3 4-10
Contact Information
New Around Here?
G OL F Online Reservations
Ongoing Events
Club Access
Arranging Guests
Dining & Private Dining Reservations
Wine Locker Membership
Member-Sponsored Events
The Short Cut Part 2
Attire Policy
Holiday Weekends & Summer Hours
Rental Guidelines
Endorsed Accommodations
16-19 16-17
Event Registration
The Short Cut Part 1 Match Play Championship U.S. Open Challenge Member/Member Old Glory 11th Annual Men’s Summerwood Four Member Scramble 11th Annual Women’s Summerwood Couple’s Club Championship Club Championships The Pine Cup
Winter Hours & Holiday Hours
Guest Access
Golf Instruction
Shuttle Service
Reciprocal Play Policy
Winter Golf Course Access
Private Golf Cars
Practice Facility, Sports Shop & Tee Times
Pace of Play
EVENTS C ALEND AR Save the Dates | January-April Ongoing Events
19-23 19 19-20
Save the Dates | May-August
Summer Activities
Kids Camps
Save the Dates | September-November
T HE M O U NTAIN S A RE CA LLIN G ! Dear Members, Each fall we take some time as a team to develop our plans for the coming year. At this year’s sessions in November and December, the anticipation was at an all-time high. Between snow hitting the ground quickly and restrictions being lifted slowly, we all feel that 2022 has the potential to be our Club’s best year ever. For the first time in the community’s history, we will have more homes completed and occupied than we have vacant homesites. And with all the construction taking place, that balance will continue to shift even further, bringing more energy and more excitement to all our celebrations. More than any amenity, our neighbors are what make the Mill the Mill, so let’s get out among our friends, new and old, and enjoy the mountains. As always, we promise to do our best to make it a year full of great experiences for you and your family. We could not do it without your ongoing support, so thank you. Cheers to an amazing New Year! Warmest regards,
Brent Haygarth General Manager
K EY C O NTA C TS We are only a click or a call away. Please reference the contact list below to reach specific individuals or departments: C L U B INFO RMATION 530.582.6964 memberservices@schaffersmill.com schaffersmill.com | myschaffersmill.com FA CEBO O K & INSTAGRAM facebook.com/schaffersmill instagram.com/schaffersmill M EMBER SERVICES 530.214.7372 memberservices@schaffersmill.com rsvp@schaffersmill.com M EMBER BILLING 530.214.7379 eneal@schaffersmill.com G EN E RAL MANAGER Brent Haygarth | 530.214.7377 bhaygarth@schaffersmill.com DI R EC TO R O F GOLF Clint Bassett | 530.214.7378 cbassett@schaffersmill.com S PO RT S S H O P 530.214.7374 sportsshop@schaffersmill.com
B ASE CAM P 530.214.8995 E ND ORSE D ACCOM M OD ATI ON S 530.214.7381 vacations@schaffersmill.com RE AL E STATE SAL E S 530.214.7386 sales@schaffersmill.com D I RE CTOR OF FOOD & B E V E RAGE Derik Martinez | 530.214.7384 dmartinez@schaffersmill.com THE SAW YE R Member Reservation Line | 530.214.7384 Restaurant Line | 530.214.7385 thesawyeratschaffers.com P E G ’ S P OOL SI D E 530.214.7383 W E L COM E G ATE 530.550.7785 gatehouse@schaffersmill.com G RAN I TE P E AK M ANAG E M E NT HOA | 530.583.7545 HeatherK@gpeak.com
MYS C H A FFE R SM ILL. COM Visit MySchaffersMill.com (MSM) and you will have access to a Member Directory, Events Calendar, Newsletter Archive, and more valuable information. It’s easy to use, full of information, and always up to date. W E B S IT E A C C E SS To access MSM, you’ll need your own credentials. If you already have credentials and have forgotten them, simply click “Reset Your Password.” If you need new credentials, simply contact Member Services at 530.214.7372 or memberservices@schaffersmill.com. Once you’re in, you can set up all your preferences in the Profile section. DA I LY DIGES T Generated automatically each day from MSM, the Daily Digest keeps you connected to everything happening at the Club. F I ELD GUIDE This Field Guide is updated annually and will be published on MSM and made available as a printed resource. M I LL M INDER The Mill Minder is delivered each week to your inbox. This e-newsletter contains announcements, special events and notable dates, club news, contact information and generally all the scoop on what’s happening at the Club. M O NT H LY GM UPD ATES These letters include a general overview of Club and community news, announcements and reminders. K I OSK We bring MySchaffersMill.com to life via a 55” touchscreen in the Club. With a simple touch, Members can check out Truckee Adventure trips; see the local community events calendar for the coming day, week, or month; flip through yearbook photos, winter services, and more.
