The Shopper 10/15/14

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Wednesday • October 15 • 2014

Calumet City Fire Department’s 100th Anniversary we support!




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There’s a new addition to Pulaski Park in Calumet City! In honor of the Calumet City Fire Department’s 100th anniversary, the Calumet Memorial Park District has placed a bronze statue of a boy dressed as a firefighter at the park located at the intersection of Wentworth Ave. and Pulaski Rd, directly across the street from City Hall and CCFD Fire House No. 1. As seen in this photo, the little fireman is sporting a pink boa, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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*New car prices & payments include applicable manufacturer incentives & manufacturer rebates. Plus tax, title, license & doc fee. In lieu of special financing. **Plus tax, title, license & doc fee. Payments based on 72 months at 1.89% APR with $3,000 down. With approved credit. +We’ll beat any advertised deal on invoice cost. Excludes trades. Must be exact make/model. On in stock units only. †EPA's estimated highway MPG's. ^With approved credit. On select models. In lieu of manufacturer rebates & manufacturer incentives. Ex: $13.89 per $1,000 financed with $0 down. ^^Off MSRP. MSRP may not be price at which vehicle is sold in trade area. Includes applicable manufacturer rebates and manufacturer incentives. In lieu of special financing. Ex: 2014 Chevy Silverado Double Cab, STK#14650, MSRP $39,270-$9,000 = $30,270. ~With approved credit. On select models. ≈Factory program. Dealer will not honor any pricing errors in this advertisement. Prices are good 2 days from date of publication. Pictures are for illustration purposes only.

The Lake County Public Library has joined a group of Indiana Libraries to cooperate with each other to allow Lake County residents to visit and check out materials from other library systems in many locations throughout the state. This means that if you are a Lake County Public Library resident and would like to visit another participating library all you will need to do it show the library your Lake County Public Library card to prove that you are a member in good standing. The library will then be able to issue you a reciprocal library card that you can use that day. Reciprocal card borrowers are usually given a different card then resident borrowers and every library’s rules for reciprocal borrowers differ at each library. If you’ve found an Indiana library that has the item you need, call first to make sure you can borrow it under the statewide borrowing program. When you do borrow an item from a different library, your are responsible for the item just as you are when you borrow from the Lake County Public Library. That means you will have to return the item to the library system from which you borrowed it. For more information patrons are encouraged to go to This is the library’s way of reaching out to Indiana residents and providing the common goal of all libraries in the state of “Education for All!”

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

Appliance Repair The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623

Fall Special! A/C or Furnace clean & check $44.95. A/C, Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281

Mr. Fix It. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $10 service call with this ad. 708429-7479

HVAC: Discount heating and air clean and check your furnace. Be warm and safe. Call us before you turn on your heat. EPA certified. Licensed, insured. Only $75 for clean and check. 708-2070644

Chimney Repair

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

VERSE OF THE WEEK He saved us – not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to His mercy, through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit. — Titus 3:5

Attend the church of your choice.

Teens: Sex and Healthy Choices Summit Underage drinking, tobacco and other drug use/abuse are putting South Cook County teens at greater risk of teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). T h e S o u t h S u b u r b a n Fa m i l y We l l n e s s A l l i a n c e ( S S F WA ) , i n collaboration w it h The Prevention P a r t ner s h ip, I nc ., Tr e at ment A lternatives for Safe Communities (T.A.S.C.), Aunt Martha’s Youth Service C ent er, Br emen Yout h S er v ic e s , Fra ncisca n St. Ja mes Hea lt h a nd Mental Health America of Illinois, is sponsoring a Southland Call to Action Summit on Friday, November 7, 2014, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the E Lounge (Room E1571) of Governors State University. This half-day summit will focus on the prevention of teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS/STIs among teens in South Cook County. Featured panelists and moderators will include: Dr. Cheryl Mejta, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Addictions St ud ies a nd Behav iora l Hea lt h at GSU ; Peter Pa la nc a, M A , C A DC , Executive Vice President of Treatment A lternatives for Safe Communities (T.A.S.C.) and a Senior Lecturer in GSU’s Depa r t ment of Add ic t ion s St ud ie s a nd B e h a v ior a l He a lt h ; K imberley For nero, Bureau Chief,

Concrete Work

Cleaning Services: L & D Cleaning Services. Houses, offices. We also refurnish floors. Free estimates. 773979-0808 or 773-708-8493

Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192

Computer City, Inc. Sauk Village, IL. The First company to remove a PC virus only $50. We also repair, blue screen errors, PC won’t boot up, screen freezing, PC crashing, Constant Pop-Ups, All these items repaired only $ 5 0 . S o u t h Su b u r b s & Northwest Indiana. Call Tommy. 708-300-6708

· Prevent underage drink ing and other drug use, teen pregnancy, HIV/ AIDS/STIs and mental health issues by bu i ld i ng relat ion sh ips a mong community sectors/stakeholders and by promoting positive family dynamics. A lthough teen pregnancy rates are decreasing, the personal and public costs of teen pregnancy, childbearing, substance use and STIs can have many adverse consequences for teens, their children and their community. This call to action for these preventable outcomes w i l l help to create community awareness and provide opportunities for dialogue and future planning among stakeholders. The following is the URL to the “Ne w s a nd Event s” webpa ge for t he College of Hea lt h a nd Huma n Services – detailed Summit Program information and Registration form can be found at this location: http://www. Programs/College_of_Hea lt h_and_ Human_Services/News_and_Events/ To register or obtain additiona l information, contact Debra Sbalchiero, Office Support Specialist, at Governors St at e Un i v er sit y i s lo c at e d at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois.

Positive Youth Development, Illinois Department of Human Services; Dr. Joseph Day, Assista nt Professor of Com mu n it y Hea lt h at GSU; A l isa Webb, Coord i nator of Dr ug-Fre e Communities Program for T.A.S.C.; Kimberli Thompson, Administrator at Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center; Shellie Coleman, Coordinator, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, The Prevention Partnership, Inc; Juanita Jenkins, Bremen Youth Services; John Farrell, Ph.D., psychologist; Car y n Curry, Director of Prevention, Mental Health America of Illinois; and Joseph Gordon, A ssociate Pr incipa l, R ich South School District 227. The goals of the Summit include: · Educate sectors of the community about t he r ising nu mbers of teen pregnancies, HIV/AIDS/STIs among young people in the south suburbs; · Ident i f y gaps i n ser v ic e s a nd resources for teens and their families; · D e v elop a g r e ement s b e t w e en prov iders a nd sout h subu rba n com mu n it y sectors to act ively p a r t ic i p a t e i n t h e d e v e lopm e nt and implementation of a Regiona l 12-month Strategic Action Plan aimed at the prevention of teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS/STIs among young people in the south suburbs;

Cleaning Services

Computer Sales/ Repair An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

page 2

C o n c r e t e & Pa t c h i n g . Concrete steps patched to last. Walks, steps, patios, drives replaced. Free estimates, small jobs. Licensed. D.W Concrete. 708418-0523


Slice of Pl. Cheesecake, Cup of Soup, Med. Pop or French Fries with Single Sandwich or Dinner Only

Hey Ladies! Learn Self Defense Free Back by popular demand, Draco Academy of Martial Arts will be hosting an October FREE women’s self defense seminar. This seminar will be held on Saturday, October 25th at 11:45 AM in Dyer, IN. This is an open to the public event for women ages 16 and older. The seminar will be limited to 20 participants, so be sure to sign up early. If you participated in the September session, please join us again as we will expand on the techniques previously demonstrated. The seminar will teach participants how to be more aware of your surroundings, as well as, techniques to prevent attackers from entering your sphere of safety. Participants are advised to wear attire suitable for a workout. To receive more information or to sign up to participate, please call (219)558-8228, or email info

Drywall Repair


Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

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The Shopper - OCT. 2014

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 3






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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 4

New Exhibitions Coming to South Suburban College Galleries The Art & Design Department of South Suburban College (SSC) is pleased to announce two new exhibitions coming to galleries on the Main Campus in South Holland. First, an exhibition titled The X-Ray Series will be on display October 21st through a closing reception with artist Michael Hopkins on November 17th from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Hopkins has exhibited throughout the United States, in Canada and Europe. He has art in numerous museum permanent collections including The A rt Institute of Chicago. The X-Ray Series was completed between 2004 and 2007. The media is white ink on slate comprised of slightly altered images of both human and animal X-rays. Twenty (20) pieces from The X-Ray Series will exhibit at SSC as part a larger collection on display internationally including The Progressive Art Collection, Mayfield Village, Ohio–rated as one of the best collections by Forbes Magazine, Chazen Museum of A rt, Madison, Wisconsin, and permanent collections at The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor Michigan and The Wellcome Trust Collection, London, England–Nobel Peace Prize winner James Watson spoke at the opening. “I was interested in The X-Ray Series at the beginning based on formal elements,” said Hopkins. “From there, I became intrigued by how looking at the human and animal skeletal system may evolve into other topics.” Additionally, Faint Perceptions is an exhibition by artist Connie Wolfe that will run October 27th through the closing

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & c o m m e rc i a l p r o p e r t i e s. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758

“Isolation” is part of the Faint Perceptions exhibition coming to South Suburban College’s Lee Dulgar Gallery courtesy of artist Connie Wolfe. ________________________________________


Handyman Services

Economy Deck Restoration & Repair. Summer Special! Power-washing and Refinishing. Call Dan for quote. 219-577-7703. Protect your deck!

All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

Gutter Cleaning G u t t e r C l e a n i n g : Fa l l Special! 50% Off Regular Price, just .50c cents per linear foot. Free Down-spout Flush! Also leaf blowing services. Free estimates. Licensed & fully insured. Call Paul @ Mr. Clean. 219-7796325

Affordable Home Repairs. We repair almost any home repair at affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, gutter cleaning, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

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reception on November 20th from 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Three installations will be featured in the exhibit. Wolfe earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of WisconsinParkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin, and his Master of Fine Arts from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Wolfe is inspired by the rich colors and textures in natural environments that typically go unnoticed in the everyday rituals of our society. “Most recent ly I have been ma k ing mi xed-media installations that are pieces on their own, yet they become the inspiration for my two-dimensional work,” said Wolfe. “This process simulates my experience to nature in that subtle differences in light, time of day, and vantage point of the installations are used as source material for my drawings, prints, and paintings. As a result, the subject of all of my work shares the hidden intricacies inherent in our environment.” The X-Ray Series can be viewed during gallery hours in the Dorothea Thiel Gallery on the 4th floor in the Art & Design hallway. Faint Perceptions will be exhibiting in the Lee Dulgar Gallery on the first floor near the college Atrium. SSC Galleries are open at minimum Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The galleries are closed on weekends and holidays. The public is welcome to visit art exhibitions and receptions at no charge. For more information, please call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2445 or visit SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.

Adoption Fee-Waived Humane Society Calumet Area will offer all treats and no tricks this October with an adoption fee-waived weekend at its adoption center and additional specials throughout the month. HSCA’s Adoption Center will extend its hours for an entire weekend with adoption fees waived Friday, October 24 through Sunday, October 26. The adoption special is open to the public and the event takes place with extended hours from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the shelter located at 421 45th St, Munster, Ind. A l l adopt ions requ i re a n approved appl icat ion a nd sta nda rd adopt ion procedures apply. Some exclusions and additional fees may apply. Throughout the month of October, each HSCA subsidiar y organization will offer special discounts and contests:

-All adopters at HSCA’s Adoption Center will receive a goody bag. -HSCA’s Estelle Marcus Animal Clinic will offer a buy one, get one 50% off special on Sentinol. The animal clinic also is located at 421 45th St, Munster, Ind. -Receive a 25% off coupon when you bring your pet to trick-or-treat at HSCA’s Paws Resale Shoppe, 8149 Kennedy Ave, Highland, Ind. - H S C A’s M o r a i n e R i d g e W i l d l i f e Rehabilitation Center (MRWRC) is hosting a fall photo contest. Submit a fall photo featuring Indiana wildlife for a chance to win a MRWRC mug and t-shirt. For contest details, v isit w w w events.asp. For more information about HSCA, visit

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Left to right: Stylists Carol, Bonni, Marti, Karen, Rita. (Not pictured stylist Sharon Bransen-Smith and Receptionist Jessica.)


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 5




Kennan Liquors Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 6

Thornton Township Hosts Youth Summer Job Readiness Program Dinner O n Su nd a y, O c t ob e r 5, 2 014, T hor nton Tow nsh ip held its Fi rst Annual Awards Ceremony for its Youth Su m mer Job Read i ness P rog ra m. To w n s h i p S u p e r v i s o r F r a n k M . Zuccarelli addressed the huge audience of youths, parents, and seniors. More t ha n 20 0 yout h s were presented w it h cer t i f icates for community service. Supervisor Zuccarelli stated, “We thought it was important to bring the families and youth that worked for us together, it is important that we invest in our young people and families in our community. There are more good young people than bad ones and we want to honor them.” Sta n ley Brow n, Director of t he Youth Summer Job Readiness Program said, “It is a much needed program. They had a chance to be responsible, accountable, and learn how to manage a job. Moreover, Brow n says, “The Program has been in ex istence for the past 10 years.” Brown explains the Program uses lawn care services t hroughout Thornton Tow nship to service lawns for seniors and others. “The Program emphasizes discipline and helps develop life skills leading to college graduation, and acquiring jobs,” said Brown.


Group photo includes several of the awardees that received certificates for community service. (First Row -Center, Left to Right): Thornton Township Supervisor Frank M. Zuccarelli and Stanley Brown, Director of the Youth Summer Job Readiness Program. ___________________________________________________

Jacoby Mat t i son, H ig h School Senior said, “I learned how to deal with people. The Program is a good chance for the high risk youth to be off the streets and to be doing something with their life.” Several students talked about skills they gained from the Program. Theresa Ballard, High School Senior stated, “I gained leadership, how to overcome fea r.” First yea r col lege student Tony Miles commented on the Program, “The counselors were nice

and motivational. The Program teaches you responsibilities and to take action for yourself. Also, we learned to take a leadership role in life and how to play a positive role in the society.” Supervisor Zuccarelli announced the creation of a new Youth Incentive Col lege Cou r se Wa iver P rog r a m, offered by Thornton Township at South Suburban College. The Youth Incentive College Course Waiver is designed to defray the cost of educational expenses incurred by students.

C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025

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work to be done at the end of the month? Yes, darling, I’ll never forget how you used to kiss me right after you had put your lipstick on so that I’d get it all over me. Lu honey, after I once get back, nothing is ever going to separate us again, you can be sure of that. Life without you by my side isn’t life at all, mommy darling—it’s just a bare existence and that’s all. I’ll never really live until you’re with me again. Be sure to say hello to Ann and Helen for me, will you please? If you don’t, I’ll probably be bawled out again. Tim e to close now, precious, so here’s a big load of love and kisses from me to you. Your adoring daddy, Bob Marjorie Alice DeVries is a f reela nce w r iter devoted to sha ring t he priceless treasure of war letters, each one a unique w indow into a life that once was. Visit: w w w. t r e a s u r e d l e t t e r s f r, or write to: Ma r jor ie DeVr ies, 948 Killarney Drive, Dyer, IN 46311.

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Not valid with any other offers. Prior sales excluded. Exp. 10/31/14.


Sweetheart darling, The air-mail service from the states is still pretty good, ‘cause today I got the air-mail letter you wrote on the 27th. It was postmarked on the 28th, so it got here in a week, which isn’t bad at all. Honey, how come you have to work so many nights? Is there that much

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Back in t he old wa r days, you know…before the internet came around, t he ha ndw r it ten let ter w a s t he m a i n avenue for correspondence. For example, if you wanted to tell your honey bear (who was in Germany fighting i n W W I I ) a b out y ou r aw ful day at work, you hauled out your pen and stationar y—and started writing away. Here’s a letter written by Ma ster Sg t. Rober t Buetow, replying to his wife Lu, about a previous letter that she wrote. It’s a short letter, but a short letter was better than no letter. Even receiv ing a simple “Hello darling, I love you” on a postcard would suffice, after a hard day’s work. Darmstadt, Germany Thursday, July 5, 1945

Not valid with any other offers. Prior sales excluded. Exp. 10/31/14.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 7



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Red Potatoes

4/ 5

5 Lb. Bag

$ 99

Indiana Kitchen “All Natural” Pork


6 Oz.


Assorted Varieties

10/ 10 Bell Peppers


Boneless Round Steak Sold As Steak Only

•Red •Yellow •Orange


$ 99

2/ 5

$ 99










$ 99 $ 99


•Lowfat •Nonfat 6 Oz.

Dutch Farms

Bagels 14 Oz.

39 99 ¢

Cheese •American Singles 12 Oz.


•Hershey’s •Reese’s •Kit Kat •Snickers •M&M’s •Milky Way •Nestle Crunch •Baby Ruth •Butterfinger 10 - 12 Oz.

2/ 5 $

$ 99











•Bars Selected Varieties 8 Oz. •Fancy Shredded Selected Varieties 8 Oz.

3/ 5 $

Your ! Choice

•Sour Cream •Cottage Cheese 16 Oz.

3/ 5 $

Turkey Breast

Polish Ham



$ 98 $ 98 $1.49 1/2 Lb.

Your ! Choice

Selected Varieties


•Seagram’s Ginger Ale •Barq’s Root Beer •Fanta •Minute Maid 2 Ltr.

Grands! Biscuits 16.3 - 17.3 Oz.


•Raisin Bran 20 Oz. •Pebbles 11 Oz. •Honeycomb 12.5 Oz. •Waffle Crisp 11.5 Oz. •Alpha-Bits 12 Oz. •Golden Crisp 14.75 Oz.

$ 19

6/ 10

Ice Cream 48 Oz.

2/ 4 2/ 6 $


Paper Towels



Centrella/Prairie Farms

LU 394

•1% Lowfat •Skim Fat Free Gallon



Limit 2, Add’l. $3.99

69 99 ¢

11.25 Oz. •Garlic Bread 16 Oz. •Garlic Breadsticks 10.5 Oz.

•Bounty Basic




$3.49 1/2 Lb.

Milk •2% Reduced Fat


New York •Texas Garlic Toast

Sara Lee Krakow


Snack Size



$ 99 From Our Deli Hut

Dutch Farms Dutch Farms


Boneless Strip Steak

1/2 Gallon


Ground fresh in store many times daily.

Walt’s USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”

Dutch Farms

Pumpkin Pumpkin Cake Pie 8 Inch 9 Inch



Apple Cider

ur Country Bakery From O Walt’s Own Single Layer Walt’s Own Cream Cheese Iced Homestyle

Ground Round Value Pack

Ziegler’s Fresh

$ 99


Walt’s “All Natural” Premium 85% Lean


Walt’s USDA Choice Certified Hereford “Natural Beef”


Baby Blends

•Baby Spinach •50/50 Mix •Spring Mix •Sweet N Crunchy •Spinach & Arugula •Baby Kale

$ 49


7 AM - 7 PM All Stores



Center Cut Pork Chops Value Pack

•Fruit Naturals •Super Fruits


Large Bunch

Rosebud Farm

“Extra Sweet” Golden




3 Lb. Bag

$ 99

California Fresh

Whole Frying Chicken

•Red or Golden Delicious •Gala •Jonathan •Fuji •Macintosh •Jonagold

With This Coupon and a Separate $10 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 10/15/14 - 10/21/14.

8 Pk. Regular Rolls

•Charmin Basic

Bath Tissue 12 Pk. Double Rolls


$ 99 Eggo

•Thick & Fluffy Waffles •Waffles •Wafflers 10.7 - 16.4 Oz.

2/ 4 $


Peanut Butter 15 - 16.3 Oz.

2/ 3 $

Limit 2, Add’l. $1.99

Your ! Choice

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 8

Center For Visual & Performing Arts Celebrates, Enriches Cultural Life T he Center for V isua l a nd Performing Arts has been inspiring and enriching the cultural life of Northwest Indiana residents for 25 years and will mark the occasion with an evening celebrating the fine arts Thursday, October 16. Proceeds from the dinner and entertainment event w ill fund scholarships for area students pursuing careers in art, music and the theatre. Sponsored by Communit y Foundation of Nort hwest India na, Mu n ster C ha mber of Com merce, Northwest Indiana Symphony, South Shore Arts, Theatre at the Center and Trama Catering, the evening is filled with contributions from these tenants in the Center for Visual & Performing Arts building located at 1040 Ridge Road in Munster. From 6 to 7 pm, South Shore Arts Gallery will present for viewing The 71st Salon Show winners. The annual Salon Show provides budding artists an opportunity to showcase their work and w in prize money t hrough t he generosity of donors. South Shore Arts also conducts more than 400 classes each year in all media for all ages and presents more than 20 ex hibitions a n n u a l l y, s h o w c a s i n g r e g i o n a l , national and international artists and

This is one of the beautiful hat boxes decorated by area artists and students to be sold during that event with the monies benefiting the scholarship fund. Thank you Lake Central High School Senior Kassie Woodworth for showing us all why art matters! ______________________

cultures. At the same time, the Northwest India na Sy mphony St ring Qua r tet will perform. The quartet is part of t he Nor t hwest India na Sy mphony Orchestra that features a full season of classical and pops concerts and, sponsors a Yout h Orchestra a nd a chorus that is more than 100 members



Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038

Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and all, here’s th e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335

Interior/Exterior Painter. 25 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Algie. 708262-4790

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500

Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior power washing, stain decks, g l a z e w i n d ow s , f e n c e s , railings, complete interior. Call Normand 708-596-2170

Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976

strong. At 7 pm there will be dinner in the ballroom with choice of tournedos of beef or crab-stuffed flounder prepared a nd ser ved by Execut ive Chef Joe Trama of Trama Catering. Di n ner w i l l be fol lowe d w it h entertainment from Theatre at the Center’s show cast, 8:30 – 9:30 pm. The award-winning 416-seat Theatre At The Center offers professional theatre year-round from Broadway’s brightest musicals and plays to Chicago-area premiers. T he Center for V isua l a nd Performing Arts is a multi-purpose faci lit y bui lt by Communit y Foundation of Northwest Indiana, Inc. to support the cultural and educational needs of the region. The 72,660-squarefoot facility, which opened in 1989, pr ov ide s s e r v ic e s f or me e t i n g s , seminars, banquets, weddings and dinners, and houses the theater and the fine arts organizations. Tickets are $100 per person, with checks payable to CVPA Holding Corp. Reservations can be made by calling 219-836-1930. For more information, visit

Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693 Plumbing Services: Sump pumps installed, water pump outs, basement wall sealing. Also do toilets, faucets, leaks, drains, sinks, etc. For fast service call today. Senior discounts. Rocky. 219-7654067

Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Full-time Teacher with 6 credit hours. Also an Assistant Director needed, with 12 credit early childhood development. 2 yrs. college. No summer teachers. 708-862-1884 H i r i n g Now. D i r e c t o r / Teacher in a Daycare center, located at Burnham Illinois, 60633. For Inquiries. Call 708-801-9896 H e l p Wa n t e d : FT/PT Automotive Technician. Mu s t h a v e m e c h a n i c a l aptitude, ability and tools to professionally inspect, repair and maintain services under (MAP) guidelines. 708-8410529

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He l p Wa n t e d : Ha i rc u t s needed for housebound lady. Vicinity Sibley & LaSalle. 708331-2328


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KEVIN BRADLEY “Somet h i ng smel ls f unny here. I smell ser ia l k i l ler.” Th is is a quote someone sa id to me du r i ng a recent conversat ion. I love the line so much, I can’t wait to put it to good use i n a f ict iona l stor y, i n fact I love it so much, I decided to open t h is week’s column with it as well. It is certainly not something you hear every day. It makes you think, “Hmmm, can the person really smell a serial killer? Is someone in the room a serial killer? Who is the seria l k iller? W hat else is t he smel ler capable of smelling? W hat t y pe of odors may I be giving of f ? ” T hat one l i ne of d ia log i mposes upon us the urge to consider ma ny quest ions. W hat if we all gave off odors which enabled others to know exactly what type of person we were? Would the police be allowed to make arrests simply based upon the odor someone is giving off? Would a judge or jury convict based upon odoriferous emanation as well? The rea l world is so much more complicated. Pe ople’s p er s on a l it ie s a re not si mpl y st ate d for a l l to ack nowledge from a simple sniff. Our tr ue selves a re masked by nature as well as by decept ion. People may be nice to your face and t hen t u r n a rou nd a nd ta lk about you anot her way behind your back. It may take a while, but eventually you will always be able to sn i f f t hese people out. W hen you are honest with people, you ne e d not have to remember t he lies you told, making life simpler,

Garage Sales in South Holland Oct. 17-18, 8-4.  415 E. 168th Place, So. Holland.  3 family. Clothes, shoes, chairs, jewelry, rugs, new & old things, and household items.

reducing your stress, and ma k i ng you come out smelling cleaner in the long run. Gett ing back to ou r original line, “Something smells funny here. I smell serial killer.” What if the person saying those words wa s a detect ive ? W hat if he were investigating a murder? W hat if t here were more t ha n one seria l k i l ler in t he room? What if he was in a room of seria l k illers having a group meeting? What if one of the serial killers became nervous, e m i t t i n g a s t r o n g e r, more distinct odor than the others? W hat if the detective picked her for questioning? W hat if he picked the wrong serial killer? Wr it i ng f ict ion, one has many “what ifs” to consider. Being that it’s f ict ion, it s pa ra meters a re on ly bound by t he l i m it at ion s of t he a ut hor ’s i m a g i n a t ion . W hat a wonder f u l way to spend a day, exploring t he deepest dept h s of one’s imagination. Like daydreaming as a child, but with no restrictions, a nd w riting it dow n to share with others. It all begins with a concept. A concept develops into an idea and blossoms into a story. D o n ot m a s k y ou r inner being. Be who you are meant to be. A llow your true scent to blossom a nd prosper. Sha re you r i n ner world w it h the outside world. True happi ness comes f rom true honesty. Questions or comments may be sent to kevinbradley@columnist. com. Good luck, K.B.

