#1 Source For FREE Community Info.
Internet Edition
Inside This Week For sale: Beaver Fur Coat, with crystal fox trim. Size 18-20 $650 obo; Electric snowblower $200 obo; Sewing machine w/rolling case $200; Telescope, $40. 708-567-4556 - Visit The Shopper Online!
Wednesday • September 30 • 2015
Casino Trip
Rooted in the Positive Traditions! Each Leader has shown their commitment to our Community through their knowledge, concern, experience, and dedication to our Town and our Residents! Always Working for Our Future! Looking Forward – Setting Goals and a Community Vision to keep Dyer making the lists as one of the most Desirable Places to Live!
Join the Calumet Memorial Park District at the Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo on Tuesday, October 27. The coach bus will depart at 8:45 AM, and return by 4:00 PM. The fee is $26 per person, and includes a $10 food voucher and $15 in match play. Ages 21 and older. Registration is now being taken at the Sandridge Community Center, 600 Oglesby Ave. in Calumet City. For more information, please call (708) 868-2530.
PAT HAWROT Clerk-Treasurer
Dyer PAT is the ONLY Candidate for ClerkTreasurer with specific experience in that office. Experience and Qualifications Really Do Count!
Ward 1 JOE has deep roots in Dyer’s past, present, and future. Experienced, Available, and Passionate! Vote for Joe! Email:
Ward 3 CONNEE Cares, and always has, first as an award-winning Dyer volunteer, now on our Council. Experience Makes a Real Difference! Email:
Town Council
Dyer Town Council
EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP YOU CAN COUNT ON! ANNOUNCING TRI-TOWN EARLY VOTING! BEGINNING OCTOBER 6, 2015 9 am – 2 pm, Weekdays, Thursdays till 7 pm 9 am – 2 pm, Saturdays, only on October 24th and 31st Locations: Schererville Town Hall St. John Township Assessor’s Office And, as always, Crown Point Government Center, at the Lake County Board of Elections
Paid for by Committee’s to Elect Pat Hawrot, Joe Cinko, Connee Trepton
From The Publisher
Rest in Peace – Yogi Berra ARLO KALLEMEYN Baseball legend Yogi Ber ra pa ssed aw ay on Tuesday at t he age of 90. Berra appeared in 14 World Series as a member of the Yankees and won 10 of them. Berra’s contributions to MLB h istor y a re i nca lcu lable, but h is le g ac y m ig ht be e ven bet ter remembered for what he contributed to American language. Berra had many expressions that were memorable because most of them didn’t make any sense - but the same time, every one had some truth to it. Many of them a re ju st at t r ibute d to Berra, even if he never actually said them. As he so perfectly put it: “I never said most of the things I said.” Here are some of my favorites. “You bet ter c ut t he pi z za i n fou r pieces because I’m not hungr y enough to eat six.”
“It was impossible to get a conversation going, everybody was talking too much.” “You can observe a lot by watching.” “You should always go to other people’s funerals; ot her w i s e, t he y won’t come to yours.” “Nobody goes t here a ny more. It’s too crowded.” “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know w her e y ou a r e goi n g , because you might not get there.” “I never blame myself when I’m not hitting. I just bla me t he bat a nd if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn’t my fault that I’m not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?” “I wish I had an answer to that because I’m tired of answering that question.” “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Fall Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556
The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
Chimney Repair
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: G l a s s b l o c k w i n d ow s . Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
VERSE OF THE WEEK For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. — 2 Corinthians 5:10
Attend the church of your choice.
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Illinois Fire Service to Set Fires, Creating Awareness for Fire Prevention Month A lt houg h f iref ig hters a re of ten tasked with extinguishing fires, during the month of October members of the Illinois fire service will be starting fires to correspond with national Fire Prevention Week (October 4-10) and Fire Prevention Month. In order to educate the public about the important life- and property-saving benefits of fire sprinklers, numerous Il linois f ire depa r t ments a nd f ire districts will be conducting live fire and sprinkler burn demonstrations with assistance from the nonprofit Northern I l l i noi s F i r e Spr i n k le r A d v i s or y Board (NIFSAB). Each side-by-sidecomparison demonstration will feature two similarly furnished rooms — one with fire sprinklers and one without fire sprinklers. Audiences will be able
to feel the extreme heat and view the quick growth of fire in the unprotected room and compare it with the quick response and cooling action of the fire sprinkler in the other room. “Fi re P revent ion Mont h i s a n annual opportunity time to remind people about the dangers of fire and the technology available to suppress fires, such as fire sprinklers,” says fire safety advocate and NIFSAB Executive Director Tom Lia. With nearly 100 communities in Illinois now requiring fire sprinklers in new homes and over 100 communities requiring fire sprinklers in all new commercial buildings regardless of size, these dramatic demonstrations will help audiences understand how f ire spr in k lers work to cont rol or
suppress fires in the places they live and work. “A l s o , f i r e o f f i c i a l s w i l l communicate t he facts about f ire sprinklers and dispel movie myths such as fire sprinklers being set off by smoke or all activating at once,” adds Lia. Our local demonstration will be... • South Holland: Demo sometime during open house (10am-1pm) at Fire Station 1 (16230 Wausau Ave., South Holland) Add it iona l f i re depa r t ment s throughout Illinois will be hosting live burns in fire sprinkler demonstration t ra i lers prov ided by t he Nor t hern Illinois Fire Inspectors Association, Illinois Fire Inspectors Association, Lake County Fire Chiefs Association/ Gurnee Fire Department, and NIFSAB.
Concrete Work
Day Care
Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
Daycare Services: Annie’s Home Daycare in Calumet City. 8wks-12yrs. School transportation available. 708-288-8071
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Concrete & Patching. Walks, steps, patios, driveways. Licensed/Bonded. Steps patched correctly. Low spring prices. Free e s t i m a t e s. De n n i s. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
Fences/Decks Delivery Starts at 10:30 a.m. 191st Street, Lansing, IL
708-895-6611 $ 69 $ 27.99 7
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Fen c e rep a ir s, re p l a c e broken posts and panels also gate and latch repairs. Wind damage repairs. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
The Shopper - June 2015
A/C & Heating
September 30, 2015
l all loca rs! n io t n e t At exh ibonitfeorence will d n a s r vendoCh icago Women’s SCouth Suburban
16 at The 20 ch 18th epting on Ma r e c ntly acc e la r p r u c e take r a ors. . We r exh ib it College o f s n io t applica .edu or
ssc dors@ arcia at n e v c w Email t Rebecca G 2. contac ) 225-604 (708
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Financial Advice Column
Avoid Emotional Investment Decisions
DR. ROSA GALVAN-SILVA 705 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473
BOB KRYGSHELD W h at ’s t he big ge s t obstacle to your ability to invest successfully? Is it the ups and downs of the financial markets? Political events? The fact that you weren’t born rich? Actually, the chief hurdle you face is something over which you have control: your own emotions. Your emotions can lead to a variety of ill-advised i nvest ment behav ior s, such as these: • Cutting losses – Declines in the financial markets can lead some investors to try to “cut their losses” by selling investments whose price has declined. Yet, when prices have dropped, it may actually be a good time to buy investments, not sell them, especially when the investments are still fundamentally sound. • Chasing performance – Just as some investors are propelled by fear of loss, others are motivated by (greed) quick, big gains. They may pursue “hot” investments, only to be disappointed when t he si z z le qu ick l y f i z z le s. Instead of trying to “score” that one big winner, you may be better off spreading your investment dollars among a range of vehicles – stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and so on. While diversification can’t guarantee a profit or protect against loss, it may help reduce the impact of market volatility on your portfolio. • Focusing on the short term – When the market is dow n, you m ig ht get somewhat upset when you v iew you r mont h ly invest ment statements. But a ny indiv idua l statement is just a snapshot in time; if you were to chart your investment results over a period of 10 or 20 years, you’d see the true picture of how you r por t fol io is doi ng – a nd, i n a l l likelihood, that picture would look better. In any case, don’t overreact to
shor t-ter m dow nt u r n s by making hast y “buy” or “s el l” de c i sion s . I n s t e a d , s t ic k w it h a long-term strategy that’s appropriate for your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. • Heading to t he i nvest ment “sidel i nes” – Some people get so f r ust rated over ma rket volatility that they throw up their hands and head to the investment “sidelines” until “things calm down.” A nd it’s cer ta in ly t r ue that, when owning stocks, there are no guarantees; you do risk losing some, or all, of your investment. But if you jump in and out of the market to “escape“ volatility, you may take on an even bigger risk – the risk of losing some of the growth you’ll need to reach your goals. Consider this: If you had invested $10,000 in a package of stocks mimicking the S&P 500 in December 1979, your investment would have grown to more than $426,000 by December 2013. But if you had missed just the 10 best days of the market during that time, your $10,000 would only have grown to less than $206,000, according to Ned Davis Research, a le a d i n g i nv e s t me nt resea rch orga n i zat ion. The bottom line? Staying invested over the long term can pay off. (The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index and isn’t meant to depict a n ac t ua l i nvest ment. Past performance is not a g ua ra ntee of f ut u re results.) Ou r emot ions a re u s e f u l i n g u id i n g u s through many aspects of our lives, but when you invest, you’re better off using your head – and not your heart. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Bob Krygsheld 501 W Exchange St Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.
Adults and Children
• Invisalign • Botox / Dermal Fillers • New Patients Welcome • Morning / Evening Hours • Emergencies Se Habla Español
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Dear Friends, As we welcome fall, it’s important to remember that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that 1 in 8 women are at risk of developing breast cancer. And about 85 percent of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. Early detection is essential. That’s why I voted to restore nearly
$8 million to the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. This vote restores funding that Gov. Bruce Rauner worked to cut, denying lifesaving preventative screenings to thousands of women. The Breast and Cervical Cancer Prog ra m prov ides f ree ma m mog ra ms, breast exams, pelvic exams, and Pap tests to women between the ages of 35 and 64 who are uninsured or underinsured. These tests can help detect cancer in its early stages and provide women with better treatment choices and results. Thousands of lives have been saved by the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program since 1995. Through proactive screenings and early treatment, my hope is that we can lower the rate of breast cancer in Illinois and across the nation. So, let’s make sure we remind ourselves and loved ones that we should be taking every measure to help protect and maintain our health. For more information or to find out if you are eligible for this program, please call the Illinois Department of Public Health’s women’s health line at 888522-1282 or visit For more information on National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please visit http://www. Sincerely, Thaddeus Jones State Representative 29th District.
Gutter Cleaning
Handyman Services
G u t t e r C l e a n i n g : Fa l l Special! 50% Off Regular Price, just .50c cents per linear foot. Free Downs p o u t Fl u s h ! A l s o l e a f b l ow i n g s e r v i c e s. Fre e estimates. Licensed & fully insured. Call Paul @ Mr. Clean. 219-323-0469 or 219888-0003
All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192
Ha n d y m a n : L a n d s c a p e r e p a i r, p a i n t i n g , t r i m bushes, trees, gutter cleaning, fence repair, deck staining, other services. Please contact Frank. 708975-1219
Knowing God Through Fellowship ANNA M. CAISON What is fellowship, and how does one have fellowship with God? What does fellowship look like among Christians? Fellowship is a deep, intimate sharing of one another’s life. For the Christian it is sharing in God’s life as He has shared in our life through Christ. And it is through personal fellowship with God that we enter into corporate fellowship w ith other believers. Our fellowship with one another is seen when we emulate God’s personal fellowship with us. Often times we mistake “socializing” for fellowship. Socializing is a coming together under the guise of getting to know one another where the conversation centers on job tit les, marita l status, where one lives, how many children/ grandchildren one has, hobbies, sports, e t c . Su p e r f ic i a l r e l a t ion s h i p s a r e then formed based on these external similarities. Biblical Fellowship is deeper, much deeper---it looks beyond the external and sees the true person, a son (daughter) of God. Regardless of our inconsistencies, differences, faults and shortcomings, we see and relate to one another as God’s child, our brother (sister) whom Christ died for. As we continue to grow in
grace and in an experiential knowledge of Christ, our fellowship with the Father and His Son will be seen and felt in our fellowship with one another. We will be able to share in each other’s struggles, successes, pa in, g rief, a nd v ictories because of our connectedness to one another by God’s Spirit. It becomes impossible to offend a brother or sister and not feel the pain we’ve caused them, and the conviction that we need to make amends. As we lov ingly ex hort and admonish one another we become like “iron sharpening iron.” We will live out our calling as “Royal Priests” interceding for one another in prayer and having discernment of a need or situation in a member’s life without prior knowledge or conversation with the individual. It was the fellowship of the early church that caught the world’s attention draw ing hundreds and thousands of people to Jesus that resulted in changed lives that changed the culture they lived in. Are you walking in fellowship with God? For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.
Home Improvement/ Repair
Miscellaneous Services
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, f e n c e re p a i r, r o o f - t o p repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Medical Transportation: Will drive you to medical appointments for nonemergencies. Phase One Enterprise. Email: or 708-271-3716
Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Medical Transportation: Will drive you to medical appointments for nonemergencies. Phase One Enterprise. Email: or 708-271-3716
Chicago;Van Drunen Heating;A07377;5x6.5 (15Fa-B2)
Immediate Implant Dentures/ Dentures w/ extractions under Sedation
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Painting Services: Paint America Red, White & Blue. Over 25 yrs. Paint experience. Interior/ Exterior. Plus free estimates. Call Algie. 630-886-7476
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Flu season is here. When one family member is sick, the whole family is at risk. Call to schedule your annual flu vaccination.
Who should get vaccinated this season? According to the CDC, everyone 6 months of age or older should get a flu vaccine. Vaccination to prevent influenza is particularly important for people who are at high risk of serious complications from influenza.
To make an appointment at the MetroSouth Health Center at South Holland, call 708-210-2001. 401 E. 162nd St. South Holland, IL 60473 Kara Davis, M.D. Board Certified in Internal Medicine
Ann Scoigletti, MS, RN, APN-FNP/ BC Family Nurse Practitioner
Members of the medical staff at MetroSouth Medical Center.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
September 30, 2015 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Pressure Washing P o w e r Wa s h i n g : F a l l Special! 30% Off All power washing services. Homes, driveways, sidewalks, decks, patios, roofs, gutters. Free Estimates. Call Mr. Clean. 219-323-0469 or 219-8880003
Help Wanted
Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
He l p Wa n t e d : Da y c a re Assistant preferably bilingual Spanish/English. Daycare experience, ages 6mos-12. Flexible hours. Weekdays & weekends. Applicants must drive. 708528-2225
Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
He l p Wa n t e d : Da y c a re Assistant preferably bilingual Spanish/English. Daycare experience, ages 6mos-12. Flexible hours. Weekdays & weekends. Applicants must drive. 708528-2225
Tuckpointing R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
Lawn Care Landscaping. Start pay $13/hour. Must have good driving record. Staygreen Quality Lawn Care Landscaping. s t a y g re e n @ c o m c a s t . n e t 708-418-8160
It’s The Season End
Don’t miss your chance! It’s the season end of Market in the Park featuring Dotson Farms’ fresh local produce and plants! Princess Catering serves handmade sliders, sausages and chicken kabobs! Shop local vendors for handmade crafts, jewelry, wood carvings and gifts! Last chance is Wednesday, September 30th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at 102 N Hubbard St, Thornton, IL. For more information contact Thornton Recreation Department 708-877-4454 or email Help Wanted: Home child daycare. Assistant needed Full Time/Par t-time, Monday through Friday. Some evenings. Nons m o k e r. E x p e r i e n c e preferred. Call 708-557-9279 between 7a.m.-12p.m. and 3-6p.m.
He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s CDL-A: Stay Local! $3000 Sign-on Bonus! Day and Night Shifts! Excellent Pay Per Load! Medical, Dental & Vision! Late Model Equipment! Call Shawn: 855-416-6742
Notice of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Illinois Self Service Storage Facility Act 770 ILCS 95. The undersigned will sell at public sale on Oct. 15, 2015 at 9:00 AM on the premises where said property has been stored and which is located at E-Z Self Storage of Lynwood, 19600 Stony Island Ave., Lynwood, IL 60411 708-895-3337. Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchases in cash only. All purchased items sold as is where is and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. AKIA WALKER UNIT C30 Unit #
Unit #
Unit #
Providing Quality Educational Opportunities for Over a Decade
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Affordable Tuition
A Military Tribute Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Doors open at 10:30 AM Lunch served until 11:30 AM
Pre-Registration is required by October 30, 2015
Cost: $10.00
South Holland Residents Registration Begins October 1st at 11:00 am Non - Residents Registration Begins October 2nd at 11:00 am
Recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education and DCFS Licensed.
Beacon Hill Preparatory Academy “Where Children Are Achievers” New South Holland Campus
Performance Only. Does not include lunch.
Doors open at 11:45 am | Performance Begins at Noon First Come, First Served e All Ages ar Complimentary
Please bring a toy for the South Holland Fire Department Annual Toy Drive
16511 South Park Avenue (708) 596-9999 • Elementary School Grades: Pre-K through 8th • Daycare: 6 weeks - 3 Years Old • Before and Aftercare: 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
View Our Ad & Current Values at
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Garage Sales in South Holland
No Hidden Changes Most Furniture Moved Deep Soil Extraction FREE Pre-Spotter FREE Deodorizer Truck Mount Unit All Work Guaranteed Quick Drying Time Insured & Bonded
Per Room 2 Room Minimum
Reg. $75
Any 5 Rooms L-Shaped & Great Room Considered 2
ROTO BRUSH Unlimited Registers Single Furnace Home
Oct. 2-3, 9-3. 1 6 0 3 3 E l l i s Av e . , S o . Holland. Garage/Estate. Furniture, Antiques, clothes, glassware. Lots of jewelry. Rain date 9th.
Removes up to 96% Of All Dust, Dirt, Pollen, Mold Spores & Animal Dander
25 $ $ 30
Oct. 2-3, 9-2. 15939 Ellis Avenue, So. Holland. Household, Garden, PlantsBulbs, Automotive, Decor. K i t c h e n Ca b i n e t s f o r m Menards, Bedding, Clothes, Tires, Rims.
Call Dr. Paul Stepanczuk
Oct. 3, 9-2. 1 5 6 3 7 Orc h i d Dr. , S o. Holland. Refrigerator, washer, dryer, bicycle, clothes, toys, table, chairs, camping gear, sound system. Oct. 2-3, 8-2. 162nd-Mar yland Neighborhood, So. Holland. Multi-family sale. Lots of household items, Antiques. A must see! Oct. 1-3, 8-4. 16926 Ingleside Ct., So. Holland. D re s s e s , s k i r t s , p a n t s , treadmill, knick-knacks, C h ai s e, s h o e s, j e we l r y, books.
Munster (219) 836-9488
Come in & learn about radio wave therapy for fast permanent change. **We accept most insurances.
Oct. 2nd, 3pm-6pm. Oct. 3rd, 9a-1pm Holy Ghost Parish “Treasure Sale” 700 East 170th St., So. Holland. Like a Yard sale, but no clothing, and no big furniture. Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 16419 Prairie Ave., So. Holland. Womens clothes, men’s clothes, womens boots, 5-pc patio set., Misc. items, Christmas decor.
Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 2-4, 9-5. 139-155th, Place, Cal. City, IL. Avon collectibles, dishes, crystal, glassware, shoes, purses, furniture.
“Let Me Show You How My 30 Years Experience Will Help”
708-418-4444 MIKEBuder
A Local Christian Businessman
South Holland Recreational Services Presents:
Affordable Senior Living at its Finest
DANCE PARTY Sunday, October 18, 2015 Door Open at 3:00 PM
18 & Older: $15.00
Party starts at 3:30 PM
Couple Ticket: $25.00(limited)
Door Tickets $20.00 A table can be reserved with the purchase of 6-8 tickets. Lunch will be served. South Holland Community Center 501 E. 170th St. South Holland, IL 60473 Call 708.331.2940 for more information
Dorchester Senior Center
You’ll be surprised at what we can do for you!
Independent Living with Personal Assistance
• Newly remodeled apartments • 3 meals daily • Professional nursing assistance
• Activities • Monthly Apartment rates from $1,300 • Rental assistance available for Medicaid recipients
Please call 708-841-5560 for more information or to schedule your personal tour.
1515 E. 154th Street Dolton, IL 60419
WWW.THEDORCHESTERCENTER.COM Managed by Awakened Alternatives Management Services
Say I saw it in The Shopper Oct. 3-4, 8-5. 1378 Woodview Ave., Cal. City. Toys, tools, shoes, computer, games, children what nots. $1-$5. All must go!
Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 1-3, 8-3. 17963 Maple, Lansing. Clothes, collectibles, h o u s e w a re s , A n t i q u e s , Cedar chest, gold clubs, glassware. No early birds. Oct. 1-2, 8-2. 18040 School St., Lansing. Exercise bike, mini refrigerator, boys Hollister T-shirts, kitchen items. Many other items. Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 18618 William St., Lansing. Household, adult and kids clothes, purses, lawn mower, a l u m i n u m l a d d e r, l ow prices! Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 18812 Henry, Lansing. Household items, collectibles, tools, storage cabinets, clothing, furniture, glasses + dishes, Holiday decor.