NEW AROUND HERE? LET’S GET STARTED! Welcome to our extended mountain family, and congratulations on becoming Members at Schaffer’s Mill! To get your membership experience started, here are a few helpful reminders: MEMB ER CHARGI N G Your Member number is important, so make sure you know that. You use this unique number to charge food, beverage, and retail items to your account at the Club. MYSCHAFFERSM I L L You’ll want to be sure you have your credentials for the Members Only website, MySchaffersMill.com. “MSM” (as we call it for short) includes features like online event registration, a Member Directory, and new ways for Members to connect, such as the community Bulletin Boards and the Member-led Clubs section. Everything you need to know about the community is available on MySchaffersMill.com. If you have difficulties logging in, please reach out to the MSM team at memberservices@schaffersmill.com. EMAIL ANNOUN CE M E NTS In addition to the information you can pull from MSM, we also keep our Members updated via the weekly Mill Minder as well as other special announcements. Your email address will be set to receive these announcements. If for any reason you’re not receiving them, please reach out to the MSM team. TEXT MESSAGE AN N OUN CE M E NTS The Club also uses text messaging to keep you informed. We use this for safety announcements which may be more pressing in nature (for example, major road closures, weather, etc.) as well as for event updates. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the text list. V EHICLE GATE T RANSP ON D E RS You should receive two vehicle gate transponders and a welcome email from a program called Quickpass. This program is used to manage guest gate access and your vehicles devices. Once you have signed in, you are able to create permanent or temporary pass codes for after hour gate access under the “Visitors” tab. HOSTING GUESTS & FRI E N D S We are always happy to help you host your family and guests here at the club. You can click here to see our detailed Guest Policy and frequently asked questions. As always, we are here to assist. If we can help in any way, just let us know. Sincerely, Your Schaffer’s Mill Team
W I N T E R & H OLIDAY HOU RS The days are a bit shorter in the winter and so are some of our operating hours. Please check the list below for winter hours. For the most up-to-date information please check MSM. B A S E C AMP 8AM-5PM Daily PO OL, SPA & FITNESS Available 24/7 via access card N ORTH VILLA GE CLUB HOUSE 7:30AM-5PM Daily S A LES C ENTER 9AM-6PM Daily, by appointment
SHUTTL E SE RV I CE 7:30AM-5PM Daily Departures from the Clubhouse are on the bottom of the hour, and at the top of the hour from Northstar. Reservations available via MSM. THE SAW YE R W I N TE R HOURS 2-8PM Wednesday-Sunday THE SAW YE R HOL I D AY HOURS Visit MSM for details
S PO RT S S H O P Open upon request
December 22, 2021-January 1, 2022
Ski/Skate Week | February 21-25, 2022
Martin Luther King Weekend | January 15-17, 2022 Spring Break Week | April 2-10, 2022
PEG ’S PO O LS ID E Closed
12 Days of Christmas To celebrate the holiday season, enjoy 12 days of fun and festive activities December 21-January 1, including: Mrs. Claus Story Time Tree Lighting & Ornament Decorating Snowman Building Contest See the Events calendar on MSM for details.
H O LI D AY W E E KE N DS & SU M M E R HO URS Hours of operation, as well as availability of amenities and services, subject to change. For the most up-to-date information please check MSM. M EMO RIA L DAY WEEKEND May 28-30, 2022 Memorial Day Weekend is the first of several long weekends we celebrate at Schaffer’s Mill in a big way. With a wine and cheese pairing event, the almost famous Shortcut Par-3 Shootout, and family fun such as live music, an all-American BBQ, bounce house and face painting, this weekend is a blast for guests of all ages. F O U RTH O F JULY WEEKEND July 2-4, 2022 To celebrate Independence Day, we host pool parties, activities, and a concert series to keep the party going all week. In addition to an All American BBQ, we offer a pool party with live island-style music and an Independence Day Bash on the Event Lawn with kids’ activities, dinner, and live music. Celebrate with us! LA B OR DAY W E EKEND September 3-5, 2022 You work hard all year long; Labor Day is the time to relax! We love to celebrate with our Members all weekend! Join us for some fun on Schaffer’s Square with live music, food, games, and more. With activities for everyone, the entire family is sure to enjoy the long weekend. PO OL, SPA & FITNESS Available 24/7 via access card
P E G ’ S P OOL SI D E 7:30AM-4PM Daily Bar Service until 6PM
BASE CAM P Available with advanced RSVP THE S AW YE R 12-9PM Daily
SHUTTL E SE RV I CE Available with advanced RSVP
RENTAL GUIDELINES CUSTOM HOM E S The Property Owners Association has outlined the following rental guidelines: No unit may allow multiple renters within the same seven-day period. No unit may be rented for a period of 14 days or less, more than 12 times in any 365-day period. M OUN TAI N L OD G E S No rental restrictions are currently in place for the Mountain Lodges. G E NE RAL G UI D AN CE Information on all renters must be provided to the association in advance of any rental period. Declarant has the ability to divert from these standards for the purpose of real estate sales. Access to Club amenities is at the full discretion of the Club.
ENDO RS ED AC CO MMO DAT IO NS Owners in Schaffer’s Mill have the option of renting their homes through the Schaffer’s Mill Endorsed Accommodations program. As the exclusive on-site rental management company, Endorsed Accommodations delivers a wide range of rental management services, including: Exclusive presence on schaffersmill.com and schaffersmill.com/vacations websites. Targeted marketing campaigns to guest and lead databases. Access to a dedicated reservations staff. On-site maintenance services, including housekeeping and security. Accounting services with regular reporting. Endorsed Accommodations’ integration with the Schaffer’s Mill ownership group means that they have direct access to the management of all on-site activities, events and amenities which enables them to deliver the best possible experience for you and your rental guests. If you would like to learn more about being a part of the Schaffer’s Mill Endorsed Accommodations program, please contact our team at 530.214.7381 or vacations@schaffersmill.com.
Members & Discovery Package Guests
Accompanied Members’ Guests
Unaccompanied Members’ Guests
SMEA Short-Term Rental Guests
Non-EA Short-Term Rental Guests
All LongTerm Rental Guests1
0-2 • $0 2+ • $10
0-2 • $0 2+ • $10
Golf access available only if sponsored by a Golf Member •
Yes, with fee* and when possible
In our effort to clearly articulate to our Members exactly the privileges provided to renters and guests, the above grid has been created. It is expected that the privileges provided may change over time as the Club and community mature. If you have any questions regarding access, please contact our team at 530.214.7372 or memberservices@schaffersmill.com. For further information on Club access, please visit MSM. *Fees are per person • 1With payment of Assignment Fee. • 2Space available, preference provided from left to right.
ARRA N G I NG GU E STS We want all guests to have the best possible experience. To help ensure this, we ask Members to please email memberservices@schaffersmill.com in advance of their guests’ arrival to let us know who is coming and any pertinent information about them that will assist us in making your guests feel welcome. We also request all guests check in with the Member Services desk upon arrival.
