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Wednesday • September 21 • 2016
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21st thru TUESDAY, SEPT. 27th, 2016 View Our Ad & Current Values at
STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm Sunday 7 am to 7 pm
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3rd Annual Veteran Appreciation Parade The City of Hammond celebrates its 3rd annual Veteran Appreciation Day parade on Saturday, Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. in Hammond’s 5th and 6th districts. The parade route travels from Olcott Avenue, down 173rd street and ends at the Hessville Park Veteran Memorial. Some of the parade participants include members of local American Legions and VFW posts, musical entertainment f rom h ig h school ba nds, a nt ique m i lita r y veh icles, entertainment from Those Funny Little People, Lima Lima Flight Team and much more. A short program will immediately follow the parade at the Hessville Park Veteran Memorial at 173rd & Kennedy Avenue. That evening, join us at the Hammond Civic Center where Region favorites The Dancing Noodles and M & R Rush will perform for free to veterans. Tickets for everyone else are $10 cash or $12 by credit card at the Hammond Civic Center Box Office. Tickets are also available online for $12 at For more information on participating or sponsoring the parade or the concert, contact the Hammond Parks Department at (219) 853-6378 or visit
Redeem All 6 Coupons With A $60 Purchase! (Coupons Not Available In Store)
WALT’S COUPON Aunt Millie’s
Giant Bread
LU 367
Smoked Sausage Assorted Varieties
LU 366
12 - 14 Oz.
89¢ 24 Oz.
$ 69
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 09/21/16 - 09/27/16
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 09/21/16 - 09/27/16
Tortilla Chips
LU 369
8 - 11.5 Oz.
$ 99 With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 09/21/16 - 09/27/16
October Play “Wait Until Darkâ€? Beat n i k s on Con key proud ly a n nou nces t he cast for its October play “Wait Until Darkâ€? by Fredrick Knott. Classic Mystery‌.. involves a blind women left alone with mobsters looking for something they think she has in her possession‌.and a little girl from upstairs always adding to the trouble. It is a deadly game of cat and mouse. Great show for the Halloween season. The show features: Lindsey McDermott as Susy Hendrix, William Milhans as Sam Hendrix, Delaney Craig as Gloria, Mike Lerner as Mike Talman, Mike Karberg as Harry Roat Jr & Sr., and Jerry Golvidis as Carlino. Wait Until Dark plays Friday, Saturday, October 21, 22, 28, 29, November 4 & 5 at 8pm and, Sunday, October 23, 30 and November 6 at 2pm, Three Weekends! The cost is $15.00 and refreshments are included. Beatniks on Conkey is located at 418/420 Conkey St. Hammond, Indiana. For more info call 219-852-0848 or go to
LU 368
6 Pk.
$ 99
Humane Society Casino Night
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 09/21/16 - 09/27/16
Chips Deluxe Cookies 9.5 - 14.8 Oz.
$ 79
WALT’S We Have Just What You Need!
LU 370
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 09/21/16 - 09/27/16
WALT’S COUPON Centrella/Prairie Farms
$ 79
With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 09/21/16 - 09/27/16
LU 371
Humane Society Calumet Area caps off its 75th diamond anniversary celebration with an evening of sparkle and fun. The organization will host its first-ever Diamond Soiree, a Monte Carlo night on Oct. 22 at Wicker Memorial Park Social Center, 8554 Indianapolis Blvd., Highland, Ind. From 6-10 p.m., attendees can try their hand at blackjack, craps, poker, roulette or the money wheel for a chance to win prizes, plus enjoy live music by members of the Yazz Jazz band, heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar and a 50/50 raffle. Admission costs $75 per person and includes 10 chips to get started playing at the game tables for a chance to win prizes. Prizes include four Disney Hopper passes, two Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari passes and baskets from Albanese Candy, Horseshoe Casino and more. Ad m ission ca n be pu rchased on li ne, v ia ma i l by downloading a form at w w or at Humane Society Calumet Area, 421 45th Ave., Munster, Ind. or Paws Resale Shoppe, 8149 Kennedy Ave., Highland, Ind. A limited number of seats will be available at the door as space allows. All proceeds benefit the animals of HSCA. For more i n for mat ion, v isit w w w.hsca lu diamond-soiree.asp or contact Mari Angotti at (219) 5138911 or regarding raff le basket donations and sponsorship opportunities.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Fall Special! Furnace or A/C, C l e a n & c h e c k $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219-616-3281
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556
Chimney Repair
From The Publisher
Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. — John 1:17
Attend the church of your choice.
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US % (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $25 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Disputing Errors on your Credit Report
ARLO KALLEMEYN Well summer is coming to a close and fall is right around the corner. Some t rees a re even turning yel low a nd gold in my neighborhood. Now cold d r in k s a re best in t he hot sun, but you have to admit that a hot cup of joe tastes better on a cold crisp morning. At least we have hot drinks to get us through fall and winter. Whether it’s a coffee, tea, cocoa, espresso, latte, or hot toddy, be sure to stock up because the farmers almanac is calling for a winter to remember. After last winter couldn’t they give us a break? Couldn’t they say that this winter w ill be extraordina rily w a r m ? C o u l d n’t t h e weatherman tell us that an outbreak of Coronacom mercia l weat her will park itself over the M idwest u nt i l Ma rch ? Cou ld n’t t hey forecast sunny winter days at Lake Michigan beaches? They a re w rong 50 % of t he
Concrete & Patching: Steps, patched correctly. Free estimates. Replacing steps, walks, drives, patios. 5% Senior small jobs. License. DW Concrete. Dennis. 708418-0523
time any way - why not be spectacularly wrong and brighten our day for a change. A s long a s we a re creating a Winter fantasy, how about this one. Payat-the-pump coffee. Gas stations would have two pu mp ha nd les. A f ter filling up w ith gas you cou ld g rab t he cof fee handle and pump yourself a few ga l lons of f resh brewed java to get you through the week. Cars cou ld have a ta n k for coffee that would take the heat from the engine - and give you nice fresh hot coffee for your morning commute all week long. I n my c a s e, t he t a n k would have to be about 10 ga l lon s, but w ho’s counting. Have a nice day – and enjoy your coffee! Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper publisher and big fan of cold drinks on hot days, and hot drinks on cold days.
Day Care Daycare: ANNIE’S DAYCARE. Newborn-12yrs. Before/After school care, Free school transportation Illinois Action for Children accepted. 708-288-8071
• 10 Minute Oil Change ! • Only Quality Oil Brands!
Full Service Oil Change Offer Expires 9/30/16 Limits Apply
The oil you use matters! Unlike others, Grease Monkey only uses oil brands you know & trust. 720 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-4
2000 per room 2 ROOM MINIMUM.
Carpet Cleaning for over
25 Years
844-CLEAN Rug 844-253-2678
MIKE BUDER If you are in the process of reviewing your credit report, the first thing to do is make sure that the i n for mat ion conta i ned w it h i n t he repor t is correct. Recently, a U.S. public interest research g roup publ ished t he re su lt s of a su r ve y it conducted i nvolv i ng 200 adults in 30 states to test t he va l id it y of credit reporting. Their findings were as follows: 25% of the credit reports contained errors serious enough to result in the den i a l of c re d it ; 79 % conta i ned m ista kes of some kind; 54% contained persona l demog raph ic i n for m at ion t h at w a s misspelled, longoutdated, belonged to a st ra nger, or ot her w ise incorrect; and 30% of the credit reports contained cred it accou nt s t hat had been closed by the consumer but incorrectly remained listed as open. If you f ind errors on your credit report, follow this procedure to correct these errors. 1. Ma ke a copy of t he report and circle the items y ou a r e q u e s t i on i n g . Keep t he origina l copy for your own records. 2. Prepa re a letter to t he Credit Reporting Agency ( C R A) t h at pr ov ide d you w it h t he repor t in que s t ion a nd r e que s t to have t he er roneous item(s) removed. If you have proof of pay ment for an item in question include a copy of t hat documentat ion. 3. Prepa re a letter to t he cred itor repor t i ng t he problem, espec ia l ly i f you feel you are a victim
of fraud or identity theft. Inform the creditor that you are disputing an error reported to the CRA. State why t he cla i m is inaccurate and i nclude a ny releva nt documentation to prove y ou r p oi nt . 4 . S e nd you r cor respondence via Certified Mail. You should receive a response from the CR A within 30 to 45 days. If the error has been corrected, they will send you a fresh copy of your credit report at no charge to show you that the item has been removed. They will also send a corrected report to any entity that received a report that contained errors within the last 6 months. If you cannot have a disputed item removed, you have t he r ig ht to include your side of the story on the credit report. You r statement shou ld be a concise explanation (100 words or less) as to why you are challenging t he item i n que st ion . From that point on, this notation will be included i n y ou r c r e d it r e p or t as long as t he item in question remains on your report. If you a re look ing to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e bude r @ r em a x . ne t , We b s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com or Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a re a l w ay s welcome. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman
Slice of Pl. Cheesecake, Cup of Soup, Med. Pop or French Fries with Single Sandwich or Dinner Only
Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Must Present Coupon. Limit 1 Coupon Per Person, Per Visit. Expires 10/4/16
17816 Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 895-1500 (708) 895-4900 Fax Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-2am Fri-Sat 10am-3am / Sun 11am-12am
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√ Fast Service Sales √ Hassle-Free √ Clean Shop WE PROMISE!
Highland, IN • 9615 Indianapolis Boulevard • (219) 924-7840 Hammond, IN • 6747 Indianapolis Boulevard • (219) 844-9919 South Holland, IL • 235 W. 162nd Street (Route 6) • (708) 339-3111 Calumet City, IL • 1700 Sibley Boulevard • (708) 891-2470
Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer
Coffee – Pay at the Pump?
Cleaning Services
Concrete Work
R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Polish woman looking for house cleaning jobs. Ironing, cleaning closets, caregiver jobs, drive for errands, doctor appointments or a caregiver 24 hrs. Call 219-718-8425
The Shopper
A/C & Heating
September 21, 2016
te to a l o o t t It’s no ng at SSC! get rolli tart and te S w for La sses. o n r e t is cla Reg 8-Week ptember 19th! Second gin Se
t h! es be rt class ctober 17 Late Sta begin O s e s s la c 8-Week S eco n d .edu
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
24 Cans
1.75 LT
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1.75 LT
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1.75 LT
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750 ML
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Please Remember To Drink Responsibly
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WE CARD UNDER 40 (Rt. 30 Across from Hospital)
Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Handyman Services
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758
ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
15% OFF Labor*
Handyman Ser vices: Diversified Home Repair. Inspection updates, clean up, and hauling. Call Doug. 219-802-9145 Discount Home Improvement And Handyman Ser vices. D r y w a l l , c a r p e n t r y, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. $50 off a $500 p u rc h a s e. Ac c e p t i n g credit cards. Call 708207-0644
Health & Beauty
GRANNY'S ATTIC RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, October 1 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Come find your treasures! Great buys! Orders will be taken for our annual Swedish Sausage & Apple Dumplings! Refreshments available.
Redeemer Lutheran Church
651 E. 166th Street, South Holland, IL 60473 For more information, call 708-331-4100
Real Estate Specialists
Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: What is the right amount for the deposit that goes with a purchase offer? Answer: Traditionally the answer is that if you’re the seller you want as much as possible so that if the buyer backs out of the transaction you will have as much protection as possible. If you’re a buyer, you want to put down as little as possible, maybe just a bag of M&M’s. In pract ice t here is no “sta nda rd” deposit amount or percentage. It’s all negotiable. *********************** Question: We put a contract on a condo, and gave a good faith promise of $500. We were told it would be held and not cashed. Now we have found out it was cashed and put in escrow. Should the broker have cashed this check even though our loan has not been approved yet? Answer: When a real estate bid is made it typically includes a written offer, a deposit and a loan “pre-approval” letter from a lender. T he pu r pose of t he deposit is to compensate the seller if the buyer does not go through with the agreement -- for
Home Improvement/ Repair Are you currently dieting? Looking to lose w e i g h t ? Ne e d m o r e sleep? We have specials to meet your needs! Get free products with select orders!! http://dmillz.
South Holland Recreational Services Presents:
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, wind damage repair, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, power washing. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708841-2328
Sept 24
Line Dance Party
E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Il l: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Il linois Coldwel l Ba n ker Resident ia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.
Extreme Works Construction and Painting for all your remodeling and painting needs NWI and Chicagoland. Call about our paint specials. 708-261-2468
Movers Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. w/full house-bsmt.-garage c l e a n o u t s, o t h e r h o m e services & D&D Services who specializes in siding, soffit, and facia. Will trim bushes. Call between 8am4pm. 708-522-2381
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-glaze windows, strip wallpaper, etc. Free estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
$3 OFF $4 OFF $2 OFF your order of your order of your order of $20 or more
Eat Dance Laugh
South Holland Community Center 501 E. 170th St.
