, sewing, 1950’s crib, organ, cedar chest, bingo, yarn, fabric, desks, gardening. Much more.
Leisure* Scholastics* Social Physical * Career Focus* Field trips
@ 14323 S. Halsted in Riverdale
BRING: Child; $60 cash; Parent; Utility bill; acceptable ID
April 22-23, 8-3pm. 3132 Illinois St., Lansing. Three families. Some of e v e r y t h i n g . Ho u s e h o l d items, clothes, furniture for the house, misc. items. Rain date: Sunday 4/24 April 22-23, 8-1. 18930 Sharon Ct., Lansing. Green leather couch, clothes, patio set, shoes, men & women, kites, toys, lawnmower. April 22-23, 9-3. 3547-192nd St., Lansing. Acorn lift chair, bikes, lawn chairs, exercise equipment, sm. appl’s, clothes, luggage. Much more. April 21-22, 9-1. 3618-177th St., Lansing. Multi-family! Bed, dining set, household, new items, clothes $1 or less. Great buys!
FRANK M. ZUCCARELLI Supervisor 333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 • TTY 708-596-0408 • Fax 708-596-3207
GEARY DEPUE Highway Commissioner
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Garage Sales in Dyer April 22-23, 8-3. 2629 Tulip Tree Lane, Dyer, IN. Off Hart, South of Rt.30. Womens, golf clubs, home items, teen clothes, Barbies, Legos, sports equipment, small appliances. April 22-23, 8-4. 1032 Cambr idge Lane, Dyer. Xlg. women’s clothes, tools, yard tools, like new women bicycle, 2 generators, electric chain saw, hot-tub, etc., etc. April 22, 4:30-7pm; 23rd, 8-2pm. Meadows Subdivision sale. GPS Sheffield Ave. cross street Seminary. 35+ homes. Across from Amtrak.
April 20, 2016
Homes For Sale
Home for sale by Owner: 2 , 2 8 1 s q f t . Q u a d l e ve l , 4bdrm, 3bath, 2.5 garage, half-finished bsmt., high ceiling, fireplace, appliances stay, family rm, dining rm, living rm, asking 295K. 90 Schmidt Dr., Dyer, More info. motivated seller. 708-724-6607 FSBO, 17711 Roy Street, Lansing. 3bdrm., 1 bath ranch. Large yard. Close t o Co o l i d g e S c h o o l . $65,000. Call. 708-8058262
Grandparents, Married or Single People, I have a wonderful system for SAVING MONEY. Four things are needed to make this work and you will see results. When you receive this packet, PLEASE follow my instructions and you will SAVE MONEY EFFORTLESSLY. Send a $20 check or money order to: Mr. Hardy, PO Box 1670, South Holland, IL 60473. Your packet will be mailed to you within 5 days. HAVE A WONDERFUL 2016.
ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
DeGan Retires From Meals On Wheels A f t e r 3 9 s u c c e s s f u l y e a r s of ser v ic i ng t he Nor t hwest I nd ia na community through her involvement in Meals on W heels, art enthusiast and theater appreciator Sue DeGan of Merrillville plans to focus on some of her other passions as a new retiree. DeGa n has been involved w it h MOW since 1977 when she supervised t he prog ra m out of Fi r st Un ited Methodist Church in Merrillville. For the past 26 years, DeGan managed the Merrillville delivery route calendars for MOW of Northwest Indiana, which now operates primarily out of its location in Merrillville. Up until recently, DeGan remained active on deliver y routes by filling in when volunteers cancelled. She would drive every route at least once a month to ensure that houses were delivered to in a logical order, making the volunteers’ jobs easier. DeGan also enjoyed training new volunteers by having them shadow her on delivery routes. “Volunteers get as much out of the experience as clients do,” said DeGan. “And people do get attached to clients. I get attached to the volunteers – they’re nice people!”
MOW Volu nteer Ma nager Joa n Vith enjoyed working with DeGan for several years and says she was great at keeping in touch with and visiting clients. “Sue is very active,” said Vith. “I’m sure she will continue making plans in her retirement.” O ut side of her work w it h t he nonprofit, DeGan stays busy traveling to a nd f rom Chicago, her favorite place in the world besides the Indiana Dunes. She especially enjoys visiting the Art Institute of Chicago, where she is a member of the Northwest Indiana
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale
Apartments For Rent
Townhouse for sale by owner. In Dyer. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, attached 1 car garage. Low yearly assessment. On quite cul-de-sac. 708-7175706
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
Cemetery Lots For Sale 2 Cemetery Lots for sale in Oak Ridge Cemeter y in Lansing, IL. $1250 each. 708946-3696
15% OFF Labor*
The Men of A-Chord present their
Annual Night of Song
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900. Apt. for rent: Calumet City, Lansing border 2 bdrm. 1st flr. All electric, recently remodeled. $850/mo. + sec. Credit check, no pets. For more information. 708-8682590 Lynwood, 2 bdrm. Apt. available. Heat & water included. Newly decorated. Credit check, & security deposit. No pets. Call for more information. 708-4747956
chapter of Communit y Associates. DeGan’s passion for the arts extends to the theater, and she regularly attends shows. In her retirement, DeGan plans to spend time with her family, which consists of her daughter, two sons, eight grandchildren, and one greatg r a ndch i ld . Her f a m i l y ha s a l so dedicated time to MOW in the past, as they would accompany DeGan on delivery routes when they came to visit her. DeGan’s hope for the future is that people will continue to volunteer their time to MOW. “If someone has time to give, even one day a month or more, they’re going to get more enjoyment out of it than they realize,” said DeGan. Founded in 1977, Meals on W he el s of Nor t hwe st I nd ia n a i s a nonprof it ser v i ng La ke Cou nt y, Indiana. Meals on W heels delivers meals to those in need five days a week using community volunteers. Funding for meals is provided by individuals receiving meals, private foundations, g ra nts a nd donat ions. More information about Meals on Wheels can be found at
Apt. for rent: Calumet City. 2 bdrm. Newly decorated. $850/mo. Electric only, nonsmoking, no pets, credit check + plus security deposit. Seniors welcome. 708-582-7958 Apt. for rent: 3bdrm. 1.5 bath. Must See in Lansing, IL. Call 708-228-6873 to make appointment. It will go quick! Lans. 1 bedr. updated/ newly decorated 1st flr unit. $750/mo. water includ. Must pass credit, criminal background check. 708-297-5980 Ca l u m e t C i t y. L a n s i n g border. 2 bdrm. Apts. 1st floor & 3rd floor. All electric. Security & credit check required. No pets. More info. Call. 708-868-2590 Apt . to rent downtown Lansing. 1-bdrm. appliances, utility room included. Ceramic tile, carpeting, many kitchen cabinets, A/C. $700/mo. 708-474-0696
No Gimmicks - No Baloney! EZ credit up to $3,000
Mattresses from $88
Pillow Top Mattresses from $118
American H Bedding
Homes For Rent Ru r a l f a r m s e t t i n g i n Lynwood. 2+ bedrooms, full bsmt, two finished rooms on 2nd floor. Water & garbage included. $800/mo. & sec dep. Leave msg. 708-7574905 Home for rent: Single family home in Sauk Village, 3 bdrm., 2 bath. $1000/mo. + security. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 South Holland Rental, 4 bdrms., 1.5 baths, 2 car garage, appliances included. $1,375 month. 1 month security + $40 application. No utilities. Available June 1st. Contact. 708-574-4317
Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Large room in my house. Clean, quiet, fully furnished. In room TV with cable, electric, gas included. Full kitchen, laundry, 3 baths. Public transportation at each end of street. $120 per week. 708-382-1335
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Pets Pet for sale: Mature gray tabby female. Current w i t h s h o t s. Sp a y e d . Quiet. Indoor/Outdoor cat. Not declawed. $30 rehoming fee. 773-3503522
Joining with the Men of A-Chord Heritage Singing Men of Jennison, MI.
Saturday May 7, 2016 at 7pm First Christian Reformed Church of South Holland 16248 South Park, South Holland, IL.
Admission is FREE. A Free will offering will be taken in support of our Ministry.
1040 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 708-333-8030 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00AM - 7:00PM Sat. 7:00AM-6:00PM
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The regular price of any incoming dry cleaning.
PrePay Only Excludes alterations, leathers, furs, carpets & pillows.
Not valid with any other discount. Expires 7/1/16. CARE CLEANERS • 708-333-8030
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
Giving away: Large Akita mixed house dog. Good with children, needs a nice home. 708-769-6266
Wanted: Person that can do small remodeling jobs for me in my house. 317-3487895
Free kittens, litter trained. 3mo-12mo. Sherry. 708-2710941
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 Fo rd Windstar, 7 passenger, no rust or dents, leather interior, all power, needs work, $800/obo. Calumet City. 708-501-1388
For sale: 1970 Ford Galaxie 500 engine. 390-V-8. Many new parts installed. Just needs starter to run $3500 obo. Please, call or text. 708714-2298
For sale: 1996 Pontiac Trans Sport. 83k miles. 1 owner. Garage kept. Everything works. Like new $3300 or best offer. Call. 708-2122927
For sale: 2002 Tan Chrysler Sebring Convertible. 2 door, runs good $800 obo. As is. 630-903-8623
For sale: Ford Escape 2001. Clean inside and out. V-6, 4WD, runs good. 255K miles. Good heat, A/C. Passed emissions $2250. 219-9237716
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941 Wanted: Need someone to do metal roof and chimney flashing repairs on a house. Please call or leave a message. 219-947-1557 Wa n t e d : I f y o u h a v e lawnmower that you don’t need for one of my family members. Let me know. Thanks. 708-527-4529
For sale: 1983 Cadillac Sedan Deville, clean, 84,000 miles, Butter squash leather interior. Runs great, $1200. Call Carlton. 708-705-3160
Wanted: Knives hunting, pocket daggers, swords, any military items. From any time. 708-826-5022 or 708672-8838
For sale: 2006, 2011 and 2014 Ford wheelchair Vans, 2010 and 2011 Dodge Caravan passenger and wheelchair Vans. Call Kevan. 773-640-1643
Wanted: Used extension module. 1978 Ford F150 (F102) Cheap. 708-753-0021 Wanted: Small garden hose, also wheel/rim for 2005 Ford Crown Vic. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Xlarge tall coveralls. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Truck changing tire irons. 708-532-8337 Wanted: 3/16” joint monitor tool and brick motor rake tool. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Antique tractors book magazines. 708-5328337 Wanted: Readers Digest, National Geographics, Rider (Cycle) magazines, popular m e c h a n i c s , Ha n d y m a n magazines, Hot-Rod, curtains 83 by 63 inches for picture window. 708-2515471 Wanted: CD’s or cassettes, Rock/Pop, Country or Josh Grobin, good condition, reasonable. 708-251-5471 or 708-830-0856 Wanted: Am-FM CD-player for 2002 Saturn and portable radio to plug-in accessing jack. CD’s, cassettes RockPop or Country. 708-2515471 or 708-830-0856 Wanted: Wall mirror or for dresser or cassette/radio portable with car accessory adaptor or for 2002 Saturn SL-1 owner manual. good condition. Reasonable. 708251-5471 or 708-830-0856
For sale: 2003 Cadillac Seville SLS. Clean, fully loaded. Sold as is $2,800 obo. 708-339-2594 For sale: 1999 Pontiac Grand AM GT, gold, 4 dr. 2.4L motor. 140,000 miles, new struts, water pump. Looks and runs good. $1700. 708-897-6255
For sale: 2004 Dodge Ram 1500, White, 104k miles, new brakes, tires and recent tune-up. Asking 5,500. 708474-3455 For sale: 2007 Saturn Ion 2, Red, $5,987. Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 1 C h e v y Co l o r a d o Wo r k Tr u c k , Victory Red, $10,987. Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Chevy Sonic LS, Silver Ice Metallic, $13,987. Bob 855-949-6000
No Hidden Changes Most Furniture Moved Deep Soil Extraction FREE Pre-Spotter FREE Deodorizer Truck Mount Unit All Work Guaranteed Quick Drying Time Insured & Bonded
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Removes up to 96% Of All Dust, Dirt, Pollen, Mold Spores & Animal Dander
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Wanted: Handyman to do odd jobs for and elderly. 219-730-3370
COLORS Affordable Fashions Sizes 8 to 3x
Hours: M-F 9:30-4:30; Sat. 9:30-3:00
3334 Ridge Road Lansing, Illinois 708-474-0349
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 5 C h e v y Equinox LTZ AWD, Tungsten Metallic $31,987. Bob 855949-6000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Vo l t P r e m i u m , B l a c k $16,487. Bob 855-949-6000
For sale: 2013 Corvette 427 Collector’s Edition, Arctic White $59,987. Bob 855-9496000
For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Black Granite metallic, $17,687. Bob 855-949-6000
Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 2 B u i c k Riviera, Sapphire blue, with Landau top, V6, one owner. Great condition. $104,000 miles. $3900. 708-307-7477
For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Summit White, $17,987. Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Honda CR-V LX AWD, Twilight Blue Metallic $20,987. Bob 855949-6000
Try Our New 3-Step Show Room Shine. Only $1.00 With any Wash or Fast Pass per visit. (Regularly $5.00)
Easy Clean Car Wash 800-287-1701
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We do birds, bugs & tar! BBB Accredited
Lansing 2626 Bernice Rd. HOURS: 6am-8pm
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Restoration Ministries Thrift Stores
Wanted: Full and queen size bed frames. 708-705-3096 Wanted: Brown glass jars. 708-705-3096
For sale: 2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbio w/Black INT, $13,987. Bob 855-9496000
Look Great! Feel Great!
