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Wednesday • May 28 • 2014
Thornton Township Special Services FREE ESTIMATES
on New or Replacement Equipment Only
Family Owned and Proudly Serving Northwest Indiana and the Calumet Region Since 1971
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The Thornton Township Department of Special Services hosts dances at Thornwood High School for residents with special needs. The theme of the May dance was ‘Red, White, & Blue: A Salute to the Troops’. For more information on Special Services please call (708) 596-6040 ext. 3164
Vehicle Renewal Sticker Receipt Legislation Approved
CENTRAL A/C CLEAN & CHECK (M-F, 7:30am to 4:00pm) Residential Customers Only
Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Expires 6/30/14. Must be presented at time of purchase.
100 OFF
Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Expires 6/30/14. Must be presented at time of purchase.
708.474.4650 or 219.365.3050 17823 Torrence Ave. Lansing, Illinois 60438 •
L e g i s l at ion pr op o s e d by I l l i noi s S e c ret a r y of State Jesse W hite to allow a p r i nt e d r e c e i pt f r om t he Secreta r y of State to ser ve tempora r i ly as t he v e h ic le r e ne w a l s t ic k e r w a s a ppr ov e d to d a y b y t he I l l i nois House of Representatives. Senate Bill 2802 would a l low motor ist s to d r ive w it hout a n up-to-date v e h ic le r e ne w a l s t ic k e r affixed to their license plate provided they have a receipt from the Secretary of State that proves they purchased a s t ic k e r on l i ne b e f or e expiration, but have not yet received t he reg ist rat ion sticker. The receipt is valid for no more than 30 days from the expiration of the p r e v i o u s r e g i s t r a t i o n’s sticker’s date. “This is another consumer friendly initiative t h a t e nc ou r a ge s on l i ne transactions with my office,” sa id W hite. “Our Driver S e r v ic e s f a c i l it ie s h a v e many customers come in
to buy their stickers a day or two before they are set to expire. This bill will allow such customers to make the same purchase online, and then use the receipt as proof of up-to-date registration compliance.” L a st yea r, more t ha n 150,0 0 0 c u stomer s purchased vehicle renewal registration stickers during the last two days in May. The vast majority of customers visited a facility to conduct these transactions; just over 6,300 people purchased their renewal stickers online. W h i t e ’s o f f i c e h a s cont i nua l ly worked to provide more services online to further improve customer c onven ienc e. O ver t he last seven years, internet transactions have increased by more than 300 percent in the Secretar y of State’s office. Senate Bill 2802 w a s spon s ore d by st ate S e n . P a t r i c i a Va n P e l t (D-Chicago) and state Rep. Arthur Turner (D-Chicago).
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
Appliance Repair
Automotive Services
Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623
Buying junk cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075
page 2
SSC Men’s Basketball Letters of Intent
From The Publisher
Congratulations Graduates ARLO KALLEMEYN
25 Things You’ll Need To Know After Graduation
An Angels Helping Hand Caregiver Services. Helping Seniors and families of NW Indiana and surrounding a re a s. Me d i c a l o r n o n medical services may be provided. 219-512-6189 or angelshelpinghand.weebly. com
VERSE OF THE WEEK And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. — 1 Thessalonians 5:14
South Suburban College Men’s Basketball announced today that they have signed two new player’s to play for the Bulldogs during the 2014-’15 season. Jeremiah Wilson a 6’6 senior forward from Hammond (IN) HS (a former player at Homewood Flossmoor (IL) HS, and 6’7 Ken Odiase, a 6’7 forward from Homewood Flossmoor (IL) HS have signed letters of intent to play for the Bulldogs and Head Coach John Pigatti next season. “I am excited about these two young men joining the Bulldog family. They both have uniqueness to their play that will be beneficial to our team.”
Attend the church of your choice.
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Offer expires 6/30/14
It’s Always Better at LubePros! • 10 Minute Oil Change! • Only quality oil brands! • The oil you use matters! Unlike •
1. Don’t sweat the small st u f f - a nd remember, most stuff is small. 2. The most boring word in any language is “I”. 3. Nobody is indispensable, especially you. 4. Life is full of surprises. Just say “never” and you’ll see. 5. People a re more important than things. 6. Persistence w i l l get you a l most a ny t h i ng eventually. 7. Nobody can make you happy. Most fol k s a re about as happy as they make up their minds to be. 8. There’s so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the worst of us that it doesn’t behoove any of us to talk about the rest of us. 9. Live by what you trust, not by what you fear. 10. C h a r a c t er c ou nt s . Family matters. 11. Eating out with small chi ldren isn’t wor t h it, even if someone else is buying. 12. If you wait to have kids until you can afford them, you probably never will. 13. Baby k it ten s don’t begin to open their eyes for six weeks after birth. Men generally take about
others, LubePros only uses oil brands you know and trust The best prices on Mobil 1
SOUTH HOLLAND • 720 EAST 162ND ST., 708-225-0123 • M-F 8-6 • SAT 8-5 • SUN 11-4 South Holland Only.
26 years. 14. Television ruins more minds than drugs. 15. Somet imes t here is more to ga i n i n bei ng wrong than right. 16. People who do t he world’s real work usually don’t wear neckties. 17. Life is so much simpler when you tell the truth. 18. A good joke beats a pill for a lot of ailments. 19. T here a re no substitutes for fresh air, sunshine and exercise. 20. A smile is the cheapest way to improve your looks, even i f you r teet h a re crooked. 21. Live life so there is sta nd i ng room on ly at your funeral. 22. Mothers always know best, but somet i mes fathers know, too. 23. If you seek happiness for yourself it will always elude you. If you seek it for others it will follow after you wherever you go. 24. Forgive yourself, your friends and your enemies. You’re all only human. 2 5. I f y ou don’t do anything else in life, love someone and let someone love you. Arlo Kallemeyn – Shopper Publisher and big fan of education. P.S. The Shopper wishes t he class of 2013 much success and happiness.
Limits Apply.
Slice of Pl. Cheesecake, Cup of Soup, Med. Pop or French Fries with Single Sandwich or Dinner Only
or f w o N r Reg iste asses! Cl ns begin r e m m u S sio
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Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Must Present Coupon. Limit 1 Coupon Per Person, Per Visit. Expires 6-4-14
17816 Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 895-1500 (708) 895-4900 Fax Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-2am Fri-Sat 10am-3am / Sun 11am-12am
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See ad inside this week’s Shopper
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 3
GUS BOCK’S Find the Weber Grill You Are Looking for at Gus Bock’s Ace Hardware
Weber® One-Touch® Gold 508
26.75in Charcoal Kettle | Built-in lid thermometer (8233314)
We carry a complete line of Weber Accessories 549
Weber Spirit SP-310
Genesis® E-310™ LP Gas Grill
• 637 sq. in. total cooking area, 38,000 BTU. • Three stainless steel burners. • Porcelain painted lid and cabinet doors (6511001)
• Stainless steel • Front mounted control knobs • Electronic ignition • Total cooking area: 529 sq. in. • Fully enclosed cart with single stainless steel door entry (8256968/46500401)
Spirit E-210™ Gas Grill ®
• 450 sq. in. total cooking area, 26,500 BTU. • Two stainless steel burners. • Two fold down stainless steel tables. • Porcelain enameled cast iron cooking grates. • Full enclosed cart with single door entry. (8255994/46110001)
Weber Spirit E-310 Black • Three stainless steel burners • Front mounted control knobs • Electronic ignition • Total cooking area: 529 sq. in. • Porcelain enameled cast iron cooking grates • Full enclosed cart with single door entry (8256588/46510001)
One-Touch® Gold 26.75”
22.5” Performer® Silver Charcoal Grill
• Porcelain-enameled bowl and lid • Stainless steel hinged cooking grate • Steel charcoal grate • Built-in lid thermometer • One-Touch™ cleaning system (781001)
GUS BOCK’S 3455 Ridge Rd. Lansing, IL
• 363 sq. in. total cooking area. • Built-in lid thermometer. • Tuck-Away™ lid holder. • Fold-down table • One-Touch™ cleaning system. • Black (8257990/1401001)
Genesis® EP-330™ LP Gas Grill
Genesis® EP-330™ LP Gas Grill • 637 sq. in. total cooking area, 38,000 BTU. • Three stainless steel burners. • Side burner and sear station burner. • Stainless steel cooking grates and Flavorizer® bars. • The cabinet doors are painted, not enameled. • Smoke, Black, Copper, Green, Crimson. Some Colors Available On Special Order Only (6533301/8382582, 8295396/6531301, 8295405/6532301, 8295412/6537301, includes hook-up hose kit. 6535301/8382590) Black. (8295446/6631301)
Natural Gas
1150 Sheffield Ave. Dyer, IN
1820 - 45th Ave. Munster, IN
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 4
Appeal By June 10th by Bill Port It’s that time of year again. We all recently received our property tax bills here in Indiana. It seems that this year I am hearing fewer complaints from homeowners that they feel they are being unfairly taxed. If you feel you are being over assessed, or over taxed, you do have the right to an appeal. For Indiana property owners, the first installment of our most recent tax bill was due on May 10th. In Indiana, property taxes are paid in arrears, so this installment covers the first half of the property tax bill for the 2013 tax bill. Upon receiving your tax bill, you should carefully review a few items. First, confirm that you are receiving the proper exemptions. Ta x breaks are given for owner occupied properties, homes with mortgages, owners with disabilities and more. For eligible property tax exemptions, please see my previous article . Next, take a look at the assessed value of your property. The assessed value is what the county has determined to be the value of your home. Indiana property tax assessments are based upon fair market value in Indiana. This means that the assessment that the county assigns your property should be very close to what your home is worth. For this reason, the process of determining if you are being properly assessed is much easier in Indiana than in other States. For our most recent 2013/payable 2014 tax bills, the assessed value should reflect the value of your home in 2012. In other words, the assessed value should be very close to the value that you could have sold your property for in 2012. The county uses data of similar property sales within the same area of your property to determine assessed value.
Chimney Repair
South Holland
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
This is done on a mass scale, so there are instances where they determine an inappropriate value. This value, less any exemptions that you receive, is then multiplied by the tax rate for all the taxing entities (municipalities, parks, schools) that your property is a part of. So, a lower assessment will result in a lower tax bill. If you feel that the value that the county has determined for your property is too high, you do have the right to file an appeal. Filing an appeal is a simple process, but it must be done correctly, and it must be done by June 10, 2014 for the most recent tax assessment. The law states that to file an appeal, you must do so with a written notice to either your Township or County Tax Assessor. This notice must include 1) the name of the taxpayer, 2) the address and parcel or key number of the property; and 3) the address and telephone number of the taxpayer. This can be done using the County’s Form 130 (I have this form on my website at Appeal ). Form 130 also asks for justification of your change in value. The form asks for this information to discourage tax payers from making frivolous appeals. Providing data and justification of value is not a requirement for initially ‘requesting’ an appeal. In your initial written request you should request a meeting with the township or county assessor to resolve issues in hopes of coming to a joint resolution of value. This gives you the opportunity to discuss your appeal with your assessor and hopefully come to resolution prior to going before the Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals. The Township or County Assessor will then notify you of a time to meet and discuss your assessed value. For residential homes, most appeals are resolved with an initial meeting. I have found that most Assessors are
Concrete Work
Day Care
Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
Anointed Childcare c/o Joyce. Ho m e c h i l d c a re. Childcare since 1992. Associate Degree IA Arts of Paraprofessional Education. Ho m e c o o k e d m e a l s & snacks. Open 6 am to 6 pm. Mo n - Fr i . Ca l u m e t C i t y, location. 708-843-1929
C o n c r e t e & Pa t c h i n g . Concrete steps patched to last. Walks, steps, patios, drives replaced. Free estimates, small jobs. Licensed. D.W Concrete. 708418-0523
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Parents, do you need something to do while your children are participating in our programs? Now introducing our Parent Pass! This pass will allow parents the ability to use our newly renovated Fitness Center during class time onlyl
Postcard Coming With Election Information
Chicago;Van Drunen Heating Co;A07377;5x6.5-4c (B1)
*Child must be enrolled in a current program. Sign up at the front desk to take advantage of this offer.
First 3 Months $ for only 60 SOUTH HOLLAND FITNESS CENTER
Offer is valid until June 30, 2014. * Signing up for a membership with auto-pay is required after the initial 3 months. Valid for only one time use.
Come and see what all the conversation is about at the Conversation Cafe...
For the dependable service and solutions you need — call Van Drunen Heating Co.
RECEIVE UP TO A 45 Years of Service Preferred Dealer
We Accept Cash
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FINANCING from $40mo
501 E. 170th Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Try one of our delicious: Smoothies, Salads, Soups, Fresh Juices or Sandwiches
1,700 REBATE
with the purchase of a qualifying Lennox® home comfort system.
Located inside the South Holland Community Center (Entrance) Mon-Thurs...........................8:00am-1:00pm & 2:00pm-7:00pm Fri......................................1:00pm-6:00pm Sat......................................8:00am-2:00pm Sun...................................................Closed
information affects the integrity of our voting process. It may deflate voter turnout statistics because those numbers are based on total registered voters, which we know contain some outdated information.” Postcards that are returned to the office w ill be used to identif y outdated voter information. The office will send a second first-class mailing asking those voters to take action by updating their registration information, if necessary. Hoosiers should use the postcard as a reminder to verify, update or start a voter registration online at www.indianavoters. com. Voters may also visit their local county clerk’s office or any branch of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to register to vote or update their voter registration.
Hoosier voters are beginning to receive postcards in the mail from the Secretary of State Election Division. The card reminds Hoosiers t hat Election Day is Tuesday, November 4, 2014 a nd to v isit w w w. for election information. The office is mailing these post cards as part of a statewide voter list refresh. The goal is to identify outdated and inaccurate voter registration information to improve the accuracy and integrity of Indiana’s voter registration list. “Last year, I worked with state budget writers to secure the funding to update Indiana’s voter list,” said Secretary of State Connie Lawson. “It is estimated that at least one in eight voter registrations contains inaccurate information. Inaccurate voter
$3.00 per visit
Get your first 3 months for only $60! As long as you’re not currently a member of the gym, you can join now to take advantage of this special offer! If you decide to continue your workout regiment with us after the initial 3 months, there will be no enrollment fee!
very helpful with guiding homeowners through the appeal process, and if there is truly an error with your assessed value, most Assessors will help you quickly. At the initial meeting you will need to have information of properties similar to your property, that have sold from the dates of January 1, 2012 through March 1, 2013. You may obtain information regarding similar sales from county records, from a Realtor, or from an Appraiser. Sometimes having sold information of properties similar to yours will be enough to justify value to your assessor. You do not need to have an appraisal for this meeting, however, if you have an appraisal, it will help you greatly. Hopefully, you will be able to come to an agreement with your assessor at this step. If you and your Assessor are unable to come to an agreed assessed value of your property at your initial meeting, you will need to present your appeal before the County Board. At this point, your appeal will become more complicated. If you move to this step, you are again not required to have an appraisal, but you may want to have an appraisal if you intend to win your appeal. You will need to justify the value of your property, and while having information of similar sales will be helpful, the interpretation of those values is best presented by a properly prepared appraisal report. Bill Port and his wife, Rachel Port of RE/MAX Results have been sel ling homes in t he Sout h Suburbs a nd Northwest Indiana for over 20 years. Put their marketing and negotiating power to work for you! Links to this article and forms can also be found on our website at www.RachelPort. com/Appeal 219-613-7527
A+ Rating BBB Complaint Free Van Drunen Heating for the last 5 years.
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SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473 708-339-6444
OFFER EXPIRES 6/13/2014. *System rebate offers range from $300 to $1,700. See your local Lennox dealer for details. © 2014 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox dealers include independently owned and operated businesses. One offer available per qualifying purchase. A+ Rating
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 5
View Our Ad & Current Values at
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm South Holland Store Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”
Boneless Round Steak Sold As Steak Only
Strawberries E IC
USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”
Porterhouse Steak
2/ 5 $
1 Lb. Pkgs.
Walt’s Signature Premium
Boneless Pork Chops Value Pack
Blueberries IC
$ 49
Indiana Kitchen “All Natural” Pork
Fresh Jumbo Sweet
$ 99
Chicken Breast Kabobs Ready to Grill with Fresh Vegetables 12 Oz.
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
Driscoll’s Fresh Sweet
$ 99
Walt’s Signature Premium
Tyson Grade “A”
2/ 5 $
Full Pints!
Beef Tenderloin Kabobs Ready to Grill with Fresh Vegetables 12 Oz.
$ 49
•Extra Large Fresh
Roma Tomatoes
”New Crop”
Seedless Grapes
$ 49
Dutch Farms/Rose Acre Grade ‘A’
Large Eggs
•Red •Green
99 Dozen
Del Monte
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10/ 10 $
Limit 2, Add’l. $1.29 Xtra Large Doz. $1.39 Jumbo Doz. $1.59
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Driscoll’s Fresh Sweet
2/ 4
•12 Pk. Cocktail
6 Pk. Pre-Packaged
6.4 Oz.
$ 99 $ 99 Dannon
Brown’N Serve Excludes Beef
•Fruit on the Bottom •Light & Fit 6 Oz.
Broccoli Crowns
10/ 5
Polish Ham Assorted Varieties
Turkey Breast Includes Low Sodium & Artisan Varieties
$ 98 $ 98 Lb.
$2.49 1/2 Lb.
$2.99 1/2 Lb.
Classics Pizzas 11 Inch
6/ 10 $
Hills Bros.
3/ 5
Cereals •Frosted Flakes 14.7 - 15 Oz. •Cocoa Kripsies 15.5 Oz. •Froot Loops 12.2 Oz. •Corn Pops 12.5 Oz. •Apple Jacks 12.2 Oz. •Smacks 15.3 Oz. •Scooby Doo 18 Oz.
Your Choice!
99 Kellogg’s
$ 98
Krakus Imported
4/ 8 $
When You Buy 4, Must Buy 4. Quantities Greater or Less Than 4 4/$12
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Limit 3, Add’l. $1.39
Apple Juice
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•Regular •Natural •Cider 64 Oz.
6 Oz. Pkg.
Fresh California
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Indian Summer
From Our Deli Hut
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Buttercrust Cake Buns •8 Pk. Regular Donuts
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Milk •2% Reduced Fat
LU 392
•1% Lowfat •Skim Fat Free Gallon
$ 49 With This Coupon and a Separate $10 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 5/28/14 - 6/3/14.
•Waffles •Pancakes 10.7 - 16.4 Oz.
2/ 4 $
6 Oz. Pkg.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 6
Crown Point Community Theatre to produce “Sordid Lives” Crown Point Community Theatre is proud to present the twisted, slightly scandalous, Texas-sized dark comedy Sordid Lives, directed by Jon Fetsch. Open i ng May 30 a nd r u n n i ng weekends though June 8, Sordid Lives look s at eclect ic fa m i ly members and t heir friends who hail from a sma l l sout hern tow n. The diverse group comes together following the bizarre and controversia l death of a beloved matriarch. The ensemble cast puts a comedic twist on a story of unconditional love, acceptance and “coming out” in a Texas family, as they all converge for the matriarch’s funeral. The eccentric characters include a mother wound too tight and in denial over her gay son, a barf ly/singer at the local watering hole, a cheating heart whose wooden legs accidentally aid in the death of his mistress, and a dozen others too unbelievable to ment ion. Chaos er upt s when t he cheating heart’s wife tries her hand at revenge therapy inspired by “Thelma & Louise” along with her best friend. Their lives intertwine, giving each a new perspective, honesty and meaning. “I have loved the show from the beginning. It is a hilarious piece,” says Fetsch, who not only directs, but appears in the show as Brother Boy. Fetsch first discovered the play upon recommendat ion by a f r iend, a nd
How do you get qualified for a mortgage nowadays? ARTHUR V. VEAL IV
directed scenes from the show for a class he took at Purdue Calumet. This production marks his directing debut in community theatre. “T he show ha s some touch i ng moments,” says Fetsch. “That is what I liked about it, that outrageous humor and the moments of tenderness and raw emotion.” The cast of this production includes Rachel Steigely as Bitsy Mae, Brandon Berk as Ty, Leslie Evans as Sissy, Anne Nicholls as Noleta, Kim Bernstein as Latrelle, and Kali Rasala-Fitch as La Vonda. Other characters include Ken Siegfried as G.W., Charlie Wimmer as Odell, Jim Siegfried as Wardell, Bridget
Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
The “Real Life” Real Estate Column
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295
Choe as Dr. Eve and Chuckles C. L. Brady as Rev. Barnes. Due to adult language and themes, Sord id L ives is recom mended for mature audiences only. Tickets are $15 each, or $12 for students, seniors, or military personnel with valid ID. All CPCT productions take place in CPCT’s black box theatrical space, a 2,500-square-foot storefront located at 1125 Merrillville Road (on the southeast corner of the same shopping plaza as Jewel, Bronco’s Restaurant, and other busi nesses). Tickets a re ava i lable online t hrough t he CPCT website,, or by calling (219) 805-4255.
Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758
Fences/Decks Fence and deck repairs of all types a l o n g w i t h h o m e improvements. Call Chris 219-801-8721 free estimates
Gutter Cleaning Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
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Have you ever wanted to buy a home and had some issues ? L i ke a b a n k r u p t c y, p r e v i o u s foreclosure, or just some past credit issues? W hat about i ncome ? Do you have money for a dow n pay ment? Do you k now how to get down payment assistance? These are the issues that I constant ly hear from families that are renters and want to become owners. My u s u a l r e s p on s e to this has been to send fa m i l ies to a mor tgage broker and let the broker h e l p t h e m . H o w e v e r, m or t g a g e br ok e r s a r e really not in the business of getting you qualified, they just want to get you the loan. So I have always looked for a source that c ou ld help pe ople get from where they are with their credit, income, and dow n pay ment money, to where they need to be. After an exhaustive search I cou ld n’t f i nd a clea r path to help families get qualified. So in response, I got a team of designers together and built a website that wou ld educate fa milies that want to own a home on e x a c t l y w h a t t h e y needed to get qualified. T h i s ne w sit e do e sn’t work against Realtors or lenders. This site is meant to help them by getting their clients ready for a mortgage so that they can t hen sell t hem a home. This site will help you get qua lif ied for a home in the shortest time possible r e g a r d le s s of i nc ome, cred it, or sav i ngs. T he new site is We have just lau nched
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the site and have had an overwhelming response. We seek to help ANYONE who wants to buy a home accomplish that goal. By educat ing you on what banks want and the best techniques to get there, you w i l l be i n cha r ge of getting yourself into position to buy a home. Best of all, this site is by far one of t he cheapest options available to help you get qua l i f ied for a home. M o r t g a g e qualifications are consta nt ly cha ng i ng. Ba n ks have become stricter and government prog ra ms have become harder to get qualified for. Nobody wants to walk into a lenders office only to be told that they can’t buy. Now with, you can know BEFORE you meet with a lender that you are ready to go. For a limited time, take a look at our site and get a FREE personalized report that looks at your credit, income, and savings and tells you what you need to improve. We hope to help 10 0 0 f a m i l ie s b e c ome homeowners in the next 90 days. Join us for a free qualification report and find out what you need to do to own a home Unt i l nex t we ek… A r t h u r V. Ve a l I V i s t he ow ner of We Bu y Houses Home Ser v ices, a real estate investment company. We specialize in buying houses on terms. Find out more about our programs by visiting our sites at,, or our new site Ca nIOw n. com .
any super 18” pizza
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Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 6/5/2014
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 7
SALE DATES: 5/27 - 6/9
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 8
“Marvelous Monsters” Children’s Theatre Camp Crown Point Community Theatre invites the youth of the community to explore theatrical arts and transform themselves into “Marvelous Monsters” at this year’s Summer Youth Theatre Camp. Gu ided by CPCT volu nteers, i nclud i ng l icen sed elementary teacher and Camp Director Anne Nicholls, students will dream up characters, settings, and stories and then collaborate to create and rehearse a world premiere short play. Other activities may include small group drama games, skit writing and performing, theatrical arts and crafts, and song and dance practice. The final production will be performed for family and friends the evening of the final day of class. All of this programming will revolve around a friendly and playful “Marvelous Monsters” theme – not scar y, Halloween-style monsters, but fun-loving monsters the whole family can enjoy! This is the place for any kid who likes storytelling, performing, pretending, silly voices, or making magic out of cardboard. In addition to
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, gutter cleaning, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328
being a lot of fun, the CPCT “Marvelous Monsters” Theatre Camp help kids build confidence, overcome their fears, solve problems, boost their creativity, think faster on their feet, and be better team players. The camp will run 9:00 am-12:00 pm Monday-Friday from June 23-27, 2014, at Crown Point Community Theatre’s black box theatrical space, located at 1125 Merrillville Road in Crown Point (on the southeast corner of the same shopping plaza as Jewel, Bronco’s Restaurant, and other businesses). Classes are offered for children entering the 1st grade through those who have just completed 5th grade. Up to 20 students will be accepted for the program. Both beginning and advanced levels will be offered for participants, with activities determined by their previous theatrical experience as well as their age. Cost per family is $100 for the first child to enroll, $75 for each additional child. Reservations may be processed online through the CPCT website,, or by calling (219) 805-
Landscaping/ Lawn Care Hernandez Landscaping. We e k l y m o w i n g , b u s h trimming, sod stone, mulch, fertilizer. Free estimates. Seniors $5 off. 708-927-2652
4255. Registration deadline is Wednesday, June 18, 2014. CPCT’s “Marvelous Monsters” Summer Theatre Camp is made possible in part by a grant from the Indiana Arts Commission and South Shore Arts. About Crown Point Community Theatre (CPCT) – CPCT is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation, based in Crown Point, Indiana, which ex ists to promote and support community theatre, community programs and the arts for the enrichment and welfare of the citizens of Crown Point, Indiana, the citizens of Lake County, Indiana, and the greater theatrical patronage of the surrounding region, and to further the education of and provide entertainment to its members and the community in the area of theatrical arts. CPCT is a member in good standing of the Northwest Indiana Excellence in Theatre Foundation (NIETF) and the Indiana Community Theatre League (ICTL), and continues to seek ways to reach out to the community.