$25 or more
$30 or more
416 Ridge Road, Munster
for more info call 708.331.2940
or visit us online at Adv. Tickets: $15.00 Combo Ticket: $25.00 (limited) Door Tickets $20.00
instance, if the buyer does not apply for a loan. As to a pre-approval letter from a lender, it is generally evidence that a buyer has met w ith a loan officer and that the loan officer believes that the buyer will qualify for a given amount of financing. However, a pre-approval letter is not an absolute loan commitment because the lender needs to check such items as the property’s title, survey, etc. It may be that the broker said the $500 would not be placed in escrow until the offer was accepted. If your offer was accepted, t hen t he broker wou ld be obligated to make a deposit unless the offer included language to the contrary. The deposit should be placed in the broker’s “escrow” or trust account and not co-mingled with the broker’s money.
We’re THAT Good!
Step into Fall Soiree
“Let Me Show You How My 30 Years Experience Will Help”
6-10PM Doors Open at 5:30PM
All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Handyman: Leaf cleanup, power washing. Landscape repair/ enhancement, painting, trim bushes, trees, weed pulling, gutter cleaning, all staining/painting, moving service. Frank. 708-975-1219
708-418-4444 MIKEBuder
A Local Christian Businessman
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Pools & Spas
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335
G.S & Sons. Pool cleanings on openings/closings, as low as $99.99. Specializing in all kinds of yard work & cleaning. No job to large or too small. 773-691-0929
J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500
Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Help Wanted Help Wanted: Drivers-CO & O/Op’s: Teams. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Hometime and Benefits. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 855-493-9921
B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652
Sat, Sept. 24, 9-2 900 E. 154th Street, South Holland Christ Our Savior Catholic School Parking Lot. Tons of bargains. Something for everyone. If you would like to participate in the sale contact 708-333-8173
Sept. 23,24, 8-5 1317 E. 168th Place, South Holland Furniture, household, NBA jerseys, clothing, bikes, books, playstation games, electronics, classical cds, NBA cards
Sept. 22-23, 9a-4:30p. 15972 Mar ion Dr., So. Holland. K ing-sz. sheets/spread, tables, kitch. appls, shoes, Xmas, 2-shower chairs, speakers, men diapers, etc. Sept. 23&24, 9-2 17143 Ingleside Ave., South Holland Jewelry, books, household, clothing, antiques & more misc.
Sept. 24th, 11am-? 14823 Grant Street, Dolton. Clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, electronics, dishes, wine glasses, CD-racks, office desk, office chairs, vases, speakers.
Terry & Associates Properties, Inc
Come inside and “Peek” at our
*Real Estate Brokers Needed*
FREE Lay-A-Way
Innovative Real Estate Solutions
NEW Fall Fashions
*Office Space Available*
(708) 566-4738
3334 Ridge Road Lansing, Illinois 708-474-0349
Sales and Property Management
“Stick With The Best!” Talk 2 Terry 1st 16262 Prince Dr. South Holland, IL 60473
2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons 2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins 2 Boneless Chicken Breasts (.5 lb. pkg.) 2 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops 4 (3 oz.) Kielbasa Sausages 2 (4.5 oz.) Stuffed Sole with Scallops and Crabmeat 12 oz. pkg. All-Beef Meatballs 4 (3 oz.) Potatoes au Gratin 4 (4 oz.) Caramel Apple Tartlets Omaha Steaks Seasoning Packet
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Call 1-800-864-6172 ask for 46191MKF
Limit 2 pkgs. Free gifts must ship with #46191. Standard S&H will be added. Expires 11/30/16. ©2016 OCG | 606B120 | Omaha Steaks, Inc. GRAND OPENING SALE!!
Simply Gorgeous Wig & Hair Boutique
Hours: M-F 9:30-4:30; Sat. 9:30-3:00
25% - 75% OFF FURNITURE 50% - 75% OFF CLOTHING 50% OFF
Knick Knacks, Housewares, Shoes, Electronics, Jewelry, Books, Framed Art and More!
Located in Lansing 3320 Ridge Road (708) 895-GORG (4674)
We carry a Gorgeous line of: Wigs, Hair Extensions, Purses, Jewelry, Beauty Products & More at great prices… We also offer wig maintenance services. Custom wig making coming soon!! Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed, Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6 pm, Fri. & Sat. 9:30am-6:30 pm
Turning 65 or Older? Get the best in Medicare Supplement insurance!
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Mattress Sets & New Bed Frames Restoration Ministries Thrift Stores LOCATIONS: SOUTH HOLLAND HARVEY
351 W. 162nd (159th) St.
14950 S. Dixie Hwy.
219-736-7800 or 1-800-821-0604
3 blocks east of Halsted at railroad tracks
3 blocks south of 147th St. (Sibley Blvd.)
7998 Broadway 1505 US Hwy 41 (Near Walter E. Smithe) (Near Strack & Van Til)
2505 LaPorte Ave. (Near Chipotle)
8213 Calumet Ave. (Near Chipotle)
Garage Sales in Dolton
Restoration Ministries
The Family Gourmet Buffet
46191MKF Reg. $200.90 | Now
Garage Sales in South Holland
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Garage Sales in Lansing Sept. 22&23, 9-3, 24th, 9-1 2828 Forest Lane, Lansing Hunting, household, fishing, plants, clothes, bar lights and signs. Sat. 1/2 off Sept. 23, 24, 9-4 3 5 0 2 S . Ma n o r D r i ve , Lansing Luggage, electronics, crafts, tools, household, wall art, rugs, curtains
Setp. 22&23, 8-5, 24th, 8-2 2339 184th Street, Lansing A l l m u s t g o. G a r a g e , household, linens, dishes, furniture, crafts, decorations, office, lamps Sept. 22&23, 9-4, 24th, 9-1 2819 Forest Lane, Lansing Toys, children and adult clothing, j e w e l r y, p a p e r b a c k s , f u r n i t u re, household and misc. items
The Insurance Place Customer Friendly Since 1971
Renters Insurance
Ross A. Leck Agent/Owner
(708) 895-3434
ValuSolutions, Inc.
5th Annual South Suburban Cook County
JOB FAIR Sept. 28, 2016 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m. Lan-Oak Park District
Eisenhower Center
2550 E. 178th Street, Lansing, IL 60438 Your Resume is required for entrance!
Artist Jeff Stevenson Exhibition At SSC The Art & Design Department of Sout h Subu rba n Col lege (SSC ) is pleased to present a new exhibition located in the Dulgar Gallery on SSC’s Ma i n Ca mpu s i n Sout h Hol la nd. This exhibition of art works by Jeff Stevenson titled “Magnetic Line of Force” is on display September 12 to October 20, 2016. There will be an Artist’s Gallery Talk with remarks by Stevenson on September 27 at 1:00 p.m. “Magnetic Line of Force,” a title taken from one of the pieces in the show, is “an imaginary concept that prov ides a ver y usef ul way to not only represent but also to define the properties of the magnetic field being evaluated, says Stevenson. “Using imaginary concepts to explore things that are unseen could describe my art making process and also much of our interactions as humans in this magical world.” This exhibition features my “Exquisite Corpse” inspired large scale scroll works on paper from 2012, other works on canvas and paper from 2014, and two from my most recent series of cut and combined paintings of found selfies from 2016. Jeff Stevenson is an award winning artist who has been honored with an Artist’s Residency at Ragdale, a solo exhibition at the Union League Club of Chicago, the “Patron Award” by artist Philip Pearlstein at the Northern National Competition, the “Curator’s Choice Awa rd” at t he Chicago A rt Open, the “Figurative Award” at the Beverly Arts Center and others. As an art educator, Jeff Stevenson has taught college level studio art, art histor y, and creativ it y classes. Stevenson has been invited as guest lecturer and panelist for university c l a s s e s , c a m pu s pr o g r a m s , a nd
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Transportation: CDL A/B Truck/Bus Drivers, Government: Aspiring State Police, Restaurant; Health Care- DSP Workers; Manufacturing: Warehouse Worker, Line Operators, IT, Fork Lift Operator; Sales Representatives; Administration: Clerical, HR Reps; Teachers and Substitute Teachers; Construction Workers- Project Estimators; Fitness Instructors and more.
“Magnetic Line of Force” _____________________________________________
national conferences. He also has ser ved on boards and committees with the Chicago Artists’ Coalition, Nat ha n Ma n i low Sc u lpt u re Pa rk, Flossmoor Village Art Commission, and occasionally writes for as the Chicago Museum Examiner. The public is welcome to visit the art exhibition and reception at no charge. The Dulgar Gallery is on the first floor.
Sept. 22, 8-4 3647 Monroe, Lansing Clothes, mens, womens, boys, household decor, fishing waders, push lawnmowers, beauty shop equipment, more
Don’t miss Lan-Oak Park District’s
SSC Galleries are open at minimum Mondays t hrough Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The galleries are closed on weekends and holidays. For more information, please call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2445 or ext. 2316, or visit SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.
Sept. 23, 12-5, 24th, 9-2 2957 193rd Street, Lansing Baby items, girls sz NB-2, young women sz sm-med, misc. household, collector antiques Sept. 23 & 24, 9-3 17827 Oakwood, Lansing Pictures, household items, clothes, shoes, bedding, cherished teddy’s, toys, small fridge, holiday
FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning for RESIDENTS OF LANSING who ARE IN NEED.
Sept. 22, 8:30-3 3252 Louise Drive, Lansing Turn Manor Dr. off Burnham Av e . D e s i g n e r b a g s , fragrances, jewelry, Harley Davidson jkts (non smoker) clothing, furniture, household Sept. 24, 9-4 18640 Sherman Street, Lansing Household items, furniture, clothing, jewelry, misc. Lots of good stuff! Sept. 22,23,24, 8-1 1 9 1 1 3 Wa l t e r S t r e e t , Lansing Clothing, toys, books, home furnishings, electronics, tools
Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure
Sept. 22,8-1; 23rd 8-5; 24th, 8-2 18347 School Street, Lansing Tool sale, only tools. Drills, plumbing, electrical, new, antique, we have tools
Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717
Sept. 22-24, 8-4. 18302 Roy Street, Lansing. Piano, Wicker bedroom set, office furniture, treadmill, TV and more.
The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL
46th Annual
That’s right– we’re asking you to load your “junk” in your vehicle and head to the Eisenhower Center parking lot to sell your unwanted goods. Set up is easy as all of your goods will be sold out of the trunk of your vehicle! Shoppers will love this twist on a traditional garage sale or flea market. Set-up will take place 8:30-9:45am.
Saturday, September 24
Eisenhower Center Parking Lot, 2550 178th Street, Lansing
10am - 2pm
Vendor Fee: $5.00 (R), $10.00 (NR) Must be 18 & up to purchase a space. Preregistration is required.
For additional information, please call the Lan-Oak Park District at 708-474-8552.
Fall Festival and Auction
Lansing Christian School 3660 Randolph Street • 708-474-1700
Friday, September 23 Supper 5:00 p.m. Games 6:00 p.m. Live Auction 6:00 p.m. Once again, we will have our famous hot fresh “Dutch Ollie Bollen”
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
View Our Ad & Current Values at
STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm Sunday 7 am to 7 pm USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef�
Walt’s “All Natural� Fresh Chicken
Boneless Chicken Breasts
Fresh Express
Boneless Chuck Roast Sold As Roast Only Salad
$ 79
USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef�
$ 88
Head Lettuce
¢ Ea.
California Premium Sweet
2/ 3 $
1 Lb. Pkgs.
Boneless Pork Roast
Walt’s Own Homestyle
Made Fresh in our Store
$ 79 $ 99
Still a Half Gallon!
Prairie Farms Premium
Red Baron
Pizza 12 Inch
Ice Cream €„‚
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Pure Life Water 28 Pk. .5 Ltr. Btls.
Wieners (Excludes Beef,
Cheese or Turkey) Assorted Varieties 14 - 16 Oz.
Sliced Bacon Assorted Varieties 12 - 16 Oz.
Jumbo Pack
$ 69
Raised Without Antibiotics, Hormones or Steroids
Miller Amish Country “100% Natural�
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Vine ip R ened
Baked Ham
$ 88
Split Chicken Breasts
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Raised Without Antibiotics, Hormones or Steroids
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Land O’ Lakes
Butter ˆ 1 Lb. Qtrs.
Vegetables ‰
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3/ 5 2/ 6 79
Oscar Mayer
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Birdseye Polybag Regular
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Oscar Mayer
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Miller Amish Country “100% Natural�
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Limit 6 Total, Add’l. 88¢
Oscar Mayer
Gluten Free
3/ 10 2/ 6 59 $
$ 98
$ 29
$ 39
Hard Salami Swiss Cheese Old Fashioned or Pickle & Pimento Loaf Deli Bologna
From Our Deli Hut
Apple Pumpkin Cider Donuts Pie 6 Pk. Pre-Packaged 8 Inch Best Donuts in Town
Walt’s Premium “All Natural� Pork
ur Country Bakery From O
No Hormones Added
Pkgs. Less Than 3 Lbs. $2.29 Lb.
Large Solid
Idaho Potatoes 5 Lb. Bag
$ 79
3 Lb. Pkgs. or More
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Boneless Sirloin Steak Value Pack
From Our Deli Hut
20 - 32 Oz.