SATURDAY APRIL 30TH 10am to 2pm
MOST ITEMS $20 & UNDER Visa, Mastercard & Discover accepted.
All proceeds will support Restoration Ministries of Harvey and our life-changing programs for at-risk youth, recovering addicts and families struggling in poverty. For more info, call 708-333-6822.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
Genesius Guild Presents World Premiere Comedy
The God Dilemma 2 ANNA M. CAISON T here’s a not her i nterest i ng a nd profound aspect to God that is often overlooked. Luke 9:51-55 illustrates an example of this forgotten side of the Lord. Jesus is in route to Jerusalem where He will be arrested, tried, and crucified. His travel to Jerusalem will take Him through a Samaritan Village. He sends at least 2 of His disciples ahead of him to secure lodging for the night. However, the Samaritans refuse to service Jesus and His followers. (Jews and Samaritans sha red a hat red for each ot her t hat stemmed from a history of religious and cultural differences) In anger James and John suggest they call down fire from heaven and destroy the entire Samaritan village. Jesus rebukes them and reiterates His mission: “The Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” W hen our zeal in proclaiming and upholding the truth of God’s Word causes us to become bias and hateful (refusing medical treatment and other services) toward people who do not agree with our Christian beliefs, we have stepped outside of Christ’s command that His followers emulate His love for all of humanity (John
3:16-17; Gal. 6:10). As I’ve stated in previous articles, God allows us to choose whom we will follow. Christ, Buda, Muhammad, Self, etc., it’s our choice! Individuals who choose not to follow Christ, God doesn’t blast them off the face of the earth or sends a lightning bolt to strike them dead. He allows them all the days of their life on the earth the opportunity to learn of Him and come to Him. In fact, scripture says God patiently delays His return to judge the world and unrepentant humanity to give man ample time to change his heart and be saved (2 Peter 3:9). We join God in His desire toward lost humanity when we demonstrate His love through acts of kindness, respect, and service to people whose religious and cultural beliefs are different from ours. Who knows, our act of kindness and respect to one who does not share our beliefs, may be a leading factor in drawing him or her to faith in Christ. For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.
Ever had a day where things just did not seem to be just right? That kernel of an idea was the seed from which the new comedy, “T he Great Mu nda ne L i fe of Gregory,” formed. The production, written and directed by local artists Ross Myers and Adam Pindrock, will make its world premiere at t he Genesius Gu i ld of Fi rst Un ited Methodist Church Hammond April 22-May 1. The story follows Gregory, a “simple man of simple means,” whose routine consists of waking up each morning next to his wife, eating breakfast, and heading off to work – an unremarkable, mundane routine he has followed for as long as he can remember. One morning, Gregor y’s life is f lipped upside down when his routine is disrupted unexpectedly; he awakes to discover his wife is not there. It’s the story of a man who absolutely cannot function w ithout his wife, in series of unfortunate and hilarious situations where he desperately tries to find her. In this comedy, which frequently breaks the “fourth wall” and directly addresses the audience, we see Gregory struggle in an attempt to keep this morning the same as the rest. Both authors have been involved with
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theater since high school, and have done a number of shows together, from “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” and “Chess” to “The Pajama Game and “Fiddler on the Roof.” Pindrock says he and Myers were inspired to write the new work by reflecting on silly things within their own lives. “T here is a lot of subt le hu mor i n the script that our cast does a great job of portray ing to the audience,” says Mar y Pasyk, who plays the role of Gregory’s wife. “I can’t help but laugh in the middle of a scene sometimes. I think people will enjoy the freshness of the show. It is unlike anything I have ever seen before.” “The Great Mundane Life of Gregory” will be performed in the Fellowship Hall at the First United Methodist Church of Hammond, 6635 Hohman Ave. in Hammond, Indiana, at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. A 3 p.m. matinee will be performed Sunday afternoons. Admission is $12 for adults, $10 for senior citizens and students high school age or younger. Tickets are available at the door or by calling toll-free 877-724-7715. A group discount is available for groups of 15 or more; contact the box office for details and reservations.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
Volunteer of the Year, Marcia Autry 10
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Volu nte er s a re t he l i feblood of a ny non-prof it organization. They perform various activities that are crucial to the daily functioning of a non-profit organization. When it comes to an animal rescue group volunteers can be found at adoption events, fundraisers and fostering animals. Recently, June 20, 2012local animal rescue group Second Chance 4 Pets South Holland/Thornton Network honored a special volunteer. At their recent annual gala, “Through the Looking Glass”, Second Chance 4 Pets GOD WITH US Network presented one of two “Volunteer of the Year” awards to Marcia Autry. “Receiving the award made me proud, and it made my family proud when I received it” said Autry. “It also meant a lot that the award was given to me by my peers.” Autry was chosen as volunteer of the year for various reasons. For starters she is always willing to lend a helping hand. She has organized garage sales and has sold items on Ebay for the rescue group. More recently she has been Second Chance 4 Pets Network event committee members from fostering a 10 year old special needs miniature named left to right: Chairman Kathleen Pazanin, Tracy Burbich, and ANNA M.poodle CAISON Co-chairman Judy Parker. Photo credit: Tracy Burbich Mable.Peter, the focus of inspiration for this when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. ________________________________________ writing, Autry can also be counted on to foster newborn animals experienced many walks of faith When the prescribed treatment failed, feeding Autry is always number one on speed whofollowing are in need of bottle feeding. Whenever Chancetheneed his initial walk with Jesus on the Second increasing risk of of bottle survival, my only SheWhat is more than willing to take newborn kittens into 4 Pets Network itselfOne with newbornwalk kittensalternative who are in stormy Sea offinds Galilee. particular was dial. surgery. if they make
“Walk On the Water with Me!” Part 3
her home and bottle feed them. Newborn kittens require special care and a lot of patience, and Autry is always willing to answer the call. Autry was also willing to open her home for Second Chance 4 Pets Network. Since Second Chance 4 Pets Network is a foster based rescue group they lack a building, so when it came time to plan their annual gala they needed a space to do so. Autry was willing to let the group plan the event in her house. “Marcia will do anything for homeless animals. She opened up her house almost daily to us to while we were putting together baskets. She made the committee dinner on a nightly basis, and she would go get donations,” said Judy Parker, co-chairman for the dinner. For all these reasons and so many more, this is why Second Chance 4 Pets Network chose to honor Autry with the “Volunteer of the Year” award for 2016. Second Chance 4 Pets Network is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization animal rescue group. More information about Second Chance 4 Pets Network can be found on their website
of faith began after prayer that included an a mistake? What if I die on the operation unusual vision and a command to enter table? How come God won’t just make the Trailers the Motorcycles house of a Gentile soldier and explain cancer disappear? Why does He choose to gospel him Suzuki and his household (Acts forheal through the scalpel of a surgeon? Forthe sale: 1996toBlue Motor Home sale:me 1994 10). Homes of non-Jewish 31” people were Hawk As the scheduled date for the surgery Intruder 800 Motorcycle. Hawkins Motor believed be unclean, any Jew Cummings who neared I became increasingly distressed New battery,to good tires, runsand home. diesel entered home would also become and74,729. worried until the Lord spoke to me great. 7900their miles. $2,600. pusher. Mileage 708-717-6385 $14,000 ortobest from offer. Call 4:17. Next week part 4 unclean. But Peter obeyed Jesus’ call 1 John 8pm. Jamie 219-670walk with Him into the housebefore of Cornelius. This summer I’ll be leading a Women’s For sale: 1997 Custom 6701oforpeople 708-878-4164 On that day Peter learned no race Biblecell. Study “Water Walking with Jesus” Softail H.D original parts. were excluded from Salvation in Christ as in my home on Tuesday evenings from Rims, fenders, engine parts, heMany witness the misc. baptism of the Holy Spirit Trucks on 7:00pm – 8:30pm beginning June 26 – July seat. more parts Cornelius’ household. you’d like to attend send me an $1300 obo. 219-365-6339 Truck for sale: 31. 2007IfFord Throughout our life we will be45,000 called miles. email (orfew letter) for the address. We will be F150. Red, to take numerous walks on the water Jesus’ call to Peter to “Come,” and nicks on with outside.exploring Inside fair, 312-489-6448 Jesus. Each walk will lead tonew an tires. increase walk on the water with Him and how this of our faith in Him. Samuel did, Peter did, passage of scripture impacts our walk with the town people of Samaria did, many the Lord. There is no charge to attend. others did, and so will we. Each of us will For questions and/or comments, send an be challenged to step out of our boat of email to . Or you comfort and cross seemingly treacherous can write me at: Anna Caison, c/o New waters to know Jesus more. Community Church, 14801 Lincoln Ave., One of many walks of faith for me was Dolton, IL 60419.
Hose real carts, upright size Very large Glazbo umbrella, made by Ames or Suncast, white canvas dark strips $50 Interesting outdoor work. We are looking for very good cond. as low as $9 obo. Alien 5hp snowblower, men start, to add to our ea.self-motivated, 773-785-7247 hard working electric $200. 708-5600780 work helpful. crews. Landscaping or Irrigation Dutch boy and Dutch girl, kissing ceramicnot 22 inches. tall We 8HP Troybilt Rototiller, runs Experience required. will train you. $50 pair, 25 in. Magnavox good, $85; Craftsman garage Immediate openings. tube TV with stand, $20. 708- door opener 2 remotes, $25. 754-0462 708-441-9493
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
5 Simple Tips for Birthday Bash Success
(Family Features) Whether you’re planning a princess tea party or a superhero birthday bash, the secret to organizing a party your child will treasure is to keep your little one’s interests at the forefront. If your child does well in smaller groups, keep the guest list small. Plan the menu around his or her favorite foods and look for little touches that celebrate the unique joy he or she brings to your family. Make your little one’s big day extra special with these simple tips that make childhood birthday parties manageable but magnificent: 1. Set a theme. Building your celebration around a theme that reflects your child brings an added touch of fun and excitement. Popular options include a favorite color, sport, activity or character. While the Internet offers a mind-boggling array of ideas for crafting the perfect theme, there also are a variety of party-ready options for busy moms with limited time. For example, Hershey’s new birthday products, available at select Walmart locations, can be added to almost every aspect of the celebration, from decorations to party favors and special treats to games and prizes. 2. Decorate the guests. There’s no reason to stop with streamers and balloons. Integrate your guests into the decor with fun activities that bring your theme to life. Face paint, washable tattoos or stamps let little guests take an active role in the party and express a little
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $14,000/obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0783 For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371
creativity of their own. 3. Amp up the activity. Create opportunities for all the little partygoers to participate in the festivities with interactive games that tie back to the theme of the party. Old-school favorites like pin-the-tail on the donkey can be updated to reflect today’s popular characters; makeyour-own slime or clay is the perfect project for a group of mad scientists; or a treasure hunt can be adapted to nearly any theme.