Lawnmower Repair
Lawnmower Tune-ups on site, from $60. Also tractors serviced. Years of experience. Save this ad. Monday Saturday. 708-268-7075
C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025
Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior power washing, stain decks, g l a z e w i n d ow s , f e n c e s , railings, complete interior. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne an d all , h e re’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
for families living in South Holland at
Veterans Park
Frank M. Zuccarelli, Supervisor Presents
Thornton Township’s
(160th Place & South Park)
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Have fun and learn about Thornton Township’s Services & Programs.
Joyce M. Washington Trustee Jacqueline E. Davis-Rivera Clerk
FRANK M. ZUCCARELLI Supervisor Gerald “Jerry” Jones Stafford C. Owens Trustee Trustee Cassandra Holbert Assessor C.I.A.O.
Norbert Cipowski Trustee Robert “Bob” Piekarski Highway Commissioner
333 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 • 708-596-6040 •
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
Seton Junior Receives Internship
Pressure Washing Mr. Powerwashing/Gutter cleaning. Summer Special! 30% Off All Services: Homes, gutters, roofs, boats, decks, driveways, etc. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. Call Mr. Clean for free estimate, 864365-7134
Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566
Help Wanted He l p Wa n t e d : Te a c h e r needed, 2 years College, including 6 credit early childhood development. 708862-1884 Help Wanted: Experienced over the road truck drivers needed. Many positions available, also looking for an experienced salesperson. 773-905-9636, 708-377-8763 or 708-596-5710
Seton Academy’s rising junior, Mr. Glenndon Bone, received notification recently that he was selected from over 700 applicants to be one of four to be an intern this summer for McDonald’s USA, LLC. This corporate position will afford Glenndon the opportunity to experience the corporate world and many of its expectations before he selects his area of concentration in college.
Lansing • Monday - Friday 11am - 2pm
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Any Large Deep Dish Pizza 3524 RIDGE RD. LANSING, IL 708-418-3500
May 29-31, 9-? 15915 Debbie Lane, So. Holland. Table oak chairs, kitchen, knick-knacks, china cabinet, clothes, curtains, and much more.
May 30-31, 9-3. 15712 Maryland, Dolton. Shoes, small appliances, TV, Furniture, misc. Men and women clothes.
Garage Sales in Lansing May 30, noon - 5pm. May 31, 9 - 5 pm. 3106 182nd Pl. Lansing. Wide variety of items. Doc cam, screen & projector. Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31 8 to 1 pm 3245 Otto street, Lansing C h i l d r e n’s i t e m s / p a t i o furniture
SALES DATES: May 29th - June 4th
Tanqueray Sterling Vodka $16.96 1.75 lt // $8.96 750 ml Smirnoff Vodka $14.96 1.75 lt // $7.49 750 ml Svedka Vodka $14.96 1.75 lt // $8.49 750 ml Ketel One $24.96 1.75 lt // $14.96 750 ml Absolut Vodka (Flavors Also) $24.96 1.75 lt // $13.96 750 ml Grey Goose $49.96 1.75 lt // $22.96 750 ml
Ciroc Vodka $44.96 1.75 lt // $23.96 750 ml Tito’s Vodka $24.96 1.75 lt // $14.96 750 ml Skyy Vodka $18.96 1.75 lt // $11.96 750 ml Belvedere Vodka $35.96 1.75 lt // $19.96 750 ml Seagram’s Vodka $15.96 1.75 lt // $7.96 750 ml New Amsterdam Vodka $14.96 1.75 lt // $9.96 750 ml
Segram’s Crown Royal $19.96 750 ml Seagram’s V.O $17.96 1.75 lt Seagram’s 7 Crown $15.96 1.75 lt Canadian Club $16.96 1.75 lt Jack Daniel’s Black $39.96 1.75 lt // $20.96 750 ml Jim Beam White $23.96 1.75 lt // $10.96 750 ml Johnnie Walker Red $29.96 1.75 lt // $17.96 750 ml
Johnnie Walker Black $49.96 1.75 lt // $24.96 750 ml Johnnie Walker Dbl Black $29.96 750 ml Johnnie Walker Blue $149.96 750 ml Jameson Irish Whiskey $39.96 1.75 lt // $19.96 750 ml Fireball $21.96 1.75 lt // $12.96 750 ml Maker’s Mark $23.96 750 ml
BEER SPECIALS (WARM OR COLD) Modelo $20.96 24 Pk Cans
$ 00 OFF
Garage Sales in South Holland
Garage Sales in Dolton
Any Family or Large Pizza 3524 RIDGE RD. LANSING, IL 708-418-3500
He l p Wa n t e d : Te a c h e r / Director qualified. Cook with food and sanitation certificate. Immediate hire. Fo r m o re i n f o. Lu p e e’s Daycare Center, 14209 S. Halsted, Riverdale IL 60827. Call 708-841-7576
May 29-30, 8-3. 663 E. 162nd Place, So. Holland. Furniture, purses, Christmas, t o o l s, c o s t u m e j e we l r y, clothes, house-wares. Big choices, reasonable.
No matter how you SLICE IT, we’re the BEST IN TOWN!
Help Wanted: Kennel work part-time & Saturday included. Grooming fullt i m e b a t h e r / d r y e r. Experience helpful not necessary. Will train. Apply @ Loubelles Kennel 16440 State St. So. Holland.
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-891-
We lay it on thick!
page 9
Sealcoating & Blacktop
9488, 708-268-0693
Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Corona $11.96 12 Pk Btls
Heineken $11.96 12 Pk Btls
Beck’s $10.96 12 Pk Btls
Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.
Please Remember To Drink Responsibly OPEN: MONDAY – SATURDAY 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS
37 JOLIET DYER, IN 219-865-8501
WE CARD UNDER 40 (Rt. 30 Across from Hospital)
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
Thornton Township Department of Senior Services
page 10
Knowing God Through TOTAL Surrender ANNA M. CAISON
Band entertained the crowd with music and food was provided by Jumboo’s Restaurant and Catering. For more information call (708) 596-6040 ext 3170
The Thornton Township Department of Senior Services hosts parties for senior citizens in the area. The theme of May’s party was ‘Masquerade’. The Smiley Tilmon May 29-31, 8-4 3633 178th St. Lansing. Moving Sale-Everything must go. Baby, Toddler, Adult Clothing, Toys, Household It e m s , F u r n i t u re, T V ’s , Appliances.
The journey to knowing God is a daily surrendering of ourselves to Him. It takes almost a life time to get to that place, where we trust God w ith ever y thing concerning us. A br a h a m b e g a n h i s jou r ne y to knowing God with a call to leave his father’s house and travel to a place God would later show him when he got there. Throughout Abraham’s journey we see him stumble through the process of trusting God with his life and the life of those that made up his household. When Abra ha m w i l l i ng ly su r rendered t he dearest thing to him, his long awaited promised son at God’s request-----we see he had reached the place where he trusted God with everything concerning him. From t he moment we become serious about knowing God, we begin a life journey of surrendering. He takes us a step at a time. In the beginning He’ll direct us to take a path that we can understand and agree with; a sure path with a positive projected outcome. And then He’ll ask us to take a route that doesn’t make sense----a road we’ve never traveled before; one in which we can’t discern the outcome. Will we trust Him
May 29-30 from 9-4. 18433 Willow Lane, Lansing. Baby and toddler clothes, toys and equipment. Household items and adult clothes.
5 Family Garage Sale- MAY 31, 8-5pm @ 17931 EXCHANGE, Lansing Avon; bench & weights; woman&teen clothes; Christmas & home deco, misc.
and go? As we continue to grow in our quest to know Him, we will be asked to give up our personal idols. At this stage of our journey we realize a lot of the things we’ve held on to we no longer need so we will gladly give up those things. But when we let go of those things that have been hard for us to give up, we know we have come to the place where we trust Him with everything concerning us. Bel iev i ng a nd t r u st i ng i n G od’s unwavering love for us is the prerequisite for living a surrendered life. When we truly accept the fact that God loves us and has a plan for our life that includes a glorious future and a full and purposeful life in the present, we can let go of fear and walk in fellowship with Him. As we continue to grow in His love, surrendering to His will becomes a sought after desire of the heart. Our days will begin with, “Good morning Gracious Father, thank you for a good night sleep. What is Your plan for me today? All that I have is Yours! Here I am Lord, send me!” For questions and/or comments send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
May 29 Noon-7 May 30-31 8-4 1 9 1 5 9 W i l d w o o d Ave Lansing Il Desk, Tables, Nightstand, TV, Lamps, Exercise Bike, DVD’s, Rockwell, Baby Items, Misc
Rain/shine. Thur/Fri/Sat 5/29-30-31. 9:00-4:00 2624 Indiana Ave, Lansing Huge Multi-family Yard Sale! Many new items. Games/ t oy s / h o u s e h o l d / collectables/tools etc Something for everyone!
May 29-31, 8-4. 3034-192nd St. Lansing. Tools, household items, clothes, furniture, misc. Estate liquidation. Something for everyone. May 29th, 8-3. 3332-191st. Street. Lansing. Lots of great deals, low prices, household items, clothes, bedding, misc. items.
May 29-31, 8-5. 17135 Bernadine St. Lansing. Household items, furniture, glassware, clothes, and toys. May 29-30, 3:30-7:30; May 31, 8-2. June 1, 8-1. 18810 Forrest View Lane, Lansing. Furniture, fabric. Anything you can think of. Everything must go. Moving!
Just In Time for NOW Dad & Grads! OPEN!
Check out our Men’s Tungsten Carbide Bracelets too!
May 29-31, 9-2. 3260 Otto Street, Lansing. Cookie jars, tools, baby clothes, household items and Holiday decorations.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois May 30-31, 9-4. 16022 S. Carol Ave. Harvey. Estate Sale. Collectible china kitchen ware, dishes, glassware, new items added.
Starting at $199 3338 Ridge Rd., Lansing | 708-474-9235
May 29-31, 8-3. 3610 Lake St., Lansing. Large multifamily. Furniture, tools, electronics, household, collectibles, teen/women’s clothing.
Tungsten Carbide will maintain its finish and is virtually impossible to scratch.
Your 3rd Generation Jeweler for • Quality • Integrity • Service
page 11
Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chili Dogs, Pizza, Polish, Chicken Sandwich, Funnel Cakes, Soft Drinks, Smoothies, Shakes & more! The Village of
South Holland
Tues., Wed. 9:30-5:00 Thurs., Fri. 9:30-8:00 Sat. 9:30-3:00 Closed Mondays
Faith, Family, & Future
Master Jeweler
June 5–8
Thank You
to our Sponsors
Pheasant Hills Park
The Village of
Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun:
5-10:30 pm 5-11:00 pm 2-11:30 pm 1-10:00 pm
South Holland Faith, Family, & Future
The Village of
South Holland Faith, Family, & Future
Platinum Supporters Pantone # 377
Pantone # 1788
Gold Supporters
Entertainment & Family Fun
THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY Carnival Rides, Food Vendors, Beer Garden & Casino Gaming (License 134090)
Kids Bike Parade Pre-movie Sing-a-long Movie in the Park: “Frozen”
Dyer Wind Ensemble Origins Dance Academy The Relics
A Salute to Veterans/Flag Ceremony
Bean Bag Tournament 5 ‘N’ Time DJ Sound Connection
FRIDAY The Nick Danger Band
Fireworks 9PM
Produced by MAD BOMBER
Carnival Rides – Wristband Special $20 Thursday 5-10:30 PM, Saturday 2 PM - 6 PM and Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Last Blast Ride Special $15 Sunday 6 PM – 9 PM
Silver Supporters
Bronze Supporters
Centier Bank
Origins Dance Academy
First Midwest Bank Franciscan Alliance Gineris & Associates Ltd. Modern Machine & Grinding, Inc.
A special thank you to the Dyer Residents and the Town of Dyer for their support! Follow us on Facebook: Town of Dyer Special Events
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 12
Best of the Region The Teachers’ Forum JUDITH PADGETT
O n S a t u r d a y, M a y 17 N W I . c o m announced the winners of their annual “Best of the Region” contest with Patti’s AllAmerican taking top honors for gymnastics and dance classes. This is the 20th year in a row they took the #1 spot in gymnastics. To c elebr ate, ow ner Pat t i Koma r a hosted a dinner celebration for staff and t heir families. Patti stated, “It was my way to thank the staff for all their hard work throughout the year.” Mascot Teddy Tumblebear made an appearance, an ice cream truck for the kids stopped by, a catered WILLOWBROOK ESTATES GARAGE SALES. Crete, IL May 30,31 9-4 Enter 91st and Sheffield (Indiana Side)394 and Exchange (Illinois side).
Garage Sales in Dyer June 4-5, 8-4. Castlewood Subdivision, Dyer, IN. 35+ homes. Maps at 1528 E. Valley Place.
Garage Sales in St John May 31st-June 1st, 9-6pm. 9345 Julia Dr. St. John, IN. 2 family garage sale. Ladies d e s i g n e r c l o t h e s, h o m e decor, and more.
C h i ld ren- t he y a re ou r g re ate st t rea su re, t he y a re a l so ou r f ut u re, sometimes it is hard to grasp this when you see them in their child like state. Yet, before you know it they are young adults. I have heard it said that we can see the passage of time more clearly through the growth of children. They are like flowers that blossom unexpectedly and they are a wonder to behold. I don’t know if we can truly grasp the magnitude of our inf luence upon these tender flowers. They shoot up overnight, yet they are tender shoots that can be carelessly uprooted. Educators as well as parents can be in such a groove that they at times, miss or misconstrue the work that is going on in the child. They may be focused on behavior modification or the child’s aptitude in a particular area of study. Although the above is a necessary component in the growth of a child, we need to be aware that a personal road map is developing in each one. We may perc eive a n i ntere st or b e h a v ior a s a de v i at ion f r om ou r ex pectat ion. We may perceive as a weakness what may actually be a strength. We need to be careful that we do not adopt a cookie cutter mentality toward each child. Uniformity rarely breeds creativity and one of the greatest gifts that we can give to children is to empower them to think outside the box. We can begin to do this at an early age as we encourage them to think or look at a project in a creative way. We can still oversee, yet we need to give them room to breathe.
dinner, and music were all included. Staff at Patti’s plans on continuing to find ways to improve and be the best they can be. As Patti stated, “We have the best customers at Patti’s and we want them to be happy.” P a t t i ’s A l l - A m e r i c a n G y m n a s t i c s celebrates their 45th anniversary this year and offers gymnastics for kids of all ages as well as tumbling, trampoline, dance, karate, cheer, summer swim lessons, and GymN-Learn Educational Preschool For more information call (219) 865-2274 or register online at
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana MOVING SALE. Fri.,5/30 & Sat.,5/31. 9am4pm. 2605-41st Place, Highland, IN. Misc. homegoods, furniture, like new Ladies clothing, accessories & scrubs. Fri. 5-30-, 9-1 8203 Van Buren Ave., Corner 30th n V.B., Munster Multi-fam. Clothing, h.h. items, jewelry, Schwinn bikes women’s/child’s May 31st, 8-1pm. 9 5 4 3 G r e e n w o o d Av e . , Munster, IN. Household items, ladies purses, shoes, and clothing, misc. tools.
Cemetery Lots For Sale Cemetery Lot for sale: Four grave sites. Ha w t h o r n e Section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park. $7,200 value, asking $6,400. Call. 708-720-1050
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.
Apt. for rent: Burnham, 3-bdrms, walk-in closets, hardwood floors, laundry room, large living room & bedrooms. Section 8 welcome. $950/mo. 708-5393162
Start your summer off with our
1040 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 708-333-8030
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Parents for example may feel a little put out by their strong willed child. They may perceive their strong personality as a challenge to their authority. When in actuality that child is demonstrating leadership potential. We do not want to squelch those leadership abilities! We need to have empathy and sensitivity as we work with children. Moreover, it is far easier to establish proper authority when the child feels understood and in turn respected. We d o n e e d t o e s t a b l i s h f i r m boundaries; children can be taught to express their feelings in ways that are appropriate and respectful toward others without breaking their spirit. In addition, I am sure that we have all heard the saying as we were growing up, “because I said so that’s why!” I understand that parents often say this when they are overtired and exasperated and simply want their child to comply. They may feel that their child is challenging them when they ask the question, ‘why?’ I use to ask this question a lot, as a child. I can only draw from my experience; I simply wanted to know why! I was not trying to be disrespectful. It was part of my inquisitive nature to understand, and it plays a great part today as I research and seek to communicate, it factors into all of my writing projects. The bottom line is that we are all works in progress and as long as we seek to grow and understand one another that is not a negative it is a positive...
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Apartment for Rent: Calumet City 2 bedroom. $750/month, heat included. 219-677-7803 Apartment for Rent: Calumet City, 1 bedroom. $650/month, heat included. 219-677-7803
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
1 bdrm. and 3 bdrm. apar tments f o r re n t i n Calumet City. 1 bdrm., rent $745/mo. Call for details. 708-357-4291 Apt for rent: 2-bdrm. 184th & Torrence area, Lansing. Heat, gas, water included. Electricity not included. $860/mo. + 1mo. Sec. 708707-1601 Apt. for rent: Lansing, IL. 2 bdrm. 182nd and Locust. Nice quite area. $985/mo. + security. Stove, refrigerator and gas included. Debra@ Williamson Realty. 708-5966771 Ap t . f o r re n t : 1 - b d r m . Calumet City. 141-155th St. 1 yr. Lease, no pets, $540/mo. 708-474-0945 Apt. for rent: Calumet City 1-bdrm. $750/mo. 2-bdrm. $850/mo. Pay electricity only. Quiet secure bldg. Credit check, no smoking, no pets. More details. 708-582-7850 Apt. for rent: 3-bdrm. 15214 S. Woodlawn, Dolton. Call. 708-825-6347
page 13
Homes For Rent
Home for rent: Lansing, small 2-bdrm. house. Hardwood floors, C/A, 1-1/2 car garage, big yard, $975/ mo. + sec. 219-718-3370
German Shepard. Male, 1011 months old, $300. Pure, but no papers. 219-677-7803
Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Condo for rent: Calumet City, newly rehabbed 1st floor, 1-bdrm. $600/mo. + sec. Includes gas, laundry, and storage. Parking. 708891-9154 Duplex for rent: 2-bdrm. dwelling family room $1000; 2-bdrm. attached unit $880. South Holland cash only. Garage rental optional. 708988-5397
Rooms For Rent Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544
Office Space For Rent
Apt for Rent. 3 bedroom, SouthEast Side Chicago. 10538 S. Ave L. Hrdwd Flrs, Freshly Painted, Heat & Water Included $750.00 month + Sec. Deposit. 219-322-5907
Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708Dry, Vacuum, Windows 339-8068
& Tires
h Holland Car Wash S ou t 15419 S. Park/Chicago Rd, S. Holland, IL
FiVe Smile Clean
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Hand WAX, Wash, Dry, Vacuum & Windows
SUV, Large Trucks & Vans subject to surcharge
SUV, Large Trucks & Vans subject to surcharge
Puppies for sale: 19 to choose from. Call Algie, after 4pm. 708-868-3554 Purebred Mini Lop Rabbits only 9 wks old. Make great pets. 708-946-6775 leave a message.
Wa n t e d : O l d w o o d e n , furniture, Antiques and collectibles, old toys, railroad items, old costume jewelry, glassware, gold & silver, c o m i c b o o k s p re 1 9 7 0 Estates. Call. 708-306-8208 or 219-365-2832
Wanted: Kid’s bikes. Boys 20” and girls 20” & 24” $5 or $10 please. Good condition. 708705-3096 Wanted: Stationary bike at a reasonable price. 708-7577904 Wanted: Mini bikes running or not, pull start or kick start, and related parts. Cash paid on the spot. 708-987-8641
Wanted: Wood splitting maul & a grass lawn detacher, rake and a long handle hay pitch fork. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with banana seats, and high handle bars. Cash paid on the spot. Part also. 708-9878641 Wanted: 90 minute audio tapes. Made by TDK or Memorex or Similar quality. 773-785-7247 Wanted: Chairs (4), for cherry dining room. Please, reasonable. After 2 pm. 708474-0470
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The Shopper
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 14
Providing Job Seekers with a New Short-Term Option at SSC South Suburban College (SSC) recently added one more graduation to its list of ceremonies this spring with its new Highway Construction Careers Training Program (HCCTP). On May 10th, SSC presented certificates of completion to 13 of 15 students who enrolled in the pilot program back in February. HCCTP is one more short-term program that the college hopes will provide job seekers with more options. HCCTP is an intensive 450 hour program held over the course of 12 weeks, for 40 hours a week. Prospective students must meet three simple requirements to be eligible to start the application process: they must have a driver’s license, must have a high school diploma or GED, and must be at least 18 years of age. The application process starts with mandatory orientation followed by assessment testing. If the student passes the assessment test they are then given an interview and sent for a drug test before getting started. SSC received the grant for HCCTP in the fall of 2013 from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and administered through the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). In addition to an HCCTP Certif icate, graduates of the program walk away with 30 hours of OSHA Certification, Illinois Flagger Certification and Lift Truck Certification (Class I-IV) from the National Safety Wanted: Looking for a weight set or dumbbells. 708-5274529 Wanted: Natural gas hanging heater, for a car garage. 708532-8337 Wa n t e d : Au t o m a t i c s e l f darkening welding helmet and a x-large welder jacket, also a suction on gun for draining. 708-532-8337 Wanted: God can be your shelter in life’s storms. Find out how. 708-527-4529
Wanted: 16 in. reel lawn manual mower (no motor) good condition. Reasonable price. 708-782-8646 Wanted: Dollhouse in good condition for my daughter. 708-847-6609
Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011
Wanted: Treated lumber in 2 in. thickness & deck boards, 1-1/4” thickness. 708-5328337
The inaugural graduates of South Suburban College’s new Highway Construction Careers Training Program. ______________________________________________________
Council, Crane Signaling, First Aid, CPR/AED, Aerial Lift Certification, Certificate of Completion in Math for the Trades and Introduction to Welding and Blue Print Reading. They also gain valuable experience from hands-on training in carpentry, scaffolding erecting, cement finishing, and roofing. The class went on fieldtrips to the carpenter and pipefitters apprenticeship training centers to see firsthand For Sale: 2004 GMC Envoy SLT,4WD, Leather,CD,DVD player with accessories, 130K Miles, Clean, $6,000 OBO. Also, 1992 Olds Eighty-Eight, 120K Miles, good driver, good work vehicle, $2000 OBO. 708-822-2111. For sale: 2006 Ford Explorer XLT, 4 dr. 4 wheel drive, V6, loaded with extras, leather, tow package, 110,800 miles, like new cond. $7,900 708895-5688 For sale: 2002 Chr ysler Sebring Convertible, like new tires and brakes, new blower system for heating and air. As is $2500. 708-8778877
what those trades do, and they participated in a six hour training course on the basics of green building and LEED Certification. Another aspect of the 12-week course is sitting for the National Career Readiness Certification Exam, of which all of SSC’s pilot graduates passed including two who received gold level certification (Shawn Higgins of Calumet City and Michael White of Chicago). Of the 13 who graduated, Tavarus Braggs of Harvey has already been accepted to the Laborers Apprenticeship Program, five graduates have applied to the Carpenters Apprenticeship Program, and four have submitted their application to the Pipefitters Apprenticeship Program. “It is very exciting to see doors opened for our graduates that may have been closed before,” said Rebecca Garcia, HCCTP Program Coordinator. “Watching someone come in with the desire to change their life and then see them do what is takes to make it happen is truly amazing! I cannot wait to see how this program grows and changes lives in the future.” South Suburban College is currently halfway through their second HCCTP class. The college is seeking participants for the next open section, scheduled to start July 14, 2014. For more information, please call 708-225-5822.
