The Shopper 10/23/13

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Wednesday • October 23 • 2013




HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm South Holland Store Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23rd thru TUESDAY, OCT. 29th, 2013 View Our Ad & Current Values at

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LU 386


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Question: I am representing myself on a small claims matter in court. What should I know about how to conduct myself in the courtroom? Answer: Here are a few tips. Arrive at the courtroom on time. Wear conservative clothing and avoid t-shirts, sloppy jeans and f lip-f lops. Do not interrupt the judge or anyone else when they are speaking. Speak loud enough so that people 20 feet away can hear you. Citizens who represent themselves in court should not expect the judge to explain basic procedures that would be better left to an attorney. Question: I plan to participate in a 10K run for charity, and am being asked to sign a form prohibiting me from suing the organizers of the event for negligence. If I should get physically hurt during the race, do I have recourse? Answer: The courts in Illinois generally do not favor contracts which insulate one of the parties from liability due to his or her own negligence, but the so called “exculpatory causes” are generally enforceable. There are exceptions to the general rule, such as fraud, willful and wanton negligence, a special relationship between the parties, a substantial disparity in bargaining power, and a public policy violation. Before you sign a contract, take time to read it carefully. If you disagree to some language in the contract, cross it out and initial and date the part you want stricken. If the person or group will not agree to strike the language, you will have to choose whether to participate or not. If you decide to assume the risk and are hurt, immediately consult with an attorney. Question: What is the importance of having an estate plan? Answer: A crucial role of estate planning tools, such as wills and trusts, is to minimize taxation in the transfer of assets. Creating a comprehensive estate plan also minimizes estate taxation incurred in the probate process. Many people can avoid paying estate taxes due to the State and federal exemptions, which allow a certain amount of property to transfer tax free upon ones death. The gap between the Illinois and federal exemptions makes proper estate planning all the more essential. For more information about Illinois law, visit w w w. If you have a legal question, send it to

Pet of the Week – Rocky


With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 10/23/13 - 10/29/13


Illinois Law Now!

LU 387

9.75 - 13 Oz.


$ 99 With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 10/23/13 - 10/29/13


WALT’S COUPON Tennessee Pride

Pork Sausage Roll

LU 388


16 Oz.

$ 79


With This Coupon and a Separate $10.00 Purchase Per Coupon. Limit One Of Each Coupon Per Family Per Visit. Limit One Per Coupon. Coupon Good 10/23/13 - 10/29/13


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LU 389

Rocky is a sweet boy about one year old. Rocky and his brother spent their lives together in an indoor boarding facility. The facility was dim and they never had access to the outdoors. When we rescued Rocky in June, Rocky was PETRIFIED of leaving the building, the only home he knew. Grass, cars, everything about the outdoor world was new to him. Since Rocky has been in a foster home he is making up for lost time! He loves playing outdoors. He is now crate trained and potty trained and has learned the basic commands! Rocky is very loving and energetic. He is being fostered in a home with multiple dogs and young kids. He is up to date on all vaccinations and is neutered. If you are interested in meeting or adopting Rocky please email ABRA, INC is a not for profit foster-based animal rescue for more information on ABRA you can visit the website

Say I saw it in The Shopper

2 October 23, 2013

Automotive Services

Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479, 219-865-6044

Buying junk GM/Chevy cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075

Ceramic Tile Ce ramic and g lass tile design and installation, k i t c h e n s, b a t h s, f l o o r s, anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492

Chimney Repair

Drywall Repair

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

— 1 JOHN 3:18

Attend the church of your choice.

An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

From The Publisher

Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana

Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523

Day Care D a y C a r e : 2 4 / 7 Ho m e Daycare Located in Hammond off 165th Street ONLY $80 PER WEEK CALL NISHA 219-937-7294 In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .

Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

Why Should Spain Have All The Fun?



Computer Sales/ Repair

Concrete Work


Internet Edition

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 P&P Handyman All Rehab, Plumbing, sewer, rod out, catch. Basin cleaning, e l e c t r i c a l , c a r p e n t r y, demolition, roofing, painting, plastering, and more. Call Leon. 773-4191304

Health & Beauty H e a l t h : I f Yo u W e r e Diagnosed with bladder cancer and used the type 2 diabetes drug ACTOS between 2000-the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800535-5727

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345

minimize those risks by using less-aggressive bulls than those used in Spain and allowing runners to hide in nooks and climb over t he t rack fence if necessar y, but make no mista ke : You cou ld get seriously injured in this event.” Organizers of the U.S. events pla n to i nclude severa l sa fet y features, m a k i n g t h e m “q u i t e different than the running of t he bu l ls i n Spa i n,” Dickens said. Unlike the n a r r o w, c o b b l e s t o n e st reet s of t he Spa n ish r u n s, t he U. S . e v ent s will use fencing that will include coves, or notches, so participants can get out of the way quickly. Bulls will be released in waves of si x at a time, giv ing the animals and people a “ bet ter oppor t u n it y to complete t he course safely,” Dickens said. “You can go running down the street any time you want, but to run with bulls - that’s something that doesn’t come along very often,” Dickens said. So if you need a shot of adrenaline in your life, you could run w ith the bulls. Be sure to have some friends as spectators so they can get a photo of you running faster than you thought possible! Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher a nd big fan of watching from behind a sturdy fence.

You may have heard about the running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain. The same people are now bringing these bull runs to t he U.S. T he Great Bu l l Ru n is com i ng to Hawthorne Race Course on July 12th, 2014. Grab l i fe by t he hor n s a nd ex per ience t he r ush of a lifetime as you sprint down a quarter-mile track w it h 1,200-pound bulls hot on your heels. You will need to pay the entry fee which is only $35, and of course there is the issue of signing the waiver - where you take full responsibility for y ou r ac t ion s . T he waiver makes sure that even if a lawsuit is filed, the plaintiff won’t win. Bull runs - when the animals are released to run alongside participants a s s p e c t at or s c he er a re c om mon i n Spa i n a nd have proved to be d a nger ou s. Doz en s of people are injured each year in the San Fermin festival at Pamplona, most by tripping and falling. Bulls have killed 15 people si nce record keepi ng began in 1924. “By pa r t icipat ing in the run, you accept the r isk t hat you mig ht be trampled, gored, rammed or tossed in the air by a bull, or bumped, jostled, tripped or trampled by y ou r fel low r u n ner s ,” the event website states. “We do what we can to

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The Shopper

Appliance Repair


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

3 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Spruce up for Fall SALE


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

4 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Restoration Ministries Celebrates 25 Years of Service “God provided exactly what we needed and here we are today, celebrating 25 years of His work in all of our lives.” – Founding board member Ronnie Colosimo A sold-out crowd of 400 attendees gathered on last Saturday night at the Tinley Park Convention Center to celebrate Restoration Ministries’ 25th Anniversary. Emceed by South Holland dentist and founding board member Dr. John Sullivan, the night commemorated twenty five years of service to Harvey and neighboring communities by high lighting t he ministries’ t hriv ing a f ter-school programs as well as honoring the successful graduates of Restoration Ministries’ fait h-based drug and a lcohol rehabilitation residential programs, Harvey House and Tabitha House. Founding board member Ronnie Colosimo (CEO & President of Oak Lawn Toyota) received the evening’s greatest distinction as the gala’s 25th Anniversary honoree for his unwavering support and dedication to Restoration Ministries’ cause to bring hope to the hopeless. The gathering began with a reception hour that gave guests the opportunity to interact with children from the ministry’s various after-school programs. Installations were set up in the back of the venue to mirror the actual spaces of the programs. Attendees were able to delve into a good book in the Reading Room, play against members of the Chess Club, watch students on the potters wheel and admire students’ work from the Gallery of the Arts, and learn to throw a left hook with the boys of the Harvey Boxing Club. Following the reception, dinner was served and the program took place. Video testimonials featuring some of Restoration Ministries most poignant success stories provided tangible evidence of the positive strides the ministry is making all over the Chicagoland and NW Indiana region. According Ronnie Colosimo, the official honoree Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328

Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, will help assist with snow removal, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-271-2552


Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354

C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450

Restoration Ministries’ 25th Anniversary honoree Ronnie Colosimo and his wife Mary Lynn pose with Restoration Ministries founder Dr. John Sullivan. Ronnie is president of Oak Lawn Toyota and a founding board member at Restoration Ministries, Inc. ______________________________________

From left, Larry DeYoung and Mathew James, Village of South Holland Trustees, Illinois Supreme Court Justice Bob Thomas, and South Holland Trustee and Restoration Ministries’ founder Dr. John Sullivan pose for a photo at the 25th Anniversary Gala. ______________________________________

of the night, it is the exact reason why he continues to support Restoration Ministries: “I have seen firsthand how God works through the staff and volunteers at Restoration Ministries to aid those who feel helpless and hopeless. I am humbled to receive this distinction tonight and I am reminded of the thousands of lives changed for the better by Restoration Ministries.” In his keynote speech, Ronnie stressed the importance of perseverance through commitment and trust in God during trying times saying, “God provided exactly what we needed and here we are today, celebrating 25 years of His work in all of our lives.” With an unspoken but unmistakable theme of gratitude and joy for the past twenty-five years, Restoration

Ministries looks forward to what God has in store for the future. As the evening came to a close, Executive Director Ray Banks briefly but movingly shared his testimony with the crowd and reminded everyone why Restoration Ministries exists: it is for the next generation—to support the hungry and weary right now so the next generation can prosper into contributing members of society. The event brought in $280,000 for Restoration Ministries. For more information, including ways for you to volunteer or ma ke a charitable contribution, please v isit w w w.


Pet Care

Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re- gla ze wi ndows, st r i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170

Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901

Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241

You are invited to a

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and a ll, h ere’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335

Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning

jewelry party

October 29 Tuesday, October 29 7:00pm Captive from Birth: A tiny newborn

finds her home in a cardboard prison, scorching under the tropical sun. No one is allowed to touch, hold, or silence her cries. Her slave owner is raising her to not know love so she will not fight the horror of forced prostitution. Crawling out of her box, “Sweetie” is now tied to a post by a scarlet cord, beaten black and blue when she cries out. Before her lies darkened rooms for sexual slavery, behind her an open gutter filled with condoms, sewer rats and needles. Her 17 year old momma is sold daily in this place of horror and captivity.

Thorn Creek Church is presenting an evening of ministry sponsored by Women at Risk, International. A speaker and DVD presentation will be given, informing us about the rescue of trafficked women and children. After rescue, the women are taught jewelry making, sewing, etc... that helps them support themselves in the future giving them hope and dignity. They also learn of the love of Jesus. The WAR Chest, handmade items made by the rescued women, will be open for purchase. Proceeds from the WAR Chest go directly back to the ministry to help rescue others.

Thorn Creek Church 1875 E. 170th St. in South Holland



Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure

Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Sealcoating & Blacktop All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566

Help Wanted O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999 Help Wanted: Home Day Care Assistants needed, Must have your own t ra n s p o r t a t i o n . Mo n d a y through Friday Day/Evening positions available. Non smoking. Please Call. 708935-2794 Help Wanted: Maintenance: Looking for full & par t time handymen for general maintenance work. Send resume or contact Resource Management 1101 Sheffield, Dyer

The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL


Thursday, October 31

5:00 - 7:00 P.M. This is a family-friendly, safe alternative to neighborhood Trick or Treating Hotdogs, chips and pop will be sold in the Activity Center after the kids Trunk “R” Treat. Join us!

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue • South Holland, IL 60473

Say I saw it in The Shopper

5 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Dolton Mayor Rogers Hosts Popular Job Fair Over 500 job-seekers turned out to seek employment last Thursday at the Dorchester Center in Dolton. Mayor Riley Rogers teamed up with dozens of local employers, in addition to Westwood College and Illinois Dept. of Employment Security, to assist job-seekers during this challenging economic time. The added value at this job fair were the Job Readiness Workshops that were held to prepare job seekers for added success. The Job Readiness Workshops assisted job seekers to build their skills in the following areas: * Interviewing * Resume Writing * Job search techniques * Networking with employers Industries represented at the Job Fair included Construction, Health Care, Public Safety, Warehouse, Transportation, Banking, Office Staff, Manufacturing and Staffing. Mayor Rogers remarked, “I am gratified to see the large turnout for this job fair. My hope is that many will find opportunities for employment to support their families and loved ones. In the future, I will continue to work on behalf of the residents of Dolton and the surrounding communities.� A special emphasis at this job fair was assisting veterans who have served our country. These are the men and women who have made a sacrifice - so we can enjoy the freedoms that we value so highly. Mayor Rogers said that additional services will soon be announced to help veterans in the areas of housing and employment. More information can be accessed at

Mayor Riley Rogers thanks local veterans for their service to our country.

Mayor Riley Rogers speaks before the Job Fair opening on Thursday October 17, 2013

Job seekers gather information regarding employment opportunities at the Job Fair.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

6 October 23, 2013

Looking For Singers

Internet Edition

Oil O’ Joy

Taking Domestic Violence Out of the Closet JANET ROBINSON

The Illiana Oratorio Society welcomes all interested singers to join us in rehearsing Handel’s Messiah. Rehearsals are conducted on Monday evenings from 8:00 - 9:30 at the First Christian Reformed Church, 16248 So.

Park Ave. in South Holland. We are planning for a December 1st, 2:00, performance. The choral group has been singing since 1946 and new singers are most welcome.

Help Wanted: Experience persons for braids, massage, skin care, facial, manicurist, pedicure, waxing, barber, eye lashes. Rent space weekly. Lansing Boutique. 708-8891125 or 708-465-4111

Saturday, October 26, 7-3,  2031 E 171st Ct . South Holland,  trendy quality clothing for the whole family,toys, office supplies, furniture,holiday section

Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225

Oct. 25-26, 9-5.  15515 Woodlawn East, So. Holland.  Household, coats, electronics, toys, etc. ladies clothes, jewelry, children clothes.

Garage Sales in South Holland October 26, 10-4.  1161 East 165th Street, South Holland 60473  Men & Women Clothing, L a d i e s S c r u b s , Fo r m a l Dresses & Shoes, Kids Toys, Baby & Household Items, Books, and Much More! Great Prices!

Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 26-27,10-2.  546 Saginaw Ave., Calumet City.  Household items,outdoor furniture, clothing, books, movies & much more.

Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 25-26, 9-2.  18270 Sherman, Lansing.  Estate sale! Collector Norman Rockwell plates/figurines, yarn, sewing, craft, kitchen accessories, luggage, curtains, electronics, costume jewelry. Everything must go. Oct. 25, 9-2; 26th, 9-12.  17916 Walter St., Lansing.  Ho c k e y t a b l e , e l e c t r i c recliner chair, clothes, teen boys & girls, women’s & mens, petite-2XL, printer, toys, videos.




October is Domest ic V iolence Awareness Month, DVAM. The purpose is to unite domestic violence advocates, to mourn and honor those who had died at the hand of their abuser, to recognize those who are victors over the control, oppression a nd dom i nat ion, a nd to celebrate the work that is being done to stop t he v iolence in our families, neig hb or ho o d s, c om mu n it ie s, a nd schools. S i n c e O c t ob e r, 19 8 7, D om e s t i c Violence Month has been observed at local, state, and national levels, and in 1989, legislation was passed by the U. S. Congress to commemorate domestic violence awareness. It i s a b s olut el y w onder f u l t h at domestic violence is being observed this month. So what happens after October… Does everyone turn their heads, again and become hushed when they hear of someone experiencing abuse? Domestic Violence has been held in secret too long. The si lence on ly perpetuates, keeps the cycle of violence going from generation to generation, including physical and emotional death. It is time to take domestic violence out of the closet everyday, every week, and every month. Awareness and Education are key in eliminating the abuse. Domestic violence is a crime and a sin. K nowledge is powerf ul, t he more we learn about how domestic violence looks, the better prepared and equipped Oct. 24-26, 10-4.  1 8 2 3 3 B u r n h a m Av e . , Lansing.  C l o t h e s, v i d e o s, b o o k s, kitchen stuff, Kirby vacuum. Garage in back. Oct. 23rd, 12-3; Oct. 24-25,93.  17537 Roy St., Lansing.  Huge sale! Clothes, adults, boys, infant to size 10, toys, books, videos, strollers, playhouse, household & decorations.

we are to confront abusive behaviors in our relationships. Do you know the red flags of an abusive relationship? Do you know how a healthy relationship should really look? It is important to know this; it could save your life or someone else’s. Just think, one women’s life could be saved by teaching your staff, women’s group, students and even yourself on how power and control and oppressive behaviors look. Most times, it is very subtle and deadly. Ple a s e c ont a c t me t o s c he du le tra inings in your schools, churches, businesses, and organizations. Janet Robinson is cer t if ied w it h t he state of Illinois as a Professional Domestic V iole nc e Tr a i ne r, C on s u lt a nt a nd Advocate. Let me hear from you, send y ou r que s t ion s a nd c om ment s on domestic violence to P.O. Box 1322, South Holland, IL 60473. All correspondence is confidential. If you are in abusive relationship, contact Oil O’ Joy House Crisis Hotline: (773) 717-2338. For immediate assistance dial 911. Be Wise and Be Safe! The articles written for Oil O’ Joy are copyrighted. No part of these articles may be reproduced or t ra nsm it ted w it hout t he w r it ten consent of the author. “…to give unto them beauty for ashes, the OIL OF JOY for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness…” Isaiah 61:3

Oct. 24-26, 9-2.  3420 Monroe St., Lansing.  Estate sale! Recliner chair, china cabinet, entertainment center, hshld. items, too much to list. Reasonable offers accepted.

Arch pain? Ankle pain? Both?

Call Dr. Paul Stepanczuk

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Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 26th, 8am-4pm.  Village of Dixmoor  170 W. 145th St., Dixmoor, IL.  2nd garage sale/Flea Market, Set up 6:30 am, $10 slots and $15 for electrical outlets. Clerk’s office 708-389-6121 or 708-396-3333 OCT 25&26 9-3 OCT 27 11-2  ESTATE SALE- 2910 138TH PL. BURNHAM, IL. vintage furniture,beautiful linens,lots of household,jewelry,garden & garage items

Garage Sales in Dyer Garage Sale:  Oc t . 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6 . 9 : 0 0 A M 3:00PM.  at: 222 Buttercup Lane, Dyer, IN.  Lawn Mower & Garden eq. golf eq. Office chairs, Printer, computer desks. Clothes, construction tools, & much more.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

etched glass shower doors, standard width used on year form Loves, orginally $170. For sale, $60. 219-669-3151

Are You Considering a Christian School For Your Child?

Two end tables, one coffe table with glass top inserted Wicker bottoms, medium stain, exc. cond. $60. 219365-9256 Two double strollers, $20; Sleigh crib w/mat $50; high chair $10; AB mach. $20; baby walker, $10; car seats. 708439-8788

On Monday, November 4th from 9:00-11:30 a.m., Calvin will welcome prospective PK3-8th grade families to our school for an Open House. Calvin Christian School is located in South Holland and recently celebrated over 100 years of providing quality Christian education to area children and their families. If you have been thinking about a moral and academically rigorous education for your child, please consider coming to our Fall Open House. We would love to show you our school in action! Please contact Tonya Harper at 708-331-5027 so you can be added to the guest list. Calvin Christian School is located at 528 East 161st Place in South Holland, IL 60473. More information about Calvin can be found at

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 24-26, 9-4.  7204 Lindberg, Hammond, IN.  Huge sale! Tools, new clothes, new sheets, household items, much more.

Homes For Sale

cond. $75. 219-865-1520

Cornelius’ household. 31. If you’d like t Throughout our life we will be called email (or letter) for to take numerous walks on the water with exploring Jesus’ call Jesus. Each walk will lead to an increase Internet walk on the water w Edition of our faith in Him. Samuel did, Peter did, passage of scripture Apt. formany rent: Dolton, Large, the town people of Samaria did, the Lord. There is no 2others Bedroom 1 bof d rus mwill . H e aFor t , questions w a t e r, and/ did,Mobile and soHome will we. Each in Burnham, IL. Older andtofree be challenged to step out ofrefrigerator, our boat of stove email acaison@s home in good condition parking included. $700/mo. comfort and cross seemingly treacherous can write me at: A in a quiet community on $30 application free. 708waters to know Jesus more. 491-9155 Community Churc the river. $1000/down of many walks Dolton, IL 60419. and One $100/month for 36of faith for me was 3 bdrm. Apt. in Schererville, months with good job & garage history. rent is $390/ Hose real Lot carts, upright size deck Very large Glazboincluded. umbrella, Apt. in Schererville. month. Call or 219-742made by Ames Suncast, 2-bdrm. white canvas dark strips $50 Heat and 8505. very good cond. as low as $9 Both obo. have Aliensecurity. 5hp snowblower, water ea. 773-785-7247 electricincluded. start, $200.219-398708-560Ai 1 bdrm. Apt. All utilities paid. 2791, 0780 219-794-4200 u Dutch boyincluded. and Dutch girl, Appliances No pets re a r Troybilt v e y , Rototiller, I L . Q uruns ite kissing ceramic 22 inches. tall H 8HP allowed. Security deposit un Neighborhood, building has $50 pair, 25 in. Magnavox required. Phone 708-878- good, $85; Craftsman garage & only 2 apartments, up & tube TV with stand, $20. 708- door opener 2 remotes, $25. 9052 E d ow n . 1 s t f l o o r h a s 3 754-0462 708-441-9493 M bedrooms, available now, 70 $850/mo. + 1 mo. security. Sec. 8 OK. 708-720-1544

50 each plant. 708-474-2541

Tappan stove, 5 bur ner Rhino 24” mountain bike $45; Magna 26” mountain bike, bisquit & black, good cond. 7 October 23, 2013 $75; Above stove convection $52. 708-333-7432 microwave, black, exc. cond. Apt. for rent: $750, Nice two Baseball Apt. for rent: Calumet City, gloves and bats. $85; kitchen bedroom apt. inaid So. washer, Holland. Rawlings, 2-bdrm. Apt. 3rdWilson floor,kids all Easton, dryer, $100credit both.screening, 219-933- electric, $750/mo. + security Must pass gloves or bats, $5 ea. Adults 6467 no utilities included. Rent gloves, & credit & $25;check. bats, $10167th ea. 708and security required. 312- 333-7432 Wentworth, Calumet City. Tool boxes, VCR, luggage, 485-5495 Available Nov. 15th, no pets. electric sander, cable boxes, Call. (9am-7pm) 708-868Sauder computer desk with pet cd case. 708- 2590 for bowl, rent: Now renting desk chair, medium oak color 889-0414 luxury style apartments & shelf, little cabinet can text homes. Chicago/Suburbs, picture, $50 firm for both. Schwinn Airdyne exercise Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 1 Sec. 8/HUD-VA programs/ 708-263-7956 bike exc. cond. asking $185 & 2 bedroom, fully low in income welcome. No or best offer. 708-214-8559 r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & security deposit and free appliances included, utilities specials, laundry near 176th Place & h o o k - u p s. A l l c re d i t & Torrence. 708-275-3551 background considered. Allied Housing. 708-401the TM 8152

Eye Site

Dr. Jay Gulotta Don’t get Caught in Dr. Gene Ossello the Cold this Winter Glaucoma Treatment Apts. for Rent: Calumet City, Laser Co-Management 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant Family Practice ofHave Optometry your furnace professionally serviced pays gas and electric. $650Cataract Co-Management $775/mo. + security. No pets. by Advance Heating & Cooling Optometry since 1942 833-835 East 162nd Street Section 8 welcome. 708-5895720 South Holland, IL$60473 99 Furnace Clean Apt. for rent: South Holland,


South Holland Dental

Eye Care for the Whole Family



Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Ho l l a n d $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 d ow n payment grant. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace, new roof. $204,900 708-596-7761

Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135

Cemetery Lots For Sale Four grave site Hawthorne section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park $7200 value, asking $6400. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Lansing 2 bdrm, 1 bath, large lvg rm, eat-in-kitchen, newly remodeled, balcony, appliances, hrdwd., laminated floors, laundry, sec. 8 welcome. Prestige Properties R.E. Pros., $950/ mo. Call Melanie 708-7121541 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 2-bdrm. $750mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt . for rent: Lansing , 1-bdrms. from $699-$730, 2-bdrms. from $885-$925. Includes heat, water and cooking gas. No pets. Ask about specials. 708-474-4845

Mar We stov est War N.W Sub 708-

15475 South Park, Suite 108A South Holland, IL

The Rep Are Dry 1623



Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499

Thomas Wiese, D.D.S.

Dentures ✦ Fillings Extractions Senior Citizen Rates

& Check 2nd floor, very large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water Advance Heating & Cooling included. Security deposit required. $840/mo. 708-774Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Eye Examinations 9100 Prescriptions Filled Contact Lenses Hours Retinal Photography A p t . f o r Saturday r e n t : and H a r Evening vey New Patients Automated Fields 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clean,Welcome pay Heating & Visual Cooling utilities, stove & refrigerator included. Also sleeping room for rent, private bath, free Sales • Service • Installation cable $500/mo. 708-596-7514

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The Shopp

924 E. 162nd South Hollan


Say I saw it in The Shopper

8 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

“A…My Name is Alice” On Stage at Governors State University

T h is November, you c ou ld b e one of a n int imate g roup of audience members to w itness t he return of a t r ue cu lt u ra l gem – a pr o duc t ion from the newly reinstated Theatre and Per for ma nce St ud ies Program at Governors State Un iversit y. T he pr o g r a m , u nde r t he d i r e c t i o n o f G S U ’s D r. Pat r ic k S a ntor o, k icked of f it s publ ic performance schedule la st Apr i l w it h t wo sold-out performances o f A n n e S e x t o n ’s Tra nsfor mat ions. Securing a seat to the fall production of “A…My Name is

Alice,” on November 6 – 8, promises to be an equally coveted treat. “A…My Name is Alice” is a musical revue conceived by Joan Micklin Silver and Julianne Boyd. Playful, funny, sophisticated, and insightful, it consists of a series of songs and sketches portraying women of all ages and types in a variety of situations and relationships. Alice made its OffBroadway debut in 1983 and offers us a glimpse into the historical fight for gender equality while also asking us to consider women’s experiences and how they have shifted in the last 30 years. The play features a cast of staff and students from GSU and community members. Cast members are Killeen McClowry, of Frankfort; Aarika Hughes, of Monee; Lorell Jones, of Chicago; Lois Nemeth, of Chicago Heights; Deirdre L. Webb, of Chicago Heights, with Music Direction by Dr. Stacy Eckert, Choreography by Megan Lindsay and Stage Management by Joshua Young. Di rector a nd A ssista nt Professor of T heat re a nd Performance Studies at Governors State University, Dr. Patrick Santoro said, “I’ve wanted to direct “A…My Name is Alice” since the 90s when I was first introduced to one of its songs—“The Portrait”—that poetically tells the story of a

Large studio apt. includes heat, water, cooking gas. Qu i e t bu il d in g. Sen io rs welcome. Bus route, $485 plus security. Available now. 708-895-7855

Condo for rent: Lynwood, Lakeshore Dr. 2-bdrm., 1-3/4 bath, A/C, Balcony. Washer/ Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Fa c i n g L a k e. $ 1 1 0 0 / negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177

Ap t . f o r re n t : W h i t i n g remodeled 2nd floor, 3 bed, 1 bath Apt. Walk up attic, basement storage, water included. $725 + security. 708-351-6898

Homes For Rent Home for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrm. finished basement, 2-1/2 garage. Some appliances, 1yr. Lease $975/ mo. Plus security deposit. No pets. 219-789-0477 Home for rent: Homewood, 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, 2 car garage, $1900/mo. 630-4395259 Home for rent: 2-bdrms. Small farm house, Glenwood Dyer Rd. Lynwood. Call Jerry. 708-418-8461

H o m e f o r r e n t : G a r y, Indiana. 3-bdrm. house for re n t $ 7 0 0 / m o. Ne w l y remodeled. Call. Mark. 708408-7192 For Rent: 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath 2 story house in Whiting, IN. 2 blocks from Lake Michigan. All appliances & washer/ dryer provided. 1.5 car garage and fenced yard. $795/mo. V i e w a t 1 3 3 4 St a n t o n , Whiting, or online at www. Call Bogs Mgmt. 708-895-1411

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX Calumet City, Hardwood floors, full basement. Tenant pays utilities. Credit Check $1000.00 MO.+ Security, no pets. 708-862-0796

Room for rent: Roommate wanted for house, main level $1,000 includes utilities, Steger, IL. Must have job re f e re n c e a n d s e c u r i t y deposit $200. 708-870-9929

Duplex for rent: So. Holland, 2-bdrm. Finished family room, 1 bath, garage. Ready to move in, $1100/mo. 773632-7210


Save the Date!