September 30, 2015 Oct. 3rd, 9-6. 248 Harper Ave, Glenwood, IL. Clothes, baby items, lamps, decor pillows, wall pictures, g r a s s , s p r e a d e r / e d g e r, jewelry, purses, comforter. Homemade cookies & cakes.
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 1-3, 8-1. 513 Ben Drive, Schererville, IN. Lots of items, baby clothes, baby item s, hous ehol d items, curio cabinet, small patio set.
Real Estate
Furnace Tune-Up
69 89
$ OR
When You Call By 10/31/15
Oct. 1-3, 9-5. 17814 Ridgewood, Ave., Lansing. J e w e l r y, f u r n i t u r e , household items, DVD’s, Holiday Specialties, so much more. Come, Enjoy! Oct. 1-2, 9-1. 2634 Christina Dr., Lansing. Moving sale... Once in a lifetime deals, on home furnishings.
25 OFF
Any Future Service or Repair over $100 Not Valid with any other offer. Community Heating & Cooling, Inc. (Illinois) 708-756-2665 • (Indiana) 219-226-1371 Expires 12/12/15
100 OFF
When You Call By 11/30/15
Childcare Center For Sale. Licensed for 40 children. Call 708-955-9736. Located in South Suburb of Chicago.. Sold by owner.
New Furnace Not Valid with any other offer.
Community Heating & Cooling, Inc. (Illinois) 708-756-2665 • (Indiana) 219-226-1371 Expires 12/12/15
Oct. 2, 9-3; 3rd, 9-2. 19212 Wildwood, Lansing, IL. Household items, jewelry, trailer hitch, night-stand. Many new items. Oct. 1-3, 8-4. 17929 Escanaba, Lansing/ Halloween Misc. Christmas, tables, bikes, clothes, books, household. Lots of misc.
Garage Sales in Dyer Oct. 3rd, 9a-3p. 182 Summer Hill Drive, Dyer,IN. Ever ything must go! Housewares, crafts, fat quarters, fabrics, quilt kits, patterns and more!
IL: (708) 756-2665 IN: (219) 226-1371
Community Food Service Sanitation Class
Oct. 3rd, 2345-184th, Lansing. Something for everyone.
Sept. 30, 8-12; Oct. 1, 8-1; Oct. 2nd, 8-12. 18534 Oak Ave., Lansing. Household items, toys, clothes, bikes and much more.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 1st, 8-4; Oct. 2nd, 9-11. 158th St., & Emerald Ave., Harvey, IL. Clothes, toys, books, linens, household items, tools. Reasonable prices. Info. Call. 708-877-6018 Oct. 7-14, 7-4. 2855 Glenwood Lansing Rd., Lynwood, IL. MASSIVE Yard Sale! New Auto Accessories, tools, furniture, golfing items, and much more. More Stuff Everyday.
Fall Fashions
Sanitation Course Summary This 8-hour food safety course is designed to assist the manager or potential manager of any food service operation to apply food service sanitation. Topics to be included are time/temperature abuse, foodborne illness outbreaks, relationship between personal hygiene and food safety, methods for preventing food contamination, the flow of food from purchasing to serving, procedures for cleaning and sanitizing, facility management, and sanitation management through the food code. This class is fully accredited with the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the National Restaurant Association and the exams will be given on the same date as the course.
Certification Opportunities Include
Saturday October 3rd Thornridge High school Room B104
8:00am – 6:00pm Lunch Provided | $50 Fee If interested, please return registration form with cash payment to: Ms. Lavonne Fisher Thornton Township District 205 465 E. 170th St. South Holland, IL 60473 708-225-4002
ServSafe Managers Certification State of Illinois Food Service Sanitation Managers Certification City of Chicago Manager’s Certification
This course i s open to all Thornt on Tow nship Hi gh S chool Di strict 205 resident s.
$ 00
New Fall Items
Hours: M-F 9:30-4:30; Sat. 9:30-3
Fashionette 3334 Ridge Road Lansing, Illinois 708-474-0349
Registration Information Name __________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________ State __________________ Phone Number (
City ____________________
Zip Code ______________
Social Security Number & Photo ID are required by the state of Illinois on the date of test.
OFFICE USE ONLY PAID ___________ DATE ___/___/____
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Mobile Homes For Sale
Vacation/Timeshares For Sale
Apartments For Rent
Motor Home: 94-31’ Hawkins Hawk, Cummings Diesel Pusher, Mileage 74,729. Paid $27,730. Asking $16,000 obo. Before 8 pm. 219-670-6701
2nd Home on Lake. Large lot, fully furnished. On Shadow Lake in Wilmington, IL. Gated community. With pontoon boat, golf cart and storage shed. 708-227-1757
Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
Cemetery Lots For Sale
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
2 Plots Oakland Memorial Lanes Cemetery, Dolton, IL. Discount $1,000 each, includes liners. Buyers pay $250 title transfer fee. Call Norm. 815-462-1434
Calumet City 2 bdrm. Apt. Stove & refrigerator, $650/ mo + $650 Dep. Also a Studio, 221 Pulaski, 1-bdrm. stove & fridge, furnished $525 +2mo. sec. $40 credit check. Seniors welcome. 219-629-5357 Calumet City Apt: 2 bdrm. & 1 bath, appliances, laundry facility, no pets, $600/mo. + $600 security. 708-589-5720 Cozy 1 bedroom apartment on second floor in nice area. Fridge and stove included. All utilities. $725. East Hazelcrest. 708-308-8062
Rooms For Rent
Apt. for rent: Calumet City Apt. 3 bdrm. w/balcony, 1-1/2 bath, includes utilities. 708-439-6225
Rooms for rent: Will provide a helping hand. In Homewood and Harvey. $275 + up. Call Evelyn. 708957-0604
Apt. for rent: Hegewisch 2-bdrm. near South Shore t r a i n . 1 s t f l o o r. N e w carpeting, all appliances, w/ heat. $750/mo. + sec. No pets. Seniors welcome. 312241-6354 or 773-646-5951
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Cute, 1 bdrm. Apt. on 2nd floor, in Hammond. Fridge, stove and heat included. $675/mo. + deposit. 219670-1847
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. 708-2434118
Office Space for rent: 3232 Ridge Rd. Office space. Various sizes and prices. Im m e d i a t e O c c u p a n c y. Ample parking in rear. Leave message. 708-716-4243
House for rent: So. Holland, 3 bdrm., living room, kitchen, 1-bath, one car garage, $1200/mo. Ask for John. 708-204-0054
Need Food? Need Clothes? Sales Rep:
Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.
Sales Rep: jns
Catholic Charities
Wed -Wed 08/12/2015 315908. jns - 08/12/2015-- 3:02:59 3:02:59 PMPM315908.3880 South Suburban Services
16100 Seton Drive South Holland
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Open more great neighborhood deals at!
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Commercial Space
Lost & Found Found: 6D card for camera at Veteran Park on Saturday the 19th. Please call to claim. 708-227-2081
Wanted Co m m e rc i a l Sp a c e f o r Lease on Ridge Rd. In downtown Lansing. 4000sq+800sq basement. Beautiful new facade/ windows/doors. Easy access, plenty of parking. $3,250/mo. Contact Tim. 708-362-2530
Pets For sale: 125 Gallon fish tank with 2 door oak stand, 2 two filters lights, covers on wheeled platform $500 obo. 708-212-8300 Pets for sale: Unconditional love offered by three month old kittens. Who only ask for a good home. Five dollars each. 708-841-9844
Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708474-3941 Wanted: We buy Unopened and unexpired diabetic test s t r i p s. We p i c k u p i n Chicagoland area. Please call. 312-487-1091 300 piece jigsaw puzzles. Please call Judy 708-5391216 Wa n t e d : F o r d t r a c t o r magazine or books on 8N Jubile Ford tractors. 708532-8337 Wanted: Looking for washer and dryer donation. If don’t need anymore. To bless a family that need them. 708527-4529
GRANNY'S ATTIC RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, October 3 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Come find your treasures! Great buys! Orders will be taken for Swedish Sausage & Apple Dumplings! Refreshments available.
Redeemer Lutheran Church
651 E. 166th Street, South Holland, IL 60473 For more information, call 708-331-4100
COFFEE, CAKE, CONVERSATION, & FUN!! Come and hang out with us every Tuesday & Friday for 3C’s and fun!
For every $5.00 spent get a
FREE ice cream! (While supplies last)
Hours: 6 am - 2:30 pm Tuesday - Sunday; Closed Monday
253 W. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL
(708) 713-4669
Ckeck out our Facebook
Security Training Classes • • •
Illinois Concealed Carry Unarmed Security Armed Security
Livescan Fingerprinting Available On Site Now accepting applications to attend evening Training Classes. Call for more details.
Progressive Security, Inc. 18055 Torrence Avenue Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 251-8380
Wa n t e d : Ol d c o m p u t e r tower with dial up that works good. No junk, cheap, wanted old train stuff. 219801-5986 Wanted: 3/8 Steel plate, 40-1 gearbo, 2.5 3square tubing splitter or parts of one AR15, for sale 10,000 lb. Hitch $75. 708-474-8221
Wanted: Dial indicator for checking out roundness with mangetic & clamp stand. 708-532-8337
Automobiles For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126
Wa n t e d : Deagan vibraphone Hammond B-3 organs, bass head Lesslie speakers Maraimbas tube guitar amps. 219-801-0955 Wa n t e d : St e re o F i s h e r Yamaha Pioneer cassettes, rock/pop, country, CD’s computer, speakers, cassette deck, for stereo, Readers Digest, National Geographic. Reasonable price. 708-418-3275
Need A Vehicle? Bad/No Credit? We can help! $300 Down 3 Year Warranty. 708802-4410
“Cars For Sale” $995 $4,995 Find cheap used cars with the best prices. Online @ w w w . call us at 1-877-818-4726 Hammond, IN.
Fo r s a l e 2 0 0 2 Po n t i a c Montana, very reliable van. CD player with aux/ipod connect. tinted glass, chrome wheels, 7 passenger seating $1,500 cash plus tax. www.cheapcarshammond. com or 1-877-818-4726
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726
For sale: 2012 Cadillac CTS-V. Tricoat white, black recaro seats. All options. 13,000 miles $45,900. 815-499-8096
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Constant Contact Local Expert Stephanie L. Walters, Marketing Director and Owner of Blue Top Marketing, Inc., has been selected as an Authorized Local Expert by Constant Contact®, Inc., the trusted marketing advisor to more than 600,000 small organizations worldwide. As an Authorized Local Expert, Ms. Walters will offer training seminars on best practices in online marketing in the Chicago area. Blue Top Ma rket ing is dedicated to helping small businesses with all things ma rket ing; f rom Ema i l, Tex t Message, and Socia l Media Marketing, to Online Advertising through Google and Facebook. Blue Top Ma rket i ng i s com m it ted to educ at i ng a nd con su lt i ng bu si nesses through Bootcamps, Seminars, Workshops and Seminars. Ms. Walters has owned a number of businesses over the course of 10 years, and it is through those experiences that she learned how to start, grow and maintain a business – the school of hard knocks. “I a m honored to be selected as a n Aut hor i zed L oca l E x per t by Consta nt Contact. I truly enjoy teaching the marketing tips a nd tricks I have lea rned t hrough owning my own businesses over the course of 10 years. Partnering with a company that is as dedicated to providing education and resources to small businesses as I am, will be great!” said Ms. Walters. Consta nt Contact Aut hor i zed Loca l Experts are dedicated to educating small 1983 33 foot Georgie Boy Class A motor home. 79,000 miles, $6,000. 1977 Champion Class C motor home, $1,800. 1976 25 ft Concord Class A motor home, needs starter & int. work $300. 618-559-5655 2002 Nitro NX882SC 18 ft. Bass Boat with 150Merc, SS prop, gal trailer and 2 fish finders. Excellent condition, $10,500. 850-453-9689
businesses, nonprofits, and organizations on how to make their marketing efforts as effective as possible. These experts are authorized by Constant Contact to deliver seminars because of their proven expertise, passion, and commitment to helping small businesses and nonprofits in their local community. Ms. Stephanie L. Walters will host free seminars and training workshops in the Chicago-area focused on using marketing strategies to find new prospects, engage key audiences, drive dialogue, and build relat ionships. These st rateg ies include a f ra mework t hat shows how dif ferent marketing campaign types all fit together, to deeper dives into the specific campaigns and tactics: newsletters and announcements, offers and promotions, online listings, events and registrations, feedback, and mobile. “We are thrilled to have Ms. Walters as part of the Authorized Local Experts prog ra m,” sa id Cat her ine K n i ker, v ice president of loca l success at Consta nt Contact. “We believe education and training on marketing best practice leads to more success for sma l l orga n i z at ion s. Ou r Authorized Local Experts are in a fantastic position to serve their local community by sharing their expertise and our successful, educational know-how.” Blue Top Marketing, Inc. is located at 430 E. 162nd St #359 in South Holland and may be reached by phone: 708-808-0258.
Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 7 Ho n d a Prelude, runs great, 106K miles, some rust, Sports edition. Grey, $3,500. 708474-7673 For sale: 2013 Chevy Cruze, $12,487., Silver. Call Bob. 855-949-6000
1989 Chevy Caprice rebuild 305 engine, redone transmission, new paint, 24” wheels, TV screens, new interior, $7500. Call. 915373-4654 For sale: 2003 Chevy S-10 L S 4 W D, $ 7 , 6 8 7 , L i g h t Pewter Metallic, Call Bob 855-949-6000
For sale: 2001 Mustang GT, 1 owner, good cond. $4,200 obo. 708-305-3667
1st Month @ $20.00 with a Free 7 Day Guest Pass for Family or Friend
After First Month of $20.00, Resident and Non-Resident Members are Billed Regular Monthly Fee Expires 12/31/15
Real Estate Specialists
Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: I was talking to my neighbor and he said he isn’t selling yet because it’s a Buyers’ Ma rket. W hat ex act ly determines a Buyers or Sellers’ Market? Answer: During a Sellers market, homes sell quick ly and sellers have a lot of pricing power. As a result, prices rise more rapidly than at other times. During buyers markets, homes may sit on the market for a while before selling, so sellers become more f lexible and may even drop their prices. The market is determined by supply and demand. In real estate, the relationship between supply a nd dema nd is ca lculated as “available inventor y”. At t he current sales price, how long would it take to sell the total number of houses available on the market? That is how the real estate industry measures inventory. Longer inventory times are associated with buyers markets. Shorter inventory per iods a re a ssociated w it h sel lers markets. At this time, many local markets are still in a buyers market, but not al. For example, a town that has high inventories and lower demand may still have homes that defy the usual formula For sale: 2008 Chevy Impala $8,397, Silver. Call Bob 855949-6000 For sale: 2009 Chevy Malibu LS, Gray $8.997. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Chevy Spark LT, $11,987. Demi, Metallic. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze LT Z 1 9 , 7 8 7 , Si l v e r Ic e Metallic. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 4 C h e v y Captiva Sport LT, $19,787, Silver Ice Metallic. Call Bob 855-949-6000
for a buyers market. These homes that are priced right and are beautiful will usually sell rather quickly compared to homes that are overpriced or lack that wow factor. Real estate is part of a business cycle and we all know that investment returns are cyclical. Real estate is just like any ot her investment, it has its ups a nd downs. Here is some good advice: Give your home that wow factor so you can smile and enjoy it while living in it, and then, when you are ready to sell, that same wow factor will attract more buyers at a price that will make you smile even more! E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Ill: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Illinois Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Website: Persona l Rea l estate Journa l: w w w.
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 5 C h e v y Equinox LTZ AWD, $30,987, black. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 4 C h e v y Cor vette Stingray Base. Velocity Yellow $59,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 5 C h e v y Captiva Sport Fleet LT, $20,987. Call Bob 855-9496000
Treasure Sale OCTOBER 2-3
Friday, Oct. 2 from 3-6pm and Saturday, Oct 3 9am-1pm Sanctuary Guild of Holy Ghost Parish In the parish gym at 700 East 170th St., South Holland, IL (Corner of 170th St and Cottage Grove Ave.)
Miscellaneous Items For Sale All New Factory To You. F u t o n s - $ 1 2 8 ; Bunkbeds-$178; Dinette sets-$168; Sofa sets, Bedroom sets, Bars, Bar stools, and more. Free Layway, Fast EZ credit. www. factorybeddingfurniture. com 708-371-3737 Fo r s a l e : A l l Ha rl e y Davidson items. Brand new, never worn. Bikers jacket, size large, side braided down, T-shirts, tank tops, blue saffire diamond set. 708-257-5546 For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231 For sale: New citizen watch, biker leather jacket, brand new. Leg length leather jacket; new Old Navy jeans (size 12-14) $10 pair (never worn). 708-257-5546 For sale: Six HP rear time rototiller $250; Lincoln welder $100. Ask for John. 708-351-5929
Like a Yard Sale but no clothing and no big furniture. Come browse and have a fun day!
For more information, call the Parish Office at 708-333-7011 or Pat at 708-339-8395
MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES: • Sauna • Pool • Indoor Track • Open Gym • Fitness Center (New Cardio Area & Free Weights)
FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.
16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473
Athlete’s Feet
Come and see what all the conversation is about at the Conversations Cafe... Located inside the South Holland Community Center (Entrance) 501 E. 170th Street, South Holland, IL 60473
Try one of our delicious: Smoothies, Salads, Soups, Fresh Juices or Sandwiches
We Accept Cash
501 E 170th Street • South Holland, IL 60473 Phone: 708-331-2940 • Fax: 708-331-3202
Athlete’s feet is caused by a fungus which is commonly found associated with the feet. It is characterized by a burning or itching of the sole of the foot or between two toes. Many times the skin appears very moist but can also appear dry with peeling skin. It usually begins as small brown blisters with clear yellowish liquid inside. These usually turn darker when peeled to reveal red, sometimes raw skin. Prescription medications are many times needed to control the disease. If you have any questions concerning athlete’s feet or any other foot problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.
For sale: Large wood swing set ,4 y r s. o l d . D o e s n’t include horse swing. Yellow/ Green tarps taken down for season but included. Asking $1250 obo. Proceeds to benefit a 501(c)(3) organization. 219-765-1798 or For sale: 3 Shaw 100% New Zealand wool rugs. Baktiari Multi. Origin USA. 7’x9” x 11’3”. $250 each; 2 runners 2’8”x12/ $50 each. 708-4211223 Harley Davidson Womens biker boots ladies size 9/9.5, new Christmas ornaments must sell t-shirts brand new, jeans brand new. 708-2575546
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015 For sale: Sewing machine, 4 b ra n d n e w t i re s, f ro m Firestone, used 2 months. Bra n d n e w c a r b u re t o r. Brand new Nike shoes, size 13, mens, womens, children’s clothes. 708-7301428
Cadillac tires w/rims, $350 for all. Goodyear size 235/55/20. 773-793-2592
For sale: Full size mattress/ box spring, $100, Antique dresser and mirror, needs refinishing, $100; Kirby cleaning system, $175. Leave message/text. 312-860-1541 For sale: 5-section stackable scaffolding, extension ladders $50 ea; 10ft aluminum break $250; 10 inch Craftsman tablesaw $200; 6ft. aluminum stepladders $15. Offer. 708474-9477
For sale: Beaver Fur Coat, with crystal fox trim. Size 18-20 $650 obo; Electric s n ow b l ow e r $ 2 0 0 o b o ; Sewing machine w/rolling case $200; Telescope, $40. 708-567-4556 For sale: Knabe upright piano with bench. Very good c o n d . $ 4 5 0 / o b o. L e a ve message. 219-671-1922 or 219-742-5966 For sale: Over 80 pair, brand new shoes $2 up, size 9M; Hy d r a u l i c a l l p u r p o s e beauty chair $30; car seat covers $7; floor mat $5; blood pressure machine $12; floor lamp $40; back up battery for computer. 708465-4111 For sale: Plumbing m a t e r i a l s , n e w Ko h l e r bathroom sinks, sawzall, 3 compartment commercial sink, shelving units, PVC piping file cabinets, and much more. 708-715-2991 For sale: New dining room table, 8ft. long from Macy’s. Too long for room. 2 leaves, pecan/walnut color. $550. 312-802-4275
For sale: 8ft workbench w/ vise; entertainment enter w/ glass door; corner computer desk; tumbling mat; executive type computer desk. Price to sell. 708-4749477 For sale: Thornton Beauty Shop Closing. All equipment for sale. Call Gail or Sandie. Everything must go by Sept. 30th. 708-8777185 For sale: 4 Oak Nostalgia Double Press back chairs. $100 firm. 708-474-7138 For sale: Bedroom set, queen size, good condition, all wood, $500. Contact Aubrey. 773-505-9910 Crafts for sale: Several hundreds ceramic molds, bisk, and supplies from the period of 1976 to 2005. Asking $2,100. 773-266-1290 or 708-392-9180 For sale: Washer and dryer $375; gas stove, black $200; 8-Snowblowers ready to go, Toro snowblower, 2 stage, electric start $325; Treadmill $125; rototiller 6hp, 26inch. 708-715-2348
Shop Online
Mattresses from $88
Pillow Top Mattresses from $118
American H Bedding
For sale: Precor 9.27 Low Impact Treadmill. Like new. $1,300.00 or best offer. MUST PICK UP. Dyer. 219742-2334
For sale: New pizza maker $10; HP new printer $25; Brother typewriter $25; Heavy duty paper shredder (Fellows) $15. 708-460-6035
For sale: Black new 14 speed oster blender/ice crusher $15; end tables (2) $25 each; wicker lamp $15. 708-4606035
Tra veli ng Pe ePe e t ube. Brand new never opened Can be used in cars/van/etc. both male/female. Yours free just pay shipping and handling. $6.99. 708-9570604
For sale: Student desk $15; office chair $15; stereo system/speakers/glass cabinet $50; Ironing board $5. 708-460-6035
For sale: Dining table, oval, 2 leaves/4 chairs $75; Hitachi dvd player, $15; bread machine $15; Bunn coffee maker $15. 2-Swivel stools, $25. 708-460-6035
For sale: Swimming pool acc.: Hoses, vacuum, discharge suction, 3 way valve, timer winter water cover, pump, etc. Best offer. 708-889-0350
any large 16” pizza OR
Fo r s a l e : Q u e e n s i z e bedframe, $15; dresser mirror $15; solid oak swivel TV stand/storage $25; oak snack tables set of (4) $25. 708-460-6035 A dorm size refrigerator. Looks and works great for garage/basement/beer. 708753-0021
any super 18” pizza
For sale: New walker $25; new commode $25; bloodpressure monitor $10. 708460-6035
For sale: Echo power leaf blower $15; aluminum tall ladder $25; wood ladder $10;; Hirch workbench $10; Medline new wheelchair $125. 708-460-6035
Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 10/7/15
3651 Ridge Road, Lansing
708-895-2630 219-972-2630
Restoration Ministries
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We can help with the mailing list. Call 1-877-765-MAIL
Knick Knacks, Housewares, Shoes, Electronics, Jewelry, Art, Books and More!