For sale: No Gimmicks...No Baloney. EZ-Credit up to $ 3 0 0 0 . Ma t t re s s e s $ 8 8 , Futons $128, Sofa & Love seat $495, Dinette Sets $178, Chests, Rugs, Lamps. Free Layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com
For sale: Reclining, leather chair $35; Ice maker $15; Sears generator w/electric start $30 AMP $150; girls bicycle; Lionel train, table and cars. Call Al Vidal. 219865-1984 Storage room for sale. 10ft by 10ft. Everything must go! Best offer. Call Ron. 219-6295565
For sale: Antique church pew. 7’ 2” long. Solid oak with carved and panels $100. 708-826-5022
Must sell: Kingsize bdrm. set, all linen included $1400; Wickes queensize sleepersofa, burgundy/gold $400; 9pc. Drexel Hertiage diningrm. set $1400. 708360-3068
For sale: A Like New, RideOn Lawnmower. Price. Best offer. Call. 708-243-7653 or 630-569-2772 For sale: Maytag, stainless steel, double door refrigerator/freezer and stove; LG white front load, washer & dryer w/stands. 708-418-3248
For sale: Stanley light oak, 8 drawers, 2 door dresser w/ mirror great. 64’ width x 18’ depth x 35’ height, $250. 219-313-8719 Wood shop tools for sale. Table saw, router table, radio arm saw, Dovetail jig mortis machine, dust collector and more. 708-297-8191
4. Add some fancy to the food. If your party menu calls for more than cake and ice cream, you can take advantage of another avenue to carry through your theme. A little creativity, some clever monikers and a few basic modifications can quickly transform everyday snacks into festive fun. For example, a dinosaur party might feature Brontosaurus Burgers and T-Rex Trail Mix. The options are nearly endless, and if you’re at a loss, you can find ample inspiration online. 5. Offer a fond farewell. No birthday party is complete without treats to send partygoers home happy. However, goodie bags need not be cost ly or elaborate. A n inexpensive item such as bubbles or sidewalk chalk tied in theme-colored ribbon is a fun choice for many ages. When it comes to candy, favorite Hershey’s products – from Kit Kat Miniatures to Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Miniatures to iconic Kisses chocolates – are now available in birthday-themed designs for a sweet ending to any celebration. Simply package items in a vessel that fits the theme, such as a purse for a princess party or a small pail for a beach blast. Find more ideas for t hrow ing a bir t hday bash to remember at or visit select Walmart locations to find all your birthday party needs. Photo courtesy of Getty Images
For sale: 14” electric chain saw $25 obo; 3-electric drills and various other tools. Reasonable prices. Cal. City. 708-862-4495
Fo r s a l e : Pr o f e s s i o n a l Studio Equipment: Blu Bottle Rocket Phase. 1 mic and bird cage shock mount $750 SE Reflection screen and pop-filter $300. 708212-4029
For sale: Lawnmowers 5 self-propelled with bag 1; Toro 6-1/2 HP gas dryer $ 1 2 5 ; Ga s s t ove $ 1 2 0 ; Almond 10HP engine for snowblower $100; 12-1/2 HP engine for riding lawn mower $75; washer $125. 708-715-2348 For sale: 2 three drawer wood dressers $25 each; 2 two gallon expansion tanks 3/4” fitting, never used. $25 each. 708-268-3915
For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071 Fo r s a l e : B r i d g e s t o n e Turanza all season tire, 20555-16. New in April 2014, 30K miles $20. 708-474-5679 For sale: Two bicycles, one blue, one red, both 16” size, great condition. 708-5969563 For sale: Conn organ with rythms and all the bells and whistles. Bench included. Like new. Estate sale. $249. 708-671-0376 For sale: Battery powered wheel chair 16 inches between arm rests. Like new. 708-891-4798 For sale: Craftsman key less 3/8” corded drill $15; Black & Decker jig saw $15. Good shape. 708-285-1107
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For sale: Pixmz MP990 color printer inkjet photo, all in one in box $150. 708-4944880 For sale: Jiffy padded mailer envelopes 92 size 6x10, 25 size 10-1/2 x 16 $25 per lot. 708-494-4880 For sale: Antique steel bed, double size, exposed steel coil spring frame attaches to header x footer, burnished black $150. 708-494-4880 For sale: Unused raised toilet set, $10; blood pressure monitor $10. 708460-6035 For sale: Oval dining table with 2 leaves $40; TV Toshiba 21” $25; large TV cart with storage $25; Sanyo s t e re o s y s t e m w / g l a s s cabinet & large speakers $50; Large snow shovel $3. 708-460-6035 For sale: New wireless optical mouse $5; Samsung DVD and VCR combo L/N $30. 708-460-6035 For sale: Microwave cart $15; L/N ironing board + pad $5; L/N iron $5; Leather American Tourister pullman laptop-bag/carrier $10. 708460-6035 For sale: Mirror black/gold, large $25; tall silk tree $10; stiffel lamp $10; coffee table $10; New B&D mini grinder food processor $15. 708460-6035 For sale: Twin/Full/Queen bedframes $10 each; v a c u u m h o ov e r m i c r o filtration $25; end table, black/gold $15. 708-4606035 For sale: Shampoo caps $2; schick shaver $5; Tanita weighting scale $10; heavy duty 3 hold punch $10. 708460-6035
LADIES NIGHT OUT A Fundraiser for
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Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Medium bookcases $10; tall bookcases $25; Pelouze weighting scale $10; Barber hair clipper Set $10. 708-460-6035
April 20, 2016 For sale: Craftsman keyless 3/8” corded drill $15; black and decker jig saw $15; power craft jig saw $15; power craft 7” circular saw $25, all good shape. 708285-1107
For sale: Fisher price smart cycle $25; student desk $10; deskHIP-HOP $25; large For sale: 5 four-line business STEP AEROBICS Centercomputer in Dolton, steel desk $35; desk-topTRAINING telephones with intercom STRENGTH ing! New equipment, hutch $10. to 708-460-6035 GE model #2-9451 $200 obo. SWIMMING LESSONS uctors are all here 708-494-4880 ZUMBA For sale: Cement mixing tool you need some encouragement help $5; oak door $20; If tall steel For sale: Two drawerorbeige with 2getting shape,file stop in to see us at shelves $25 each; steel intometal cabinet w/lock ramps, cargo $40 each. 708708-494-4880 Melanie Fitness $25. Center at 14900 Greenwood 460-6035 Rd, Dolton. We will help you get started on For sale: Nordic track pro the road to feeling good and looking great! For sale: Tools Yard tools LN skier with computer model Don’t put it off another day - call us today hedge trimmer $20; LN Leaf 1001, like new $200. 708at 708-849-2400 and sign up! Visit www. blower $20; Craftsman Dual 337-2131 to see our new sander $15; bench $10; For s ale: New m edica l n e w c a u l k i n gwebsite. gun $5; rollator on wheels. Seat propane torch $5. 708-460hand brakes $45; valet table 6035 new can be desk $20; ider For sale: Couch with full size Emerson VCR/recorder, new work sleeper, brown and tan $30. 708-474-9568 striped. Great condition $50. sale: Mens Huffy Question: My teenage son willFor be working on new a farm this 708-895-1399 a jig bike $80; newhis bluetooth 40” summer, and naturally, I’m concerned about safety. What ovie For sale: Monster high boy selfiefarming stick $20; large sweat programs are in place to help prevent accidents? a w/ dolls Slo Mo, Deuce Gorgon, suit $15; 3 pcs. luggage $50. Answer: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration 708- Neighthan Rot $25 each; 708-210-1542 (OSHA) encourages states to develop and operate their own job Invisi Billy $30 each. 708safety and health programs, and OSHA approves and monitors For sale: Steel scoop shovel, 285-1107 atico those plans. Unfortunately, the $12; rulesladies aren’tblack enough to stem shoes, size ring For sale: Random links of 8, $6; ladies dearfoam the number of farming accidents which have held steady navy while eter seal tight of elect. tubing slippers sz.9, $12; new the rates injury and and deaths in other risky industries like ach. random size of B-X tubing, snuggly sox $4. 708-460construction have dropped. 895- all for $50. 708-285-1107 8308in the number of farming Last year, Illinois led the nation workplace accidents which typically occur working on For sale: Two J-Peterman For sale: 7ft.when HD steel posts, mer high or near heavy farm back chairs by equipment, Jeffco $6livestock each; 5ft attacks, new steelthrough posts, ach; furniture electrocution and 708-285suffocation in bins. Yourswing best bet $200. $5feed each; boxed armis suits 1107 lamp $10; 25 lbs. cat litter to educate your child about safety issues (http://1.usa. $20 gov/4ANXmq) and talk to his employer $7. 708-460-8308 about your concerns. 91 If an accident should happen that results in injury, consider with contacting an attorney to discuss whether you may have a legal $ 1 5 ; case. 1.50 Question: What do I do if my dog bites someone? Answer: It’s a timely question. The insurance industry reports hair, insurer’s costs given, tied topursuant dog bites to surged lastin year, with to the Notice is hereby “An Act relation cane that jumping 12 percent or more on medical fees, legal the useclaim of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct 641- average settlements and jury awards. Most homeowner’s and renter’s or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, insurance policies usually have a dog liability clause as part of that a certification was registered by the undersigned mens their standard coverage, but that may not be enough to cover with theand County of Cook rage damages liabilityClerk in a civil suit. If County. your dog Registration bites someone avox and Number: D16146043 on March 23, under the you find yourself on the receiving end 2016 of a dog bite claim, cord assumed business name of TYMMIA HEAVENLY report the incident to your insurance company, but realize you 877may also need to hire an attorneywith to defend you. BABIES HOME DAYCARE the business located
elled y by Be s t cord City. 351-
four one one able 341-
Illinois Law Now!
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Question: canname(s) I find out if my legal problem is of serious true and How real full and residence address the enough to warrant the services of a lawyer? owner(s)/partner(s) is CHARLENE WOODARD, 14414 Answer: It’s easy. The Illinois Lawyer Finder Service (www. KIMBARK AVE., DOLTON, IL 60419, USA., operated by the Illinois State Bar Association, offers consumers a referral to a qualifying lawyer. You can search the online directory free of charge by entering Specializing the field of practice, county and zip code. An option is to callin the Healthy Hair hotline617 at E. (888) 662-3851 to receive the name of a lawyer, who 170th Street • South Holland, IL will provide an initial 30-minute consultation for no more than • Relaxers $50no • Shampoo/Style $35 •that Natural Hair $40 $25. You are under obligation to hire lawyer.