For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Rainforest green metallic, $16,844. 1-855-969-4000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LT auto, Summit White $14,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Summit White $15,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Ice Blue metallic $16,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu LS, Silver Ice metallic, $18,787. 1-855-969-4000
For sale: 2011 Chevorlet Equinox FWD 4dr. Cyber gray metallic, $18,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Ma l i b u L S , Ta u p e g r a y metallic, $18,787. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu ECO 1SA, Black Granite metallic $20,987. 1-855-969-4000
For sale: 2011 Cadillac SRX AW D 4 d r Pe r f o r m an c e Collection, Platinum Ice Tricoat, $25,987. 1-855-9694000
Auto Parts For sale: Set of 4 Kazera mag wheels mounted on Bridgestone Potenza tires size 205/40R17, off Honda Civic. Like new $750.00. 708474-1505 For sale: B.F. Goodrich T/A radials, 235-60R-15, like new $50 each; N-50-15 with American racing rims, new $200. Call after 3 pm. 708474-7273 For sale: Tire P205/70/R15 u s e d o n l y 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Mounted on Dodge/Chrysler wheel $35. 773-785-7247
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Impala LT, Red, $17,987. 1-855-969-4000
FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.
16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473
Warts are a bump in the skin characterized by pain with squeezing of the wart. They are caused by a virus which invades the individual cells of the skin. There have been many treatments available through the years ranging from voodoo to laser surgery, including use of acids and burning out the wart. Therefore, the treatment should be done with the patients lifestyle in mind. If you have any questions concerning warts or any other foot problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.
1027 Sheffield Ave. Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 322-5808
1515 E. 82nd Ave. Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 795-1005
Kids Eat Free with purchase of a full priced adult entree per child. • Enter to win a Backyard BBQ for the 4th of July Compliments of Sheffield’s. Enter now until June 30th. Remember Father’s Day is Sunday, June 15, 2014
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 15
National Donut Day: Real Estate Celebrating More Than Just a Questions & Answers Sweet Treat
Real Estate Specialists
CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: I got an offer for my house for cash at the asking price but haven’t signed the purchase offer yet because I have been thinking about selling next year instead. My broker wants me to sign. Do I have to accept? Answer: There are several issues here. First, you do not have to accept the offer. The logic is that when a home is put up for sale the asking price is merely an invitation to bid. However, not accepting an all-cash, full-price offer could raise difficult questions. Second, you retained a broker to sell your home at a given price and terms. The broker did his job. Why shouldn’t the broker be paid? Third, how wou ld you feel about selling next year and then find that sales have slowed in your area and prices have dropped. There are times when the best choice is to take the deal in hand. You need to ask if this is one of those times. Question: I just signed a contract to buy a house last month. We were supposed to close the house on May 8th, but my lender could not come up with a commitment letter from underwriting to approve the
loan. My loan was denied. My earnest mone y ha s not be en rele a se d yet . Shouldn’t I get it back? Answer: If I were t he seller I would not release the money w ithout more information. For insta nce, were you required to apply for financing within a given time frame? If yes, did you? Did you provide a qualification letter from a lender saying you could obtain financing for the property? If yes, why were you unable to get a loan -- did you in any way not provide the lender with correct information? W hen did you know that the loan application would be rejected? Did you give the seller adequate notice so that the property could be promptly placed back on the market? Now would be a good time to consult with an attorney. E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Il l: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Il linois Coldwel l Ba n ker Resident ia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.
Motorcycles For sale: Harley Softail Show bike 1988. Everything done. 26,900 miles, 80 + H.P. Lowered. Original owner. Over $40,000 Invested. Exc. condition. Too much to list $9,500. 219-256-4201
Motorhome for sale: 2005 Winnabago Sightseer 30’, 15K Ford V10, SLPS.6, 1-slide out, elec. levelers awning, GEN wired for towing, well kept. $40,000. Selling for medical reasons. 708-8955511
Truck for sale: 2003 Chevy Trailblazer, black, 155K miles, good condition, pass emissions, $3000. 708-4669093
The Salvation Army’s tradition of service represented by the memor y of the first donuts served during World War I continues with the celebration of National Donut Day. The tradition of Donut Day began during World War I and continued during World War II, when the donut became a symbol of all that the Salvation Army was doing to ease the hardships of the men fighting on the frontlines. At t he sta rt of World Wa r I in 1917, approx i mately 250 Sa lvat ion A r my v olu nt e er s b e g a n s er v i n g donut s t o American soldiers on the battlefields of France. As the soldiers faced physical and emotional hardship, female Salvation Army officers had the idea to comfort the soldiers by creating fried doughnuts with the limited ingredients available. These female Salvation Army volunteers, who became known as the “Donut Lassies,” were present in France and at key points on American soil to do more than serve doughnuts. They were present to provide spiritua l a id a nd comfort to A merica n soldiers and their allies. M i l ford C h r i sten s on, pre sident of
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $ 4 8 / m o. , b u n k b e d w / mattress $56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., twin box-springs $20 each. EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 www.
Christenson Chevrolet in Highland, former Sergeant in the 87th Infantry Division during World War II and long-time donor to The Salvation Army, remembers just that. “I remember pulling into Union Station with no more than five dollars in my pocket. The Salvation Army was waiting with donuts and care packages for anyone who served, not just the officers,” Christenson said. “The Salvation Army cares for the common man.” Though those wars have come and gone, The Salvation Army continues the tradition of Donut Day, to raise awareness for the services that The Salvation Army provides to those in need. This year, Salvation Army volunteers will hit the streets on June 6-7 to appeal for support from the public. Those who donate will receive a coupon for six free donuts with the purchase of a dozen from, Strack & Van Til, Ultra Foods, Munster Donuts and Calumet Bakery. The Salvation Army is also looking for volunteers to help continue the tradition of Donut Day. For more information about making a donation or becoming a volunteer, please visit www. or call (219) 8381328.
For sale: Heywood Wakefield, solid rock maple China cabinet 58x48x18, two top glass doors, 2 bottom wood doors. Excellent condition. $300 obo. 708-474-3737
For sale: Chest freezer, like new $100; chest drawer with matching night stand, exc. cond. $100; GTV 18V drill driver set (new) $40. 708-2611800
Fo r s a l e : 5 p c . W i c k e r furniture set, indoor or outdoor. Best offer. 708-4748636
For sale: Black glass china cabinet, $375; diningrm. glass table, w/4 chairs, $140; large bdrm. dresser w/mirror to match $150; Rose gold silverware in chest (8pc) $100; Hoover vacuum $60. All items best offer. 708-8494192
For sale: Pro-Form 760 EKG treadmill $175 obo; full size mattress box spring $75. 708261-1800
Trucks Truck for sale: 2001 Ford 250 pickup Ext cab. One owner, new tires, well maintained, little rust, hwy miles, runs great. $2,495. Best offer, must sell. 708-699-9084
South Holland Recreation Services
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24th Annual
Fishing Derby
10% OFF With this Ad
Gouwens Park
Saturday, June 14, 2014
South Holland Residents Only Registration Deadline June 13, 2014
Get out the picnic basket and bring the whole family! Meet at the pavilion by the parking lot for the 24th Annual Fishing Derby. Kids will enjoy trying to catch the “Big One!” What a great day to spend with the entire family! Pre-Registration is required at the Community Center Kids ages 4 to 16 are eligible Must be a South Holland Resident ONLY! Must supply your own equipment! Parents must accompany all kids!
8:30 am - Check In 9:00 am - Casting Contest begins 9:30 am - Fishing Derby begins 11:30 am - Fishing Derby ends 12:00 noon - Awards for casting, most fish, biggest fish, & more!
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
For sale: 28Ft Heavy-duty aluminum extension ladder $150 20Ft X 12î Aluminum scaffold plank $150 8Ft Aluminum Break $300. 773592-9544
2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573
For sale: Ladies right handed golf clubs, with bag, putter irons woods, exc. condition. $150; white golf shoes, size 6 $10. 708-334-5420
For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747
Moving sale, tools, computer, 55 gal. BBQ grills, ladders, tables, china, lams, pictures, chase lounge, TV’s, glasses. 708-373-0930 or 219-9447940 For sale: 5 piece queen bed unit and ar moire. High quality oak/veneer. Good condition, medium oak. $600 Cash only. Carey 219-6827753 For sale: Bowflex Power Pro. Make an offer. 708-385-1122
For sale: Dining table-hutch. Table, chairs, hutch, oak. American made. Cochrane table, 65” closed, 4 leaves open 109”. Exc. cond. best offer. 708-418-5869 Moving sale: Refrigerator, 1yr. old under warranty $475; multi-purpose table/2 benches, approx. 15ft. long $45; glass vases assortment $20. Leave msg. 708-5281125 Mov i n g s a l e : Pu r s e s & handbags, approx. 15-20 $30; weed eater/grass edger, 1 w o r k s, ( 2 ) $ 6 0 ; s e w i n g machines (2) $15 each; bakers rack, metal/glass variety $40. Leave msg. 708528-1125 Moving sale: Cas s erol e, dishes - variety $15; jewelry package deal, some copper, silver enclosed, $20; flower pots, etc. - variety. $5-$10. Leave msg. 708-528-1125
Stiffel brass table lamps $25$40 each 708-481-6907 Brass flour lamp $20; flour lamp 6” tall $30. 708-4816907 Mulching gas lawn mower, starts, runs good, looks great. You will like it $85. 708-7530021 Bed sheets, twin size $2 each, full size $3 each, queen size $4, king size $5 each. 708481-6907 2 tier occasional table solid cherry $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan Allen sofa $125 obo. 708-4816907 Suitcases (for travel) $5 each; Garmet bags $3 each; small kitchen appliances $5-$10 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Shark Steamblaster E u r o - P r ox $ 3 0 ; Ho ov e r upright vacuum cleaner with tools. $25. 708-481-6907
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Thornton Township’s
*FREE Summer Enrichment Program
TO ENROLL: You must MAKE AN APPOINTMENT by calling (708) 596-6040 ext. 2015 Appointment will be @ 14323 S. Halsted in Riverdale, IL *$40 fee due at time of enrollment– cash please (fee includes t-shirt & outings costs)
PROGRAM SETUP Mon – Thurs 9AM – 3PM June 16, 2014 – August 7, 2014 – except outing days Component Types: Scholastic ● Social ● Leisure ● Physical
WHEN ENROLLING YOU MUST HAVE ● Parent/Legal guardian ● Child ● Utility bill (proof of residency) ● State ID/Driver’s License ● Social Security card ● $40 cash *Paid for through township taxes*
FRANK M. ZUCCARELLI Supervisor 333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 • TTY 708-596-0408 • Fax 708-596-3207
page 16
Street Fair For the Fur Kids All animal lovers grab your family and friends and plan to spend the day with South Suburban Humane Society (SSHS) volunteers as we host our second annual f undra iser a nd adopt ion event “St reet Fair for the Fur Kids” from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2014, at Bourbon Street located at 3359 West 115th Street, Merrionette Park, IL. All proceeds from the event will go towards the building of add it ion dog r u n s a nd t he pu rcha se of a much needed generator and ot her improvements of the 40 year-old animal shelter in hopes to increase adoptions this year! Tickets are available for purchase at and click on DONATE. Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for kids. Price includes dinner, wine, beer, pop, silent auctions, basket raffles, and musical performances throughout the day by The Partyhardigans. There will also be fun street fair entertainers such as psychic Edward Shanahan, balloon twister Nick Balloons, magician Circus Boy, a Photo booth, and our very own volunteer and face painter Monica Gonzales. Please also join Assorted quilts, bedspread and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; Decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes. $3-5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Champagne and wine glasses (Crystal) 6 pc. for $10; Crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Large stork sign for new arrival babies $150. 708285-1107 Oak kitchen table and four capt. chairs, cushioned back and seats $250; swimming pool 4’Dx21’R all acc. best offer. 708-889-0350 For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907
us and sign up for our Fasano’s Pie eating contest (please contact SSHS if interested in competing). Daily updates can be found on the SSHS Fundraising Street Fair for the Fur Kids & Adoption Event Facebook page! Interested in helping this great cause? SSHS is looking for silent auction and raffle basket items. If you can help, please drop donation of f at 1103 West End Avenue, Chicago Heights, IL 60411. SSHS is also offering a pickup ser v ice which can be requested through email SSHSfundraiser@ g ma i Monet a r y donat ion s c a n be sent t hrough t heir website at w w w. sout hsubu rba n hu ma nesociet a nd please indicate “street fair f undraiser” during check out. For those of you who are interested in adopting your fur-ever friend, SSHS will be showcasing their amazing, adoptable pets as well. Please go to http://w w w. to learn all about our animals. For further information on how to donate or volunteer, please call Jana Pace at 708-2592092. This event will be fun for all and will help benefit some wonderful animals.
For sale: “Sure-Fit” sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15; large chair covers $8; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907 2 bar stools vintage stainless steel seats upholstered green $60; folding walker $15; 4prong cane $12. 708-4816907 Singer Sewing machine $70; Brother MFC 210 C printer, copier, fax, scan, (6 functions in 1) with ink $30. 708-4816907 For sale: Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Old dark pine “Ethan Allen” side table 25” x 25”, 3 “Ethan Allen” display wall shelfes dark pine $20. 708-481-6907
For sale: Down comforters s i ze t w i n - k i n g $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows $5$10. 708-481-6907 For sale: Large over the dresser mirror $15; Ornamental wall mirrors $20-$30. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10 - $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted colors Fiesta dishes (each piece $3; Early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 each piece; Casual dishes (white) 708-481-6907 (3) car bike carriers: (2) roof singles; (1) 2-bike hitch shuttle; $10 each for single, $15 for hitch shuttle 708-5967691
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
Visible Music College Hosts Concerts president and founder Ken Steorts’ 2020x2020 vision – 20 teaching sites in 20 cities by 2020. From Sarah Simmons (NBC’s The Voice) to indie darlings Carolina Story, Visible alumni are on the charts, in the studio and making an impact in the church. The summer concert series is the first of many ways the positive impact of Visible Music College will be felt in Lansing and Chicagoland. Visible is a committed partner in renewal and rev ita lization of urba n a reas, a nd its student body, academic staff and spiritual leadership bring their musical and artistic gifts into communities with purpose and a desire to serve. And as the teaching site grows, the economic impact grows, too – to a projected $3.7 million by 2018. Visible also will be an invaluable partner to the faith community, providing passionate, skillful student musicians for service in sound engineering, worship leading and myriad other ways. Learn more about Visible Music College and enjoy free, family friendly live music this summer in Lansing!
Visible Music Col lege launches degree programs at its Chicagoland campus in Lansing this fall, but there’s already a buzz building – and the music starts this summer. After a year of non-credit course of fer i ngs, event s a nd tou r s, t h i s summer the college will present four nights of free live music featuring talented local and national touring a r t ist s on Ju ne 14, Ju ne 28, Ju ly 12 a nd Ju ly 26. A l l concer t s w i l l begin at 6 :30 p.m. a nd ta ke place at the Visible campus at 3404 Lake Street. The concert series will offer a continued introduction to the Lansing community of the music college that will begin its bachelor’s degree course offerings this fall. Launched in Memphis, Tennessee in 2000, the vision of Visible Music College is unique in higher education. T he foc u s i s on c re at i ng sm a l l, i ntent iona l a r t ist com mu n it ies throughout the world that emphasize growth in three key areas: spiritual, professional and academic. Visible expands to Chicagoland as part of Barbie open-up doll house, $20, Fisher Price Castle $10 Both clean and in exc. cond. Ph - 708-672-7178 Little Tykes Washer & Dryer with attached ironing board. Clean and exc. cond. $25.00 Ph - 708-672-7178 Little Tykes Party Kitchen with large bag of food and dishes. Clean and exc. cond. $25.00 Ph - 708-672-7178 Fo r s a l e : A n e ve r u s e d generator. Call for details. Price $350 obo. Ask for Pat. 708-474-3163 For sale: Double bowl white bathroom vanity top; soap side splash and faucets, 67x22 $150 for all. 708-2851107 For sale: Slide out unit for pick-up truck $150; 14 silent movies $35. 708-285-1107 Gold, matching Broyhill Loveseats, excellent condition $150. Wooden/ Wicker rocking chair $50. Two upholstered desk chairs on rollers $25. 219-365-2188. Gold, matching Broyhill Loveseats, excellent condition $150. Wooden/ Wicker rocking chair $50. Two upholstered desk chairs on rollers $25. 219-365-2188.
Dorm size refrigerator; in good condition. Selling for $30. Call 708-757-3491 Household toaster-oven. Good upkeep. Selling for $25. Call 708-757-3491 Bone white Stacy Adam’s shoes size 11.5; good-as-new $25. 708-288-4324 Up r i g h t Fre e z e r ; G o o d Condition; Can Deliver-Call. 708-757-3491 For sale: Patio set, 66” x 40” glass top table with six padded chairs, two are swivel, four are straight. Beautiful condition $125 obo. 708-227-3309
ABOUT VISIBLE MUSIC COLLEGE Visible Music College trains and equips musicians, technicians, and business professionals in skill and character for effective service in the music industry and in the Church. Founded in 2000 by Ken Steorts, the college moved into to its downtown campus in late Summer 2011. The campus includes four floors of performance, practice, classroom and administrative space. Visible Music College is committed to a philosophy of education that prioritizes community through teaching, accountability, and discipleship. Therefore, enrollment g row t h w i l l be ach ieved t h roug h partners and teaching sites around the United States and world. Schal Werk Stadt, a partner campus in Holden, Germany, opened in Fall 2011 and a Ch icago ca mpus beg i ns deg ree offerings in Fall 2014. Learn more at
For sale: Over the toilet wall cabinet (maple) 2 doors, 3 shelves 28” x 24” $30. 708481-6907
1:18/1:24/1:32 SCALE HOT ROD CARS&TRUCKS..$3-$15 EA.312-771-9575. LANSING, IL.
For sale: Kitchen wood wall cabinets (gently used) 2 cabinets 30” x 30” x 12, 1 cabinet 27” x 18” x 12, all $80. 708-481-6907
Wo rk Boots, Size 13,Caterpillar Steel toe, with Metatarsel protection, worn 4 days. $100.00 708-895-3195
For sale: 2 “ Suncast” house mobile (never used) $10 each; Outdoor heavy plastic folding chairs aluminum chase lounger $7. 708-4816907 Music CD”s various artist $1 ea. Wall pictures/w/glass covers/nice frames...$3-$10 EA.312-771-9575. LANSING, IL.
MINI BLINDS. 10 blinds. 5 var i o u s s i ze s. Exc e l l e n t condition. All for $100. Will separate. 219-663-0928. Me n’s / B oy s g o l f s h o e s , Footjoy Contour 8 1/2 Med. Great Cond. $20.00 Ph - 708672-7178 Robert Johnson, Classic Two CD “The Complete Recordings”, 41 blues hits. Perf. cond. $20.00 Ph - 708672-7178 Sears Collector Wish Books, 1992, 2000,2002. Perfect Condition $3.00 Each Ph 708-672-7178 Disney rhyming readers set of 30 hardcover books. Good condition and only $10.00 for all. 219-671-6626 Wooden music center has turn table, am fm, CD, and cassette. Hardly used, and originally $200. asking only $75.00 219-671-6626
wheel chair $165.00 power chair new 708-687-4776 Fo r s a l e : Ke n m o re a p t . washer, Kenmore apt. dryer, full size fridge. 773-821-4444 For sale: Wooden rocker, exc. cond. $60. 708-349-0329 For sale: Cabbage Patch Twin dolls. Limited Edition Calico Twins $75, still in box. 708349-0329 Monster High 2 pk. Draculaura, and Clawd Wold $25; “Slo Mo” Mortavitch $25; Deuce Gorgon $25. 708-2851107 For sale: Homedics Shiatsu massaging cushion. New, $100. 708-753-0021 WESTBURY ‘6’ string Electric Guitar and Case Plus accessories, and a Peavey Amplifier. Great Condition $200.00 Call 708-215-8619
Diabetic Test Strips. Precision Xtra, 50 to a box $10.00. 708895-3195
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10351 Indianapolis Blvd. #B1 Highland, IN (219)922-1038
Electronic Typewriter by Smith-Corona. Excellent condition. $100 or best offer. 219-663-0928
990 Joliet St. Dyer, IN (219)864-9228
Soleus Dehumidifier 45 Pint. Excellent condition. Used once. $60. Call for additional specifications. 219-663-0928.
Danielle Steel Books, Hard back $l.00, Paperback $0.50 ea. Call for titles. 708-8953195
Upright tool box for sell for $50; in good condition. Call 708-288-4324
1070 E. Exchange St. Crete, IL (708)672-5543
TREADMILL-Pro-For m 595LE, wide long track, folds up. incline, calories and heart rate. $180.00 MUST PICK UP. 219-671-6626
Fo r s a l e : Hy d r a u l i c chairs, massage table, cabinets, magnify lamp, microwave, mirrors, wig heads, showcase, jewelry holders, rubber mats, small refrigerator, facial chair. 708-465-4111
to go to college, be ready to send her.
high chair 20.00,2 excersaucers 10.00 each,stroller 10.00,riding horse toy 10.00,wooden childrens table and 2 chairs 15$,pack and play 20.00. 708403-1413
20in Phillips Tv in good condition.Selling for $10. Call 708-288-4324
All concerts are free and open to the public, always family friendly!
page 17
20% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING Order must be picked up in 30 days or regular prices prevail. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented when order is left for processing.
1652 Ridge Rd. Munster, IN (219)923-2024
16145 State St. South Holland, IL (708)339-3653 9203 Wicker Ave. St. John, IN (219)365-4707
Member SIPC
Order must be picked up in 30 days or regular prices prevail. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented when order is left for processing.
Say I saw it in The Shopper Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ Deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip Darts, Board and Wooden Cabinet. Good Condition $20.00 708215-8619
May 28, 2014
page 18
Illinois Conceal Carry Courses
PHILIPS ‘20’ inch Color TV. Nice for a bedroom TV. Works Good $15.00 Call 708-2158619 WESTBURY ‘6’ string Electric Guitar and Case Plus accessories, and a Peavey Amplifier. Great Condition $200.00 Call 708-251-8619
Fo r S a l e : Mow e r, Ya r d Machine by MTD, 4.5hp/22 in. cut, self-propelled, side discharge, Tecumseh engine. $45.00 708 339-7751 Model trains, for sale. N Guage misc. track, never opened, by Atlas $50. 708862-4167 For sale: Mini chopper rolling frame, fat bob tank, ape hangers, front rear disc. brakes, front rear, schools, needs motor, cool project $75. 219-923-0458 For sale: Snow blower used one season. Was $350, new, Now $100. 219-923-0458
The Second Amendment Exercise Studio (SAES) has opened a second location in South Holland, IL. The focus of training is on the 16 hour Illinois Conceal Carry courses stressing, firearm safety, NRA Basic Pistol and advance firearm training. The SAES offers training from certified firearms instructors on weapons familiarity, firearms handling and use proficiency. The instructor cadre’ consists of former competition and law enforcement trainers with extensive training. “…After taking the course from Second Amendment, I was comfortable enough to competently handle several firearms and was better prepared to make an informed decision on an additional
purchase… (FVR)”. S A E S t r a i n i ng te ch n ique prov ide s extensive weapons handling with multiple firearms with various operations (double & single actions) for student to make informed decisions in firearm selection and practical use. SAES also provides training in advanced weaponry including rifle and shotgun use for home defense. The basic courses include safe firearms handling, cleaning, maintenance, breakdown, practical shooting. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a n d c l a s s scheduling contact The Second Amendment Exercise Studio, 17070 South Park, South Holland, Illinois or call 708-210-1900.