10% OFF
Mattress Sets and New Bed Frames Restoration Ministries Thrift Stores LOCATIONS: SOUTH HOLLAND
351 W. 162nd (159th) St.
14950 S. Dixie Hwy.
3 blocks east of Halsted at railroad tracks
3 blocks south of 147th St. (Sibley Blvd.)
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Munster Chamber Touchdown Chili Challenge Mond a y, O c tob er 5, 2015 t he Munster Chamber of Commerce will host its t h i rd a n nua l Touchdow n Chili Challenge. The Chili Challenge encou rages loc a l bu si nesses a nd or ga n i z at ion s to showc a s e t hei r best chili recipe. The event is will be held at The Center for Visual and Performing Arts, 1040 Ridge Road from 6 pm – 9 pm. The event is open to the community. We aw a rd t h ree pr i z es at t he Challenge. The Chef’s Choice is the top prize awarded to the contestant the celebrity judges give the highest number of points. The event attendees will vote on the People’s Choice and Best Decorated Booth award by casting votes with chips. We are pleased to present our 2015 celebrity chefs who are leaders in the food industry: Joseph Trama of Trama Catering, Terry Zych a local chef and Eloise Valadez of The Times Our competing chili chefs come Hand sprayers dating to 20’s or 30’s Best offer. 708-3339520 “Stiffel” floor lamp $100 708481-6907 washer and dryer,Whirlpool, $250. 708-715-2348 For sale: Bears vs Lions. Jan. 3rd 2 PSL seats, section 218, row 4, $200 each. Excellent seats. Call. 219-308-5442
from a w ide range of backgrounds with professional competing against a mateu r chefs. T he fol low i ng organizations will be offering samples of their chili: Franciscan A lliance Fo u n d a t i o n , G o u r m e t G o d d e s s , Ha r tsf ield Vi l lage, Munster Police Depa r t ment, Munster Sw im Club, Peoples Ba n k, Pet r u nga ro Pla st ic Surgery, Planting Possibilities, Popa Heat i ng a nd Cool i ng, Rapid Pest Solutions, The Times, Tomfoolery Fun Club, Yes, & Then…. Ticket price is $10 per ticket. The price includes chili samples from each of the competitors, a vote for People’s Choice chili choice and a vote for Best Decorated Booth. Additional People’s Choice votes are available for purchase at $5 a vote. We will be hosting a $5 a bag Mystery Raffle with a wide range of prizes ranging from electronics to gift certificates. A cash bar will be open during the event. Tickets are available at the Munster
For sale: Snow thrower: Yard machine 4-1/2 HP, good condition, augar, needs augar cable. $35; new 24 inch steel snow shovel $10. 708-895-7855
For sale: China cabinet, blond wood 7’ tall 32” wide 19” deep $125; card table & 6 green leather folding chairs, set $175; 3-24 wood stools, $30 set. 219-923-0314
Batter y powered wheel chair, 16 inches between arm rests. Like new. 708891-4798
For sale: Aluminum scaffold style ladder 18 different positions, include double step ladder, stairwell ladder extension, 16ft. Calumet City. $75. 708-891-6226
Fo r s a l e : Ta b l e l a m p s, sunbeam electric fr yer, man’s all weather coats, size 42, collector plates, Christmas dishes, serve 16, display shelf. 708-474-3963
For sale: Two Gerber toilets Elongated white, very good condition $25 each or 2 for $40. Dyer. 219-322-9141
Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107
Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987 $25 708-670-7071
For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107
Wr o u g h t i r o n g a r d e n weather vane $20; 2 sets of citronella candles $1 ea set. 708-474-9495
For sale: Monster high boy dolls. “Slo Mo”, Deuce Gorgon, Neighthan Rot, $25 each; Invisi Billy $30 each. 708-285-1107
Two J-Peterman high back chairs, by Jeffco Furniture $200. 708-285-1107
For sale: Nike air new $100 + nearly new $15-$20; men’s size 12 asst. colors, cash only. Sale to help young mother and babies. Call Tom. Leave message for call back. 708-933-0031
For sale: Murry Moneterrey girls 1984, perfect condition$75; mans cardanili, made in Italy 1970’s $30; girls small Barbie bike. 708-895-7855
Notice of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, according to (770 ILCS 95/) Self-Service Storage Facility Act. I at public sale by competitive bidding on ending on October 16, 2015 at 10:00 am or after for units located at: Compass Self Storage 2556 Bernice Rd. Lansing, IL 60438 The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment.
Unit # A1024 B1030 B1135 B1051 B1060
Tenants Name
Donald Perkins Timothy Burnham William Corbin Lisa Campbell Carl Young
Unit # B1421 B1031 B1065 B1429
Chamber of Commerce office located in the lower level of The Center for Visual and Performing Arts from 9 am – 3 pm daily. You can register online at and tickets will be on sale at the door. T he Mu nster Cha mber of C om merc e i s a u n ite d g roup of local business and civic leaders who volunteer their time and resources to advance the wealth and stability of the business community through active networking, mentorship and entrepreneurial education and has been ser ving the community since 1955. A grow ing orga nization, t he Mu n ster C h a mber i s one of t he largest in Northwest Indiana with 240 members. For additional information, contact the Munster Chamber of Commerce at (219) 836-5549 or email wendy@ cha mber mu n or v i sit ou r website:
Tenants Name
Charnetta Foster William Hodges LaMaya Wilkins Darnell Fearence
Unit # B1385 A1015 B1035 A1049
Tenants Name
Ernest Willis Dorothy Dunigan Richard E. Young Richard E. Young
For sale: 1950’s Teachers desk, very heavy solid oak dove tail drawers, nice shape, $75; 48” round office table, dark wood grain formica $50. 708-877-6387 For sale: Men’s 26” 18 speed power climber bike, excellent condition $50 firm. 708-474-0695 For sale: Excellent condition rear bag push lawnmower, 4//2 HP easy start $65; gas edger 2-1/2 HP, like new $65. 219-931-6473 For sale: 20” girls schwinn bike $25; 10” girls bike, with training wheels, $20; snowblower $100; $100 fishing reels and rods. For sale: Pair draft king chimney caps $35; white toddler bed $35; Antique brass ceiling fan $35. 708420-5682
Fo r s a l e : Ta n , u p r i g h t refrigerator $150. 630-8867476 For sale: B&D single speed deluxe router $28; Weed eater electric ground sweeper $18; steel post hole auger with handle. $14. 708474-0109 For sale: Berlin loadmaster, no tip wagon $45; ten inch ball bearing wheels with tires, $4each; Scotts drop spreader $11. 708-474-0109 For sale: Battery powered lawnmower, charger, string trimmer and owners manual $76; B&D electric edger $8; Sears gutter blower kit $6. . 708-474-0109 For sale: Kurt trailer hitch, 2” receiver class 3, fits Honda Odyssey 2008-2013. Like new $100. 708-474-0109 For sale: Record albums from the 50s, fireplace tools, shovel & broom $10; adjustable weight belt $10. 708-474-9495 For sale: Breezers prevail womens disposable briefs, size medium, for moderate to heavy incontinence. 16 per package, 5 packages $25. 708-877-6372
ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
15% OFF Labor* Expires October 7, 2015
1070 E. Exchange St. Crete, IL (708)672-5543 990 Joliet St. Dyer, IN (219)864-9228
10351 Indianapolis Blvd. #B1 Highland, IN (219)922-1038
Speaking Of Seniors
Ending Unfair Medical Billing WOODROW WILCOX I sn’t it u n f a i r t h at two people are billed at different rates for the very same medical services? I think so. But, that is the system that we have now. Ho s pit a l s , do c t or s , laboratories, and dentists charge different a mou nt s for t he sa me ser v ices to d i f ferent people. Government and insurance companies get big discounts from t he “regular” charges. Why? It seems very unfair when you look at specific cases. For exa mple, one of our clients bought a dental i nsu ra nce pla n f rom a major insurance company. The pla n had dif ferent t i me per iods to be on the plan before the more expensive services were covered. She misread or misunderstood the plan’s coverage, or the staff of the dental office that she used misled her. She got dental services that were rated at different levels. The simpler services were covered by her dent a l insurance very well. But, for t he more c omplex procedures, she should have waited another 90 days to get more coverage. The staff at the dentist’s of f ice k new or shou ld have known of these rules in dental insurance. The average person could miss the differences. I believe t hat t he dent ist’s sta f f should have checked with the insurance company and explained the details to the patient before the denta l work was done. They did not. T he dent ist ’s of f ice c h a r g e d o u r c l i e n t ’s insura nce compa ny a much lower rate for t he ser v ices t hat were covered. But, then the dentist’s office increased the price for services that were not yet fully covered by the dental insurance. T h e d e n t i s t ’s o f f i c e actually ADDED MONEY OW E D T O T H E BI L L AND THEN DEMANDED PAY M E N T OF T H E H IG H E R A MOU N T. Why? The patient came to t he dent i st ’s of f ice b e c au s e s he w a s told
that her insurance would be accepted. But, t he dentist’s office did not give her the same discount rate for services that it gave her insurance company. Doesn’t that seem unfair a nd misleading on t he part of the dentist toward the patient? I ca n be even more specif ic. The dent ist’s office used two separate formulas for computing the bill to our client from Gr if f it h, India na. The dent i s t i s bi l l i n g ou r client about $1,000 more t ha n what wou ld have been billed to her if the insura nce compa ny “discounted” rates were used to bill the patient. For services that the client’s insurance policy had matured to cover, the dent ist used t he lower “contracted” discount rate for billing. For anything that the insurance c ompa ny d id not pay because of lack of maturity of the policy, the dentist’s of f ic e re ver te d to t he general higher amounts. I believe that it would be much more fair to charge a customer with insurance the rate that applies to the insurance company even if the policy had not yet matured or there were some other technicality t hat most customers wou ld not u nderst a nd or be able to distinguish. The dentist did not seek t he lower “cont racted” rate a mou nt f rom t he patient but reverted to the much higher charges that apply to a patient without insurance. How unfair i s t hat to a l l pat ient s with less than full dental insurance coverage? Insurance companies, doctors, hospita ls, a nd gover n ment use t he multiple rate system in order to ma ke pe ople a f r a i d of g e t t i n g t h e healthcare that they need without conforming to the demands of government or insurance companies. W hy not cha nge t he system so that everyone pays for ser v ices at the same rate and remove the fear and scare tactics?
20% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING Order must be picked up in 30 days or regular prices prevail. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented when order is left for processing.
1652 Ridge Rd. Munster, IN (219)923-2024
16145 State St. South Holland, IL (708)339-3653 9203 Wicker Ave. St. John, IN (219)365-4707
Order must be picked up in 30 days or regular prices prevail. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented when order is left for processing.
Say I saw it in The Shopper Dinette set, 4 chairs, round table, faux marble, very attractive $150 obo; coffee table, matching end table, faux marble round $100 obo. After 3pm. Lansing. 708474-0470 For sale: 1/2 Barrel kegs and 5 gallon kegs. Great for home brewers or many other uses. 708-557-5057 Vintage band saw with extra blades small meat slice fish tank with stand accessories. 708-418-0343 For sale: New in box Delta 1 arm faucet, never used. Also tow bar for towing cars, $65. 708-753-0021 Shallow well pump with well point alum stud puncher, for punching holes in metal studs, model ET5. 708-4180343 For sale: Lawnmower, 4 HP starts, runs & looks great $65 with exchange. 708-7530021 For sale: New laptop bags $5; kids play desk $20; new Yoga mats $5; children movies $2 each. 708-7530051 Atari 2600 with games $100; p re s s u re w a s h e r $ 1 0 0 ; lawnmower $75; snowblower $100; 10” girls bike with training wheels $20. 219-776-7399 For sale: Cruiser 26 in. bike $25; two wooden saw horses $15; metal storage cabinet $15. 708-339-9420 For sale: Bathroom vanity 48” x 19” oak finish with top and faucet, Good condition. If no answer. Please leave message. 708-672-0875 For sale: Kenmore sewing machine in cabinet with attachments and instructions, old but works good, $65. 708-877-6157 For sale: Old push button phone, new shoes, hair p i e c e s, b l o o d p re s s u re machine, beauty equipment, plastic rubber tubs, beauty supplies. 708465-4111 For sale: Nice running push lawnmower with rear bag $65; nice running self propelled mulcher lawnmower, no bag 65. 219931-6473
September 30, 2015 For sale: Canning pressure cooker with wire basket for quarts or pints. 708-3339520 For sale: Paint spray gun 3/4qt. Capacity 45 lbs. Pressue MFG W. Brown. Chicago, IL $15. 708-3339520 For sale: Tree light with three standard 40 watt max bulbs with switch at each bulb in original box $18. . 708-3339520 For sale: Large toastmaster table top oven, never used $15; 7-1/2 ft. XMas tree still in box $45; air compressor 3/4 Horse 5 gallon $20. 708895-7855 Fo r s a l e : 2 4 ” L a d i e s mountain bike with helmet $40 Call before 8pm. 219670-6701 FREE: Maganavox projection screen TV, Must be responsible for removal. First come, first serve. 708692-5896 FREE: Pool table 98” long, 54” wide, 32” high, some disassembling maybe required. First come, first serve. 708-692-5896 For sale: One piece china cabinet glass doors, two drawers $55; coffee table with shelf $20; round kitchen table six chairs. $50. 708-474-8023 For sale: White stove $20; cabinet $20. 708-692-0794 For sale: 24” x 26” high chairs $30 each TV Tray set $20. 708-940-5029 For sale: Two set recliner couch $225. 708-940-5029 Solid wood (maple) queen size headboard $40 708-4816907 For sale: xpress Redi set-go meals in minutes electric fry pan by Cathy Mitchell’s 5 recipes books included. $7.50. 708-333-9520 For sale: Clip-on lamps in original box $8; swing lamp 2-15 watt florescent bulbs, with magnifier attaches to table $12. 708-333-9520 For sale: Rigid pipe cutter $15; pipe cutting dies 3/8”, 1/2, 3/4”. All on one handle $30. 708-333-9520
For sale: New Cubs T-shirts, size XL $5 each; Have other Cubs-Sox shirts. 708-3337432
For sale: Steam pressure cooker with wire basket for quarts or pints $12. 708-3339520
For sale: Fuji 27” Tourer 10spd bike, big frame for tall man. Good condition, new tires $90. 708-333-7432
For sale: 2 Teddy bear cookie jars from Neiman Marcus, paid $60 each; asking $20 each. Palos Heights. 708974-1674
For sale: Peugeot 27” Bicycle 12-spd in excellent condition. Lots of accessories $125, new schwinn tow-bike carries, back of car $45. . 708-3337432 For sale: TV or book case shelvinbg stand 48” wide x 28” high x15” deep, wood grain finish $28. 708-3339520 For sale: Clip on reading lamps in original box $6; swing lamp 2-15 florescent bulbs with magnifier attached to tabbe $12. 708333-9520
For sale: Ladies 34/ length black coat $12; ladies long black winter coat w/hood $25; 15 young ladies sweaters, new/used, $3 each. 708-460-8308
For sale: Painters supplies, canvas drop cloth, large, brushes, rollers, drop cloths, 3 gallon of white paint .50 cent to $4. Dyer. 219-3656859
Fo r s a l e : F i s h t a n k s , equipment and homemade cabinet #65, #85 gallon tank, also have 55, 35, and 10 gallons, make offer. 708-3235110
For sale: Guitar Amp, $40; large Moose stuffed animal, new $10; red 6 volt lantern, $2; package D alkaline batteries, $5 each. 708-4608308
For sale: Dog crate: 20”H 245” D 17” W. Very good condition, two ryobi snader $8 & $12. Located Dyer. 219365-6859
For sale: American girl retire toys, Kaya’s horse $20; Felicity carriage complete with all headlamps, harness and hub caps $200. 219-3653607
For sale: Outdoor Halloween HD rug, $9; 34” x 34” padded card table $20; gal. car wash, $5; 3 pak microfiber auto cloths, $4. 708-460-8308 For sale: College and Best sellers. Assorted scrub top size large $5 or less. Call Judy. 708-743-3276 For sale: Solid oak twin headboard and footboard with engraved oak mirror, $50. 219-484-0000 For sale: Peugeot bicycle 27” in exc. cond. w/many acc. 12-speed $135; 26: mountain bike, 18 speed, new mint condition. $65. 708-333-7432 For sale: 27” Huffy open road bike, 3 spd. good condition mens $45; Schwinn trunkrack, carries two bikes on car, new $43. 708-333-7432 For sale: Kitchen round glass table, 4x4, green wrought iron chairs, padding dated, n e e d u p d a t e. Wi l l s e l l separately. 708-816-5090 For sale: Bissell Healthy Home vacuum model 5770 $ 9 5 ; Ho ov e r E m p ow e r vacuum $70; Sharp color 19” $25; Magnavox 13” color $15. 708-420-5682 Selling: Unassembled sturdy steel shelving 72x23x36 five shelves, three units available. Call. 773-766-7398 Cash, pick in area. For sale: 4-20” youth bikes $ 2 5 - $ 5 0 ; Ha r l e y D a v i s scooter; highchair, $25 each; 36” countertop w/grill $20; older HP computer w/ printer, FREE. 708-474-9477 For sale: Queen wood head & footboard $20; shower chair $10; sewing machine in cabinet $20; bikes $15 & up; three bar stools $30. 219365-8166
For sale: Sport shoes, size 13, 2pair $2 and $4, very clean and in good condition. See in Dyer. 219-365-6859 For sale: Sofa leather $250. 219-798-6573 For sale: Wood wine barrel w/stand, radio tubes, glass gallon milk jugs $5; old school desk $45; raised toilet seat w/arms, $25. 219-7765222 For sale: Victorian Chair wing back $80. 219-5139442 For sale: Wood rolltop desk $200. 219-513-9442 For sale: Boys bike $80. 219513-9442 For sale: Fish tank with wood stand $150, 30 gal. 219-741-4696 For sale: Painters supplies: Brushes, pans, rollers, drop cloths, etc. new very clean. 50 cents to $3; Ryobi sanders $8 and $12. 219-365-6859 For sale: $100 excellent condition Kenmore white dishwasher, good condition white and black glass top stove, $50. Call Mary. 708323-5110
For sale: Knowles collectible plate Julie Andrews sound of music $10; six packages, scrapbook papper, 12 sheets each $10. 219-365-3607 For sale: Battery operated c h e v. c l o c k w / b ow t i e Insignia Insignia Insignia In bot. Elvis Presley Heiloom collection, Viva Las Vagas musical in box. 708-8951072 For sale: 12-brush crosstown classic mugs, Comisky Park April 29, 1985; Sherlock Holmes dart board, new n e v e r u s e d . We n 1 4 i n electric chain saw. 708-8951072 For sale: Hornet 14 inch electric chain saw $35; 2 Brusch crosstown classic mugs Comisky Park dated April 29, 1985 $10 each S h e r l o c k Ho l m e s D a r t Board. 708-895-1072 For sale: Infant car seats: Eddie Baurer $25; Evenflor $20: folding baby stroller $10; all like new baby carrier $5. 708-895-7855 Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7 $25 708-481-6907
For sale: Four fish tanks, 85, 55, 30, 10 gallons, $250 for all or will sell separately. Call Mary. 708-323-5110
“ Wolfgang Puck” bistro collection convection oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.) $75 708-481-6907
For sale: Kenmore white dishwasher $100, exc. cond. and stove electric white and black $50, good condition. 708-323-5110
Assorted colors Fiesta Dishes (each piece $3), Pyrex bowls $3-$5 each, early pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 each, casual dishes (white) 708-481-6907
Assorted books $1 each, DVD movies $1 each, VHS movies 2 for $1 708-4816907
A/C & Heating Fall Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
Chimney Repair
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: G l a s s b l o c k w i n d ow s . Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
For sale: Lot of 20-1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, no missing pieces, $10 for all. 219-776-7818
Money Saving, High Efficiency
For sale: Wood ladders $10 each; office & book bags $5 each; iron & glass table set, best offer; purses & tote bags $2 each. 708-753-0551
• Free estimate • Financing Available • Emergency Service is Available CALL JOE! (708) 476-5680 FREE Estimates
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Visible Music College Offers Free Entertainment At Lansing Autumn Fest Look i ng for some weekend enter ta i n ment? Enjoy t he u n ique sou nds a nd musica l perspect ives from the students at the Visible Music College located in the Village of Lansing during Lansing Autumn Fest. There will be four opportunities during the three day fest to enjoy entertainment provided by the college. V isible Music Col lege of fers a higher education for students who have a passion for music. Their unique programs allow students to enhance their musical craft as well as enabling them to grow in their Christian Faith. Students learn through participation in courses that promote a realistic and professional experience of the e nt e r t a i n m e nt w or l d , a l on g s i d e teaching bible, theology, and ministry. In 2014 t he Tennessee-founded school opened its second location in the Concrete & Patching. Walks, steps, patios, driveways. Licensed/Bonded. Steps patched correctly. Low spring prices. Free e s t i m a t e s. De n n i s. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
Day Care Daycare Services: Annie’s Home Daycare in Calumet City. 8wks-12yrs. School transportation available. 708-288-8071
old Lansing village hall. The building not only adds to the unique style of the college but also connects the students and faculty to the village of Lansing. In an effort to give back to their community, the college will be offering free music activ ities a nd concerts during the upcoming Lansing Autumn Fest. On Friday, October 9th, the college will be hosting a concert showcase feat u r i ng per for ma nc e s by t hei r students. The showcase will be located in the auditorium of the campus at 3404 Lake Street. Doors will open at 6:30pm and performances will start at 7pm. And if you want a another chance to experience what the students at the Visible Music College have to offer, Saturday October 10th the students will be performing at noon on the KidZone stage at Park Plaza and on Sunday, October 11 on Dr. Michael Wood’s “Sole
Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer
Gutter Cleaning
We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
G u t t e r C l e a n i n g : Fa l l Special! 50% Off Regular Price, just .50c cents per linear foot. Free Downs p o u t Fl u s h ! A l s o l e a f b l ow i n g s e r v i c e s. Fre e estimates. Licensed & fully insured. Call Paul @ Mr. Clean. 219-323-0469 or 219888-0003
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Fences/Decks Fe n ce re pai rs , re p l a c e broken posts and panels also gate and latch repairs. Wind damage repairs. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Happy Endings
Man Bandstand” stage on the Autumn Fest grounds at Fox Pointe at 11:00 a.m. Additionally, on Saturday, October 10t h, t he col lege w i l l be host i ng Open Mic Night for individuals in the community who wish to show others their own talents. The event is free and open to the public. Those who wish to participate in this event will have to submit a short video of themselves to be prescreened before the show. Be su re to stop by somet i me bet ween October 9t h a nd 11t h to experience local talent and the future mu sic ia n s of C h ic a go. For more information about the college band, The Visible Collective, check them out on Facebook, Instag ra m a nd Twitter at @VisibleLiveChi or for more information about the college itself and their unique programs visit their website at
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
UNDER $2,500.