For sale: Mt. Fur y roadmaster 15 speed index shifting 25” bike $30; suitcases and travel bags $7$12 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen sofa $125; Pennsylvania House chair $85. 708-481-6907 For sale: Ethan Allen solid wood (maple) kitchen chairs $25 ea. 708-481-6907 For sale: Folding walker with wheels $20; 4 prong cane $10; bath chair $20. 708-4816907 For sale: Vintage Madam Alexander dolls 12” in org. box, wrist tag & stand Degas Girl #1575, Pinkie #150. $40 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Collection of Porcelain tea pots; assorted tin containers. 708-481-6907
For sale: Solid maple (all size ) headboard & footboard $75; 2 pc. solid maple Heywood-Wakefield, china cabinet w54”xh75”. 708-4816907 For sale: Assorted decorative wall mirrors $20-$30each; 2 new Franciscan Desert Rose pattern dinner plates. $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: 2 Tier occasional table solid cherry $75. 708481-6907 For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40 each; lamp shades $5-$10. 708-4816907 For sale: Down comforters size twin-king $25-$35; feather & down pillows $5$10; assorted throw pillow $2-$5. 708-481-6907
For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907
For sale: All purpose beauty chair $40; shoes size 9, car floor mats $5; blood pressure $5; car seat mats $5. For sale: Four good truck tires, never a flat P2357016 Kellys $50 for all. 219-8365515 For sale: Fur niture, appliances, sectionals, two pieces, lamps, home decor, candles, art. All must go! $250 and under. 219-2298809 For sale: Lawnmower self propel Toro 6-1/2 HP $140 with bag; gas dryer $110. 708-715-2348 For sale: Farmhouse table w/4 chairs, oak top table w/ white pedestal base, chairs w/oak seats, white back and legs. $125. 708-758-5981
For sale: LazyBoy recliner, brown color, good condition $75. 708-758-5981 For sale: Bike 20”, like new $90, value sale $30; headboard bookcase style, FL/QN medium color wood grain, $15. Calumet City. 708-891-3432 For sale: Elec. wire. 30’ coil of armor cable 14-2 gauge copper $10; HD grease gun 3 oil filter wrenches $10. 708439-9801 For sale: Cedar fairy garden boxes. Various sizes. Some with weathered look. 708705-5205 For sale: Child’s car seat high back heavy padding tan, $40; hardly used oval table, 2 chairs green and tan $25. 708-877-6088
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Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Murry 10 spd. bike $25; clear patent black shoes/purse seat sz. 8-1/2 $20; 3 pc. Liz Claiborne luggage set $45; 8 pce beige queen bed set (new) $50. 708-574-8788 For sale: Flat screen sharp 20” LCD TV, like new $65; Co m p u t e s y s t e m $ 1 0 0 ; shower bench, new $15; with back support. 708-4606035 For sale: Baseball spikes al lnew steel and plastic Ascics, Ti g e r b ra nd, mu st sell several sizes and colors. Call. Paul. 815-557-3212 For sale: Schwinn 10spd. bicycle, 27 inch men’s $55; girls 26” Huffy 10spd bike $45; aluminum bats $5-$10 each, gloves $5-$25 each. 708-333-7432 For sale: Bobblehead: Barry Bonds $15; Cal Ripken Jr. $10; Sammy Sosa $10; Tiger Woods $10; Frank Thomas $15. 708-333-7432 For sale: Stove top teflon wok $8. 708-333-9225 For sale: Leather jacket with detachable fur collar, size L, paid $250, now $75. 708333-9225 For sale: Boys 20” bike $20. 708-333-9225 For sale: Chest of drawers 4 drawers, med. size, white in color, $20. Will deliver $5. Extra. Glenwood. 708-7581985 For sale: shoes soft spots Tru-mossasin hand sewn Navy size 11ww never worn $25; wood table chairs drop leaf $95. 219-836-1607 For sale: Various RC airplane FM transmitters, Futaba, JR and HiTec $5-$10 each. 708474-6047
April 20, 2016 For sale: 1-1/2-3/4” pipe threader hand $35; microwave oven gold star $30. 708-891-1145 or 708314-6386 For sale: Couch black with coffee table and two end tables $150. Cell. 312-5204698 For sale: Lazy Boy lounge r o c k e r / r e c l i n e r. G r e a t condition. Light green $100. Call. 708-891-1035 For sale: Twin mattress box spring, frame and headboard. Like new $95 or best offer. 708-474-4131
A/C & Heating Spring Special! A/C or Furnace, Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219-616-3281
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
Chimney Repair R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
Concrete & Patching. Steps, patched correctly. Free estimates on steps, walk, drives, patios. Low spring prices. Licensed. Dennis. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758
Day Care
Tammy’s licensed Daycare, Lynwood, IL. Caring 6wks to 6yrs. CPR cert., hotmeals, P r i v a t e p a y, a l s o A F C accepted. Ms. Tammy. 708252-2624
J-N-G Floors & More. All your flooring and tile needs. Specializing in kitchen. Bathroom remodeling and home improvements. 708612-6802
Handyman Services
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Mr. Fix It. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-895-5433
Recommended Reading For Teens
Handyman: Leaf cleanup, grass cutting, residential snow removal. L a n d s c a p e r e p a i r, painting, trim bushes, trees, gutter cleaning, deck staining/painting, moving service. Frank. 708-975-1219 Handyman Ser vices: Experienced pick-up/ delivery assembly: Boxed furniture (Ikea, Officemax etc...); exercise equipment (treadmill, Nautilus...); patio (grill, swing set). Call any day 7am-7pm. 219-433-9457
Random Reads BRANDI SMITS Audacity by Melanie Crowder C la ra w a s l iv i ng i n Russia around the turn of the century. Her life’s passion was to go to school a nd lea r n how to be a doctor. Unfortunately it was forbidden by t heir strict Jew ish beliefs for women to learn to read, let alone go to school. That didn’t stop Clara though, even a f ter her fat her found her stash of books and burned them in the fireplace. Clara’s older brothers were able to read a nd lea rn, but she was only expected to become a dutiful wife. T h e Je w i s h p e o p l e were con st a nt ly bei ng attacked by the Russian government. One night their shtetl, a small area v i l lage w here Jew i sh people were a llowed to live, was burned and Clara ran to the woods with her brothers to hide until the assault was over. W hen mor n i ng ca me, Cla ra’s parents decided that they would move to America where they would be safe. Clara was so bittersweet about leaving. She would miss her friends but she hea rd t hat i n A mer ica, ever yone ca n go to school, even girls. Clara knew this was her opportunity to follow her d rea m. Un for t u nately t he journey to A merica was long and miserable. They were smashed into overcrowded trains and boats. They were given
very little food and it was increasingly difficult to keep to their kosher diet. After waiting for months in England, a ship finally arrives to ta ke t hem to America. C l a r a ’s h o p e s o f at tend i ng school a re g row i ng sma l ler w hen she is told that she must find a job to support the family. She finds work at sweatshops where the work ing conditions a re poor a nd da ngerous. She slowly beg i ns to pick up English and one word speaks to her more l ou d l y t h a n t h e r e s t : union. Clara learns that unions protect workers from unsafe conditions and soon attends weekly meetings and protests in the streets. She becomes wel l-k now n a mongst t he workers a nd t he bosses, which blacklists her from work ing. She even is beaten and jailed for spea k ing her mind. Being a doctor was always Clara’s passion, but now she m ig ht have fou nd s ome t h i n g e l s e t o b e passionate about. Audacity is based on true events involving Clara Lemlich’s involvement in t he Tria ngle Shirt wa ist Factor y Uprising in the ea rl y 19 0 0 s. C rowder tells Clara’s story in verse which gives the story its own fluidity. Clara’s story is i nspi rat iona l a nd is sure to become a favorite for both fans of the time period and novels in verse.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
Home Improvement/ Repair
Landscaping/ Lawn Care
Miscellaneous Services
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, wind damage repair, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
MR Lawn Maintenance Service. Spring Cleaning, Planting, Grass cutting, edging, Fertilizing, Power Raking, Shrub Trimming. Bank Foreclosure clean out service. Licensed bonded & insured. Free estimates. Mario 708-668-2788 or 219392-9605
Canvas Sewing Repairs. Done reasonable. 708-4397316
Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328 Quality Home Improvements. No job too small. Baths, kitchens. Drywall Repair or Install. Carpentr y Flooring Wood Laminate Ceramic etc. Call. 708439-1258 Free estimates.
Roas Lawn Maintenance: Spring cleaning, planting, grass cutting, edging, sod fertilizing, power raking, tree & shrub trimming. Bank foreclosure clean out service. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Free estimates. 708-825-4292 Mikeeya Gresham’s Grass Cutting Service. We cut grass for less. $15 front, $15 back. Call Marvin or Willie. 773-993-6249 or 773-4996758 or marvingresham56@
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-glaze windows, strip wallpaper, etc. Free estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
Easley Painting & Staining. Interior-Exterior, drywall, taping, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, water damage, window glazing, pressure washing, deck refinishing. Q u a l i t y w o r k m a n s h i p, s e n i o r d i s c o u n t s. Fre e estimates. 708-758-3241 Mr. Perfect Painting & Home Improvements. Painting/Drywall specialist also Handyman. Quality is #1. Interior/Exterior. Free estimates. Licensed/ Insured. Chicagoland area. 630-215-6581
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335
J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Pressure Washing
B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652
Power Washing: Spring Special! 30% Off All power washing services. Homes, driveways, sidewalks, decks, patios, roofs, gutters. Free Estimates. Call Mr. Clean. 219-888-0003 or 708-5823174
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Lawnmower Repair Lawnmower Tune-ups on site, from $60. Also tractors s e r v i c e d . Ye a r s o f experience. Save this ad. Monday - Saturday. 708-2687075
AIRLINE CAREERS Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010 Rooftop Repair.Missing shingles, vent caulking, chimney repair, antenna removal, gutter repair, gutter cleaning, downspout repair, siding repair, wind damage repair. Free estimates. 219865-2345
Help Wanted Help Wanted: Teacher. Must have 2 yrs. college including 6 credit hours of Early Childhood Development. Calumet City. 708-862-1884 Help Wanted: Glenwood Adult Daycare has need for part-time program aides and food service help. Please call Brenda at. 708-755-2345 of apply at Help Wanted: Now Hiring for Teachers, Assistants and Sports staff. Full time/Part time positions. Competitive salary. Apply in person at Ha p py D a y s C h i l d c a re Center, 831 E. 162nd St., So. Holland. 708-596-4848 H e l p Wa n t e d : L o c a l Building Material Company: Drivers/CDL, Wa r e h o u s e / F o r k L i f t / Loader, Diesel Mechanic, D i s p a t c h e r, C u s t o m e r Service. Midway Building Supply, 16850 S. State St., South Holland. 708-3339977
Garage Sales in South Holland April 23,10-3. 610 E. 164th Place, So. Holland. Furniture, clothes, toys, household items.
April 23, 9-2. 533 E. 161st Place, So. Holland. Houseware, $1 clothing, knick-knacks, Prom dresses, outdoor decor. Something for everyone. No Early Birds!
April 22-23, 8-3pm. 3132 Illinois St., Lansing. Three families. Some of e v e r y t h i n g . Ho u s e h o l d items, clothes, furniture for the house, misc. items. Rain date: Sunday 4/24
April 23rd, 11-5pm. May 7th, 11-5pm. 1 5 4 2 6 Pa r k L a n e , S o . Holland. HUGE Indoor Mother’s Day Sale. Ladies, dress suits, shoes, kids, clothes & lots more.
April 22-23, 8-1. 18930 Sharon Ct., Lansing. Green leather couch, clothes, patio set, shoes, men & women, kites, toys, lawnmower.
Garage Sales in Calumet City April 23, 7-3. 500 Escanaba, Calumet City. Multi-family sale. Cocktail table, end tables, home decor items, bathroom items, miscellaneous. April 22-23, 9-5. 139-155 Place, Calumet City. Shoes, purses, crystal lamps, jewelry, glassware, dishes, Avon collectibles, lrg. lady clothes, (2) brown wood chain glass cabinet, brass, small statues.
Garage Sales in Lansing One Day Moving Sale! Sat., 4-23, 8am-3pm. 18445 Oak Ave., Lansing. Co u c h , c h a i r / o t t o m a n , tables, lamps, bed frames, dressers, treadmill, household items, pictures, frames, silk flowers, toys, & much much more. Basement Sale! Saturday 4-23, 8am-3. 17931 Community Street, Lansing. V intag e kitchen, tools, sewing, 1950’s crib, organ, cedar chest, bingo, yarn, fabric, desks, gardening. Much more.
April 22-23, 9-3. 3547-192nd St., Lansing. Acorn lift chair, bikes, lawn chairs, exercise equipment, sm. appl’s, clothes, luggage. Much more.
Homes For Sale
Home for sale by Owner: 2 , 2 8 1 s q f t . Q u a d l e ve l , 4bdrm, 3bath, 2.5 garage, half-finished bsmt., high ceiling, fireplace, appliances stay, family rm, dining rm, living rm, asking 295K. 90 Schmidt Dr., Dyer, More info. motivated seller. 708-724-6607
April 21-22, 9-1. 3618-177th St., Lansing. Multi-family! Bed, dining set, household, new items, clothes $1 or less. Great buys!