P.E.N.S. First Annual Open House We dnesday, November 13, 2013

5:30 – 8:30 p.m., South Holland Campus

A special event for parents designed to showcase the programs, services and financial advantages that South Suburban College offers students of all ages.

o win t r e t is g e r Pre et! l b a T y x a l a aG (Som e restrictions apply.)

Strategic Planning for a Prosperous Life

Life Coaching

Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Fully furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544

Fre e Cre dit Class for Attende es over 25!

woman lost in the world remembering her mother. Around the same time, I encountered one of the revue’s scenes—“Hot Lunch”—that captures the exchange between a woman on the street and a male construction worker (also played by a woman) where things go hysterically wrong. I enjoy the fact that “Alice” is both a comedy and a drama, a work that presents a multifaceted look at women’s experiences. While “Alice” will spend much of its time making you laugh, it will also provide more touching moments.” “A…My Name is Alice” will be presented for three nights only, on Nov 6, 7 and 8, at 8 p.m. Tickets are just $10 for the public and $5 for students. Patrons will be seated on the stage, with performers up close, so only 90 people will be admitted per night. To purchase tickets, or for further information, contact GSU Center’s box office at or call (708) 2352222. The box office is open Monday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and two hours prior to performances. GSU Center for Performing Arts is located on the campus of Governors State Universit y, 1 Universit y Park way, University Park, Illinois.

All guests will receive a gift bag and will be ente red in a raffl e for gas cards and other great prize s!

To pre-register, or for more information, please email or call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2315.

DEE COLLINS DUNAMIS WOMAN & R AM EMPOW ERMENT SEGMENT: Power Word for the Week is Agape! I gotta love in aim to be loved and I gotta be loved in aim to love. It’s the law of reciprocity! Woman of power and Rea l Awesome Men, I want to admonish you to walk in the spirit of love no matter what. No one should never ever have your power that gives you the inability to love. This kind of love is called AGAPE. Agape is an extension of Christ operating within our souls to bring healing to those hurting deep within emotionally. It is easy to love someone who is loving and kind. It doesn’t require anything from you or out of you. The agape, God kind of love, requires you to love when someone misses the mark according to your thinking. In other words, love doesn’t always give you what you want, but bring you challenges so you can grow in love as opposed to fall in love. Love has to be proven as opposed to just said. In the difficult times we live, the phrase, “I love you” has little to no meaning. It is the love of Christ that must be worked in you to get the hell out of you. No emotional pain…no spiritual gain! Agape is totally opposite to eros (erotic). Eros operates off of feelings that

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068

Pets Pets for sale: Chiwawa puppies, 3 mos. old, very cute & friendly, $175 each firm. 708-646-7028 or 708646-7968

constantly change, and agape is a mindset that never changes. We have approached the last season of this glorious year of 2013 never to be seen again. As a Strategic Life Coach, I challenge you to permit your heart to exit 2013 with nothing but love, especially to those who despitefully used you this year. When you have been hurt you have to learn how to love again. If not, you will carry residue from your past into your present, which is always leading you to your future. When a man or woman keep doing the same thing with a different person they can end up getting the same results or worse, because they tr y to keep loving without taking time to learn how to love themselves again. Then you will see yourself going from one broken relationship to another. Agape takes a lot out of you, but at the same time pours a lot in you. Remember, erotic love pursues you, but agape love has to be pursued. Join us at our Empowerment Clinics in November 2013 to learn how to love again, so 2014 can be filled with prosperity. For more information call: 630.296.6721. Tune in to Dunamis Woman & RAM Raw Talk on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Listen Live:

Parakeets for sale. Bred at home. 5 mo. old. 1 green female and 1 blue female. $15 each. 708-299-9000.

Lost & Found Missing kitten answer to the name, Violet. All black & white, paws white, white under her chin. Lost around 144th & Calhoun, Burnham. 708-862-1964

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Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16th in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text anytime. 219-779-1986

Wanted Wanted: Old beer cans, and old beer can collections. Will buy, trade or sell. 219-8368907 Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Small motor cycle any shape, reasonable price, Mercury pump for power washer, hose and nozzle for power washer 1800 P.S.I. 708474-8221 Wanted: Toro snowblower, model CCR-2000-E. 708-8686988

Fred M. Ulayyet Licensed Insurance Agent

Also, Individual and Family Health Plans Available

Wanted: Someone possibly in Lynwood or Lansing, that can sew to make waist line longer on pajamas & jeans. 708-474-6525 or 630-2582820

Say I saw it in The Shopper

9 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition



SALE DATES: WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23rd thru TUESDAY, OCT. 29th, 2013


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2/ 4



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Domino Cane


4 Lb.

1 Lb. Qtrs.




$ 59 Limit 2, Add’l. $1.99





Full Pints!

Say I saw it in The Shopper

10 October 23, 2013

Wanted: Donation of new or gently used toys and Christmas decoration for a church. Call Marva. 708-5013470

2005 Kia Sportage, silver FWD, 6cyl. tape/cd, AC/PW, sunroof, remote start, garage kept, like new. 55,000 original miles, spotless. 708-955-8952

Wanted: Remington 870, good or fair condition. 3” mag hunting version. 708625-1509

For sale: 1999 Lexus ES 300 Gold, moon-roof, leather, well kept, 152K, $6,000 obo. 630-926-5443

Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with long banana seats and high handle bars complete or not and all related parts. Cash paid. 708-987-8641

Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 1 Po n t i a c Montana Blue with Gray Bottom *Mechanic Special* Great body Engine needs Service. $800 708-946-2309

Wanted: Looking to buy a generator not working to fix. 708-753-0021

For sale: 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309.

Sale: 2008 Harley FLTR. Vin #1HD1FR4358Y644648, lienholder: Motorcar Leasing and Sales. Owed: $21,263.47. There’s intent to enforce mechanics lien pursuant to Chapter 770 ILCS 45/1 et seq. and 90/1 et seq. and sale of vehicle Nov. 7, 2013 at 1207 E. 170th St., South Holland.

For sale: 1998 Mercur y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309

For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista cruiser, good runner, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896

For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 Liter V8 Runs but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309

2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon. White, 29,000 original miles. Tape/CD, AC/PW, Remote start, keyless entry. Garage kept. $7,150. Afternoon, Evening. 708-895-2392

Wanted: G od has many promises for us especially to be save from eternal donation, seek the Bible daily and find out. 708-527-4529 Wanted: Compound sliding miter chop saw & a stationary 2 inch belt sander/r isk sander. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Sister-in-law is in need of twin box frame. Please help if you don’t need yours anymore. God Bless. 708-527-4529

For sale: 1905 Grand Prix GT, Charcoal Grey, 135,000 miles, sun-roof $7000/obo. 219-678-2316 1994 GMC Safari Van V-6, air works, auto start, 4 captain seats, 1 bench folds to bed, $1200. 219-677-0017

Wanted: Automobile old type round headlights, leave msg. 708-837-9814


For sale: 1997 Escort Wagon work car $600; 70cc Honda dirt-bike, low hours, mint $1200; Pelican pedal boot, 4-sitter, $450. 219-689-2399

Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011

Real Estate Specialists

Real Estate Questions & Answers

For sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, one owner, silver with black top, good runner. 708-2757122

CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: In this poor housing market, why are people still buying homes? I am renting in an apartment complex and I don’t have to worry about any real estate mess. Answer: Although real estate moves in cycles, sometimes up, sometimes down, over the years, real estate prices have consistently appreciated. There are bad cycles in every investment. Nothing is great ALL the time. One of the greatest benefits of owning your own home is the freedom it can give you. If you live in an apartment, you have to deal with thin walls and noisy neighbors, and the task of keeping your own household relatively noise free. Your landlord may come and go, and there are many rules that limit everything from whether you can have pets to the color of your walls. If you own your home, you can do whatever you want with it. You can hang pictures or paint the walls as you please. Owning a home provides more control over the children than in an apartment complex. In a neighborhood, kids usually play in the yards or go to friend’s house a few doors away. My clients have told me that in an apartment complex they never knew where the kids were. They could be in any of dozens of apartments, doing who knows what. In a house you get

2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Stk#P2804. 708-891-5400 2004 GMC Envoy, Stk#P2805 $10,992. 708-891-5400 2008 Nissan Altima, Stk#P2807 $14,992. 708-8915400 2007 Lincoln Town Car, Stk#P2814 $14,992. 708-8915400


Eye Site

Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473

Internet Edition

For sale: 2002 Honda Civic XL, 4 door, black, PS/PB, AC/ PW, new engine, new trans. Exc. condition, very clean, $4,250. Call anytime. Cell. 708-341-1049

2011 Jeep Liberty Stk#P2707 $15,992. 708-891-5400


2009 Mercur y Grand Marquis, Stk#P2812 $16,992. 708-891-5400

Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome



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2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, Red $12,500. 708-7981668

2005 Ford Escape Limited, silver metallic $10,995. 708798-1668


Business Ads

2003 Ford Escape XLT, Oxford white clearcoat $4,900. 708798-1668

2011 Ford Fusion SE, Red Candy metallic tinted, $14,995. 708-798-1668

2011 GMC Acadia Stk#11730A $28,992. 708891-5400

Eye Care for the Whole Family

E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Ill: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Il linois Coldwel l Ba n ker Resident ia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.

2012 Ford Focus SE, Black $15,900. 708-798-1668

2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B $27,992. 708891-5400

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to know the neighbors and watch out for each other’s kids. When you first purchase your home, your down payment is your only stake, as you pay down your mortgage, you own more of what may be an increasingly valuable property. This is called equity. Unlike renting where your rent can go up yearly, fixed mortgage payments will stay the same even as the market fluctuates. Si nce t he day s of ou r cou nt r y ’s Founding Fathers, pride of ownership has been a reflection of the value Americans place on f reedom a nd self-relia nce. Ensuring the growth of homeownership has always been a major objective of American national policy, dating back to the Homestead Act signed by President A br a h a m L i n c o l n i n 18 6 2 , w h i c h provided ways for settlers to claim public property as their own. We are happy that you are content in your apartment, but homeownership continues to be the American Dream.

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708-333-9630 The Shopper


Say I saw it in The Shopper

11 October 23, 2013

New Hope Center to Host Costume Party New Hope Center is hosting its 2nd A n nua l Ha l loween Cost u me Pa r t y on Sunday, October 27, 2013 at The Lansing K n ig ht s of Colu mbus Ha l l, located at 17800 Loren z Avenue in La nsing. The event is scheduled from 1 to 5 PM. Cost is $35 per person, which includes a variety of appetizers and a cash bar. The event will feature music, karaoke, raffles, prizes and a costume contest. The event w ill help raise money for New Hope Center’s programs and services. This year is especially challenging for New Hope Center as they continue to embrace for trends in reductions from their funding

sources. The revenues from fundraising events remain critical in providing the gap funds necessary to sustain their programs. If you are unable to attend, you may wish to be a sponsor. Sponsorship levels are $100 (Friend Sponsor), $300 (Table Sponsor), $500 (Entertainment Sponsor) and $750 (Grand Sponsor.) Please consider attending or becoming a sponsor for New Hope Center’s Costume Party. More information and payments can be made at w w For more information, please contact (708) 841-1071 x 227.

2006 Ford Five Hundred Limited, Merlot metallic $9,795. 708-798-1668

Miscellaneous Items For Sale

2 0 1 0 Fo rd Fu s i o n S E L , At l a n t i s Gre e n m e t a l l i c $13,995. 708-798-1668

New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $48/mo., bunkbed w/mattress $56/ mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/ mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/mo., EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 w w w .

2001 Ford Super Duty F-250 Super Duty XLT, Toreador red metallic, $8,900. 708-7981668 2008 Ford Taurus Limited, Alloy metallic $10,900. 708798-1668

Antiques/Classics For sale: 1930 Ford Model ”A” Coupe with rumble seat, all original, runs great, great for street rod build $16,900. 708-474-0514

Auto Parts For sale: 2-Firestone winter force tires and rims. Size 215/60R16. Only 600 miles on them. $50.00 each. Call after 4pm. 708-474-1029 For sale: P235/75R15 white wall uniroyal used tire, good condition $40. 708-474-6488

For sale: New general grabber AW P255/70R16 Blackwell tire, perfect $60. 708-4746488

For sale: Wheel chairs for sale. pride scooter like new 1000.00. quantum 6000 wheel chair very good condition 1900.00 708-3819212

Trailer for sale: Blk/Gry mobile concession trailer Dbl axle, 2 propane tnks, 4 sinks, serv window, electricity Call 708-466-8557 Trailer for sale: 2004 Aerolite CUB Hybrid travel trailer. Ev e r y t h i n g w o r k s w e l l . Asking price $7500, Please call after 5:00 708-895-3517

For sale: Cabinets new kitchen & bath, colors light dark, extras from large job. South Holland, call for sizes. 708-557-2706

For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035

For sale: Big men’s clothes, 2X-5X $10-$20; Bedroom furniture, black 3pc. set, 1 yr. old mattress included, $700. 773-610-9689

For sale: Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $400; Jeep Cherokee rims, and tires $300. 708-465-8544

For sale: 64/82x42 claw pedestal, light cherry wood table, with six chairs, compared to new $2000 to $2500. Asking $450. 219-8643052 For sale: Craftsman 12 inch, thick-less plainer rolling stand. Like new $250/obo. 219-864-0725

For sale: Kitchen/dining set. Canadel, all wood, round pedestal table, 4-chairs, 18” leave, honey color, and linen. Excellent condition $350. 708-351-3196

For sale: Baby crib paid $120, asking $60; Folder highchair, $15; pack & play, ex. large play pin paid $120 asking $60, all new condition u s e d f o r s i t t i n g w h e re grandparents. Munster 219836-4361 For sale: Baldwin organ $135/obo; Queen boxspring & mattress $65; no frame twin mattress, $20; solid cherry Wilett dress, 80 yrs. old with oval mirror, $200, all best offer. 708-647-6052 For sale: 2010 Kirby Vacuum cleaner, with all the parts, and shampooer, $650/obo. 708-843-1849 or 708-9604828

For sale: V inyl ver tical blinds: 3-1/2”-slate, outside mount, w/headrail, cord & chain, corner valance, size W: 130” x H: 70” & W:77” x H: 65”, color: Rose $225. 708906-9265

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Trucks Truck for sale: 1993 Ford F-150 Super cab XLT, Lariat styleside 5.0 EFI V-8 engine, electronics, 4-speed, auto transmission. 134,000 miles, $2,200. 219-923-0241

For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w/accessories. Light, 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $300. 708-906-9265

For Thornton Township Residents

2011 Keystone, fully self contained, w/slide out, travel trailer. List $24,000 - Asking $11,500. Mint Condition. Must see, Must sell. 708-4740765


For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478



Ca m p e r f o r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Coachmen 36” ft. Prosperia, 3-slide outs, 5th wheel trailer, 2-AC’s on top, 14 ft. awning, many extra, 2-30lbs. LP tanks. Asking $12,000. 708448-0295

Internet Edition


For sale: Futura adventurem HT P265/70R17, raised white letter used tire. Great shape. $50. 708-474-6488 For sale: Brand new steel radial tire 165SR15 blackwall two tires $35 each. 708-4746488

For sale: Dolls: Holiday Barbie’s, Classic Barbie’s & Porcelain dolls, stuff animals, needle point (hand craft) (Yarn), Art Gallery (pictures), irons, furniture, men’s golf clubs, Xmas decoration, VCR’s, DVD players, Am/Fm radios, ladies and men’s clothing. Something for everyone. 708-474-0743

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333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 • TTY 708-596-0408 • 708-596-3207 ext. 3128


Say I saw it in The Shopper

12 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

New Rescue Equipment For Dyer Fire Department

On Saturday, October 12, 2013, at Fire Station #1 on Hart Street at the Police-Fire Public Safety Building, the Dyer Fire Department held an open house. Presentations and other events educated the public about fire safety and the fire department. It also gave the fire department an opportunity to show off the latest piece of fire equipment just received, a new rescue pumper. This rescue pumper was obtained through a collaborative effort between the Dyer Fire Department, the Dyer Town Council and the Dyer Redevelopment Commission. The Redevelopment Commission provided the funds for the purchase after collaborating with the Town Council and Fire Chief Thad Stutler regarding the need for additional fire department equipment. Bid specs were put out earlier this year for the rescue pumper and after going through a public bid process, a vendor was selected and the truck was ordered. It is now in service and will be housed at Fire Station #2; near the corner of 213th Street and Calumet Avenue. This is t he second time t hat such a collaboration produced the purchase of firefighting equipment with the Fo r s a l e : C r e d i t c a r d machine. Chase Paymenttech Verifone VX610. Still in box, never used. Plastic still on. Paid $1000, selling $900/obo. 708-2508227 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 For sale: Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

For sale: 1950’s cap pistols and rifle, also 1950’s misc. Lionel train cars, and Sherldon silver streak pellet rifle from 1960. 708-687-5344 Elliptical -Dual Axis Exercise m a c h i n e - b r a n d n e w, i n box(with digital display). contact Sheena 708-933-6334 9am-9pm. $250.

first occurring in 2000 when a ladder truck and a rescue pumper were purchased through a Tax Increment Financing bond issue. Those two vehicles were purchased at a cost of $1,187,000. This most recent rescue pumper was purchased for just under $450,000 using some older equipment for it’s trade-in value. O ver t i me, t he ma i ntena nc e of f i re e qu ipment becomes more costly and the equipment could be prone to breakdown. In order to protect our firefighters and enhance their ability to perform their job, which is to protect the citizens and businesses in our area, purchases like this

are necessary and must be part of a planned equipment replacement timetable. Before being pushed into the fire house by members of the Dyer Volunteer Fire Department, the unit was sprayed with water and wiped down. This “wet-down” ceremony is a fire department tradition which originated on the east coast. During the ceremony Saturday, brief comments were made by Debbie Astor, Dyer Town Council Vice-President and Dr. Jethroe Smith, President of the Dyer Redevelopment Commission. The main speaker was Chief Thad Stutler who gave the crowd some history and information.

For sale: Draw-tit hitch 10,000 lbs, $75; Securtiy light, 8x11 $25; Monitor 17 inch $25; gray water tank 22 gal. wheels, and hitch $45. 708474-8221

Dyer- Selmer Flute, Music Stand, Metronome, Quinlan & Fabish Book 1, sheet music, a n d t o t e b a g ; $ 7 5 To m 2195885182

For sale: Large stork sign for new arrival babies, $200. 708285-1107

For sale: White bathroom, double bowl, cultured marble top, plus faucets, side splash and soap dish, 67” x 22”, $150 or make offer. 708-285-1107

10yr.old lemon tree its 4 ft. high real nice yours for $20.00 no lemons its a real lemon 708-687-4776




30” white vanity with top and faucet (Glacier Bay). $45. 708-418-5096.

For sale: Monster high boy dolls in boxes. Holt Hyde and Deuce Gorgon. $35 each. 708-756-0519

For sale: 14 Old silent movies, all new in good condition on reels, $35 all. 708-285-1107

For sale: Black leather saddle bag for motorcycle. Front For sale: Presto Matchless handle bar. Exc. condition. electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x Retail $100, asking $45. 815Chicago;Van Drunen HeatingCo;A07377;5x7-4c Co;A07377;5x7-4c (b1) 18”, excellent condition, $75. 462-6930 Chicago;Van Drunen Heating (b1) 312-802-1478

2 cherry finish end tables and 1 glass cherry finish coffee table. Exc Cond like new $100ea Call 219-308-5442

M T H & We a v e r 3 r a i l OGAUGE TRAINS FORSALE. Premier & Railking, engines & cars call 219-512-5545 wheel chair $135.00 new power chair $? commode $20.00 walker $10.00 708687-4776 Two White Armed Chairs $ 2 0 . 0 0 e a ch , Two ch a i r slipcovers$20.00 each, paraffin machine $35.00, Size 4t Cars Jacket New $10.00 708-335-0627

For sale: Lawnmower, starts, runs, looks good, $85. 708753-0021

Ping Pong table and pads $10.00. 708-474-8071. Dyer- Window Treatment 62î-72î Med Blue: Valance 78w”x10îx 5.5d”; Panels 68”L w/Traverse rod, Bedspread/ Shams $50. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182

Meet the company who knows comfort inside and out. But especially inside.

Dyer- Pict/Window Trmt 98” R o s e ; S w o o p Va l a n c e 104”Lx9.5”d; Panels & sheers 84”w/2 Traverse rods $75 Pics text or email; Tom2195885182

Fall is coming, so put your system in top shape before the cooler weather gets here.

Dyer- Window Treatment 62”-72” Pleated Muted Green Valance 78w”x10îx 5.5d”, Panels 68”L w/Traverse rod. $35. Pics text or email; Tom2195885182

Receive Up To Receive Up To

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Dyer- Whirlpool Dishwasher $50: light use by retiree, good condition, upgrade victim; Pics text or email; Tom2195885182 Dyer- Amana Refridgerator 17.9cu.ft./Freezer (on top) 13.1cu.ft. very good condition; $250. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182 For sale: Assorted womens winter coats, in exc. cond. size L. $8; Assorted men’s and women’s clothing size, M & L. $1.50. 708-641-2691 Suitcase, Large (30”x21”x11”) soft, black expandable. Like new. $30. 708-895-6559 For sale: 2-refrigerators, 1-double door $200, other smaller w/freezer on top, $100; tools, especially yard tools. 773-617-2909 For sale: Ladies pacific trail winter jacket w/zip out lining, size medium. Pristine condition $8. 815-463-0345 For sale: 2-mens leather jackets, 1-deep dark brown, size X-large, perfect condition $50; 1-black size large, good condition $40. 815-462-6930

Suggested retail value

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Dyer- 3 Beautiful Pecan bookcases/secretary, $200: 74îH x 30îW x 17îD; or separate. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182

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Curling Bar/2 Dumbell Bars/ Weights Seperate/Plastic & Steel. 50LBS.$75.00..312-7719575.. Lansing,IL. Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne 12 5-piece place settings in excellent used condition. Dinner plate, salad plate, bowl, cup & saucer. $50.00 474-3042 For Sale: Vintage billard ball set, $30. Fingertip resin bowling balls, 60 to choose from. $20-$40 each. 708-4745679 F o r S a l e : To r o S - 2 0 0 Snowblower. Be ready for winter. $150. 708-474-5679 For Sale: Landscape materials: red brick pavers 20 cents each, plastic edging, treated 2x4, 4x4’s, tree wrap, concrete blocks. 708-4745679 ive got a garage full no more garage sells for me must go 200.00 0r 708- 687 4776 For Sale! 26” mountainn bike Like new $50.00 708-7047702 beer can collection, approximately 100. South Chicago Heights. 708-7540462 or leave message. 5 PIECE WOOD LAMINATE K I TC H E N S E T. B ROW N VINYL CHAIRS ON WHEELS. ONE CHAIR HAS SLIT IN SEAT $50.00 708-672-7178 two story wooden ladder excellent condition $60.00 708-672-7178 Oak Table with 6 chairs. Table expands to 6 ft. $250 708528-2300 Computer Hutch, cream color. 54”H, 24”D, 42”W. $200 708-528-2300 Si d e by Si d e Fr i g i d a re Refrigerator, 26 cu.ft. $250. 708-528-2300

for the last 5 years.

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Wall Pictures/Glass Covers/ Nice Frames/Sizes Vary.. $5.00-$15.00 EA.. 312-7719575. Lansing, IL.

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For sale: Nails: 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” roofing 50lbs. 1-1/2”, drywall 50lbs 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711 For sale: Accumulator and evaporator for S10 Blazer $50. 708-210-1711 Boys size 2 black hockey skates. Brand new! $35.00 or best offer. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com 219-776-9891 Dyer, IN

Say I saw it in The Shopper

13 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Stop In For Spooky Saving On Your Favorite Spirits! SEAGRAM’S GIN $7.96 750 ml $13.96 1.75 ltr

Q CREAM LIQUEUR $9.96 750 ml BAILEYS $15.96 750 ml TANQUERAY GIN $13.96 750 ml $28.96 1.75 ltr

FIREBALL $12.96 750 ml BACARDI RUM $16.96 1.75 ltr GRAND MARNIER $14.96 375 ml $26.96 750 ml CAPTAIN MORGAN $19.96 1.75 ltr

COOK’S CHAMPAGNE $4.96 750 ml CRUZAN SPICED RUM $7.96 750 ml KORBEL CHAMPAGNE $7.96 750 ml RONRICO RUM $12.96 1.75 ltr MOET IMPERIAL BRUT $29.96 750 ml

LIQUOR SPECIALS KETEL ONE $15.96 750 ml $24.96 1.75 ltr BELVEDERE $19.96 750 ml $34.96 1.75 ltr CIROC $24.96 750 ml $49.96 1.75 ltr GREY GOOSE $23.96 750 ml $49.96 1.75 ltr SMIRNOFF $8.96 750 ml $15.96 1.75 ltr SVEDKA $8.96 750 ml $14.96 1.75 ltr

DON JULIO $29.96 750 ml $49.96 1.75 ltr PATRON $31.96 750 ml $69.96 1.75 ltr JOSE CUERVO $13.96 750 ml $24.96 1.75 ltr CROWN ROYAL $19.96 750 ml $39.96 1.75 ltr JOHNNIE WALKER RED $17.96 750 ml $29.96 1.75 ltr


$66.96 750 ml


$149.96 750 ml ABSOLUT $25.96 1.75 ltr MAESTRO DOBEL $19.96 750 ml

SEAGRAM’S V.O. $19.96 1.75 ltr SEAGRAM’S 7 CROWN $17.96 1.75 ltr CANADIAN CLUB $16.96 1.75 ltr JIM BEAM $21.96 1.75 ltr Hennessy V.S. $23.96 750 ml MARTELL V.S. $18.96 750 ml REMY MARTIN V.S.O.P. $31.96 750 ml COURVOISIER V.S. $20.96 750 ml

SALE DATES: 10/16 - 11/05 (While Supplies Last) Please Remember To Drink Responsibly


37 JOLIET DYER, IN • 219-865-8501 Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

14 October 23, 2013

New youth roller blades. Youth sizes1-4; adjustable. B l u e & s i l v e r. $ 4 0 . 0 0 ., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN

Cherry veneer round coffee table 19”h x 42”d & 2 end tables 23”h x 28”d. Glass tops. $225.00. 219-776-9891,

L i k e n e w Ve r a B r a d l e y h i p s t e r. D o o d l e D a i s y pattern. Adjustable strap. 10”w x 11” t. $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891. Dyer,IN.

Cedar chest. 42”w x 19”d x 18 1/2”t. No key. On rollers. Pretty good shape. $100.00. 219-776-9891, ldgtreke4@ Dyer, IN

1966 Francie/Casey doll case. Empty. Pretty good shape. 2 inside pockets & drawers & doll areas. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com, 219-776-9891. Dyer, IN 1970 Barbie Country Camper w/tent, table, 2 stools & 2 sleeping bags. Good condition $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer,IN 2 antique brass table lamps w /f ro st ed gl a ss sh a d es. Approx. 23” tall. $40.00 pair. Good condition. ldgtreke4@, 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN 1971 Dawn & friends doll case, dolls, clothes, etc. Good condition. $85.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN 1960’s Ideal Toy Co. 2 Tammy dolls, clothes, accessories. Good condition. $125.00 or b/o. 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN.