MIKE BUDER I t ’s n o t t h e o f f e r starting price t hat matters; it’s the ending price ! Some home negotiations are a sprint, ot hers are a marat hon. Some offers start close to list price, others are what is commonly called “low ball”. As participants in t h is home buy i ng a nd s el l i ng d a nc e, t her e’s probably as many d i f ferent st rateg ies a s there are homes on the market. Can you keep it rat iona l, or do you get spun up and let emotional reaction get in the way of selling your home? Part of a Realtor’s job is keeping ever yone on an even keel, to continue negotiations to the point one side or t he ot her decides not to proceed.... but that discontinuation shou ld be because we c ou ld n’t a c h ie v e t h at meeting of the minds on terms, NOT because one side is furious w ith the other! And the most likely source of emotional fuel has to be that initial offer price that supposed “low ball” price. Now here are 3 things to consider as a home seller: 1. They like you r home enoug h to write an offer! 2. They like your home enough to write an offer! and 3. They like your home enough to write an offer! Get the point? There are lots of homes on the market and they chose yours to try to
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Ha n d y m a n : L a n d s c a p e r e p a i r, p a i n t i n g , t r i m bushes, trees, gutter cleaning, fence repair, deck staining, other services. Please contact Frank. 708975-1219
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, f e n c e re p a i r, r o o f - t o p repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Miscellaneous Services Medical Transportation: Will drive you to medical appointments for nonemergencies. Phase One Enterprise. Email: or 708-271-3716
Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Activities committee of RiveR oAks townhouse co-op pResents:
FALL BAZAAR/FLEA MARKET Everyone Is Invited to Come! WHEN: Saturday, October 3, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. WHERE: River Oaks Townhouse Co-Op One Chestnut Court (Parking Lot Area) Calumet City Look Great! Feel Great! Try Our New 3-Step Show Room Shine. Only $1.00 With any Wash or Fast Pass per visit. (Regularly $5.00)
Easy Clean Car Wash 800-287-1701
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buy! D on’t w or r y a b ou t their starting price; we only care about getting them to an acceptable end price ! That acceptable end price can happen in one move or twenty small bumps! Let them dicker around; another offer just may come in that trumps t heir ga mesma nsh ip ! T h a t ’s h o w b u y e r s become educated fa st ! It’s critical that we don’t burn any bridges during the negotiations, so they feel comfortable coming back. So remember, not every offer will succeed. Try to keep the end point in mind with every offer. D on’t r eje c t out r ig ht , counter on your terms. Keep com mu n icat ion open. Keep it civil. Keep t he br idge open a nd unburned ! It’s not t he starting line that matters; it’s the FINISH LINE! If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com. Facebook Fr iend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at HomeBuyerRep. com Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman Medical Transportation: Will drive you to medical appointments for nonemergencies. Phase One Enterprise. Email: or 708-271-3716
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Painting Services: Paint America Red, White & Blue. Over 25 yrs. Paint experience. Interior/ Exterior. Plus free estimates. Call Algie. 630-886-7476
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 3, 2015 10 a.m. — 1 p.m. Station #1 - 16230 Wausau Ave. Graduation of 2015 Citizen Fire Academy – Class # 1 Live Extrication Demo Fire Prevention Safety Tips & Info UCAN Helicopter Onsite Station Tour Meet & Eat Lunch with the South Holland Firefighters Climb in One of Our Fire Trucks or Ambulances
20TH ANNUAL Fire and Rescue PARADE OF LIGHTS Tuesday, October 6, 2015 · 7:00 p.m. service Thorn Creek Reformed Church, 1875 East 170th St. (Held in conjunction with National Fire Prevention Week October 5-11)
Parade will begin immediately after the service, starting from Thorn Creek Reformed Church and concluding at the Homewood Fire Department, 17960 Dixie Highway. FOR MORE INFO. Call: 708-331-3123 or Visit:
Say I saw it in The Shopper B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Pressure Washing P o w e r Wa s h i n g : F a l l Special! 30% Off All power washing services. Homes, driveways, sidewalks, decks, patios, roofs, gutters. Free Estimates. Call Mr. Clean. 219-323-0469 or 219-8880003
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Tuckpointing R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
September 30, 2015
Help Wanted He l p Wa n t e d : Da y c a re Assistant preferably bilingual Spanish/English. Daycare experience, ages 6mos-12. Flexible hours. Weekdays & weekends. Applicants must drive. 708528-2225 He l p Wa n t e d : Da y c a re Assistant preferably bilingual Spanish/English. Daycare experience, ages 6mos-12. Flexible hours. Weekdays & weekends. Applicants must drive. 708528-2225 Lawn Care Landscaping. Start pay $13/hour. Must have good driving record. Staygreen Quality Lawn Care Landscaping. s t a y g re e n @ c o m c a s t . n e t 708-418-8160 Help Wanted: Home child daycare. Assistant needed Full Time/Par t-time, Monday through Friday. Some evenings. Nons m o k e r. E x p e r i e n c e preferred. Call 708-557-9279 between 7a.m.-12p.m. and 3-6p.m. He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s CDL-A: Stay Local! $3000 Sign-on Bonus! Day and Night Shifts! Excellent Pay Per Load! Medical, Dental & Vision! Late Model Equipment! Call Shawn: 855-416-6742
Garage Sales in South Holland Oct. 2-3, 9-2. 15939 Ellis Avenue, So. Holland. Household, Garden, PlantsBulbs, Automotive, Decor. K i t c h e n Ca b i n e t s f o r m Menards, Bedding, Clothes, Tires, Rims.
Oct. 2-3, 9-3. 1 6 0 3 3 E l l i s Av e . , S o . Holland. Garage/Estate. Furniture, Antiques, clothes, glassware. Lots of jewelry. Rain date 9th. Oct. 3, 9-2. 1 5 6 3 7 Orc h i d Dr. , S o. Holland. Refrigerator, washer, dryer, bicycle, clothes, toys, table, chairs, camping gear, sound system. Oct. 2-3, 8-2. 162nd-Mar yland Neighborhood, So. Holland. Multi-family sale. Lots of household items, Antiques. A must see! Oct. 1-3, 8-4. 16926 Ingleside Ct., So. Holland. D re s s e s , s k i r t s , p a n t s , treadmill, knick-knacks, Ch a i se, sh o es, j ewe lr y, books. Oct. 2nd, 3pm-6pm. Oct. 3rd, 9a-1pm Holy Ghost Parish “Treasure Sale” 700 East 170th St., So. Holland. Like a Yard sale, but no clothing, and no big furniture. Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 16419 Prairie Ave., So. Holland. Womens clothes, men’s clothes, womens boots, 5-pc patio set., Misc. items, Christmas decor.
Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 2-4, 9-5. 139-155th, Place, Cal. City, IL. Avon collectibles, dishes, crystal, glassware, shoes, purses, furniture.
Critical Gender In The Workplace By Kennise Keaton How many times have you walked into the office and heads turned? The stares and the sounds of whispers that shoot across the room, when you walked into the office from a bunch of females that do not know your name. There is always the one that has a bad attitude, the chubby one that is proud to be big boned, or the cranky one with a marriage on the verge of ruin,and of course the sexy office vixen. If you have not figured out what I am talking about yet, well let me explain “Women in the work place!’’ That’s right! The gender that has started to dominate the workforce,which in my opinion has caused a major shift in gender roles amongst males. If we look around, more males have taken on the role of stay-at- home dads, the babysitter while mom goes to work, which does not seem to bother most women either. But, back to the ladies in the office. Why are we still so caddy as when we were Oct. 3-4, 8-5. 1378 Woodview Ave., Cal. City. Toys, tools, shoes, computer, games, children what nots. $1-$5. All must go!
Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 1-3, 8-3. 17963 Maple, Lansing. Clothes, collectibles, h o u s e w a re s , A n t i q u e s , Cedar chest, gold clubs, glassware. No early birds. Oct. 1-2, 8-2. 18040 School St., Lansing. Exercise bike, mini refrigerator, boys Hollister T-shirts, kitchen items. Many other items. Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 18618 William St., Lansing. Household, adult and kids clothes, purses, lawn mower, a l u m i n u m l a d d e r, l ow prices! Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 18812 Henry, Lansing. Household items, collectibles, tools, storage cabinets, clothing, furniture, glasses + dishes, Holiday decor. Oct. 2, 9-3; 3rd, 9-2. 19212 Wildwood, Lansing, IL. Household items, jewelry, trailer hitch, night-stand. Many new items.
in junior high or high school? What we as women must remember, is that we all have worked hard to receive the position that has been given to us to live a better life. I mean so what if the woman sitting next to you likes to wear skirts that may be a little shorter than the company’s dress codes, or the female that has most of the men gawking at her from the minute she walks in for her shift. “So what ladies!” Be you and let the others be themselves. The most important aspect we must remember is that , we would not be here without a reason. In fact we are at work for a reason. To make money and live a better life. We must encourage each other and if that is too much for one to do. Then mind your own business and focus on your goals. I honestly believe that women are a force that makes the workforce thrive! But,we must keep our personal feelings and emotions in order, and keep focusing on the prize “The paycheck.”
Oct. 1-3, 8-4. 17929 Escanaba, Lansing/ Halloween Misc. Christmas, tables, bikes, clothes, books, household. Lots of misc. Oct. 1-3, 9-5. 17814 Ridgewood, Ave., Lansing. J e w e l r y, f u r n i t u r e , household items, DVD’s, Holiday Specialties, so much more. Come, Enjoy! Oct. 1-2, 9-1. 2634 Christina Dr., Lansing. Moving sale... Once in a lifetime deals, on home furnishings. Oct. 3rd, 2345-184th, Lansing. Something for everyone. Sept. 30, 8-12; Oct. 1, 8-1; Oct. 2nd, 8-12. 18534 Oak Ave., Lansing. Household items, toys, clothes, bikes and much more.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 1st, 8-4; Oct. 2nd, 9-11. 158th St., & Emerald Ave., Harvey, IL. Clothes, toys, books, linens, household items, tools. Reasonable prices. Info. Call. 708-877-6018
Dorchester Senior Facility – 2nd Floor 1515 East 154th St. Dolton, IL 60419 8:30am-10:30am
SPECIAL GUEST Mariyana Spyropoulos
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Oct. 7-14, 7-4. 2855 Glenwood Lansing Rd., Lynwood, IL. MASSIVE Yard Sale! New Auto Accessories, tools, furniture, golfing items, and much more. More Stuff Everyday. Oct. 3rd, 9-6. 248 Harper Ave, Glenwood, IL. Clothes, baby items, lamps, decor pillows, wall pictures, g r a s s , s p r e a d e r / e d g e r, jewelry, purses, comforter. Homemade cookies & cakes.
Garage Sales in Dyer Oct. 3rd, 9a-3p. 182 Summer Hill Drive, Dyer,IN. Ever ything must go! Housewares, crafts, fat quarters, fabrics, quilt kits, patterns and more!
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 1-3, 8-1. 513 Ben Drive, Schererville, IN. Lots of items, baby clothes, b aby i t e m s, h o u s e h o l d items, curio cabinet, small patio set.
Real Estate Childcare Center For Sale. Licensed for 40 children. Call 708-955-9736. Located in South Suburb of Chicago.. Sold by owner.
Mobile Homes For Sale Motor Home: 94-31’ Hawkins Hawk, Cummings Diesel Pusher, Mileage 74,729. Paid $27,730. Asking $16,000 obo. Before 8 pm. 219-670-6701
Cemetery Lots For Sale 2 Plots Oakland Memorial Lanes Cemetery, Dolton, IL. Discount $1,000 each, includes liners. Buyers pay $250 title transfer fee. Call Norm. 815-462-1434
Vacation/Timeshares For Sale 2nd Home on Lake. Large lot, fully furnished. On Shadow Lake in Wilmington, IL. Gated community. With pontoon boat, golf cart and storage shed. 708-227-1757
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart.
Fred M. Ulayyet
Licensed Insurance Agent
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
Say I saw it in The Shopper Calumet City 2 bdrm. Apt. Stove & refrigerator, $650/ mo + $650 Dep. Also a Studio, 221 Pulaski, 1-bdrm. stove & fridge, furnished $525 +2mo. sec. $40 credit check. Seniors welcome. 219-629-5357 Calumet City Apt: 2 bdrm. & 1 bath, appliances, laundry facility, no pets, $600/mo. + $600 security. 708-589-5720 Cozy 1 bedroom apartment on second floor in nice area. Fridge and stove included. All utilities. $725. East Hazelcrest. 708-308-8062 Apt. for rent: Calumet City Apt. 3 bdrm. w/balcony, 1-1/2 bath, includes utilities. 708-439-6225 Apt. for rent: Hegewisch 2-bdrm. near South Shore t r a i n . 1 s t f l o o r. N e w carpeting, all appliances, w/ heat. $750/mo. + sec. No pets. Seniors welcome. 312241-6354 or 773-646-5951 Cute, 1 bdrm. Apt. on 2nd floor, in Hammond. Fridge, stove and heat included. $675/mo. + deposit. 219670-1847
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. 708-2434118 House for rent: So. Holland, 3 bdrm., living room, kitchen, 1-bath, one car garage, $1200/mo. Ask for John. 708-204-0054
Rooms For Rent Rooms for rent: Will provide a helping hand. In Homewood and Harvey. $275 + up. Call Evelyn. 708957-0604
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Office Space for rent: 3232 Ridge Rd. Office space. Various sizes and prices. Im m e d i a t e O c c u p a n c y. Ample parking in rear. Leave message. 708-716-4243
Commercial Space
Co m m e rc i a l Sp a c e f o r Lease on Ridge Rd. In downtown Lansing. 4000sq+800sq basement. Beautiful new facade/ windows/doors. Easy access, plenty of parking. $3,250/mo. Contact Tim. 708-362-2530
Pets For sale: 125 Gallon fish tank with 2 door oak stand, 2 two filters lights, covers on wheeled platform $500 obo. 708-212-8300 Pets for sale: Unconditional love offered by three month old kittens. Who only ask for a good home. Five dollars each. 708-841-9844
Lost & Found Found: 6D card for camera at Veteran Park on Saturday the 19th. Please call to claim. 708-227-2081
September 30, 2015
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708474-3941 Wanted: We buy Unopened and unexpired diabetic test s t r i p s. We p i c k u p i n Chicagoland area. Please call. 312-487-1091
Miscellaneous Items For Sale “Cars For Sale” $995 $4,995 Find cheap used cars with the best prices. Online @ w w w . call us at 1-877-818-4726 Hammond, IN.