DI N I N G & P R I VATE DIN IN G RE SERVAT IO NS Reservations at The Sawyer are available online or by calling The Sawyer Member Line at 530.214.7384. Members can reserve the private dining suite up to 60 days in advance, and non-Members may reserve up to 30 days in advance. Please note that reservations are subject to availability, and extra fees might apply depending on day, time, menus or capacity. Space is made available on a first come, first served basis. Due to the popularity of this space, early reservations are recommended for high demand periods such as holidays. Bon Appétit! C OR K A GE Members are welcome to bring their favorite wine to the Club. The corkage fee is $20 for the 1st bottle and $30 thereafter if you do not have a private wine locker. If you have a private wine locker, the fee is $8. G R ATUITY PO LICY For the convenience of Members, for parties of 8 or more, an 18% gratuity is included on all food & beverage transactions. Members are provided the opportunity to leave an additional gratuity if they so choose. The golf services team may also accept tips from Members and guests. Once each year, the Club solicits contributions to a Team Member Appreciation Fund, which is distributed among all team members near the end of the year. PAT I O DINING The Sawyer has two spacious patio dining areas; both of these spaces overlook Northstar and the 10th fairway. The lower patio holds 40 guests with a customized table setting and fire pit. Available to Schaffer’s Mill Members only, the upper patio can hold 30 people, is dog-friendly, and has two hightop community tables with room to add banquet tables if needed.
W I N E L O C K E R M E M BE RSHIP Members have the opportunity to store wine in a private or shared wine locker at the Club. Lockers are identified with a custom name badge and can be kept for as long as the Member renews. A full locker (12 bottles) can be secured for $525 per year, and a half locker (6 bottles) is available for $325 per year. Lockers are billed once per year and run annually from May through April. Mid-year entries into the program pay a pro-rated amount. In the case that the wine lockers are sold out, Members may become a part of the Virtual Wine Locker. The Virtual Wine Locker includes all privileges of the Wine Locker Membership with the exception of private wine storage on-site and the complimentary bottle upon renewal. The Virtual Wine Locker is $250 per year. To become a Wine Locker Member, please contact the Food & Beverage team or visit MSM. B E N EF IT S Wine Locker Members may store their own bottles in their locker for use in the Club. Wine Locker Members may cork any bottle from their locker for 60% off the regular corkage price, and furthermore are not limited by the number of bottles for corkage per meal. Wine Locker Members also receive a discounted corkage fee of $8 per bottle opened, a benefit which extends to anyone on the Wine Locker Member’s check. Wine Locker Members receive a reduced rate on the use of the Private Dining Room. Rather than a room charge of $125, Wine Locker Members pay only $50 or a food and beverage minimum of $20 per person (whichever is less). Wine Locker Members have preferred – and sometimes exclusive – access to wine dinners and other winespecific programming such as wine trips to Napa, spirit tastings, and ongoing educations and tastings with preferred partnerships. At select events through the year, Wine Locker Members are able to purchase wine through the club and/or its purveyors at a preferred price. Pricing, bottle minimums, and other restrictions may vary by event. Wine Locker Members receive a complimentary bottle of Club-curated wine upon renewal of their locker each spring.
MEMBER- S PO NS O RED EV E NTS W E D D I NG S Schaffer’s Mill has a limited capacity to host weddings for Members only. Arrangements can be made in advance through the events team. In these cases, the standard guest fees may be adjusted or waived based on the specific needs and requests. COM PAN Y E V E N TS AT THE S AWY E R Host your corporate private event at The Sawyer. Delight your guests with the beautiful setting, creative menus and outstanding service of The Sawyer team. We have an array of festive menus offering seasonally-driven food and beverages, including hors d’oeuvres and chef-inspired stations, and seasonal spirits.
F IT NES S L OCKE R ROOM I N FORM ATI O N The Club offers both private and day use lockers. Our private lockers rent annually for $175 per individual or two Members may share one locker for $125 each. Our day use lockers are complimentary with key code information available at Member Services. FI TNE SS CE NTE R & CL ASSES Our fitness classes have been designed for all fitness levels and are led by a combination of our on-site experts and local instructors. We offer a variety of classes encompassing all the latest fitness trends. Details and schedules are always up to date on MSM. Please note: children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult in order to access the Fitness Center.
AT T IR E P O L I C Y G EN E RAL AT TIRE Everyone utilizing the Club is asked to respect the surroundings and dress in an appropriate manner. Members are responsible for communicating dress requirements to their guests. If need be, Members and guests will be asked to change into appropriate dress before using the amenities. M EN’S GO LF ATTIRE Proper golf attire is required for all players. Specific requirements are: Shirts are preferred to be tucked and should have sleeves and collars (soft, hard or mock). Slacks or Bermuda shorts of mid-thigh length are considered appropriate. Pressed, contemporary cargo shorts may also be worn. Please no tank tops, t-shirts, mesh shirts, sweatpants, denim of any color, non-pressed cargo shorts, swimwear, short shorts, cut-offs, gym shorts, tennis or other athletic shorts. W OMEN’S GO LF ATTIRE Dresses, skirts, slacks, mid-length shorts and blouses are appropriate. Please no halter tops, t-shirts, mesh shirts, sweatpants, denim of any color, non-pressed cargo shorts, swimwear, short shorts, cut-offs, gym shorts, tennis or other athletic shorts. J U N IO RS GO LF ATTIRE Youth 17 and under are expected to meet the same attire requirements as adults. All Members are expected to monitor this policy for the junior golfers under their membership. G O L F SH O ES Appropriate golf shoes are required for all golfers. Shoes with “soft spikes” or spikeless shoes may be worn, and tennis shoes or other soft sole shoes are subject to the approval of the golf professional on duty. Shoes with metal spikes and football, soccer or other large knobby spike shoes are prohibited. T EN NIS & PIC KLEB ALL ATTIRE Proper tennis and pickleball attire is required, including regulation tennis shoes. Please no undershirts, fishnet shirts, cut-offs, jams, blue jeans, swimwear or gym shorts. PO OL ATT IRE It is expected that pool users will respect those around them and wear proper coverage when in and out of the pool area. With the exception of the locker room areas, swim attire is not acceptable indoors. Swimwear is also not considered appropriate for patios adjoining The Sawyer.