Recliner-Tan Color-Excellent Condition-$110 Table LampUnique-Graystone Base-$40 Call 312-520-4698 cell Lansing Area For sale: two dining room chairs $20 each; 2 new chair slip covers $25 each; Pa ra s o n e m a c h i n e $ 3 5 ; stereo cabinet $40. 708-3350627 Upright Freezer - works very well clean in good shape ... Older model but dependable asking 125.00 call 708-2884324 ROCKING CHAIR, WOOD, GOOD CONDITION $45.00 312-758-3970 SAMSUNG 52” T.V. GREAT CONDITION....BEST OFFER 312-758-3970 For sale: Laptop mini, good battery, wireless Windows 7, webcam $125. 708-268-7075 For sale: Treadmill ProForm brand midsize, mint condition, hardly used, power incline, 2 yrs. old $350 obo. 708-877-6860

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For sale: Lawn Boy lawn mower, self propelled, like new, must see $150. Dyer. 219-322-7332

For sale: Multi-color Xmas lights 100 add a set $2.50 each; new 100 light icicle add a set new $3. 219-836-8505

For sale: I’m selling the rest of my “Mary Kay” products, cologne, makeup, gift sets at great prices. Call me to see if I have what you need. Crissy. 708-601-3206

For sale: Ladies hooded jacket, nice size XL, $15; new twin portable airbed, $29; 1949-50 Ford trunk lid, $150; guitar amp, $65. 708-4608308

For sale: Children’s high chair (tan & green) $25; 2 exersaucers (Baby Einstein) $10 each; stroller (navy blue) $10; Fisher Price riding musical horse $10. 708-5132834

For sale: Oak kitchen table with four capt. chair, caster wheels, $250; college dorm small refrig. $40; manual miter saw $15. 708-889-0350

For sale: Wooden table & 2 chairs, $15; Graco carrier & port (grey & pink) $20 all. 708-513-2834 For sale: Lots of outdoor toys!! Playhouse $20; tugboat sandbox $20; turtle sandbox $10; swingset, trampoline, ride-on toys, and much more. Call. 708-474-0467 For sale: Wall to wall carpet. Exc. condition. Blue color. A bargain at $20. Lansing. 708474-1584 For sale: West bend 12-30 cup coffee maker $20 ; VHS tape Grumpy Old Men, Men in Black $1 each; Milwaukee heat gun $10. 708-895-3250 For sale: Panasonic movie AFX8VHS HD camera with accessories and case $30; tripod projector screen $5; measuring wheel 12” wheel diameter $10. 708-895-3250 For sale: 18 inch turkey plater $9; 14 inch fiber optic angle with harp $8; 16 inch talking Xmas tree $7. 219-836-8505

For sale: 2 black saddle Australian pads; Bear backpad, large burgundy winter blanket, great condition. $80 for all. 708426-3907 For sale: Gas lawn mower Murray starts on one pull $65; Daydo saw blade $15. 708-460-5001 For sale: Laminate flooring, multilook collection 3 boxed $30; Duro heat portable kerosene heater $50 like new. 708-474-9331 For sale: Mink coat, dark ranch, older, medium/large, exc. condition $200. 708-6710376 For sale: Craftsman one horsepower dual cylinder, 100 PSI air compressor $90. 708-268-3915 For sale: 36 inch Tashiba tube TV with remote, excellent condition, perfect for garage or spare room, $50 obo. 708420-6660 For sale: Tan couch and love seat, good condition $50 obo. For both. 708-420-6660

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Internet Edition

Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer

Kids on Showings? MIKE BUDER Shou ld k ids come along to look at houses? I get asked this question a lot. My answer to this question has always been “No”. However, I do let t he buyers k now what the process is going to be like and how it’s so much harder w ith kids. First point is, kids, no matter what age, usua l ly on ly last about 2 to 3 houses. If you have 5, 6, or 10 houses to see that day, do you really think you can concentrate if you have to constantly listen to kids ask, “Are we done yet? ” Second point is, no matter how “well behaved” your child is, they’re never well behaved enough to not run around a vacant house or not touch something i n a n occupied house. Kids just don’t really see those boundaries, and if the sellers are home, any ch i ld not t hei r ow n is never well behaved. Third point, as someone who might be spending tens of thousand of dollars on one of these houses your not able to focus on the houses a nd rea l ly g ive them the attention they deser ve because you’re wor r y i ng about w h ich way your kid(s) ran and if they’re inside or outside, or if they’re upstairs or dow nsta i rs. Buy i ng a house is a very emotional t h i ng for most buyers, and it’s best to have focus. K i d s c a n b e a m a j or distraction. With that, what do you do with the kids? The first option might be a t r ust i ng f r iend, relative, or neighbor to watch t hem while your viewing homes. Most of my buyers look at houses during the day when their For sale: Dining room light fixture $10. 708-333-9225 For sale: Two dozen canning jars $8. 708-333-9225

kids are in school. But you work? Wel l, when do you go to the dentist or doctor appointments? T hey a ren’t a rou nd i n t he e v en i ng s b e c au s e they’re home with their families. You schedule first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or towards the end of the workday before you pick up your kids, right? Well just think the same way about house hunting. A house purchase is a huge purchase. Why can’t you go i nto work at 10A M instead of 8AM? Why can’t your leave for lunch to look at houses? Why can’t you leave work at 3 PM to see a couple? Many of my clients take an hour or two out of their workweek to view houses instead of waiting until the weekend when they have nothing to do with the kids except bring them along. F i n a l l y, I f y ou absolutely want to have your kids blessing or final approva l on t he home you purchase, find it first and then set up a special v iew ing so you ca n a ll enjoy that moment as a fa m i ly w it hout a l l t he stress. If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web sit e : w w w.BuderHomes. com. Facebook Fr iend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman For sale: Delsy black suitcase 21x27 w/wheels. 708-3339225

Say I saw it in The Shopper

15 October 23, 2013


Internet Edition



DATES: 10/22-11/04

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21 42


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16 28


99 $


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1.75 lt


99 $ 99 $


1.75 lt


750 ml




750 ml





1.75 lt



$ 99 $


750 ml



21 33


99 1.75 lt

99 $


750 ml


1.75 lt

1.75 lt



19 27 1999 $3899 $1299 $2999 $1599 $3299


99 $

99 $

750 ml

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18pk Btls

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99 $




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$ 49 12pk Btls

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24 oz. Can



$ 99 6 Pk Cans


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1.75 lt

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1.75 lt

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99 $ 99 $


$ 99

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375 ml



750 ml



99 $


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750 ml

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$ 99







750 ml

1.75 lt



$ 99 $



750 ml

1.75 lt

12pk Btls


18pk Btls

99 24 Pk Cans


8 $ 99 11 $ 49

Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Torrence Liquors & Liquor City are not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.

12pk Btls

24pk Cans

(219)793-6154 WASHER DRYER White Lg Front load washer and dryer Say I saw it in The Shopper in EXCELLENT condition $300 for each!!!! 708-508-2048 For sale: Christmas tree, exc. lve msg cond. 7 foot tall, paid $300 from Sales $50/obo. 708-420TempurPedic Cloud-Luxe 6660 mattress, (top of the line) with foundation and For sale: Whirlpool mattress, king size,washer/ used 5 dryer, good cond. $125,Cash will months, very clean. separate, 10 yrs. old. buyers only, over $4,000Dyer. new, 219-322-3183 $2,900 firm. 219-864-9910 For sale:organ 2007$2,000 HHR organ, floor Baldwin mats rear view mirror, owner for $1,000 firm. Optelec low manual, front license plate vision machine, $2,900 asking bracket $75. 219-365-9256 $1,450. 708-331-3127 For $65 sale:Wilson each, all forgolf $145clubs, obo. blackjack oversize stainless Will separate. Curved old pro-belet irons, #3to9 master double Victorian bed 4ft. putter, 3 drivers pull cart, high; Early American high bagboy, like loveseat, new $100.40yrs. 219back floral 365-9256 old; China cabinet. 708-6476052

Custom built Dale Ernhardt Sr. electric golf cart with diamond plate tool box, $4,000. Call 708-309-5478 Solid brass floorlight lamp ( 3 sign way For sale: Coors beer lighting) Artemis with clock“13”x2’ longStudio” lighted $45; “Stiffel” brassclock, lamp, $30; hot rodtable magzine $30. 708-481-6907 black with flames 10” round $10. 219-365-9256 RC A 2 0 ” c o l o r T V $ 4 0 . Assorted $3 each For sale: Hubcaps Skigear medium black Yamaha plastic !”jacket pipe $50; .25c two per youth pt. m o t o r fbibs ro m$50; Maboots ytag smb Yamaha washing diving 7&8 $40, machine large Fox $25. jacket $40. board free. 219-365-8458. 219-365-9256 “Ethan Allen” Octagon Side For sale: Sauder computer Tablewith ( Walnut), $75. Drop desk hutch 48” wide 59” Leaf $45, Foyer high exc.Table cond.(Cherry), 219-865$75. 708-481-6907. 2195 “Magnavox” Color TV, For sale: Two 20” drawer wood Cable file Ready, $30. $20 “Toshiba” grain cabinet black 14” TV,office $25. “Toshiba” VCR swivel chair $30 both Player, $5. VHS Tapes, 2 for in exc. cond. 219-865-2195 $1. 708-481-6907. Bed sheets twin size, $2. Bed sheets full and queen size, $3. Bed sheets king size, $5. 708481-6907.

FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.

16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473

Hammer Toes

Skill plate joiner $60; Natico tile cutter $15; measuring wheel 12” wheel diameter $15; baseball gloves $5 each. 23, 2013 $15. 708-895Recliner $ 3 5 .16 0 0October B&D Sander w h e e l c h $ 1 8 5 . 0 0 A d u l t 3250 For sale: RCA 20” color TVE For sale: 4-775x15 tires and bedside commode $40.00 $40; Buffet 62”x30x’x49” $25; rims 708-333-1490 Mens $120. & Womens summer 708-687-4776 plastic pipe .25 cent per ft. Leave msg.size 708-333-1490 clothing, M&L $2 each; Diving board Free. 219-365New wheelch. never been Mens double breasted suits sale: Wheelchair $35; 14” 8458 used removable desk arms/ For form Carsons, size 40R $20 alum. ladder $30; 10” table legs 250.00 708-687-2112 each. Shirley 708-641-2691 For sale: 2 ton chain fall $100; saw $40; Sears 5.5 push 4Bal ton chain fall ton mower $50; 18” electric Leveler. Like$200; new.6Very Patio lounge chair push with chain $250; dumper 708-758-5923 easy tofall level andone chock your mower c u s h i o$50. n re cliners, $15; $200. So. Holland. 708-557- Assorted flower vases, $1.50 pop-up,$35.708-474-1707 For sale: Dining room set, 2706 ea. Shirley 708-641-2691 Kitchen hutch, coffee table, bedroom set, best offer. Call. For leave msg. end sale: tables,Womens 27” - 36”Harley T.V’s, 7087-333-1490 Living room couch & chair, D a v i d s okeyboard, n c h a p s ,printer s i z e dark wood trim with cane Yamaha For sale: Women’s black medium $100. 708-889-0579 stand, couch. Moving must sides, $65. Shirley 708-641sell. All reasonable. 708-220- leather 2691 jacket large $50; fake For 0745sale: Craftsman scroll fur coat, size 16 $50. 708-877saw 13” used twice $25; 4 6157 1984 Sears Free Spirit mens German beer&mugs $10, for Used coffee end table w/ bicycle 10 spd. rack. garage all. Folding cart $ 708- kept, $50 obo; Maganavox stone type golf bases and 758-5715 tops in excellent condition. console stereo & record $175 for both or bo. 708-698- player, nice $75. 708-8770508 6387 Year Parts & Labor wheelch. w/removable desk 10Lawn mower selfWarranty propelled 12 Month 0% Financing on by arms/legrest 1yr.old $175.00 orBriggs Stratton 5hp, body new bedside commode still Rove r, a l l oy d e c k . Be s t in box $ 55.000 708-687-4776 mulcher ever made. Pull cord 14 electric Seer & Above Air City. or start.Central $99. Cal. wheelch. no footrest $30.00 708-868-6438 Conditioner andcell / or 95% 708-351shower chair $30.00 bedside Effi9447 ciency Variable Speed Furnace commode $30.00 walker w/ Some restrictions apply. Not valid with wheels $30.00 lot of women Used w/w-blk, any other offer. w/tires four close $1.00 708-687-4776 Previous excluded. 215x70x15 alsoSales others one Expires S each. 15 in., 15 10/31/2013 in. aslo one power wheel ch. shoprider new 195x70x15, reasonable for small person needs work prices. $ Call Rich. OFF708-341$250.00 708-687-4776 1049 Cardioglide exerciser,sit down,full body workout,Great buy at $45.00 Call 895-4532


Furnace / Central Air Combination

Precision Tune-up & Cleaning Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales excluded. Expires 10/31/2013 S

youractually fortress. a curling of the Hammer toesIt’sare The shop for the whole family. Your safe-haven. There’s no place toes. Sometimes these are flexible and canHEATING be $ OFF & AIR CONDITIONING else like it. Make sure it’s as straightened with manipulation, or fixed which comfortable as you want it to be. Furnace Precision • Free estimates means they are always curled arthritic American Standard helpswith families Tune-up Cleaning changes that feel don’t allow straightening. Many • Financing Available Some restrictions&apply. more comfortable and Not valid with any other offer. times corns are found the homes. tops of these breathe easieron in their • Emergency Service Previous Sales excluded. for Expires 10/31/2013 S toes. Surgery can be performed to straightenThanks is Available Voting Us Do you have itchy eyes and runny nose... these toes or occasional trimming of the corns Best of We have the solution! can alleviate some of the pain. If you have any Region! $ OFF questions concerning hammer or any other Left to right: Stylists Carol, Bonni, Marti, Karen, Rita. Not shownAir stylistCleaners Sharon High-Effi cient N.W. IN (219) problems, please365-0006 stop by or call myAoffice during Christian Owned and Receptionist Jessica. Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales Demotte (219) 987-2107 office hours. & Operated Company 708-333-3238


those plans. Unfortunately, the rules aren’t enough to stem the number of farming accidents which have held steady while the rates of injury and deaths in other risky industries like construction have dropped. Internet Edition Last year, Illinois led the nation in the number of farming For sale: Games newwhich nevertypically The occur Heating & working Appliance workplace accidents when on opened & Repair Man.attacks, Servicing Metro or near Candyland, heavy farmChutes equipment, livestock through ladders $5 each; small book Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, electrocution and suffocation in feed bins. Your best bet is case $12. 708-877-6157 Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free to educate your child about estimate safety issues (http://1.usa. with same day gov/4ANXmq) his employer about your concerns. For sale: Analogand TV’stalk 19”toRCA repair, or $25 service charge. no remote $20;should Zenith happen 13: w/ that If an accident in injury, consider Callresults Al. 708-985-1623 remote $30anboth worktogood contacting attorney discuss whether you may have a legal w/converter boxes. 708-877- M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d case. 6157 S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators Question: What do I do if my dog bites someone? For sale: Women’s clothing and ranges. $20 off repair Answer: It’s a timely question. The insurance reports s-3x, shoes 9-91/2ww, $5- with this ad.industry 708-429-7479, that insurer’s costs$2; tied to $2; dog bites surged last year, with the $10; men’s shires ties 219-865-6044 average jackets claim jumping 12 percent or more on medical fees, legal winter $10; scarves $2; hats $2. 708-877-6157 settlements and jury awards. MostAutomotive homeowner’s Services and renter’s insurance policies usually have a dog liability clause as part of For sale: Elevated toilet seat their standard coverage, but that may not be enough to cover with safety bars, locks on damages liability a civil suit. If your dog bites someone toilet usedand 2x paid $80inasking and you find yourself on the receiving end of a dog bite claim, $40. 708-877-6157 report the incident to your insurance company, but realize you For Chain 18”attorney like maysale: also need to saw hire an to defend you. n e w $ 1 2 5 ; a r m s t r o n g Buying junk GM/Chevy cars receding $45; Question:pipe Howthreader can I find out ifand my legal problem serious trucks, projectis muscle grass edger electricthe B&D $25l ofcars,running or not. Up to enough to warrant services a lawyer? 3 HP grass edger $25. 708- $600 cash, also motorcycles. Answer: It’s easy. The Illinois Lawyer Finder Service (www. 271-0387 save this ad. Illinois 708-268-7075, operated by the State Bar Association, offers consumers For sale: 10 gal western crock a referral to a qualifying lawyer. $80; 5 western You can thecrock online$70. directory freeCeramic of charge Tile by entering 708-271-0387 the field of practice, county and zip code. An option is toss callt the Cer a m ic a n d g l a il e hotline at (888) 662-3851 to receive the name a lawyer, who design andofinstallation, Appliance Repair will provide an initial 30-minute consultation for than k i t c h e n s, b a tno h s,more floo r s, anywhere. I will make your $25. You are under no obligation to hire that lawyer. Landlords, Budget-Minded n e w & r e c o n d i t i o n e d project beautiful. Call Brian. Illinois law, visit www. aFor p p more l i a n cinformation es. F u t u rabout e 312-320-8492 If you have a legal question, send it Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 to Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 10 inch Radial arm saw, Sears Mirro electrical smoke house, Craftman, $100. 219-365- $35; Crown pallet jack 5000#, 2954 exc. working cond. 708-8916226

PHONE: (708) 333-2117





Illinois (708)339-8900 895-0006

Since 1987

excluded. Expires

1021 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL S 10/31/2013




Restoration Ministries Thrift Stores

Friday and Saturday

October 25th & 26th 10am-2pm Location:

Spirit of God Fellowship Hall 16350 S. State St., South Holland, IL One Block South of Walt’s

Designer & Boutique Clothing Attire for every occasion

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Most items $25 & Under

Visa, Mastercard & Discover accepted All proceeds will support Restoration Ministries of Harvey and our life changing programs for at-risk youth, recovering addicts and families struggling in poverty. For more info, call 708-333-6822.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

17 October 23, 2013

Chimney Repair

Home Improvement/ Repair

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

Computer Sales/ Repair Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana

A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523

Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, will help assist with snow removal, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-271-2552 Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354

Day Care D a y C a r e : 2 4 / 7 Ho m e Daycare Located in Hammond off 165th Street ONLY $80 PER WEEK CALL NISHA 219-937-7294

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re- gla ze wi ndows, st r i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241

Pet Care Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and a ll, h ere’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335

Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Sealcoating & Blacktop All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566



Help Wanted: Experience persons for braids, massage, skin care, facial, manicurist, pedicure, waxing, barber, eye lashes. Rent space weekly. Lansing Boutique. 708-8891125 or 708-465-4111 Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225

Oct. 25-26, 9-5.  15515 Woodlawn East, So. Holland.  Household, coats, electronics, toys, etc. ladies clothes, jewelry, children clothes.

Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 26-27,10-2.  546 Saginaw Ave., Calumet City.  Household items,outdoor furniture, clothing, books, movies & much more.

2010-2011 2013

Township dollars may be available for you!

Thornton Township residents only. Documentation Required.



SATURDAY Energy Fair – Saturday, November 6, 2010

8:30 a. m. – 10 a. m. – SENIORS NOVEMBER 2, ONLY 2013 10 a. m. – 3 p. m. – General Public

8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Handyman Services

Help Wanted: Maintenance: Looking for full & par t time handymen for general maintenance work. Send resume or contact Resource Management 1101 Sheffield, Dyer

Saturday, October 26, 7-3,  2031 E 171st Ct . South Holland,  trendy quality clothing for the whole family,toys, office supplies, furniture,holiday section

paying winter heating bills?

Monday, October 18 – 10 a. m. – 1 p. m. SENIORS ONLY

All attendees must attend the pre-registration For more[see information about the fair dates above] For moreplease information about the fair or the call 708-596-6040 pre-registration,Ext. please call 708-596-6040 3132

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295

Help Wanted: Home Day Care Assistants needed, Must have your own t ra n s p o r t a t i o n . Mo n d a y through Friday Day/Evening positions available. Non smoking. Please Call. 708935-2794

October 26, 10-4.  1161 East 165th Street, South Holland 60473  Men & Women Clothing, L a d i e s S c r u b s , Fo r m a l Dresses & Shoes, Kids Toys, Baby & Household Items, Books, and Much More! Great Prices!

Thornton Township residents only. Documentation Required

Tuesday, October 12 - 2-7 p. m. Wednesday, October 13 - 2-5 p. m. Thursday, October 14 – 2-5 p. m. Friday, October 15 – 10 a. m. – 2 p. m. Monday, October 18 - 3-7 p. m.


O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999

Garage Sales in South Holland

Township dollars may be available for you!


Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

Help Wanted

Do You need help paying bills? Dowinter Youheating need help


Drywall Repair

Internet Edition

Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335

2010-2011 Energy Fair

In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .

Event Sponsored By Event Sponsored By

Frank M. Zuccarelli Supervisor Frank M. Zuccarelli

2009 -2010 2009 -2010 Supervisor

▪ Receive a FREE Energy Receive a FREE Energy Conservation Kit.Conservation Kit.

howheating to reduce Learn- how to▪ reduce your bill.your heating bill. Proof ofLearn Income: Thaddeus M. Jones - Township Fair Event Coordinator gross income all household Apply for the Lowfrom Income Home Energy Assistance Apply for -the Lowof Income Home Energy Assistance ▪ Proof Event Chairpersons Antoine In Partnership withCollins & Tannika Hughes members the 30-day period priorHome to the Weatherization Programfor (LIHEAP), Illinois Program (LIHEAP), Illinois Home Weatherization In Partnership with application date. (LIHEAP William “Will” Davis Deborah Sims Assistance Program wellONLY) as Nicor Sharing and Assistance Program (IHWAP) as well (IHWAP) as PROGRAM Nicor as Sharing and - Residential Annual ComEd income for each member of the household Illinois State Representative Cook County Commissioner Residential Hardship Program. ComEd Hardship Program. Thaddeus Jones William “Will” Davis Joan Murphy Deborah Sims 16 years and older (WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM Illinois State Illinois State Cook County Cook County ▪Status Check the Status of a utility bill or pending grant Check the of a utility bill or pending grant ONLY) Representative Representative Commissioner Commissioner application. application.

All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money!▪ Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192 ▪


ENERGY ENERGY JoinJoin Us! Us! Saturday, Nov.Nov. 6, 2010 Saturday, 2, 2013 FAIR FAIR

P&P Handyman All Rehab, Plumbing, sewer, rod out, - Current copy of heat and electric bills (if you pay for catch. Basin cleaning, INCOME GUIDELINES INCOME your home energyGUIDELINES directly) e l e c t r i c a l , c a r p e n t r y, (EFFECTIVE 6, 2009) demolition, roofing, - (EFFECTIVE Bill must showJULY rates 6, and2009) meterJULY readings painting, plastering, and - The date of the utility bill must be issued within Annual Annual Days Gross the Income for 30Income Days for 30 more. Call Leon. 773-419last 30Gross days. 1304 Family Income PriorDate to ApplicationIncome Date PriorFamily to Application

Size -

Health & Beauty H e a l t h : I f Yo u W e r e Diagnosed with bladder cancer and used the type 2 diabetes drug ACTOS between 2000-the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800535-5727

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Size ComEd Hardship tax bill, ComEd Proof of Ownership ofHardship the dwelling – current Weatherization Weatherization * LIHEAP * LIHEAP Program Program mortgage statement or recorded mortgage. 1 $ONLY) $ 1,354 $ 3,467 $ 1,354 21,660 $ 21,660 3,467 (WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM

Thornton Township Hall Hall Thornton Township 333 East 162nd StreetStreet East 162nd In partnership In333 partnership with South Holland, ILwith

2 $$ 4,667 $ 1,821 $ 1,821 29,140 $ 29,140 4,667 Proof of Social Security Numbers of all household Frank M.Township Zuccarelli,Supervisor Township Supervisor Frank M. Zuccarelli, members 3 $$ 5,867 $ 2,289 $ 2,289 36,620 $ 36,620 5,867 - Picture ID William Davis, William “Will” Davis,“Will” Illinois StateIllinois State 4 of your $$ 7,067 $ 2,756 44,100 7,067 receives - If$a 2,756 member household TANF, you $ must44,100 Representative Representative bring their Medical Eligibility Card $ $ $ 51,580 8,267 $ 3,224 $ 51,580 8,267 3,224 5 - Applicants that have their utilities included in the rent must bring proof of rental agreement stating $$ 9,467 $ 3,691 $ 3,691 56,060 $ 56,060 9,467 6 monthly rental amount, that utilities are included, and CEDA Center for Community Action landlord must be $ 66,540 $$costs $ 4,159 10,667 $ 4,159 66,540 10,667 (Rent 7contact information. Center for Action 53 East 154th St.,CEDA • Harvey , ILCommunity • 708-339-3610 greater than 30% of household gross income for 30 days 53 East 154th St., • Harvey, IL • 708-339-3610 $$ 11,867 $ 4,626 $ 4,626 74,020 11,867 8 prior to application). (LIHEAP PROGRAM ONLY) $ 74,020

South Holland, IL 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


For more information contact: For more information contact: Thornton Township at 708-596-6040 ext. 3183 Thornton Township at 708-596-6040 ext. 3132 *DOCUMENTS TO APPLY: *DOCUMENTS NEEDED NEEDED TO APPLY: *For each additional family member add $467.50 *For each additional family member add $467.50 add $7,480

▪ Proof of Income: ▪

Proof of Income:

add $7,480

Wednesday, November Wednesday, November 4, 2009 4, 2009

Proof from of gross income from all household Proof of gross ▪income all household members for the members for the

Say I saw it in The Shopper

18 October 23, 2013

Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 25-26, 9-2.  18270 Sherman, Lansing.  Estate sale! Collector Norman Rockwell plates/figurines, yarn, sewing, craft, kitchen accessories, luggage, curtains, electronics, costume jewelry. Everything must go. Oct. 25, 9-2; 26th, 9-12.  17916 Walter St., Lansing.  Ho c k e y t a b l e , e l e c t r i c recliner chair, clothes, teen boys & girls, women’s & mens, petite-2XL, printer, toys, videos. Oct. 24-26, 10-4.  1 8 2 3 3 B u r n h a m Av e . , Lansing.  C l o t h e s, v i d e o s, b o o k s, kitchen stuff, Kirby vacuum. Garage in back. Oct. 23rd, 12-3; Oct. 24-25,93.  17537 Roy St., Lansing.  Huge sale! Clothes, adults, boys, infant to size 10, toys, books, videos, strollers, playhouse, household & decorations. Oct. 24-26, 9-2.  3420 Monroe St., Lansing.  Estate sale! Recliner chair, china cabinet, entertainment center, hshld. items, too much to list. Reasonable offers accepted.

Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 26th, 8am-4pm.  Village of Dixmoor  170 W. 145th St., Dixmoor, IL.  2nd garage sale/Flea Market, Set up 6:30 am, $10 slots and $15 for electrical outlets. Clerk’s office 708-389-6121 or 708-396-3333

OCT 25&26 9-3 OCT 27 11-2  ESTATE SALE- 2910 138TH PL. BURNHAM, IL. vintage furniture,beautiful linens,lots of household,jewelry,garden & garage items

Garage Sales in Dyer Garage Sale:  Oc t . 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6 . 9 : 0 0 A M 3:00PM.  at: 222 Buttercup Lane, Dyer, IN.  Lawn Mower & Garden eq. golf eq. Office chairs, Printer, computer desks. Clothes, construction tools, & much more.

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 24-26, 9-4.  7204 Lindberg, Hammond, IN.  Huge sale! Tools, new clothes, new sheets, household items, much more.