$ 99 When You Buy 4, Must Buy 4. Single Item Price $2.99 Ea.
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5/ 10 $
Bath Tissue 12 Pk. Double Rolls or 6 Pk. Mega Rolls
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Paper Towels 6 - 8 Pk. Rolls
$ 99
Your ! Choice
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Christ Our Savior School Knowing God Through Remembers 9/11 TOTAL Surrender GOD WITH US
ANNA M. CAISON The journey to knowing God is a daily surrendering of ourselves to Him. It takes almost a life time to get to that place, where we trust God w ith ever y thing concerning us. Abraham began his journey to knowing God with a call to leave his father’s house and travel to a place God would later show him when he got there. Throughout Abraham’s journey we see him stumble through the process of trusting God with his life and the life of those that made up h is household. W hen Abra ha m willingly surrendered the dearest thing to him, his long awaited promised son at God’s request-----we see he had reached the place where he trusted God with everything concerning him. From the moment we become serious about know ing God, we began a life journey of surrendering. He takes us a step at a time. Beginning with ourselves, we learn to go where He directs. Then,
from the little things that we don’t mind giving up, to the things that are difficult, we come to the place where we hold nothing back from Him. Bel ie v i ng a nd t r u st i ng i n G o d’s unwavering love for us is the prerequisite for living a surrendered life. When we truly accept the fact that God loves us and has a plan for our life that includes a glorious future and a full and purposeful life in the present, we can let go of fear and walk in fellowship with Him. As we continue to grow in His love, surrendering to His will becomes a sought after desire of the heart. Our days will begin with, “Good morning Gracious Father, thank you for a good night sleep. What is Your plan for me today? All that I have is Yours! Here I am Lord, send me!” For questions and/or comments send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.
No Hidden Changes Most Furniture Moved Deep Soil Extraction FREE Pre-Spotter FREE Deodorizer Truck Mount Unit All Work Guaranteed Quick Drying Time Insured & Bonded
Per Room 2 Room Minimum
00 Reg. $75
Any 5 Rooms L-Shaped & Great Room Considered 2
Removes up to 96% Of All Dust, Dirt, Pollen, Mold Spores & Animal Dander
25 $
Sept. 22-24, 9-5. 17018 Park Ave., Lansing. Huge last summer sale. Clothes $2 a bag. 1/2 off Saturday. Mostly .25 cents &.50 cents, tables, everything cheap! Sept. 23-24, 8:30-3:30. 3538-192nd St., Lansing. Household items, jewelry, indoor, outdoor Holiday, and Christmas decorations. Dept. 56 items.
ROTO BRUSH Unlimited Registers Single Furnace Home
IL (708) 756-2665 IN (219) 226-1371
honored first responders and remembered those who perished in the tragedy. Pictured are South Holland fire and paramedics, COS seventh grade student representatives and Principal Karen Brodzik.
Christ Our Savior Catholic School students recognized the 15th anniversary of 9/11 by conducting a memorial prayer service. Members of the Village of South Holland Fire Department attended the service which
Women Inspiring Success Event Focus;” the “Fundamentals of Financial Management” by Attorney Sonia Coleman; Professional Speaking Coach Lori Klinka, with “Snapshots to Success: Living One Frame at a Time; “Creativity is a Choice,” presented by A r t ist Sta rla Snead; a nd L ic en se d Ma s s a ge T her api st Sabr i na Schottenhamel will present “Mindful SelfCare: Me TLC.” The Con ference fee, wh ich includes a light breakfast and lunch, is $59 until September 30, and $ 69 thereafter, or at t he door. Reg ist rat ion is ava i lable on EventBrite at http://csnwise2016.eventbrite. com, a nd t hroug h t he CSN website at w w Individuals preferring to pay by check, made payable to Chicagoland Speakers Network, are encouraged to contact Erin Dubich, CSN President, via email at The Oak Forest campus of South Suburban College is located at 16333 Kilbourn Avenue in Oak Forest, just off of 167th St and I-57.
The Chicagoland Speakers Network (CSN) will hold its Women Inspiring Success Event, WISE 2016, on Thursday, October 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Oak Forest campus of South Suburban College, located at 16333 Kilbourn Avenue in Oak Forest. “Any woman looking for more success and less stress will love the inspiration and fun planned for WISE 2016,” according to CSN President Erin Dubich. The WISE 2016 Conference w i l l feature dy na mic speakers on topics supporting personal and professional growth for women of all ages and stages. The Chicagoland Speakers Network, in collaboration with the South Subu rba n Col lege Bu si ness & Ca reer Institute, has presented a wide range of popular women-inspired events over the past several years. The six scheduled featured presentations are: “Cultivating Radiance Inside & Out,” presented by L icensed Diet icia n Er i n Dubich; Professional Organizer Colleen Klimczak on “Strategies for Clarity and
Celebrating 30 Years of Service
79 99
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Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Sept. 24, & 25, (Sat&Sun) 104 14219 S. Union, Riverdale Clothing, bedding, nick nacks, shoes, housewares. Rain dates 10/1 & 10/2
Garage Sales in Dyer September 24, 8-3 2632 Howard Castle Dr., Dyer Multi Family sale. Furniture, home decor, rugs, dishes and so much more. Name your price
Check the indoor blower belt.
We accept Cash, Credit or Debit
Schererville 1779 U.S. 41
Includes FREE Vacuuming, FREE Towel, and FREE Air Freshener
Check the thermostat operation.
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Replace customer provided filter, or clean the existing filter.
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Look Great! Feel Great!
Sept. 23-25, 9-3. 18083 Jason Lane, Lansing. H u g e m u l t i - f a m i l y. Furniture, household appliances, power equip., w o m e n s / y o u n g m e n’s clothing, washer/dr yer. Loads of great stuff!
1040 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 708-333-8030 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00AM - 7:00PM Sat. 7:00AM-6:00PM
Like Us on Facebook
30% OFF
The regular price of any incoming dry cleaning.
PrePay Only Excludes alterations, leathers, furs, carpets & pillows.
Not valid with any other discount. Expires 10/9/16. CARE CLEANERS • 708-333-8030
Say I saw it in The Shopper Sept. 23rd, 9-12 40 Deer Trail Drive, Dyer Dining chairs, LCD tv, dry vac, variety of household items, dryer w/pedestal-needs repair Sept. 23,24, 8-3 2850 Blaney Drive, Dyer M u l t i f a m i l y. B a b y, household, kitchen, Xmas, clothes, jackets, furniture. Many more items Sept. 23-24, 9-3. 1223 Jackson Ave, Dyer. Three families. Home decor, a u t o, t o o l b o x e s a n d benches, Holiday and more. Sept. 23-24, 8-1. 847 Graegin Pl, Dyer, IN. C l o t h e s, w o m e n , m e n , shoes, furniture, decor, books, art, etc. Sept. 23-24, 8-3. 10544 Mimosa St., Dyer. Multi-family, baby items, maternity clothes, women/ men’s clothes, furniture, kitchenware, children’s toys and more.
September 21, 2016
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Lansing 2 bedroom condo. Clean, main floor, secured bldg. Many updates. Car port, close to expressway. Pay only electric. Security & credit check, $945/mo. 708439-7736
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068 900-1800 Retail or office space on Halsted St. Close to Ford and I-57 Express, plenty of parking. Secure building. Call Christina 773233-6778 or Ade 773-5173096
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Sept. 22,23,24, 8-? 2208 Divac Drive, Schererville Clothing, vintage, toys, candles, shoes, purses, h a n d m a d e j e w e l r y, magazines, books, Xmas items Sept. 23, 6-8pm; 24, 25 ,92pm 9500 W. 136th Place, Cedar Lake HUGE sale! Furniture, Home Theater Speakers, WII,Girls c l o t h e s t o 5 T, J r. 5 - 7 . Everything must Go!
THORNTON TOWNSHIP Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. S e c t i o n 8 w e l c o m e. Please call after 3pm. 708-932-7499. Walking d i s t a n c e t o SuperWalmart. Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
Hosted by
Human Relations Commission Frank M. Zuccarelli, Supervisor Master of of Ceremonies Ceremonies Master
Oscar Canales OscarM. Canales
Radio“Buena “Beuna Nuevas Nuevas” “ Radio WAIT 850 AM WCFJ 1470 AM
Saturdays: 2-3pm Saturdays: 9:30 am to 11am
Apt. for rent: Calumet City. 1 bdrm. Nice. A/C and heat included. No pets. Security deposit required. Credit check. Seniors welcome. 708-261-2411
For rent: 2 bdrm. Lansing. Apartment. Close to schools, parks & shopping. More info. Call. 708-280-1773
Mexican Folklore Dancers
Rose Mary BombelaMartin R. Castro Tobias Chairman, Guest Speaker
Chair, Illinois Human United States Commission Rights Commission on Civil Rights
THORNTON TOWNSHIP HALL 333 East 162nd Street South Holland IL Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Learn about it’s rich...
Special Tribute to: Special to: LionelTribute Valencia
Jose L. Gonzalez Community Advocate Community Advocate
Culture and History
Homes For Rent
Music and Dance
Home for rent: Single family home. 4 bdrms. 1-1/2 bath. Recently updated. 2714 GlenwoodDyer Rd. Lynwood. $1500/ mo. Unfinished basement. Call. 708-906-7153
Authentic Food Catered by:
Pollo Locuas Blue Island, IL &
Home for rent: Harvey. Very nice. Recently remodeled. 4-lg. bdrms., garage, appliances, 2 baths. Patio off master. $1,400/mo. + sec. Section 8 ok. No pets. 708259-3487
Home for rent: Markham, 3 bdrm. 1bath, stove only. Hardwood floors. Section 8 welcome. $1000/mo. Movein fee $35. Available Oct. 12, 2016. 708-596-1843
Saturday, Saturday, September26th, 24, 2016 September 2015 10:00 a.m. a.m. 10:00 Please be on Time! Doors open at 9:30 a.m.
Dolton: 2bdrm. Apt. 1-bath, heat included, parking s p a c e . $ 8 7 5 / m o. Ne a r transportation, laundr y facilities. 773-339-0728
Ho m e f o r re n t : 1 6 8 0 5 Cottage Grove, So. Holland. 3bdrm. 1bath, Ranch. $1000/mo. + sec. deposit. 630-254-5400
Guest Speaker
Magician Christopher Magican George Ken Interact Mate Magic Interact Magic
La Rosa Bakery Lansing, IL For more information call 708/596-6040 x3168
Evanne Carvlin - Dolton THORNTON TOWNSHIP Evanne Carvlin - Dolton THORNTON TOWNSHIPHUMAN HUMANRELATIONS RELATIONS Shirley Bloodworth - Homewood Shirley Bloodworth - Homewood Loretta - Phoenix LorettaWells Wells - Phoenix Bert - Lansing BertRivera Rivera - Lansing Mabel P. Ricker – Calumet City Charlotte Miller - Dixmoor Elizabeth Gonzalez – Staff Assistant,Assistant, Dolton Elizabeth Gonzalez – Program Dolton Delia Program Assistant - South Holland DeliaMedina, Medina, Program Assistant - South Holland
Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee
Joyce M. Washington Stafford C. Owens Norbert Cipowski Gerald “Jerry” Jones
Holy Cross/IHM
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Marimba Ensemble
Oscar M. Canales - South Holland
COMMISSIONOscar Canales - South Holland COMMISSION Ruby J. Donahue – Harvey
Ruby Tui Donahue M. Muse––Harvey Dixmoor Tui Whittington Muse – Dixmoor Annette - Harvey Annette Whittington - Harvey Joseph L. Marjan, Riverdale Joyce M.Washington, Chairman - Dolton Joyce M.Washington, Chairman - Dolton Sonia Gutierrez, Secretary - Lansing Sonia E. Gutierrez, HRC Secretary - Lansing
Clerk Jacqueline E. Davis-Rivera Assessor Cassandra Holbert Highway Commissioner Geary DePue
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Speaking Of Seniors
Eye Site™
Medicare Failed Valpo Client
Dr. Jay Gulotta Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473
Adorable Yorkie Shih-tzu puppies. 9 wks. old. $500/ per male (3 total), $600 for f e m a l e. No s h o t s. Ca l l LaToya. Looking for lovable home. 708-551-4703
Glaucoma Treatment Laser Co-Management Cataract Co-Management Optometry since 1942
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips Freestyle Lite One Touch Accu-Chek Contour and Others, Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. 708-474-3941
Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields
Wa n t e d : Looking for Elderly sitter: Light work, 1pm-9pm, M-F, Call for details at. 708-692-4597
Canning supplies wanted. Jars, seals, steam canner, pressure cooker, etc. Call 708-888-1815 Rollabout (4 wheeler) with hand brake. 708-532-8337
The 21st Annual Elim
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 • 7:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Stores open at 8:00 A.M.