B AS E C A MP Schaffer’s Mill is excited to bring an all new, expanded Base Camp experience to you. The overwhelming popularity of the original Base Camp has led us to acquire the adjacent space (formerly the toy shop) at Northstar. The acquisition will more than double the size of our current space, allowing us to better serve you and your family on the mountain. Look forward to more storage, more lockers, more amenities and a whole lot more fun come in 2022. H OU RS O F O PERATION Base Camp is open daily from 8AM-5PM (unless stated differently during holiday weeks below). Thanksgiving Day | Closed, access by reservation
Christmas Day | Access by reservation
Christmas Eve | Closed at 4PM Easter | Regular hours
New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day | Regular hours
DR I NK S & S NA CKS Base Camp will offer grab & go items as well as specialty hot beverages and more for all Members and guests every day. Outside food and beverage is still permitted. EQ U IPMENT STORAGE Below are the rates for ski/snowboard storage at Base Camp. Storage is available November through the end of April. Please note that equipment left after April will be charged a $125 storage fee. Seasonal ski/snowboard/boots storage is $250 per set for adults and $100 per set for kids (less than 130cm). Day storage is $10 per set. Keep your ski, snowboards, poles and boots safe and sound with our ski valet until your next visit to the Sierras. Please note our equipment-only storage does not include space for outerwear and other accessories.
S EA SO NAL LO CKER Let our ski valet handle your equipment while you take a leisurely stroll through the Village. Our storage rates include ski valet service where your items will be kept safe, as well as use of a locker for your boots, personal belongings and outerwear. Full lockers available for $500 and half lockers for $250. Requests for season-long storage or lockers may be made via MySchaffersMill.com. M EMBER S All Schaffer’s Mill Members have access to Base Camp, regardless of whether you choose to store your equipment with us or not. G U EST S Accompanied guests: Members can bring up to two complimentary accompanied guests. After two guests, a $10 per person access fee applies. Unaccompanied guests: $35 per person (includes overnight ski storage), per day for Base Camp access. Please remember that unaccompanied guests must register with Member Services. Failure to register unaccompanied guests with Member Services will result in the Member’s account being charged. R EN TER S SMEA renters can access Base Camp for $10 per person, per day. Non-SMEA renters do not have access to Base Camp or Shuttle.
N ORT H S TA R VILLA G E SH U TTLE S ERVIC E The Schaffer’s Mill Shuttle runs in conjunction with the Base Camp schedule. The shuttle operates daily between 7:30AM-5PM, leaving every hour on the bottom of the hour from the Club, and at the top of the hour from Northstar. Complimentary shuttle service is available to Members and up to two accompanied guests. Each guest after two will incur a $5 shuttle fee each way. Unaccompanied guests will be charged $10 per person each way, upon availability. SMEA renters will be charged $5 per person each way. R ES ER VATIO N P ROCESS Reservations may be made no earlier than 48 hours in advance on MSM. Unaccompanied guests require reservations to be made by the hosting Member. The hosting Member will have the fees charged to their account. Guests are required to check in at Member Services. If for some reason the shuttles are not available, we can assist in finding alternative transportation. Please contact the Member Services Desk at 530.214.7372 or memberservices@schaffersmill.com. DES T INAT IO N & FEES Below are fees to reserve the Schaffer’s Mill Shuttle (all shown one-way). All trips originate and/or return to Schaffer’s Mill. For trips outside our set locations, the trip time begins when leaving Schaffer’s Mill and ends when the vehicle returns to Schaffer’s Mill. These trips differ from the Base Camp Shuttle. Truckee Airport: complimentary Northstar Village or Downtown Truckee: $15 All other destinations: Small Shuttle (seats 11) $100 per hour. Large Shuttle (seats 22) $200 per hour. All shuttles are a minimum of 2 hours. PA S SENGERS & EQUIPMENT Please let us know by calling 530.214.7372 when making the reservation for your luggage/equipment needs so that we may plan accordingly.
Winter Golf Course Access During the winter season, the Schaffer’s Mill golf course may be accessed by Members to enjoy crosscountry skiing, snowman making, or other similar types of low-impact snow recreation. Motorized vehicles, such as snowmobiles, ATV’s, UTV’s, etc., are prohibited. Use of the course is at the Member’s own risk. Pets are not permitted on the course due to the use of materials that may be harmful to animals. Please also respect the maintenance team’s efforts and stay out of roped areas. See Member Services for a winter access map.
S AVE TH E D AT E S! DE CE M BE R 2 0 21- APRIL 2022 DEC E MBER 21 12 Days of Christmas Begins
FE B RUARY 1 4 Valentine’s Day at The Sawyer
J A N U A RY 1 New Year’s Day Last day of 12 Days of Christmas | Pancakes & PJs in The Sawyer!
FE B RUARY 2 1 - 2 5 Ski/Skate Week returns with extended hours daily
F EB RUARY 13 Big Game Viewing Party
M ARCH 1 7 St. Patrick’s Day AP RI L 1 7 Easter Sunday Brunch Base Camp Closes
O N G O I NG E V E N TS A PR ÉS SK I Join us for Hot Cocoa & Sch-mores plus delicious Happy Hour drink specials in The Sawyer Thursday-Sunday from 2PM-5PM (except Christmas). H A P P Y H O UR Daily from 3-5PM in The Sawyer, partake in Happy Hour specials featuring incredible deals and drinks. H I KE SERIES Breathe in fresh air on our monthly hiking trips! Led by Collin, the excursions range from $10-$25 depending on the destination. These trips are available by request only. Please RSVP to Collin at chamilton@schaffersmill.com. T R U C K EE TH URSD AY SHUTTLES Explore Truckee with the Thursday Shuttle Service. Departures and returns are offered every Thursday on the hour from 5-8PM, in line with the Truckee Thursday schedule. The cost is $5 per person each way. M O NT H LY SPO RT THEMES Selections will be made around Schaffer’s Mill amenities and can range anywhere from pickleball tournaments, around the world basketball spectacles, glow in the dark swim parties and more. There’s bound to be a theme to spark your interest and offer everybody some fun!
O NGO ING EVENT S B OTTL E S & B RUSHE S A journey into your own creativity while sipping wine and creating your own painting. Follow along as local Tahoe Artist guides us step by step on how to create our own masterpieces. B I N G O AT B ASE CAM P Show off your bingo skills for Aprés Bingo at Base Camp! There will be bingo prizes and hot cocoa.