Oct. 16-18, 9-4.  640 Thornwood Dr., So. Holland.  LP & 45 records, golf clubs, $3-$2, glassware, pool, sticks, tools, books. Call. 708-3334482



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Say I saw it in The Shopper

Garage Sales in Thornton Oct. 16-18, 8-4.  209 Mallette, Thornton.  We’re back! Treasures for everyone. Hope to see you!

Garage Sales in Dolton Oct. 16-17, 9-4. 18th, 9-1.  426 E. 142nd St., Dolton.  Huge Indoor sale. Clothes, shoes, purses, furniture, bikes, new items, $1 items.

October 15, 2014 Oct. 16-17, 9-4.  2533 Ridge Road, Lansing.  Lots of great stuff. Even better prices. Come check it out. Oct. 16th, 9-3.  3047-192nd St., Lansing.  Fur niture, Fooseball, collectibles, household items, baby clothes, adult clothes, and more.

Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 16-17, 9-4.  617 Mackinaw Ave., Calumet City.  Mulit-family. Clothes, shoes, toys, Xmas, household items, bikes, costumes, jackets, video-games. Good prices!

Garage Sales in Lansing Saturday October 18, 8amtill.  17857 Roy St Lansing.  Huge Garage sale. Appliances, household goods, toys, sporting goods, electronics, etc. One day only!! Oct. 16-17, 9-3.  1 7 1 5 7 G r e e n b a y Av e . , Lansing.  Resale due to the weather. Three family. Clothes, Xmas, crossover truck box. Oct. 16-18, 7am-?  18040 School St., Lansing.  Furniture, kitchen items, bedding, toys, boys/md. T- s h i r t s , h o o d i e s , k i d s electric cars.

Garage Sales Outlying Illinois

Garage Sales in St John

Oct. 17-18, 9-?  22900 Lahon Road, Steger, IL.  Huge Garage sale Furniture, Franklin Stove,crafts, Christmas items, collectables, come gather treasures

Oct. 16-17, 8-4PM.  8850 Monfort Drive,St. John, IN.  Moving sale, furniture, tools, household. Patterson (St. John Rd) to 85th, West to Monfort.

Garage Sales in Dyer

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana

Oct. 17-18, 9am-2pm.  1604 Capri Dyer, IN.  Clothes, shoes, household items, kids stuff, misc items. Too many items to list.

Oct. 16-18, 8-3.  7904 Jackson, Munster, IN.  Antiques, household, games, sports, electronics, Holiday, tools, clothes. We have it all.

page 9

Real Estate Building for sale: Four units (3 apts), (1 storefront). Re s i d e n t i a l / Co m m e rc i a l Bldg. Located 4015 Broadway St., Gary, IN. Price $140,000. Great investment. 219-4131071

Homes For Sale Home for sale: 2-bdrm., 2 car garage, single family ranch. Location: Glenpark Gary, IN. 3794 Vanburen. Price $25,000. 219-413-1071

Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Holland $10,000 government grant available. 1% down. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace. $179,900 708-596-7761 Ho m e f o r s a l e : Fa m i l y H o m e : 4 1 6 W. J o l i e t , Schererville, IN. 3+bdrm., 1+bath. 1 acre. Partially finished basement. 3 car garage. $189,000. 219-6448180

Expires 10-31-14

Expires 10-31-14

Any Furnace Repair Service Expires 10-31-14

Sat 10/18 9-2.  18454 DeJong Lansing.  Furniture, TV, baby furniture, books, gently used toys, holiday, computer desk/ chair, much more!

Organized by the Lansing Volunteer Recognition Committee

We are thankful to host an evening to honor a “Special Volunteer” from every volunteer organization in Lansing. Over the past seven years, 270 special volunteers have been honored. These generous volunteers give so freely of their time, talent, energy, and ideas to churches, schools, community service and civic groups. They make a difference in the lives of Lansing’s families. We think there is no better way to say Thank You!

Event Location: Serbian Social Center, 186th and Stony Island Ave. Time: Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Cost: $25/Adult $15/Child. E

Major Sponsors NB Coating Homewood Disposal | Strack & Van Tils Lansing Volunteer Recognition Committee Grace Bazylewski | Patti Chiaramonte | June Cole Bonnie Cuthbert | Nancy Noworyta | Jennifer Saia Carol Ann Surufka

For more information about recognitions, sponsorships, or reservations email or call 708.474.7595.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

Eye Site

Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473

More than 200 residents from LaPorte a nd su r rou nd i ng cou nt ies joi ned t he A l z hei mer’s A ssoc iat ion Wa l k to E nd Alzheimer’s and united in a movement to reclaim the future for millions on Oct. 5, 2014, at Washing ton Pa rk in Michiga n City. Totals are being finalized, but initial numbers indicate that participants raised more than $27,500 to fund Alzheimer’s care, support and research programs. “T he M ic h ig a n C it y Wa l k t o E nd Alzheimer’s was a fantastic day,” said Katie Slater, Alzheimer’s Association Community Outreach Specialist. “It’s inspiring to see the support of the community, which helps fund care and support programs to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. The dollars raised will also help fund critically needed Alzheimer’s research.” Wa l k pa r t ic ipa nt s d id mor e t h a n complete the one mile walk. They learned more about Alzheimer’s disease and the Association’s critical role in the fight against

Glaucoma Treatment Laser Co-Management Cataract Co-Management Optometry since 1942

Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome

page 10

Walk To End Alzheimer’s® Raises More Than $27,500



Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields


Don’t forget to check out our

C A l e nD A R

of events

it, including the latest about Alzheimer’s research and current clinical trials, how they can become involved in advocacy efforts at home and in Washington, DC and the Association’s support programs and services. The event a lso included a n emot iona l tribute to those who have experienced or are experiencing Alzheimer’s disease. A l z hei mer ’s d i s e a s e i s a g r ow i n g epidemic and is now the nation’s sixthleading cause of death. As baby boomers age, the number of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease will rapidly increase well beyond today’s more than 5 million A mer ica ns liv ing w it h A l zheimer’s. In Indiana alone, there are more than 100,000 people living with Alzheimer’s. Donations to the Michigan City Walk to End Alzheimer’s are still being accepted in order to reach the fundraising goal of $50,000. For more information or to make a donation, please visit or call 800.272.3900.

Cemetery Lots For Sale Two adjoining grave plots. Hawthrone section, Cedar Park Cemeter y, Calumet Park, $3,600 value, asking $1800. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity

NEW Fall Line

at 3 OFF

$ 00

plus, post your own events for everyone to see!

Classified Ad Form

1 ______________

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14 _____________

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708-333-9630 The Shopper


Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

New Pastor for Westminster Presbyterian Church

Apt. for rent: Now renting luxury style apartments & homes. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8/Hud-VA programs/low income welcome. No security deposit and free utilities specials, laundry hook-ups. All credit & background considered. Allied Housing. 708-401-8152 3 bdrm. apartment for rent: 1820 State St. Calumet City, IL. $1,125/mo. Call for appointment. 708-357-4291 Calumet City 2-bdrm. Apartment. Located 1 block from Lansing. $750/mo. + security + credit check. No pets. Seniors welcome. For more info. 708-868-2590 Cottage apartment Calumet City. State Line. 1-bdrm., a p p l i a n c e s, a l l u t i l i t i e s included with off street parking. $650/mo. Seniors welcome. 708-895-2713

(left to right): Rev. Quincy Worthington and Kevin Scahill. _____________________________________

Rev. Quincy Worthington was recently installed at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Munster. There were more than 200 people that unanimously gave their approval and recognition of Rev. Worthington. Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.

Lansing 17710 Commercial 2-bdrm. 1-bath, 2nd flr. balcony, newly rehabbed, seniors welcome, $900/mo. Includes free heat gas, appls. private parking. +1-1/2 mo. sec. Call Larry. 312-405-0697

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page 11

Apt . to rent downtown Lansing. 1-bdrm. appliances, utility room included. Ceramic tile, carpeting, many kitchen cabinets, A/C. $700/ mo. 708-474-0696 Lynwood, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. available. Heat & water included. Newly decorated. Credit check, & security deposit. No pets. Call for more information. 708-4747956

2 Apts. in Crown Point, IN. 1-bdrm. Cottage includes washer/dryer, water/sewer, $700/mo. 1-bdrm. includes washer/dryer, water sewer $800/mo. both near square. 214-500-9182 Calumet City 1-bdrm. Garden Apt. $650/mo. + utilities. 219-677-7803 2 Bed/1 bath apartment. $800/month Tenants pay their own electric and gas bill. Landlord pays for the water. Laundry machines located in the b u i l d i n g . Fo r m o r e information please contact Mr. and/or Mrs. Harris at 708-251-8563

Apt. for rent: Lansing 2nd floor, 1 bdrm. no pets, utilities not included, $525/ mo. 708-474-7337 Apt for rent: Lansing 2 bedroom. New carpet, paint, $855/mo w/gas & water included. Call Matt-708-4660543

Lansing 2 bdrm. Apt. 2nd floor. Offering short-term rental 6-9mos. for individuals or corporations. Pay only electric. Deposit required. 708-439-7736

Homes For Rent Gary home for rent: Very clean, 3-bdrm. house. Appliances included. $650/ mo. Call Mark. 708-408-7192 Home for rent: 2-bdrm house in Lansing. C o m p l e t e l y re m o d e l e d . $ 1 0 0 0 / m o. + 1 - 1 / 2 m o. security. No pets. 708-6010567 Home for Rent - Lansing,IL 3br 2ba - 1200 sq ft w/bsmt $1450/mo - October rent free -contact Pam Wisler for more details 219-836-2400 Home for rent: Lansing. 3bdrm., 2-bath Ranch, 2-car attached garage. Large eat-in kitchen, all appliances. Nonsmoking, no pets, $1350/mo. 3342-171st. Street. 708-3054735


Our Recent Warehouse Sale and Boutique Sale Set All Time Sales Records!! DID YOU KNOW? Your dollars spent at Restoration Ministries Thrift Stores are used to support over 25 LOCAL COMMUNITY PROGRAMS. visit to find out more

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 12

Community Cancer Research Foundation Presents Free Annual Symposium “Common Cancers in Women” is the title of the free, annual symposium being offered to the public from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at the Center for Visual and Performing Arts, 1040 Ridge Road in Munster. Sponsored by T he Com mu n it y Ca ncer Resea rch Foundat ion, t his year’s program features presentations by d ist i ng u ished professiona ls i n the field. Renowned researcher Dr. Jane Houldsworth and Community Healthcare System’s Medical Director of Pathology Dr. Brenda Eriksen will lead t his yea r’s for um w it h topics related to advances in cervical cancer screening and understanding a breast cancer diagnosis. If detected early, nearly all breast and cervical cancers can be treated successfully. Dr. Hou ld s wor t h w i l l d i s c u s s “Cervical Cancer Screening: Enhancing the Pap Smear”. Severa l screening programs for cer v ica l cancer have

been successfully implemented in the clinical community, and are comprised of tests based on t he appea ra nce of abnormal cells in specimens, and more recently, based on HPV type. As v ice president of resea rch a nd development at Cancer Genetics, Inc., Dr. Houldsworth leads several of these ongoing research projects for cervical cancer, including the establishment of their proprietary FISH-based testing. The FISH-based HPV-Associated Cancer Test, FH ACT® can be used for further cervical cancer screening after a pap smear using a leftover thin prep specimen (no resampling) before referral for more involved testing. Dr. Eriksen is a n ex pert in t he d iag nosis of d isea se ba sed on laborator y a na lysis. She is k now n for her contributions to the awardw i n n i ng “Brea st Ca re : Sa me-Day Results” project that enables a woman to know the results of her screening

mammogram within the same visit and, in case a non-surgical biopsy is necessary, know the results the same day as the test. W hen the breast is biopsied, samples taken are studied under the microscope by a pathologist. Dr. Eriksen w ill help translate the information in the follow up report that is sent to the doctor and helps to manage the plan of care. The Annual Cancer Symposium is sponsored by the Community Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. working toward the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the program begins at 6 p.m. There will be a short intermission between speakers and a reception w ith refreshments to follow. The symposium is free, but registration is necessary in advance by calling 219-836-3477 or toll-free 1-866836-3477.

Rooms For Rent

Office Space For Rent

Lost & Found

Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kitc privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544

Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708339-8068

Lost: All white with red collar snuddle. Lost in Riverdale. Name is Barack, for artistic child. Help us find. Please call 708-933-3601 or 708-9834251

House to Share: Homewood, $500/mo., p e t f r i e n d l y, bedroom with French doors, own bathroom, kitchen, diningroom, livingroom and basement access, cable TV. Room in basement also available to rent. 708-7176077 Room for rent: Riverdale, IL. 13725 Eggleston. Unfurnished room. Rent $76 a week or $325 a month. Call Bishop Thomas. 708-4178384

Pets Pets for sale: Cane Corso puppies, 9 wks old. Tails cut, 1st shots and de-wormed, $600. 708-715-0545 For Sale: African Cichlids Fish. Call 708-418-0971

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941 Wanted: Old beer cans and Old beer collectibles. Will buy, trade, or sell. 219-8368907

Wanted: I’m looking for house cleaning jobs, ironing, cleaning closets, caregiver jobs, drive for errands, doctor appointments or any help for older people. Call 219-2279234, 219-718-8425 Donations of your unwanted used or new winter clothes, coats, boots, etc. To give to people in need through a Christian organization. Marva. 708-501-3470 Wanted: Moms and Dads that are in need of free d a y c a re f o r o n e w e e k . Looking to help someone starting a new job or school. Calumet City. Mrs. Barnes. 708-501-3470 Wanted: Retired mechanics hand tools, wrenches, sockets, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. Do not let them just sit and rust. Cash. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Someone took my Granny bike that has basket in back, orange flag hook on the back, of the basket, taken from across from house, on 9/25/14 at 12160-80th Place, Dyer, IN. Please return, no questions asked. 219-3651316 Looking for cna/caretaker position. Will work in your home, nursing home, hospital, etc. Have experience and references. Full/part time. Very flexible. Lynn(708)913-0103,(219)5580660,email k-c2@sbcglobal. net. wanted 300 PIECE JIGSAW puzzles for and elderly person call Judy 708-5391216 Wanted HOUSEPLANTS call Judy 708-539-1216

Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer

No Place for Amateurs MIKE BUDER W hy do you need an ex per ienced, f u l l t i me Rea ltor in t his market? Lately I have been shopping for homeowner’s i n s u r a nc e. We w on’t go into why. But, I can tell you that when I seek out someone to handle my business, I won’t be look i ng for my au nt ’s d a u g h t e r- i n - l a w w h o w or k s dow nt ow n a nd sells “ABC” insurance on t he side. W hen I need insura nce, I usua l ly don’t go around ask ing my friends if they know someone who works partt i me doi ng somet h i ng else and w ill “cut me a deal” by putting my file out for bid for anyone who w ill give me some cutrate quote for insurance. W hen I ne e d me d ic a l attention, I never go to my friends and relatives a nd a sk i f t he y k now someone who is going to medical school and needs some experience on a real patient. And, I have never had to use anyone who is thinking of going into law practice to see if they can help me out of a legal problem, thank goodness! S o, w hy do bu y er s a nd sel lers use a pa r ttime agent that is their nephew’s second cousin who just got his license and is looking for business and so he will cut his rate to “help you out”? Your decision in this instance, will cost your dearly. You need a n ex per ienced wanted someone to share Eisenhower membership. Two is a lot cheaper than one. Call Judy for details 708539-1216 Wanted: Motorcycle 250cc or smaller, star 45 cal. steel flats and angles, lineotype lead, log splitter or parts for one, Mercury pump. 708-474-8221 Wanted: Old wooden fences, will tear down. 708-757-9166 Wa n t e d : Re a s o n a b l e dependable Handy man. Leave message. Jack of all trades, large and small jobs. 708-365-6616

Rea ltor i n t h is ma rket to be able to negotiate with banks, lenders, and buyers or sellers who are under extreme financial pressure. This is one of you r big gest f i na nc ia l decisions on usually one of you r la rgest a sset s. Do you want to trust it to cou si n Debbie w ho just got her license last week? Does she even have the wherewithal to be able to contact your lender on you r beha l f and escalate the file to someone who can actually make decisions to get it approved? A nd, would she even know who that person might be? Hire a qua lified Rea ltor, pay them what they are worth, and you will be able to rest easy k now ing t hat someone is work ing on your f ile who is full-time, knows t he bu si ne s s a nd c a n negotiate on your behalf. If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com or Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman Wa n t e d : S o m e o n e t o purchase 22 clean wine bottles, gal. size with caps. Reasonable price $1 ea. or make offer. Phil. 708-8686886 Wanted: 5/8 & 3/4 inch scrap plywood & treated wood. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Economy car for senior citizen at reasonable price. Looks unimportant. Also wood burning stove, heavy duty whirlpool. 219801-0955

Full Body Massage $55 / Hr.


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

The Natural Alternative

Surviving the Cold and Flu Season

page 13

Pulling Tricks

For sale: 2009 Chevrolet Aveo5 LT, black granite metallic $5,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Chevrolet Co b a l t LT, Ul t r a Si l v e r Metallic, $6,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Chevrolet HHR LT, Black, $7,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS Supercharged, Black, $9,995. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

ANNA CONIGLIO, ND Take action as soon you start to feel the first sign of getting sick so you can fight the bug in the early stage. We all lead very busy lives, but it is important to keep a balance in whatever little ways you can to help reduce stress. • Get a good night sleep. • G i v e y o u r b o d y t he t i me it ne e d s everyday to recover, repair and stay healthy. • Washing your hands regularly and thoroughly is one of the simplest ways to prevent the spread of germs. • Hydration! Be sure to drink plenty of pure water each day. • Wa r m be ver a ge s i n general help, herbal teas, homemade soups. Of course prevention is better than cure! Be proactive: Make a prevention appointment by calling us 219 322.8726 We t a k e a n a t u r a l approach to your wellness. We offer natural remedies for cold & f lu symptoms t hat do not create side ef fects of sy nt het ic medication. Naturopathic Wellness is located Nor t h of Scherer ville post office, 1000 Eagle Ridge Drive Suite F, Schererville. Visit us on line http://w w w.

As we enter into fall, we began to notice seasons ch a ng i ng. Shor t d ay s, leaves turning beautiful yellow, oranges, and reds. Then there is less pleasant part: runny nose, scratchy throats.... it’s that time of year again-cold & f lu season! We are all constantly ex posed to t he v ir uses that cause cold and flu but did you know that there is a lot we can do to help overcome i l l ness more quick ly. Often times we simply get sick because we don’t ta ke ca re for ou rselves when we a re well. The sy mptoms of i n f luen za (f lu) i nclude headache, ch i l ls a nd cough followed by fever, loss of appetite, muscle aches and fatigue, runny nose, sneez i ng , t h roat irritat ion. Nausea, vom it i ng a nd d ia r rhea may occur in adults as well, in children. You are what you eat. Definitely avoid processed and sugar y foods. Focus on healthy whole foods and lots of f luids, v e ge t a ble s , e s p e c i a l l y lea f y g reen, f r u it, lea n protein, nuts and seeds (raw). Whole foods contain essent ia l v ita mins t hat help support and boost immune system hea lth! Choose organic foods as frequently as possible to avoid pesticides, toxins. The human body has a natural ability to respond to viruses that attack it.

Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Po n t i a c 2-door SunFire. Automatic, 4cyl. A/C, Sunroof and more. Low miles, exc. cond. $3,950 obo. 708-636-4350 or 708267-0723

For sale: 2005 Ponitac Grand Prix GT, 69,000K, sunroof, leather, on-star satellite radio, rare color, $7950 or $75 per/wk. www. 877-818-4726

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For sale: 2008 Chevroloet Cobalt LT, Sport Red Tintcoat, $8,987. Call Bob. 855-9694000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LT, Red, $12,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

Lansing resident, Timothy Campos and his daughter, Adrienne, age 6, premiered a new web ser ies on September 26t h entitled, “The Swirly Twirlies”. In the show, Tim conv inces his daughter to form an entertainment group with him called “The Swirly Twirlies”. The two perform original songs and soccer tricks at parties, festivals, and other special events. The only problem is, they are not ver y good at either and struggle to get bookings. On August 6, 2014, they filmed an episode entitled “Pulling Tricks” at The Homewood Public Library. Jennifer Tuttle, an actress originally from Chicago but now based in New York City, guest stars in the episode. Her husband Ryan Kipp, an independent director/writer, directed the episode. Tim states, “This project is about being involved

in the community and collaborating with ma ny of my creat ive a nd per for m i ng art friends alongside my daughter. It was incredible to watch Adrienne perform a scene with Jennifer, an actress and friend I respect enormously.” Also featured in the episode are several local children and families from the area. Kandace Mack, of Lansing, brought her daug hter to pa r t icipate, a nd Stepha n Flinchum drove his twin girls from Munster for the shoot. Both families were excited about the experience. “My girls spent extra time getting ready for this,” Flinchum said, “They were so excited.” The episode will premiere on October 24th, 2014 at 7PM CST on The Swirly Twirlies’ Facebook and YouTube channel.

For sale: 1998 Corvette, only 9,100 miles, mint cond. Silver exterior with wine leather interior. Must see! Garage kept. $22,000. 708-408-0088 For sale: 2003 Chevy Impala. Silver, great engine, well maintained. Original owner. 167,000 miles $2000. 219865-2455 For sale: 2001 Chrysler Town & Country. All leather heated front seats. Power doors and windows. Kept in garage. Great cond. $3000. 219-8650204 For sale: 1999 Ford Crown Victoria, Four door Sedan, blue, original owner. Shown a t 1 7 5 4 6 C h i c a g o Av e. , Lansing. $3,000. 708-4188443

For sale: 2001 Chevy Imapla, runs good, well-maintained, nice car inside and out, power features, $2,495 cash. 8 7 7 - 8 1 8 - 4 7 2 6 o r w w w.