FSBO, 17711 Roy Street, Lansing. 3bdrm., 1 bath ranch. Large yard. Close t o Co o l i d g e S c h o o l . $65,000. Call. 708-8058262
April 21-22, 8-? 17936 Commercial, Lansing. Schwinn bikes, motorcycles, t o o l s, C h r i s t m a s, t oy s, household items.
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale
Garage Sales in Dyer April 22-23, 8-3. 2629 Tulip Tree Lane, Dyer, IN. Off Hart, South of Rt.30. Womens, golf clubs, home items, teen clothes, Barbies, Legos, sports equipment, small appliances. April 22-23, 8-4. 1032 Cambr idge Lane, Dyer. Xlg. women’s clothes, tools, yard tools, like new women bicycle, 2 generators, electric chain saw, hot-tub, etc., etc. April 22, 4:30-7pm; 23rd, 8-2pm. Meadows Subdivision sale. GPS Sheffield Ave. cross street Seminary. 35+ homes. Across from Amtrak.
Townhouse for sale by owner. In Dyer. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, attached 1 car garage. Low yearly assessment. On quite cul-de-sac. 708-7175706
Cemetery Lots For Sale 2 Cemetery Lots for sale in Oak Ridge Cemeter y in Lansing, IL. $1250 each. 708946-3696
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
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Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900. Apt. for rent: Calumet City, Lansing border 2 bdrm. 1st flr. All electric, recently remodeled. $850/mo. + sec. Credit check, no pets. For more information. 708-8682590 Lynwood, 2 bdrm. Apt. available. Heat & water included. Newly decorated. Credit check, & security deposit. No pets. Call for more information. 708-4747956 Apt. for rent: Calumet City. 2 bdrm. Newly decorated. $850/mo. Electric only, nonsmoking, no pets, credit check + plus security deposit. Seniors welcome. 708-582-7958 Apt. for rent: 3bdrm. 1.5 bath. Must See in Lansing, IL. Call 708-228-6873 to make appointment. It will go quick! Lans. 1 bedr. updated/ newly decorated 1st flr unit. $750/mo. water includ. Must pass credit, criminal background check. 708-297-5980 Ca l u m e t C i t y. L a n s i n g border. 2 bdrm. Apts. 1st floor & 3rd floor. All electric. Security & credit check required. No pets. More info. Call. 708-868-2590 Apt . to rent downtown Lansing. 1-bdrm. appliances, utility room included. Ceramic tile, carpeting, many kitchen cabinets, A/C. $700/mo. 708-474-0696
Homes For Rent
Expert .NET Software Development Looking to sell your vehicle fast?
Ru r a l f a r m s e t t i n g i n Lynwood. 2+ bedrooms, full bsmt, two finished rooms on 2nd floor. Water & garbage included. $800/mo. & sec dep. Leave msg. 708-7574905
Home for rent: Single family home in Sauk Village, 3 bdrm., 2 bath. $1000/mo. + security. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 South Holland Rental, 4 bdrms., 1.5 baths, 2 car garage, appliances included. $1,375 month. 1 month security + $40 application. No utilities. Available June 1st. Contact. 708-574-4317
Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Large room in my house. Clean, quiet, fully furnished. In room TV with cable, electric, gas included. Full kitchen, laundry, 3 baths. Public transportation at each end of street. $120 per week. 708-382-1335
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Pets Pet for sale: Mature gray tabby female. Current w i t h s h o t s. Sp a y e d . Quiet. Indoor/Outdoor cat. Not declawed. $30 rehoming fee. 773-3503522 Giving away: Large Akita mixed house dog. Good with children, needs a nice home. 708-769-6266 Free kittens, litter trained. 3mo-12mo. Sherry. 708-2710941
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16146196 on April 5, 2016 under the assumed business name of BEYOND FAITH CLEANING SERVICES with the business located at 430 E 162ND STREET, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is ERICA HARRIS, 430 E 162ND STREET, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473 USA. NOTICE! This legal notice is hereby given to the public by the Moorish American People of the United States of America Republic: WE are doing business as UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC. Notice #0001 Date: January 19, 2016 We, The People of the United States of America Republic, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more Independent and Perfect government; establish Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; insure tranquility; Provide for the common defense; Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America Republic. As the Law of the Land, We, The People of the Moorish American Society, pledge Our Lives and Property to each other; to gain equal footing in the affairs of men and for other purposes in order to establish justice, promote the health, safety and welfare, secure the Blessings of liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity do by Our representatives in Convention, ordain and establish the following Constitution Republic form of Government and mutually agree with each other to form Ourselves into a Free and Independent State by the name of: United States of America Republic and we do hereby ratify the boundries assigned to such State by the act of Redemption at the Pan American Conference in 1928; the aforesaid which are as follows to wit: Extends from North-East and South-West Africa across great Atlantis even unto the present North, South and Central America and also into Mexico and the Atlantis Islands; Amexem, Turtle Island, Frog Island. The fate of the unborn millions will now depend, under the Creator of the Universe, on the conduct of this Sovereign Nation State of Moorish American Nationals and Citizens, Let us, therefore, animate and encourage each other and show the whole world that we as Moorish American Nationals and Citizens are contending for Liberty as Moors on grounds superior to any nation on Earth; We now renew our Covenant with our Creator. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC, 3336 W. 164TH STREET, MARKHAM, PROVINCE ILLINOIS 60428
Need Food? Need Clothes?
Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.
Catholic Charities South Suburban Services
16100 Seton Drive South Holland
Wanted: Need someone to do metal roof and chimney flashing repairs on a house. Please call or leave a message. 219-947-1557 Wa n t e d : I f y o u h a v e lawnmower that you don’t need for one of my family members. Let me know. Thanks. 708-527-4529 Wanted: Knives hunting, pocket daggers, swords, any military items. From any time. 708-826-5022 or 708672-8838 Wanted: Used extension module. 1978 Ford F150 (F102) Cheap. 708-753-0021 Wanted: Small garden hose, also wheel/rim for 2005 Ford Crown Vic. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Xlarge tall coveralls. 708-532-8337
Worship with Us Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & ...........................................5:00 p.m. Church School ............. 9:45 a.m. *******
First Church (PCA) 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor
Morning Worship ....... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ...........11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........5:30 p.m. *******
Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Nick Alons Pastor
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
Worship Service ........10:00 a.m. *******
April 20, 2016 Wanted: Truck changing tire irons. 708-532-8337
obituaries Cissell
Funeral service for Leslie A. Cissell, was held on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at Smits Funeral Home in Dyer, IN with Deacon Timothy Springer officiating. Ms. Cissell was born July 25, 1958 and passed away April 12, 2016. She was the daughter of Florence Styber and Charles Cissell. Sister of Gayle (Randy) Austgen; half sister of Michelle (Joseph) Navarro and Maureen Mohan. Interment was at Oakland Memory Lanes Cemetery, Dolton, IL. A r r a ngement s entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, Dyer, IN.
Directory Calvary Community Church
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Shopper #1 Source For FREE
16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor
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21 • 2014
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WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st thru TUESDAY, MAY 27th, 2014
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sessions Summer class 2nd & June Mondays, June Campus 9th at the Main Center. & Oak Forest
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Limit One Coupon Per Per Coupon. Family Per Visit. Coupon Good 05/21/14 Limit One Per Coupon. - 05/27/14
•Country Time •Kool
Drink Mix
6 - 8 Quart
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Limit One Coupon Per Per Coupon. Family Per Visit. Coupon Good 05/21/14 Limit One Per Coupon. - 05/27/14
1151 E. 170th Street 331-8389 FAX 708.331.8374 Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Dr. Carl E. King, Sr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******
The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/
for Register Now es! Summer Classbegin
LU 375
16 Oz.
Savings With Service
Be Part Of The Art Community
Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should
LU 377
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Limit One Coupon Per Per Coupon. Family Per Visit. Coupon Good 05/21/14 Limit One Per Coupon. - 05/27/14
Inside This Week
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LU 383
for information.
WOW! Carpet Cleaning
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708-429-6200 35+ YEARS EXPERIENCE!
The Mosque Cares
929 W. 171st Street East Hazel Crest, IL Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed SUNDAY Church School........8:45 a.m. Worship Services..10:30 a.m. MONDAY Prayer…… ..............6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Morning Manna ....11:30 a.m. THURSDAY Prayer…..................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…… ......7:00 p.m. *******
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church
166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
Weekly Jummah Prayer Fri...12:30 p.m. Quranic Arabic Class Sun. ..11:00 a.m. Taleem Serv. Sun. ..12:30 p.m. Monthly First Sunday Program & New Africa Marketplace .. 1-4 p.m. *******
Peace Christian Reformed Church
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Glen McCarthy, Pastor
Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******
Redeemer Lutheran Church
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Rev. Kwame Pitts, Pastor
First Christian Reformed Church
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor
Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******
Spirit of God Fellowship
Funeral Mass for Eleanor G. Starzyk (nee Gratkowski) was held at Ascension-St. Susanna Church of Harvey on April 16, 2016. Mrs. Starzyk, age 89, passed on April 13, 2016. She was the wife of late Frank Starzyk. Daughter of late John and Mary Gratkowski. Mother of Roberta (Russ) Renaldy, Natalie (Charles) Funk, Renee Armentrout. Grandmother of 7. Sister of late John Gratkowski, late Chester (Maryann) Gratkowski, late Elaine Surufka. Interment was at Holy Cross Cemetery. A r r a ngement s entrusted to the Olen Mortuary of Harvey.
South Holland...
Funeral Mass for Victor “Vic” Genco was offered from St. Jude the Apostle Church on April 21, 2016 with Reverend Ignatius Anaele officiating. Mr. Genco was born August 14, 1931 and died April 15, 2016. He was the husband of the late Marlene (nee Barthel). Father of Victoria (Kenneth) Cummins, Victor and Joseph Genco. Grandfather of 4. Great-grandfather of 14 and great-great-grandfather of 7. Brother of Rose Marie. Entombment was at Ridgewood Mausoleum, Des Plaines, IL. A r r a ngement s entrusted to Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
A Community of Churches
Funeral Mass for Patricia R. Cloonan (nee Schroeder) was offered from St. Elizabeth Seton Church on April 23, 2016 with Reverend William T. Corcoran officiating. Mrs. Cloonan was born January 16, 1938 and died April 15, 2016. She was the wife of the late Thomas H. Cloonan. Mother of Thomas (Ruth) Cloonan, Linda (Richard) Matthews and Lori Cloonan. Grandmother of 3. Interment was at Mt. Vernon Memorial Estates, Lemont, IL. A r r a ngement s entrusted to Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
First Reformed Church
Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. 15924 South Park Avenue Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. 333-0622 Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. ******* Rev. Dr. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor St. Jude the Apostle Pastor Corey Buchanan, Director Church of Mercy & Justice Ministries 880 East 154th Street Anthony Bolkema, Director of 333-3550 Worship & Student Life Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor Rev. Dr. Rich Grevengoed, Director of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******
We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!
Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Nick’s Tobacco 262 Joliet Street
Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave. Michael’s Resale and Con. 2631 Hwy Ave. Cigarette Disc. Outlet 8008 Kennedy Ave.
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road Susan’s School of Dance 326 Ridge Rd. Munster Donut 8314 Calumet Avenue Strack & Van Til 12 Ridge Road Cheap Tobacco 15 Ridge Road
Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Providence Bank 950 US 30
Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave. Olive Cafe 11220 Ventura Drive
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
On This Date - April 20 0295 8th recorded perihelion passage of Halley’s Comet
1777 New York adopts new constitution as an independent state 1836 Territory of Wisconsin created
1879 1st mobile home (horse drawn) used in a journey from London & Cyprus 1926 1st check sent by radio facsimile transmission across the Atlantic 1944 NFL legalizes coaching from the bench
1946 1st televised baseball broadcast in Chicago, St Louis Cardinals vs Chicago Cubs 1948 NYC hikes subway fare from 5¢ to 10¢
Submit announcements online at
Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to Earth Day.