S AVE T HE DAT ES ! MAY- AUGUS T 2022 M AY 8 Mother’s Day Brunch at The Sawyer M AY 1 3 The Sawyer Summer Hours Begin 12-9PM, Daily Happy Hours 3-5PM Daily Peg’s Poolside Opens 7:30AM-6PM, Daily Food service until 4PM Golf Course Opening Day J UN E 1 9 Father’s Day Steak & Martini Night J ULY 2 - 4 Fourth of July Celebration, Pool Party & Concert J ULY 6 NCGA Rules of Golf Seminar
S U M ME R A C TIV ITIE S Summer at Schaffer’s is full of outdoor fun…and not just golf! Warm up your backhand, shoot a three-pointer or tour the neighborhood on two wheels. Check out the activities available below: S U M M ER C O NCERT SERIES Concerts start with Memorial Weekend and continue through the season. Visit MSM to see the full entertainment lineup. PI C KLEBA LL Did you know that pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the country? Well it is! To keep up with this trend we will be offering a variety of lessons and events for both pickleball and tennis. A full schedule will be rolled out at the start of the summer. DI S C G O LF One of the hottest family trends, players complete a hole by throwing a disc from a tee area toward a target. The goal is for players to complete each hole and the whole course with the lowest number of total throws. T Y ’ S C O URT We have basketballs available at the Club for Members who want to shoot hoops, and a fleet of bikes are available on a first come first served basis for Members and guests of Members to use while on property, for the day or for a couple of hours. S C HA FF ER ’S S QUARE A variety of lawn games are available to borrow on Shaffer’s Square; croquet, corn hole, table tennis to name a few. And, Member Services can provide three beginner disc golf sets, which include a driver and approach discs for use on Truckee’s course by the river. H I KI NG & TRAILS Orienteering and geocaching courses are offered on campus as self-guided activities. See the front desk for details. K I D S PLAY GRO UND Coming soon!
K I DS A D V E NTU RE CA M P Members’ kids, grandkids and invited guests can enjoy a great summer camp experience at our Kids Camps. Each day is an adventure that will include a variety of activities from hiking, rock climbing, horseback riding, kayaking, rafting, art crafts, scavenger hunt, and more! Kids Camps will run from June 16-August 14. Each session will be Thursday-Sunday, 9AM to 3PM. Kids from ages 5 to 15 are welcome to participate in as many days as he or she chooses for a fee of $475 for a four-day session or $145 daily drop-in. Led by our Activities Coordinator Tamra , who is an accredited Child Development Specialist, all kids are sure to report our Adventure Camp experience as a summer highlight. Register via ttarant@schaffersmill.com, at least one week in advance. S ES S IO N 1 June 24-27 Thursday Hike Eagle Rock, Kayak & Stand Up, Paddle Board in Tahoe City
SE SSI ON 3 July 15-18 Thursday Kayak and Stand Up, Paddle Board in Tahoe City, Sand Castle Competition
Friday Treetop Adventure Parks (tree platforms, zip lines, bridges), Tie Dye T-shirts
Friday Mini Golf, Mini Hike, Picnic with a View, Jump in the Lake
Saturday Raft the Truckee River, 4th of July Crafts
Saturday Slime Time, DIY Colored Slime, Tennis Lesson, DIY Rocks for the Frog Pond
Sunday Truckee River Regional Park, Disc Golf, Swim, Sand Volleyball, Capture the Flag S ES S IO N 2 July 8-11 Thursday Scavenger Hunt, Hike Bald Mountain, Basketball Friday Rock climbing lesson at High Altitude Fitness, Practice climbing at Monkey Rock, Picnic with a View Saturday Boat Day, Tubing and Cannonballs into Lake Tahoe! Sunday Truckee River Regional Park, Disc Golf, Swim, Sand Volleyball
Sunday Truckee River Regional Park, Disc Golf, Swim, Sand Volleyball SE SSI ON 4 July 22-25 Thursday Hike Eagle Rock, Kayak and Stand Up, Paddle Board in Tahoe City Friday Donner Train Tunnel Hike, West End Beach at Donner Lake Saturday Set sail on the Tahoe Gal shoreline cruise around Lake Tahoe Sunday Truckee Old Jail Museum, Truckee River Regional Park, Disc Golf, Swim, Sand Volleyball
S AVE TH E D AT E S! SE P TE M BE R-N O VEMBER 2022 S EPTEMBER 2-5 Labor Day Celebration & Concert S EPTEMBER 11 -OCTOB ER 9 Sunday Funday, Weekly O CT O BER 9-11 Fall Festival – Celebrate the fall season with a Chili Cookoff and pumpkin patch, hayrides, and lots of kids games in Schaffer’s Square. O CT O BER 16 Course Closes
N OV E M B E R Base Camp opens and Shuttle Service begins in conjunction on opening of Northstar Mountain N OV E M B E R 1 - 1 7 Winter Break! All Club services closed with the exception of Millworks access in the North Village. Thank you for your understanding as we prepare the Club for another great year. N OV E M B E R 2 3 Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner at The Sawyer
O N L I N E R E S E R VATION S Each Golf Member has access to our online Tee Time booking system, either directly through the link below, or through MSM. W E B S IT E A C C E SS To access ForeTees (web.foretees.com/schaffersmill), your credentials are as follows: For Primary Members, your username is your Member Number. Secondary Members log in with their Member number followed by the letter ‘A’. If you do not have this, contact our Member Services team. Your password is your last name. If your last name is less than four characters, then add a ‘1’ to the end of your last name. Click on the “Login” golf ball to continue. You will be prompted to update your password after initial login. If assistance is needed, do not hesitate to reach out to our Sports Shop team for help. Important: Go to the “Settings” tab to confirm your email address and update your password. H OW T O M A K E A TEE TIME WITH FO RE TE E S Go to the “Tee Times” tab and select “Make, Change, or View Tee Times.” Left-click the day you want to play. To book a tee time, click on the time you want to play. At least one Member’s name must be part of each tee time and you must not use the same Member’s name more than once. H OW T O C H ANGE AN EXISTING TEE TI M E Go to the “Tee Times” tab and select “Make, Change, or View Tee Times” then follow the steps below: Select the day of the tee time you would like to edit. Click on the time of your reservation. Click on the “erase” button next to the name of the person who is to be removed from the tee time. Click on the “Submit Changes” button. The system will automatically email everyone in the tee time if they have an email address in the system, including the person you erased, telling him or her that YOU removed them from the tee time. If you wish to cancel the tee time, click on the “Cancel Entire Tee Time” button at the bottom of the reservation, and all players will be removed and the tee-time will be released back to the tee sheet.
