Invest in Best ELSS Funds at My SIP Online

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ELSS: Weal t hCr eat i onand TaxSavi ngi nOneGo Equi t yLi nkedSavi ngsScheme( ELSS) , i soneoft hebes tt axs avi ngopt i ons pr ovi di ngt axdeduct i onunderSect i on80Coft heI ncomeTaxAct . Thet axs avi ngmut ualf undsar et hebes ti nves t mentpl answhi chpr ovi de hi gherr et ur nsont hei nves t edcapi t alal ongwi t hs avi ngi ncomeupt oRs . 1 . 5 l akht oavai lr educt i oni nt het axl i abi l i t y.

Let ’ st akeal ookoft hebenefit sofELSS


Lowes tLockI nPer i od ELSShast hel eas tl ock i noft hr eeyear sascompar ed t oot hert axs avi ngal t er nat i ves .

Equi t yI nves t ment sPr ovi di ngCapi t alGr owt h ELSSf undspr ovi det hebenefit sofequi t yi nves t ment si nt he l ongr un&appr eci at est hecapi t al i nor dert oat t ai nt he l ongt er mi nves t mentgoal s .

TaxSavi ngsUnderSect i on80C ELSShel psi navai l i ngt hededuct i onupt oRs . 1 . 5l akhont het ot al i ncome, andr educet axesupt oRs . 46350i nafinanci al year .

Di vi dend&Gr owt hOpt i on ELSScanpr ovi der egul arr et ur nswi t ht hedi vi dendopt i oneven dur i ngt hel ock i nper i od.

www. mysi ponl i ne. com


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