For sale: 1991 Volvo Station Wagon, good looking car inside and out. Roomy, great family car. See and drive to appreciate $1785. 877-8184 7 2 6 o r w w w.

For sale: 2011 Chevolet M a l i b u LT, R e d J e w e l Tintocoat, $15,187. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Cr uze LT RS, Silver Ice metallic, $15,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS, Rainforest Green metallic, $16,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

Antiques/Classics For sale: 1967 Ford Falcon W i n d ow Va n , r a r e , automatic, straight 6, low miles. Excellent running condition. Was in the movie. Serios buyer wanted. 708267-0723 or 708-636-4350 1973 Cadillac El Dorado. Original showroom, new 14,000 certified miles. Sell price of $13,000. best close offer. 708-267-0723

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1948 Chevy Style Master Deluxe. 350 motor 700R transmission, rebuilt motor and trans. Nova sub-frame, disk brakes, lots of new parts, asking $8,500 obo. 708-7049180 Joe

For sale: 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 4WD, Blue Granite Metallic, $14,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000


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For sale: 2004 Buick LeSable $5,995; 1995 Cadillac Sedan Deville, $7,500, excellent condition. Runs like new. Set price or make offer. “As is”. 708-510-3026 For sale: 1994 Lincoln Town Car, runs good, four good tires, new front line $900. 708-606-1523

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? The Towle Youth Theater Ensemble is proud to present t heir newest musica l production, Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Ref lect Up? by John Powers. The produc t ion i s u nder t he d i rec t ion of Managing Director, Jeff Casey with Musical/ Vocal Direction by Elizabeth Tuazon. This “coming of age” story involves the 1950’s Catholic education of eight Chicago children, following them from the start of elementary school through the senior prom & beyond. The cast of Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Ref lect Up? includes some returning ensemble members as well as some new members. Elise Bereolos (St. John), Aaron Cappello (St. John), Brianna Dittmer (Munster), Julia Fugger (Lansing), Chloe Jancosek (Munster), Connor Khoury (Chicago), Claire LeMonnier (Munster), Harry Ogrentz (Chicago) and Alex Traina (Griffith). Isabel Zuniga (Munster) is the A ssista nt Di rector/Stage Ma nager a nd Lauren Florek (Munster) is the Assistant Music Director. Playing the nuns and priest are adult veteran actors, Gayle Faulkner Kos a l ko ( W h it i ng ), Steph a n ie S epiol (Munster) and Kevin Bellamy (Hammond). The production r uns October 18-19, 24-26. Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are $10 and can

Auto Parts For sale: Four Firestone destination P235 70/17 tires $100. 708-921-4899

Boats Fishermen Seanymph 70 HP Evinrude outboard trolling motor deph finder, bass boat, asking $3500 low hours on motor trailer included. 708642-7650

be purchased by calling the Towle Theater box office at 219-937-8780 or visit w w w. The concept behind The Towle Youth Theater Ensemble is to allow the youth participation in theater production, but not necessarily a role in each show presented. With the diverse range of talent selected to be in TYTE, the Ensemble is cast from on-stage, technical, administrative and marketing duties as appropriate. The overall mission is to build a team of theater artists and leaders, not just actors. It is the goal of this program to encourage participation in the overall process of creating theater, not just being in a particular show. The Towle staff believes that this process will bring more value to the participants, to their creative process and ultimately to each production. The Towle holds auditions twice a year and will be seeking enthusiastic students with the most drive, dedication and commitment to the Ensemble as a whole. The Towle Theater is located in historic dow ntow n Ha mmond at 5205 Hohma n Avenue. Free, well-lit, secured parking is available off of Fayette Street only steps away from the back entrance or in the parking lot directly across the street from the theater on Hohman Avenue.

Boat for sale: Completely redone fishing boat. 10 ft., new floor carpet, seats, Johnson motor, Minn Kota trolling motor. Recently painted trailer $1,500. 708474-9848

Campers/Motorhomes For sale: 2007 Jayco Pop-Up Camper great condition, a/c, heat, refrigerator, in/out stove & grill, awning many custom extra’s 4,000 Must sell. (708)267-7649

RV/Motorhome for sale. Coachman 2005 Mirada. Class A, 31 foot. 60 options, non-smokers, like new, low mileage, no pets. Serious buyers only. Selling for health reasons. 708-474-1314

page 14


Lo . . . even to the End of the Age ANNA M. CAISON Last Wednesday I was privilege to officiate the home going of a Christian Woman who for the past 7 years had been subject to A lzheimer’s disease. The thought of developing Alzheimer’s disease during the latter years of my life has always frightened me. It’s the one fact of aging that I fear the most-----losing my memory. I didn’t know Margaret during the early years of her life. When I met her she had already developed the disease. At the time, I was leading a team that conducted worship services in the homes of members who were no longer able to physically come to church. Sometimes when we came to worship with Margaret and her spouse she would be agitated and sometimes she appeared to be totally unaware that we were there; this is, until the service began. One of the women on the team played the violin. And every time she played her violin a change would come over Margaret. She would become relaxed and her facial expression was meditative as if she was processing the entire service. A spirit of peace emanated

from her. Even more startling, during our last service with her, she started humming along with the violinist. And then, she started singing the words to the hymn that was being played! A s I s ou g ht G o d’s d i r e c t ion i n preparing the eulogy one thought rang clearly in my mind, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” It was then that I understood the change in Margaret whenever we came to worship in her home. God was minister ing to her. He was with her. They were in communion together. A lt houg h I hope I never develop A lzheimer’s disease, I no longer fear it! W hen I think about Margaret and t he sweet presence of t he Lord t hat overshadowed her during worship; I know that if I develop Alzheimer’s or any other type of dementia, God will be with me! And if you are His child He will be with you too! For questions and/or comments send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.

National Feral Cat Day Humane Society Calumet Area will host a free event where participants can construct a feral cat shelter on October 16. The event is one of hundreds taking place across the country in honor of National Feral Cat Day, a day to call for an end to the killing of cats in animal control pounds and shelters, the leading documented cause of death for cats in the United States. The event will be held at HSCA’s Estelle Marcus Animal Clinic, 421 45th St, Munster, Ind. HSCA will be providing instructions on how to build a feral cat shelter, as well as information about feral cats and TrapNeuter-Return (TNR). Attendees can bring their own supplies and create a feral cat shelter to take home. HSCA also w ill have supplies on hand, donated by Home Depot in Schererville, Ind. Attendees can use these supplies to create and donate a shelter to be distributed to HSCA’s feral cat caretaker partners. Supplies needed include an 18-gallon Rubbermaid tote, a Styrofoam cooler, straw (not hay), duct tape and a utility knife. Instructions can be downloaded at www. pdf. Supplies are limited and so attendees are encouraged to register by emailing HSCA at Alley Cat Allies, the national advocate for feral and stray cats and the foremost authority on Trap-Neuter-Return, launched National Feral Cat Day in 2001. This year, thousands of people will celebrate National Feral Cat Day by calling for their local animal shelters to reform their policies and adopt Trap-Neuter-Return programs to save feral cats. Through Trap-Neuter-Return, outdoor cats a re huma nely t rapped, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, a nd returned to their outdoor home. Hundreds of loca l gover n ment s now have ord i na nces endorsi ng Trap-Neuter-Ret u r n, wh ich is rapid ly becom i ng t he predom i na nt approach to feral cats. For more information about National Feral Cat Day, see To learn more about HSCA, v isit w w w.


Motorcycle for sale: 1996 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic. 1340cc stage II engine. 67,000 miles, Grn/ blk, radio, cassette. Kerker performance pipes, runs great. 312-505-9866

Trailers Travel Trailer for sale. 2005 JayCo. J-Flight, 25 foot. Nonsmoker, slide-out surround sound, queen-bed, rear kitchen, flex-steel couch/ bed, A/C, full-bath, slightly used. $5,500. 708-418-0241



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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

Speaking Of Seniors

Helped Portage Widow

page 15

S. H. Little League Red Sox Three-Peat Champions


agencies in at least t wo ways : (1) We shop insurance companies for lower rates for our clients, and (2) We help clients when a medical bill error caused by a mista ke in t h e Me d i c a r e s y s t e m t h reatens to ha r m ou r client financially. The next day in a local new spaper I read t hat Wal-Mart will team with to sell health insurance in over 4,000 Wal-Mart stores. I doubt t hat t hese f ir ms w i l l g ive t he persona l ser v ice a nd a ssista nce to cl ient s t hat loca l insurance agents can give – especially when there’s a med ica l bi l l m ista ke that could cost the client thousands of dollars. Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill c a se worker at Sen ior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of t hat i nsu ra nce agenc y over one million dollars by cor rec t i ng med ic a l bi l l er rors t hat were caused by mistakes in the Medicare system. Wilcox wrote the book SOLVING MEDIC A R E PROBLEM $ (w w w.solv ingmedicareproblem His newest Medicare related website is w w w. ObamacareHurtsSeniors. com.

Truck for sale: 2003 GMC Sonoma ext. cab 4x4 very good condition 107,000 miles, well maintained asking $5800 219-864-4172 or 219-6800723

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: 94,000 miles, excellent shape, licensed for Porter and Lake County, IN. Electric hook ups, large propane tank and A/C custom canvas cover for winter storage. Call Alison 708-466-9387 for more info. For sale: 1992 Ford F150 Super Cab, long bed. This truck looks great and rides smoothly with second row seating $4,500. 219-230-7322

For sale: Cherrywood formal dining room set $1000. Matching china hutch $800, cherrywood/maplewood accent table $60; matching end tables $40 each; blue leather arm chair $200; refrigerator $150; gas stove $100; Formal design couch $150. 708-400-3160

Congratulations to the three time Little Leag ue cha mpions of Sout h Hol la nd’s Majors Division “Red Sox”. These young men have the distinction of being the only three-peat champions in South Holland Little League history. Present team members include: Andre Sankey, Bryant Hines Jr., Vincent Rias, Jaylin Murchison, Jonathan Harris, Joshua Purnell, Zakary Bruinsma, Austin Bruinsma, William Woodfork, Malik For sale: Black prom dress, diamond shaped sequins in front, off shoulder, back of dress braided down; Citizens watch, mens, never worn; Blue saffire diamond necklace & earring set. 708257-5546 Power wheel chair, (scooter) only used several times, like new, new batteries. $350. 708-418-0748 Fo r s a l e : Ho s p i t a l - l i k e breathing machine with 3 canisters $100, raised toilet seat $10,Jazzy scooter $150, 60” Toshiba T.V. FREE Liz. 708-214-9393

For sale: Exercise machine. Pilates power gym equipment total body shaping series upper, lower, and abs. Includes CD. Kristin McG ee celebr ity yoga instructor, new. $175 obo. 708-612-5008 or 708-4185008

Harry, Brandon Tyler, Brian Anderson. Past players not pictured are as follows: Cameron Bufford, Benjamin Brokemond, De-Eric Murr y, Xav ier Unzueta, Joshua Ballard, Jarrius Foreman, Ken Williams Jr., Damarion Williams Coaches : Br ya nt Hi nes, V i ncent Rias, Marcus Sankey, Stan Harris, John Purnell,Chris Brokemond,De-Eric Murry Sr.

For sale: HO Fairwind radio controlled sailboat. 1:24 scale one meter class length 35” beam 9” height 62”. $125. 219-865-1984 For sale: LazyBoy couch and love seat, both recline on both ends, in very good condition. Asking $300 obo. Ask for Yvonne. 708-932-2486 For sale: Dark wood dinning room set, table, 6 chairs, 2 leafs and two piece china hutch, asking $275 obo. Cash only. Ask for Yvonne. 708932-2486 For sale: Bed, chest, large entertainment $85 for all. Will separate. 708-647-6052 Fo r s a l e : S a m s u n g Ga l a x y Me g a Sp r i n t Phone in Mint Condition - Clean ESN. 6.3 inch screen, LTE, 4G phone & tablet all-in-one device. Includes wall charger, new earphones, screen protector, phone case $350 (773)632-7568

For sale: New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $ 4 8 / m o. , b u n k b e d w / mattress $56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., twin box-springs $20 each. EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 www.

For sale: 3 pc. entertainment center $300; Dryer $75. 708201-0980 For sale: Dining Room Set Cabinet & Hutch 3 chairs 1 arm 2 leaves. Excellent cond. $2500 or BO 219-951-7108. For sale: 6 pack Prompt adult/child CPR training manikins with all supplies and carrying case. CPR/AED training kit with carrying case and supplies $900 value. Used twice, asking $450. 708465-7758

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For sale: Dolls. Holiday Barbie’s, Classic Barbie’s and Porcelain dolls, stuff animals, needle point (hand craft, yarn, art gallery (pictures) irons, furniture, men’s gold clubs/women golf clubs. 708474-0743 Free Gravel: Pick all you want. Up to 3 tons to anyone. 5234 W. Laramie Court, Crestwood, IL. 60445. 708371-4813 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747 For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478 For sale: Four piece white kitchen appliances: refrigerator $250, Tappon self-cleaning gas range $150, Magicchef dishwasher $50, above range; GE microwave, $50. Good cond. $400 for all. 708-757-7044, or 312-5079404

For sale: 4 matching desk sets, dividers, chairs, standing walnut files cabinets, very high quality. Perfect for business office, best offer. 708-243-6677

Free Small Cheese Pizza

For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035

Catholic Charities

For sale: Nova knee scooter $250. For people that can’t put weight on their ankle or foot. 708-895-6713 For sale: Full size artificial fireplace with stone mantel, plus accessories $350; Double bed and dresser $75. 708-895-2607

WOODROW WILCOX On October 6, 2014, a widow came to my office for help w it h med ic a l bills. The woman is from Portage, Indiana. So far, the bills totaled almost $3,000. Her husba nd had passed away less than four weeks before our meeting a nd s h e w a s w or r ie d because she was getting medica l bills regarding ser v ices during his last few days alive. Because she was so nervous and upset, I let her sit in my office as I investigated the bills because I believed t hat it would be better for her than sitting and wa it ing in our wa it ing room. In a few minutes she h e a r d ot h e r s t e l l m e over the phone that her late husband’s Medicare supplement i n su r a nc e c ompa ny h ad not y et received t he claims for wh ich she wa s get t i ng bills. To calm the widow, I w rote let ter s to t he medical service providers t hat sent t he bi l ls a nd told them to be patient because Med ica re had not yet sent the claims to the deceased patient’s insurance company. W hen t he client lef t the office, she was more calm. The work that I did to help her was free of charge. This insurance agency distinguishes itself f r om ot her i n s u r a nc e

For sale: Good working Crosley brand washer and dryer. White in color. Asking $400 for the set. Call 708-2894911. Dyer.

Chicken Wings with Waffle


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014 King size comforter,women’s dress suits s10/12, shoes 8-81/2, kitchenware,wrought iron patio, off white leather suit size 10. 708-331-9859 leave message For sale: 2-pc full mattress $40; chest freezer $75. 708574-8788

You can sell your items faster by posting it on our Facebook page and add photos. Scan code above or go to https://www.facebook. com/theshopper For sale: Piano, Starrk brand, upright, includes bench and piano lamp. Very good cond. $500. 708-3690925 For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers, $20; loveseat covers $15; l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Down comforters s i ze t w i n - k i n g $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows. 708481-6907 For sale: 2 bar stools ( Vintage stainless steel) $60 for a pair; 4 prong can (new) $12. 708481-6907 For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40. 708-481-6907 For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 ea.; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Upright piano, good condition $50. 708-870-0569 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2015 Chicagoland, South Suburban Edition. Dining, entertainment, sports, retail local coupon book. 28th Anniversary since 1987. $25. 708-670-7071 Hutch/desk w/chair, Dresser w/mirror, $160 both or $80 each pair. Also misc. items. 708-916-9360 Thomasville GLD Sofa $100. 2 GLD High back chairs $40.00. 708-333-7158 wheel chair 150.00 11pc. dining room set cheap 708687-4776

For sale: Look magazines 1969 Apollo 8: Voyage to the moon, Apollo II: On the Moon, Touchdown on the moon, off to the moon. $15. 708-333-9666 For sale: Snowblower Toro 3 HP 20 inch wide, runs like new $100; MTD snowblower 3-HP 21” wide with electric start $130. 219-931-6473 For sale: Solid oak wood coffee table with two end tables, all with glass tops, asking $150 for all three. Cash only. 708-932-2486 For sale: 2 office high back chairs $50 each. Ask for Yvonne. Cash only. 708-9322486 B r oy h i l l S o f a E x c e l l e n t Condition, smoke free home. No dog or cat. Custom ordered sofa. $199.00 please call 219-791-9461 FREE ASH FIREWOOD - for pick-up after Oct. 12. If interested, call 708-421-2881 Nice looking and running 6HP self propelled lawnmower $120. 708-8566381 power wheel chair 708-6872112 wheel chair 145.00 modern dining room set. 708-6874776 For sale: Hitch type bike carrier. Holds two bikes. Draw-tite brand. Like new, fits 1-1/4” hitch. $25. 708474-1391 LIVE WELL FOR BASS BOAT $40.00 CALL 708-525-7268 AT&T - 4 handset phone with digital answering system $20.00, AT&T modem (1yr old) $15.00. (708)251-5665 For Sale: Bell collection 25 bells, $20 708-895-1631. Ar iens 3HP 22” snow thrower-good r unning condition-Snow is coming soon-no regrets like last year $75 call 219-308-5442

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Patti’s Offers Dance Classes For Kids

page 16

The “Real Life” Real Estate Column

How an American Dream came to be… (The story of Frank & Melissa)

ARTHUR V. VEAL IV Since 1986, The Dance Connection at Patti’s, offers a large variety of dance for ages 2-18. Dance classes include Ballet, Hip Hop, Tap, Lyrical, Pointe, Leaps and Turns, Jr. Pom, and a very popular dance/gymnastics class for ages 2-5. Dance Manager, Robin Arvanitis, who trained at Birmingham Southern College, Chicago City Ballet, Masi Ballet, Ruth Page, Ellis DuBoulay, and Lou Conte is also in charge of their spring dance recital. This is an opportunity for parents and family to watch their child dance with classmates. Patti’s All-American is celebrating their 45th business anniversary this year and also offers lessons in gymnastics, cheer, ka rate, sw im, a nd Gy m-N-Lea r n Educat iona l Preschool. For more information visit or call (219) 865-2274. You can also find them on Facebook, You Tube, and Instagram.

Sweets & Signs Event Humane Society Calumet Area’s Paws Resale Shoppe will host Sweets & Signs, a creative event where attendees can paint and take home a decorative sign. The fun begins at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, October 24 at 8149 Kennedy Ave, Highland, Ind. Guests can choose between three designs: fall, pet or Halloween-themed. Materials and instruction will be provided and no artistic talent is needed. All proceeds benefit the animals of Humane Society Calumet Area. Tickets cost $40 and include treats and beverages. Reservations are due by Monday, October 20. To reserve a space or learn more, contact Paws Resale Shoppe at 219.838.PAWS (7297). To learn more about HSCA, visit 2 White Armed Chairs $35 pair, 2 chair slipcovers new $25 each, Mantel Clock $10 708-24-8656 For sale: Charming play kitchenette. Crafted from repurposed hall table; 38” high x 32” wide x 26” deep; perfect for birthday or Christmas present; $125 firm comes with handmade apron and potholders, utensils and accessories available from IKea. Photos on request. 708308-9057 For sale: Power wheelchair. Excellent condition, new batteries. $600. 219-365-8212 For sale: 5-pc. bedroom set, 1920’s art deco relica, vanity with beveled glass mirrors, stool, hutch, bed high stand, $700. 708-474-9848 Fre e h e a v y d u t y 3 0 x 7 2 folding banquet table. Call 219-627-4008 Snow is coming. Winter B o o t’s s i z e 1 3 ’. Ro c k e y Stalkers. $35.00. Rocky Snow Stalker’s. $65.00. Buffer & polisher. $20.00. 708-8911035.

On site X-Ray, Ultrasound, Orthotics. Shoes, and Sandals



SELLER: No-nonsense Market Evaluation, Advertised on ALL Real Estate Websites. No Up-front costs and No Processing Fees. BUYERS: NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Hallow Homes wants to be Your BUYER / BROKER At No Cost to the Buyer.

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Stroh’s Bar Light’s. Two for $25.00. Red & Green. Hanging lamps. Amber glass. $45.00. Walunut & Cork. $75.00. 708-891-1035. For sale: Antique french 1920’s sofa, carved wood, newly upholstered, copper brown chenille, curved back, three cushions, exc. cond. 708-474-8221 emerald green lined 84” x 120” draperies with valance & bed skirt 25.00. Conair portable hairdryer $10.00. (708) 251-5665 wheel chair w/footrest 120.00 dining room set seats 12 nice? 708-687-4776 MIRRORS FOR SALE 5’8” X 2’ & 3’ X 4” both are beveled hardware incl. Great shape $15.00 each. (219)678-7244 Thunderbird Bass, Heavy Duty Case & Amp $249.00. Any questions please call (219)678-7244 Powell Jewelry Cabinet. 219895-0871 8 piece burgundy and cream king size comforter set, Euro,king shams, bed skirt and 2 throw pillow. excellent condition. $40.00 708-8951858 Trailor hitch from a 2015 Chevy Equinox. Brand new. taken off car before bought. $200.00 708-895-1858

Search for Homes on our FaceBook Page Hallow Homes Real Estate

Toro 2 cycle snow blower for s a l e. Ru n s we l l a n d i n excellent condition. $85.00 firm. 219-865-2008 Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip darts, board and wooden cabinet. Good Condition $15.00 224235-3021 QUASAR “19” inch color TV. Nice for a bedroom, kitchen or garage. Works Good. No remote control $15.00 Call 224-235-3021 “LIFE” Magazines. (22) 1936 to 1970. Mixed dates. (2) “LOOK” Magazines. 1963 and 1971. Fair Condition. $15.00 Call 224-235-3021

I n today ’s economy we hear constant stories a b ou t h o w i n c om e i s getting lower and people a re losi ng homes, a nd everyone is struggling to make ends meet. I thought today I wou ld sha re a posit ive stor y about a family that accomplished a goal they set to buy a home. Meet Fra nk a nd Melissa, they came to We Buy Houses a few years ago and they had been on hard t i mes. Bot h Fra n k a nd Melissa were unemployed and had lost their home due t o t hei r pr e v iou s employer which supplied them housing as a perk. We sat down with them and setup a plan to help them rent to own one of our homes. This home was larger than their previous apa rtment but we were able to put together a plan that made sense for them. Over the years Frank a n d Me l i s s a f o l l o w e d the plan we laid out for t hem a nd cont i nued to move for wa rd. Even though at times they felt that they weren’t making progress, we talked with them and assured them that the end result would be worth it and to keep mov ing for wa rd. Fra n k and Melissa had to deal with financial issues, but they also had to deal with personal fears about could

they afford a home and how they could get their finances in order. Fa s t f or w a r d t h r e e years. Frank and Melissa re c ei ve d a phone c a l l f rom our lender lett ing them know that they now qualified for a loan. After some paper work a nd a few meetings, Frank and Mel issa bec a me proud home ow ner s. I n t he 3 yea rs t hat t hey rented the house they had made it into a home. They had built a garden, added an above ground pool a nd did some light remodeling. Now t hei r d r e a m h ad b e c ome a r e a l it y a nd on September 12th they signed the papers to their new home. W hen asked what the toughest part of the process was, their answer was simply “It all seemed toug h at t he t i me, but w hen I t u r n a nd look at this home, it was a ll completely worth it!”. So here’s to t he A mer ica n dream of home ownership, a nd helpi ng fa m i l ies achieve their dreams. If you or someone you k now t h i n k s t hat t hey can’t buy a home or that this dream is out of reach, give us a call and let us talk with you about your goals and how we can help you achieve them. Until next time… Art Veal

“2” Vintage ‘7-UP’ The Un c o l a ‘ Up s i d e D ow n’ Glasses. ‘16’ ounce. Never Used. Excellent Condition. $15.00 Call 224-235-3021

For sale: Green patio chair swivel rocker with a fairly new green striped chair pad, $15 or best offer. 219-7435134

FOR SALE: Delta Hollow Chisel Mortiser. Model 14651. $200 (new). 708-9787592, leave message. No Text Messages

For sale: Set of four quarter sawn oak T-back Antique chairs, solid wood only $25. 219-743-2140

FOR SALE: Delta Hollow Chisel Mortiser. Model 14651. $200 (new). 708-9787592, leave message. No Text Messages Marion Catholic High School Gi r l s Po l o s a n d Fl e e c e Jackets. Medium & Large Sizes. Good Condition. 4 Polos & 5 Fleeces. Various Colors. Call Anytime (708) 207-1668 For sale: Bag & cart, Xmas d e c o ra t i o n , VC R’s, D vd players, Am/Fm radios, ladies and men’s clothing. Moving all sale. Something for everyone. Electric blower, T V St a n d , w a l l m i r r o r, transport chair (wheel chair); telescope. 708-474-0743

For sale: Set of four quarter sawn oak Antique chairs seats, may need reupholster unique barley twist front legs, just $25. 219-743-2140 For sale: Commercial grade stainless steel, 3 tub sink with legs, nice condition $750. Retail asking $250 obo. 708916-9930 For sale: Portable utility pump, model PC4 1/2 HP, $50. 219-230-7131 For sale: Queen sleigh bed head board set $50; exercise bike $75. 708-895-8064 For sale: Kitchen set. 4 chairs, 2 boards upholstered seats, dark wood $125. 708-2122799

Ladies Black Leather pencil skirt-size 12 $40 Ann Taylor sweater coat-long,tan-size large$35 Both like new 708671-0376

For sale: Craftsman snow blower $100; Nordic track $50 or best offer on either item. Call anytime, leave message. 708-891-0663

For Sale- Hard Hat Dryer $20 call 773-646-0157

For sale: Ironing board, metal, full size $5; radios $5; hand tools, $5; artists picture frames $5. Dyer. 219-3224660

For Sale- Hair Stylist Chair $60 call 773-646-0157 CANON T70 35mm Camera with automatic exposure and ‘3’ Lenses. Plus a Speedlite flash, camera strap and bag. $125.00 224-235-3021 Two quality women,s leather jackets [Large] by Cole 29” long $125, By Avanti 38” long $175. 708-895-3767 Euro-Pro Sewing machine. Does it all. $75. 708-895-3767

For sale: For Halloween Dinosaur full head and neck to wear, realistic $50 obo. 708-535-9354 For sale: Book- The Enchanted World of Rankin bass a Portfolio first edition comically autographed $100 obo. 708-535-9354

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 17

Governors State University Kicks Off First Athletic Season

From The Publisher

Fall Color s h i ne t h r ou g h . T he s e colors are the reds, brown a nd ora nges t hat show up in the fall. So leaves do change color, but the Fall colors were there in the leaves a ll the time. It’s kind of like when the Bears or the Bulls have a big lead in the 4th quarter and the ‘B’ team comes i n to show t hei r st u f f. S omet i me s it ’s a n ic e cha nge of pace. If you have a favorite fall photo e-mail it to me at arlok@ - and I’ll print several in the next few weeks in the Shopper. Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of God’s color scheme.