CPR and Safety Training
For sale: Beautiful set of china, made in Poland. Ordered form QVC, service “Eight” extras. Purple, pink, bright colors, over $200, $75. 219-923-0458 For sale: China cabinet lt. wood, 76x33x18, exc. cond. Make offer. Dining table 40x40 w/ 18” leaf, exc. cond. 4 swivel chairs, make offer, 2 end table, lt. wood. $10 ea. 219-923-0314 For sale: 4 wood stools, 30” high, lt. wood, $10 each. H/P printer, never out of box $20. 219-923-0314 For sale: Beanie babies, all new, many characters, giant collection. Must sell $10 each obo. 815-557-3212 14ft. mirro craft aluminum fishing boat trailer. Great shape, very clean, must see, must sell. 815-557-3212 For sale: 2 Stiffel lamps $75; 2 vintage mahogany end tables $75; Mahogany coffee table $75; Antique refinished oak rocker $100. 708-569-6724 For sale: Swimming pool 4’P x 21” R with all acc. best offer, oak kitchen table with four capt. chairs, cushioned seats backs $250. 708-889-0350
Free Yourself from Cycle of Emotional Investing BOB KRYGSHELD
Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ Deluxe Limited Edition ‘6’ steel tip Darts, Board and Cabinet. Good Condition $20.00 708-2518619 PHILIPS ‘20’ inch Color TV. Nice for a bedroom TV. Works Good. $15.00 Call 708-2518619
Financial Advice Column
Tom Dukups of American Safety CPR and Safety Training, authorized training partner of the American Heart Association, teaches a CPR class at Thornton Township. CPR a nd First A id classes a re held at T hor nton Tow nsh ip Ha l l ever y 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to 12 For sale: Coleman contractors generator $250, never used bathroom sink $25; misc. hand saws, $1-$3; window air conditioner $50. 708-895-3955
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For sale: Keebler mini pie maker, makes 4 pies, Hostess Twinkies bake set, pastry bag and recipes, included $15 each. $25 for both, new. 219680-6007 For sale: Livingroom end tables, two oval, one rectangle w/drawer, cherry wood finish $100 for all. Three tables. 219-680-6007 For sale: Taylormade LH Rocketbalz driver 10-1/2 degrees adjustable loft $95; Taylormade burner driver 101/2 degrees $55. 219-8656095
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For sale: Aluminum storm/ screen doors, great condition 79” x 35” $50; 79” x 32” $40. 773-785-7247 Hose reel carts, various sizes, made by Suncast or Ames. Very good condition. As low as $9 each. 773-785-7247 Little Tykes Basketball rim and net. Includes base and stand 8 feet tall $20. 773-7857247 Little Tykes basketball rim and net. For small child. 36 inches tall, like new. $15. 773785-7247
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In ma ny a rea s of your life, you’re probably aware that it’s useful to keep emotions out of your decision-making — and that’s certainly the case with investing. However, it c a n b e d i f f ic u lt to keep your feelings f rom i n f luenci ng you r i nv e s t ment de c i sion s . But you may f i nd it e a s ie r t o i n v e s t w it h your head, rat her t ha n your heart, if you know a little something about two different cycles: the ma rket c ycle a nd you r emotional cycle . L et’s sta r t w it h t he ma rket cycle. If you’ve been investing for a while, you’re awa re (probably h ig h ly awa re) t hat t he f i n a nc ia l m a rket s a re rarely static — they are a lways mov ing up a nd down, at least in the short term. (Over the very long term, a period of many decades, the markets have t rended up.) But t hese short-term movements, while perhaps appearing as “zigs” and “zags” on a daily basis, actually form a pattern, or a cycle, that ca n last for mont hs or years. These cycles are k now n a s bu l l (up) or be a r (dow n) m a rket s. Going back to the Great Depression, the average bear market has lasted 21 months, while the average bull market has extended for 57 months, according to research from Standard and Poor’s Index Services. These market cycles greatly inf luence investors’ attitudes and behav ior. In fact, t hey lead to t he for mat ion of investors’ emotiona l cycles. During bu ll markets, investors tend to feel optimism, excitement and even euphoria . But once a bull market ends and a bear market begins, i nvestors sta r t get t i ng nervous. And the longer a nd deeper t he bea r market, the greater the depth of emotion felt by investors. These emotions can begin as anxiety and then progress to denial, fe a r, de s p er at ion a nd panic . Furthermore, market c y c le s a nd emot ion a l cycles don’t really align. Shark Steamblaster EuroProx $30, complete with attachments and instructions. Brother MFC 210C printer, fax, copier, scanner (6 functions in 1) with ink. 708-481-6907 Antique oak dresser 44” wide 23” high 19” deep, two large drawers, $40. 219-933-4565
For exa mple, investors may wel l ex per ience euphoria when the market has reached its high point a nd a bea r ma rket has just begun. For a while, t hen, t he s e i nve stor s, fueled by their euphoric feelings over the big gains t hey ’ve ach ieved, may continue pouring money into the market, even as it’s declining. This type of behav ior, t hough, is probably bet ter su ited for when t he market is a lready at a low, when investors’ dollars will buy more shares. Conversely, investors may reach the peak of their fearfulness a t t he e nd of a b e a r market, just when things are about to turn around. At this point, their fear may hold them back from investing — even though, w it h prices low, it ca n be a good time to invest. Clearly, basing investment decisions on emotions can lead to poor choices. So don’t get caug ht up in t his pattern. Instead, strive to follow a disciplined approach to i nvest i ng. Bu i ld a n investment portfolio that ref lects your objectives, risk tolerance and time horizon, and seek to hold appropriate investments for t he long ter m . O f course, you may well need t o m a k e a d j u s t m e nt s along the way, but do it for the right reasons — such as a change in your goals or i n t he i nvest ment s themselves — rather than as a reaction to the current market cycle. Ou r emot ions a re power f u l, a nd t heir power ca n increase when applied to such a meaningful aspect of our life as our finances. But if you can detach yourself, as much as possible, from t he emot iona l c ycle of investing, you can avoid c on sider a ble a ng st — while helping clear the path to pursue your goals. This article was written by Edward Jones for u s e by you r loc a l Edward Jones Financial Adv isor, Bob Kr ygsheld 5 01 W E x c h a n g e S t , Crete IL 60417 (708) 6722892 Robert.Krygsheld@ Free you pick-up. Queen size frame, mattress and box spring. 708-474-8073 Fo r s a l e : St ove $ 2 0 0 ; refrigerator $200; washer $165; dryer $135. 708-8954147
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 19
Calumet City Library Hosts What’s Your The Chamber Meeting
For sale: Zebra grass, 10 pots available $4.50 each; Why pay retail, very hardy. Right from my garden. 708-6729455
Become An Entrepreneur
For sale: Hostas 10 for $10. Start size. 708-672-9455
Big Idea?
For sale: Huffy 26” 18-spd. bicycle, bell padded seat; Bontrager white letter tires $49. 708-333-7432
KEVIN BRADLEY More and more people s e em to be be c om i ng disenchanted w ith corporate greed. People a re t i red of CEOs a nd upper management ma k i ng m i l l ions a nd middle managers scoopi ng up t he l ion’s share of what’s left while doing little to deserve it. Mea nwhi le, t he people who do the actual physical labor which translates into profits bring home a mere pittance. Paul Henry’s Art Ga l ler y, of Ha m mond, Ind ia na is cu r rent ly hosting an anti-corporate art show sponsored by the South Lake Artists Co-op. The event began with a wel l at tended f u l l day reception. Corporations, whether right or wrong, have the perception of appearing to soulless entities, abusing both the public and the environment. Insurance companies get bailed out by ta x payers a nd t hen deny benefits due, citing paper work er rors or other feckless excuses in order to enrich their own coffers. Banks get bailed out by t a x payer s on ly to create fees for ever y service offered to take in even more money from the cash poor public. Large compa n ies cont i nua l ly pollute our air and water supply with little regard for the environment. Our gover nment repeated ly slaps their wrists and then offers them tax breaks, tax breaks individual citizens will never see. This whole situation of anti corporate sentiment is fueling individuals to desire breaking free and creat i ng somet h i ng on their own more than ever. It may be a small business or a creative endeavor, but people are becoming more For sale: Five dining room chairs, $50; matching table $20; four gals. interior wall print, $45; exterior steel railing, 30” x 75” $25. 708460-8308 For sale: Rhubarb plants $3, potato plants .50 cents each, Asiatic Lily $2; glass shelving 14” x 57” $15; wood shelving 15” x 6 ft. $5 each. 708-4608308 Hosta plants, green with white edges. $1.50 each 708671-1954 Hosta plants, green leaves with white edges. $1.50 each Lansing 708-474-7293
self aware and taking their destinies into their own hands, doing things they have a lways wa nted to do, or learning new skills a nd t r y i ng to d iscover t hei r passion. Ma ny people keep t hei r f u l l time employment while beginning their endeavor and gradually transition over as it becomes profitable. P e r s o n a l l y, I v i e w corporations as tools. I prefer to use them to my advantage, as they would u s e me to t hei r s. For example, if McDonald’s pays me $300 a year in d i v idend s, but I on l y spend $150 a year there, then I am ahead. I have beaten them. This simple formula can be applied to any large corporation which pays a div idend. However, stock investing conta i ns a r isk, a nd your invest ments need monitoring. If you had invested in BP just before the huge oil spill in the Gulf, you would still be dow n. However i f you thought like me, and you saw t hat tragedy as a n opportunit y a nd dolla r cost averaged in to BP on t he way dow n, reaping bot h a prof it f rom t he resurgence of the stock pr ic e, a nd a l s o bei ng paid a growing quarterly dividend. Perception is tantamount to results. If you can’t defeat them, beat them. If enough socially responsible i nvestors ow n enoug h sha res of a c om p a n y, t he y c a n then enact the changes they w ish to see. There is more than one way to catch a fish. Questions or comments may be sent to kevinbradley@columnist. com. Good luck. K.B.
GOLF items$50.New Boxed BALLS:12 Wilson Staff SmartCore ProDistance, 12 Practice, 9 ZippoSDX; used: monogrammer, PRACTICE GREEN 9x3’,4 doz used balls. South Holland Call/text 219789-8496 L a d y ’s Fl e e t St re e t “A l l Weather Coat”, Beige Sateen Med. $18 Ann Taylor Sweater Coat-Beige-long Medium $35 Both like new! 708-671-0376 Couch $75; recliner chair $50; rocker with footstool $25; clothes closet $20; console TV $20; Entertainment unit, w/TV $25. 708-207-1016 For sale: Cubs tickets section 209, row 14, seats 2& 3; June 21, June 22, June 27, June 28 $47 each seat; June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26 $36 each, face value. 708-895-0144
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In-office ultrasound and x-ray to save time and money!
Call Dr. Paul Stepanczuk Munster | (219) 836-9488 Foot & Ankle Podiatry Services
On site X-Ray, Ultrasound, Orthotics. Shoes, and Sandals
For sale: Perennial plants starters, 100 plants, sale .50 cent each. 708-672-9455 For sale: Two genuine fur blankets. One 54x18, one 54x96, both silk lined $100 each. Palos Hills area. 708974-1674 For sale: Scott’s 24” Fertilizer spreader $25; Black & Decker electric weed trimmer $10. 708-481-6907 Pictured at the recent Calumet City Chamber of Commerce meeting are Bryan Swanson, the city’s development coordinator; Mayor Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush, Chamber President Allen Babiarz and M. Kirk Moffitt, general manager, River Oaks Center, Simon Property Group. _________________________________________________________
In a new venue, the Calumet City Public Library, members and guests of the Calumet City Chamber of Commerce listened to Development Coordinator Bryan Swanson talk about the city’s “brand.” Swanson also asked those present for personal opinions as to what they liked/ disliked about Calumet City. The positives out weighed t he negatives much to t he
delight of Calumet City Mayor Michelle Markiew icz Qualkinbush who was also present. It was first time the chamber used the library for a meeting place and the result was great. The box lunches were catered by Jimboos of Thornton, the f lowers were donated by Lifetime Member Hank Maday, and chamber officers provided the extras.
For sale: Sears X-Cargo car top carrier. Like new $75 obo. Call after 6:30pm. 219-5087594
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623
IHSA State Badminton Championship
Automotive Services
Buying junk cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075
Congratulations to The TF South Girls Badminton Team for winning the 2014 IHSA State Championship for the 2nd year in a For sale: Hyffy 26” Men’s bike, needs minor repair. Asking $50. Contact. 708-620-0286 For sale: Steamer trunk vintage wood shaft, golf clubs, rolling pins, Morton salt cups and sugar bowl, ceramic string holders. 708418-0343 For sale: Table Saw craftsman Sears mider 9 in. cut table included; Snowblower Craftsman 9 H.P., 20 in. wide, both like new. Must try. Call after 1pm. Lansing. 708-4740470 For sale: Marble faux 1 round coffee table, one matching end table, beautiful. Must see, $100 obo. after 2pm. Lansing. 708-474-0470
row. Back to back state championships! The lady rebels brought home the trophy May 17th from Eastern Illinois University.
For sale: Vintage character mugs collection, miniature President liquor bottles, signed 1973 girls calendar, 35 mm camera’s, Lefton plates. 708-418-0343 For sale: Tropical plants, all s i ze s 1 9 4 0 ’s a n d 1 9 5 0 ’s Ra i lro a d ca le nda rs, ba r lights, signs and other related items, sports memorabilia prints. 708-418-0343 For sale: 5 Vintage Gene St r a t t o n Po r t e r b o o k s , vintage tea pots, coffee grinders, 15 ink pens, 2 cast irons, toys, pictures. 708418-0343 For sale: Simmer shallow well pump w/well, point alum stud puncher, model ET5, 1926 Map of Cook County, Laser disc. 708-418-0343
Reg. $15
Per Room 2 Room Minimum
Reg. $75
Any 5 Rooms L-Shaped & Great Room Considered 2
For sale: Riding tractor MTD 16-1/2 HP, 42 inch. cut $275 with bag catcher; washer and dryer, $275; wheel chair, $100; gas stove $145. 708715-2348 For sale: Tailites from 2004 Ford flare side pick-up $20; buy one for $12; old green Coca-Cola bottles, $3, per six pack. 708-333-7432 For sale: 4 lab coats, size large nurses. Good condition, 2 new. Reasonable $5-$10; 1 ceiling fan, in box $25. 708849-4192
Chimney Repair
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
We Gladly Welcome
No Hidden Changes Most Furniture Moved Deep Soil Extraction FREE Pre-Spotter FREE Deodorizer Truck Mount Unit All Work Guaranteed Quick Drying Time Insured & Bonded
For sale: Antique 1920’s Sonny long distance moving van, 2 foot long steel truck, 50lb box, 8 penny nails. 708418-0343
An Angels Helping Hand Caregiver Services. Helping Seniors and families of NW Indiana and surrounding a re a s. Me d i c a l o r n o n medical services may be provided. 219-512-6189 or angelshelpinghand.weebly. com
CLEANING Removes up to 96% Of All Dust, Dirt, Pollen, Mold Spores & Animal Dander
25 $ $ 30
ROTO BRUSH Unlimited Registers Single Furnace Home
All Former Komo’s Customers NO SALES TAX - On Fresh Meat
Meat Chop
2123 NorthWinds Dr., Dyer
(Behind Dunkin’ Donuts in Briarwood Commons on U.S. 30)
Phone 219-322-8760 · Fax 219-322-8762
Open Mon.–Fri. 8am–7pm · Sat. 8am–6pm · Sun. 10am–4pm
Accepts: Visa / Master Card / Discover / EBT Cards IL & IN
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
C o n c r e t e & Pa t c h i n g . Concrete steps patched to last. Walks, steps, patios, drives replaced. Free estimates, small jobs. Licensed. D.W Concrete. 708418-0523
Day Care Anointed Childcare c/o Joyce. Ho m e c h i l d c a re. Childcare since 1992. Associate Degree IA Arts of Paraprofessional Education. Ho m e c o o k e d m e a l s & snacks. Open 6 am to 6 pm. Mo n - Fr i . Ca l u m e t C i t y, location. 708-843-1929
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, gutter cleaning, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328
Landscaping/ Lawn Care Hernandez Landscaping. We e k l y m o w i n g , b u s h trimming, sod stone, mulch, fertilizer. Free estimates. Seniors $5 off. 708-927-2652
Lawnmower Repair Lawnmower Tune-ups on site, from $60. Also tractors serviced. Years of experience. Save this ad. Monday Saturday. 708-268-7075
Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758
Fences/Decks Fence and deck repairs of all types a l o n g w i t h h o m e improvements. Call Chris 219-801-8721 free estimates
Gutter Cleaning Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693
Pressure Washing Mr. Powerwashing/Gutter cleaning. Summer Special! 30% Off All Services: Homes, gutters, roofs, boats, decks, driveways, etc. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. Call Mr. Clean for free estimate, 864365-7134
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Sealcoating & Blacktop
C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025
All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566
Painting Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295
Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior power washing, stain decks, g l a z e w i n d ow s , f e n c e s , railings, complete interior. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and all, here’s th e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D14138090 on May 6, 2014 under the assumed business name of RUS CO BLADES TRANSPORT with the business located at 162 LESTER ROAD, PARK FOREST, IL 60466. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is CONTRESSA ALEXANDER, 162 LESTER ROAD, PARK FOREST, IL 60466.
Help Wanted He l p Wa n t e d : Te a c h e r needed, 2 years College, including 6 credit early childhood development. 708862-1884 Help Wanted: Experienced over the road truck drivers needed. Many positions available, also looking for an experienced salesperson. 773-905-9636, 708-377-8763 or 708-596-5710 Help Wanted: Kennel work part-time & Saturday included. Grooming fullt i m e b a t h e r / d r y e r. Experience helpful not necessary. Will train. Apply @ Loubelles Kennel 16440 State St. So. Holland. He l p Wa n t e d : Te a c h e r / Director qualified. Cook with food and sanitation certificate. Immediate hire. Fo r m o re i n f o. Lu p e e’s Daycare Center, 14209 S. Halsted, Riverdale IL 60827. Call 708-841-7576
Garage Sales in South Holland May 29-31, 9-? 15915 Debbie Lane, So. Holland. Table oak chairs, kitchen, knick-knacks, china cabinet, clothes, curtains, and much more.
FROM $595
Towards Any Purchase
Limit 1 Per Customer
Unsolicited Offers
May 30-31, 9-3. 15712 Maryland, Dolton. Shoes, small appliances, TV, Furniture, misc. Men and women clothes.
Garage Sales in Lansing May 30, noon - 5pm. May 31, 9 - 5 pm. 3106 182nd Pl. Lansing. Wide variety of items. Doc cam, screen & projector. Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31 8 to 1 pm 3245 Otto street, Lansing C h i l d r e n’s i t e m s / p a t i o furniture May 29-31, 8-4 3633 178th St. Lansing. Moving Sale-Everything must go. Baby, Toddler, Adult Clothing, Toys, Household It e m s , F u r n i t u re, T V ’s , Appliances. May 29-30 from 9-4. 18433 Willow Lane, Lansing. Baby and toddler clothes, toys and equipment. Household items and adult clothes. 5 Family Garage Sale- MAY 31, 8-5pm @ 17931 EXCHANGE, Lansing Avon; bench & weights; woman&teen clothes; Christmas & home deco, misc. May 29 Noon-7 May 30-31 8-4 1 9 1 5 9 W i l d w o o d Ave Lansing Il Desk, Tables, Nightstand, TV, Lamps, Exercise Bike, DVD’s, Rockwell, Baby Items, Misc Rain/shine. Thur/Fri/Sat 5/29-30-31. 9:00-4:00 2624 Indiana Ave, Lansing Huge Multi-family Yard Sale! Many new items. Games/ t oy s / h o u s e h o l d / collectables/tools etc Something for everyone! May 29-31, 8-4. 3034-192nd St. Lansing. Tools, household items, clothes, furniture, misc. Estate liquidation. Something for everyone. May 29th, 8-3. 3332-191st. Street. Lansing. Lots of great deals, low prices, household items, clothes, bedding, misc. items. May 29-31, 8-5. 17135 Bernadine St. Lansing. Household items, furniture, glassware, clothes, and toys.
MIKE BUDER You come home from a long day at work, and there it is…a letter in your mail box saying that someone wants to buy your home. Of cou rse, t hen you realize they’ve never even been inside your home. So how serious can they possibly be? Today, you w i l l f i nd ma ny “Cable TV Investors”, and even some real estate agents resorting to writing letters to people whose homes a re not listed for sa le. Agent s may w r ite t hat they have some buyers for your home and ask if you would be willing to open up negotiations to sell. Sometimes the investors w ill w rite letters about how they’ve been unlucky i n house hu nt i ng, a nd t hey love t he way your house looks on the outside and “they want it”. On t he surface, t his could be an interesting proposit ion, at least i f you’ve had mov i ng on your mind as more than a remote possibility. Could this be your home selling “easy button”? Maybe, if the letter is from an agent, she or he m ig ht have buyers who may want your neighborhood, but their main purpose might be to get a foot in the door as a possible listing agent if you are indeed interested in making a move. If the letter is from an investor/ buyer, you might want to ask why they haven’t been able to f ind somet hing that’s listed. They could be ma k ing low ba l l of fers. They m ig ht be overly picky. They may h a v e de a l s f a l l a p a r t over unreasonable home
i nspect ion dema nds, f ina ncia l f un k iness, or some ot her i ssue t hat cou ld complicate t heir purchase of your home. W hatever you r f i rst reaction to the solicitation, you need some good a d v ic e, a nd not f r om whoever slipped that note in your mailbox. The big question is what’s your home really worth? The market will normally get you a higher price! So if you are interested enough i n s e l l i n g t o r e s p ond to t he i nqu i r y i n you r ma i lbox, you shou ld start by finding your own agent. If there’s already an agent you like and trust, start there. If you don’t have a favorite, get some recommendations from f r iend s or c ol le a g ue s. Have them run a market a na ly si s a nd g ive you some professional advice on the best way to market your home. Sure, when you hear someone offering to make your house selling easy, it’s tempting. But it’s not really that easy…If it were, Realtors wouldn’t get paid for doing it! If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. c om Fa c eb o ok Fr iend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman
May 29-30, 3:30-7:30; May 31, 8-2. June 1, 8-1. 18810 Forrest View Lane, Lansing. Furniture, fabric. Anything you can think of. Everything must go. Moving!
WILLOWBROOK ESTATES GARAGE SALES. Crete, IL May 30,31 9-4 Enter 91st and Sheffield (Indiana Side)394 and Exchange (Illinois side).
May 29-31, 8-3. 3610 Lake St., Lansing. Large multifamily. Furniture, tools, electronics, household, collectibles, teen/women’s clothing.
June 4-5, 8-4. Castlewood Subdivision, Dyer, IN. 35+ homes. Maps at 1528 E. Valley Place.
May 29-31, 9-2. 3260 Otto Street, Lansing. Cookie jars, tools, baby clothes, household items and Holiday decorations.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois
Garage Sales in Dyer
Garage Sales in St John May 31st-June 1st, 9-6pm. 9345 Julia Dr. St. John, IN. 2 family garage sale. Ladies d e s i g n e r c l o t h e s, h o m e decor, and more.
May 30-31, 9-4. 16022 S. Carol Ave. Harvey. Estate Sale. Collectible china kitchen ware, dishes, glassware, new items added.
A Good Day Starts With A Good Nights Sleep!
$5.00 OFF
Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer
Garage Sales in Dolton
May 29-30, 8-3. 663 E. 162nd Place, So. Holland. Furniture, purses, Christmas, t o o l s, c o s t u m e j e we l r y, clothes, house-wares. Big choices, reasonable.
We Work With: ·Little or NO Equity ·Behind On Payments ·Facing Divorce ·Need Debt Relief Fast ·Already in foreclosure What Do You Have To Lose? Let Us Make You an OFFER On Your House Today!
page 20
Why Pay More?