R E N O V I N R M L A N T Environmental
N G Y E E R Energy
Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
ACROSS 1. Christmas help, pl. 6. Mele Kalikimaka wreath 9. Oxen connector 13. Poppy seed derivative 14. Plus 15. Emerald, e.g. 16. Christmas wish? 17. Last letter 18. The least bit 19. *TV’s smothering Goldberg 21. Stay for this long? 23. Biology class abbr. 24. Bloodsucking hopper 25. Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian ____” 28. American Society for Clinical Investigation 30. Preserve, like mortician does 35. Rush job notation 37. Castle building supply 39. Spurious wing 40. Christian of haute-couture 41. *Taken from mom before breakfast in bed 43. Month of Purim 44. China Grass 46. Cher or Mariah Carey 47. Google alternative 48. Conundrum 50. Church section 52. Little piggy 53. Blatant promotion 55. Ambulance squad, acr. 57. *Mother, in German 60. *Popular Mother’s Day gift 64. Human trunk
65. Honey Boo ____ 67. 78 playing cards 68. Maroon 5 2014 hit 69. Shakespearean “fuss” 70. Follow as a consequence 71. Jury colleague 72. Cut down in March? 73. Clay pigeon shooting DOWN 1. Place to rest in peace 2. D’Artagnan’s weapon of choice 3. Type of missile, acr. 4. More pure 5. Turkey’s ancient port 6. *Like the mom in “Married with Children” 7. Compass bearing 8. Like utopia 9. Sasquatch’s Asian cousin 10. Verbal exam 11. Broflovski of “South Park” 12. Right-angle building extension 15. *____ Mama, tropical drink 20. Rodeo rope 22. Diminutive 24. “____ Nemo” 25. *Mother, in Italian 26. Hailing from the East 27. *Ashley and Wynonna’s mother 29. *Paper Mother’s Day gift 31. Spill the beans 32. Tax evader’s fear 33. Latin American plain 34. *Bart’s mom 36. Arrogant snob 38. Deity, in Sanskrit 42. Synonym of unravel 45. Purchaser 49. Draft pick 51. Speaks like an actress 54. City-like 56. “Million Dollar Baby” Oscar-winner 57. Wry face 58. Craving 59. Russian autocrat 60. *It can swell during pregnancy 61. Gaelic 62. Casanova, e.g. 63. Let it stand, to proofreader 64. Medicinal amt. 66. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
At Your Service Business Directory APPLIANCE REPAIR
QUALITY SERVICE, INC HEATING, AIR & APPLIANCE REPAIR “Where Quality Is King” • Washers • Dryers • Ovens • Ranges • Dishwashers • Disposals • Refrigerators • Heating • A/C • Water Heaters
Concrete Raising
Discount Home Improvement And Repair Service.
Lawns “R” Us
25 Years Experience
Tim Rietveld Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL
Drywall, carpentry, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. Also handyman services.
50 off a 500 purchase. Spring Specials 708-207-0644
$15.00 OFF
708-748-1946 219-836-0072
We Grow on You • Mowing • Power Raking • Spring Clean-Up • Tree, Bush, Shrub Trimming • Fertilization • Gutters • Landscaping NO CONTRACT FREE ESTIMATES
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“The Guy From Indiana” BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS
1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640 We Accept MASTERCARD & VISA
Brian Caputo’s
SouthWest Concrete Commercial & Residential Concrete Specialist of • Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay
Free concrete sealer with purchase of new concrete exp. 4-30-16
708-514-0457 Brian
BBB Accredited • 5 Star Rating
cuputossouthwest Wanted: 3/16” joint monitor tool and brick motor rake tool. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Antique tractors book magazines. 708-5328337 Wanted: Readers Digest, National Geographics, Rider (Cycle) magazines, popular m e c h a n i c s , Ha n d y m a n magazines, Hot-Rod, curtains 83 by 63 inches for picture window. 708-2515471
• Reasonable rates • Careful handling • Prompt attention • Courteous service • We sell boxes
708-331-2990 South Holland, IL 60473 IC-17936-MC
2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing
708-757-6503 CONCRETE
To move one piece . . . or truckload
A Senior Discounts 7 Day Service
708-740-0010 Call John
All Interior & Exterior Remodeling BASEMENT & CARPENTRY SERVICES
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(708) 474-1629
MORALES LAWNCARE & LANDSCAPING -Lawncare -Landscaping -Power Raking -Gutter Cleaning -Fertilizing Licensed/Insured/Bonded
Electrical Rodding As Low As $15
• Repair Broken Water Pipes • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Gas & Water Leaks • Low Water Pressure Corrected • Sink, Bath Tub & Toilet Drains Opened • Sewer Power Rodding • Faucet Installed & Repaired • Sump/Ejector Pumps • Toilet Repair & Installation • Flooded Basements
Over 20 Years Serving the South Suburbs
Licensed & Bonded Lic# 305522
Wanted: Full and queen size bed frames. 708-705-3096
Wanted: Am-FM CD-player for 2002 Saturn and portable radio to plug-in accessing jack. CD’s, cassettes RockPop or Country. 708-2515471 or 708-830-0856
Wanted: Handyman to do odd jobs for and elderly. 219-730-3370
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16146374 on April 14, 2016 under the assumed business name of S.A.S.S.Y! D with the business located at 15624 ASHLAND AVENUE, HARVEY, IL 60426. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is DEBORAH ANN TAYLOR, 15624 ASHLAND AVENUE, HARVEY, IL 60426 USA.
Quality Work at a Fair Price
Wanted: Brown glass jars. 708-705-3096
Wanted: Person that can do small remodeling jobs for me in my house. 317-3487895
• Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Installs Fences • Patio & Sidewalk Paving Work Hector (cell phone) Over ten years experience in South Suburbs References Available
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
Watch Our Videos at coronadodecorating At Your Service
Business Directory To get listed on this page, please call 708-333-5901 Today!
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR Family Owned - 40 Years -All types of Roofing -Siding & Gutters -Sofit & Fascia -Insurance Work Commercial / Residential IL & IN Licensed & Insured Free Estimates Dan M. Matejko
At Your Service
Business Directory To get listed on this page, please call 708-333-5901 Today!
Property Management & Real Estate Sales Licensed in Illinois & Indiana
Robert & Les Bogs
Let Us Help You Manage Your Property
Dependable Roofing New Roofs Roof Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Senior Discounts 7-day service
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16146013 on March 23, 2016 under the assumed business name of GCXI PORTFOLIO CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT SERVICE with the business located at 3647 173RD COURT 1-C, LANSING, IL 60438. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is ALEXANDER EGUENE GILLESPIE, SR, 3647 173RD COURT 1-C, LANSING, IL 60438, USA.
708-672-0043 Credit Cards Accepted
2681 Route 394 Crete, IL 60417
(708) 672-6111
J&J ALUMINUM • Vinyl Siding • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Protection Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff South Holland & Beecher, IL
“You’ll only do it once, so let us do it right.”
TUCKPOINTING Rob’s Tuckpointing,
Beat the Winter weather
Chimney & Brick Repairs No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate
No Sundays.
For sale: 2002 Tan Chrysler Sebring Convertible. 2 door, runs good $800 obo. As is. 630-903-8623
For sale: 1970 Ford Galaxie 500 engine. 390-V-8. Many new parts installed. Just needs starter to run $3500 obo. Please, call or text. 708714-2298
• New Roof • Roof Repair • Re-Roof • Insurance Work • Shingles • Rubber • Hot Tar • Roof Cert. • Seamless Gutters • Siding • Soffit & Fascia
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Wanted: CD’s or cassettes, Rock/Pop, Country or Josh Grobin, good condition, reasonable. 708-251-5471 or 708-830-0856
Wanted: Wall mirror or for dresser or cassette/radio portable with car accessory adaptor or for 2002 Saturn SL-1 owner manual. good condition. Reasonable. 708251-5471 or 708-830-0856
Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
To get listed on this page, please call 708-333-5901 Today!
We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks
For sale: 2003 Cadillac Seville SLS. Clean, fully loaded. Sold as is $2,800 obo. 708-339-2594 For sale: 1983 Cadillac Sedan Deville, clean, 84,000 miles, Butter squash leather interior. Runs great, $1200. Call Carlton. 708-705-3160 For sale: 2006, 2011 and 2014 Ford wheelchair Vans, 2010 and 2011 Dodge Caravan passenger and wheelchair Vans. Call Kevan. 773-640-1643
For sale: 1999 Pontiac Grand AM GT, gold, 4 dr. 2.4L motor. 140,000 miles, new struts, water pump. Looks and runs good. $1700. 708-897-6255 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 0 Fo rd Windstar, 7 passenger, no rust or dents, leather interior, all power, needs work, $800/obo. Calumet City. 708-501-1388
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16146113 on March 30, 2016 under the assumed business name of LILY BELL CLEANING SERVICE with the business located at 3132 191ST PLACE, LANSING, IL 60438. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/ partner(s) is DARLENE WILLIAMS, 3132 191ST PLACE, LANSING, IL 60438, USA.
Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 1996 Pontiac Trans Sport. 83k miles. 1 owner. Garage kept. Everything works. Like new $3300 or best offer. Call. 708-2122927 For sale: Ford Escape 2001. Clean inside and out. V-6, 4WD, runs good. 255K miles. Good heat, A/C. Passed emissions $2250. 219-9237716
April 20, 2016 For sale: 2004 Dodge Ram 1500, White, 104k miles, new brakes, tires and recent tune-up. Asking 5,500. 708474-3455 For sale: 2007 Saturn Ion 2, Red, $5,987. Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 1 C h e v y Co l o r a d o Wo rk Tr u c k , Victory Red, $10,987. Bob 855-949-6000
For your convenience,
is available at the following locations: CALUMET CITY • Pano Big Boy Rest. Burnham Avvenue
LANSING • Calumet Bakery 18349 Torrence Avenue
• Chamber of Commerce
CRETE • Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange
3330 - 181st Place, Suite 103
• E Z Stop 191st & Burnham Avenue
DOLTON • Fairway Finer Foods 15441 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th
SOUTH HOLLAND • Community Center 170th Street
• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store 351 W. 162nd Street
• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street
• Walt’s Food Center
• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road
• JJ Kelley’s 2455 Bernice Road
• Mitchell’s Convenience Torrence Ave. & Ridge Road
• Quik Scripts Ridge Road
• News Box
For sale: 2014 Chevy Sonic LS, Silver Ice Metallic, $13,987. Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbio w/Black INT, $13,987. Bob 855-9496000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Vo l t P r e m i u m , B l a c k $16,487. Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Black Granite metallic, $17,687. Bob 855-949-6000
Trailers Motor Home for sale: 1994 31” Hawkins Hawk Motor home. Cummings diesel pusher. Mileage 74,729. $14,000 or best offer. Call before 8pm. Jamie 219-6706701 or 708-878-4164 cell.
Trucks Truck for sale: 2007 Ford F150. 45,000 miles. Red, few nicks on outside. Inside fair, new tires. 312-489-6448
For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze LTZ, Summit White, $17,987. Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Honda CR-V LX AWD, Twilight Blue Metallic $20,987. Bob 855949-6000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 5 C h e v y Equinox LTZ AWD, Tungsten Metallic $31,987. Bob 855949-6000 For sale: 2013 Corvette 427 Collector’s Edition, Arctic White $59,987. Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 2 B u i c k Riviera, Sapphire blue, with Landau top, V6, one owner. Great condition. $104,000 miles. $3900. 708-307-7477
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385 For sale: 1997 Custom Softail H.D original parts. Rims, fenders, engine parts, seat. Many more misc. parts $1300 obo. 219-365-6339
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $14,000/obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0783 For sale: Two helmet’s, good condition. Artic-Cat-Dot, $65; Rogue-Bell-Dot, $30. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: BMW Rims with tires staggered. 20’s came off 2006-750-Li. Good condition $1300/obo. Must sell. Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: No Gimmicks...No Baloney. EZ-Credit up to $ 3 0 0 0 . Ma t t re s s e s $ 8 8 , Futons $128, Sofa & Love seat $495, Dinette Sets $178, Chests, Rugs, Lamps. Free Layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: Antique church pew. 7’ 2” long. Solid oak with carved and panels $100. 708-826-5022 For sale: A Like New, RideOn Lawnmower. Price. Best offer. Call. 708-243-7653 or 630-569-2772
178th & Burnham Avenue
• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road
16145 State Street
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DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!