300 piece jigsaw puzzles. Please call Judy 708-5391216 Wa n t e d : F o r d t r a c t o r magazine or books on 8N Jubile Ford tractors. 708532-8337 Wanted: Looking for washer and dryer donation. If don’t need anymore. To bless a family that need them. 708527-4529 Wa n t e d : Ol d c o m p u t e r tower with dial up that works good. No junk, cheap, wanted old train stuff. 219801-5986 Wanted: 3/8 Steel plate, 40-1 gearbo, 2.5 3square tubing splitter or parts of one AR15, for sale 10,000 lb. Hitch $75. 708-474-8221 Wa n t e d : Deagan vibraphone Hammond B-3 organs, bass head Lesslie speakers Maraimbas tube guitar amps. 219-801-0955 Wa n t e d : St e re o F i s h e r Yamaha Pioneer cassettes, rock/pop, country, CD’s computer, speakers, cassette deck, for stereo, Readers Digest, National Geographic. Reasonable price. 708-418-3275 Wanted: Dial indicator for checking out roundness with mangetic & clamp stand. 708-532-8337
Automobiles For sale: Auto/Parts for sale. We buy cars, we pay more! 708-272-4126
For sale: 2003 Chevy S-10 L S 4 W D, $ 7 , 6 8 7 , L i g h t Pewter Metallic, Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2008 Chevy Impala $8,397, Silver. Call Bob 855949-6000
Fo r s a l e 2 0 0 2 Po n t i a c Montana, very reliable van. CD player with aux/ipod connect. tinted glass, chrome wheels, 7 passenger seating $1,500 cash plus tax. www.cheapcarshammond. com or 1-877-818-4726
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 4 B u i c k Century car is like new inside and out. Carpets and seats are like new. No smoke odor. No mech issues. AC is ice cold. First $3,749 cash t a k e s i t h o m e . w w w. or 1-877-818-4726
For sale: 2012 Cadillac CTS-V. Tricoat white, black recaro seats. All options. 13,000 miles $45,900. 815-499-8096 1983 33 foot Georgie Boy Class A motor home. 79,000 miles, $6,000. 1977 Champion Class C motor home, $1,800. 1976 25 ft Concord Class A motor home, needs starter & int. work $300. 618-559-5655 2002 Nitro NX882SC 18 ft. Bass Boat with 150Merc, SS prop, gal trailer and 2 fish finders. Excellent condition, $10,500. 850-453-9689 For sale: 2001 Mustang GT, 1 owner, good cond. $4,200 obo. 708-305-3667
Need A Vehicle? Bad/No Credit? We can help! $300 Down 3 Year Warranty. 708802-4410
1989 Chevy Caprice rebuild 305 engine, redone transmission, new paint, 24” wheels, TV screens, new interior, $7500. Call. 915373-4654
Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 7 Ho n d a Prelude, runs great, 106K miles, some rust, Sports edition. Grey, $3,500. 708474-7673 For sale: 2013 Chevy Cruze, $12,487., Silver. Call Bob. 855-949-6000
For sale: 2009 Chevy Malibu LS, Gray $8.997. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2014 Chevy Spark LT, $11,987. Demi, Metallic. Call Bob 855-949-6000 For sale: 2015 Chevy Cruze LT Z 1 9 , 7 8 7 , Si l v e r Ic e Metallic. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 4 C h e v y Captiva Sport LT, $19,787, Silver Ice Metallic. Call Bob 855-949-6000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 5 C h e v y Captiva Sport Fleet LT, $20,987. Call Bob 855-9496000
All New Factory To You. F u t o n s - $ 1 2 8 ; Bunkbeds-$178; Dinette sets-$168; Sofa sets, Bedroom sets, Bars, Bar stools, and more. Free Layway, Fast EZ credit. www. factorybeddingfurniture. com 708-371-3737
Motorcycles For sale: 1996 Blue Suzuki Intruder 800 Motorcycle. New battery, good tires, runs great. 7900 miles. $2,600. 708-717-6385
For sale: 3 Shaw 100% New Zealand wool rugs. Baktiari Multi. Origin USA. 7’x9” x 11’3”. $250 each; 2 runners 2’8”x12/ $50 each. 708-4211223 Harley Davidson Womens biker boots ladies size 9/9.5, new Christmas ornaments must sell t-shirts brand new, jeans brand new. 708-2575546
Fo r s a l e : A l l Ha rl e y Davidson items. Brand new, never worn. Bikers jacket, size large, side braided down, T-shirts, tank tops, blue saffire diamond set. 708-257-5546 For sale: Baby Grand piano, Baldwin made from high quality maple, needs to go. Asking for $18,000 obo. Ask for Kevin. Anytime before 10pm. 708-655-0231
Cadillac tires w/rims, $350 for all. Goodyear size 235/55/20. 773-793-2592
For sale: New citizen watch, biker leather jacket, brand new. Leg length leather jacket; new Old Navy jeans (size 12-14) $10 pair (never worn). 708-257-5546 For sale: Six HP rear time rototiller $250; Lincoln welder $100. Ask for John. 708-351-5929
Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 5 C h e v y Equinox LTZ AWD, $30,987, black. Call Bob 855-9496000 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 1 4 C h e v y Cor vette Stingray Base. Velocity Yellow $59,987. Call Bob 855-949-6000
For sale: Large wood swing set ,4 y r s. o l d . D o e s n’t include horse swing. Yellow/ Green tarps taken down for season but included. Asking $1250 obo. Proceeds to benefit a 501(c)(3) organization. 219-765-1798 or
For sale: Beaver Fur Coat, with crystal fox trim. Size 18-20 $650 obo; Electric s n ow b l ow e r $ 2 0 0 o b o ; Sewing machine w/rolling case $200; Telescope, $40. 708-567-4556 For sale: Knabe upright piano with bench. Very good c o n d . $ 4 5 0 / o b o. L e a ve message. 219-671-1922 or 219-742-5966 For sale: Over 80 pair, brand new shoes $2 up, size 9M; Hy d r a u l i c a l l p u r p o s e beauty chair $30; car seat covers $7; floor mat $5; blood pressure machine $12; floor lamp $40; back up battery for computer. 708465-4111
Thornton Township will be accepting applications for the
2015 Christmas Programs For Toys and Food Baskets on Tuesday, October 6, 2015
10AM – 1PM
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 12PM – 3PM Thursday, October 8, 2015
3PM – 6PM
Thornton Township Hall 333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland Must be a Thornton Township Resident Required documentation is Mandatory.
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Standing as the Heir to Noble Drew Ali Vast/Vas Estate Express Trust and Member of the Moorish Science Temple of America. I, Noble Mujaani-Insanum: Bey Moorish American, being the Heir and true progenies of The Honorable Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who individually in fact holds status as Freeholder in fee simple absolute and is creditor of the land described in chapter 47 of the Holy Koran Circle 7, which is also the land mandate that was given back to the Moors in 1928 in Havana, Cuba at the Pan American Conference. This truth proves that the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali holds true title and equitable title to all properties in any and all forms within the North-West-Amexem-Territory known to you as North America; therefore, I do hereby Claim the following as My Inheritance and personal property: Metes & Bounds; Latitude: 41.760618 Longitude: -87.681464 Commonly Known as 7315 S Claemont Chicago, Illinois. LOT 43 IN BLOCK 11 IN DEWEY AND HOGG’S SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 (EXCEPT THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY) SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 14, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. If anyone contest must do so in writing within 30 days.
Mujaani-Insanun:Bey 7315 S Claremont Chicago, Illinois [60636] VAST/VAS ESTATE EXPRESS TRUST
Photo ID - Current State of Illinois Drivers License or Illinois State ID with current township residence. Proof of Residence - One of the following matching the address on the Photo ID. • Utility Bill (Water, Gas or Electric: August or September 2015) • Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance – Current date • Bank Statement (August or September 2015) • Credit Card Statement (August or September 2015) • Medical Card – Current date Proof of last 30 days of Income –Bring all that apply for each member of the household. • Unemployment Benefit Payment Stub • Current Income Verification from Department of Human Services (Public Aid) or Notice of Decision with TANF (not Food Stamps only) • Social Security Award letter • DCFS Award Letter • and/or the most recent check stub for the past 30 days from your Employer Birth Certificate for each member of the household. • Child’s birth certificate with you as Parent or Legal Guardianship document • Children qualifying for gifts must have a birthdate after January 1, 2002 Each qualifying child’s clothing and shoe size. × Registration will not be completed without the above information × This program is based on income and residence of Thornton Township only × The dates above are the only dates that applications will be accepted × Gifts will not be held past scheduled pick up × No Waiting List THORNTON TOWNSHIP 333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 Fax 708-596-3207 FRANK M. ZUCCARELLI, Supervisor Trustees JOYCE M. WASHINGTON NORBERT CIPOWSKI GERALD “JERRY” JONES STAFFORD C. OWENS Clerk JACQUELINE E. DAVIS RIVERA Assessor CASSANDRA HOLBERT Highway Commissioner Geary DePue
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015 For sale: Plumbing m a t e r i a l s , n e w Ko h l e r bathroom sinks, sawzall, 3 compartment commercial sink, shelving units, PVC piping file cabinets, and much more. 708-715-2991 For sale: New dining room table, 8ft. long from Macy’s. Too long for room. 2 leaves, pecan/walnut color. $550. 312-802-4275
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For sale: Thornton Beauty Shop Closing. All equipment for sale. Call Gail or Sandie. Everything must go by Sept. 30th. 708-8777185
For sale: 5-section stackable scaffolding, extension ladders $50 ea; 10ft aluminum break $250; 10 inch Craftsman tablesaw $200; 6ft. aluminum stepladders $15. Offer. 708474-9477
For sale: 4 Oak Nostalgia Double Press back chairs. $100 firm. 708-474-7138
For sale: 8ft workbench w/ vise; entertainment enter w/ glass door; corner computer desk; tumbling mat; executive type computer desk. Price to sell. 708-4749477
Crafts for sale: Several hundreds ceramic molds, bisk, and supplies from the period of 1976 to 2005. Asking $2,100. 773-266-1290 or 708-392-9180
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We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!
Dyer Town Hall 1 Town Square Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Kennan Liquors 37 Joliet Street
For sale: Full size mattress/ box spring, $100, Antique dresser and mirror, needs refinishing, $100; Kirby cleaning system, $175. Leave message/text. 312-860-1541
Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should
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Be Part Of The Art Community
The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/
For sale: Sewing machine, 4 b ra n d n e w t i re s, f ro m Firestone, used 2 months. Bra n d n e w c a r b u re t o r. Brand new Nike shoes, size 13, mens, womens, children’s clothes. 708-7301428
Meet Dr. Hector Cummings, Jr.
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21 • 2014
Serving You For
Memorial Day Information - Visit The Shopper Online!
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to South Holland Store 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm
Inside This Week
NOTICE! to all Municipalities. Local and National Governments. STATES. U.S. Agents. Attorney’s. Corporations. Persons. Vessels. Counties. Militaries. Courts. Untied States of America. UNITED STATES. UNITED NATIONS. and to Territories in Possession of UNITED STATES. United States d/b/a Department of Home Land Security. United States Treasury Department. United Nations and United Nations Security Counsel. Vatican. Indian tribes, Associated Bands and Clans. The following election to Occupy the Office of General Executer for Ronald Hayes Davis, Estate was held in the City of Brooklyn, County Kings, State of New York on September 27th, 1967. For which “I” Ronald Hayes tribe Davis, an America National, A man standing on the land Amexem/North America. I have now accepted the position of General Executer, and General Guardian of the divine Estate gifted and granted me by the Divine Creator. Therefore, I affirm and declare that upon occupying this office, I will not be responsible for the payments of any debts or obligations of the United States of America and neither for any payments or Obligations of any debts for any United States Person/citizen. By Davis, Ronald Hayes tribe General Executor
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D15143698 on September 3, 2015 under the assumed business name of GREAT EXPECTATIONS TUTORING SERVICE with the business located at 2 WEST MAIN STREET, GLENWOOD, IL. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is PAMELA STRAIN, 20471 BLUESTEM PKWY, LYNWOOD, IL.
For sale: Bedroom set, queen size, good condition, all wood, $500. Contact Aubrey. 773-505-9910
For sale: Washer and dryer $375; gas stove, black $200; 8-Snowblowers ready to go, Toro snowblower, 2 stage, electric start $325; Treadmill $125; rototiller 6hp, 26inch. 708-715-2348 For sale: Precor 9.27 Low Impact Treadmill. Like new. $1,300.00 or best offer. MUST PICK UP. Dyer. 219742-2334 Trave l i n g Pe e Pe e t u b e. Brand new never opened Can be used in cars/van/etc. both male/female. Yours free just pay shipping and handling. $6.99. 708-9570604 For sale: Swimming pool acc.: Hoses, vacuum, discharge suction, 3 way valve, timer winter water cover, pump, etc. Best offer. 708-889-0350
Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave. Olive Cafe 11220 Ventura Drive
For sale: Black new 14 speed oster blender/ice crusher $15; end tables (2) $25 each; wicker lamp $15. 708-4606035 For sale: Dining table, oval, 2 leaves/4 chairs $75; Hitachi dvd player, $15; bread machine $15; Bunn coffee maker $15. 2-Swivel stools, $25. 708-460-6035 Fo r s a l e : Q u e e n s i z e bedframe, $15; dresser mirror $15; solid oak swivel TV stand/storage $25; oak snack tables set of (4) $25. 708-460-6035 A dorm size refrigerator. Looks and works great for garage/basement/beer. 708753-0021 Hand sprayers dating to 20’s or 30’s Best offer. 708-3339520 “Stiffel” floor lamp $100 708481-6907 washer and dryer,Whirlpool, $250. 708-715-2348 For sale: Bears vs Lions. Jan. 3rd 2 PSL seats, section 218, row 4, $200 each. Excellent seats. Call. 219-308-5442
For sale: Echo power leaf blower $15; aluminum tall ladder $25; wood ladder $10;; Hirch workbench $10; Medline new wheelchair $125. 708-460-6035
Golden Opportunities 2016 Chicagoland South Suburban Edition Dining, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Sp o r t s, Retail Local Coupon Book 29th Anniversary Since 1987 $25 708-670-7071
Stand Out in the Crowd!
Wr o u g h t i r o n g a r d e n weather vane $20; 2 sets of citronella candles $1 ea set. 708-474-9495 Two J-Peterman high back chairs, by Jeffco Furniture $200. 708-285-1107 For sale: Murry Moneterrey girls 1984, perfect condition$75; mans cardanili, made in Italy 1970’s $30; girls small Barbie bike. 708-895-7855 For sale: Snow thrower: Yard machine 4-1/2 HP, good condition, augar, needs augar cable. $35; new 24 inch steel snow shovel $10. 708-895-7855 Batter y powered wheel chair, 16 inches between arm rests. Like new. 708891-4798
Schererville Chamber Office 13 W. Joliet St. Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41
For sale: Student desk $15; office chair $15; stereo system/speakers/glass cabinet $50; Ironing board $5. 708-460-6035
For sale: Two Gerber toilets Elongated white, very good condition $25 each or 2 for $40. Dyer. 219-322-9141
Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2636 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Miles Books 2817-2819 Jewett Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.
For sale: New pizza maker $10; HP new printer $25; Brother typewriter $25; Heavy duty paper shredder (Fellows) $15. 708-460-6035
For sale: New walker $25; new commode $25; bloodpressure monitor $10. 708460-6035
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road
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to your advertisement in
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Fo r s a l e : Ta b l e l a m p s, sunbeam electric fr yer, man’s all weather coats, size 42, collector plates, Christmas dishes, serve 16, display shelf. 708-474-3963
For sale: Men’s 26” 18 speed power climber bike, excellent condition $50 firm. 708-474-0695 For sale: Excellent condition rear bag push lawnmower, 4//2 HP easy start $65; gas edger 2-1/2 HP, like new $65. 219-931-6473
Random links of seal tight elect. tubing and random sizes of B-X tubing, all for $50. 708-285-1107 For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107
For sale: 20” girls schwinn bike $25; 10” girls bike, with training wheels, $20; snowblower $100; $100 fishing reels and rods.
For sale: Monster high boy dolls. “Slo Mo”, Deuce Gorgon, Neighthan Rot, $25 each; Invisi Billy $30 each. 708-285-1107
For sale: Pair draft king chimney caps $35; white toddler bed $35; Antique brass ceiling fan $35. 708420-5682
For sale: Nike air new $100 + nearly new $15-$20; men’s size 12 asst. colors, cash only. Sale to help young mother and babies. Call Tom. Leave message for call back. 708-933-0031
Fo r s a l e : Ta n , u p r i g h t refrigerator $150. 630-8867476 For sale: B&D single speed deluxe router $28; Weed eater electric ground sweeper $18; steel post hole auger with handle. $14. 708474-0109
For sale: China cabinet, blond wood 7’ tall 32” wide 19” deep $125; card table & 6 green leather folding chairs, set $175; 3-24 wood stools, $30 set. 219-923-0314
For sale: Berlin loadmaster, no tip wagon $45; ten inch ball bearing wheels with tires, $4each; Scotts drop spreader $11. 708-474-0109
For sale: Aluminum scaffold style ladder 18 different positions, include double step ladder, stairwell ladder extension, 16ft. Calumet City. $75. 708-891-6226
For sale: Battery powered lawnmower, charger, string trimmer and owners manual $76; B&D electric edger $8; Sears gutter blower kit $6. . 708-474-0109
For sale: 1950’s Teachers desk, very heavy solid oak dove tail drawers, nice shape, $75; 48” round office table, dark wood grain formica $50. 708-877-6387
For sale: Record albums from the 50s, fireplace tools, shovel & broom $10; adjustable weight belt $10. 708-474-9495
For sale: New laptop bags $5; kids play desk $20; new Yoga mats $5; children movies $2 each. 708-7530051
For sale: Breezers prevail womens disposable briefs, size medium, for moderate to heavy incontinence. 16 per package, 5 packages $25. 708-877-6372
Atari 2600 with games $100; p re s s u re w a s h e r $ 1 0 0 ; lawnmower $75; snowblower $100; 10” girls bike with training wheels $20. 219-776-7399
Dinette set, 4 chairs, round table, faux marble, very attractive $150 obo; coffee table, matching end table, faux marble round $100 obo. After 3pm. Lansing. 708474-0470
For sale: Cruiser 26 in. bike $25; two wooden saw horses $15; metal storage cabinet $15. 708-339-9420 For sale: Bathroom vanity 48” x 19” oak finish with top and faucet, Good condition. If no answer. Please leave message. 708-672-0875
For sale: 1/2 Barrel kegs and 5 gallon kegs. Great for home brewers or many other uses. 708-557-5057
For sale: Kenmore sewing machine in cabinet with attachments and instructions, old but works good, $65. 708-877-6157
Vintage band saw with extra blades small meat slice fish tank with stand accessories. 708-418-0343
For sale: Old push button phone, new shoes, hair p i e c e s, b l o o d p re s s u re machine, beauty equipment, plastic rubber tubs, beauty supplies. 708465-4111
For sale: New in box Delta 1 arm faucet, never used. Also tow bar for towing cars, $65. 708-753-0021 Shallow well pump with well point alum stud puncher, for punching holes in metal studs, model ET5. 708-4180343
For sale: Nice running push lawnmower with rear bag $65; nice running self propelled mulcher lawnmower, no bag 65. 219931-6473
For sale: Lawnmower, 4 HP starts, runs & looks great $65 with exchange. 708-7530021
For sale: New Cubs T-shirts, size XL $5 each; Have other Cubs-Sox shirts. 708-3337432
For sale: Kurt trailer hitch, 2” receiver class 3, fits Honda Odyssey 2008-2013. Like new $100. 708-474-0109
For sale: Fuji 27” Tourer 10spd bike, big frame for tall man. Good condition, new tires $90. 708-333-7432 For sale: Peugeot 27” Bicycle 12-spd in excellent condition. Lots of accessories $125, new schwinn tow-bike carries, back of car $45. . 708-3337432 For sale: TV or book case shelvinbg stand 48” wide x 28” high x15” deep, wood grain finish $28. 708-3339520 For sale: Clip on reading lamps in original box $6; swing lamp 2-15 florescent bulbs with magnifier attached to tabbe $12. 708333-9520 For sale: Canning pressure cooker with wire basket for quarts or pints. 708-3339520
For sale: Paint spray gun 3/4qt. Capacity 45 lbs. Pressue MFG W. Brown. Chicago, IL $15. 708-3339520 For sale: Tree light with three standard 40 watt max bulbs with switch at each bulb in original box $18. . 708-3339520 For sale: Large toastmaster table top oven, never used $15; 7-1/2 ft. XMas tree still in box $45; air compressor 3/4 Horse 5 gallon $20. 708895-7855 Fo r s a l e : 2 4 ” L a d i e s mountain bike with helmet $40 Call before 8pm. 219670-6701 FREE: Maganavox projection screen TV, Must be responsible for removal. First come, first serve. 708692-5896
Commercial NOTICE! Commercial with all inherent rights
NOTICE! To all Municipalities. Local and National Governments. STATES. U.S. Agents. Attorneys. Corporations. Persons. Vessels. Counties. Militaries. Courts. United States of America. UNITED STATES. UNITED NATIONS. and to Territories in Possession of UNITED STATES. United States d/b/a Department of Home Land Security. United States Treasury Department. United Nations and United Nations Security Council. Vatican. Indian tribes, Associated Bands and Clans. The following election to Occupy the Office of General Executor for TRES G.PEEL, Estate was held in the City of Chicago, County Cook, State of Illinois on June 11th, 1953. For which “I” Tres G. family peel, a America National, A man standing on the land Amexem/ North America. I have now accepted the position of General Executor, and General Guardian of the divine Estate gifted and granted me by the Divine Creator. Therefore, I affirm and declare that upon occupying this office, I will not be responsible for the payments of any debts or obligations of the United States of America and neither for any payments or Obligations of any debts for any United States Person/citizen. Should anyone like to rebut this matter please email the Instituted Executor office at within 21 days of this notice. by, Peel, Tres G. GENERAL EXECUTOR
Eye Site
Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473
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708-331-1111 1-800-410-5250
708-333-9630 The Shopper
Say I saw it in The Shopper FREE: Pool table 98” long, 54” wide, 32” high, some disassembling maybe required. First come, first serve. 708-692-5896 For sale: One piece china cabinet glass doors, two drawers $55; coffee table with shelf $20; round kitchen table six chairs. $50. 708-474-8023 For sale: White stove $20; cabinet $20. 708-692-0794 For sale: 24” x 26” high chairs $30 each TV Tray set $20. 708-940-5029 For sale: Two set recliner couch $225. 708-940-5029
September 30, 2015 Solid wood (maple) queen size headboard $40 708-4816907 For sale: xpress Redi set-go meals in minutes electric fry pan by Cathy Mitchell’s 5 recipes books included. $7.50. 708-333-9520 For sale: Clip-on lamps in original box $8; swing lamp 2-15 watt florescent bulbs, with magnifier attaches to table $12. 708-333-9520 For sale: Rigid pipe cutter $15; pipe cutting dies 3/8”, 1/2, 3/4”. All on one handle $30. 708-333-9520
For sale: Steam pressure cooker with wire basket for quarts or pints $12. 708-3339520 For sale: 2 Teddy bear cookie jars from Neiman Marcus, paid $60 each; asking $20 each. Palos Heights. 708974-1674 For sale: Ladies 34/ length black coat $12; ladies long black winter coat w/hood $25; 15 young ladies sweaters, new/used, $3 each. 708-460-8308
Committal service for Thomas M. Leonard was held on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, IL. Mr. Leonard was born March 2, 1947 and passed away September 25, 2015. He was the father of Lisa Leonard and Tara Leonard. Grandfather of 1. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, Elwood, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, Dyer, IN.