F O R E TEES M O BILE APP It’s never been easier to book tee times now through the ForeTees app. Once you have been set up through the club with ForeTees access follow these simple steps: Search “ForeTees” in your app store Download ClubCentral by ForeTees Inside the app tap on “email Me My Credentials” and enter your email address You’ll be sent an email from ForeTees with your app login credentials Enter those credentials in and enjoy all the benefits of online access to Schaffer’s Mill Club EVENT REG IS TRATION Registering for an event is just like booking a tee time. Your name will automatically appear in the player one slot. If the event allows you to sign up your own team, you will see more than one player position available. Select the Members/guests you will be playing with and click on “Submit.” Once the registration has been submitted you will receive an email confirmation from ForeTees.
O N G O I NG E V E N TS Our team has designed a number of events to keep you busy the entire season: W OMEN’S GROUP (WG) WED NESD AY M ORNI NG P L AY The purpose of the WG Morning Play is to provide our Members the opportunity to play golf in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Each week we will have a fun, competitive format. A $5 weekly entry will be paid out in Sports Shop credit to the winners. N E W TH IS YEAR We will begin our Schaffer's Mill 9-Hole Women's group in conjunction with our regular 18-hole group. The 9-hole group is designed for the golfer who may not be ready yet for a full round, or may not have the time. The group will begin at 11:30AM to make sure we can all gather after the round and mingle. M EN’S GRO UP (MG) THURSD AY MORNI NG P L AY Our MG Morning Play is a weekly gathering for Members only, featuring a different format available for both individual and team competitions. The formats will range from Individual Skins games, Stableford Team events, Scrambles, and Net Best-Ball events. The entry fee is a $10 credit book charge that goes into the prize pool. The top winning teams or individuals will be paid out in Sports Shop credit. After the round, all players are invited to meet at The Sawyer for lunch and scoring. W OMEN’S & MEN’S GUEST D AYS Once a month, we will invite all our Golf Members to bring up to three guests for a fun team event that includes prizes and lunch after the round. This is a great way to show off your Club to friends at a heavily discounted guest fee. C OU PLES GO LF NIGHT Couples Golf Night aims to highlight the social aspects of golf. In each event, couples are paired together to play a low stress round of golf and enjoy dinner after the round. Couples Golf Night plays 9-holes on one Friday every month throughout the season in a 3PM shotgun start. These events are for Members only, and all couples must sign up 24 hours in advance of the scheduled event.
T O URNAMENT S THE SHORT CUT PART 1 May 28 Gather at 3PM for this two-person scramble! Each player will hit their tee shot and then choose the better of the two and play their second shot from within one club length no nearer to the hole. This process will be completed until the ball is holed. The number one rule of this event: have fun! A great way to bring the family and friends out for a fun start to our season.
M ATCH P L AY CHAM P I ONSHI P June 11-September 2 Each match will have three weeks to arrange, complete, and move on. Handicaps will be based off the beginning date of each round and matches will be played off the low handicap in the pairing. Round 1 June 11-July 1
Round 3 July 23-August 12
Round 2 July 2-22
Championships August 13-September 2
Event entry fee is $50 per player, which includes Prize Fund and lunch for each round.
U. S. OP E N CHAL L E NG E June 18 This fun event combines your skills with a tour player! Each player will draw the name of a contestant playing in the third round of the 2022 U.S. Open being played at The Country Club in Brookline, MA. You will combine your NET score with the contestant’s third round score to make up your tournament total. It’s a great way to root on a player you may have never before followed as you pull for him to help you win! Open to all golfers teeing off before 12PM. Event entry fee is only $5 per player.
M EMBER / MEMBER June 24-25 Always a favorite, the Member/Member begins Friday afternoon and runs through Saturday. The schedule of events is as follows: Day 1* 12PM BBQ Lunch on the Lawn 1PM Shotgun start with hosted refreshment cart 6:30PM Drinks and appetizers in The Sawyer (approximate time based on the finish of the Horse Race) *Optional Co-Ed Twilight Horse Race following the round
Day 2 7:30AM Breakfast in The Sawyer 9AM Shotgun start with hosted refreshment cart 2PM Drinks, appetizers, and awards in The Sawyer Format Round 1 | The Shamble- Each player hits a drive then picks the better of the two and plays their own ball in from there. The best ball of the two will be the team score. Round 2 | One Net Better-Ball of the two Handicaps Round 1 will use 75% of each player’s June 20 Handicap Round 2 will use 100% of each player’s June 20 Handicap Women will compete from the Bronze tees and Men will compete from the Blue/White Combo tees. Entry fee is $150 per Member.
O L D GLO RY July 2 This event brings a little extra fun to the game. If a player is a 10 handicap, they will play as many holes as they can until they hit their 81st shot. When their ball comes to rest, they will put their flag in the ground marking how far they were able to play. The objective is to play the most holes before reaching Net Par 71. Entry fee is $10 per player and tee times before 12PM.
1 1 T H ANNUAL MEN’S SUMMERWOO D July 7-9 This 3-day tournament is chock full of special elements. Thursday
Practice rounds available all day.