$118 $128 Twin Each Twin Each $268
Sales Manager
575 W. 84th Dr., Suite 2 Merrillville, IN 46410 Phone: (219) 736-8442 x18 Phone: (219) 736-8442 x2218 Cell: (219) 682-4208 Fax: (219) 736-8443 Email: LICENSED IN INDIANA AND ILLINOIS
NMLS #258561
w w w. d i a m o n d re s i d e n t i a l . c o m
Twin Set
Full EACH ........ $98 Full EACH ...... $148 Full SET ......... $268 Queen SET .... $228 Queen SET .... $328 Queen SET .... $338 Full SET ......... $328 King SET ....... $298 King SET ....... $398 King SET ....... $438 Queen SET .... $398 King SET ....... $498
M-F 9:30-8; Sat 9:30-5:30
Donna Holmer
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
Wartime Remembrances
Treasured Letters From The Past
page 21
Ice Cream Day
Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with banana seats, and high handle bars. Cash paid on the spot. Part also. 708-9878641 Wanted: 90 minute audio tapes. Made by TDK or Memorex or Similar quality. 773-785-7247 Wanted: Chairs (4), for cherry dining room. Please, reasonable. After 2 pm. 708474-0470
MARJORIE ALICE DEVRIES I’m c apa ble of multitasking. That is— ta l k i ng on t he phone, g rocer y shoppi ng a nd yel l i ng at my k ids for putting extra junk in my cart (all with a smile on my face) a s on lookers c ont e m p l a t e i f I’m a loose cannon. But that’s easy as pie compared to how A lber t DiCicco, a bomba rd ier of W W II multitasked: calculating t he relea se of bombs, blocking enemy fighters with their flying flak, and enduring a plane suffering turbo trouble—and doing it all with true grit. Flight Officer A lber t DiCicco, (724t h Bombardment Squadron, 451s t B om b a r d m e nt G r ou p i n W W I I ) w a s chosen to be lead bombardier for a crew that was finishing their last mission. O n We d n e s d a y, Ja nu a r y 31, 19 4 5 , mor e t h a n 6 70 B -2 4 s a n d B -17s b o m b e d t he Moosbierbaum oi l ref i ner y. A not her bombardier of that day, in the book “Shot at and Missed” by Jack R. Myers, said this about the same bomb run that Albert was on: “Soon black , ugly clouds of flak appeared in the sky ahead of us…the sky was no longer a scene of beauty and purity like heaven must be. Instead it was ugly, smelled of burnt cordite, and surely must be like the depths of hell. Now
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana MOVING SALE. Fri.,5/30 & Sat.,5/31. 9am4pm. 2605-41st Place, Highland, IN. Misc. homegoods, furniture, like new Ladies clothing, accessories & scrubs. Fri. 5-30-, 9-1 8203 Van Buren Ave., Corner 30th n V.B., Munster Multi-fam. Clothing, h.h. items, jewelry, Schwinn bikes women’s/child’s May 31st, 8-1pm. 9 5 4 3 G r e e n w o o d Av e . , Munster, IN. Household items, ladies purses, shoes, and clothing, misc. tools.
it was only survival that mattered.” A lber t wa s on B-24 a i rc r a f t # 4 6 0, pi lote d by 1st Lt. Lloyd O. Boots. There are two confidential r e p or t s f r om a not her aircraft who w itnessed what happened to Albert’s plane. These confidential reports are a part of the Missing Air Crew Report, now released by t he National Archive: On 31 January 1945, I was flying as nose gunner in B-24 aircraf t # 9 0 6 , piloted by 1st Lt. Frank Vernon. We were f lying in the #4 position of our flight, and aircraft #460, piloted by 1st Lt. Lloyd O. Boots, was flying ahead of us in the #3 position. We t u r n e d of f ou r bomb run on the primary target , Moosbierbaum , Austria and just after we did so, aircraft #460 began to fall back. It fell behind us on our left and I did not see it again. I could see nothing wrong with the ship.”~Willard O. McGinn Nex t week, we w i l l read what A lbert w rote about his tragic plane on the bomb run. Marjorie Alice DeVries is a f reela nce w r iter devoted to sha ring t he priceless treasure of war letters, each one a unique w indow into a life that once was. Visit: w w w. t r e a s u r e d l e t t e r s f r, or write to: Ma r jor ie DeVr ies, 948 Killarney Drive, Dyer, IN 46311.
Cemetery Lots For Sale Cemetery Lot for sale: Four grave sites. Ha w t h o r n e Section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park. $7,200 value, asking $6,400. Call. 708-720-1050
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.
Wanted: Looking for a weight set or dumbbells. 708-5274529 Wanted: Natural gas hanging heater, for a car garage. 708532-8337
L a st week Mayor Roger s at tended Franklin School on Chicago Rd. in Dolton to bring a cool treat to the students and teachers. The students all gathered in the gym and were treated to Dixie Cups of ice cream. Mayor Rogers encouraged them to do their best in school and grow up to be respectful of others. Police Chief Franklin Apt. for rent: Burnham, 3-bdrms, walk-in closets, hardwood floors, laundry room, large living room & bedrooms. Section 8 welcome. $950/mo. 708-5393162 1-bdrm. apt., Calumet City. Great location, C/A. Tenant pays heat, Reduced rate to $650/mo. 708-305-5330 Apartment for Rent: Calumet City 2 bedroom. $750/month, heat included. 219-677-7803 Apartment for Rent: Calumet City, 1 bedroom. $650/month, heat included. 219-677-7803 1 bdrm. and 3 bdrm. apar tments f o r re n t i n Calumet City. 1 bdrm., rent $745/mo. Call for details. 708-357-4291 Apt for rent: 2-bdrm. 184th & Torrence area, Lansing. Heat, gas, water included. Electricity not included. $860/mo. + 1mo. Sec. 708707-1601 Apt. for rent: Lansing, IL. 2 bdrm. 182nd and Locust. Nice quite area. $985/mo. + security. Stove, refrigerator and gas included. Debra@ Williamson Realty. 708-5966771 Ap t . f o r re n t : 1 - b d r m . Calumet City. 141-155th St. 1 yr. Lease, no pets, $540/mo. 708-474-0945 Apt. for rent: Calumet City 1-bdrm. $750/mo. 2-bdrm. $850/mo. Pay electricity only. Quiet secure bldg. Credit check, no smoking, no pets. More details. 708-582-7850 Apt. for rent: 3-bdrm. 15214 S. Woodlawn, Dolton. Call. 708-825-6347 Apt for Rent. 3 bedroom, SouthEast Side Chicago. 10538 S. Ave L. Hrdwd Flrs, Freshly Painted, Heat & Water Included $750.00 month + Sec. Deposit. 219-322-5907
and Fire Chief Hughes were a lso t heir and reminded the students about safety in regards to fires, handguns and playing outside in the summertime. Everyone had a good time and asked Mayor Rogers and his police and fire chiefs to please come back again next year.
Homes For Rent
Home for rent: Lansing, small 2-bdrm. house. Hardwood floors, C/A, 1-1/2 car garage, big yard, $975/ mo. + sec. 219-718-3370
Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Condo for rent: Calumet City, newly rehabbed 1st floor, 1-bdrm. $600/mo. + sec. Includes gas, laundry, and storage. Parking. 708891-9154 Duplex for rent: 2-bdrm. dwelling family room $1000; 2-bdrm. attached unit $880. South Holland cash only. Garage rental optional. 708988-5397
Rooms For Rent Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708339-8068
Pets German Shepard. Male, 1011 months old, $300. Pure, but no papers. 219-677-7803 Puppies for sale: 19 to choose from. Call Algie, after 4pm. 708-868-3554 Purebred Mini Lop Rabbits only 9 wks old. Make great pets. 708-946-6775 leave a message.
Wanted: Old beer cans; Old beer collectibles. Will buy, trade, or sell. 219-836-8907 Wa n t e d : O l d w o o d e n , furniture, Antiques and collectibles, old toys, railroad items, old costume jewelry, glassware, gold & silver, c o m i c b o o k s p re 1 9 7 0 Estates. Call. 708-306-8208 or 219-365-2832 Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Kid’s bikes. Boys 20” and girls 20” & 24” $5 or $10 please. Good condition. 708705-3096 Wanted: Stationary bike at a reasonable price. 708-7577904 Wanted: Mini bikes running or not, pull start or kick start, and related parts. Cash paid on the spot. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Wood splitting maul & a grass lawn detacher, rake and a long handle hay pitch fork. 708-532-8337
Wa n t e d : Au t o m a t i c s e l f darkening welding helmet and a x-large welder jacket, also a suction on gun for draining. 708-532-8337 Wanted: God can be your shelter in life’s storms. Find out how. 708-527-4529 Wanted: Treated lumber in 2 in. thickness & deck boards, 1-1/4” thickness. 708-5328337 Wanted: 16 in. reel lawn manual mower (no motor) good condition. Reasonable price. 708-782-8646 Wanted: Dollhouse in good condition for my daughter. 708-847-6609
Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 For Sale: 2004 GMC Envoy SLT,4WD, Leather,CD,DVD player with accessories, 130K Miles, Clean, $6,000 OBO. Also, 1992 Olds Eighty-Eight, 120K Miles, good driver, good work vehicle, $2000 OBO. 708-822-2111. For sale: 2006 Ford Explorer XLT, 4 dr. 4 wheel drive, V6, loaded with extras, leather, tow package, 110,800 miles, like new cond. $7,900 708895-5688 For sale: 2002 Chr ysler Sebring Convertible, like new tires and brakes, new blower system for heating and air. As is $2500. 708-8778877 For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Rainforest green metallic, $16,844. 1-855-969-4000
Laytonia Goodman – Johnson/Bank One, N.A.
2002 DODGE CARAVAN VIN: 1B4GP45352B642366
Sale Date: May 31, 2014 at David the Automobile Dr. 14152 Irving Ave., Dolton, Illinois 60419
Need Food? Need Clothes?
Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.
Catholic Charities South Suburban Services
16100 Seton Drive South Holland
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING On Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 9:30 am, a me eting conducte d by S outh Holland S cho ol District 150 will take place at McKinle y Jr. High S cho ol. The pur p ose of this me eting is to discuss S outh Holland S cho ol District 150’s plans for providing sp e cial e duc ation ser vices to students with disabilities who attend a private scho ol within the b oundaries of District 150, or are home-scho ole d and currently live within the b oundaries of our district. If you are a parent of a home-scho ole d or a private scho ol student who has b e en identifie d with a disability, or if you have fur ther questions p er taining to this me eting, you may contact Dr. Denise Julius, Assistant Sup erintendent of Sp e cialize d S er vices, at 708/339.8655. The lo c ation of the me eting w i l l b e held at: McKinle y Jr. High S cho ol 16949 C ottage Grove Avenue S outh Holland, IL 60473 Office of Sp e cialize d S er vices Ro om 120
FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning for RESIDENTS OF LANSING who ARE IN NEED.
Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure
Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL
Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Summit White $15,987. 1-855-9694000
May 28, 2014
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu LS, Silver Ice metallic, $18,787. 1-855-969-4000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Ma l i b u L S , Ta u p e g r a y metallic, $18,787. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu ECO 1SA, Black Granite metallic $20,987. 1-855-969-4000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LT auto, Summit White $14,987. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Ice Blue metallic $16,987. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2011 Chevorlet Equinox FWD 4dr. Cyber gray metallic, $18,987. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2011 Cadillac SRX AWD 4 d r Per for ma nce Collection, Platinum Ice Tricoat, $25,987. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Impala LT, Red, $17,987. 1-855-969-4000
Auto Parts For sale: Set of 4 Kazera mag wheels mounted on Bridgestone Potenza tires size 205/40R17, off Honda Civic. Like new $750.00. 708474-1505 For sale: B.F. Goodrich T/A radials, 235-60R-15, like new $50 each; N-50-15 with American racing rims, new $200. Call after 3 pm. 708474-7273 For sale: Tire P205/70/R15 u s e d o n l y 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Mounted on Dodge/Chrysler wheel $35. 773-785-7247
Motorhome for sale: 2005 Winnabago Sightseer 30’, 15K Ford V10, SLPS.6, 1-slide out, elec. levelers awning, GEN wired for towing, well kept. $40,000. Selling for medical reasons. 708-8955511
Motorcycles For sale: Harley Softail Show bike 1988. Everything done. 26,900 miles, 80 + H.P. Lowered. Original owner. Over $40,000 Invested. Exc. condition. Too much to list $9,500. 219-256-4201
Trucks Truck for sale: 2001 Ford 250 pickup Ext cab. One owner, new tires, well maintained, little rust, hwy miles, runs great. $2,495. Best offer, must sell. 708-699-9084 Truck for sale: 2003 Chevy Trailblazer, black, 155K miles, good condition, pass emissions, $3000. 708-4669093
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $ 4 8 / m o. , b u n k b e d w / mattress $56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., twin box-springs $20 each. EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 www. For sale: Heywood Wakefield, solid rock maple China cabinet 58x48x18, two top glass doors, 2 bottom wood doors. Excellent condition. $300 obo. 708-474-3737 Fo r s a l e : 5 p c . W i c k e r furniture set, indoor or outdoor. Best offer. 708-4748636 For sale: Pro-Form 760 EKG treadmill $175 obo; full size mattress box spring $75. 708261-1800
For sale: Chest freezer, like new $100; chest drawer with matching night stand, exc. cond. $100; GTV 18V drill driver set (new) $40. 708-2611800
Moving sale: Ca sse ro le, dishes - variety $15; jewelry package deal, some copper, silver enclosed, $20; flower pots, etc. - variety. $5-$10. Leave msg. 708-528-1125
For sale: Black glass china cabinet, $375; diningrm. glass table, w/4 chairs, $140; large bdrm. dresser w/mirror to match $150; Rose gold silverware in chest (8pc) $100; Hoover vacuum $60. All items best offer. 708-8494192
2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573
For sale: 28Ft Heavy-duty aluminum extension ladder $150 20Ft X 12î Aluminum scaffold plank $150 8Ft Aluminum Break $300. 773592-9544
Stiffel brass table lamps $25$40 each 708-481-6907
For sale: Ladies right handed golf clubs, with bag, putter irons woods, exc. condition. $150; white golf shoes, size 6 $10. 708-334-5420
Mulching gas lawn mower, starts, runs good, looks great. You will like it $85. 708-7530021
Moving sale, tools, computer, 55 gal. BBQ grills, ladders, tables, china, lams, pictures, chase lounge, TV’s, glasses. 708-373-0930 or 219-9447940 For sale: 5 piece queen bed unit and ar moire. High quality oak/veneer. Good condition, medium oak. $600 Cash only. Carey 219-6827753 For sale: Bowflex Power Pro. Make an offer. 708-385-1122
For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747
Brass flour lamp $20; flour lamp 6” tall $30. 708-4816907
Bed sheets, twin size $2 each, full size $3 each, queen size $4, king size $5 each. 708481-6907 2 tier occasional table solid cherry $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan Allen sofa $125 obo. 708-4816907 Suitcases (for travel) $5 each; Garmet bags $3 each; small kitchen appliances $5-$10 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Shark Steamblaster E u r o - P r ox $ 3 0 ; Ho ov e r upright vacuum cleaner with tools. $25. 708-481-6907 Assorted quilts, bedspread and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; Decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes. $3-5 each. 708-481-6907
For sale: Dining table-hutch. Table, chairs, hutch, oak. American made. Cochrane table, 65” closed, 4 leaves open 109”. Exc. cond. best offer. 708-418-5869 Moving sale: Refrigerator, 1yr. old under warranty $475; multi-purpose table/2 benches, approx. 15ft. long $45; glass vases assortment $20. Leave msg. 708-5281125 Mov i n g s a l e : Pu r s e s & handbags, approx. 15-20 $30; weed eater/grass edger, 1 w o r k s, ( 2 ) $ 6 0 ; s e w i n g machines (2) $15 each; bakers rack, metal/glass variety $40. Leave msg. 708528-1125
For sale: Champagne and wine glasses (Crystal) 6 pc. for $10; Crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907
page 22
2 bar stools vintage stainless steel seats upholstered green $60; folding walker $15; 4prong cane $12. 708-4816907 Singer Sewing machine $70; Brother MFC 210 C printer, copier, fax, scan, (6 functions in 1) with ink $30. 708-4816907 For sale: Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Old dark pine “Ethan Allen” side table 25” x 25”, 3 “Ethan Allen” display wall shelfes dark pine $20. 708-481-6907 For sale: Down comforters s i ze t w i n - k i n g $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows $5$10. 708-481-6907 For sale: Large over the dresser mirror $15; Ornamental wall mirrors $20-$30. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10 - $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted colors Fiesta dishes (each piece $3; Early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 each piece; Casual dishes (white) 708-481-6907 (3) car bike carriers: (2) roof singles; (1) 2-bike hitch shuttle; $10 each for single, $15 for hitch shuttle 708-5967691 Barbie open-up doll house, $20, Fisher Price Castle $10 Both clean and in exc. cond. Ph - 708-672-7178 Little Tykes Washer & Dryer with attached ironing board. Clean and exc. cond. $25.00 Ph - 708-672-7178
For sale: Large stork sign for new arrival babies $150. 708285-1107
Little Tykes Party Kitchen with large bag of food and dishes. Clean and exc. cond. $25.00 Ph - 708-672-7178
Oak kitchen table and four capt. chairs, cushioned back and seats $250; swimming pool 4’Dx21’R all acc. best offer. 708-889-0350
Fo r s a l e : A n e ve r u s e d generator. Call for details. Price $350 obo. Ask for Pat. 708-474-3163
For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907 For sale: “Sure-Fit” sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15; large chair covers $8; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907
Don’t forget to check out our
C A l e nD A R
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For sale: Double bowl white bathroom vanity top; soap side splash and faucets, 67x22 $150 for all. 708-2851107 For sale: Slide out unit for pick-up truck $150; 14 silent movies $35. 708-285-1107 Gold, matching Broyhill Loveseats, excellent condition $150. Wooden/ Wicker rocking chair $50. Two upholstered desk chairs on rollers $25. 219-365-2188.
Gold, matching Broyhill Loveseats, excellent condition $150. Wooden/ Wicker rocking chair $50. Two upholstered desk chairs on rollers $25. 219-365-2188. high chair 20.00,2 excersaucers 10.00 each,stroller 10.00,riding horse toy 10.00,wooden childrens table and 2 chairs 15$,pack and play 20.00. 708403-1413 Upright tool box for sell for $50; in good condition. Call 708-288-4324 20in Phillips Tv in good condition.Selling for $10. Call 708-288-4324 Dorm size refrigerator; in good condition. Selling for $30. Call 708-757-3491 Household toaster-oven. Good upkeep. Selling for $25. Call 708-757-3491 Bone white Stacy Adam’s shoes size 11.5; good-as-new $25. 708-288-4324 Up r i g h t F re e z e r ; G o o d Condition; Can Deliver-Call. 708-757-3491 For sale: Patio set, 66” x 40” glass top table with six padded chairs, two are swivel, four are straight. Beautiful condition $125 obo. 708-227-3309 For sale: Over the toilet wall cabinet (maple) 2 doors, 3 shelves 28” x 24” $30. 708481-6907 For sale: Kitchen wood wall cabinets (gently used) 2 cabinets 30” x 30” x 12, 1 cabinet 27” x 18” x 12, all $80. 708-481-6907 For sale: 2 “ Suncast” house mobile (never used) $10 each; Outdoor heavy plastic folding chairs aluminum chase lounger $7. 708-4816907 Music CD”s various artist $1 ea. Wall pictures/w/glass covers/nice frames...$3-$10 EA.312-771-9575. LANSING, IL. 1:18/1:24/1:32 SCALE HOT ROD CARS&TRUCKS..$3-$15 EA.312-771-9575. LANSING, IL. Wo rk Boots, Size 13,Caterpillar Steel toe, with Metatarsel protection, worn 4 days. $100.00 708-895-3195 Danielle Steel Books, Hard back $l.00, Paperback $0.50 ea. Call for titles. 708-8953195 Diabetic Test Strips. Precision Xtra, 50 to a box $10.00. 708895-3195
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
Fo r s a l e : Hy d r a u l i c chairs, massage table, cabinets, magnify lamp, microwave, mirrors, wig heads, showcase, jewelry holders, rubber mats, small refrigerator, facial chair. 708-465-4111 MINI BLINDS. 10 blinds. 5 var i o us sizes. Exc el l ent condition. All for $100. Will separate. 219-663-0928. Me n’s / B oy s g o l f s h o e s , Footjoy Contour 8 1/2 Med. Great Cond. $20.00 Ph - 708672-7178 Robert Johnson, Classic Two CD “The Complete Recordings”, 41 blues hits. Perf. cond. $20.00 Ph - 708672-7178 Sears Collector Wish Books, 1992, 2000,2002. Perfect Condition $3.00 Each Ph 708-672-7178 Disney rhyming readers set of 30 hardcover books. Good condition and only $10.00 for all. 219-671-6626 Wooden music center has turn table, am fm, CD, and cassette. Hardly used, and originally $200. asking only $75.00 219-671-6626 TREADMILL-Pro-For m 595LE, wide long track, folds up. incline, calories and heart rate. $180.00 MUST PICK UP. 219-671-6626 Soleus Dehumidifier 45 Pint. Excellent condition. Used once. $60. Call for additional specifications. 219-663-0928. Electronic Typewriter by Smith-Corona. Excellent condition. $100 or best offer. 219-663-0928 wheel chair $165.00 power chair new 708-687-4776 Fo r s a l e : Ke n m o re a p t . washer, Kenmore apt. dryer, full size fridge. 773-821-4444 For sale: Wooden rocker, exc. cond. $60. 708-349-0329 For sale: Cabbage Patch Twin dolls. Limited Edition Calico Twins $75, still in box. 708349-0329 Monster High 2 pk. Draculaura, and Clawd Wold $25; “Slo Mo” Mortavitch $25; Deuce Gorgon $25. 708-2851107 For sale: Homedics Shiatsu massaging cushion. New, $100. 708-753-0021 WESTBURY ‘6’ string Electric Guitar and Case Plus accessories, and a Peavey Amplifier. Great Condition $200.00 Call 708-215-8619 Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ Deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip Darts, Board and Wooden Cabinet. Good Condition $20.00 708215-8619
May 28, 2014
Fo r S a l e : Mow e r, Ya r d Machine by MTD, 4.5hp/22 in. cut, self-propelled, side discharge, Tecumseh engine. $45.00 708 339-7751 Model trains, for sale. N Guage misc. track, never opened, by Atlas $50. 708862-4167 For sale: Mini chopper rolling frame, fat bob tank, ape hangers, front rear disc. brakes, front rear, schools, needs motor, cool project $75. 219-923-0458
Call for an interview 708-514-4597
For sale: Beautiful set of china, made in Poland. Ordered form QVC, service “Eight” extras. Purple, pink, bright colors, over $200, $75. 219-923-0458
Free you pick-up. Queen size frame, mattress and box spring. 708-474-8073
For sale: 4 wood stools, 30” high, lt. wood, $10 each. H/P printer, never out of box $20. 219-923-0314 For sale: Beanie babies, all new, many characters, giant collection. Must sell $10 each obo. 815-557-3212 14ft. mirro craft aluminum fishing boat trailer. Great shape, very clean, must see, must sell. 815-557-3212 For sale: 2 Stiffel lamps $75; 2 vintage mahogany end tables $75; Mahogany coffee table $75; Antique refinished oak rocker $100. 708-569-6724 For sale: Swimming pool 4’P x 21” R with all acc. best offer, oak kitchen table with four capt. chairs, cushioned seats backs $250. 708-889-0350 For sale: Coleman contractors generator $250, never used bathroom sink $25; misc. hand saws, $1-$3; window air conditioner $50. 708-895-3955 For sale: Keebler mini pie maker, makes 4 pies, Hostess Twinkies bake set, pastry bag and recipes, included $15 each. $25 for both, new. 219680-6007 For sale: Livingroom end tables, two oval, one rectangle w/drawer, cherry wood finish $100 for all. Three tables. 219-680-6007 For sale: Taylormade LH Rocketbalz driver 10-1/2 degrees adjustable loft $95; Taylormade burner driver 101/2 degrees $55. 219-8656095 For sale: Aluminum storm/ screen doors, great condition 79” x 35” $50; 79” x 32” $40. 773-785-7247 Hose reel carts, various sizes, made by Suncast or Ames. Very good condition. As low as $9 each. 773-785-7247
WESTBURY ‘6’ string Electric Guitar and Case Plus accessories, and a Peavey Amplifier. Great Condition $200.00 Call 708-251-8619
Little Tykes Basketball rim and net. Includes base and stand 8 feet tall $20. 773-7857247
PHILIPS ‘20’ inch Color TV. Nice for a bedroom TV. Works Good. $15.00 Call 708-2518619
Interesting outdoor work. We are looking for self-motivated, hard working men to add to our crews. Landscaping or Irrigation work helpful. Experience not required. We will train you. Immediate openings.