Homes For Sale

Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499 Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Ho l l a n d $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 d ow n payment grant. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace, new roof. $204,900 708-596-7761

Internet Edition


Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135

Cemetery Lots For Sale Four grave site Hawthorne section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park $7200 value, asking $6400. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Lansing 2 bdrm, 1 bath, large lvg rm, eat-in-kitchen, newly remodeled, balcony, appliances, hrdwd., laminated floors, laundry, sec. 8 welcome. Prestige Properties R.E. Pros., $950/ mo. Call Melanie 708-7121541 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 2-bdrm. $750mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt . for rent: Lansing , 1-bdrms. from $699-$730, 2-bdrms. from $885-$925. Includes heat, water and cooking gas. No pets. Ask about specials. 708-474-4845

Knowing God in a Strained Economy ANNA M. CAISON Last year I read an article in t he newspaper about a large retail company that experienced a boom in profits yet paid its employees’ minimal wages. This company as well as others plans to cut their workers’ hours so they can get out of complying with the law to provide health insurance for the very people who have made it possible for them to enjoy the wealth that they have. Much of the poverty we have here in the US is caused by corporate greed and disregard for the welfare of its employees. The only thing that keeps me at peace is my faith in the Lord’s perfect care for me. Below is a reprint of a meditation I wrote 5 years ago when I was unemployed. It is just as relevant today as it was then. The Lifter Up of My Head I heard a song on the Worship Net cha n nel by Jocely n Brow n t hat has refreshed my soul these past few weeks. T he a r t i st combi ned a n old hy m n (Leaning on the Everlasting Arms) with the song, “Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus.” The chorus of the song says – Praise the mighty name of Jesus, Praise the Lord the lifter up of my headPraise the Rock of my Salvation, All my days are in His faithful hands. Apts. for Rent: Calumet City, 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant pays gas and electric. $650$775/mo. + security. No pets. Section 8 welcome. 708-5895720 Apt. for rent: South Holland, 2nd floor, very large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water included. Security deposit required. $840/mo. 708-7749100 Apt . for rent: Har vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clean, pay utilities, stove & refrigerator included. Also sleeping room for rent, private bath, free cable $500/mo. 708-596-7514 Apt. for rent: $750, Nice two bedroom apt. in So. Holland. Must pass credit screening, no utilities included. Rent and security required. 312485-5495

L e a n i n g , le a n i n g , le a n i n g on t he Everlasting ArmsL e a n i n g , le a n i n g , le a n i n g on t he Everlasting Arms. I’d been unemployed for 14 months. My unemployment benefits ran out in December (2008). My life from a human viewpoint looks quite bleak. But from the standpoint of the scriptures presented in the song, I, even now; dwell in a place of blessedness. How? My life is in the Faithful Hands of Jesus. Because I trust Him to care for and protect me I can lift my head above my troubles and worship Him. In His love for me He has touched the heart of people around me to share their substance with me. The Lord has given me favor with my landlord, allowing me to keep my apartment for less than what he’s due. He has even sent people to encourage me and stand in prayer with me. And most important-----just as He had taught me the blessedness in graciously giving to others; He has now taught me how to graciously receive from others as receiving from Him. For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.

Apt. for rent: Now renting luxury style apartments & homes. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8/HUD-VA programs/ low income welcome. No security deposit and free utilities specials, laundry h o o k - u p s. A l l c re d i t & background considered. Allied Housing. 708-4018152 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 2-bdrm. Apt. 3rd floor, all electric, $750/mo. + security & credit check. 167th & Wentworth, Calumet City. Available Nov. 15th, no pets. Call. (9am-7pm) 708-8682590 Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 1 & 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551


Trunk or Treat is a safe alternative to Trick or Treat Come and trunk or treat from “car trunk” to “car trunk” in the church parking lot. We are located at 1875 E. 170th St., South Holland, IL Questions, call the church office at 708-474-4043

We Work With: ·Little or NO Equity ·Behind On Payments ·Facing Divorce ·Need Debt Relief Fast ·Already in foreclosure What Do You Have To Lose? Let Us Make You an OFFER On Your House Today!


2 Bedroom Mobile Home in Burnham, IL. Older home in good condition in a quiet community on the river. $1000/down and $100/month for 36 months with good job history. Lot rent is $390/ month. Call 219-7428505. 1 bdrm. Apt. All utilities paid. Appliances included. No pets allowed. Security deposit required. Phone 708-8789052 Apt. for rent: Dolton, Large, 1 b d r m . H e a t , w a t e r, refrigerator, stove and free parking included. $700/mo. $30 application free. 708491-9155 3 bdrm. Apt. in Schererville, deck & garage included. 2-bdrm. Apt. in Schererville. Both have security. Heat and water included. 219-3982791, 219-794-4200 Ha r v e y, I L . Q u i t e Neighborhood, building has only 2 apartments, up & d ow n . 1 s t f l o o r h a s 3 bedrooms, available now, $850/mo. + 1 mo. security. Sec. 8 OK. 708-720-1544 Large studio apt. includes heat, water, cooking gas. Qu i e t b u i l d i n g . Se n i o r s welcome. Bus route, $485 plus security. Available now. 708-895-7855 Ap t . f o r re n t : W h i t i n g remodeled 2nd floor, 3 bed, 1 bath Apt. Walk up attic, basement storage, water included. $725 + security. 708-351-6898

Homes For Rent

Day Beds...............$88 Futon with Pad.....$198 Sofa & Loveseat...$498 Bunk Beds...........$168 Recliners.............$248 Bedroom Sets......$389 Chests..................$66 FREE LAYAWAY E-Z CREDIT • NO CREDIT CHECK

Home for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrm. finished basement, 2-1/2 garage. Some appliances, 1yr. Lease $975/ mo. Plus security deposit. No pets. 219-789-0477 Home for rent: Homewood, 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, 2 car garage, $1900/mo. 630-4395259 Home for rent: 2-bdrms. Small farm house, Glenwood Dyer Rd. Lynwood. Call Jerry. 708-418-8461 H o m e f o r r e n t : G a r y, Indiana. 3-bdrm. house for re n t $ 7 0 0 / m o. Ne w l y remodeled. Call. Mark. 708408-7192

Say I saw it in The Shopper For Rent: 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath 2 story house in Whiting, IN. 2 blocks from Lake Michigan. All appliances & washer/ dryer provided. 1.5 car garage and fenced yard. $795/mo. V i e w a t 1 3 3 4 St a n t o n , Whiting, or online at www. Call Bogs Mgmt. 708-895-1411

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX Calumet City, Hardwood floors, full basement. Tenant pays utilities. Credit Check $1000.00 MO.+ Security, no pets. 708-862-0796

19 October 23, 2013

Pets Pets for sale: Chiwawa puppies, 3 mos. old, very cute & friendly, $175 each firm. 708-646-7028 or 708646-7968 Parakeets for sale. Bred at home. 5 mo. old. 1 green female and 1 blue female. $15 each. 708-299-9000.

Lost & Found Missing kitten answer to the name, Violet. All black & white, paws white, white under her chin. Lost around 144th & Calhoun, Burnham. 708-862-1964

Wanted: Someone possibly in Lynwood or Lansing, that can sew to make waist line longer on pajamas & jeans. 708-474-6525 or 630-2582820 Wanted: Donation of new or gently used toys and Christmas decoration for a church. Call Marva. 708-5013470 Wanted: Remington 870, good or fair condition. 3” mag hunting version. 708625-1509

Internet Edition

Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with long banana seats and high handle bars complete or not and all related parts. Cash paid. 708-987-8641

Wanted: Sister-in-law is in need of twin box frame. Please help if you don’t need yours anymore. God Bless. 708-527-4529

2005 Kia Sportage, silver FWD, 6cyl. tape/cd, AC/PW, sunroof, remote start, garage kept, like new. 55,000 original miles, spotless. 708-955-8952

Wanted: Looking to buy a generator not working to fix. 708-753-0021

Wanted: Automobile old type round headlights, leave msg. 708-837-9814

Wanted: G od has many promises for us especially to be save from eternal donation, seek the Bible daily and find out. 708-527-4529


For sale: 1999 Lexus ES 300 Gold, moon-roof, leather, well kept, 152K, $6,000 obo. 630-926-5443

Wanted: Compound sliding miter chop saw & a stationary 2 inch belt sander/r isk sander. 708-532-8337

Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011

Duplex for rent: So. Holland, 2-bdrm. Finished family room, 1 bath, garage. Ready to move in, $1100/mo. 773632-7210 Condo for rent: Lynwood, Lakeshore Dr. 2-bdrm., 1-3/4 bath, A/C, Balcony. Washer/ Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Fa c i n g L a k e. $ 1 1 0 0 / negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177

Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16th in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text anytime. 219-779-1986

Rooms For Rent


Room for rent: Fully furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544

Wanted: Old beer cans, and old beer can collections. Will buy, trade or sell. 219-8368907

Room for rent: Roommate wanted for house, main level $1,000 includes utilities, Steger, IL. Must have job re f e re n c e a n d s e c u r i t y deposit $200. 708-870-9929

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068

Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Small motor cycle any shape, reasonable price, Mercury pump for power washer, hose and nozzle for power washer 1800 P.S.I. 708474-8221 Wanted: Toro snowblower, model CCR-2000-E. 708-8686988

100% Guaranteed Tune-Up Includes: √ Test for Gas Leaks √ Check Gas Valve √ Clean Burners √ Clean Ignition Assembly √ Clean Interior of Vestibule √ Check Motor

√ Check Fan Bearings √ Check Starting Capability √ Check Air Filters & Flow √ Check for Combustible Materials√ Inspect Flue and Diverter √ Lubricate Moving Parts √ Check Furnace Wiring √ Adjust and Check Pilot √ Check Limit Control √ Check Belt Tension √ Check Thermocouple √ Check Fan Control √ Measure Volts/Amps √ Check All Safety Devices √ Inspect Combustion Chamber √ Check Wiring √ Check Heat Exchanger for Leaks √ And Much More…

Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 1 Po n t i a c Montana Blue with Gray Bottom *Mechanic Special* Great body Engine needs Service. $800 708-946-2309 For sale: 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

20 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Dolton Bears Youth Organization Football Gives Back to Community with Service Activities By: Vivian Ross DBYO has established, "Dolton Bears Give Back Program." Our mission is to not only instruct the fundamentals of football, cheer, and basketball, but to establish a foundation of character traits in our players stressing the importance of being a team player in all aspects of life. The purpose of the program is to show appreciation to our community for their support and give back in the way of service to those in need. We are dedicated to giving back to the community, for the past month the program has traveled through the Dolton, IL area, cutting grass, trees and shrubs, cleaning the grounds and light landscaping for the elderly. Dolton Village Trustee Stan Brown says, "he hasn't felt this good in a long time. It’s a blessing to become a senior and our youth are honored to serve them!� The program will continue through the winter months as well. We are asking the local community, churches, and organizations for their help in identifying those in need. You may contact Trustee Stan Brown at 708.541.2778 for information on enrolling a participant or volunteering.

Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: 1998 Mercur y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309 For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 Liter V8 Runs but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309 For sale: 1905 Grand Prix GT, Charcoal Grey, 135,000 miles, sun-roof $7000/obo. 219-678-2316 1994 GMC Safari Van V-6, air works, auto start, 4 captain seats, 1 bench folds to bed, $1200. 219-677-0017 For sale: 1997 Escort Wagon work car $600; 70cc Honda dirt-bike, low hours, mint $1200; Pelican pedal boot, 4-sitter, $450. 219-689-2399 For sale: 2002 Honda Civic XL, 4 door, black, PS/PB, AC/ PW, new engine, new trans. Exc. condition, very clean, $4,250. Call anytime. Cell. 708-341-1049

21 October 23, 2013

Antiques/Classics For sale: 1930 Ford Model ”A” Coupe with rumble seat, all original, runs great, great for street rod build $16,900. 708-474-0514

Auto Parts For sale: 2-Firestone winter force tires and rims. Size 215/60R16. Only 600 miles on them. $50.00 each. Call after 4pm. 708-474-1029 For sale: P235/75R15 white wall uniroyal used tire, good condition $40. 708-474-6488 For sale: Futura adventurem HT P265/70R17, raised white letter used tire. Great shape. $50. 708-474-6488 For sale: Brand new steel radial tire 165SR15 blackwall two tires $35 each. 708-4746488

For sale: New general grabber AW P255/70R16 Blackwell tire, perfect $60. 708-4746488

Campers/Motorhomes 2011 Keystone, fully self contained, w/slide out, travel trailer. List $24,000 - Asking $11,500. Mint Condition. Must see, Must sell. 708-4740765 Ca m p e r f o r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Coachmen 36” ft. Prosperia, 3-slide outs, 5th wheel trailer, 2-AC’s on top, 14 ft. awning, many extra, 2-30lbs. LP tanks. Asking $12,000. 708448-0295

Trailers Trailer for sale: Blk/Gry mobile concession trailer Dbl axle, 2 propane tnks, 4 sinks, serv window, electricity Call 708-466-8557

Internet Edition

Trailer for sale: 2004 Aerolite CUB Hybrid travel trailer. Ev e r y t h i n g w o r k s w e l l . Asking price $7500, Please call after 5:00 708-895-3517

Trucks Truck for sale: 1993 Ford F-150 Super cab XLT, Lariat styleside 5.0 EFI V-8 engine, electronics, 4-speed, auto transmission. 134,000 miles, $2,200. 219-923-0241




For sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, one owner, silver with black top, good runner. 708-2757122 Sale: 2008 Harley FLTR. Vin #1HD1FR4358Y644648, lienholder: Motorcar Leasing and Sales. Owed: $21,263.47. There’s intent to enforce mechanics lien pursuant to Chapter 770 ILCS 45/1 et seq. and 90/1 et seq. and sale of vehicle Nov. 7, 2013 at 1207 E. 170th St., South Holland.

“Let Me Show You How My 30 Years Experience Will Help”



Info Session: November 4 at 6 p.m.



708-418-4444 MIKEBuder

A Local Christian Businessman

For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista cruiser, good runner, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896 2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon. White, 29,000 original miles. Tape/CD, AC/PW, Remote start, keyless entry. Garage kept. $7,150. Afternoon, Evening. 708-895-2392 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Stk#P2804. 708-891-5400 2004 GMC Envoy, Stk#P2805 $10,992. 708-891-5400 2008 Nissan Altima, Stk#P2807 $14,992. 708-8915400 2007 Lincoln Town Car, Stk#P2814 $14,992. 708-8915400 2011 Jeep Liberty Stk#P2707 $15,992. 708-891-5400


2009 Mercur y Grand Marquis, Stk#P2812 $16,992. 708-891-5400 2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B $27,992. 708891-5400 2011 GMC Acadia Stk#11730A $28,992. 708891-5400

Veterans Day Benefit Fair

2012 Ford Focus SE, Black $15,900. 708-798-1668 2011 Ford Fusion SE, Red Candy metallic tinted, $14,995. 708-798-1668


2005 Ford Escape Limited, silver metallic $10,995. 708798-1668

10am-2pm Thornton Township Hall 333 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL

2003 Ford Escape XLT, Oxford white clearcoat $4,900. 708798-1668 2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, Red $12,500. 708-7981668 2003 Ford F-150 XLT, Black $7,900. 708-798-1668 2006 Ford Five Hundred Limited, Merlot metallic $9,795. 708-798-1668 2 0 1 0 Fo rd Fu s i o n S E L , At l a n t i s Gre e n m e t a l l i c $13,995. 708-798-1668 2001 Ford Super Duty F-250 Super Duty XLT, Toreador red metallic, $8,900. 708-7981668 2008 Ford Taurus Limited, Alloy metallic $10,900. 708798-1668

Thornton Township is hosting a Veterans Benefit Fair to assist veterans with various challenges. Representatives for all various armed forces will be on hand to advise all veterans.

• Life Insurance • Education benefits • Health & life insurance benefits • Home loan guarantees • Burial & Memorial benefits

• Record Keeping • Care givers support/training • Homeless veterans • Federal benefits for veteran dependents and survivors



333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 • TTY 708-596-0408 • 708-596-3207 ext. 3128


Say I saw it in The Shopper

Miscellaneous Items For Sale New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $48/mo., bunkbed w/mattress $56/ mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/ mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/mo., EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 w w w . For sale: Dolls: Holiday Barbie’s, Classic Barbie’s & Porcelain dolls, stuff animals, needle point (hand craft) (Yarn), Art Gallery (pictures), irons, furniture, men’s golf clubs, Xmas decoration, VCR’s, DVD players, Am/Fm radios, ladies and men’s clothing. Something for everyone. 708-474-0743 For sale: Wheel chairs for sale. pride scooter like new 1000.00. quantum 6000 wheel chair very good condition 1900.00 708-3819212 For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478 For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: 64/82x42 claw pedestal, light cherry wood table, with six chairs, compared to new $2000 to $2500. Asking $450. 219-8643052

22 October 23, 2013 For sale: Baby crib paid $120, asking $60; Folder highchair, $15; pack & play, ex. large play pin paid $120 asking $60, all new condition u s e d f o r s i t t i n g w h e re grandparents. Munster 219836-4361 For sale: Baldwin organ $135/obo; Queen boxspring & mattress $65; no frame twin mattress, $20; solid cherry Wilett dress, 80 yrs. old with oval mirror, $200, all best offer. 708-647-6052

For sale: V inyl ver tical blinds: 3-1/2”-slate, outside mount, w/headrail, cord & chain, corner valance, size W: 130” x H: 70” & W:77” x H: 65”, color: Rose $225. 708906-9265 Fo r s a l e : C r e d i t c a r d machine. Chase Paymenttech Verifone VX610. Still in box, never used. Plastic still on. Paid $1000, selling $900/obo. 708-2508227

For sale: Monster high boy dolls in boxes. Holt Hyde and Deuce Gorgon. $35 each. 708-756-0519 For sale: Large stork sign for new arrival babies, $200. 708285-1107 10yr.old lemon tree its 4 ft. high real nice yours for $20.00 no lemons its a real lemon 708-687-4776 For sale: Lawnmower, starts, runs, looks good, $85. 708753-0021

For sale: 2010 Kirby Vacuum cleaner, with all the parts, and shampooer, $650/obo. 708-843-1849 or 708-9604828

2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573

For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w/accessories. Light, 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $300. 708-906-9265

For sale: Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536

For sale: Big men’s clothes, 2X-5X $10-$20; Bedroom furniture, black 3pc. set, 1 yr. old mattress included, $700. 773-610-9689

For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

M T H & We a v e r 3 r a i l OGAUGE TRAINS FORSALE. Premier & Railking, engines & cars call 219-512-5545

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478

wheel chair $135.00 new power chair $? commode $20.00 walker $10.00 708687-4776

For sale: 1950’s cap pistols and rifle, also 1950’s misc. Lionel train cars, and Sherldon silver streak pellet rifle from 1960. 708-687-5344

Two White Armed Chairs $ 2 0 . 0 0 e a ch , Two ch a i r slipcovers$20.00 each, paraffin machine $35.00, Size 4t Cars Jacket New $10.00 708-335-0627

For sale: Kitchen/dining set. Canadel, all wood, round pedestal table, 4-chairs, 18” leave, honey color, and linen. Excellent condition $350. 708-351-3196 For sale: Cabinets new kitchen & bath, colors light dark, extras from large job. South Holland, call for sizes. 708-557-2706 For sale: Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $400; Jeep Cherokee rims, and tires $300. 708-465-8544

For sale: Craftsman 12 inch, thick-less plainer rolling stand. Like new $250/obo. 219-864-0725


Elliptical -Dual Axis Exercise m a c h i n e - b r a n d n e w, i n box(with digital display). contact Sheena 708-933-6334 9am-9pm. $250. For sale: 14 Old silent movies, all new in good condition on reels, $35 all. 708-285-1107 For sale: White bathroom, double bowl, cultured marble top, plus faucets, side splash and soap dish, 67” x 22”, $150 or make offer. 708-285-1107 For sale: Black leather saddle bag for motorcycle. Front handle bar. Exc. condition. Retail $100, asking $45. 815462-6930 For sale: Draw-tit hitch 10,000 lbs, $75; Securtiy light, 8x11 $25; Monitor 17 inch $25; gray water tank 22 gal. wheels, and hitch $45. 708474-8221

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Readers voicing their opinions, thoughts and concerns


I agree regarding people blowing stop signs. I live in Lansing and constantly see cars going through the stop signs. The police need to hide by the schools or churches to get these law breakers! Speak Out is your chance to express your opinion, anonymously. You can e-mail us at Please keep your comments as short as possible. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the author.

If you like reading Speak Out, check out Speak Out Online for many more postings.

2 cherry finish end tables and 1 glass cherry finish coffee table. Exc Cond like new $100ea Call 219-308-5442 30” white vanity with top and faucet (Glacier Bay). $45. 708-418-5096.

Ping Pong table and pads $10.00. 708-474-8071. Dyer- Window Treatment 62î-72î Med Blue: Valance 78w”x10îx 5.5d”; Panels 68”L w/Traverse rod, Bedspread/ Shams $50. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182 Dyer- Pict/Window Trmt 98” R o s e ; S w o o p Va l a n c e 104”Lx9.5”d; Panels & sheers 84”w/2 Traverse rods $75 Pics text or email; Tom2195885182 Dyer- Window Treatment 62”-72” Pleated Muted Green Valance 78w”x10îx 5.5d”, Panels 68”L w/Traverse rod. $35. Pics text or email; Tom2195885182

We Gladly Welcome

All Former Komo’s Customers

Internet Edition

The “Real Life” Real Estate Column

Sell your home in 7 days with a mortgage takeover...GUARANTEED! ARTHUR V. VEAL IV My company tries to purchase a n average of 3 homes per month. One of the ways we purchase property is by completing a mortgage takeover. I get so many questions about how this works I thought I might give some general information on how they work a nd w ho i s be st su ite d for a mor t g a ge takeover. A mortgage ta keover is w hen a buyer t a kes over the mortgage that is already on a home. The seller or original borrower will stay on the mortgage but will no longer make the payments. So why would anyone do something so r isk y? Let’s look at t he facts. Mor t g a ge t a ke over s a l low a sel ler to sel l immediately usua lly within 7 days. When done with a competent buyer mortgage ta keovers a re less risk y t han renting, they work great for a family that needs to relocate or facing divorce. Mortgage takeovers are also good for a seller with a newer home that has little or no equity. The house wont sit on the market for months and months and you don’t have to do 20 showings just to find out the person who ma kes an offer on your house can’t qualify for a loan. Mor t g a ge t a ke over s work especially well for sellers who need to sell Dyer- Selmer Flute, Music Stand, Metronome, Quinlan & Fabish Book 1, sheet music, a n d t o t e b a g ; $ 7 5 To m 2195885182

now and have little or no equity. Our company can BUY a house for roughly t he s a me d i sc ou nt on price that a seller would pay a realtor. The main difference is that we BUY versus a rea ltor who is just trying to find a buyer. Many people think that we need to buy a house that is extremely discounted and that is not always true. So what happens if the seller doesn’t pay? That is t he exact reason you want to deal with a stable company. The mortgage ta keover technique has been around for a very long time and their are a lot of fly by night investors who claim they do mortgage takeovers but they really a re t r y i ng a tech n ique that they heard about. An e x p e r i e n c e d c om p a n y w ill have a portfolio of properties and some cash reserves to make payments if there is a problem. L ea r n more about selling your house quickly by v i sit i ng ou r site at and see if a mortgage takeover is right for you. Until next week... Art Veal is managing partner of We Buy Houses Home Ser v ices LLC. They specia li ze in buy ing properties w ith little or n o e q u i t y, p r o p e r t i e s facing foreclosure, a nd properties that can’t sell. Get more information at Dyer- 3 Beautiful Pecan bookcases/secretary, $200: 74îH x 30îW x 17îD; or separate. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182

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Info Session: November 4 at 6 p.m.


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Well, why don’t you announce it in The Shopper and in return we will publish it on The Shopper website

Say I saw it in The Shopper

23 October 23, 2013

Wartime Remembrances

Treasured Letters From The Past MARJORIE ALICE DEVRIES I wonder how shocked all those W W II soldiers were, when they returned home to find six million homema kers were now part of the workforce. Did they still expect to find dinner on the table at five o’clock? And what about those prewar, delectable lunch sandwiches they missed? Did they still expect them to be handmade with love? Sg t. Rober t Buetow was sure to clarify a few t hings upon his return home from war. He was part of the 54th Armored Field Artillery Battalion stationed in Germany. His wife, Lu, tended to a job back home in Chicago. Friday, June 1, 1945 My adorable darling, This turned out to be a pretty good day for me. I always find life much brighter on days when I hear from you, honey. You’re certainly having a lot of decorating done, but I ’m a f ra i d y ou’re working too hard. Save your strength until I get home, becau se when I arrive you’re going to need it! Keep on hoping that we’ll be together on our next anniversary, darling, ‘cause I’m hoping to be home long before that happens. Honey, you said one thing in your letter from the twenty-first that I didn’t

quite understand. You said that when I came home you’d “try to get a little time off from work” so we could go away together “for a little while.” Don’t forget about the week we’re going to spend in Hershey, and I also want to spend some time at home with you also. How about that, sweetheart? I certainly wouldn’t be satisfied with just a couple of days and I know you wouldn’t be either. After all, darling, we’ve got to make up for a lot of lost time. Don’t you think so? It shouldn’t be too long before I have a better idea of just what’s in store for me. Regardless of what happens, it shouldn’t be more than a few months at the very most before I’m back home with you, and maybe for keeps. It’s time to sign off now, precious, so here’s all my love and kisses heading straight to you from Your adoring hubby, Bob Marjorie Alice DeVries is a f reela nce w r iter devoted to sha ring t he priceless treasure of war letters, each one a unique w indow into a life that once was. Visit: w w w. t r e a s u r e d l e t t e r s f r omt hepa to f i nd out more, or w r ite to : Ma r jor ie DeVr ies, 948 Killarney Drive, Dyer, IN 46311.

Curling Bar/2 Dumbell Bars/ Weights Seperate/Plastic & Steel. 50LBS.$75.00..312-7719575.. Lansing,IL. Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne 12 5-piece place settings in excellent used condition. Dinner plate, salad plate, bowl, cup & saucer. $50.00 474-3042 For Sale: Vintage billard ball set, $30. Fingertip resin bowling balls, 60 to choose from. $20-$40 each. 708-4745679 F o r S a l e : To r o S - 2 0 0 Snowblower. Be ready for winter. $150. 708-474-5679 For Sale: Landscape materials: red brick pavers 20 cents each, plastic edging, treated 2x4, 4x4’s, tree wrap, concrete blocks. 708-4745679 ive got a garage full no more garage sells for me must go 200.00 0r 708- 687 4776 For Sale! 26” mountainn bike Like new $50.00 708-7047702 beer can collection, approximately 100. South Chicago Heights. 708-7540462 or leave message. 5 PIECE WOOD LAMINATE K I TC H E N S E T. B ROW N VINYL CHAIRS ON WHEELS. ONE CHAIR HAS SLIT IN SEAT $50.00 708-672-7178 two story wooden ladder excellent condition $60.00 708-672-7178 Oak Table with 6 chairs. Table expands to 6 ft. $250 708528-2300 Computer Hutch, cream color. 54”H, 24”D, 42”W. $200 708-528-2300


Dyer- Amana Refridgerator 17.9cu.ft./Freezer (on top) 13.1cu.ft. very good condition; $250. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182

Furnace, Boiler Repair and Installation Air Conditioner Repair and Installation

For sale: Assorted womens winter coats, in exc. cond. size L. $8; Assorted men’s and women’s clothing size, M & L. $1.50. 708-641-2691

For sale: 2-refrigerators, 1-double door $200, other smaller w/freezer on top, $100; tools, especially yard tools. 773-617-2909

Wall Pictures/Glass Covers/ Nice Frames/Sizes Vary.. $5.00-$15.00 EA.. 312-7719575. Lansing, IL.