Open Park Board Positions The Lan-Oak Park District will be accepting nominating petitions for the position of Park Commissioner for the consolidated election of April 7, 2015. The Park District will have three park board positions expiring. Two positions will have a full term of six years each. The third position will have a partial term of two years, filling the vacancy created by a park board member resigning during their elected term. Potential candidates should call the Cook County Clerk’s Office at 312-603-1121 for information regarding the legal requirements for the elected positions and the mandatory election forms that are required to be filed with the Park Board Secretary. Nominating petitions and supporting election documents from candidates must be filed with the Park District Board Secretar y at the Administration Office, 17551 Chicago Avenue, Lansing, Illinois during the mandated filing period of December 15 through December 22 during normal business hours of 8:00am to 4:30pm. For sale: Two gold sofas 50” x 33” $100 ea.; Electric organ Kimball swinger 800 with bench 44” x 25” $75. 219-3651363 For sale: Dresser w/hutch 54”x 18” deep white with yellow trim. 3-shelf side unit 30” H x 10” D with framed mirror 4 pcs. $100. 219-3651363 For sale: Treadmill Weslo cadence 1005 $50; computer desk 2 pcs. 60” x 29” $50. 219365-1363 For sale: Sewing machine free Westinghouse deluxe rotary $30; casio song star karaoke machine $15. 219365-1363 Fo r s a l e : Wo o d w a l n u t bookcase 60” x 30” H. White 3-shelf bookcase. $20 ea. 219-365-1363 For sale: Ariens walk behind 3 spd. 2.7 HP 20” width snow blower $80. 708-921-4899 For sale: Four Firestone transforce HT P245 75/17 $100; four Goodyear Fortera M/S P255 65/18 $100. 708921-4899 For sale: Girls 26” Rallye bicycle, exc. cond. $29; boys 26” Huffy bike, good condition $25. 708-333-7432 For sale: Small oil paintings C o u n t r y s c e n e s , Av o n , Christmas plates, garden birds of American collector plates, Bradford exchange. 708-474-3963 For sale: Area rug 8x11 multi colored $200 orig. $550. Will deliver. 708-687-5344

For sale: Marbles misc. $25. 708-687-5344 For sale: Steel tall ladder $5; black and white TV, 36 inch. $50; Mini refrigerator $60; Garden tools with tools,$80; bicyle 10 spd. $90; patio table umbrella $20. 708-566-1216 For sale: Pratically new black laquer table, 42 inch, $40; X1 lawn mower $60; adjustable lawn chairs $80. 708-5661216 For sale: 4-card table chairs, good condition $100; 25 gal. garbage can $5; large pails strong X2 $1 each. 708-5661216 For sale: water hose, long X3 $15; X1 = $5; roll around; kitchen chair spreader $35. 708-566-1216

For sale: “Shark” Steamblaster Euro-prox $30; “Hoover” upright vacuum cleaner with tools. $25. 708481-6907 For sale: “Ethan Allen” sofa $125, “Pennsylvania House” chair $85. 708-481-6907 For sale: Play house $40; umbrella stroller $10; booster chair with removable food tray $15; Santa suit complete $50. 708-877-6088


T he new G over nors State at h let ics program maked its debut Thursday, October 9. The men’s basketball exhibition game also kicked off the GSU Family & Friends Weekend. The GSU Women’s Basketba l l tea m debuts on Saturday, October 18 against a tea m of st a ndout player s f rom some of Chicago’s leading prog ra ms. “We’re excited about goi ng up aga i nst some great basketball athletes – and show them what the GSU Jaguars are all about,” said La Toshia Burrell, Head Coach of the GSU For sale: Gone with the wind Bradford plates $40, also Gone with the Wind collector dolls. Lansing. 219-689-8568 For sale: Hand made extra large Afghans in blues or browns. Great for gifts $40 or 3 for $100. Lansing. 219-6898568 For sale: Vitamaster Triple action fan in wheel exercise bike $50; cross walker trainer treadmill $75. 708-862-6612 For sale: Long folding picnic table $45, exc. cond. 708-5661216 For free: The Thornton Public Library has children books and non-fiction adult (biographies) free for your home library. Teach your child to read! Stop in 115 East Margaret St. Thornton. Ends November 29. For sale: Guitar amp $65; new moose stuffed animal, $10; six woman short shirts, $12; ladies XL short hooded jacket $15. 708-460-8308 For sale: Toro snowblower 5 HP self propelled 24” wide,2 stage, 3 spd. forward 1 spd. reverse electric start, Knoby tires, exc. cond. $250. 219308-8228 For sale: Sports cards 9,500 $40; leather coats, lg. $40 each; wedding dress A-line beaded, size 12 $75, never worn. Call. 708-895-8774 Firewood for sale: Apple and plum. Pickup truck load $85, make offer. U-haul it. 219923-0917


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A/C & Heating

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For sale: Pair of “Thomasville” swivel chairs $180. 708-481-6907 For sale: Over the toliet wall cabinet (maple) 2 floor, 3 shelves 28” x 24” $30; matching medicine cabinet $10. 708-481-6907

ARLO KALLEMEYN For some people fall is their favorite season. T he su m mer hu m id it y vanishes and the nights a r e e s p e c i a l l y c o ol – just right for turtleneck sweaters and hot apple c ider. D r i v i ng i n t h i s morning I wondered why the leaves change color. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e US Forest service, the leaves cha nge color for a few reasons. The main reason i s t hat t he t re e s stop produci ng ch lorophyl l. This is the chemical that ma kes leaves g reen. In the fall there are longer nights, and less sunlight, wh ich t rees need to produce ch lorophyl l. Less chlorophyll lets the other colors of the leaf

For sale: 1 barbecue gas grill with tank $20; plastic sand box $10. 708-285-1107




For sale: Men’s all wool topcoat, large, hardly worn. $75; six classic board games $10; woman’s down parka, large, exc. cond. $25. 708798-3006

For sale: Glass showcase $40; gold mirror $10; hydraulic facial chair $30; vibration chair pad $20; beauty magnifye lamp $35; Car mat $6. 708-465-4111

For sale: Step ladder const. grade 8ft. fiberglass $55; Everlast punching heavy bag 80lbs. with practice gloves $80, new. Terry. 708-670-5220

For sale: “Bernette“ 730A sewing machine by “Bernina” $200 obo. 708-481-6907

For sale: Dark oak dressing table, hat stand, tall. Perfect entry. Call after. 1pm. 708849-7722 For sale: Craftsman 8” radial arm saw. Good shape, clean and ready to go. Just $30. 708-891-3432 For sale: Schwinn 27” world sport 10-spd. big frame. Fro the tall man. Exc. cond. $75. 708-880-1148 Fo r s a l e : Me n’s Mu r ra y Sebring 26” 10 spd. Adult bike, like new $75. 708-8801148 For sale: Need batteries 2 non working 1960 Transter radio for sale. Best offer. Call after 1pm. 708-757-7904 For sale: Typewriter Smith Corona electra 120, $35; Raised toilet seat with safety handlers, paid $80, asking $40. 708-877-6157

For sale:Assorted books, $1 ea.; DVD movies $1 each; VHS movies 2 for $1. 708481-6907 For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$20 (coffee makers, toaster, juicer). 708481-6907

For sale: Monster high boy dolls, SLMO or deuce georgan, $25 ea.; pressure washer, electric by McCullock $30. 708-285-1107 For sale: Green lee roll around conduit bender, 1/2” +3/4” +1” $200. Box of garage door parts, rolls, cable, springs, door locks $20. 708285-1107

Mr. Fix It. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $10 service call with this ad. 708429-7479

Chimney Repair

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

All insurances accepted • Two locations to help serve you better Illinois:17825 Wentworth Lansing, IL 60438. Phone (708) 889-5834 Indiana: 2714 169th Street Hammond, IN 46323 Phone (219) 803-2246 Office hours: Mon-Sat. • Visit us online at





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HVAC: Discount heating and air clean and check your furnace. Be warm and safe. Call us before you turn on your heat. EPA certified. Licensed, insured. Only $75 for clean and check. 708-2070644


For sale: Washer $135; Elect. Snowblower new $85; elect. Dryer $75; wheel chair $100. 708-715-2348 For sale: Antique sewing machine in cabinet $75; Antique foyer/sofa table $150; console TV, works w/ cable $30. Located St. John, IN. 708-877-6157

Fall Special! A/C or Furnace clean & check $44.95. A/C, Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281

For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107


25 $ $ 30


Women’s Basketball team. Governors State University was founded in 1969 as an upper division university. Today, as a four-year university, more than 5,500 undergraduate and graduate students choose from 64 degree and 24 certificate programs that prepare them for success in business, industry, healthcare, the arts and education. GSU is a public university offering the most affordable undergraduate tuition in the state. GSU is committed to embraci ng d iversit y a nd academ ic excellence.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

Cleaning Services



Cleaning Services: L & D Cleaning Services. Houses, offices. We also refurnish floors. Free estimates. 773979-0808 or 773-708-8493

Economy Deck Restoration & Repair. Summer Special! Power-washing and Refinishing. Call Dan for quote. 219-577-7703. Protect your deck!

Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038

Computer Sales/ Repair

Gutter Cleaning

Computer City, Inc. Sauk Village, IL. The First company to remove a PC virus only $50. We also repair, blue screen errors, PC won’t boot up, screen freezing, PC crashing, Constant Pop-Ups, All these items repaired only $ 5 0 . S o u t h Su b u r b s & Northwest Indiana. Call Tommy. 708-300-6708

G u t t e r C l e a n i n g : Fa l l Special! 50% Off Regular Price, just .50c cents per linear foot. Free Down-spout Flush! Also leaf blowing services. Free estimates. Licensed & fully insured. Call Paul @ Mr. Clean. 219-7796325

Concrete Work

All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 C o n c r e t e & Pa t c h i n g . Concrete steps patched to last. Walks, steps, patios, drives replaced. Free estimates, small jobs. Licensed. D.W Concrete. 708418-0523

Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & c o m m e rc i a l p r o p e r t i e s. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758

Handyman Services

Affordable Home Repairs. We repair almost any home repair at affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, gutter cleaning, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328

Landscaping/ Lawn Care Lawn service $22. Gutter cleaning power tek system. Complete landscaping, retaining w alls, paver s, fences. Commercial/ Residential. Snowblowing. CLS Landscaping, Hammond. Visa/MC accepted. 219-951-1652

Legal Services D o I t Yo u r s e l f L e g a l . Paralegal offering research and document preparation assistance to Pro-Se Litigants. 708-305-8291

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025

Interior/Exterior Painter. 25 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Algie. 708262-4790 Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior power washing, stain decks, g l a z e w i n d ow s , f e n c e s , railings, complete interior. Call Normand 708-596-2170


page 18

H i r i n g Now. D i r e c t o r / Teacher in a Daycare center, located at Burnham Illinois, 60633. For Inquiries. Call 708-801-9896 H e l p Wa n t e d : FT/PT Automotive Technician. Mu s t h a v e m e c h a n i c a l aptitude, ability and tools to professionally inspect, repair and maintain services under (MAP) guidelines. 708-8410529 H e l p Wa n t e d : F T / P T Automotive Technician, must have mechanical aptitude, ability and tools to professionally inspect, repair and maintain services under (MAP) guidelines. Call. 708841-0529

Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and a ll, h ere’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335

He l p Wa n t e d : Ha i rc u t s needed for housebound lady. Vicinity Sibley & LaSalle. 708331-2328

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500

Oct. 17-18, 8-4.  415 E. 168th Place, So. Holland.  3 family. Clothes, shoes, chairs, jewelry, rugs, new & old things, and household items.

Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693 Plumbing Services: Sump pumps installed, water pump outs, basement wall sealing. Also do toilets, faucets, leaks, drains, sinks, etc. For fast service call today. Senior discounts. Rocky. 219-7654067

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Full-time Teacher with 6 credit hours. Also an Assistant Director needed, with 12 credit early childhood development. 2 yrs. college. No summer teachers. 708-862-1884

Garage Sales in South Holland

Oct. 16-18, 9-4.  640 Thornwood Dr., So. Holland.  LP & 45 records, golf clubs, $3-$2, glassware, pool, sticks, tools, books. Call. 708-3334482

Garage Sales in Thornton Oct. 16-18, 8-4.  209 Mallette, Thornton.  We’re back! Treasures for everyone. Hope to see you!

Garage Sales in Dolton Oct. 16-17, 9-4. 18th, 9-1.  426 E. 142nd St., Dolton.  Huge Indoor sale. Clothes, shoes, purses, furniture, bikes, new items, $1 items.

Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 16-17, 9-4.  617 Mackinaw Ave., Calumet City.  Mulit-family. Clothes, shoes, toys, Xmas, household items, bikes, costumes, jackets, video-games. Good prices!

Garage Sales in Lansing Saturday October 18, 8amtill.  17857 Roy St Lansing.  Huge Garage sale. Appliances, household goods, toys, sporting goods, electronics, etc. One day only!!

Illinois Law Now!

Question: What is an Order of Protection? Answer: An Order of Protection is a court order issued by a judge that restricts someone from abusing or stalking a family or household member. It may order the abuser out of a shared home or residence and may mandate that the abuser keep a certain distance from you and other family members. It may also require the abuser to attend counseling. Question: Is leaf burning legal in Illinois? Answer: While there is no state law about leaf burning, many counties and local municipalities have ordinances related to if, when and where leaves and other vegetative waste can be burned. Penalties for offenses may include fines. Question: What is the difference between at-will and contractual employment? Answer: An employment contract establishes the terms and conditions of the relationship and may be in writing or implied, although written contracts are easier to enforce. The employment at-will doctrine isn’t a law but a standard. The employee essentially agrees that his or her employment relationship can end at any time by either party without notice or reason. The most significant difference between the two is termination. A contract usually stipulates that the termination be in writing within a certain time period while at-will employment can end in the blink of an eye. For more information about Illinois law, visit w w w. If you have a legal question, send it to Oct. 16-18, 7am-?  18040 School St., Lansing.  Furniture, kitchen items, bedding, toys, boys/md. T- s h i r t s , h o o d i e s , k i d s electric cars. Sat 10/18 9-2.  18454 DeJong Lansing.  Furniture, TV, baby furniture, books, gently used toys, holiday, computer desk/ chair, much more! Oct. 16-17, 9-4.  2533 Ridge Road, Lansing.  Lots of great stuff. Even better prices. Come check it out. Oct. 16th, 9-3.  3047-192nd St., Lansing.  Fur niture, Fooseball, collectibles, household items, baby clothes, adult clothes, and more.

Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 17-18, 9-?  22900 Lahon Road, Steger, IL.  Huge Garage sale Furniture, Franklin Stove,crafts, Christmas items, collectables, come gather treasures

Garage Sales in Dyer Oct. 17-18, 9am-2pm.  1604 Capri Dyer, IN.  Clothes, shoes, household items, kids stuff, misc items. Too many items to list.

Oct. 16-17, 9-3.  1 7 1 5 7 G r e e n b a y Av e . , Lansing.  Resale due to the weather. Three family. Clothes, Xmas, crossover truck box.

WE BUY HOUSES NOW We Work With: · Little or NO Equity · Behind On Payments · Facing Divorce ·Need Debt Relief Fast · Already in foreclosure What Do You Have To Lose? Let Us Make You an OFFER On Your House Today!


Garage Sales in St John Oct. 16-17, 8-4PM.  8850 Monfort Drive,St. John, IN.  Moving sale, furniture, tools, household. Patterson (St. John Rd) to 85th, West to Monfort.

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 16-18, 8-3.  7904 Jackson, Munster, IN.  Antiques, household, games, sports, electronics, Holiday, tools, clothes. We have it all.

Real Estate Building for sale: Four units (3 apts), (1 storefront). Re s i d e n t i a l / Co m m e rc i a l Bldg. Located 4015 Broadway St., Gary, IN. Price $140,000. Great investment. 219-4131071

Homes For Sale Home for sale: 2-bdrm., 2 car garage, single family ranch. Location: Glenpark Gary, IN. 3794 Vanburen. Price $25,000. 219-413-1071 Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Holland $10,000 government grant available. 1% down. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace. $179,900 708-596-7761 Ho m e f o r s a l e : Fa m i l y H o m e : 4 1 6 W. J o l i e t , Schererville, IN. 3+bdrm., 1+bath. 1 acre. Partially finished basement. 3 car garage. $189,000. 219-6448180

Cemetery Lots For Sale Two adjoining grave plots. Hawthrone section, Cedar Park Cemeter y, Calumet Park, $3,600 value, asking $1800. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity

&S H Auto Repair

Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.

Complete Automotive Service

Lansing 17710 Commercial 2-bdrm. 1-bath, 2nd flr. balcony, newly rehabbed, seniors welcome, $900/mo. Includes free heat gas, appls. private parking. +1-1/2 mo. sec. Call Larry. 312-405-0697

COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION 593 N. Williams St. Thornton, IL 60476 708.877.0900

Say I saw it in The Shopper Apt. for rent: Now renting luxury style apartments & homes. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8/Hud-VA programs/low income welcome. No security deposit and free utilities specials, laundry hook-ups. All credit & background considered. Allied Housing. 708-401-8152 3 bdrm. apartment for rent: 1820 State St. Calumet City, IL. $1,125/mo. Call for appointment. 708-357-4291 Calumet City 2-bdrm. Apartment. Located 1 block from Lansing. $750/mo. + security + credit check. No pets. Seniors welcome. For more info. 708-868-2590 Cottage apartment Calumet City. State Line. 1-bdrm., a p p l i a n c e s, a l l u t i l i t i e s included with off street parking. $650/mo. Seniors welcome. 708-895-2713 Apt . to rent downtown Lansing. 1-bdrm. appliances, utility room included. Ceramic tile, carpeting, many kitchen cabinets, A/C. $700/ mo. 708-474-0696 Lynwood, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. available. Heat & water included. Newly decorated. Credit check, & security deposit. No pets. Call for more information. 708-4747956 Apt. for rent: Lansing 2nd floor, 1 bdrm. no pets, utilities not included, $525/ mo. 708-474-7337 Apt for rent: Lansing 2 bedroom. New carpet, paint, $855/mo w/gas & water included. Call Matt-708-4660543 2 Apts. in Crown Point, IN. 1-bdrm. Cottage includes washer/dryer, water/sewer, $700/mo. 1-bdrm. includes washer/dryer, water sewer $800/mo. both near square. 214-500-9182 Calumet City 1-bdrm. Garden Apt. $650/mo. + utilities. 219-677-7803 2 Bed/1 bath apartment. $800/month Tenants pay their own electric and gas bill. Landlord pays for the water. Laundry machines located in the b u i l d i n g . Fo r m o r e information please contact Mr. and/or Mrs. Harris at 708-251-8563 Lansing 2 bdrm. Apt. 2nd floor. Offering short-term rental 6-9mos. for individuals or corporations. Pay only electric. Deposit required. 708-439-7736

Homes For Rent Gary home for rent: Very clean, 3-bdrm. house. Appliances included. $650/ mo. Call Mark. 708-408-7192 Home for rent: 2-bdrm house in Lansing. C o m p l e t e l y re m o d e l e d . $ 1 0 0 0 /m o. + 1 - 1 / 2 mo. security. No pets. 708-6010567 Home for Rent - Lansing,IL 3br 2ba - 1200 sq ft w/bsmt $1450/mo - October rent free -contact Pam Wisler for more details 219-836-2400

October 15, 2014 Home for rent: Lansing. 3bdrm., 2-bath Ranch, 2-car attached garage. Large eat-in kitchen, all appliances. Nonsmoking, no pets, $1350/mo. 3342-171st. Street. 708-3054735

Rooms For Rent Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kitc privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544 House to Share: Homewood, $500/mo., p e t f r i e n d l y, bedroom with French doors, own bathroom, kitchen, diningroom, livingroom and basement access, cable TV. Room in basement also available to rent. 708-7176077 Room for rent: Riverdale, IL. 13725 Eggleston. Unfurnished room. Rent $76 a week or $325 a month. Call Bishop Thomas. 708-4178384

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland. Professional buildings on South Park Ave. Various sizes available. All professions welcome. Easy access, near Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f parking. Contact Mike 708339-8068

Pets Pets for sale: Cane Corso puppies, 9 wks old. Tails cut, 1st shots and de-wormed, $600. 708-715-0545 For Sale: African Cichlids Fish. Call 708-418-0971

Lost & Found Lost: All white with red collar snuddle. Lost in Riverdale. Name is Barack, for artistic child. Help us find. Please call 708-933-3601 or 708-9834251

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941 Wanted: Old beer cans and Old beer collectibles. Will buy, trade, or sell. 219-8368907 Wanted: I’m looking for house cleaning jobs, ironing, cleaning closets, caregiver jobs, drive for errands, doctor appointments or any help for older people. Call 219-2279234, 219-718-8425 Donations of your unwanted used or new winter clothes, coats, boots, etc. To give to people in need through a Christian organization. Marva. 708-501-3470 Wanted: Moms and Dads that are in need of free d a y c a re f o r o n e w e e k . Looking to help someone starting a new job or school. Calumet City. Mrs. Barnes. 708-501-3470 Wanted: Retired mechanics hand tools, wrenches, sockets, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. Do not let them just sit and rust. Cash. 708-987-8641

Fall into color, cut, style and conditioning treatment for only



Originally $74.00. New Clients Only.