7:30AM Breakfast Buffet in The Sawyer
7:30AM Breakfast Buffet in The Sawyer
9AM Round 1 matches
9AM Round 4 matches
12PM Round 2 matches
12PM Round 5 matches
3PM Round 3 matches
3PM Summerwood Championship Shootout (flight winners + Wild Card)
3PM Registration, Tee Prize Distribution, “Aces Only” Team Putting Challenge, Cocktail Party by the Green 4PM All-in Horse Race (all teams included)
6PM Dinner and drinks
6PM Dinner, drinks and awards Entry fee is $900 per team.
F O U R MEMBER SCRAMB LE July 30 Join us for a new event with a 1PM Shotgun start as you pair up with four of your closest fellow Members and scramble around for 18 holes of fun. Build your own team, or let us help find partners! Entry fee is $30 and will include Prize Fund and food & drinks to follow.
1 1 T H ANNUAL WOMEN’S SUMMERWOOD August 4-6 Like the Men’s event, this tournament is designed to maximize your golf tournament experience. Thursday
Practice rounds available all day.
8AM Breakfast
8AM Breakfast
4PM Registration, Tee Prize Distribution, Team Putting Contest and Photo
9AM Round 1 Shotgun
9AM Round 2 Shotgun
11AM Lunch served outside of Peg’s Poolside and at The Whipsaw
11AM Lunch served outside of Peg’s Poolside and at The Whipsaw
2PM The Four Lady Horse Race
2:30PM Awards and Hors d’Oeuvres
5PM Cocktails & Hors d’Oeuvres
4:30PM Cocktails & Hors d’Oeuvres The format is TBD and entry fee is $900 per team.
C OU PLE’S C LUB CHAMPIONSHIP Aguust 20 Couples kick things off with an 18-hole, One Net Better-Ball Club Championship. This event is open to all Schaffer’s Mill Golf Members and significant others. Women will compete from the bronze tees and Men will compete from the blue/white combo tees. For handicaps, women will receive 95% and men will receive 90% of their August 18 handicap. The fun starts with a 1PM shotgun followed by awards, drinks and appetizers. Entry fee is $80 per couple.
C L U B C H A M PIONSHIPS September 10-11 Find out who the best player in our Club is! Saturday 9AM tee times Women’s flights will play first, followed by the Men’s. All players will be paired by handicaps. Lunch to follow the round. Sunday 9AM tee times Men’s flights will play first, followed by the Women’s. All players will be paired by Round 1 score with low scores going out last. Lunch and awards to follow the round. The format is a 36-Hole Medal (stroke) play. Women’s Championship (Net & Gross& Senior) will play from the bronze tees; Men’s Championship will play from the black tees; and Senior Men’s Championship (55 & over) will play from the white tees. All Men are included in the Net Championship with handicaps calculated form the tees being played. Event entry fee is $75 per player.
T H E PINE C U P September 22-23 We gave them a run last year, and now let's meet Winchester Country Club for the 4th Annual Pine Cup! The event will be held on Thursday and Friday, with 12 men and 12 women from each Club. These two days are filled with spirited competition, along with building memories and friendships that will last for years to come. Qualification ends on August 19 and teams are selected through the qualifying process based on points accumulated on the scale below: Weekly participation in 18-Hole WG & MG Morning Play = 1pt Winners of weekly 18-Hole WG & MG Morning Play = 2pts Participation in any Major Tournament = 5pts Winners of any Major Tournament = automatically qualify Previous year’s Individual Club Champions (gross) = automatically qualify Thursday, September 22 play is at Schaffer's Mill with a shotgun start at 11AM. Lunch will be delivered on the course. Scoring and an après golf reception will begin at 3:30PM. Friday, September 23 play will be at Winchester Country Club. Round 2 shotgun start is at 11AM. Lunch will be served on the course, and presentation of the Pine Cup to the winning team will take place at an awards ceremony and après golf reception held at 3:30PM. The event entry fee is $200 per person.
T H E SH O RT C UT PART 2 October 1 For the first time we will end our season with a BANG! Gather at 3PM for our second Short Cut Par 3 Scramble. It'll be just like the one we had back in May, only this one is for “Adults Only”.
F E ES A C CO M PA NIED GUEST PLAY $45 Ambassador & Master Guests ($10 Upcharge for Phat Scooter Rental) $95 Proprietary, Associate & Invitational Guests ($10 Upcharge for Phat Scooter Rental) $45 Member Guests for the month of May ($10 Upcharge for Phat Scooter Rental) Golf Members may host accompanied and unaccompanied guests at the preferred rates as defined per membership type. No guest may play more than six times in one season, with the exception of those who qualify as Extended Family Members. With approval from the Director of Golf, Extended Family Members may play as many as 12 rounds, with the first 6 at the Extended Family Member guest rate and the remaining 6 at the typical guest rate. Rounds played as part of club tournaments do not count toward this total. J U N IO R G O LF FEE $25 for all juniors age 17 & under S PO N SO RED U NACCOMPANIED G U EST PLAY $125 Ambassador, Master, Proprietary, Associate & Invitational Guests EX T E NDED FAMILY GUEST PLAY – A C CO M PA NIED /UNACCOMPANIED $45/$95 Ambassador, Master, Proprietary, Associate & Invitational Guests S O CIAL & S PO RT (HOMESTEAD ) ME M B E R $95 Social & Sport Members – must be accompanied by Golf Member
G OL F CARTS 18 holes | $22.50 per rider 9 Holes | $11.25 per rider $5 upcharge for Phat Scooter use TRAI L FE E S CL UB CART $650 Single $900 Family TRAI L FE E S P RI VATE CART $600 One Vehicle $100 per any Additional Vehicle CL UB STORAG E $100 per season (May 1st-October 31st)
G UE S T A C C E SS A C CO M PA NIED & UNACCOMPANIED G UE STS Members are encouraged to bring guests to the Club to enjoy the lifestyle that Schaffer’s Mill offers. The Club requires all Members to inform their guests of all Club Guest Policies prior to arrival. To ensure that Member access to the golf course is never inhibited, the Club has implemented the following guest provisions: Members may bring no more than three accompanied guests before 11AM. Members may bring no more than seven accompanied guests after 11AM. No unaccompanied guests may play before 11AM on Friday through Sunday. All unaccompanied guest play must be booked through the Professional Staff. For special event bookings on the course, please contact the Director of Golf.