Si d e by Si d e Fr i g i d a re Refrigerator, 26 cu.ft. $250. 708-528-2300

Dyer- Whirlpool Dishwasher $50: light use by retiree, good condition, upgrade victim; Pics text or email; Tom2195885182

Suitcase, Large (30”x21”x11”) soft, black expandable. Like new. $30. 708-895-6559

For sale: 2-mens leather jackets, 1-deep dark brown, size X-large, perfect condition $50; 1-black size large, good condition $40. 815-462-6930

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For sale: Ladies pacific trail winter jacket w/zip out lining, size medium. Pristine condition $8. 815-463-0345

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Internet Edition

For sale: Nails: 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” roofing 50lbs. 1-1/2”, drywall 50lbs 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711 For sale: Accumulator and evaporator for S10 Blazer $50. 708-210-1711 Boys size 2 black hockey skates. Brand new! $35.00 or best offer. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com 219-776-9891 Dyer, IN New youth roller blades. Youth sizes1-4; adjustable. B l u e & s i l v e r. $ 4 0 . 0 0 ., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN L i k e n e w Ve r a B r a d l e y h i p s t e r. D o o d l e D a i s y pattern. Adjustable strap. 10”w x 11” t. $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891. Dyer,IN. 1966 Francie/Casey doll case. Empty. Pretty good shape. 2 inside pockets & drawers & doll areas. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com, 219-776-9891. Dyer, IN 1970 Barbie Country Camper w/tent, table, 2 stools & 2 sleeping bags. Good condition $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer,IN 2 antique brass table lamps w/f ro st ed gla ss sh a des. Approx. 23” tall. $40.00 pair. Good condition. ldgtreke4@, 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN 1971 Dawn & friends doll case, dolls, clothes, etc. Good condition. $85.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN 1960’s Ideal Toy Co. 2 Tammy dolls, clothes, accessories. Good condition. $125.00 or b/o. 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN. Cherry veneer round coffee table 19”h x 42”d & 2 end tables 23”h x 28”d. Glass tops. $225.00. 219-776-9891,

Cedar chest. 42”w x 19”d x 18 1/2”t. No key. On rollers. Pretty good shape. $100.00. 219-776-9891, ldgtreke4@ Dyer, IN Recliner-Tan Color-Excellent Condition-$110 Table LampUnique-Graystone Base-$40 Call 312-520-4698 cell Lansing Area For sale: two dining room chairs $20 each; 2 new chair slip covers $25 each; Pa ra s o n e m a c h i n e $ 3 5 ; stereo cabinet $40. 708-3350627 Upright Freezer - works very well clean in good shape ... Older model but dependable asking 125.00 call 708-2884324 ROCKING CHAIR, WOOD, GOOD CONDITION $45.00 312-758-3970 SAMSUNG 52” T.V. GREAT CONDITION....BEST OFFER 312-758-3970 For sale: Laptop mini, good battery, wireless Windows 7, webcam $125. 708-268-7075 For sale: Treadmill ProForm brand midsize, mint condition, hardly used, power incline, 2 yrs. old $350 obo. 708-877-6860 For sale: Lawn Boy lawn mower, self propelled, like new, must see $150. Dyer. 219-322-7332 For sale: I’m selling the rest of my “Mary Kay” products, cologne, makeup, gift sets at great prices. Call me to see if I have what you need. Crissy. 708-601-3206 For sale: Children’s high chair (tan & green) $25; 2 exersaucers (Baby Einstein) $10 each; stroller (navy blue) $10; Fisher Price riding musical horse $10. 708-5132834

For sale: Wooden table & 2 chairs, $15; Graco carrier & port (grey & pink) $20 all. 708-513-2834 For sale: Lots of outdoor toys!! Playhouse $20; tugboat sandbox $20; turtle sandbox $10; swingset, trampoline, ride-on toys, and much more. Call. 708-474-0467 For sale: Wall to wall carpet. Exc. condition. Blue color. A bargain at $20. Lansing. 708474-1584 For sale: West bend 12-30 cup coffee maker $20 ; VHS tape Grumpy Old Men, Men in Black $1 each; Milwaukee heat gun $10. 708-895-3250 For sale: Panasonic movie AFX8VHS HD camera with accessories and case $30; tripod projector screen $5; measuring wheel 12” wheel diameter $10. 708-895-3250 For sale: 18 inch turkey plater $9; 14 inch fiber optic angle with harp $8; 16 inch talking Xmas tree $7. 219-836-8505 For sale: Multi-color Xmas lights 100 add a set $2.50 each; new 100 light icicle add a set new $3. 219-836-8505 For sale: Ladies hooded jacket, nice size XL, $15; new twin portable airbed, $29; 1949-50 Ford trunk lid, $150; guitar amp, $65. 708-4608308 For sale: Oak kitchen table with four capt. chair, caster wheels, $250; college dorm small refrig. $40; manual miter saw $15. 708-889-0350 For sale: 2 black saddle Australian pads; Bear backpad, large burgundy winter blanket, great condition. $80 for all. 708426-3907 For sale: Gas lawn mower Murray starts on one pull $65; Daydo saw blade $15. 708-460-5001

NWI Comic-Con Pre-Show Event



THIS SATURDAY OCTOBER 26, 2013 at Grindhouse Cafe

146 N Broad St, Griffith, IN 46319

FREE COMICS* & HALLOWEEN GOODIE BAGS (While supplies last) 2:00pm - 5:00pm


We will be excepting both monetary & drop-off donations for the following local charities: • Goodwill Industries of Northwest Indiana, Inc. • Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids Foundation (NICK) • Humane Society Calumet Area • Food Bank of Northwest Indiana • Come and meet the 2014 NWI Comic-Con organizer Brian Grabinski. • Come and greet ‘Upir and the Monster Gang’ creators Sharron & Raymond Thornton. • Come and see local Anime artist Sanzaki Kojika.

Food & Drink Specials available at the Grindhouse Cafe!

Costumes are strongly encouraged but not required. *Free Comics provided Creative Comics & Games BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE 2014 NWI COMIC-CON

Say I saw it in The Shopper

24 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Autumn Fest Receives Rave Reviews By Cindy Cruz Lansing’s Second Annual Autumn Fest brought the community together during a three-day family friendly event that featured a variety of music, arts and crafts and a marketplace, children’s activities, a military tribute day, chili cook-off, and vintage baseball game. Organizers said the event lived up to its theme “Bringing Hometown Back to Lansing.” Sunday’s festiv ities bega n w it h a milita r y tribute featuring recognition of those who are serving or have served, those groups who help veterans and their families and a remembrance of those lost. Georgette Frank whose son Lance Corporal Phillip Frank who served in the U.S. Marines and was killed in action in 2004 spoke about the importance of helping our veterans. She and her husband Roy, formed The Heart of a Marine Foundation to honor their son. “We are here to assist veterans in any way we can,” Georgette Frank said. The foundation offers many services including an Aphasia Project which provides TBI (traumatic brain injury) rehabilitation software and state of the art computer programs to Level 1 poly trauma centers and veterans hospitals, the Walking Tall Project to provide donated ergonomic canes that fit into the palm of the hand. To date they have donated more than 7,000 canes to veterans. In addition, they have partnered with the Eddie Beard Home for Homeless Veterans which offers educational opportunities and job training in addition to housing. “There are holes and gaps in our system and we are like the putty and the glue,” Mrs. Frank said. “We are just doing what our son did all of his life.” For more information on the foundation visit Autumn Fest received rave reviews from the community. Lansing resident Tom Fremault brought his family said it is truly a family friendly event that is priced just right. Next year he might enter the chili cook-off since he is an awardwinning cook. Orlando Goodall of South Holland came to the fest with his two year-old grandson Isaiah. He loves outdoor events and spending time with his grandson is an extra-added bonus. Goodall enjoyed the military tribute. He served in the Nav y as have many members of his family and said the tribute means a lot. “It’s great to see Lansing and the surrounding communities offering such events. The festival featured local talent including Lansing resident Cody Provenzano on acoustic guitar The Visible Music College made its debut in Lansing with several performances during the fest. Joellyn Kelley, vice president of t he L a n si ng A ssociat ion for Com mu n it y Event s (L.A.C.E.) said the Christian-based college is in the process of relocating to Lansing. They will be bringing 100 young people from across the country into Lansing to learn various types of music.“It is really an interesting concept and a great addition to Lansing,” she said. They will be located in the old chamber of commerce building which they recently renovated. One of Bob VanRamshorst’s favorite events was tasting all of the different varieties of chili entered in the cook-off. “We had perfect weather and a great group of people for Autumn Fest. It provided the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new friends at a terrific community event,” he said.



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Kelley said the chili cook-off was expanded to include a public tasting wh ich proved to be qu ite popu la r and added a People’s Choice Award. Competition was stif f among t hose entering the contest. Bob Orzel thought he had a good shot at winning with his own hot chili with several meats, beans, and chili peppers. Lansing resident Dia ne Costel lo was a lso con f ident because her chicken chili had taken first place at other events. In the end neither emerged victorious. Winners were 1st Place – CSI Chili - Debra Hunt from Markham, 2nd Place – Nachermama’s Chili - Paul Gliwa, and 3rd Place – Bolz . The People’s Choice Award was presented to Chili Willie by Bill Wild. Autumn Fest originated from the vision of four women who desired to bring their community together through an annual celebration. The participation of non-prof it agencies, civ ic organizations, businesses, churches, and residents resulted in the formation Rachael’s Viske’s balloon creations were (L.A.C.E.), a non-profit organization popular with children attending Autumn dedicated solely to the betterment of the Fest. ____________________________ Village of Lansing which sponsored the event.

Need Food? Need Clothes?

Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.


20 $


Members of Lansing Veterans Memorial Ceremonial Honor Guard posted colors for the military tribute program at Lansing Autumn Fest.

Catholic Charities

7000 FREE Dryer Vent Cleaning

ROTO BRUSH Unlimited Registers Single Furnace Home

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16100 Seton Drive South Holland

Crete Evangelism Committee invites you and your family to our Reformation Day lecture to be held on Reformation Day, October 31, at Crete P.R.C. Church at 7:00 p.m., D.V. Mr. Joshua Engelsma, fourth year student of our Protestant Reformed Seminary who is currently interning at Peace P.R.C., will speak on “Simon van Velzen: Watchman on the Walls of God’s Zion.” We invite you to join us as we celebrate Reformation Day.

Crete Protestant Reformed Church 1777 E. Richton Rd. Crete, IL 60417

For sale: Laminate flooring, multilook collection 3 boxed $30; Duro heat portable kerosene heater $50 like new. 708-474-9331 For sale: Mink coat, dark ranch, older, medium/large, exc. condition $200. 708-6710376 For sale: Craftsman one horsepower dual cylinder, 100 PSI air compressor $90. 708-268-3915 For sale: 36 inch Tashiba tube TV with remote, excellent condition, perfect for garage or spare room, $50 obo. 708420-6660 For sale: Tan couch and love seat, good condition $50 obo. For both. 708-420-6660 For sale: Dining room light fixture $10. 708-333-9225 For sale: Two dozen canning jars $8. 708-333-9225



1040 E. 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473 708-333-8030 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00AM - 7:00PM Sat. 7:00AM-6:00PM

L a n s i n g r e s i d e nt C o d y P r o v e n z a n o entertained the crowd on his acoustic guitar. ____________________________

For sale: Delsy black suitcase 21x27 w/wheels. 708-3339225 For sale: Christmas tree, exc. cond. 7 foot tall, paid $300 from Sales $50/obo. 708-4206660 For sale: Whirlpool washer/ dryer, good cond. $125, will separate, 10 yrs. old. Dyer. 219-322-3183 For sale: 2007 HHR floor mats rear view mirror, owner manual, front license plate bracket $75. 219-365-9256 For sale:Wilson golf clubs, blackjack oversize stainless pro-belet irons, #3to9 master putter, 3 drivers pull cart, bagboy, like new $100. 219365-9256 For sale: Coors light beer sign with clock 13”x2’ long lighted $30; hot rod magzine clock, black with flames 10” round $10. 219-365-9256


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only $1.35 each

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

25 October 23, 2013

The Reviewer

If you are a fan of action flicks like ‘The Rock’ or even ‘Tango & Cash’, then I think ‘Escape Plan’ is at least worth checking out at a bargain matinee...


Escape Plan (2013) R - 116 m in - Act ion | Myster y | Th r i l ler - 18 October 2013 (USA) SY NOPSIS : W hen a st r uc t u ra l-sec u r it y authorit y finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world’s most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside. REVIEW: Stallone and S c hw a r z ene g ger t e a m up in the prison buddy movie, ‘Escape Plan’ from Summit Entertainment. Is this the ultimate team up by the top 80’s action stars or will you rather take a Bullet to the Head while making your Last Stand? Ray Breslin is a master of escaping from ma x imum securit y prisons. He literally wrote the book that is used by the Bureau of Prisons to design new facilities and test old ones. Ray and his team are hired to insert him into a jail and figure out how to brea k out. Ray has figured out you only need t hree t hings in order to escape: Learn the layout, memorize the routine, a nd have help whether it’s from inside or out. The abduction goes off, and Ray finds h i msel f i nside t he a g la ss ca se su r rou nded by high profile criminals t hat cou nt r ies wa nt i nca rcerated, usua l ly w it hout a t r ia l. Ray already feeling he is over head w it h t h is pr ison, he requests to see t he warden to give the evac

code. The warden, who is different than who he was told he was, laughs at the idea that a number will free Ray. Ray now knows he has been set up by an unknown party. Within the prison he now knows he needs help, so he reluctantly makes friends with a guy by the name of Emil Rottmayer who introduces himself as a guy who can provide favors. Now, I a m a hu ge fan of the action movies s t a r r i ng St a l lone a nd Schwarzenegger. Those t wo men’s mov ies have l itera l ly made bi l l ions of dol l a r s at t he b ox office because of movies like ‘Rock y’, ‘Predator’, ‘Ra mbo’, ‘Com ma ndo’, and ‘The Terminator’ just to name a few. In the 80’s it would have been unheard of to see these two action s t a r s s h a r e t he s a me screentime. Originally titled “ T h e To m b ”, E s c a p e Pla n was rea l ly f un b e c au s e St a l lone a nd Schwarzenegger worked extremely well together. They didn’t seem to try to over act each other or steal each ot her’s spot l ig ht. They complimented each other’s performances like you see in other buddy flicks. T here were a lot of mediocre action movies t h is yea r, but ‘Esc ape Pla n’ r ises above a lot of t hem. St a l lone a nd Schwarzenegger worked great toget her even t houg h t he plot was a bit far fetched. This is an entertaining movie that just allows you to escape reality and have a great time. It’s not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than ‘Bullet to the Head’ and ‘The Last Stand’. If you are a fan of action flicks like ‘The Rock’ or even ‘Tango & Ca sh’, t hen I t h i n k ‘Escape Plan’ is at least worth checking out at a bargain matinee.

For sale: Skigear medium youth Yamaha jacket $50; two smb Yamaha bibs $50; boots 7&8 $40, large Fox jacket $40. 219-365-9256

For sale: RCA 20” color TVE $40; Buffet 62”x30x’x49” $25; plastic pipe .25 cent per ft. Diving board Free. 219-3658458

For sale: Sauder computer desk with hutch 48” wide 59” high $45, exc. cond. 219-8652195

For sale: 2 ton chain fall $100; 4 ton chain fall $200; 6 ton chain fall $250; one dumper $200. So. Holland. 708-5572706

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - PROBATE DIVISION Estate of: DONNA L. RICKHOFF, No. 2012 P 005857 Deceased. CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given to creditors of the death of Donna L. Rickhoff. Letters of Office were issued to JOHN RICKHOFF and ANTHONY RICKHOFF,, 1467 Broadway, Blue Island, Illinois 60406, whose Attorney of Record is Dirk Van Beek, 7220 West 194th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60487. Claims against the Estate may be filed in the Circuit Clerk’s Office, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602, or with the representative, or both, on or before the 9th day of April, 2014, or

For sale: 4-775x15 tires and rims $120. 708-333-1490 Leave msg. 708-333-1490 For sale: Wheelchair $35; 14” alum. ladder $30; 10” table saw $40; Sears 5.5 push mower $50; 18” electric push mower $50. 708-758-5923 For sale: Dining room set, bedroom set, best offer. Call. 7087-333-1490 leave msg. For sale: Women’s black leather jacket large $50; fake fur coat, size 16 $50. 708-8776157 For sale: Games new never opened Candyland, Chutes & ladders $5 each; small book case $12. 708-877-6157 For sale: Analog TV’s 19” RCA no remote $20; Zenith 13: w/ remote $30 both work good w/converter boxes. 708-8776157 For sale: Women’s clothing s-3x, shoes 9-91/2ww, $5$10; men’s shires $2; ties $2; winter jackets $10; scarves $2; hats $2. 708-877-6157 For sale: Elevated toilet seat with safety bars, locks on toilet used 2x paid $80 asking $40. 708-877-6157 For sale: Chain saw 18” like new $125; armstrong receding pipe threader $45; grass edger electric B&D $25l 3 HP grass edger $25. 708271-0387 For sale: 10 gal western crock $80; 5 gal. western crock $70. 708-271-0387

Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479, 219-865-6044

Automotive Services

Buying junk GM/Chevy cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075

For sale: Womens Harley Davidson chaps, size medium $100. 708-889-0579

if mailing or delivery of a Notice from the Representative is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3, the date stated in that Notice. Any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the Representative and to the Attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filed. JOHN RICKHOFF and ANTHONY RICKHOFF Independent Co-Executors of the Estate of Donna L. Rickhoff, Deceased DIRK VAN BEEK 7220 West 194th Street Tinley Park, Illinois 60487 (815) 806-2110

Internet Edition

Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid


Ce ram i c an d glas s t i le design and installation, k i t c h e n s, b a t h s, f l o o r s, anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492

Chimney Repair

Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295

Handyman Services Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

Computer Sales/ Repair

P&P Handyman All Rehab, Plumbing, sewer, rod out, catch. Basin cleaning, e l e c t r i c a l , c a r p e n t r y, demolition, roofing, painting, plastering, and more. Call Leon. 773-4191304

Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192 Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523

Day Care D a y C a r e : 2 4 / 7 Ho m e Daycare Located in Hammond off 165th Street ONLY $80 PER WEEK CALL NISHA 219-937-7294 In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .

FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.

16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473

Hammer Toes

Hammer toes are actually a curling of the toes. Sometimes these are flexible and can be straightened with manipulation, or fixed which means they are always curled with arthritic changes that don’t allow straightening. Many times corns are found on the tops of these toes. Surgery can be performed to straighten these toes or occasional trimming of the corns can alleviate some of the pain. If you have any questions concerning hammer toes or any other problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.


Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, will help assist with snow removal, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-271-2552 Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354


Ceramic Tile

On a scale of 1-10, I give this one a 8.5 My 2¢ -B

You can read more of my reviews online at:

For sale: Two drawer wood grain file cabinet $20 black swivel office chair $30 both in exc. cond. 219-865-2195

For sale: Craftsman scroll saw 13” used twice $25; 4 German beer mugs $10, for all. Folding golf cart $3. 708758-5715

Health & Beauty H e a l t h : I f Yo u W e r e Diagnosed with bladder cancer and used the type 2 diabetes drug ACTOS between 2000-the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800535-5727

Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450

Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re - g l aze w i n d ow s, s t r i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241

Pet Care Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne an d all , h e re’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

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924 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL 708.333.0773

Say I saw it in The Shopper

26 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Collectibles crafts TIMES GONE BY


Estate Sales/Cleanouts/Buyouts

Top $ for coins, Gold, Silver & Jewelry We purchase single items to entire estates



Sisters in Christ

Trash to Treasures!

Saturday, November 2, 2013 • 8am - 4pm

Free Admission • Continental Breakfast & Lunch Special Guests

• Deborah Ross • Candy LaFlora • Michele Posey

Calvary Community Church 16341 South Park Ave, South Holland

Register at • Or call 708-339-1133

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Sealcoating & Blacktop All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566

Help Wanted O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999 Help Wanted: Home Day Care Assistants needed, Must have your own t ra n s p o r t a t i o n . Mo n d a y through Friday Day/Evening positions available. Non smoking. Please Call. 708935-2794 Help Wanted: Maintenance: Looking for full & par t time handymen for general maintenance work. Send resume or contact Resource Management 1101 Sheffield, Dyer Help Wanted: Experience persons for braids, massage, skin care, facial, manicurist, pedicure, waxing, barber, eye lashes. Rent space weekly. Lansing Boutique. 708-8891125 or 708-465-4111 Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225

Garage Sales in South Holland October 26, 10-4.  1161 East 165th Street, South Holland 60473  Men & Women Clothing, L a d i e s S c r u b s , Fo r m a l Dresses & Shoes, Kids Toys, Baby & Household Items, Books, and Much More! Great Prices! Saturday, October 26, 7-3,  2031 E 171st Ct . South Holland,  trendy quality clothing for the whole family,toys, office supplies, furniture,holiday section Oct. 25-26, 9-5.  15515 Woodlawn East, So. Holland.  Household, coats, electronics, toys, etc. ladies clothes, jewelry, children clothes.

Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 26-27,10-2.  546 Saginaw Ave., Calumet City.  Household items,outdoor furniture, clothing, books, movies & much more.

Alison’s Arts & Crafts 2817 Jewett Ave. e Downtown Booth Spac ble Highland Still Availa 219-791-3983 (After 10:00 a.m.) Oct. 23rd, 12-3; Oct. 24-25,93.  17537 Roy St., Lansing.  Huge sale! Clothes, adults, boys, infant to size 10, toys, books, videos, strollers, playhouse, household & decorations. Oct. 24-26, 9-2.  3420 Monroe St., Lansing.  Estate sale! Recliner chair, china cabinet, entertainment center, hshld. items, too much to list. Reasonable offers accepted.

Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 26th, 8am-4pm.  Village of Dixmoor  170 W. 145th St., Dixmoor, IL.  2nd garage sale/Flea Market, Set up 6:30 am, $10 slots and $15 for electrical outlets. Clerk’s office 708-389-6121 or 708-396-3333 OCT 25&26 9-3 OCT 27 11-2  ESTATE SALE- 2910 138TH PL. BURNHAM, IL. vintage furniture,beautiful linens,lots of household,jewelry,garden & garage items

Garage Sales in Dyer Garage Sale:  Oc t . 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6 . 9 : 0 0 A M 3:00PM.  at: 222 Buttercup Lane, Dyer, IN.  Lawn Mower & Garden eq. golf eq. Office chairs, Printer, computer desks. Clothes, construction tools, & much more.

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 24-26, 9-4.  7204 Lindberg, Hammond, IN.  Huge sale! Tools, new clothes, new sheets, household items, much more.

Homes For Sale

Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 25-26, 9-2.  18270 Sherman, Lansing.  Estate sale! Collector Norman Rockwell plates/figurines, yarn, sewing, craft, kitchen accessories, luggage, curtains, electronics, costume jewelry. Everything must go. Oct. 25, 9-2; 26th, 9-12.  17916 Walter St., Lansing.  Ho c k e y t a b l e , e l e c t r i c recliner chair, clothes, teen boys & girls, women’s & mens, petite-2XL, printer, toys, videos. Oct. 24-26, 10-4.  1 8 2 3 3 B u r n h a m Av e . , Lansing.  C l o t h e s, v i d e o s, b o o k s, kitchen stuff, Kirby vacuum. Garage in back.

Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499 Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Ho l l a n d $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 d ow n payment grant. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace, new roof. $204,900 708-596-7761

Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135

Cemetery Lots For Sale Four grave site Hawthorne section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park $7200 value, asking $6400. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Lansing 2 bdrm, 1 bath, large lvg rm, eat-in-kitchen, newly remodeled, balcony, appliances, hrdwd., laminated floors, laundry, sec. 8 welcome. Prestige Properties R.E. Pros., $950/ mo. Call Melanie 708-7121541 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 2-bdrm. $750mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt . for rent: Lansing , 1-bdrms. from $699-$730, 2-bdrms. from $885-$925. Includes heat, water and cooking gas. No pets. Ask about specials. 708-474-4845 Apts. for Rent: Calumet City, 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant pays gas and electric. $650$775/mo. + security. No pets. Section 8 welcome. 708-5895720 Apt. for rent: South Holland, 2nd floor, very large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water included. Security deposit required. $840/mo. 708-7749100 Apt . for rent: Har vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clean, pay utilities, stove & refrigerator included. Also sleeping room for rent, private bath, free cable $500/mo. 708-596-7514 Apt. for rent: $750, Nice two bedroom apt. in So. Holland. Must pass credit screening, no utilities included. Rent and security required. 312485-5495

Riverdale Park District Community Flea Market!!!

Time to clean out those closets and attics and join us at the

Saturday Flea Market October 26, 2013

Riverdale Park District | 220 W. 137th St. Indoors • Everyone Invited • 9:00am-3:00pm We speak Spanish ¡Sí, Hablo Español! Vendor Space $25 (Bring Own Table) For more information, call 708-821-5704 or email

Apt. for rent: Now renting luxury style apartments & homes. Chicago/Suburbs, Sec. 8/HUD-VA programs/ low income welcome. No security deposit and free utilities specials, laundry h o o k - u p s. A l l c re d i t & background considered. Allied Housing. 708-4018152 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 2-bdrm. Apt. 3rd floor, all electric, $750/mo. + security & credit check. 167th & Wentworth, Calumet City. Available Nov. 15th, no pets. Call. (9am-7pm) 708-8682590 Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 1 & 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551

2 Bedroom Mobile Home in Burnham, IL. Older home in good condition in a quiet community on the river. $1000/down and $100/month for 36 months with good job history. Lot rent is $390/ month. Call 219-7428505. 1 bdrm. Apt. All utilities paid. Appliances included. No pets allowed. Security deposit required. Phone 708-8789052 Apt. for rent: Dolton, Large, 1 b d r m . H e a t , w a t e r, refrigerator, stove and free parking included. $700/mo. $30 application free. 708491-9155 3 bdrm. Apt. in Schererville, deck & garage included. 2-bdrm. Apt. in Schererville. Both have security. Heat and water included. 219-3982791, 219-794-4200 Ha r v e y, I L . Q u i t e Neighborhood, building has only 2 apartments, up & d ow n . 1 s t f l o o r h a s 3 bedrooms, available now, $850/mo. + 1 mo. security. Sec. 8 OK. 708-720-1544 Large studio apt. includes heat, water, cooking gas. Qu i e t b u i l d i n g . Se n i o r s welcome. Bus route, $485 plus security. Available now. 708-895-7855 Ap t . f o r re n t : W h i t i n g remodeled 2nd floor, 3 bed, 1 bath Apt. Walk up attic, basement storage, water included. $725 + security. 708-351-6898

Homes For Rent Home for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrm. finished basement, 2-1/2 garage. Some appliances, 1yr. Lease $975/ mo. Plus security deposit. No pets. 219-789-0477 Home for rent: Homewood, 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, 2 car garage, $1900/mo. 630-4395259

Home for rent: 2-bdrms. Small farm house, Glenwood Dyer Rd. Lynwood. Call Jerry. 708-418-8461 H o m e f o r r e n t : G a r y, Indiana. 3-bdrm. house for re n t $ 7 0 0 / m o. Ne w l y remodeled. Call. Mark. 708408-7192 For Rent: 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath 2 story house in Whiting, IN. 2 blocks from Lake Michigan. All appliances & washer/ dryer provided. 1.5 car garage and fenced yard. $795/mo. V i e w a t 1 3 3 4 St a n t o n , Whiting, or online at www. Call Bogs Mgmt. 708-895-1411

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX Calumet City, Hardwood floors, full basement. Tenant pays utilities. Credit Check $1000.00 MO.+ Security, no pets. 708-862-0796 Duplex for rent: So. Holland, 2-bdrm. Finished family room, 1 bath, garage. Ready to move in, $1100/mo. 773632-7210 Condo for rent: Lynwood, Lakeshore Dr. 2-bdrm., 1-3/4 bath, A/C, Balcony. Washer/ Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Fa c i n g L a k e. $ 1 1 0 0 / negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177

Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Fully furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544 Room for rent: Roommate wanted for house, main level $1,000 includes utilities, Steger, IL. Must have job re f e re n c e a n d s e c u r i t y deposit $200. 708-870-9929

Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068

Pets Pets for sale: Chiwawa puppies, 3 mos. old, very cute & friendly, $175 each firm. 708-646-7028 or 708646-7968 Parakeets for sale. Bred at home. 5 mo. old. 1 green female and 1 blue female. $15 each. 708-299-9000.

Lost & Found Missing kitten answer to the name, Violet. All black & white, paws white, white under her chin. Lost around 144th & Calhoun, Burnham. 708-862-1964

Say I saw it in The Shopper

27 October 23, 2013



Internet Edition

Happy Birthday Ma! Four score and ten (90) on October 26. Dora Nieuwenhuis Haak is loved by Jan and Darryl with Abigail, and Scott, and Doris with Allison. Wish her well and way to go.

