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New Orleans

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New Orleans, LA


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P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS

A stop in Jackson Square will be the perfect location to find a memorable souvenir or treat yourself to an authentic New Orleans style lunch at one of the many cafes and eateries. T i m e f o r l u n c h at t h e F r e n c h M a r k e t See key sights throughout the city such as the French Quarter, Jackson Square, and the Garden District. Experience the eccentric atmosphere of New Orleans from an intimate, first-person perspective. See the levees and discover the stories present on every street, from tales of the city’s first settlers, long-standing cultures, religions, Hurricane Katrina and of course, Mardi Gras. N a r r at e d j o u r n e y t h r o u g h t h e " B i g E a s y " G u i d e d t o u r o f S t . L o u i s C e m e t e ry # 3 On a guided walk-through of the “City of the Dead,” discover the historical significance of this peaceful above-ground burial place to New Orleans.

Take some time to relax in the breathtaking City Park. Comprising roughly 1,300 acres, City Park is one of the oldest and largest urban parks in the country and is home to beautiful ancient oaks. E x p e r i e n c e C i t y Pa r k L a k e P o n t c h a r t r a i n & B o at e m b a r k at i o n Enjoy the views of stunning, historical Lake Pontchartrain which provides the essential habitat for countless species of fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, and plants. Then, conclude your journey through New Orleans at the dock of the American Queen.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: www.reservemyexcursions.com OR Call: 1-888-966-0938

F U L L - D ay

129 $

P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS T o u r N e w O r l e a n s & V e n t u r e B e y o n d t h e f l o o d wa l l s Experience “living history” as our local, expert guide leads us through the original colonial city of La Nouvelle Orleans. As we pass through the French Quarter, City Park, the London Canal Breach and much more, we will discuss the factors that influenced the city’s initial placement, footprint, and expansion into the surrounding cypress swamps. Learn the everlasting impacts of Hurricane Katrina and see how the city has rebuilt since the 2005 man-made disaster. A r t D e c o at L a k e f r o n t A i r p o r t As we venture outside of downtown, we will stop at the historic New Orleans Lakefront Airport, to enjoy one of the finest examples of Art Deco architecture in the country. G u l f - t o - Ta b l e L u n c h at a n a u t h e n t i c I s l e n o s V i l l a g e Discover the history and survival of this unique culture during periods of coastal land loss before we celebrate the 18th century Spanish traditions of the Canary Islanders. Explore the village before sitting down for an authentic and delicious Islenos meal, prepared locally with fresh ingredients. M e e t L o c a l F i s h e r m a n at Y s c l o s k e y V i l l a g e Gain a deeper connection with the culture on the outskirts of New Orleans, as you learn how locals have adapted to the flooding and have continued their way of life for generations. Explore the quaint Islenos fishing villages of Shell Beach and Yscloskey, the “oyster capital of the world.” Here, we will meet a fifth-generation oysterman, as he shares stories of his ancestors and shucks fresh oysters on the banks of the historic Bayou la Loutre. B o at E m b a r k at i o n Our journey will conclude at the dock of the American Queen for embarkation.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: www.reservemyexcursions.com OR Call: 1-888-966-0938

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