Analyse Liquid Funds at MySIPonline

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I nvesti nLi qui dFundst hr ough


SAVI NGS ACCOUNT Li qui df undsar et het ypeofdebt mut ualf undswhi chpr i mar i l yi nv esti n v er yshor t t er m moneymar ketand debti nst r ument shavi ngl eastamount ofr i sk.Li qui df undsar et hebest al t er nat i v ef orasavi ngsbankaccount t oat t ai neasycashconv er t i bi l i t y wi t hi nf ewhour s.

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Gi v eapowe r f ul boos tt oy ours av i ngswi t h

SMARTSAVI NGSACCOUNT Wi t hdr aw money ors hopwi t h ATM +Debi tCar d

24x7r edempt i on ofyourmoneyi n mi nut esatany t i me


Hi gherRet ur ns t hant heSavi ngs BankAccount

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Ret ur ns 4%5%

Ret ur ns 7%8%


Thei nv est ment si nl i qui dmut ual f undar egai ni ngahugepopul ar i t y i nI ndi aduet ot hecer t ai nf act or swhi char ehi ghl ybenef i ci al f ort he i nv est or s.I tof f er sr et ur nupt o7%ascompar edt osavi ngsaccount whi chi sonl y4%.Theat t r act i v ef eat ur esl i kequi ckwi t hdr awal , l ow r i sk,et c. ,make t hese f unds sui t abl ef ort he i nv est or s who ar e l ooki ng f orshor t t er mi nv est ment si n mut ualf unds.Open y our accountatMySI Ponl i net oday .

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