Funeral service for Emma Mertsching was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on Monday, September 21 with Deacon Tim Springer officiating. Mrs. Mertsching was born February 10, 1928 and died September 21, 2015. She was the wife of the late Kurt. Mother of Marlene (Ed) Nikowitz and Gerry (Teri) Mertsching. Grandma of 5 and step-grandma of 7. Sister of Rosemarie (Mitch) Sakey and the late Walter (late Joan) Dommer. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
obituaries Lotz-Buel
Funeral service for Elora Mae (Lotz-Buel) was offered from Smits, DeYoungVroegh Funeral Home on Thursday, September 24, 2015 with Rev. Lonnie Caha officiating. Mrs. Lotz-Buel was born December 8, 1960. She was the wife of Paul Buel. Daughter of Norman and Shirley Lotz. Sister of Lisa (Don) Heath, Larry (Marilee) Lotz, Lohnny (Lisa) Lotz, and Luanne Lotz-Daniel. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.
obituaries Chylek
Funeral service for Joan R. Chylek (nee Russell) was offered from Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home on Saturday, September 19 with Rev. Gordon Reif officiating. Mrs. Chylek was born December 22, 1930 and died September 17, 2015. She was the wife of the late August F. Chylek. Mother of Debra, Susan, and the late David E. Chylek. Sister of Marion Herman, Janice Day, Judy Smith, and Bruce Russell. Interment was at Oakland Memory Lanes Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.
Funeral service for Grace Knol (nee Hoeksema) was held on Sunday, September 27, 2015 at Smits Funeral Home in Dyer with Rev. Richard Zekveld officiating. Mrs. Knol was born June 20, 1919 and passed away September 24, 2015. She was the wife of the late Peter James “Jim” Knol. Mother of Sharon (Herb) Potts and Kristena (John) Clevering. Grandmother of 4. Great grandmother of 8. Sister of the late Jo (late Al) Gernaat, late George (Mae) Hoeksema, late Evelyn (late Alfred) Smits, and the late Albert (late Joanie) Hoeksema. Interment was at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lansing, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, Dyer, IN.
Funeral Mass of Christian for Helen L. McGraw (nee Conlan) was offered from St. Mary Church on Saturday, September 26, with Rev. Patrick Kalich officiating. Mrs. McGraw was born June 28, 1934 an died September 18, 2015. She was the wife of the late John J. McGraw. Mother of Kevin McGraw, Laura (Jack) Navarra, Brian McGraw, Colleen Reda and Shawn (Rae) McGraw. Grandmother of 7 and great grandmother of 1. Sister of Nancy (Don) Blake, Gerald Conlan, Bill (Mary) Conlan, and the late Joan (late Jim) Clancy. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home (James E. Janusz Funeral Service).
For sale: Guitar Amp, $40; large Moose stuffed animal, new $10; red 6 volt lantern, $2; package D alkaline batteries, $5 each. 708-4608308
For sale: Peugeot bicycle 27” in exc. cond. w/many acc. 12-speed $135; 26: mountain bike, 18 speed, new mint condition. $65. 708-333-7432
For sale: Outdoor Halloween HD rug, $9; 34” x 34” padded card table $20; gal. car wash, $5; 3 pak microfiber auto cloths, $4. 708-460-8308
For sale: 27” Huffy open road bike, 3 spd. good condition mens $45; Schwinn trunkrack, carries two bikes on car, new $43. 708-333-7432
For sale: College and Best sellers. Assorted scrub top size large $5 or less. Call Judy. 708-743-3276 For sale: Solid oak twin headboard and footboard with engraved oak mirror, $50. 219-484-0000
obituaries Funeral service for George J. Chiattello was held from Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home in South Holland, IL on Friday, September 25, 2015. Mr. Chiattello was born on August 17, 1941 and passed away on September 23, 2015. He was the father of Jim (Fran) Chiattello, David (fiancee Dawn) Chiattello, and John Chiattello. Grandfather of 7. Greatgrandfather of 2. Brother of Helen (late Harry) Campbell, Marion “Guy” (Linnea) Chiattello, and Richard (Betty) Chiattello. Interment was private. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home, South Holland, IL.
A private memorial service for Marlene Wiley (nee Skibbe) will be held at a later date. Mrs. Wiley was born April 1, 1931 and passed away September 26, 2015. She was the wife of the late John Wiley. Mother of Georgette Wiley. Interment was private. Arrangements entrusted to Smits Funeral Home, Dyer, IN.
Church Directory Protestant Reformed Church
Directory South Holland...
1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ......9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
A Community of Churches
Calvary Community Church
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor
Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. ******* Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church
166th & Cottage Grove Ave. Worship Services..10:00 a.m. 331-0391 Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******
Peace Christian Reformed Church
Funeral Mass for Earl K. Moore was offered from St. Jude the Apostle Church on Saturday, September 26, with Rev. John J. Powers and Deacon Tim Springer officiating. Mr. Moore was born October 31, 1930 and died September 23, 2015. He was the husband of Joan Moore (nee Lamb). Son of the late Earl and Helen Moore. Father of Donna (Ray) Nelson, Earl (Sue) Moore, Steven (Joan) Moore, Carol (Gary) Henderson, Ray (Robyn) Moore, and Sue (Bob) Sterkowitz. Grandfather of 12 and great-grandfather of 5. Brother of Geri Mitchell. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home (James E. Janusz Funeral Service).
For sale: Kitchen round glass table, 4x4, green wrought iron chairs, padding dated, n e e d u p d a t e. Wi l l s e l l separately. 708-816-5090
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Glen McCarthy, Pastor
First Christian Reformed Church
Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & ...........................................5:00 p.m. Church School ............. 9:45 a.m. *******
Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******
3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ben Kappers, Pastor
Redeemer Lutheran Church
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Rev. Kwame Pitts, Pastor
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor
Morning Worship ....... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ...........11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ........5:30 p.m. ******* Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
with Us
First Church (PCA)
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor
First Reformed Church
15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Rev. Dr. Matt Waterstone, Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. Sr. Pastor ******* Pastor Corey Buchanan, Director St. Jude the Apostle of Mercy & Justice Ministries Anthony Bolkema, Director of Church Worship & Student Life 880 East 154th Street Rev. Dr. Rich Grevengoed, Director 333-3550 of Pastoral Care & Counseling Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******
Worship Services .... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church
A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
Worship Service ........10:00 a.m. *******
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
At Your Service Business Directory ASPHALT PAVING
Concrete Raising
• Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised
Tim Rietveld Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL
• Seamless Alum. Gutter Installations • Leaf Relief Covers
• Minor Exterior Repairs • Expert Craftsmanship
Camalicks Asphalt Maintenance Specialists • Seal Coating • Striping • Crack Filling • Asphalt Maintenance
Electrical Rodding As Low As $15
2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing
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FREE ESTIMATE 708-480-5193
Old Decks New Again We Power Wash Houses, Patios and more
Int./Ext. Painting Specials Call Tom FREE ESTIMATE
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Brian Caputo’s
SouthWest Concrete
• Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay Commercial Snow Plowing Removal • Ice Control
708-514-0457 Brian
BBB Accredited • 5 Star Rating
For sale: Bissell Healthy Home vacuum model 5770 $ 9 5 ; Ho ov e r E m p ow e r vacuum $70; Sharp color 19” $25; Magnavox 13” color $15. 708-420-5682 Selling: Unassembled sturdy steel shelving 72x23x36 five shelves, three units available. Call. 773-766-7398 Cash, pick in area. For sale: 4-20” youth bikes $ 2 5 - $ 5 0 ; Ha r l e y D a v i s scooter; highchair, $25 each; 36” countertop w/grill $20; older HP computer w/ printer, FREE. 708-474-9477 For sale: Queen wood head & footboard $20; shower chair $10; sewing machine in cabinet $20; bikes $15 & up; three bar stools $30. 219365-8166 For sale: Lot of 20-1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, no missing pieces, $10 for all. 219-776-7818
Total Interior & Exterior Rehab • Mold Removal • Roofing • Shingle Roofs • Flat Roofs • Roof Repairs • Gutters • Painting CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE
“The Guy From Indiana”
BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS
1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640 We Accept MASTERCARD & VISA
Chatham Comfort Controls
Bob the Builder Plumbing, Electrical, Tile, Carpentry, Drywall, Painting & Remodeling
No Job Too Small No Job Too Big Call Bob
For sale: Wood ladders $10 each; office & book bags $5 each; iron & glass table set, best offer; purses & tote bags $2 each. 708-753-0551 For sale: Painters supplies, canvas drop cloth, large, brushes, rollers, drop cloths, 3 gallon of white paint .50 cent to $4. Dyer. 219-3656859 For sale: Dog crate: 20”H 245” D 17” W. Very good condition, two ryobi snader $8 & $12. Located Dyer. 219365-6859 For sale: Sport shoes, size 13, 2pair $2 and $4, very clean and in good condition. See in Dyer. 219-365-6859 For sale: Sofa leather $250. 219-798-6573
Let Us Help You Manage Your Property
2681 Route 394 Crete, IL 60417
(708) 672-6111
Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.
Quality Work at a Fair Price
J&J ALUMINUM • Vinyl Siding • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Protection Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff South Holland & Beecher, IL
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Over ten years experience in South Suburbs References Available
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
PAINTING DON’S PAINTING, DECORATING & WALLPAPER SERVICE SENIOR DISCOUNTS FREE ESTIMATES Interior & Exterior 34 Years Experience. References. Faux Finish, Wallpaper Removal, Drywall & Plaster Repair, Decks Refurbished, Small Electrical, Carpentry, Plumbing, Sealcoating, & Gutter Cleaning Quality Workmanship & Materials!
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
For sale: Wood wine barrel w/stand, radio tubes, glass gallon milk jugs $5; old school desk $45; raised toilet seat w/arms, $25. 219-7765222
For sale: $100 excellent condition Kenmore white dishwasher, good condition white and black glass top stove, $50. Call Mary. 708323-5110
For sale: Victorian Chair wing back $80. 219-5139442
For sale: Four fish tanks, 85, 55, 30, 10 gallons, $250 for all or will sell separately. Call Mary. 708-323-5110
For sale: Wood rolltop desk $200. 219-513-9442 For sale: Boys bike $80. 219513-9442 For sale: Fish tank with wood stand $150, 30 gal. 219-741-4696 For sale: Painters supplies: Brushes, pans, rollers, drop cloths, etc. new very clean. 50 cents to $3; Ryobi sanders $8 and $12. 219-365-6859
For sale: Kenmore white dishwasher $100, exc. cond. and stove electric white and black $50, good condition. 708-323-5110 Fo r s a l e : F i s h t a n k s , equipment and homemade cabinet #65, #85 gallon tank, also have 55, 35, and 10 gallons, make offer. 708-3235110 For sale: American girl retire toys, Kaya’s horse $20; Felicity carriage complete with all headlamps, harness and hub caps $200. 219-3653607
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Free Estimates CHEAP RATES
Professional Handyman Service
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To get listed on this page, please call 708-333-5901 Today!
25 Years Experience
We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks
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708-672-0043 Credit Cards Accepted NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR
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Tuckpointing, Chimney Repair, Brick Replacement, Gutters, Carpentry & Other Small Home Improvements
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THE BRICK DOCTOR • Tuckpointing • Chimney Rebuilds • Glass Block Windows • Chimney Liners • Chimney Rebuilds & Repairs • Porch repairs
(708)425-8635 (219)992-9351 We Make House Calls
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Rob’s Tuckpointing, Chimney & Brick Repairs No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate
708-877-6860 No Sundays.
For sale: Knowles collectible plate Julie Andrews sound of music $10; six packages, scrapbook papper, 12 sheets each $10. 219-365-3607
For sale: Infant car seats: Eddie Baurer $25; Evenflor $20: folding baby stroller $10; all like new baby carrier $5. 708-895-7855
For sale: Battery operated c h e v. c l o c k w / b ow t i e Insignia Insignia Insignia In bot. Elvis Presley Heiloom collection, Viva Las Vagas musical in box. 708-8951072
Small white wood cabinet for bathroom or kitchen 22”x27”x7 $25 708-481-6907
For sale: 12-brush crosstown classic mugs, Comisky Park April 29, 1985; Sherlock Holmes dart board, new n e v e r u s e d . We n 1 4 i n electric chain saw. 708-8951072 For sale: Hornet 14 inch electric chain saw $35; 2 Brusch crosstown classic mugs Comisky Park dated April 29, 1985 $10 each S h e r l o c k Ho l m e s D a r t Board. 708-895-1072
“ Wolfgang Puck” bistro collection convection oven (bakes, toasts, broils, etc.) $75 708-481-6907 Assorted colors Fiesta Dishes (each piece $3), Pyrex bowls $3-$5 each, early pyrex dishes (pastel colors) $3 each, casual dishes (white) 708-481-6907 Assorted books $1 each, DVD movies $1 each, VHS movies 2 for $1 708-4816907
Say I saw it in The Shopper
A/C & Heating Fall Special! Furnace or A/C, Clean & check $44.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd. Lynwood. 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. #1 Priority is servicing your A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free service charge with same day repair, or $25 trip charge. Call Al. 708-9851623
Chimney Repair
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: G l a s s b l o c k w i n d ow s . Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & s n ow p l ow i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192
September 30, 2015
Concrete & Patching. Walks, steps, patios, driveways. Licensed/Bonded. Steps patched correctly. Low spring prices. Free e s t i m a t e s. De n n i s. DW Concrete. 708-418-0523
Fe n ce re pai rs , re p l a c e broken posts and panels also gate and latch repairs. Wind damage repairs. Free estimates. 219-865-2345
Day Care
Gutter Cleaning
Daycare Services: Annie’s Home Daycare in Calumet City. 8wks-12yrs. School transportation available. 708-288-8071
G u t t e r C l e a n i n g : Fa l l Special! 50% Off Regular Price, just .50c cents per linear foot. Free Downs p o u t Fl u s h ! A l s o l e a f b l ow i n g s e r v i c e s. Fre e estimates. Licensed & fully insured. Call Paul @ Mr. Clean. 219-323-0469 or 219888-0003
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, Ou t l e t s, Ga ra g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038
Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Ha n d y m a n : L a n d s c a p e r e p a i r, p a i n t i n g , t r i m bushes, trees, gutter cleaning, fence repair, deck staining, other services. Please contact Frank. 708975-1219
Home Improvement/ Repair
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial proper ties. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, toilet repairs, f e n c e re p a i r, r o o f - t o p repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, storm doors, Int. doors, lights, fans, locks, concrete repair, tree trimming, more. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Mark 708-8412328
Miscellaneous Services Medical Transportation: Will drive you to medical appointments for nonemergencies. Phase One Enterprise. Email: or 708-271-3716 Medical Transportation: Will drive you to medical appointments for nonemergencies. Phase One Enterprise. Email: or 708-271-3716
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Quality Painting & Scraping Ser vice. Decks, reputty windows, scrap, peeling painting. Complete interior/ f l a s h e x t e r i o r. F r e e Estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Painting Services: Paint America Red, White & Blue. Over 25 yrs. Paint experience. Interior/ Exterior. Plus free estimates. Call Algie. 630-886-7476
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the b l i n k ? Fo r p l u m b i n g troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708331-7335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500
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B r a d f o rd - W h i t e w a t e r heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i n s, r o d d i n g , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708891-9488, 708-268-0693
Pressure Washing P o w e r Wa s h i n g : F a l l Special! 30% Off All power washing services. Homes, driveways, sidewalks, decks, patios, roofs, gutters. Free Estimates. Call Mr. Clean. 219-323-0469 or 219-8880003
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558 Affordable Home Repairs. We repair kitchens, baths, basements. Mold removal. Affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010
Tuckpointing R o b’s Tu c k p o i n t i n g : Chimney & Brick Repairs. No Job Too Small. Very reasonable. Call for estimate. 708-877-6860 No Sundays
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Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335
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He l p Wa n t e d : Da y c a re Assistant preferably bilingual Spanish/English. Daycare experience, ages 6mos-12. Flexible hours. Weekdays & weekends. Applicants must drive. 708528-2225 He l p Wa n t e d : Da y c a re Assistant preferably bilingual Spanish/English. Daycare experience, ages 6mos-12. Flexible hours. Weekdays & weekends. Applicants must drive. 708528-2225 Lawn Care Landscaping. Start pay $13/hour. Must have good driving record. Staygreen Quality Lawn Care Landscaping. s t a y g re e n @ c o m c a s t . n e t 708-418-8160 Help Wanted: Home child daycare. Assistant needed Full Time/Par t-time, Monday through Friday. Some evenings. Nons m o k e r. E x p e r i e n c e preferred. Call 708-557-9279 between 7a.m.-12p.m. and 3-6p.m. He l p Wa n t e d : D r i v e r s CDL-A: Stay Local! $3000 Sign-on Bonus! Day and Night Shifts! Excellent Pay Per Load! Medical, Dental & Vision! Late Model Equipment! Call Shawn: 855-416-6742
Garage Sales in South Holland Oct. 2-3, 9-2. 15939 Ellis Avenue, So. Holland. Household, Garden, PlantsBulbs, Automotive, Decor. K i t c h e n Ca b i n e t s f o r m Menards, Bedding, Clothes, Tires, Rims. Oct. 2-3, 9-3. 1 6 0 3 3 E l l i s Av e . , S o . Holland. Garage/Estate. Furniture, Antiques, clothes, glassware. Lots of jewelry. Rain date 9th.
1999-2015 Vehicles Running or Not Cash Paid on the Spot Nationwide Free Towing Licensed — Professional
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
C A l e nD A R
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Thursday, October 1
l Tween Game Day October 1st 4:30-5:30p.m. Come on over and try new Nintendo Wii games…Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers and more! We also have brand new board games to play as well. No sign-up required. For grades 4-8. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL l Youth Job Training Program HYPE (Helping Young People Employment) Boot Camp Oct.1st-3rd of 2015 Thurs.46:30pm, Fri. 3:30-5:30pm, Sat.11:00am4:00pm Classes held @ South Holland Library 16250 Wausau Ave. South Holland IL. 60473 For sign up please contact: @708 646-4121 or @708 785-6410 Seats are limited-Hiring Managers on Site. l Fall Rummage Sale Presented by St. John’s Altar Guild on Oct 1st 81.m.-4p.m. and Oct 2nd 9a.m.-11a.m., 158th & Emerald Ave. Semi-Annual Rummage Sale. Reasonable prices. Clothes, toys, books, linens, much more! 708-877-6018 l Travel Movie We will be crossing the big pond to visit London, England. 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm on Oct 1st 2015. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau South Holland IL
Friday, October 2
l Svetlana Smolina – Classical Pianist Join us for our 2015-16 season of Community Concerts, a tradition that goes back 68 years. Friday, October 2, 2015 – 7 p.m. Svetlana Smolina – Classical Pianist. All 6 concerts are sold as a series for $75. The tickets are transferable if you cannot make a concert. Individual concert tickets are $30 each, and can be purchased at the door on the night of the concert if space is available. All concerts are held at Munster High School Auditorium, 8800 Columbia Ave., Munster. Make your check out to NWICA/Munster and send it to PO Box 9313, Highland, IN 46322. Include your name, address, phone and email. In addition your ticket will also admit you to additional concerts in nearby LaPorte, Warsaw, Portage and Valparaiso. For more information go to our web site, or call 219-9237879 or email Or call 219-924-2890 or email bhzand@sbcglobal. net.