Happy Birthday Paul Janson will be 82 on October 28th. Paul works for the Sun Times.

Congratulations Collins Gloria Collins of South Holland was selected to participate in the 2014 Miss Jr. Teen Chicago pageant competition that will take place on Sunday, October 27, 2013. THEME: WORLD SERIES

Engaged? Married? Have you recently been...

Birthday? Anniversary? Are you having a...

Well, why don’t you announce it in The Shopper and in return we will publish it on The Shopper website

On This Date - October 23rd 1876 New Orleans Mint reopens as an assay office

1915 25,000 women march in NYC, demanding right to vote

1915 1st national horseshoe throwing championship (Kellerton, Iowa) 1956 1st video recording on magnetic tape televised coast-to-coast

1973 Nixon agrees to turn over White House tape recordings to Judge Sirica 1981 US national debt hits $1 trillion

1991 Dr Jack Kevorkian’s suicide machine kills 2 women


Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to National Cookie Month.


Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by email at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.



ACROSS 1. Free diving does not require this 6. “And She ___” by Talking Heads 9. Current unit, pl. 13. *Short fly ball 14. Matterhorn, e.g. 15. “The Barber of Seville,” e.g. 16. Squirreled-away item 17. High ___ 18. *This Bob won 2 games pitching in ‘48 World Series 19. *Winner of most championships 21. *2004 champs and once named Americans 23. Deadeye’s forte 24. Sure or uh-huh 25. Pipe material 28. Conclusion 30. *Nicknames for World Series champs Hornsby and Maris 35. Coral ridge 37. Rigid necklace 39. Conical tent 40. Shamu, e.g. 41. Become eventually 43. Convict’s weapon 44. The lesser of two _____ 46. Preacher’s elevation 47. Antler part 48. Carnegie ______ University 50. Hurry up! 52. Cub’s home 53. Desirable state 55. Sin and ___ 57. *Last year’s Series loser 60. *”Black Sox” hometown 64. *Lawrence _____ Berra, owns 13 World Series

rings 65. Like arctic air 67. Waterwheel 68. Chinese weight unit, pl. 69. *Pitcher’s stat 70. Aldous Huxley’s experiences 71. Lacking on Venus de Milo 72. *At least one is needed to win 73. Brewer’s need DOWN 1. Neuter 2. ____ Cola 3. Second word of fairytale? 4. Muslim woman’s cover 5. Relating to apnea 6. Wide area telephone service 7. Draft choice 8. Flat replacement 9. “Singes” in “La PlanËte des singes” 10. Staff note 11. In the next month 12. ___ Gabriel, CA 15. Overfamiliar through overuse 20. Bring character to life 22. Otitis organ 24. Titanic builder, e.g. 25. Intro 26. Liveliness 27. *Key Fielder on ‘96 champion Yanks team 29. Lady of Lisbon 31. Joker’s act 32. Plant louse 33. “Die Lorelei” poet 34. *Best-of-what? 36. *____ Classic 38. *Drought victims 42. Hunt illegally 45. Becomes not intoxicated 49. “Neither a borrower ___ a lender be” 51. Sharp 54. Basket material 56. *Listed by inning 57. Product of lacrimation 58. Any thing 59. Hair styling products 60. Blue hue 61. “Tosca” tune 62. Scams, var. 63. Brewer’s equipment 64. “Harper Valley ___” 66. French vineyard

Say I saw it in The Shopper

28 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here!

electrical SerViceS residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. emergency service available. licensed • bonded • insured

Senior Discount 10% Free estimates* South Holland, il • 708-822-7758

*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.



15% OFF labor* expires November 6, 2013

2005 Kia Sportage, silver FWD, 6cyl. tape/cd, AC/PW, sunroof, remote start, garage kept, like new. 55,000 original miles, spotless. 708-955-8952

Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16th in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text anytime. 219-779-1986

Wanted Wanted: Old beer cans, and old beer can collections. Will buy, trade or sell. 219-8368907 Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Small motor cycle any shape, reasonable price, Mercury pump for power washer, hose and nozzle for power washer 1800 P.S.I. 708474-8221 Wanted: Toro snowblower, model CCR-2000-E. 708-8686988 Wanted: Someone possibly in Lynwood or Lansing, that can sew to make waist line longer on pajamas & jeans. 708-474-6525 or 630-2582820 Wanted: Donation of new or gently used toys and Christmas decoration for a church. Call Marva. 708-5013470 Wanted: Remington 870, good or fair condition. 3” mag hunting version. 708625-1509 Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with long banana seats and high handle bars complete or not and all related parts. Cash paid. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Looking to buy a generator not working to fix. 708-753-0021 Wanted: G od has many promises for us especially to be save from eternal donation, seek the Bible daily and find out. 708-527-4529 Wanted: Compound sliding miter chop saw & a stationary 2 inch belt sander/r isk sander. 708-532-8337 Wanted: Sister-in-law is in need of twin box frame. Please help if you don’t need yours anymore. God Bless. 708-527-4529 Wanted: Automobile old type round headlights, leave msg. 708-837-9814

Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011

For sale: 1999 Lexus ES 300 Gold, moon-roof, leather, well kept, 152K, $6,000 obo. 630-926-5443 Fo r s a l e : 2 0 0 1 Po n t i a c Montana Blue with Gray Bottom *Mechanic Special* Great body Engine needs Service. $800 708-946-2309 For sale: 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309. For sale: 1998 Mercur y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309 For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 Liter V8 Runs but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309 For sale: 1905 Grand Prix GT, Charcoal Grey, 135,000 miles, sun-roof $7000/obo. 219-678-2316 1994 GMC Safari Van V-6, air works, auto start, 4 captain seats, 1 bench folds to bed, $1200. 219-677-0017 For sale: 1997 Escort Wagon work car $600; 70cc Honda dirt-bike, low hours, mint $1200; Pelican pedal boot, 4-sitter, $450. 219-689-2399 For sale: 2002 Honda Civic XL, 4 door, black, PS/PB, AC/ PW, new engine, new trans. Exc. condition, very clean, $4,250. Call anytime. Cell. 708-341-1049 For sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, one owner, silver with black top, good runner. 708-2757122 Sale: 2008 Harley FLTR. Vin #1HD1FR4358Y644648, lienholder: Motorcar Leasing and Sales. Owed: $21,263.47. There’s intent to enforce mechanics lien pursuant to Chapter 770 ILCS 45/1 et seq. and 90/1 et seq. and sale of vehicle Nov. 7, 2013 at 1207 E. 170th St., South Holland. For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista cruiser, good runner, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896 2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon. White, 29,000 original miles. Tape/CD, AC/PW, Remote start, keyless entry. Garage kept. $7,150. Afternoon, Evening. 708-895-2392 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Stk#P2804. 708-891-5400 2004 GMC Envoy, Stk#P2805 $10,992. 708-891-5400 2008 Nissan Altima, Stk#P2807 $14,992. 708-8915400 2007 Lincoln Town Car, Stk#P2814 $14,992. 708-8915400 2011 Jeep Liberty Stk#P2707 $15,992. 708-891-5400


• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates

South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~

2009 Mercur y Grand Marquis, Stk#P2812 $16,992. 708-891-5400 2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B $27,992. 708891-5400 2011 GMC Acadia Stk#11730A $28,992. 708891-5400 2012 Ford Focus SE, Black $15,900. 708-798-1668 2011 Ford Fusion SE, Red Candy metallic tinted, $14,995. 708-798-1668 2005 Ford Escape Limited, silver metallic $10,995. 708798-1668 2003 Ford Escape XLT, Oxford white clearcoat $4,900. 708798-1668 2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, Red $12,500. 708-7981668 2003 Ford F-150 XLT, Black $7,900. 708-798-1668 2006 Ford Five Hundred Limited, Merlot metallic $9,795. 708-798-1668 2 0 1 0 Fo rd Fu s i o n S E L , At l a n t i s Gre e n m e t a l l i c $13,995. 708-798-1668 2001 Ford Super Duty F-250 Super Duty XLT, Toreador red metallic, $8,900. 708-7981668 2008 Ford Taurus Limited, Alloy metallic $10,900. 708798-1668

Antiques/Classics For sale: 1930 Ford Model ”A” Coupe with rumble seat, all original, runs great, great for street rod build $16,900. 708-474-0514

Auto Parts For sale: 2-Firestone winter force tires and rims. Size 215/60R16. Only 600 miles on them. $50.00 each. Call after 4pm. 708-474-1029 For sale: P235/75R15 white wall uniroyal used tire, good condition $40. 708-474-6488 For sale: Futura adventurem HT P265/70R17, raised white letter used tire. Great shape. $50. 708-474-6488 For sale: Brand new steel radial tire 165SR15 blackwall two tires $35 each. 708-4746488 For sale: New general grabber AW P255/70R16 Blackwell tire, perfect $60. 708-4746488

Campers/Motorhomes 2011 Keystone, fully self contained, w/slide out, travel trailer. List $24,000 - Asking $11,500. Mint Condition. Must see, Must sell. 708-4740765

Ca m p e r f o r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 Coachmen 36” ft. Prosperia, 3-slide outs, 5th wheel trailer, 2-AC’s on top, 14 ft. awning, many extra, 2-30lbs. LP tanks. Asking $12,000. 708448-0295

Trailers Trailer for sale: Blk/Gry mobile concession trailer Dbl axle, 2 propane tnks, 4 sinks, serv window, electricity Call 708-466-8557 Trailer for sale: 2004 Aerolite CUB Hybrid travel trailer. Ev e r y t h i n g w o r k s w e l l . Asking price $7500, Please call after 5:00 708-895-3517

Trucks Truck for sale: 1993 Ford F-150 Super cab XLT, Lariat styleside 5.0 EFI V-8 engine, electronics, 4-speed, auto transmission. 134,000 miles, $2,200. 219-923-0241

Miscellaneous Items For Sale New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/mo., Daybed w/mattress $48/mo., bunkbed w/mattress $56/ mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/ mo., 8-pc living room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/mo., EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 w w w . For sale: Dolls: Holiday Barbie’s, Classic Barbie’s & Porcelain dolls, stuff animals, needle point (hand craft) (Yarn), Art Gallery (pictures), irons, furniture, men’s golf clubs, Xmas decoration, VCR’s, DVD players, Am/Fm radios, ladies and men’s clothing. Something for everyone. 708-474-0743 For sale: Wheel chairs for sale. pride scooter like new 1000.00. quantum 6000 wheel chair very good condition 1900.00 708-3819212 For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478 For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: 64/82x42 claw pedestal, light cherry wood table, with six chairs, compared to new $2000 to $2500. Asking $450. 219-8643052 For sale: Craftsman 12 inch, thick-less plainer rolling stand. Like new $250/obo. 219-864-0725 For sale: Baby crib paid $120, asking $60; Folder highchair, $15; pack & play, ex. large play pin paid $120 asking $60, all new condition u s e d f o r s i t t i n g w h e re grandparents. Munster 219836-4361

For sale: Baldwin organ $135/obo; Queen boxspring & mattress $65; no frame twin mattress, $20; solid cherry Wilett dress, 80 yrs. old with oval mirror, $200, all best offer. 708-647-6052 For sale: 2010 Kirby Vacuum cleaner, with all the parts, and shampooer, $650/obo. 708-843-1849 or 708-9604828 For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w/accessories. Light, 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $300. 708-906-9265 For sale: Big men’s clothes, 2X-5X $10-$20; Bedroom furniture, black 3pc. set, 1 yr. old mattress included, $700. 773-610-9689 For sale: Kitchen/dining set. Canadel, all wood, round pedestal table, 4-chairs, 18” leave, honey color, and linen. Excellent condition $350. 708-351-3196 For sale: Cabinets new kitchen & bath, colors light dark, extras from large job. South Holland, call for sizes. 708-557-2706 For sale: Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $400; Jeep Cherokee rims, and tires $300. 708-465-8544 For sale: V inyl ver tical blinds: 3-1/2”-slate, outside mount, w/headrail, cord & chain, corner valance, size W: 130” x H: 70” & W:77” x H: 65”, color: Rose $225. 708906-9265 Fo r s a l e : C r e d i t c a r d machine. Chase Paymenttech Verifone VX610. Still in box, never used. Plastic still on. Paid $1000, selling $900/obo. 708-2508227

For sale: Monster high boy dolls in boxes. Holt Hyde and Deuce Gorgon. $35 each. 708-756-0519 For sale: Large stork sign for new arrival babies, $200. 708285-1107 10yr.old lemon tree its 4 ft. high real nice yours for $20.00 no lemons its a real lemon 708-687-4776 For sale: Lawnmower, starts, runs, looks good, $85. 708753-0021 2 cherry finish end tables and 1 glass cherry finish coffee table. Exc Cond like new $100ea Call 219-308-5442 30” white vanity with top and faucet (Glacier Bay). $45. 708-418-5096. M T H & We a v e r 3 r a i l OGAUGE TRAINS FORSALE. Premier & Railking, engines & cars call 219-512-5545 wheel chair $135.00 new power chair $? commode $20.00 walker $10.00 708687-4776 Two White Armed Chairs $ 2 0 .0 0 e ac h , Tw o c h ai r slipcovers$20.00 each, paraffin machine $35.00, Size 4t Cars Jacket New $10.00 708-335-0627 Ping Pong table and pads $10.00. 708-474-8071. Dyer- Window Treatment 62î-72î Med Blue: Valance 78w”x10îx 5.5d”; Panels 68”L w/Traverse rod, Bedspread/ Shams $50. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182 Dyer- Pict/Window Trmt 98” R o s e ; S w o o p Va l a n c e 104”Lx9.5”d; Panels & sheers 84”w/2 Traverse rods $75 Pics text or email; Tom2195885182

2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573

Dyer- Window Treatment 62”-72” Pleated Muted Green Valance 78w”x10îx 5.5d”, Panels 68”L w/Traverse rod. $35. Pics text or email; Tom2195885182

For sale: Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536

Dyer- Selmer Flute, Music Stand, Metronome, Quinlan & Fabish Book 1, sheet music, a n d t o t e b a g ; $ 7 5 To m 2195885182

For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747

Dyer- 3 Beautiful Pecan bookcases/secretary, $200: 74îH x 30îW x 17îD; or separate. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478 For sale: 1950’s cap pistols and rifle, also 1950’s misc. Lionel train cars, and Sherldon silver streak pellet rifle from 1960. 708-687-5344 Elliptical -Dual Axis Exercise m a c h i n e - b r a n d n e w, i n box(with digital display). contact Sheena 708-933-6334 9am-9pm. $250.

Dyer- Whirlpool Dishwasher $50: light use by retiree, good condition, upgrade victim; Pics text or email; Tom2195885182 Dyer- Amana Refridgerator 17.9cu.ft./Freezer (on top) 13.1cu.ft. very good condition; $250. Pics text or email; Tom-2195885182

For sale: 14 Old silent movies, all new in good condition on reels, $35 all. 708-285-1107

For sale: Assorted womens winter coats, in exc. cond. size L. $8; Assorted men’s and women’s clothing size, M & L. $1.50. 708-641-2691

For sale: White bathroom, double bowl, cultured marble top, plus faucets, side splash and soap dish, 67” x 22”, $150 or make offer. 708-285-1107

Suitcase, Large (30”x21”x11”) soft, black expandable. Like new. $30. 708-895-6559

For sale: Black leather saddle bag for motorcycle. Front handle bar. Exc. condition. Retail $100, asking $45. 815462-6930 For sale: Draw-tit hitch 10,000 lbs, $75; Securtiy light, 8x11 $25; Monitor 17 inch $25; gray water tank 22 gal. wheels, and hitch $45. 708474-8221

For sale: 2-refrigerators, 1-double door $200, other smaller w/freezer on top, $100; tools, especially yard tools. 773-617-2909 For sale: Ladies pacific trail winter jacket w/zip out lining, size medium. Pristine condition $8. 815-463-0345 For sale: 2-mens leather jackets, 1-deep dark brown, size X-large, perfect condition $50; 1-black size large, good condition $40. 815-462-6930

Say I saw it in The Shopper

29 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition




Enterprises, LLC

Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Furnaces

S&S Concrete

We will beat all Written Estimates!!! CONCRETE, BASEMENT LEAKS DUE TO FOUNDATION CRACKS, CAULKING & COATING Basement Leaking? We Can Help!

MOST MAKES AND MODELS Quality Service at Competitive Prices *$20.00 OFF WITH THIS AD*

708-895-5433 219-865-6044


HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING & APPLIANCE REPAIRS • Furnace & Boiler Installation. • Refrigerator, Stove, Washer & Dryer Services. Commercial & Domestic Excellent Service At Reasonable Prices!

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• Integrity • Reasonable Rates


Concrete Raising 25 Years Experience

We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks

Tim Rietveld

Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL





• Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised


Overhead Door Company Rick Uittenbogaard





FREE ESTIMATE 708-480-5193

Wall Pictures/Glass Covers/ Nice Frames/Sizes Vary.. $5.00-$15.00 EA.. 312-7719575. Lansing, IL. Curling Bar/2 Dumbell Bars/ Weights Seperate/Plastic & Steel. 50LBS.$75.00..312-7719575.. Lansing,IL.


Thermal Comfort Inc.




24/7 Emergency Service Insured& Licensed 28 yrs of Experience

Senior Discounts Air Conditioner or Furnace Cleaning $59.95


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708-268-0693 708-891-9488


Genous Plumbing & Rodding

3455 Ridge Rd., Lansing


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1150 Sheffield Ave., Dyer

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Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne 12 5-piece place settings in excellent used condition. Dinner plate, salad plate, bowl, cup & saucer. $50.00 474-3042

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

PAINTING DON’S PAINTING, DECORATING & WALLPAPER SERVICE SENIOR DISCOUNTS FREE ESTIMATES Interior & Exterior 34 Years Experience. References. Faux Finish, Wallpaper Removal, Drywall & Plaster Repair, Decks Refurbished, Small Electrical, Carpentry, Plumbing, Sealcoating, & Gutter Cleaning Quality Workmanship & Materials!


2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488


For Sale: Vintage billard ball set, $30. Fingertip resin bowling balls, 60 to choose from. $20-$40 each. 708-4745679 F o r S a l e : To r o S - 2 0 0 Snowblower. Be ready for winter. $150. 708-474-5679

Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488


Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

For Sale: Landscape materials: red brick pavers 20 cents each, plastic edging, treated 2x4, 4x4’s, tree wrap, concrete blocks. 708-4745679

GET IN 16300LISTED Louis Avenue South Holland, IL OUR A-TO-Z 708.596.3050 DIRECTORY TODAY! CALL: 708-333-5901 2681 Route 394 Crete, IL SENIOR

708.672.6111 LIVING/CARE

Home Based Services 16300Louis LouisAvenue Avenue 16300 SouthHolland, Holland,ILIL South

708.596.3050 708.331.2005

2681 RouteAvenue 394 16300 Wausau IL IL SouthCrete, Holland,

708.672.6111 708.596.5500


Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing


219-365-0006 708-895-0006

Genous Plumbing & Rodding

Licensed. Bonded. Insured

11407 Wicker Ave., Cedar Lake

• Repair Broken Water Pipes • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Gas & Water Leaks • Low Water Pressure Corrected • Sink, Bath Tub & Toilet Drains Opened • Sewer Power Rodding • Faucet Installed & Repaired • Sump/Ejector Pumps • Toilet Repair & Installation • Flooded Basements



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708-333-8951 Dan M. Matejko

ive got a garage full no more garage sells for me must go 200.00 0r 708- 687 4776 For Sale! 26” mountainn bike Like new $50.00 708-7047702

Home Based Services

Louis Avenue J&J16300 ALUMINUM

•South VinylHolland, Siding IL 708.331.2005 • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Guard Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff South Holland 16300 Wausau Avenue &South Beecher, IL IL Holland, 708.596.5500 708-946-6090 “You’ll only do it once, so let us do it right.”



CONSTRUCTION Tuckpointing, Chimney Repair, Brick Replacement, Gutters, Pressure Washing, Carpentry & Other Small Home Improvements Full Insured All Work Guaranteed


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708-877-6860 No Sundays.

beer can collection, approximately 100. South Chicago Heights. 708-7540462 or leave message.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

obituaries Busker

Funeral service for Fred B. Busker was offered from Lynwood United Reformed Church on Monday, October 21 with Rev. Jacques Roets officiating. Mr. Busker was born August 12, 1948 and died October 17, 2013. He was the husband of Winny Busker (nee VanderMeer). Son of the late Fred and Dena Busker. Father of Nikki (Michael) Veurink, Cheryl (Troy) Westercamp, and Brian (Ann Marie) Busker. Grandfather of 9 and a late granddaughter. Brother of Martha (Wayne) Alberda, John (Connie) Busker, Peg (Al) Elenbaas, Deanne (Humberto) Casanova, and the late Albert Busker. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

obituaries obituaries


Funeral Service for Rose Mary Pocewicz was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on October 16, 2013 with Reverend Ralph Zwirn officiating. Mrs. Pocewicz was born August 29, 1920 and died October 12, 2013. She was the mother of Rosemary and John Pocewicz; grandmother of Beth (Ezequiel) Solano; great-grandmother of 2. Interment was at Holy Cross Cemetery, Calumet City, IL. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).


Mass of Christian burial for Irene S. Poynter (nee Postrozny) was offered from St. Dennis Church on on Tuesday, October 22 with Rev. Thompson Panakal officiating. Mrs. Poynter was born June 2, 1926 and died October 19, 2013. She was the wife of the late Brooks A. Poynter. Mother of Rodney (Renee) Poynter, Gary (Cynthia) Poynter, Jessica (Joseph) McCarthy, Janet (late Edward) McCarthy, Patricia (Robert) Kakos, Peggy (Keith) Wyma, Jeffrey (Julie) Poynter, Deanna (Dave) Blyth and Valerie (Bill) Reid. Grandmother of 18 and great-grandmother of 10. Entombment was at Resurrection Mausoleum. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).

30 October 23, 2013 5 PIECE WOOD LAMINATE K I TC H E N S E T. B ROW N VINYL CHAIRS ON WHEELS. ONE CHAIR HAS SLIT IN SEAT $50.00 708-672-7178 two story wooden ladder excellent condition $60.00 708-672-7178 Oak Table with 6 chairs. Table expands to 6 ft. $250 708528-2300

For sale: Accumulator and evaporator for S10 Blazer $50. 708-210-1711

Si d e by Si d e Fr i g i d a re Refrigerator, 26 cu.ft. $250. 708-528-2300

Boys size 2 black hockey skates. Brand new! $35.00 or best offer. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com 219-776-9891 Dyer, IN

For sale: Nails: 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” roofing 50lbs. 1-1/2”, drywall 50lbs 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711

Directory A Community of Churches

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

Peace Christian Reformed Church

833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. * * * * * * *

166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor

315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor

Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. * * * * * * *

Covenant United Church of Christ

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******

Good Shepard Lutheran Church

16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor

Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church

Tues. Bible Class ..11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Cl..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ......8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....10:00 a.m. * * * * * * *

Protestant Reformed Church

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak, Pastor Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:00 p.m. * * * * * * *

Redeemer Lutheran Church

First Christian Reformed Church

163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life

Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444

Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******

L i k e n e w Ve r a B r a d l e y h i p s t e r. D o o d l e D a i s y pattern. Adjustable strap. 10”w x 11” t. $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891. Dyer,IN. 1966 Francie/Casey doll case. Empty. Pretty good shape. 2 inside pockets & drawers & doll areas. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com, 219-776-9891. Dyer, IN 1970 Barbie Country Camper w/tent, table, 2 stools & 2 sleeping bags. Good condition $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer,IN 2 antique brass table lamps w/f ro st ed gla ss sh a des. Approx. 23” tall. $40.00 pair. Good condition. ldgtreke4@, 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN 1971 Dawn & friends doll case, dolls, clothes, etc. Good condition. $85.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN 1960’s Ideal Toy Co. 2 Tammy dolls, clothes, accessories. Good condition. $125.00 or b/o. 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN. Cherry veneer round coffee table 19”h x 42”d & 2 end tables 23”h x 28”d. Glass tops. $225.00. 219-776-9891, Cedar chest. 42”w x 19”d x 18 1/2”t. No key. On rollers. Pretty good shape. $100.00. 219-776-9891, ldgtreke4@ Dyer, IN Recliner-Tan Color-Excellent Condition-$110 Table LampUnique-Graystone Base-$40 Call 312-520-4698 cell Lansing Area

Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. * * * * * * *

Church Directory

16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor

Good Shepard Lutheran Church 16500 Woodlawn East, S. H. Pastor Rev. Michael Udoekong Sunday Worship...9:00 a.m. Bible Class...........8:15 a.m. (708) 331-7706

Spirit of God Fellowship

Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

Internet Edition

Become An Entrepreneur

What’s Your Big Idea?

New youth roller blades. Youth sizes1-4; adjustable. B l u e & s i l v e r. $ 4 0 . 0 0 ., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN

651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor

Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class .............8:15 a.m. *******


Funeral service for Jeanne M. Sluis was offered from First Christian Reformed Church on Tuesday, October 22 with Rev. Ben Tol officiating. Ms. Sluis was born September 11, 1929 and died October 18, 2013. She was the Sister of John(Dorothy) Sluis and Andrea Sluis. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.

Computer Hutch, cream color. 54”H, 24”D, 42”W. $200 708-528-2300

South Holland...

Calvary Community Church

KEVIN BRADLEY Zombies a re on t he loose and heavily armed. This appea rs to be t he perfect recipe for disaster. Fo r t u n a t e l y, y ou a n d several other humans are a lso a r med a nd about to enter the area where the zombies are waiting to attack. It’s up to you a nd you r g roup to k i l l all the zombies and save hu ma n it y. However…i f any of you are killed, that person becomes a zombie and attacks humans as well. Team Combat Live is host i ng a n i nterac t ive zombie apoca ly pse a d v ent u r e for a ny one brave enough to indulge t heir inner zombie combat fa ntasies. T h is one of a kind Halloween Spectacu la r w ill be h e l d O c t o b e r 2 9, 3 0 , a n d 31… f r o m 6 : 0 0 10 : 0 0 , p o s s i b l y l a t e r Halloween night. Cost is $10 for two five minute rounds. Reservations not required. Team Combat Live is located in Hobart, Indiana, 4150 E. Lincoln Hw y (U.S. 30). (219-8951221) Team Combat Live is t he bra i nch i ld of Jack S w e t s . C u s tomer s s a y it is li ke play ing v ideo g a m e s ( C a l l of D u t y, Battlefield) in real life… as if you are actually in the game. Unlike v ideo games, however, players are constantly running, climbing stairs, ducking, and shooting a six pound eye-sa fe laser g un… t he sa me t y pe of g u n used in training Special Forces and SWAT teams world w ide. Cu stomer s a lso comment t hat t hey feel li ke t hey had a workout fol low i ng a typical two hour session, but didn’t realize it until the game was over…like a workout without working out. For sale: two dining room chairs $20 each; 2 new chair slip covers $25 each; Pa ra s o n e m a c h i n e $ 3 5 ; stereo cabinet $40. 708-3350627

Ne a r i ng it s s e c ond birthday, Team Combat Live is still fairly new, but g row i ng i n popu la r it y w it h a loya l c u stomer b a s e of r e g u l a r s a nd a steady st rea m of newcomers. Games can be entered by individuals or groups. League play is also forming. This game is designed for teens and adults. Minimum player age is 10. 90 % of t heir player demog raph ic is between 17 and 35. Jack says, “A lot of moms play when they bring the kids. T hey t h i n k t hey won’t like it and end up having a blast.” Here you ca n experience the thrill of combat missions without the danger of risking your life for real. Jack envisions franchising his baby out i n t he f ut u re. He c a n see having regional and national championships dow n t he road. He has created an environment where combat meets game meets sport. Dream big…. then make it happen. Jack states, “This is a family business. My whole family has worked to help get this started. I also have a staff who have become like family as well. I grew up with strong Christian va lues, a nd bel ieve i n running my business by them. My favorite Bible verse, John 3:16-God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Seeking eternal l i fe ? Bel ie ve i n Je su s. Seek ing interactive zombie apoca ly pse Halloween fantasy fun? G o t o Te a m C o m b a t Live’s event. Questions or comments may be sent to kevinbradley@columnist. com. Good Luck, K.B.

