5 minute read
The sooner the better


For more than two decades, Jeff Hinkle has had a hand on the steering wheel of Trilogy®. After 15-plus years as the company’s Vice President of Community Development, Jeff was elevated to the role of Senior Vice President, with in fluence over both existing and upcoming communities. A general contractor by trade, Jeff is best known within the group for his incredible construction knowledge and, at times, for his biting wit. Working alongside Trilogy President Jeff McQueen, Jeff Hinkle has never been afraid to tell it like it is.
We were pleased to catch up with Jeff on a Saturday morning, just hours before his beloved Oklahoma Sooners were set to take rival Oklahoma State Cowboys. He was kind enough to give us most of his attention.
MTL: Jeff, there is a lot about you that people will find interesting, but I’m going to start with one of my favorite qualities you possess – you are qualified to build a home! Can you tell people a bit about yourself and your experience growing up in construction?
JH: I grew up mowing lawns. At 12 years old, I had two push mowers and one client. By the time I was in college, the business had grown to well over fifty homes, a farm, three banks, two cemeteries, and two apartment complexes. Mowing put me through school and, maybe more importantly, started me on the road to construction and ultimately homebuilding.
MTL: That’s some impressive entrepreneurialism as a young person.
JH: I was raised to work hard, but I also had a taste for Oklahoma’s version of the finer things. I remember seeing a guy on a construction site wearing starched Wranglers with a starched dress shirt and sportscoat (and a pair of $1,000 boots), and that was all the inspiration I needed. I wanted to be him. White collar but not too far from blue collar. So, it was that mystery man – along with a little bit of early success working with my hands – that led me to study Construction Management at the University of Oklahoma.
MTL: That’s a fun walk down memory lane. It leads to a question many people might have – what does “Community Development” do in a homebuilding company? And how has it changed over the years?
JH: When I first started in the residential industr y, everyone doing a version of what I wanted to do was called a “Land,” “VP of Land,” or a “Land Superintendent.” Land is one part of the equation, but to really make a community successful, there is so much more involved. Entitlements; community configuration; the marketing trail; amenities like golf courses and clubhouses; managing subcontractors; safety considerations; timing of work; the list goes on and on. “Community Development” is the job of ensuring all these pieces come together in a way that maximizes the experience for the future homebuyer while also meeting the financial returns expected by the landowner. As for how it’s changed, we’ve gotten way better at taking sites from raw space to vibrant communities – and doing so in a way that respects the land and respects the environment.
MTL: A couple years ago, you oversaw the curation of Trilogy’s 20th anniversary celebration. Looking back over all those years, what stood out the most to you?
JH: We [Jeff Hinkle, division President Jeff McQueen, and Area President Hal Looney] started with Shea in 1999. John Shea – the fourth-generation company leader at the time – shared something that has stayed with us over the years. He said, “I want you guys to remember that my family’s name is on the door of every community we build.”
In just over two decades, we have grown from a relatively modest regional concept to perhaps the most respected active-lifestyle builder in the country. Our ability to maintain a small family culture as we expanded to multiple markets across many different community types – that is what stands out to me. And it is why I am here 24 years later.
We were encouraged along the way to try without fear. If we failed (we did, occasionally), we learned from it and returned stronger, thanks to the family’s support. I have been blessed to be a small part of an incredibly important legacy. I’m so proud of what we have done with Trilogy and Shea Homes.
MTL: Jeff, one of the things I think most people enjoy about you is that you’re never really satisfied. Whether it ’s coaching softball, grinding away at your golf game, or developing your team in the office, you’re always trying to find the newest, best way to do things. First, do you agree with that assessment? And second, if so, how do you think that affects your focus for Trilogy?
JH: To start, I don’t know if everyone enjoys my never being satisfied! I bet a few of our team members might prefer it if I were a little less critical at times. But we all believe that it is important to do the best we can, and the only path to your own best is through hard work and determination. That’s been the truth since I mowed my first lawn.
I hope that my determination drives creativity, accountability, predictability, and in the end, credibility. Our customers have to know what they can expect from us. In my mind, they should expect the best, and we should deliver it.
MTL: Those who know you are aware that your upbringing in Oklahoma has had a lasting impact on you. Can you talk a bit about how your relationships with your family – parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren – influence the way you envision communities for Trilogy?
JH: When I look back on my time growing up, I could not feel more fortunate. Both of my parents worked: my father with the same company for 35 years, my mother with the same hospital for nearly as long. They raised my sister and I to have respect, empathy, and an unwavering work ethic. These qualities were embodied by the two of them, and also by my grandparents on both sides – all of whom lived either in town or just a short drive away. Weekends, holidays, and vacations were spent together, always.
I was an athlete into college, and like most people, the older I got, the better I was. But I wasn’t bad, and I certainly learned that you only get out what you put in. Our family yard was always manicured
– so is mine today. My father’s pants were always pressed – so are mine today. If you go out and look at my truck right now, it’s clean, even after a long week in the field. Self-discipline is a habit. Both of our girls played competitive softball growing up, and I tried to teach them the same way my folks taught me. Respect yourself. Respect your competition. Hustle never slumps. I am so proud when I see what incredible women they have turned out to be.
How does all this affect Trilogy? Well, nearly 25 years in, I’m still often the first person to arrive at the office. I think my team notices that, and it motivates them to be similarly dedicated. Success doesn’t come without hard work. I learned that from my folks. They learned it from their folks. Hopefully my daughters and my colleagues have learned it from me.
MTL: Jeff, that’s a humble response. Thank you. Are there any final thoughts you’d like to share before we wrap up?
JH: Set it up to be lasting. Leave it better than you found it. If you’re good enough, others will say it for you. n
Jeff Hinkle joined Trilogy® in 1999, and his influence on the company is evident in many ways. When he’s not at work Jeff enjoys spending time with his family, but he also has plenty of individual pursuits, including classic cars, golf, softball, and, of course, OU football. Jeff and his wife Theresa were high school and college sweethearts, and they have two grown daughters, Casey and Bailey. Casey and her husband Max have two daughters, Marlee (5) and Parker (2). Their two dogs Bogey and Bentley round out the family.
After another of Jeff’s infamous question-after-question emails, a yet-to-be-identified colleague snuck into his office and removed the “?” key from his keyboard. A not-so-subtle hint? Jeff took it in stride, and, in classic Hinkle fashion, let everyone know that “If you want fewer questions, just send me better answers!”