Learn About Mutual Fund Investment plan

Page 1

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MUTUALFUNDMYTHS Mut ual Fundsr equi r esc ar ef ul as s es s ment . I ti ses s ent i al t oknowal l t he myt hsi nor dert ot akeabet t eri nves t mentdec i s i on.

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Ri skybec aus ei nvesti nshar es Notal li nvesti nshar esandhenc eal lmut ualf unds donotc ar r yt hes ameamountofr i sk.


NeedaDematac c ountf ori nvest ment Notc ompul s or y, I ti smai nl yneededi funi t sofs cheme ar epur chas edatst ockexchangeorpur chas euni t s kepti ndemat er i al i s edf or m.


Gr owt hopt i oni sbet t ert hanDi vi dend Novar i at i oni nr et ur nsduet os amepor t f ol i ost r uct ur e. Nochangei nNAV, i fdi vi dendi sr ei nvest ed.


NF Osar ebet t ert hanexi st i ngf unds

NF Osdonothaveat r ackr ec or dwhi l eal lexi st i ng f undshaveat r ackr ec or d.


Mut ualF undsar eonl yf orexper t s A non-exper ti nvest orc angetadvi c ef r om f i nanci al advi s or& maket her i ghti nvest ment .


Needal otofmoney I nvest mentc anbest ar t edf r om asl ow asRs 500/ mont ht hr oughSI P. i tai mst obui l dweal t hwi t ha smal li nvest ment .

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