Call Shelley

(708) 955-0082

Wanted: Someone took my Granny bike that has basket in back, orange flag hook on the back, of the basket, taken from across from house, on 9/25/14 at 12160-80th Place, Dyer, IN. Please return, no questions asked. 219-3651316 Looking for cna/caretaker position. Will work in your home, nursing home, hospital, etc. Have experience and references. Full/part time. Very flexible. Lynn(708)913-0103,(219)5580660,email k-c2@sbcglobal. net. wanted 300 PIECE JIGSAW puzzles for and elderly person call Judy 708-5391216 Wanted HOUSEPLANTS call Judy 708-539-1216 wanted someone to share Eisenhower membership. Two is a lot cheaper than one. Call Judy for details 708539-1216 Wanted: Motorcycle 250cc or smaller, star 45 cal. steel flats and angles, lineotype lead, log splitter or parts for one, Mercury pump. 708-474-8221 Wanted: Old wooden fences, will tear down. 708-757-9166 Wa n t e d : Re a s o n a b l e dependable Handy man. Leave message. Jack of all trades, large and small jobs. 708-365-6616 Wa n t e d : S o m e o n e t o purchase 22 clean wine bottles, gal. size with caps. Reasonable price $1 ea. or make offer. Phil. 708-8686886 Wanted: 5/8 & 3/4 inch scrap plywood & treated wood. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Economy car for senior citizen at reasonable price. Looks unimportant. Also wood burning stove, heavy duty whirlpool. 219801-0955

Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Po n t i a c 2-door SunFire. Automatic, 4cyl. A/C, Sunroof and more. Low miles, exc. cond. $3,950 obo. 708-636-4350 or 708267-0723

page 19

For sale: 2009 Chevrolet Aveo5 LT, black granite metallic $5,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2005 Ponitac Grand Prix GT, 69,000K, sunroof, leather, on-star satellite radio, rare color, $7950 or $75 per/wk. www. 877-818-4726

For sale: 2007 Chevrolet Co b a l t LT, Ul t r a Si l v e r Metallic, $6,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Chevrolet HHR LT, Black, $7,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS Supercharged, Black, $9,995. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

1948 Chevy Style Master Deluxe. 350 motor 700R transmission, rebuilt motor and trans. Nova sub-frame, disk brakes, lots of new parts, asking $8,500 obo. 708-7049180 Joe For sale: 2004 Buick LeSable $5,995; 1995 Cadillac Sedan Deville, $7,500, excellent condition. Runs like new. Set price or make offer. “As is”. 708-510-3026 For sale: 1994 Lincoln Town Car, runs good, four good tires, new front line $900. 708-606-1523 For sale: 1998 Corvette, only 9,100 miles, mint cond. Silver exterior with wine leather interior. Must see! Garage kept. $22,000. 708-408-0088 For sale: 2003 Chevy Impala. Silver, great engine, well maintained. Original owner. 167,000 miles $2000. 219865-2455 For sale: 2001 Chrysler Town & Country. All leather heated front seats. Power doors and windows. Kept in garage. Great cond. $3000. 219-8650204 For sale: 1999 Ford Crown Victoria, Four door Sedan, blue, original owner. Shown a t 1 7 5 4 6 C h i c a g o Av e. , Lansing. $3,000. 708-4188443

For sale: 1991 Volvo Station Wagon, good looking car inside and out. Roomy, great family car. See and drive to appreciate $1785. 877-8184 7 2 6 o r w w w.

FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.

16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473

Hammer Toes

Hammer toes are actually a curling of the toes. Sometimes these are flexible and can be straightened with manipulation, or fixed which means they are always curled with arthritic changes that don’t allow straightening. Many times corns are found on the tops of these toes. Surgery can be performed to straighten these toes or occasional trimming of the corns can alleviate some of the pain. If you have any questions concerning hammer toes or any other problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.


For sale: 2007 Jayco Pop-Up Camper great condition, a/c, heat, refrigerator, in/out stove & grill, awning many custom extra’s 4,000 Must sell. (708)267-7649 RV/Motorhome for sale. Coachman 2005 Mirada. Class A, 31 foot. 60 options, non-smokers, like new, low mileage, no pets. Serious buyers only. Selling for health reasons. 708-474-1314


For sale: 2008 Chevroloet Cobalt LT, Sport Red Tintcoat, $8,987. Call Bob. 855-9694000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LT, Red, $12,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 4WD, Blue Granite Metallic, $14,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2011 Chevolet M a l i b u LT, R e d J e w e l Tintocoat, $15,187. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Cr uze LT RS, Silver Ice metallic, $15,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS, Rainforest Green metallic, $16,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

Motorcycle for sale: 1996 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic. 1340cc stage II engine. 67,000 miles, Grn/ blk, radio, cassette. Kerker performance pipes, runs great. 312-505-9866

Trailers Travel Trailer for sale. 2005 JayCo. J-Flight, 25 foot. Nonsmoker, slide-out surround sound, queen-bed, rear kitchen, flex-steel couch/ bed, A/C, full-bath, slightly used. $5,500. 708-418-0241


Antiques/Classics For sale: 1967 Ford Falcon W i n d ow Va n , r a r e , automatic, straight 6, low miles. Excellent running condition. Was in the movie. Serios buyer wanted. 708267-0723 or 708-636-4350 1973 Cadillac El Dorado. Original showroom, new 14,000 certified miles. Sell price of $13,000. best close offer. 708-267-0723

Auto Parts For sale: Four Firestone destination P235 70/17 tires $100. 708-921-4899

Boats For sale: 2001 Chevy Imapla, runs good, well-maintained, nice car inside and out, power features, $2,495 cash. 8 7 7 - 8 1 8 - 4 7 2 6 o r w w w.


Fishermen Seanymph 70 HP Evinrude outboard trolling motor deph finder, bass boat, asking $3500 low hours on motor trailer included. 708642-7650 Boat for sale: Completely redone fishing boat. 10 ft., new floor carpet, seats, Johnson motor, Minn Kota trolling motor. Recently painted trailer $1,500. 708474-9848

For sale: 94,000 miles, excellent shape, licensed for Porter and Lake County, IN. Electric hook ups, large propane tank and A/C custom canvas cover for winter storage. Call Alison 708-466-9387 for more info. For sale: 1992 Ford F150 Super Cab, long bed. This truck looks great and rides smoothly with second row seating $4,500. 219-230-7322 Truck for sale: 2003 GMC Sonoma ext. cab 4x4 very good condition 107,000 miles, well maintained asking $5800 219-864-4172 or 219-6800723

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $ 4 8 / m o. , b u n k b e d w / mattress $56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., twin box-springs $20 each. EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 www. For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035

October 15, 2014 For sale: Black prom dress, diamond shaped sequins in front, off shoulder, back of dress braided down; Citizens watch, mens, never worn; Blue saffire diamond necklace & earring set. 708257-5546 Power wheel chair, (scooter) only used several times, like new, new batteries. $350. 708-418-0748 Fo r s a l e : Ho s p i t a l - l i k e breathing machine with 3 canisters $100, raised toilet seat $10,Jazzy scooter $150, 60” Toshiba T.V. FREE Liz. 708-214-9393

obituaries Blakeman

Funeral service for David D. Blakeman was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on Saturday, October 11 with Rev. John Powers officiating. Mr. Blakeman was born October 21, 1959 and died October 7, 2014. He was the husband of Denise (nee Houston). Father of Doug and David. Son of Douglas and Frances (nee Battles). Brother of Kathy Balestri and Mary (Julie Allen) Blakeman. Godfather of Mark, Jake and the late Kaitlyn. Interment was at Saint John Saint Joseph Cemetery Cemetery. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).


Funeral Mass for Anna M. Nowak (nee Nally) was offered from St. Julie Billiart Church on Friday, October 10 with Rev. Lou Tylka officiating. Mrs. Nowak was born May 27, 1925 and died October 6, 2014. She was the wife of Edward P. Mother of Pamela (Richard Venjohn) Nowak, Denise (William) Kornylak, Lawrence (Ellen) Nowak, Debbie (Chuck) Lane and the late Patricia (John) Brennan. Grandmother and greatgrandmother of many. Interment was at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).

obituaries obituaries Conroy

Funeral Mass for Patricia A. Conroy, (nee Scianna), was held at St. Michael the Archangel Church on Monday, October 13, 2014 with Rev. Martin Dobrzynski officiating. Mrs. Conroy was born July 19, 1941 and died October 8, 2014. She was the wife of William J. Conroy. Mother of William J. (Barbara) Conroy Jr., Timothy (Julie) Conroy, James (Fran) Conroy, Diane (Timothy) Schweinhagen, and Catherine Conroy. Grandmother of 9; Greatgrandmother of one. Sister of Andrew (late Carol) Scianna, Lorraine (John) Stephens, Joanne (Frank) Kuzniewski, Michael (Debbie) Scianna, Darlene (Anthony) Frangella, and the late Joseph (late Helen) Scianna. Preceded in death by her parents Andrew and Anna Scianna. Interment St. Michael the Archangel Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.


Memorial service for Lyle K. Norris wil be held from Smits Funeral Home on Wednesday, October 15 with Rev. Matt Waterstone officiating. Mr. Norris was born May 16, 1917 and died October 9, 2014. He was the husband of the late Kathleen F. Norris (nee Gibson). Father of Rodger (Sherry) Norris, Gordon (Laurie) Norris, and Cyndy (Ken) Linhart. Grandfather of 8 and greatgrandfather of 5. Brother of two sisters and one brother. Interment will be private. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

For sale: Exercise machine. Pilates power gym equipment total body shaping series upper, lower, and abs. Includes CD. Kristin McG ee celebr ity yoga instructor, new. $175 obo. 708-612-5008 or 708-4185008 For sale: HO Fairwind radio controlled sailboat. 1:24 scale one meter class length 35” beam 9” height 62”. $125. 219-865-1984 For sale: LazyBoy couch and love seat, both recline on both ends, in very good condition. Asking $300 obo. Ask for Yvonne. 708-932-2486 For sale: Dark wood dinning room set, table, 6 chairs, 2 leafs and two piece china hutch, asking $275 obo. Cash only. Ask for Yvonne. 708932-2486 For sale: Bed, chest, large entertainment $85 for all. Will separate. 708-647-6052 Fo r s a l e : S a m s u n g Ga l a x y Me g a Sp r i n t Phone in Mint Condition - Clean ESN. 6.3 inch screen, LTE, 4G phone & tablet all-in-one device. Includes wall charger, new earphones, screen protector, phone case $350 (773)632-7568

For sale: 6 pack Prompt adult/child CPR training manikins with all supplies and carrying case. CPR/AED training kit with carrying case and supplies $900 value. Used twice, asking $450. 708465-7758 For sale: 4 matching desk sets, dividers, chairs, standing walnut files cabinets, very high quality. Perfect for business office, best offer. 708-243-6677

For sale: 3 pc. entertainment center $300; Dryer $75. 708201-0980 For sale: Dining Room Set Cabinet & Hutch 3 chairs 1 arm 2 leaves. Excellent cond. $2500 or BO 219-951-7108.

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478

For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 ea.; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907

For sale: Four piece white kitchen appliances: refrigerator $250, Tappon self-cleaning gas range $150, Magicchef dishwasher $50, above range; GE microwave, $50. Good cond. $400 for all. 708-757-7044, or 312-5079404

For sale: Upright piano, good condition $50. 708-870-0569

For sale: Good working Crosley brand washer and dryer. White in color. Asking $400 for the set. Call 708-2894911. Dyer.

For sale: Full size artificial fireplace with stone mantel, plus accessories $350; Double bed and dresser $75. 708-895-2607 For sale: Cherrywood formal dining room set $1000. Matching china hutch $800, cherrywood/maplewood accent table $60; matching end tables $40 each; blue leather arm chair $200; refrigerator $150; gas stove $100; Formal design couch $150. 708-400-3160

Free Gravel: Pick all you want. Up to 3 tons to anyone. 5234 W. Laramie Court, Crestwood, IL. 60445. 708371-4813 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

Thomasville GLD Sofa $100. 2 GLD High back chairs $40.00. 708-333-7158

You can sell your items faster by posting it on our Facebook page and add photos. Scan code above or go to https://www.facebook. com/theshopper For sale: Piano, Starrk brand, upright, includes bench and piano lamp. Very good cond. $500. 708-3690925 For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers, $20; loveseat covers $15; l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Down comforters s i ze t w i n - k i n g $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows. 708481-6907 For sale: 2 bar stools ( Vintage stainless steel) $60 for a pair; 4 prong can (new) $12. 708481-6907 For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40. 708-481-6907

You Are Invited to

Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Cal Aardsma Pastor Nick Van Beek Rev. Herman Schutt

First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144


First Reformed Church

wheel chair 150.00 11pc. dining room set cheap 708687-4776 King size comforter,women’s dress suits s10/12, shoes 8-81/2, kitchenware,wrought iron patio, off white leather suit size 10. 708-331-9859 leave message For sale: 2-pc full mattress $40; chest freezer $75. 708574-8788 For sale: Look magazines 1969 Apollo 8: Voyage to the moon, Apollo II: On the Moon, Touchdown on the moon, off to the moon. $15. 708-333-9666 For sale: Snowblower Toro 3 HP 20 inch wide, runs like new $100; MTD snowblower 3-HP 21” wide with electric start $130. 219-931-6473 For sale: Solid oak wood coffee table with two end tables, all with glass tops, asking $150 for all three. Cash only. 708-932-2486 For sale: 2 office high back chairs $50 each. Ask for Yvonne. Cash only. 708-9322486 B r oy h i l l S o f a E x c e l l e n t Condition, smoke free home. No dog or cat. Custom ordered sofa. $199.00 please call 219-791-9461 FREE ASH FIREWOOD - for pick-up after Oct. 12. If interested, call 708-421-2881 Nice looking and running 6HP self propelled lawnmower $120. 708-8566381 power wheel chair 708-6872112 wheel chair 145.00 modern dining room set. 708-6874776

Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. ******* Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m.

For sale: Golden Opportunities 2015 Chicagoland, South Suburban Edition. Dining, entertainment, sports, retail local coupon book. 28th Anniversary since 1987. $25. 708-670-7071 Hutch/desk w/chair, Dresser w/mirror, $160 both or $80 each pair. Also misc. items. 708-916-9360

For sale: Nova knee scooter $250. For people that can’t put weight on their ankle or foot. 708-895-6713


Funeral service for James D. Tentler was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on Monday, October 13 with Rev. Jack Jura officiating. Mr. Tentler was born October 16, 1946 and died October 9, 2014. He was the brother of Robert (Leslie) Tentler, Dorothy (Ronald) Zippel, Linda (Ronald) St. Juliana. Interment was at St. Mary Cemetery. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).

page 20

For sale: Dolls. Holiday Barbie’s, Classic Barbie’s and Porcelain dolls, stuff animals, needle point (hand craft, yarn, art gallery (pictures) irons, furniture, men’s gold clubs/women golf clubs. 708474-0743


Funeral service for C. Jay Rietveld was offered from Smits Funeral Home on Wednesday, October 15 with Rev. Matt Waterstone officiating. Mr. Rietveld was born June 2, 1939 and passed away October 8, 2014. He was the husband of Sherry Rietveld (nee Dunker). Son of the late Cornelius and late Nellie (nee Prince) Rietveld. Brother of Phil (Audrey) Rietveld and Bob (Joyce) Rietveld. Interment was at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

Lynwood United Reformed Church 1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor

For sale: Hitch type bike carrier. Holds two bikes. Draw-tite brand. Like new, fits 1-1/4” hitch. $25. 708474-1391 LIVE WELL FOR BASS BOAT $40.00 CALL 708-525-7268 AT&T - 4 handset phone with digital answering system $20.00, AT&T modem (1yr old) $15.00. (708)251-5665 For Sale: Bell collection 25 bells, $20 708-895-1631.

3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor

Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

Ar iens 3HP 22” snow thrower-good r unning condition-Snow is coming soon-no regrets like last year $75 call 219-308-5442

New Hope Church A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. *******

Church Directory Protestant Reformed Church

Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ......9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

2 White Armed Chairs $35 pair, 2 chair slipcovers new $25 each, Mantel Clock $10 708-24-8656 For sale: Charming play kitchenette. Crafted from repurposed hall table; 38” high x 32” wide x 26” deep; perfect for birthday or Christmas present; $125 firm comes with handmade apron and potholders, utensils and accessories available from IKea. Photos on request. 708308-9057 For sale: Power wheelchair. Excellent condition, new batteries. $600. 219-365-8212 For sale: 5-pc. bedroom set, 1920’s art deco relica, vanity with beveled glass mirrors, stool, hutch, bed high stand, $700. 708-474-9848 Fre e h e a v y d u t y 3 0 x 7 2 folding banquet table. Call 219-627-4008 Snow is coming. Winter B o o t’s s i z e 1 3 ’. Ro c k e y Stalkers. $35.00. Rocky Snow Stalker’s. $65.00. Buffer & polisher. $20.00. 708-8911035. Stroh’s Bar Light’s. Two for $25.00. Red & Green. Hanging lamps. Amber glass. $45.00. Walunut & Cork. $75.00. 708-891-1035. For sale: Antique french 1920’s sofa, carved wood, newly upholstered, copper brown chenille, curved back, three cushions, exc. cond. 708-474-8221 emerald green lined 84” x 120” draperies with valance & bed skirt 25.00. Conair portable hairdryer $10.00. (708) 251-5665 wheel chair w/footrest 120.00 dining room set seats 12 nice? 708-687-4776

QUASAR “19” inch color TV. Nice for a bedroom, kitchen or garage. Works Good. No remote control $15.00 Call 224-235-3021 “LIFE” Magazines. (22) 1936 to 1970. Mixed dates. (2) “LOOK” Magazines. 1963 and 1971. Fair Condition. $15.00 Call 224-235-3021 “2” Vintage ‘7-UP’ The Un c o l a ‘ Up s i d e D ow n’ Glasses. ‘16’ ounce. Never Used. Excellent Condition. $15.00 Call 224-235-3021 FOR SALE: Delta Hollow Chisel Mortiser. Model 14651. $200 (new). 708-9787592, leave message. No Text Messages FOR SALE: Delta Hollow Chisel Mortiser. Model 14651. $200 (new). 708-9787592, leave message. No Text Messages Marion Catholic High School Gi r l s Po l o s a n d Fl e e c e Jackets. Medium & Large Sizes. Good Condition. 4 Polos & 5 Fleeces. Various Colors. Call Anytime (708) 207-1668 For sale: Bag & cart, Xmas d e c o ra t i o n , VC R’s, D vd players, Am/Fm radios, ladies and men’s clothing. Moving all sale. Something for everyone. Electric blower, T V St a n d , w a l l m i r r o r, transport chair (wheel chair); telescope. 708-474-0743 Ladies Black Leather pencil skirt-size 12 $40 Ann Taylor sweater coat-long,tan-size large$35 Both like new 708671-0376 For Sale- Hard Hat Dryer $20 call 773-646-0157 For Sale- Hair Stylist Chair $60 call 773-646-0157

MIRRORS FOR SALE 5’8” X 2’ & 3’ X 4” both are beveled hardware incl. Great shape $15.00 each. (219)678-7244

CANON T70 35mm Camera with automatic exposure and ‘3’ Lenses. Plus a Speedlite flash, camera strap and bag. $125.00 224-235-3021

Thunderbird Bass, Heavy Duty Case & Amp $249.00. Any questions please call (219)678-7244

Two quality women,s leather jackets [Large] by Cole 29” long $125, By Avanti 38” long $175. 708-895-3767

Powell Jewelry Cabinet. 219895-0871

Euro-Pro Sewing machine. Does it all. $75. 708-895-3767

8 piece burgundy and cream king size comforter set, Euro,king shams, bed skirt and 2 throw pillow. excellent condition. $40.00 708-8951858

For sale: Green patio chair swivel rocker with a fairly new green striped chair pad, $15 or best offer. 219-7435134

Trailor hitch from a 2015 Chevy Equinox. Brand new. taken off car before bought. $200.00 708-895-1858 Toro 2 cycle snow blower for s a l e. Ru n s we l l a n d i n excellent condition. $85.00 firm. 219-865-2008 Dart Cabinet ‘Smyth and Townley’ deluxe Limited Edition. ‘6’ steel tip darts, board and wooden cabinet. Good Condition $15.00 224235-3021

For sale: Set of four quarter sawn oak T-back Antique chairs, solid wood only $25. 219-743-2140 For sale: Set of four quarter sawn oak Antique chairs seats, may need reupholster unique barley twist front legs, just $25. 219-743-2140 For sale: Commercial grade stainless steel, 3 tub sink with legs, nice condition $750. Retail asking $250 obo. 708916-9930

Notice is hereby given that on Mon., 11-10-14 @ 12PM a sale will be held at 18220 Torrence Lansing IL 60438 to sell the following article to enforce a lien existing under the laws of the State of Illinois against such articles for labor, services, skill or material expended upon a storage furnished for such articles at the request of the following designated persons, unless such articles are redeemed within thirty days of the publication of this notice. Damage Autobody, 1968 Mercury VIN #8F91C542992 for lien of $4910.