Saturday, October 3
l Antique Appraisal How much is your stuff worth? Valerie Macko of Macko’s Antique Gallery will assess and give free appraisals of your items. There is a limit of five items. Thanks to the Friends of the Library for funding. 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Oct 3rd 2015. Hammond Public Library 564 State St. Hammond IN l Bowling Event to Benefit Shelter Animals Bark and bowl, a benefit to raise money for the animals of Humane Society Calumet Area. Cosmic bowling will be held on Oct. 3 from 8 to 11 p.m. at Plaza Lanes, 8101 Kennedy Ave., Highland, IN. $30 per bowler, which includes 2 hrs of bowling, shoe rental, and a dessert bar. Register online at 219-513-8911 for info. l Arts & Crafts Expo Free Event! Entertainment, face painting, food, fun & more! October 3 from 10a.m.3p.m. Calvary Community Church. 16341 South Park Avenue, South Holland, IL. l Cholesterol, Diabetes Screening Learn your risk for heart disease. Have a Coronary Health Appraisal on Oct 3 from 8:0011:30 a.m., at Community Hospital located at 901 MacArthur Blvd, Munster, Ind. The screening includes total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides; diabetes screening measuring hemoglobin A1C; blood pressure, and body mass index. The fee is $30 and registration is required by calling (219) 8363477.
l Treasure Sale Holy Ghost Parish, 700 East 170th St., South Holland. No clothing and no big furniture. Friday, October 2nd from 3-6:00p.m. Saturday, October 3rd from 9a.m.-1p.m. l Trivia Night Doors open 6:30p.m., game starts 7:30p.m. Cost $5/person, teams of 2-6. Bar & Kitchen will be open. Saturday, October 3, 2015. Whiting Elks Lodge 1273. 1521 119th St., Whiting, IL. 219-937-9483. l Chicago Region Interpreters Present “ANIMAL INVENTORS” Using live animals, Christine Buik from Chicago Region Interpreters compares animal adaptations with copycat human inventions. Registration begins Monday, September 21. 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Oct 3rd 2015. Children 5 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Granny’s Attic Rummage Sale This rummage sale will be held from 9a.m.-2p.m. on Saturday, October 3rd at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 651 East 166th St. in South Holland, Illinois. The sale will feature household items, books, toys, jewelry, clothing, seasonal decorations and much more. Refreshments will be available. Come one and all to this great sale. For more information call the church at 708-331-4100. l Town Garage Sale Presented by Dyer Recycling Commission on October 3rd (new date due to prior rain). Northgate Park, Calumet Avenue, Dyer, Indiana. Over 70 families participating selling household clothes, children’s books and more. Unwanted items will be hauled away by the city for recycling. 219-865-6434. l Rosie and The Rivets Rosie (Christine Mikulskis) will bring her Rivets Band to the Beatniks stage, ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 2015 at 8:00pm, doors open 1/2 hour early. Come dressed in 50’s, early 60’s costume as Rosie will be taking promotional video of the evening. The cost to see Rosie and the Rivets and maybe be a part of the show is $12.00. Refreshments are included. Beatniks is located at 418 Conkey Street, Hammond, Indiana. For more information or reservations call 219-852-0848 or go to beatniksonconkey. com. l Annual Bubba Burger Cookout The St. Jude Holy Name Society Annual Bubba Burger Cookout will be held Saturday, October 3, 2015 at St. Jude the Apostle Church in the gymnasium from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cost will be $6 for a delicious Bubba Burger, chips, and a pop. All are Welcome to join the annual event. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Oct 3rd 2015. St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 E. 154th Street South Holland IL 60473
Sunday, October 4
l Annual Cancer Walk & Fun Run The Unite & Fight Cancer Walk & Fun Run (formerly Romp & Roll) will be held from 12:00-3:00 p.m. on Oct. 4 at the Munster High School Football Field located on Columbia Ave., Munster, Ind. to help raise funds for the Cancer Resource Centre. Registration begins at 12:00; the Walk/Fun Run at 1:00; and the picnic immediately following the walk. For information call 219-836-3349. l Hammond Historical Society Cemetery Tour Entrance is one block north on Kenwood. Meet some of the residents of Oak Hill, and learn or recall some local history. Small group tours will take place between 1- 4 p.m. Cost is $5.00. Children 12 and under are free. For more information contact Peg at 708-4740203 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Oct 4th 2015. Oak Hill Cemetery 165th & Hohman Hammond IN
Monday, October 5
l Master Five Money Questions for Women Does your financial strategy fit your lifestyle needs? Tuesday, October 5 at 7:00p.m. Crete Public Library, 1177 N. Main St., Crete, IL.
l Free Baby Class New parents can take our free Taking Care of Baby class which covers basic baby care on Oct 5 from 6:00-8:45 p.m., at 800 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 30, Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477. l Indoor Tee Ball for ages 3-5 yrs Dyer Parks & Recreation is bringing the sport of Tee Ball indoors during the fall and winter months. Children (ages 3-5 yrs.) and their parents or caregivers will participate together as they are introduced to the skills that are necessary to play Tee Ball during this class that takes place on Mondays from 11-11:45am at the Dyer Indoor Soccer Arena beginning Oct. 5th and running through Oct. 26th. The fee for this program is $31 for Dyer Residents and $34 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. Dyer Indoor Soccer Arena 14914 W. 101st Ave. Dyer IN l Kidworks Presents “It’s All Greek To Me” Ages: 5 and older Children learn about the Greek alphabet, play a freeze dance game to the Greek Gods and Goddesses, re-enact the original Olympic games held in Greece and act out the myth “Pandora’s Box” with costumes. Lots of audience participation. Registration begins Monday, October 5. 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm on Oct 15th 2015. Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL l Senior Information Fair Representative Deluca and his Senior Advisory Committee will be hosting a Senior Information Fair on Monday, October 5, 2015 from 9 AM until Noon at the Chicago Heights Park District 1400 Chicago Rd. Chicago Heights in the Social Room. l Sears Retirees Group The Sears Retirees Group will gather on Monday morning October 5, at 9 a.m at Tom’s Egg Crazy Restaurant, 894 Burnham Ave., Calumet City for their regular meeting and fun morning. (You pay for your own breakfast.) All former Sears employees are welcome to join and renew old friendship. For additional Information call 708-372-8169 or 708-474-4898.
Tuesday, October 6
l Halloween Planting Project Join us and make your own plant creation to take home. Sign up early, supplies are limited. Oct 6th 2015. South Holland Public Library 416250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL l Geronimo Stilton’s Fabumouse Party October 6th from 6-7:00p.m. Spend an afternoon devoted to developing your own journalism skills and maybe even get your writing published in The Rodent Gazette! Also, view an episode of Geronimo’s television cartoon, make a mouse-riffic craft, and participate in other Geronimothemed activities! No sign-up required. For grades 2-5. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL
Wednesday, October 7
l Hispanic Heritage Celebration The Hammond Public Library features a special screening of a film about attempts to organize the United Farm Workers. Before the film, labor leader, Oscar Sanchez, speaks briefly about the activists depicted in the film. He also answers questions following the film. Refreshments are funded courtesy of the Friends of the Library. 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm on Oct 7th 2015. Hammond Public Library 564 State St. Hammond IN l Lego Club! Ages: 5-12 Let your imagination run wild at the library by turning your imagination into reality using Legos! Registration begins Monday, September 28. Event: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Oct 7th 2015. Venue: Calumet City Public Library Youth Services 660 Manistee Calumet City IL
l Ready...Set...Kinderkids! Children currently enrolled in kindergarten will be given the opportunity to practice and enrich skills taught in the kindergarten. Thursdays from 5:15-6pm at the Plum Creek Center in Dyer beginning Oct. 8th and running through Nov. 12th. The fee is $40 for Dyer Residents and $44 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. Plum Creek Center 222 Schulte St. Dyer IN. l Ballroom Dance Gala Show off your moves at an evening of dance as we take to the dance floor for our Ballroom Dance Gala. Hosted by the Orland Park’s Arthur Murray Dance Center. Come alone or bring a partner, dress up or not....Join in the fun. Call 331-5262 to RSVP. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Oct 8th 2015. South Holland Public Library 16250 Wausau Ave South Holland IL l Minecraft Self-Portraits October 8th from 6-7:00p.m. Create a Minecraft character that looks just like you! For grades K-5. No sign-up required. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Avenue Lansing IL. l Free Fall Homeowners’ Check-Up Attendees will have access to industry professionals who will offer a review of your current mortgage terms, mortgage reduction and modification assistance, comprehensive insurance coverage evaluation; home safety, maintenance and energy efficiency tips. To Register, please call 708-794-6660 or visit us online at Saturday, October 10, 2015, 9AM – 1 PM. South Suburban College 15800 S. State Street, South Holland, IL. l Family and Friends Weekend Governors State University is hosting its Family and Friends Weekend October 8–10 for GSU students, alumni, family and friends. Planned events on Friday, Oct. 9 include a Jaguar Jamboree and GSU basketball games, and a Step Show featuring Power 92 “The Hot Boys.” There also be events for children. Registration is free for parents, family members, alumni and friends of GSU. space is limited and there is a minimal cost for some activities. Governors State University is located at 1 University Parkway, University Park, IL 60484.
l C.O.P.E. Support Group COPE offers monthly support groups for the professional and non professional CAREGIVER. The FIRST THURSDAY of each month from 5:30 to 7pm, COPE is open for caregivers who need to talk and get support getting through those tough days. Located in Suite 102 at 9245 Calumet Ave., Munster, IN, in the Fairmont Building (2 doors north of the Red Lobster and across from the Pepsi plant). Call Judy if you plan to attend to be sure no changes have been made 219-688-5288. For further info visitwww. l T.O.P.S. Meeting Learn to take off pounds sensibly. No charge to sit in on a meeting. All women, men, teens & children over 7 are welcome. Give yourself a present of weight loss and join us for more info. Call 708-895-4771. Meeting 6p.m. every Thursday. Lansing Presbyterian Church, 2625 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL. l National Alliance On Mental Illness Our family support group meetings provide an opportunity to meet with others who have relatives and friends of individuals living with a mental illness. Feelings can be shared and issues discussed under the guidance of a trained facilitator. These meetings are free. We meet at Advocate South Suburban Hospital, located at 17800 S. Kedzie Ave., Hazel Crest, IL., LL Dining Rm #1, and we meet the 2nd Saturday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Hope to see you there! Please call Ofelia at 708-785-2316 for any additional information.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to the Autumn.
Submit announcements online at
On This Date - September 30 1452 1st book published, Johann Guttenberg’s Bible
1791 Mozart’s opera “The Magic Flute” premiers in Vienna 1846 Anesthetic ether used for 1st time (Dr Wm Morton extracts a tooth) 1867 Midway Islands formally declared a US possession 1935 Gershwin’s “Porgy & Bess” premiers in Boston
Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by e-mail at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
ACROSS 1. Egypt’s sacred flower 6. Spinning toy 9. Hoodwink 13. Resembling an orangutan 14. Biology class abbr. 15. Printer cartridge contents 16. Ranee’s wrap 17. Long, long time 18. Valued for its soft down 19. *He ruled Nottingham 21. *Evil and No, e.g. 23. Reggae precursor 24. Apiece 25. *Lex Luthor breached the Hoover ____ in “Superman” 28. Center of activity, pl. 30. Not digital 35. 500 sheets 37. Australian palm 39. Mediterranean appetizer 40. World’s largest continent 41. Run ____ of the law 43. Wildly 44. Going to 46. Intense rage 47. Fine threads 48. As opposed to shut down 50. Miss America’s accessory 52. To boot 53. Facebook’s “psst” 55. Opposite of their 57. *____ Bill of “The Silence of the Lambs” 61. Opposite of greenhorn 65. Wombs
66. “____ My Children” 68. Church assembly 69. Motion Picture Association of America, e.g. 70. Waikiki wear 71. Last letter of Greek alphabet 72. First-rate, slang 73. In the past 74. Gossipy DOWN 1. Bonnie one 2. Moonfish 3. Michelin product 4. Internet patrons 5. Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, e.g. 6. Not kosher 7. Lennon’s widow 8. *The evil Tai Lung in 2008’s “Kung Fu ____” 9. “Just ____ ____” 10. Back arrow key action 11. Jury colleague 12. Makes mistakes 15. House music 20. Flora’s partner 22. South American edible tuber 24. Adhere to certain views 25. *Rocky’s Russian rival 26. “The Tortoise and the Hare” author 27. Easternmost state 29. *McFly’s bully 31. “Poor me!” 32. As far as one can go 33. Convex molding 34. *Greedy corporate financier 36. “Buddenbrooks” author 38. Saint’s “headdress” 42. Popular disinfectant 45. Type of nanny 49. Short for “politician” 51. *Baby Jane 54. Aussie bear 56. “No ____ or reason” 57. Followed by “excuse me” 58. Home to Bryce Canyon 59. Greek cheese 60. Worry unnecessarily 61. Hodgepodge 62. Afresh 63. Wooden pegs 64. June 6, 1944 67. *Disney villain, “Peg-____ Pete”
Say I saw it in The Shopper Oct. 3, 9-2. 1 5 6 3 7 Orc h i d Dr. , S o. Holland. Refrigerator, washer, dryer, bicycle, clothes, toys, table, chairs, camping gear, sound system. Oct. 2-3, 8-2. 162nd-Mar yland Neighborhood, So. Holland. Multi-family sale. Lots of household items, Antiques. A must see! Oct. 1-3, 8-4. 16926 Ingleside Ct., So. Holland. D re s s e s , s k i r t s , p a n t s , treadmill, knick-knacks, C h ai se, sh oes, j ewel r y, books. Oct. 2nd, 3pm-6pm. Oct. 3rd, 9a-1pm Holy Ghost Parish “Treasure Sale” 700 East 170th St., So. Holland. Like a Yard sale, but no clothing, and no big furniture. Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 16419 Prairie Ave., So. Holland. Womens clothes, men’s clothes, womens boots, 5-pc patio set., Misc. items, Christmas decor.
September 30, 2015
Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 2-4, 9-5. 139-155th, Place, Cal. City, IL. Avon collectibles, dishes, crystal, glassware, shoes, purses, furniture. Oct. 3-4, 8-5. 1378 Woodview Ave., Cal. City. Toys, tools, shoes, computer, games, children what nots. $1-$5. All must go!
Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 1-3, 8-3. 17963 Maple, Lansing. Clothes, collectibles, h o u s e w a re s , A n t i q u e s , Cedar chest, gold clubs, glassware. No early birds. Oct. 1-2, 8-2. 18040 School St., Lansing. Exercise bike, mini refrigerator, boys Hollister T-shirts, kitchen items. Many other items. Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 18618 William St., Lansing. Household, adult and kids clothes, purses, lawn mower, a l u m i n u m l a d d e r, l ow prices!
Oct. 1-2, 9-2. 18812 Henry, Lansing. Household items, collectibles, tools, storage cabinets, clothing, furniture, glasses + dishes, Holiday decor. Oct. 2, 9-3; 3rd, 9-2. 19212 Wildwood, Lansing, IL. Household items, jewelry, trailer hitch, night-stand. Many new items.
Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. Struggling with DRUGS or ALCHOHOL? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800-793-1951 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-477-9659 AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and othersstart here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204
Oct. 1-2, 9-1. 2634 Christina Dr., Lansing. Moving sale... Once in a lifetime deals, on home furnishings. Oct. 3rd, 2345-184th, Lansing. Something for everyone.
CASH PAID- up to $25/ Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136 Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 EXTRA DIABETIC TEST STRIPS? I Pay Top Dollar! 1 Day Fast Payment Guaranteed Up To $60 Per Box! Free Shipping! or 888-210-5233. Get Extra $10: Use Offer Code: Cashnow! ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information.
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Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-7379447 18+ A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-217-3942 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-290-8321 to start your application today! Want To Purchase Minerals And Other Oil/Gas Interests. Send Details To: PO Box 13557, Denver CO 80201. ACCESS YOUR LAWSUIT CASH! In an Injury Lawsuit? Need Cash Now? Low Rates. No Credit Checks/ Monthly Payments. Call Now 1-800-568-8321. Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS or STOP SMOKING PRODUCTS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at
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Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ
Oct. 1-3, 9-5. 17814 Ridgewood, Ave., Lansing. J e w e l r y, f u r n i t u r e , household items, DVD’s, Holiday Specialties, so much more. Come, Enjoy!
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.
Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-656-1632 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train at home to process Medical Billing & Insurance! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online training at Bryan University! HS Diploma/ GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-888-734-6711 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 CAN’T BREATHE? 2 FOR 1 SALE All Nasal Sprays No RX required / offer ends Nov 15/15 Canadian Pharmacy Mention Code: BREATHE 1-888-848-1945 MONTANA, WYOMING, New Mexico acreage starting at $485/acre. Owner financing O.A.C. Building sites, roads, views, elk, natl forest! 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 8 2 - 8 0 8 8 VIAGRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419
Oct. 1-3, 8-4. 17929 Escanaba, Lansing/ Halloween Misc. Christmas, tables, bikes, clothes, books, household. Lots of misc.
Classified Advertising Network A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CANCER! Help United Breast Foundation education, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION 855-403-0213 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-648-0096 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALLNOW! 1-866-312-6061 VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 50 tabs $90 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-864-5784
PIE IN THE FACE FOR A GOOD CAUSE: Seventh grader Katie Funchion stands along side St. John Lutheran Church School Principal and 7th and 8th grade teacher Jared Griesenen Wednesday August 23rd, 2015 on the school’s south lawn shown here before and after the big event! Katie won the chance to toss a pie in the face of the school principal. She carefully filled an empty pie tin with whipped cream and even sweetened the experience by tossing on a handful of sprinkles! “Oh, great sprinkles,” noted Principal Griesenen, “that will make it taste better!” So Katie took a hearty fling and score4d a perfect hit much to the roar of delight by the whole student body which had turned out to see the good natured fun. Proceeds from the event will benefit Meals on Wheels. The pie throwing was part of the whole program for the school to help Meals on Wheels. On Saturday August 26,th, 2015, the students participated in a 5K walk-run. Bravo to a group of highly motivated students and their teachers helping others. ***
COLDWELL BANKER AGENTS LEARN CPR FROM SCHEREVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPUTY CHIEF: Dealing with the public is the stock and trade of all real estate agents a nd Brokers, so, Jim Oster, Broker Manager of the Coldwell Banker Schererville office decided to invite the Schererville Fire Department over to give a few instructions on how to save a life using the Heimlich method and a primer on CPR which will be handled in more depth at a special meeting set up for all the agents to become certified in the life saving technique. Pictured here surrounding Deputy Chief Robert Patterson are Jim Oster along with, Bill, Mike, Barb, Donna, Suzette, Judy, Lisa, Patty and Joe. This is just one more example of Coldwell Banker going the extra mile to help us serve our clients! *** MODEL TRAIN FANCIERS ALERT: There will be a Train Swap meet on Sunday October 4, 2015 at the American Legion Post 33, 132 N. Wiggs Street in Griffith, Indiana. At 2 p.m. there will a program on the EJ&E Railroad with John Egan. There are still vendor spots available for $15 each. Plans are underway for Hi Rail Train setting within Inland Steel model set up in the works. For more information call Bill Maloney at 815-834-0835. ***
C ALUME T CIT Y C AR SHOW A HUGE SUCCESS! Enjoying a sunny day Saturday August 19, 2015 are some of the planners of the 11th annual Car show hosted by the Calumet City Chamber and Thunder Road Productions. Theya re from left Chris Thrall of Zoom Clean Car Wash and Detail center, a car show sponsor; Ja ne Row la nd, C ha mber Di re c tor a nd President of t he Ca lumet Cit y Public Librar y; Hank Maday, former Ca lumet Cit y landscaper and f lora l broker now based in Crete, Il and a lifetime Chamber member and Sandy DeYoung, of f ice ma nager for Bob’s Body Shop and a coordinator with Andy DeYoung, (chairman) of the car show. In all some 32 cars were on display and trophies given in a variety of categories. “Ever yone went home happy,” Andy DeYoung noted following the event. “That’s the main thing!” *** TRAIN FANCIERS ALERT--TRAIN SWAP SET FOR OCTOBER 4, 2015: From 10-2 at the American Legion Post 66. 132 N. Wiggs Street Griffith, Indiana. The program starts at 2 p.m. with John Egan and an update on the EJ&E RR. Vendor tables are still available for $15 each. There is also in the planning works the Hi Rail Train Club with Inland Steel highlights. For more i n for mat ion contact Bi l l Maloney at 815-834-0835. Another such event (on a much larger scale) is set for November 28, 2015 at the Crown Point Fairgrounds. More about that as the date nears, but if you need more info now, call Joe Algozzini at 219-922-6083 *** TWENTIETH ANNUAL POLISH AMERICAN H ER I TAG E E VEN T SE T FOR SU N DAY OCTOBER 4, 2015: The Polish American Heritage Fest will start in Calumet City with a 10:30 a.m. field Mass at Pulaski Park (154th and Went worth) across from Calumet City Hall, 204 Pulaski. This will be followed by a wreath laying ceremony in Pulaski Park in Hammond, In cooperation with the Pulaski Citizen’s Club of Hammond, In (139th Street and Sheffield Avenue - Douglas Park area) at 12:30 p.m. A sit down authentic Polish family style luncheon will be held at the Cavalier Inn Restaurant, 735 Gostlin Street, Hammond, at 1 p.m. An official proclamation and program will follow lunch and we will be entertained by the music of Gennie O and the Next Step. Donation is $18 in advance or $20 at the door. A cash bar will be available and the music will be on from 3 to 6 p.m. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call Calumet City Treasurer Gerry Tarka at 708-891-8213 or stop by or call the Cavalier Inn, 219-933-9314. This is a national celebration of Polish History, Culture and Pride in cooperation with The Polish A merican Congress and Polonia across America. *** PRAYERS AND JUSTICE FOR DIANE: A popular Lansing resident was recently the victim of a horrific attack in her own home. She was assaulted, robbed, beaten, and burned by a person who allegedly lived nearby in a faith based env i ron ment for ex-of fenders. She is severely injured and in a hospital u ndergoi ng pa i n f u l t reat ment s. Needless to say her hospital and doctor bills are going to mount quickly. There is a Facebook Page called “Prayers for Diane.” As of today, over $36,000 has been donated and more is needed. To Diane and her family, our heartfelt prayers go out to her for a speedy recovery. If and when this goes to trial, so it doesn’t get swept under the rug or forgotten about, let’s all go as Court Watchers for Diane! Be Well Diane--you are loved!’