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Financial Advice Column
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: A Theme for Investors? BOB KRYGSHELD On April 22, we observe Earth Day. Like many people, you might pa r t icipate i n some activities to help the health of our planet. But you can also do some things to improve your persona l investment environment. I n f ac t , y ou m ig ht w a nt to fol low a k e y env i ron ment a l t heme : reduce, reuse, rec ycle. How can these elements be applied to investing? Here are some ideas: • Re duc e —You don’t wa nt to wa ste t i me, e f f or t a nd mone y on i nvest ment decisions that will ultimately not benefit you much, if at all. For example, if you are consta nt ly buy ing a nd selling investments, you may be hurting yourself in a few different ways. Fi r s t , b y not hold i n g investments for at least a year before selling them, you may have to pay taxes on short-term capital gains at a rate that’s probably going to be higher than the long-term rate, which would apply if you held the investments at least a year before selling. Second, by a lways buy i ng a nd selling, you could pay more in trading costs. Third, some investments simply need to be held for the long term before they will show positive results. And finally, excessive buying and selling can make it hard for you to follow a c on s i s t e nt , lon g-t e r m investment strategy. So if you do trade frequently, consider reducing your activity. • Reuse – You don’t have to look hard to find all sorts of investment techniques being promoted by someone. Many of these st rateg ies have exot icsou nd i ng na mes, such a s “Dogs of t he Dow ” o r “ R a n g e Tr a d i n g .” T hese tech n iques may have some validity, but, u n f o r t u n a t e l y, s o m e i nve stor s z ig z a g f rom one to another, hoping to eventually find that “sure t ic k et ” to i nv e s t ment
s uc c e s s . You ne e d t o develop, and reuse year after year, an investment st rateg y created just for you, based on your individual needs, goals, com for t w it h r isk a nd investing time horizon. Of course, you may well need to adjust this strategy over t i me to ref lect changes in your life — but “adjusting” isn’t the same as “abandoning.” Sticking with a long-term, p er s on a l i z e d s t r at e g y is an effective – and less stressful – way of pursuing your financial objectives. • Rec ycle – W hen you put money i n some invest ments, you don’t ju st ma ke a one-t i me payment and then hope to e vent u a l l y m a ke a profit when you sell – you ca n act ua l ly “rec ycle” your investment earnings a nd put t hem to good use. To illustrate: If you invest in dividend-paying stocks, you can typically sign up for a dividendreinvestment plan and, a s t he na me sug gests, rei nvest t he d iv idends back into the stock. This is an easy and efficient w ay to i nc r e a s e y ou r share ow nership – and increasing ownership in any investment can be an important ingredient for successful investing. You can recycle investment dollars in other ways, too. If you own bonds or other fixed-income vehicles that provide you with regular interest pay ments, you can place this money in a different investment – perhaps one that can help you fill any gaps that may exist in your portfolio. Reduce, reuse, rec ycle – it ’s a t heme that has resonated in the environmental movement, and it can serve as a useful guideline for evaluating your investments. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.
For sale: Maytag, stainless steel, double door refrigerator/freezer and stove; LG white front load, washer & dryer w/stands. 708-418-3248 For sale: Reclining, leather chair $35; Ice maker $15; Sears generator w/electric start $30 AMP $150; girls bicycle; Lionel train, table and cars. Call Al Vidal. 219865-1984 Storage room for sale. 10ft by 10ft. Everything must go! Best offer. Call Ron. 219-6295565 Must sell: Kingsize bdrm. set, all linen included $1400; Wickes queensize sleepersofa, burgundy/gold $400; 9pc. Drexel Hertiage diningrm. set $1400. 708360-3068
Fo r s a l e : Pr o f e s s i o n a l Studio Equipment: Blu Bottle Rocket Phase. 1 mic and bird cage shock mount $750 SE Reflection screen and pop-filter $300. 708212-4029 For sale: Stanley light oak, 8 drawers, 2 door dresser w/ mirror great. 64’ width x 18’ depth x 35’ height, $250. 219-313-8719 Wood shop tools for sale. Table saw, router table, radio arm saw, Dovetail jig mortis machine, dust collector and more. 708-297-8191
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
C A l e nD A R
of events
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Wednesday, April 20
l Mostaccioli Thornton United Methodist Church will be hosting a Mostaccioli Dinner on April 20 from 5-7pm at 712 Chicago Rd., Thornton. $8 Admission. For more information, call 877-5541. l Wii Wednesday Ages: 6-12Play fun Wii games against your friends! Registration begins Monday, April 11. 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Apr 20th. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Free Baby Class Therapists from Community Hospital’s Pediatric Therapy Department will provide an introduction to Infant Massage and Baby’s Development in the first year of life. April 20 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-8363477. l PJ Evening Storytime Join us for an evening of stories, songs, snacks and crafts! No sign-up required. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Apr 20th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL l Free Stroke Support Group For stroke survivors, caregivers, and family to educate them on their continued path to recovery, increase confidence, and create a forum to share experiences and provide hope to others. The next group will meet on April 20 from 3:15-4:15 p.m. at Community Hospital, located at 901 MacArthur Blvd., in Munster, Ind. This group is FREE, but registration is required by calling call 219836-6753.
Thursday, April 21
l Matt Dusk – Pop/Jazz Vocalist with Swingin’ Band Join us for our 2015-16 season of Community Concerts, a tradition that goes back 68 years. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to providing good live music in NW Indiana and the surrounding area. Thursday, April 21, 2016 – 7 p.m. Matt Dusk – Pop/Jazz Vocalist with Swingin’ Band. Concert tickets are $30 each, and can be purchased at the door on the night of the concert if space is available. Concerts will be held at Munster High School Auditorium, 8800 Columbia Ave., Munster. Make your check out to NWICA/Munster and send it to PO Box 9313, Highland, IN 46322. Include your name, address, phone and email. For more information go to our web site www., or call 219-923-7879 or email Or call 219-9242890 or email l Matt Dusk in concert Northwest Indiana Community Concerts/ Munster. Thursday, April 21 at 7pm. Munster High School Auditorium. $30/ticket Christine Small 219-923-7879. l Human Resources Workshop The South Suburban College Business & Career Institute (BCI) presents a Breakfast with BCI Workshop titled FMLA & ADA-What You Need to Know, on Thursday, April 21, 2016, from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00am, with checkin and continental breakfast to begin at 8:15 a.m. $15 per person, $10 per person if 3 or more from the same company attend. This workshop will be held in the South Suburban College Oak Forest Center Campus Room 5230 and will be presented by Attorney Sonia D. Coleman. l Kaleidoscope of Spring “Kaleidoscope of Spring” is the theme of the annual luncheon hosted by the women of Ridge United Methodist Church in Munster. Two hot casserole dishes, a variety of salads, and cookies are made by members of the church. Call the church office, 838-4770 for more information. 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Apr 21st. Ridge United Methodist Church 8607 Columbia Ave, Munster IN
Friday, April 22
l SSC Music Competition for Young Musicians April 22, 2016, 4:00pm - 6:00pm – Room 1137. For more information or to confirm dates/ time, call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2316. While all concerts are free admission, donations to the Music Scholarship Fund are greatly appreciated! South Suburban College is located at 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, Illinois. l SSC Music Competition for Young Musicians April 22, 4:00pm - 6:00pm and April 23, 2016. 10:00am - 12:00pm. Room 1137, South Suburban College, 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, Illinois.
Saturday, April 23
l ME4E Presents “Flowers Are A Bugs’s Best Friend” Ages: 5 & older Bees and butterflies work very hard finding the right flowers. Become a pollinator and test your skills. Aprons are provided, but be sure to dress down in case things get a little messy. Registration begins Monday, April 11. 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Apr 23rd. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Health and Safety Fair On Saturday, April 23rd, from 9:00 am-1:00 pm,over twenty organizations will be promoting health and Safety in our community. This is a free event! It is open to the public, thanks to our PTA and many generous sponsors. There will be crafts, face painting for the children, and many free items for all. It will take place at Coolidge Elementary 17845 Henry Street, Lansing, IL 60438. l Free Health & Resource Fair *FREE Health Screenings - Blood Pressure, Spinal Screenings, Posture Checks, Diabetes Testing, BMI testing, HIV testing, Cholesterol Testing. *FREE Dental Services for Children (ages 0-19) *Information on Job/Career training *FREE Movement and Meditation Stress Reduction Workshop *Savings on Utility Bill *FREE flu shots *Information on Senior Services, Adult Day Care, Services to families with individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. *Library services and programs *Public Guardians office. Living Grace Church in Lynwood IL. For more information, call 708 790-1244. l Free Financial Literacy Workshop April 23, 9am – 12pm. Dolton Village Hall located 14122 Chicago Road, Dolton IL. Attend a free literacy Workshop and Learn: Why credit is important, Tips on managing your money/creating a budget, Restoring your credit, Understanding your credit report, and Credit traps. 708 794-6660. l Hammond Marina’s 28th Annual Fishing Derby Event is FREE and open to adults and children, with free parking and refreshments. April 23 from 1a.m.-4p.m., Hammond Marina, 701 Casino Center Drive, Hammond, Indiana. 219-659-7678. l Waterscape Weekend: Garden & Pond EXPO Patio décor, orchids, handmade birdhouses, natural jams and jellies, outdoor lighting, landscaping ideas, pond plants, Koi and goldfish, are just some items of the 50 vendors who will be displaying their products at this event sponsored by the Illiana Garden Pond Society. Lake County (IN) Fairgrounds in Crown Point. 889 S. Court St. 9a.m.-4p.m. April 23 & 24. Admission $7: children under 15 free. Free parking
Sunday, April 24
l Caregiver Support Group Meeting We will be having a guest presentation by Monika Basile, Home Care Coordinator from “We Are Family Home Care”. April 24th at 2:00p.m. Franciscan St. Margaret Hospital, Dyer, Indiana in the Blessed Mother Conference room. Facilitators Jim & Pat Koeling are members of St. Michael’s parish. And can be contacted at 219-365-3898.
Monday, April 25
l Elevation Leadership Summit The South Suburban College Business & Career Institute (BCI) presents an Elevation Leadership Summit Taking Faith-Based and Non-Profit Leadership to Loftier Heights! on Monday, April 25th from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. This conference will be held in the South Suburban College Performing Arts Center, 15800 S State Street, South Holland. Tickets are $50 until April 15th and $65 thereafter. Booth options available. Contact 708-5962000, ext. 3254. l Thornton Historical Society April Meeting Join us April 25th at 7pm for our monthly meeting. Our speaker Peg Kapustiak has been a genealogist for over 35 years. She will share resources and tips for beginners and experienced alike on Discovering Your Family Tree. Refreshments to follow, we look forward to seeing you, please bring a friend. Thornton Historical Society Museum 114 N. Hunter St Thornton Il 60476. l Lacare Art League Meeting April 25th at 1:30p.m., Glory to God Church, 3711 Ridge Rd, Highland AT 1:30 pm. Doors open at 1p.m. Demonstrator will be Dale I. Popovich, WIS. Dale is an award winning watercolorist and teacher who is passionate about capturing the raw beauty of the American landscape with the fluid strokes of the brush.
Tuesday, April 26
l Money Smart Week April 26, 12 noon – 1p.m. Darlene Florez of BMO Harris will explain why it is important to maintain good credit. Registration required. Call 219.931.5100, ext. 327. Hammond Public Library, 564 State Street, Hammond, IN.