Notice of Public Sale

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on ending on October 17, 2014 at 10:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage. 2556 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438

The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. Unit # B1424 B1106 B1107

Unit #

Tenants Name Carl Hayes Latoya Buckley Latoya Buckley

Unit #

B1028 B1004 B1209

Unit #

Tenants Name

Unit #

Therina Brown B1098 Jeanette Lloyd-Johnson B1069 Dildred McKenzie B1213

Unit #

Tenants Name Ronald Griffin Latena Adams Darryl Klein

For sale: Portable utility pump, model PC4 1/2 HP, $50. 219-230-7131

For sale: Area rug 8x11 multi colored $200 orig. $550. Will deliver. 708-687-5344

For sale: Queen sleigh bed head board set $50; exercise bike $75. 708-895-8064

For sale: Marbles misc. $25. 708-687-5344

For sale: Kitchen set. 4 chairs, 2 boards upholstered seats, dark wood $125. 708-2122799 For sale: Craftsman snow blower $100; Nordic track $50 or best offer on either item. Call anytime, leave message. 708-891-0663 For sale: Ironing board, metal, full size $5; radios $5; hand tools, $5; artists picture frames $5. Dyer. 219-3224660 For sale: For Halloween Dinosaur full head and neck to wear, realistic $50 obo. 708-535-9354 For sale: Book- The Enchanted World of Rankin bass a Portfolio first edition comically autographed $100 obo. 708-535-9354

For sale: Steel tall ladder $5; black and white TV, 36 inch. $50; Mini refrigerator $60; Garden tools with tools,$80; bicyle 10 spd. $90; patio table umbrella $20. 708-566-1216 For sale: Pratically new black laquer table, 42 inch, $40; X1 lawn mower $60; adjustable lawn chairs $80. 708-5661216 For sale: 4-card table chairs, good condition $100; 25 gal. garbage can $5; large pails strong X2 $1 each. 708-5661216 For sale: water hose, long X3 $15; X1 = $5; roll around; kitchen chair spreader $35. 708-566-1216 For sale: Gone with the wind Bradford plates $40, also Gone with the Wind collector dolls. Lansing. 219-689-8568

For sale: Two gold sofas 50” x 33” $100 ea.; Electric organ Kimball swinger 800 with bench 44” x 25” $75. 219-3651363

For sale: Hand made extra large Afghans in blues or browns. Great for gifts $40 or 3 for $100. Lansing. 219-6898568

For sale: Dresser w/hutch 54”x 18” deep white with yellow trim. 3-shelf side unit 30” H x 10” D with framed mirror 4 pcs. $100. 219-3651363

For sale: Vitamaster Triple action fan in wheel exercise bike $50; cross walker trainer treadmill $75. 708-862-6612

For sale: Treadmill Weslo cadence 1005 $50; computer desk 2 pcs. 60” x 29” $50. 219365-1363 For sale: Sewing machine free Westinghouse deluxe rotary $30; casio song star karaoke machine $15. 219365-1363 Fo r s a l e : Wo o d w a l n u t bookcase 60” x 30” H. White 3-shelf bookcase. $20 ea. 219-365-1363 For sale: Ariens walk behind 3 spd. 2.7 HP 20” width snow blower $80. 708-921-4899 For sale: Four Firestone transforce HT P245 75/17 $100; four Goodyear Fortera M/S P255 65/18 $100. 708921-4899 For sale: Girls 26” Rallye bicycle, exc. cond. $29; boys 26” Huffy bike, good condition $25. 708-333-7432 For sale: Small oil paintings C o u n t r y s c e n e s , Av o n , Christmas plates, garden birds of American collector plates, Bradford exchange. 708-474-3963

For sale: Long folding picnic table $45, exc. cond. 708-5661216 For free: The Thornton Public Library has children books and non-fiction adult (biographies) free for your home library. Teach your child to read! Stop in 115 East Margaret St. Thornton. Ends November 29. For sale: Guitar amp $65; new moose stuffed animal, $10; six woman short shirts, $12; ladies XL short hooded jacket $15. 708-460-8308 For sale: Toro snowblower 5 HP self propelled 24” wide,2 stage, 3 spd. forward 1 spd. reverse electric start, Knoby tires, exc. cond. $250. 219308-8228 For sale: Sports cards 9,500 $40; leather coats, lg. $40 each; wedding dress A-line beaded, size 12 $75, never worn. Call. 708-895-8774 Firewood for sale: Apple and plum. Pickup truck load $85, make offer. U-haul it. 219923-0917



Price: $1472.86 Year: 2002 Make: Dodge Model: Neon SE Vin: 1B3ES46C92D633909

Sale Date: October 18, 2014 at David the Automobile Dr. 14152 Irving Ave., Dolton, Illinois 60419 Phone: 708-841-0529

Notice is hereby given that on Mon., 11-10-14 @ 12PM a sale will be held at 10030 S Anderson Dr. Chicago Ridge IL 60415 to sell the following articles to enforce a lien existing under the laws of the State of Illinois against such articles for labor, services, skill or material expended upon a storage furnished for such articles at the request of the following designated persons, unless such articles are redeemed within thirty days of the publication of this notice. 1996 Ford VIN#1FDYS95S3TVA04199 for lien of $12,901.28; 1996 Freightliner VIN#1FUYTMCB5TL550112 for lien of $12,000; 1998 BMW VIN#WBAGJ8326WDM09898 for lien of $10,500; 1999 Volvo VIN#4VG7DEPG5XN764014 for lien of $11,900; 2000 Mercedes-Benz VIN#WDBNG75JXYA128035 for lien of $13,200; 2002 International VIN#1HTMMAAM22H389793 for lien of $14,175; 2006 Mini Cooper VIN#WMWRE335X5TG97099 for lien of $12,775.

page 21

For sale: Men’s all wool topcoat, large, hardly worn. $75; six classic board games $10; woman’s down parka, large, exc. cond. $25. 708798-3006 For sale: Step ladder const. grade 8ft. fiberglass $55; Everlast punching heavy bag 80lbs. with practice gloves $80, new. Terry. 708-670-5220

For sale: Dark oak dressing table, hat stand, tall. Perfect entry. Call after. 1pm. 708849-7722 For sale: Craftsman 8” radial arm saw. Good shape, clean and ready to go. Just $30. 708-891-3432 For sale: Schwinn 27” world sport 10-spd. big frame. Fro the tall man. Exc. cond. $75. 708-880-1148

Directory South Holland...

A Community of Churches

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444

Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. ******* Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church

Peace Christian Reformed Church

833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor

166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. ******* Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******

Covenant United Church of Christ

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******

First Christian Reformed Church

163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life

Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor

Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. *******

Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church

315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor

Tues. Bible Class ..11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Cl..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ......8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....10:00 a.m. *******

Redeemer Lutheran Church

651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor

Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******

Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor

Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor

Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 22

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here!

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured

Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758

*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.



15% OFF Labor* Expires November 5, 2014

Fo r s a l e : Me n’s Mu r ra y Sebring 26” 10 spd. Adult bike, like new $75. 708-8801148 For sale: Need batteries 2 non working 1960 Transter radio for sale. Best offer. Call after 1pm. 708-757-7904 For sale: Typewriter Smith Corona electra 120, $35; Raised toilet seat with safety handlers, paid $80, asking $40. 708-877-6157 For sale: Washer $135; Elect. Snowblower new $85; elect. Dryer $75; wheel chair $100. 708-715-2348 For sale: Antique sewing machine in cabinet $75; Antique foyer/sofa table $150; console TV, works w/ cable $30. Located St. John, IN. 708-877-6157 For sale: Glass showcase $40; gold mirror $10; hydraulic facial chair $30; vibration chair pad $20; beauty magnifye lamp $35; Car mat $6. 708-465-4111 For sale: “Bernette“ 730A sewing machine by “Bernina” $200 obo. 708-481-6907 For sale:Assorted books, $1 ea.; DVD movies $1 each; VHS movies 2 for $1. 708481-6907 For sale: Small kitchen appliances $5-$20 (coffee makers, toaster, juicer). 708481-6907 For sale: 2 large Stork signs for new arrivals babies; 1 boy sign, 1 girl sign $150 each. 708-285-1107 For sale: Monster high boy dolls, SLMO or deuce georgan, $25 ea.; pressure washer, electric by McCullock $30. 708-285-1107 For sale: Green lee roll around conduit bender, 1/2” +3/4” +1” $200. Box of garage door parts, rolls, cable, springs, door locks $20. 708285-1107 For sale: 1 barbecue gas grill with tank $20; plastic sand box $10. 708-285-1107 For sale: Pair of “Thomasville” swivel chairs $180. 708-481-6907 For sale: Over the toliet wall cabinet (maple) 2 floor, 3 shelves 28” x 24” $30; matching medicine cabinet $10. 708-481-6907 For sale: “Shark” Steamblaster Euro-prox $30; “Hoover” upright vacuum cleaner with tools. $25. 708481-6907 For sale: “Ethan Allen” sofa $125, “Pennsylvania House” chair $85. 708-481-6907 For sale: Play house $40; umbrella stroller $10; booster chair with removable food tray $15; Santa suit complete $50. 708-877-6088

A/C & Heating Fall Special! A/C or Furnace clean & check $44.95. A/C, Furnaces, Boilers, water heaters, sump pump, humidifiers, installations, repairs, low rates, senior discount. R/D Heating & Cooling. 708-757-6154 or 219-6163281 HVAC: Discount heating and air clean and check your furnace. Be warm and safe. Call us before you turn on your heat. EPA certified. Licensed, insured. Only $75 for clean and check. 708-2070644



• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates

South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~

Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

Electrical We Install Fans, Switches, O u t l e t s , G a r a g e Fe e d s. Service upgrades, phone, cable. Building occupancies certification,Residential, Commercial, Restaurants, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Now accepting credit cards. Call 708-8771038

Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall crack repairs, locks, lights, fans, concrete and more. Over all handyman skills. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Mark 708-841-2328

Landscaping/ Lawn Care Lawn service $22. Gutter cleaning power tek system. Complete landscaping, re t a i ni ng wa lls, pa ve rs, fences. Commercial/ Residential. Snowblowing. CLS Landscaping, Hammond. Visa/MC accepted. 219-951-1652

Appliance Repair

Legal Services

The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623

D o I t Yo u r s e l f L e g a l . Paralegal offering research and document preparation assistance to Pro-Se Litigants. 708-305-8291

Mr. Fix It. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $10 service call with this ad. 708429-7479

Chimney Repair

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

Cleaning Services Cleaning Services: L & D Cleaning Services. Houses, offices. We also refurnish floors. Free estimates. 773979-0808 or 773-708-8493

Computer Sales/ Repair Computer City, Inc. Sauk Village, IL. The First company to remove a PC virus only $50. We also repair, blue screen errors, PC won’t boot up, screen freezing, PC crashing, Constant Pop-Ups, All these items repaired only $ 5 0 . S o u t h Su b u r b s & Northwest Indiana. Call Tommy. 708-300-6708

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 C o n c r e t e & Pa t c h i n g . Concrete steps patched to last. Walks, steps, patios, drives replaced. Free estimates, small jobs. Licensed. D.W Concrete. 708418-0523

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & c o m m e rc i a l p r o p e r t i e s. Licensed, bonded and insured! Credit cards accepted. www. or 708670-2295 Electrical Services: Re s i d e n t i a l E l e c t r i c i a n , specializing in old homes. Licensed insured, repair and replace electrical. Panel upgrades. Free estimates (restrictions) owner answered calls. 708-822-7758

Fences/Decks Economy Deck Restoration & Repair. Summer Special! Power-washing and Refinishing. Call Dan for quote. 219-577-7703. Protect your deck!

Gutter Cleaning G u t t e r C l e a n i n g : Fa l l Special! 50% Off Regular Price, just .50c cents per linear foot. Free Down-spout Flush! Also leaf blowing services. Free estimates. Licensed & fully insured. Call Paul @ Mr. Clean. 219-7796325

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 Affordable Home Repairs. We repair almost any home repair at affordable prices. Senior discount available. Call John. 708-740-0010

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, gutter cleaning, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, & garage repairs. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025

Painting Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% off. Mention this ad. Wallpaper installation. General drywall repair & installation. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038 Interior/Exterior Painter. 25 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Algie. 708262-4790 Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior power washing, stain decks, g l a z e w i n d ow s , f e n c e s , railings, complete interior. Call Normand 708-596-2170

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and a ll, h ere’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbling. 708-3317335 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing. 708-331-7335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman. 708-474-7976 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693 Plumbing Services: Sump pumps installed, water pump outs, basement wall sealing. Also do toilets, faucets, leaks, drains, sinks, etc. For fast service call today. Senior discounts. Rocky. 219-7654067

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Help Wanted Help Wanted: Full-time Teacher with 6 credit hours. Also an Assistant Director needed, with 12 credit early childhood development. 2 yrs. college. No summer teachers. 708-862-1884 H i r i n g Now. D i r e c t o r / Teacher in a Daycare center, located at Burnham Illinois, 60633. For Inquiries. Call 708-801-9896 H e l p Wa n t e d : FT/PT Automotive Technician. Mu s t h a v e m e c h a n i c a l aptitude, ability and tools to professionally inspect, repair and maintain services under (MAP) guidelines. 708-8410529 H e l p Wa n t e d : F T / P T Automotive Technician, must have mechanical aptitude, ability and tools to professionally inspect, repair and maintain services under (MAP) guidelines. Call. 708841-0529 He l p Wa n t e d : Ha i rc u t s needed for housebound lady. Vicinity Sibley & LaSalle. 708331-2328

Garage Sales in South Holland Oct. 17-18, 8-4.  415 E. 168th Place, So. Holland.  3 family. Clothes, shoes, chairs, jewelry, rugs, new & old things, and household items. Oct. 16-18, 9-4.  640 Thornwood Dr., So. Holland.  LP & 45 records, golf clubs, $3-$2, glassware, pool, sticks, tools, books. Call. 708-3334482

Garage Sales in Thornton Oct. 16-18, 8-4.  209 Mallette, Thornton.  We’re back! Treasures for everyone. Hope to see you!

Garage Sales in Dolton Oct. 16-17, 9-4. 18th, 9-1.  426 E. 142nd St., Dolton.  Huge Indoor sale. Clothes, shoes, purses, furniture, bikes, new items, $1 items.

Garage Sales in Lansing Saturday October 18, 8amtill.  17857 Roy St Lansing.  Huge Garage sale. Appliances, household goods, toys, sporting goods, electronics, etc. One day only!! Oct. 16-17, 9-3.  1 7 1 5 7 G r e e n b a y Av e . , Lansing.  Resale due to the weather. Three family. Clothes, Xmas, crossover truck box. Oct. 16-18, 7am-?  18040 School St., Lansing.  Furniture, kitchen items, bedding, toys, boys/md. T- s h i r t s , h o o d i e s , k i d s electric cars. Sat 10/18 9-2.  18454 DeJong Lansing.  Furniture, TV, baby furniture, books, gently used toys, holiday, computer desk/ chair, much more! Oct. 16-17, 9-4.  2533 Ridge Road, Lansing.  Lots of great stuff. Even better prices. Come check it out. Oct. 16th, 9-3.  3047-192nd St., Lansing.  Fur niture, Fooseball, collectibles, household items, baby clothes, adult clothes, and more.

Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 17-18, 9-?  22900 Lahon Road, Steger, IL.  Huge Garage sale Furniture, Franklin Stove,crafts, Christmas items, collectables, come gather treasures

Garage Sales in Dyer Oct. 17-18, 9am-2pm.  1604 Capri Dyer, IN.  Clothes, shoes, household items, kids stuff, misc items. Too many items to list.

Garage Sales in St John Oct. 16-17, 8-4PM.  8850 Monfort Drive,St. John, IN.  Moving sale, furniture, tools, household. Patterson (St. John Rd) to 85th, West to Monfort.

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 16-18, 8-3.  7904 Jackson, Munster, IN.  Antiques, household, games, sports, electronics, Holiday, tools, clothes. We have it all.

Real Estate Building for sale: Four units (3 apts), (1 storefront). Re s i d e n t i a l / Co m m e rc i a l Bldg. Located 4015 Broadway St., Gary, IN. Price $140,000. Great investment. 219-4131071

Homes For Sale

Garage Sales in Calumet City

Home for sale: 2-bdrm., 2 car garage, single family ranch. Location: Glenpark Gary, IN. 3794 Vanburen. Price $25,000. 219-413-1071

Oct. 16-17, 9-4.  617 Mackinaw Ave., Calumet City.  Mulit-family. Clothes, shoes, toys, Xmas, household items, bikes, costumes, jackets, video-games. Good prices!

Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Holland $10,000 government grant available. 1% down. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace. $179,900 708-596-7761

Say I saw it in The Shopper


October 15, 2014





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Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014


The Village of South Holland, Illinois (22,000 pop.) has an excellent opportunity for an experienced public works professional to join a first-rate Public Works department as Deputy Director. The department has an annual budget of $ 9.5 million and consists of 22 F/T, 8 P/T & 7 seasonal employees. Position Qualifications: Associates Degree in either public administration, park & recreation administration, civil engineering or an equivalent combination of training, education, and experience in a related field. Bachelor’s Degree and five (5) or more years of experience in public works or park/recreational operations preferred. Seeking a knowledgeable leader, who has exceptional organizational and public service skills, to manage a broad range of public works and park services, with an operating and administrative emphasis on parks and public space maintenance. Valid Illinois Class B commercial driver’s license required within twelve (12) months of hire. Essential Functions: Assist in planning, directing and administrating the activities of the department, including the preparation and management of the department’s annual budget and capital improvement program. Exercise command over the department during the absence of the Director. Administrative direction of five (5) divisions: Parks, Public Spaces, Streets and Sanitation, Water Supply, and Facility & Equipment Maintenance. Supervise the Crew Chiefs of each division and manage daily work order activity to ensure the fulfillment of daily responsibilities and exceptional customer care. A successful candidate must model behavior that is consistent with our overall mission and vision as public servants; demonstrate behavior of a Servant Leader; interact effectively with the public, employees, unions, village officials, and fellow supervisors; preserve the integrity of our organization by making decisions that are in the best interests of the organization. Current salary range is $67,782.00 - $90,375.00 excellent benefits. The Village of South Holland reserves the right to conduct a background check, medical examination, polygraph screening, and psychological screening on any applicant. Residency requirements apply. Submit resume and salary history by October 24, 2014 to Mike Veronie, Director of Personnel Services, 16226 Wausau Ave., South Holland, IL 60473. Faxes and e-mails are not accepted.

For more information and a full job description, visit our website: EOE Ho m e f o r s a l e : Fa m i l y H o m e : 4 1 6 W. J o l i e t , Schererville, IN. 3+bdrm., 1+bath. 1 acre. Partially finished basement. 3 car garage. $189,000. 219-6448180

Cemetery Lots For Sale Two adjoining grave plots. Hawthrone section, Cedar Park Cemeter y, Calumet Park, $3,600 value, asking $1800. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Lansing 17710 Commercial 2-bdrm. 1-bath, 2nd flr. balcony, newly rehabbed, seniors welcome, $900/mo. Includes free heat gas, appls. private parking. +1-1/2 mo. sec. Call Larry. 312-405-0697

Apt. for rent: Now renting luxury style apartments & homes. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8/Hud-VA programs/low income welcome. No security deposit and free utilities specials, laundry hook-ups. All credit & background considered. Allied Housing. 708-401-8152 3 bdrm. apartment for rent: 1820 State St. Calumet City, IL. $1,125/mo. Call for appointment. 708-357-4291 Calumet City 2-bdrm. Apartment. Located 1 block from Lansing. $750/mo. + security + credit check. No pets. Seniors welcome. For more info. 708-868-2590 Cottage apartment Calumet City. State Line. 1-bdrm., a p p l i a n c e s, a l l u t i l i t i e s included with off street parking. $650/mo. Seniors welcome. 708-895-2713 Apt . to rent downtown Lansing. 1-bdrm. appliances, utility room included. Ceramic tile, carpeting, many kitchen cabinets, A/C. $700/ mo. 708-474-0696 Lynwood, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. available. Heat & water included. Newly decorated. Credit check, & security deposit. No pets. Call for more information. 708-4747956 Apt. for rent: Lansing 2nd floor, 1 bdrm. no pets, utilities not included, $525/ mo. 708-474-7337

The Village of

South Holland Faith, Family, & Future


The Thornton Township Youth and Family Services Department is looking for assistants for their After School Program with school districts 205 & 215.

Gary home for rent: Very clean, 3-bdrm. house. Appliances included. $650/ mo. Call Mark. 708-408-7192 Home for rent: 2-bdrm house in Lansing. C o m p l e t e l y re m o d e l e d . $ 1 0 0 0 /mo. + 1 - 1 /2 mo. security. No pets. 708-6010567

Looking for cna/caretaker position. Will work in your home, nursing home, hospital, etc. Have experience and references. Full/part time. Very flexible. Lynn(708)913-0103,(219)5580660,email k-c2@sbcglobal. net. wanted 300 PIECE JIGSAW puzzles for and elderly person call Judy 708-5391216 Wanted HOUSEPLANTS call Judy 708-539-1216 wanted someone to share Eisenhower membership. Two is a lot cheaper than one. Call Judy for details 708539-1216 Wanted: Motorcycle 250cc or smaller, star 45 cal. steel flats and angles, lineotype lead, log splitter or parts for one, Mercury pump. 708-474-8221

Assistant qualifications - Current High School or College Student with 3.0 GPA

Wanted: Old wooden fences, will tear down. 708-757-9166

- Must be at least 16 years old

Wa n t e d : Re a s o n a b l e dependable Handy man. Leave message. Jack of all trades, large and small jobs. 708-365-6616

- Must live in Township of Thornton - Must pass an 8th grade assessment Interested candidates can email a resume to India Ridley at EOE Home for Rent - Lansing,IL 3br 2ba - 1200 sq ft w/bsmt $1450/mo - October rent free -contact Pam Wisler for more details 219-836-2400 Home for rent: Lansing. 3bdrm., 2-bath Ranch, 2-car attached garage. Large eat-in kitchen, all appliances. Nonsmoking, no pets, $1350/mo. 3342-171st. Street. 708-3054735

Rooms For Rent

Apt for rent: Lansing 2 of Ho u s e t o s h a re . F u l l y The Village The Village of bedroom. New carpet, paint, South furnished room in my home. South Includes gas, electric, cable $855/mo w/gas & water Holland Holland Faith, Family, Family, (in room) and kitc privileges. included.Faith, Call Matt-708-466& Future & Future W/D available. $120 per 0543 week. 708-770-1544 2 Apts. in Crown Point, IN. 1-bdrm. Cottage includes House to Share: Homewood, washer/dryer, water/sewer, $500/mo., p e t f r i e n d l y, $700/mo. 1-bdrm. includes bedroom with French doors, washer/dryer, water sewer own bathroom, kitchen, $800/mo. both near square. diningroom, livingroom and basement access, cable TV. 214-500-9182 Room in basement also Pantone # 377 Pantone # 1788 C a l u m e t C i t y 1 - b d r m . available to rent. 708-717Garden Apt. $650/mo. + 6077 utilities. 219-677-7803 Room for rent: Riverdale, IL. 13725 Eggleston. Unfurnished room. Rent $76 2 Bed/1 bath apartment. a week or $325 a month. Call $800/month Tenants pay Bishop Thomas. 708-417their own electric and 8384 gas bill. Landlord pays for the water. Laundry machines located in the Office Space For Rent b u i l d i n g . Fo r m o r e Office Space: South Holland. information please Professional buildings on contact Mr. and/or Mrs. South Park Ave. Various sizes Harris at 708-251-8563 available. All professions Lansing 2 bdrm. Apt. 2nd welcome. Easy access, near floor. Offering short-term Ingall’s Hosp., & expressways. rental 6-9mos. for individuals S e c u re b l d g , p l e n t y o f or corporations. Pay only parking. Contact Mike 708electric. Deposit required. 339-8068 708-439-7736

Homes For Rent

page 24


Pets for sale: Cane Corso puppies, 9 wks old. Tails cut, 1st shots and de-wormed, $600. 708-715-0545 For Sale: African Cichlids Fish. Call 708-418-0971

Lost & Found Lost: All white with red collar snuddle. Lost in Riverdale. Name is Barack, for artistic child. Help us find. Please call 708-933-3601 or 708-9834251

Wanted Wanted: Diabetic Test strips. Must be sealed, unopened, unexpired, unused boxes. One Touch Freestyle Accu Check Ascensia Medisense Contour and others 708-4743941 Wanted: Old beer cans and Old beer collectibles. Will buy, trade, or sell. 219-8368907 Wanted: I’m looking for house cleaning jobs, ironing, cleaning closets, caregiver jobs, drive for errands, doctor appointments or any help for older people. Call 219-2279234, 219-718-8425 Donations of your unwanted used or new winter clothes, coats, boots, etc. To give to people in need through a Christian organization. Marva. 708-501-3470 Wanted: Moms and Dads that are in need of free d a y c a re f o r o n e w e e k . Looking to help someone starting a new job or school. Calumet City. Mrs. Barnes. 708-501-3470 Wanted: Retired mechanics hand tools, wrenches, sockets, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. Do not let them just sit and rust. Cash. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Someone took my Granny bike that has basket in back, orange flag hook on the back, of the basket, taken from across from house, on 9/25/14 at 12160-80th Place, Dyer, IN. Please return, no questions asked. 219-3651316

Wa n t e d : S o m e o n e t o purchase 22 clean wine bottles, gal. size with caps. Reasonable price $1 ea. or make offer. Phil. 708-8686886 Wanted: 5/8 & 3/4 inch scrap plywood & treated wood. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Economy car for senior citizen at reasonable price. Looks unimportant. Also wood burning stove, heavy duty whirlpool. 219801-0955

Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 5 Po n t i a c 2-door SunFire. Automatic, 4cyl. A/C, Sunroof and more. Low miles, exc. cond. $3,950 obo. 708-636-4350 or 708267-0723

For sale: 2005 Ponitac Grand Prix GT, 69,000K, sunroof, leather, on-star satellite radio, rare color, $7950 or $75 per/wk. www. 877-818-4726

1948 Chevy Style Master Deluxe. 350 motor 700R transmission, rebuilt motor and trans. Nova sub-frame, disk brakes, lots of new parts, asking $8,500 obo. 708-7049180 Joe For sale: 2004 Buick LeSable $5,995; 1995 Cadillac Sedan Deville, $7,500, excellent condition. Runs like new. Set price or make offer. “As is”. 708-510-3026 For sale: 1994 Lincoln Town Car, runs good, four good tires, new front line $900. 708-606-1523

Say I saw it in The Shopper

For sale: 2003 Chevy Impala. Silver, great engine, well maintained. Original owner. 167,000 miles $2000. 219865-2455 For sale: 2001 Chrysler Town & Country. All leather heated front seats. Power doors and windows. Kept in garage. Great cond. $3000. 219-8650204

Boat for sale: Completely redone fishing boat. 10 ft., new floor carpet, seats, Johnson motor, Minn Kota trolling motor. Recently painted trailer $1,500. 708474-9848

page 25


RV/Motorhome for sale. Coachman 2005 Mirada. Class A, 31 foot. 60 options, non-smokers, like new, low mileage, no pets. Serious buyers only. Selling for health reasons. 708-474-1314

Campers/Motorhomes Motorcycle for sale: 1996 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic. 1340cc stage II engine. 67,000 miles, Grn/ blk, radio, cassette. Kerker performance pipes, runs great. 312-505-9866

For sale: 2007 Jayco Pop-Up Camper great condition, a/c, heat, refrigerator, in/out stove & grill, awning many custom extra’s 4,000 Must sell. (708)267-7649

Shopper #1 Source For FREE


For sale: 1998 Corvette, only 9,100 miles, mint cond. Silver exterior with wine leather interior. Must see! Garage kept. $22,000. 708-408-0088

October 15, 2014

Northwest Indiana Edition

Wednesday • May


Community Info.