Come visit Elim Christian Services and enjoy the following:
Replacement part - wire bailer for a rod open face fishing reel. 708-532-8337
Kid’s Carnival Games Petting Zoo
and other fun for the family! Pancake Breakfast 7:30-10 am ~ Replica Dutch Village and Shops ~ Farmers Market ~ Entertainment Under the Big Tent ~ Classic Cars ~ Inflatables ~ Face Painting ~ Wooden Shoe Carving ~ Games and Activities for All Ages ~ Dutch Groceries and Gift Shop ~ All kinds of American and Dutch Foods ~ And much more!
Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 6 Fo rd W i n d s t a r Va n , n e w a l t e r n a t o r, s t a r t e r a n d brakes, battery/tires (2yrs. old). Asking $1,700/obo. 708-267-0723 For sale: 2009 Pontiac, 2 door, runs and drives like new, air blows cold, no rust. Very clean in and out. Good on gas. $4,950/obo. 708-2670723
3651 Ridge Road, Lansing
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15% discount for 13 weeks or more
Private Party Ads
$10/week ALL zones
Buy 2 weeks Get 1 FREE
Free ads run if space is available.
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10% discount for 4-12 weeks
any super 18” pizza
Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 10/4/16
Shopper Ad Classified Ad Form
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Note: Woodrow Wilcox is the senior medical bill ca se worker at Sen ior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of t hat i nsu ra nce agenc y over one million dollars by fighting mistakes and f raud i n t he Med ica re system. He w rote t h e b o o k S O LV I N G MEDICARE PROBLEM$.
on the campus of Elim Christian Services 13020 S. Central Avenue in Palos Heights, IL Call (708) 293-6509
Business Ads
a nd sent t hem to t he c l i e n t ’s i n s u r a n c e company. This will result in the client’s insurance company paying its share of the bills. That will leave a much smaller balance for the client to pay. If our agency had not helped t h is cl ient, she wou ld have been hounded to pay all the bills and her insurance company never would have known that there was a claim to pay. T h is problem wa s not caused by our client or her insurance company. The problem was caused by Medicare. All the help that I gave this client was FREE OF CHARGE. This insurance agency distinguishes itself from others by helping our senior citizen clients with such problems. Does your insurance agent or agency give this high level of service to senior citizen clients? If not, why not?
On August 23, 2016, I helped a client discover t hat t he rea son her Me d ic a r e s upplement insura nce compa ny wa s not pay i ng her claims from doctors and hospita ls wa s because M E DIC A R E WA S NO T SENDING THE CL AIMS T O H E R I NS U R A NC E COMPANY. The client is from Valparaiso, Indiana. It w a s ou r se c ond meet i ng at my of f ice. At t he f irst meet ing, I rev iewed a l l t he bi l l s t hat were not get t i ng paid. Fifteen bills were not get t i ng pa id for services on over a dozen dates. Our client bought a Medicare supplement insurance policy through ou r agenc y. But, she was getting bills totaling $629.36 and her insurance compa ny had not pa id anything. In our first meeting at my office, the client and I phoned Med ica re to have copies of Medicare’s doc u ment at ion of t he claims sent to her. When she got them, she brought t hem to ou r of f ice. Together, we phoned her insu ra nce compa ny to learn why it had not paid on any of these claims. IT REPORTED THAT IT NEVER GOT THE CLAIMS FROM MEDICARE. So, we made copies of the Medicare documents
Pets: Akc registered german shepherd puppies born july 19 2016 shots 3 male 1 female call 2173411489
Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome
Area Code & Phone Number
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708-331-1111 1-800-410-5250
708-333-9630 The Shopper
Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.
commode $30.00 walker w/ wheels $30.00 lot of women close $1.00 708-687-4776
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Used w/w-blk, w/tires four 215x70x15 also others one September 21, 2016 aslo one each. 15 in., 15 in. power wheel ch. shoprider new 195x70x15, reasonable for small person needs work prices. Call Rich. 708-341$250.00 708-687-4776 1049
South Suburban College BCI Presents Elevation Leadership Summit Hammer Toes 16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473
The shop for the whole family.
actually of and thehope. his insights and experience that will word of faith THammer h e S o u t h toes S u b uare rba n C o l l e g ea curling Regardless Business & Ca reer Inst itute toes. Sometimes these are(BCI) flexible and can ofbewhere you are on the unlock your team’s potential presents a n Elevat ion Leadersh ip spectrum, please join us for a day of • Ma r y E rla i n, prom i nent c oach straightened with manipulation, or fixed which Summit Taking Faith-Based and Non- fellowship, inspiration and knowledge. a nd aut hor, w i l l help br idge t he means they are alwaysHeights! curled We with havearthritic a fantastic keynote speaker, generational gap to create a stronger Profit Leadership to Loftier wonderful presenters and panelists team onchanges Monday, that October 17th from 9:00 don’t allow straightening. Many a.m. – 3: 00 p.m. This conference who plan to share their best practices • Access to other leadership experts times corns areSouth found on the designed tops of tothese take your leadership to s h a r i n g k n o w le d g e d e s i g n e d t o will be held in the Suburban strengthen skillsets heights. College Artsbe Center with loftier toes. Performing Surgery can performed to straighten • D o o r p r i z e s a n d n e t w o r k i n g Who should Attend: thethese keynote address by Roy Worley, toes or occasional trimming of the corns Missionary & Pastor, and includes a • F a i t h - b a s e d o r g a n i z a t i o n opportunities galore! can alleviate some of the pain. you have anyleaders The cost is $50 per person (early Special Appearance by Atmosphere of Ifadministrators, • N n - p rother ofit o r g a n i z a t i o n bird fee until September 30th) and $65 Heaven. questions concerning hammer toes oro any thereafter; $75 atNot the door. The cost I n today ’s u ncer t a i n a nd ever- administrators, leaders Left to right: Stylists Carol, Bonni, Marti, Karen, Rita. shown stylist Sharon problems, stop or call my office Receptionist • A nyoneduring who holds and a posit ionJessica. of includes a continental breakfast and changing times,please serving in a by leadership lunch. For more information, please role for ahours. faith-based or non-profit responsibility in a faith-based or non- 708-333-3238 office v isit w w or to organization can be tumultuous and profit organization 1021 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL register, please call (708) 596-2000, challenging. It is not uncommon for • Anyone passionate about leadership ext. 3254 or email these trials and tribulations to take Reasons to Attend: a toll on one’s energ y, conf idence • Pastor Roy w i l l help you better South Suburban College is located at and conviction, On the other hand, u ndersta nd t he “rea l bat t le” a nd 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, Illinois. challenging times can also re-energize provide you with the tools to fight it and increase our passion to spread the • Pa stor Troy O’Q u i n w i l l sha re
Creating A Framework For Business Success Workshop The South Suburban College Business & Career Institute (BCI) will present the following workshop, The Myers-Briggs & Team Building: Creating a Framework for Business Success, on Thursday, October 6th. Our new half day training is from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This workshop will be held in the South Suburban College MB Financial Suite (1st Floor). T he Myer s-Br ig g s Ty pe I nd ic ator ® (MBTI®) assessment has helped millions of people worldw ide ga i n i nsig ht s about themselves and how they interact w it h ot hers - a nd i mprove how t hey communicate, learn, and work. It provides a powerful framework for building better relationships, driv ing positive cha nge, ha r nessing in novat ion, a nd ach iev ing excellence. Why You Should Attend: Troy O’Q u i n, C er t i f ie d Myer s-Br ig g s Practitioner, w ill g uide you t hrough a thorough discussion of your assessment
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 6 Su z u k i Forenza. Well maintained, 100,000 miles, runs good, exc. gas mileage, $3000 obo. 708-515-6502 For sale: 2014 Hyundai Accent certified 21 miles. Option hatchback, more room than larger cars. Over $5,000 savings. Automatic, condition is new. 773-939-8999
resu lt s, helpi ng you to ga i n a bet ter understanding of your best-fit type, and providing you with greater insight into the meaning of your preferences. W hen you understand your type preferences, you can approach your own work in a manner that best suits your style. Troy will also help 2009 Mazda6 Black, fog lights, spoiler, 100k miles, you better understand the culture of your great exterior condition. workplace, develop new skills, understand Extremely clean interior, your participation in teams, and cope with $8,699 one owner. 219-644change. 6557 The cost is $149 per person (includes the workshop, cost to take the Myers-Briggs Indicator Assessment & the Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type Seventh Edition) or $139 per person if 3 or more individuals from the same company attend. Reservations COMMUNITY HOLIDAY GALA are required. For more information or to A MILITARY TRIBUTE register, please call (708) 596-2000, ext. 3254 FEATURING: or email South Suburban THE LEGACY GIRLS College is located at 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, Illinois. al
the field of practice, county and zip code. An option is to call the hotline at (888) 662-3851 to receive the name of a lawyer, who will provide an initial 30-minute consultation for no more than page 11 $25. You are under no obligation to hire that lawyer.
For more information about Illinois law, visit www. Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Ho n dIfa you have a legal question, send it G ldwing Aspencade. 48,000 miles. Excellent condition $9,500. Only 10 inch Radial arm saw, Sears Mirro electrical smoke house, serious inquiries please. Craftman, $100. 219-365- $35; Crown pallet jack 5000#, 219-688-5103 2954 exc. working cond. 708-8916226
PHONE: (708) 333-2117
Grandparents, Married or Single People, I have a wonderful system for SAVING MONEY. Four things are needed to make this work and you will see results. When you receive this packet, PLEASE follow my instructions and you will SAVE MONEY EFFORTLESSLY. Send a $20 check or money order to: Mr. Hardy, PO Box 1670, South Holland, IL 60473. Your packet will be mailed to you within 5 days. HAVE A WONDERFUL 2016.
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7840 Wicker Avenue, St. John, IN Adult Programs 219-365-0500
nu d An
A Military Tribute
Not only do we have Senior Social the first and third Wednesday of the month, but now you can also join us for the Senior Breakfast Gathering:
Wednesday, September 28
- sign up between August 28 and September 26
Wednesday, October 26
- sign up between September 24 and October 24
8:30-10:30 AM
Chicago;Van Drunen Heating;A07377;5x6.5-4c (16Fa-Early) GALA LUNCHEON Wednesday, November 2, 2016 Doors open at 10:30 AM Lunch served until 11:30 AM
Scheduled service checks make life run smoother.
Pre-Registration is required by October 28, 2016
Servicing your home comfort system is like servicing your car. The more you take care of it, the better it runs and the happier you are.
Sign up now to share this day to honor our local veterans. Lunch will be provided and you won’t want to miss the entertainment of the Legacy Girls who will bring make memories through music and song.
Breakfast will be ordered by the Community Center and provided by Jimboo's. Complete breakfast served buffet style: Including eggs, meats, toast, and many other breakfast surprises. Coffee, Tea, Juice, and Milk included.
Ages 55 and Older Maximum of 75 attendees $6.00 per person per breakfast No refunds
w Join No
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Lunch served until 11:30 a.m.
Please bring a toy for the South Holland Fire Department Annual Toy Drive All Ages are Welcome! Cost: $10.00 Lunch & Show
SHRS has joined up with Ingalls Hospital to introduce our new walking group. Through the SHRS Steppers, you will have the opportunity to attend information seminars both here and at River Oaks Center (the Mall), receive an informative newsletter, have the opportunity to join in on day trips and join in on other special events. There is no fee to enroll,
however; a registration Pre-registration required by October 28, 2016 must be filled out. Participants can join at
any time. South Holland Community Center, 501 East 170th Street, S.H. before October 28.
No cost to Veterans who preregister
Last year we honored 48 local veterans!
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Service-16Fa-Early-4c.indd 27
8/2/16 7:37 AM
Holiday CHristmas Partyveterans. Lunch will be Sign up now to share this day to honor our local At River Oaks Mall provided and you won’t want to miss DATE: the entertainment of the Legacy Girls TBA who will bring back memories through 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM music and song. Breakfast & a Free Gift for Current Members. Breakfast & a T-Shirt for those who join that day.
No Registration Necessary. Please bring a toy for the South Holland 24 Fire Department Annual Toy Drive.
All ages welcome! Cost: $10.00
No cost to veterans who pre-register before October 28. Please call 708-331-2940, for more information.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Miscellaneous Items For Sale
Directory South Holland...