Wednesday, April 27
l Smart Money Week presents Investments Learn how to protect yourself from consumer scams and identity theft, both by mail and digitally. 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Apr 27th. South Holland Library 16250 Wausau South Holland IL l What is Medfit? Exercise is Medicine-The MedFit Way will be held on April 27 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Community Hospital Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. Find out how you can attain better health and live longer with a chronic condition such as diabetes, heart disease or obesity in this presentation. This program is FREE, but registration is required. Call 219-836-3477. l The Lactation Clinic Moms-join us on Wed, April 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for our free Breastfeeding Support Group and our free “drop in” clinic. Community Hospital, 901 MacArthur Blvd., 4th floor Parkview Tower, North entrance. Valet parking available at no charge. Call 219836-4574. l Money Smart Week April 27, 12 noon – 1p.m. Mary Schons will present “Found Money: How to Search for Unclaimed Funds.” Registration required. Call 219.931.5100, ext. 327. Hammond Public Library, 564 State Street, Hammond, IN.
l Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking Do you want to overcome your fear of public speaking? We can help! Toastmasters teaches public speaking and leadership skills. The Calumet Toastmasters Club meets at the Family Christian Center located at 340 45th St., Munster, IN at 7:00 PM on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month. The next meeting will be held on April 28. For more information, please email calumet.toastmasters@gmail. com, or call 219-218-3174. l Family Interactive Storytime Families are invited to help make crafts, enjoy snacks and listen to stories! No sign-up required. This is a family event. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Apr 28th. Lansing Public Library
2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL l Money Smart Week Video-based programs take place Mon., April 25; Thurs., April 28; and Fri., April 29. Door prizes are offered at each program. The Hammond Public Library is at 564 State Street, at the intersection of Sibley and Sohl. l Life Series & Raffle 45 minute workshops: “How to Stay Up in a Down World”, “Overcoming the Spirit of Depression”, “Overcoming Addictions” smoking, drugs, etc. with Dr. Leon April 30th at Lansing Country Club. Presented by Narrow Way International Ministries Inc. Call 708.418.1964. l Clock Club Convention On Saturday, April 30 at Saint Matthias Church Hall in Crown Point, a clock, watch, coin, and antique market will be open to the public. The event is scheduled from 9 am to 1 pm at the church hall at 101 West Burrell Drive in Crown Point. Free parking, free refreshments, and free door prizes will at the event. The general admission to the event is $3 and the cost of a table at the event is only $15. 219-865-3103 l Home Buyer Free Education Workshop Attend a free 8-hour pre-purchase home buyer education workshop and learn about how you may qualify for up to $20K in Down Payment Assistance. Register- call (773) 3294111. April 30th. 1906 W. 174th Street, East Hazel Crest, IL 60429 l SHPL Shredding Event Here is a chance to unload those important documents and papers in a secure way. Beaver Shredding will be parked in the West Parking Lot of the library for you to drop your items off. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Apr 30th. South Holland Public Library 12650 Wausau Ave South Holland IL l Life Series Overcoming ungodly addiction. 2-3p.m. workship. Steppers set w/dinner $75 donation. April 30ty all day long. Narrow Way International Ministries. Lansing Country Club 186005 Wentworth, Lansing, IL. 708418-1964 l Home Buying Seminar 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Apr 30th. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL. Please register.
l C.O.P.E. Support Group COPE offers monthly support groups for the professional and non professional CAREGIVER. The FIRST THURSDAY of each month from 5:30 to 7pm, COPE is open for caregivers who need to talk and get support getting through those tough days. Located in Suite 102 at 9245 Calumet Ave., Munster, IN, in the Fairmont Building (2 doors north of the Red Lobster and across from the Pepsi plant). Call Judy if you plan to attend to be sure no changes have been made 219-688-5288. For further info visitwww. l Silver Sneakers Program Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing awardwinning fitness program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. For adults 65 and older. St. Catherine Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation - Call 219-392-7086 for dates, registration or more information. l T.O.P.S. Meeting Learn to take off pounds sensibly. No charge to sit in on a meeting. All women, men, teens, & children over 7 are welcome. 6PM every Thursday. 708-895-4771. Lansing Presbyterian Church, 2625 Ridge Rd., Lansing. l Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis The friendly Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis Club Meets every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm in the Eisenhower Center. All senior men and women are welcome. For more information, call 708-474-1882.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
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Neighbor 2 Neighbor
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JANICE MINTON-KUTZ lunch or enjoy a meal at the clubhouse afterwards. The walk is sponsored by the Lake Calumet Vision Committee member groups. To register call 773-646-0436. We can discover acres of wilderness right in our own backyard! ***
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CALUMET CITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY HOSTS FRED SCHRUM AND REVISIT ‘SCH RU M V I L L E’- O ne of t he mor e colorful historical aspects coming out of Calumet City is the old Schrum Farm and Pick le factor y located on what is now River Oaks Drive near Wentworth. Fred Schrum, of Schererville, pictured here in one photo with his cousin Carol Muenich of Hammond, gave a delightful talk to the Calumet City Historical Society membership Sunday April 10, 2016 at VFW Post 8141 recalling his youth spent on the farm helping relatives and of the ups and downs of the family fortunes as the land was eventually claimed by eminent domain to accommodate expansion of the Cook County Forest Preserves and for the realigning of River Oaks Drive to meet with 165th Street in Hammond a nd for Route 6 to be con nected. A portion of Schrum Road, on its original angle, retains the original name between Wentworth Avenue and State Line Road. The main farm land originally hovered north and south of Schrum Road (today’s River Oa ks Drive/Rt 6) The la nd was cla imed in 1931 a nd 1932 when Fred was just a toddler, but family historians kept it’s memory alive for years to come. Somehow or other, an intact and pristine 16 millimeter video of the demolition of the land survived and is now on tape and was shown to the Society members. Fred also brought along newspaper clippings and historical artifacts of the property for all to see. The farming began in 1903 and the pickle business came a bit later after one of the daughters married into the Claussen (pickle) family. Thus began the Ca lumet Pick le Works. The pick le company dissolved after World War II and the factory was demolished in 1984. Unfortunately there are no ancient bottles of the Calumet Pickle works in existence, but some labels do sit on shelves of the historical society. If anyone out there has any memorabilia from this part (or any part for that matter) of Calumet City’s fascinating histor y, please do call the CCHS and let them know about it. The Society is seeking new members. If you would like more information please do call them at 708-832-9390. They are located at 760 Wentworth. Visit their website at w w lumetcit yhistorica lsociet or email them at Thanks to Lori Munda for inviting N 2 N to the CCHS meeting! *** EARTH DAY HIKE AT LAKE CALUMET SET FOR FRIDAY APRIL 22ND, 2016: Get out your comfy shoes and let’s take a walk! A round La ke Ca lumet on the secured property of the Illinois International Port District starting at 8:30 a.m. Meeting place is at 11101 S. Doty Avenue east (111th St. Exit & I-94 Ex-Way). We will be viewing the 282 acres that hopefully one day will be opened for hiking, fishing, boating, bird watching and other nature adventures as part of the Millennium Reserve Initiative. The hike is narrated and is moderate a nd non-rigorous. Perfect for picture ta k ing ! We ca n eit her bring our ow n
TOM A N D DOR IS PET ER SON V ISI T AUNT SALLY’S : The Thornton couple are regulars at the popular Calumet City restaurant and on the day N 2 N visited, there they were! They are pictured here with longtime wait staffer Linda Conlee of Griffith. The Peterson’s will be married 58 years on May 17, 2016 and were married i n (t he now shut tere d a nd for s a le) Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church on the East Side. Doris is the sister of Calumet City’s Tom Cornwell (wife Lois Cornwell who is almost 90 and looks about 60) and the couples regularly dine out and do fun things together. This proves if you do it right, retirement can be a blast! *** REMEMBERING A LOVED ONE : Came across this great idea thanks to my brother Glenn Tri l ler. Glenn lost a cherished friend some years ago and over the years could not part with some of her favorite things (jeans jacket, t-shirt, 1st date dress etc). Recent ly, i n doi ng some spr i ng housecleaning he found the saved bag of treasures and enlisted the sewing skills of Jeannine Gorman of Michigan who stitched together a quilt with Debbie’s name in the center and her favorite things (her beloved puppy’s picture) all around along with some meaningful dates. The quilt adorns one of Glenn’s sofa’s and is a fond remembrance of someone who meant a lot to him long ago. Jeanine mostly does her quilts for family and close friends, but if you would like to get in touch with her, please contact me in care of N 2 N. *** ALSO WANT TO GIVE A BIG SHOUT OUT TO SOME GREAT CONTRACTORS-- Mike Morton of Quality Service Heating, Air and Appliance Repair out of Glenwood saved t he day recent ly for not on ly myself and hubby but for one of my REAL ESTATE clients who need some repairs to a hot water heater. Mike is super fast, super efficient and reasonable in price. His number is 708-748-1946 or 219-8360072. He identifies a problem and fixes it! ALSO, to George Musa of ARC -- Allied Restoration Contractors out of Orland, who prov ided ou r new sid ing, roofs, awnings and so on that were damaged by the hail and wind storm of July 13, 2015. We turned the damage in to our top notch State Farm guy,Calumet City’s Chris Martin and the insurance adjuster came out the next day. After interviewing se ver a l c ont r ac tor s, we de c ide d on George Musa whose crew came out and did the repairs in a fine and workmanlike manner. I have referred George several times and everyone raves about him. He can be reached at 708-949-4553. By the way, if your house suffered damage during that storm, (or any storm) you have 2 years to contact your homeowners insurance and negotiate for repairs. *** FORMER WHITE SOX RON KITTLE AT TORRENCE LIQUORS SATURDAY, APRIL 23: The former Chicago White Sox slugger will sign autographs and take pictures with fans this Saturday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Torrence Liquors, 616 Torrence Avenue, Calumet City. Il For information call them at 708-862-3939.
For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.
For sale: Lawnmowers 5 self-propelled with bag 1; Toro 6-1/2 HP gas dryer $ 1 2 5 ; Ga s s t ove $ 1 2 0 ; Almond 10HP engine for snowblower $100; 12-1/2 HP engine for riding lawn mower $75; washer $125. 708-715-2348 For sale: 2 three drawer wood dressers $25 each; 2 two gallon expansion tanks 3/4” fitting, never used. $25 each. 708-268-3915 For sale: 14” electric chain saw $25 obo; 3-electric drills and various other tools. Reasonable prices. Cal. City. 708-862-4495 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987. $25 708-670-7071
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
Since 1956
Chrysler 200
0% FOR 84 * MONTHS
Jeep Cherokee
NEW 2016
0% FOR 72 ** MONTHS L et C hrysLer B rand M anager e riC W oodaLL and J eep B rand M anager C had s iMon C hange y our M ind aBout C ar B uying
Eric Woodall
Chad Simon
Chrysler Brand Manager Jeep Brand Manager
*For a New 2016 Chrysler 200. Plus tax title license and doc fee. O % APR for 84 months is equivalent to $11.90 for every $1,000 borrowed. Not all consumers will qualify as determined by financial lender. See dealer for complete details. ** For a New 2016 Cherokee: 0% for 72 months represents $13.88 for every $1,000 Financed over the 72 month period not all consumers will qualify as determined by financial institution. Plus tax, title , license and doc fee. See dealer for complete details . Dealer not responsible for printing or typographical errors. Images are for display purposes only and may not reflect actual vehicle consumer is purchasing.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
April 20, 2016
SINCE 1956
New 2015
L et A sst . G enerAL s ALes M AnAGer C rAiG Y ineMAn And H is s tAff C HAnGe Y our M ind About C Ar b uYinG
Craig Yineman
? e l y t S
What’s Your
BETTENHAUSENAUTO.COM 17514 S. Oak Park ave., Tinley Park
SaleS HOUrS: MOn-THUrS 8aM-8PM, Fri & SaT 8aM-6PM Se Habla eSPañOl PregUnTe POr gerardO, david O JOSe LV38051
For a New 2015 Fiat 500L. $7,500 total cash consists of; $3,500 consumer cash, $1,000 bonus cash & $3,000 Dir cash coupons (6 max) plus tax, title, license, doc fee. Not all consumers will qualify as determined by financial lender. See dealer for complete details. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors and omissions. Images are for display purposes only.