21 • 2014


For sale: 1999 Ford Crown Victoria, Four door Sedan, blue, original owner. Shown a t 1 7 5 4 6 C h i c a g o Av e. , Lansing. $3,000. 708-4188443


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The Dyer Arts Visionaries (DAVe) that it is currently announced recently looking talents are not required, for new members. Though artistic an interest in the community is preferred. DAVe ushering the arts into will enthusiastica values individuals lly who that the organizationrepresent the people of the community serves. DAVe holds and mission statementtrue to its objective “To enrich the developing an community by enthusiastic environmen the arts.” If you t that supports hold a passion for paintings, drawings, sculpture, music, theater or any other and performing aspect of the visual arts, the Dyer Arts Visionaries would you to be a part of their team. like for About the Dyer Arts Visionaries T he D yer A r t s V i siona r ies w Benninghoff at the request of Town a s st a r ted by Pau l Town Council Liaison, Council Member and Connie Trepton Redevelopment and President of Commission, Dr. the Jethroe Smith. supports both the The group performing and visual arts. For c u r r e nt u p d a t e s a b out t hei r Facebook DAVe, ple a s e page at ht t ps ://w w w.facebook. v i s it DyerArtsVisionaries/. com/

Dr. Cummings is a Periodontist serving Apple Dentistry at 2457 Ridge Rd in Lansing IL. He has extensive in all aspects of training Periodontics and Implant Dentistry dedicated to providing and the field. In addition, patients with the latest treatment is in he is certified in which affords Conscious sedation him the ability to treat the most of patients. Dr. anxious Cummings has been recognized nationally and international ly both for his academic and clinical ability. excellence Dr. Cummings is State of Illinois to Board Certified practice Periodontolog by the Dr. Cummings and y. in Lynwood, Illinois. his wife are raising their two children He is a devoted husband enjoys cheering and father who his daughter on in volleyball, and his son in football. coaching Born in Savannah, roots shine thru Georgia, his southern with his easy going friendly demeanor. nature and always riding around town He is an avid cyclist and can be seen on his days off. by, don’t hesitate If you see him pedaling to say hello. He is truly someone know. you should

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(708) 331-1111 or place on-line @

For sale: 2009 Chevrolet Aveo5 LT, black granite metallic $5,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Chevrolet Co b a l t LT, Ul t r a Si l v e r Metallic, $6,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2007 Chevrolet HHR LT, Black, $7,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS Supercharged, Black, $9,995. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2008 Chevroloet Cobalt LT, Sport Red Tintcoat, $8,987. Call Bob. 855-9694000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LT, Red, $12,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 4WD, Blue Granite Metallic, $14,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2011 Chevolet M a l i b u LT, R e d J e w e l Tintocoat, $15,187. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2012 Chevrolet Cr uze LT RS, Silver Ice metallic, $15,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000 For sale: 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS, Rainforest Green metallic, $16,987. Call Bob. 855-969-4000

Antiques/Classics For sale: 1967 Ford Falcon W i n d ow Va n , r a r e , automatic, straight 6, low miles. Excellent running condition. Was in the movie. Serios buyer wanted. 708267-0723 or 708-636-4350 1973 Cadillac El Dorado. Original showroom, new 14,000 certified miles. Sell price of $13,000. best close offer. 708-267-0723

Auto Parts For sale: Four Firestone destination P235 70/17 tires $100. 708-921-4899

Boats Fishermen Seanymph 70 HP Evinrude outboard trolling motor deph finder, bass boat, asking $3500 low hours on motor trailer included. 708642-7650


Classified Advertising Network INDEPENDENT FREE PAPERS OF AMERICA TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/ Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-615-4064 CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-864-5784 AVIATION MANUFACTURING CAREERS - Get started by training as FAA certified Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204

Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! Gibson,Ma r t i n,Fender,Gret sch. 1930-1980. Top Dollar paid!! Call Toll Free 1-866-433-8277 Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE Shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-941-5574 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $32.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-4779659

CASH PAIDup to $25/ Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136 Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information.

Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

National Classified Ads [AFCP] RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (866) 338-2607 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6 - 8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get A Future! FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330. Benjamin Franklin HS www. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/ Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-4162330 GET CASH TODAY for any car/ truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-8645796 or Need Car Insurance? Lowest Down Payment - Canceled? State Letter/SR71? Accidents? Tickets? DUI? Instant Coverage! www. Toll-Free 1-888358-0908 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 Viagra 100mg or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780

Start Immediately! Great money from home with our FREE mailer program. LIVE operators available now! 866780-0580 ext.110 or visit www. WORK AT HOME!! $570/ WEEKLY** ASSEMBLING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS + GREAT MONEY with our HOME MAILER PROGRAM + HOME TYPING PROGRAM. PT/FT. Frac Sand Owner Operators Needed Immediately in Texas! Requires tractor, blower, pneumatic trailer. Sting Services Pays 80%...Unlimited Work 214-250-1985 AIRLINE MANUFACTURING CAREERS Start Here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 Bundle & Save on your TV, Internet, Phone!!! Call Bundle Deals NOW Compare all Companies, Packages and Prices! Call 1-888-986-3957 TODAY! Get Lightning Fast High Speed Internet. AT&T U-Verse Plans starting at $14.95/mo! BUNDLE & save more with AT&T Internet+Phone+TV. CALL NOW. Offers End Soon! 855-980-5126

Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-737-9447 18+ Viagra Users! Viagra 100mg/ Cialis 20mg 44 Pills only $99.00. No prescription Needed! Discreet Shipping. Call Today 1-800-213-6202. Save, Save, Save! CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/ Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310721-0726 usa@classicrunners. com Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 www. HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at

We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!


Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli 2123 Northwinds Dr. Walts Food Center 1218 Sheffield Ave. Groen’s Fine Furniture 208 Matteson St. Nick’s Cigarette City 262 Joliet Street


Circle Buick 2440 45th Street First Merchants Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2636 45th Street Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Ave. Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Ave. Miles Books 2817-2819 Jewett Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Ave.


Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Dixon Florist 919 Ridge Road First Merchants Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Road Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Rd. Munster Post Office 915 Ridge Road


Schererville Chamber Office 13 W. Joliet St. Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet St. Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41


Baum’s Natural Foods 9486 Wicker Ave.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014



Travel Trailer for sale. 2005 JayCo. J-Flight, 25 foot. Nonsmoker, slide-out surround sound, queen-bed, rear kitchen, flex-steel couch/ bed, A/C, full-bath, slightly used. $5,500. 708-418-0241

For sale: 1992 Ford F150 Super Cab, long bed. This truck looks great and rides smoothly with second row seating $4,500. 219-230-7322

For sale: 94,000 miles, excellent shape, licensed for Porter and Lake County, IN. Electric hook ups, large propane tank and A/C custom canvas cover for winter storage. Call Alison 708-466-9387 for more info.



Truck for sale: 2003 GMC Sonoma ext. cab 4x4 very good condition 107,000 miles, well maintained asking $5800 219-864-4172 or 219-6800723

page 26

Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $ 4 8 / m o. , b u n k b e d w / mattress $56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., twin box-springs $20 each. EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 www. For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035

Invite 30,000 people to your next

Garage Sale!



Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone or Indiana zone and additional $5 for both

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DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 4 p.m. in the office or Noon at our drop boxes. It’s a pleasure serving you!

For sale: Black prom dress, diamond shaped sequins in front, off shoulder, back of dress braided down; Citizens watch, mens, never worn; Blue saffire diamond necklace & earring set. 708257-5546 Power wheel chair, (scooter) only used several times, like new, new batteries. $350. 708-418-0748 Fo r s a l e : Ho s p i t a l - l i k e breathing machine with 3 canisters $100, raised toilet seat $10,Jazzy scooter $150, 60” Toshiba T.V. FREE Liz. 708-214-9393

For sale: Exercise machine. Pilates power gym equipment total body shaping series upper, lower, and abs. Includes CD. Kristin McG ee celebr ity yoga instructor, new. $175 obo. 708-612-5008 or 708-4185008 For sale: HO Fairwind radio controlled sailboat. 1:24 scale one meter class length 35” beam 9” height 62”. $125. 219-865-1984

For sale: LazyBoy couch and love seat, both recline on both ends, in very good condition. Asking $300 obo. Ask for Yvonne. 708-932-2486 For sale: Dark wood dinning room set, table, 6 chairs, 2 leafs and two piece china hutch, asking $275 obo. Cash only. Ask for Yvonne. 708932-2486 For sale: Bed, chest, large entertainment $85 for all. Will separate. 708-647-6052 Fo r s a l e : S a m s u n g Ga l a x y Me g a Sp r i n t Phone in Mint Condition - Clean ESN. 6.3 inch screen, LTE, 4G phone & tablet all-in-one device. Includes wall charger, new earphones, screen protector, phone case $350 (773)632-7568 For sale: 3 pc. entertainment center $300; Dryer $75. 708201-0980 For sale: Dining Room Set Cabinet & Hutch 3 chairs 1 arm 2 leaves. Excellent cond. $2500 or BO 219-951-7108. For sale: 6 pack Prompt adult/child CPR training manikins with all supplies and carrying case. CPR/AED training kit with carrying case and supplies $900 value. Used twice, asking $450. 708465-7758

For your convenience,


To promote your organization or event in The Shopper use this

“What’s Happening This Week” Form Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________ Location __________________________________________________________________ Description of Event ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

is available at the following locations:

Calumet CitY • Harvest Thrift Store Wentworth & River Oaks Dr.

• Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange

18349 Torrence Avenue 3330 - 181st Place, Suite 103

• E Z Stop 191st & Burnham Avenue

Dolton • Fairway Finer Foods 15441 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th


South hollanD


• Community Center


• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store

Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.

• Calumet Bakery • Chamber of Commerce



For more information, call ___________________________________________________


170th Street

351 W. 162nd Street

• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street

• Walt’s Food Center

• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road

• JJ Kelley’s 2455 Bernice Road

• Mitchell’s Convenience Torrence Ave. & Ridge Road

• Quik Scripts Ridge Road

• News Box 178th & Burnham Avenue

• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road

16145 State Street

Midwest Free Community Papers TRAILER SALE! DUMP TRAILERS 8’16’14,000#; Scissor lift drop down deck trailers; 6’x12’ v-nose, ramp door cargo trailer $2,750.00; Fuel tank trailers (no tank); 22,500# bumper pull equip. trailer; WANTED to buy COMPACT Tractor with loader. 515972-4554 (MCN) CDL Drivers needed to haul livestock, home on weekends. Great Benefit Package for Full-Time Drivers! www.lynchlivestock. com or call Angie @ 563-776-3051 for more information. EOE (MCN) GREAT MONEY FROM HOME with our Free Mailer Program. Live Operators on Duty NOW! 1-800-707-1810 EXT 801 or Visit WWW. PACIFICBROCHURES.COM (MCN) HELP WANTED!! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! (MCN) *CASH TODAY* We’ll Buy Any Car (Any Condition) + Free Same-Day Removal. Best Cash Offer Guaranteed! Call for FREE Quote: 888-654-4994 (MCN)

CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or died after using testosterone supplements, you may be entitled to monetary damages. Call 866-368-0546 (MCN) REDUCE YOUR PAST TAX BILL by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call the Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify - 1-800-721-2793 (MCN) Are You in BIG Trouble With the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 1-855-820-6752 (MCN) INJURED? IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments to Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service and Low Rates. Call Now 888-271-0463 (MCN)

TAKE VIAGRA/CIALIS? SAVE $500.00! 40 100mg/20mg Pills, only $99! Call now and Get 4 BONUS Pills! Satisfaction or Money Refunded! Call 1-888-796-8871 (MCN) Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-2634059 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MCN) ATTENTION: VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE Shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-7959687 (MCN) SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. AntiSlip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-985-0685 for $750 Off (MCN) VIAGRA - Pfizer brand! – Lowest Price from USA Pharmacies. No doctor visit needed! Discreet Home Delivery. Call 1-877-916-0542 (MCN)

DISH NETWORK - $19 Special, includes FREE Premium Movie Channels (HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and Starz) and Blockbuster at home for 3 months. Free installation and equipment. Call NOW! 1-866-820-4030 (MCN) $14.99 SATELLITE TV. Includes free installation. High speed internet for less than $.50 a day. Low cost guarantee. Ask about our FREE IPAD with Dish Network. Call today 1-855-331-6646 (MCN) DISH TV RESELLER - SAVE! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-390-3140 (MCN) DirectTV - 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-991-2418 (MCN) DirectTV starting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, Starz, Showtime & Cinemax. Free Receiver Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some Exclusions Apply. Call for Details 1-800269-4217 (MCN)

ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-640-8195 (MCN) REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a wholehome Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-830-7187 (MCN) FREE $50 WAL-MART GIFT CARD & 3 FREE issues of Your Favorite Magazines! Call 866932-0426 (MCN) MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-357-4970 (MCN) HERO MILES - To Find Out More About How You Can Help Our Service Members, Veterans and Their Families in Their Time of Need, Visit the Fisher House Website at www. (MCN)

This publication does not knowingly accept advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. (MCN)

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 27

C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Thursday, October 16

l Discover Yoga South Holland Department of Recreational Services is offering a complimentary class, Discover Yoga on Thursday October 16, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Yoga will improve flexibility and balance, increase Range of Motion and promote relaxation that quiets the mind and reduces Stress. Whether you are new to yoga or have limited experience, Certified Yoga Instructor Therese Walls will guide you through a yoga class with basic yoga postures and breathing techniques, focusing on proper alignment to insure a safe yoga practice. Chairs and Blocks will be available. Come with a friend, all ages welcome. Please be sure to stop at the front desk to sign a waiver. SHRS is located at 501 E. 170th street, south Holland, IL. Please call 708 331-2940 for additional information. l Dinner Meeting A dinner meeting will be held for ALL former Republic/LTV Chicago District employees on Thursday - October 16 at Steve’s Lounge, 13200 Baltimore Ave., Chicago (Hegewisch), IL 60633. Come out and enjoy an evening with your former fellow employees. Bring your spouse; bring your friends. Social hour - 5:30pm. Dinner - 6:30pm Members $15.00 - Guests $18.00. FYI- 773-307-5675 or 773721-9631

Friday, October 17

l Fish Fry Fish Fry -Friday, October 17 from Noon - 8:00 pm. Amvets Post #43, 14032 Torrence Ave. Burnham, Ill. (708)862-9540. Walleye, Lake perch, Shrimp, Bluegills, Frog legs, Chicken & 1st Mate Combo (Perch, Shrimp, Frog legs, & Scallops). Dinner includes - cole slaw, cottage cheese, potato salad, fries, bread & coffee. Carry outs available. Public welcome. l Karate Come on down to the St. John Church (Randolph and Wentworth) in Lansing for a FREE trial lesson in Karate, this Friday, Oct. 17th only. Classes are held Fridays from 6:45 to 7:30 pm. Classes are open to ages 6 thru adult. Classes are in the Wado-Ki Karate style (the way of the peaceful spirit). Classes are taught by Masters Roger and Dotty Jerome. For further information about fees, call (708) 895-0350. l “Chemical Imbalance, a Jekyll and Hyde Play” Beatniks Productions proudly presents “Chemical Imbalance, a Jekyll and Hyde Play”, a comedy by Lauren Wilson. “Chemical Imbalance” is an irreverent, tongue in cheek look at the Jekyll/ Hyde story and is perfect for Halloween. It looks a the relationships of good and evil, rich and poor, man and woman in a Monty Pythonesk way. “Chemical Imbalance” plays Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 17, 18, 19, 24, 26, and November 1 and 2. Friday and Saturday shows are at 8:00pm and Sunday shows are at 2:00pm, the cost is $15.00 and refreshments are included. Beatniks is located at 418 Conkey Street in the historic Hyde Park neighborhood of Hammond, Indiana. For reservations call 219-852-0848 or purchase tickets on line go to l 15th Annual Schererville Central Lions Octoberfest Friday, 10/17 from 5:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. at the St. John Township Center 1515 US Hwy 30 Schererville, IN. Smoked Pork Chops * Spatzle* Sweet & Sour Red Cabbage* Sauerkraut/Potatoes/Onions. 1 Chop $ 9.00 2 Chops $13.00. Cash Bar, Raffles!!! For tickets: Call 219-322-2795. l Mini Pumpkins Class Come out and decorate your very own pumpkin! This class takes place on Friday, October 17th from 5:30-6:15pm at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room B. Dyer Parks & Recreation will provide everything you need in order to create your one of a kind pumpkin.

Use your imagination when decorating with sparkling jewels, fun stickers, shiny buttons, wiggly pipe cleaners, silly eyes and much more! At the end of the class you will enjoy a snack and be able to bring your pumpkin home. Parent participation is required. Prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this class is $10 for Dyer Residents and $11 for NonResidents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505.

Saturday, October 18

l Sweetest Day Speed Dating 12DATES1HOUR.COM. Saturday October 18 Social Hour 5pm. All Ages. Dress Upscale, Diverse Group. Invest in your Love Life. Tickets $25. Fab 4 Restaurant, 6132 Miller Ave., Miller Beach, Indiana. Call Now to Reserve your seat! 219-805-DATE (3283). l 6th SSPP Vendor/Craft Fair Sts. Peter and Paul church will be hosting their 6th SSPP Vendor/Craft Fair on October 18. Join for a huge variety of vendors, crafters and a raffle. Great food including homemade smoked pulled pork and chicken salad. Please come and help us pay for our parking lot repairs. For more information, call 9470259. Church is located at 5885 Harrison St., Merrillville, IN. l Tour the Night Sky Tour the Night Sky with members of the Calumet Astronomical Society. On Saturday, October 18th, from 7:30 pm until 10:00 pm, the Society will host an open house at the Thomas Conway Observatory located at 191st and Chase Street in Lowell, Indiana. The astronomers of the Calumet Astronomical Society will have their telescopes set up on the viewing pad at the observatory to take visitors on a celestial tour of our night sky. Visitors will see star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae. Like all CAS events, this one is open to all, family friendly, and free. Please Note: Observing with telescopes is dependent upon clear weather. Because weather conditions may cause this event to be cancelled without advance notice, it is suggested that you call the CAS InfoLine (773) 639-5491 for a program update before heading to the observatory.

Monday, October 20

l St. John Garden Club Meeting 7 to 8p.m. Oct 20, St. John branch of the Lake County Public Library, 9450 U.S. 41. The St. John Library and the St. John Garden Club will co-host Stacy Haskins, Monday, October 20 at 7 PM. Stacy’s presentation will be on “Fairy Gardening”. Great for kids and grandkids, watch as we assemble a garden with miniature hostas, tiny patios, and moss covered walkways just the right size for fairies. Learn about the ‘story’ a garden tells and create wonder in the scene. The St. John Garden Club’s monthly business meeting will precede Stacy’s presentation at six o’clock pm; St. John Library is located at 9450 U.S. 41. Public is always welcome and attendees do not have to live in St. John or have a garden.

Tuesday, October 21

l Social Media for Business and Marketing Tuesday, October 21, 7:00 PM North Meeting Room Discover the major platforms available for advertising and marketing your new business online. You will learn how to use Facebook and Twitter to communicate quickly and effectively your newly formed business. For more information or to register call 708 331-5262. The South Holland Public Library is located at 16250 Wausau Ave.

Wednesday, October 22

l Women’s Symposium Four Lake County legislators will host a Women’s Symposium to examine important legislative issues on Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 6-8 p.m. at IBEW Local 697, Suite 200, 7200 Mississippi St., Merrillville. The symposium

is free and open to the public. For more information, contact 1-800-382-9842 or send an email to

Thursday, October 23

l 106th Deliverance Workshop Hegewisch Baptist Church will be holding their 106th 3-Day, Deliverance Workshop on starting October 23 at 6pm through October 26. Learn how to receive freedom from demonic bondage to gain a closer walk with Jesus Christ. Cost is $20 and will include a breakfast on Saturday morning. Hegewisch Baptist Church is located at 8711 Cottage Grove Ave., Highland, IN. For more information, visit or call 219-838-9410.