A Community of Churches
Calvary Community Church
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Christ Community Church, COGIC
1151 E. 170th Street 331-8389 FAX 708.331.8374 Dr. Carl E. King, Sr., Pastor
First Reformed Church
15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Dr. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Pastor Corey Buchanan, Director of Mercy & Justice Ministries Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Student Life Rev. Dr. Rich Grevengoed, Director of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444
Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******
The Mosque Cares
929 W. 171st Street East Hazel Crest, IL Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed SUNDAY Church School........8:45 a.m. Worship Services..10:30 a.m. MONDAY Prayer…… ..............6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Morning Manna ....11:30 a.m. THURSDAY Prayer…..................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…… ......7:00 p.m. *******
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church 166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 www.cottagegrovechurch. com
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
First Christian Reformed Church
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Daniel Svendsen
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Weekly Jummah Prayer Fri...12:30 p.m. Quranic Arabic Class Sun. ..11:00 a.m. Taleem Serv. Sun. ..12:30 p.m. Monthly First Sunday Program & New Africa Marketplace .. 1-4 p.m. *******
For sale: No Gimmicks...No Baloney. EZ-Credit up to $ 3 0 0 0 . Ma t t re s s e s $ 8 8 , Futons $128, Sofa & Love seat $495, Dinette Sets $178, Chests, Rugs, Lamps. Free Layway. 708-371-3737 or w w w . factorybeddingfurniture. com For sale: Car and boat buffer/polisher, Craftman. Call Kevin. 708-252-4371 For sale: Mercury 5 HP outboard engine with gas tank. Good cond. Runs great, $400 obo. Call 219924-4984
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Rev. Kwame Pitts, Pastor
Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******
Spirit of God Fellowship
16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******
For sale: Wash & Dryer $1000; China cabinet $150; dinner table with 4 chairs. $150. 773-440-6626 For sale: Mission style recliner and ottoman $60; table & 4 chairs, $60; computer desk $25; A n t i q u e g re e n / c h ro m e formica table w/4 chairs $100; new kingpen bike/ rack $100. 219-864-9402
Moving fur niture sale. Great bargains. Living room, dining room, kitchen table 2/chairs, decorative cabinets, and more. 773339-8107
Worship with Us
For sale: Ex cond. 1 y/old. Semi-electric hospital bed and mattress, $250; foam eggcrate mattress topper $40. 708-955-5690
3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt
End tables, sofa chair $95. Tw i n h e a d b o a r d , $ 3 0 ; kitchen table $20; huge amount of bedding $50; Christmas trees/decorations $40. 219-776-4303 Riding lawn tractor $375, Bowflex treadmill $150. Washer and dryer $275, dryer like new $150; alum tool box $75; gas stove $120; riding tractor 12 HP no deck, runs good, $200. 708-7152348 Ap a r t m e n t s t ove , $ 5 0 ; sewing machine $100; sewing box $20; pull out couch $150; large desk and chair $200. 708-418-0748 Kenmore white dishwasher $75; Weider Pro 4950 home g ym $150. 36” maroon storm door, $75; 3 white pedestal sinks with faucets, $75 ea. Call Patty 708-3735401 For sale: Kimball upright piano 1967. Great shape, like new! $500 or best offer. Call. 708-474-8064
obituaries Cotton
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & ...........................................5:00 p.m. Church School ............. 9:45 a.m. *******
First Church (PCA) 3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor
Funeral service for Henry “Hank” F. Visser was held on September 17, 2016 at Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Lansing, IL with Rev. Cal Aardsma and Rev. Herman Schutt officiating. Mr. Visser was born August 1, 1939 and passed away September 12, 2106. He was the husband of Nancy Visser (nee DeVries). Father of Julie (Anthony) Freund, Susan (Kenneth) Landman, and Steven (Cecily) Visser. Grandfather of 6. Brother of Kenneth (Yvonne) Visser, Harold (Jean) Visser and Ann (Bob) Jipping. Hank was preceded in death by his parents Frank and Ada (nee VanderWall) Visser and his step-mother Minnie (nee VanderMyde) Visser. Interment Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lansing, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, Dyer, IN.
obituaries obituaries
Morning Worship ....... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ...........11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........5:30 p.m. *******
Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Nick Alons Pastor
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
Worship Service ........10:00 a.m. *******
Funeral service for Donald C. Moore Jr., was held on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home in South Holland, IL. Mr. Moore was born September 4, 1938 and passed away September 11, 2016. He was the husband of Marilyn M. Moore (nee Toigo). Father of Paul Moore and Sherry Weber. Grandfather of 3. Greatgrandfather of 2. Brother of Joyce (late Alvin) Ericksen and James Larry (Priscilla) Moore. Preceded in death by his parents Donald and Lois Moore. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home, South Holland, IL.
For sale: This one’s for you, best offer. Drexel Heritage 9 pc. dining room set; queen burgundy/gold sleeper sofa; kingsz. bedrm. set. (Bonus! all linens included). 708360-3068 For sale: Garage door. 16x7 B r o w n , b r a n d n e w. Everything included, $500 have receipt; 2005 Impala car hood, brand new $50. 312-315-6170 Fo r s a l e : Two Gr a v l e y g a rd e n t r a c t o r s , w i t h mower tiller, snow blade, new seals, and bearings. No oil leaks. Must sale before winter. Call Jay. 708-3314058 For sale: Off-white refrigerator w/icemaker, coldwater, double doors $700; off-white stove, like new $250; ESPN pool table, real big, nice cond. $200. 630-903-8623 Simmons Beauty Rest Pillowtop Mattress Queen Size PERFECT condition. 1 1/2 years old. Paid $1300, Sell for $285.. Not a SPOT on it. Call: 773-425-0888. Pick up now
For sale: Wheel chair, RoHo cushion, walkers, commode, raised toilet seat, b a t h t u b, t ra n s f e r s e a t , Omrom BB cuff. 708-9555690
Memorial service for Sherwood Maurice Cotton, will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at the United Christian Church in Country Club Hills, IL. Mr. Cotton was born January 6, 1929 and passed away September 5, 2016. He was the husband of the late Helen Kathleen Cotton (nee Thomas). Father of Roger (Bonnie) Cotton, Susan (Phil) Krejci, Arthur Cotton, and Mathew (Janice) Cotton. Grandfather of 5. Great-grandfather of 2. Brother of Knute (Joanne) Cotton, Arliene Oey, late Hiram Ellsworth, late Wendell, late Raymond, late Dean, and late Charlotte VanMilligan. Interment will be private. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home, South Holland, IL.
For sale: Acorn stair lift, 1 y/o, 8ft. tack, 2 remotes, must disassemble. $1500. 708-955-5690
Bethel Christian Reformed Church
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Glen McCarthy, Pastor
Redeemer Lutheran Church
For sale: 100 ft. Extension heavy duty cord; JC Penny telescope $35; 3000 Watt Sears generator $95; Bumper pool + card table $40; Drone Phantom 3, like new $0; Curio cabinet w/collection of dogs, upright piano. 219865-1984
For sale: Washer/dr yer apartment size: Stackable or separate, exc. cond. $500; Lift chair recliner, $375, good condition. 708-3312429
Peace Christian Reformed Church
Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******
Funeral service for John Alan Wright was held on Monday, September 19, 2016 at Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home in South Holland, IL with Rev. Jason DeVries officiating. Mr. Wright was born October 11, 1972 and passed away September 15, 2016. He was the son of Audrey and the late David L. Wright Sr. Brother of David (Janice) Wright, Patti (David) Bogdan, and Robert (Amy) Wright. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, Elwood, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home, South Holland, IL.
For sale: Whirlpool washer and gas dryer Excellent condition...$300.00 for both Call 219-316-3250 For sale: 2 glass tables, 1-round table (30in. diameter), 1-livingrm/office $30 a piece; TV stand 47x22. Best offer. Call 7 days, leave msg. 708-889-1049 Medline adjustable aluminum walker & snap on tray combo. Recent purchase, used, like new, $40. Sylvia 708-654-9341 Fo r s a l e : St ov e, $ 2 0 0 ; Refrigerator $150. 708-4265513 Redecorating sale. Carpeting, very good cond. condition, Kelly Green, 18 ft by 15 ft, $100. Six light brass chandelier, $35. 708-6454245 2 ft. by 4 ft. solid wood top work bench. Metal legs and center drawer, $45 obo. 4 ft. shop lite $5. 708-758-5715 Prevail Breezers adjustable protective underwear, size M, 32” -44” waist, 5 pkg. 16 ea. $25. 708-877-6372 Huffy women’s cranbrook antique bike, exc. cond., $70; Huffy new MGM’s mountain bike, $80; huge stamp collection, $80. 708210-1542 Beige/tan chase sofa, 2 pc. and love seat, matching $250 obo. Beautiful, good cond. w/pillows. 708-9168483 85” black sofa, $100 obo, beautiful w/skirt along bottom, good cond. w/2 throw pillows. 708-916-8483 Refrigerator with ice maker, $250 obo; basic refrigerator, $175 obo. 708-386-8032 New hunting steel case for 2 shotguns, wheeled, insulated, $125. New “do alltrap” double arm skeet trap $125. 708-362-3190 2” water pump with suction, discharge hoses, $100; gas week wacker $35; tools, best offer; entertainment center, oak, $75. 708-889-0350 Pub kitchen set $40; living room set, cream w/pillows, couch and loveseat, best offer. Cocktail table, end table, best offer. 708-8890350
25” tube tv, wooden case, from 1990, Zenith with remote, works great, $10. 708-893-0816 Microwave, Kenmore, bought new November, 2015, $85. Dell printer and monitor, $75. Antique Radio Line child’s wheel barrel, $45. 708-210-1711 Insignia LCD flat screen 29” tv for repair, $45. Glass out of 777 slot machine on frame, $35. 708-210-1711 Haviland Bavera dinnerware, 38 pc. set, $100; 5 gallon Redwing crock $50; 10 gallon Buckeye crock $60; Freddy Krueger talking doll, $60. 708-210-1711 Motorcycle bike carriers for bumper mount $40; nine new in box Rapala lures, $50; 1979 Prince Album, $50. 708-210-1711 Triax boys bike 20”, 21 spd., re d & a l u m i n u m d u a l suspension, aluminum model 8101-95, like new, $65 obo. 708-285-1107 Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw with stand and new top $150 obo. 708-285-1107 2 large stork signs for new arrival babies/1 boy sign, 1 girl sign, $15 ea. 708-2851107 Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 2 beautiful Italian provincial lamps, $40; misc. garden tools and handyman tools, best offer. 708-448-5672
September 21, 2016 Dining room set, table & 6 chairs, china cabinet & curio cabinet, oak wood, full length mirror on stand, 64”, all exc. cond. 708-790-6959
Table lamps, matching set, very nice, $20; ice maker for older style fridge, new, $15, fits many models. Cal City 708-891-3432
Pub table with 4 chairs, oak wood; cedar chest; all in exc. cond. 708-790-6959
30’ roll BX metal flex 14 gauge, $8; grease gun, filter, wrenches, $8; security light, dusk/dawn $10, good shape. 708-439-9801
Ikea beech colored table and four chair set, great cond. $125 obo. 708-263-7956 Toddler car set, high back, blue, removable cover, $20 obo. 708-263-7956
Love seat, exc cond $40 obo; 8 porcelain dolls w/stands, $5 ea; full size off white quilt w/pillow shams, ex cond. $30. 708-895-6135
Baby bedding set, matching quilt, bed skirt, window curtain, bumper pad, hamper, wall hanging set, lamp shade, $50 obo. 708263-7956
Sz 9 ivory shoes & purse from Sandleers, worn once, $50 for both or best offer. Bread maker, like new, $25; childrens books, best offer. 7708-895-6135
Arrow genuine toboggan wood sled, $50 obo, great cond. 708-263-7956
Train set, meal work kit, tools, bikes, electronic piano, radio controlled tank, brass abed, veggie chopper, beer cans, Batman print. 708-891-6138
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The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/
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Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should
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708-429-6200 35+ YEARS EXPERIENCE!
Dining table set, round table with leaf to make oval, shelf under table, 4 chairs rock, cushioned, wheels, $250 obo. 708-263-7956
21” lawnmower, starts runs, looks good. Also Tiger rice cooker, 6 cup. 708-753-0021 Two 1 1;2 HP Haywars swimming pool pumps, s a n d f i l t e r, b a s e a n d cartridge base, all five for $85. Call Dennis, leave msg. 708-895-4532
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2,000 or more postcards We can help with the mailing list. Call 1-877-765-MAIL
The Shopper’s
Tonia Scott
H a m i l t o n B e a c h ov e n roaster, like new in box, $40 obo. 708-263-7956
Trivia Contest Winner
Beautiful Christmas items, best offer; King size bed w/ b r a s s h e a d b o a rd f r o m DeYo ung, e xc cond. ; 2 porcelain life size boy & girl dolls, $5 ea; red brick from railroad--free. 708-895-6135
Savings With Service
Jr. Showtime rotisserie $50 obo, like new in box. 708263-7956
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Trivia Contest for your chance to win a
$100 Grocery Gift Certificate from Walt’s Food Centers and
$50 Gift Certificate from Sheffield’s Restaurant
* No purchase necessary. Some restrictions apply. One entry per person per week. Winner will be notified by phone or email. Drawing held monthly.
This Week’s Trivia Question
Who recorded the album Dark Side Of the Moon? Last week’s Trivia: Which record label did Michael Jackson first record on? Answer: Motown. Name _____________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Answer _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473
or EMAIL US NOW at with your name and answer for an instant entry
We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!
Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Nick’s Tobacco 262 Joliet Street
Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave. Michael’s Resale and Con. 2631 Hwy Ave. Cigarette Disc. Outlet 8008 Kennedy Ave.
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road Susan’s School of Dance 326 Ridge Rd. Munster Donut 8314 Calumet Avenue Strack & Van Til 12 Ridge Road Cheap Tobacco 15 Ridge Road
Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Providence Bank 950 US 30
Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave. Olive Cafe 11220 Ventura Drive
September 21, 2016
CryptoQuiz Each of the following cryptograms is a clue to the identity of a sports legend. Using the hints A=O and Q=R, decipher the clues to name the athlete.