For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.
Say I saw it in The Shopper Sept. 30, 8-12; Oct. 1, 8-1; Oct. 2nd, 8-12. 18534 Oak Ave., Lansing. Household items, toys, clothes, bikes and much more.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 1st, 8-4; Oct. 2nd, 9-11. 158th St., & Emerald Ave., Harvey, IL. Clothes, toys, books, linens, household items, tools. Reasonable prices. Info. Call. 708-877-6018 Oct. 7-14, 7-4. 2855 Glenwood Lansing Rd., Lynwood, IL. MASSIVE Yard Sale! New Auto Accessories, tools, furniture, golfing items, and much more. More Stuff Everyday.
September 30, 2015 Oct. 3rd, 9-6. 248 Harper Ave, Glenwood, IL. Clothes, baby items, lamps, decor pillows, wall pictures, g r a s s , s p r e a d e r / e d g e r, jewelry, purses, comforter. Homemade cookies & cakes.
Real Estate Childcare Center For Sale. Licensed for 40 children. Call 708-955-9736. Located in South Suburb of Chicago.. Sold by owner.
Garage Sales in Dyer
Mobile Homes For Sale
Oct. 3rd, 9a-3p. 182 Summer Hill Drive, Dyer,IN. Ever ything must go! Housewares, crafts, fat quarters, fabrics, quilt kits, patterns and more!
Motor Home: 94-31’ Hawkins Hawk, Cummings Diesel Pusher, Mileage 74,729. Paid $27,730. Asking $16,000 obo. Before 8 pm. 219-670-6701
Cemetery Lots For Sale
Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 1-3, 8-1. 513 Ben Drive, Schererville, IN. Lots of items, baby clothes, baby item s, hous ehol d items, curio cabinet, small patio set.
2 Plots Oakland Memorial Lanes Cemetery, Dolton, IL. Discount $1,000 each, includes liners. Buyers pay $250 title transfer fee. Call Norm. 815-462-1434
Vacation/Timeshares For Sale 2nd Home on Lake. Large lot, fully furnished. On Shadow Lake in Wilmington, IL. Gated community. With pontoon boat, golf cart and storage shed. 708-227-1757
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Walking distance to SuperWalmart. Apts. For Rent: Riverdale and Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.
Calumet City 2 bdrm. Apt. Stove & refrigerator, $650/ mo + $650 Dep. Also a Studio, 221 Pulaski, 1-bdrm. stove & fridge, furnished $525 +2mo. sec. $40 credit check. Seniors welcome. 219-629-5357 Calumet City Apt: 2 bdrm. & 1 bath, appliances, laundry facility, no pets, $600/mo. + $600 security. 708-589-5720 Cozy 1 bedroom apartment on second floor in nice area. Fridge and stove included. All utilities. $725. East Hazelcrest. 708-308-8062 Apt. for rent: Calumet City Apt. 3 bdrm. w/balcony, 1-1/2 bath, includes utilities. 708-439-6225 Apt. for rent: Hegewisch 2-bdrm. near South Shore t r a i n . 1 s t f l o o r. N e w carpeting, all appliances, w/ heat. $750/mo. + sec. No pets. Seniors welcome. 312241-6354 or 773-646-5951 Cute, 1 bdrm. Apt. on 2nd floor, in Hammond. Fridge, stove and heat included. $675/mo. + deposit. 219670-1847
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Dolton: Immediate rental. 2-bdrm., 1-bath, 1 car garage. $1000/ mo. + sec. quiet location. Nice backyard. 708-2434118
Open Sat 1-3 14327 Cottage Grove Ave, Dolton $99,499 Sharp 3 br, 2 ba home w/gleaming hdwd flrs, larger kitchen, formal din rm, spacious rms, fam rm, utility rm, loads of parking & 2.5-car gar. Kent Magnuson 708-889-2656
Lansing $199,900 Brick 4 br, 3 ba brick Forrester. Frml din, liv rm, cath ceil, granite kit w/ss appl, fam rm w/fplc, full bsmt w/10’ ceil, 2-car gar & more! Catherine Higgins 708-889-2728
South Holland $164,900 Open-concept 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. Finished basement with full bath and bedroom! Hardwood floors throughout. Gail Miller O’Donnell 708-957-0600
House for rent: So. Holland, 3 bdrm., living room, kitchen, 1-bath, one car garage, $1200/mo. Ask for John. 708-204-0054
Rooms For Rent Rooms for rent: Will provide a helping hand. In Homewood and Harvey. $275 + up. Call Evelyn. 708957-0604 Calumet City $149,900 Well-maintained brick 3-flat. Updated kit w/oak cabs. Updated ba. Newer roof, boiler, water heaters. In-unit laundry for 2 units. Garage. Laurie Ward-Webster 708-889-2735
Lynwood $149,900 4 br, 3.5 ba home w/open flr pln, updated eat-in kit w/ hdwd flrs, new counters & oak cabs. Lrg mstr ste w/ whirlpool ba. Huge bsmt. Deck. James Oster 708-889-2750
South Holland $149,000 Beautifully-updated 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath brick ranch. Open-concept kitchen flows into the family room. Att garage. Rear deck & fenced yard. Daniel Cacich 708-889-2719
South Holland $149,000 Wonderful 4 br, 1.5 ba tri-level. 2-car att gar. All appl. Nice fenced yard. Close to schools, shopping, expressway, transp & cmmty center. David Iwaszko 708-889-2600
South Holland $144,900 Beautiful 4 br, 1.5 ba brick home. Remod kit, dining area & appl. Master ba. Hdwd flrs. Large LL fam rm, ofc & br. 2.5-car gar. Shed. Deck. Catherine Higgins 708-889-2728
Lynwood $139,900 3-4 br, 2.5 ba ranch w/fin bsmt w/2nd kit. 2.5-car gar. Just under .75-ac lot. Eat-in kit w/appl. Large liv rm. Newer roof & vinyl siding. Gina Musolino 708-889-2600
Lansing $130,000 Resort-like adult cmmty. Brick 2 br, 2 ba TH w/open flr pln. Sitting rm/ofc/sun rm, fenced patio, master w/ba & walk-in closet. 2-car gar. Gwendolyn Smith 773-451-1200
Dolton $125,000 Recent-rehab 3 br, 1.5 ba home w/fin basement. Hdwd flrs thruout, ss appl & c/a. New electric, plumb & windows. Sec sys. 2-car gar. Carport. David Olaoye 773-451-1200
Lansing $124,900 3 br, 2 ba tri-level. Liv rm & din rm, large fam rm w/fplc, master w/ba access & att 2-car gar. Front porch. Bkyd patio. Close-to-all loc! Tom Gregory 708-889-2726
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Pr o f e s s i o n a l buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. Secure bldg, plenty of parking. Contact Mike 708-339-8068
Office Space for rent: 3232 Ridge Rd. Office space. Various sizes and prices. Im m e d i a t e O c c u p a n c y. Ample parking in rear. Leave message. 708-716-4243
Co m m e rc i a l Sp a c e f o r Lease on Ridge Rd. In downtown Lansing. 4000sq+800sq basement. Beautiful new facade/ windows/doors. Easy access, plenty of parking. $3,250/mo. Contact Tim. 708-362-2530
Pets For sale: 125 Gallon fish tank with 2 door oak stand, 2 two filters lights, covers on wheeled platform $500 obo. 708-212-8300 Pets for sale: Unconditional love offered by three month old kittens. Who only ask for a good home. Five dollars each. 708-841-9844
Lost & Found Found: 6D card for camera at Veteran Park on Saturday the 19th. Please call to claim. 708-227-2081
Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708474-3941 Wanted: We buy Unopened and unexpired diabetic test s t r i p s. We p i c k u p i n Chicagoland area. Please call. 312-487-1091 300 piece jigsaw puzzles. Please call Judy 708-5391216 Wa n t e d : F o r d t r a c t o r magazine or books on 8N Jubile Ford tractors. 708532-8337 Wanted: Looking for washer and dryer donation. If don’t need anymore. To bless a family that need them. 708527-4529 Wa n t e d : Ol d c o m p u t e r tower with dial up that works good. No junk, cheap, wanted old train stuff. 219801-5986 Wanted: 3/8 Steel plate, 40-1 gearbo, 2.5 3square tubing splitter or parts of one AR15, for sale 10,000 lb. Hitch $75. 708-474-8221
I’m One of South Hollands Top selling agents with nearly 2 decades of service in town. I’m a Zillow Premier agent with excellent client reviews, read my South Holland reviews at
708-774-9087 Lansing $119,900 All brick 3 br, 1.5 ba home. Master w/.5 ba. Newer windows. Fin bsmt. Hdwd br flrs. 2.5-car gar & side drive. All appl. 8 Kw generator. Dave Sosnowski 815-933-9700
Commercial Space
Lansing $124,500 Great 3 bedroom, 2 bath clean home with family room and fireplace. Privacy fence. Stop in, you will be glad you did! Linda Mccroy 773-467-5300
Thornton $114,900 Updated 4 br, 2 ba ranch w/updated open kit, flrs & baths. Large open fam rm w/fplc, Anderson windows, fenced yd, 2.5-car det garage & shed. Joanne Bartelsen 708-460-4900
Call me for a FREE! home evaluation!
Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins
• Complimentary Market Evaluation • We’ll Provide Answers to all of your Real Estate Questions • We’ll Advise you on what you need to do to get your home ready for sale! Lansing $89,900 Renovated 3 br neut home w/ss appl, new light fixt, hardware & cabs. Bsmt. Sun-rm, fenced-in yard & 2-car gar. Seconds to schools! Conv loc. Jennifer Postpichal 708-957-0600
Lansing $82,000 Beautiful 3 br, 1.5 ba home w/light maple cabs & hardwood floors. All appl. Fin basement w/bar, blt-in seating, large laundry rm & workshop. Karla Mina 312-498-8473
Calumet City $62,900 All brick 3 br bungalow. Side drive. 2.5-car gar, storage shed, 87 x 25 ft lot & full bsmt. Newer roof, furnace, a/c & hwh. Whole house fan. Kirk Busch 708-889-2600
©2015 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
20 E. U.S. 30
Schererville, IN 46375
• • • •
We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • Put our Experience to work for you!
See what we do at Email: Call: 708-828-3304 We Sold 160 + Homes the Past 2 Years For a Reason!
Say I saw it in The Shopper
September 30, 2015
september selldown every 2015 must go EXPERIENCE
BUICK 7 AVAILABLE! wIth thIs dIscount
4 AVAILABLE wIth thIs dIscount!
2015 BUICK
2015 BUICK
MSRP .................................................... $24,305 Discount.................................................. $1,806 Rebate..................................................... $1,000 Competitive Lease (Competitive Owner $1,000 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty $750) .............. $1,500
MSRP .....................................................$25,485 Discount...................................................$1,491 Select Model Cash....................................$2,000 Bonus Cash .................................................$750 Competitive Lease (Competitive Owner $1,000 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty $750) ...............$1,500
Wheels, Keyless, Remote Start, touch Screen Radio and more!
Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio and more!
19,999/$179 mo.
2015 BUICK
2015 GMC
MSRP .....................................................$27,485 Discount...................................................$1,986 Rebate......................................................$1,000 Model Year Bonus........................................ $750 Competitive Lease (Competitive Owner $1,000 Buick/GMC Loyalty $750)..........................$1,500
Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio and more!
2015 GMC
MSRP .......................................................... $34,900 Discount........................................................ $2,001 Rebate........................................................... $1,500 Select Model Cash......................................... $1,000 Model Year Bonus ............................................. $750 Bonus Cash ...................................................... $500 Extra Bonus ...................................................... $500 Competitive Lease (Competitive Owner $1,000 Buick/GMC Loyalty $750) .............................. $1,500
3 Rows, Keyless, Wheels, touch Screen Radio and more!
27,499/$259 mo.
22,249/$189 mo.
‘10 Kia Rio LX Auto, A/C, 1 Owner, 90K #B2708A ........................................................ $4,998 ‘05 Chevrolet Trailblazer EXT 3 Rows, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 90K #B2700A ..........................................$7,899/$99 Mo. ‘05 Dodge Caravan SXT 1 Owner, Very Clean, Full power, 3 Rows, 50K #B2712A ..........................................$7,998/$99 Mo. ‘09 Pontiac Vibe Auto, A/C, Full power, 70K gas saver! #B2623A .......................................$9,899/$132 Mo. ‘07 Buick Lucerne CXL Leather, Chrome Wheels, Custom Top, 80K #B2440A .......................................$9,998/$134 Mo. ‘09 Mitsubishi Outlander SE, Wheels, Keyless, 3 Rows, 1 Owner, 70K #T17074A ...................................$10,998/$159 Mo. ‘12 Buick Verano Leather, Keyless, Wheels, 1 Owner, 80K #B2472A .....................................$10,998/$159 Mo. ‘11 Chevrolet Impala LT Wheels, Full power, CD, Keyless, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2390A..................$11,899/$162 Mo. ‘10 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8L, Grand Touring, Leather, Wheels, 70K #T17260A ...................................$11,899/$162 Mo. ‘13 Hyundai Accent GLS, Auto, Full pwr, 1 Owner, 30K, #B2342A .....................................$11,998/$169 Mo.
Circle Exclusive Bonus ............$2,016
MSRP .....................................................$26,995 Discount...................................................$1,705 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty (GM Lease $500 Competitive Lease $750) .............................$750
4 doors! auto, a/c, Full Power, cd, and more
24,540/$299 mo.
2015 BUICK
MSRP .....................................................$47,465 Circle Discount .........................................$3,566 Rebate......................................................$1,500 Bonus $.......................................................$500 Extra Bonus .................................................$500 Select Model.............................................$1,000 Competitive Lease (Competitive Owner $1,000 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty $750) ...............$1,500
Wheels, Keyless, touch Screen Radio, leather and More!
3 Rows, leather, Wheels,Keyless, touch Screen Radio and more!
38,899/$359 mo.
Save 21%
4 AVAILABLE wIth thIs dIscount!
Stand Alone Offer Circle Exclusive....$5,000
Save $8,566
Stand Alone Offer....................$6,000
80 In StOcK
Save OveR $7,200
6 AVAILABLE! wIth thIs dIscount
MSRP .......................................$37,220
19,249/$179 mo.
MSRP ...................................$31,915
2.0 liter turbo! bluetooth Streaming, 18” Wheels, Full Power, Heated Seats. beautiful!
We’ll beat any deal by
Save OveR $10,000!
MSRP .....................................................$43,625 Discount...................................................$4,026 Rebate......................................................$1,500 Select Bonus Cash....................................$1,000 Bonus Cash .................................................$750 Extra Bonus .................................................$750 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty (Competitive Lease $500 GM Lease $500) .................................$750
MSRP ......................................................$46,975 Circle Discount ..........................................$4,076 Select Model Bonus...................................$2,000 Rebate.......................................................$1,500 GMC Bonus Cash..........................................$750 GMC INC Cash ...........................................$1,000 Buick/GMC Lease Loyalty (Competitive Lease $500 GM Lease $500) ..................................$750
Z-71, Wheels, touch Radio, Well equipped!
Sle, Wheels, Keyless, Z-71, loaded-up!
34,849/$349 mo.
36,899/$389 mo.
2-Year/24,000 Miles
Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals maintenance included!!
‘10 Buick Lacrosse CX 1 Owner, X-Clean, Wheels, Keyless, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2605A..................$13,899/$184 Mo. ‘10 Chevrolet Equinox LT LT, Wheels, Chrome package, 1 Owner, 90K #T17257A ...................................$13,899/$184 Mo. ‘08 Cadillac CTS AWD All Wheel Drive, NAV, Loaded Up, 60K #B2594A .....................................$13,998/$189 Mo. ‘08 GMC Envoy SLT 4x4, Leather, Chrome Wheels, Loaded, 1 Owner, 60K #B2756A .....................................$13,998/$189 Mo. ‘11 Buick Lacrosse CXL 1 Owner, Wheels, Leather, X-Clean, 60K, CERTIFIED! #T17127A................$13,998/$189 Mo. ‘12 Ford Fusion SEL 1 Owner, Leather, Wheels, 4 Door, Only 17K #T17195A ...................................$14,998/$219 Mo. ‘13 Buick Encore Leather, Wheels, Keyless, Touch Radio, 50K #B2552A .....................................$15,899/$236 Mo. ‘13 Buick Verano Keyless, Leather, Wheels, Touch Radio, 20K, CERTIFIED! #B2634A..................$16,699/$243 Mo. ‘11 GMC Terrain Keyless, Wheels, 1 Owner, Only 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16934A................$16,899/$249 Mo.
‘12 Hyundai Genesis Coupe, Auto, A/C, Wheels, 1 Owner, 30K #TI7242A ....................................$16,899/$249 Mo. ‘12 Buick Lacrosse CX Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2459B.................. $16,998/$254 Mo. ‘10 Dodge Charger R/T Hemi Motor, Wheels, X-Clean, 50K #B2504A .....................................$17,899/$259 Mo. ‘12 GMC Terrain SLE 1 Owner, Wheels, Keyless, CD, Mocha Steel, 40K, CERTIFIED! .................................$17,999/$264 Mo. ‘12 GMC Terrain SLE Wheels, Keyless, Full power, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T17079A.................................$17,998 ‘12 Chevrolet Equinox LTZ 1 Owner, Chrome Wheels, Leather, Heated Seats, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2461A...................................$18,899 ‘11 Buick Lacrosse CXS LOADED, Wheels, Roof, Leather, NAV, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2578A...................................$18,998 ‘12 GMC Sierra Ext. power, 1 Owner, X-Clean, Only 20K, CERTIFIED! #TI6867B..................................$19,899 ‘11 Buick Lacrosse CX5 Fully Loaded, Wheels, NAV, Roof, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2211A...................................$19,899 ‘14 GMC Terrain SLE 1 Owner, Touch Radio, Keyless, 13K, CERTIFIED! #TI6941B..................................$19,899
‘12 Buick Enclave CXL Chrome Wheels, Dual Sunroof, 3 Rows, Loaded, 70K #B2467A ......................................................$19,998 ‘12 GMC Terrain SLT Wheels, Leather, Roof, Loaded, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2588B...................................$19,998 ‘12 Chrysler Town & Country Touring Touring-L Edition, 1 Owner, Loaded Up, 21K #T17123A ....................................................$19,998 ‘13 Buick Encore Wheels, keyless, leather group! 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2489A...................................$21,899 ‘14 Buick Lacrosse CXL 1 Owner, Leather, Wheels, X-Clean, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2566A...................................$21,998 ‘12 Buick Enclave xxxxx, Wheels, 3 Rows, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2588A...................................$21,998 ‘14 Buick Regal CXL AWD All Wheel Drive, Leather, Wheels, Roof, 18K, CERTIFIED! #B2506A...................................$22,899 ‘14 GMC Terrain SLE-2 Uplevel trim, Touch Radio, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 12K, CERTIFIED! #TI6458A..........................$22,899 ‘15 GMC Terrain SLE-2 Uplevel trim, Remote Start, Touch Radio, 18K , CERTIFIED! #B2438A...................................$23,899
‘13 Buick Encore Premium AWD All Wheel Drive, Wheels, Leather, NAV, Roof, 20K, CERTIFIED! #B2635A.......................................$24,899 ‘11 Chevrolet Suburban LT 4x4, Leather, Sunroof, DVD, 70K #T17235A ........................................................$25,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra EXT Z-71 4x4, Hard pointed Led, Chrome Wheels, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! #T17154A.....................................$26,899 ‘12 Buick Enclave CXL 1 Owner, 3 Rows, Captain’s Chairs, Leather, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2156A.......................................$26,998 ‘12 Chevrolet Silverado Crew Z-71 Wheels, LT, Leather, Tonneau, X-Clean, 50K #TI7008A .........................................................$27,899 ‘14 GMC Acadia SLE-2 3 Rows, Middle Captain’s, Wheels, Roof, 30K, CERTIFIED! #TI6726A......................................$28,899 ‘14 Buick Enclave CXL 3 Rows, Wheels, Navigation, Loaded, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2678A.......................................$31,899 ‘12 GMC Acadia Denali All Wheel Drive, Dual Roofs, Chrome Wheels, Nav! CERTIFIED! #B2639A.......................................$32,899 ‘14 GMC Sierra Crew Z-71, 4 Doors, Keyless, Loaded Up Save! 19K, CERTIFIED! #TI7226A .....................................$35,998 ‘13 GMC Acadia Denali AWD Fully Loaded, NAV, Headrest DVD, Wheels, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2401A.......................................$36,998
*Payments 2,000 due plus taxes, with approved credit. * 00-04 60 months@6.9% * 05-12 75 months@6.9. New car payments 39 month/10K mile per year lease 2500Ave plus 1st/sec + taxes.0% in lieu of most Rebate. *Encore andTerrain lease 24 months/10K per year lease. $2,000 due plus 1st payment/security & taxes. *Verano lease is 24 months/10K, $3,000 due plus tax and 1st payment.
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