Upcoming Events

l Haunted Hayride What is lurking in the darkness...and do you dare to find out? If so, join the Calumet Memorial Park District for its annual Haunted Hayride, held on Friday, October 24 and Saturday, October 25 from 6:00 until 8:00 PM. This event will be held at the Burnham Woods Golf Course, 142nd St. & Burnham Ave. in Burnham. The fee is $3 per victim. Not recommended for young or impressionable children. For more details, please call (708) 862-6443. l Stargazing Join the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra and Music Director/Conductor Kirk Muspratt for “Stargazing” on Friday, October 24 at 7:30pm at The Auditorium at Bethel Church (10202 Broadway, Crown Point.) The concert will feature astronomer Dr. José Francisco Salgado and the Symphony Chorus. Tickets are $25-$65 with student tickets at just $10. All ticket holders are invited to join the Maestro before the show at 6:15 for a pre-concert lecture about the evening’s concert. Call the Symphony office at (219) 836-0525 or visit the website at to order tickets for “Stargazing ” l Taste of First The Fifth Annual Taste of First will feature a wide variety of tastes from soups, salads, entrees, desserts, snacks and beverages. The popular event will take place at the church, Burnham Avenue and Ridge Road, Lansing, beginning at 5:30 p.m. October 24.Tickets are 50 cents each. Some items are only one ticket, others may be two or three. It’s an opportunity to try something new and donate to a worthy cause in the process. Proceeds go to PASS and Angel Academy. l 56th Anniversary and 2014 Purina® Check-RBoard® Days Crown Feed & Supply is announcing their 56th Anniversary and 2014 Purina® CheckR-Board® Days, a customer appreciation event. Stop by Crown Feed & Supply located at 1000 E. Joliet St. Crown Point, IN 46307 on Saturday, October 25 from 8 AM – 4:30 PM to register for a chance to win a 50” Flat Screen TV, enjoy special storewide savings including feed specials. The drawing for the TV will take place at 4 PM the day of the event; need not be present to win. l Ladies, Learn Self Defense for Free Back by popular demand, Draco Academy of Martial Arts will be hosting an October FREE women’s self defense seminar. This seminar will be held on Saturday, October 25th at 11:45 AM in Dyer, IN. This is an open to the public event for women ages 16 and older. The seminar will be limited to 20 participants, so be sure to sign up early. If you participated in the September session, please join us again as we will expand on the techniques previously demonstrated. The seminar will teach participants how to be more aware of your surroundings, as well as, techniques to prevent attackers from entering your sphere of safety. Participants are advised to wear attire suitable for a workout. To receive more information or to sign up to participate, please call (219)558-

8228, or email info l Classic Albums Live Performs The Beatles Abbey Road Classic Albums Live Performs The Beatles Abbey Road. Saturday, October 25, 8 pm Center for Performing Arts at Governors State University, 1 University Pkwy, University Park. 708-235-2222. l LACARE Art League Meeting October 27. Meetings are held at Glory to God (Gloria Dei) Lutheran Church, 3711 Ridge Rd., Highland, IN 46322 and beginning at 1:00 for refreshments. October’s guest demonstrator will be Lois Gamble who will do a presentation on Haute Couture, English Tailoring. She will provide a glimpse into the craft of creating and remodeling fur apparel. Guests are always welcome to join in the demo, raff le, refreshments and camaraderie. Please call 219-864-0593 or e-mail at for more information. l A Childhood Immigration Story October 27 A night with Joe Pisarzewski, local resident talking about his childhood immigration to Thornton. Held in the Museum Hall at 114 North Hunter Street Half block north of the Village Hall at 7 P.M. Refreshments will be served. l Indoor Tee Ball program Dyer Parks & Recreation is bringing the sport of Tee Ball indoors during the fall and winter months. It will take place on Mondays from 11:15am-12:15pm at the Dyer Indoor Soccer Arena beginning Oct. 27th and running through Nov. 17th. Children ages 3 & 4 years old, along with their parent or caregiver will want to join in on the fun. This is an introductory program that will teach your child skills that are necessary to play t-ball. Stepping and throwing, catching, hitting off a tee and running bases will all be introduced. What a great way to get out, exercise, run off energy and meet new friends! Gym shoes. A mitt won’t be necessary. Parent participation is necessary. Parents will be in the field guiding and assisting the children. No experience is needed, but prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. The fee for this class is $30 for Dyer Residents and $33 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call: 219-865-2505. l Trunk or Treat at Thorn Creek October 31st from 5:00pm To 7:00pm. Trunk or Treat at Thorn Creek Church parking lot, 1875 E. 170th St., South Holland. Fun and safe alternative to trick or treat.


l Community Empowerment and Engagement Learning Series Every 4th Tuesday of Each Month at 6:30pm. Free non-traditional courses for teens and adults about communication, entrepreneurship, finance, nutrition, marriage, relationships, wellness and community activism. Faith UMC is located at 15015 Grant St., Dolton, IL. For more information, call 708-841-3939 or visit l MOPS MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) is for all mothers of children ages infant to Kindergarten. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from September April, 9-11am. We enjoy good food, inspiring speakers, creative activities and just some time with other mothers who up to their eyeballs in diapers, potty training, Elmo and naptimes. Bring your little ones along as they attend their own fun program called Moppets. Hope to see you there. Peace Church 833 E. 168th St. South Holland l Sears Retirees Group Meeting Sears “Best” Retirees Group Meeting at Tom’s Restaurant, 894 Burnham Ave., Calumet City , IL. Meets on the first Monday of the month except when a holiday fall on that date, then it is the second Monday. July is annual picnic. No meetings in December.

Say I saw it in The Shopper


October 15, 2014


page 28

Happy 17th Tara! Here’s to an awesome year! Love Mom & Josh

Happy 12th Dana! Wishing you a Happy 12th Birthday Dana Dobbins III on October 14! Love Grandma

On This Date - October 15 1881 1st American fishing magazine, American Angler published 1939 LaGuardia Airport opens in NYC

1949 Billy Graham begins his ministry


Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by email at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.



ACROSS 1. Excel grid, e.g. 6. TV monitor, acr. 9. Bonnie one 13. Of the Orient 14. One from Laos 15. Marked ski run 16. Unfriendly looks 17. Giant Hall-of-Famer Mel 18. Wedding singer? 19. *Popular Halloween pumpkin tradition 21. *Predecessor of pumpkin as jack-o-lantern canvas 23. ___ Baba 24. Owl’s hangout 25. Blah-blah-blah 28. Shade of beige 30. Like Scandinavia 35. Shaded 37. Not easy 39. Prince William’s mother 40. Eye up and down 41. Money or Murphy, e.g. 43. Genesis garden 44. “She _____ seashells...” 46. Fly like an eagle 47. “____ of the Flies” 48. “Planes, ______ and Automobiles” 50. *Like Freddy Krueger’s glove or a bird’s foot 52. Pig’s digs 53. Sound on Old MacDonald’s farm 55. Mad Hatter’s drink 57. M in ROM 60. *No hands allowed for this on Halloween 64. Drink like a cat 65. Filmmaker Spike ___

67. Dugout vessel 68. *”The _____ville Horror” 69. Bonanza find 70. Fancy tie 71. Ancient Rome’s distance unit 72. Siesta 73. Stands for DOWN 1. Barber’s supply 2. Between ports 3. Coffin stand 4. Early form of what becomes a butterfly 5. Store as fodder 6. Beat or lash 7. *A black one is popular as Halloween decoration 8. Terra _____ 9. Sketch 10. American Society for Clinical Investigation 11. Big first for a baby 12. Get the picture 15. Popular anise-flavored liqueur 20. Specialty 22. Large coffee pot 24. Bur-producing plant 25. *White sheeted one? 26. Hole-borer 27. _____ Swan of the “Twilight” series 29. X-ray units 31. Cambodian currency 32. Carpenter’s groove, pl. 33. Dead to the world 34. *It flows freely on Halloween 36. Supermarket section 38. *”____ M for Murder” 42. Muse of love poetry 45. *Red Baron’s Halloween opponent 49. Paul McCartney, e.g. 51. Skyping device 54. Leg cover 56. Belittle 57. Mommy 58. Larger-than-life 59. Remote option 60. Car onomatopoeia 61. Machu Picchu group 62. High ____ 63. Understands 64. Often found under a napkin 66. Victorian, e.g.

Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 4 matching desk sets, dividers, chairs, standing walnut files cabinets, very high quality. Perfect for business office, best offer. 708-243-6677 For sale: Good working Crosley brand washer and dryer. White in color. Asking $400 for the set. Call 708-2894911. Dyer. For sale: Nova knee scooter $250. For people that can’t put weight on their ankle or foot. 708-895-6713 For sale: Full size artificial fireplace with stone mantel, plus accessories $350; Double bed and dresser $75. 708-895-2607 For sale: Cherrywood formal dining room set $1000. Matching china hutch $800, cherrywood/maplewood accent table $60; matching end tables $40 each; blue leather arm chair $200; refrigerator $150; gas stove $100; Formal design couch $150. 708-400-3160 For sale: Dolls. Holiday Barbie’s, Classic Barbie’s and Porcelain dolls, stuff animals, needle point (hand craft, yarn, art gallery (pictures) irons, furniture, men’s gold clubs/women golf clubs. 708474-0743

October 15, 2014 For sale: 2 office high back chairs $50 each. Ask for Yvonne. Cash only. 708-9322486

View this column online at

Thomasville GLD Sofa $100. 2 GLD High back chairs $40.00. 708-333-7158

B r oy h i l l S o f a E x c e l l e n t Condition, smoke free home. No dog or cat. Custom ordered sofa. $199.00 please call 219-791-9461

Neighbor 2 Neighbor

wheel chair 150.00 11pc. dining room set cheap 708687-4776 King size comforter,women’s dress suits s10/12, shoes 8-81/2, kitchenware,wrought iron patio, off white leather suit size 10. 708-331-9859 leave message For sale: 2-pc full mattress $40; chest freezer $75. 708574-8788 For sale: Look magazines 1969 Apollo 8: Voyage to the moon, Apollo II: On the Moon, Touchdown on the moon, off to the moon. $15. 708-333-9666 For sale: Snowblower Toro 3 HP 20 inch wide, runs like new $100; MTD snowblower 3-HP 21” wide with electric start $130. 219-931-6473 For sale: Solid oak wood coffee table with two end tables, all with glass tops, asking $150 for all three. Cash only. 708-932-2486

FREE ASH FIREWOOD - for pick-up after Oct. 12. If interested, call 708-421-2881

wheel chair 145.00 modern dining room set. 708-6874776 For sale: Hitch type bike carrier. Holds two bikes. Draw-tite brand. Like new, fits 1-1/4” hitch. $25. 708474-1391 LIVE WELL FOR BASS BOAT $40.00 CALL 708-525-7268 AT&T - 4 handset phone with digital answering system $20.00, AT&T modem (1yr old) $15.00. (708)251-5665 For Sale: Bell collection 25 bells, $20 708-895-1631.

378 to 1,000 SF 625 E. 170th St., South Holland


For sale: Four piece white kitchen appliances: refrigerator $250, Tappon self-cleaning gas range $150, Magicchef dishwasher $50, above range; GE microwave, $50. Good cond. $400 for all. 708-757-7044, or 312-5079404

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, OCT 18TH / 1-4PM 1124 Harding • Calumet City, IL $127,900

3 bedroom, 2 bath, Tri-level w/ side drive & 21/2 car garage. Newer furnace, Roof & Windows. Excellent condition. Seller will pay up to $2500 +$7,500 IHDA Down payment assistance available while funds last.

Free Mortgage Prequalification On-Site.

PRESTIGE PROPERTIES • MELANIE A. SHARPE 708.418.3366 • You can sell your items faster by posting it on our Facebook page and add photos. Scan code above or go to https://www.facebook. com/theshopper

For sale: Down comforters s i ze t w i n - k i n g $ 2 5 - $ 3 5 ; feather & down pillows. 708481-6907 For sale: 2 bar stools ( Vintage stainless steel) $60 for a pair; 4 prong can (new) $12. 708481-6907 For sale: Stiffel brass table lamps $25-$40. 708-481-6907

Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins

• Complimentary Market Evaluation • We’ll Provide Answers to all of your Real Estate Questions • We’ll Advise you on what you need to do to get your home ready for sale! • • • •

We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • Put our Experience to work for you!

See what we do at Email: Call: 708-828-3304 We Sold 140+ Homes the Past 2 Years for a Reason!



For sale: Bed sheets, twin size $2 ea.; full size $3 each; queen size $4; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 For sale: Upright piano, good condition $50. 708-870-0569 For sale: Golden Opportunities 2015 Chicagoland, South Suburban Edition. Dining, entertainment, sports, retail local coupon book. 28th Anniversary since 1987. $25. 708-670-7071

thought it was okay. Grandpa wouldn’t even come in! Anyway--if you want a unique experience, try Dave and Buster’s. Let me know what you think and I’ll give your review some space here.

power wheel chair 708-6872112

THORNWOOD PLAZA Office/Retail Space Available

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478


Nice looking and running 6HP self propelled lawnmower $120. 708-8566381


For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

For sale: Sure-fit sofa covers, $20; loveseat covers $15; l a r g e c h a i r c ov e r s $ 8 ; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-481-6907

page 29

Hutch/desk w/chair, Dresser w/mirror, $160 both or $80 each pair. Also misc. items. 708-916-9360

Free Gravel: Pick all you want. Up to 3 tons to anyone. 5234 W. Laramie Court, Crestwood, IL. 60445. 708371-4813

For sale: Piano, Starrk brand, upright, includes bench and piano lamp. Very good cond. $500. 708-3690925

$1900.00 / Month. 3,800 Sq/Ft

Industrial Building / Warehouse w/ Office, Working Area & Storage. Includes 2 Bath, 2 Overhead Doors, Large Offices. Great Location.

2910 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438

CONTACT (708) 895-0091

THOMAS BURNS GETS HIS FLU SHOT AT CALUMET CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE: Surrounded by his family, Thomas Burns, receives a flu shot given by RN Karin Fortson on behalf of Walgreens, one of the sponsors of the Saturday October 11th, 2014 Calumet City Fire Department Open House (1270 Pulaski Road) as part of the national October Fire Prevention month. Others in the photo are Thomas’ wife Suzanne Burns, daughter Lisa Burns and son Tom Burns. Hundreds of locals turned out to view the Fire House, see an actual fire extinguished, view the inner workings of an ambulance (a rolling Emergency Room) noted firefighter EMT Devin Neale in a series of educational demonstrations. In another photo, Calumet City Fire Chief William Galgan is flanked by Firefighter Glenn Bachert and Brian Booker, owner of Wes’s Towing. Wes’s Towing has a fleet of super-towing vehicles that serve large and small (but mostly large) towing situations. The fleet is so stunning that a small scale model (exact silver and royal blue colors-same powerful lines) is being created for the holidays that will absolutely wow young and old alike. I know N 2 N would like one to set on our desk! Members of the Calumet City Fire Department turned out for a wonderful day of explaining to the public just what they do and how important it is for us to understand what they do. *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THESE LIBRAS: Larry Kutz, October 17, Chris Martin, October 21st, Chris’ son Nick Martin October 10th. All these gentlemen plan a communal celebration and N 2 N wishes them all a very happy day! *** CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILY OF MARILYN ‘LYNN’ THRALL: Marilyn is the matriarch of the Thrall family. At one time her late husband Jerry owned and operated Thrall Railroad car in Chicago Heights. Marilyn and Jerry had six children, and 14 grandchildren. She loved golf and was a philanthropist along with her husband to countless charities. Among many others, in 2008 they were honored with St. James Franciscan Pillar Award for service to their community. They were active in Infant Jesus of Prague in Flossmoor, Il One of her children, Chris Thrall ,owns the Zoom Clean Car Wash and detail Center in Calumet City and he and wife Cynthia and their family are also very generous with the community. Marilyn Thrall will be missed by all who knew and loved her. May She Rest in Peace. *** JULIE ANNA MINTON TURNS SWEET 16: The birthday girl is pictured here with her friend and classmate Toni Modrak at Dave and Busters in Orland Park. D and B is a sort of grown up version of Chuck E Cheese with three times the decibel level. Julie Anna and Toni LOVED it! Her sisters and friends loved it. Dad and Grandma

*** PET WELL CLINIC OFFERS ANNUAL SHOTS AT TED’S FEED STORE IN LANSING: Twice a year, the Low Cost Pet Well Clinic out of Lisle, Il comes to Ted’s feed store on Bur nham Avenue in Lansing and offers (with an appointment) excellent pet care at half what it would be traditionally. Pictured here is Donna Gardner of Lansing with her German Shepherd Duke and her Red Siberian Husky, Sky. Donna said her hubby called her from Florida and reminded her to take the two big dogs for their shots, “which I did,” she said as the dogs wound their leashes around her legs. “They are quite a handful to take anywhere,” she said as the dogs pulled her toward her car. Where is “The Dog Whisperer” Cesar Milan when you need him? Thanks to Ted’s and the Low Cost Pet Well Clinic for being as concerned as we are about our beloved pets!

*** LOUIS AND MARY NEMETH CELEBRATE 68 YEARS AND HIS 95TH BIRTHDAY: Come January 28, 2014, Louis Nemeth of Hegewisch will turn a hearty 95 years young. Mary, his bride of 68 years, plans a celebration of family and friends to toast the occasion with champagne and cake, his friends at St. Columba Church and lots of thanks. As with many his age, Lou’s life story would read like a classic American novella, surviving the Depression, WWII, and Korea and moving about in different jobs. Starting at age 17 in Chicago, Illinois and East Chicago, Indiana a hands on chemist working in the chemical lab at Amoco (formerly Standard Oil)for many years. Along the way he survived prostate cancer (25 years ago) and kept living his very productive and happy life with Mary. Happy Birthday Louis Nemeth--a little early!

*** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.mintonkutz@cbexchange. com

Say I saw it in The Shopper

October 15, 2014

page 30




BUICK #B1756


2014 BuiCk



2015 BuiCk



2015 BuiCk


2014 BuiCk


MSRP ..........................$24,625

MSRP ..........................$44,140

MSRP ..........................$36,650

MSRP ..........................$25,085


Wheels, Keyless, Rebate...............................$750 Touch Screen Radio and more! Conquest Non-GM Lease..$1,500

Discount.........................$3,141 3 Rows, Leather, Wheels, Keyless, Rebate............................$1,000 Touch Screen Bonus Cash .......................$500 Radio and more!

Leather, Wheels, Keyless, Touch Discount.........................$2,151 Screen Radio and more!


Bonus Cash ....................$1,000

Conquest Non-GM Lease..$1,500

Conquest Non-GM Lease..$1,500

Conquest Non-GM Lease..$1,500

19,749/$179 mo.


37,999/$349 mo.


2015 GMC

Circle Discount................$1,936

Circle Discount................$2,401

Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio and more!


Bonus Cash .......................$500

3 Rows, Keyless, GM/Non GM Lease.............$500 Wheels, Touch Screen Radio $ 30,499/$289 mo. and more!

GM/Non GM Lease.............$500

24,899/ 199 mo. $





MSRP ..........................$34,900


2014 GMC


Rebate............................$3,500 Bonus Cash ....................$1,500


REG CaB Full Power! A/C, Keyless, CD and more!

GM/Non GM Lease.............$500

21,399/$229 mo.





MSRP ..........................$29,060 Circle Discount................$2,161

Bonus Cash ....................$1,000 $



Wheels, Keyless, Touch Screen Radio and more!


20,499/$199 mo.

32,999/$279 mo.



MSRP ..........................$27,335







2015 GMC



Available *Special Purchase


2014 GMC SIERRA DouBLE CaB MSRP ..........................$43,185 Supplier Price ...............$40,303 Rebate............................$3,250 Bonus Cash ....................$1,500 Package Discount...........$1,000 GM/Non GM Lease.............$500 Circle Bonus Discount.....$1,504 $ $

32,549/ 339 mo.




Z-71, Wheels, Touch Radio, Well Equiped!

MSRP ..........................$45,775 Supplier Price ...............$42,711 Rebate............................$3,000 Bonus Cash ....................$1,500 Package Discount...........$1,000 GM/Non GM Lease.............$500 Circle Bonus Discount.....$1,212 $ $

WaY BELoW SuPPLiER PRiCE! SAvE OvER $10,000!

35,999/ 359 mo.

100 SIERRAS IN STOCK Z-71, Wheels, Touch Radio, Well Equiped! WaY BELoW SuPPLiER PRiCE!

2-Year/24,000 Miles


Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals maintenance included!!


‘06 Chevrolet Equinox AWd LT, All Wheel Drive, 1 Owner, 70K #B2034A..........................................$9,899/$149 mo. ‘10 Chrysler Sebring Touring, Full pwr, Auto, A/C, 70K #B1725A..........................................$9,899/$149 mo. ‘06 buick Lucerne CXL Leather, Wheels, Full pwr, 1 Owner, 70K #B2043A .......................................$10,899/$149 mo. ‘12 dodge Avenger Auto, A/C, CD, Full pwr #B1868A........................................................ $10,999 ‘10 kia Sedona 1 Owner, Full pwr, LX, 40K #B1924A........................................$12,899/$179 mo. ‘12 Chevrolet Cruze LT, Full pwr, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16025......................................................... $13,899 ‘10 Chevrolet malibu Full pwr, 1 Owner, X-Clean, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B1858A........................................$14,899/$209 mo.

‘09 GmC Acadia SLE, Buckets, Wheels, Keyless, 70K #T16194A ......................................$15,899/$229 mo. ‘12 Chevrolet malibu LT Wheels, Full power, 1 Owner, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B1694A........................................$15,899/$229 mo. ‘12 Chevy Equinox LS Wheels, Full pwr, 1 Owner, 40K, CERTIFIED! #T16229A ......................................$15,899/$229 mo. ‘13 buick Verano Keyless, Wheels, Touch Radio, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B1830A.......................................$16,999//$255 mo. ‘11 GmC Terrain SLE, Wheels, Full pwr, 1 Owner #B2003A .......................................$17,899/$279 mo. ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, Chrome Wheels, Roof, 1 Owner, 50K, CERTIFIED! #B2057A..................................... $17,899 ‘12 GmC Sierra Reg. Full power, AC/CD, Auto, 24K, CERTIFIED! #B2024A........................................................ $18,498

‘12 Chevrolet Silverado Reg Cab 4x4, Tomorrow Come, Wheels, 16K, CERTIFIED! #T16297A ...................................................... $19,499 ‘10 Chevrolet Traverse LT 3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, X-Clean, 40K! CERTIFIED! #T15943A ...................................................... $19,899 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Chrome Wheels, Sunroof, 1 Owner, Leather, 30K CERTIFIED! #B1658A..................................... $19,998 ‘12 GmC Terrain SLE-2 1 Owner, Wheels, Keyless, Roof, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T16272A ...................................................... $19,998 ‘11 buick LaCrosse CXL Wheels, Roof, Leather, 1 Owner, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T15800B ...................................................... $20,899 ‘11 GmC Acadia 3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, 1 Owner, 30K, CERTIFIED! #T16233A ...................................................... $20,899 ‘13 Chevrolet Camaro LS, 2LS, Wheels, 1 Owner, 7,000 miles! #T16377B ...................................................... $20,899

‘12 buick Lacrosse PREmIUm Leather, Wheels, Roof, Loaded, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B2030A........................................................ $21,899 ‘13 GmC Sierra Ext 1 Owner, 30K, Full pwr, X-Clean, CERTIFIED! #T16179A ...................................................... $22,499 ‘10 GmC Terrain AWd SLT, All-Wheel Drive, Roof, Wheels, 28K, CERTIFIED! #T169999....................................................... $22,899 ‘12 buick Lacrosse CXL Wht Diamond, Wheels, Leather, Wow! 8,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #B2062A..................................... $22,899 ‘13 GmC Terrain SLE1, Wheels, Touch Radio, Like New, 10,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #B1638A..................................... $22,899 ‘12 GmC Acadia 3 Rows, Wheels, Full power, Keyless, 22K, CERTIFIED! #T16166A ...................................................... $24,899 ‘12 Chrysler 300S Leather, Wheels, Loaded, 12,000 miles #T16396A ...................................................... $24,998 ‘11 GmC Sierra Ext Cab Z-71, 4x4, Hard Lid, Many Extras, 25K, CERTIFIED! #T16443A ...................................................... $25,899

‘11 buick Enclave CXL Wheels, 3rd Row, Leather, Roof, Only 35K, CERTIFIED! #T16271A ...................................................... $25,899 ‘13 GmC Acadia SLE, 3rd Row, Wheels, Keyless, New Body Style! CERTIFIED! #T16247A................................... $25,899 ‘12 buick Enclave CXL Wheels, Sunroof, Leather, 3 Rows, CERTIFIED! #B1928A ....................................................... $26,899 ‘13 GmC Acadia SLE, New Body Style, 3rd Row, 19K, CERTIFIED! #T16214A ...................................................... $26,899 ‘12 buick Enclave CXL Wheels, 3rd Row, Leather, Loaded, 40K, CERTIFIED! #B2070A........................................................ $27,899 ‘13 GmC Sierra Ext Cab Z-71, 4x4, SLE, Wheels, Keyless, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T16113A ...................................................... $28,999 ‘14 GmC Sierra double Cab Z-71, 4x4, Hard Tonneau Cover, Was $43,000, Only 5,000 Miles! CERTIFIED! #T16238A.............. $34,899 ‘12 GmC Acadia denali All-Wheel Drive, Fully Loaded! 18,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T16409A................................... $38,999

Payments 2,000 due plus taxes, with approved credit. * 00-04 60 months @ 6.9% * 05-12 75 months @ 6.9. New car payments 39 month/10K mile per year lease 2500 Ave plus 1st/sec + taxes. 0% in lieu of most Rebate.

2440 45th St. highlANd, iN 219-865-440 0 ill: 773-221-8124



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