GUR TAQB ________________________________
DAAHMEZZ ________________________________
KZETUQ DAQJPES ________________________________
I was born on September 19, 1971, in New York, NY. I played Maggie Carter in Repentance. Who am I?
I was born on September 20, 1995, in Tulsa, OK. I played the young Charlotte “Chuck” Charles on Pushing Daisies. Who am I?
BQAKPG ________________________________
This athlete never had a losing season as a head coach in the pros: _______________________________________
I was born on September 21, 1966, in Pittsburgh, PA. I star on Dance Moms. Who am I?
I was born on September 22, 1987, in Epsom, Surrey, England. I played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. Who am I?
I was born on September 23, 1987, in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. I recorded the album Don’t Be S.A.F.E. Who am I? Answer: Trinidad James
September 18-24
Answer: Sammi Hanratty
Answer: Tom Felton
turning another year older this week!
Answer: Abby Lee Miller
Guess who’s
Answer: Sanaa Lathan
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Answers: 1) New York, 2) Football, 3) Player 4) Fordham, 5) Trophy, Vince Lombardi
Submit announcements online at
Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
STATEPOINT CROSSWORD THEME: DAYTIME TV ACROSS 1. a.k.a. Myanmar 6. *”____ Rescue” airing on Saturday Mornings 9. Eye affliction 13. Brown, Dartmouth and Yale, e.g. 14. Down Under bird 15. *”Rangers” who first appeared on daytime TV 16. Lays in peace 17. 1960s altered state inducer 18. Spy name? 19. *Cooking TV personality 21. *”The Price ____ ____” 23. Elton John’s title 24. Leave in a bucket 25. Mason glass 28. Prospectors search for the mother one 30. Exotic furniture wood 35. Europe/Asia mountain divide 37. Not bright 39. Smooth 40. Lover of Aeneas 41. Fluorescent red dye 43. Beth Israel synagogue, e.g. 44. Capital increases 46. French novelist …mile, 1840-1902 47. Be a snitch 48. Conundrum 50. Brooklyn basketballers 52. *Soap time 53. Ice, dark, and middle 55. Make a pigeon sound 57. *”____ Hospital” 61. *Female view 65. Smoke detector, e.g.
66. Anger management issue 68. Russian river 69. Be a slowpoke 70. Foot digit 71. T. S., poet 72. All is well that does this well 73. Even, to a poet 74. Cook with dry heat DOWN 1. Ethiopian currency 2. Iris holder 3. Reduced Instruction Set Computer 4. Illegal lab product, pl. 5. Attack 6. Exchange for money 7. Ambulance squad, acr. 8. A in AV 9. Prima donna’s numbers 10. Nest material 11. Uh-huh 12. “Formerly,” formerly 15. Inuits’ wearable invention, pl. 20. Eat away 22. Pine juice 24. Frankie Valli’s four 25. *Judy’s daytime occupation 26. Like Hitler’s ideal man 27. 2 halves of a diameter 29. *Controversial Mehmet 31. ____ Bowl of the 1930s 32. What one did after one oohed 33. Throat dangler 34. *She’s live 36. Like Yangtze River 38. Digestive aid 42. Naturally, in slang 45. Unctuous 49. Turkish military leader 51. What____, or of any kind 54. March Madness’ eight 56. Convex molding 57. Flight destination 58. Distinctive elegance 59. Persian backgammon 60. Blunders 61. *Target viewer of an ABC Afterschool Special 62. Pelvic parts 63. Between ids and super-egos 64. J. J. ____, a Houston Texan 67. Beluga yield
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
At Your Service Business Directory APPLIANCE REPAIR
Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Furnaces, A/C
$20 off with this ad IL 708-758-0334 IN 219-661-9790
25 Years Experience
We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks
Tim Rietveld Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL
Senior Discounts 7 Day Service
708-740-0010 Call John Affordable Prices!
Total Interior & Exterior Rehab Roofing, Repairs, gutters, soffitt, fascia, decks. Affordable Rates CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE Serving Chicago & Suburbs
ECONOMY PAVING • Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised
708-481-1380 CONCRETE
Brian Caputo’s
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Genous Plumbing & Rodding
1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing
Free concrete sealer with purchase of new concrete exp. 4-30-16
• Leaf Relief Covers
• Seamless Alum. Gutter Installations
BBB Accredited • 5 Star Rating
• Minor Exterior Repairs • Expert Craftsmanship
At Your Service
Business Directory To get listed on this page, please call 708-333-5901 Today!
Womens leather jacket p/ small, $20 suede jacket w/ detail, small $20; black 3/4 length raincoat, sz. 16 1/2, $15. 708-877-6157
Medicine cabinet, glass shelves, 3 7/8 x 13 3/4, 6 total 50 cents ea, 6 total. Dryer vent exhaust kit, $9. 708-333-9520
Mayfair china, white w/ green floral trim, plates, abowls, serving platters & bowls, gravy boat, S&P, sugar, creamer, coffee pot, $40. 708-877-6157
Craftsman skill saw 5,300 RPM, develops 1 1/2 HP, $22 obo; new blades, $4 ea; 1 /2 HP electric motor, $18 obo. 708-333-9520
Sw i n g l a m p 2 - 1 5 w a t t florescent bulbs with magnifier, attaches to table top $10. 708-333-9520 Timberland steel toe boots, 2 pair, size 9, brand new, still in box, $160 for 1 pair. Amazon has them for $100 a piece. 219-895-0871 Antique furniture, cut glass, and crystal , misc items. Best offer. 219-316-3250 Large dog cage, good shape, $40. 219-316-3250 Kitchen Aid large countertop mixer, paid $450, asking $200 obo. 219316-3250 2 pair timber steel toe boots, sz 9, $160 for both pair or $85 for 1 pair, brand new, still in box, 219-895-0871. $100 a piece on Amazon
Robert & Les Bogs
Golf clubs, bag & stand, $5; office chair $20; secretary chair $15. 708-333-9520 Wood ladder, 20 ft one piece, hardly used, $20; medicine cabinet, glass shelves, 3 7/8” x 13 3/4” 6 total, 50 cents ea. 708-333-9520
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Fo r s a l e : B e a u t y s h o p equipment, shampoo chair, black porcelain shampoo bowl, pedestal dryer, combo chair+dryer; push mower, best offer. 708-895-1089
A/C & Heating Fall Special! Furnace or A/C, C l e a n & c h e c k $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219-616-3281
New Roofs Roof Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Senior Discounts 7-day service
Insurance Work
Licensed • Bonded • Insured Credit Cards Accepted
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS
SouthWest Concrete Concrete Specialist of • Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay
Licensed in Illinois & Indiana
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
Commercial & Residential
Let Us Help You Manage Your Property
Property Management & Real Estate Sales
To get listed on this page, please call 708-333-5901 Today!
-Lawncare -Landscaping -Power Raking -Gutter Cleaning -Fertilizing Licensed/Insured/Bonded call or text
“You’ll only do it once, so let us do it right.”
Quality Work at a Fair Price
Family Owned - 40 Years -All types of Roofing -Siding & Gutters -Sofit & Fascia -Insurance Work Commercial / Residential IL & IN Licensed & Insured
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Over ten years experience in South Suburbs, References Available
(708) 672-6111
• Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Installs Fences Hector (cell phone)
2681 Route 394 Crete, IL 60417
• Vinyl Siding • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Protection Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff South Holland & Beecher, IL
• New Roof • Roof Repair • Re-Roof • Insurance Work • Shingles • Rubber • Hot Tar • Roof Cert. • Seamless Gutters • Siding • Soffit & Fascia
Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.
Free Estimates
708-333-8951 Dan M. Matejko
TUCKPOINTING Rob’s Tuckpointing, Chimney & Brick Repairs No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate
Watch Our Videos at coronadodecorating
No Sundays.
Appliance Repair
Cleaning Services
Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556
Polish woman looking for house cleaning jobs. Ironing, cleaning closets, caregiver jobs, drive for errands, doctor appointments or a caregiver 24 hrs. Call 219-718-8425
Chimney Repair
Concrete Work
R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
Concrete & Patching: Steps, patched correctly. Free estimates. Replacing steps, walks, drives, patios. 5% Senior small jobs. License. DW Concrete. Dennis. 708418-0523
Day Care Daycare: ANNIE’S DAYCARE. Newborn-12yrs. Before/After school care, Free school transportation Illinois Action for Children accepted. 708-288-8071
Girls 26” mountain bike in near mint condition, $60l; nebs soecuakuzed 27: road bike, 18 speed $140. 708333-7432 Chicago Cubs baseball shirt size XXL, $10; Cubs jacket, size med. $18; Cubs caps, two for $11. 708-333-7432 Golf balls: used $3 per dozen, new $5 per dozen. Baseball, softball bats, aluminum $5-$10. ea. 708333-7432 Troy Bilt lawnmower $40; Black & Decker trimmer, good, $20; approx 5 x 7 Thermopane window, good, $20; Breville juicer, used once, $45. 219-933-6467
Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
Overcoming Your Credit Card Crisis The battle with credit card debt can be a constant struggle against high interest rates and monthly payments that never seem to make a dent in what you owe. How is it possible to make monthly credit card payments and never get anywhere? This problem is caused by high interest rates that eats up most of your payments. Even though you make your minimum payment, you don’t make much headway eliminating the debt. Luckily, there’s a way to find debt relief without incurring more debts. Using certified credit counseling like Consolidated Credit, you can get
professional advice to identify the right solution for your needs. A certified credit counselor can review your options to see which solution is best for you. You can qualify for lower interest rates or even eliminate them, while consolidating your credit card debt into one easy payment to get you out of debt faster. Every financial institution differs, but most people see a reduction of total payments by up to 30-50% as they pay off debt faster. Freedom from debt can become a reality!
(Fees may apply for voluntary participation in debt management - all counseling services are free.)
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16147938 on August 31, 2016 under the assumed business name of ROC PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REHAB with the business located at 17250 S GREENWOOD AVENUE, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/ partner(s) is EDDIE G SHERMAN, 17250 S GREENWOOD AVENUE, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473, USA.
Notice is hereby given that on October 20th, 2016, a sale will be held at Sam’s Auto Care, 48 W 159th St., Harvey, IL 60426 to sell the following articles to enforce a lien existing under the laws of the state of Illinois against such articles of labor, services, skill or material expended upon a storage furnished for such articles at the request of the following designated persons, unless such articles are redeemed within 30 days of the publication of this notice. Name of persons: Margaret Shelton, cps inc Description of article: 2006 Jeep Commander vin number 1J8HG48K96C334264 AMOUNT OF LIEN THAT IS OWED TO SAM’S AUTO CARE = $4,175.00
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
For your convenience,
is available at the following locations: CALUMET CITY • Pano Big Boy Rest. Burnham Avvenue
LANSING • Calumet Bakery 18349 Torrence Avenue
• Chamber of Commerce
• Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange
3330 - 181st Place, Suite 103
• E Z Stop
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Residential E lectr ician, specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-8227758
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
191st & Burnham Avenue
DOLTON • Fairway Finer Foods 15441 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th
• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road
• JJ Kelley’s 2455 Bernice Road
• Queen Elena 15421 Cottage Grove Ave.
SOUTH HOLLAND • Community Center 170th Street
• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store 351 W. 162nd Street
• Thornton Township
• New-2-You Resale Torrence Ave. & Ridge Road
• News Box 178th & Burnham Avenue
• Quik Scripts Ridge Road
Handyman: Leaf cleanup, power washing. Landscape repair/ enhancement, painting, trim bushes, trees, weed pulling, gutter cleaning, all staining/painting, moving service. Frank. 708-975-1219 Handyman Ser vices: Diversified Home Repair. Inspection updates, clean up, and hauling. Call Doug. 219-802-9145
• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road
• Walt’s Food Center 16145 State Street
Are you currently dieting? Looking to lose w e i g h t ? Ne e d m o r e sleep? We have specials to meet your needs! Get free products with select orders!! http://dmillz.
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, drywall repair, wind damage repair, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, power washing. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708841-2328
Garage Sale!
Garage Sales cost $15 for all zones
Address ________________________________________________ Town _______________________________ Date(s) _________________________________ Time _________________ Phone _______________________ Not For Print
DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!
To promote your organization or event in The Shopper use this
Calendar of Events Form
Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________ Location __________________________________________________________________ Description of Event ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ For more information, call ___________________________________________________ Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.