Antique oak dresser 44” wide 23” high 19” deep, two large drawers, $40. 219-933-4565
PHILIPS ‘20’ inch Color TV. Nice for a bedroom TV. Works Good $15.00 Call 708-2158619
Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ Deluxe Limited Edition ‘6’ steel tip Darts, Board and Cabinet. Good Condition $20.00 708-2518619
For sale: Snow blower used one season. Was $350, new, Now $100. 219-923-0458
For sale: China cabinet lt. wood, 76x33x18, exc. cond. Make offer. Dining table 40x40 w/ 18” leaf, exc. cond. 4 swivel chairs, make offer, 2 end table, lt. wood. $10 ea. 219-923-0314
Little Tykes basketball rim and net. For small child. 36 inches tall, like new. $15. 773785-7247 Shark Steamblaster EuroProx $30, complete with attachments and instructions. Brother MFC 210C printer, fax, copier, scanner (6 functions in 1) with ink. 708-481-6907
Fo r s a l e : St ove $ 2 0 0 ; refrigerator $200; washer $165; dryer $135. 708-8954147 For sale: Five dining room chairs, $50; matching table $20; four gals. interior wall print, $45; exterior steel railing, 30” x 75” $25. 708460-8308 For sale: Rhubarb plants $3, potato plants .50 cents each, Asiatic Lily $2; glass shelving 14” x 57” $15; wood shelving 15” x 6 ft. $5 each. 708-4608308 Hosta plants, green with white edges. $1.50 each 708671-1954 Hosta plants, green leaves with white edges. $1.50 each Lansing 708-474-7293 GOLF items$50.New Boxed BALLS:12 Wilson Staff SmartCore ProDistance, 12 Practice, 9 ZippoSDX; used: monogrammer, PRACTICE GREEN 9x3’,4 doz used balls. South Holland Call/text 219789-8496 L a d y ’s Fl e e t St re e t “A l l Weather Coat”, Beige Sateen Med. $18 Ann Taylor Sweater Coat-Beige-long Medium $35 Both like new! 708-671-0376 Couch $75; recliner chair $50; rocker with footstool $25; clothes closet $20; console TV $20; Entertainment unit, w/TV $25. 708-207-1016 For sale: Cubs tickets section 209, row 14, seats 2& 3; June 21, June 22, June 27, June 28 $47 each seat; June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26 $36 each, face value. 708-895-0144 For sale: Hyffy 26” Men’s bike, needs minor repair. Asking $50. Contact. 708-620-0286 For sale: Steamer trunk vintage wood shaft, golf clubs, rolling pins, Morton salt cups and sugar bowl, ceramic string holders. 708418-0343 For sale: Table Saw craftsman Sears mider 9 in. cut table included; Snowblower Craftsman 9 H.P., 20 in. wide, both like new. Must try. Call after 1pm. Lansing. 708-4740470 For sale: Marble faux 1 round coffee table, one matching end table, beautiful. Must see, $100 obo. after 2pm. Lansing. 708-474-0470 For sale: Vintage character mugs collection, miniature President liquor bottles, signed 1973 girls calendar, 35 mm camera’s, Lefton plates. 708-418-0343
For sale: Tropical plants, all s i ze s 1 9 4 0 ’s a n d 1 9 5 0 ’s Ra i lro a d ca le nda rs, ba r lights, signs and other related items, sports memorabilia prints. 708-418-0343 For sale: 5 Vintage Gene St r a t t o n Po r t e r b o o k s , vintage tea pots, coffee grinders, 15 ink pens, 2 cast irons, toys, pictures. 708418-0343 For sale: Simmer shallow well pump w/well, point alum stud puncher, model ET5, 1926 Map of Cook County, Laser disc. 708-418-0343 For sale: Antique 1920’s Sonny long distance moving van, 2 foot long steel truck, 50lb box, 8 penny nails. 708418-0343
page 23
WANT TO GET PAID... to drive your car?
DRIVERS WANTED!!! Advertise for major companies!!! Call: 855/466-5008 Limited Positions!!! Apply Today!!! Automotive Services
Buying junk cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075
Caregivers An Angels Helping Hand Caregiver Services. Helping Seniors and families of NW Indiana and surrounding a re a s. Me d i c a l o r n o n medical services may be provided. 219-512-6189 or angelshelpinghand.weebly. com
For sale: Riding tractor MTD 16-1/2 HP, 42 inch. cut $275 with bag catcher; washer and dryer, $275; wheel chair, $100; gas stove $145. 708715-2348
Chimney Repair
For sale: Tailites from 2004 Ford flare side pick-up $20; buy one for $12; old green Coca-Cola bottles, $3, per six pack. 708-333-7432
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
For sale: 4 lab coats, size large nurses. Good condition, 2 new. Reasonable $5-$10; 1 ceiling fan, in box $25. 708849-4192 For sale: Zebra grass, 10 pots available $4.50 each; Why pay retail, very hardy. Right from my garden. 708-6729455 For sale: Hostas 10 for $10. Start size. 708-672-9455 For sale: Huffy 26” 18-spd. bicycle, bell padded seat; Bontrager white letter tires $49. 708-333-7432 For sale: Perennial plants starters, 100 plants, sale .50 cent each. 708-672-9455 For sale: Two genuine fur blankets. One 54x18, one 54x96, both silk lined $100 each. Palos Hills area. 708974-1674 For sale: Scott’s 24” Fertilizer spreader $25; Black & Decker electric weed trimmer $10. 708-481-6907 For sale: Sears X-Cargo car top carrier. Like new $75 obo. Call after 6:30pm. 219-5087594
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758
Fences/Decks Fence and deck repairs of all types a l o n g w i t h h o m e improvements. Call Chris 219-801-8721 free estimates
Gutter Cleaning
Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 C o n c r e t e & Pa t c h i n g . Concrete steps patched to last. Walks, steps, patios, drives replaced. Free estimates, small jobs. Licensed. D.W Concrete. 708418-0523
Day Care Anointed Childcare c/o Joyce. Ho m e c h i l d c a re. Childcare since 1992. Associate Degree IA Arts of Paraprofessional Education. Ho m e c o o k e d m e a l s & snacks. Open 6 am to 6 pm. Mo n - Fr i . Ca l u m e t C i t y, location. 708-843-1929
Drywall Repair
Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, gutter cleaning, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328
Landscaping/ Lawn Care
Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Hernandez Landscaping. We e k l y m o w i n g , b u s h trimming, sod stone, mulch, fertilizer. Free estimates. Seniors $5 off. 708-927-2652
Lawnmower Tune-ups on site, from $60. Also tractors serviced. Years of experience. Save this ad. Monday Saturday. 708-268-7075
We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Lawnmower Repair
Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 24
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here!
ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
15%Expires OFF Labor* June 4, 2014
Help Wanted
Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior power washing, stain decks, g l a z e w i n d ow s , f e n c e s , railings, complete interior. Call Normand 708-596-2170
He l p Wa n t e d : Te a c h e r needed, 2 years College, including 6 credit early childhood development. 708862-1884
Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne an d a ll , h ere’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693
Pressure Washing Mr. Powerwashing/Gutter cleaning. Summer Special! 30% Off All Services: Homes, gutters, roofs, boats, decks, driveways, etc. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. Call Mr. Clean for free estimate, 864365-7134
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Sealcoating & Blacktop All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566
Help Wanted: Experienced over the road truck drivers needed. Many positions available, also looking for an experienced salesperson. 773-905-9636, 708-377-8763 or 708-596-5710 Help Wanted: Kennel work part-time & Saturday included. Grooming fullt i m e b a t h e r / d r y e r. Experience helpful not necessary. Will train. Apply @ Loubelles Kennel 16440 State St. So. Holland. He l p Wa n t e d : Te a c h e r / Director qualified. Cook with food and sanitation certificate. Immediate hire. Fo r m o re i n f o. Lu p e e’s Daycare Center, 14209 S. Halsted, Riverdale IL 60827. Call 708-841-7576
Garage Sales in South Holland May 29-31, 9-? 15915 Debbie Lane, So. Holland. Table oak chairs, kitchen, knick-knacks, china cabinet, clothes, curtains, and much more. May 29-30, 8-3. 663 E. 162nd Place, So. Holland. Furniture, purses, Christmas, t o o l s, c o s t u m e j e we l r y, clothes, house-wares. Big choices, reasonable.
Garage Sales in Dolton May 30-31, 9-3. 15712 Maryland, Dolton. Shoes, small appliances, TV, Furniture, misc. Men and women clothes.
Garage Sales in Lansing May 30, noon - 5pm. May 31, 9 - 5 pm. 3106 182nd Pl. Lansing. Wide variety of items. Doc cam, screen & projector. Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31 8 to 1 pm 3245 Otto street, Lansing C h i l d r e n’s i t e m s / p a t i o furniture May 29-31, 8-4 3633 178th St. Lansing. Moving Sale-Everything must go. Baby, Toddler, Adult Clothing, Toys, Household It e m s , F u r n i t u re, T V ’s , Appliances. May 29-30 from 9-4. 18433 Willow Lane, Lansing. Baby and toddler clothes, toys and equipment. Household items and adult clothes. 5 Family Garage Sale- MAY 31, 8-5pm @ 17931 EXCHANGE, Lansing Avon; bench & weights; woman&teen clothes; Christmas & home deco, misc.
• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates
South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~
May 29 Noon-7 May 30-31 8-4 1 9 1 5 9 W i l d w o o d Ave Lansing Il Desk, Tables, Nightstand, TV, Lamps, Exercise Bike, DVD’s, Rockwell, Baby Items, Misc Rain/shine. Thur/Fri/Sat 5/29-30-31. 9:00-4:00 2624 Indiana Ave, Lansing Huge Multi-family Yard Sale! Many new items. Games/ t oy s / h o u s e h o l d / collectables/tools etc Something for everyone! May 29-31, 8-4. 3034-192nd St. Lansing. Tools, household items, clothes, furniture, misc. Estate liquidation. Something for everyone. May 29th, 8-3. 3332-191st. Street. Lansing. Lots of great deals, low prices, household items, clothes, bedding, misc. items. May 29-31, 8-5. 17135 Bernadine St. Lansing. Household items, furniture, glassware, clothes, and toys. May 29-30, 3:30-7:30; May 31, 8-2. June 1, 8-1. 18810 Forrest View Lane, Lansing. Furniture, fabric. Anything you can think of. Everything must go. Moving! May 29-31, 8-3. 3610 Lake St., Lansing. Large multifamily. Furniture, tools, electronics, household, collectibles, teen/women’s clothing. May 29-31, 9-2. 3260 Otto Street, Lansing. Cookie jars, tools, baby clothes, household items and Holiday decorations.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois May 30-31, 9-4. 16022 S. Carol Ave. Harvey. Estate Sale. Collectible china kitchen ware, dishes, glassware, new items added. WILLOWBROOK ESTATES GARAGE SALES. Crete, IL May 30,31 9-4 Enter 91st and Sheffield (Indiana Side)394 and Exchange (Illinois side).
Garage Sales in Dyer June 4-5, 8-4. Castlewood Subdivision, Dyer, IN. 35+ homes. Maps at 1528 E. Valley Place.
Garage Sales in St John May 31st-June 1st, 9-6pm. 9345 Julia Dr. St. John, IN. 2 family garage sale. Ladies d e s i g n e r c l o t h e s, h o m e decor, and more.
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana MOVING SALE. Fri.,5/30 & Sat.,5/31. 9am4pm. 2605-41st Place, Highland, IN. Misc. homegoods, furniture, like new Ladies clothing, accessories & scrubs. Fri. 5-30-, 9-1 8203 Van Buren Ave., Corner 30th n V.B., Munster Multi-fam. Clothing, h.h. items, jewelry, Schwinn bikes women’s/child’s May 31st, 8-1pm. 9 5 4 3 G r e e n w o o d Av e . , Munster, IN. Household items, ladies purses, shoes, and clothing, misc. tools.
Cemetery Lots For Sale Cemetery Lot for sale: Four grave sites. Ha w t h o r n e Section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park. $7,200 value, asking $6,400. Call. 708-720-1050
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Apt. for rent: Burnham, 3-bdrms, walk-in closets, hardwood floors, laundry room, large living room & bedrooms. Section 8 welcome. $950/mo. 708-5393162 1-bdrm. apt., Calumet City. Great location, C/A. Tenant pays heat, Reduced rate to $650/mo. 708-305-5330 Apartment for Rent: Calumet City 2 bedroom. $750/month, heat included. 219-677-7803 Apartment for Rent: Calumet City, 1 bedroom. $650/month, heat included. 219-677-7803 1 bdrm. and 3 bdrm. apar tments f o r re n t i n Calumet City. 1 bdrm., rent $745/mo. Call for details. 708-357-4291 Apt for rent: 2-bdrm. 184th & Torrence area, Lansing. Heat, gas, water included. Electricity not included. $860/mo. + 1mo. Sec. 708707-1601 Apt. for rent: Lansing, IL. 2 bdrm. 182nd and Locust. Nice quite area. $985/mo. + security. Stove, refrigerator and gas included. Debra@ Williamson Realty. 708-5966771
In business for over 30 years
• Cutting & Edging • Core Aeration • Bush Trimming
(219) 838-4911
*Licensed, Bonded, Insured*
Ap t . f o r re n t : 1 - b d r m . Calumet City. 141-155th St. 1 yr. Lease, no pets, $540/mo. 708-474-0945
Wa n t e d : O l d w o o d e n , furniture, Antiques and collectibles, old toys, railroad items, old costume jewelry, glassware, gold & silver, c o m i c b o o k s p re 1 9 7 0 Estates. Call. 708-306-8208 or 219-365-2832
Apt. for rent: Calumet City 1-bdrm. $750/mo. 2-bdrm. $850/mo. Pay electricity only. Quiet secure bldg. Credit check, no smoking, no pets. More details. 708-582-7850 Apt. for rent: 3-bdrm. 15214 S. Woodlawn, Dolton. Call. 708-825-6347 Apt for Rent. 3 bedroom, SouthEast Side Chicago. 10538 S. Ave L. Hrdwd Flrs, Freshly Painted, Heat & Water Included $750.00 month + Sec. Deposit. 219-322-5907
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Lansing, small 2-bdrm. house. Hardwood floors, C/A, 1-1/2 car garage, big yard, $975/ mo. + sec. 219-718-3370
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Condo for rent: Calumet City, newly rehabbed 1st floor, 1-bdrm. $600/mo. + sec. Includes gas, laundry, and storage. Parking. 708891-9154 Duplex for rent: 2-bdrm. dwelling family room $1000; 2-bdrm. attached unit $880. South Holland cash only. Garage rental optional. 708988-5397
Rooms For Rent Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708339-8068
Pets German Shepard. Male, 1011 months old, $300. Pure, but no papers. 219-677-7803
Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Kid’s bikes. Boys 20” and girls 20” & 24” $5 or $10 please. Good condition. 708705-3096 Wanted: Stationary bike at a reasonable price. 708-7577904 Wanted: Mini bikes running or not, pull start or kick start, and related parts. Cash paid on the spot. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Wood splitting maul & a grass lawn detacher, rake and a long handle hay pitch fork. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with banana seats, and high handle bars. Cash paid on the spot. Part also. 708-9878641 Wanted: 90 minute audio tapes. Made by TDK or Memorex or Similar quality. 773-785-7247 Wanted: Chairs (4), for cherry dining room. Please, reasonable. After 2 pm. 708474-0470 Wanted: Looking for a weight set or dumbbells. 708-5274529 Wanted: Natural gas hanging heater, for a car garage. 708532-8337 Wa n t e d : Au t o m a t i c s e l f darkening welding helmet and a x-large welder jacket, also a suction on gun for draining. 708-532-8337 Wanted: God can be your shelter in life’s storms. Find out how. 708-527-4529 Wanted: Treated lumber in 2 in. thickness & deck boards, 1-1/4” thickness. 708-5328337
Puppies for sale: 19 to choose from. Call Algie, after 4pm. 708-868-3554
Wanted: 16 in. reel lawn manual mower (no motor) good condition. Reasonable price. 708-782-8646
Purebred Mini Lop Rabbits only 9 wks old. Make great pets. 708-946-6775 leave a message.
Wanted: Dollhouse in good condition for my daughter. 708-847-6609
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941 Wanted: Old beer cans; Old beer collectibles. Will buy, trade, or sell. 219-836-8907
Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
(708) 932-2162 Owner Joe Camalick Jr.
• Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised
Mowing / Edging Lawn Weed Control / Fertilizing Mulch Install Power Raking • Aerating Bush Trimming Sod Repair • Rock Install Spring / Fall Clean Up
• Minor Exterior Repairs • Expert Craftsmanship • Integrity • Reasonable Rates
Brian Caputo’s
• Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay Commercial Snow Plowing Removal • Ice Control
BBB Accredited • 5 Star Rating
Free Estimates CHEAP RATES SENIOR DISCOUNTS • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Demolition • Roofing Repairs • Gutters Cleaned • Hauling • Small- Tree Removal • Basement Clean-Outs • Fence Repairs • Storm Damage Repairs NO CHECKS
Call Anytime. No Job Too Small
708-220-7576 Licensed. Bonded. Insured
Windows • Windows • Doors Doors • Plumbing • Heating • Plumbing Heating Cooling • Electrical Cooling • Carpet • Painting Electrical Carpet • Drywall • Roof Painting • Concrete • Kitchens Drywall Roofs • Baths And More! Concrete Kitchen 708.232.3173 Bath
We do it all at a great price! And More!
Free Estimates 708.232.3173 We do it all at a great price! — All Major Credit Cards Accepted —
LANDSCAPING MORALES LAWNCARE & LANDSCAPING -Lawncare -Landscaping -Power Raking -Gutter Cleaning -Fertilizing Licensed/Insured/Bonded
773-406-5175 708-872-5175
11407 Wicker Ave., Cedar Lake
2345 Glenwood Lansing Road
Concrete Raising
We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks
(708) 895-3032
25 Years Experience
Tim Rietveld
Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 SERVING THE SOUTH SUBURBS AND NW INDIANA SINCE 1958
FREE ESTIMATE 708-480-5193
•High Efficiency Equip. •Duct Cleaning •Blow In AtticInsulation P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL
219-365-0006 708-895-0006 Thermal Comfort Inc. Heating & Air Conditioning
737 E. 79th St. Chicago, IL 60619
Pre 4th of July Sale Mention this ad to save 10% on all memorial orders placed in May.
• Weekly Lawn Care • Bush Trimming • Fertilizing
Commercial & Residential Licensed - Insured
(708) 474-1629
BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS
1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640 We Accept MASTERCARD & VISA
• Mowing • Power Raking • Spring Clean-Up • Tree, Bush, Shrub Trimming • Fertilization • Light Landscaping NO CONTRACT FREE ESTIMATES
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing
(708) 720-2344
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
• New Roof • Roof Repair • Re-Roof •Insurance Work • Shingles • Rubber • Hot Tar • Roof Cert. • Seamless Gutters • Siding • Soffit & Fascia SPECIAL! NO INTEREST FOR 90 DAYS
708-672-0043 Credit Cards Accepted
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR Family Owned - 40 Years -All types of Roofing -Siding & Gutters -Sofit & Fascia -Insurance Work Commercial / Residential IL & IN Licensed & Insured Free Estimates
708-333-8951 Dan M. Matejko
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
J&J ALUMINUM • Vinyl Siding • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Guard Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff South Holland & Beecher, IL
“You’ll only do it once, so let us do it right.”
Electrical Rodding As Low As $15 • Repair Broken Water Pipes • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Gas & Water Leaks • Low Water Pressure Corrected • Sink, Bath Tub & Toilet Drains Opened • Sewer Power Rodding • Faucet Installed & Repaired • Sump/Ejector Pumps • Toilet Repair & Installation • Flooded Basements
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Rob’s Tuckpointing, Chimney & Brick Repairs No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate No Sundays.
Over 20 Years Serving the South Suburbs GUARANTEED REASONABLE RATES
• Mowing • Bush-Trimming • Power-Raking • Aeration • Spring/Fall Clean-Ups • Fertilizing • Gutters • Snow Removal
Senior Discounts Air Conditioner or Furnace Cleaning $49.95
28 yrs of Experience
LAWN CARE INC. * Free Estimates * * Affordable Prices *
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
Licensed & Bonded Lic# 305522
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
24/7 Emergency Service Insured& Licensed
“The Guy From Indiana”
Spring Special
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Locally Family Owned and Operated since 1946
Commercial & Residential Concrete Specialist of
SouthWest Concrete
• Collision & Auto Body Repair • Mechanical & Maintenance Repair • Towing Service • Used & Rental Vehicles Available
Every 9th Mowing FREE
• Seal Coating • Striping • Crack Filling • Asphalt Maintenance
page 25
Camalicks Asphalt Maintenance Specialists
Property Management & Real Estate Sales Licensed in Illinois & Indiana Robert & Les Bogs
708.895.1411 Let Us Help You Manage Your Property
Tuckpointing, Chimney Repair, Brick Replacement, Gutters, Carpentry & Other Small Home Improvements 16300 Louis Avenue Full Insured South Holland, IL All Work Guaranteed
708.596.3050 CALL BOB 219-810-3110 RANEE 708-623-3678 2681 Route 394 Crete, IL
Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.
Home Based Services 16300 16300 Louis LouisAvenue Avenue South South Holland, Holland,IL IL
708.331.2005 708.596.3050
Quality Work at a Fair Price • Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Sidewalk & Decorative Concrete Work • Installs Fences Hector (cell phone)
Over ten years experience in South Suburbs References Available
Watch Our Videos at coronadodecorating
16300 Wausau 2681 RouteAvenue 394 SouthCrete, Holland, IL IL
708.596.5500 708.672.6111
GET LISTED IN OUR A-TO-Z Home Based Services DIRECTORY 16300 Louis Avenue South Holland, IL TODAY! CALL: 708.331.2005 708-333-5901
Say I saw it in The Shopper For Sale: 2004 GMC Envoy SLT,4WD, Leather,CD,DVD player with accessories, 130K Miles, Clean, $6,000 OBO. Also, 1992 Olds Eighty-Eight, 120K Miles, good driver, good work vehicle, $2000 OBO. 708-822-2111.
May 28, 2014 For sale: 2006 Ford Explorer XLT, 4 dr. 4 wheel drive, V6, loaded with extras, leather, tow package, 110,800 miles, like new cond. $7,900 708895-5688 For sale: 2002 Chr ysler Sebring Convertible, like new tires and brakes, new blower system for heating and air. As is $2500. 708-8778877
Directory South Holland...