$100 One-Hour Lesson $400 (5) One-Hour Lessons
$15 One-Hour Group Lesson, per student $50 Three-Hour Golf Class, per student
G R O UP LES SO NS Our team can tailor a group lesson for your family, your friends, or even your coworkers or employees. Whether it is a one-hour session or a three-hour class, we can fit all your needs. Sign up as an individual and let us put a group together or bring a group with you. A minimum of four students is required for group instruction. To book a group lesson, contact the Sport Shop directly at 530.214.7374 to inquire about availability. J U N IO R G O LF Our programs are designed exclusively for the development of the junior golfer. Our camps welcome boys and girls of all athletic abilities, golf experience, and competitive desire. Whether a child has professional aspirations, collegiate scholarship goals, or simply wants to learn how to play a round with Mom or Dad, each child enrolled in our programs is warmly and sincerely welcomed. Please inquire in the Sports Shop for junior golf prices as they may vary.
RE C I P R O C A L PLAY P OLICY Schaffer’s Mill Club gladly hosts Members from other private clubs as part of our reciprocal play program. These guests are limited to non-impact times and are required to pay our Club’s highest guest fee. In exchange, the clubs from which these reciprocal rounds originate have agreed to extend the same privileges to our Members. If you would like to experience a private club either in your hometown or while traveling, simply make the request to Director of Golf Clint Bassett, and he will work with the reciprocating club on arrangements. A few important notes to keep in mind: Their members pay a premium rate when they visit here; our Members should expect to do the same. Reciprocal privileges are intended for Members only. In some situations, accompanied guests may be allowed but please make our team aware of your group makeup before making the request. Their members are provided access only to non-impact, off-peak times, and often we say no on our busier summer days; please expect that they have the same policies for their courses. Requests for holidays or weekend mornings will not be made, as it is an inappropriate request for our Club to make. Asking for a specific time is difficult; if you are flexible in the dates and times you can play, please let us know so we can work with the other club to see your request accommodated. We currently do not have charge-back privileges with other clubs, so please be prepared to pay on site. We ask that you please treat the clubs you visit with the utmost respect and thank the hosting professionals upon completion of play. To ask about reciprocal play for your next trip, please contact Clint Bassett at cbassett@schaffersmill.com at least one week in advance of your travel. Be sure to include the names of all players in the group and your available dates and times.
PRI VAT E G O L F CA RS Schaffer’s Mill Club Members are permitted to own and operate private golf carts on the golf course. This policy outlines information on purchasing and operating your own private golf cart for use on the Schaffer’s Mill golf course. Private carts must conform to certain guidelines established by the Club (color, body style, tires, accessories, etc.). All maintenance and upkeep of personal carts will be the sole responsibility of the owner. Drivers must be 14years of age or older to operate a private golf cart on the course (see HOA CC&R’s for operation requirements on our community roads). Carts must be electric. No gas carts. A PPRO VED O PTIONS Weatherproof enclosure (beige, black or white fabric), sand bottle holder, club cleaner, ice chest, radio (radios must be kept at an acceptable, non-disruptive volume level at all times). For a list of cart vendors please contact the Sports Shop Team. The annual trial fee for using a private golf cart at Schaffer’s Mill is currently $600 per year. There will not be an additional fee for any guests riding in your personal cart, but they will be charged a guest green fee. A Schaffer’s Mill Private Golf Cart Agreement and a copy of the proof of insurance must be submitted to use the cart on the golf course. A valid driver’s license is required to drive all carts on community rods and a violation of this rule will result in revoking the privilege of using the cart in Schaffer’s Mill. If you have any further questions, please contact the Director of Golf at cbassett@schaffersmill.com or by phone at 530.214.7378.
PRACT IC E FAC ILIT Y The Main Practice Facility Tee (south end near the Clubhouse) opens approximately 30 minutes before the first tee time and closes at 6PM (frost permitting) daily unless otherwise communicated to the membership. The Back Tee (north end) will be primarily reserved for golf instruction. When space permits, balls will be made available. Please check in with the Sports Shop when using the back tee. Special arrangements may also be made to have balls staged after the designated closing time for those Members who are looking to get in some late practice. Contact the Sports Shop for availability to reserve hitting space after hours.
S PO RT S S HO P Members receive 20% off all apparel and 15% off all equipment. The Sports Shop team are available to assist you with arranging special orders and any other needs you may have. Please refer to the schedule below for hours of operation: May 13-October 16, 7AM-6PM Daily October 18-November 14 Closed Available by appointment after November 13
T EE T IMES ForeTees will be updated daily with hole locations and any golf cart or frost restrictions. Please refer to the schedule below for the first tee times of the day: May 13-June 30, 8AM July 1-September 4, 7:30AM September 1-Closing, 9AM Tuesdays, 11AM All Season
PA C E O F P L AY The Rules of Golf require that a player must, at all times, play without undue delay and in accordance with the pace of play guidelines which have been established by the USGA Rules Committee as follows: Schaffer’s Mill Club has established that the rate of progress to complete the course is set at 4 hours. 13 minutes is allotted per hole (14 minutes for par 5 holes) from the time you start the hole to the time that all players have holed out and replaced the flagstick. Any subsequent group will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, they (a) Exceed the allotted time to play, and (b) Reach the tee on a par 3 hole that is open and free of play or fail to clear the tee of a par 4 or a par 5 hole before that hole is open and free of play Both (a) and (b) must apply for a group to be out of position. A group out of position will be notified that they are out of position and will be subject to individual timing, and possibly required to skip a hole. For Tournament Play: Rule 6-7 – Undue Delay; Slow Play applies. The player must play without undue delay. Undue delay is defined as taking more than 40 seconds to play a stroke.
F LA G D Vince Lombardi once said "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect." And now we introduce a new tool to help you practice perfectly. We are adding 20 new state-of-the-art FLAGD GPS Yardage units to our practice facility. These units will give you accurate yardage from whatever station you are hitting from. We can't wait for you all to try them.