Financial Advice Column
Diversification Is Still Important for Retirees BOB KRYGSHELD
Health & Beauty
Invite 30,000 people to your next
Items for Sale, Directions or Rain Date (Only 12 words)
Discount Home Improvement And Handyman Ser vices. D r y w a l l , c a r p e n t r y, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. $50 off a $500 p u rc h a s e. Ac c e p t i n g credit cards. Call 708207-0644
Extreme Works Construction and Painting for all your remodeling and painting needs NWI and Chicagoland. Call about our paint specials. 708-261-2468
333 E. 162nd Street
During your work ing yea rs, you r pr i ma r y invest ment goa l is generally grow th – you need your money to grow so that you can eventually afford t he comfortable retirement lifestyle you’ve envisioned. But when you retire, should you change course and adjust your investment strategy from “offense” to “defense”? Actually, it’s not quite t hat si mple. To beg i n w it h, e ven w h i le you are work ing, you don’t wa nt your portfolio to be completely f i l led w it h g r ow t h- or ient e d i nv e s t ment s , s uc h a s stock s. If it were, you would likely be taking on a degree of investment risk that’s too high, because, as you may know, stocks will f luctuate in price – sometimes significantly. A nd i f you on l y ow n stocks, you could ta ke a big hit during a market dow nt u r n. T hat’s why you need to have an array of investments – stocks, bond s, c er t i f ic ate s of deposit ( CDs) a nd so on. By spreading your investment dollars this way, you can give yourself more opportunities for success while reducing the impact of volatility on your portfolio. (Keep i n m i nd, t houg h, t hat diversification, by itself, can’t guarantee profits or protect against all losses.) Now, let’s fast-forward to your retirement date. O nc e y ou r et i r e, y ou may need to look at your i nvest ment por t fol io somewhat differently – instead of “building it up,” you may now want t o t h i n k o f “m a k i n g it la st.” So, you r f i rst impression might be that instead of maintaining the diversified portfolio you had when you were work i ng , you need to switch to predominantly “safe” investments, such a s C Ds a nd Tre a su r y bonds, to reduce the risk of losing principal. A nd such a st rateg y might indeed be effective – if your retirement were only going to last a year
or so. But the chances are reasonably good that you could be retired for two, or possibly even three, decades. If that’s the case, t hen you w i l l have to deal with a threat to your lifestyle that you might not h a v e c on s ider e d : inf lation. We’ve had low inflation for several years, but that could change in the future. Consider this: Even at a relatively low 3% inf lation rate, prices double roughly every 25 years. And depending on your personal needs and spending patterns, your persona l inf lation rate might be even higher. To pr ot e c t y ou r s el f against inflation, you will f i nd t hat i nvest ment s such as CDs and Treasury bonds are typically not much help. In fact, in a low-rate env i ron ment, you r ret u r ns on t hese investments may not even keep up with inf lation, much less keep you ahead of it. That’s not to say they have no value – they can provide you with an income stream and help lower your overall investment risk. But to defend y ou r purchasing power, you w i l l s t i l l n e e d s om e growth potential in your i nvest ment por t fol io during your retirement y e a r s . Yo u r e x a c t percentage of stocks and ot her g row t h-or iented investments will depend on a variety of factors – your projected longevity, other sources of income, f a m i l y sit u at ion, r i s k tolerance and so on. You may want to consult with a financial professional to ensure that your portfolio mix is suitable for your needs. Many things may cha nge i n you r l i fe when you ret ire – but the need for investment diversification is not one of them. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.
Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. w/full house-bsmt.-garage c l e a n o u t s, o t h e r h o m e services & D&D Services who specializes in siding, soffit, and facia. Will trim bushes. Call between 8am4pm. 708-522-2381
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-3317335
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-glaze windows, strip wallpaper, etc. Free estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Economy Painting. Interior/Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wa l l p a p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n . General drywall repair & installation Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708548-6356 or 708-288-5038
J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
C A l e nD A R
of events
also, post & view events at
Thursday, September 22
l Retreat with a Reason Hosted by Bible League International Volunteers, the day will provide spiritual renewal as you provide Bibles to Africa. Anyone looking for blessing and motivation should call 708.474.2170 for more details. September 22nd at the Cedar Lake Conference Grounds. l Jam Night Thursday, September 22, 7PM--JAM night, $5 or $3 if you perform or bring a dish for the Potluck Table. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN l Interactive Family Storytime Children and parents are invited to make crafts, enjoy a snack and listen to stories! No sign-up required. For all ages, 18 and under. 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Sep 22nd. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL
Friday, September 23
l Prayer Event September 23, 6 – 9 p.m. Cry Out! Free simulcast – a nationwide prayer event for women hosted by Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church (16556 Cottage Grove Ave., South Holland, IL 60473). Join women across the U.S. to beseech God to do in us and in our nation what no man-made effort can accomplish. For more information go to or call 708-331-0391. l Prevent Falls in 2016 Stop the Stumble! In honor of the 9th annual National Falls Prevention Day, Fitness Pointe Physical Therapy is hosting a fair to raise awareness on how to prevent a fall. The event will include multiple screenings, vendors and give-aways to help decrease the incidence of falls in our community. Join us on Sept 23 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Community Hospital Fitness Pointe, located at 9950 Calumet Ave., Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required. Call 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477.
Saturday, September 24
l Dyer Wind Ensemble Concert Occurs on Sep 24th 2016. Dyer Wind Ensemble is pleased to participate in the annual Cedar Lake Hometown Fest. In recognition of Indiana’s Bicentennial as a state, we’ll perform music written by Hoosier composers at the town grounds complex on the shore of Cedar Lake. Cedar Lake Historical Association Museum 7408 Constitution Avenue Cedar Lake IN 46303. l Four Comedy Icons at GSU September 24 at 7 p.m., join host of the WGN morning show, Steve Cochran for the Steve Cochran Comedy Tour with Rocky LaPorte (Comedy Central/The Tonight Show with Jay Leno), and Chicago comedians Pat McGann (David Letterman) and John DaCosse (WGN Morning show, A&E, NBC & Comedy Central). Tickets $29. 708-235-2222. l Church Food Pantry Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 10-11 am. The Lighthouse Community Church 17500 Lighthouse Lane, Lansing, IL 708-474-9045. l Christ Our Savior Garage Sale September 24th from 9a.m.-2p.m. Tons of bargains. Something for everyone. If you would like to participate in the sale contact 708-333-8173. 900 E 154th Street, South Holland. l “Self/Us” Saturday, September 24,2PM-6PM---Closing reception for “Self/Us” a group show by the South Lake Artist’s Co-op. Over sixty original works by more than 40 artists are on display. The drawing for the collaborative piece created by the SLAC artists will also be made. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN l Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Fall Open House A chance to meet wildlife and enjoy fun activities for all ages. September 24 from
noon to 3p.m. at the center, 570 N 450 E, Valparaiso, IN.
Sunday, September 25
l 6th Annual Dream Big Walk Dawn Brancheau Foundation. Lake County Fairgrounds, 889 S Court Street, Crown Point, Indiana. September 25th at 2:00p.m. $25 Adult registration, $10 youth registration. Registration includes t-shirt. On-site community service projects, animal presentation, walk, animal meet & greet, family fun games, picnic dinner. l Rumba Drum Ensemble Sunday, September 25, 1PM---Rumba Drum Ensemble presented by Ed Brann’s group, Rumba de la Region. The Rumba returns to Paul Henry’s for the first time in four months! Join in the exploration of Afro Cuban rhythms even if you are a novice! $2 cover. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN l David Burnham’s “Broadway” Tickets $30. Munster High School Auditorium. September 25 at 2p.m. l Walk to End Alzheimers The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research, and registration is now open for the Lake County Walk on Sept. 25. Participants will compete in a 1 or 3 mile walk as well as learn much about the disease and association. 800.272.3900.
Monday, September 26
l World Record-Palooza Occurs from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Sep 26th 2016. Come learn all about World Records! See how you compare to the largest person in the world, see just how big the world’s largest pizza is and more. We will also try our hand at breaking some silly world records! No sign-up required. For grades 4-12. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL 60438. l Thornton Historical Society Hello everyone, summer is winding down, have you visited the museum yet? Our museum is open every Saturday May through October from 1-3 pm . We are proud of our exhibits and know you will enjoy them. Come in and test our docents knowledge. Our next Historical Society meeting will be held on Monday September 26th at 7pm. All are welcome, we love to see new faces. Thornton Historical Society Museum 114 N. Hunter St Thornton Il 60476 l Women’s Beth Moore Bible Study September 26th. Every Monday from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Munster Church (214 Ridge Rd., (corner of Hohman Ave and Ridge Rd, Munster). There are only 7 weeks in this study, so we will finish well before the holidays. Hope you will join us! We will be studying the Psalms of Ascent. “Stepping Up” explores Psalms 120-134. Traveling pilgrims sang these psalms both on the way to the great festivals of Israel and as key elements of worship at those festivals. If you would like to attend or have any questions, please call Cindy at 219-836-1400.
Tuesday, September 27
l Dinner and Dementia September 27. Free Dinner 5:30-6:30, program 6:30-7:30. “Taking Care of the Caregiver”. Wittenberg Village, 1200 East Luther Drive, Crown Point, Indiana register at least 1 week in advance for dinner. (888) 303-0180. l Family Listening Session The ARC of Indiana and the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) are partnering to do a series of family listening sessions across Indiana. Opportunity Enterprises will open its doors to the community for the Valparaiso Family Listening Session on September 27, 2016, from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Opportunity Enterprises is located at 2801 Evans Ave. in
Valparaiso, 46383.
Wednesday, September 28
l Dyer Garden Club Meeting Every 4th Wednesday at Sheffield Manor/ Assisted Living, 601 Sheffield, Dyer, IN. Social 6:30 pm; Meeting 7:00 pm. For more information, call 219-322-1633. l Pullman Historical Walking Tour Bus Trip Pullman is not a museum locked in time, but an active, vibrant neighborhood that allows you to walk back into history. Cost: $7 per person. 8:30 am to 1:00 pm on Sep 28th. South Holland Library 13250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL
l Jam Night Thursday, September 29 - JAM night, 7PM, $5 or $3 if you perform or bring a dish to the Potluck Table. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN l Teen Banned Book Week Movie Night Occurs from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm on Sep 29th 2016. Celebrate Banned Book Week (September 26-October 1) with a special themed Teen Movie Night. The librarians will pick movies that are based off of banned books. The movie with the most votes will be shown. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. For grades 6-12. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL 60438. l Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra 75th Anniversary Season. September 30th at 8p.m. Star Plaza Theatre, Merrillville, Indiana. 219.836.0525 l Granny’s Attic Rummage Sale This rummage sale will be held from 9 am – 2 pm on Saturday, October 1st at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 651 East 166th St. in South Holland, Illinois. Sale will feature household items, small furniture, books, toys, jewelry, clothing, seasonal decorations and much more. Refreshments will be available. Come one and all to this great sale. For more information call the church at 708-331-4100. l Intermediate Genealogy Class Trace your Family History. Intermediate Genealogy Classes presented by South Suburban Genealogy & Historical Library, will be held on four Saturday mornings in October. Participants should have a basic knowledge of genealogy. October 1, 10-11:30 a.m., Presenter: Peg Kapustiak: “Library Resources: Items NOT Found on the Internet, but which are in the SSGHS Library”. SSGHS Library, 3000 W. 170th Place, Hazel Crest, IL 60439 (far west end of building). Each class is $8 for SSGHS members, $10 for non-members. Space is limited. For additional information call (708) 335-3340. l Dinner and Dementia October 1. Free Dinner 5:30-6:30, program 6:30-7:30. “Managing Daily Care Tasks (Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, etc.)” St. Anthony Home, Franciscan Communities, 205 Franciscan Drive, Crown Point, Indiana. Must register at least 1 week in advance for dinner. (888) 303-0180. l Create an Artful Life: Acrylic Painting Oct. 1. 10am-Noon. Painting class for adults, working with acrylics & canvas on an easel. Participants will follow instructor’s example and add embellishments to create an original piece of art. $20 cash fee paid at time of class covers all materials. Registration is required at least 3 days before the class. Dyer-Schererville Branch Library, 1001 W. Lincoln Highway (US 30) l Halloween-themed Barktoberfest Coming to Griffith New Oberpfalz Brewing, Grindhouse Cafe, and Humane Society Calumet Area proudly announce their inaugural Barktoberfest to be held on Oct. 1 on the lawn at New Oberpfalz Brewing, 121 E. Main St., Griffith, Ind. From noon to 4 p.m., pets and their owners are invited to enjoy contests, games,
snacks, vendors and more at this celebration of pets. Event is free but pets must be registered to participate in the Mutt Strutt. Registration fee is $20/person or family. (219) 513-891 l Fifth Spoo Willoughby Hoe Down and Corn Boil Saturday, October 1, 2PM---Yes, the unofficial 31st day of September, the Fifth Spoo Willoughby Hoe Down and Corn Boil. Each year on the first Saturday in October we have hosted the incomparable Spoo and he’s back again this year with some of our all time favorite original tunes and new material penned recently. Come ready to eat your final fresh corn of the year. $5 cover. Paul Henry’s Art Gallery, 416 Sibley, Hammond, IN l World Card Making Day Celebrate World Card Making Day by making a handmade card for someone you know! It can be a birthday card, a thank you card, or any other card celebrating them! We will provide the supplies, you bring your creativity. No sign-up required. This is an all-ages activity for those 18 and under. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Oct 1st. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL
l South Suburban Toastmasters Club The public is invited to attend an upcoming meeting of the South Suburban Toastmasters club. Toastmasters International is a worldwide organization that helps individuals improve their speaking, leadership, and listening skills using an educational format, and this particular south suburban club under the international organization meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month promptly at 7:30pm The meeting location is the South Suburban College, Heritage Bank Room, South Holland, Il Visitors may attend free of charge and contact 708-595-3684 with questions. l New Faith Toastmasters Club Learn how to improve your speaking, listening and leadership skills. Visit the New Faith Toastmasters club every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:15pm, at the New Faith Baptist Church (25 S Central, Room 101, Matteson, IL, old church building known as Genesis). Visiting is free of charge. Contact Terri at with questions. l Volunteers Needed We are looking for friendly, dedicated volunteers to be cashiers, sorters, pricers, etc. for the Bibles for Missions Thrift Store. We are looking for people willing to make a half day or full day commitment one day a week, Monday through Saturday. Training is available for each position. 100% of all Thrift Shop proceeds go to purchase Bibles and study materials for missionary endeavors through The Bible League. This is a perfect opportunity for the newly retired or anyone interested in participating in the spread of the Gospel. If interested, just stop by and ask for the day manager, we would love to have your help! We are located at 2821 Highway Ave, Highland Indiana. 219 923-6436. l Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis The friendly Lansing Golden-K Kiwanis Club Meets every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm in the Eisenhower Center. All senior men and women are welcome. For more information, call 708-474-1882. l Caregiver Support Group Franciscan St. Margaret Hospital, Dyer, Indiana in the Blessed Mother Conference Room (West entrance) at 2p.m. Sessions last approximately 1 1/2 hrs. 219.365.3898. l Silver Sneakers Program Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing awardwinning fitness program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. For adults 65 and older. St. Catherine Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation - Call 219-392-7086 for dates, registration or more information.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
View this column online at
Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ
CATS OF SAINT FRANCIS: With all the emphasis on dog rescue-it’s sometimes good to remember the cat lovers among us. One notable is pictured here, Diana Marovich of Crown Point who was taking care of the “Cats of Saint Francis” booth at the Paws for Paradise event in Whiting last weekend. Diana represents cat lovers who are featuring a “2016 Presidential Election Fundraiser” or meet the “Cat-IDates” and vote for your favorite Cat. The fun day is on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the lawn of the “Grand Old Lady” historic Crown Point court house, located on the square. “Zoe,” “Smokey” and “Tommy Guns” want you to shake their paw and solicit your vote. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. clowns will be available to crate kitty balloons and face paint the kids a kitty face. There will also be games and treats for the kids. A raffle for the Bradford Exchange “Classic TAils” tote and the “Four Seasons Cat Bracelet set will be held at 3 p.m. that day and every dollar donated becomes a vote! For more information visit www. Let Diana know you saw her in Neighbor 2 Neighbor in The Shopper! ***
PURDUE HOSPITALITY CLASS SETS A FINE TABLE: N 2 N was just introduced to a unique dining experience in Northwest Indiana that rivals the finest restaurants on either side of the Illinois/Indiana border. Purdue Universit y Ca lumet, Hospitality and Tourism Management offers fine dining on Wednesdays from September 14 through December 7th, 2016. The exquisite meal consists of 3 entrees, soup, salad, dessert and beverage for $20 per person. It is a white tablecloth formal setting at the campus east of 173rd and Indianapolis. The meals are part of the HTM 492 Advanced Foods Dinner schedule, “American Bistro” style. Run impeccably by Jean Rhyne, each meal is unique and a true culinary experience, created by students of the program. It is part of the HTM 492 Advanced Food Ser v ice Ma nagement Lab at Purdue Un iver sit y Nor t hwe st i s a st udent managed restaurant where senior level students develop and manage their very own restaurant for a day. The meals are in two seatings, 5 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. and now serve local wines and beers. You must have reservations, so call Jean Rhyne at 219-989-2340 or 219-989-3244. Pictured here are two regulars at the dinners, Fran and Clyde Toczydlowski of Calumet City along with Paul Money, teaching assistant at the restaurant. Paul presented Clyde with a squirrel sculpture in recognition of a recent experience at VFW Post 8141 in Calumet City where Clyde had an encounter with a squirrel! The little forest creature somehow got into the bar area where Claude was at one of the machines and jumped on him and proceeded to claw his way across the startled veteran! After a quick trip the ER, Clyde was pronounced okay and went on
to tell his true story again and again into Calumet City urban folklore. More about that and master crafter Tom Maszinski who created the squirrel in next week’s N 2 N! *** POL ISH A M E R IC A N H E R I TAGE MONTH: In celebration of October as Nat iona l Pol ish-A mer ica n Her itage Month, Calumet City Mayor Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush and the City Council of Ca lumet Cit y a long w it h Hammond Mayor Thomas M. McDermott Jr. and the City Council of Hammond-October is officially Polish American Heritage Mont h in Ca lumet Cit y for 21st consecutive year, Sunday October 2nd, 2016.The celebration includes at 10 :30 a.m. w reath laying ceremony I Pulaski Park in Calumet Cit y, (154th and Wentworth) across from City Hall; and 11:30 field mass at Pulaski Park in Ha m mond, In, 139t h a nd Shef f ield Avenue in Hammond; a 12:30 wreath lay ing ceremony at Pulask i Pa rk, in Hammond and the grand fina le is a sit down family style dinner of Polish specialties at the Cavalier Inn Restaurant, 735 Gostlin Street, Hammond starting at 1:30 p.m.. Music by Genie O and the Next Step. Ticketsa re $20 in advance none at the door. Call Calumet city Treasurer Gerry Tarka at 708-935-1222 or call the Cavalier Inn at 219-933-9314. Cash bar. Music from 3 to 6! ***
WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD GEORGE RIVERA AND FAMILY: Pictured here following a closing at a wonderful house in Munster are some the team that made it all happen. From left, Sellers Mark and Susie Hawkins who are moving to sunny Florida; Listing agent Bill Port of Re/Max in Munster, Yours Truly, Janice Minton-Kutz, buyers agent, Coldwell Ba n ker Scherer v i l le, Buyer G eorge Rivera and Buyer’s attorney Roberta Buoscio. Many thanks to all concerned for a smooth and happy transaction and Blessings George in your new home! *** O T IS W I L S ON V ISI T S T OR R E NC E LIQUORS : The former 1985 Chicago Bears linebacker (Super Bowl Champs) v i s i t e d To r r e n c e L i q u o r s F r i d a y September 8, 2016 and visited with fans and signed autographs for several hours much to the delight of fans came in Chicago Bears regalia and some brought footballs for him to sign. The tall and trim Wilson has not changed much in the ensuing years since the big win and prefers to live in the present all the while relishing this spectacular victory for his Chicago Team 1985 Super Bowl Bears! Bravo to the Oster family, ow ners of Torrence Liquors for bringing in sports greats from time to time! True customer appreciation! *** EVER WANT TO SEE A ‘NIGHT OWL’? Here is your chance. Come to the Sand R idge Nat u re Center, 15891 Pa x ton Avenue, Sout h Holland, Il on Friday September 23rd, 2016 at 7 p.m. and join other like minded individuals for a night hike to explore owls! Led by naturalists from the Nature Center, the nocturnal habits of this mysterious animal (bird) w i l l be obser ved a nd revea led. Ca n they really turn their heads on a 360 degree angle?--take a night hike and find out! Call 708-868-0606 for more information......Whoooooo!
For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.
Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652
Pools & Spas G.S & Sons. Pool cleanings on openings/closings, as low as $99.99. Specializing in all kinds of yard work & cleaning. No job to large or too small. 773-691-0929
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Help Wanted Help Wanted: Drivers-CO & O/Op’s: Teams. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Hometime and Benefits. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 855-493-9921
Garage Sales in South Holland
Garage Sales in Dolton
Sat, Sept. 24, 9-2 900 E. 154th Street, South Holland Christ Our Savior Catholic School Parking Lot. Tons of bargains. Something for everyone. If you would like to participate in the sale contact 708-333-8173
Sept. 24th, 11am-? 14823 Grant Street, Dolton. Clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, electronics, dishes, wine glasses, CD-racks, office desk, office chairs, vases, speakers.
Sept. 23,24, 8-5 1317 E. 168th Place, South Holland Furniture, household, NBA jerseys, clothing, bikes, books, playstation games, electronics, classical cds, NBA cards Sept. 22-23, 9a-4:30p. 15972 Mar ion Dr., So. Holland. K ing-sz. sheets/spread, tables, kitch. appls, shoes, Xmas, 2-shower chairs, speakers, men diapers, etc. Sept. 23&24, 9-2 17143 Ingleside Ave., South Holland Jewelry, books, household, clothing, antiques & more misc.
Garage Sales in Lansing Sept. 22&23, 9-3, 24th, 9-1 2828 Forest Lane, Lansing Hunting, household, fishing, plants, clothes, bar lights and signs. Sat. 1/2 off Sept. 23, 24, 9-4 3 5 0 2 S . Ma n o r D r i ve , Lansing Luggage, electronics, crafts, tools, household, wall art, rugs, curtains Setp. 22&23, 8-5, 24th, 8-2 2339 184th Street, Lansing A l l m u s t g o. G a r a g e , household, linens, dishes, furniture, crafts, decorations, office, lamps Sept. 22&23, 9-4, 24th, 9-1 2819 Forest Lane, Lansing Toys, children and adult clothing, j e w e l r y, p a p e r b a c k s , f u r n i t u re, household and misc. items
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
Payments as low as • • • • • • • • •
per month APPLY NOW
Tim King
Jeep Brand Manager
Gerardo Rangel Jeep Brand Manager
Mike Sorensen Jeep General Sales Manager
Let Our Brand Managers and Their Staff Change Your Mind about Car Buying
SALES HOURS: Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Fri-Sat 8am-6pm | SERVICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm, Sat 7:30am-4pm
See dealer for complete details - not all consumers will qualify as determined by past credit history and financial institution and lender.
Se Habla Español Pregunte Por Gerardo, David o Jose
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 21, 2016
0% 60 * for
2016 CHEVY #L61300
2016 CHEVY #L60515
2016 CHEVY #L60313
#L60004 FWD
2016 CHEVY
2016 CHEVY
On select models
2015 CHEVY #L52631
2016 CHEVY #L61009
2016 CHEVY #L60646 FWD
13,777 13777
22,999 22999
2016 CHEVY #L61240
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23999 23 ,999 $3000
9,734 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ $ # L61485A ................................................................................ 11,990 2015 KIA FORTE LX $ # E1993 .................................................................................. 12,289 2015 CHEVY SONIC LT $ # L61530A .............................................................................. 12,299 2011 TOYOTA COROLLA S $ # E1968A ................................................................................ 12,649 2015 KIA OPTIMA LX $ # L61363A .............................................................................. 12,684 2014 DODGE AVENGER SE $ # L62003A .............................................................................. 12,990 $
# L62213A ...................................................................................
12,994 2015 CHEVY IMPALA LS $ # E2014 .................................................................................. 13,883 2015 KIA SOUL + $ # E1985 .................................................................................. 13,935 2014 BUICK VERANO $ # L52369A ............................................................................... 14,497 2015 CHEVY TRAX LT $ # L62009A ............................................................................... 15,872 2014 FORD FUSION SE $ # E1983................................................................................... 15,998 2014 CHEVY CAPTIVA LTZ $ # L61910A .............................................................................. 15,999 # L62245A ..............................................................................
16,686 2015 TOYOTA CAMRY SE $ # E1991................................................................................... 16,698 2013 BUICK LACROSSE $ # E1892A ............................................................................... 16,986 2015 DODGE CHARGER SE $ # E1926..................................................................................... 17,670 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS $ # L61782A ............................................................................... 17,698 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LS $ #L60565A ................................................................................. 17,987 2014 NISSAN MURANO S $ # L61062B................................................................................. 18,221 # E1988A ................................................................................
18,499 $ # L60464A .............................................................................. 18,699 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT $ # L61740A .............................................................................. 19,847 2013 FORD EDGE SPORT $ # L62048A .............................................................................. 19,998 2013 CADILLAC ATS $ # E1996................................................................................... 19,999 2015 CHRYSLER 300 LIMITED $ # E2016 ................................................................................. 20,449 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE 2LT $ # E1925 • AWD .................................................................... 27,999 # L61104A ..............................................................................
2014 DODGE RAM 1500
^On select models to qualified buyers. Not available with special finance, lease or some other offers. See dealer for details. *On select models to qualified buyers. Monthly payment is $16.67 for every $1000 you finance. Some offers may not be combined. See dealer for details. +Available on select models to qualified buyers. Includes $1000 Consumer Cash plus $2000 Purchase Bonus Cash. Some offers may not be combined. See dealer for details. †Prices include all rebates, incentives and bonuses. Optional equipment extra. Plus tax, title, license and doc fee. Must qualify. For all offers take delivery by 9/30/16. Offers subject to change without notice. Pictures are for illustration purposes only and may not represent actual vehicle. Offers end 3 days from date of publication. Dealer will not honor errors in this advertisement. 1 Block South of I-80 On Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438