A Community of Churches
Calvary Community Church
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church
166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor
Peace Christian Reformed Church
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor
Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church
315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
Good Shepard Lutheran Church
Tues. Bible Class ..11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Cl..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ......8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....10:00 a.m. *******
Redeemer Lutheran Church
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor
16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor
Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. *******
First Christian Reformed Church
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
First Reformed Church
15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444
Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******
For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Rainforest green metallic, $16,844. 1-855-969-4000
For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Ice Blue metallic $16,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Cruze Sedan LS, Summit White $15,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2011 Chevorlet Equinox FWD 4dr. Cyber gray metallic, $18,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu LS, Silver Ice metallic, $18,787. 1-855-969-4000
For sale: 2011 Cadillac SRX AWD 4 dr Pe r f o r ma nce Collection, Platinum Ice Tricoat, $25,987. 1-855-9694000
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Ma l i b u L S , Ta u p e g r a y metallic, $18,787. 1-855-9694000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Malibu ECO 1SA, Black Granite metallic $20,987. 1-855-969-4000 For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LT auto, Summit White $14,987. 1-855-9694000
obituaries Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******
Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******
Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******
St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor
Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******
United Presbyterian Church 16440 Cottage Grove 333-0921 Rev. Doug Cater
Worship Service ...10:00 a.m. *******
Mass of Christian burial for Carmella A. Dicosola (nee Mandarino) was offered from St. Victor Church on Wednesday, May 28 with Rev. Robert Sprott officiating. Mrs. Dicosola was born November 28, 1925 and died May 23, 2014. She was the wife of the late Frank N. Dicosola. Mother of Anthony Dicosola and Diane Jeanes. Grandmother of 2 and greatgrandmother of 2. Sister of Mary and Betty Mandarino and the late Sara (late Joseph) Fionda. Entombment was at Holy Cross Mausoleum. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
For sale: 2013 Chevrolet Impala LT, Red, $17,987. 1-855-969-4000
Auto Parts For sale: Set of 4 Kazera mag wheels mounted on Bridgestone Potenza tires size 205/40R17, off Honda Civic. Like new $750.00. 708474-1505 For sale: B.F. Goodrich T/A radials, 235-60R-15, like new $50 each; N-50-15 with American racing rims, new $200. Call after 3 pm. 708474-7273 For sale: Tire P205/70/R15 u s e d o n l y 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Mounted on Dodge/Chrysler wheel $35. 773-785-7247
A Celebration of Life Memorial and Open House for Georgiana P. (Gena) Hogancamp will be held at the Dolphin Lake Clubhouse, Homewood, IL on June 15, 2014 from 2-5 p.m. Ms. Hogancamp was born September 12, 1935 and died April 5, 2014. She was the wife of Bernard W. Hogancamp. Mother of Bernard S. (Jean) Hogancamp, Caryn (Brian) Thompson and Cheryl (Richard) Fink. Sister of Louis (Virginia) Payovich, Roxanne (David) Hines and Alexandra (Dale) Bennett. Grandmother of 5. Arrangements were made by Tews Funeral Home, Homewood, IL
Trucks Truck for sale: 2001 Ford 250 pickup Ext cab. One owner, new tires, well maintained, little rust, hwy miles, runs great. $2,495. Best offer, must sell. 708-699-9084 Truck for sale: 2003 Chevy Trailblazer, black, 155K miles, good condition, pass emissions, $3000. 708-4669093
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $ 4 8 / m o. , b u n k b e d w / mattress $56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., twin box-springs $20 each. EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 www. For sale: Heywood Wakefield, solid rock maple China cabinet 58x48x18, two top glass doors, 2 bottom wood doors. Excellent condition. $300 obo. 708-474-3737 Fo r s a l e : 5 p c . W i c k e r furniture set, indoor or outdoor. Best offer. 708-4748636 For sale: Pro-Form 760 EKG treadmill $175 obo; full size mattress box spring $75. 708261-1800
page 26
Motorhome for sale: 2005 Winnabago Sightseer 30’, 15K Ford V10, SLPS.6, 1-slide out, elec. levelers awning, GEN wired for towing, well kept. $40,000. Selling for medical reasons. 708-8955511
Motorcycles For sale: Harley Softail Show bike 1988. Everything done. 26,900 miles, 80 + H.P. Lowered. Original owner. Over $40,000 Invested. Exc. condition. Too much to list $9,500. 219-256-4201
For sale: Chest freezer, like new $100; chest drawer with matching night stand, exc. cond. $100; GTV 18V drill driver set (new) $40. 708-2611800 For sale: Black glass china cabinet, $375; diningrm. glass table, w/4 chairs, $140; large bdrm. dresser w/mirror to match $150; Rose gold silverware in chest (8pc) $100; Hoover vacuum $60. All items best offer. 708-8494192 For sale: 28Ft Heavy-duty aluminum extension ladder $150 20Ft X 12î Aluminum scaffold plank $150 8Ft Aluminum Break $300. 773592-9544 For sale: Ladies right handed golf clubs, with bag, putter irons woods, exc. condition. $150; white golf shoes, size 6 $10. 708-334-5420
Church Directory Protestant Reformed Church 1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ......9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Moving sale, tools, computer, 55 gal. BBQ grills, ladders, tables, china, lams, pictures, chase lounge, TV’s, glasses. 708-373-0930 or 219-9447940 For sale: 5 piece queen bed unit and ar moire. High quality oak/veneer. Good condition, medium oak. $600 Cash only. Carey 219-6827753 For sale: Bowflex Power Pro. Make an offer. 708-385-1122
For sale: Dining table-hutch. Table, chairs, hutch, oak. American made. Cochrane table, 65” closed, 4 leaves open 109”. Exc. cond. best offer. 708-418-5869 Moving sale: Refrigerator, 1yr. old under warranty $475; multi-purpose table/2 benches, approx. 15ft. long $45; glass vases assortment $20. Leave msg. 708-5281125 Mov i n g s a l e : Pu r s e s & handbags, approx. 15-20 $30; weed eater/grass edger, 1 w o r k s, ( 2 ) $ 6 0 ; s e w i n g machines (2) $15 each; bakers rack, metal/glass variety $40. Leave msg. 708528-1125 Moving sale: Cas s e ro l e, dishes - variety $15; jewelry package deal, some copper, silver enclosed, $20; flower pots, etc. - variety. $5-$10. Leave msg. 708-528-1125 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747 Stiffel brass table lamps $25$40 each 708-481-6907 Brass flour lamp $20; flour lamp 6” tall $30. 708-4816907 Mulching gas lawn mower, starts, runs good, looks great. You will like it $85. 708-7530021 Bed sheets, twin size $2 each, full size $3 each, queen size $4, king size $5 each. 708481-6907 2 tier occasional table solid cherry $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan Allen sofa $125 obo. 708-4816907 Suitcases (for travel) $5 each; Garmet bags $3 each; small kitchen appliances $5-$10 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Shark Steamblaster E u r o - P r ox $ 3 0 ; Ho ov e r upright vacuum cleaner with tools. $25. 708-481-6907 Assorted quilts, bedspread and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; Decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes. $3-5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Champagne and wine glasses (Crystal) 6 pc. for $10; Crystal decanters $5$15 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Large stork sign for new arrival babies $150. 708285-1107
Van Drunen
Funeral service for Henrietta Van Drunen (nee Kuipers) will be held from First Christian Reformed Church on Wednesday, May 28 with Rev. Ben Tol and Chaplain Henry Elgersma officiating. Mrs. Van Drunen was born January 30, 1915 and passed away May 24, 2014. She was the wife of the late John Van Drunen. Mother of Neal (Violet) (late Betty) Van Drunen. Daughter of the late Jelte and Martha Kuipers. Grandmother of 2 and 1 late. Great-grandmother of 15. Sister of six late sisters and 2 late brothers. Interment will be at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.
Reach Over 30,000 Shopper Readers 20 word classified ad in all zones Add a for 4 weeks. Only $25.
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(708) 331-1111 or place on-line @
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
Oak kitchen table and four capt. chairs, cushioned back and seats $250; swimming pool 4’Dx21’R all acc. best offer. 708-889-0350
(3) car bike carriers: (2) roof singles; (1) 2-bike hitch shuttle; $10 each for single, $15 for hitch shuttle 708-5967691
For sale: Stiffel floor lamp $100. 708-481-6907
Barbie open-up doll house, $20, Fisher Price Castle $10 Both clean and in exc. cond. Ph - 708-672-7178
For sale: “Sure-Fit” sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15; large chair covers $8; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907 2 bar stools vintage stainless steel seats upholstered green $60; folding walker $15; 4prong cane $12. 708-4816907 Singer Sewing machine $70; Brother MFC 210 C printer, copier, fax, scan, (6 functions in 1) with ink $30. 708-4816907 For sale: Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Old dark pine “Ethan Allen” side table 25” x 25”, 3 “Ethan Allen” display wall shelfes dark pine $20. 708-481-6907 For sale: Down comforters s i ze t w i n - k i n g $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows $5$10. 708-481-6907 For sale: Large over the dresser mirror $15; Ornamental wall mirrors $20-$30. 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted rugs (from throw rugs to room size rugs) $10 - $100; decorative wall pictures $10-$25 each; rugs (runners also). 708-481-6907 For sale: Assorted colors Fiesta dishes (each piece $3; Early Pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 each piece; Casual dishes (white) 708-481-6907
Little Tykes Washer & Dryer with attached ironing board. Clean and exc. cond. $25.00 Ph - 708-672-7178 Little Tykes Party Kitchen with large bag of food and dishes. Clean and exc. cond. $25.00 Ph - 708-672-7178 Fo r s a l e : A n e ve r u s e d generator. Call for details. Price $350 obo. Ask for Pat. 708-474-3163 For sale: Double bowl white bathroom vanity top; soap side splash and faucets, 67x22 $150 for all. 708-2851107 For sale: Slide out unit for pick-up truck $150; 14 silent movies $35. 708-285-1107 Gold, matching Broyhill Loveseats, excellent condition $150. Wooden/ Wicker rocking chair $50. Two upholstered desk chairs on rollers $25. 219-365-2188. Gold, matching Broyhill Loveseats, excellent condition $150. Wooden/ Wicker rocking chair $50. Two upholstered desk chairs on rollers $25. 219-365-2188. high chair 20.00,2 excersaucers 10.00 each,stroller 10.00,riding horse toy 10.00,wooden childrens table and 2 chairs 15$,pack and play 20.00. 708403-1413 Upright tool box for sell for $50; in good condition. Call 708-288-4324
Dorm size refrigerator; in good condition. Selling for $30. Call 708-757-3491 Household toaster-oven. Good upkeep. Selling for $25. Call 708-757-3491 Bone white Stacy Adam’s shoes size 11.5; good-as-new $25. 708-288-4324 Up r i g h t Fre e z e r ; G o o d Condition; Can Deliver-Call. 708-757-3491 For sale: Patio set, 66” x 40” glass top table with six padded chairs, two are swivel, four are straight. Beautiful condition $125 obo. 708-227-3309 For sale: Over the toilet wall cabinet (maple) 2 doors, 3 shelves 28” x 24” $30. 708481-6907 For sale: Kitchen wood wall cabinets (gently used) 2 cabinets 30” x 30” x 12, 1 cabinet 27” x 18” x 12, all $80. 708-481-6907 For sale: 2 “ Suncast” house mobile (never used) $10 each; Outdoor heavy plastic folding chairs aluminum chase lounger $7. 708-4816907 Music CD”s various artist $1 ea. Wall pictures/w/glass covers/nice frames...$3-$10 EA.312-771-9575. LANSING, IL. 1:18/1:24/1:32 SCALE HOT ROD CARS&TRUCKS..$3-$15 EA.312-771-9575. LANSING, IL. Wo rk Boots, Size 13,Caterpillar Steel toe, with Metatarsel protection, worn 4 days. $100.00 708-895-3195
Worship with Us. 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt
First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144
Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. ******* Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m. *******
First Reformed Church 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor
Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor
Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. *******
page 27
20in Phillips Tv in good condition.Selling for $10. Call 708-288-4324
You Are Invited to
Bethel Christian Reformed Church
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******
We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper every week. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!
Circle Buick 2440 45th Street Citizens Financial Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2631 Highway Avenue Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Avenue Highland Library 2841 Jewett Street Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Avenue Ultra 8401 Indianapolis Blvd.
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Citizens Financial Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Rd. Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Road Phillips 66 323 Ridge Road
Altered Images 100 Eagle Ridge Drive American Family Insurance 133 East Joliet Street Citizens Financial Bank 7650 Harvest Drive Coldwell Banker 20 E. U.S. Highway 30 Schererville Chamber Office 13 west Joliet Street Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet Street Sears Hardware 1150 U.S. Highway 30 Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 28
Danielle Steel Books, Hard back $l.00, Paperback $0.50 ea. Call for titles. 708-8953195
MINI BLINDS. 10 blinds. 5 var ious s izes. Excellen t condition. All for $100. Will separate. 219-663-0928.
Disney rhyming readers set of 30 hardcover books. Good condition and only $10.00 for all. 219-671-6626
Electronic Typewriter by Smith-Corona. Excellent condition. $100 or best offer. 219-663-0928
Diabetic Test Strips. Precision Xtra, 50 to a box $10.00. 708895-3195
Me n’s / B oy s g o l f s h o e s , Footjoy Contour 8 1/2 Med. Great Cond. $20.00 Ph - 708672-7178
wheel chair $165.00 power chair new 708-687-4776
Fo r s a l e : Hy d r a u l i c chairs, massage table, cabinets, magnify lamp, microwave, mirrors, wig heads, showcase, jewelry holders, rubber mats, small refrigerator, facial chair. 708-465-4111
Robert Johnson, Classic Two CD “The Complete Recordings”, 41 blues hits. Perf. cond. $20.00 Ph - 708672-7178
Wooden music center has turn table, am fm, CD, and cassette. Hardly used, and originally $200. asking only $75.00 219-671-6626
Sears Collector Wish Books, 1992, 2000,2002. Perfect Condition $3.00 Each Ph 708-672-7178
TREADMILL-Pro-For m 595LE, wide long track, folds up. incline, calories and heart rate. $180.00 MUST PICK UP. 219-671-6626 Soleus Dehumidifier 45 Pint. Excellent condition. Used once. $60. Call for additional specifications. 219-663-0928.
Fo r s a l e : Ke n m o re a p t . washer, Kenmore apt. dryer, full size fridge. 773-821-4444 For sale: Wooden rocker, exc. cond. $60. 708-349-0329 For sale: Cabbage Patch Twin dolls. Limited Edition Calico Twins $75, still in box. 708349-0329
Garage Sale!
Address ___________________________________________ Town __________________________ Not For Print
Items for Sale or Directions (Only 12 words)
addl’ $5
For sale: Homedics Shiatsu massaging cushion. New, $100. 708-753-0021
Model trains, for sale. N Guage misc. track, never opened, by Atlas $50. 708862-4167
WESTBURY ‘6’ string Electric Guitar and Case Plus accessories, and a Peavey Amplifier. Great Condition $200.00 Call 708-215-8619 Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ Deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip Darts, Board and Wooden Cabinet. Good Condition $20.00 708215-8619
WESTBURY ‘6’ string Electric Guitar and Case Plus accessories, and a Peavey Amplifier. Great Condition $200.00 Call 708-251-8619
Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone and an additional $5 for the Indiana zone
Date __________________ Time _______________ Phone ___________________ Paper: Both
Fo r S a l e : Mow e r, Ya r d Machine by MTD, 4.5hp/22 in. cut, self-propelled, side discharge, Tecumseh engine. $45.00 708 339-7751
PHILIPS ‘20’ inch Color TV. Nice for a bedroom TV. Works Good $15.00 Call 708-2158619
Invite 30,000 people to your next
Monster High 2 pk. Draculaura, and Clawd Wold $25; “Slo Mo” Mortavitch $25; Deuce Gorgon $25. 708-2851107
DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 12 Noon It’s a pleasure serving you!
Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ Deluxe Limited Edition ‘6’ steel tip Darts, Board and Cabinet. Good Condition $20.00 708-2518619 PHILIPS ‘20’ inch Color TV. Nice for a bedroom TV. Works Good. $15.00 Call 708-2518619
For sale: Mini chopper rolling frame, fat bob tank, ape hangers, front rear disc. brakes, front rear, schools, needs motor, cool project $75. 219-923-0458 For sale: Snow blower used one season. Was $350, new, Now $100. 219-923-0458 For sale: Beautiful set of china, made in Poland. Ordered form QVC, service “Eight” extras. Purple, pink, bright colors, over $200, $75. 219-923-0458 For sale: China cabinet lt. wood, 76x33x18, exc. cond. Make offer. Dining table 40x40 w/ 18” leaf, exc. cond. 4 swivel chairs, make offer, 2 end table, lt. wood. $10 ea. 219-923-0314 For sale: 4 wood stools, 30” high, lt. wood, $10 each. H/P printer, never out of box $20. 219-923-0314
For your convenience,
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is available at the following locations:
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170th Street
351 W. 162nd Street
• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street
• Walt’s Food Center
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16145 State Street
Midwest Free Community Papers INJURED? IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments to Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service and Low Rates. Call Now 888-271-0463 (MCN) MINNEAPOLIS BASED COMPANY EXPANDING. Looking for Entrepreneurial Individuals/Couples wanting more Financial and Time Freedom. Must be Teachable, Reachable, Honest. Excellent commissions. Great trainings. Part or Full Time. Call 1-866-958-2969 (MCN) Midwest regional CLASS A CDL Drivers needed. Great pay and benefits. Good home time. Experience needed. Call Scott 507-437-9905 (MCN) PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Helping Home Workers Since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.mailingincome. com (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN) TRAILER SALE! 2014 Aluma 82”x18’ Tilt 7,000# car hauler $5,839.00; 2014 Aluma 6x12 M enclosed cargo $5,430.00; H&H 6x12 enclosed cargo $2,718.00; 10’, 12’, 14’ & 16’ Dump trailers. 20’ + 4’ Gravity tilt Skid loader trailer 14,000# $5,214.00. 515972-4554 www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld. com (MCN)
*ADOPTION:* California Music VP, Closeknit Family, Beaches, Unconditional LOVE awaits 1st miracle baby. Expenses paid. *Joanna* 1-800-933-1975* (MCN) FLEA MARKET VENDORS WANTED Midwest’s largest oldtime music festival. Aug. 25-31, LeMars, Iowa. Spaces $10 daily, 20’x40’ outside 20’x10’ inside. RV Camping, Terrific Food, Guaranteed Buyers, Easy Setup 712-762-4363 www.ntcma.NET (MCN) Huge Estate Auction! Sat., June 7, 9am, 23440 HWY 52N Holy Cross IA. 9 tractors, 2013 Gehl skidloader, NH br9070 baler, full line equip, 09 Ford F250, tin toys, antiques, 20+ buildings of stuff. www. 563-542-2856. Or bid online (MCN) Heartland Walk-in Tubs, largest showroom in Iowa. With 24 models, we can help you find the Walk-in Tub for your needs and budget. Please call us, in Waterloo, at 319287-3175 (MCN) $14.99 SATELLITE TV. Includes free installation. High speed internet for less than $.50 a day. Low cost guarantee. Ask about our FREE IPAD with Dish Network. Call today 1-855-331-6646 (MCN)
DISH NETWORK - $19 Special, includes FREE Premium Movie Channels (HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and Starz) and Blockbuster at home for 3 months. Free installation and equipment. Call NOW! 1-866-820-4030 (MCN) LOSE WEIGHT & KEEP IT OFF! Up to 30 pounds in 60 days. Once Daily, Maximum Prescription Strength - No Prescription Required! Free Shipping. Call 844-4652121 (M-F 9am-8pm) (MCN) If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or died after using testosterone supplements, you may be entitled to monetary damages. Call 866368-0546 (MCN) You may qualify for Disability if you have a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 855548-8161. (M-Th 9-7 & Fri 9-5 Eastern) (MCN) Are You in BIG Trouble With the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 1-855-820-6752 (MCN) EEOICPA CLAIM DENIED? Diagnosed with cancer or another illness working for DOE in U.S. Nuclear Weapons Program? You may be entitled to $150,000 - $400,000. Call Attorney Hugh Stephens 866-643-1894. 2495 Main S., Suite 442, Buffalo, NY (MCN)
VIAGRA - Pfizer brand! – Lowest Price from USA Pharmacies. No doctor visit needed! Discreet Home Delivery. Call 1-877-9160542 (MCN) TOP DOLLAR PAID for Wrecked, Damaged, Junk, Running and NonRunning Cars, Trucks, Vans & SUV’s. Call Now! 855-970-2990 Fast Pickup! (MCN) GET CASH NOW for your Annuity or Structured Settlement. Top Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! Call: 1-877-7400888 (Mon-Fri - 9am-6pm CT) (MCN) SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for Seniors: Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less than 4” Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 888-7442329 for $750 Off (MCN) REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-855-237-7524 (MCN) DISH TV RESELLER - SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800390-3140 (MCN)
MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800357-4970 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-263-4059 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MCN) DirectTV - 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-991-2418 (MCN) REDUCE YOUR PAST TAX BILL by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call the Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify - 1-800-721-2793 (MCN) SUPPORT our Service Members, Veterans and their Families in Their Time of Need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at (MCN)
This publication does not knowingly accept advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. (MCN)
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 29
C A l e nD A R
of events
also, post & view events at
Thursday, May 29
l “COP on Rooftop” On Thursday, May 29 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., guests are invited to the Food Court to meet with hiring managers from several mall retailers to learn more about available positions and participate in screening interviews. Potential applicants should come dressed to impress, and are encouraged to bring copies of their resumes or work history. For more information about River Oaks Center Employment Fair, visit www. or follow the mall on Twitter @RiverOaksCenter. Located on the corner of 159th Street and Torrence Ave. l Community Hospital Offers Parkinson’s Support Patients with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders have another opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding, and meet a new community of people close to home. A support group dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by Parkinson’s, Essential Tremor, dystonia or other movement-related diagnoses is meeting on a regular basis at Community Hospital in Munster. The group meets from 1 to 3 pm on the last Thursday of the month (May 29, June 26, July 31, August 28, September 25, October 30 and November 20) at the Community Hospital Cafeteria Conference Room #1, 901 MacArthur Blvd., Munster. The support group is free of charge and open to patients, caregivers and their families. For more information, please call 219-663-5953.
Friday, May 30
l “COP on Rooftop” Officers from the Lansing Police Department will be taking part in the “COP on Rooftop” fundraiser event which takes place Friday, May 30, —between the hours of 5:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the Lansing Dunkin’ Donuts, 17733 Torrence Ave. All donations collected that day will go to support Special Olympics Illinois.
Saturday, May 31
l Beaver Shredding Document Shredding Event Have your documents shredded on site quickly and completely while you watch. No need to remove paperclips or staples. Stop by the library and bring you documents to be shredded on Saturday May 31 at 11:00 am-1:00 pm in the west parking lot. The library is located at 16250 Wausau Ave. For more information call 708 331-5262. l Apple Dentistry Open House Apple Dentistry is hosting an open House on Saturday, May 31st, 2014. Please join us in celebration from 11:00 to 2:00pm Exciting things are happening at Apple Dentistry! Dr. Maria Osan-Topala is celebrating 40 years in Dentistry! We’ll be happy to answer your dental questions, and look forward to giving you a tour of our newly renovated office an operatories. During your visit enjoy food, fun, festivities, giveaways, fantastic specials, and great door prizes! Please tell your families, friends, and co-workers to stop in for a visit. We hope to see you there! 2457 Ridge Rd Lansing, Il 60438. www.
Sunday, June 1
l Taste Of St. Jude V Sunday, June 1, 2014 from 11:00 Am – 3:00 Pm in the Gym. This food festival showcases various ethnic dishes prepared by our parishioners. Food coupons are $.50, no food item is more than 3 tickets. Entertainment will also be provided. ST. Jude The Apostle Church at 880 E 154Th St. South Holland, Ill.
Monday, June 2
l Sears Best Retirees and Friends The Sears Best Retirees and Friends Group will gather for breakfast and fellowship June 2nd, at 9 a.m. at Tom’s Restaurant,
894 Burnham Ave., Calumet City. You pay for your own breakfast. The annual picnic at White Oak Park in Munster will be held on June 23, from 11:30 a.m to 3 p.m. For additional information and to make picnic reservations call 708-372-8169 or 708-4744898.
Wednesday, June 4
l Summer Music Camp Summer Music Camp begins Wednesday, June 4th and will meet every Wednesday evening through July 23, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Harvest Ridge Church, 9495 Keilman St., St. John, Indiana. Children (K – 8th grade) will learn singing technique, drama skills, and Bible truths while preparing to perform. Registration deadline: June 4, 2014 Free performance for the community on Thursday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. at St. John Community Center, 1515 W. Lincoln Hwy ▪ Schererville, IN l Avid Reads Avid Reads adult book discussion will meet on June 4, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lansing Public Library. The book discussed will be “We Are Completely Beside Ourselves” by Karen Joy Fowler. Copies are available at the upstairs circulation desk. 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438.