Upright Freezer - works very well clean in good shape ... Older model but dependable asking 125.00 call 708-2884324 ROCKING CHAIR, WOOD, GOOD CONDITION $45.00 312-758-3970

St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor

Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******

United Presbyterian Church 16440 Cottage Grove 333-0921 Rev. Doug Cater

Worship Service ...10:00 a.m. *******

Reach Over 30,000 Shopper Readers 20 word classified ad in all zones Add a for 4 weeks. Only $25.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

31 October 23, 2013

Speaking Of Seniors

Medicare Records Over A Year Behind WOODROW WILCOX On October 16 and 17 of 2013, I spent over three hou rs helping a Polish A mer ic a n couple w it h a big record s mess at Medicare. Medicare had not updated the records of the husband for over a year and it was creating problems and medical bill errors for him. The couple is from Highland, Indiana. T he husba nd had retired while his wife was st i l l work i ng. He wa s covered as a spouse on his wife’s employer sponsored group insurance policy which was administered b y h e r l a b o r u n i o n’s b ene f it s c o or d i n at ion company. When the wife retired, t he g roup i nsu ra nce coverage terminated a mont h a f ter she stopped work ing. The employer not i f ie d t he u n ion a nd t he u n ion’s benef its coord i nator about t he ter m i nat ion of employ ment. T he labor u n ion’s benef it s coord i nator not i f ied Medicare that both the wife and the husband no longer had group health insura nce coverage. S ome one at Me d ic a r e changed the record for the wife but failed to change t he Medicare record of the husband. The notice of termination of coverage was on t he sa me page for bot h t he hu sba nd a nd w ife. Someone at Medicare failed to do the job right. The husband’s record was w rong from July 1, 2012 until I helped him on October 17, 2013. The bad records caused Med ica re to SAMSUNG 52” T.V. GREAT CONDITION....BEST OFFER 312-758-3970 For sale: Laptop mini, good battery, wireless Windows 7, webcam $125. 708-268-7075

process his claims i ncor rect ly. Med ica re thought that his primary i nsu rer wa s t he g roup hea lt h pol ic y a nd t hat Medicare was t he secondary insurer. But, si nce Ju ly 1, 2012, a l l claims should have been process with Medicare as the primary insurer. The bad information caused b a d c a lc u l a t ion s a nd left our client owing lots of money. But, I typed a letter that protested the bad records for our client to sig n a nd ma i l w it h evidence attached to the letter. This should fix the problem and save our cl ient severa l hu nd red dollars. All the help that I gave to this client was FREE OF CHARGE. This insurance agency really does care about our senior citizen clients. When a Medicare mistake could cost them money, we do what we can to protect the client from financial loss. Does your insurance agency give this high level of service to its senior citizen clients? If not, why not? Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill c a se worker at Sen ior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He ha s helped cl ient s of t hat agenc y to save over one million dollars by cor rec t i ng med ic a l bi l l er rors t hat were caused by m ista kes i n the Medicare system. He wrote the book SOLVING MEDIC A R E PROBLEM $ (w w w.solv i ng med ica re For sale: Treadmill ProForm brand midsize, mint condition, hardly used, power incline, 2 yrs. old $350 obo. 708-877-6860 For sale: Lawn Boy lawn mower, self propelled, like new, must see $150. Dyer. 219-322-7332

For sale: I’m selling the rest of my “Mary Kay” products, cologne, makeup, gift sets at great prices. Call me to see if I have what you need. Crissy. 708-601-3206 For sale: Children’s high chair (tan & green) $25; 2 exersaucers (Baby Einstein) $10 each; stroller (navy blue) $10; Fisher Price riding musical horse $10. 708-5132834 For sale: Wooden table & 2 chairs, $15; Graco carrier & port (grey & pink) $20 all. 708-513-2834 For sale: Lots of outdoor toys!! Playhouse $20; tugboat sandbox $20; turtle sandbox $10; swingset, trampoline, ride-on toys, and much more. Call. 708-474-0467 For sale: Wall to wall carpet. Exc. condition. Blue color. A bargain at $20. Lansing. 708474-1584 For sale: West bend 12-30 cup coffee maker $20 ; VHS tape Grumpy Old Men, Men in Black $1 each; Milwaukee heat gun $10. 708-895-3250 For sale: Panasonic movie AFX8VHS HD camera with accessories and case $30; tripod projector screen $5; measuring wheel 12” wheel diameter $10. 708-895-3250 For sale: 18 inch turkey plater $9; 14 inch fiber optic angle with harp $8; 16 inch talking Xmas tree $7. 219-836-8505 For sale: Multi-color Xmas lights 100 add a set $2.50 each; new 100 light icicle add a set new $3. 219-836-8505 For sale: Ladies hooded jacket, nice size XL, $15; new twin portable airbed, $29; 1949-50 Ford trunk lid, $150; guitar amp, $65. 708-4608308 For sale: Oak kitchen table with four capt. chair, caster wheels, $250; college dorm small refrig. $40; manual miter saw $15. 708-889-0350 For sale: 2 black saddle Australian pads; Bear backpad, large burgundy winter blanket, great condition. $80 for all. 708426-3907

Internet Edition

For sale: Craftsman one horsepower dual cylinder, 100 PSI air compressor $90. 708-268-3915 For sale: 36 inch Tashiba tube TV with remote, excellent condition, perfect for garage or spare room, $50 obo. 708420-6660 For sale: Tan couch and love seat, good condition $50 obo. For both. 708-420-6660 For sale: Dining room light fixture $10. 708-333-9225 For sale: Two dozen canning jars $8. 708-333-9225 For sale: Delsy black suitcase 21x27 w/wheels. 708-3339225 For sale: Christmas tree, exc. cond. 7 foot tall, paid $300 from Sales $50/obo. 708-4206660 For sale: Whirlpool washer/ dryer, good cond. $125, will separate, 10 yrs. old. Dyer. 219-322-3183 For sale: 2007 HHR floor mats rear view mirror, owner manual, front license plate bracket $75. 219-365-9256 For sale:Wilson golf clubs, blackjack oversize stainless pro-belet irons, #3to9 master putter, 3 drivers pull cart, bagboy, like new $100. 219365-9256 For sale: Coors light beer sign with clock 13”x2’ long lighted $30; hot rod magzine clock, black with flames 10” round $10. 219-365-9256

For sale: Skigear medium youth Yamaha jacket $50; two smb Yamaha bibs $50; boots 7&8 $40, large Fox jacket $40. 219-365-9256 For sale: Sauder computer desk with hutch 48” wide 59” high $45, exc. cond. 219-8652195

For sale: Women’s black leather jacket large $50; fake fur coat, size 16 $50. 708-8776157 For sale: Games new never opened Candyland, Chutes & ladders $5 each; small book case $12. 708-877-6157

For sale: Two drawer wood grain file cabinet $20 black swivel office chair $30 both in exc. cond. 219-865-2195

For sale: Analog TV’s 19” RCA no remote $20; Zenith 13: w/ remote $30 both work good w/converter boxes. 708-8776157

For sale: RCA 20” color TVE $40; Buffet 62”x30x’x49” $25; plastic pipe .25 cent per ft. Diving board Free. 219-3658458

For sale: Women’s clothing s-3x, shoes 9-91/2ww, $5$10; men’s shires $2; ties $2; winter jackets $10; scarves $2; hats $2. 708-877-6157

For sale: 2 ton chain fall $100; 4 ton chain fall $200; 6 ton chain fall $250; one dumper $200. So. Holland. 708-5572706

For sale: Elevated toilet seat with safety bars, locks on toilet used 2x paid $80 asking $40. 708-877-6157

For sale: Womens Harley Davidson chaps, size medium $100. 708-889-0579 For sale: Craftsman scroll saw 13” used twice $25; 4 German beer mugs $10, for all. Folding golf cart $3. 708758-5715 For sale: 4-775x15 tires and rims $120. 708-333-1490 Leave msg. 708-333-1490 For sale: Wheelchair $35; 14” alum. ladder $30; 10” table saw $40; Sears 5.5 push mower $50; 18” electric push mower $50. 708-758-5923

For sale: Chain saw 18” like new $125; armstrong receding pipe threader $45; grass edger electric B&D $25l 3 HP grass edger $25. 708271-0387 For sale: 10 gal western crock $80; 5 gal. western crock $70. 708-271-0387

Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556

For sale: Dining room set, bedroom set, best offer. Call. 7087-333-1490 leave msg.

You Are Invited to

Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church

Lynwood United Reformed Church

3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Nick Van Beek

1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor

For sale: Gas lawn mower Murray starts on one pull $65; Daydo saw blade $15. 708-460-5001 For sale: Laminate flooring, multilook collection 3 boxed $30; Duro heat portable kerosene heater $50 like new. 708-474-9331 For sale: Mink coat, dark ranch, older, medium/large, exc. condition $200. 708-6710376

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Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m.

New Hope Church


A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America

First Reformed Church

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels

3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor

Find out The Shopper specials FIRST! Keep Up With Local News

Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******

Our Saviour Lutheran Church Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. *******

19058 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1886 Sue Devermann, Pastor

First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144 Worship Service ..................... 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School ..................................................9:15 a.m. *******

Protestant Reformed Church Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. *******

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ........................ 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

Say I saw it in The Shopper

32 October 23, 2013

The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623

Automotive Services

M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479, 219-865-6044

Buying junk GM/Chevy cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075



Ceramic Tile Ce ram i c an d glas s t i le design and installation, k i t c h e n s, b a t h s, f l o o r s, anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492

Internet Edition

Chimney Repair

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

Garage Sale!


Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone and an additional $5 for the Indiana zone

Date __________________ Time _______________ Phone ___________________ Paper: Both Items for Sale or Directions (Only 12 words)

Concrete Work Concrete & Patching Done On The Side to save you m o n e y. A l s o g e n e r a l contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Ve r y reasonable. Call Mark 708408-7192

Day Care

Address ___________________________________________ Town __________________________ Not For Print

Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana

Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523


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Computer Sales/ Repair

addl’ $5















DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 12 Noon It’s a pleasure serving you!

D a y C a r e : 2 4 / 7 Ho m e Daycare Located in Hammond off 165th Street ONLY $80 PER WEEK CALL NISHA 219-937-7294

In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .

Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid


Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295

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• Community Center


• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store

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170th Street

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• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street

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16145 State Street

Midwest Free Community Papers New Century Press is currently seeking individual for General Manager based in Moorhead, MN. Full-time position. Responsibilities include managing editorial and sales staff. Salary/ commission based. Email Lisa Miller: (MCN) PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.mailingcountry. com (MCN) HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! $775.35 Weekly Mailing Companies Brochures/ Data Entry for Cash, $300-$1,000 Daily from Your Home Computer. Genuine! PT/FT, No Experience Required. Start Immediately! www. (MCN) AVON AGENTS WANTED!! Start Your Business Today! 1-800-206-0799 www. (MCN) TRAILER SALE: New 6x12 cargo $2,249.00; 7x14 V-nose, ramp door tandem axle cargo $3,919.00; 82”x18’ Aluminum tiltbed 7k $5,999.00; 14’ 14,000 Dump with tarp $6,547.00; Gooseneck sale NEXT week. 2008 Honda 1800 Goldwing 18,400 miles; 515-972-4554 www. (MCN)

Machinery Consignment Sale: Mon., Nov. 18, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by Nov. 4, 2013 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, Nov. 8. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. (MCN) PAYING $6 Each for Junk Car Batteries! Also Buying Catalytic Converters, Electric Motor Starters & Alternators. Buying Silver Coins, Copper, Brass and Carbide Tips. WE PICK UP! Call: 1-217-653-7480 (MCN) WANTED: ALL MOTORCYCLES Before 1980, Running or Not. Japanese, British, American, European. Any Condition Accepted. Top Cash Paid, Free Pick Up. Please Call 1-315-569-8094 (MCN) LOVING COUPLE LOOKING To Adopt A Baby. We Look Forward To Making Our Family Grow. All Information Confidential, All Medical Expenses Paid. Please Call Us Anytime. Gloria and Joseph 888-229-9383 (MCN) $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT Cash Now!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need fast $500-$500,000? Rates as low as 1/2% month. Call Now! 1-800-568-8321. www. (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN)

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

33 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Thursday, October 24

l JAK’S Warehouse Family Event Dyer Parks & Recreation will be hosting a private party, at JAK’S Warehouse (located in Omni), on Thursday, October 24th. Discounted tickets can be purchased for $25.00 each (CASH ONLY) at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Department only! Pizza and pop will be served from 5:00-6:00pm and unlimited attractions until 9:00pm. Fee includes 2 slices of pizza and pop, 4 hours of unlimited attractions, and a $10.00 game card! Hurry and get your tickets. Space is limited. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Youth Job Training Program Youth Job Training Program HYPE (Helping Young People Employment) will be holding classes on Thursday, October 24 from 6-8pm. Will be held at Covenant United Church of Christ, 1130 E. 154th Street, South Holland, IL. For sign up, contact 708646-4121. Seats are limited. l 103rd Deliverance Conference Hegewisch Baptist Church will be holding their 3-Day, 103rd Deliverance Workshop on starting October 24 at 6pm through October 27. Topics covered include; “Binding and Loosing”, “Demonic Detours”, “DoubleMinded Christians” and more. Learn how to gain freedom from demonic bondage to gain a closer walk with Jesus. Cost is $20. Hegewisch Baptist Church is located at 8711 Cottage Grove Ave., Highland, IN. For more information, visit or call 219-838-9410.

Friday, October 25

l Taste of First The annual “Taste of First” will take place at First Reformed Church of Lansing, 3134 Ridge Raod in Lansing, from 5:30 p.m. on Friday October 25. Samples of specialty dishes, appetizers, soups, entrees, salads and desserts. Tickets, priced at two for $1, will be available at the door. Some tastes will be only 1 ticket, but others may require 3. All proceeds will go to Angel Academy Pre-school, or PASS. Contact Sandy Hamer, 474-1427, to include your own specialty dish. l Spaghetti Supper/Bake Sale Good Shepard Ev. Lutheran Church will be having a Spaghetti Supper/Bake Sale on Friday, October 25 5-7:30pm. Cost $8 Adults; $4 Children (6-12). Held at 16500 Woodlawn East, South Holland, 60473. For more information, call 708-846-8834. l “She’s No Angel” Beatniks proudly presents “She’s No Angel-A Murder in Noirville” A Film Noir Thriller by Peter Colley, directed by Rip and Bonnie Johnson. “Shes No Angel” plays October 25 and November 2 at 8:00pm and Sunday October 27, and November 3 at 2:00pm, doors open 1/2 hour early. The cost is $15.00 and refreshments are included. Performances are at Beatniks on Conkey which is located at 418 Conkey St Hammond, Indiana. For more information or reservations call 219-852-0848 or go to l Free Alzheimer’s & Dementia Classes Alzheimer’s & Dementia Services of Northern Indiana Affiliated with Alzheimer’s Foundation of America FREE Classes Friday, October 25, Lake County Public Library Downstairs Conference Room. 1919 W. 81st Avenue (Route #30), Merrillville. 10-11:30 a.m. Barbara Dzikowski speaks on Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 11:30 a.m. to Noon - Complimentary Lunch provided by Spring Mill Health Campus. Noon to 1:30 p.m. Jill Keilman, Resident Care Counselor, Memory Care Center of Hartsfield Village, “The Holidays and Dementia”. l The Phantom of the Organ Halloween Concert Friday, October 25. 7:13 pm (actual starting time) Westminster Presbyterian Church, 8955 Columbia Avenue, Munster, Indiana

46321. Members of the Northwest Indiana Chapter of the American Guild of Organists perform the twelfth annual Halloween program of pipe organ music and other musical surprises appropriate to the season. Featured will be “The Tale of Sally Spider”. This is a family event and there is no charge. Costumes are encouraged and treats will follow. Contact: (708) 895-2466.

Saturday, October 26

l FALL D@SH You are invited to celebrate with your friends at the South Holland Library on Saturday, October 26 from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm! Raffle tickets, enjoy live performances of Getting Excited About Science and Chayce Jazz Band at. Dimples the Clown will be making balloon animals. There will be complimentary sweets and treats all day! Fantastic PRIZES will be awarded at 4:15 pm. Contact Sue@southhollandlibrary. org for more information. l Soup Kitchen You are invited! Come enjoy a FREE meal! Hope kitchen Serving every month on the fourth Saturday 12:00-1:30. This months date is October 26 Lighthouse Community Church 17500 Lighthouse Lane, Lansing IL. *two blocks west of Torrence on 176th* Any questions please call 708-474-9045. l “Bullets in the Bathtub” Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana Presents “Bullets in the Bathtub” A Dinner Theater Fundraiser. October 26th at The Halls of Saint George, 905 E. Joliet St., Schererville, Indiana. Guests are encouraged to come dressed in their western wear! CASH BAR. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Action begins at 6:00 pm. Tickets are on sale now!!! SILENT AUCTION. Purchase a Table of 10 for a fun filled family evening. Call 219-923-7265 Ext. 304 for tickets. Tickets: $50 per person. Hurry while supplies last! l Adult Gaming Night Over the age of 18 and still love to game? Then come to our Tabletop Gamming Night. We have an awesome collection of tabletop games to choose from. Drop by and join a game, or bring a group and grab a whole table. Registration is not required. This is a monthly event taking place the 4th Saturday of the month. October 26 from 3:00pm To 7:00pm .Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438 l Masquerade Ball Masquerade Ball 10/26 - building fund drive for Narrow Way battered womens shelter. Lansing CC, 18600 S. WentWorth, Lansing IL. 708-418-1964 or 773-440-2774. 7pm - Midnight (Mask required) Dinner, Dancing and Raff le, Drinks. $99.00 in Advance...$175.00 at the door (18 & up) l “How to Bungle A Burglary” The Calumet Corner Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is proud ot present "How to Bungle A Burglary" a 1940's musical farce at 8:05pm on Saturday, Oct. 26 and 3:05pm on Sunday, Oct. 27 at First United Methodist Church, 6635 Hohman Ave., Hammond. Tickets $15; Kids 12 and under $10. Call 708-877-5575 or 219-8382828 for more information. l Costume Parade A costume parade will begin Halloween celebrations in Whiting on Saturday, October 26. Children of all ages are invited to participate. The Parade will begin at the corner of 119th and New York and conclude at the Whiting Community Center. Lineup for the Parade begins at 1pm with step-off scheduled for 1:30. Following the Halloween Parade, all are welcome to attend a magic show by David Shareef at the Community Center. Goodie bags will be distributed to Parade participants after the show. Whiting’s Halloween celebrations will conclude with Trick-or-Treating on Thursday, Oct 31, from 5pm to 7pm. The Whiting Community Center is located at

1938 Clark Street. For more information contact (219) 659-0860.

Residents and $55 for Non-Residents. For more information, please call 219-865-2505.

l Pre Halloween Bash Oct 27 4 - 6p Pre-Halloween Bash @Lansing Presbyterian Church. Greater Grace Refuge & Lansing Presbyterian Church are hosting Pre-Halloween bash for the entire family to enjoy. Fun and games with prizes and laughter for all. Mummy Wrap, Pumpkin Bowling, Halloween Golf, as well as Cookie/ cupcake Decorating and much more. Come and enjoy in a safe environment and be sure to wear your costume for an extra fun time! Call for more info 708-474-2710.

l Trunk or Treat at Grace Church Trunk or Treat at Grace Church October 31st 6:00pm To 8:00pm - Fun for the whole family! Games, Candy, Popcorn, Slot Cars, and more! There will be a special Puppet Show at 6:30 and 7:15. FREE! Grace Reformed Church, Lansing l Trunk or Treat at FRC of Lansing First Reformed Church of Lansing, 2134 Ridge Road in Lansing, will host a Halloween “Trunk or Treat’ in the church parking lot from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 31. Kids will go from decorated car to car or truck to truck instead of door to door to receive treats - providing a safe and fun way to fill Halloween bags or baskets. l Dyer Dog Park Grand Opening The Town of Dyer is proud to announce the grand opening of the Dyer dog park at 1pm on Saturday, November 2. The offleash dog park facility is located at Dyer’s Central Park which is located at 900 Central Park Boulevard. All are invited to attend this ceremony which will conclude with the opening of the facility. Registration is required to use the facility and is accepted during regular office hours. For further information on the Dyer dog park, contact (219) 865-2505. l Hammond Historical Society Charles Bradsky, Project Manager from the LaPorte District of the Indiana Department of Transportation will speak at the November 2, meeting of the Hammond Historical Society/ Friends of the Library. His topic will be the history, demolition, and rebuilding of the nine span (now seven span) bridge on Indianapolis Boulevard. The bridge is scheduled to reopen by the end of the year. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. at the Hammond Public Library, 564 State St., in Hammond. All are invited. There is no charge, and refreshments will be served. For more information contact Peg at, or 708-474-0203.

Sunday, October 27

Monday, October 28

l Mini Lights & Itty Bites Join Dyer Parks & Recreation for our 5th Annual Mini Frights & Itty Bites flashlight Halloween Hunt for 4 - 6 year old boys and girls that takes place on Monday, October 28 from 6:00-7:00pm at the Dyer Town Hall Main Meeting Room. All participants need to bring their own flashlight and plastic bag. Small snacks will be served before the beginning of the hunt and we will also create a Halloween craft! Then it will be time to enjoy a little fright while we go on our indoor hunt! The fee for this event is $8.00 for Dyer Residents and $9.00 for NonResidents. Prior registration is required at Dyer Parks & Rec. Dept. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Columbian Ladies Meeting Columbian Ladies of Lansing Council 3540 will assemble for a general meeting on October 28 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 17800 Lorenz in Lansing. Following a short meeting an evening of vacation fun will be presented by Rich Baltrus. Everyone is welcome to see if they would like to join Columbian Ladies. Next month’s meeting will be our annual “Holiday Delights”, held on November 18 due to Thanksgiving. For further information call Joann at 708-4748680. l “The Lincoln Highway around Chicago” The next Lansing Historical Society regular meeting will be held on Monday, October 28, at 6:00 p.m. We are proud to host Cynthia Ogorek who will speak about 100 Years of the Lincoln Highway. Her talk will focus on our local “Ideal Section”, the most state of the art section in the country in 1923. The program will be held in the Community Room of the Lansing Public Library, 2750 Indiana Ave. Please use the front doors of the building, since the parking lot is undergoing reconstruction. l Mini Lights & Itty Bites Join us for one of our monthly meetings on October 28th at 12:00 noon to meet the ladies of the Lansing Women’s Club. If you have an interest in your community and enjoy having lunch and interaction with other women, please feel free to join us. It is not necessary to be a Lansing resident to join our group. We meet on the fourth Monday of the month, September through May. This month our meeting is at J.J. Kelly’s, Bernice Road, Lansing, IL. Please contact (708)895-3195 for more information.

Tuesday, October 29

l Latin Dance Join Dyer Parks & Recreation at Premiere Dance Studio for some fun with Latin dance. During this six week session, you will learn dances such as the salsa, bachata, cha cha, rumba and swing while meeting new people and getting in shape. No partner or experience is necessary, just bring comfortable shoes to dance in. This class takes place on Tuesday nights from 7:00-7:40pm at Premiere Dance Studio (425 US Hwy 30 Suite 100, Galleria Bldg in Dyer) beginning Oct. 29 and running through Dec. 3. The fee for this class is $50 for Dyer

Upcoming Events


l T.O.P.S. Meeting Meeting every Thursday at 5:30pm weighin and 6:15pm meeting. at the Lansing Presbyterian Church, 2625 Ridge Rd., Lansing. We are a family oriented organization for men, women, teens and children over 7yrs of age to promote a healthy way to lose weight. Come and learn with a wonderful group to give you support on your weight loss journey. For more information, call 708-895-4771. l Women Discover Your Bible with Us Join us at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, 166th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue (by the roundabout) in South Holland, Tuesday mornings from 9:45 – 11:00 a.m. We will continue our study of the book of Matthew. A Story Hour for 3 – 5 year olds will be taught by Miss Elaine. A Nursery is provided. For information call the church at 331-0391 or Carol at 339-6793. We would love to have you join us! l Food Pantry Covenant United Church of Christ, located at 1130 East 154th Street in South Holland, operates a Food Pantry in conjunction with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The Pantry is opened from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each Saturday. All eligible residents of Calumet City, Dolton and South Holland are served. A current photo identification is the only requirement. Food distribution is from Covenant North building which can be entered from South Greenwood Avenue. l Free Community Meal! Every 4th Monday of the month from 5-6:30pm, Trinity Lutheran Ev. Church hosts a FREE COMMUNITY MEAL! This free meal for Everybody! Trinity Lutheran school gym (18144 Glen Terrace ) Lansing.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

34 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Handyman Services All Handyman Repairs done on-the-side to save money! Pa i n t i n g , d r y w a l l , t i l e, concrete patching, doors, r o o f i n g , h a u l i n g . Ve r y reasonable. Mark 708-4087192

P&P Handyman All Rehab, Plumbing, sewer, rod out, catch. Basin cleaning, e l e c t r i c a l , c a r p e n t r y, demolition, roofing, painting, plastering, and more. Call Leon. 773-4191304

Health & Beauty H e a l t h : I f Yo u W e r e Diagnosed with bladder cancer and used the type 2 diabetes drug ACTOS between 2000-the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson. 1-800535-5727

Home Improvement/ Repair


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A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328




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Circle Buick 2440 45th Street Citizens Financial Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2631 Highway Avenue Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Avenue Highland Library 2841 Jewett Street Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Avenue Ultra 8401 Indianapolis Blvd.


Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Citizens Financial Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Rd. Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Road Phillips 66 323 Ridge Road


Altered Images 100 Eagle Ridge Drive American Family Insurance 133 East Joliet Street Citizens Financial Bank 7650 Harvest Drive Coldwell Banker 20 E. U.S. Highway 30 Schererville Chamber Office 13 west Joliet Street Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet Street Sears Hardware 1150 U.S. Highway 30 Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41

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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450 Don’s Dependable Light Hauling and Moving. Have pickup, will travel, will help with packing peoples contents, will help assist with snow removal, available for store pick-ups. Competitive rates. Don 708-271-2552 Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354

Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re- gl aze win dows, str ip w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170

35 October 23, 2013 Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241

Pet Care Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and all, here’s th e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335

SOUTH HOLLAND THORNWOOD PLAZA Office/Dental/Retail Space Available

Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652

Internet Edition

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Sealcoating & Blacktop All-American Sealcoating, Inc. Don’t neglect your asphalt, you know it needs to be sealed! Free estimates. Call 708-560-0566

Help Wanted O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999


Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225

Help Wanted: Home Day Care Assistants needed, Must have your own t ra n s p o r t a t i o n . Mo n d a y through Friday Day/Evening positions available. Non smoking. Please Call. 708935-2794

Garage Sales in South Holland

Help Wanted: Maintenance: Looking for full & par t time handymen for general maintenance work. Send resume or contact Resource Management 1101 Sheffield, Dyer

October 26, 10-4.  1161 East 165th Street, South Holland 60473  Men & Women Clothing, L a d i e s S c r u b s , Fo r m a l Dresses & Shoes, Kids Toys, Baby & Household Items, Books, and Much More! Great Prices!

Help Wanted: Experience persons for braids, massage, skin care, facial, manicurist, pedicure, waxing, barber, eye lashes. Rent space weekly. Lansing Boutique. 708-8891125 or 708-465-4111

Saturday, October 26, 7-3,  2031 E 171st Ct . South Holland,  trendy quality clothing for the whole family,toys, office supplies, furniture,holiday section

Southeast • 20 E. U.S. 30, Schererville, In 46375 • (219) 865-9911 For detailed information on these and other fine properties Visit Any house. Anytime. Anywhere.

Open Sat/Sun 1-4

Open Sat 1-4

Open Sat 1-4

18863 Cherry Ln, Lansing $184,900 Sharp 4 br, 2 bath quad w/related living. Updated kit w/Pergo flrs, skylight & appl. Htd Florida rm. Fam rm w/fplc. Newer roof. Bsmt & more.

3723 W. 217th St, Matteson $199,900 Charming 4 br, 1.5 ba Victorian in quaint neighborhood. Updated kitchen & baths.

17841 Oak Park, Lowell $219,900 New 3 br, 2.5 ba 2-story w/2-car gar & full bsmt. Master w/walk-in closets & ba. Conv loc.

Cookie Zeleznik

Cookie Zeleznik

Gina Guarino

378 to 1,000 SF 625 E. 170th St., South Holland



Condo Lady says must see! Exceptional 2 Bed, 2 Bath condo. Larger end unit. Eat in kitchen facing the forest preserve. Office/Laundry room in unit. Elevator, Heated Garage, Flexicore construction.




Open Sun 12-2

Open Sun 1-4

Open Sun 1-4

2543 Hickory, Dyer $299,899 5 br, 6 ba home on wooded 1 ac. Fam rm w/fplc, lrg kit, main-flr master w/Jacuzzi & more.

10025 Gettler, Dyer $154,900 2 br, 1.5 ba 2-story TH in conv loc! Vaul liv rm. Kit w/ brkfst bar & din area. 2-car gar.

1419 Muirfield, Schererville $499,900 Renovated 4 br, 4 ba all brick ranch w/almost 4000 sq ft, 2.5-car gar & in-ground pool.

Kent Magnuson

Tom Gregory

Jim Fritza/Gina Musolino




Open Sun 12-2



Betty O’Brien Condo Lady

Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins

• Complimentary Market Evaluation • We’ll Provide Answers to all of your Real Estate Questions • We’ll Advise you on what you need to do to get your home ready for sale! • • • •

We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • 26 Years of Experience

Lansing $130,000 3-4 br, 2 ba quad-level w/updated kit & baths. Large fenced yd w/shed. Liv rm, kit & brs w/hdwd. Lower level bedroom recently dry walled.

1154 Crimson Clover, Schererville $133,000 Beautiful 2 br, 2 ba 2nd-floor condo. Ss appl. Gar. View out back overlooks green scenery.

Thornton $124,900 Updated 3 br ranch w/updated kit w/appl. Lrg liv rm w/ bay window. Wd laminate flrs thruout. Updated ba. Lrg master. Fence. 2.5-car garage.

Daniel Cacich

Candi Stegenga

Catherine Higgins




South Holland $120,000 Redone 3 br, 2 ba solid brick split-level. Hdwd flrs in liv, din & brs. Spacious kit w/oak cabs, remod LL fam rm, ba & laundry area. Sun rm.

Lansing $103,900 Perfect 3 br, 1.5 ba home w/brand new stove, ref & d/w. Beaut fin hdwd flrs thruout. Full basement. Freshly painted. Large 2.5-car garage.

Lansing $97,500 4 br, 2 ba home w/newer windows, roof & carpet. Hdwd flrs. Updated kit w/corner hutch & appl. 2 mainflr brs. Updated baths. Gar w/storage.

Cindi Maus

Michael Kosich

Catherine Higgins




See what we do at Email: Call: 708-828-3304 We Sold 100+ Homes the Past 2 Years for a Reason!

Lansing $84,900 Updated 3 br home w/lrg liv rm, remod eat-in kit w/ cherry wd cabs, new counters, ss appl & more. Rec rm. Remod ba. Lrg fenced yd. Gar. Deck.

Calumet City $82,000 Cozy 3 br home w/hardwood floors under carpet & brs. Unfinished basement. Huge 2.5-car garage. Block from public transp, shopping, etc.

Calumet City $79,777 3 br, 2.5 ba brick bungalow w/greenhouse. Huge patio. Garage w/2 drs. Hdwd flrs thruout. Master w/2 oversized closets. Full part-fin bsmt.

Catherine Higgins

Georgeann Weisman

Veroni Rivera-Shanks





NEW LISTINGS available. Spectacular lake views, 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious eat-in-kitchens. Utility rooms, w/laundry in unit. Dinning room. Master bedroom bath w/tub & seprate shower and walk-in closet. Elevator, Heated garage, Flexicore.




Betty O’Brien

South Holland $49,900 All brick bungalow on a spacious river front lot w/3 large brs, 2 full baths, full bsmt w/massive rec rm, hdwd flrs & side drive to garage.

Calumet City $49,900 Sharp 3 br, 1.5 ba home w/frml din rm & eat-in kit. Full basement. Like-new furn & a/c. Updated electric, enclosed front porch & fenced yd.

Lansing $49,900 Great 2 br, 2 ba condo w/furniture. In-unit laundry and appliances. Well-maint elevator building. 55+ community. Parking & storage included.

James McCabe

Kent Magnuson

Joan Middleton

Mortgage 877-208-9004


Title 847-824-8290

Concierge/Home Warranty 800-493-1181


Relocation 800-323-9565

Previews 888-572-Home


Commercial 800-838-7922

Say I saw it in The Shopper

36 October 23, 2013

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Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ

DOG LOVERS REJOICE-- LYNN’S DOGGIE SPA PAMPERS YOUR POOCH: Our family has been dog lovers for as long as I can remember. I even recall a little white Spitz in my crib as a child who kept me company as evidenced in our family photo album. As an adult, I have come to admire dog groomers who take as good care of our beloved pets as we do and Lynn’s Doggie Spa in Calumet City is one of those. Linda Piljac-Laski and her hubby Ken Laski own and operate the spa on Burnham Avenue, just off Sibley. Our dogs come out looking and smelling beautiful, all fluffed and puffed to perfection. By way of background, Linda was a successful businesswoman who left her corporate career behind when an opportunity presented itself in 2009 to own a doggy spa. Linda immediately connected with her clientele, and totally bonded with her canine customers. Her grooming is pure quality and she is quite reasonable in price and realizes that “’today, many dog owners consider their pets an to be their children,” so the care and love that Linda provides makes for happy pets and happy pet owners. Linda and Ken are pictured here with their 3 rescue dogs, Rocco, a 115 pound Rottweiler/Doberman mix. Molly, an 80 pound black Lab and Katie, a 50 pound Border-Collie mix---all of whom are ‘lap dogs.’ ***

CASTILLO FAMILY VISIT FIRE PREVENTION DAY AT SCHERERVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT: As part of the festivities a few weeks ago during National Fire Prevention Week, Alex, Bonnie, Santana and Julian Castillo visited that day along with their pet Chihuahua “Jax.” The entire family are Harley Davidson fans, thus Mom and Dad are sporting their Harley T-Shirts. The Castillo’s ride their Softail Heritage Harley with pride whenever they can. And all reported a fun day finding out about fire prevention thanks to the Schererville Fire Department! *** ADVOCATE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL HONORS J O E AU R E L I O F O R H I S CO N T I N U E D SUPPORT: The respected children’s hospital in Oak Lawn, which treats children of all ages hosted a “2013 Hearts for Hope Halloween Bash” for community honoree Joseph M. Aurelio of the 40 Chicagoland Aurelio’s. Advocate says....”we were pleased to honor Joe Aurelio at the Halloween Bash on October 19th, 2013 for his continued partnership and support of Advocate Children’s Hospital-Oak Lawn. His vision began in 1997 and we cannot thank him enough for his philanthropic efforts throughout the years.” Aurelio’s Pizza donated a portion of their proceeds to Advocate Children’s Hospital from over 40 restaurants starting October 13th through October 19th, 2013. All proceeds will benefit the growth and expansion at Advocate Children’s Hospital-Oak Lawn. A children’s specialty hospital that combines extraordinary medical expertise with a childcentered environment, Advocate Children’s Hospital is a premier provider of health care for children throughout the Midwest. For more information on the Halloween Bash visit www. and to find an Aurelio’s Pizza near you visit www. *** BOB BONG NEW EDITOR OF DES PLAINES VALLEY NEWS: Former Calumet City resident Bob Bong, who was an editor with the old and revered Daily Calumet (before it folded into the Southtown Star) was business editor for the Daily Southtown for many years when he was ‘retired’ from that paper a few years ago. He has since been editing an Internet business

Blog with much success. But, now Bob is in his element as new (for the past 6 months) editor for the Des Plaines Valley News which is a paper distributed in the southwest suburban area. That paper is about to also buy the South West Herald and proves just how valuable a community newspaper is. All this ‘digital only’ stuff falls on deaf ears for those of all ages who like to hold an actual paper in their hand when reading the news. Same goes for the new ‘e-books’. Just walking into a library with all those wonderful books gives this Realtor/ reporter a thrill. Billionaire Warren Buffet must feel the same way as he has several newspapers in his portfolio. Anyway, Bravo to Bob Bong and his wife Corine Bong (of Lansing’s Printmeisters)--Tell it like it is Bob! And Thanks to the Kallemeyn Family for providing the south suburbs and now Northwest Indiana with the Shoppers for all these years! ***

Internet Edition

Oct. 25-26, 9-5.  15515 Woodlawn East, So. Holland.  Household, coats, electronics, toys, etc. ladies clothes, jewelry, children clothes.

Garage Sales in Calumet City Oct. 26-27,10-2.  546 Saginaw Ave., Calumet City.  Household items,outdoor furniture, clothing, books, movies & much more.

Garage Sales in Lansing Oct. 25-26, 9-2.  18270 Sherman, Lansing.  Estate sale! Collector Norman Rockwell plates/figurines, yarn, sewing, craft, kitchen accessories, luggage, curtains, electronics, costume jewelry. Everything must go. Oct. 25, 9-2; 26th, 9-12.  17916 Walter St., Lansing.  Ho c k e y t a b l e , e l e c t r i c recliner chair, clothes, teen boys & girls, women’s & mens, petite-2XL, printer, toys, videos. Oct. 24-26, 10-4.  1 8 2 3 3 B u r n h a m Av e . , Lansing.  C l o t h e s, v i d e o s, b o o k s, kitchen stuff, Kirby vacuum. Garage in back.

B O Z H OT D O G S I N L A N S I N G H AV E FANTASTIC POLISH TOO! N 2 N dropped into the very popular Boz Hot Dogs on Ridge Road in Lansing recently and enjoyed a delicious Polish. The two gals on duty that day, Debbie Biesboer and Carrie Dopkowski, explained that the fabulous Polish come from one source --Poncho Foods. What makes these Polish so spectacular, in our opinion, is the mild seasonings, the smooth texture and the casings that ‘pop’ when you bite into them! My husband Larry loves the regular Boz hot dogs and must have his Boz fix each week or so. But, do try the Polish too--you won’t be disappointed! Also, on the health beat note-Boz owner Bob Bollatker just had by pass surgery on October 13, 2013 and was up and working at the restaurant a week later! Wife Sue says she is continually amazed at his sturdy constitution. ***

Oct. 23rd, 12-3; Oct. 24-25,93.  17537 Roy St., Lansing.  Huge sale! Clothes, adults, boys, infant to size 10, toys, books, videos, strollers, playhouse, household & decorations. Oct. 24-26, 9-2.  3420 Monroe St., Lansing.  Estate sale! Recliner chair, china cabinet, entertainment center, hshld. items, too much to list. Reasonable offers accepted.

Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Oct. 26th, 8am-4pm.  Village of Dixmoor  170 W. 145th St., Dixmoor, IL.  2nd garage sale/Flea Market, Set up 6:30 am, $10 slots and $15 for electrical outlets. Clerk’s office 708-389-6121 or 708-396-3333 OCT 25&26 9-3 OCT 27 11-2  ESTATE SALE- 2910 138TH PL. BURNHAM, IL. vintage furniture,beautiful linens,lots of household,jewelry,garden & garage items

Garage Sales in Dyer Garage Sale:  Oc t . 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6 . 9 : 0 0 A M 3:00PM.  at: 222 Buttercup Lane, Dyer, IN.  Lawn Mower & Garden eq. golf eq. Office chairs, Printer, computer desks. Clothes, construction tools, & much more.

Garage Sales Outlying Indiana Oct. 24-26, 9-4.  7204 Lindberg, Hammond, IN.  Huge sale! Tools, new clothes, new sheets, household items, much more.

Homes For Sale

Ho m e f o r s a l e : S o u t h Ho l l a n d $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 d ow n payment grant. Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2-story, attached garage, finished basement, fireplace, new roof. $204,900 708-596-7761

Home for sale: Frame house sided. 2-bdrms., 1-bath, full basement, c-air, new furnace, roof 10yrs. Detached 1-1/2 car garage. $110,000. 18246 Wildwood, Lansing. 708-8255135

Cemetery Lots For Sale Four grave site Hawthorne section. Cedar Park Cemetery, Calumet Park $7200 value, asking $6400. Call. 708-720-1050

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Lansing 2 bdrm, 1 bath, large lvg rm, eat-in-kitchen, newly remodeled, balcony, appliances, hrdwd., laminated floors, laundry, sec. 8 welcome. Prestige Properties R.E. Pros., $950/ mo. Call Melanie 708-7121541 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 2-bdrm. $750mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803

Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499

Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713



WE SERVICE ALL FORDS INCLUDING DIESELS IN OUR NEW TRUCK CENTER GOING DOWN.......WESTWOOD COLLEGE BUILDING IN RIVER OAKS: Picture here on the south side of the shopping center is the Westwood College Building as it is being torn down. Some of the old and unused buildings have come down recently in River Oaks, and of course Carson’s and Sears are no longer there, so it looks quite different. But, Macy’s and Penney’s are still there vibrant as ever and if you go into the Mall there are hundreds of small shops and businesses-- not to mention the great food court-- to answer our shopping prayers. Likewise there are kiosks everywhere where one can buy goods and services and even have our eyebrows threaded! *** CARSON’S OPENS OUTLET STORE IN THE LANDINGS. Last Saturday hundreds of shoppers turned out at the Landings in Lansing to check out the new Carson’s Outlet store which offers a little bit of everything for the careful consumer. It seems we all like bargains so much, that finally the merchants of the big box stores are paying attention and giving us what we want. *** HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO JIM AND MARTA MCCABE: The McCabe’s of St. John Indiana are longtime Brokers with Coldwell Banker and recently celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary on September 30th, 2013! Blessings and Best Wishes to Jim and Marta--Long May You Love! *** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.mintonkutz@

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Plus tax & shop supplies. Some models higher. Valid in our service department. Please present coupon when order is written. One to a customer, per transaction. Cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts. Expires 10/31/13.

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Complimentary Car Wash with Any Service!


1777 River Oaks Drive

Calumet City, IL


Say I saw it in The Shopper

37 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

1777 River Oaks Drive • Calumet City, IL (On 159th Street, West of Torrence Ave.)


River Oaks Lincoln

0 APR %

2013 VIN#1LDG603957 Lincoln MKS

2013 VIN#3LER800499 Lincoln MKZ

for 60 mos.*

*Financing available on select Lincoln models. 0% Apr for 60 mos. = $16.67 per $1000 financed. See dealer for complete details. All offers plus tax, title, lic & doc fee to qualified buyers. Offers expire 10/31/13.

Napleton River Oaks Pre-Owned Center 2008 Nissan Altima

2006 Chevrolet Cobalt 2-dr Coupe SS Stk#P2804






2008 Lincoln Town Car Limited







2010 Mercury Milan




2009 Ford Escape



2010 Lincoln MKZ

2011 Chrysler 200 Limited

2012 Chrysler 300 Limited




2011 Ford Fusion

2013 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ














$18,488 2011 Ford Transit

2013 Chevrolet Equinox LT


2012 Honda CR-V EX-L

2013 Ford Escape SEL







2013 Cadillac CTS Luxury

2011 GMC Acadia





2010 Cadillac STS AWD






2011 Cadillac SRX







2010 Acura MDX

2010 Dodge Charger

2013 Cadillac XTS Premium

2013 Cadillac XTS Premium




2010 RiverCadillac Oaks Lincoln CTS-V

2011 Cadillac CTS-V

2011 Cadillac Escalade Premium AWD



2010 Lincoln MKT









2009 Mercury Mariner Premier

2011 Buick LaCrosse CXS



2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B

2011 Lincoln MKZ

2012 Buick Enclave






2012 Chevrolet Malibu



2010 Cadillac SRX

2010 Cadillac CTS Luxury




2011 Lincoln MKZ



2010 Mercury Grand Marquis LS


2012 Chevrolet Impala LTZ


2012 Chevrolet Sonic LTZ
















NO Credit, Bad Credit...





We CaN Help!

1777 River Oaks Drive Calumet City, IL River Oaks Lincoln


*All offers plus tax, title, lic & doc fee to qualified buyers. Photos for illustration purposes only. Offers expire 3 days from pub.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

38 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition


2013 Buick

2013 Buick


Wheels, Full power, keyless, touch radio, camera Stk#B1434 MSrP ...................................$23,975 circle Discount .......................$1,726 30 in rebate ....................................$1,000 conquest ’99 or newer ...........$1,000 Stock october Bonus cash...................$1,000

$19,248/$199 mo.

2014 Buick


Leatherette, keyless, Full Power, Wheels, And More Stk#B1622 MSrP ..................................$25,085 circle Discount ......................$1,586 conquest ’99 or newer .............$500


25 in Stock

22,999/ 229 mo. $


Leather, Wheels, Heated Seats, turbo! MSrP..............................................................................$31,530 circle Discount..................................................................$2,031 rebate...............................................................................$1,000 conquest ’99 or newer......................................................$1,000 Bonus cash..........................................................................$500 September Bonus cash.....................................................$2,000


20 in Stock


2013 Buick

Leather, Wheels, Heated Seats, Well Equipped! MSrP.........................................................................$34,765 circle Discount.............................................................$2,366 rebate..........................................................................$1,500 conquest ’99 or newer.................................................$1,500 Bonus cash.......................................................................$1,000



25 in Stock


2014 gMc


3rd row seating, wheels, keyless and much, much more! #t15529 FREE MAINTENANCE INC. MSrP..........................$35,260




40 in Stock Best Lease of the Year!

0% For 60 Mos!

2014 gMc


SLE, Full power, Wheels, touch radio, and more! Stk#t15586 MSrP.............................$34,215 1000 SUPPLIER Discount...........................$2,716 BONUS AVAILABLE rebate..............................$1,000 trade-in............................$1,000 Bonus 99 or newer...................... FREE MAINTENANCE INC.

29,499/$239 mo.


2014 gMc


4x4, SLE, Full Power, touch radio and more! #t15510 MSrP.............................$42,515 1000 SUPPLIER Discount...........................$3,916 BONUS AVAILABLE rebate..............................$1,000 trade-in............................$1,000 Bonus 99 or newer...................... FREE MAINTENANCE INC.

36,599/$299 mo.


2013 gMc


Wheels, full power, keyless, touch radio, backup camera MSrP...................................$27,130 circle Discount.......................$1,732 rebate....................................$1,000 october Bonus cash ..............$1,000


100 in Stock

23,398/$199 mo.


2013 Buick


roof, Wheels, 3rd row Leather, Loaded up. MSrP ..................................$45,950 Demo Discount .....................$4,601 rebate....................................$2,000 conquest ’99 or newer .............$500 october Bonus cash ..............$1,000



DEMo SPEciAL 3 to cHooSE




DIVORCE? BANKRUPTCY? PAST DUE MORTGAGE? ‘07 dodge Caliber Auto,A/c,x-clean,80k,#B1617A......................................... $7,998/$119 mo. ‘07 Chevrolet Trailblazer Lt,Leather,roof,1owner,80k,#t15443A....................... $10,899/$169 mo. ‘05 Toyota Matrix XR 1owner,full pwr,wheels,70k,#B1563A..................... $10,899/$169 mo. ‘07 dodge Charger Wheels,power,sunroof,x-clean,#B1410B.................... $11,999/$179 mo. ‘05 Jeep Grand Cherokee 8 cyl, Leather, x-clean, 80k, #t15295A...............$12,899/$189 mo. ‘07 GMC Acadia SLE 3rd row, Wheels, keyless, #t453684A ..............$15,889/$249 mo. ‘08 dodge Nitro 4x4, r/t, nAV, Wheels, loaded! #t15435B.......$15,889/$249 mo. ‘07 Chrysler 300 touring,chromewheels,sharp,only 40k,#B1377A ......... $16,899/$258 mo. ‘07 GMC Acadia SLE, 3 rows, wheels, remotes, only 50k #t15515B ............................................................$16,899/$259 mo. ‘06 GMC Sierra EXT Ext cab, SLE, Z-71, only 36,000 miles! #t15470c..............................................................$17,899/$269 mo. ‘04 Chevrolet Malibu LS, Full power, only 60k, #t15452B.................................. $8,999 ‘10 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid, wheels, Full power, only 60k, certified! #t15330A....................................................................... $12,899 ‘10 Ford Mustang Convertible Leather, Wheels, Automatic, x-clean, 30k #B1539A .................................................................................... $17,899

2-Year/30,000 Miles

maintenance included!! ‘11 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ Full loaded, 1 owner, Leather, 20k, cErtiFiED! #t15388A ...................................................................... $17,998 ‘13 Chevrolet Cruze Lt, power, only 3,000 miles, save $$$, cErtiFiED! #t15401A........................................................................ $17,999 ‘13 Volkswagen Passat 2.5L, Full Power, save $$, 11,000 miles #B1268x......................................................................... $18,998 ‘09 Pontiac G-8 rArE! x-clean, Black, wheels, cErtiFiED! #B1378A.......................................................................... $18,999 ‘10 Chrysler Town & Country touring Edition, 3 rows, only 40k, #B1565A............. $18,999 ‘08 Lexus IS 250 Sportsedan, nAV, wheels, 70k, #t15624A................. $19,899 ‘09 buick Enclave CX 1 owner, 3rd row, wheels, x-clean, #t15530A................................................................... $19,899 ‘12 buick Verano Full power, wheels, save $$$ only 19k, cErtiFiED!..... $19,899 ‘11 GMC Acadia SLE-2, captains chairs, sunroofs, 1-owner, #t15612A............ $20,899 ‘11 buick Lucerne CXL Leather, wheels, 1 owner, 40k, x-clean! cErtiFiED! #B1457A ........................................................................ $20,998 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, roof, wheels, goldmist, 1 owner, cErtiFiED! #B1468A ........................................................................ $21,998

‘10 GMC Terrain SLt, Leather, Wheels, V6, only 40k, cErtiFiED! #t15612B....................................................................... $21,999 ‘11 GMC Sierra EXT 2WD, Wheels, Power, 1 owner, 18,000 miles, cErtiFiED! #B1593A .................................................................................... $21,999 ‘11 GMC Terrain SLT Leather, roof, loaded, 1-owner, 40k, cErtiFiED! #t15593A...................................................................... $22,899 ‘12 buick Regal Leather, Wheels, Heated seats, 30k, cErtiFiED! #B1282A.....................................................................$23,899 ‘10 buick Enclave AWd All Wheel Drive, cXL, Leather 3 rows 40k, cErtiFiED! #t15540AA ............................................................................... $23,899 ‘11 buick Regal Turbo Leather, wheels, roof, x-clean, 20k!, cErtiFiED! #B1234A..................................................................................... $23,899 ‘12 GMC Terrain SLE 1 owner, keyless, wheels, 14k, cErtiFiED! #t15441A................................................................................... $23,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra EXT Ext cab, 4x4, 1 owner, 16,00 miles, cErtiFiED! #t15459A................................................................................... $23,899 ‘12 GMC Terrain Save $$$, 1 owner, only 10k mile!, #t15240A................ $23,899 ‘11 GMC Terrain SLE-2 Wheels, radio, keyless, only 11k miles, cErtiFiED! #t15309A................................................................................... $23,998 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, roof, wheels, Black, 80k, certified! #B1234B ....................................................................... $24,899

‘11 buick Turbo Auto, A/c, cD, 30,000 miles, cErtiFiED! #t15173A........... $24,899 ‘12 buick Lacrosse CXL chrome wheels, sunroof, leather, black, cErtiFiED! #B1394A ..................................................................................... $25,899 ‘12 GMC Terrain AWd n/wheel drive, sunroof, wow/10,00 miles, cErtiFiED! #t15566A................................................................................... $25,899 ‘11 GMC Acadia SLE 3rd row, keyless, only 20k miles, cErtiFiED! #t15236A................................................................................... $26,999 ‘10 Cadillac SRX Luxury edition, wheels, roof, 50k, #B1503A................. $27,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra EXT Z-71, Wheels, Full power, Save $$, 7,000 miles, cErtiFiED! #t15503A................................................................................... $27,998 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXS FuLLY LoADED, nAV, roof, Leather, 20k, cErtiFiED! # B1353A ....................................................................... $28,899 ‘11 GMC Sierra Crew SLt, All terrain, Leather, Wheels, 50k, Loaded cErtiFiED! #t15540A .................................................................................. $30,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra Crew 2-71, 1 owner, loaded up, 15,000 miles!, cErtiFiED! #t15247A...................................................................................... $30,998 ‘12 GMC Sierra Crew All terrain, SLt, Leather, Wheels, Loaded, 20k, cErtiFiED! #t15664A...................................................................................... $34,999 ‘11 GMC yukon denali AWD, Fully loaded, nAV, roof, wheels, 20k, cErtiFiED! #t15665A...................................................................................... $45,899

Payments2,000dueplustaxes,withapprovedcredit.*00-0460months@6.9%*05-1275months@6.9.Allnewcarpaymentsbasedon10Kmile,39monthlease. $2,000due,plusfirstpaymentandtaxwithapprovedcredit.

2440 45th St. highlAnd, in 219-865-4400 • ILL: 773-221-8124

SALES HourS: Mon.-Fri: 9AM-9PM, SAt: 9AM-6PM SErVicE HourS: Mon-Fri: 7AM-7PM, SAt 8AM-3PM

ViSit uS on tHE WEB...W W W. C I R C L E A U T O M O T I V E . C O M

Say I saw it in The Shopper

39 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition

Back to School Blowout

13MY Focus

13MY Escape

0% for 60M plus $1,500

0% for 60M plus $1,750

13MY Taurus

0% for 60M plus $2,250 Offer good thru 9/30/13 to qualifying customers thru Ford Credit.

Bruce Hemminger General Manager

Kevin Coyle Sales Consultant

Tom Preusser Sales Consultant

Tom Schultz Sales Consultant

Tom Schlesinger Sales/Internet Consultant

Tom Coyle Sales Consultant

Barb Harvey Finance Manager

Van Drunen Ford

is servicing your area. Family owned and operated for over 80 years. We are #1 in service and satisfaction! VAN DRUNEN OFFERS...

Ken Crowe Used Car Manager

Redd Walker Sales/Internet Consultant

Dave Embs Sales Consultant

Skip Solarczyk Sales Consultant

• • • • •

The Best Selection of New & Pre-Driven Vehicles Expert Service Department We Service All Makes & Models Huge Body Shop That Repairs All Makes & Work Directly with Insurance Claims Parts Department Wholesale & Retail



Van Drunen Ford


183rd & Kedzie • Homewood • (708) 798-1668 RIVERDALE Sibley Blvd.





175th St.

Ridge Rd. Kedzie



Ridge 183rd St.

Van Drunen Ford



5-Time Winner of the

prestigious President’s Award

Customer Excellence Award Winner!

Expert Body Shop • Free Estimates • We Repair All Makes

HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9am-9pm • Friday 9am-6pm • Saturday 9am-5pm



Say I saw it in The Shopper #


40 October 23, 2013

Internet Edition






SPARK LS #40265

2014 CHEVY













2013 CHEVY

TAHOE LS #L30036

2014 CHEVY





2014 CHEVY








2013 CHEVY

2014 CHEVY









2014 CHEVY









17730 S. Torrence • Lansing

†Prices include all rebates, incentives and bonuses. Optional equipment extra. Plus tax, title, license and doc fee. Must qualify. +Year to date. Offers subject to change at any time. For all offers take delivery from dealer stock by 10/31/13. Pictures are for illustration purposes only and may not represent actual vehicle. Offers end 3 days from date of publication. Inventories based on combined Phillips dealerships.

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