Upcoming Events
l Special Dedication Ceremony In appreciation of our Veteran’s and to celebrate the community garden at the East Chicago Salvation Army, Home Depot will be on location June 5th at 6:15 PM for a special dedication ceremony. The East Chicago Salvation Army is located at 513 W. Chicago Avenue, East Chicago, IN 46312. l Purls of Wisdom Knit and Crochet Circle Purls of Wisdom Knit and Crochet Circle meets at the Lansing Library on June 11 and 25 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and June 6 and 20 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Illiana Christian High School Graduation Graduation exercises for Illiana Christian High School will take place on Friday, June 6, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at the Family Christian Center in Munster, Indiana. One hundred twenty four graduates are expected to participate in the ceremony. The valedictorian is Andrew Clark and the salutatorian is Leah Ipema. Admission to the program will be by ticket only. l Tour the Sky On Saturday, June 7th, from 9:00 pm until 11:30 pm, the Calumet Astronomical Society (CAS) will be hosting an open house at the Thomas Conway Observatory, located at 191st and Chase Street in Lowell, Indiana. CAS members will have telescopes and binoculars set up to take visitors on a tour of our night sky. Saturn, Mars, and the Moon will dominate the night sky. This event is open to the public, family friendly, and free. l Paws in the Park Saturday, June 7. Paws in the Park is a funfilled day for families, friends, and their pets that helps raise much-needed funds for the animals of Humane Society Calumet Area. The vendor fair will feature family- and petfriendly vendors and have a carnival theme, complete with games, treats, and more! The vendor fair and walker registration begin at 8 a.m. The walk-a-thon begins at 9:30 a.m. The vendor fair is free and open to the public. For more information, visit paws-in-the-park.asp, call 219.513.8911, or email l Beatniks Presents “Panache” Dyer Parks & Recreation is having a Cheerleading program for ages 6-10 yrs. on Wednesdays from 10-10:45am beginning June 11th and running through July 2nd at Pheasant Hills Park in Dyer. FUN-damentals of Cheerleading will be stressed including jumps and cheers in this four class program. Prior registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this
program is $20 for Dyer Residents and $22 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Reality Check Book Discussion Reality Check adult book discussion will meet on June 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lansing Public Library. The book discussed will be “How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming” by Mike Brown. Copies are available at the upstairs circulation desk. 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Beatniks Presents “Panache” Beatniks Entertainment proudly presents “Panache” , a comedy by Don Gordon. “Panache” plays Friday and Saturday June 13, 20, 21, and 28 at 8:00pm and Sunday June 15, 22, and 29 at 2:00pm. The cost is $15.00 and of course refreshments are included. Beatniks is located at 418 Conkey Street in the historic Hyde Park neighborhood of Hammond, Indiana. For reservations call 219-852-0848 or go to beatniksonconkey. com. l “The Four Islands in Southern Cook County” On June 14, South Suburban Genealogical & Historical Society will feature a program “The Four Islands in Southern Cook County” present by Peg Kapustiak, at 10 am in the Hazel Crest Village Boardroom, 3000 West 170th Place, Hazelcrest IL. For more information call 708-335-3340 or infor@ l CPR/AED First Aid Class Interested in becoming certified for First Aid & CPR/AED? Dyer Parks & Recreation is having a 4 hour long class that takes place on Saturday, June 14th from 9:00am-1:00pm at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room B. You will receive a completion certificate which is good for two years, program materials (including a student manual) and training in First Aid/ CPR/AED skills along with injury prevention and stroke recognition. The class is through ECSI (Emergency Care & Safety Institute). It is for ages 16 & older and the fee is $36 for Dyer Residents and $41 for Non-Residents. Prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Rec. Dept. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l FREE Vacation Bible School Become an agent for the One True God in the International Spy Academy! FREE Vacation Bible School For ages 4 years through 5th grade. June 16-20 from 9AM-Noon at Grace Church in Lansing. (next to the Lansing Library) 2740 Indiana Avenue. Register online at l SSC Championship Basketball Camps The South Suburban College Championship Basketball Camps begin June 16th. The Championship Basketball Camp runs from June 16th to June 19th (9am--3pm). The cost of the camp is $105. The Championship Skills Basketball Camp runs from June 23rd-June 26th (1-4pm). The cost is $60. If you enroll in both camps the cost is only $140. The camp is for Boy’s and Girl’s ages 7-17. For more information call (708) 596-2000 x2524. l Be In the Know-Your Community BE……IN THE KNOW June 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Community Room. What do you know about your community? Get your answers here. Meet J. Wynsma Village Administrator. Light refreshments will be served. Please register at the Fiction & Beyond Desk. 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l 18th Annual Car Show Come to one of two great car shows on Saturday, June 21! Schepel Buick/GMC will be hosting its 18th Annual Car Show from 9 am to 3 pm (3209 W Lincoln Highway, Merrillville, IN), and Scott’s Garage will be hosting its 4th Annual Car Show and 1st Annual Art & Craft Show and Kid Zone from 10 am to 3 pm (Elim’s East Campus, 13020 S Central Ave, Palos Heights, IL) – fun for the whole family! Both shows promise lots of great cars, trucks, and motorcycles, and food! Proceeds of both events support over 1,000 people with developmental disabilities
served by Elim Christian Services. For more information, please call (708) 293-6509 or visit Proceeds from both shows benefit children and adults with disabilities served by Elim Christian Services. l Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School June 23rd To June 27th, for children ages 3 - 10 at Grace Lutheran Church in Dyer, Indiana. Join us for a week of fun and excitement while learning about Jesus. This year’s theme is “Crucified”. To make sure enough materials are ordered, please pre-register by contacting the church office at (219) 865-1137. 8303 Sheffield Ave., Dyer, IN. l Laughter Yoga The Sound of Laughter Makes Us Smile June 24, at 10:30 a.m. Learn to laugh with laughter yoga. Burn calories, relieve stress and have fun at the same time. 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438.
l T.O.P.S. Meeting Meets every Wednesday PM in South Holland at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 651 E. 166th St. Weigh-In 4:45-5:15. Meeting 5:15-6:00. Visitors welcome. Call 708-913-4355 for more info. l South Suburban Toastmasters Club The public is invited to attend an upcoming meeting of the South Suburban Toastmasters club. Toastmasters International is a worldwide organization that helps individuals improve their speaking, leadership, and listening skills using an educational format, and this particular south suburban club under the international organization meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month promptly at 7:30pm The meeting location is the South Holland Community Center, 501 E 170th Street, South Holland, Il Visitors may attend free of charge and contact Ruby Jackson at 773-216-4470 or rubyjackson492@ with questions. l MOPS MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) is for all mothers of children ages infant to Kindergarten. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from September April, 9-11am. We enjoy good food, inspiring speakers, creative activities and just some time with other mothers who up to their eyeballs in diapers, potty training, Elmo and naptimes. Bring your little ones along as they attend their own fun program called Moppets. Hope to see you there. Peace Church 833 E. 168th St. South Holland l Coffee Break Women of all ages are invited to Coffee Break, an informal Bible Study. We meet Thursday mornings (September - April) from 9:30 - 11:00 at Grace Reformed Church, 2740 Indiana Ave., Lansing, IL. We will be studying 1st and 2nd Samuel. For children, storyhour and nursery are provided. For more information call 474-0180. l Free Community Meal! Every 4th Monday of the month from 5-6:30pm, Trinity Lutheran Ev. Church hosts a FREE COMMUNITY MEAL! This free meal for Everybody! Trinity Lutheran school gym (18144 Glen Terrace ) Lansing. l C.O.P.E. Are you a caregiver (professional or non professional) needing to talk or just get away for a few hours? COPE offers a quiet , confidential environment where you can come and talk, read a book from our library or do a small art if you so desire. Caregivers need a break to get away from it all and we are here for you. Every Wednesday from 1pm-6pm, COPE is open. Cope is a nonprofit program and is free. Located at 9245 Calumet Ave., Munster, IN in the Fairmont Blg, just 2 buildings North of the Red Lobster. Please call Judy at 219-688-5288 to be sure no changes have been made. Also visit for further info.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 30
Jonathan Henry DeYoung Congratulations on graduating with honors with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Trinity Christian College. Love Mom & Dad
Birthday Happy 24th Birthday!
Happy 24th Birthday, Emily Kreykes! Enjoy your day. Love Mom & Dad, Charlotte, Gerald and Arie
Happy 15th Birthday!
Happy 15th birthday to the technician of our house!!! THEME: FAMOUS FATHERS
Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to the Month of May.
On This Date - May 28
1539 Hernando de Soto lands in Florida 1742 1st indoor swimming pool opens (Goodman’s Fields, London) 1774 1st Continental Congress convenes (Virginia) 1818 1st steam-vessel to sail Great Lakes launched 1923 Attorney General says it is legal for women to wear trousers anywhere 1926 US Customs Court created by congress 1937 Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco opens to vehicular traffic 1937 Neville Chamberlain becomes PM of England Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by email at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
Submit announcements online at
ACROSS 1. “_____ your engines!” 6. Buffoon 9. Dermatologist’s concern 13. Like beaver? 14. Bearded antelope 15. Pertaining to the ear 16. Davy Crockett’s last stand 17. Campaigned 18. Modern day letter 19. *Suri’s father 21. *Kiefer’s father 23. ___ blue 24. Khaled Hosseini’s “The ____ Runner” 25. Brady Bunch daughter 28. Actress Jessica 30. Metal helmet 35. Beehive state 37. “Frasier” actress Gilpin 39. Lacy mat 40. Folk story 41. Throw something heavy 43. Seed covering 44. Quechua speakers 46. “The ____ Not Taken” 47. Greek goddess of youth 48. Half-shell delicacy 50. Joint with a cap 52. *Brady Bunch kids addressed dad this way 53. “____ the slate clean” 55. “___ Doubtfire” 57. *Namesake 60. *Sasha and Malia’s father 63. Come by without warning 64. Frigid 66. Cool & distant
68. Flip-flop 69. French for “word” 70. T in Ferrari TR 71. Actress Hathaway 72. *Widely considered father of the detective story 73. *John Jacob _____, sire to clan of multi-millionaires DOWN 1. Moses parted the Red one 2. After-bath powder 3. Culture-growing turf 4. Romulus’ brother 5. Russian triumvirate 6. Fairy tale villain 7. American Nurses Association 8. Plural of fundus 9. Wild feline 10. Face-to-face exam 11. Surprise attack 12. Building addition 15. Aeneas’ story 20. Air fairy 22. Pro baseball’s “Master Melvin” 24. Modern sing-along 25. *Enrique Iglesias’ father 26. Lack of muscle tension 27. Drug agents 29. Porter or IPA, e.g. 31. *Last of the pre-flood Patriarchs in the bible 32. Employees, often preceded with “new” 33. Legal excuse 34. *U.S. President with the most children 36. Furnace output 38. *This Russian father was famously terrible 42. Swelling 45. Sweatshop activity 49. Orinoco or Grande 51. Misprints 54. Get ready for a date 56. Company department 57. *John-John’s father 58. Fairytale’s second word? 59. Common workday start 60. Information unit 61. C in COGS 62. Japanese zither 63. School organization 65. Bird word 67. Frequent partner of “away”
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
For sale: Beanie babies, all new, many characters, giant collection. Must sell $10 each obo. 815-557-3212
For sale: 2 Stiffel lamps $75; 2 vintage mahogany end tables $75; Mahogany coffee table $75; Antique refinished oak rocker $100. 708-569-6724
378 to 1,000 SF 625 E. 170th St., South Holland
Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins
For sale: Coleman contractors generator $250, never used bathroom sink $25; misc. hand saws, $1-$3; window air conditioner $50. 708-895-3955
For sale: Livingroom end tables, two oval, one rectangle w/drawer, cherry wood finish $100 for all. Three tables. 219-680-6007
• Complimentary Market Evaluation • We’ll Provide Answers to all of your Real Estate Questions • We’ll Advise you on what you need to do to get your home ready for sale! • • • •
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Neighbor 2 Neighbor
For sale: Swimming pool 4’P x 21” R with all acc. best offer, oak kitchen table with four capt. chairs, cushioned seats backs $250. 708-889-0350
For sale: Keebler mini pie maker, makes 4 pies, Hostess Twinkies bake set, pastry bag and recipes, included $15 each. $25 for both, new. 219680-6007
page 31
View this column online at
THORNWOOD PLAZA Office/Dental/Retail Space Available
14ft. mirro craft aluminum fishing boat trailer. Great shape, very clean, must see, must sell. 815-557-3212
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SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www. TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920’s thru 1980’s. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800-401-0440 KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores. Buy Online: WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310721-0726 usa@classicrunners. com DIRECTV, Internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-248-5961 Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 English & Spanish www.TestStripSearch. com
WHITING’S ‘GARAGE MAHAL’ DRAWS CROWDS FROM ALL OVER REGION: Whiting seems to have cornered the market on creativity what with their annual Pierogi Fest and the annual springtime rite of passage, “Garage Mahal” which brings out residents from all over the Whiting-Robertson area. Pictured here are two shoppers along 119th Street and down the street, a farmers market near the Whiting City Hall. Kudos to the Whiting Chamber of Commerce for their ongoing promotion of this charming town. Much of the credit must go to former Chamber Executive Director Gayle Kosenko, a lifelong resident and fan. *** WINGS AND PANCAKES--A PANCAKE B R E A K FA S T F O R T H E E N T I R E FAMILY: Set for Sunday June 8th, 2014 at the Lansing Municipal Airport (IGQ) Lansing, Il corner of Glenwood Lansing Road (Veteran’s Memorial). This year’s event will be held in the Historical Ford Hangar built by Henry Ford in 1926 and is now a National Landmark. Rain or shine the public is welcome and as an extra added attraction, helicopter rides will be available by SWun Aero Helicopter. Festivities include drawings, raffles and other fun activities. Tab is $8 for adults, children under 12, $5. Current and former Military personnel with Military personnel with Military I.D. or Dog Tags or if you fly your own airplane there (fly in) will receive a $1 discount. The event is sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft Association EAA Chapter 260. EAA is dedicated to serving all of aviation by fostering and encouraging individual participation, high standards, and access to the world of flight in an environment that promotes freedom, safety, family and personal fulfillment. EAA Chapter 260 on a local level holds monthly meetings on the 3rd Friday of the month at Lansing Municipal Airport. They also plan to sponsor programs and events to include-Reaching out to local schools to promote aviation to youth; Organizing Young Eagle Flights where youth have a chance to experience the joy of flying; Promote and advocate aviation within the local communities. For more information about the Pancake Breakfast, and other EAA Chapter 260 activities, contact 708-862-8722. ***
WALKING DOWN MEMORY LANE AT ADAM AND RACHEL’S WEDDING: Pictured here are some of the wedding
guests at the reception of Adam and Rachel Triller on May 3rd 2014: Most of the guests on the groom’s side hailed from the southeast side of Chicago, the East Side to be exact. From left is David Hauptman, the son of the late Otto Hauptman (and late Cecilia Hauptman). Otto was a 2nd generation jeweler who with his father from Germany opened a jewelry shop on the 98th block of Ewing Avenue. From there in the 1950’s, Otto opened a shop in the 105th Block of Ewing where he created beautiful diamond jewelry until his death in 1997. David began working with his Dad on the East Side in the 1980s and after Otto died, he took up shop in Lemont, Il where he is today. Next to David is Dean Triller, father of the groom and Mr. LeDonne, cousin of Larry LeDonne who used to own the former Princess Grocery on 112th and Ewing where the Trinity Council K of C are today. Dean worked there as a teen when he attended George Washington High School and graduated in 1968. Needless say there was lots of remembering when that night. and it is always fun to revisit the old neighborhood even in fond memories and reminiscing. *** CALUMET MEMORIAL PARK DISTRICT S E E K I N G PA S T A N D P R E S E N T MILITARY FROM CALUMET CITY AND BURNHAM: In preparing for the gala :Freedom’s Eve Festivities on July 3rd, the CMPD is looking to create a video of past and present service personnel that they can highlight and showcase during the evenings program. If you know of a service person who is currently deployed overseas or somewhere in the US or elsewhere, please get in touch with Gene Popa at the Calumet Memorial Park District and give him your information, 708-868-2530. Plans are for a program similar to the one which runs every year on Public Television, ‘A Capitol 4th of July!’ *** CALUMET CITY POLICE OFFICER ADAM ZIEMINSKI PRESENTED WITH MEDAL OF HONOR: Officer Zieminski was responding to a house fire on May 3rd in the 100 block of 155th Street, when he heard someone call out that a baby is in the house. Disregarding his own safety in a fully erupted house fire, Zieminski ran into the house and rescued the 6 month old baby. He was being awarded the MOH on Thursday May 22nd, 2014 in the presence of fellow officers, family and friends. Bravo to a very brave Calumet City Police Officer Adam Zieminski. *** COLDWELL BANKER CHARITABLE FOUNDATION : Hosts a fundraiser at the Flossmoor Station Restaurant and Brewery, Thursday May 29th, 2014, 1035 Sterling avenue (alongside the Metra Tracks). CB Residential Brokerage south region supports the CB Foundation at the Flossmoor Station. There will be live music, a silent auction, 50/50, raffle, beer tastings and more fun! Tickets can be purchased at your local Coldwell Banker Brokerage. Contact Megan Reidy at 630-315-2970 or email megan@ *** C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S T O A R L O AND BRENDA KALLEMEYN: The Kallemeyn’s of The Shopper and Park Press celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary on Tuesday May 20th, 2014 and a little earlier in the lovely month of May, Brenda enjoyed her birthday cake and candles on May 7th. The couple celebrated their anniversary with flowers and a romantic candlelit dinner. Blessings to Arlo and Brenda - Long May They Love! *** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.mintonkutz@cbexchange. com
Say I saw it in The Shopper
May 28, 2014
page 32
open memorial day 9 - 5! EXPERIENCE
600 vehicles below supplier and below employee!
2014 BuiCk
MSRP ..........................$24,625 Discount.........................$1,626 Rebate...............................$750 Loyalty (Conquest 500) ......$750
Full Power, Wheels, Remote, Touchscreen, Radio
2014 BuiCk
21,499/ 189 mo.
MSRP ..........................$25,085 Discount.........................$1,386 Rebate...............................$500 Loyalty or Conquest...........................$500 Bonus Cash .......................$750
2014 BuiCk
Wheels, Full Power, Remote, Touchscreen, Radio
Discount.........................$1,916 Conquest or Loyalty........$1,000
26,699/$239 mo.
Full Power, Wheels, Keyless, Touch Radio
Supplier Price ...............$31,449 Rebate............................$3,250 Bonus Cash .......................$500 Circle Bonus Discount.....$1,000 CiRCLe eXCLuSiVe!! BeLoW SuPPLieR $ $
26,699/ 279 mo.
2014 BuiCk
2014 GMC
31,299/$259 mo.
3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, Touch Radio
Leather, Heated Seats, Wheels, Touch Radio, Loaded!
30,999/$289 mo.
2014 GMC
MSRP ..........................$27,390 Discount.........................$1,991 Wheels, Keyless, Rebate............................$1,000 Touch Radio, Buick/GMC Bluetooth Loyalty...............................$750
23,649/$199 mo.
2014 BuiCk
MSRP ..........................$43,830 Discount.........................$3,031 Rebate............................$1,500 Conquest or Loyalty............................$1,000 Bonus Cash .......................$500
3 Rows!, Leather, Heated Seats, Touch Radio
37,799/$359 mo.
MSRP ..........................$35,410 Discount.........................$1,861 Rebate............................$1,500 Buick/GMC Loyalty...............................$750
MSRP ..........................$36,135 Discount.........................$2,136 Rebate............................$1,000 Conquest (Loyalty 1250).................$1,500 Bonus Cash .......................$500
Wheels, Leather, Heated Seats, Touch Radio
MSRP ..........................$30,615
21,949/ 219 mo.
THESE ARE NOT DEMOS, NO MILES!! DONT BE FOOLED 2014 GMC SIERRA CReW CaB MSRP ..........................$45,775 Z71, Loaded Up, BY OTHER ADS Supplier Price ...............$42,661 Full Power, Rebate............................$2,500 5.3 Motor! Package Bonus...............$1,000 Bonus Cash .......................$500 Circle Bonus Discount.....$1,062 CiRCLe eXCLuSiVe!! BeLoW SuPPLieR $ $
37,599/ 349 mo.
2-Year/24,000 Miles
Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals maintenance included!!
‘05 Chevrolet Cobalt Coupe, Auto, A/C, 70K #T15139B ........................................ $7,599/$109 mo. ‘04 Chevy Colorado Ext 1 Owner, Auto/A Wheels, Tonneau Cover, 80K #T16097A ........................................ $7,998/$119 mo. ‘05 mercedes benz C230 Compressor, Well Maintained, X-Clean, 80K #B1701A........................................ $10,899/$189 mo. ‘06 Chevrolet Colorado Ext Cab, Auto, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 80K #B1853AA...................................... $10,899/$189 mo. ‘12 Chevrolet Cruze Auto, A/C, HWY Driven, 70K, CERTIFIED! #B1765A........................................................ $12,899 ‘11 kia Forte Full power, Auto, A/C, EX, Only 40K #T15972B ...................................... $12,899/$189 mo. ‘06 Pontiac G-6 Convertible Retractable Hardtop 6Tp, 1 Owner, 50K #B1917A........................................ $13,899/$199 mo.
‘11 Chevrolet Impala LT, Leather, Roof, Wheels, 1 Owner, 60K, CERTIFIED! #T15822A ...................................... $15,899/$229 mo.
‘11 buick Regal CXL Leather, Wheels, Sunroof, 50K, CERTIFIED! #T15776A ...................................... $16,799/$249 mo. ‘10 GmC Sierra Ext Cab Ext Cab, 1 Owner, Wheels, CD, and more, 40K CERTIFIED! #T15973A................... $16,899/$252 mo. ‘12 buick Verano Full power, Keyless, Wheels, 28K, CERTIFIED! #B1834A........................................ $16,998/$249 mo. ‘12 GmC Sierra Reg Chrome Wheels, Auto, A/C, 26K, CERTIFIED! #T16042A ..................................................... $17,899 ‘13 buick Verano Full power, Keyless, Wheels, Only 10,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T15929A ...................................................... 18,998 $
‘10 buick Lacrosse CXL Chrome Wheels, Leather, Roof, Loaded, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T15690A ...................................................... $18,999 ‘12 Chevrolet Equinox LT Wheels, Auto, A/C, Keyless, 39K, CERTIFIED! #T15929A ...................................................... $19,499 ‘13 buick Verano Full power, Keyless, Wheels, Used, Only 8,000 Miles CERTIFIED! #B1707A..................................... $19,899 ‘12 buick Regal Premium Chrome Wheels, Leather, Heated Seats, 18,000 Miles CERTIFIED! #B1851A..................................... $19,899 ‘11 GmC Sierra EXT EXT Z-71, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 70K, CERTIFIED! #T16080A ...................................................... $22,899 ‘13 buick Lacrosse CXL Wheels, Leather, Heated Seats, Touch Radio, 13,000 Miles CERTIFIED! #B1673A...................................... $25,899 ‘13 Ford Explorer 3 Rows, 4WD, Full power, SAVE $$, 20K #T15889A ...................................................... $25,899
‘14 GmC Terrain SLE-2 Wheels, Remote Start, Sunroof, and more, 8,000 Miles! CERTIFIED! #T15931A.................................... $26,499
‘13 Chevrolet Camaro RS Leather, Sunroof, Wheels, 6,000 Miles! CERTIFIED! #T15970A ...................................................... $27,899
‘11 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4, Full 4 Doors, Wheels, Tubes, 1 Owner, 60K, CERTIFIED!
‘13 GmC Sierra EXT
#T16073A ...................................................... $26,899
EXT Z-71, Tubes, Chrome Wheels, 20K, CERTIFIED!
‘12 dodge Charger R/T hemi Wheels, Spoiler, 1 Owner, 7,000 Miles!
#T15941A ...................................................... $29,899
#T15987A ...................................................... $26,899 ‘12 GmC Acadia 3 Rows, Full power, 1 Owner, 18K, CERTIFIED!
‘12 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4, Chrome Wheels, Full 4 doors, Only 15K, CERTIFIED! #T15837B ..................................................... $30,899
#T16021A ...................................................... $26,899
‘12 buick Enclave CXL
‘13 GmC Acadia 3 Rows, Keyless, Touch Radio, NEW BODY STYLE!, 13,000 Miles
3 Rows, Leather, Chrome Wheels, Dual Sunroof, 22,000 Miles
#T15676A ...................................................... $26,899 ‘12 GmC Acadia SLT Leather, 3 Rows, Wheels, Roofs, Loaded, 40K,
CERTIFIED! .................................................... $32,899 ‘14 GmC Sierra double Cab 2-71, 20’ Wheels, Tubes, Touchradio, 43,000 List, 5,000 Miles
CERTIFIED! ..................................................... 27,899 $
CERTIFIED! #B1786A..................................... $34,899
Payments 2,000 due plus taxes, with approved credit. * 00-04 60 months @ 6.9% * 05-12 75 months @ 6.9. New car payments 39 month/10K mile per year lease 2500 Ave plus 1st/sec + taxes.
2440 45th St. highlANd, iN 219-865-440 0 ill: 773-221-8124